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Keph Lavon

0 · 710 views · located in Kingdom of Alras

a character in “Fire, Death, Pinetrees”, originally authored by TechScience, as played by RolePlayGateway


☺Keph Lavon☺


Name: Keph LavonHumanoid Tribes :Species
Age: 18Great! :Physical Health
Sex: MaleWho needs it? :Mental Health

Physical description:
Short, green-haired, lacking muscle - although strangely agile and dexterous... well, at least for his human form. His eyes look like they're filled with curiousity! Firing towards every object and individual it can find! Thoroughly observing it! A smile rarely seems to leave his face, unless it is replaced by amazement, of course! Although he does show many emotions, those are the most common of him.

Gleeful, mute, and insane! Keph is playful, maybe a bit too playful, ranging from wanting to play normal games with others, to scaring the weaker, and chasing them around(His way of playing tag). Forceful? A bit. He has a board game and you're in his sight? Well, he will pester you until you sitdown besides him for a few hours of monopoly. Him being mute doesn't make him seem any saner, the fact that he has no idea on how to use sign language, means that he'll mostly be attempting to communicate through a long amateur game of charades, this can make it very difficult to communicate, and even harder for him to relay information to others. Unlike his constant need for games and others, he does enjoy constantly changing his attire, one of the few things that entertains him and doesn't annoy those around him. One particular fact that may be important is his bag, which has big emotional value for him, making toys come in from who knows where! Why is this important to his personality? Because his best friends live in there, of course! A small group of stuffed animals, chosen leader (Keph being the one who chose) being Barry, the teddy bear (His curiousity is one of the a kind). Although these toys are supposedly sentient, no one has really seen them perform any actions, and mostly seem to be personified by Keph, it makes one wonder what goes on in his head.


  • Rusty Scythe! What more would one need?
  • If toys count as weapons, then he's a walking armory!
Misc. Items:

  • Mystical bag of fun! Just a small bag that is actually infinite. What does it do? Toys, of course! (Warning: Possibly contains homicidal, sentient toys.)

  • Absorb: Squish, squish. Grab running meat. Squish, squish. Pull running food into self. Squish, squish. Release digestive liquid. Squish. Squish.
  • Morph: Allows Keph to morph into his human form, outwordly form, or anything he's absorbed. This gives him all the physical capabilities of that form, but not anything related to their mind, except for his human and outwordly form.


  • Top hat;
  • Vest;
  • Shirt;
  • Tie;
  • Checkered pants;
  • What ever he feels like dressing as! This is just his usual attire!

The inside of his mind, in musical form! (Don't click this if you do not wish to be taken to the land of Youtube!)

So begins...

Keph Lavon's Story

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Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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As nimble and agile as it- he was, it slowly moved itself through the forest, as a sort of large predator would, attempting not to alarm any possible meals around his location.

Slushing sounds could be heard for anyone who was nearby, and if someone curious enough were to pop their head out and take a look, what they would observe is a large, monsterous-looking black mass, with several strange lines across it, lines that seemed to resemble recently made cuts, with an infernal red coloring oozing from them, they would be the most noticeable thing on this creature, but truly, there would be much more to it. The creature itself wasn't that large, comparable to the size of a large fridge, in other words, slightly larger than your average human adult. Now, if one were able to take a closer look, they'd notice that the lines were really just a part of it, and not injuries as what one might first think. The infernal red didn't seem to indicate much about it, although it gave out an eerie aura. But the strangest of things is that it seemed... lacking? In an outworldly way, it could be compared to the sight of a turtle, hiding in a sort of shell. It didn't actually have a shell, but something was offputting. At times, the creature would shoot out various appendages, at extremely quick rates, these would latch on to close by trees, and anything else that could provide leverage, to help it move faster. How much faster? At the moment not much, but if it wanted it could accurately catapult it's way across the forest, perfect for predation. While moving, it seemed to rhythmically contract and expand its form, as if it wasn't comfortable on how it felt. The blob of pitch-black, gooey mass, and red lines continued to trek across the forest in search of something, anything really, but it would be better if it were something... living! Living things were always entertaining, why not find one of those.

As it trekked through the forest, small mammals would run; squeaking, chipirring, and creating a large array of sounds as the creature would pass near them and their homes, some not able to run off in time, getting stuck in its large mass, and disappearing into the void that it is.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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The silent, cold, pitch-black darkness was a familiar shroud for him, as the creature of predatorial nature moved itself across the dirty, natural area that it was in. It was almost what one would picture when the phrase "a shadow in the dark" comes to mind, a silent, ghost that if seen, would most likely be dismissed as a trick of the mind - of course there was the issue of the hellish glow emiting from the lines, which seemed to have been diminishing as the day went on, now it was barely visible, but it was still enough to alarm perceptive prey.

As it pushed itself between two trees... it suddenly stopped. There was something nearby, wasn't there? Prey? Maybe? It could be heard; it was close-by; it was moving; it was breathing. Something was alive, and it wasn't any small mammal, too audiable. As it started to approach the disturbance, more and more lead it to believe that it was going towards entertainment. So much could be heard at this distance; the blood flowing; the beating of the heart; the occasional shiver. Yes. There it was... or rather, there they were. Two creatures, rather tall, huddled due to the cold brought along with nightfall.

Slowly, it unwrapped itself. All this time, the creature was simply wrapped by its own form, a method to make itself less visible, or well, at least its most noticeable trait - the hellish glow. This made it more difficult to be noticed, and it was perfect to surprise those who encountered it. It was larger than had previously seemed. It was about the size of a small room. Various tenticular appendages, used to move itself across the trees and grab prey, portrayed from its body. Although it was large, it didn't have much height, when not using its appendages to push itself up, it was slightly taller than your average adult human. A small head - well, small when compared to the rest of it - rested on the top of its form, constituting about a third of its total height. The lines seemed to be uniformly spread as a sort of webbing between the appendages, now totally emitting its glow. The glow had a sort of flow to it, comparable to watching a trail of lava. Going back to the head, one could notice that a mouth was the only thing present on this piece of mass. When opened, the gooey form displayed sharp teeth, and from inside came a lively, firey light, stronger than what was seen on the outside of its body.

Unaware if both of the creatures were sleeping, it silently, but swiftly grabbed onto the heights of the pinetrees, pulling its form up. It was much quicker, now that it wasn't all bunched up, but it was also much more visible, making it so that the heights would be the best place to move across. Slowly, in a way that was natural to a sort of arachnid, it travelled along the branches and foliage of the trees, shrouding whatever was under it in a pitch black shadow.

The predator had taken the first step - preperation. But would it be successful? Had anyone noticed it as it began stretching over to the trunk that made up the center of the make-shift shelter? And even if not, they were likely to put up a fight.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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#, as written by Armin
He caught a glimpse of a red orange light in the night, shining through small holes in the insulating layer of pines that were part of their shelter. It happened just as he was getting ready to fall asleep again and it was faint and did not catch his eye for more than a split second before disappearing. There was no telling he had not just imagined it, but earth trusted his senses.
The lights feel and color had been similar to that of fire.
Earth decided to leave the wooden shelter as quickly as possible.
“Wolf!” He said loudly and shook Ammy rather violently.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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#, as written by Armin
Ammy woke rather violently. She’d been dreamless, so safe and sound that she had allowed her guard to drop and her exhausted body to rest. Now, Earth was shaking her, pushing toward the door, calling her Wolf girl. She wanted to bite him, and she nearly did, her lip pulling back in a snarl as he basicly shoved her out of their shelter.

“Hey what's the--" she stopped, sniffing the air as she shrank back. She'd never smelled anything like it and it frightened her.

"There was something. it looked like fire"

"That isn't fire," she growled and began to frantinticly try and pinpont it's location, all the while reaching for her bow.

Ammy began acting more like a wolf. Seeing this, Earth said nothing, it was stupid to distort the sound of the surroundings with his voice. He cleared his mind of thoughts and began searching the forest with his eye, while sensing the Air against his skin and sharpening his hearing. The enemy was probobly glowing so it'd be distinguishable with eyesight against the nights black, but there was no reason not to make use of all his senses. When he spotted it, it was in the treetops. A large mass of dim orange glow, around the size of a small room.
He drew a sword and pointed it at the being.
"It's there."

“Why now? Of all times why now?”

Ammy had an arrow knocked, the cool white feathers of the bird running through her fingertips as from under her skin, her tattoos began to burn. If they hadn’t been hidden under her dress, they too would have shimmered noticeably in the night air, but they were nothing in comparison with the glow emitted by the creature, even if it was trying to hide itself.

Once Earth had pointed it out, letting her know that he too had seen it she took her stance, raising her bow and pulling back on the sting. It hovered by her cheek, her breathing slow and steady, her fingers drawn back to her ear as the tail quivered against her cheek.

“If it moves, I’m going to shoot,” she said softly, more to herself than to Earth. She hadn’t felt this way since Earth had stabbed her as a moose; it was the feeling of being someone’s prey. The way the creature had snuck so quietly up on their sleeping forms, was just how she did it as a wolf. And Ammy was not about to become someone’s midnight snack, not without a fight.

Earth had not moved since pointing the creature out, but he had readied himself. Every nerv in his body was tense, ready to explode whenever one of his senses picked up an abonrmality. He was excited, the enemy looked formidable enough.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Words echo'd through the calm, and mostly quiet night. The words of prey, its prey - his prey. Words that, little did they know, were orienting him, calling out to him. In most cases, it would have lunged off at its target by now. But... why weren't they running? Could it be imagining all this? Have all his years of mental illness being getting to him? And so... calm. This was strange, almost alien to him, but no, they were surely there, he could hear them breathing, their hearts beating, and the sound of string being pulled on, the readying of an arrow.

Slowly, and rather dramatically, it opened its maw, shining hell down on Ammy. And without another second, in a blink of an eye, it lunged down at Ammy, swooping down quickly, stretching it's body out like a squid would do to propulse itself through water. Birds, that were previously close by to it, but not noticing it in the darkness of the night, flew off, startled by the sudden motion and sound. It screeched loudly, attempting to startle its prey, as well. It sounds as if various people had begun to scratch on chalk boards, and if not worse, it seemed to lack rhythm, it was erratic, and deafening.

Half-way down, it began to spin, it would be better defined as magestic, if not terrifying. Its open maw, which the prey most likely had no idea of, allowed it to see its surroundings, which when closed limited it to its other senses - expect for taste, the one sense it lacks.

As the creature of outworldly form swooped down, maw open, body magestically spinning, it began to think of how much fun these two would be, hopefully it would last.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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It turned towards them. Ammy didn’t hesitate. In a matter of moments she had loosed an arrow from her bow. She watched, her eyes widening in disbelief as it missed.

“No-it’s not--” she gasped as her arrow went up to the feathers in the branches behind the creature. HOW?! Ammy was a top notch archer, she never missed her mark. Not once had she missed a target that was now aimed at her. No, she realized, she hadn’t missed, the creature had just moved its mass away from the arrow curving such a hole in itself that Ammy knew it wasn’t a straight solid mass. It had to have flow, like water. Dark twisted, EVIL water.

It opened its mouth, hitting her with a ray of light, but it was not the fury of Frenris inside of this creature. It was something else. She rose her hand to shade her eyes from the sudden burst of light that sent the world back into shadows. She shook her head, trying to dispel the burning in her mind, the rapid constriction of her pupils giving her no other choice but to close her eyes. She heard it lunge, the whistle of its body though the air giving her time to calculate just how far it was from her.

She could doge it. It would find no target and go smashing into the ground and that would be the end of it. Her ears twitched, listening to the sound of it coming closer when it suddenly screamed.

She dropped. The sound was enough to shatter her ears, like a dog whistle it came screeching though the air. Blood dripped into the white fur, her bow cast aside as her hands slapped over her ears, holding them so hard they began to go numb. The sound was like a drill, ripping into her brain so that her body quivered with pain. The hot metal, the fire, the burns, being stabbed by Earth all seemed like splinters to the pain she went through now. Thousands of little metal spikes, each one being shoved beneath her nails was better than this, she thought as her eyes opened to see the creature spinning though the air, mouth-light still illuminating her little quaking form, huddled over as she tried not to retch. She turned her head, looking toward Earth with wide eyes.

Earth was going to have to deal with the creature by himself, and Ammy.... she'd rather not think about it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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#, as written by Armin
As the black, orange glowing creature came down from the treetops it opened its hellish mouth and screeched. Ear deafening: the screech completely blocked out all other sounds of the world from Earths ears, but he did not flinch and he took not his eyes from the creature. Until in the corner of his eyes he saw movement that grabbed his attention. It was Ammy, she had been stabbed by the sound and collapsed onto her knees.
Right she was a wolf.
Almost instantaneously upon the fall of Ammy, Earths left foot burrowed into the ground as its calfmuscle contracted brutally and threw his body forwards into a mad dash. He took three swift steps, and upon the forth one, he pounced, diving through the air towards Amy. The index finger of his left hand reached her first, touching her waist. From there as he forwarded, his hand slid past her waist and his armed locked itself into her armpit. Earth pivoted around her shoulder and extended his free arm, catching the ground with his hand, then relaxing the arm it into a fluent dodge roll, pulling Ammy along with him. Coming out of the roll he landed on his feet and brutally hurled Ammy away through the air in one continuous motion, sending her flying and tumbling over 20 meters, he himself continuing the momentum of the throw into a sideward leap.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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The target had been missed. It had spiralled into the ground, but it quickly rised back up. Its body was rather stretched, forming a small mound of black mass, and squirming tendrils, but suddenly it sprung back up, recomposed after its failure. It quickly openned its maw, still a bit in dismay after hitting the ground. It scanned the area, quickly noticing its prey. One of the individuals throwing the other away. The other seemed to be in distress, and was barely moving. It could be dealt with later, but first the swordsman had to be eliminated, and consumed.

The swordsman was distracted with the other prey, it was his chance. Pushing the lower tendrils against the ground, while shooting others off against nearby objects, it shot itself at the swordsman, openning its maw and performing the same movement as before - spiralling. The whisteling sound of his speed was noticeable, and he was quickly gaining terrain on his newly acquired target. It screeched one, just like before.

What was it doing? Why would it repeat the same tactic once more? How intelligent was it to commit a possibly desasterous plan. But, there was no use questioning it, as it had already been done, and now it was unlikely for someone to stop it as it soared through the air, expect for either it, or its target.

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Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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#, as written by Armin
After smashing into the ground, flattening its blackness, the creature was quick to continue its pursuit of Earth. Which was a good thing, it was with hopes of this happening that he had launched Ammy of as far as he’d done.

Earth was quickly on his toes, turned towards the monster. He was feeling light. Light and swift and instinctive.
The creature charged again, and it too was swift, but its attacks were straight and wild it seemed. Well, it had only attacked once so far so there wasn’t much to go on, but that was what he had derived. At a distance he could only see the beasts glowing mouth, the black body hidden in the night. But it seemed to always open its maw when charging, making spotting and dodging its attacks relatively easy.

Earth had dropped the sword drawn earlier in order to grip Ammy, but it was no matter in this battle (He contemplated as he dashed through the forest night towards the shelter, behind it lay his great giant sword). The arrow fired of off Ammys bow had done no damage to the creature, and he doubted these puny blades of his would either (as he stopped suddenly, and bent his legs, while surfing over pine needles past the shelter, picking up the handle of his great giant sword, and rotating half a lap digging up dirt with the outer foot, and ending up facing the black creature with the almost two meters of blade pointing in its direction).
Earth anchored his feet in the earth.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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The creature, it had missed again. This conflict, it was enjoyable, exhilarating even. It had been a while since anyone had actually did anything but run from it, so this was indeed entertaining to it. But, it could not get lost in thought, it had prey to eviscerate.

The prey, he had sucessfully dodged, it could hear him grabbing its weaponry, the slight turn of the feet. Obviously a trained fighter, although it was not considering that, it cared little for the skill of its adversary, which was a rather ridiculous move, instead it continued its usual tactic of berserking, attempting to hit simply by a physical advantage. As it flew towards a wall of trees, and with its target not in its sight, it extended its tentacles all out, coming to a full halt as it passed between a few trees, quickly it turned. Having its open maw once again aimed at the swordsman. It launched itself, but decided to change things a bit, instead of just launching itself and spiralling as it constantly did before, as it passed through the air, it turned its bottom side towards the ground, and began to spin with its appendages stretched out, a sort of twister movement, if you would. And as it got closer, and closer to Earth, it would end up touching the ground, but would continue sliding across the way, its several limbs slicing off over grown vegetation, and even lifting up a cloud of dust.

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Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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#, as written by Armin
The creature’s next approach was more difficult. It charged while spinning its appendages horizontality as if on a vertical axis and headed towards Earth. As it spun, its appendages stretched outward, increasing its horizontal hitbox significantly as compared with its last attack, but reducing its vertical one. Additionally, dust and dirt was cast up into the air suggesting it was traveling relatively close to the ground, and the part of the creature that appeared to be its head, the gaping glowing maw, was now position higher above the ground than before. Previously when attacking, the creature’s appendages had not stretched past the glowing point, and it was reasonable to believe that they would not do so now either.

As such, the best plan of action would probably be to jump over the creature, as one could more precisely estimate its height then its breadth, and vague observations in the moonlight revealed that its breadth was significantly greater than its height.
Very experienced in fighting abnormalities, Earth quickly reached this conclusion and took necessary action.
With the giant sword perfectly horizontal, held by his right side, gripped with both hands, extending forward as though a lance, Earth charged the creature straight on.
The two moved towards each other as though drawn to common center of gravity, and when mere meters from clashing, Earth planted the tip of his two meter blade in the ground and pole-vaulted three meters up into the air, hurling himself over the creature assuming a position where he could strike at the glowing source. Carrying on the forward flipping movement of the pole vault as well as explosively twisting his hips and chest in opposite directions, Earth brought the massive sword down upon the glow, hitting it with the flat side of the blade close to the hilt. With great force and momentum, the almost full 2 meters of blade struck the creature.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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A gruesome sound of the goo slushing to the sides of the sword, splattering around the area. Half of it turned into a pitch black pond, the rest began to reform itself. At this point, it could just become a smaller version of itself, but it'd become weaker and unstable, and would hardly last much longer. Instead, it decided to make a choice that seemed smarter, not stay like that.

Before Earth, the goo that still stood, began to compress, and change shape, the hellish glow moved itself into the inside of the form, while it began to take a strange shape. It was hard to describe what it was, but it seemed humanoid. It began to take color, pieces of clothing formed, or rather, they already had formed, but only now began to look anything more than shadows. As the clothes were finished, it looked more human, but the actual form was still morphing. This process was usually much quicker, but due to the damage taken from the fight, it would take about a minute.

Now sitting down in place of the monsterous creature - or what was left of it - was now a human, dressed in a rather interesting attire. He was sitting down, legs crossed, with a playful smile. He stared at Earth, his expression not changing one bit. Wait, he was holding something. A box? A red box! It had a handle on the side, a handle that he was turning. Something was winding up. What could it be? One last effort to defeat Earth? *BOING* A rather mischivious laugh was heard from the box. It was not a weapon, simply a jack in the box. Nothing more than a toy.

The human-looking goo grinned vividly at Earth, doing a small wave. Now confronted with his adversary, what would he do? And more importantly, what would they do?

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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#, as written by Armin
Earth landed on bent knees, holding the full length of the sword behind him. The attack put significant strain on Earth’s upper body and the wound cross his chest had been ripped open and was now dribbling with blood. The injury was throbbing brilliantly.
Earth rose and turned. The blue eye had turned golden orange and was opened wide, tense and intense, fixed on what was left of the creature as it took on a new shape.
When the thing had transformed into a human dressing and behaving childishly, Earth spoke with a hint of anticipation.
"You will speak, leave or die."

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Ammy had watched the battle from the sidelines, her eyes blinked softly, nearly crying out with joy as Earth landed a devastating blow. That’s when the creature began to change. Her ears pricked forward and she stepped forward.

“A-a boy?” Ammy lowered the sword, walking forward now closer, “A Shifter?”

Her ears pricked in curiosity, her head tilting to the side as she gave a wolfish grin. He looked so different sitting there, so innocent. Then BOING. She nearly leapt back till she saw it was a toy.

“Take it easy Earth, it’s a child.” She carefully put her hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile as she glanced at his chest. "I'll heal that for you in a little."

A grin broke out on her face and she leaned forward. She was almost drawn in. Wolves loved puppies more than life itself, Ammy was no exception.

“Hey little guy,” she smiled, “What’s your name?”

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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“Keph?” she smiled as he pulled her forward, his eyes bright and playful. Ammy smiled, pointing to herself, “Ammy.”

That was when Earth had pulled her back; the sharp change in motion nearly causing her to fall back against the ground. Her hands fell onto her ears, as if to steady herself as she gave Earth a little stare. This? This was the creature that had attacked them? Hardly.

She pulled her hands away from her ears, her palms stained with blood as more white fur became tipped with red. She was still bleeding, the screech from the monster had done some damage. It would heal—hopefully. What worried her more were Earth’s wounds and she gave him another sympathetic look. Before he knew what was happening she placed her hand along the edge of the wound, closed her eyes and made the connection. For an instant she could feel everything he felt, saw everything he could and felt the pulsing of his energy. Their thoughts joined as well and she made sure not to intrude on his own thoughts. She quickly redirected his energy to mend the wound in his stomach, using a little of her own to speed up the process when something caught her attention. Though Earth she could see the boy beckoning back to her.

She pulled her hand away, the connection broken but the job done as the force of his energy began to center around his stomach, and more specifically his wound.

“Look at him, Earth. He’s half the size of your sword and he’s making no threat now. He’s just a kid, a Shifter, just like me. I’ll be alright,” she smiled encouragingly, giving back Earth’s other sword, before heading back to the child. He leaned close, and did something interesting. He sniffed her, like a canine would and she took his scent too. Exchanging it in an animalistic way. They were close, inches away from each other when his tongue reached out, caressing the paleness of her cheek. Was he tasting her? A lick like this could be seen as a sign of submission, of friendliness. It could also be tasting its next meal. Ammy just giggled. It was so strange that the latter of the two options had never occurred to her, a lick. A kiss between two predators.

Her ears were tipped back, one eye closed on the side of her cheek the tongue rested on a moment longer before withdrawing. Her mouth was open in a laugh, her eyes bright and shimmering as Keph suddenly stood and ran around behind her. He jumped, and her arms caught him, a boy pressed up on her back as one arm wrapped around her neck and he suddenly pointed in a random direction, the order clear as day.

“Alright, alright,” she mused, her hair tickling against his face as the additional weight gave her body another challenge to try and balance herself. She turned back to Earth, happiness shining bright across her face the moon shone down on the trees. The threat had lifted. She was safe, Earth was safe. She looked at him, tenderly admiring the way the moonlight kissed along the silver of his blade, sending it glittering light starlight. The black goo absorbing the light as well, black blood.

“See Earth, it’s okay. I’m sure he was just lonely-or maybe a bit hungry like we all are. It’s okay, we’re okay,” she was using a soothing tone, the same voice she used with animals who were injured and frightened. “Come with us.”

She held out her hand softly.

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Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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#, as written by Armin
Earth’s eye was fixed on the child and suddenly Ammy’s hands were on his wound. As they touched, pain stung him and he let out a minor groan. The pain subsided and he could feel the skin around his wound tingling and the flesh aching. She was healing him, she was removing the pain. But the healing felt quelling, almost sedative, and there was nothing he could possibly allow himself to do about it anyway. They were strange, his bodies sensations during that act, but the situation in his mind was even stranger.
Upon her hands touching him, he felt like his head was being filled by something he had no control over, a consciousness that was not his. Memories that did not belong to him, a vision that did not belong to him, thoughts that did not belong to him. Yet it invoked in him feelings. Or perhaps, it was his unconscious? No, that couldn’t be, it felt so different. His eye left the child for a moment and glanced at Ammy. Was it her? It had to be, it was with her touch that it had appeared. What was she doing in his mind? The question drew Earths full attention, directing it away from the world and the threat of the child for a few moments, before he realized this as a mistake and returned to his senses. As he did so his wound was fully healed and Ammys hands left his skin, the intruding piece of consciousness leaving his mind.
She spoke to him and returned him his sword, before walking to the child.

Earth looked on as Ammy, having decided not to heed his warning, approached the child. She bent down beside it and as its little head moved closer and closer to her face, a vision flashed through Earth's mind: The boy’s skin turned inside out, unfolding the black monster that had attacked him earlier. It opened its infernal maw and closed it around Amy’s neck, tearing her head clean off. Her face, ears and silver hair were devoured, just ceasing to exist: suddenly gone, leaving no trace but her dead body which fell to the ground with a thump.
The vision sent a freezing shiver down Earths spine and for a moment his eye screamed.

Back to reality: The real child’s mouth moved closer and closer to the real Ammy's face. He had warned her and felt a need to do nothing more to interfere, besides, this would be a good test to see if the creature was no longer dangerous, she would serve as a guinnea-pig.
Still, he could not help but feel uneasy as the little one opened his mouth and then...! licked her cheek.
Earth found himself unconsciously breathing a sigh of relief. The child climbed Ammy and playfully clung to her neck and she was radiating happiness.
She held out a hand, telling Earth to come with them, gesturing for him to grab it. He did go with them, but his hand did not grab hers: it was needed to grip his sword.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Her hair shimmered like water in the moonlight, the strands caught and wild against Keph’s body as she went to pick up her bow. It was broken in half. The string, made of her own hair, was the only thing holding the two pieces of ash wood together. It had probably been broken when the black monster had crashed into it after Earth threw her. She sighed. If she had the time she would have built a pyre and burned it, however, it was still late and the lack of sleep was starting to drag on her. She carefully lay it down, back where the warrior had fallen.

She didn’t care what the two of them thought as she threw back her head and let out a small, sad howl. It was enough of a salute for her companion. Keph hung onto her, she could feel his hands touching her skin softly, and she gave a small half-smile before standing. Earth was quietly waiting, and she led the way. They were just a little way from the shelter and that was her destination, even though it was a little ways off of where the boy was pointing. To confuse him she spun around a couple of times, before leaping off in the direction of the shelter.

Ammy began to walk alongside Earth, Keph’s arms around her neck. For a moment’ everything was perfect, Tor smiled down upon her once again and slowly began to heal the injury to her ears. She found it easier to walk and carry the child, her blue eyes shimmering as with every step she made sure to entertain Keph. He would bounce, her every step getting longer in stride, perking up till she was running a little way’s ahead, then stopping to let Earth catch up.

Arms tightened around her neck, Keph’s head behind her own as his legs tightened around her waist. She was leading them back to the shelter; it was still nighttime after all and they all needed their rest. Her eyelashes fluttered as she looked towards the lean-to. A couple of the branches had been knocked down, a few of the pines had lost their needles and it needed to be fixed before it was sleep worthy. She paused, looking at Earth. Then, she reached around behind her back, grabbing hold of Keph and swinging him around in front of her.

“Keph? I know you want to play but right now I need your help. Can you grab some of the pine branches off of the trees?” Ammy asked, gently. She set him down, then quickly dashed off to pick up a log as she tried to prop it back up against the main tree, a yawn wracking her body with a small shiver.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Placing his hand flat over his brow, as one would do to block out the sun, he began scanning the horizon. Of course, Keph's method was hardly effective, considering that it was night time and thus there was no sunlight to block, and the great amount of trees didn't let one see very far, besides the fact that as human, his senses weren't as fine, and his mind was much more prone to distraction.

Keph chuckled, and laughed, from time-to-time, as Ammy, the one carrying him, would do a few playful motions, as is normally done with a child. It was entertaining for him, but sometimes, his gaze would still move over to the extra-super-mega serious swordsman. Considering he was prone to distraction, and Ammy being the one interacting wth him, his gaze being dragged away wasn't common, but it still happened.

Later down their journey, as Keph was playing with Ammy's ears, and watching them move away as he touched them, he was grabbed and swung infront of her. “Keph? I know you want to play but right now I need your help. Can you grab some of the pine branches off of the trees?” With the question posed, his eyes quickly shot up at the branches, before sending back a smile and a nod.

With the agility of a feline, and the dexterity of an ape, he quickly climbed the closest tree; he would swing from branch to branch, his weight breaking them, but being able to complete the swing onto another, just as the previous broke. He continued doing this, until there was an absurd number of branches on the ground, everywhere in sight - branches. And as he finished his job, he grabbed the single, smallest branch amongst all of them, and held it over to Ammy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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By the time Keph had knocked and pulled enough branches from the trees to double the insulation of the little hut and make a little nest inside, Ammy had just finished straightening out the logs. Her eyes widened as she looked at all the branches scattered on the ground. That would be plenty indeed. Keph dropped down, grabbing a tiny little branch and handed it over her, tickling her nose with one of the branches he had gathered and she sneezed. With a small laugh she carefully took Keph’s branch and wove it into her hair. The sweet smell of pine filled her nose and the cone on the branch made her feel wild.

Her blue eyes shimmered as she thanked Keph. Then she began to gather them in large bushels, laying them aside the logs in large piles. She’d made it a little wider, big enough for three. When she was sure that they had covered the entire area she took the extra branches and disappeared in though the entrance. She began laying them into a nice bedding. That way Earth didn’t have to lean against the sharp bite of the pine bark and she wouldn’t have to snuggle up into him and Keph into her. Once she was satisfied with the whole nest making she popped her head out and wiped her hands against each other to get rid of the sap.

“It’s finished.”