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The patron saint of Delphi.

0 · 365 views · located in Sanctuary Prison

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS


Persephone -X-Affix-

My Innermost Apocalypse - The Binding of Isaac

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Specie: Human

Physical Description: Tall with pale skin and lavender hair. Dressed in a black cloak with a cyan scarf, arm braces, clawed gloves, and no footwear. Her eyes are always veiled in a black blindfold.

Personality: She appears to be apathetic, not giving much thought of others. All that concerns her is the future and what it holds. However, she has been rather hostile to those that would "think to defy fate" and deals with such with extreme prejudice. She does, however, have a soft spot for gardening.

History: No one knows how this leader of Delphi came to such a group. What is known, though, is that she foresees a major catastrophe that threatens the world's existence. As far as she knows, this cannot be averted - it's meant to be. To that end, she seeks out the strongest of Earth's people to save and bring into the new world, being the "master of the Ark" in a sense.

Equipment: She wields the Wheel of Fate, a parasol-shaped Affix that contains the Three Fates themselves. Through it, she receives glimpses of the future, events that are bound to occur. It can also affect the flow of the seasons around herself. With this, she can prolong heat waves and winters.

Abilities: As stated above, the Wheel of Fate grants her a relatively strong degree of clairvoyance, as well as lets her control the climate around. It can also plant special seeds and control lightning, water, and wind.

Other: No one knows the extent of her clairvoyant powers. Even if she says all events are meant to be, she won't hesitate to give her all in battle, usually with the determination to win.

Specific Moves
  • Fate's Arrow: Fires a fast spearheaded projectile from the Wheel of Fate's tip. Goes through most defenses.
  • Soul Eater: Stabs the Wheel of Fate into her foe, sucking out health.
  • Drifting Storm: Leaps upward, drifting with the Wheel of Fate before swinging it downward to cast thunderbolts.
  • Ill Omen: Taps the Wheel of Fate on the ground, sending a powerful spectral blast into the near-future.
  • Season Shift: Takes a quick moment to turn the Wheel of Fate, altering the "season" around - rotates between Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
  • Aquasphere: Creates a large orb of water in midair. In Winter, it freezes and falls toward the ground. If shifted to Spring in this time, it melts and splashes on the ground, leaving a large puddle.
  • Winds of Doom: Summons a gale forth. Effects depend on the season. In Spring, it pushes hard against the foe and any projectiles. In Summer, it creates a heat wave that eats through foes' projectiles. In Autumn, razor-sharp leaves are scattered among the breeze. In Winter, a freezing gale is cast forth.
  • Late Bloom: Stabs into the ground, creating a seed there. Each Spring, the seed grows - from sapling to tree to old tree (and a curative fruit). Also with each season, the tree's shed leaves will hurt foes. Also, the tree itself can be struck at foes.
  • The Three Fates: Soul Drive A. Surrounds self in three spectral orbs for a while, harming anyone hit by them.
  • Monsoon: Soul Drive B. Summons a pillar of rain from right above. Nurtures the Late Bloom trees, restoring their condition.
  • Sin Harvest: Soul Drive C. Summons a swath of bramble from the ground around.
  • Destiny's Allure: Arcane Drive AB. Summons a spectral orb that pursues the foe tenaciously.
  • Fatal Frame: Arcane Drive AC. Locks the foe in place with a temporal clamp, then slices through his/her very soul repeatedly.
  • Wheel of Misfortune: Arcane Drive BC. Sends forth a gigantic ring of water, fire, wind, and ice. Rolls along the ground.
  • Shearing Threads: Omega Drive. Stabs the Wheel of Fate into the foe, drawing out an aural thread from his/her soul, which she severs. Even if the victim survives, s/he will suffer greatly.

  • Gill (Street Fighter 3)
  • The Occuria (Final Fantasy 12)
  • 400 Years (Armor Games)
  • Rod of Seasons (Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons)
  • Future Sight attack (Pokémon)

  • She is named after the Greek goddess of the underworld, and daughter of Zeus and Demeter (goddess of harvest). She, too, is related to the harvest cycles.
  • The Delphi organization is named after Tiresius, the oracle of Delphi. He is described as being physically blind.
  • Persephone's blindfold isn't for show - her eye sockets are empty.
  • Her attire bears a color for each season - pink for spring, yellow for summer, red for autumn, and blue for winter.
  • Her parasol is called the Wheel of Fate, as it alters the area's "season" with each turn.
  • Of the Major Arcana, Persephone is based on The Wheel of Fate.
  • Her ability to make plants grow while shifting seasons is based from the Flash game 400 Years, where a statue waits to make seasons pass by.
  • Drifting Storm is loosely based on Zeus's Lv2 Super in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
  • Sin Harvest is named for a misheard pronunciation of "send Heartless Angel" by Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts.
  • Shearing Threads is based on the role of the Three Fates in Greek mythology, which includes cutting one's "thread" when their time is up.

So begins...

Persephone's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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Khorshid was too weak to even think of struggling against the officers, even though she could just feel that they're bad news.

Meanwhile, someone up atop a nearby roof observed this. She gently tapped her black parasol (adorned with red, blue, yellow, and pink emblems) against the roof as she took in the situation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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#, as written by Sockie
"Hey!" shouts Hopscotch. "You're not acting very nice! And where are you rude jerks taking her anyway, huh?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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"We're taking her to get cleaned off and registered," answered an officer. "Anything glowing that brightly green is probably radioactive. We're just going to do some tests to make sure that none of it leaks out into the rest of Haven."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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"(!) M-More tests??" Khorshid reacted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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"More?" asked an officer. "What are you talking about, m'am?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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Unable to trust these officers, Khorshid tries desperately to squirm free. "NO! L-Let me go!!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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"Jeez! What's wrong with her?" asked an officer, struggling to hold Khorshid still.

"I dunno," said another. "But if she won't answer a question and she's this crazy about tests maybe it's better to carry her when she's not struggling."

The second officer pulls out a sedative and injects Khorshid with it.

"Night night..." said the officer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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"!!!" Khorshid finally gave out, thanks to the sedative. However, just as this happened, a sudden burst of wind pushed the officers off of her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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The officers fall bottom first to the ground.

"What the hell?" asked one.

Taken by surprise, it takes the officers a while to get up, and they probably won't be standing in time for whatever MYSTERIOUS SOURCE to arrive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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#, as written by Sockie
Amsel and Hopscotch both look on in confusion at what just happened to the officers.


Elsewhere in Sanctuary, Ninjacker tinkers with an odd-looking device within his personal laboratory. Just then, a monitor near him blinks to life, revealing Congressman Uldrich's face on it.

"Hello, Ninjacker." greets Uldrich. "I trust you've heard the news?"

"Yes, actually." replies Ninjacker. "Congratulations are in order, congressman. I trust this means we can begin production on the nuclear missiles and nanite soldiers?"

"Indeed. Production of both will begin right here in Sanctuary. Your equipment will be moved to a factory that houses an even bigger laboratory not very far away from your current place of residence, and you and your team of scientists and engineers can start right away."

"Well, now I see why you wanted me so close and not living in Ingenium... but I have objections. I don't think it very wise to build nuclear weapons right within Sanctuary's very walls. Surely we could move production elsewhere...?"

"What, like Arsenal Cove? The taxpayers don't want to waste money on getting that dump up and running again. We can afford to use one of the many factories that Sanctuary has to offer, Ninjacker. Besides, with all of the safety measures you promised me, what do we have to worry about?"

"I suppose that's true, congressman. I'll begin preparations, then. Ninjacker out."

The monitor screen turns black, and Ninjacker puts the device that he was working on away. Was he doing the right thing with these nuclear missile and nanite soldier programs...? He certainly hoped so. It was too late to turn back now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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#, as written by GBA
Hearing the curious commotion happening in the street before he could actually head underground, Quercus soon comes back and pokes his head out of the alleyway slightly, trying to see what was going on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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The same force that shoved the officers back almost knocked over the drugged Khorshid...but she was quickly caught in one arm by a mysterious figure - a tall, pale woman with lavender hair, black robes, a blindfold, and the strange black parasol.

"Rest easy, child," she said to Khorshid. "They will do no more harm to you, certainly not today."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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"Why does everyone assume a police officer would like nothing better than to do people harm?" asked one of the officers.

"I personally blame violent video games," said another.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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#, as written by Sockie
"Are you... a friend of her's?" Amsel asks the strange woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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"Hmph...Who said it was only you?" the lady said, turning toward the officers. "You are merely the pawns...of a far more dangerous force."

With her other hand, she tapped her parasol against the ground, spinning it once or twice. It gave off a strange lavender glow. "Tell me - are these 'supers' the only ones that can be a true threat? Are all 'supers' to be judged by the actions of a few, likewise for all 'non-super' humans?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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The police, figuring the strange lady is crazy and wishes to do them harm, take out their pistols and aim them at her.

"'Non-super' humans, as you call them, have to follow as many, if not more, rules and regulations as superhumans do," said an officer. "And when a bill is proposed limiting our access to health care so we can heal ourselves, or weapon shops so we can arm and protect ourselves, the superhumans don't care. But when one bill comes up requiring them to have one new form of identification for travel through one continent, everybody loses their minds! Why do they protest that, huh? What do they have to hide?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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"I, for one, protest to the force that was desperate to spurn it into existence...and do so WITH force they did," the lady replied. "The Fates have shown all to me - this true power over Haven, why they discriminate our kind, how far they intend to stretch their reaches...and trust me, they aren't satisfied with just Haven's boundaries."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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"... M'am, I'm gonna need you to rephrase that in words that make sense," said an officer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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"I'm saying that those who really control this continent staged the attack," the lady answered. "They did so just to start the bill and build the new weapons...and they don't intend to use them solely for defense, mind you. And they will give any reason to spread their influence across the world. Their unwitting pawn, Senator Uldritch, isn't even aware of these plans..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Khorshid Character Portrait: Hopscotch Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Count Fredrich von Amsel Character Portrait: Persephone
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The first officer sighs.

"Great, another one of these people," said the officer.

"What do you mean?" asked the second. "Have you met people like here before?"

"No, I mean it's another conspiracy theorist," said the first. "Really common among supers. They always believe there's some higher power out to get them. The ones around Haven always blame the government, or claim that the government's actually made up of lizard people, or being manipulated by lizard people. They're strangely focused on lizard people."

The first officer turns back to the lady.

"M'am, you need help," said the first one. "We're going to ask you to come with us so we can get you to a doctor."