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"Lets burn em up!"

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a character in “Fairy Tail: A New Adventure”, as played by LookingAtPerks


Name: Zane

Nicknames: Z, Zay

Age: Physically 10, Actually 44


Magic Type: Lost Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer, Lost Magic: Primal Fire, Ice Maker Magic, Defensive and Boost spells (The reason why he has so many is listed below)

Magical Spells/Tools:
Spells include but are not limited to:
Fire Dragon Roar
Fire Dragon Iron Fist
Fire Dragon Wing Attack
Fire Dragon Claw attack
Primal Fire Bombardment
Primal Fire Eruption
Primal Fire Nova
Primal Fire Transformation
Strength Boost
Speed Boost

Wizard Ranking: S Class

History: Zane does not know who gave birth to him. All he knows is that he was raised by the fire dragon Volcanis when he was a young boy. However, one day, there was an incident, and Volcanis was gone. Zane was not sure how or why, but he knew Volcanis did not leave because he wanted to. He could feel it in his stomach. So, he set out to find Volcanis, discover what happened, and do everything in his power to help. This eventually led him down the path or Arcane and Primal Magic, where he encountered the Dark Wizard Morven. Morven had apparently been ordered to kill him, but during the battle, Zane instead was trapped inside a magical book. The curse caused him to be seemingly trapped inside a magical library inside the book.

Zane was then trapped inside this curse for 34 years, trapped inside a giant magical library with nothing to do but read books and practice magic. Additionally, the curse also prevented him from aging, and even after being freed, has significantly slowed if not halted his aging completely. During the time he was trapped in the book, he learned another type of Lost Magic: Primal Fire magic, as well as other types of magic as well. He had 34 years trapped inside a magical library after all. He had nothing to do but practice. With the exception of Fire magic which he is exceptional at, this caused him to be good (But not great) at several other types of magic he practiced, though even with all that time, he could not stray far from his natural affinity for fire.

He was finally released one day when a certain powerful Wizard came and broke the curse with one hand and a bit of magic while looking for books for her Guild. Her name? Mavis Vermillion. And since then, he has been a proud and loyal member of Fairy Tail.

Personality: Some of his personality traits include being stubborn, determined, idealistic, childish, strategic, analytical, silly, brave, loyal, and if you get on his bad side, cold, ruthless, and irritable.

Strengths: Large Magical Strength, Knows a lot of various things from being trapped inside a library for 34 years, is fun to be around, is very strong, is highly determined. Is also highly perceptive and usually intelligent.

Weaknesses/Fears: Zane cannot swim in deep water. Its strange, he can swim in shallow water, but not deep water like in Rivers, oceans, lakes, large ponds, or most bodies of water. Zane just sinks. As a result, he is also afraid of large bodies of water. While he doesn't get motion sickness, he does get sick whenever he eats certain types of vegtables, related to some sort of allergy. He also has a quick tempter, a tendency to charge in heads first, and an obsession with chocolate. He also has maintained the emotions and personality of a ten year old due to the curse he was put under. Is also rather destructive and can be both stubborn and oblivious.

Habits: Has a tendency to leap before looking, as well as being able to write with either hand, which causes him to switch hands without noticing. Also, he has been known to go overboard, and he has a big appetite.

Family: Volcanis, his adoptive father

Location and Color of Guild Crest: Red, on his lower right arm on the outside

Team: (Leave blank until Teams are decided)

Other: He keeps his cloak with him always. It seems to not just be fireproof, but also extremely durable, having never taken damage during any fight.

So begins...

Zane's Story


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Zane returned to the Guild Hall with both zeal and happiness. The boy, who was technically actually around 44 years old, charged in with childish excitement and joy. After all, he had just completed another S-Rank mission. Not to mention he took down one of the Dark Guilds, albeit a weak one. Either way, he came in fully of cheer.

Guildmaster Mavis, on the other hand, was not full of cheer. Even after Zane reported his success and began walking away, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt so he couldn't escape. "Zane. Do you want to tell me why half a village either burned down or is lying in a crater, and why we are supposed to pay for damages?"

Zane had a sheepish look on his face. "Well, see, if I didn't go all out, the entire village would have been in mortal danger, including all the children! I had to do it!"

Mavis for a moment had a terrifyingly scary look on her face. One that made you afraid of what she might do. But then, suddenly, she lit up with a smile and her voice went warm. "Well if it was to protect children then that's perfectly okay!"

Trouble officially escaped! As Zane walked away though, her scary voice came back for a moment. "But next time, make the bill cost less".

Zane sighed with both relief and fear. He was pretty sure she might use Fairy Glitter on him if he caused too much of a mess next time, but at the very least, he got away with it this time.

"Another win for Fairy Tail!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Emerald Jay
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Emerald Jay

Emerald was sat in the corner of the guild hall, at the table she had claimed for the day, a couple of books were stacked on the surface in front of her, chin resting on the cover as she watched the rest of the guild interacting, a subtle flinch here and there as someone shouted too loudly or moved just a little too close to her bubble of space. She had only been in the guild for a month, so she was slowly adjusting herself to being around such lively and fun loving people. Her parents and childhood friends were rather tame and bland in comparison. "Not that I'm much better..." She mumbled to herself under her breath before hesitantly smiling as someone walked past the table.

Across the hall she spied who looked to be a red haired kid getting told off by Mavis for something. He was unfamiliar to her, but she knew that she had yet to meet everyone so it wasn't too surprising. Seeing the guild master smile, Emerald quickly looked away from the scene, cheeks turning slightly with red as she quickly moved to bury herself in the latest fantasy novel she had picked up, sliding down in her seat as if to try and hide herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Slick
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#, as written by Tanman
Pommel Grade

“AHck!” Came the muffled sound from the kitchen, Pommel, quickly putting her fingers in her mouth. She’d accidently burned herself on the tray for the biscuits she’d been making, pouting a bit as she made her way over to the tap to douse her hand. She grumbled slightly to herself, as today hadn’t been going too swimmingly for her. Just one of those off days, but she was going to turn it around. This was precisely why she was making cookies. For one, they tasted good, but most of the guild usually couldn’t resist the smell, and as long as she stood near the tray and acted cute and charming, she normally received plenty of praise. And boy, did she like being praised.

Grabbing hold of her mittens and much more cautiously leaning into the oven, Pommel retrieved the hot tray, carrying it out over to the serving window and setting it down on the mat she had prepared. “Mmm-mmm! Delicious if I do say so myself!” Biting down hard and munching loudly, she did her best job to make sure most people in the vicinity heard, and hopefully made a big deal of her cooking. Even more important than that however, was ensuring one of her idols in the guild noticed and she made another stunning impression. She sighed, cupping her hands to her cheeks, closing her eyes as she imagined it. According to Sorcerer’s Weekly, Fairy Tail had some of the most powerful S class Wizards around, and what she wouldn’t give for a chance to meet them! First and foremost was Cold Steel herself! There was no cooler female wizard on the planet! Well, maybe Candice Hallows was, but she wasn’t a part of Fairy Tail as far as she knew. She sighed again, mind abuzz with delightful thoughts. Compared to Cold Steel, all the male wizards in this guild were chumps.

"Another win for Fairy Tail!"

Pommel’s day-dream was broken by an annoying chant from nearby, the little lady turning to spot none other than Zane and gave him a slight scowl for interrupting her happy train of thought. Honestly, what was he getting so worked up about? A lame little loser like him couldn’t compare to the great wizards of Fairy Tail. Honestly, he was probably weaker than her; he was almost half her age! Haughtily talking herself up in her mind, she couldn’t help but let out her own laugh of superiority. Yes, she’d be recognised soon enough, and would prove herself capable of living amongst the stars she’d read so much about. The first step, was getting them addicted to her food, then, she’d be taken on as an apprentice wizard and given training. Her plan was foolproof! Genius, even. After all, she came up with it.

“Mmm, not bad Mel
 A solid 5/5 stars as always.” Came the voice from next to her, Pommel giving a startled yelp as she jumped back to identify who spoke. Instantly, her expression soured. Ew, it was that creepo again. That Slick guy was always way too close to her personal space for her liking, and having dealt with him when budgeting the food, she’d had more than enough time to decide that she didn’t like his company.

“That's Pommel. And these are not for you!” Grabbing her tray and raspberrying at the suit clad man, she caused Slick to sigh a little, flashing the nicest grin he could.

“Oh come on, these are simply delightful. Why, I’m surprised you don’t run this kitchen yourself with the talent you have.” He smirked, still carefully eating the biscuit in hand. The little girl was usually pretty easy to play, and as expected, a little flattery went a long way to getting her to ease up a bit. She stammered and got a little embarrassed by his words, letting him sample another cookie before remembering she disliked him, giving some irate shouts and shooing him off. With heartfelt thanks and flashing a smile again, Slick strode back over to the noticeboard, giving it a look over for jobs. He’d managed to get through the paperwork for the day, and there would probably be something easy enough for him to get started on.

“Huh. She’s getting better.” He mumbled absentmindedly, genuinely surprised by the improvement in her cooking before eating the rest of his biscuit as he leafed through the posters.

Back at the counter, it was perhaps another sign of Pommel's bad day that she neither saw nor noticed one of her idols enter due to the commotion with Slick.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay
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A bright and rather warm day stretched over the coastal town that housed Fairy Tail, Mangolia town was one of the few places that Wynter could call her home. Although she was returning from a mission, she was still doing the normal routine that often takes place through Mangolia Town, Wynter's running. Having been sent out on a simple search and destroy mission, Wynter felt it'd be best to keep her training up, as one never knows when a battle could spark up, thus Wynter, taking the task of being the protector of her guildmates, despite likely not being anywhere near the strongest member of Fairy Tail, she just felt it to be helpful to stay at the ready. Though she did stop running, looking at the bakery, of course Wynter was hungry, it was only Human. Walking in with light steps she looked at the various baked goods, and figured it'd be best to feed a few of her guildmates.

After leaving the bakery, Wynter's run began again, this time with a bag full of baked goods in her requip dimension, it was normal to leave a little space for anything that could possibly be stored where others either cannot see it, or where it's out of her way so Wynter can move freely and without carrying something that she has to ensure doesn't get destroyed. Soon enough, Wynter had reached her normal landmark of about a few hundred meters, she stopped running, changing into her normal clothes, and held the bag of baked goods. Now approaching the guild with her normal determined yet soft face.

As she opened the door, there was plenty of commotion, as Zane had come back from a mission, much like Wynter, though he had gone out on the mission to take out a dark guild. As she watched she thought, 'That boy is something, taking down a whole Dark Guild on his own? I suspected he was strong, but that?' though she watched Mavis had yelled at Zane, but then congratulate him. After that settled down, Wynter went to Zane, having seen him for quite some time, she knew he liked chocolate, she approached, taking out a small bag, handing it to Zane with kindness, "There's about three chocolate souffles in there. They were fresh baked this morning." her words were simple, and quick, yet caring. Though soon she went over to Emerald, knowing he hadn't been in the guild for long, maybe a month or so, from what she observed, the girl Emerald was timid and liked to stay away from large crowds, Wynter knew that feeling, as she, at one time, was the same way, preferring to stay away from others and train on her own. Approaching with a calm demeanor, she set the bag down gently and spoke to the timid girl, sounding like a knight from a Fairy Tail,

"Would you like something? I've noticed you've been alone, and thought I should at the least say hello. I'm Wynter Vellant, it'd be a pleasure to make your acquaintance."



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Riku Character Portrait: Magpie
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Riku was so busy painting on a sleeping guild member's face that he didn't realize he'd been caught until he was lifted off the ground. His yelp might have echoed through the guild hall, if it weren't so full of people. "Riku, we talked about this. It's not nice to do that to people without their permission."

"Miss White!" Riku whined, flailing around. "Put me down!"

"Riku," Mary continued in a warning tone. Riku stopped thrashing about, but started wailing loudly, tears flowing down his face on command. "When he wakes up, you're going to apologize, then help clean up. Okay?" Her voice softened at the end. She wondered how anyone could sleep among all this ruckus, but didn't question it aloud; weirder things happened in this guild hall.

Riku continued to scream, while Mary waited. After about half a minute, Riku gave up. "Fiiine," he sniffed.

Magpie set him down with a small smile. "Thank you." She walked off toward the bar, following the smell of cookies. Riku flopped on the floor to pout.

"Hm?" Mary blinked once before smiling back at Emerald as she passed. She hadn't seen the girl do much at all in the way of socialization yet, but she caught the hesitant smile, and while it was only a small bit of progress, she took it as a positive sign. Already Mary thought it was turning out to be a good day.

She reached the bar about the time Zane showed up. Upon hearing his voice, Riku immediately perked up, the waterfall on his face disappearing in an instant. He ran off toward the boy, who was at once younger and much older than him, excited to hear about his most recent win.

Mary sat at the counter, smiling softly as she listened to the confrontation between Slick and Pommel. It wasn't until after Slick slipped away to the noticeboard that Mary looked up, her warm gaze turning to Pommel. "May I have one?" she asked quietly, a tone that suited her thin frame. "They smell delicious."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay
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Zane watched as the other guild members went about their daily routines. Mavis was off sulking about bills and damages, from more then one Wizard. Some of the other guildmembers were interacting and what not, and he couldn't help but notice how popular the guild was becoming. After all, so many new people had been joining the last few months. It was hard to keep track of them all.

As Wynter came over and gave him some chocolate, he smiled. "Oh Wynter, you know how weak I am to chocolate. And mmmm, fresh baked means there is still heat in them. And to think, with me being Burning Pyre and you being Cold Steel, they thought we would hate each other and be opposites. I wonder how many of these new guys even know about me, and how much they know? I don't think I have given a proper introduction in awhile...."

He felt Mavis glaring at him from behind them both. "Last time you gave a "proper" introduction, you burned down part of the Guildhall. Not again. Or at least, not inside".

As Wynter went off to introduce herself to the new girl, who if he recalled was known as Emerald Jay, he decided to join in on the conversation. "So Emerald Jay is it? Welcome to the guild! My name is Zane. Its always nice to see a new face! Anyways, how well are you guys doing?" As he listened to their responses though, something else crossed his mind. "You know, its kind of funny. I just realized we could all be associated with a color. Emerald Green, Wynter Blue, and since I am a Wizard that mains fire magic, Fire Red. Plus my red hair".

He then added. "So Cold Steel, how was your mission anyways? I have to say, I am not sure that S-Rank mission I went on should have been S-Rank. The Dark Guild was so flimsy, it was completely destroyed during our fight. And seriously, I am not even sure what they wanted with some medallion anyways. But, its safe and sound, I escaped the trap filled temple alive, and a Dark Guild was taken down". As he said all this, he had a big smile on his face. He then turned to face Emerald. "Just wait, pretty soon you will have your own fun and great adventures to tell!".

He started to lie down on the table, relaxing a little, and keeping his shoes close but off. "Oh, and don't stand on the tables with your shoes on. Trust me, the staff will hunt you down if you do, and they will make you pay. Anything else seems fine though". He then took out some job requests he had grabbed from the board. He noticed something interesting. "Hey Wynter, is it me, or is there an unusually large amount of requests coming from the area north of here? Over half of these job requests are coming from that area....hey, I know! Maybe to help our new guildmate along, we should distribute these jobs among us and a few other new members of the guild! That way, if anything happens, we can be there just in case! Besides, this one S-Rank one looks interesting. Mountain taken over by monsters. Seems kinda strange a bunch of requests are coming from one area, so we should probably investigate it anyways. What do you think?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Riku Character Portrait: Magpie
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Magpie made a happy noice, almost a laugh but much shorter. "Thank you," she nodded to the girl, then took one of the cookies from the platter. It seemed Pommel was flamboyant as ever; another sign of a good day, as far as Mary was concerned. Gone were the days when she flinched from all contact, something that Mary had been very sympathetic toward.

"They're delicious," she replied after swallowing her second bite, "as always! ...Hm?" When she realized Pommel's attention had been grabbed, she tilted her head curiously, then followed the girl's gaze to see what had made her stop mid-sentence. Uh-oh. It was no secret that Pommel idolized Wynter, yet for one reason or another, they always seemed to just miss each other. Seeing Wynter go out of her way to introduce herself to one of the newer members had to sting. The dull thud of Pommel's upper half hitting the counter confirmed Magpie's worries, and her brow tucked together in the middle briefly before she turned back to the girl.

"Perhaps you should take the lead and introduce yourself," she suggested lightly, and not for the first time. It wasn't likely to help this time around any more than it had before, but it was worth a shot. "You could offer her one of your famous biscuits?" She smiled softly, hoping the flattery would lift Pommel's spirits some.

Meanwhile, Riku squeezed his way into the group, and implanted himself at Zan'e side. "What's this I hear about colors?" Her looked over the job listings scattered atop the table, and a grin spread over his face. "Ooh! Are there any B-Rank jobs up there? I wanna go! Sounds like fun!" As an afterthought, he winked at Emerald, "Nice goggles." For extra effect, he made a show of readjusting the lime green goggles settled above his forehead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Riku
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#, as written by Tanman
Pommel Grade

"Perhaps you should take the lead and introduce yourself,”

Pommel folded her arms in front of her, lying partially across the counter and resting her chin on her arms to glare slightly at Emerald and company from her position across the room. Hopefully they could feel her death vibes. “No, no, that won’t do
” She grumbled, sitting up slightly as she lifted one arm up to rest in her palm. If she introduced herself to Wynter, that wasn’t enough. She wanted to be spotted and recognised. She wanted Wynter to WANT to meet her.

”You could offer her one of your famous biscuits?" Magpie added cautiously, Pommel glancing over to her before turning her eyes back to the growing crowd around Wynter, the lot of them laughing and having fun. In fact, it looked like Zane was showing Wynter a bunch of his lame jobs he wanted to do and trying to maybe convince her to join him. What a shallow suck up.

“Famously not good enough...” Pommel mumbled, beating herself up a bit more. Biscuits were a stupid idea. How was that going to work? Even if Wynter had a biscuit and enjoyed it, she’d just think she was some stupid maid-hand that knew how to cook, not a prospective apprentice. Why did she have to be so hopeless? The only way she’d get noticed by someone like Wynter was if

“That’s it!” She pushed herself up off the counter, slamming her hands down and startling awake the nearby sleeping guild member that Riku had been drawing on. “That’s it!” She repeated again, clasping Mary’s hand. “Thank you, I’ve got it now!” She grinned, whipping off her apron and tossing it back onto the hook, vaulting the bar and taking off down the guild hall. Turning slightly as she ran, she waved to Magpie, hopping a few steps forward. “Let Gisbon know that I’m heading out! Oh, and you can have the rest of the tray Mags, you’re awesome!” And with that, Pommel disappeared upstairs to her room.


Slick gave a bemused whistle as he noted the little princess running down the hall. Seemed she was back in good spirits, which probably meant she had another harebrained scheme of some sort. Ah, the enthusiasm and energy of youth
 Tapping the request he’d taken in hand, he made a slow move back over to the bar, taking another cookie from the tray as he looked to Mary Whitelocke, twirling it about his fingers as he slid seamlessly into the seat next to her. “Cute kid, ain’t she? What’d you say to perk her up like that?” Leaning back on the bar, he took another bite of his cookie as he watched Pommel disappear upstairs.

“Think she’s gonna have any luck this time?” He added simply, keeping the conversation going as he pilfered another cookie. Maybe that was Slick’s aim all along?

Pommel Grade

It didn’t take her long at all to pack. I mean, it was going to be a quick and easy job, right? She’d show all of them. Eyes glinting mischievously, she hurried back downstairs, sliding down the bannister and running over to the request board, looking for a certain person in particular.

“Vernon!” Pommel made the man jump out of his skin, the older fellow only just having fixed the hole made by Slick taking a job. Catching his breath (And papers), he turned to look back to Pommel, adjusting his glasses.

“Oh, hey Pommel. Want the requests Wynter’s been taking again?” He smiled, one of the few males in the guild to have an alright relationship with the girl. Given his time near the request board, he took note of what jobs were taken and by who, and as such, often gave Pommel a copy of Wynter’s jobs so she could marvel over the impressive things she did. Today however, it turned out to be something different.

“Not today Vernon. I uh, I’d actually like to see the jobs Zane took.” She beamed pleasantly, though her request drew the curiosity of the man before her. “Zane huh? Not like you. Branching out a bit in your tastes?” He added hopefully, leafing through his files before pulling the stack of papers out to hand Pommel.

“Heh, in your dreams old man.” Pommel snatched the papers, glancing them over. Perfect! “No, just need them for something, okay, thanks!” As Vernon raised his hand for a fist bump, Pommel met it, laughing as she skipped off down the hall and out of the guild. This was it; she was going to do it! Her first job. Whatever that kid Zane could do, she could manage and surpass. If a little thing like this was enough for Wynter to notice Zane, then she’d floor Cold Steel by doing it bigger and better!

Jogging down to the train station, she’d find the next one heading north, quickly sprinting to get on board as it just so happened to be leaving. The look on their faces was going to be priceless! She’d deal with these
 Monsters? Well, yeah
 That’d be easy. If Zane could do it, she could handle it! They were probably just some big bugs or something. She sighed as the train began to chug along towards its destination, imagining it. Wynter and her new apprentice Zane would be heading up to their mission when suddenly - wham bam kapow! They’d notice a lone figure standing atop the vanquished monsters! Yes, it was her! Pommel Grade, heroine of Fairy Tail!

“Wow Pommel, you’re amazing, way better than me! I am but a stupid little boy. Wynter, I am not fit to be your apprentice, you should train Pommel as your successor.” Zane would say in that whiny lame voice of his, but it was honestly completely true. He’d submit in bowing to his superior, while Wynter moved up to clasp her hands. “I was so wrong not to notice your true potential Pommel. Please, you must have me as your teacher. I’ll call Sorcerer’s Weekly and arrange an interview at once!”

“A-an interview? Me? Right now? Oh gosh, I don’t know if I’m prepared, and I’m messy from the fight
” Pommel gushed a bit, blushing and holding her cheek. It was too good to be true!

“Nonsense, you look stunning Pommel.” Wynter replied in that cool voice of her, reducing Pommel to a fit of contented giggles as she rolled about in her seat, continuing her elaborately unrealistic dream of the future as the train continued on towards its destination


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick
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Rin Miyuzaki
Speech: #990099||Thoughts: #9955ff

As Rin walked into the town of Magnolia she pulled her hood down a bit to put her face in shadows. While the bottom half of her face was covered Rin always felt that it was her eyes that gave her away. While a few people did stop what they were doing to stare at the hooded woman as she passed most paid her no mind. As she passed an inn Rin hesitated but decided not to risk getting a room. 'If I need one I can come back later when I'm less likely to draw attention...' Continuing on Rin traveled through the maze that was Magnolia. Honestly the layout wasn't that hard to map out and the Fairy Tail guild hall was even easier to find then she thought.

For a while she hesitated, leaning up against a wall or getting a drink at a cafe within eyesight. She didn't understand why this guild had to be the one she joined. At first it had just been Zoe's typical nagging but then a few months ago Ayumi joined in and that girl could be a major pain in the butt when she didn't get what she wanted. Despite both of their pushing Rin had still managed to stand her ground.... That is, until they convinced Moru. Rin didn't know what the Ox zodiac spirit was like but if he was ANYWHERE near as stubborn as Moru Rin hoped to never meet him. It had only taken two days of Moru refusing to go back to the spirit world for Rin to snap and agree, having been too exhausted from taking out their most recent Dark Guild target to send him back by force. 'It was perfectly timed... He must have waited until after I took them out on purpose...'

Shaking her head Rin sighed. "No use crying over it now. A promise to a celestial spirit is a vow..." Or at least that was Rin's mentality. Setting down payment for her drink Rin walked the short way back to the guild hall. Right as she was about to enter a young girl with pink hair bolted out of the guild, almost knocking into Rin. Looking after the girl Rin shook her head, glad she was able to get out of the way in time, and entered. It was nothing like she remembered Wolf Spirit being like. While her old guild had been rowdy and fun-loving they seemed tame in comparison to the people in Fairy Tail. Raising her head and pulling her hood back just enough to reveal her eyes Rin looked around and immediately seemed to lock eyes with a young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes.

As Rin and the girl continued to stare Rin blushed a bit, thankful that her cheeks were covered by black cloth. While question marks practically hovered over the girl's head her eyes became bright with excitement and she rushed forward, moving far faster than Rin though she should be able. "Welcome to Fairy Tail! I definitely haven't seen you around here before! What is your business here? Looking to join? Post a job? Create a new home? Defy laws of sanity? Talk to someone? Be my bestiest best friend?" Rin's mouth dropped open in shock behind her mask, staring at the smiling girl right in front of her with wide eyes. Suddenly the girl's eyes widened too. "Oh! I didn't introduce myself! I'm Mavis Vermilion, Fairy Tail's guild master!"

Rin's eyes narrowed a bit as she looked down at the loop holding her celestial keys. For a moment she considered turning around and leaving but Moru's key let out a soft glow showing he knew exactly what she was thinking and she sighed heavily before looking back at the energetic guild master. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm here to join actually." Her voice was monotone as she spoke, giving no clues as to what she was feeling. Looking around she noticed that both the guild master's greeting and her statement seemed to have attracted quite a bit of attention from the rest of the guild. Pulling her hood down a bit Rin flinched, wishing she could turn tail and run even more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Riku
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Emerald Jay

“So Emerald Jay is it? Welcome to the guild! My name is Zane. Its always nice to see a new face! Anyways, how well are you guys doing?”

Blinking a few times, Emerald turned her attention away from Wynter to the red haired boy who approached them. ”Nice to meet you Zane.” She barely finished before he carried on talking.

“You know, its kind of funny. I just realized we could all be associated with a color. Emerald Green, Wynter Blue, and since I am a Wizard that mains fire magic, Fire Red. Plus my red hair.”

”I guess that’s true...”

”What’s this I hear about colors?” Emerald glanced over at the newcomer to the conversation who had put himself next to Zane. He didn’t seem to be that old, with blue hair and green eyes and a pair of goggles sat upon his head.

She smiled at the boy. “Zane was talking about how we’re like colors or something. I’m Emerald, nice to meet you.”
Zane then turned his attention to Wynter, starting to talk about an S-Rank mission he’d been on. ’S-Rank? Now I feel a bit overwhelmed, everyone here seems so strong...’
The red haired boy turned his attention back to her. [i]“Just wait, pretty soon you will have your own fun and great adventures to tell!”

”Eh? I-I doubt it... I’m not really that strong after all...” She started mumbling at the end, sinking in her seat. Immersed in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the next few things that Zane said, though she did feel like someone was glaring at her which caused the green haired girl so slump over, head resting on the table.

”Nice goggles.” That simple comment brought Emerald back from her thoughts and she realised that she had been fiddling with her goggles again. Straightening up, she looked over at the blue haired boy and smiled again.

”Thanks, yours are cool too.”

It was then that she noticed a girl with long red hair leave the guild and a couple of minutes later, another wearing a hood to hide themselves with enter. She tilted her head to the side, watching the hooded girl be practically jumped on by Mavis, much the same way the guild master had done to her when she first stepped into the guild. ”Someone new?” Emerald turned her attention back to the group she was with. ”So many people...” She slumped over again, this time with her face resting on her books.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Magpie
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Wynter smiled, setting down another baked good in front of Emerald, whom claimed she wasn't hungry, though the green girl's stomach protested her words. As she set the nice looking baked food down, she spoke, somewhat quietly and with a gentle tone, as if not to scare the girl, "I do believe those are some sort of cheese danishes, in all honesty, I figured they were good, but if you are hungry, you can have them." Though something else caught her attention, Zane had come over as well, Red, Blue, Green, she made that observation just as Zane had made his mention of it, he was playful like a kid, and admittedly Wynter enjoyed some of his antics, although she wouldn't show it, it kept things lively and from being boring. Yet a few words broke the thought she had,

"So Cold Steel, how was your mission anyways? I have to say, I am not sure that S-Rank mission I went on should have been S-Rank. The Dark Guild was so flimsy, it was completely destroyed during our fight. And seriously, I am not even sure what they wanted with some medallion anyways. But, its safe and sound, I escaped the trap filled temple alive, and a Dark Guild was taken down"

Wynter looked a little surprised as he told her that he destroyed a Dark Guild on his own, 'At his age? He took down a Dark Guild? At his age?!' In her mind she was completely baffled to his little story that she almost forgot about the question Zane had asked, which she quickly remembered, jumping back to her normal unshakable self and answered, "It was a simple mission, go to a distant town and beat back some monsters that were a threat. I went in and did the job, and made sure they'd be safe from anything else..." though her mind and words trailed off as she saw Pommel, whom was by the kitchen with Magpie, suddenly run out with papers, just a quick glance had her intrigued as to the jobs she was taking, though one she saw, made Wynter move, "Excuse me, I will be back..."

Before those words were even done hanging in the air Wynter went to the request board, and looked to Vernon, whom was placing the requests back on the board. Though some of them were missing it felt, as she looked at the board, remembering what missions and all were there, two and two together. Pommel took the jobs Zane had taken. As she turned from the board, and began calmly walking... About as calmly as one would see from a mother bear going to protect her cubs. As Wynter ran, she launched herself over a few tables and soon out the door towards the train station with her full speed going to protect her ally, as she got to the station, though, she was only about thirty seconds late, though that wasn't going to stop her.

Wynter took a breath as she stepped through an invisible air mass, changing armour within it to come out in her Gungnir armour set, she couldn't catch the train in this form, unless it stopped for a good while, but she knew that if she pushes, she can at least keep with it. Dropping onto the tracks, Wynter took a breath, she had attracted yet another crowd as she was the famous Cold Steel and soon began to sprint following the train tracks towards the Monster Mountain, hoping that she could catch up to Pommel...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick
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Zane's usually friendly (and possibly over-energetic) self emerged as Emerald spoke down about herself. His warm smile lit up, and if Emerald had heard anything about Zane, his ability to make people feel welcome and even powerful from his smile almost seemed like a spell was involved. "Just because others are strong doesn't mean your weak. Everyone is strong in their own way at least. And I can tell just from looking at you, one day, possibly one day soon, it might even be tomorrow, you are going to save a lot of people's lives".

However, that is when Zane noticed the situation with Cold Steel. He looked around and heard some of the comment of others (As his senses are enhanced from being a Dragon Slayer), he pieced it together. "Well, I better go help. It IS my job, after all. That said, don't think your slacking just because I am so young but an S-Class". He leaned in closer and whispered the next part in her ear. "I am actually an emotionally scarred 44 year old. Trust me, people can overcome anything with enough willpower, and I bet you have a lot of it".

He smiled at her again and waved, before running off. He stopped for about one second at Mavis and Rin. "Hey, welcome to the Guild! Thanks for joining! Sorry I can't give you the full greeting, I gotta go make sure a fellow guildmember doesn't get smashed".

"I take it that the mission Pommel took was yours? Didn't she notice it was S-Class?" Mavis asked as Zane was already leaving. "And Zane, try to not have us get a large damages bill again!"

"Relax, nothing but mountains and monsters to damage! No bill possible, keeping my promise!" Zane yelled as he ran off.

Mavis shrugged, then looked at Rin. "Well, if its just those two, he should be too busy protecting her to damage...wait, didn't Cold Steel go after her too! Oh no....I am not sure how much a mountain costs, but if those two are going...hey, I can tell, your a power Wizard. How about for your first job going and making sure those three don't wreck...well, a mountain? There are actually quite a few jobs from that area we are going to anyways, so I need as many people as possible to go there and investigate".

Meanwhile, Zane finally reached the train station, only to see the train had already left and Cold Steel about to chase after it. Cold Steel was already away, so he used some boost magic on himself to make him lighter, and then used his fire magic to propel him like a rocket towards the train, the guildmembers, and the mountain. He quickly caught up to Cold Steel, but the train was another thing entirely. It was actually still getting faster!

Zane looked at Cold Steel with a half smile. "Well, guess we are teaming up again. At least Mavis wont have to worry about us breaking anything and having the guild get billed for it. I can't even remember the last time we teamed up anyways, but I am sure it happened at least once".

That was when Zane noticed something. And then, moving so fast it might have looked like teleportation, Zane wrapped his arms around Cold Steel and seemingly held on for dear life. It was because the train, and as a result them as well, had gone over a bridge that went over a giant lake. "Don't let go. Don't let go. Don't look down. Don't look down. You won't fall and drown. You won't fall and drown. Oh please, why cant we get over this any faster!?"

Zane couldn't swim. Well, sort of. Hot springs, ponds, small streams, he was fine with. But for some reason, anything remotely big, and he didn't swim or even float. He just sank to the very bottom. Not many people knew this, but a few of the more experienced guildmembers, mainly ones that have gone on missions with him or knew the truth about him, knew this as well. And as a result, he gained a deep fear of drowning.

"Please go faster..." he said, still panicked.

Meanwhile, Mavis also ensured Slick knew about the future potential damages. Mainly the mountain, since she was worried they might actually get billed for it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Magpie
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#, as written by Tanman

Slick nodded slightly as he listened to Mary, ever modest about her contributions. Though that said, it seemed that with Pommel almost everything spurred her on. Words of encouragement gave her the strength to pick herself back up, while insults and derision fired up her competitive side. An admirable quality, to say the least.

Steadily making the most of the good food, Mary’s response to his next inquiry was about what he expected. She tended to want the best for everyone, though he couldn’t help but smirk at the last part. Truly, the games that Pommel played to get her noticed by Wynter were one of Slick’s most enjoyable things to watch. Why, that one time he’d made a point to try and introduce the tiny chef to Wynter she’d managed to hide herself by fleeing through the trash chute, and the earful he’d gotten from her afterwards still brought a smile to his face.

"Did you come over here only to swipe some baked goods while she isn't looking? Not very subtle of you, Slick." Magpie probed, seeming just a bit skeptical of the man beside her. Slick provided his best hurt expression.

“Miss Whitelock, you wound me so! Why, I merely wished to enjoy the company of a charming young lady.” Extravagantly exaggerating, he chuckled a bit, straightening up his posture and winking behind his glasses. “Alright, you caught me; Pommel’s none too fond of me, even though I like the princess about as much as her cooking. That is to say: a lot.” Helping himself to another cookie, he stopped before taking a bite, giving Mary another of his amused expressions.

“Although, you’ll never know if that’s what I want you to think. The best way to make something subtle is to make something else obvious.” Slick replied cryptically, turning back to watch the rest of the scene about the guild unfold. After all, he’d meant exactly what he’d said about Magpie. A soft nudge in his side drew his attention back to the noticeboard, watching Mel flounder about with Vernon. Ah, how he envied the comradery he’d grown with Pommel.

"Hm? Oh-! ...Is she taking a job?” Mary inquired, Slick nodding as he noted the papers she collected, turning to meet Mary’s eyes as she looked to him in bewilderment. Of course, he felt much the same, but his sunglasses and expression didn’t really show it. In 2 whole years, Pommel hadn’t taken a single job – Not that he blamed her when the pickings for B-ranks consisted of rescuing stray cats and taking old folks out for the day. As the cherry haired energy ball trotted off out of the guild, Mary followed with another query.

“Looks that way. Well, I’ll be damned.” Slick replied. Adjusting his glasses slightly, he shrugged a bit, before placing an arm around Mary jovially. “Seems like our little girl’s all grown up, eh? Hopefully we’ve taught her all she needs to be successful.” Giving Mary a playful jostling, Slick reached under the bar, pulling out a couple of beverages. Normally the celebration would be saved for after she was successful, but hey, this was still progress worth remembering! Setting them down, he was stopped from doing much more than filling them as a new commotion started, everyone eying up the newcomer to the guild hall. Slick couldn’t help but whistle, eying over the bod of what could end up being the newest babe of Fairy Tail. Heh, Crez’d be kicking himself for missing this one; she looked damn fine in that racy black and red ensemble. Hopefully their eccentric master didn’t end up chasing off another potential with her boisterousness.

If it wasn’t for the fact he was in the company of another lady, Slick would have probably mouthed off a bit or made his way over. After all, with his analysis eyes he was quite readily able to see just how fine a woman that was with measurements like that! Still, he’d keep his composure, idly staring no more so than any of the other members of the guild before returning to what he was doing, looking back down to his glass of beer.

"Mm!" Was the soft utterance from his partner, drawing out another smirk from Slick. Magpie was really cute when she wanted to be, and he couldn’t help but eye her excited expression as she danced a little on her seat and pointed across the room, though with her spare hand she was groping around the bar. He took a moment to appreciate that, before subtly moving to slide the drink he’d poured her into her grasp as he turned to see what the commotion was. Briefly, he caught the tail end of a blue ponytail flying through the doorway, with the Z-meister not far behind.

"Looks like our Mel may get her wish, after all!" Mary exclaimed, the joy in her voice readily apparent. Slick was a little more skeptical, getting up off his seat. “Maybe, but something’s not right if her and Zane are in that much of a hurry
” He moved forward slightly before stopping, eying Mavis’ conversation with the newcomer. With the aid of analysis eyes, he was able to read their lips, and quickly pieced together the information in his mind. Still, this was Cold Steel and Z they were talking about. Even if they could be reckless, there weren’t many more people in the guild that he’d trust to bring Pommel back safely.

Slowly, he took his seat again, looking over to Mary. “Well, I don’t think we need to worry too much. Those two are dependable at this sort of thing at the very least.” He wasn’t sure if Magpie would’ve pieced it all together, but he made the assumption that she was pretty switched on as well. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he felt the soft parchment of paper, and remembered one of the other reasons he’d headed over here. Rubbing it between his fingers, it amazed him how even after all these years; there was that nervous feeling in situations like this.

“And speaking of two, I was wonderin-“

“Oh Mr. Slick!” The young man was cut off by the sing-song voice of Mavis, who made her way over to the two of them. “Sorry to interrupt, but with what’s happening at the moment, would you be able to prepare a budget? Just in case Zane and Wynter get a little too excited.” She smiled sweetly, cocking her head. Slick stopped to look at Magpie, then back to Mavis a moment before shrugging. “Yeah... Sure. In fact, I’ve probably got something already prepared that can be re-purposed.”

Mavis nodded, thanking Slick before trotting off back to do
 Well, whatever it was Mavis did normally. Still holding the paper in his pocket, Slick relaxed his grip on it, reaching instead to take another swig of his drink. Well, maybe he’d take that as a sign. He’d ask Magpie to join him on a mission another time.

Pommel Grade

“Now, let’s see here
” Pommel stated aloud, pulling out the map of the area she’d packed in her backpack, eying over the upcoming landscape and comparing it to the information in the flier. They were heading uphill into the northern areas, which she’d planned for. After all, it was almost always snowing in the villages near the mountains, and she’d be foolish not to have brought something to bundle up appropriately. The train was planned to stop off in the town of Eloria, a smallish place with roots in mining and the like. From there, she’d need to rent a snowmobile to be able to trek anywhere up the mountain at a reasonable pace. Between the harsh slopes, frigid blizzards and apparently, frequent avalanches, it wasn’t the kind of place to go about on foot. Briefly, she imagined that dork Zane getting buried, but quickly moved past that as the thoughts of her own morbid demise crossed her mind. Best not to jinx herself.

“So the flyer says to come back to the Mayor’s office once the monster problem has been dealt with and report for payment of...-!?!” Pommel’s heart skipped a beat, and her face flushed.

“1,000,000 Jewel?!” She exclaimed in alarm, her hands trembling. T-that was almost one
 carry the 8
 Geez, she was bad at math
 Anyway, a lot times bigger than her wage working the kitchen! She squinted a bit, triple checking the information. Yep, 1,000,000
 She didn’t even know how to spend that much money! How could a simple mission like this earn her that much money?! Was wizarding always this lucrative? There had to be a reason

Moving to read further into the job, a sudden gust of wind ripped the flyer from Pommel’s hand, flying out the train’s window as the cold climate began filtering it’s way in. “Aw, shoot!” Pommel mumbled, poking her head out the side of the window before instantly regretting it as her arms became covered in goosebumps. It wasn’t like she needed the paper to collect the reward or anything, but still

Sitting back down and shutting the window, she took a moment to unpack her bag and begin rugging up, getting on her winter parka and long scarf, as well as some other extra layers. She’d keep her hands free for her magic, but otherwise she’d be pretty well shielded from the weather. From there, the announcement that they’d be arriving at Eloria Station by Mt. Oldstone caught her attention, and she trotted off to disembark. Thankfully, there was only a light snow at this point.

Trudging down the village path, it didn’t take her long to find and rent the magic snowmobile, getting the magic Self-Energy (SE) plug attached around her wrist. It’d drain a little magic, but the convenience of not needing any real fuel was a big boon, and kept the cost down. The owner had been pretty persistent in warning the girl of the dangers of the mountain, but Pommel could not be swayed. When she made known she was a Fairy Tail wizard, that seemed to relax the gentleman, and he wished her luck and bid her farewell, letting the girl make tracks up the mountain.

At first, everything seemed fine. It was windy and bitterly cold, but there wasn’t really that much danger. In fact, if it wasn’t for the mission, she might have just enjoyed this as a daytrip. Keeping her eyes peeled for any kind of monster, Pommel didn’t notice the rock until far too late. With a crash, she was sent flying face first into the snow, the cable attaching her to the snowmobile snapping with the force of her impact. Groaning she sat up, shivering and rubbing her face a bit. Well great, now she was stuck up here.

“S-s-stupid mountain
!” Pommel grumbled, taking a step back towards where she’d collided her snowmobile, before stopping. Clearly, it wasn't going anywhere. Hesitating a moment, she turned around, and began hiking further up the mountain. She wasn't going to give up because of something stupid like this! "W-wish I was at least inside though..." She mumbled, rubbing her arms some more as the wind picked up. Then, with a sudden yelp, she was gone, leaving nothing but a smashed snowmobile where she’d been.

Screaming in fear and panic, Pommel rocketed down the shaft she’d broken into, sliding down the icy tunnel until it unceremoniously threw her out into another snow pile, this time in even less flattering a pose than after her crash. It seemed she’d been unfortunate enough to have stumbled upon the interconnected tunnels of the mountain where the mining town had made its start, though nowadays they were labyrinthine and dilapidated, as well as home to numerous monsters like Vulcans. Not that our wee wizard adventurer was aware of that.

“Great, just great
” She grumbled, once again blaming the misfortune that this day seemed to be bringing her. Why could nothing go smoothly for her? It was like she was cursed or something! Dusting off the snow from her outfit, she sighed, glancing about the tunnel. “At least there’s light here. About the only thing that could be worse would be a monster getting the jump on me

Moments later, a monster got the jump on Pommel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant
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Rin Miyuzaki
Speech: #990099||Thoughts: #9955ff||Zoe: #ff0000||Moru: #aaaaaa

Suddenly, a woman clad in armor with blue hair vaulted herself over a table and out the guild hall. Rin looked after her in mild interest, wondering what the commotion was about before returning her gaze back to the guild master who was squealing in excitement. "Wonderful! I love it when we get new members!!!"
Just then a young boy, whom Rin assumed was a wizard and quite apowerful one from the amount of magical energy she could detect, came over to them. "Hey, welcome to the Guild! Thanks for joining! Sorry I can't give you the full greeting, I gotta go make sure a fellow guildmember doesn't get smashed" The guild master seemed exasperated. "I take it that the mission Pommel took was yours? Didn't she notice it was S-Class?" Suddenly everything clicked in her head, as she realized they were speaking about the girl who had almost run into her. "And Zane, try to not have us get a large damages bill again!" The red-haired boy shouted back at them as he ran "Relax, nothing but mountains and monsters to damage! No bill possible, keeping my promise!"

The blonde girl shrugged, before turning her attention back on Rin. "Well, if it's just those two, he should be too busy protecting her to damage...wait, didn't Cold Steel go after her too! Oh no..." As the young girl's face lit with realization and then fell in despair Rin couldn't help but chuckle. "I am not sure how much a mountain costs, but if those two are going...hey, I can tell, you're a powerful Wizard. How about for your first job going and making sure those three don't wreck...well, a mountain? There are actually quite a few jobs from that area you are going to anyways, so I need as many people as possible to go there and investigate." Rin didn't know what she expected, perhaps some sort of test or initiation, but she definitely didn't expect to be sent out on a job right away. Before she could even have a thought about the situation Zoe's key glowed at her side and the spirits voice popped into her head. 'If it was one of your old guild members in danger would you go? This is going to be your new family.' Rin didn't hesitate after that, knowing that every word was true. "Of course, Guild Master Mavis. I shall ensure no costs will fall on Fairy Tail."

Turning on her heel Rin exited the guild hall, immediately taking a left. Suddenly she was glad she took the time to map out Magnolia because now she knew the quickest route outside of the small town. 'That train is long gone, the only way I'm catching up to them is with Moru. Although... He might not be able to beat the train...' Rin smiled, resting a loving hand on her keys, before pulling Moru's key off the ring now that she was outside of town. "Open! Gate of the Horse, HēiMa!" With the flash of silvery blue light that Rin had grown accustomed to the celestial spirit appeared before her with a smile. "Hey, What's up?" Rin pulled her face-mask and hood down and smiled back, though it was more of a smirk, and her eyes narrowed a bit. "My new guild master just sent me on a mission. We need to be at Monster Mountain as soon as possible." Moru let out a laugh, ruffling her hair which had spilled down her back when she pulled her hood down. "Oh come on. Fairy Tail is the most powerful guild in Fiore, not to mention they are known to treat every member like family. It's the perfect guild for you." Rin went to make a comment but Moru transformed, activating his wing magic at the same time, and cut her off by puffing hot air out of his nostrils. 'I thought you said as soon as possible. Just get on.'

With a huff, Rin decided not to argue and pulled herself up onto his back. With a frown she also grabbed onto his mane, she had once suggested they get him some actual riding gear but he had looked ready to murder and she decided to drop it. 'Hold on tight!' With no other warning Moru turned and took off, causing Rin to gasp and throw her arms around his neck as they quickly rose into the air. She knew he was laughing on the inside as he used his high speed spell, sending them flying forward far faster than Moru could go without the use of the spell. 'We should arrive 10 to 15 minutes after the train. Just hang in there.' Rin gritted out a response. "I hate you..." While Rin wasn't scared of heights every time she rode Moru when he was flying she was gripped with a fear of falling, that fear being especially strong in the case that he was using his speed magic. Sadly, in this case, it was necessary so Rin tightened her grip and closed her eyes, hoping to get there quickly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay
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Emerald Jay

"Just because others are strong doesn't mean your weak. Everyone is strong in their own way at least. And I can tell just from looking at you, one day, possibly one day soon, it might even be tomorrow, you are going to save a lot of people's lives". Emerald looked down at Zane's words, while it was nice that someone had confidence in her, she still doubted herself and would likely continue to do so until she actually did something to bolster her confidence.

Wynter took that moment to place down some food in front of her, Emerald barely had time to mutter out a thanks to Wynter for the baked goods before the woman was out of the door after the red-haired girl. She stared after her for a few moments before Zane spoke to her again. "Well, I better go help. It IS my job, after all. That said, don't think your slacking just because I am so young but an S-Class".

The last part was whispered into her ear. "I am actually an emotionally scarred 44 year old. Trust me, people can overcome anything with enough willpower, and I bet you have a lot of it". This statement left her staring at Zane for a minute as she wondered if it was really true. Still, if that was what he said his age was, she'd believe him for now.

With the newcomer running out after the red-haired girl, Wynter and Zane, Emerald turned back to face Riku. "I wonder if something interesting is happening, what do you think?" Even for the short amount of time she had been in the guild, she noticed that something was nearly always happening, still, this was the most activity she had seen at once for a while.

Azrael Valkyrie & Gabriel Valkyrie

For the Kitsune twins, the day dawned bright and early. They had gotten home from their escort job late the night before, barely making to their house and collapsing into bed. Gabriel was awoken by the sound of Azrael falling out of his bed with a loud thud and complaints muffled by the covers he had gotten himself tangled in. This was nothing new, even asleep the silver-haired twin couldn't stay still.

With a stretch, Gabriel slipped out from his bed, going to the room across the hall to free his brother from his quilted confinement. "Thanks Gabby." Azrael smirked at his black-haired brother, ignoring the fact that he looked a mess from his wrestling.

Sighing a little at Azrael's antics, Gabriel waved him off. "Just get ready, we should probably report back to master Mavis."

An hour later saw them clean, dressed and fed. Leaving their home they started the trip to the other side of Magnolia where the guild hall was located. Turning down a street that led them past the train station, the pair saw a red-haired girl practically fly into the station. "Was that Pommel?

"Sure looked like it Gabby, not seen her outside of the guild hall before unless she was on the way there or home. Did she finally decide to take a job? Gabriel's response to his brother was to shrug and the pair carried on.

Wynter came running past them a few minutes later, closely followed by Zane. It appeared they were both heading to the station as well. Frowning a little, Gabriel turned to his twin. "Should we? Seems like it could be important."

Azrael shook his head. "Seems like they have it well in hand, you know how strong those two are. I'm sure it'll be fine." He gestured back towards the station where Cold Steel and Zane had just entered.

The rest of their trip to Fairy Tail went with little else happening, and after seeing an unfamiliar girl take to the skies on a winged horse, the pair entered the guild hall. Almost immediately they went over to where they saw Mavis, Gabriel quickly reporting their successful job while Azrael fidgeted in the background, clearly wanting to be doing something else. The black haired twin chuckled softly at their guild master's joy seeing as they hadn't needed to destroy anything with their mission, it was only a simple escort after all.

With that done, the pair headed over to Riku and dropped a small bag of sweets in front of the boy. The blue-haired teen had grown on them quickly during their stay in the guild, though with the twins being out on jobs a lot they didn't get the chance to see him much.

"Enjoy~" The pair knew that Riku was fond of sugary things, so when given the chance to, they would spoil the kid with sweets that they'd pick up while they were on their jobs, though sometimes they would bring back painting supplies instead if they came across any.

Their gift delivered, they politely nodded to Emerald, waved to Riku and headed over to the request board. Azrael and Gabriel might not be going on another job straight away, but it wouldn't hurt to see what sort of jobs had come in during their absence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant
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# 7 3 D 9 2 6

First he approached Zane and wasn't even noticed, as the wizard kept walking without so much as a glance. Then, he'd put himself right up next to him, and spoke up so that he knew he would be noticed; and he was utterly ignored. In fact, it seemed Zane was acknowledging everyone but Riku. The boy froze, watching as his idol ran away. As the flash of red disappeared out the door, Riku's arm lifted, as if willing him back into the guild hall. Zane had even gone through the trouble of introducing himself to the strange girl on his way out, someone who wasn't even in the guild yet. Was Riku really that insignificant to the dragon slayer?! It was the ultimate insult to Riku's entertainer soul. He twitched a few times, then burst into tears. Poor, innocent Emerald was probably getting doused while Riku wailed, rolling back and forth on the table in front of her in his fit.

His cries drew a lot of attention, especially from the motherly Magpie; but as soon as he saw the Valkyrie twins, his fit stopped just as quickly as it had started. His tears practically sucked right back into his eyes, face drying in an instant. "Hey!" he greeted them, his own devastation forgotten. They dropped a bag of something in front of him, and the boy rolled back up to sit criss-cross on top of the table, peering curiously down at the package. He opened it quickly, and just like that, he was grinning again. His favorite! So were the twins. "Thank youuuu!" he called after their retreating forms, waving one arm wildly while his other hand plunged into the bag of sweets. Once again, the young wizard was grinning from ear to ear. Of course, he had forgotten all about the agreement he'd made with Magpie, and was probably about to be squashed by Carson.

# 3 3 6 6 6 6

Mary narrowed her eyes at Slick, but she couldn't help her smile however she tried. She probably enjoyed his banter significantly more than most. In fact, from what she'd seen, he wasn't particularly popular with the ladies of the guild, despite his charm- or perhaps because of it. He was right, Pommel seemed to find him even less tolerable than she found most men. Wynter, too, seemed more likely to deck him than buddy up. Magpie, on the other hand, found him roguish in the good way rather than the bad.

A bright grin took over her face, and she wrapped one arm around Slick's back briefly. "Yay, Pommel!" was all she managed to say, but her chest swelled with pride. It had taken two years, but the teenager was finally becoming a full-fledged, job-taking guild wizard. Mary laughed as she was jostled, honestly almost missing the fact that Slick was pulling out drinks. She was very much into the celebration, though, humming happily and stretching one arm over her head.

Her earlier feeling had been correct, it was turning out to be a great day. Emerald was slowly but surely coming out of her shell; Mel was growing up, and getting attention from her idol at last; and they were getting a new member! It was certainly a progress filled morning, at the very least. Although, now that she thought about it, she hadn't been entirely productive herself yet. Perhaps she should go take a look at the job board, too.

Before she could continue that train of thought, she realized that Slick wasn't sharing her excitement regarding the Wynter-Pommel situation. She settled down, watching him thoughtfully and munching on her cookie. Eventually, she looked away from Slick, and back toward the door- just in time to see their newcomer leave. Mavis hadn't scared the poor girl off, had she? Not again... A second look at the guild leader's face, though, and she realized that she'd sent the newbie off after the others. Just how many people was going to be necessary to help Pommel?

Worry set quickly into Mary's stomach, eating away at her as she stared at the doors. A million possibilities ran through her mind. Not one but two S Class wizards had run after the girl. Had Pommel taken an S-Class quest by mistake? Or, perhaps, had she done it on purpose? Surely she wouldn't be so reckless as to take on a job so much bigger than her abilities just to potentially catch Cold Steel's attention. ...Right?

Mary was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't even register that Slick has started to ask her something. What if Pommel ran right into a lion's den? What if she was, right now, being eaten by a monster? What if she was trying to take down a dark guild like Zane had, just to prove herself? What if-

With a soft gasp, Magpie's eyes widened. Her hand had long since moved to her belly, both drink and cookie forgotten on the counter. She closed her eyes briefly, as though that would banish the memories of her village's destruction. Her hand closed into a fist, which gathered a bunch of the cloth covering her belly. She forced those thoughts from her mind; she had to be rational here. If the situation was as bad as that, Mavis would have said something. Pommel had both Zane and Wynter to protect her- plus the guild's newest member. She would be fine. She would be fine.

Finally pulling herself from her thoughts, Magpie unbuttoned her blouse while turning back to face the bar. She shrugged it off, leaving behind a top that was closer to being a bra or bikini than a shirt, and folded it up neatly. Able to cool down, she was more comfortable then, and set the folded shirt on the counter beside her drink. She looked back over to Slick then, only now registering that people had been speaking around her before. "Oh- sorry, wha-?" she started to ask, but just then, Carson saw in a reflection what had happened to his face.

# E 6 8 0 1 A

Warren hopped off the train in Magnolia at the last second; just in time to be nearly bowled over by a cherry haired streak. He blinked once, then looked back at the train as it pulled away from the station. "Was that Pommel?" Since when did she ever leave the guild hall? He pondered this while walking back toward the place. Soon, another flash went past, and Warren chuckled, waving over his shoulder. "See you later, Steel!" He ended up talking to himself some more as he went, savoring the feel of Magnolia. He'd been out on a job for a while, as he often was, and he'd certainly missed this place. "It would be a female knight to save that princess. Cherry wouldn't have it any other way. Too bad, I'd love to rescue her myself."

As he neared the guild hall, another, shorter wizard sprinted out the doors. Warren laughed wholeheartedly, calling out after Zane, "You get 'em, buddy! Go easy on 'em, okay?" With those two gone, he didn't expect to see anyone else running out, so he just hung out outside for a minute to appreciate the appearance of the guild hall. While some of the guild members, such as Pommel, rarely left the guild hall, Warren was rarely there for long. There was always something to do, some job to take out of town, so he really only got to sit back and relax with the others for a few hours, maybe a day or two at a time. It was good to be back.

Then, he was surprised. Rin came out, seeming oblivious to his presence. Not that that was a surprise- he was incredibly short for his age (at least, he assumed he was) and blended in well with the general populace of Magnolia town. If anything, most would mistake him for a curious kid, if they noticed him at all. Unless, of course, they were regular subscribers to Sorcerer's Weekly or members of Fairy Tail themselves. Although the girl had just exited their guild hall, he was sure he hadn't seen her before, and there was no Fairy Tail guild mark on her; and you can be sure he checked all over. No way would he ever forget a body like that, so if she was a member of the guild, she had to be new. And a celestial spirit wizard, from the look of things! "Looks like I got back just in time!" he chuckled to himself, rubbing the back of his neck as the girl took off on a winged horse. He continued to watch her for a few seconds before finally entering the guild hall.

Immediately, he was hit by a wave of cacophonous shouts; home sweet home. Carson Glaise was chasing Rikuyashi Bado around the room, hurling chairs and hollering something that Warren could only assume had to do with the paint all over the man's face. He wondered who would interfere first; Mavis herself, who he didn't actually know where was, or Magpie, who was seated at the counter looking like a ticking time bomb.

"Help meeeee! Riku wailed, crying a fountain of tears as he ran, arms flailing in front of him. The kid soon dashed under a table, grabbing onto the legs of Emerald's chair- another wizard Warren was sure he hadn't met yet. "I was just making him prettier," he cried, bottom lip stuck out and quivering as he looked up at Emerald with big teary eyes.

It looked like Magpie would be the one to intervene. He hadn't even seen her move from her seat, but just when Carson was about to send an explosion after the kid, the woman stepped in with a "Reverse!" The attack doubled back on Carson, knocking him back, and left Mary's arm burning. Carson's sleepy eyes widened. Riku looked like he was about to thank her, but then he saw the look on her face, and everyone knew what that scary look meant. Both boys hurried to each side of her, Carson somehow looking slightly more miserable than Riku even; possibly because of all the paint. Magpie tapped his nose sternly, "We do not attack guild mates. You settle things calmly, like a grown up. Understand?"

Okay, maybe it wasn't just a trick of paint. Carson was, after all, actually older than the woman scolding him. "Understood," he muttered gruffly. Warren pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh. He didn't want her coming after him next.

Riku had started to smile, but that was wiped away the instant Magpie turned on him. "Riku. Remember what we talked about?"

Riku nodded his head forward, lips waving like a traumatized cartoon. "Yes, ma'am."

Mary straightened up, and just like that, her scary face disappeared, replaced by a warm smile. "Good!" She held her thumb and index finger up near her face, still smiling. "Now say you're sorry."

Carson grumbled his apology, looking like he was about to fall asleep again quite frankly. Riku, though, wailed his, tears welling up in his eyes again. "I'm sorry, Mr. Carson!"

Mary pat their heads cheerily and returned to the counter, taking her seat next to Slick and leaving Riku to dutifully start cleaning the paint off Carson's face while the man glared at all the chairs he'd thrown. Wrists resting on his hips, Warren finally let out a laugh, addressing the whole of the guild hall. "Well you all seem as lively as when I left you!" Not for the first time, Warren thought about asking Mavis if he could stay at the guild hall awhile, and tend bar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant
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Wynter hadn't fully noticed Zane quickly catch up to her as she chased the train with fervent haste, it wasn't abnormal for Wynter not to expect others catching her, but more her own tunnel vision as her worry had plagued the mind of Cold Steel, which this was a rare instance that she was actually in such a state. But that was brushed aside as she realized she had about three-hundred meters from catching the train, and her body was still seemingly alright, this wasn't a new feeling to Wynter, that feeling that one gets when the body finds it's balance of oxygen to counter the lactic acid being made in the muscles, a Second Wind. Though something felt suddenly different as Wynter crossed an all-too-Familiar bridge over a large lake, Wynter liked it, though she felt a hard thump over her body.

Almost being knocked completely off balance, Wynter looked to what on earth hit her, she noticed it was Zane. Whom clasped around her, 'Of course, he fears deep water... But... Did he have to slam into me like that? Questions for later, as of now, I need to focus on keeping Pommel from the jaws of death... as she regained her balance, she noticed how she had lost speed drastically, instead of being about three-hundred meters from the train, which Wynter was fine with, she ended up about four-hundred-fifty meters from said train. Though that didn't stop her, she kept running at full speed tailing this train, and crossing the bridge with relative ease, "It's safe now, Zane, we're not specifically near any large bodies of water, you should be good." her words admittedly echoed a little as her helmet covered her whole face, and talking while wearing it often echoed to some degree, though this train wasn't going to get away from Wynter easily.

Soon enough, the hilly landscape had changed to a mountainous and especially cold area. Wynter could feel the cold through her armour, though seemed unfazed, after all, someone named Wynter should be able to tolerate cold, right? But moving aside, as Wynter ran, something rather... Amusing happened. A flimsy piece of paper had flown from the train, and before Wynter could fully realize it's trajectory and evade it, it slapped her helmet right where her eyes and face would be. As she looked at the paper with sudden annoyance, she read a bit of it, trusting that Zane wouldn't let her run into anything or off a cliff, 'As I figured. Pommel took this mission, not realizing what it is, and now is in the maw of the beast... I need to move faster!' she thought before jamming the paper into her requip arsenal, and looking at Zane, knowing the train's destination, "I'm going to jump to the top of this mountain, the Village should be on the other side!" Wynter yelled, almost as if she was giving him a notice, though before an answer could be given, Wynter stopped, her feet sliding as the sudden inertia forced her forward some ways, before quickly leaping up the mountain with ease, snd she soon leapt around, almost tracing Pommel's tracks in the snow, though, as she landed on another mountain, she noticed a snowmobile... And broken ice....

"Kya!" was the only thing heard from Wynter, as the ice broke beneath her as well, sending her falling into the cave into a firm pile of snow, and with a loud clatter of her armour too, as she got up slowly, she looked around, knowing she had no way back up without magically flying she sighed, stepping through an airspace bubble again, this time, changing to her Masamune set, while she walked in this frozen cave, she heard something unsettling, a monster had been in said cave, and as Wynter ran to confront it, or at least see what she was going to fight, she noticed something that stood out, Pommel.

Without hesitation, Wynter took up her preferred weapon in this form, Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi, and with her weapon concealed, she charged into battle, slashing at the monster, keeping a gaze to Pommel, her words were serious, as this was now life-or-death,

"Pommel, unless you wish to fight, get behind me, now.

(Quick Conversions: ~300m = ~985ft. While ~450m = ~1475ft)
(Had to throw the Erza in there~ :P)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Slick
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#, as written by Tanman

Finishing up another swig of his drink, Slick turned back towards Mary, wiping his mouth of the remaining foam. After catching sight of her stripping down, he quickly turned back to his drink, sculling down the rest. Hot damn he would never get used to her doing that! He knew the Mother Bird of the guild didn’t like the heat, but seeing her so confidently flaunt her body still caused him to falter. The gentleman in him declared it rude to stare, but the hot-blooded young male debated otherwise in his mind. Instead, he settled on a compromise, peering to the side of his glasses at Magpie while still tipping up the rest of his drink. For a moment, she seemed to want to question what he’d been talking about, but it was about then that Carson seemed to get his bearings. Slick watched the restraint slowly drain from his guild mate, and chuckled a bit, letting Magpie handle the babysitting. After all, she seemed to enjoy that sort of thing.

"Reverse!" Slick watched Mary wince from the feedback of her magic, striding over to stop the commotion between the boys. Like diligent charges, both moved to her side to receive their discipline, Slick openly laughing aloud as he slapped his leg. Man, he’d never get sick of the atmosphere at his guild. Gesturing to Mary as she returned, Slick winked. “Remind me to avoid you next promotional trial; I dunno if I’d be able to take you Mags.” Chuckling some more, he turned as a familiar voice rang out over the guild hall.

"Well you all seem as lively as when I left you!" The declaration came from by the entrance, Warren standing proudly and grinning like a fool. Slick was quick to wave him down, shouting across the hall.

“Yo, Warren, back so soon? Or did you hear about the new birdy we just got?” Slick sat up and headed to meet the fellow, giving him a firm cross between a high-five and a handshake. Even for the kid that he was, the two had some mutual ground in their appreciation of the ladies, and had at least a general sense of friendly comradery. Using his grip to pull Warren in close, Slick whispered a few choice words about the bust-waist-hip measurements of the Celestial Spirit Mage before they broke, striding back over to the bar in order for Warren to tell his tales to Mary and himself.

When he was done, Slick chuckled some, sitting up. “Well, speaking of jobs, I better earn my keep and get to training. I ain’t being outdone this year.” Placing a fist to his palm, he was of course referring to the promotional examination to become an S-ranked wizard at the guild. First had been Wynter, then Zane, Warren and Jazz last year. Four years running he’d missed his chance, but if his competition was going to be the twins, Mags and Carson, he didn’t feel he had too much to worry about. Assuming Crez wasn’t interested in the trial, he had his partner all set. He just needed one more shot. Briefly, he contemplated the new guild member before shaking his head. Celestial Spirit Mages were a bit of a joke compared to real mages. She wouldn't be any trouble.

“So unless you two will miss me, I better get going.” Taking the job from his pocket, Slick unfurled it, giving it another double check on what was going to be required of him


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant
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Zane felt a lot better once they were not over water. "Thanks for that. And sorry, it doesn't help when you literally sink in water". Which is what always happened with Zane. He doesn't float, he sinks. But as Wynter went off on her own, Zane had his own adventure. Of course, little did any of them know, they were being watched by those with ill intentions.

"I thought you said only one target was coming to the mountain?" "The arrival of those two were unexpected, but only one of them is an actual threat. I would be more concerned with the one that has yet to arrive". A celestial wizard stepped up. "I will handle that one". "Then we will handle those on the mountain. We will let the monsters wear them out, then finish them off".

"Just remember, kill the red haired boy first. Our Dark Master commands it".

Meanwhile, Zane had elected to use fire magic to propel himself through the mountain, since it was full of snow and what not, and noticed that all of a sudden, a freak blizzard showed up. Luckily for him, he had great eyesight and other senses, so this was nothing to him. By the time he made it up, he saw both Pommel and well as a Snow Golem about to eat Pommel without anyone seeing it!

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Zane yelled, managing to smash...and melt....the golem seconds before it could eat Pommel. But that was not the only thing. Biting down on Zane's arm was a Hemeculous. Had Zane been a second slower, and it would have been at its original target, Pommel's neck. There was a reason this was S-Class after all. Each and every monster here could kill you in a second if you were not careful or powerful enough.

Zane threw the creature away, before looking back at Pommel. "What do you think you are doing, going on an S-Class mission when you are not S-Class like me or Wynter! You could have..." Zane punched another monster that tried to attack him from behind, without even looking at it. "....gotten seriously hurt or something! And then I would have been blamed since this was my job! That's kinda a jerk thing to do, steal someone's...." Zane swept the legs of another monster behind him, before hitting him with a Fire Dragon Iron Fist and sending the monster flying. "...job like that!".

Suddenly, a large snow creature burst out of the snow and went in for an attack, but Zane turned around and gave it a stare with an annoyed look. "Do you mind? I am trying to have a conversation here". The snow monster just blinked, and then went in for the kill, so Zane launched a massive fire attack and demolished the damn thing. "I told you to wait! Jeesh, monsters can be so rude. So, where was I? Oh yeah, you shouldn't steal from others, especially jobs! Its wrong!"

With that, he looked back towards Wynter. "Well, since we are both here, we should be perfectly capable of both protecting Pommel and clearing the mountain. What do you think? Or should we bring her back first?"

Little did anyone know, a group of Dark Wizards were planning to strike them all down, using a variety of rare and dark magic.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant
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#, as written by Tanman

Pommel Grade

With a squeal, Pommel’s hands went to her skirt, holding it down as she was suddenly whipped off her feet, the ground flying past her as she was held upside down by her ankle. Flailing about, she looked to her attacker fearfully, and was met with a pair of large nostrils sniffing over her, followed by a tongue wildly slobbering over her. Screaming in embarrassment and disgust, the mage forgot her modesty and brought both her hands up to defend herself from her assailant.

“H-hands off you creep! Gross!” Pommel cried out, poking the Vulcan that had grabbed her in both eyes with her fingers. The monkey-man howled, grabbing his face and dropping the pint-sized Pommel, letting her scramble to her feet and across the room. He must have been one of the monsters in the job! Running around the corner, Pommel took a moment to catch her breath, steeling herself. If that was so, she’d have to prepare herself and defeat him.

His attraction and fascination with Pommel now forgotten in favour of anger, the beast let out a howl before giving chase after the mage, slowing to a stop as it noticed she had stopped to face him. Adopting a slightly lowered stance, Pommel kept her legs wide as she prepared her transformation, sliding up her sleeves and crossing her arms over her chest. “Free-Form Magic: Blade!” With a shimmering glow along her arms, light particles drifted upwards radiating out of her body, becoming brighter, hotter, obscuring the figure of her slender arms into one beam of light. Then, steadily, the silhouette of her arm began to change. Slimmer, longer, tapered. Finally, the brightness flashed outward, scattering the light like fireflies in the wind, leaving the magic complete. From her elbow down, both Pommel’s arms had become weapons, sharp grey steel emblazoned with a cherry red highlight, the blades curved and approximately the right size for her figure. Throwing both her arms down beside her, she swallowed before preparing her sternest voice.

“Get ready buster, because I won’t be holding anything back!” Pommel swung her arms about in an attempt to look cool, swishing them through the air. Instead, she ended up clanging them on the wall behind her and throwing herself off balance, barely catching herself by stabbing one into the ground slightly. Wincing a bit at her clumsiness, she glanced back up to see the ape panicking, howling in alarm before running away.

“H-huh?” Pommel questioned, standing up a bit. “I-I mean- Yeah, you better run! No one messes with the greatest wizard of Fairy Tail!” Pommel puffed her chest proudly, moving to lean back on the wall. Instead, she fell backwards, collapsing onto her back in the snow. Groaning, she reached for her head, only to slap it with the blunt end of her blades. “Owowowow!” Transforming her arms back, she sat up and rubbed her head before a slow and steady groan from behind her grabbed her attention. As did the lack of light. And the rubble trickling down over her. Frozen with fear, she twitched her head backwards to look upward. Staring back at her was a giant creature made of rock and ice! T-that wasn’t a wall, that whole thing had been a monster! And from the looks of things, she’d chipped its back.

“G-good monster
 N-nice monster
” Pommel tried to scooch backwards on her rear, but found it hard to get traction on the ice. The snow golem’s eyes narrowed, opening its gaping maw ready to crush her to pieces. In that moment, fear clutched Pommel’s heart, drawing out a terrified scream as she covered her face in a feeble attempt to protect herself.


"Pommel, unless you wish to fight, get behind me, now.” Pommel opened her eyes slowly, squinting through the flash of light and the loud clang that went through the air. What she saw made her heart skip a beat. I-it was her! And it was her Masamune armour! S-she was so gorgeous! She’d heard tales of it, but she’d never seen her in action before. It was awe inspiring. Wynter moved with all the grace and power of a goddess, steadily beating the creature back without hesitation, unflinching. Unfaltering. Unbelievable! She was perfect. And she knew her name! Arms drawn in front of her, Pommel’s eyes were clouded with sparkles as she stepped back towards the wall, meekly nodding as she watched her idol decimate the Ice Drake.

Wait, Ice Drake? Wasn’t that a golem a second ago

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

Pommel stared a moment, barely able to register what she was seeing as the fangs latched into the arm. Finally, reason kicked in and Pommel stumbled back in fear, landing on her butt again as the giant that had been closing in on her also toppled, torso and arms completely melted and dripping to the ground as her saviour threw the second monster aside. Slowly but steadily, her eyes focused in on who it was in front of her, and her lips said the word before she even registered it herself.

“Zane?” She blankly asked, staring in disbelief as he fought. No, that wasn’t the right word
 He wasn’t even trying! He was barely breaking a sweat fighting those monsters, lecturing her and joking around while taking on the beasts left right and center. Dimly, she registered that the mission was S-Class, that it was Zane’s mission, but it was all so much happening so fast in the last few moments that she barely comprehended it. Jumping back to regroup, Zane and Wynter found themselves back to back with Pommel between them, the monsters all around them.

"Well, since we are both here, we should be perfectly capable of both protecting Pommel and clearing the mountain. What do you think? Or should we bring her back first?"

Pommel slowly sat up, looking to the situation that they’d all gotten into because of her. Slowly but steadily, it dawned on her what it all meant. Wynter had come to save her. And Zane, but he didn’t matter. What did matter was that this was her first meeting with Wynter and

And it showed she was incapable. Useless. A failure. A damsel. Something to be protected or shafted off and abandoned. Zane didn’t want her here. And chances were, neither did Wynter. She was just an inconvenience. A problem for them to deal with. Her mind going a mile a minute, and with the dangers of the monsters, Zane and Wynter would have barely noticed Pommel’s trembling and tears as her thoughts spiraled out of control. After all this, there was no way that Wynter would want her as an apprentice. Eyes now fully stained with sadness, Pommel began preparing her magic, arms reforming as blades once more.

“I’m not helpless!” She shouted out in a choked voice, recklessly shoving past the two and heading in to fight the monsters herself. Leaping skyward in a spinning strike, she aimed to deal a critical blow to the nearest creature, a winged frog of gigantic proportions, icicles adorning its back. Drawing her blade-arm back, she stabbed straight at its chest
 Only for it to disappear. Instead, she found herself staring into the black abyss, but unable to stop her momentum as the beast opened its mouth, happily shutting it as the tasty cherry so willingly leapt into its mouth. And with that, Pommel was gone from sight, swallowed by the monster in front of them.

Thankfully, Gorgirogs took a long time to digest their food.