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Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Final Fantasy: The Gemist War


They thought they could help humanity, but they thought wrong.

1,656 readers have visited Final Fantasy: The Gemist War since Victim created it.


This Final Fantasy Rp is set in a more Dramatic/Darker futuristic setting, similar to Final Fantasy 7. Though it will involve the same elements of the Final Fantasy series it will not be based on any of the Final Fantasy games. This role play will involve all the Classes in the Final Fantasy series.

G.E.M.(Genetic Enhancement Mutation) was created 2 years ago and given to select individuals on the Continent of Salphyra to make superhuman. Those who were injected with G.E.M. where tattooed with a bar-code on the back of their neck, on their right wrist, or left wrist, even the children to let it be known that that individual was a dangerous threat and weapon. Though something went terribly wrong. 95% of those who where injected went through a different type of mutation, turning them into monstrous beasts. These beasts held a venom in their blood and saliva that caused anyone who was bitten to undergo a slow and painful death then the transformation would begin, and the only thing that could keep them alive and human was the G.E.M. injection, though only kept them weak and fragile.

1.5 years: the mutated being were now called Gemists. Even those who still appeared human, they where treated as monsters as well in society. The Gemist-Virus spread from continent to continent, as it seemed that those who had the Gemist-Virus could spread it to those who weren't if they were subjected to each other for long enough. The people demanded that G.E.M. was an over the counter drug like Potion, Antidote, or Eye Drops but the Monarchy and Scientist thought it would only make the matters worse, instead they thought it best to take those who had the Gemist-Virus in for experimentation for a hopeful cure.

1 year ago an Organization called Gem Hunters was created. Gem Hunters where the people who where injected with G.E.M. a year ago. They are not affected by the bite of the Mutated Gemists, they could find other Gemist Mentally, and they were all powerful enough to defeat the Gemists. As it turned out, that by Killing a Gemist, those that were Gemist infected would kill the Virus inside of them. The Goverment tried to help but they didn't have the abilities useful against the Gemists.

6 months ago, the Scientist found an Anti-Gemist Cerum that reversed the Gemist process. Though it was very expensive to the pubic, and only High Class Cities where able to get their hands on it. A lot of it was given to the Gem Hunters as they tried to put an end to the Mutant-Gemist Wave.

The time is now. Mutant Gemist have evolved. They have gotten smarter, gaining the ability to think for themselves, and plan. They're divided into Master Gemists and Minion Gemists, the Masters infected the Minions. By Killing or Anti-Geming the Master you cure the minions. The Masters are planning to invade and conquer the World, starting with the small towns. It is up to the Gemist Hunters to Foil this plan so that the public doesn't have to get involved...but it seems that The Master Gemists have a secret weapon...something that could make taking over the world easier then it looks.

So how is this even like Final Fantasy?

The G.E.M. injection mutated those who were subjected to it. The Genetic mutation gave them abnormal ability. There are different classifications based on what the mutation did for them. To name a few: White Mage, Black Mage, Dragoon, Summoner. The abilities are the same as that of the Final Fantasy Series. Items, Monsters, are the same besides Gemists. Techno-Airships will be present in this role play.

The Gemist Hunters?

To become a Gemist Hunter you must be 16, though there is a Junior Gemist Hunter training that starts when someone is 13. Every Gemist Hunter has a Anti-Gemist Gun, that when you put a Anti-Gemist Serum Vial in it, it shoots out the Vial. Though they can only hold up to 3 vials, so they must be used wisely. Even a Gemist Hunter can take the Serum.


1.) At least 75 words per post and try to stay active.

2.) Everyone is going to be a Gemist Hunter.

3.) No Sex, Intense Cussing, or to much gore. Though Romance, cussing, and violence is allowed.

4.) No God-Moding, Auto-hitting, or Power-playing.

Character Profile

Code: Select all
[size=90][b]Alias:[/b] (What you go by)

[b]Age:[/b] (16+)

[b]Gender:[/b] (Male/Female)

[b]Class:[/b] (From the Final Fantasy Series)

[b]Special Ability:[/b] (What you class allows you to do. White Magic, Black Magic, Jumping, Summoning, ect.)

[b]Unique Ability:[/b] (An ability that has nothing to do with your class or any other classes. Could be something like Telekinesis, Mindreading, Superhuman Memory, etc.)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Anime picture, or detailed Description.)

[b]Bar-coded:[/b] (Where you were bar-codes: At the back of your neck, your left wrist, or your right wrist.)

[b]Clothing:[/b] (What do you wear?)

[b]Weapon:[/b] (Besides your gun, and abilities what do you fight with?)[/size]

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in

City: Arume

City: Arume by RolePlayGateway

A High Tech City that seems to be operated by Robotic Beings.

The Missions

The Missions by RolePlayGateway

Here is where you will find the Threads where you will be undergoing the Mission specifically assigned to you.

Saber+Echo: The Voices in the Ruins

Saber+Echo: The Voices in the Ruins by RolePlayGateway

Saber and Echo's first mission together.

Pit+Hawk: Hunting the Black Boss

Pit+Hawk: Hunting the Black Boss by RolePlayGateway

Pit and Hawks first Mission together.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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#, as written by Crabnek
Jecht grinned at the mention of his record and the title 'Sir'. He hadn't heard anyone call him 'Sir' in a long time. Plus the kid wasn't acting like a typical brat, whining about his comments or trying to strike back at him with more insults. He liked her!

"So they're starting rumors about me now?" Jecht chuckled. "Well, I don't want to brag or anything... buuuuut I do have a long list of successful missions under my belt." Patting his hip with his free hand for emphasis, Jecht laughed and leaned on his sword. "You should feel lucky, little girl." Jecht pointed out towards Vera. "You're working with a veteran!" Jecht let his hand fall back to his side and groaned, headache becoming slightly worse as he raised his voice. Standing up straight, he brought his hand up and rubbed his temple, hoping it would calm the raging storm in his skull.

"What about you kid?" he asked, turning the questions around on Vera. "Think you got what it takes to keep up with me?"

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#, as written by chris45
(Sorry for the really late posting.)

Hawk looks at Pit and says " I guess we can try that door, come on lets go them." Hawk walks over to the door with confidence in his step. he then places his hand on the doorknob and turns it. when he opens the door he sees a group of five to six Gemist, he stares at them with a weird look on his face. the Gemist look at Hawk with the look of hunger. Hawk then closes the door and walks away from it. he then says to Pit. " my guess is the key is in there." loud banging on the door is heard throughout the hall, Hawk looks back at the door and stares at it. the door then starts to crack and then it finally gives way and the Gemist come pouring out of the room and pile on each other. Hawk laughs and says to Pit " maybe we don't have to fight them, they seem to be taking each other out for us." a warrior Gemist looks at Hawk and Hawk looks back at it, Hawk's smile disappears and he starts to summon. Hawk summons Ifrit, a large orange fire spreads around Hawk, Hawk holds out his right hand and from the circling flame rises Ifrit, Ifrit stares at the Gemist with his fiery red eyes, flaming legs and wrists and his long jagged teeth. Hawk then says " Ifrit, go and burn them to ash." Ifrit grabs a white mage Gemist by the neck, he then runs up on the ceiling away from the other Gemist, Ifrit then lets the white Gemist go and it starts to fall toward the ground, Ifrit then lets go of the ceiling and catches the gemist in mid air it slams the white mage Gemist into the ground and creates and eruption of flames that burn the white mage and turns it into along with some of the other gemist, but some of the other gemist are still left behind, badly burned but still alive. Hawk starts to breath heavy and he says to Pit " I used to much magic on Ifrit I thought he would get rid of them all, Pit the rest is up to you."

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Pit was amazed at the fiery spectacle from Ifrit, but now Pit was left with a warrior gemist and a black mage gemist. They both look badly injured, so Pit takes out two dice. "Alright lady luck, don't fail me now..." He threw both dice at the enemies, hitting their heads. It only angered the gemists, but the dice had landed on double threes. Since the roll was doubled, the gemists were hit with the total number times two, twelve magical blasts. More than enough to finish off the gemists.

"Hoo." Pit said, relaxing a bit. "Got lucky there." He let Hawk rest as he entered the room. It looked like a master bedroom, or at least, it was a bedroom. He looked around the demolished room. There were piles of wood and debris scattered here and there. Pit looked through the rubble, where he found another treasure chest. "Ooh! More gold perhaps?" He picked up the small box, and it snapped open. The box contained a small, decorated golden key. "Hm. Well."

Pit turned and exited the room. "Hawk!" He called out. "The black boss wasn't in there, but the key was!" He turned to the locked door. "That's the last room, so he should be in there, methinks."

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#, as written by chris45
Hawk breathed heavily He then summons Carbuncle, Carbuncle looks at hawk and then heals him. Hawk stands up and looks at Pit and then at Carbuncle and he says " Thanks Carbuncle your the best." Carbuncle nods and then disappears. Hawk says to Pit " Ok open the door and lets kill the boss." Hawk takes th key and slowly opens the door, he looks and sees The Black Boss being fanned by two White Mage Gemist, and being fed grapes by two Black Mage Gemist, and two Warrior Gemist by its side. The warrior Gemist look at Hawk and then Hawk summons Bahamut, the dragon like summon sails through the ceiling and then from the skies sends down a beam of destructive light that instantly destroys the warrior Gemists and the black mage Gemists. Bahamut then comes back into the room and spreads it's wings in front of Hawk and pit to protect the both of them. Bahamut roars and causes the room to shake and the chandler to fall, Hawk then gets onto Bahamut's back and he says to Pit hop on we are going to level the mansion and get out of here.

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Pit gaped at the large dragon that came out of nowhere. The dumbfounded gambler watched as it effortlessly decimated the black mage and warrior gemists, leaving the Black Boss in an angry fit. The white mage gemists dropped their fans and quickly began casting holy magic.

Pit reacted quickly, drawing four cards, holding two in each hand. With great precision, the sharp cards were thrown at the gemists, cutting through their wings. The gemists fell to the ground, flopping on the floor in pain, like fish on dry land.

Hawk called pit to hop onto the back of the giant dragon, ready to bring the mansion to the ground. "Th-that's a bit overkill ain't it?!" It didn't matter at this point though, since Hawk looked dead serious. Pit quickly moved onto the dragon, as the dragon began to fly upward.

The setting changes from Pit+Hawk: Hunting the Black Boss to City: Arume


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A pile of corpses, horribly burnt and still smoking lay by Zeizur's feet. He didn't care how many there were, not after what they had done. It was like some sort of twisted game to them, slaughtering innocent gemists. He shifted his cloak to see his left shoulder, a bar code, overlaid by a red "X", a symbol of his cause. He knelt down to the slain gemists, whom were all but several feet from the pile of corpses of which were his own doing. "I am sorry, my brothers and sisters... They beat me to you...", he said softly, with true regret. The wind picked up, his grape-coloured hair blew around and he closed his eyes.

The authorities would arrive soon enough, and while there was no doubt that he could easily crush them, there was no need to draw unnecessary attention to himself. He stood up and looked with sorrow at the gemist corpses, "I am powerful, but I must become even more powerful to liberate our kin...". His cloak flew back wildly in the wind, and he suddenly felt a presence that was ruining his sentimental moment.

Two police officers, blasters at the ready, aimed directly at Zeizur, as their eyes drifted between him and the corpses, Zeizur seized his opening. He turned around sharply and whispered, "Blastbomb...". A fiery orb the size of basketball shot out of his hand and flew directly at the two officers, Zeizur smiled as he watched their bodies being torn up and scorched to a crisp. The explosion reflected in his eyes and he said, "Nothing can stop me... especially anything human!".

Several minutes passed, as he stared at the two fried and shredded bodies. They weren't even hunters, they had no abilities for the taking, there was no reason to stick around here anymore... And so he left. Just another day, for a man on a mission.

The setting changes from City: Arume to Home: The Gemist Lair

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Vera + Jecht: Haunting Gemini

Vera chuckled again, watching as the airship began to dip a bit. They were close, so near and hoping to find what they were looking for. The mission was about to begin, and there was indeed a tiny fringe of excitement tacked to Vera's thoughts. Her honey-colored eyes could almost pass as being golden when the sun struck them at that perfect angle, as she raised her sight to Jecht. Leaning up, she gripped the seat she was in and stood, the airship rocking a slight bit as it dipped further through the canopy of a wooded area. The first thing she noticed was that some of the trees were petrified. Ah, a petrified forest? Not exactly a good place for people to be- but a great place for Gemini.

"Do I have what it takes?" Vera smiled brightly, her full lips pulled over her white teeth. "I'm not even going to answer that. You can see for yourself. I believe we're here Jecht." She turned and looked to the back shuttle-like door that parted open and created a ramp as the ship had made a full landing. Outside, the stone limbs shadowed over the forest floor, and nearby was a small village. But closer than that village was a thick, broadly built manor with erosion a highly encroaching factor upon the architecture's decline of health. The doors were shut and heavy, with windows boarded up. A top window was open, letting a breeze inside, but the manor was tall and there was no way they could make it up there. Perhaps Jecht could just tear into the home and through the front door they'd go.

Vera gripped her staff at the center, kneeling just a bit, and stamped the staff against the ground, and a small flame engulfed the orb at the top of her staff, soon growing enough to be like a golden torch. She held it up, and looked back at Jecht, before pulling her hood up over her eyes.

Closing her eyes, she got a good grip of her mind's eye. She saw Gemini too... A good number of them- scattered through the manor. And one who's vital appearance in her mental radar could abolish all the others. That was probably the Haunting Gemini.

"Let's go."

Ferrah: The Gemist Lair

She moved through the room's space, tapping her nails on each of the many thin golden mints that hung from her top and waist, attached to the dancer's burgundy outfit. She finally gripped the skirt at edge and twirled once, just feeling the air wrap around her legs and push through the thin fabric. Against her feet, she wore Greek-fashioned sandals that tied up her leg with vinyl; though her feet were the only things seen from beneath her long skirt. As Ferrah moved, opening her door and stepping into the hallway, a smooth chiming melody followed her. Along her wrists were thin golden bangles, and her upper arms bore thin white bandages. At her neck was a choker-styled necklace bearing thin golden circles and semi-circles, and golden mints like her clothes at their ends.

Outside, before scanning in for her mission, the redheaded dancer moved through the room, searching for either familiar faces or somewhere to grab a bite for breakfast. Ferrah's eyes- a smooth hazel tone- danced over the room as she grinned. Finally, she found herself in the cafeteria, grabbing an apple and moving back to sit on a bench in the nearing hall to the lobby. A bite into the apple, and her legs crossed, Ferrah took a deep breath and yawned. She could only wonder if she had a mission today; since she'd had one the day before.

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#, as written by Crabnek
"Do I have what it takes?" Vera smiled brightly, her full lips pulled over her white teeth. "I'm not even going to answer that. You can see for yourself. I believe we're here Jecht."

Looking over his shoulder, Jecht could see that the door was opening and they were finishing up with their landing. Hand moving now to his neck, Jecht lifted his sword up and out of the ship's floor and turned to face the exit.

"Got it," he responded, walking down and out. Stopping just off the ramp, Jecht let his hand fall and took in his environment.

"This place gives me the creeps," he mumbled, feeling depressed just from looking around. Not far off he could see a village, but a bit closer was some gloomy looking manor that he felt they'd probably end up visiting at some point during their mission. Jecht turned towards Vera and crossed his arms, his sword dropping and seemingly vanishing into thin air. He'd get it back later.

"Just a heads up, I'm not usually the guy who does most of the thinking in the group. I'll leave that to you." Jecht glanced down the path and a chill ran up his spine, visibly making him shiver. "So where are we headed first?"

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Vera + Crabnek: Haunting Gemini

She nodded to him, as the door opened. "I can think fast on my feet. I'll be brain if you'll play brawn." Vera moved onward until she was stepping through the doorway. Once they were both inside, she shut the door. The lobby of the manor was pitch dark, and the only light that could be seen were the soft highlights on corners and furniture that came from one glimmer of light from the distant stairwell. Of course, Vera had light herself. She stamped her staff against the ground and the flame engulfing it growing; doubling its previous light. The room was filled with a brilliant glow as she held it up as a torch. She could sense one near- almost on top of them. Where could it have been hiding?

"One is near." She said, moving further into the room. Suddenly over them dropped a quick Gemini, fighting like a thief or very light swordsman class. It slashed a blade out and Vera jumped back, the blade catching her robe and just barely making a cut against the breast of it- leaving a white mark where the shirt beneath could be seen. She hissed, and swung her staff forward, torch light availing the lean, tall woman. She had a dagger in each hand, and wore robes of deep black, and eyes like pools of hollow, milky emptiness. The fire made the woman jump back, and with a twisting turn Vera quickly took this into her advantage. She pulled back her free right hand and created an orb of water within it. Throwing her hand forward she sloshed a blast of water over the woman. Her clothes hung damp and heavy, slowing her down as Vera pulled her staff down and shoved it forward, a fireball born from the torch-tip and scorching the Gemini til she fell weak and unable to stand, flesh searing.

"Well, one down, but we've got a few more..."

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City: Arume

City: Arume by RolePlayGateway

A High Tech City that seems to be operated by Robotic Beings.

The Missions

The Missions by RolePlayGateway

Here is where you will find the Threads where you will be undergoing the Mission specifically assigned to you.

Saber+Echo: The Voices in the Ruins

Saber+Echo: The Voices in the Ruins by RolePlayGateway

Saber and Echo's first mission together.

Pit+Hawk: Hunting the Black Boss

Pit+Hawk: Hunting the Black Boss by RolePlayGateway

Pit and Hawks first Mission together.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Echo
Character Portrait: Saber
Character Portrait: Pit
Character Portrait: Vera
Character Portrait: Rev
Character Portrait: Zeizur
Character Portrait: Ferrah


Character Portrait: Ferrah

"Don't be silly, I can handle my own!"

Character Portrait: Zeizur

A Rogue Gemist Hunter who believes Gemists are superior to humans and fights what he considers to be a horrible "tyranny".

Character Portrait: Rev

The Marksman Hunter

Character Portrait: Vera

"Be wary; I've got my eye on you."

Character Portrait: Pit

A gemist hunter who leaves it to fate

Character Portrait: Saber

A New Gemist Recruit

Character Portrait: Echo

A New Gemist Recruit


Character Portrait: Vera

"Be wary; I've got my eye on you."

Character Portrait: Zeizur

A Rogue Gemist Hunter who believes Gemists are superior to humans and fights what he considers to be a horrible "tyranny".

Character Portrait: Rev

The Marksman Hunter

Character Portrait: Pit

A gemist hunter who leaves it to fate

Character Portrait: Ferrah

"Don't be silly, I can handle my own!"

Character Portrait: Echo

A New Gemist Recruit

Character Portrait: Saber

A New Gemist Recruit

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ferrah

"Don't be silly, I can handle my own!"

Character Portrait: Vera

"Be wary; I've got my eye on you."

Character Portrait: Saber

A New Gemist Recruit

Character Portrait: Zeizur

A Rogue Gemist Hunter who believes Gemists are superior to humans and fights what he considers to be a horrible "tyranny".

Character Portrait: Pit

A gemist hunter who leaves it to fate

Character Portrait: Echo

A New Gemist Recruit

Character Portrait: Rev

The Marksman Hunter

View All » Places

City: Arume

City: Arume by RolePlayGateway

A High Tech City that seems to be operated by Robotic Beings.

The Missions

The Missions by RolePlayGateway

Here is where you will find the Threads where you will be undergoing the Mission specifically assigned to you.

Saber+Echo: The Voices in the Ruins

Saber+Echo: The Voices in the Ruins by RolePlayGateway

Saber and Echo's first mission together.

Pit+Hawk: Hunting the Black Boss

Pit+Hawk: Hunting the Black Boss by RolePlayGateway

Pit and Hawks first Mission together.

City: Arume

City: Arume Owner: RolePlayGateway

A High Tech City that seems to be operated by Robotic Beings.

Pit+Hawk: Hunting the Black Boss

Pit and Hawks first Mission together.

Saber+Echo: The Voices in the Ruins

Saber and Echo's first mission together.

The Missions

The Missions Owner: RolePlayGateway

Here is where you will find the Threads where you will be undergoing the Mission specifically assigned to you.

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Most recent OOC posts in Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Anybody feel like running to Zeizur and being antagonized a little?

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

I'm not even sure what to do myself...I wasn't given a mission or anything and no one is at "home" so yeah...I'm kinda stuck

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Same here. I moved on though, hoping he won't mind, but I don't want Crabnek to get uninvolved, and I really like this idea. I dread the thought of it dying :(

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

I'm just wondering if Victim is even coming back. He just kinda' disappeared.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

By the way, I submitted another character. I had an idea from one of my RO characters and decided to pop one up here.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

I don't know what to do, because our mission isn't up and I kinda' doubt we can just sit in the airship forever. If anyone was wondering, that is the reason for my absence of posts...

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Well welcome to the site, I'm not sure exactly sure what you might want to know the site isn't to hard to figure out but if you need any help pm me and I'll help you out. ^_^

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Hey guys. Not new to Role Playing but am new to the site. If you could tell me anything I'd need to know about how it operates and where to do stuff I'd appreciate it.

I'm Zeizur btw, I submitted my application but wasn't sure what to do next, hehe.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Hey, when might Crab and I's missions be put in?

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Oh crap, Victim I accidentally put my last post in the wrong place :( my bad. There isn't any way to fix that is there??

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

I'd be fine with that, but would Crabnek?

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Dreamer could prolly take Crabnek's place if he doesn't show pretty soon. You snooze you loose

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Whatever is fine with me, I just wanna bust Rev out lol

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

accepted. Eeeerrmm everyone has their mission partners right now...besides Vera and Jecht, you could team with them saying that I didn't make their mission description yet, lol.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

I just realized I totally missed this, so hear it is, sorry about that *sweatdrops*

Alias: Rev

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Class: Gunner

Special Ability: Gunners are granted exceptional ability with all guns, and their magic is centered around maximizing their potential lethality

Unique Ability: small amounts of black magic (all level one black magic spells)

Appearance: Will post as soon as my scanner is fixed

Bar-coded: At the back of the neck

Clothing: Rev wears olive green canvas pants, heavy black running boots, a black undershirt, a grey overcoat. He also wears black fingerless leather gloves and a chain necklace with a silver heart.

Weapon: Twin pistols Ordin and Agiel

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Nah, it's fine Chris. It's funny actually, 'cuz this seems to happen to me a lot, lol.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

I hope Crabnek gets on, I really want to roll on lol.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

( sorry about the mix up with my post, I don't know what I was thinking about)

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy: The Gemist War

Ah wish I would of read these before I made my post. I didn't know what in the world our mission was going to be about lol. Cool, I like the separate mission and the pairing up/free for all idea you got going on. Should be fun.