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Keph Lavon

0 · 709 views · located in Kingdom of Alras

a character in “Fire, Death, Pinetrees”, originally authored by TechScience, as played by RolePlayGateway


☺Keph Lavon☺


Name: Keph LavonHumanoid Tribes :Species
Age: 18Great! :Physical Health
Sex: MaleWho needs it? :Mental Health

Physical description:
Short, green-haired, lacking muscle - although strangely agile and dexterous... well, at least for his human form. His eyes look like they're filled with curiousity! Firing towards every object and individual it can find! Thoroughly observing it! A smile rarely seems to leave his face, unless it is replaced by amazement, of course! Although he does show many emotions, those are the most common of him.

Gleeful, mute, and insane! Keph is playful, maybe a bit too playful, ranging from wanting to play normal games with others, to scaring the weaker, and chasing them around(His way of playing tag). Forceful? A bit. He has a board game and you're in his sight? Well, he will pester you until you sitdown besides him for a few hours of monopoly. Him being mute doesn't make him seem any saner, the fact that he has no idea on how to use sign language, means that he'll mostly be attempting to communicate through a long amateur game of charades, this can make it very difficult to communicate, and even harder for him to relay information to others. Unlike his constant need for games and others, he does enjoy constantly changing his attire, one of the few things that entertains him and doesn't annoy those around him. One particular fact that may be important is his bag, which has big emotional value for him, making toys come in from who knows where! Why is this important to his personality? Because his best friends live in there, of course! A small group of stuffed animals, chosen leader (Keph being the one who chose) being Barry, the teddy bear (His curiousity is one of the a kind). Although these toys are supposedly sentient, no one has really seen them perform any actions, and mostly seem to be personified by Keph, it makes one wonder what goes on in his head.


  • Rusty Scythe! What more would one need?
  • If toys count as weapons, then he's a walking armory!
Misc. Items:

  • Mystical bag of fun! Just a small bag that is actually infinite. What does it do? Toys, of course! (Warning: Possibly contains homicidal, sentient toys.)

  • Absorb: Squish, squish. Grab running meat. Squish, squish. Pull running food into self. Squish, squish. Release digestive liquid. Squish. Squish.
  • Morph: Allows Keph to morph into his human form, outwordly form, or anything he's absorbed. This gives him all the physical capabilities of that form, but not anything related to their mind, except for his human and outwordly form.


  • Top hat;
  • Vest;
  • Shirt;
  • Tie;
  • Checkered pants;
  • What ever he feels like dressing as! This is just his usual attire!

The inside of his mind, in musical form! (Don't click this if you do not wish to be taken to the land of Youtube!)

So begins...

Keph Lavon's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Eve walked, looking around the area looking for the life energy of her daughter. "I've decided, I hate easterners." Eve spoke to herself, her voice sharpened and full of hatred and annoyance.

Suddenly, something grabbed on to her arm. The quick surprise caused the pentagram to disappear, her thought processes were interrupted. The grip of this thing was strong, but looking at it shows a very large amount of life energy. Too much. If only her other arm was grabbed, then she would be able to take some of this energy.
But that was too bad, luck was not on her side at the time. The strange entity quickly fell towards Eve, it seemed to be after her. But why? Who/what would hunt a corpse?

There wasn't time to summon Jeremy's scythe, nor time to conjure up a spell. The best thing to do right now is to somehow act. Summon a minion? No, too long. Detach the arm? No, gotta preserve the pseudo-life energy. It would be best to take advantage of the entity's movement.
It seemed to be using the thing that was latched onto her arm to pull itself down, which means that there is nothing else it can hold on to. This means...

Eve swung her grabbed arm towards a tree, aiming to smack the entity into a tree. Hoping that it would release her arm.

If this movement was successful, she would crouch down, resting her free hand on the floor. A small pentagram would appear -3 seconds- followed by a large second one about 1 meter away, -5 seconds-. This would summon one of the corpses Jeremy had left in reserve -6 seconds-. It had already been given the order to attack the entity and to protect it's summoner.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Ah. The prey was close, in its grasp, as its slowly continued his descent - a descent that most would consider to be more dramatic than effective. Oh? But what was this? She hit its appendage into the tree, with a significant amount of force - interesting. Although, this gooey and rubbery limb barely reacted to this strike, compressing a bit while letting out some rather disgusting sounds, one that resembled the smashing of living meat. But, Keph didn't really feel much, although it seemed this wasn't all the prey had in store for it.

Opening its maw, Keph watched as the prey revealed more interesting abilities. It could just stop her, but that would just be dull. The woman, crouched down, and made a pentagram appear. How nice, what could come next? Oh! A second one! Don't they have such pretty colors? And finally... oh what was this. Keph froze, releasing the prey's arm, and retracting his tendril. This being felt similar to the prey, but much more void. Keph stood complete still, simply eying the creature as it stood there, presumedly to guard the prey. For a moment, there was complete silence from Keph - it was as if time had stood still for him. At that second, the sound of the wind and rain drowned out all other sound. What came next was brutal, a sight that would only be intesified due to its lack of sound (due to the rain).

It seemed longer, but everything had happened in about a second. As soon as Keph took another glance at the summoned corpse, it began shaking, shaking feverishly. It seemed unstable, more than usual. Keph let out a screech, but not the usual that he would use to stun his prey, but one of pure anger and anguish. And without another moment, every limb, every tentacle, anything he had at his disposal flung itself at the void form. Keph's limbs dismantled the body alone by the sheer number of them stabbing into its body, but that was not it. Keph continued to slash, stab, and batter any remaining bit, completely destroying any of it. Even after such, Keph continued to bash the very ground from which it stood. It was a horrifying sight, and Keph seemed to be in an uncontrolable state of rage.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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The act of defence had failed, it seemed like the entity had no feeling. And it was definitely not a solid being. Although, it did release Eve's arm. This means that she has time to summon Jeremy's scythe.

She held her arm out, two pentagrams appearing which moved in opposite directions. Forming the handle of the scythe, about 1 and a half times the size of her body. The blade then appeared, forming at 2/3 the size of Eve. Once the scythe had completely formed, Eve brought the stance of fighting. Spacing her legs apart, holding the scythe with both hands with the blade on the right side, pointing diagonally towards the ground.

Suddenly, the creature's target had become Eve's guard. It was a horrifying sight, but there was nothing wrong with the sight. No blood was spilt, the corpse was dry. Of course it was, it's a damn corpse. That didn't matter.

"What the hell are you?" Eve demanded, a little annoyed at what had happened.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Keph just stood there, its open maw pointed at the ground. It was tired, although there was no sign of it due to its current form. Control was coming back to it, now that the void had been destroyed. That it is, until the prey spoke. "What the hell are you?" Yelled the prey, most likely angered or annoyed by the vicious destruction of its minion. But, this reminded it of who had spawned that thing to begin with, and quickly made its return to its state of vicious fury.

It didn't take long for Keph to react to the scythe-wielding woman, which would've likely gone unnoticed if she had not spoken. Turning towards her, it screeched in anger, the lines on its body glowing stronger than was usual, to the point that one could barely stare at them. And then it began. Still caught in its fit of rage, it lashed out all of its tendrils, and began to spin, waving its limbs around erratically. Pieces of wood, and clouds of dust filled the area, as its movements razed the area around him. But although highly destructive, its attacks were unaimed, and were simply done to destroy everything around it, a sort of attack that a proficient fighter would have easy dodging if they had some distance. But, for any caught near Keph, they would get the beating of their life.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Eve simply stood, staring at the creatures fit of rage as it threw itself around. Bits of wood and the odd tendril smacked into her body, but the pain was left unnoticed. In fact, she didn't really feel anything, she can't. Instead, Eve used this situation to her advantage. This being seems to be flailing around with anger, it is not aiming at all. Which means that it's not paying attention to it's surroundings. The dust would also impair one's vision.

It took a large amount of concentration, Eve was asking the second consciousness held inside her body, Jeremy, for some advice. That, she had gotten, along with a stupid remark from her saviour.
Eve closed her eye, depending completely on the covered eye which had the ability to see life energy. The main reason it is covered is because it's not a good sight to see by others. Although, nor is seeing leather stitched over the eye.
Finally, it had appeared, the eye had grown accustomed to being used and the sight of life energy had improved. Green lights had appeared in the blackness around the white blob that was raging in front of her. These green lights soon refined themselves as the vision became better, until finally, the green lights had taken the shape of the trees of the forest. The white blob had gained the shape of that strange creature, even the tendrils could be seen. Now, let's fuck with it.

Eve suddenly jumped forward, watching the moving tendrils in her 360-degree sight. She gripped the scythe with her right hand, using her left arm for more important manoeuvres. Instead of striking the beast, Eve jumped over it, heading toward the tree that was only a few feet away. Finally, she slammed her feet to the ground, slowing her body down. She held the scythe with both hands once more, using the momentum of her moving body to direct the massive blade toward the poor thin pine tree.

The scythe cut the tree swiftly and stabbed into the ground, useful to stop Eve from loosing her arms due to the swing. The cut was diagonal, pointing downward toward the creature. This allowed the tree to fall, first slipping from the stump and colliding with the ground. It then tumbled down, falling straight down. Ready to crush the poor creature beneath it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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0.00 INK

"Crack!" Hm. What could that be? Oh just a large tree! And *BAM*, a tree which was now pushed into the outworldly creature. The heavy trunk had been cut apart on the lower parts, this due to that annoying woman and her scythe, which of course ended up falling on Keph. But no! Such a weak trick could not stop Keph! And that weakling would pay as soon as- Oh. No, such would have to wait.

As the tree got stuck in Keph's gooey body, and it began to try and pull it out, it began to notice the exhaustion weighing it down. Exhaustion which, once again, would force it to revert to its human form. Great, another prey had fled its grasp. It wasn't getting a meal today, was it?

Its body trembling, and form shrinking, it wasn't long until he was once again human. The goo compressing and changing color, forming everything from his petite body, to the clothes which covered it. But, the woman would see none of this process, as the enormous cloud of dust would take time to dissipate. But, when it did, there was Keph, sleeping on the ground while in PJ's and wearing a sleeping hat. He yawned slightly, and rubbed his closed eye in the most adorable of ways, then shaking as he pressed the button-eyed teddy bear against himself.

One would wonder how such a monstrous creature could end up being so innocent-looking, but the question now was what the victor of this skirmish would do? As the defeated simply lied there slumbering, dreaming of chasing small rodents around, and then munching on them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Eve lowered her stance and stared at the dust cloud. The green life energy of the fallen tree had begun to fade as it slowly died. However, it seemed that the falling tree had missed. The white life energy of the strange creature had fallen down into a blob and did not move, what happened? Did it faint from shock? Well, it doesn't seem to be of a major threat now.
Eve opened her eye again seeing the large dust cloud covering the bright colours of life energy. However, the need of using the 'special eye' was gone, causing the colours all around to fade down back to the usual sight of slight florescence of life energy.

Finally, the dust was settling and Eve could see normally again. Which means she can take that large amount of life energy in that creature, only to shut up that male voice in her head which kept begging to take that energy. But first, it's questions.

Wait... A kid!? No, that is the creature. There was no change in life energy, it didn't move. Except for moving some toy towards it. Well, it was cute, and this reminded Eve of her daughter who she was searching for. Dammit, this little ass hole wasted valuable time to find Charlotte.
Without hesitation, she grabbed onto the child's head and picked him up while gripping onto his skull as she raised the child to her face. "You, what are you doing? I'm busy and you're attacking me? This isn't a game, kid. But, I can forgive you. As long as you give me that life energy of yours." The voice was dark and threatening, it croaked and showed death in every word. This wasn't Eve speaking, this was Jeremy. Disgusted of the woman's thoughts of how 'cute' that creature is, he wanted that energy and he wanted his body back. That's all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Joshua Dracnitch
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#, as written by Armin
-//Gamemaster announcement: Story Element//-

Rain from the clouds hurled down at the blackness at its height, how far up may it be, the top of the wall?
Flattened and shattered on impact, each drop sent sprinkling fragments off the edge of the wall, down, insignificantly swept into the rest of the sky fall. Upon the masses bellow it poured.

Walking alongside the great black wall, there were soldiers, over five hundred soldiers each one wearing a red scarf spun one lap around their necks and black iron armor, looking a mix between Arab and Chinese style, the leg guards being of little long metal flakes placed after and on one another like the tiles of a roof, accompanied by wide pants, usually being cloudy light, but in rain seeping with bitter wetness.
Ahead of the 500 walked a man taller then any behind him, his figure peaked with an obtusely angled cone straw hat. Like an umbrella it gathered rain and guided it into streams of water, flowing to the edge and pouring off in several little one drop thick waterfalls. Round his neck were not one ring of red scarf but three and on his body there was no armor. Instead there were robes white and black, and worn on them a long and wide pink silk coat. In his right hand he gripped the throat of a guitar, in his left hand he held a large and thick book.

They were marching though the rainfalls, wet and miserable, heavy clothes under armor heavier still, mushy feet in water drenched boots. The soldiers went on with their heads low and there was a silent atmosphere that no one seemed willing to break. Their only sound was that of metal armor, heavy breathing and boots against forest floor.

The man in front with the pink robe and red scarfs began whistling in his walk. It was not a cheerful whistle, it sounded a half melancholy traditional ditty, something suited for singing children to sleep, and it rang unnaturally clear, a perfectly clean tone.
There was something about him as he went on whistling; the air around him felt... abnormal, dreamlike, and the sound of whistle became mesmerizing. Before long, the heads of the soldiers rose, the sound of their boots gained rhythm and the weight of their breaths lifted. They looked up at the man ahead, his tall figure in the wide coat of pinken silk, the straw hat and the long black hair draping his scarlet scarfs and hanging far down his back. And they followed him, passionately, along the side of the black wall.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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0.00 INK

Ammy smiled, her hand waving off the thanks. It was what any good person would do and the act of aiding another was something that made her, Ammy, feel happy about her own being. Why should she be thanked for something that made her feel good inside? Maybe it was a way of expressing gratitude through words instead of actions. The words, thank you, didn’t mean anything in her own language; in fact there was no translation. Instead it was implied and repaid as a debt later on in life. Ammy didn’t think that helping retrieve a ring was worth much, so the expression of gratitude was enough to settle the debt owed (in her mind). Do no harm, were the words that echoed in her head and she embraced them willingly. War was over in her own soul and a gesture of friendliness was in order.

She walked forward, brushing the dirt from the bark off, using just the friction of her hands to send it into the ground. Ammy stepped forward, embracing the woman for a moment before stepping back.

“Ammy Seppen at your service,” she said, smiling softly as she moved a wet strand away from her lips, “And this here is Earth. We’re warriors on a quest. Isn’t that right, Earth? Well, something like it anyways.”

She’d made her way over to the warrior, her hand on his shoulder as her eyes smiled.

“We’re going to meet up with a few of our friends,” she said, gesturing towards the darkness that loomed like a menacing shadow, “Hopefully we’ll find them soon and figure out what that wall is hiding. Come with us if you like. I’d love to have some female company, I’m surrounded by men. And I’m sure you have an interesting story. I wouldn’t mind lending an ear.”

She smiled, patted Earth on the shoulder and began walking towards the last place she had seen the group trough the horses eyes. Hopefully Keph would pick up her stuff and catch up once he had woken and was feeling better. As for the others, they would follow—she hoped.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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0.00 INK

Keph yawned, and rubbed his eye once more, he had awoken from his exhausted state. But who could've done such an evil deed? Waking up poor little Keph? As he took a good glance, it was the woman he had previously attempted to absorb, that explains everything. The woman suddenly grabbed him by his head and pulled him up from the ground, he dropped his teddy bear as this happened. She began to speak about something related to attacking her, and games, but he didn't actually know what was going on, he was too tired to think about it. Of course, things just had to go south, as they always do.

The woman - who was currently holding him by his head - began to speak to him in a rather creepy manner, a way fit for those untrustworthy creatures of fairy tale. "But, I can forgive you. As long as you give me that life energy of yours." Keph's eyes shot wide open, as alarms started to be raised in the little head of his. He had no idea what she was talking about, but he certainly wasn't going to just give this strange person whatever she had asked for. Instead, he grabbed onto her cold wrist for leverage, and sunk his teeth deep into her hand. Making rather silly noises as he continuously moved his mouth to continue the bitting, and tugged on her wrist.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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0.00 INK

Eve watched and giggled a little as she saw the small creature sink his teeth into her dead hand. She gave no reaction, why would she? There was no pain, no blood to be spilt. Her hand will just act as a chew toy. Although, she did have another hand free.

The palm of Eve's free hand glowed a little as a glowing black triangle appeared. She slowly raised her arm, pointing the triangle straight at the creature's head. And then, she thrusted her hand forward. Smacking it against the creatures forehead.
Something strange occurred, the white life energy within the creature slowly begun moving towards Eve's hand. Soo much had moved at the same time and into one area that the life energy had become visible to everyone as a glowing white liquid substance being dragged into the arm of the undead woman who had become a chew toy.

"This is what happens when you fuck with me. Especially when I'm busy." Eve spoke, seemingly uninterested, she didn't care about this kid. She cares about her own. At least this creature's life energy will replace the pseudo life energy that was wasted in the 'Fight'.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Ammy shook her head, water droplets flying around her as she gave a small smile.

“I can find Earth again anytime I need to,” she said, tapping her nose softly with a wink, “It’s the others that I am worried about. They couldn’t track a dragon in this weather, much less a human being. It would be a miracle if they’re still together.”

She stopped, sniffing the air, a combination of fear and something else, a familiar scent that had her brow furrowed in frustration. It was a scent she should have known oh so well, but then why did—Keph.

“Keph! KEPH?!”

Ammy began to run, following her nose in an effort to find her companion and fast. What threatened him? How could she react? Branches ripped at the side of her face, tearing and scratching her skin as she suddenly came to the scene. Her legs were all muddy, her eyes as round as the sun. Here was something that would haunt her dreams for days to come.

Keph was biting. A woman that Ammy thought maybe she knew before, but who had no scent, was connected to him through a stream of particles, their colors warm and full of life. Life? Life! This bitch was sucking the energy right out of Keph, and with it, his life. Her lips curled, ears lying flat as a savage growl ripped up from her throat. She couldn’t kill, but she could fight.

“Let. Go. Of. My. Friend.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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0.00 INK

Mirian nodded as Ammy said she could find Earth everytime needed. She knew tracking wasn't hard when you just had good senses. And by the looks of Ammy it seemed she was half animal as well.

“Keph! KEPH?!” Ammy shouted suddenly. Mirian stared after her a while when she started running forwards. Having no better plan Mirian sighed and went after her. The scene she saw was something unbelievable. A young boy was attacked by a woman. ”That woman...She looks somewhat familiar...No. It must be my imagination.” Mirian tought in her mind. There were some kind of light streams as well. Once again Mirian had no idea what was happening and she had a feeling it would soon become a habit.

“Let. Go. Of. My. Friend.” Ammy said and Mirian walked next to her. She looked at Ammy. ”It's my time to help you” she said to Ammy flashing a quick smile. Although she usually avoided unnessary fights, that had nothing to do with her, Mirian wanted to help both the boy and her new companion. She took her katana from its steath and stepped forward. ”You heard her. Let the boy go.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Earth Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Much to Wiesel's surprise, Earth had suddenly turned and just simply left, with no explanation, much to everyone's confusion, but to Wiesel's benefit, especially after he realized the warrior also knew he was hiding, causing him to give a sly smirk as he continued stalking Ammy and the other woman who referred to herself as Mirian. He also gave a quick look of surprise to himself that Mirian came from his village, though probably she was a mere child when Wiesel left, so had no recollection of her at all, that and apparently she left years ago.

He then found that before his mind could wander down memory lane, the pair of ladies had began to go off to search for any survivors, with Wiesel following in tow at a safe distance, but not before 'discarding' the squirrel that he had previously clutched in his hands. After carefully clambering up a tree when the pair of strangers stopped in horror, peering down to see that a boy was being attacked by some third woman, and Ammy was certainly not happy that Keph, apparently the boy being the one mentioned earlier, was in danger. Wiesel was smiling ear to ear at this, reasoning if he just kept quiet in this tree and waited out to see the battle's conclusion, he could pick off the victor while they were celebrating over the other's corpse, which seemed to be this new stranger by the looks of things. Wiesel kept watching intently in the tree, deciding today would be a very interesting day still.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Keph, with his teeth still deep into the woman's hand, didn't even notice the flow of life being released by him, although he did feel a bit more tired and a small tingling feeling coursing through him. But stop he did not, continuing his ridiculous attempt at... something? Why was he even continuing his assault? The biting was obviously not working. Ah bu- huh, where did that teddy bear come from, wasn't it on the ground? Strange. He surely must've grabbed it when no one was watching.

Ah, but the cavalary had arrived! He heard a familiar voice, a voice which said, “Let. Go. Of. My. Friend.” Oh! It was wolf-girl's voice! Keph immediately let go of the woman's hand, falling down on the floor, legs stretched in a position that would seem uncomfortable for most to sit in. He waved towards the wolf-girl and the other following her, who was seemingly already preparing a katana for battle. Of course, none this was noticed by Keph, being the unobservant soul that he is.

Getting off of the floor, Keph began to walk towards the duo, his pijamas making a slushing sound as he walked over completely drenched in water. He kept waving happily as he progressed towards them, moving slowly and rather awkwardly. As he finally reached the wolf-girl, having walked like some sort of duck for quite a while, he gave her at quick pat on the head, and nodded towards her companion.

Suddenly, Keph adopted a curious look, pushing Barry against his ear. He nodded once; he nodded twice; he kept nodding for sometime, as someone would do as they were being relayed information. His eyes drifted away from Barry, and he turned to look behind him, right at the flow of life coming from him. He followed it back to the woman, eyeing it closely. He looked at the trail of life, one last time, before looking at the hand to which it was going in, this before he began looking alarmed, quickly reaching into his bag for his sickle and swinging it at her hand - all this with a dark, frenzied, and alarmed face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Wiesel Uring Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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“Let. Go. Of. My. Friend.” Ah, that voice was heard before, who was it again? Better look. Eve's glance slowly raised to the two women who had come to the scene. Her face looking mad with the life energy absorption. Although, it was pretty hard to see the insane smile behind the rags and the extra wide, deep dark eye was the only thing that had shown her, or in reality, Jeremy's happiness.

"Ah, it's moose girl! How's it been?" The dark croaky voice left Eve's mouth, talking in exactly the same way Jeremy did, dragging out her words as they seeped through the air.
Oh wait, that little thing had released it's grip and fell to the floor. Damn, should've kept a hold of it, now the absorption of life energy has stopped... But who is this other woman who was with the moose girl? That sword... It seems pretty cool.
That creature returned from waving to the women, maybe it's their friend? Then why attack?

But suddenly, as Eve was lowering her arm, that creature had returned. Swinging a sickle at Eve. Damn, she left Jeremy's scythe on the ground, and there isn't enough time to pick it up. Unless...

Eve swung her leg forward, aiming to kick the creature in the face as it swung the sickle. "Have you not learnt already? You have already replaced the energy I had wasted and given me a little extra!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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“I told you not to hurt him!” Ammy cried in frustration, lunging forward so that her body came between the two, and her body went colliding with Eve/Jeremy. The force knocked Keph back a couple of steps. She knocked the scythe out of their hands, her body moving to pin theirs under her by sitting on their chest. Her hands moved to trap theirs and as she stared into the face, those eyes, she blinked. Yes. She knew this person. It was Jeremy. But a female version of him? She cocked her head and her ears pricked forward, her nose working the air as she immediately regretted it. The smell of the dead was unpleasant and she suddenly felt the urge to vomit.

“Rot and Decay,” she spat, “What game are you playing Jeremy? Stalking other Shifter’s when you know you could just ask me. It’s deplorable, despicable, and makes you a thief. Shame on you.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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"I'm Eve. And I aren't playing any game. That little bitch over there was the ass hole which attacked me. Why do I get the blame? Is it because of my one eyed dead look?" Eve spoke out to the moose girl, her voice shown anger and annoyance. Jeremy's scythe had already sunk into the ground, it would take some time before it can be summoned again. Dammit. Why does moose girl have to be here?

"Oh and just so you know, I am Rotting and Decaying as we speak. You don't need to tell me to. Does it smell nice? Moose girl." Eve threw her next speach in an insulting manner, attempting to poke the right buttons to piss the girl off.
However, Eve can easily get out from being held down, all of this life energy can be used as strength. Or she could just sink into the ground and appear somewhere else. But that's cowardly, an Jeremy keeps telling Eve not to. What an ass hole.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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“Watch yourself corpse,” she snarled, the tremors from her own body causing Eve to shake as well, “I could rip out your throat with my teeth. It won’t kill you. I know. I can’t kill something that’s already dead, but shredding you limb from limb isn’t something I would be too opposed to right about now.”

Ammy paused, a flash of gold in her eyes as her muscles rippled and her energy began to burn, “But then a daughter would lose her mother, wouldn’t that be terrible. Wouldn’t you like to know where your daughter is Eve? What condition she’s in?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ammy Seppen Character Portrait: Mirian Alasi Character Portrait: Jeremy Dantoh Character Portrait: Keph Lavon
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Eve was giggling at the moose girl's threats and insults. Things have gotten quite interesting indeed. But then, her deep dark eye changed from being wide with happiness and madness, it shrunk to a glare of pure anger. This bitch is starting to mock her.
"Don't you bring Charlotte into this, bitch. I was going to find her til that blob of energy attacked me." Eve snarled at the moose girl, speaking through gritted teeth hidden under the rags. Eve then pulled her face close to the moose girl's face, staring her in the eye.
"Don't you bother fucking with me, moose bitch. I will murder you in the most brutal way possible, reanimate you, then torture you. You would wish you were burning in the fiery pits of hell. Every nerve would be on fire, limbs ripped off and reattached. Eyes crushed and body sliced by my scythe. Even your shape shifting will be of no use." Eve looked as if she was going to rage, he voice deepened a little and croaked even more. It wasn't Eve who was talking. It was Jeremy, his hatred had taken over.

The triangle appeared in Eve's palm, ready to absorb energy. Clicks and cracks occurred from behind the moose girl as Eve snapped her own legs to wrap her ankles around the woman's neck. Pulling her back and choking her in the process. A pentagram appeared around the legs as they straightened out, fusing the bones together again.
Eve then took this to her advantage, sitting on the moose girl and holding her down by the neck with her crossed legs. She pushed her hand into the ground, which acted as if it were liquid again. As she pulled her hand out, a bone sword was pulled with it. The bones held together by her own life energy and the blade as sharp as ever.
She then held the bone sword to the moose girl's tempal, ready to push the blade in. "I think you owe me an apology, maybe you could turn into a moose for me so I can feed Charlotte."