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Feud in Euthrin



a part of Feud in Euthrin, by Pantheran.


Pantheran holds sovereignty over Euthrin, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,228 readers have been here.


Pretty much like Earth, there's forests, seas, mountains... The most striking difference is that is has two moons. Full moons are in the third and fifth week of the month. One month in Euthrin lasts six weeks.

Most of the towns are small and simple. There's more villages with lovely wooden houses than big cities with high stone walls and castles.
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Euthrin is a part of Feud in Euthrin.

17 Characters Here

Midnight Shadow [20] "Fight? I'm ready"
Jikorin [20] "Curiosity didn't kill this cat!"
Yuni [18] "Call me a Unicorn and I'll beat you into a fine powder."
Kryptonite [15] "Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?"
Fallon [13] Quiet and gentle as a flower, but come too close and she'll show her thorns.
Hayden [13] Twin Brother of Fallon
Kotomi Aizawa [12] "Just because you cannot explain it scientifically, doesn't mean you should laugh at miracles."
Gilraen Tasartir [12] "Do not compare my future with my family's past.."
Hekate [12] "In the need of strategy? I can help."

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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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"Krypt, I'd like to introduce you to m'good friend over here," Yuni told her little sister, crouching to her level and slinging her arm over her shoulder, "Her name's Midna. If 'ya wanna, you can have a go with 'er, give her the good ol' one-two. Show 'er what'chya got. She aint gunna hurt'chya too bad, else I'll establish some dominance, again!" Now, as stated before, Yuni felt responsible around her little sister, but again, she isn't the most responsible, so Yuni, drunk as she liked it, hadn't exactly thought over her decision to have Krypt fight such a formidable opponent, even if it was just a little bit of sparing. She had wanted to see exactly where her sister was, especially if it was their mother's will that she was to train her. "I suppose y'can choose whichever you want," she added.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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Midna nodded to Yuni and took her katanas in her hands. She would change into her demon form if the opponent were worthy enough. Besides the blood angel was pretty short so she wouldn't have same kind of problems as with Yuni.

She walked a bit further away where was more open space and turned around so she could face Kryptonite. Midna hold her katanas ready. ”I'll give you the first attack.” she said looking the blood angel in the eyes. "Oh and about that hurting part..." Midna smirked "It'll be your own fault if you step on the way of my sword."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fallon Character Portrait: Alric Fentar Character Portrait: Hayden
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#, as written by Zarhara
Alaric listened to Ronwair quietly and nodded. "Nothing to report sir, but I do have a suggestion. I know it's not my place but would you be willing to hear me out?" Alaric asked the warlord. He wasn't sure if his idea was going to be taken but he knew this was something the humans couldn't pass up.

Hayden showed off the sword to his sister. "No I didn't make it. I got it from the blacksmith." He said with a smile. "I guess we could test it--" He was about to say when he noticed something in the ground something was walking irregularly, maybe it was that cat, but he could tell his sister sensed something else. "What is it?" He asked.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Human leader Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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"As I said I can give you few minutes." Ronwair answered to Alric. He walked in front of Jikorin. "Who the hell brought cat in the war?" he mumbled and grabbed Jikorin throwing her out of the tent. "Damn nuisance."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Human leader Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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As the human walked into the tent to speak with the warlord, Jikorin joined him, slipping in utmost inconspicuously. The Warlord had seemed to already have taken notice of her, but she didn't mind. "If you have a report, put it in the pile." Jikorin looked over toward the desk and immediately ran and hopped onto it, hoping she could learn a bit more about their situation, out of pure curiosity, such as what the enemy was planning. Unfortunately, she couldn't make heads or tails of any of the reports, at least, not before the Warlord had dealt with her. "Who the hell brought cat in the war?"

Jikorin made a couple short cries as she struggled in the human's grasp and yelped as soon as she hit the ground, perfectly on her feet, of course. She made a short hissing sound, like an exasperated sigh, as the human went back into the tent. Although, despite her previous urges to want to check out what was going on inside the tent, she had simply lost her interest altogether. Maybe she'd continue looking for humans to give her affection.

Such as that of a particular girl, perhaps no older than seventeen. Indeed, one was considered an adult once they reached fourteen, but they were still a child to Jikorin, and she likely wasn't the only one. She looked like she had no other company than her steed, so Jikorin figured she would be easy to deal with.

Slowly, Jikorin approached the girl, making no notice of her horse. Many animals whom were unrelated to each other often were rather indifferent about each other, and thus had a habit of ignoring each other entirely, humans and dogs being exceptions. The horse, if it was unaware of her Youkai nature, probably thought of the cat just the same. Standing at the girl's feet, Jikorin meowed softly.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Alric Fentar
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Kotomi shot a glare at the male as he walked away. "Tch... you think you're so hilarious, don't you?" She growled. The young girl turned back to her horse and took a comb out of her pack, starting to brush out the horse's stringy hair. Kotomi always wanted her horse to be presentable, mostly because it shows that she can indeed provide for herself and others.

Just then, she heard a meow below her. Kotomi glanced down at the ground. Her eyes laid on a cat. She blinked, Kotomi had nothing against cats, but never really became fond of them either. Nevertheless, Kotomi shrugged and got down on her knees, petting the cat's head gently.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Lunio Kinsmangier Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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As he flew in, Lunio saw something. "Mage Scouts. Huh. Hope they'll like that viper I saw earlier." "Hey! Paranormals! They scouted us out! They know our defensive positions!"Lunio warned. at the same time he launched a bolt of shadows at the mages. "Those Shadowblades should keep their scouts busy for a hour at most."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Kotomi Aizawa Character Portrait: Lunio Kinsmangier Character Portrait: Alric Fentar Character Portrait: Jane Phillips
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Jane Phillips

Jay ran a hand through her hair nervously. She was late, she knew that. That was her own fault. She'd hesitated about coming. And now, it seemed they may need her. Sighing, she walked into the camp, trying to attract little attention. She wished to not be noticed, but of course that would be impossible. Her red hair made her near impossible to not miss.

She looked around her. Tents were all pegged into the ground around the area, and over in the distance she could see a young girl with a horse, and a man walking away. She got to her knees, stroking something, and Jane looked away. She had never really had much experience with animals, let alone something as big as a horse. She leaned against a tree, waiting for something to happen.

After not much happening, Jane muttered a few words, and at the tip of her left index finger, a small flame came to life, fluttering in the wind of her breath as Jane examined the flame. She had total control, there was nothing to worry about... "Just control it." She whispered to herself, captivated by the orange glow of her magic. A sudden shout, and darkness made her jump, and all of a sudden the flame jumped up, out of control, and Jane felt it happen again. She closed her hand into a fist, cutting off the spell, and doubled over, squeezing her eyes shut, before opening her eyes and correcting herself once the pain had passed.

Why was it dark?

Confused, Jane called out. "Hello? What happened?" She didn't want to use a spell again to light her way. It was too dangerous. Blinking, she looked around herself, to no avail. She called out again. "Hello?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lunio Kinsmangier Character Portrait: Jane Phillips
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Hearing a girls voice, Lunio quickly found her. She appeared to be frightened, and his Insight allowed him to know that she was frightened of her Fire magic. He quickly hid his wings and approached her. "Hey there, I'm Lunio. I'm a Shadow Mystic. Who are you, fire mage?"He asked curiously. She could know something useful about the Mages' tactics.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Lunio Kinsmangier Character Portrait: Jane Phillips
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As darkness fell, Jikorin's eyes darted from the left to the right as she felt the hand leave her. Were they under attack? They, of course, referred to the humans, and Jikorin didn't need to worry about an attack against them, as she could easily get out of any situation. Of course, this particular one was still alarming, at the very least. The darkness had to be done by some form of magic, probably from the enemy. Yet, Jikorin was unaware of any sort of creature with the ability to do so, so it must have been some form of a Mystic's spell. Sabotage? Naturally, Jikorin decided, out of curiosity, she'd find out.

Being a Cat Youkai, Jikorin had better eyesight than the humans, especially in the darkness, so her eyes could pick up more light. Still, it was very dim, and the chaos made it hard to make out any enemies. She decided to give herself a little light. Shaking her fur, she released a couple dim blue will-o-wisps into the air. These will-o-wisps, of course, were the few extra souls she carried on her, and with only a spark of magic, they'd glow phosphorescently until the poor unlucky things burnt out. Consuming and burning human souls, Jikorin cared little for the dead, except for the fact that they were necessary for extending her own life and to cast her own magic. If anything, it was out of pity, ending the existences of the departed lives that could not pass on into the afterlife, wherever that was, and remained on the Earth until the end of days, unable to do anything but fuel their Earthly desires, becoming poltergeists, evil spirits or misleading will-o-wisps, something of which often took unfathomable amounts of time. The existence of such creatures, in fact, is not even acknowledged.

Yes, it was out of pity, Jikorin would keep telling herself.

While humans might see the ghostly fireballs in the pure darkness, Jikorin would see so much more, even what she was looking for. A creature was speaking with one of the clueless humans, a winged creature of some sort. He must have been the source, but exactly what he was, Jikorin couldn't tell. It made Jikorin wonder the exact nature between him and the human. Jikorin didn't see any other creatures, so perhaps this one was trying to hide itself so it could speak in secret with the human. Perhaps the human was a spy, a saboteur, of some sort. Perhaps she could pick up some interesting facts from watching the two.

Running up into the tree behind them, her being practically silent, she watched them with her ruby-colored eyes. A thought came across Jikorin's mind; why did the Paranormals need the human spy? She was fully human, as far as Jikorin could tell. A Werewolf could pass off as a convincing human, or a Vampire with a couple enchantments. A Youkai, like a fox or racoon dog, even Jikorin herself, would also be able to pass off as a convincing human, or just turn invisible, so why would they need a human spy? Maybe, the Fox wasn't directly supporting the rest of the Paranormals quite yet, perhaps the other races had not accepted the Youkai yet. Maybe the Paranormals are afraid that the humans may be smart enough to pick out a Werewolf or Vampire spy. Yet, would they really trust a human?

Jikorin would have to observe more to understand more.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jikorin Character Portrait: Lunio Kinsmangier Character Portrait: Jane Phillips
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Jane Phillips

Jane looked up as a young man approached her. He introduced himself as Lunio, and Jane immediately thought that he was hiding something. She couldn't tell quite what, yet, but he just had that... Air about him. Besides, it was dark, and she couldn't really see him properly. Hoping he was just, as he said, a Shadow Mystic, Jane bit her lip. There was something... Off... about the whole situation.

She decided to play it cool.

Raising an eyebrow, she asked him; "Oh, so it was you who put down the blanket of darkness... Did you get lost, or something?" She asked it really sweetly, so it didn't really sound like she was patronizing him, but in reality, she was. She smiled at him, tilting her head slightly to the side.

Through the darkness, she spotted a few glowing balls of blue light, and something moving back there. She pretended not to notice, hoping he didn't notice her eyes flicking over to the spot. She met his eyes again quickly, looking into them. Maybe they'd give her some sort of hint to what sort of person he was. She huffed, and her eyes darted to the ground. Yes, he was hiding something... What, though...

She wished for more light.