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"Life is finally falling into pieces"

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a character in “Fire, Death, Pinetrees”, as played by Armin


Full name: Earth Z. Drah
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Physical description: Human, around 185 cm tall, 200 cm counting his ponytail
Weaponry, abilities, armor: Two katanas, their sheaths held by the cloth strapped around his waist. There is great giant sword suspended on his back but he rarely ever grips it. It remains on his back and with a feline or ninja like low center of gravity fighting style, he uses it effectively as it extends far past his head, both capable of shielding his own neck and severing the enemy’s. It is also great for charging monsters literally head on. The large hilt of the sword balances the far extending blade, and the whole thing weighs a lot less than it may seem, being somewhat magical. It still is rather heavy but Earths legs are strong as the ground under his feet crackles and his toes are halfburied under earth crusts when he lifts a boulder, with a straight back using the power of his legs, as one should when doing heavy lifting.
Earths right iris is ice blue or golden orange depending on his mood, his left eye is pitch-black and can see 3 seconds into the feature. However, whenever his left eyelids are open he cries a constant stream of blood, and for every second that passes his lifespan is shortened by 30 seconds. In exchange for glimpsing 3 seconds into the future, he loses 30 seconds of it.
He is decked out in alot of golden crosses.
He does have a face I just didn't draw it.


-//[SPOILERS] Personality and history//-

Earth finds pleasure in pain and struggle, and amusement watching that of others.
Tragically though, Earth cannot allow himslef to pleasure from self-invoked injuries to the point where any injury he receives that he did not try his fullest to avoid, is impossible for him to enjoy, quite the opposite infact, such pain causes him great anxiety.
This makes Earth seek out grand opponents who can injure him without his consent, allowing him to feel pleasure in pain.
So while Earth, like many others, constantly seeks to get stronger and faster etc. seeking power is not his motive, it’s just a criteria that needs to be filled in order for him to enjoy himself.
Earth recklessly throws himself into battle, but he is terrified of death. Most of the time the ecstasy of pain and strain on his body easily dominates this fear, but sometimes when he feels the pressure of a certain death, the fear overpowers the rest of his emotions and his mind becomes focused on escape.
Earth is still human though. While sitting back watching people struggle does amuse him, he fears the death close one as he fears his own, if not more. And he feels pleasure in pleasure like any other human does.

Earths mind and urges force onto the reckless path of the warrior, but at the same time is terrified of dying. He constantly balances at the brink of death and does his best to bring most people around him there with him for his own amusement.

Earth: 6 years old.
Most children find enjoyment in fun and play, Earth finds enjoyment in pain, but he cannot find it in him to hurt himself. Others must hurt him, that is Earths instinctive thought at this young age, and that is what drives him.

Autumn. Autumn far gone, leaves are no longer burning bright in red and orange among the treetops, they are spilled dead and colorless on the ground, a layer of greasy girt, pale, brown and unappealing.
The trees of this forest are rising tall and naked and sprawling towards the heavens: grey melancholy clouds.
Upon this floor of deceased vegetation step the 6 years old feet of Earth. He is wearing floaty - supposed to be white – grey pants, littered in dirt. His hair is blonde long and wild, there is a lack of bangs, most his frontal hair is conjoint with the rest of it in one messy - supposed to be golden – brownyellow drape.
A few strings of hair are not part of the main mass and q43 hanging loosely down his “supposed to be cute” empty face. An empty face with a small child’s nose and mouth and big eyes, cold iceblue.

Earth scurries the forest. Occasionally he spots and picks up sticks from the forest floor and weighs them in his hands, feels them in his grip. Measuring their strength. It does not take him long to find two good ones, one for each hand.

Earth was preparing for battle – the preparations are now finished.

What is he battling? A street gang of four boys 12-15 years old whom he has been following the past nine days whilst scouring the streets. Why them? They feel right. He fears them just right for taking them on.

To battle

Earth is sneaking on rooftops. His steps are not subtle; his bare feet are numb from the cold. So are his fingers which are holding sticks. The wood is a lot colder than his hands and holding them hurts.
His little mouth smiles, cheerfully, creepingly unfit for the situation.
He jumps cross a little gap to the next rooftop. Almost there now. The group of four is standing on the grey road by a house a few ten meters ahead, they are much taller than earth, all of them, the biggest one is probably four times his weight. They are just the right size.
Earth jumps another rooftop. It’s difficult, the numbness of his little feet reduces his accuracy greatly, and the sticks he’s hold, one in each hand, make landing a bitch, no hands to hit the ground with and stabilize when the numb feet misstep. But he makes it over.
There are no others in the vicinity, just earth and the four youngsters.
Earth charges.
Feet dash over the wooden rooftop and into the air, arms prepare to strike, two sticks are raised and ready. He is shouting, its a child’s voice, high-pitched as should be but somehow its rough: it is a warcry. Earth crashes down upon the largest of the four, he strikes both sticks down onto his fat head.
It is the perfect start. The velocity of swing and gravity, and the perfectly landed strike to the head is enough to instantaneously knock out the startled boy. The largest threat eliminated straight away, probably for the best.
Earth finds footing on the stricken boys head and falls with him, facefooting him to the ground, a great breakfall, but Earth is still thrown hard onto the dirt, sent tumbling a short distance, scraping his knuckles, right knee and right shoulder.

Blood. There is blood now, blood on his hands and blood on his body. The three boys that are left are startled, chocked, and paralyzed for moments. Earth is shaking, from the cold and from fear. And he’s smiling. His body is cold, but the blood is warm, the wounds are burning, it’s so warm that he can help but smile.

The moments pass and the three remaining boys shocked empty eyes are ignited into fires. They rush Earth, all three all at once, Earth responds, rasing his sticks. He hits the first one in the shin, sending him face first into the ground, then he sidesteps the 2nd one trying to kick him, striking back at the foot causing the foots boy to scream.
But Earth cannot avoid the third one who throws himself over him, big hands are suddenly grabbing his little arms. It’s over now, Earth is pinned down under much a larger, much stronger body, this grip cannot be escaped.
But it’s okay, this was his wish all along.

What happened next was the brutal beating of a 6 year old child whose bloody face wouldn’t seize smiling. The smile was most likely the reason for his survival as it dishearted and crept out his assultants causing them to end the beating early: he was bruised, bloody and beaten, but not broken. Earths beaten body surged with pleasant warmth, left on in the dirt on a cold autumn day.

The men who had been following Earth for some time saw this event as the deciding factor. It was certain, this boy would be the one to cleanse evil.
As discussed in whispers.

“He put his life on the line to battle evil. Again. At such an age.”
“Yes, he did.”
“Is he it?”
“It’s in his spirit, his nature. The instinct to battle evil, the resolve.”
“It is him?”
“Shall we take him?”
“Finally we found it.”

The men were leading members of a small but powerful group of religious extremists pledged to a path violence, they believed Earth to be Messiah. They took him that day and with violent methods(that were meant to discipline Earth, but that he instead very much enjoyed) they tried to shape him into what they believed wound be the one to defeat evil.


1: Earth

1“The brink of death my favorite place in life.”
2“Do you not fear death?”
1“I do.”
2“Then how could you have desires like that?”
1“It doesn’t matter”
2“Say what?”
1“The fear is like an insecure nerd trying to change the course of a group conversation. It’s ran over, barely even noticed in the face of the flow governed by stronger ones.”
2“Oh. Im surprised you aren’t dead yet.”
1"Sometimes the nerd is heard. When a test is coming up the nerd is put in the center of attention.
2“What are you talking about?”
1 “When the purpose of the conversation is no longer amusement but practicality, or survival, the knowledge of the nerd makes it more important than anyone.”
2. “
1“Sometimes I feel like I might die, sometimes I feel that I will die. The 2nd one is terrifying.

So begins...

Earth's Story

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh
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#, as written by Armin
Earth arrived at a conclusion. This was not something he could sit by and enjoy watching, because regardless of the result, of the victor, the situation would end in some sort of loss. There was no victory, not even a pointless victory, and struggle without victory is pointless. He had no desired outcome, therefore half the joy in watching was spoiled. This realization lead Earth to take action.

Earth did not enjoy producing or hearing loud voices in general. And besides there were few things his ever felt a need to raise his voice for.


It was a strange shout. Loud, clear, sharp and threatening; it did not sound much like a shout at all, more like an amplified speaking voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh
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The wolf was crawling closer and staring at Charlotte. It's final, that bastard is trying to hurt her. Jeremy took a single step forward and held his scythe a little higher, ready to strike down as soon as he can, his right leg was slowly pushed backwards, it was in the position so his left leg can be used as a pivot.
At the same time, Jeremy mentally gave Charlotte's mother permission to access weapons. She quickly pushed her arm to the ground and it sunk into it, as if it was water. She pulled out a large bone structure, a spear. Made completely of bones and held together by the energy inside the user. She held the spear pointing towards the wolf which had jumped up so suddenly, nearly making Jeremy swing his scythe.

The suspension and anger inside Jeremy began to act as a strange catalyst. Nature energy was being drawn into his body at such a rate that it became visible as a green mist that seemed to be a liquid flowing into Jeremy's body. This was the first time he ever had pseudo-life energy converted from nature energy, it seemed like an advantage as well. So much energy was building up and being stored into Jeremy he felt as if he was alive again. Maybe he could begin creating a spell/ritual to use nature energy.

Suddenly, "Jeremy!!!...", Earth had called out to the necromancer. But why? Without taking his eye off of the wolf, Jeremy answered; "What is it?" He was still talking through gritted teeth and anger.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh
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#, as written by Armin
"Get a hold of yourself. Or I will cut you."

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh
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Ammy stopped as now she faced two of the sharp pointy weapons that could do her in. She sprang off to the left, her body twisting out of harms reach as she threw her head back and howled. Her ears quivered, her energy crackling through her paws as she suddenly settled into a crouch. Her tail was raised, teeth bared in a ferocious snarl, her blue eyes piercing into Jeremy’s one.

Come on then! Attack/fight me/Ammy! She snarled, her muscles rolling forward as the air around her body began to become fuzzy, choked out as her own spiritual energy began to swell like a tidal wave behind her, massing into a hurricane of force and might. Her eyes locked, her mind reaching forward toward his, straining to touch his own as she held perfectly still.


Ammy broke her eye contact, looking back at the Earth/warrior/friend. Was he protecting her/Ammy? Her mind distracted, her body broke form and for a moment she left herself exposed, vulnerable.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Karma
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-------Xin Zhao--------

Xin Zhao was surprised. He had not expected to run into someone from his country in these lands, let alone someone in her line of work. The woman before him, who stood was with such elegance and grace and had literally blown him away was a priestess , as her clothes depicted. Xin, still bowing, introduced himself in a very formal and humble manner. She in turn bowed to him and introduced herself.

" Diao Zhu Xiao is the name the monks gave me.", she said. "Why are you here, Xin?".

Xin laughed briefly and composed himself. "I have been tasked with collecting general knowledge on these lands and their inhabitants... Why are you here, Diao?".

"As part of my initiation, the monks have tasked me with venturing into these unknown lands so that I may put to practice their teachings and traditions.".

Xin Zhao nodded and there was a silence between the two. There was something familiar about her but he couldn't put his finger on it...

"I have been fasting for the past 2 days..", she stated, breaking the silence. " No food or water... You wouldn't happen to have any on you that you can spare?".

Xin Zhao showed her his canteen and handed it to her and then he was reminded of the others. How could he forget them? How foolish. I must return at once and see how they fair, he thought.

As Diao drank the water he had given her, Xiao told her to follow him. "I have come across a group of westerners that are very friendly and diverse. There are about 5 of them. Come I will introduce you.".

--------Diao Zhu Xiao "Karma"---------
(Back at the Pond)

Diao was taken take by the scene that unfolded before her. Three individuals seemed to be readying to combat a wolf. Wolves, however, were animals that moved in groups and it was not normal for them to be so bold when they were alone. Close inspection of two of these individuals revealed that they were dead and that were was a little girl among them. There was alot that could go wrong here. Xin was too puzzled to take action fast enough. It was up to her.

The Jade Dragon and Serpents emerged from the pond, their greenish glow sufficient to distract them all. Diao's body glowed a similar jade green, she shouted over at them to grab their attention. "Stop!".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh
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"Get a hold of myself?!" Jeremy seemed insulted and even more pissed off, "The damn moose girl jumped scared Charlotte! I don't want that! Now she is threatening us!" His voice was sharpened and full of anger, the absorption of nature energy had calmed and returned to be invisible, Jeremy was reaching the limit of energy.

Jeremy noticed how easily distracted the wolf was, lowering her guard makes him urge to attack, but he was defending. He had to ensure Charlotte's safety before anything else. Maybe it's best if they leave... No, cooperation is the best thing to do now. Jeremy just needs to show that he doesn't want Charlotte scared. You can't blame her, her mother died, some strange guy reanimated her although she does seem happy around Jeremy. Next, a girl transforms into a wolf and jumps in front of them. It's surprising that her four year old heart could take it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Xin Zhao Character Portrait: Karma
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She had enough. Feeling more than threated by Jeremy, the sudden appearance of the woman and her phantom snakes had her staring into the eyes of death. One of the serpents made a move. That was enough for Ammy. Her body rose with a human scream of frustration, for a breathless moment her front paws were risen to her chest, her white teeth glimmering inside of pink gums as her ears went flat against her skull. Her eyes went gold a moment before her front paws slammed into the mud around her, back arched upwards, fur rippling across her body, standing on end. For a moment, the clearing fell deathly still, nothing made a noise. Then the energy around her body exploded, radiating outwards in a concussive blast. Trees shook and the water lapped up the side of the bank, in the center she stood, eyes on fire as it passed.

Ammy trembled, her muscles already beginning to contort unnaturally as her wolf-self whimpered. She staggered, using the explosion as a distraction as she began to stagger toward the safety of the trees. Her back legs gave out and she fell against the earth with an expulsion of air that left her lungs flat. This isn’t what she wanted, she whined as her mind forced her body to move, stumbling into the woods with a choking sob. She didn’t make it far, just the first few trees before her body finally gave in. Her head slumped, heart in her throat as she felt her life flicker. Claws dug into the earth as she looked up into the trees, marveling at how the god Frenris cried his tears upon her.

Why would you/Frenris/wolf-god cry?

She whimpered softly, a splash of white against the brown earth that surrounded her. The light from the sinking sun surrounded her body in speckles of light, each little patch warming her fur from the cold grip of shadow. Each breath left with a cry, each sob cracking in her throat as her nose rose and fell rapidly.

Heart. Air. Heart. Air. Heart/pain.

She felt like a bolt had found its way into the center of her chest and had exploded inside of her, the open wound on the front of her chest like a hole for badgers. She wasn’t ready to die! She didn’t want to die from this! Another howl rose in her, but it died before it could reach her lips and instead echoed around in her head as her body grew cold. Ammy couldn’t stop the closing of her eyes. As her eyes began to close she felt a presence nearby, and as her vision went black, the words “Have Faith” went ringing in her soul, and the tear on the corner of her eye glittered gold with the light that touched her muzzle.

Have Faith.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth
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#, as written by Armin
A blast, and explosion, not one of fire but one of force, violently grabbing hold of everything in its vicinity and ripping it, pushing it away from the central point which was the wolf.
Earth was already in a steady stance when the wave hit him and he did not falter, he barely flinched, but he could feel the raw magnitude of force being transferred into his backer leg as he stiffened its thigh muscle.

"Where did she go?"

He had shielded his face from any possible debris and dirt caught in the blast with his left forearm, so for moments, what was happening in front of him had been hidden from his eye.
Blast passed, and he was glaring with it, intensely searching, than: movement, he saw movement. He was unsure what it was, but it was at the right height for a wolf.
He chased after it. Bare feet and powerful, lithe calves propelling him over the forest floor, effortlessly carrying him in-between trunks and under branches, the quick steps heard as subtle thumps.
When he arrived by the wolves side, he was breathing almost at the same pace he did before he had dashed.
She was unconscious, but alive.
Earth did not help her.
He sat down against a nearby tree, from her not more than five meters away, and leaned back, just watching.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth
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With every breath her muscles began to twitch, slowly bit by bit she was unable to stay wolf, her body going through the bloody ordeal to become human again. Her side pressed against the earth floor, her silver hair cast around her head like the mane of a running horse. Her knees were pulled up slightly, her arms curled to her chest as it rose and fell more steadily now. Her pink lips were parted as red blood dripped from the corner where she’d bitten her lip. It stained her virgin flesh like a splash of death on untouched snow, a red mark on a clear canvas. Her black eyelashes were like a raven over the whole entirety, death in the beauty of life.

Her back was towards Earth, her neck rising into the round curve that was her shoulder, the dark speckles on her skin, kisses from the sun that eventually lead to the hourglass curve to her hips. The curve of her buttocks lead to two strong legs, bent into the knee and pointed feet. Her ear twitched once, and her breath continued on.

“Hmm, mmh.”

Slowly Ammy’s eyes fluttered open, her muscles shaking as she pushed herself up slowly, every joint popping and stretching as she grabbed hold of her head.

“Ahh,” she moaned, her eyes closing tightly, "My head."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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Echoes of the sound of her heart beating loudly in her ears as her breathing became shallow. Her hand had slipped away from the dagger in her side and rested on the ground next to her as she looked up at the trees. Her vision was blurred and all she could see were patches of green and blurs of brown melting into the blue sky. A thin sheet of sweat covered her body at the temperature of the forest laced with the pain she was feeling. It was..numbing now. She was dying..and it wasn't the slow and painful death she thought she'd have. Everything was numbing.. The Mossy Green in her eyes started to turn a lifeless gray as she blankly stared at the blurred world around her, thinking about her brother as echos of voices filling her mind. I promise I won't run off this time... Can you be good for a couple hours? She swallowed hard, tasting blood in her mouth as she took a shallow inhale. Thank you, I should get back to my brother...He's probably gotten himself into trouble.. Another shallow inhale. (The sound of the villagers screaming for their life) Jayden!! Esme's full lips parted while she laid there in her own puddle of blood, then finally...she began to give up. There was nobody around to help her...She was alone in a forest. What could she do? What fight did she have left inside of her? At peace with the idea that her life was done...She silently prayed her brother was safe before closing her eyes and beginning to fade out of conscious and into the cold embrace of Death.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Karma
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Karma extended her arm and casted a jade barrier shielded herself from this burst of energy that shot out from the wolf. This was no wolf, she realized and gave chase, leaving the Jade Spirits where they were to continue distracting and ordering Xin to keep them busy. With haste she ran, becoming lightheaded from exertion, looking for the wolf and found her in time to witness the transformation. She had a hunch she was a shapeshifter but one could never be certain of things in these strange lands. She tensed when she noticed the man that was there. Her protective instincts taking over, she rushed in and stood between the too facing the man (the man being Earth of course).

Karma begun to glow that jade green, her eyes fixed on his despite her light headedness. She was smaller than him, even more so because she had been fasting and it showed though she retained her beauty. Still she stood between the two with the intent of protecting this shapeshifter however she could.

"Do you intend to harm her?", Karma asked. Her voice which was gentle and calm, contradicting her tense defensive stance. She did not wait for a reply, looking over her shoulder to the naked shapeshifter. "Do you know this man?".

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Karma
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#, as written by Armin
Ammy had transformed before him again, this time from wolf to human.

It wasn’t so much the visuals - those had grown less exciting with repetition - it was the sound. The sound of cracking bones and tearing flesh, it remained as brilliant in his ears as it was last. For what reasons it had stayed so, Earth did not know, but he did not care, he did not question emotions.
"She made it."
He was very satisfied and a little happy, and his eye showed it more than his face.

He heard a sound coming, something two legged running. A woman, she appeared at the scene placing herself between Earth and Ammy. Her face was somewhat similar to Xins.
“Who is this?”
And why was she here?
The womans eyes sought up his. They weren’t rabid but were keeping cool, despite her posturing which was threatening. She wouldn’t do anything rash, or so Earth thought.
She spoke "Do you intend to harm her?"
He stood up and said a few words.
They were directed mostly at Ammy.
“I'm going to the village. You were going to hunt, but it seems that cannot happen anymore.
You should probably rest here, but I wouldn’t mind if you didn’t.”
He then turned around and walked away.

Among all that he was, Earth was a man. The wolf woman’s body had appealed to him, she was beautiful. White and sliver, curves and shoulders. The transformation had had him worked up and she had been left naked. It had enticed him. He had wanted her.
When he left, it wasn't a matter of bravery and it wasn't a matter of others presence. It wasn't a matter of time. He’d been there long enough.
The sun was falling lower and lower, and he wanted to search the village as soon as possible, before the darkness made it difficult. Look for his comrades, look for survivors. He couldn’t have done this before his wound had been sealed shut, but now it was his highest priority.

Perhaps he shouldn’t have wasted time on assisting, and even more so watching, the wolf, but at the time it had felt more important, so he’d done it.

Now he strode swiftly back the way he came.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Karma Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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Ammy was at a loss for words, her eyes staring up at the frailest woman she had ever seen. Her body position was defensive, back turned towards Ammy with that strange green glow over her skin. Her nose worked the air, cataloging several different scents before her nose wrinkled. This woman was like Xin, she probably hated Shifter’s too and was only defending her because she had no idea what Ammy really was. But what was she blocking Ammy from?

Her head turned to see a man, leaning against a tree with his typical blank expression, almost looking bored as he was the first to answer the strange woman.

“No,” he said as he rose. No to what? Ammy’s ears flickered and she perked them forward. “
rest here, but I wouldn’t mind if you didn’t.”

Was that an invitation? He didn’t hang around to make it seem like he wanted an answer. Ammy stood, wobbling on her feet as she carefully pressed her hand against the bark of a tree. Once she was sure she wasn’t about the throw up she gave a little smile and a reassuring nod towards the woman.

“I’ll be alright. Don’t worry about me!” she waved as she then scampered after Earth. Well, sorta. First she needed to find the tree that had all her gear in it. It would’ve been near the village and she quickly made her way directly to it. The log had been struck with lightning some years ago and time had hallowed out what remained. Carefully Ammy wiggled her body through the large split at the bottom disappearing inside. She rifled through the pack after brushing off the leaves and needles that had covered it since the thaw. She pulled out her clothes, leaving behind the black armor she’d stolen from the Lord’s castle.
Once she was out in the open again she stood, pulling the laces in the front undone as she pulled the perfectly white cloth over her head. IT fight tight to her body and she held her head high as she began to tie the laces together, cinching up her chest as she tied the red ribbon tight. She grabbed her bow, the ash wood in her hand simple but strong, before running off to find Earth. It didn’t take long at all, following her nose as her quiver bounced along her back, bare feet running over the soil as she called out to him.

“Hey! Wait up!”

She ran up, stopping as suddenly her nose caught the scent of blood, just inside the trees. The black wall loomed ahead of them, like a cloud of death that made her soul shiver. This was not earth-kin.

.” Ammy paused, “Earth!”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Karma Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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Inside the trees, Fay was on the ground, fading fast and unconscious. "Hey, wait up!" The sound of of a woman made her eyes slowly open. Her skin was clammy and her skin was paling. "Earth....Earth!" Who was she calling to? His name was Earth? Or was she praising the solid rock that settled beneath their feet? Everything looked so strange...liquid and blurred together. Everything sounded further away than it probably was..This woman sounded close. The disappointment started to rise in her. She was going to die...Couldn't they just leave her here to die? Have some coyotes come and eat her flesh..She'd be much more use to the world if she was given to the food chain. She almost willed the woman to stay away and let her die, though a part of her, wanted to live to find her brother. He was probably all alone and scared...if he wasn't dead.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth
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#, as written by Armin
Earth was standing at the root of the black wall, gazing up and down it. His heart was racing: the wall had the same color as that which had cut him. They were probably the same.
He searched for the top of the wall with his eyes, but it was hard to see how far up it went. It was so tall, there was really no any clear outline against the heavens, perhaps there would be if he'd stand farther away.
In his right hand, earth was gripping onto the handle of his giant sword. He rigidly planted his feet into the ground and retracted the sword preparing to strike the black when he heard:
He recognized the voice; it was the wolf calling his name.
"Already up? I thought she'd be ruined for a while."
Earth actually had no reason to be here anymore, or to strike the wall. He had decided to strike it on a whim, just to see what happens. But he dropped his stance. Fear had caught with his recklessness and his mind was changed.
He turned away from the black a moved himself away.
Turning his back against the wall, he felt like someone was standing behind him ready to strike momentarily. It inevitably put him on edge, induced the state of almost waiting for something to happen. He would not bear it and turned around, instead facing the wall, walking backwards.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth
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Ammy stumbled forward, nearly falling onto her knees as she watched Earth curiously. Her head spun and she shook it to try and clear it.
“Ooof!” she tripped the last few inches and her body collided into Earth’s back, her hands catching herself on his back as she stammered out an apology.

"S-sorry. Didn't mean to run into you! Next time don't leave me with a stranger person than you," she shook her head again, as if trying to rid herself of an awful noise.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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"Wait," she stepped between him and the wall, tuning her back on it as the hair on her neck began to rise. The tattoos on her shoulders began to tingle, and she started pushing back against his chest.

"There's someone out there, they're hurt. We have to help them" she said gently, pushing him in the direction of the smell of blood.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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Esme laid there, listening. "There is nothing here, we are leaving, back to the others." She couldn't tell if it was a male or a female speaking.."There's someone out there, they're hurt. We have to help them" She recognized that voice. No! No...Stay back! Leave me to die...I'm at peace with this! I don't care if I'm being selfish! My brother is strong and will make it through this...All I can do is get him killed! She wished she could scream these words when her sensitive hearing picked up on footsteps coming closer. Please....Stay..back.. She started feeling light headed and her eyebrows furrowed for a brief moment before she closed her eyes. Let me die before they can get to me..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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Ammy found her in a matter of moments. She bent down, stooping to gently grasp the dagger that was lodged in the woman’s side regretting that Earth had pulled it so thoughtlessly.

“BACK OFF JEREMY!" Ammy snarled, pushing herself between the two.

"Can you hear me? It’s going to be alright,” she cooed, placing one hand into the damp soil and the other against the girl’s skin. If she could just find where the girl’s energy was she could manipulate it to help stop the bleeding. It was there, just a trickle that was quickly disappearing even now as Ammy grab hold with her own energy, regretting it almost immediately. Her body slumped forward and her ears went flat, her eyes closed with a snarl on her face.

Come back, damn it! Ammy growled. She couldn’t keep this up forever and as she yanked on the stream of energy it pulled her right back. You don’t want to die!

The tug-of-war Ammy found herself dealing with was quickly making her dizzy and she dug her nails into the soil harder. She jerked back, forcing the energy from the stream and directed it towards the wound. That was all she needed. Finding a purpose seemed to bring her back, her energy pouring into the open wound. Cells were stimulated, multiply, growing, dividing again and again till the capillaries sowed themselves shut.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch Character Portrait: Skye Emerton Character Portrait: Esme Rivdell
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#, as written by Hyydra
Joshua, leaving the girl in the dress by herself in the tree, leaped off of the branch, forwarding towards the necromancer. He roared as he ran on both his feet and legs, yelling "Stay away!" He leaped as he landed on the other side of her, his whole figure prowling like that of a tiger or a lion's. His golden brown eye faced towards him, it's fury easily seen. He stopped circling, facing towards him, holding his sword with his right hand, still in the sheathe, but easy to quickly whip out. He meant to do anything so save this girl. "Don't. Touch her." He said, snarling at the fact that he laid his hand, his cold, dark, evil hand on her shoulder. He stared at him, and every now and then at the girl, but only a flicker of the eye. He looked at him as if that was his property, a living thing, that he would take care of. He was enraged, thinking he'd kill her, probably knowing inside, but not now. He just stood there, ready to fight till his last breath, only three feet away from the body. He knew that the she-wolf was near him as well, but thought of them both on the same side, for now. He paid no mind to her, only waiting for him to do something. His mindset was only to back them off, even if it means death, and save the girl. He didn't know her, but she seemed familiar. You're nothing but evil, Joshua thought of the necromancer, staring dead into his eye, and if you hurt her I swear I'll end you.

It was a matter of action and reaction, in his mind.