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"Take a minute to observe, and you can see endless possibilities."

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a character in “Fairy Tail: A New Adventure”, as played by Tanman



Name: Percival Ranvier






A young looking man, with somewhat messy, curly brown hair. Blue eyes hide behind dark black sunglasses, ever searching and analysing detail. With, light skin, a baby-face despite his age, slim but muscular form,and an array of formal suits to compliment his figure, he's got a roguish charm to him.

Magic Type:

Holder Magic: Slick Magic, Analysis Eyes, Critical Point

Caster Magic: Enhanced Analysis Eyes

Magical Spells/Tools:

Slickster Shoes AKA ā€˜Slickā€™ Magic ā€“ Enhances the wearerā€™s speed and grace, allowing ease of movement and the ability to slide or hover seemingly without effort.

Analysis Eyes ā€“ The user is capable of rapidly assessing probabilities, physics and minute details within their line of sight. This can allow the user a limited sense of foresight through detecting muscle movements, air shifts etc., as well as potentially identify weak points or other openings. It would also not be uncommon for a user to be capable of deflecting or ricocheting an object to create unique trajectories. Analysis eyes is also incredibly adept at identifying patterns in both behaviour and other mediums, making it useful for general analysis of visual information. Analysis eyes is also capable of Gale-Force Reading at varying rates.

Critical Point ā€“ A simple short knife magically enhanced to compete with most magic blades, in combination with analysis eyes the user is capable of severing critical points in objects and opponents, to either disable or eliminate them.

Enhanced Analysis Eyes ā€“ A more powerful variant of the holder magic, though the use of this is strictly limited, as prolonged use is likely to overwhelm the user due to the near infinite amount of information perceived, and often leads to delirium and madness.

Wizard Ranking:



Percival Ranvier, better known as Slick to everyone heā€™s met, is just that. Itā€™s hard to meet a guy with more smooth moves than this man. At least, thatā€™s how he portrays himself. In truth, Slickā€™s past isnā€™t actually so silky smooth. Son of a noble gone off the rails, Slick was a con-man, hustler, and all around shady dealer. His actions wouldnā€™t be uncommon compared to that of a dark or treasure hunterā€™s guild. Nothing pretty, but a chance encounter with Fairy Tail during his younger years helped redirect his path in life. Now, he seeks redemption, or something close to it, living an ā€œhonestā€ wizardā€™s life amongst Fairy Tail, while still rebelling against the intensions of his parents. Still, some old habits are hard to shake, and the past has a habit of catching up with peopleā€¦


When one meets Slick, itā€™s hard to say how heā€™ll be taken. To some, he seems charming, roguish and polite. To others, he can come off sleazy, sneaky, and deplorable. In any case, to women, he usually attempts to charm and flatter, a habit he hasnā€™t managed to shake in years. A mix of gentlemanly and vain, but even in situations where his reception is cold he tends to play it cool. Males on the other hand, Slick tends to relax a bit more, either making somewhat offensive remarks under the guise of backhand compliments or masked through intellect; or generally being slightly chummy depending on how close his relationship is. Still, he tends to act just a little snide and superior. He does tend to have a soft spot for kids, but thatā€™s something heā€™d rarely show in public.


Puzzles, Logic, Strategy, Speed, Grace, Literature, Patterns ā€“ Thanks to his magic and personality, Slick is particularly talented in perception and analysis, as well as in clean and swift movement.

Charm ā€“ When Slick turns up the charisma, he can be quite convincing, and quick witted enough to draw information from otherwise hostile situations.

Etiquette ā€“ From his time as a conman, Slick is particularly well versed in the ways of a noble, and gentlemen

Acting ā€“ From keeping a straight face in poker, to feigning intense injury, Slick can create fantastic and convincing performances to aid in infiltration, as well as a few dirty tactics.


Raw Strength ā€“ Slick is fast, but poor in a direct confrontation. His strategy in combat revolves around hit and run tactics, parries and dodges. If forced to block an assault directly with a knife, he would be hard pressed to hold his ground.

Women ā€“
Just as Slick is after the ladies, the right kind of women can just as easily play him.

Holder Magic ā€“
As most of Slickā€™s power is through holder magic, taking or preventing him access to his weapons and magical objects severely limits his capabilities.

Analysis Eyes ā€“ This magic works only with perceptual clues, therefore, auditory or other warnings are not registered nearly as quickly as visual information. Similarly, this ability only works within his line of sight, and does nothing if not purposefully focused on, so surprise strikes can be effective. Though Slick may be able to predict or analyse movement, it is also quite possible that there is no appropriate way to dodge an assault, or, against physically adept opponents, his body cannot keep up with his attacker, even if he may see their attack coming.

Enhanced Analysis Eyes ā€“ More of a detriment, and also one of his fears, with his glasses removed, Slick cannot control his powers. As this will tend to draw a person mad in mere minutes, Slick would rather keep his eyes shut and remain blinded for an extended period then risk this, and greatly fears succumbing to his own powers.


Slick tends to play with things in his hand, be that his knife, a coin, card, whatever suits his fancy at the time.

Though he sees himself as a bit of a player, Slick isnā€™t good with the idea of commitment, nor genuine affection, and as such, can be shaken by someone getting a bit too close to him.

Most of the time, Slick tends to sit back and observe, picking up on patterns in people or merely admiring their uniqueness.


Father ā€“ Gunther Ranvier

Mother ā€“ Telliter Ranvier

Younger Brother ā€“ Erikson Ranvier

Location and Color of Guild Crest:

Black, on the top left of his back.



No one in the guild is aware of Slickā€™s real name or past.

As far as everyone knows, Slick is in his mid-twenties, an elaborate lie he has generated.

Rarely is he seen wearing anything other than formal wear and suits.

Slick is actually a decent artist, and quite enjoys appreciating and creating art. He isn't fond of damaging anything beautiful, or anyone who would do so.

Slick actually helps out with the bookkeeping and funds management at Fairy Tail, and moonlights as an accountant.

Slick's Colour of operation is #5B5B5B

Fairy Tail Music Representation: Ice Guy

So begins...

Slick's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Slick
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#, as written by Tanman
Pommel Grade

ā€œAHck!ā€ Came the muffled sound from the kitchen, Pommel, quickly putting her fingers in her mouth. Sheā€™d accidently burned herself on the tray for the biscuits sheā€™d been making, pouting a bit as she made her way over to the tap to douse her hand. She grumbled slightly to herself, as today hadnā€™t been going too swimmingly for her. Just one of those off days, but she was going to turn it around. This was precisely why she was making cookies. For one, they tasted good, but most of the guild usually couldnā€™t resist the smell, and as long as she stood near the tray and acted cute and charming, she normally received plenty of praise. And boy, did she like being praised.

Grabbing hold of her mittens and much more cautiously leaning into the oven, Pommel retrieved the hot tray, carrying it out over to the serving window and setting it down on the mat she had prepared. ā€œMmm-mmm! Delicious if I do say so myself!ā€ Biting down hard and munching loudly, she did her best job to make sure most people in the vicinity heard, and hopefully made a big deal of her cooking. Even more important than that however, was ensuring one of her idols in the guild noticed and she made another stunning impression. She sighed, cupping her hands to her cheeks, closing her eyes as she imagined it. According to Sorcererā€™s Weekly, Fairy Tail had some of the most powerful S class Wizards around, and what she wouldnā€™t give for a chance to meet them! First and foremost was Cold Steel herself! There was no cooler female wizard on the planet! Well, maybe Candice Hallows was, but she wasnā€™t a part of Fairy Tail as far as she knew. She sighed again, mind abuzz with delightful thoughts. Compared to Cold Steel, all the male wizards in this guild were chumps.

"Another win for Fairy Tail!"

Pommelā€™s day-dream was broken by an annoying chant from nearby, the little lady turning to spot none other than Zane and gave him a slight scowl for interrupting her happy train of thought. Honestly, what was he getting so worked up about? A lame little loser like him couldnā€™t compare to the great wizards of Fairy Tail. Honestly, he was probably weaker than her; he was almost half her age! Haughtily talking herself up in her mind, she couldnā€™t help but let out her own laugh of superiority. Yes, sheā€™d be recognised soon enough, and would prove herself capable of living amongst the stars sheā€™d read so much about. The first step, was getting them addicted to her food, then, sheā€™d be taken on as an apprentice wizard and given training. Her plan was foolproof! Genius, even. After all, she came up with it.

ā€œMmm, not bad Melā€¦ A solid 5/5 stars as always.ā€ Came the voice from next to her, Pommel giving a startled yelp as she jumped back to identify who spoke. Instantly, her expression soured. Ew, it was that creepo again. That Slick guy was always way too close to her personal space for her liking, and having dealt with him when budgeting the food, sheā€™d had more than enough time to decide that she didnā€™t like his company.

ā€œThat's Pommel. And these are not for you!ā€ Grabbing her tray and raspberrying at the suit clad man, she caused Slick to sigh a little, flashing the nicest grin he could.

ā€œOh come on, these are simply delightful. Why, Iā€™m surprised you donā€™t run this kitchen yourself with the talent you have.ā€ He smirked, still carefully eating the biscuit in hand. The little girl was usually pretty easy to play, and as expected, a little flattery went a long way to getting her to ease up a bit. She stammered and got a little embarrassed by his words, letting him sample another cookie before remembering she disliked him, giving some irate shouts and shooing him off. With heartfelt thanks and flashing a smile again, Slick strode back over to the noticeboard, giving it a look over for jobs. Heā€™d managed to get through the paperwork for the day, and there would probably be something easy enough for him to get started on.

ā€œHuh. Sheā€™s getting better.ā€ He mumbled absentmindedly, genuinely surprised by the improvement in her cooking before eating the rest of his biscuit as he leafed through the posters.

Back at the counter, it was perhaps another sign of Pommel's bad day that she neither saw nor noticed one of her idols enter due to the commotion with Slick.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Riku Character Portrait: Magpie
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Image X Image
# 3 3 6 6 6 6X XXX X# 7 3 D 9 2 6

Riku was so busy painting on a sleeping guild member's face that he didn't realize he'd been caught until he was lifted off the ground. His yelp might have echoed through the guild hall, if it weren't so full of people. "Riku, we talked about this. It's not nice to do that to people without their permission."

"Miss White!" Riku whined, flailing around. "Put me down!"

"Riku," Mary continued in a warning tone. Riku stopped thrashing about, but started wailing loudly, tears flowing down his face on command. "When he wakes up, you're going to apologize, then help clean up. Okay?" Her voice softened at the end. She wondered how anyone could sleep among all this ruckus, but didn't question it aloud; weirder things happened in this guild hall.

Riku continued to scream, while Mary waited. After about half a minute, Riku gave up. "Fiiine," he sniffed.

Magpie set him down with a small smile. "Thank you." She walked off toward the bar, following the smell of cookies. Riku flopped on the floor to pout.

"Hm?" Mary blinked once before smiling back at Emerald as she passed. She hadn't seen the girl do much at all in the way of socialization yet, but she caught the hesitant smile, and while it was only a small bit of progress, she took it as a positive sign. Already Mary thought it was turning out to be a good day.

She reached the bar about the time Zane showed up. Upon hearing his voice, Riku immediately perked up, the waterfall on his face disappearing in an instant. He ran off toward the boy, who was at once younger and much older than him, excited to hear about his most recent win.

Mary sat at the counter, smiling softly as she listened to the confrontation between Slick and Pommel. It wasn't until after Slick slipped away to the noticeboard that Mary looked up, her warm gaze turning to Pommel. "May I have one?" she asked quietly, a tone that suited her thin frame. "They smell delicious."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Magpie
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#, as written by Tanman
Pommel Grade

ā€œ-And you stay over there you weasel!ā€ The feisty young wizard yelled, fuming slightly and puffing her cheeks as Slick scooted away from her counter. That man was infuriating! Huffing slightly, it took her a moment to realise she actually had company, turning back to see the cheerful smiling face ofā€¦

ā€œM-Magpie!ā€ Pommel stammered, her surprise quickly turning into an exclamation of joy, clapping her hands together and giving her own bright smile. ā€œYes, yes! Of course, take as many as you want! Let me know what you think!ā€ Pommel beamed, thrusting the tray out towards Miss White. It was her! Ranking in at number 32 of the 12th Fairy Tail Power Poll (as decided by fans), the Ice Make Master herself! Sure, that was quite far below Cold Steel, but she was still one of the most respected wizards around, and with her sweet and dainty demeanour, who wouldnā€™t be enamoured with her?

It took much of Pommelā€™s restraint not to gush out her admiration for the woman in front of her, though Mary would likely be used to the slightly eccentric girlā€™s passionate spiels and questions by now. Pommel had been at the guild for a couple of years, and had completely changed in that time from the timid self sheā€™d started out as after initially joining. Unlike Wynter, who, despite Pommelā€™s best attempts to interact with her, always seemed to comically be called away or otherwise occupied; Magpie had always made the time for her and been there as a strong maternal figure at the guild. In that regard, she was just as inspiring a female figure in her life, and possibly the person she leant on the most. Cold Steel was always just that, the cool, powerful but relatively silent beauty of the guild. Magpie on the other hand was warm, mature, down to earth, and far more approachable to the young wizard. Honestly, both of them were incredible in her eyes.

ā€œSo, are they good? I tried adding in some mor-..!ā€ Pommel stopped mid-sentence, freezing and staring across the guild hall to the corner of the room. In an instant, her world shattered, the weight of her body suddenly seeming to drag her down and swaying as if the slightest breeze could knock her down. I-It couldnā€™t beā€¦ Howā€¦? It wouldnā€™t take long for Magpie to trace Pommelā€™s line of sight to Wynter and Emerald, Cold Steel making a point of introducing herself to the newer member. W-why hadnā€™t she done that with Pommel? Sheā€™d been here far longer than that girl, and they hadnā€™t spoken once! What did Emerald have that she didnā€™t? Wobbling until she flopped face down over the counter in a comical fashion, she made an exasperated sound.

Of course, Magpie would be aware of Pommelā€™s fascination with the Knight of Fairy Tail, along with the fact that sheā€™d refused to introduce herself to her, doing her best to stand out and have herself be noticed by Wynter. Ironically, it seemed something always seemed to get in the way of that dream, be that missions, guild fights, waitressing, the list went on. Slowly raising her head to look up to Magpie, she pouted some, looking downcast.

ā€œWhat am I doing wrong Maggy..?ā€ She gave another deep sigh, the rough day starting to get to her. Though anyone that knew Pommel would be certain that this wouldnā€™t last long.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Riku
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#, as written by Tanman
Pommel Grade

"Perhaps you should take the lead and introduce yourself,ā€

Pommel folded her arms in front of her, lying partially across the counter and resting her chin on her arms to glare slightly at Emerald and company from her position across the room. Hopefully they could feel her death vibes. ā€œNo, no, that wonā€™t doā€¦ā€ She grumbled, sitting up slightly as she lifted one arm up to rest in her palm. If she introduced herself to Wynter, that wasnā€™t enough. She wanted to be spotted and recognised. She wanted Wynter to WANT to meet her.

ā€You could offer her one of your famous biscuits?" Magpie added cautiously, Pommel glancing over to her before turning her eyes back to the growing crowd around Wynter, the lot of them laughing and having fun. In fact, it looked like Zane was showing Wynter a bunch of his lame jobs he wanted to do and trying to maybe convince her to join him. What a shallow suck up.

ā€œFamously not good enough...ā€ Pommel mumbled, beating herself up a bit more. Biscuits were a stupid idea. How was that going to work? Even if Wynter had a biscuit and enjoyed it, sheā€™d just think she was some stupid maid-hand that knew how to cook, not a prospective apprentice. Why did she have to be so hopeless? The only way sheā€™d get noticed by someone like Wynter was ifā€¦

ā€œThatā€™s it!ā€ She pushed herself up off the counter, slamming her hands down and startling awake the nearby sleeping guild member that Riku had been drawing on. ā€œThatā€™s it!ā€ She repeated again, clasping Maryā€™s hand. ā€œThank you, Iā€™ve got it now!ā€ She grinned, whipping off her apron and tossing it back onto the hook, vaulting the bar and taking off down the guild hall. Turning slightly as she ran, she waved to Magpie, hopping a few steps forward. ā€œLet Gisbon know that Iā€™m heading out! Oh, and you can have the rest of the tray Mags, youā€™re awesome!ā€ And with that, Pommel disappeared upstairs to her room.


Slick gave a bemused whistle as he noted the little princess running down the hall. Seemed she was back in good spirits, which probably meant she had another harebrained scheme of some sort. Ah, the enthusiasm and energy of youthā€¦ Tapping the request heā€™d taken in hand, he made a slow move back over to the bar, taking another cookie from the tray as he looked to Mary Whitelocke, twirling it about his fingers as he slid seamlessly into the seat next to her. ā€œCute kid, ainā€™t she? Whatā€™d you say to perk her up like that?ā€ Leaning back on the bar, he took another bite of his cookie as he watched Pommel disappear upstairs.

ā€œThink sheā€™s gonna have any luck this time?ā€ He added simply, keeping the conversation going as he pilfered another cookie. Maybe that was Slickā€™s aim all along?

Pommel Grade

It didnā€™t take her long at all to pack. I mean, it was going to be a quick and easy job, right? Sheā€™d show all of them. Eyes glinting mischievously, she hurried back downstairs, sliding down the bannister and running over to the request board, looking for a certain person in particular.

ā€œVernon!ā€ Pommel made the man jump out of his skin, the older fellow only just having fixed the hole made by Slick taking a job. Catching his breath (And papers), he turned to look back to Pommel, adjusting his glasses.

ā€œOh, hey Pommel. Want the requests Wynterā€™s been taking again?ā€ He smiled, one of the few males in the guild to have an alright relationship with the girl. Given his time near the request board, he took note of what jobs were taken and by who, and as such, often gave Pommel a copy of Wynterā€™s jobs so she could marvel over the impressive things she did. Today however, it turned out to be something different.

ā€œNot today Vernon. I uh, Iā€™d actually like to see the jobs Zane took.ā€ She beamed pleasantly, though her request drew the curiosity of the man before her. ā€œZane huh? Not like you. Branching out a bit in your tastes?ā€ He added hopefully, leafing through his files before pulling the stack of papers out to hand Pommel.

ā€œHeh, in your dreams old man.ā€ Pommel snatched the papers, glancing them over. Perfect! ā€œNo, just need them for something, okay, thanks!ā€ As Vernon raised his hand for a fist bump, Pommel met it, laughing as she skipped off down the hall and out of the guild. This was it; she was going to do it! Her first job. Whatever that kid Zane could do, she could manage and surpass. If a little thing like this was enough for Wynter to notice Zane, then sheā€™d floor Cold Steel by doing it bigger and better!

Jogging down to the train station, sheā€™d find the next one heading north, quickly sprinting to get on board as it just so happened to be leaving. The look on their faces was going to be priceless! Sheā€™d deal with theseā€¦ Monsters? Well, yeahā€¦ Thatā€™d be easy. If Zane could do it, she could handle it! They were probably just some big bugs or something. She sighed as the train began to chug along towards its destination, imagining it. Wynter and her new apprentice Zane would be heading up to their mission when suddenly - wham bam kapow! Theyā€™d notice a lone figure standing atop the vanquished monsters! Yes, it was her! Pommel Grade, heroine of Fairy Tail!

ā€œWow Pommel, youā€™re amazing, way better than me! I am but a stupid little boy. Wynter, I am not fit to be your apprentice, you should train Pommel as your successor.ā€ Zane would say in that whiny lame voice of his, but it was honestly completely true. Heā€™d submit in bowing to his superior, while Wynter moved up to clasp her hands. ā€œI was so wrong not to notice your true potential Pommel. Please, you must have me as your teacher. Iā€™ll call Sorcererā€™s Weekly and arrange an interview at once!ā€

ā€œA-an interview? Me? Right now? Oh gosh, I donā€™t know if Iā€™m prepared, and Iā€™m messy from the fightā€¦ā€ Pommel gushed a bit, blushing and holding her cheek. It was too good to be true!

ā€œNonsense, you look stunning Pommel.ā€ Wynter replied in that cool voice of her, reducing Pommel to a fit of contented giggles as she rolled about in her seat, continuing her elaborately unrealistic dream of the future as the train continued on towards its destinationā€¦


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick
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Rin Miyuzaki
Speech: #990099||Thoughts: #9955ff

As Rin walked into the town of Magnolia she pulled her hood down a bit to put her face in shadows. While the bottom half of her face was covered Rin always felt that it was her eyes that gave her away. While a few people did stop what they were doing to stare at the hooded woman as she passed most paid her no mind. As she passed an inn Rin hesitated but decided not to risk getting a room. 'If I need one I can come back later when I'm less likely to draw attention...' Continuing on Rin traveled through the maze that was Magnolia. Honestly the layout wasn't that hard to map out and the Fairy Tail guild hall was even easier to find then she thought.

For a while she hesitated, leaning up against a wall or getting a drink at a cafe within eyesight. She didn't understand why this guild had to be the one she joined. At first it had just been Zoe's typical nagging but then a few months ago Ayumi joined in and that girl could be a major pain in the butt when she didn't get what she wanted. Despite both of their pushing Rin had still managed to stand her ground.... That is, until they convinced Moru. Rin didn't know what the Ox zodiac spirit was like but if he was ANYWHERE near as stubborn as Moru Rin hoped to never meet him. It had only taken two days of Moru refusing to go back to the spirit world for Rin to snap and agree, having been too exhausted from taking out their most recent Dark Guild target to send him back by force. 'It was perfectly timed... He must have waited until after I took them out on purpose...'

Shaking her head Rin sighed. "No use crying over it now. A promise to a celestial spirit is a vow..." Or at least that was Rin's mentality. Setting down payment for her drink Rin walked the short way back to the guild hall. Right as she was about to enter a young girl with pink hair bolted out of the guild, almost knocking into Rin. Looking after the girl Rin shook her head, glad she was able to get out of the way in time, and entered. It was nothing like she remembered Wolf Spirit being like. While her old guild had been rowdy and fun-loving they seemed tame in comparison to the people in Fairy Tail. Raising her head and pulling her hood back just enough to reveal her eyes Rin looked around and immediately seemed to lock eyes with a young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes.

As Rin and the girl continued to stare Rin blushed a bit, thankful that her cheeks were covered by black cloth. While question marks practically hovered over the girl's head her eyes became bright with excitement and she rushed forward, moving far faster than Rin though she should be able. "Welcome to Fairy Tail! I definitely haven't seen you around here before! What is your business here? Looking to join? Post a job? Create a new home? Defy laws of sanity? Talk to someone? Be my bestiest best friend?" Rin's mouth dropped open in shock behind her mask, staring at the smiling girl right in front of her with wide eyes. Suddenly the girl's eyes widened too. "Oh! I didn't introduce myself! I'm Mavis Vermilion, Fairy Tail's guild master!"

Rin's eyes narrowed a bit as she looked down at the loop holding her celestial keys. For a moment she considered turning around and leaving but Moru's key let out a soft glow showing he knew exactly what she was thinking and she sighed heavily before looking back at the energetic guild master. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm here to join actually." Her voice was monotone as she spoke, giving no clues as to what she was feeling. Looking around she noticed that both the guild master's greeting and her statement seemed to have attracted quite a bit of attention from the rest of the guild. Pulling her hood down a bit Rin flinched, wishing she could turn tail and run even more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Magpie
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# 3 3 6 6 6 6

Mary sighed. She hadn't expected Pommel to finally take the direct approach, but one could hope. She hated hearing the girl talk down about herself, although it happened often and rarely lasted long. She opened her mouth to say something, but after a moment, closed it with a frown. If Pommel's flamboyance wasn't enough to get Wynter's attention, what would? The poor girl had made herself known to just about everyone else in the guild, at least anyone who'd been there since she came out of her shell, yet the person she wanted to notice her the most was endlessly oblivious.

It came down to bad luck, it seemed. They were always just missing each other, something always just barely got between them and kept them from meeting. Of course, Pommel had had plenty of opportunities to simply walk up and introduce herself, but Mary could see how that just wouldn't be the same. Still, she was starting to get worried that if Wynter ever did notice Pommel, the baker would be disappointed. Pommel idolized Wynter, after all, and as wonderful as Cold Steel was, she was just as human as the rest of them.

Mary jolted upright, pulled suddenly from her thoughts by the banging. Before she could really figure out what was happening, Pommel had clasped her hand, thanked her, then ran off, apron flying in the air behind her. Magpie blinked twice at the spot where Pommel had vaulted herself over the counter, then her vision was intercepted by Slick. The woman was almost positive that there were big, blocky question marks bouncing on top of her head. "What, indeed," she replied quietly, voice a little far off. After a second, she laughed a little. "I haven't a clue, but I'm glad it worked, whatever it was."

She shrugged at his next question, finally finishing off her first cookie. "I hope so. Although, judging from past results..." She picked up another cookie, and looked briefly back and forth between the group and the stairs. In the background, the guy Riku'd drawn on looked quite flustered but had yet to realize what was on his face. Mary decided to give the boy a chance to go up and apologize on his own before she stepped in again, so she looked back to the man next to her. "Did you come over here only to swipe some baked goods while she isn't looking? Not very subtle of you, Slick." She narrowed her eyes, bit her lips remained in a small smile.

When Pommel started shouting at Vernon, it drew Mary's attention again. She quirked her head like a curious puppy, frozen with her second cookie halfway to her mouth. "Hm? Oh-! ...Is she taking a job?" Eyes widened slightly, the woman looked back to Slick, checking to make sure she wasn't the only one surprised at this. "That'll be her first, right?" Considering the girl had been with the guild for a couple years now and had yet to take any jobs from the board, Mary, for one, thought this was quite a big deal. She wasn't sure whether to be worried or proud; which meant she was a bit of both.

She watched as Pommel sped out the door, all but flattening an unfamiliar girl who happened to be on her way in. Judging by Mavis's reaction, she'd never seen the girl before either, which was interesting. Were they getting a new member? Mary's smile widened at the idea of her family growing. That was how she saw the guild, after all: one big, ever growing family. She hoped the girl was going to join, but being greeted by Mavis was like being greeted by a crowd, and she didn't want to overwhelm the newbie so Mary stayed where she was for now.

Just as she was starting to turn away again, taking a bite of the cookie, none other than Cold Steel herself went sprinting out the door after Pommel. "Mm!" Magpie exclaimed, pointing toward the door since she was far too polite to talk with her mouth full. She swallowed hard, feet kicking lightly in another attempt to get Slick's attention while she felt back for a drink, anything to help her wash it down. She finally found a mug of beer and took a long swig, nose wrinkling at the taste. She would have much preferred a glass of milk. "Looks like our Mel may get her wish, after all!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick
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0.00 INK

Zane's usually friendly (and possibly over-energetic) self emerged as Emerald spoke down about herself. His warm smile lit up, and if Emerald had heard anything about Zane, his ability to make people feel welcome and even powerful from his smile almost seemed like a spell was involved. "Just because others are strong doesn't mean your weak. Everyone is strong in their own way at least. And I can tell just from looking at you, one day, possibly one day soon, it might even be tomorrow, you are going to save a lot of people's lives".

However, that is when Zane noticed the situation with Cold Steel. He looked around and heard some of the comment of others (As his senses are enhanced from being a Dragon Slayer), he pieced it together. "Well, I better go help. It IS my job, after all. That said, don't think your slacking just because I am so young but an S-Class". He leaned in closer and whispered the next part in her ear. "I am actually an emotionally scarred 44 year old. Trust me, people can overcome anything with enough willpower, and I bet you have a lot of it".

He smiled at her again and waved, before running off. He stopped for about one second at Mavis and Rin. "Hey, welcome to the Guild! Thanks for joining! Sorry I can't give you the full greeting, I gotta go make sure a fellow guildmember doesn't get smashed".

"I take it that the mission Pommel took was yours? Didn't she notice it was S-Class?" Mavis asked as Zane was already leaving. "And Zane, try to not have us get a large damages bill again!"

"Relax, nothing but mountains and monsters to damage! No bill possible, keeping my promise!" Zane yelled as he ran off.

Mavis shrugged, then looked at Rin. "Well, if its just those two, he should be too busy protecting her to damage...wait, didn't Cold Steel go after her too! Oh no....I am not sure how much a mountain costs, but if those two are going...hey, I can tell, your a power Wizard. How about for your first job going and making sure those three don't wreck...well, a mountain? There are actually quite a few jobs from that area we are going to anyways, so I need as many people as possible to go there and investigate".

Meanwhile, Zane finally reached the train station, only to see the train had already left and Cold Steel about to chase after it. Cold Steel was already away, so he used some boost magic on himself to make him lighter, and then used his fire magic to propel him like a rocket towards the train, the guildmembers, and the mountain. He quickly caught up to Cold Steel, but the train was another thing entirely. It was actually still getting faster!

Zane looked at Cold Steel with a half smile. "Well, guess we are teaming up again. At least Mavis wont have to worry about us breaking anything and having the guild get billed for it. I can't even remember the last time we teamed up anyways, but I am sure it happened at least once".

That was when Zane noticed something. And then, moving so fast it might have looked like teleportation, Zane wrapped his arms around Cold Steel and seemingly held on for dear life. It was because the train, and as a result them as well, had gone over a bridge that went over a giant lake. "Don't let go. Don't let go. Don't look down. Don't look down. You won't fall and drown. You won't fall and drown. Oh please, why cant we get over this any faster!?"

Zane couldn't swim. Well, sort of. Hot springs, ponds, small streams, he was fine with. But for some reason, anything remotely big, and he didn't swim or even float. He just sank to the very bottom. Not many people knew this, but a few of the more experienced guildmembers, mainly ones that have gone on missions with him or knew the truth about him, knew this as well. And as a result, he gained a deep fear of drowning.

"Please go faster..." he said, still panicked.

Meanwhile, Mavis also ensured Slick knew about the future potential damages. Mainly the mountain, since she was worried they might actually get billed for it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Magpie
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tanman

Slick nodded slightly as he listened to Mary, ever modest about her contributions. Though that said, it seemed that with Pommel almost everything spurred her on. Words of encouragement gave her the strength to pick herself back up, while insults and derision fired up her competitive side. An admirable quality, to say the least.

Steadily making the most of the good food, Maryā€™s response to his next inquiry was about what he expected. She tended to want the best for everyone, though he couldnā€™t help but smirk at the last part. Truly, the games that Pommel played to get her noticed by Wynter were one of Slickā€™s most enjoyable things to watch. Why, that one time heā€™d made a point to try and introduce the tiny chef to Wynter sheā€™d managed to hide herself by fleeing through the trash chute, and the earful heā€™d gotten from her afterwards still brought a smile to his face.

"Did you come over here only to swipe some baked goods while she isn't looking? Not very subtle of you, Slick." Magpie probed, seeming just a bit skeptical of the man beside her. Slick provided his best hurt expression.

ā€œMiss Whitelock, you wound me so! Why, I merely wished to enjoy the company of a charming young lady.ā€ Extravagantly exaggerating, he chuckled a bit, straightening up his posture and winking behind his glasses. ā€œAlright, you caught me; Pommelā€™s none too fond of me, even though I like the princess about as much as her cooking. That is to say: a lot.ā€ Helping himself to another cookie, he stopped before taking a bite, giving Mary another of his amused expressions.

ā€œAlthough, youā€™ll never know if thatā€™s what I want you to think. The best way to make something subtle is to make something else obvious.ā€ Slick replied cryptically, turning back to watch the rest of the scene about the guild unfold. After all, heā€™d meant exactly what heā€™d said about Magpie. A soft nudge in his side drew his attention back to the noticeboard, watching Mel flounder about with Vernon. Ah, how he envied the comradery heā€™d grown with Pommel.

"Hm? Oh-! ...Is she taking a job?ā€ Mary inquired, Slick nodding as he noted the papers she collected, turning to meet Maryā€™s eyes as she looked to him in bewilderment. Of course, he felt much the same, but his sunglasses and expression didnā€™t really show it. In 2 whole years, Pommel hadnā€™t taken a single job ā€“ Not that he blamed her when the pickings for B-ranks consisted of rescuing stray cats and taking old folks out for the day. As the cherry haired energy ball trotted off out of the guild, Mary followed with another query.

ā€œLooks that way. Well, Iā€™ll be damned.ā€ Slick replied. Adjusting his glasses slightly, he shrugged a bit, before placing an arm around Mary jovially. ā€œSeems like our little girlā€™s all grown up, eh? Hopefully weā€™ve taught her all she needs to be successful.ā€ Giving Mary a playful jostling, Slick reached under the bar, pulling out a couple of beverages. Normally the celebration would be saved for after she was successful, but hey, this was still progress worth remembering! Setting them down, he was stopped from doing much more than filling them as a new commotion started, everyone eying up the newcomer to the guild hall. Slick couldnā€™t help but whistle, eying over the bod of what could end up being the newest babe of Fairy Tail. Heh, Crezā€™d be kicking himself for missing this one; she looked damn fine in that racy black and red ensemble. Hopefully their eccentric master didnā€™t end up chasing off another potential with her boisterousness.

If it wasnā€™t for the fact he was in the company of another lady, Slick would have probably mouthed off a bit or made his way over. After all, with his analysis eyes he was quite readily able to see just how fine a woman that was with measurements like that! Still, heā€™d keep his composure, idly staring no more so than any of the other members of the guild before returning to what he was doing, looking back down to his glass of beer.

"Mm!" Was the soft utterance from his partner, drawing out another smirk from Slick. Magpie was really cute when she wanted to be, and he couldnā€™t help but eye her excited expression as she danced a little on her seat and pointed across the room, though with her spare hand she was groping around the bar. He took a moment to appreciate that, before subtly moving to slide the drink heā€™d poured her into her grasp as he turned to see what the commotion was. Briefly, he caught the tail end of a blue ponytail flying through the doorway, with the Z-meister not far behind.

"Looks like our Mel may get her wish, after all!" Mary exclaimed, the joy in her voice readily apparent. Slick was a little more skeptical, getting up off his seat. ā€œMaybe, but somethingā€™s not right if her and Zane are in that much of a hurryā€¦ā€ He moved forward slightly before stopping, eying Mavisā€™ conversation with the newcomer. With the aid of analysis eyes, he was able to read their lips, and quickly pieced together the information in his mind. Still, this was Cold Steel and Z they were talking about. Even if they could be reckless, there werenā€™t many more people in the guild that heā€™d trust to bring Pommel back safely.

Slowly, he took his seat again, looking over to Mary. ā€œWell, I donā€™t think we need to worry too much. Those two are dependable at this sort of thing at the very least.ā€ He wasnā€™t sure if Magpie wouldā€™ve pieced it all together, but he made the assumption that she was pretty switched on as well. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he felt the soft parchment of paper, and remembered one of the other reasons heā€™d headed over here. Rubbing it between his fingers, it amazed him how even after all these years; there was that nervous feeling in situations like this.

ā€œAnd speaking of two, I was wonderin-ā€œ

ā€œOh Mr. Slick!ā€ The young man was cut off by the sing-song voice of Mavis, who made her way over to the two of them. ā€œSorry to interrupt, but with whatā€™s happening at the moment, would you be able to prepare a budget? Just in case Zane and Wynter get a little too excited.ā€ She smiled sweetly, cocking her head. Slick stopped to look at Magpie, then back to Mavis a moment before shrugging. ā€œYeah... Sure. In fact, Iā€™ve probably got something already prepared that can be re-purposed.ā€

Mavis nodded, thanking Slick before trotting off back to doā€¦ Well, whatever it was Mavis did normally. Still holding the paper in his pocket, Slick relaxed his grip on it, reaching instead to take another swig of his drink. Well, maybe heā€™d take that as a sign. Heā€™d ask Magpie to join him on a mission another time.

Pommel Grade

ā€œNow, letā€™s see hereā€¦ā€ Pommel stated aloud, pulling out the map of the area sheā€™d packed in her backpack, eying over the upcoming landscape and comparing it to the information in the flier. They were heading uphill into the northern areas, which sheā€™d planned for. After all, it was almost always snowing in the villages near the mountains, and sheā€™d be foolish not to have brought something to bundle up appropriately. The train was planned to stop off in the town of Eloria, a smallish place with roots in mining and the like. From there, sheā€™d need to rent a snowmobile to be able to trek anywhere up the mountain at a reasonable pace. Between the harsh slopes, frigid blizzards and apparently, frequent avalanches, it wasnā€™t the kind of place to go about on foot. Briefly, she imagined that dork Zane getting buried, but quickly moved past that as the thoughts of her own morbid demise crossed her mind. Best not to jinx herself.

ā€œSo the flyer says to come back to the Mayorā€™s office once the monster problem has been dealt with and report for payment of...-!?!ā€ Pommelā€™s heart skipped a beat, and her face flushed.

ā€œ1,000,000 Jewel?!ā€ She exclaimed in alarm, her hands trembling. T-that was almost oneā€¦ twoā€¦ carry the 8ā€¦ Uhā€¦ Geez, she was bad at mathā€¦ Anyway, a lot times bigger than her wage working the kitchen! She squinted a bit, triple checking the information. Yep, 1,000,000ā€¦ She didnā€™t even know how to spend that much money! How could a simple mission like this earn her that much money?! Was wizarding always this lucrative? There had to be a reasonā€¦

Moving to read further into the job, a sudden gust of wind ripped the flyer from Pommelā€™s hand, flying out the trainā€™s window as the cold climate began filtering itā€™s way in. ā€œAw, shoot!ā€ Pommel mumbled, poking her head out the side of the window before instantly regretting it as her arms became covered in goosebumps. It wasnā€™t like she needed the paper to collect the reward or anything, but stillā€¦

Sitting back down and shutting the window, she took a moment to unpack her bag and begin rugging up, getting on her winter parka and long scarf, as well as some other extra layers. Sheā€™d keep her hands free for her magic, but otherwise sheā€™d be pretty well shielded from the weather. From there, the announcement that theyā€™d be arriving at Eloria Station by Mt. Oldstone caught her attention, and she trotted off to disembark. Thankfully, there was only a light snow at this point.

Trudging down the village path, it didnā€™t take her long to find and rent the magic snowmobile, getting the magic Self-Energy (SE) plug attached around her wrist. Itā€™d drain a little magic, but the convenience of not needing any real fuel was a big boon, and kept the cost down. The owner had been pretty persistent in warning the girl of the dangers of the mountain, but Pommel could not be swayed. When she made known she was a Fairy Tail wizard, that seemed to relax the gentleman, and he wished her luck and bid her farewell, letting the girl make tracks up the mountain.

At first, everything seemed fine. It was windy and bitterly cold, but there wasnā€™t really that much danger. In fact, if it wasnā€™t for the mission, she might have just enjoyed this as a daytrip. Keeping her eyes peeled for any kind of monster, Pommel didnā€™t notice the rock until far too late. With a crash, she was sent flying face first into the snow, the cable attaching her to the snowmobile snapping with the force of her impact. Groaning she sat up, shivering and rubbing her face a bit. Well great, now she was stuck up here.

ā€œS-s-stupid mountainā€¦!ā€ Pommel grumbled, taking a step back towards where sheā€™d collided her snowmobile, before stopping. Clearly, it wasn't going anywhere. Hesitating a moment, she turned around, and began hiking further up the mountain. She wasn't going to give up because of something stupid like this! "W-wish I was at least inside though..." She mumbled, rubbing her arms some more as the wind picked up. Then, with a sudden yelp, she was gone, leaving nothing but a smashed snowmobile where sheā€™d been.

Screaming in fear and panic, Pommel rocketed down the shaft sheā€™d broken into, sliding down the icy tunnel until it unceremoniously threw her out into another snow pile, this time in even less flattering a pose than after her crash. It seemed sheā€™d been unfortunate enough to have stumbled upon the interconnected tunnels of the mountain where the mining town had made its start, though nowadays they were labyrinthine and dilapidated, as well as home to numerous monsters like Vulcans. Not that our wee wizard adventurer was aware of that.

ā€œGreat, just greatā€¦ā€ She grumbled, once again blaming the misfortune that this day seemed to be bringing her. Why could nothing go smoothly for her? It was like she was cursed or something! Dusting off the snow from her outfit, she sighed, glancing about the tunnel. ā€œAt least thereā€™s light here. About the only thing that could be worse would be a monster getting the jump on meā€¦ā€

Moments later, a monster got the jump on Pommel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant
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0.00 INK

# 7 3 D 9 2 6

First he approached Zane and wasn't even noticed, as the wizard kept walking without so much as a glance. Then, he'd put himself right up next to him, and spoke up so that he knew he would be noticed; and he was utterly ignored. In fact, it seemed Zane was acknowledging everyone but Riku. The boy froze, watching as his idol ran away. As the flash of red disappeared out the door, Riku's arm lifted, as if willing him back into the guild hall. Zane had even gone through the trouble of introducing himself to the strange girl on his way out, someone who wasn't even in the guild yet. Was Riku really that insignificant to the dragon slayer?! It was the ultimate insult to Riku's entertainer soul. He twitched a few times, then burst into tears. Poor, innocent Emerald was probably getting doused while Riku wailed, rolling back and forth on the table in front of her in his fit.

His cries drew a lot of attention, especially from the motherly Magpie; but as soon as he saw the Valkyrie twins, his fit stopped just as quickly as it had started. His tears practically sucked right back into his eyes, face drying in an instant. "Hey!" he greeted them, his own devastation forgotten. They dropped a bag of something in front of him, and the boy rolled back up to sit criss-cross on top of the table, peering curiously down at the package. He opened it quickly, and just like that, he was grinning again. His favorite! So were the twins. "Thank youuuu!" he called after their retreating forms, waving one arm wildly while his other hand plunged into the bag of sweets. Once again, the young wizard was grinning from ear to ear. Of course, he had forgotten all about the agreement he'd made with Magpie, and was probably about to be squashed by Carson.

# 3 3 6 6 6 6

Mary narrowed her eyes at Slick, but she couldn't help her smile however she tried. She probably enjoyed his banter significantly more than most. In fact, from what she'd seen, he wasn't particularly popular with the ladies of the guild, despite his charm- or perhaps because of it. He was right, Pommel seemed to find him even less tolerable than she found most men. Wynter, too, seemed more likely to deck him than buddy up. Magpie, on the other hand, found him roguish in the good way rather than the bad.

A bright grin took over her face, and she wrapped one arm around Slick's back briefly. "Yay, Pommel!" was all she managed to say, but her chest swelled with pride. It had taken two years, but the teenager was finally becoming a full-fledged, job-taking guild wizard. Mary laughed as she was jostled, honestly almost missing the fact that Slick was pulling out drinks. She was very much into the celebration, though, humming happily and stretching one arm over her head.

Her earlier feeling had been correct, it was turning out to be a great day. Emerald was slowly but surely coming out of her shell; Mel was growing up, and getting attention from her idol at last; and they were getting a new member! It was certainly a progress filled morning, at the very least. Although, now that she thought about it, she hadn't been entirely productive herself yet. Perhaps she should go take a look at the job board, too.

Before she could continue that train of thought, she realized that Slick wasn't sharing her excitement regarding the Wynter-Pommel situation. She settled down, watching him thoughtfully and munching on her cookie. Eventually, she looked away from Slick, and back toward the door- just in time to see their newcomer leave. Mavis hadn't scared the poor girl off, had she? Not again... A second look at the guild leader's face, though, and she realized that she'd sent the newbie off after the others. Just how many people was going to be necessary to help Pommel?

Worry set quickly into Mary's stomach, eating away at her as she stared at the doors. A million possibilities ran through her mind. Not one but two S Class wizards had run after the girl. Had Pommel taken an S-Class quest by mistake? Or, perhaps, had she done it on purpose? Surely she wouldn't be so reckless as to take on a job so much bigger than her abilities just to potentially catch Cold Steel's attention. ...Right?

Mary was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't even register that Slick has started to ask her something. What if Pommel ran right into a lion's den? What if she was, right now, being eaten by a monster? What if she was trying to take down a dark guild like Zane had, just to prove herself? What if-

With a soft gasp, Magpie's eyes widened. Her hand had long since moved to her belly, both drink and cookie forgotten on the counter. She closed her eyes briefly, as though that would banish the memories of her village's destruction. Her hand closed into a fist, which gathered a bunch of the cloth covering her belly. She forced those thoughts from her mind; she had to be rational here. If the situation was as bad as that, Mavis would have said something. Pommel had both Zane and Wynter to protect her- plus the guild's newest member. She would be fine. She would be fine.

Finally pulling herself from her thoughts, Magpie unbuttoned her blouse while turning back to face the bar. She shrugged it off, leaving behind a top that was closer to being a bra or bikini than a shirt, and folded it up neatly. Able to cool down, she was more comfortable then, and set the folded shirt on the counter beside her drink. She looked back over to Slick then, only now registering that people had been speaking around her before. "Oh- sorry, wha-?" she started to ask, but just then, Carson saw in a reflection what had happened to his face.

# E 6 8 0 1 A

Warren hopped off the train in Magnolia at the last second; just in time to be nearly bowled over by a cherry haired streak. He blinked once, then looked back at the train as it pulled away from the station. "Was that Pommel?" Since when did she ever leave the guild hall? He pondered this while walking back toward the place. Soon, another flash went past, and Warren chuckled, waving over his shoulder. "See you later, Steel!" He ended up talking to himself some more as he went, savoring the feel of Magnolia. He'd been out on a job for a while, as he often was, and he'd certainly missed this place. "It would be a female knight to save that princess. Cherry wouldn't have it any other way. Too bad, I'd love to rescue her myself."

As he neared the guild hall, another, shorter wizard sprinted out the doors. Warren laughed wholeheartedly, calling out after Zane, "You get 'em, buddy! Go easy on 'em, okay?" With those two gone, he didn't expect to see anyone else running out, so he just hung out outside for a minute to appreciate the appearance of the guild hall. While some of the guild members, such as Pommel, rarely left the guild hall, Warren was rarely there for long. There was always something to do, some job to take out of town, so he really only got to sit back and relax with the others for a few hours, maybe a day or two at a time. It was good to be back.

Then, he was surprised. Rin came out, seeming oblivious to his presence. Not that that was a surprise- he was incredibly short for his age (at least, he assumed he was) and blended in well with the general populace of Magnolia town. If anything, most would mistake him for a curious kid, if they noticed him at all. Unless, of course, they were regular subscribers to Sorcerer's Weekly or members of Fairy Tail themselves. Although the girl had just exited their guild hall, he was sure he hadn't seen her before, and there was no Fairy Tail guild mark on her; and you can be sure he checked all over. No way would he ever forget a body like that, so if she was a member of the guild, she had to be new. And a celestial spirit wizard, from the look of things! "Looks like I got back just in time!" he chuckled to himself, rubbing the back of his neck as the girl took off on a winged horse. He continued to watch her for a few seconds before finally entering the guild hall.

Immediately, he was hit by a wave of cacophonous shouts; home sweet home. Carson Glaise was chasing Rikuyashi Bado around the room, hurling chairs and hollering something that Warren could only assume had to do with the paint all over the man's face. He wondered who would interfere first; Mavis herself, who he didn't actually know where was, or Magpie, who was seated at the counter looking like a ticking time bomb.

"Help meeeee! Riku wailed, crying a fountain of tears as he ran, arms flailing in front of him. The kid soon dashed under a table, grabbing onto the legs of Emerald's chair- another wizard Warren was sure he hadn't met yet. "I was just making him prettier," he cried, bottom lip stuck out and quivering as he looked up at Emerald with big teary eyes.

It looked like Magpie would be the one to intervene. He hadn't even seen her move from her seat, but just when Carson was about to send an explosion after the kid, the woman stepped in with a "Reverse!" The attack doubled back on Carson, knocking him back, and left Mary's arm burning. Carson's sleepy eyes widened. Riku looked like he was about to thank her, but then he saw the look on her face, and everyone knew what that scary look meant. Both boys hurried to each side of her, Carson somehow looking slightly more miserable than Riku even; possibly because of all the paint. Magpie tapped his nose sternly, "We do not attack guild mates. You settle things calmly, like a grown up. Understand?"

Okay, maybe it wasn't just a trick of paint. Carson was, after all, actually older than the woman scolding him. "Understood," he muttered gruffly. Warren pressed his lips together, trying not to laugh. He didn't want her coming after him next.

Riku had started to smile, but that was wiped away the instant Magpie turned on him. "Riku. Remember what we talked about?"

Riku nodded his head forward, lips waving like a traumatized cartoon. "Yes, ma'am."

Mary straightened up, and just like that, her scary face disappeared, replaced by a warm smile. "Good!" She held her thumb and index finger up near her face, still smiling. "Now say you're sorry."

Carson grumbled his apology, looking like he was about to fall asleep again quite frankly. Riku, though, wailed his, tears welling up in his eyes again. "I'm sorry, Mr. Carson!"

Mary pat their heads cheerily and returned to the counter, taking her seat next to Slick and leaving Riku to dutifully start cleaning the paint off Carson's face while the man glared at all the chairs he'd thrown. Wrists resting on his hips, Warren finally let out a laugh, addressing the whole of the guild hall. "Well you all seem as lively as when I left you!" Not for the first time, Warren thought about asking Mavis if he could stay at the guild hall awhile, and tend bar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant Character Portrait: Slick
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tanman

Finishing up another swig of his drink, Slick turned back towards Mary, wiping his mouth of the remaining foam. After catching sight of her stripping down, he quickly turned back to his drink, sculling down the rest. Hot damn he would never get used to her doing that! He knew the Mother Bird of the guild didnā€™t like the heat, but seeing her so confidently flaunt her body still caused him to falter. The gentleman in him declared it rude to stare, but the hot-blooded young male debated otherwise in his mind. Instead, he settled on a compromise, peering to the side of his glasses at Magpie while still tipping up the rest of his drink. For a moment, she seemed to want to question what heā€™d been talking about, but it was about then that Carson seemed to get his bearings. Slick watched the restraint slowly drain from his guild mate, and chuckled a bit, letting Magpie handle the babysitting. After all, she seemed to enjoy that sort of thing.

"Reverse!" Slick watched Mary wince from the feedback of her magic, striding over to stop the commotion between the boys. Like diligent charges, both moved to her side to receive their discipline, Slick openly laughing aloud as he slapped his leg. Man, heā€™d never get sick of the atmosphere at his guild. Gesturing to Mary as she returned, Slick winked. ā€œRemind me to avoid you next promotional trial; I dunno if Iā€™d be able to take you Mags.ā€ Chuckling some more, he turned as a familiar voice rang out over the guild hall.

"Well you all seem as lively as when I left you!" The declaration came from by the entrance, Warren standing proudly and grinning like a fool. Slick was quick to wave him down, shouting across the hall.

ā€œYo, Warren, back so soon? Or did you hear about the new birdy we just got?ā€ Slick sat up and headed to meet the fellow, giving him a firm cross between a high-five and a handshake. Even for the kid that he was, the two had some mutual ground in their appreciation of the ladies, and had at least a general sense of friendly comradery. Using his grip to pull Warren in close, Slick whispered a few choice words about the bust-waist-hip measurements of the Celestial Spirit Mage before they broke, striding back over to the bar in order for Warren to tell his tales to Mary and himself.

When he was done, Slick chuckled some, sitting up. ā€œWell, speaking of jobs, I better earn my keep and get to training. I ainā€™t being outdone this year.ā€ Placing a fist to his palm, he was of course referring to the promotional examination to become an S-ranked wizard at the guild. First had been Wynter, then Zane, Warren and Jazz last year. Four years running heā€™d missed his chance, but if his competition was going to be the twins, Mags and Carson, he didnā€™t feel he had too much to worry about. Assuming Crez wasnā€™t interested in the trial, he had his partner all set. He just needed one more shot. Briefly, he contemplated the new guild member before shaking his head. Celestial Spirit Mages were a bit of a joke compared to real mages. She wouldn't be any trouble.

ā€œSo unless you two will miss me, I better get going.ā€ Taking the job from his pocket, Slick unfurled it, giving it another double check on what was going to be required of himā€¦


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Riku Character Portrait: Magpie
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"Oh," Mary looked at Slick in shocked for a split second, then shook her hands and smiled bashfully. "Oh no, I'm sure you could take me down if you tried!" She looked over, too, when she heard Warren, and waved hello while hopping back onto a bar stool.

"Ha-hey!" Warren practically cheered his greeting to the man. His grip was firm, and he pat Slick's back jovially when he was pulled in. "Those bandits didn't take long to handle, but the new girl sure makes it worth the trip back. I was worried for a second we'd never see her again. Good to know she's really joinin'." He grinned as they made their way back to the counter, where he situated himself between the other two. He accepted Mary's beer without any verbal communication, and leaned back on the bar as he downed it. Refreshing. "These jerks were goin' around robbing the little villages south of here, so I locked 'em up. They were a lot easier to deal with than I expected. Turns out one of them used this magic that made copies of them, so the villagers all thought there were at least fifty, but it was really just four. Five if you count their doggy." His story finished, Warren grinned and reached to refill his drink.

"Well, speaking of jobs, I better earn my keep and get to training. I ainā€™t being outdone this year. So unless you two will miss me, I better get going."

Warren was ready to bid his pal farewell, but then Magpie leaned across his lap so she could hug Slick. "Don't be silly. Of course we'll miss you!" Warren might have interrupted then, but he was a bit preoccupied committing this moment to memory. His head cocked to the side so he could check out Mary's rear from another angle. Mary didn't seem to notice, all of her attention still on giving Slick an affectionate goodbye. His words had reminded her of her earlier thoughts, however, so she'd be going to check out the board for a job herself soon. "Have fun, okay?"

# 7 3 D 9 2 6

It took Riku a minute or two to get all the paint off Carson's face, the way the man was glaring at everything. Afterward, they probably should have gone around cleaning up the rest of the guild hall, but Carson fell back asleep and Riku didn't think that sounded very fun so instead he hopped back over to Emerald; and, more to the point, his bag of sweets. He sat cross-legged atop the table in front of her. "Phew!" he wiped his forehead in relief. "Good thing he didn't throw this table! That would have sucked." He grinned at Emerald, finally digging in to the sweets. "Want some?" he giggled with a prolonged wink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Miyuzaki Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Pommel Grade Character Portrait: Wynter Vellant
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#, as written by Tanman
Pommel Grade

Dark. Slimy. Gross! Pommel would have screamed, if not for the fact that she was worried about getting this-this thingā€™s spit in her mouth! Flailing about, she couldnā€™t get enough traction to make a decent cut as the tongue began wrapping around and pinning her by the waist, attempting to drag her deeper into the pit of its belly. Reaching her arms out, Pommel attempted to grab hold of something, anything to save her. ā€Please, someoneā€¦!ā€

Suddenly, there was light, the slimy insides parting way and tearing at the seams as they were sliced to ribbons, yet none of the slices strayed too close to Pommel, eventually leaving her unscathed as a hand reached to her, taking hold just above her hips and pulling her up and free of the now limp tongue. Shaking the gunk from her hair and eyes, she was met with the face of her idol, her brow and mouth intensely firm, but her eyes reflecting the worry hidden behind it all.

"And who said you were useless?" Her saviour spoke. Pommel stared back to Wynter, whose expression had changed slightly. Gone was the fierce warrior, replaced instead by a silent determination and knowing wisdom. Slowly, Wynter released Pommel, letting her ease onto her feet before turning back to face the monsters, striding forward a few paces before stopping, her back to the young mage. As the light of her magic faded, returning a number of her weapons from whence they came, the few sparkles remaining silhouetted Cold Steel, forever burning the memory into Pommelā€™s mind.

"We all have our starting points. We can't expect to be great just from the start.ā€ Cold Steel spoke, a moment of clarity and peace amongst the chaos of the battle. Time seemed to hang a moment as Pommel continued to stare at her back, mesmerised in thought, before just like that, she darted forward, launching back into combat with some more monsters. All the while, Pommel sat, watching the fight. But somehow, it was different from before. Like she was seeing it in a completely different light. As the last of the beasts near them fell, Wynter rested her spear to the ground, a soft and far gentler smile crossing her face as she turned to Pommel.

"I think you helped more than you realize. I'm certain Zane couldn't handle this on his own, thus you had brought both yourself and me into this job." Pommel blinked, realising that once again, she was being addressed. Tentatively, she raised a hand to speak, but stopped herself. As kind as Wynterā€™s words were, Pommel could only see them as an attempt to alleviate the guilt she was feeling. It had never been her intention to have things be like this, and she couldnā€™t take credit for such an idiotic mistake that sheā€™d made. In some respects, this was worse than a lecture. Here she was, listening to her idol give her pity and sympathy, almost as if she hadnā€™t earned the right to hear the harsh truths.

Looking to the right, she could see Zane still enjoying himself, tackling monsters with all the strength and valour of a hero. Would she ever be on the level of these people? Could she ever compete with them? Or was she to be doomed to the mediocrity and failure like today had brought her? Looking down to her reflection in the ice, she looked like a mess. Her hair was slimy, dulled and tangled. Her clothes were disheveled and torn. She had minor bruises and cuts all over, and worst of all: It was obvious that sheā€™d been crying. This was what Wynter saw. She wasnā€™t anything special. She wasnā€™t strong.


ā€¦And yet.


ā€¦Pommel smiled. Smiled to the girl staring back at her in the reflection. Giving her the smile she needed to keep going, replaying the words in her head once more.

"We all have our starting pointsā€¦

"ā€¦We can't expect to be great just from the start.ā€ She finished, getting up and standing tall once more.

She wasnā€™t great. She was terrible, a horrible mess. But that wasnā€™t always going to be the case. She could be great. Slowly, steadily, she cleaned the slime from her outfit, looking back up to Wynter with her own determination. She wasnā€™t as good as Wynter or Zane. But deep down in her heart, she knew she could be. This was going to be her start. And when she finishedā€¦ Well, maybe she wouldnā€™t have to force that smile in the reflection.

As her resolve kicked in, it almost seemed as if Wynter could sense it, moving over to Pommel and standing before her. "If you want, I can teach you how to fight, since I notice you use blades on your arms" Wynter had glanced down to the girl briefly, before scanning the room for more threats. When her face returned back to Pommel, sheā€™d be greeted with what was possible the most heart-warming of expressions. Tearful, but this time in joy, Pommel could only stammer in flustered joy, her blades reverting to hands as she fiddled her fingers. ā€œI-Hama-wh-ahā€¦the..buh- they..ahhm..uh-hah-ā€œ Pommel had no way to formulate her words correctly, and instead seemed to be lost in adorable girlish embarrassment. Finally, she managed to take a deep breath, her face completely scarlet as she tightly gripped her hands to stop fidgeting, looking down from Wynter so as not to lose her focus again. Then, through a cracked voice, she finally managed to get enough of sound bite together that it made sense.

ā€œYes.ā€ She squeaked out, barely audible more than a whisper. For a moment, Pommel hesitated, knowing she needed far more strength than that to truly communicate how she felt. She needed to show her conviction to Wynter. Taking another deep breath, she dived into Wynter, nearly taking her off her feet as she hugged her.

ā€œYes! Yes! Iā€™d love that!ā€ Pommel was laughing now, her smile from ear to ear as she grinned, teeth bared in genuine happiness. Unfortunately for Wynter, this had the unintended consequence of Pommel getting the slimy Gorgirog juices all over her Masamune armour, but alas, at least Pommel was happy.


Pommel jumped a bit at the loud noise, turning to spot the source. Tracing the smooshed spider in the wall, and the new figure she didnā€™t recognise walking away, eventually her eyes landed on the girl a bit across the room. ā€œHuuhh!ā€ As Pommel sharply inhaled, Wynter could feel the trembling from the girl's arms as she blinked, confirming that she was really seeing who she thought she was. T-this couldnā€™t be possible! It was really her! The celestial wolf herself?! What in the world would she be doing here if-Wait, was she here on her own mission to eradicate the monsters? Pommel sighed in admiration, Wynter temporarily forgotten as she gushed over the new arrival, playing back information from Sorcererā€™s Weekly in her head. She was even prettier in person! A heavenly body to match her celestial nature! Oh my gosh was that her bow?! Eeeee! This was so exciting! She was meeting another of her idols in the same day! Gosh, if that dork Zane wasnā€™t here and she could have Jazz, Candice and Magpie around sheā€™d be in heaven!

Making ga-ga noises, Pommelā€™s earlier trauma was all but forgotten as she turned to Wynter excitedly, pretending like Rin hadnā€™t already noticed them and hurriedly trying to fix her hair and outfit. ā€œH-how do I look? Is my hair good? What about my dress?ā€ Baffling Cold Steel with her questions, Pommel eventually got a hold of herself long enough to make her way over to Rin, sparkles once again in her eyes as she asked her question.

ā€œA-are you THE Rin?ā€ She moved in even closer. Surprisingly, she seemed a lot shorter than what Sorcererā€™s weekly made her out to be, not much taller than Pommel herself. As Rin barely managed to get out her answer, she grabbed hold of both her hands, pulling them up in front of her.

ā€œY-youā€™re amazing! C-can I have an autograph? I-is it true you accepted most eligible bachelorette award from Sorcererā€™s weekly?!ā€ Pommel pushed in, barely giving the girl a chance to answer her somewhat pushy questions, as well as completely preventing the girl access to her bow and arrow in her excessive excitement. Eyes catching sight of a glint on her outfit, Pommel continued her barrage of questions. ā€œOh my gosh, are those the spirit keys?! Was that a spirit just now?! Can I meet one? Wait, were you here for a mission? If itā€™s to do with the monsters we can all work together!ā€ Barely pausing for breath, and probably intimately invading Rinā€™s private space, Pommel was so excited she would barely register Rinā€™s body language, nor her surroundings.

Suddenly, the worst day in the world had become the best day ever.


Slick paused a moment as he felt tender arms wrap around him, along with two bouncy buddies pressed against his chest. Was it warm in here, or was it just him? Doing his best to retain his cool composure (After all, heā€™d chosen the name ā€˜Slickā€™ for a reason), the affectionate hug was just a bit too much for the poor (See: Lucky) guy. Stumbling a bit, he looked away from Magpie, hiding his slight embarrassment as he scratched his head. Hoo-boy, Mary really did know how to push his buttons. Swallowing, he noted Warrenā€™s lecherous and unabashed appreciation of Maryā€™s ā€“ Ahem -ā€˜Derriereā€™. It was so crass the way that boy acted, but then again, heā€™d been the same in his youth.

"Have fun, okay?" Magpie added sweetly, reminding Slick of just what it was that she was hugging him for. That was enough to bring his thoughts back into line, as he was heading off on his own. Like usual. ā€œYeahā€¦ Yeah, you too Mags.ā€ Slick stated slowly, before remembering himself. ā€œI mean, with goodbyes like that, I should head out more often, am I right?ā€ Hiding his earlier thoughts behind jovial laughter, he shrugged free of Maryā€™s grip, heading past the noticeboard and the twins on the way out. ā€œYou take care too Warren.ā€ He stated simply with a two fingered wave over his shoulder.

That was supposed to be his goodbye line, but he was briefly stopped by Vernon, the man just done with his lecture from Mavis. With a practiced smoothness that the two had rehearsed a hundred times, Vernon slipped Slick another piece of paper, one of the newest jobs that had come in. ā€œThis the latest one?ā€ Slick asked, standing beside the man briefly. ā€œYeah, the only copies are in my records. They didnā€™t even reach the board with me around.ā€ Vernon replied, smirking in spite of himself.

Slick nodded, patting him on the shoulder. ā€œI owe you one pal.ā€ He stated simply, continuing on the way past. Without a momentā€™s hesitation, he tossed the job into the lit fireplace, letting it go up in flames. Some secrets were better left buried. With that taken care of, Slick needed to head down to the station, his job just out past Eloria. Seemed some archaeologists had discovered a set of trapped ruins with a rare artifact hidden deep inside. In this case, they needed a wizard to navigate the dungeon and recover the treasure. With his perception and grace, it was the perfect opportunity for an easy job, as avoiding or disarming the dangers of the temple should be easy for him.

Unlike a certain princess, Slick was not so lucky as to catch the train immediately, instead taking a seat on one of the benches to wait for the next train. Adjusting his cuffs and glancing about to see if anyone was around, he pulled out a small coin, and began running it through his fingers as he waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Magpie
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# E 6 8 0 1 A

Warren continued to take in Mary exceptional body the whole time she was leaned over like that. Even when he continued to drink, he angled himself to he could peer over or around the mug at her, a smirk firmly planted on his face. He was almost disappointed when Slick finally shrugged out of her grip, because it caused her to sit back up; but not without temporarily losing her balance first. He got in one good butt pat 'n grab that kept the woman from falling off her stool, so he was satisfied.

"See you later!" he called with a grateful wave. "Who knows? Maybe if you're lucky, she'll greet you in a similar fashion when you get back!" He turned to look at Mary then, voice lowering as he was speaking to her directly then. "Hey, how come I never get goodbyes like that?"

Magpie had gone to finish her cookie, and was once again inhibited from giving a verbal response, but she smiled and pat Warren on the head. He laughed briefly, then returned his attention to his drink, eyes moving through the rest of the guild hall. Once she'd finished eating, Mary moved the tray of remaining cookies to offer some to Warren, and got up to go check out the job board for herself. "Going already?" he lifted a brow, but smiled and waved, mumbling to himself. "Hate to see her go but love to watch her leave..."

Warren let out a low whistle, then sighed. With those two gone, he was left alone at the bar, which wasn't how he wanted to spend his time at home. Once again, he wondered where Mavis was, but figured if Team Dragonsteel had run off somewhere that she was probably worrying over the budget somewhere. Big green eyes searched the crowd for someone interesting to talk to, or at least another pretty lady to pass the time with.

# 3 3 6 6 6 6

Mary always got the feeling that Slick wasn't used to much in the way of affection. For better or worse, that just made her want to make sure she showed him warmth even more. An odd sentiment to come from an Ice Make wizard, but still. While she was a caring person in general, at least ever since joining Fairy Tail, there were a few members that she paid special attention to, whether they knew it or not; Riku, Pommel, and Slick included. Riku and Pommel, though, she sort of thought of as her children. That was definitely not the case with Slick.

She didn't say anything else to him, partially because she figured leaving out any response from her would help him save face, but mostly because without her arms around him she was thrown off balance. Mary didn't believe for a second that Warren had touched her that way for any reason other than to feel her up, but since it still actually helped her, she decided not scold him for it. She pushed a bit harshly off his leg to sit herself back up on her own stool, but he didn't seem to notice. With a wave to Slick that he probably didn't see, she turned back to the items in front of her. With her drink given away to Warren, all that was left was her blouse and a partly eaten cookie. Finishing off the cookie quickly with big bites, she used her full mouth as an excuse to avoid explaining the situation to Warren.

Once finished, she quickly slipped away to take a look at the noticeboard. "Hello Vernon," she greeted with a smile before perusing the jobs listed. It took a couple minutes, but she soon realized that there was a strangely high number of jobs coming in from the same area... Her earlier thoughts crept up on her, and she once again worried that the others might have run into a Dark Guild. After the decimation of her own home, the deaths of everyone she knew... she hadn't been able to save her daughter then, and it was the sole reason she'd spent almost half of her life training to be stronger. If Pommel was hurt by Dark Wizards on this job she'd taken, and Mary failed to protect her, she might never forgive herself.

Just as she was starting to lose sight of what was right in front of her, a certain flier drew her eye. She pulled it down almost instantly, and looked back to Vernon. "Put me down for this one, okay?" After the brief exchange, Mary strode quickly out of the guild hall. Children had been going missing from the area north of there, the same general place that the other jobs had been coming in from. It didn't necessarily mean Dark Guild activity, but there was definitely something going on. She had to push everything else from her mind and focus, because no matter what the cause was, there were kids in trouble. Pommel had at least two S-Class wizards with her. From the look of things, those kids had no one. As hard as it was, she had to trust that Wynter and Zane would protect Pommel. She tried to focus on the fact that Wynter had gone after the girl, so Pommel had to be overjoyed.

Still, once Mary was away from the guild hall, she reverted to her usual self. That is, the way she was when no one was around. She slipped her blouse back on, but left it unbuttoned, and slid the job flier into her pocket. Her eyes stayed pointed at the ground as she walked, hair falling forward to hide her face from most unknown passersby. Her bright smile was gone, warm energy nowhere to be found. As she walked to the train station, she thought of Magdalene, and her determination solidified. She would finish this mission, whatever it took.

Her eyes didn't lift from the ground until she'd reached the train station, when she finally looked up to check the schedule. It would be a little while until the next one came, so she sat down without so much as a glance around. She merely looked down at her hands, one hand moving to her belly while she waited. In her other hand, a small bird of ice began to take form.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Magpie
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tanman

Slick was a little surprised to see Mary enter the station, briefly gesturing a wave, but finding her attention to be elsewhere. Deciding to leave her to her own thoughts, in all honesty, he wasnā€™t sure he felt up to chatting with her himself, and by the looks of things, neither did she. To his experience, she followed a pattern, like everything. For Mary, her time away from the guild showed a different side to her that he couldnā€™t pinpoint the origins of. Everyone had their skeletons in the closet, and he was no exception. Maybe like him, she forced herself to be something that she wasnā€™t.

Shaking those thoughts from his mind, Slick decided to let her have her space, striding over to the other side of the train once it finally arrived and entering the rear carriage. Not wanting to sit around, he decided to stand out the back; holding onto the rail and watching the station recede behind him. Besides, who knew who heā€™d meet if he decided to mingle amongst the carriages. No sense inviting unnecessary trouble, particularly before a job.

As the train arrived at the station, he very casually leaned against the railing before sliding over it seamlessly, hands in his pockets as he began smoothly making his way out towards his contact point. Striding past some of the villagers, he looked pretty suave in his suit compared to all the winter gear; not that heā€™d compromise on his appearance for something like that. Glancing over to some girls that giggled to each other, he flashed them one of his trademark smiles, enjoying their embarrassment as he continued on his way. Yeah, now this was more in line with the Slick he knew. Nodding his head to an unheard rhythm, he entered the local bar, looking for his client.

It didnā€™t take long to find the most out of place older gentlemen, the moustache and gear he carried not fitting the picture of the bar scene. Ordering his drink and taking a seat, the two began discussing the terms of the job. Slick was either to retrieve the artefact, or disarm all the traps so that the research team could safely investigate the ruins. The latter request would of course earn him far more Jewel, and Slick happily accepted, watching his clientā€™s language and gestures, picking up on little things. Interesting.

The artefact was supposedly fairly ancient, a book with valuable lost magic that could be used to aid humanity, though the specifics he was given were kind of sketchy. Still, Slick was happy to agree, taking the map to the ruin from the client and making his way back outside. It wouldnā€™t be too far for him to walk, especially with his magic. Gliding across the ice and snow with ease, it wouldnā€™t be long until he arrived at the temple.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zane Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Magpie
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tanman

ā€So, this is the place, huh?ā€ Slick commented, though for once, he wasnā€™t talking to himself. With a small pinging noise, the communication Lacrima brought up the face of his client, along with broadcasting his gruff voice in response. ā€œYes, yes! This is the place. Now, we havenā€™t ventured far inside, as last time we were here part of the entrance crumbled and almost crushed us!ā€

Slick looked to the archway leading into the ruins, along with the nearby rubble, surveying it. Finishing his glide and touching down, he took a few steps into the darkened hallway. ā€ā€¦Yeah? Well, guess that means Iā€™m working blind from here, huh?ā€ Squinting to see amongst the dark - a task made more difficult with the addition of his shades - Slick took the time to draw out his knife. With a simple strike against the wall it let out some sparks, revealing the hall for a split second. That was all heā€™d need until continuing deeper inside, the visual representation etched in his mind. ā€Well Prof, I see 362 one-inch diameter holes interspersed regularly at half-foot intervals along the wall in a grid pattern.ā€

ā€œErā€¦ What?ā€ The client, Professor Hamilton, could barely see anything in the darkness, requiring Slick to hold his Lacrima close and let the soft glow illuminate the trap he had noticed. ā€Iā€™d say thereā€™s probably some sort of trigger mechanism for this that would result in a multitude of darts firing through this hallway, though I canā€™t detect any pressure plates or tripwires of the sortā€¦ā€ Slick concluded, spinning the Lacrima back to face him. ā€Thoughts, Professor?ā€

The Professor dabbed his forehead of sweat with his handkerchief. ā€œEr, that isā€¦ Well, old chap, Iā€™d advise going as slowly and cautiously as possible to avoid triggering them..?ā€

ā€Oh?ā€ Slick commented, now standing at the end of the corridor, the darts now clinking against the wall and scattering to the floor, Slickā€™s movement far too fast to be caught by something so primitive. ā€Well, Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t, as I didnā€™t notice what triggered those to fire. Guess Iā€™m lucky to be a rebel, eh Hamilton?ā€ Slick smirked to the Lacrima, the professor giving a slow and forced chuckle. ā€œEh-heh, well yes, quite. I suppose thatā€™s why youā€™re the wizard exploring and Iā€™m safe back here, eh old chap?ā€ Hamilton softly laughed, shivering a little from the cold weather before continuing. ā€œJust keep at it boy, if you can deal with every trap thereā€™ll be plenty of extra pay for you.ā€

ā€Sounds good to me.ā€ Slick replied simply, eying up the next room, which was thankfully illuminated by torches. Several large and ornate pillars decorated the room, but apart from that, there would be no floor, just billowing darkness ending in violent looking stalagmites threatening to impale anyone that fell. Looking upward, some stray ropes hung from the ceiling, ideally spaced to swing across and between them before getting to the other side. Slick did some calculations, working out the distance, and all other essential components.

ā€œSo, I guess you better swing across lad?ā€ The professor commented, leaving Slick to laugh, pulling out his knife. ā€Not quite Hamilton. See, those ropes will easily break under my weight given how frail they are, plusā€¦ā€ With a simple series of slices, Slick cut the nearest pillar at the base, giving it a simple shove in just the right way. Moments later, it fell with a tremendous crash, wedging between the walls and forming a slightly rocky, but very adequate bridge. With the thundering sound finished, Slick decided to continue. ā€ā€¦I much prefer walking.ā€ He finished simply, striding across the room to the next hazard.

The pattern would continue like that, Slick easily and simply dispatching each trap like it was nothing. Crushing ceilings, rolling boulder, flamethrowers, caged monsters, the temple certainly had its fair share of dangers released at the wizard. Still, it was all too easy for Slick to work around, and soon enough he found himself eying the final prize, the book sitting atop a pedestal in an ornate looking room. Holding up the Lacrima to the treasure, the Professor began excitedly speaking to him. ā€œYes boy! Yes! Thatā€™s it! Quickly, just grab that and bring it to me and you can get paid!ā€

ā€Hmmā€¦ā€ Slick looked to the treasure, then back to the Lacrima. ā€Well, I think I did my job enough, the traps are all taken care of, so Iā€™ll just let you come and get it.ā€

ā€œW-what?! Preposterous! Take that book now or youā€™re never getting paid!ā€ The professor fumed on the other end of the line, becoming quite frustrated. Slick just shrugged. ā€Hey, I signed a deal that I disable the traps, or bring you the book. I did my part that got me the extra pay, so my job is technically doneā€¦ā€

ā€œWhy you littleā€¦ Listen here; I believe that book to be dangerously trapped, so you have to deal with that before Iā€™m willing to hand you a single jewel!ā€ The man threatened, Slick looking to him with a bemused expression. Staring back to the man on the other end, he shrugged. ā€Alright, Iā€™ll grab it. Meet you back at the rendezvous point.ā€ Clicking the Lacrima off and putting it into his pocket, Slick turned to look at the book once more.

Moments later, an explosion ripped through the temple, shooting scorching fire and bringing the whole place down. Outside, Hamilton cheered happily, eying up the destruction. Perfect, just perfect! Heā€™d intended to take down several wizards with his trap magic, but at least his solace was that blasted Wizard heā€™d hired was dead to the bomb he planted! Laughing maniacally and tossing the remote detonator over his shoulder, heā€™d have to work harder in future to create more devious traps and send out another lot of job requests to lure in more fools. ā€œNot so Slick now, are you!ā€ He cackled gleefully.

ā€I beg to differ.ā€ Slick whispered, knife now to the throat of the ā€˜Professorā€™, dangerously close to slitting it. Fearfully eying behind him, the dark guild wizard spoke. ā€œY-you! Youā€™re supposed to be dead! How-?!ā€ Slick simply laughed, but saw no harm in giving the man some answers. ā€I was on to you right from the start. The way you talked, the way you described it. Everything has a pattern to it, and yours was lying. The way your eyes darted on questions, that slight bite of your lip, the pause to think, you were always suspicious to me, but more so than that, I only needed to look at the traps to see this isnā€™t some ancient temple. You disguised it pretty well, but even I can tell fresh darts from old ones, purposely cut ropes, and not to mention, really poor advice.ā€ Recollecting his knife, Slick grabbed the man, shoving him down into the snow and pinning him. ā€So, since Iā€™m clearly not getting paid in Jewel for my work, I might just take some answers insteadā€¦ā€

Beating that bastard down had been satisfying, but Slick had more pressing matters with the information he received. Thankfully, heā€™d been able to make a makeshift sled to tie the man on. With a bit of analysis, he sent it on just the right trajectory to arrive at the local authorities. They could call the magic council to arrest the man, as explained in the note he attached to the unconscious dark wizard. For now, Slick knew that the dark wizards were trying to lure out wizards to attack and ambush and that meantā€¦

ā€Magsā€¦ā€ Slick mumbled as he glided through the snow. Patterns. Patterns told him everything. That, and a healthy amount of probability and deduction. He knew what missions were available. Which were here near Eloria. Mary couldnā€™t resist helping children; she had to be on that mission. Zane and the others were likely also here, but they could probably handle themselā€¦- As a streak of light impacted the nearby mountain, scattering glitter as it went, Slick shook his head. Definitely handle themselves. But Magpieā€¦ She was gullible. Selfless. She'd sooner sacrifice herself than let kids come to harm. Honourable traits, but these werenā€™t honourable people sheā€™d be facing. Theyā€™d twist and turn that against her to take her down. He wouldnā€™t let that happen. He didnā€™t want her broken like he was.

As he continued to glide along the mountain, Slickā€™s mind raced, analysing all the information he had at his disposal. Sheā€™d have gone to town. Gathered information, confirmed the clients, just like usual. Then, sheā€™d start surveying the area nearby, likely to the north due to the position of the town hall and the outskirts. Estimating sheā€™d walked at her normal pace, which meant sheā€™d likely be at least another 20 minutes away, assuming she hadnā€™t already encountered trouble. Hopefully she could handle herself until then, again, assuming that sheā€™d even found a lead out that wayā€¦

Slick wanted to trust Magpie could handle herself, but just in case, heā€™d be there to help her out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Riku Character Portrait: Magpie
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# 7 3 D 9 2 6

Riku laughed loudly, grinning at Azrael and folding his arms behind his head. "Good choice, Az!" He laughed even louder at Gabriel's response to his twin forgetting something, though. He tilted his head when Azrael just walked off, though, leaving the both of them behind. "Where's he going?" he asked quietly, frowning.

Riku sat back down, pointing his thumb behind him. "I think I've got everything I need in my backpack," he assured Gabriel, then jumped off the table. It only took him a second to think before he smiled up at the dark haired twin again. "Let's go get him! It's weird for you two to be apart. Besides, I wanna see what he forgot! Then we can all go together!" Laughing, he tugged at Gabriel's sleeve and ran out the door after Azrael. He totally left that huge tree there, too, with all its mysterious multicolored fruits. How much trouble was he going to be in with Mavis when he got back? Who knew, not him, and he didn't really care; although he definitely would if/when it happened.

# E 6 8 0 1 A

"Yeah, I joined pretty young." He grinned cheekily. "Wow, really? Jutsu Shiki is so fun! You should show me what you've learned so far some time." What exactly he meant using such a suggestive tone of voice for such a plain sentence was unclear, but that was Warren for you.

"Oh, I use Angel Magic." He took a long drink, then looked back at the girl. "Just kidding. That sounds more like you." After setting his mug down on the counter again, he gave her a sly smile. "My magic's a secret, so if you wanna know, we have to get really close first." He winked. "Sound good?" It was partially true, but only because he was never completely sure what to call his magic, and his memory was so messed up that he never saw the point in trying to explain it to anyone who hadn't seen for themselves. The only people in the guild who ever saw him go dark mode were Zane and Mavis herself, though, and even if he and Emerald became the best of friends or closer- no, especially if that happened- he wasn't going to let the green haired girl get added to that list.

# 3 3 6 6 6 6

She found them in a hole, if you could call it that. It was too small and steep to really call a cave, but didn't go straight down. She counted twelve in all; one less than she was looking for. The entrance was too long and steep for the children to get out, even if they worked together. On top of that, there was ice everywhere, so they could do little more than slip around and scream for help, too far out for any of the townspeople to hear them.

The child whose cries she heard, a young boy with orange hair, was the closest to the opening. When she appeared, he scrambled backward, and she winced. She could only imagine what these kids had been through, but she doubted there was time to ponder such things. She hadn't seen anyone else on her way there, and there were no guards; it had all the makings of a trap, and she wanted to get out of there before it all came falling down. "It's okay," she said in her warmest voice, while pressing her hand to the ice. Steps formed, and she tried to put enough texture in the surface to provide some friction before she reached out her hand. "I won't hurt you. Your parents sent me, I'm here to take you home."

Another round of tears welled up in the boy's eyes, but he managed to climb the first few steps on his own, and took her hand. She helped him the rest of the way, and things were looking good. She managed to get three kids out, in fact, before she felt it- the dark presence creeping in. With a small gasp, Magpie spun around, arms thrown to her sides. "Stay behind me!" she instructed the kids, eyes flashing as they appeared; so, it had been dark wizards after all. She tried not to think about what this meant for Pommel, as she had other people to protect, more immediate dangers in front of her.

"Who's this? She's a measly little thing," came an eerie voice from the shadows.

"I think she looks tasty," cooed another.

"This isn't going to be hard at all," whined the first. "Why does Timal get to have all the fun?"

"If you're not going to play with her, I will."

Before she even saw the people the voices belonged to, two red orbs flew through the air, headed toward the kids behind her from both sides. "Ice Make: Shield!" She cast quickly, protecting the kids, but the orbs exploded on impact, nearly knocking Magpie to the ground.

"Tsk, tsk," chided the second voice. "You're so greedy."

Mary's eyes widened as the two dark wizards materialized in front of them. "Get back," she commanded quietly, waving the kids right back into the hole she'd just saved them from. Understandably, they started to protest, and it was a good thing she couldn't see their teary faces from that angle. "Don't worry," she tried to console them, stepping backward and ushering them inside. "I'll get you out as soon as I'm done with them. I promise."

The kids started to file back into their prison, but black chains wrapped around her wrists, burning her skin. She'd been so set on protecting the kids that she hadn't seen the attack coming.

"You know, you should really pay attention," the second voice scolded Magpie this time.

"Before you get yourself killed," the first chimed in with a giggle. "Not that it matters much. You'd die anyway." This wizard was female, shorter than Mary but not as thin. She held her hands up, a something red bubbled at her wrists. As they rolled up from there, they grew, until they were larger than her fists and floating slightly above the tips of her index fingers.

Remembering what those orbs had done before, Magpie readied herself, quickly testing how much she could pull at the chains that had caught her; not enough. The dark wizard launched her attack with another giggle. "Ice Make: Wedge!" She timed it just right, so the orbs hit her ice instead of her body, and the explosion was angled so it broke the chains as well.

"Tsk, tsk," repeated the second wizard. He had white hair that covered one of his eyes, but the one she could see was red. All over his body, black chains slithered like living tattoos. He tilted his head at her, and licked his lips. "Hold still."

While she wasn't physically strong, she was faster than his words. Before he'd even gotten the last two out, she'd formed a thick barrier over the opening of the hole, to shield the children from any further attacks without her having to stay in one spot. Before he could catch her with more chains, she ran straight for him. The other threw more explosive bubbles, but she jumped forward and launched herself over the guy's head, encasing him in ice in the process. She'd thought she'd dodged the explosions, but they followed her- the only reason they didn't hit her was because she ended up accidentally blocking with the guy. The ice ended up shattered, but it left her target looking pretty torn up, and she'd only meant for the trap to be a temporary fix anyway.

Still, now the dark wizard looked pissed. "I said," he shouted, chains flying wildly from his arms while his partner merely giggled in the background, "HOLD! STILL!" For a fleeting moment, Mary wondered if this guy was used to people just chilling out while he attacked them. Meanwhile, she dodged his attack, and threw a burst of ice shards into the other dark wizard, taking her out at the knees; a cheap shot, but Mary had kids to save.

Despite what one might think if they knew how long she spent training day and night for the sole purpose of taking down a single dark guild, Mary didn't have much patience when fighting. She wanted to wrap this up as quickly as she could, and get those kids back to their families. It was absolutely freezing up there, and that was great for her, even gave her an edge in the fight- but for those children, it was bad news. She didn't have any magic that could keep them warm on the trip back, which meant she needed to get them out of the cold, and fast.

"Ice Make: Bind! Ice Make: Prison! Ice Make: Spiral Spines!" One of his chains finally caught her by the ankle while she was casting, and the binding pulled on the chain, which in turn dragged her roughly across the ground. Despite how much it hurt, that didn't keep her from Making, and when the cage dropped down over the two dark wizards, it broke the chain. Right after that, their prison was filled with a thick, vine-like form of ice, which spiraled around them and was covered in large spikes which hindered their mobility and would definitely hurt if they managed to move around too much.

Just when she thought she was done with them, she got distracted. There was a huge light streaking through the sky- and something about it gave her this weird feeling, like it was tied to her... no, tied to the guild. Wait, was that... one of the Fairy spells?! Seriously? Pommel. Panic shot through her heart, and she didn't even notice that one of the dark wizards had managed to weave an attack through all the restrictions; Mary was hit by one explosion in the chest, and another behind her knee. It was the first time in the whole fight that she cried out without casting. Before she could even hit the ground, chains bound her wrists and jerked her upward. She hit harshly against the side of the mountain as another explosion hit her in the gut, bigger than the first two, like the dark wizard had fused her attacks together. Magpie's scream echoed across the mountaintops.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the boy from before through her glass barrier. Tears were streaming down his face, and he said something, but she couldn't hear. Gritting her teeth, she froze the chains, ice traveling along them until the dark wizard at the end was encased in ice. When his accomplice threw more orbs, she used Reverse and sent the explosion back, which broke a few rungs of the prison and set it off balance. It collapsed, ice shattering, and Mary broke the chains. Her wrists were starting to blister, but she wasn't about to let that stop her.

She couldn't stop herself from being surprised, though, when one of the dark wizards came crawling out of the Spiral, multiple ice spikes stuck in him. The chains on his skin wrapped around one that had gone clear through his arm, and broke off both ends of it. He chuckled darkly, running his hand back through his hair and flicking his tongue across the wheel of ice that was still in his arm. "Hmm.. tasty."

Mary steeled herself. "Ice Make: Sword." She started to charge the guy, but was interrupted.

"Don't forget about me," whined the other dark wizard, sending more explosions- but not toward Magpie, toward the kids.

No! She threw herself in front of the cavern, taking the hit. The force of the explosions caught her before she hit the ground, and sent her flying backward. She crashed into the barrier she'd made earlier, breaking the ice on impact, and she fell to the ground like a rag doll. Pushing herself up, she stayed there in front of the opening to protect the children, hands braced on the icy ground. "Ice Make: Cobra," she growled, sending one makeshift monster after each dark wizard, "Ice Make: Lion!" She spared a glance behind her, which led to her taking another explosion to the shoulder. "You all alright in there?" she asked sweetly. Three of the kids stared up at her and nodded, while the others huddled together behind them. "Don't worry, okay?" Another hit her in the knee; the dark guild members were getting irritated again. "It might look bad, but I'm going to get you home." The kids scooted back, and she fell against the opening as another explosion hit her. Her clothes were torn to shreds, her skin was already starting to bruise, and the only thing keeping her from screaming again were the stares of those kids. She managed a smile before turning back to the fight.

"Ice Make: Wall. Ice Make: Armor." She clenched her fists, forcing herself to stand. With her ice monsters defeated, both dark wizards turned there attention directly on her. "Ice Make: Grip! Reverse! Ice Make: Cannon!" Before the chains could get her bleeding wrists again, a massive hand of ice formed like an extension of her arm and grabbed onto the chains, and pulled, forcing the dark wizard attached to slide toward her across the ground looking bewildered. Mary really hated using one handed maker magic, but it was necessary to use her other hand to fend off the explosions. When the male was close enough, Grip shattered, breaking the chains with it, and was replaced by a cannon that shot a massive ball of ice right into his midsection, launching him through the air.

Magpie then charged the female, ignoring the blast she sent her way in favor of using both hands to Make a pillar, which shot up from the ground beneath the dark wizard's feet. The explosion sent her skidding backward again, but she managed to stay mostly upright, and blinked in surprise as a familiar face came into view. "Slick?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Magpie
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#, as written by Tanman

It was bitterly cold out, and Slick really hoped that wasn't a bad omen. He'd been travelling through the snow for quite a while, and was beginning to question himself and whether he'd made the correct decision. Was his logic off? Did she really come out this way? Or had he been wrong in his assessment and even now she was in danger elsewhere? Of course, she could have been fine. In fact, this was an area of her element. Maybe she'd already saved the children and he'd spend a fruitless few hours searching, only to learn she was back at the guild sipping hot coco and recalling tales with Atra...

It was then that he heard it - A piercing shriek of pain - One that solidified that he'd made the right choice. It was still somewhat far away... Or at least, he thought it was. If only his magic extended to his ears as well as his eyes. Though that said, he wouldn't want to know the true amount of distress in that voice he just heard. He'd never heard Mags hurt like that before; and if he had anything to do with it, he wouldn't hear it again. Gunning his magic, his sliding began to kick up snow behind him, the combination of levitation and air magic making it look like he was skiing across the mountain, a flurry of white flying up behind him in waves.

He didn't hear another scream again; and in some respects, that was even more terrifying than hearing Mags in distress. Still, he could hear the explosions; and Magpie wasn't the kind of women to stop unless she was unconscious or... He shook his head. There was still a battle going on. She had to still be there. Breaking the crest of the mountain, he surveyed the area below him, making out the situation and piecing together information within the split second as he caught his breath.

Mary was clearly injured, having taken a beating. There were two dark wizards he could see, one using a form of chain magic, and the other some sort of explosive orbs. The battle had erupted here, and even if Magpie would normally have enough of an advantage to wipe out even two foes, it seemed she was struggling. Behind Mary, he could make out the cave that had clearly been the focus of some attacks (as well as her protection), judging by the explosive marks and ice shards scattered about. The children were definitely inside, Slick barely able to make out a few of them even with their huddled state taking cover.

"Slick?" Mary had noticed him, and even though he couldn't hear her, the movement of her lips said enough. Winking, he jumped, sliding down the mountain like a snowboarder, before moving towards the edge, leaping off the side in a perfect flying jump. No sense in squandering an opportunity. The enemy was focused on Mary, so this was his perfect chance to strike. With a pinpoint graceful landing, he shot towards the female of the two wizards, Critical Point already in hand as he closed in.

"I'd never normally hit a lady, but..." In a blink, he'd dashed past her, thousands of slices rending through where she stood as he came to stop in front of her and Magpie, standing between them as he turned to face the enemy. "You're clearly no lady." In an instant, it would feel as though she'd been sliced by a hundred slices, the force of the strike winding her and bringing the woman to her knees as she let out a pained gasp. Striding backwards, Slick used the opportunity to regroup with Magpie, offering her his spare hand to get her to her feet, still facing their enemy as he spoke.

"I'd ask if you could still stand, but I know you better than that. So tell me, who's ivory locks and red bubbles?" It was a partly rhetorical question, given he knew that they were adversaries; however, Mags looked like she needed some levity given the graveness of the situation.

"A couple of big bullies." She replied, Slick sneaking a glance to her pouting face as she spoke, smirking as he turned back to the vile man with the tattoos.

"That so eh? Well, it's only appropriate as a gentleman that I handle these two for you. Take the kids to safety and I'll meet you back in town." Slick replied, twirling his knife to a reverse grip. In a moment, the black tattooed chains that had been flying towards them were cut to ribbons, not even having the chance to get anywhere near them. He could tell the man was saying something, but he was far too focused on the conversation with Mary to pay him much attention.

"Was that a joke? I'm not leaving you behind." From behind Slick, he could hear the explosions as they bounced off one of Mary's ice makes. Clearly she had more than enough fight left in her to take on the enemy.

Her words caused Slick to laugh a bit. She reacted just as he thought she would. "Well hey; it was worth a try at least. Can't blame a man for trying to steal all the glory. You know though, I expect at least half the Jewel for saving your..." Slick hesitated a moment as he noticed Mary's compromised outfit, scarcely covering her even on one of her 'warm' days. That brief distraction gave his opponent an in, chains wrapping around his wrists and dragging him down into the snow, quickly being reeled in towards the villain.

Luckily for Slick, Mary was not so distracted. Leaping after him, he watched, impressed as she shot ice razors along the chains, breaking them and cutting into the dark guild wizard controlling them. "Don't tell me you got that distracted thinking about reward money..."

"Heh, on the money toots. Though after that showing I'll re-evaluate my contribution and take a third." Tossing his knife up behind Mary, it struck the orbs that had been closing in from behind, the explosions rocking them, but doing little more than that. "Though we can solidify the details later. I've got Boom Bubbles over here. You take care of the really creepy dude." Sitting up from the snow, he darted his arm upward, catching his knife as it returned from the ricochet out of the explosion.

"Creepy is right." She muttered, wrinkling her nose, but nodded all the same. Slick just smiled a reckless grin on his face. "Last to take theirs down has to buy the other dinner." He added, taking off before her response as he began gliding towards his adversary.

"Alright Bubbles, I've got a date coming up soon, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut this short." Slick began weaving forth towards her, but his opponent wasn't going to let him approach so easily.

"A date with death maybe!" She broke out into more giggles, the pulsating red energy flowing from her hands to her fingertips before she began flinging them all his way. Still, the wild stream of attacks weren't going to come anywhere near him. For him, it was like it was all in slow motion, but for her, it would be like a blur. The lightest adjustment of the hand, a lean to the side, it was like the explosive shots were phasing right through him, leaving their loud booms in his wake. Taking a step back, it seemed for the first time in the fight, his opponent was getting worried.

"No good... Fine then! How do you like-" In a moment, her eyes betrayed her plan, the expression and words all the clues Slick needed to anticipate her next move. In a flash, he flicked his wrist, his knife intercepting her arm as she attempted to gain the upper hand with their hostages. She yelped out in pain, withdrawing her hand and holding it as Slick closed the distance, getting up close to her face.

"Like I said, I don't normally hit ladies..." His expression was grim, dark, setting fear into the eyes of the female wizard. She quickly drew her hands up, trying to generate another explosive orb to blast him away. All too late. With a simple flourish, Slick spun on the spot, launching into a full uppercut into the woman's chin and sending her flying onto her back. Dusting down his knuckles, he paused briefly to pick up his knife from the ground, leaning in closer to her face to speak. "...But cowards like you don't deserve any respect."

Glaring at him, she once again went to make her move, drawing up energy for her biggest explosion yet. Then it happened suddenly, and what she saw stunned her completely as Slick stood on her arm, holding it at bay. "H-hey! Are you crazy?!" The energy reaction was bubbling to the surface, but he'd prevented the leeway of allowing her to discharge it. With her arm buried into the snow, it'd be going off any second! With a simple smirk, Slick adjusted his glasses with his free hand looking down to her.

"I don't know about you, but I'm confident I can outrun this blast." He replied simply, the female wizard now struggling to try and free herself to no avail. Glaring back up at Slick, the Fairy Tail wizard simply opened and closed his palm a couple of times in a wave. "Adios Bubbles."

A crimson explosion rocked where the two had been standing, far larger than some of the previous attacks of the wizard. Riding wave of snow and debris, Slick came to a stop near the cave of children, glancing back towards where the dark wizard had been. Battered and beaten, she laid unconscious in the crater of her own making, defeated and likely would be out of it for some time. Sighing a bit, he adjusted his cuffs, smiling to the kids, before looking to see how Mags was doing.

"Don't worry guys, Mama Bird will be back soon."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Warren Character Portrait: Azrael and Gabriel Valkyrie Character Portrait: Anastasia Character Portrait: Emerald Jay Character Portrait: Slick Character Portrait: Jared Flectre
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# 7 3 D 9 2 6

Riku tried to stifle his laughter at first, but the snorting sound that came out in the process just made him laugh more. He could just imagine Azrael falling in a tangled heap at the top of the stairs. It reminded him of some clowns that had traveled with his group for a while. If it were them, though, they'd probably all roll down the stairs at once, too, with some extra amusing sound effects when they hit the bottom. The boy made a quiet 'honk' noise that made very little sense outside of the context of his own thoughts, but that was the end of it.

The boy went where he was steered, grinning widely as their group was completed. He started bouncing from foot to foot while the twins locked their house up, suppressing the urge to start running for it. The longer their job was delayed, the more excited he got, but it wouldn't be as much fun if he took off without the twins and he knew it. "You bet I am!" he cheered in response, arms pumping into the air. It only took a few seconds for him to run out of self restraint, and he started full on sprinting back toward the train station, filling the air with gleeful giggles. Every few feet or so he would pause to make sure he was still close to the older boys, and about half way to their destination he'd finally vented enough energy that he stopped running ahead. He was still bouncing up and down as they went instead of walking normally, though.

# 3 3 6 6 6 6

Mary definitely hadn't expected to be joined by any other guild members, certainly not Slick as she hadn't known he was even anywhere in the area. Once she'd gotten over the shock, though, she was happy to see him- long enough for her to appreciate his banter again, at least. It lifted her spirits, pushed her back into the personality she adopted whenever her guildmates were around. Still, it didn't take long for her to start worrying about putting the man in danger. Now she wanted to protect both him and the children; which was ridiculous, as he was obviously perfectly capable of defending himself, unlike the kids she was there to rescue, but he was still family like any other Fairy Tail member and this was Magpie. She felt the need to protect everyone.

"Ugh, who's your friend?" Dark Guild Wizard Numero Dos complained. "He's not nearly as appetizing." Mary didn't bother answering, as she was far more concerned with Slick's suggestion. There was absolutely no way she would leave him to fight them alone, even if there weren't other lives at stake; on top of that, though, she knew their adversaries would attack the kids as soon as they were out in the open, and she wasn't about to take that risk. The suggestion was entirely absurd no matter how she looked at it.

She wasn't sure if she liked that reckless grin on his face, either, but at the same time, his confidence sort of rubbed off on her. The woman looked at her opponent with disgust and charged him head on, knowing full well what his reaction would be by now. "That's more like it!" the dark wizard crowed, his chains flying toward her again.

He caught her by her wrists, but despite the searing pain, she didn't fight it- instead, she used it to her advantage. She was pulled toward him quickly, lifted into the air, and she used that momentum to swing forward. "Ice Make: Mace!" Before he even knew what hit him, Magpie had built up her own chains, which whipped through the air from her ankles flinging two orbs of ice, each covered in spikes. When he had meant to pull her creepily up against him, he was instead kicked in the face with both her feet, and the maces swung around his neck and head, scratching him the whole way until they made their final hit. With two large, spiked orbs of ice lodged into each side of his face, the dark guild wizard twitched a bit before falling to the ground in a heap. His chains shattered, and Mary landed on top of him, dropping two ice hammers to his chest on the way down.

"Not the face..." he whimpered, mouth squished with the way the maces had pushed in his cheeks. "That was.. harsh..."

She might have let that be the end of it, if not for the fact that she now had a bunch of children and a guild mate nearby, so she really wanted to be sure this was wrapped up for good and was starting to get grumpy. "Just giving you a taste of your own medicine," she told him under her breath. At the same time, she was forming chains of ice that slithered around the wizard's entire body, encasing the source of his own chains. When everything was covered from his feet to his neck, the chains squeezed slightly and plunged into the ground to keep him secure; she heard his chains straining under hers, and shattering each time they tried to escape. Soon enough, he just stopped trying, and she was pretty sure he'd completely passed out.

Satisfied that the fight was over, Magpie stood, just in time to be nearly knocked over again by a wave of snow. She blinked, and looked around until she spotted Slick over by the children. Once she located the source of the blast- his opponent sunken into a crater she surely made herself- Mary smiled. She almost laughed, even.

The woman jogged toward the group, ready to get out of there, but soon slowed to a stop before she'd actually reached the cavern entrance. Something wasn't right. Both of the wizards were defeated, completely down for the count... but there was still an ominous presence nearby. She felt more magic, but as she looked around, she just couldn't locate the source of it. Her eyebrows tugged together with concern, and she started walking sort of sideways.

"Sli- ah!" She made it to about a foot away from the others, and started to ask Slick if he felt the presence too, but she was stopped short. The snow and ice covered mountain changed completely; before she even recognized what was happening, the land had disappeared from beneath her feet, and Mary had fallen into a vat of molten lava. Her arms slammed into the rocky outcrop that the kids were now huddled together in the middle of, barely keeping herself from being engulfed in the bubbling magma. As it was, the remains of her shoes were incinerated, and her feet burned before she managed to get into the solid surface. "What?" she exclaimed breathlessly, looking around for the source of this strange magic.

"I had really hoped I wouldn't need to step in this time..." came a calm but disappointed voice from atop another piece of solid rock. Mary's eyes snapped to the wizard as soon as he spoke, and she realized immediately what had been going on: illusion magic. The figure was fuzzy, like he was still using the magic, but now that she recognized it she could fight against it; he wasn't as skilled with it as the twins were, even. On the other hand, their change in scenery was definitely not an illusion. Mary grit her teeth, ice forming around her feet that only did a little to ease her pain but filled the area with thick billows of steam.

This wasn't good. They really needed to get these kids to safety, and fast, or she was going to run out of energy soon. She looked back at Slick and got tentatively to her feet, deciding it was time to pull out the big guns. This new guy was giving her a real bad feeling, but she wasn't about to give up- never. Still standing, her form changed in a puff; a seemingly different woman stood in her place, tall with long dark hair and a pointed chin; her tattered clothes replaced by deep violet wrappings that covered her eyes, and a white cloth that rippled in an unfelt wind. She needed to get close to this dark wizard, close enough to Copy him so she could turn this place into something less dangerous to the children, and they didn't have the time anymore to get to know his style or prolong the fight. In the form of Madame Mauve, she could see what would happen before it did, and hear any 'loud' thoughts from around her, as well as direct her own thoughts where she pleased; although she wasn't all that experienced using that part of Mauve's powers, so her communications often came off as more of a general feeling than precise words, which was how it worked when she attempted to project her plan into Slick's head so he wouldn't worry and the dark guild wizard wouldn't hear.

The area was still filled with steam, but she couldn't see anyway, so it didn't hinder her. She divined where the places of solid rock would be, and pounced between them, until she was directly behind their assailant. Got him, she thought at Slick triumphantly, before her hands clapped down on the dark wizard's shoulders. I can only stay in his form for five minutes so we have to make this quick. With that last bit of telepathy, she Copied him, this form overriding Madam Mauve's, and his knowledge flowed into her in an instant. You'd think she'd have been prepared, having done this plenty of times before, but what she found out hit her like ten tons of bricks. She gasped, voice foreign to her when she uttered a single disbelieving "No."

Mary was completely blindsided, leaving herself vulnerable, so the real dark guild wizard (who she now knew was called Doku) was quick to strike- and hard. He sent her- the other him- flying. Just before she would have fallen into the lava again, she regained a sliver of her composure and used his power against him, terragenesis morphing the landscape into a gorgeous meadow that in no way fit the mood. She instead landed in harmless grass, squishing flowers and throwing up dirt as she skid across the ground. "What the hell is wrong with you people?!" she growled in the dark wizard's voice, which was odd for him to hear as his tone was almost always more.. lazy, than anything else, like a cat on its way to another nap. Still, Magpie had recovered from the shock, and now was far into the realm of pissed off. The dark guild had been planning to sacrifice all of these children in a sadistic ritual, to forge a demon key- basically the evil version of a celestial spirit key. All of them were supposed to die for one stupid key- children.

Speaking of which, Doku had been hiding behind his illusion magic the whole time, holding the kid that had been missing from the group hostage. Oh yeah, and to top it off, an overwhelming number of jobs they'd been getting were staged to draw out targets from Fairy Tail; they were after her guild members, to kill them, particularly Zane, and not a damn thing about any of this was okay.

As Mary pushed herself up, still in the lithe but very physically strong form of the dark guild Lieutenant, it was obvious she wasn't the same as she had been a few minutes ago in any way. The real Doku looked bored and mildly irritated, but the Mary version... Her normal cool, compassionate gaze had turned completely murderous.

# E 6 8 0 1 A

The redder Emerald's face got, the more he grinned. "No need to sound so unsure of yourself. That is really useful! And I'm sure you're great at it!" He finished his drink and pat the bar to signal for a refill, and gave Alicia a grateful nod when he got it. "You're gonna have to show me some time."

Then he noticed some others approaching the bar, and straightened his back at the delicious scent of pie. Freshly baked cinnamon pie, to be exact, and despite the fact that he'd probably already snuck a few cookies that morning and had eaten on the trip back to Magnolia, he now really wanted that pie. Maybe it had to do with his mysterious origins and/or his weird magic, but the guy could eat three horses in one sitting and still have room for dessert.

"Ooh, can we get some of that pie over here, please?" Warren smiled warmly as items floated through the air, cutting plating and delivering two warm slices of cinnamon pie without a hitch. "On me," he promised Emerald with a smirk, pushing one of the plates more toward her. "It's delicious." He leaned back slightly to look around her at the others, where the first slice had gone to. "Oh- morning Anna!" He waved, then returned his attention to Emerald. "So- if I may ask- what are those goggles for?"