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Touya Mizushima

"What's a school?"

0 · 314 views · located in stone-sin academy

a character in “for my master”, as played by NerdyWhiteChick


Name:: Touya Mizushima

Hair Color:: Crimson

Age:: 17

Race:: Human


Mentality:: He very much has a wounded animal mentality.

History:: When Touya was born, his father was at work. In order to get to the hospital faster he was speeding and got in an accident that ended his life. His mother kind of snapped, and became obsessed with keeping Touya safe. She never let him leave the house and went to extreme measures to make sure it stayed that way. When he was ten, he started going stir crazy and began trying to escape the house. That's when the beatings started and how he got the scars on his face. This lasted for three years until he was fifteen. The his mother snapped completely. She came at him with a kitchen knife and in the heat of the moment, he killed her. After hearing his story the police called it self defense and he was sent into foster care. Two years and dozens of houses later, he was shipped off to Stone-Sin.

Bracket:: 1

Personality:: Untrusting and antisocial. Because of the way he was raised he's naive are curious about the outside world, making him seem innocent. Also because of the way he was raised, he secretly craves the human attention he was denied of. But doesn't trust anyone enough to admit it. He keeps his emotions and pain to himself. He likes to think of himself as tough, but the front he puts on is just to hide how scared he really is. If someone made a fist in front of him like they were about to hit him, he'd do one of two things. If he could, shrink back and get as small as possible, or lash out and attack.

Master,Slave or Servant:: Slave

Weapon of Choice:: His bare hands.

So begins...

Touya Mizushima's Story

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Character Portrait: alice may miller Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: the teacher Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Touya's eyes darted around rapidly, never staying on one place for more than a second. The amount of people standing around him already set him on edge. It seemed that red heads were going first, another glance around said that there were only two red heads in the group. And the terrifying teacher had chosen the girl first. So he was next. That sent a shiver down his spine. The fact that the teacher was beating the girl wasn't helping. He let out a low growl, his animalistic mentality sending him to the edge of attack.

But wait, he wasn't next. This black haired boy from the crowd stepped forward. He rolled his eyes, the boy obviously thought he was better than everyone else if he couldn't handle simple instructions. No doubt he was a master.

He was already getting stares from people, the scars on his face made him look tough, the glare on his face made it even more real.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: alice may miller Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: the teacher Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Zeke watched the two interact with amused interest, though he hid it well. Blinking at her question, he'd never really thought about that. After a moment he shrugged. "Surprise me." he responded with a thoughtful look. Suddenly, however, he found himself watching something interesting. Watching the two, he turned and looked over his shoulder into the group of students before grinning for a moment as he noticed someone interesting before turning his attention back to the two. "Anyways, could we get on with this? Watching you beat her is kind of boring." He told the teacher with a bland look.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: alice may miller Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: the teacher Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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"WELL is it now zeke" mrs. black face turn back and looked at the boy with a flat palm she drove her hand in to his neck just below his atoms apple. "form what your file said you get off watching your slaves suffer.... you will take the other red head umm his name is touya something i think he will be a great challenge for you." mrs. black said this loud anuff that the rest of the room could hear her speak "now who's next"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: alice may miller Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: the teacher Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Touya nervously tugged on his red, collar like, necklace. It was the only gift he had ever been given, so it was something he wore all the time. When he heard Mrs. Black say that he now belonged to the boy who couldn't follow instructions, he sighed. Hadn't he gone through enough abuse in his life?

He was confused, was he suppose to go stand with the boy, or did he still need his pin? Not knowing what to do he awkwardly stayed where he was. Still trying to keep the tough look on his face.

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Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima
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mrs. black looked at touya "come here" she tryed to say it in the kindest voice she could use

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: the teacher
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Grateful that he knew what he was suppose to do, Touya walked up to Mrs. Black. "My apologies, I wasn't sure was you wanted me to do. I'm Touya Mizushima, bracket 1." He relaxed his muscles, preparing for the inevitable beating. Being tense only made things worse, that was something he had learned the hard way.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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mrs. black pull the young touya close to her she that her mouth was but inches away form his ear " if he hits you do not cry show fear or fight back he get off when other people are in pain". she then touches he left shoulder and put the pin on him. then she turns to Zeke "having fun now her is your slave you two will be in room 3-90 good luck to you both and come see me if you need help."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: the teacher Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Touya gave a small nod, it was the same thing he had been doing most of his life. He wasn't quite sure how he was suppose to act around his new 'master', so he decided to try and be friendly. He put on his best smile and stuck his hand out to the boy, to shake his hand. "I'm Touya, nice to meet you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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"Eh?" He responded, laughing lamely. "You're funny, Mrs.Black. Is spreading false rumors about people a hobby of yours?" He asked curiously, the question mostly rhetorical. Sighing, he ignored the fact she instead proceeded to whisper in the ear of his assigned servant right in front of him. The woman had no class at all, let alone any real sense of ownership. Nodding when she told him his room number, he reached out with a long purple object that resembled a sheath in some ways and tapped the thing on the servant's head lightly to get his attention as he ignored the male's introduction. "Come now, I'm tired of her rumor spreading." He mused turning and making his way off, only looking back momentarily to make sure the male followed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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"oh is it now Mr. marchand i will see you in my office tomorrow at noon bring a your new slave..... oh and if you dont show up tomorrow touya will be swapping places with you have a good night" mrs. black turned and looked at the other students "there better be another student up here in five seconds or some of us will be having a bad day"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Touya frowned as the boy ignored his introduction and tapped him on the head with something purple. This was going to be a long day. After a moments hesitation he started following his 'master'. Already he had it set in his head that he wasn't going to call him that, it was stupid and would just fuel his ego.

As he followed he thought about the fact that he no longer had any free will. Not that he ever had much. He also wondered what his 'master' would think after he found out that Touya had murdered his own mother. Thinking about it sent a shiver down his spine. The scene replayed in his head. His mother coming at him with a knife. Taking the knife from her. Stabbing her in the chest more times than needed. Standing there covered in her blood at not feeling a thing. Using a phone for the first time in his life to call the police. Having more people than he had ever seen in his life with him in a small room. Being shipped off to live with some strange family with a dozen children. It was one of the worst days of his life.

And those memories still haunted him in his sleep every night.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Ignoring the haughty teacher, he continued out of the assembly hall to go find his dorm. Just where exactly was the dorms anyways, he hadn't really taken the time to look. Digging in his clothes, he pulled out some things and began looking over the documents thoughtfully. Turning, he made his way down another hallway following until he came to the dorm area and in time found his room. Opening the door, slid his thing in his clothes and made his way in, making his first order of business jumping onto the bed lazily. A moment, he rolled over, sat up and stared at the other expectantly. "Touya was it?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Touya continued to follow his 'master' as he found his way to their room. He was horribly lost already and had no idea how he was going to find his way anywhere. But he'd manage somehow. Finally they were in the room and his 'master' flopped lazily onto the bed, the rolled over and adressed Touya. "That's right. May I ask your name?" Touya said with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Staring at him for a moment he turned his gaze to look around the room. "No, you may not. It's not something necessary for you know." After a moment, he turned his gaze back to the servant. "Any other dumb questions? Like maybe what you should be doing, I'm fine with pointing out the obvious. You see those small bags over there? Unpack them and put the stuff up." He said motioning to a three monstrously-sized carry-on bags. "Sort, put away, stuff of the like. Let me know when you're done. I'm going to take a nap." Putting all of the pillows against the wall, he leaned against them and rested the purple stick against his shoulder, relaxing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Touya rolled his eyes. It wasn't that he didn't like the work, he didn't mind it at all. Cleaning was one of the few things he knew how to do. It was the attitude that his 'master' adressed him with. "Asshole." He muttered under his breath.

He sat cross legged on the floor next to the bags, after a quick glance at his own small bag that lay neglected in the corner he began going through his 'master's' belongings. As he took things out and sorted it he decided he put his own stuff away after he was done, and then wake his 'master' up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Rose Character Portrait: alice may miller Character Portrait: Kairi Spirit Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Jackson Lionhart Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Kairi Spirit

Kairi hadn't even been in there for too long and the place was already scaring her. She thought that Master's would be treated better. Her father reassured her, but he was clearly lying. The thing that scared her the most, wasn't the fact that her hair was tinted red, making her an early target, but she was scared for the girl. If the dark-haired boy hadn't walked up when he did, who knows what could've happened to the girl.

There weren't many red heads in the class, so Kairi decided she would stand up and walk towards the front. She walked with a straight and proper posture. She hair was curled up in the back into a high bun. Her heart beat started to pick up the closer she got to the teacher. A slave had already been assigned and he was on his way out. Kairi hated the idea of having someone as her "slave". It made her sad to even think about it.

Kairi nervously walked up and looked down at the floor. Though she was consider higher up than people, she felt so small standing in front of this woman.
My name is Kairi Spirt, bracket 5.
Kairi spoke with almost no confidence in her voice but still, kept her straight and proper posture.

I tagged everyone so you'd be aware that we started!~

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Sighing, he looked at the Touya, the kid wasn't much fun. He wanted something new anyways, it was like getting a old puppy from a family. When they had some traits that annoyed you, but you didn't really want to mess with it. Sitting back as he the other moved to wake him, he just stared at him. "Eh, fuck it." he mused wryly. "That teacher's brain might be rotten, but I should probably deal with you just in case, hm? I don't like it when my things comment on my personality, I actually tend to break them when they do." He mused as he promptly pinned Touya to the wall, slamming his blunt weapon against the wall, as he dug the side of his arm into the servant's neck. "Ah, I wouldn't move if I were you, might accidentally cut yourself." He mused suddenly biting his weapon and pulling. The blade emerged from the sheath with the dangerous sound of metal against fabric.

Sifting forward, his lips weren't so far from Touya's neck, though they were nowhere near as close as the edge of the blade. "I'm going to make myself clear now, just so you don't get any ideas. If you so much as slightly irritate me, I'll skin you alive." He told him, obviously irritated. He waited for his words to sink in before pulling back and sliding the weapon closed.

Biting his thumb, he glared at the door. "I'd prefer to skin that bitch alive, though. Boy, that would be nice." Dropping his hand, he made his way over to his bed and sat down, crossing his legs. "So, you, what can you do? Don't forget to mind my warning when you answer, though, it'd be dreadful if you went and fell on my sword."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Touya smiled as he finished unpack both his 'master's' and his own belongings. He went over to his 'master' and wondered for a moment how he should wake him up. But he didn't have to, it seemed that he was already awake. "Eh, fuck it. That teacher's brain might be rotten, but I should probably deal with you just in case, hm? I don't like it when my things comment on my personality, I actually tend to break them when they do."

Before he could react, Touya was slammed into the wall. As his master's arm pressed against his neck, every instinct was screaming at him to attack. And even more so when a blade was put dangerously close to his throat. "I'm going to make myself clear now, just so you don't get any ideas. If you so much as slightly irritate me, I'll skin you alive." Touya knew that he would never make it that far, because Touya would snap and kill him before he did. But he played along for the moment.

His 'master' moved away, letting Touya move away from the wall. He spoke again then sat back on the bed. "So, you, what can you do? Don't forget to mind my warning when you answer, though, it'd be dreadful if you went and fell on my sword."

Touya thought for a moment. "Well... I can clean, I can cook, I'm not too good at sewing but I can do it. Honestly I'm really sure what all I can do, but I'm willing to try stuff." Touya didn't show any fear, he was acting like he hadn't just been threatened by a spoiled brat. He had dealt with a lot of those types in foster care and wasn't going to give in to his brattish ways.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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Zeke stared at the male for a moment before sighing. As opposed to looking up with bland expression, his face was contorted in extreme amusement and moving his hand up to his face, he cut a sharp expression towards the servant. After a moment, he motioned towards a small box that had been unpacked before standing and fetching it. Opening it, he pulled out a metal bracelet, quite a sophisticated looking thing in terms of technology. Looking at Tonya, he put the bracelet on and threw its twin to the servant. "Your only possession.", he mocked picking up Touya's empty bag with the sheath of his sword, disappointed with the males' reactions up to this point.

This kid was annoying to deal with, but he could still feel he wasn't broken just yet. It'd be his first time dealing with a guy, so he'd have to change tactics, but it'd be fun nonetheless. Dropping the bag off his weapon, he switched the weapon to his left hand, just below the crease between the handle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Touya Mizushima Character Portrait: Zeke Marchand
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It seemed that it was working. Touya's reactions to his 'master's' bratty behavior was working. For the first time Touya found something good about foster care. He watched as his 'master' took an odd looking bracelet out of a box and slipped it on. Then he tossed a second one to Touya, who caught it. "Your only possession." Touya ignored the mocking in his 'master's' voice.

He stared at the bracelet for a moment, it was the second gift he had ever been given, but he still didn't trust it. It would probably shock him, or inject poison into him or something. But he still had to wear it so he slipped it on his wrist. "Actually I have other posessions, I just put them away after I was finished with your stuff. Its all in there." He pointed at the small set of drawers next to the dresser. "Its just a couple of sets of clothes and the Lord of the Rings books. If you want to read them you can."

Touya was pretty sure he was going to get the crap beaten out of him soon. Bratty people tended to lose their tempers quickly. But maybe this guy was different. Even so, Touya relaxed his muscles, ready for anything this guy threw at him.