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"Call me a Unicorn and I'll beat you into a fine powder."

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a character in “Feud in Euthrin”, as played by Lloyd999


"Wild and Horned Bonecrusher"


Name: Yuni Ayedfugotten (Not her real name)
Race: Blood Angel
Age: "17 and crazy" Unknown
Gender: Female

Yuni, even in her human form, couldn't possibly be mistaken for a person. She stands at 7'7" and weighs at least 400 pounds. Her most obvious feature is her single long horn that sticks out of her forehead, with a star engraved on it. She does have more formal clothing, consisting of purple robes, but she normally wears a small cotton shirt and a long blue skirt which allow her a lot of mobility and are easy to repair. She wears shackles made of granite, perhaps out of pride, as she claims that they weigh nothing at all, although they do give her some extra punch. If they were to be taken off, however, then she would be unstoppable, as her superhuman strength would be accompanied by unhindered superhuman speed.

The answers to all your problems can be found in a bottle.

Skills: Like any Blood Angel, Yuni is both strong and fast, but she puts more emphasis on her strength and with constant training (whenever she's not drinking) she has become among the strongest, able to tear trees out of the ground. She tries to use strength, along with speed, to fight any opponent before they even have a chance to attack, which is a great advantage against magic users, as she herself isn't very strong with magic, unlike other blood angels may be. Also, like other blood angels, she has a very good sense of smell, and can smell blood from miles away.
Weapons: She rarely brings a weapon with her into combat, often relying on improvised weapons such as tree logs, stones or even people. Sometimes, she might bring a large wooden club she would have prepared herself the day before out of a tree. Another weapon she may use is a pair of connected metal shackles around her wrists, which she can be deadly with in certain combat situations, especially when fighting something her size or bigger than her (though it's quite unlikely, as the only things that could possibly be bigger than her are Blood Angels or dragons). However, most of the time she just fights with her bare hands and feet, with her shackles giving her some extra bang for her buck.


Yuni is certainly frightening, though, it's mostly because of her size and rather apparent muscles, and a glare that can stun even the wildest of wolves. Muscles don't lie either, she takes much pleasure in breaking bones and raising chaos, but she always looks for an opponent that could possibly take her on. However, despite her love for chaos, she often does prove to be a nice person, and can be friendly to anybody who is friendly in return. In fact, unless it's a duel, Yuni has never attacked anybody unless they've shown hostility toward her, perhaps out of honor, or perhaps out of kindness. Duels are a form of respect to her, and does promise to fight fairly. She also seems to have a liking toward flowers, and speaks of having a secret garden, with a location she keeps secret so nobody can ruin it. Apparently, she often takes the bones of her victims and crushes it into a power, claiming that "Bone Meal has a magical growth effect on plants". There is one point to her, though, that is rather apparent, and that is that she is an alcoholic.

Not much is known about Yuni outside of Blood Angel society. Even Yuni doesn't know much about herself, claiming to have forgotten. You could draw many conclusions, such as while she is large and has a very long horn, she only has one. If you were to ask her why she drinks, however, she'd respond with "I drink to forget." If you were to press further, she'd respond with "I'd forgotten what I wanted to forget." She also is almost never seen sober. It is true, however, that she is a sister to the Matriarch heir, Kryptonite.

So begins...

Yuni's Story


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Hekate Character Portrait: Kryptonite Character Portrait: Gilraen Tasartir Character Portrait: Esgalnoron
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As the night became deeper, Yuni became more antsy. She had parted with the rest of her kin, as they had been readying for battle, with all it's formalities or what not. Yuni was more concerned about the victory party that would take place afterward. So she sat on a stump, continuing to carve a large wooden club, the size of a cow, out of what was once a large oak, using an elven sword she happened to pick up earlier. Chip by chip, wood was whittled away by the carefully crafted blade, which was small for her hands and it had quickly dulled. Yuni hadn't given the thought about whether the original owner may have minded, as her mind was concentrated on the future battle.

Morale was pretty high among these 'paranormal' creatures, knowing that the humans stood no chance against them. Yuni had even thought about going over there herself and throwing them a party, a last moment of happiness before death, but then she decided against it. She reached for a bottle at her side to take another big swig of the barley-water she drank so much, only to realize it was empty. Grumbling, Yuni stood up and placed the bottle on her stump seat. She then rose the club over her head and swung it downward, grunting as she did so. The bottle shattered completely and the stump made a cracking noise under the blunt force. Grunting with satisfaction, Yuni decided to try taking a walk, and perhaps find out where she could find more booze.

Though, as she did, she began to realize how formidable her allies may have been. Many creatures of all races had been showing off their proficiency with their weapons, supposedly practicing for combat. It put a grin on her face. Formidable with weaponry they may have been, but in the end, Yuni knew she would have the biggest head count. Yuni mounted her foot on a rock and let the head of her club drop on it.

"AAAALLRIGHT THEN!" Yuni bellowed, gaining the attention of many, "Which one of 'ye little fruitcakes think they can beat ME?!" If Yuni liked anything about meeting new people, it was about challenging new people. Not to mention, she absolutely enjoys creating a ruckus.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow
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"AAAALLRIGHT THEN! Which one of 'ye little fruitcakes think they can beat ME?!" Midna heard someone shouting. She looked around her and noticed the Blood Angel. She walked over her and flashed her a quick smile. ”I'm willing to take that challenge. I'm getting bored in here.”

She took her katanas on her hands. ”Mind if I use these? Don't worry, I won't hurt you too badly. I'm guessing you're here to beat those humans as well.”


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow
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"I'm just here for a good time," Yuni responded to the demon, letting her club fall to the ground. She wasn't going to use it for a simple warm-up, she'd spent too much time making it. Cracking her knuckles, she sized herself up with her opponent, and size-wise, Yuni wasn't in any place to complain, being about two feet taller (not including her hood ornament). Although, unlike Blood Angels, demons could never be judged by appearance. Yuni had no need to be worried, however, and not just because she was drunk. Victories were fine and dandy and really got you going, but a fair loss every now and then was alright.

Yuni looked to her left, seeing if any of her kin were watching, mostly just out of the curiosity of it. Whether they were or not didn't matter too terribly to Yuni. After all, as long as it was fun, it was alright. Although, her biggest concern was hurting the small demon. Her human appearance surely did resemble a young human girl, so Yuni wasn't sure. Of course, there was only one way to figure out.

Yuni grinned ear to ear. "Come, make yer move," she beckoned, "Lil' Miss,"


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow
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Midna estimated her opponent. The Blood angel could probably avoid her attacks in the front so she should strike from the behind. Most of them were fast and strong, but of course there was exceptions. Midna was pretty sure it would be easy to avoid her attacks. She could tell that Yuni was drunk, and accuracy wasn't their strongest ability in a first place. If she just would avoid her fists, Midna had a change to win. Midna wasn't too concerned, however. She might not win, but at least it wouldn't be easy to defeat her.

She nodded. She was ready to start. Midna hold her katanas steady. With that signal, Yuni brought her hand up, and with a "Yah!", attempted to slice Midna in half.

Midna jumped backwards avoiding her attack. She raised her katana and quickly swinged it trying to wound Yuni hand. Yuni, however, perried by swinging her hand back, her stone shackle deflecting the blade.Midna smirked and attacked again. This time with both blades, one after another aiming at Yuni's hand while moving to her backside. Yuni attempted to block every swing, with no intention of losing either her clubbing hand, nor her drinking hand. The metal sparked against the granite bracelets as she did so. Then, risking a papercut, she grabbed one of the blades and yanked on it. Midna let go of her sword. She didn't necessarily need them. "This is enough for warming up" she said and put the other katana back to its sheath. She transformed into her demon form. Large black wings grow from her back and her fingers changed into demon claws.

Yuni raised her eyebrows. "Oh, that's nice." Yuni was about done defending as well. With a well prepared wind-up, Yuni threw a reckless punch at the demon. Midna flew higher avoiding the punch easily. "Come on. That's it? Are you even trying?" she teased the blood angel. She wanted a good match, not some boring sparring. Flying wasn't a skill Yuni was particularily good at. However, she could count on the fact that so far, the demon didn't seem to have any non-physical attacks. Yuni looked back at the rock of which her club was leaning on. With a grin, she walked up to it. Grabbing her club, she rose her club up high and smashed it upon the rock. The head of the club flew right off the handle as it broke in two, but the rock shattered into gravel. Grabbing what was now her new ammunition, Yuni turned back around to throw it at her winged opponent.

Midna was amazed by Yunis power, so she almost didn't realized her attack. Just before the gravel hit her, she raised her hand covering her eyes and let the attack land or her. Few seconds later she put her hand down. "So you can hit me." Smirking she rose even higher, flew straight above Yuni, closed her wings and let herself fall towards the ground. When she reached the blood angel, she attempted to cut her back with her claws. Just before hitting the ground she open her wings again and flew back to the sky to take a look if she had hit her opponent. She also noticed that there were several paranormals who now paid attention to their battle.

Yuni looked at her forearm, seeing the big goudge that was made in it by her opponent and the blood that dripped from it. "Oh, you scratched me!" she exclaimed happily, not quite comprehending exactly how serious it may have been in her drunken state. She must had used it to block herself. She blew on it a bit. "Well, nutin' serious." She looked over to the katana she grabbed from the demon earlier on the ground. "Wuzzis anyway?" she said picking it up, "Sum kinda knife? I mean, I guess it's a sword, but not like I'd seen, eh?"

"It's katana. Ideal for slashing your opponent. Sharp enough to cut their head off. Though have to say those man-made weapons aren't that sharp. My claws do much more damage." Midna answered waiting the next attack. "Why use 'em then?" Yuni asked, attempting to twirl it around her finger, only to drop it on the ground. Midna laughed a bit. " 'cause humans are stupid. When you walk around with their weapons, they don't pay attention to you. They think I'm one of them, until I attack at least. But transform into your true form and all of them are after you." Yuni frowned a bit. If only that were true she'd thought. "Well no wunda' they hate us!" she yelled, her grin returning, "We're all just a bunch'a bad sports, aint no fairness in nunav'us!" she had her eyes on the crowd, arms wide. "Nature didn't intend nunav'us, hm? Buncha so-called monsters about to make a big bloody mess outta these humans!" There were some enthusiastic yells. Hearing the excitement really brought her confidence back.

Looking back at the demon, she called, "What's yer name anywho? Why don't 'ya whisper it right 'ere?" she gestured toward her ear. Midna grinned. "I'm not so foolish I would come to close to you. Our match is still in progress. Unless you admit your lost." She paused for a while. "I'm Midna." "Well, m'name's Yuni, case you were curious!" Scooping up another pile of gravel, Yuni threw it at her opponent. Even thrown by Yuni's tremendous force, anything that hit would be but a simple annoyance, and would only make scratches at best. Yuni wasn't found of making wounds so much as using blunt force, but unless she decided to sprout a pair of wings herself and start flying, there wasn't much she could do, and her mind was too fogged up with alchohol to come up with anything too clever. "Can you guess why!?" Midna didn't even bother to avoid the gravel, just covered her eyes again. She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm here to fight not to chat." She flew towards Yuni and tryed to claw her left shouder this time when flying over her.

Yuni embraced herself for it. Her one chance of win her loss. Consequences were little, but that wasn't important. She knew exactly how Midna would attack, and just needed to counter it. Of course, it'd take perfect reflex and hand-eye coordination to do so, and Yuni was drunk. However, she hadn't trained all her life for nothing. Well, now it was for nothing, but Yuni was raised to be the absolute best. Her genes were perfect and her self-discipline in training still had not faded. There was no way that the daughter of the Matriarch was going to fight half-assed.

As soon as the demon, Midna, was just about to scramble her shoulder, Yuni ducked to the right and spun around, her right hand ramming into the back of her neck and forcing her whole figure onto the ground. Crouching over her, hand tightly pressed to the back of her neck, she bowed her head over the girl, her single star-spangled horn just centimeters from her face. "M'name's Yuni." she repeated, a grin on her face.

Midna chuckled. "Well finally this is getting interesting. Nice to meet you, Yuni" she said and wasn't even worried about her horn. The problem was how to get away. Yuni was stronger than herself, Midna admitted it on her mind. The blood angel could easily snap her neck if she wanted. She would need diversion. "But how?" Midna thought


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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Small toes spread across the moist grass, their tiny feet pitter pattering over the luscious green blades.
These feet belonged to the youngest daughter of Akuna, the Blood Angel Matriarch.
She had such a tiny figure, almost representing a ten year old, even though she was at least fourteen by this time.
Kryptonite yawned as she walked through the forest. She was in search of something.
More like someone.
“Yuni..?” She said softly, her frail voice traveling with the gentle breeze. Yuni was her big sister, and big was just what she was, you couldn’t miss her! Krypt scanned the area for her, but to no avail.
Suddenly, the small girls frame jolted as she heard her sister’s booming voice. She couldn’t tell what the large Blood Angel was saying because she was to far away, her words only hitting her eardrums in mumbles. She sighed and trotted towards the voice, her tiny legs leaping across the forest floor.

When she eventually found her, she let out an exasperated sigh. ”She’s fighting as usual..” She watched for a few moments before she decided to intervene. “Y-Yuni..? Yuni!” Krypt stomped her foot softly on the ground and waited for her sister to give her some attention.
Yuni was almost never sober, but Kryptonite loved her dearly, no matter what their mother or anyone else ever said. And she was sure Yuni loved her too, deep under that rough exterior.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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"Yuni!" Yuni's attention had been caught by the small voice of which she could not possibly had mistaken. Yuni looked up and away from her opponent, Midna, to see the small Blood Angel, the heir at that, but at the same time, her little sister. "Oh, Krypt!" she exclaimed with a joyful look on her face, "What'ya doin' 'ere? Here to see me fight? Me and this lil' one were just doin' a bit of sparing, you know, get the ol' Blood Angel juices pumpin' for the fight!"

Yuni loved her younger sister dearly, and felt responsible for her, despite being rather irresponsible herself. Often, Yuni didn't think about her actions before she did them, but Yuni still did her best for her younger sister, the true heir. They didn't spend a lot of time with each other, as Yuni couldn't possibly get near Krypt while their dear 'mother' was watching her. Not after what she did. Nonetheless, their bond was nearly inseparable. Yuni could still remember when Krypt was about as large as her forearm

Getting off of her opponent and totally forgetting about the fight, Yuni approached her smaller sister, wiping the slight humidity from her forehead. "How's the training going?" she asked, with and encouraging flex "Gain any pounds this week?" She didn't crouch to Krypt's eye level, as Yuni found it annoying, and Krypt didn't verbally complain about having to look up at her all the time.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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Kryptonite's small face lit up at her sister's greeting to her. She jumped softly. "I gained a whole pound~!" She squeaked up to her. She giggled and jumped again, before remembering what she came for. "Oh.. Oh! Mother says I should stay with you for a few weeks, so I can 'buck up'." She exclaimed the last two words as if she didn't know what they meant. She shrugged and went back to telling her big sister what kind of training she was going through.

After going on and on about her daily routine, she yawned and looked up at her sister again. "I don't understand why she wants me to learn how to fight so fast, she won't tell me why." She pouted and looked down and then back up. "Is something happening?" She tilted her head to the side innocently.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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Midna was surprised when Yuni just left and forgot their battle. She rose up, cleaned her clothes from the dust and picked up her katana from the ground. When watching the two blood angels talking, Midna couldn't help herself. "I never surrendered" she thought in her mind.

She rose above the ground again, so she could reach Yuni's height and flew behind the blood angel placing her claws on her throat. "You just died" she grinned.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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Yuni scratched her chin. Naturally, as the feud between humans and 'Paranormals' became stronger, Krypt would have to be able to fight, in case she ever finds herself face-to-face with a powerful magic user. Though what surprised her was that Akuna had wanted her to look after Krypt. Yuni didn't leave her mother on good terms, and they haven't had the most friendly encounters since. She normally didn't want Yuni around Krypt, as apparently, she could leave a bad example on her. Still, perhaps their mother had realized exactly how strong the bond between the sisters was, or maybe knew more than anybody about how much she disciplined herself in training, or maybe she was just too busy to care for Krypt with having to deal with the growing conflicts.

Although, whatever the reason, Yuni was overjoyed by the news. "Well, I guess you shouldn't ask why, y'just gotta do stuff 'till you die, or I think that's how the saying goes." Although, she flinched when she felt the embrace of long sharp knives around her through. Her face twisted into a scowl as she turned her head slightly. Yuni said very slowly, teeth gritted "Girl, get yer mitts off me."


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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Midna laughed and landed back down. She transformed back to her human form, hiding her claws and wings. She walked next to Yuni. "You shouldn't be so easily distracted. Otherwise I might have to save your life in the battle field" she smirked. "So, who's this?" she asked looking at the smaller blood angel.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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Yuni hesitated before answering, glaring at the demon through the corner of her eye for a second. She was all for jokes, but she hated feeling like she was played for a fool. Yuni also happened to become more territorial when around her little sister, perhaps out of her feeling of responsibility. Yuni dispersed of her hostility quickly though, clearing her throat and regaining her better mood, the side of her mouth pointed up again.

"This little number," Yuni said, standing beside Krypt and patting her back, "Is the honorable daughter of the Matriarch, the next boss in line! So you show some respect to 'er, a'ight?" She gave her sister another big encouraging pat on the back.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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As Yuni patted her on the back, Krypt fell forward from the force, regaining her balance and composure a few moments later. She smiled gently at the girl before her, bowing. "Bow just like mama showed you.." She thought to herself. After a few seconds, she brought her head back up, slipping her hands into the opposite oriental sleeve.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Her voice was high, not shrill, and as soft as a cloud. Sometimes their mother would have to yell at her to speak up, which she didn't like. Her sister, on the other hand, had no problem with it. You could hear her a mile away and it would sound as if she were right in your ear. They were polar opposites, but neither seemed to mind. Their bond was almost unbreakable, and their differences seemed to make them ever the more bonded.

Kryptonite looked up at her sister with large, dazzling light red eyes. "Sissy~! How have you been?" She smiled brightly.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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"Kind of question is that? You know I'm always great! 'Specially now that you're stayin' with me for the week!" Yuni then looked at her forearm, where the demon, Midna, had wounded her. It was bleeding profusely, and the blood had been dripping off her elbow. "Well, relatively," she added, blowing on her arm, as though the pain had been bugging her, she completely removed it from her mind. The difficulty to process things when one was drunk actually came to Yuni's advantage, as she often quickly forgot about all kinds of unpleasentries.

Yuni was about to start licking the wound, when she had an idea and looked up at Midna. "Krypt, you in the mood to train right now?" Yuni asked her sister.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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Kryptonite shrugged softly, her little shoulders bouncing softly. "I guess." She uttered, looking up at her sister, tilting her head and looking at the wound on her elbow. "Are you okay?" She jumped up and grabbed her sister's arm, kissing it softly.

She was so innocent, not yet to see the horrors of the world yet. Their mother had always kept her by her side until a few years ago. Even though her recent training was to give her some kind of rough outer shell, she still was so caring.

She smiled softly and let go of her arm. "Anyways, why did you want to know?"


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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Midna rose her eyebrow when she heard about Krytonite being the next Matriarch. Despite her polite bow, Midna answered with a nod. She would never bow her. Kryptonite wasn't above Midna in her opinion. She wouldn't even bow down to the current Matriarch. She wasn't her ruler after all. "Yes, nice to meet you too" she answered automatically.

Midna answered to Yuni's look. She knew exactly what the blood angel were thinking. "Fine by me" she said to her. She stretched her arms and legs. "Katanas or claws?" she asked. She was cautious. She could tell that Yuni would protect the smaller blood angel, who apparently was her sister. Midna had no idea how that was even possible but it was something she didn't care. However she knew Yuni could kill her with couple of strikes.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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"Krypt, I'd like to introduce you to m'good friend over here," Yuni told her little sister, crouching to her level and slinging her arm over her shoulder, "Her name's Midna. If 'ya wanna, you can have a go with 'er, give her the good ol' one-two. Show 'er what'chya got. She aint gunna hurt'chya too bad, else I'll establish some dominance, again!" Now, as stated before, Yuni felt responsible around her little sister, but again, she isn't the most responsible, so Yuni, drunk as she liked it, hadn't exactly thought over her decision to have Krypt fight such a formidable opponent, even if it was just a little bit of sparing. She had wanted to see exactly where her sister was, especially if it was their mother's will that she was to train her. "I suppose y'can choose whichever you want," she added.


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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Midna nodded to Yuni and took her katanas in her hands. She would change into her demon form if the opponent were worthy enough. Besides the blood angel was pretty short so she wouldn't have same kind of problems as with Yuni.

She walked a bit further away where was more open space and turned around so she could face Kryptonite. Midna hold her katanas ready. ”I'll give you the first attack.” she said looking the blood angel in the eyes. "Oh and about that hurting part..." Midna smirked "It'll be your own fault if you step on the way of my sword."


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Character Portrait: Yuni Character Portrait: Midnight Shadow Character Portrait: Lunio Kinsmangier Character Portrait: Kryptonite
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As he flew in, Lunio saw something. "Mage Scouts. Huh. Hope they'll like that viper I saw earlier." "Hey! Paranormals! They scouted us out! They know our defensive positions!"Lunio warned. at the same time he launched a bolt of shadows at the mages. "Those Shadowblades should keep their scouts busy for a hour at most."