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DON'T call him a freak. "Control freak" is fine with him, though.

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a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by MrAuthor3DS



Crimson Viper's Theme - Marvel vs Capcom 3

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Specie: Halvanr

Physical Description: Appears human at first, but bears a robotic head and tail much like a serpent, a clawed mechanical right hand, and swivel-jointed robot feet - all this with a red/gold color scheme. He has a mane of long auburn hair, mechanical wings that somewhat resemble a cobra's hood, a red obi, and a beige furred cloak. Nobody has seen his human face.

Personality: Grudging. Some incident from long ago has made him resentful of mankind to the point of denying his own human side. Besides that, he's caring for anyone that qualifies as his kin. He doesn't deny that he can be a "total control freak".

History: A Halvanr - the child of a human and a Vandroid - that suddenly appeared and took Socrates by storm, followed by a legion of Falvanir (humans that were artificially made into Halvanir). His goal: change the world. He would do so by subduing or killing the top leaders, and by capturing and converting more people into loyal Falvanir. Why does he hate humanity so much? Well, there's a clue in his past - a vague clue...

Equipment: Besides his Halvanr sections, Zeta controls a (oddly non-sentient) Vandroid named Sigma. Sigma is quite literally a weapon - its lower jaw unfolds into two serrated blades to dig into enemies, and it emits powerful Z-rays. Zeta hold Sigma by a chain handle within the back of its head.

Abilities: Zeta has the uncanny ability to control others - he can hypnotize living things (even if temporarily), command machines to act to his will, even replicate others' actions for his use later. Such a power makes him dangerous and unpredictable.

Other: Despite his controlling powers, he can be a little emotional if struck just right. Even if he claims he hates humanity, some part of him isn't sure he means that.

Specific Moves
  • Manipulate: Hypnotizes the target, making him/her act to his will. He can do this with multiple targets.
  • Turnabout: Conjures a portal that sucks in incoming projectiles and casts them somewhere else - like the caster.
  • Voodoo Doll: Focuses as an attack is incoming. If used right, he'll suddenly be replaced by a hard-light replica of the attacker, making all damage from the attack go to him/her.
  • Stop Hitting Yourself!: A quick, simple mind control trick that makes the target harm him/herself.
  • Sigma Ray: A Z-ray shot from Sigma's maw. Phases through solids, but will dissipate after some distance.
  • Sigma Cutter: Zeta swings Sigma around on its chain, letting its jaw-blades slice about.
  • Sigma Chomp: Sigma lunges forth like a disobedient dog, pulling Zeta along as it chomps at the ground. This leaves a trail of spatial tears in the ground, which will heal in time.
  • Sigma Buster: Sigma fires a huge Z-ray beam forth.
  • Doppel Zeta: Manifests a shadow of himself, acting alongside him.
  • Zeta Tag Team Special: Zeta joins with an ally, granting him/her the power for a tag-team attack. What it is depends on whether said ally specializes in strength, speed, or force.

  • Magneto (X-Men)
  • Kuja (Final Fantasy 9)
  • Sonny (I, Robot)
  • Nastasia (Super Paper Mario)
  • Jafar's cobra form (Aladdin)
  • Solidus Snake (Metal Gear Solid 2)

  • Zeta is a Greek letter that symbolizes offerings. It also relates to the archangel Michael - this is also Zeta's real name.
  • Of the two zodiacs, Zeta is drawn from Ophiuchus and the Cat. Both are excluded, or extra, signs.
  • The letter that his weapon, Sigma, is named for symbolizes psychopomps, or guides of souls to the realm of the dead.
  • Zeta has some aesthetic similarities to Disney's Jafar - namely, his cobra-like appearance and his ability of mental suggestion.
  • Zeta's fur cloak is meant to resemble a lion's mane.
  • Whereas Xi has a blue color scheme, Zeta has a red color scheme. Alternatively, Xi mostly has "cool colors", while Zeta has "warm colors". Zeta is also an initial rival for Xi.
  • Zeta's mind control isn't always for his own purposes. It can also be used to stimulate another's courage or control their movements, making them capable of taking on the task before them and sometimes for Zeta to be a second set of eyes for them. This is something that Zeta does late in Primal OMEGA's story.

So begins...

Zeta's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Zeta Character Portrait: STRYKER N-7
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"Indeed," Zeta replied. "However, the one that protected the Goddess was much stronger - the strength required to clear its layers nearly destroyed the world. However, I have beheld this barrier before, and its elements ironically match the ones in that story. Strong, but relatively...weaker."

Zeta triggered Sigma to flash his forehead emblem, projecting a hologram of the seven elements comprising the barrier.

"Hellfire, acid, electricity, vacuum, petrification, delirium, and the void...These are the layers of the prismatic barrier. The king's followers utilized these methods to dispel them:"

One by one, counter-elements appeared by each layer element.

"The hellfire can be extinguished by the power of extreme cold.
"The acid can be dissipated by the power of wind.
"The electric fog requires the power of disintegration.
"The vacuum zone can be broken by use of raw magic energy.
"The petrifying aura is controlled by a focus among the clouds.
"The alluring light is easily nullified by solar light.
"As for the inner gate of the void...Well, there are many ways to contain magic.

"So...our main objective is to locate those with the sufficient capabilities for the job and...rally them to our cause."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Zeta Character Portrait: STRYKER N-7
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#, as written by GBA
"That will prove rather difficult," said Garrison, a hand over his chin, contemplating. "As it stands, everyone and their mother isn't keen on setting him of all people free, even if they're of like mind - at least, the ones that seek to preserve themselves and the world, anyway. We will be hard pressed to rally supporters without resorting to, say, mind control tactics, or extreme guile... unless we happen to stumble upon the select few that either have no cares in the world, or are simply insane."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Zeta Character Portrait: STRYKER N-7
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"Hehehehehehe...You think crippling a squadron's worth with just a thought was impressive?" Zeta chuckled. "You haven't seen anything yet! Getting what we need will be a snap, thanks to my services."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Zeta Character Portrait: STRYKER N-7
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#, as written by GBA
"Fair enough," Garrison said, shrugging, his eyes glinting with maddened glee. "Whose help shall we 'enlist' first, my good man?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Zeta Character Portrait: STRYKER N-7
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"Well, let's set priorities first. That hellfire would take extreme mastery of the ice and snow to choke it," Zeta said. "One such figure...well, I'm not certain how well I can control HIM. But, this doesn't mean we can't snatch what we need from him."

He looked to the south. "He resides on the isle of Sakurajima and the Kakuchu Glade. Shall we be off?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Zeta Character Portrait: STRYKER N-7
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#, as written by GBA
"Indeed, let us make our way to this man of coldest frost," said Garrison, turning back into a cloud of miasma and quickly flying away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Zeta Character Portrait: STRYKER N-7
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Zeta took off after, flying via his anti-grav stabilizers.

The setting changes from The Chamber of Anarchy to Kakuchu Glade


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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Deep in a clearing within the crystal forest, someone was meditating by a mounted kiseru (burning a sandalwood incense) while standing on the tiptoes of one foot. This white kitsune was relaxing his mind, preparing himself for the day.

...And even in this calm moment, he could hear something approaching fast. Leaping out of his stance, he quickly kicked and parried the source - Zeta swinging Sigma's jaw-blades at the fox! With the attack parried, Zeta skidded back.

"Do you mind? I was kind of in the middle of meditation," the fox said disdainfully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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#, as written by GBA
With the fox potentially distracted by Zeta's attack, Garrison - appearing from a cloud of miasma above the site - suddenly swoops down, in an effort to tackle said fox into the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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The kitsune responded quite quickly to Garrison's sneak attack by dashing backward from the attack like a blaze. Zeta anticipated this and fired a beam from Sigma's maw. However, the kitsune flashed an aural blade from his channel, Kyuusuto, tearing the beam apart.

"You thought that would work, Metal Face? Your dissonant aura stinks to high heaven," he said to Garrison. "Now then...what's your business with me?"

"Oh, nothing much," Zeta replied. "Can't two hooligans get a good fight from one of Yuyake's strongest?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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#, as written by GBA
"Mind you, kind fox-man, I shower quite often enough, thank you," Garrison retorted, getting up and dusting himself off. "I do hope you'll stay and play with us for a while, though."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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"Hmph. You must be really brave or really cocky to pick a fight like this," the fox replied.

"Well then, let's not delay!" Zeta mused. He began the fight by lunging at the fox...before warping to the side and continuing the lunge from there!

"!" This fox noticed the trick, and turned toward Zeta, quickly parrying his charge before striking him back with a wave of foxfire. "Thought you'd fool me? I invented that trick, thank you!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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#, as written by GBA
"Speaking of tricks, here's another!" Garrison shouted.

Garrison suddenly rips a chunk of solid rock from the ground near him, and heaves it at the fox; the boulder sailing through the air, yet seemingly going to pass over the fox's head.. at least until Garrison throws out his arm, blasting the boulder with a beam of concentrated light when it passes, causing it to explode and rain a storm of flaming stone shards upon the fox.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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The fox scoffed, whipping up a wave of sand around himself (Desert Mirage). He looked like he got hit by the raining shards...but he then dove out of the sand cloud and struck at Garrison with several blazing sword swings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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#, as written by GBA
The fox's attack connects, the flaming sword scratching Garrison's metal skin with every blow, the force causing him to back up a little bit each time. At the same time however, with each hit, a reddish-orange aura slowly starts to form around Garrison, the markings on his collar armor changing color as well; although while this is happening, he nevertheless tries to throw a gut punch at the fox when he gets close enough.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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The fox merely shifted Kyuusuto down low, its octagonal guard blocking the blow. However, he soon found his tails being yanked back by Zeta's psychokinesis, whipping him overhead.

"Whoa - !!"

"Getting tired yet?"

The fox was sent hurdling toward the ground, but he caught his footing. "Barely...!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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#, as written by GBA
"You say that NOW, but we'll see how long that lasts," Garrison said, miasma erupting from behind his back and forming into a number of shadowy hands, all of which quickly fly after the fox and try to viciously claw at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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Zeta assisted with a flurry of Sigma Rays. The fox tried to block these attacks by conjuring a Crystal Wall in front. This fended off most of them...MOST of them. Three-fourths through, the combined barrage broke through the wall and battered the fox against a tree, weary and exhausted.

"Well, looks like the end of the road for you, Your Highness," Zeta said, pointing Sigma's charging maw at the fox. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"{huff...huff...} ...You think I'm done?" the fox chuckled. "Then perhaps you'd like to bear witness to THIS!"

With that, he aimed Kyuusuto's tip at the two cyborgs, conjuring a fierce Snowstorm at them. The blizzard threatened to swallow the two...but then Zeta conjured a Turnabout portal, which sucked up almost all of the snowy chakra. After the attack ended, Zeta dismissed the portal.

"Took you long enough," Zeta mused.

"(?) Wha - ?"

"Have a good day~" With that, Zeta dashed away in a blur.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garrison Character Portrait: Kokonotsu Character Portrait: Zeta
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#, as written by GBA
Garrison merely gives a quick, mocking wave to the fox, before he once more turns into a cloud of miasma and flies after Zeta.

The setting changes from Kakuchu Glade to Meadowlands


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mario Character Portrait: Twilight Sparkle Character Portrait: Sonic the Hedgehog Character Portrait: Amy Rose Character Portrait: Zeta
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Mario, Sonic, and Amy have returned to the Meadowlands after a harrowing encounter in Eggman's base at Old Haven. Somewhere around here is someone who knows about the imposter-Sonic.

"Now, I wonder where she might-a be..." Mario said. "...Hm?" He soon noticed something heading away from Umaville - Princess Twilight Sparkle, accompanied by a gold-colored cyborg.