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Ramses (v2)

The Shroob Bounty Hunter

0 · 485 views · located in Ingenium

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by Alexander von Koopa


Theme - Yell Dead Cell


Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Shroob

Alignment: True Neutral


Physical Description: A Shroob painted to look (kind of) like a Toad, Ramses wears a scouter-type visor over one eye and wears an oversized cowboy hat. He's also got a bandana to cover his mouth when he needs it, and is almost never seen without his pack full of equipment, gauntlets over his hands, and his signature rifle, the Hawkeye, slung over his back.

Personality: When adapting to modern society, Ramses' alien morals found that, since money was a big factor in why people went about their day to day lives, he should only concern himself with money. Since he was trained to kill, he soon became an expert bounty hunter, bagging bodies (dead or alive) for the right price. He's skilled, but cocky, and he knows it. Overconfident, he believes there's no job he can't do, but always demanding a high fee for his services and flat-out stating he will abandon his task there and then if not paid.

History: During the Shroob invasion of the Mushroom Kingdom, Ramses worked as a sniper, aiding his allies from afar. When the Shroobs were chased off Ramses hid for days until the search was called off. Finding himself alone on a strange planet with no way to get back home (which by his own admission sucked to high heaven), Ramses took his weaponry and put it to good use sustaining himself. His track record led to him getting kidnapped and forced to work in a mercenary group known as the Marksmen, threatened with explosive nanites in his body destroying him if he did not comply. Though allegedly free to do his own thing, Ramses is well aware that his priorities lie with the Marksmen - that is, if he wants to keep doing other things.

But there are rumors that he's done work beforehand...

Equipment: Ramses has a jetpack (a standard silver tube-style) allowing him to jet around for short distances. His primary weapon, the Hawkeye Rifle, is a repurposed energy rifle - previously a single-shot sniper rifle, he has kept its scope and increased its cartridge capacity, along with emblazoning the image of a hawk on the side. His scouter acts as a second scope, allowing Ramses to see much farther than other snipers. His other weapons include a Shroob pistol (which he rarely uses), thermal detonators (high-powered explosives), and twin gauntlets which act as dart launchers, snare launchers, and cutting torches.

Abilities: Ramses, being a Shroob, has a naturally poisonous bite/blood and has to drink Vim, or life essense, to live. This isn't so much an issue anymore, as he's found ways of distilling only what he needs to survive.

Other: Ramses doesn't keep tabs on his targets and employers after a task is done, preferring to view each job as "fresh" rather than seeing himself as someone else's lapdog.

So begins...

Ramses (v2)'s Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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The biker Ramses shoved falls straight onto Leilanie, his hands landing on inappropriate places. Ramses looks over the letter, eyes lighting up at the words "large bounty". He'd need more concrete numbers from a certain senator, but it did sound tempting...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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#, as written by Karasz
"Urgh.... Is that-- *hic* all you got... bitch...??" Leilanie is still drunk, "I got... more where that... came from..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones Character Portrait: Brimir Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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"Hah! I'll say."

Nearby is a dwarven patron in a rag-sewn hooded cloak, drinking his fill.

"Most lasses 'rund these parts, they'd SHRIEK like an implin' at the mere feel of a gropin' bloke!" the dwarf chortled in a strong Scandinavian accent. "But've got nerves o' IRON! Hahahaha! {hic}"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones Character Portrait: Brimir Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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#, as written by Karasz
"Urggh...." Leilanie doesn't feel too well. She tried to sober up, but it will only take a few minutes... maybe hours... "Nnrggh... *hic* I.. really don't feel so good.... I'm gonna... hurf...!!" She covered her mouth so she won't vomit all over.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones Character Portrait: Brimir Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
Not too long after Leilanie starts to get visibly queasy, someone in the tavern slides a waste bucket across the floor towards her feet.

"Nerves of iron, mayhap, but her drinkin' ability leaves a cert'n somethin' to be desired," mumbled the nearby Jonathan as he took a swig from his flask, having apparently woken up a little while ago.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones Character Portrait: Brimir Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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Ramses ignores the situation Leilanie is so helpfully making and goes over to his table, packing his things and checking social media. The White Platoon's recent attack on Ingenium is obviously making the rounds, but he didn't feel good about his chances taking them all on...

But then he saw a few pictures of Alex fishing in Thalassa. All by himself, and from the looks of things, weaponless. Easy money. He headed out of the tavern and boarded the first bus over to Yuyake...

The setting changes from Rotten Rabbit's Tavern to Thalassa


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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0.00 INK

OOC: I don't receive notifications unless there's a V2 at the end of the tagged character. Also there wasn't really a need to make two filler posts.


Alex waited patiently. It was silent, the only sound being the ripples in the water. Perfect conditions for catching fish. All he had to do was not rush...

There was a nibble on his line. Then another. Then a fish bit down on the hook. Perfect timing. He grabbed the line, reeling in the fish, before yanking back, sending a large mackerel flying out of the water...


Ramses arrived in the quiet town of Thalassa. It was silent, the only sound being the rippling water. Perfect conditions for bagging a bounty quickly and quietly. All he had to do was spot his target...

Which he did quickly. Alex was the only one really out and about, sitting at the edge of a dock, fishing rod in hand, yanking on the line. Perfect timing. He drew his Hawkeye Rifle, lining up the shot, before firing out a whirling snare...

Alex heard the bang but couldn't dodge in time. He could only turn his head as the snare wrapped around him, completely entangling him. Ramses took another shot, this snare tying his arms and legs together and preventing Alex from ducking into his shell. He then walked over to the Koopa.

"Gotta say," said Ramses. "I didn't expect it would be this easy."

He looked down at the mackerel, which dropped from Alex's hands and lay flopping on the docks.

"Nice catch," said Ramses, almost mockingly friendly.

"Go to hell," spat Alex.

"One day," said Ramses. "Right now, though, there's a pretty price on your head. Double if you're alive. Hold on tight, Koopa. We're goin' for a ride."

Ramses called over his UFO, which beamed him and his latest catch aboard, before flying off toward Haven.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander von Koopa (v2) Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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0.00 INK

OOC: Whoopsy daisy! Double post!

The setting changes from Thalassa to Sanctuary Prison

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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As the nanite bombs stop, a prison bus arrives to pick up Perrault and drive him away to parts unknown. Meanwhile, a UFO parks outside and Ramses, dragging along a snared and struggling Alex, exits into prisoner processing, where Torgue and Moxxi are being... well, processed. Inspector Crane enters, leading Andy, Kaia, Nankoro, Adel, and Riley past prisoner processing, since they aren't under arrest for anything, and straight to an open interrogation room. Guards follow them, dragging Quintus' unconscious body into prisoner processing. Crane doesn't even look twice at the prisoner processing room but anyone else can look through the window and in if they so desire.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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Andy's too busy trying to keep calm to even look to his side. Kaia did get a glance, noticing Alex. Though somewhat alarmed by this, she'd rather not raise a ruckus over it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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0.00 INK

Ramses gets paid for turning in Alex and turns to the Koopa.

"Cheer up," said Ramses. "I'm gonna get your friends to join you real soon."

With that, Ramses goes back to his UFO and flies away from Sanctuary Prison.


Several chairs have been set up in the interrogation room, most on one side of the table. Crane sits in the only chair on the other side.

"Let's get one thing clear here," said Crane. "No one is 'in trouble', or under arrest, or anything like that."

He pauses, looking over Andy and Kaia.

"Well, the senator did put out a call for you two," admitted Crane. "But considering you helped us out with two airship attacks today, I think he'll let that slide. What we're going to do now is talk about what exactly happened. Anything you can remember will help us figure out exactly what was going on with the airships."

"Well, that's the thing," said Riley. "I... I don't remember much of anything, let alone about those flying machines."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"This is humiliating. This isn't as fun as being somebody else's slave." Moxxi commented in her moment, "Torgue, this is all your fault! If you haven't crashed your goddamn pod into my stadium, none of this would've happened. The stadium was left out of business for too long due to bureaucratic reasons."


"Shut up!"



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Torgue Flexington Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Nankoro Ryuto Character Portrait: Inspector David Crane (V2)
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0.00 INK

"Uh, Kaia and I really have no idea why those airships came," Andy said. "We really only came here when we heard that Dr. Y was attacking Ingenium and...thought he'd cause more problems for everyone in the world...And then they showed up."

"Um, detective?" Kaia spoke up. "I did find these assailants' artillery questionable. I mean, I've never known Coronach's military to ever use firearms!"

"Oh yeah! Got the recording right here." Andy showed his phone and opened the video of the events on the deck. There was soon the view of the "knights" bringing out the toxin guns and assaulting Kaia.

"I think the use of nanites by Coronach soldiers was odd, too..." Adel said, crossing his arms on the table. "They've always stuck to the weaponry forged in their own continent, even way back when trades first opened worldwide."

Nankoro really had no idea what the incident was all about, so she had nothing to say yet.

The setting changes from Sanctuary Prison to Ingenium


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Ramses (v2)
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Meanwhile, Ramses parks his UFO behind a factory busy pumping out smoke before getting out and heading over to the site of Dr. Y's airship attack...

OOC: Haha oh wow I tagged the wrong version of Ramses


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses (v2) Character Portrait: Jebediah Magnus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
As nighttime slowly begins to creep around Haven, a sleek silver helicopter abruptly flies into Ingenium's skies, heading for the rooftop helipad on top of one of the many brightly lit properties dotting the area.


Up on the building's rooftop, meanwhile, a handful of men and women suddenly appear from a door leading downstairs, waiting for the helicopter to land so they may greet and escort the people inside it.

Upon touching down on the helipad, the vehicle's doors automatically open and two intimidating gentlemen with various bits and pieces of metal surgically attached to their faces step out, one of them in particular carrying a large steel suitcase. They quickly move out of the way as a third person exits the helicopter shortly afterwards, a tapping noise echoing against the concrete as the individual strolls into view, gripping a cane and looking quite... unique, with his technological suit made to resemble age-old plague doctors. Said suit, which covers him entirely, happens to have a number of cords running around the body, both under the man's trench coat and around his bird mask; perhaps a means of supplying the man with clear oxygen.

"Good evening, everyone," the suited man said, his voice a bit of a muffled wheeze behind the mask, before tipping his hat at the assembled crowd. The majority of them murmur an enthusiastic "good evening" in response.

"Master Jebediah; welcome back, sir," one of the people in the group spoke up, a man with a fair English accent sporting both a butler's outfit and neatly combed gray hair.

"Thank you, Cedric," said the suited man, apparently called Jebediah. "It feels good to be home again. I trust everyone is feeling well? Have you had dinner yet?"

"As well as can be during these terrifying times, sir, although you've no doubt heard about everything already. Regarding dinner, though; we figured it best to wait for your arrival first before we began serving," Cedric replied.

"Come now, that's not necessary!" laughed Jebediah. "I appreciate the gesture, but there's no reason to starve yourselves waiting for me. Go on, go on; we can't let everyone's mood sour, and you all look like you could use a good night's sleep."

Pocketing his cane, Jebediah quickly walks past the small crowd and towards the door leading off the rooftop, motioning for them to follow him. They do so, with the bodyguards that were accompanying Jebediah in the helicopter being the last ones to enter; locking the door behind them as they head downstairs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses (v2) Character Portrait: Prokhor Zhivago (V2) Character Portrait: Jebediah Magnus
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0.00 INK

Ramses continues to investigate the scene, looking for any evidence of where Dr. Y might have gone, as one of Haven's greatest inventors continues work in an otherwise unassuming warehouse. Inside the warehouse, though, are computers that line the walls, many of which are connected to other, larger computers, and several inactive machines being assembled by code in those computers. In the middle of it all is essentially a brain in a jar, attached to a wheeled device with several tendrils coming out of it and interacting with the world.

Oh, by the way, that's Prokhor Zhivago. One of Haven's greatest inventors and stuff like that. Yeah, he's a brain in a jar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses (v2) Character Portrait: Prokhor Zhivago (V2) Character Portrait: Jebediah Magnus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
With the uneventful feast over with and his business associates having gone home, Jebediah meanwhile has relocated himself to an empty living room, reclining in a random chair with the steel suitcase from before propped up on the table in front of him, drinking from a cup of coffee as he patiently waits for the sun to rise.

How the liquid actually makes it to his mouth past the giant steampunk bird mask is anyone's guess.

Anyway, the only other source of audible noise besides the occasional sipping is coming from a large television sitting across the room, which is currently displaying the news channel. Or a handful of broadcasted reruns that is, considering the late hour.


Under the cover of darkness, a pair of sickly yellow eyes silently peer out from underneath a manhole cover, watching as Ramses does his investigating..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses (v2) Character Portrait: Prokhor Zhivago (V2) Character Portrait: Jebediah Magnus
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0.00 INK

How does he get liquid past the mask? Carefully.


Ramses' scouter/visor has several uses, but doesn't do a whole lot for his peripheral vision. He doesn't notice the eyes peering out at him.

"The blasts haven't had a whole lot of time to fade," thought Ramses. "Which makes sense, if the news is right about the timing of Dr. Y's attack. If the airship crashed and he wasn't spotted surfacing at Haven, either he's at the bottom of the ocean, or he swam away. The only way he could get away from Ingenium was by swimming west, and without any support, he'd be at... Arsenal Cove."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses (v2) Character Portrait: Prokhor Zhivago (V2) Character Portrait: Jebediah Magnus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
While Ramses thinks to himself, the manhole cover in question is moved out of the way as something that looks like it might have previously been a humanoid creature - drenched in a tar substance and sporting several bulbous yellow eyes just about everywhere - crawls out onto the surface and starts to slowly shamble towards him. ...Followed by a second, and then a third.

Pretty soon there's about four or five of the things awkwardly shuffling towards him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses (v2) Character Portrait: Prokhor Zhivago (V2) Character Portrait: Jebediah Magnus
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Ramses' hearing, though, is just fine, and a manhole cover moving isn't exactly the stealthiest thing, especially on the hard metal streets of Haven. He turns around and sees the five tar creatures moving towards him.

"Toxic sludge creatures?" asked Ramses. "Reminds me of back home."

Ramses activates his jetpack and flies a few yards into the air before pulling out his rifle and aiming it at the creatures.

"No one's gonna miss you," said Ramses, opening fire.