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Alric Fentar

0 · 380 views · located in Euthrin

a character in “Feud in Euthrin”, as played by Zarhara


Alric Fentar

Name: Alric
Race: Human
Age: 30
Gender: Male

Alric has brown hair, has golden eyes, is 6'1" and weighs 210lbs.

I will do what is required to save human kind.

Skills: Archery, Swordsmanship, Tracking, Scouting.
Weapons: Bow, Quiver of 40 Arrows, Dual Swords, Dagger & smoke pellets.


Kind but often keep his opinions to himself. Alric holds great loyalty to the human race and will do what is needed to

(I'd like to add this at a later point in the story to give some room for IC development of his past.)

So begins...

Alric Fentar's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mook Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Hekate Character Portrait: Fallon Character Portrait: Gilraen Tasartir Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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The beginning


The leaves were falling in Euthrin as Fall came. The air was timid and tension came as a battle was surely to come. Gilraen watched as many of her kind scrambled in the forest to find a safe place. Yet she stayed wanting to join her Queen into the fued.

Gilraen saw many different paranormal creatures appear in the area. She now knew that it was really happening. Sitting on the side she still waited for news to come from the queen. twirling an arrow in her hand..

Gilraen: She finally stood up from sitting when the voice of the Queen echoed Calling forth her troops. Gilraen clinched
Her arrow placing it behind her with the rest of them. Walking to the group of other elves and creatures
They all listened to Ellra give her speech about strength and teamwork, including the fight to which they were

Gilraen: Listened carefully while standing in the crowd. They were told to be prepared and ready for any attacks that may come unexpectedly. Gilraen looked around once the speech was done and met up with a group of other creatures who seemed to be nice.

Gilraen: Surprisingly as she walked up to greet the group they turned away at her prescence. The sight made her take a step back full of hurt. What made her different from those part of the same battle Gilraen was in with them. Slowly she backed away as they talked amongst eachother secretively and made her way into the forest to find some peace.

Gilraen: Made her self distant from the crowded place. She knew her part among them to fight for her kind but it was difficult when she would be neglected. Sitting against a old tree she sighed holding on to her trusty bow. Gilraen always carried it with her wherever she went.

Gilraen: Looked at her hands then at the grass below her. From the distance she could hear yelling of those sharing a speech of motivations. Gilraen knew she was outcasted. Was it because of the way she looked? Her family? what exactly is it. It seemed as if something was being kept away from her to know. Gilraen grunted in annoyance. All she wanted to do was get over with this fued that made no sense.

Midna and Hekate

Midna looked at the sky. She could feel the tension in the air. She smirked. She loved to have a good fight. The demons and vampires had been allied already. Midna was waiting for them.

Hekate walked towards the meeting place. She was ready.If someone would attack, she would rip them into pieces.

Midna saw Hekates group walking closer. She greeted them with a nod. She led them to the other creatures. The number of paranormals was outrageous. More surprisingly none of them were fighting. They had a common task this time.

Hekate walked with Midna and when she noticed Vladimir, she went over to him. "My lord" she said bowing down. The Vampire leader gave her some basic introductions: kill everyone who rises sword against us. Hekate nodded and smiled. Blood was what she needed. She didn't rely on weapons. All she needed was her strength and speed.

Midna glanced around the field. Looked like almost everyone was here. She took her katanas and smiled. This would be a good day.

Mook, Alric and Fallon

Mook: From the safety of a shadowy tree, Mook watched the elves flee to their perches. The darkness wrapped around
his finger in anticipation.

Alric paced around the camp as the humans around the camp were clearly preparring for the future war that was to come. Today he wore his full leather armor and an enchanted cloak over his armor. Two blades were sheathed on either hip and a recurve bow was slung next to a quiver over the cloak. He wondered what this day would bring. He didn't want to fight but he would perform his duty for humankind.

Fallon: The fall air seemed colder than usual; it sent chills up Fallon’s arms. There was something coming, and soon. She
stepped out from behind a dying tree, spotting her ally pacing just a few yards from her, and let the vines curling up her arm disappear.

With a well-practised gesture from his fingertip, light fled from Mook. To all but the most attentive onlooker, he was invisible. He moved closer to the Elven sentries, making a mental note of their positions.

Alric moved back a few paces toward Fallon. "I'm thinking about going to scout would you like to join me?" He asked the young woman. The air was cold and he felt this was the eve of war but what choice did they have in this. Clearly everything was being manipulated by the political elite.

Fallon covered her arms with her hands as a breeze whirled around them. She looked up at the man—so much taller than her small little frame. She nearly had to tilt her head up to meet his gaze. “S-sure..” Fallon whispered. Battling wasâ€Ļnot her forte. She could fend for herself but harming anyone, including an enemy was difficult. It wasn't in her nature to fight. But what wasn't in her nature didn't matter. She took a timid step towards Alric, hesitating what they were about to do next.

A sentry squinted in Mook's direction. The sentry frowned. Mook took this as a sign to retreat. What would have fooled any human was not enough to confuse fae; besides, he had a fair grasp of the defenses at the Elven borders. He unsummoned his cloak of darkness with a word, and headed back in the direction of the human camp.

Alric looked down to the woman with a smile this was it, it seemed the calm before the storm. "I'll lead the way but be ready incase things go south out there. I'm thinking that we are going to be coming pretty close to the enemy out there. But if we can gain anything on their positions or their strength it could save many human lives". He said with a smile before pulling the cowl of his cloak up over his head.

Fallon: The man’s smile comforted her slightly, and made the task seemed almost welcoming, if that was possible. She walked carefully beside him, her feet barely making a sound. “If you’d like, I’ll wait behind and back you up. The roots trail pretty long, so I can distract them if you’re ambushed.” Alric seemed prepared and ready, and Fallon tried to appear the same, but there was a shaking in her voice and chill up her spine. Her eyes drifted from the ground, to him, to the ground again.

Half-way back to base camp, Mook heard the rustlings of a pursuer. He sped up. As whatever it was increased speed to match, its each movement became louder. Finally, unable to contain his anxiety, Mook turned on a heel. A very large viper raised itself to half his height. What kind of magics made this snake so large?

"It's your choice." Alric said with a smile to the woman before trodding forward. He moved a somewhat of a brisk pace towards into the forest. Suddenly he heard a ruckus ahead and looked forward to see a few forms ahead . "Something is up ahead!" He said to Fallon.

The first thing Mook did was fall over. By luck, the snake had lunged toward his face, so now it recoiled back. Instinct
drew the shadows of the forest toward him. He stood up and the viper shot at his arm. Its jaw clenched shut over what might
have been smoke; Mook used the clone to buy him some time as he virtually cartwheeled backward.

Fallon turned her head towards Alric, and suddenly became tense. She heard noises coming through the forest, something moving. She crouched and hid behind the bushes, crawling further to try to see what had been going on. “Stay here, I’ll go on ahead,” Alric whispered, taking on her plan of action. He crept forward, the closer he came to the sounds the better he could see what was going on. Bringing a hand to one of his weapons, Alric watched as a viper wriggled in front of..Mook. Alric let out a breath of relief, seeing an ally there, and almost laughed at the site. He waved his hand, sending a sign to Fallon that it was okay; well, almost okay. Once the girl reached Alric’s side she gasped and let her power take over, the roots few feet from her rising and grapping the slithering creature away from Mook.

It took Mook a couple seconds to get his bearing. He was so suddenly whisked from danger that he had not a single coherent emotion. A few stray strands of shadows whirled in the air before fading into the light. "Thank you, " he murmured as he composed himself. "It was serendipitous running into you both; if not, I fear I should have been snake food."


Helena did not, normally, deal in fighting. Plenty of her family did. They were werewolves after all, bloodshed was kind of a family occupation. However the most recent child of the lineage was not really the same kind of thing as her more tall, athletic, statuesque kin. Whilst most of them tended to revel in shows of strength she was not exactly the most athletic looking creature, rather short in stature, pale and odd looking, with bright red eyes that hinted toward something not altogether true to her apparent species.
As such, she wasn't really up toward the front with the others to much as firmly instructed to stay somewhat out of the way at the time, sat on a vantage point, watching the assemblage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Mook Character Portrait: Fallon Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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Humans paced around the camp, preparing for what was likely going to be a bloodshed tomorrow. There was a mixture of tension and dread in the air among them as they worked efficiently as possible, moving things here and there, tracking how many soldiers they had, and of what kind. They supposedly were going to rely on quite a few magic tricks to help them win, and they didn't need scouts to know that they were going to need all the luck in the world if they wanted to see their families again. Of course, these were all at the will of the nobles and the general public. What was once suppose to be a simple extermination had been quickly growing into a full out world.

However, Jikorin knew that there was no chance in the world they were truly going to survive. So, one had to question exactly what was she even doing there, other than to receive the affection of the humans? After all, soon it would all be a land of carnage, something Jikorin would normally want to avoid. The question answers itself, however. It was the souls of the dead that Jikorin desired. It didn't matter which side won in the end, the victims of war will have been scattered all over the place, their souls only beginning to leave their bodies and haunt the wargrounds. What was a battlefield between humans and vermin was merely a strawberry field to Jikorin.

Though, Jikorin could have fought. Ever since the beginning of the feud, there has been a certain fox gaining a lot of attention, by the name of Kiseki. Apparently, this fox had been uniting the uncivilized populations of Youkai scattered across the land, and through her charisma, had been convincing them to come together and join the fight, as an army against their human oppressors. Rumour had it that this fox was actually some sort of genius, though Jikorin had not witnessed such wit yet. Most of the creatures had simply brushed Kiseki and her Youkai force off, claiming that victory was already assured, and that they would only be a hinderance, but Kiseki had been throwing around claims that she had some 'genius' plans and that without her help, all paranormal creatures were doomed under the human's wrath. Of course, Jikorin had been sought out by many Youkai personally, as somehow this fox had found some way to sniff out the exact location of every single Youkai in the kingdom.

Jikorin wasn't too convinced however. She didn't have so much faith in the rumours surrounding the fox, Kiseki, and to her, it sounded as if she was just making a bunch of baseless claims. Jikorin knew there were only a few clever clanks among Youkai, and they were a select few such as Jikorin herself, so imagined it was probably quite easy to convince them to follow your every word and action. Jikorin even considered the thought that she could do it herself. Jikorin bet that if she met this fox in person (or rather in cat, fox, whatever), she'd find nobody any better than herself.

Jikorin turned her attention to a group of three humans. One of them had returned from scouting, although not entirely without hitch. She was a little curious as to what he had seen, wondering exactly what their opponents forces were going to be like. She had felt the presences of many, but her eyesight had difficulty seeing through the trees. Jikorin ran past them and into a tree (a cat habit) and simply watched them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Mook Character Portrait: Fallon Character Portrait: Alric Fentar Character Portrait: Hayden
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#, as written by Zarhara
Alric walked into camp with Mook and Fallon, after the fight with the snake. "Well that was intersting, Alric chuckled to the others as he glanced around the camp. He had a strange feeling that he was being watched but brushed it aside. It was probablly just some adrenelline from the fight.

Hayden looked up from across the camp to see others return and noticed Fallon, his twin sister. Getting up he walked across the camp. He wore his new armor and his katana was sheathed at his hip. He walked over to stand next to his sister giving her a nod but not saying anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Mook Character Portrait: Fallon Character Portrait: Alric Fentar Character Portrait: Hayden
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Returning home, Mook immediately engaged in his important enterprise. Finding the Master's tent, he entered the structure. He saluted; once at ease, he moved pieces around on the map-table. "You may leave," gave the reply.

His mission thus concluded, Mook sought out his recent saviours. Being as he was familiar with shadow magic -- the most lonesome of pursuits -- it was against his nature to look for camaraderie. The urge even surprised him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mook Character Portrait: Alric Fentar Character Portrait: Hayden
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Fallon shook out her hands after helping Mook free from the monster, following right at Alric's heels. Just as she reached the edge of camp with the rest of her allies, her senses instantly picked up her brother's presence. The energies around her were intensified by those she knew well, especially by her twin, whom she shared a more immediate connection with. She felt his distance through the ground and the roots. It was effortless to know where he was for most of the time.

Now, he had closed their distance and positioned himself beside her. Fallon saw his nod and leaned in a bit to whisper. "I think this place needs to lighten up a bit." Releasing a little chuckle, Fallon scanned the camp. At this time of day it was fairly quiet, but the calmness was always interrupted by the ominous feel in the air, hinting at a dreary future. Just then, Fallon caught a small vibration through the ground. As if a reflex, Fallon grabbed her brother's arm. Her voice was still at a whisper when she said, "Do you feel that?" Of course he wouldn't, at least not in the way she could. But his earthy abilities may have caught some scent or feeling or essence of the thing she picked up herself. Fallon craned her neck to look over her shoulder, towards the woods where she could feel the hint of a being nearby.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mook Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Fallon Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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"There..." Kotomi mumbled to herself as she fastened the strap on her horse's saddle. She patted Abacus, the horse, and then gave the strap one last strong tug to make sure it'd stay put. After doing so, she hopped onto her horse and started her way towards the camp. She gripped the reigns tightly in her hands as she recalled what is to come as she'd arrived to the camp. The thought of a war made her shudder and want to turn back countless times, but not wanting to make such a big deal out of it when there wasn't a need to at the moment, she exhaled deeply and patted her horse once again. For some reason, when she was anxious, afraid, or just in the wrong place at the wrong time, she'd always pat Abacus and say she was 'comforting' her pet if anyone were to ask, although she knew she herself was the one who truly needed the comfort, not the horse. Yet comforting her pet brought her thoughts and nerves to ease.

About an hour had passed, and Kotomi had finally arrived to the camp. She could of gotten there much faster, but she would always take her precious time to get to the camp, resulting in a chance of getting a good scolding since she was still treated like a child, despite the fact she is one. Nevertheless, she still took as much time as she needed, there just wasn't a need to rush in her mind. As she dismounted her horse, she saw in the corner of her eye that Alaric, Mook, and Fallon had just returned from what looked like battling yet another creature. However, Kotomi lost interest fast and continued to devote her attention to her beloved animal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Fallon Character Portrait: Alric Fentar Character Portrait: Hayden
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#, as written by Zarhara
Alric walked across the camp away from the others and walked across the camp looking around. He noticed Kotomi with her horse and approached her.

"That's a nice steed, What's it's name if I might inquire?" He asked and then before she could answer spoke quickly. "Oh and I'm Alric by the way."

Hayden nodded to his sister and smiled when she talked about brightening the place up. Then he felt her hand on his arm. He hadn't felt anything but suddenly he jumped as Jorikin landed. "Now I felt something." He said and looked down to see a cat next to them. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled just a tad for having let a cat startle him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Fallon Character Portrait: Alric Fentar Character Portrait: Hayden
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Kotomi sighed and started to dig through her messenger bag strapped to the horse's hip. She only used it for storing water or feed for her horse, not what it was made for. As she did so, Abacus started to stomp his foot on the ground, scrapping off clumps of grass. "Enough... you're going to get us both into trouble!" She whispered sharply and sternly to her horse as she pulled out a bag of oats. Kotomi poured a majority of the grains into her hand and held it up to her horse's lips. As her horse ate from the palm of her hand, she stroked his neck in a calming matter. "There, now stop fussing..."

Suddenly, Kotomi's little conversation with her pet was interrupted by a masculine voice maybe a foot or two behind her. She glanced over her shoulder at a tall, well built man, maybe late 20's or early 30's. As he complimented her horse, she gave him a nod. Kotomi opened her mouth to answer his question, but was quickly cut off by his quick introduction. She rolled her eyes and scuffled. "... His name is Abacus." She mumbled as she turned herself around to face the man now known to her as Alric. Kotomi didn't bother to introduce herself, he never asked. Although you should introduce yourself after an someone else's introduction, she didn't know that. Then again, she was never really taught proper etiquette.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Alric Fentar Character Portrait: Hayden
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Fallon released a relieved breath at the small creature, laughing a bit at her brother's response. "If you're afraid of a /cat/ I'm going to have to save your butt a million times out there..." "There" meaning the battlegrounds, if there even was one...everywhere a fight could break out. It was better to be over-prepared than not prepared enough. It did allow for some humor, though. Fallon raised a brow at the cat and crouched beside it, stroking it softly and patting her knee for the creature to hop up into her arms. It wasn't often Fallon got to interact with animals--her powers usually scared them away.

"Sweet thing..I thought cats were too sassy to like humans." Fallon chuckled before stroking its back and glancing up at her brother.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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#, as written by Zarhara
Alaric listened to the girl as she spoke back. He was a bit surprised by the way she blatantly rolled her eyes though he pushed the thought aside. She couldn't have been that old anyways. That thought had him wondering why an early teenager would be in the camp anyways. Maybe he was being too thoughtful they were after all going to need all the help he could get. "That's a nice name, he said extending a hand for the horse to smell.

"What is your name by the way?" He asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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Kotomi watched Alaric's hand like a hawk as he extended it out towards her horse. She felt awfully tense whenever anyone else touched her precious pet. She took in a deep breath and exhaled deeply, a little rudely at that. Kotomi glanced up at the older male and raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want to know my name? Honestly, all of you are so creepy..." She said as she flipped her hair back in a casual matter.

"... But if you must know, my name is Kotomi, Kotomi Aizawa."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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#, as written by Zarhara
Alric was a bit surprised by the girls rude manner but just nodded. "I was just trying to become acquainted with my future allies
Miss Aizawa" He said with a small nodd. "Also I just enjoy horses in general I have on of my own here." He said pointing to a small clearing in the camp where horses were penned in grazing. He pointed to a large black battle horse that was grazing off to the side. "That's Beynon." He said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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Kotomi crossed her arms. Miss Aizawa? Oh, aren't you just so formal. I'm not 80 like you, gramps. You either call me Kotomi or call me nothing at all." As Alric gestured to his horse, she glanced behind him and nodded. "A Dallas pony, now unusual." She was able to identify the horse breed almost immediately.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Human leader Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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#, as written by Zarhara
"Alright Nothing at all. That's an interesting skill you have there." He said with a small smirk. This one was a real riley kid why he was talking to her he wasn't entirely sure maybe it was to ease his nerves before the oncoming storm. Looking up he realized he was late. "I have a meeting to be getting to but it was a pleasure meeting you Kotomi." He said as he waved and walked away towards the main tent.

He entered and then looked around before spotting the warlord and walked over. "Sir a moment of your time?" He asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Human leader Character Portrait: Hekate Character Portrait: Gilraen Tasartir Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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"You elves are always thinking too much about dignity and shame. What is done is done." Hekate shrugged her shoulders. "I have lived over hundred years. Is there something I regret? Yes. But do I let it ruin my life? No."

She walked slowly next to Gilraen. "I can tell just by looking at you that you can fight. I would say it's rare among elves. So, let me give you an advice. Go there, talk with your Queen and offer your help. Show that you're not like your family. I'm not going to ask what they have done 'cause it's not my business. But if your Queen has any sense she will accept your help."


Ronwair glanced over Alric. "If you have a report, put it in the pile." He said pointing the papers on the desk. "If it's something else I can give you few minutes. I need to go to talk with the Prince. Is that cat yours?" He asked when noticing Jikorin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fallon Character Portrait: Alric Fentar Character Portrait: Hayden
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#, as written by Zarhara
Alaric listened to Ronwair quietly and nodded. "Nothing to report sir, but I do have a suggestion. I know it's not my place but would you be willing to hear me out?" Alaric asked the warlord. He wasn't sure if his idea was going to be taken but he knew this was something the humans couldn't pass up.

Hayden showed off the sword to his sister. "No I didn't make it. I got it from the blacksmith." He said with a smile. "I guess we could test it--" He was about to say when he noticed something in the ground something was walking irregularly, maybe it was that cat, but he could tell his sister sensed something else. "What is it?" He asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Human leader Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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"As I said I can give you few minutes." Ronwair answered to Alric. He walked in front of Jikorin. "Who the hell brought cat in the war?" he mumbled and grabbed Jikorin throwing her out of the tent. "Damn nuisance."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Human leader Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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As the human walked into the tent to speak with the warlord, Jikorin joined him, slipping in utmost inconspicuously. The Warlord had seemed to already have taken notice of her, but she didn't mind. "If you have a report, put it in the pile." Jikorin looked over toward the desk and immediately ran and hopped onto it, hoping she could learn a bit more about their situation, out of pure curiosity, such as what the enemy was planning. Unfortunately, she couldn't make heads or tails of any of the reports, at least, not before the Warlord had dealt with her. "Who the hell brought cat in the war?"

Jikorin made a couple short cries as she struggled in the human's grasp and yelped as soon as she hit the ground, perfectly on her feet, of course. She made a short hissing sound, like an exasperated sigh, as the human went back into the tent. Although, despite her previous urges to want to check out what was going on inside the tent, she had simply lost her interest altogether. Maybe she'd continue looking for humans to give her affection.

Such as that of a particular girl, perhaps no older than seventeen. Indeed, one was considered an adult once they reached fourteen, but they were still a child to Jikorin, and she likely wasn't the only one. She looked like she had no other company than her steed, so Jikorin figured she would be easy to deal with.

Slowly, Jikorin approached the girl, making no notice of her horse. Many animals whom were unrelated to each other often were rather indifferent about each other, and thus had a habit of ignoring each other entirely, humans and dogs being exceptions. The horse, if it was unaware of her Youkai nature, probably thought of the cat just the same. Standing at the girl's feet, Jikorin meowed softly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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Kotomi shot a glare at the male as he walked away. "Tch... you think you're so hilarious, don't you?" She growled. The young girl turned back to her horse and took a comb out of her pack, starting to brush out the horse's stringy hair. Kotomi always wanted her horse to be presentable, mostly because it shows that she can indeed provide for herself and others.

Just then, she heard a meow below her. Kotomi glanced down at the ground. Her eyes laid on a cat. She blinked, Kotomi had nothing against cats, but never really became fond of them either. Nevertheless, Kotomi shrugged and got down on her knees, petting the cat's head gently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Lunio Kinsmangier Character Portrait: Alric Fentar Character Portrait: Jane Phillips
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Jane Phillips

Jay ran a hand through her hair nervously. She was late, she knew that. That was her own fault. She'd hesitated about coming. And now, it seemed they may need her. Sighing, she walked into the camp, trying to attract little attention. She wished to not be noticed, but of course that would be impossible. Her red hair made her near impossible to not miss.

She looked around her. Tents were all pegged into the ground around the area, and over in the distance she could see a young girl with a horse, and a man walking away. She got to her knees, stroking something, and Jane looked away. She had never really had much experience with animals, let alone something as big as a horse. She leaned against a tree, waiting for something to happen.

After not much happening, Jane muttered a few words, and at the tip of her left index finger, a small flame came to life, fluttering in the wind of her breath as Jane examined the flame. She had total control, there was nothing to worry about... "Just control it." She whispered to herself, captivated by the orange glow of her magic. A sudden shout, and darkness made her jump, and all of a sudden the flame jumped up, out of control, and Jane felt it happen again. She closed her hand into a fist, cutting off the spell, and doubled over, squeezing her eyes shut, before opening her eyes and correcting herself once the pain had passed.

Why was it dark?

Confused, Jane called out. "Hello? What happened?" She didn't want to use a spell again to light her way. It was too dangerous. Blinking, she looked around herself, to no avail. She called out again. "Hello?"