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This story was marked as COMPLETED, but still has characters pending approval! You might be missing some of the story.

Gantz: Phase One

Gantz: Phase One


You are dead. At're supposed to be. In this RPG you're forced to play a sick game where you make the choice to kill monstrous creatures in order to earn your freedom. (Complete)

2,869 readers have visited Gantz: Phase One since CherrySwirl created it.



This morning you woke up, showered, ate breakfast, went to school/work, left school/work, crossed the street and suddenly you are hit by a bus. You're dead. Or at least you're supposed to be. Next thing you know you awake in an empty apartment filled with a random group of people who all have similar stories. At the center of the room is a huge black sphere.

After some time in the room, music is played, and the sphere opens up, revealing a bald naked man with a breathing mask and wires attached to his head, and three racks protruding from it, that offer various items for them to use. These include the custom fitting black suits Gantz makes for each of them, giving them great strength, speed, jumping ability, and some level of protection from harm, a controller which act as a radar and stealth unit, and three types of guns.

Time to Hunt! Working with or against your team, you have to hunt various aliens in order to gain points that you can use to either upgrade on gear, bring a dead Gantz player back to life, or gain your freedom with the cost of losing every memory dealing with the Gantz game. Its all up to you.

-New Characters are always accepted for new Missions.
-Every mission takes place after 12:00 midnight.
-Be as gory as possible. keep in mind that even if your basically torn apart limb from limb. If you''re character is still alive by the time the mission is over
they will return to the empty apartment in perfect condition.
-As the GM I'll control the Gantz ball. What type of alien you'll be hunting. The time limit of each mission. Where in town you'll be transported to. Also How many points will be distributed at the end of each mission. (Based on Alien kills). Just for fun.


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Gantz wiki:


(Create average people, students, teachers, soldiers, politicians, tourist, singers, models even little kids. NOTE-Make atleast two characters. One will be ur main. The other one will be the one that will die. I want people to DIE in this! You dont have to control them at the same time. One can die first and the main can come in as a new member for the next mission. You don't have to make more than one character though. When a character dies update their synopsis as "DEAD" Be more descriptive with mains. Give me more than a couple of sentences. I want to know them.)
Size and Structure: (Height, Weight, Body Build)
Appearance: (Pictures anime or real/ not required for killable character.)
Sexual Orientation: (gay, straight, bi, ambiguous, secret)
My Social Status: (Rich, Poor, Middle Class, ....)
My Occupation: (Be specific. Where do you work?What do you do? What's your major? etc)
Home: (Please place Home State or other Country if Not a Japanese citizen, *optional: Please add city/town name)
Back-story: (This is not required to be filled out if its for Killable character.)
Main or Killable:
How you died:(Character has to have died in Japan)
Current Points: (Everyone starts out with zero)
Extra: (Any equipment you're character has purchased from the Prize menu)

Gantz wiki:

1. Never tell Anyone about Gantz or your head will explode.
2. Do not wander too far away from the assigned area or your head will explode. You will start hearing beeping noise if you wander too far out.
3. All range weapons have a 3 second delay.
4. After your mission is over you will return to your regular life until GANTZ summons you again.
5. You are allowed to take Gantz weapons home with you. But you must have them with you when transported back to the room or you won't have it.
6. If you use Gantz equipment(outside of missions) in a manner that will expose Gantz games then the equipment will stop working or your head will explode.

1. Keep the Language under control. Though swearing is not discouraged when the time is right.
2. No Cybering. Relationships are encouraged. So I will allow Kissing, hugging, groping, caressing etc. You can imply sex or talk about it but nothing explicit. Don't get me Banned!!!! I'll warn you if you go too far and request you to change it. You don't do it. I'll delete your post.
3. Act like adults and do not rudely argue, discourage, or demean other players in the OOC.
4. Do not Kill another players Character. If You cannot control that character you can not kill him/her without permission. I will controll Boss Aliens and lesser aliens. You will be allowed to control lesser aliens.
5. DOn't forget to have fun! Its a RolePlayingGame, keyword is GAME. =D
7. Must Post Regularly. Must Post atleast in atleast 2-3 days. Atleast a paragraph. If not able to post for any reason please contact the GM(me), so your character can stay alive.

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The Story


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The green digital letters on the unusually large black sphere all hit zero. Time for the previous mission had run out. Sitting in the seemingly empty, dim apartment, the sphere scanned for the players, but no data could be retrieved. All the players had been eliminated. Unfortunate as it was the game had to continue, just as it always has. The ominous black sphere prepared to scan Tokyo for more players. It scanned for the silencing of heart beats and the final exhalation of lungs that would never fill with oxygen again. After a few minutes it found the next batch of players. It was time for the game to begin. Again.


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Mitsuko Kitsuragi rushed into her home locking the door behind her and throwing down her suit case. She walked into the kitchen with the intention of starting dinner, but once in there she couldn't focus. She was too angry. She pulled the letter of dismissal out from her pocket and stared at it with trembling hands. How could they dismiss me..., she thought resentfully. I didn't do anything wrong... Her brows knit together and her eyes became cross with rage. She slammed the letter on the counter, gripped a nearby knife and began stabbing the letter over and over again. Screaming at the top of her lungs with each stab. She stepped away from the counter and wandered into the bedroom where she collapsed in tears once more.

"Why me!?" she screamed. "What am I supposed to do?" she pound her fist into the floor when she realized her hand was on an odd texture that wasn't cream-colored carpet. She calmed down and stared at where her fist had landed. She picked up the cloth, adjusted her wire rimmed glasses and held the cloth before her. It was a pair of women's underwear. Underwear that didn't belong to her. Her hand flew to her stomach. The image of the positive pregnancy test flashed into her mind. Then everything went blank. Like a zombie she rose up from the spot she was sitting in and walked into the bathroom. She turned the faucet of the bathtub on and undressed herself. Once fully naked she removed her glasses, dropping them where she stood, then slipped into the tub. Without thinking, she grabbed her hair dryer from the sink and dropped it into the tub.

When Mitsuko's eyes opened she was confused. "Where am I?" She looked around. She was somehow in a room with no furniture, except an ominous black ball of atleast 4 and half feet. "Is this heaven?" no one replied. She felt a chill run down her spine then realized that she was naked! Oh. God, my clothes! She looked around the room and couldn't find any clothes. She searched quietly in the smaller back rooms for something to cover herself with, but found nothing. She decided to try and leave the apartment, but couldn't budge the door. "What the..." She sped back to the room where she woke up in and looked out the window. She could see Tokyo tower in the distance and could tell she was several stories up. She turned towards the black ball, curious. The black sphere shot a thin white beam of light towards the center of the room that creating a human hand in mid air. She watched in awe as it continued to produce a whole person. Is that how I got into this room? then she remembered that she was still naked and dashed for one of the back rooms.

The setting changes from Gantz Room to Japan


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Dozens of people packed into a small underground chamber, waiting for a speedy metal tube to whisk them away to their desired destination. Just another morning for Zane. He smiled cheerfully, head nodding to the music blaring on his iPod as he waited for the train to arrived. San Francisco may have been known for it's cable car system, but the subway was just as convenient, if not better. He preferred it, personally; it was a great way to get from his apartment to school to work and then back home. The cable cars were always so slow and packed with tourists; this was just easier.

Too bad the company couldn't have been a little better. He kept getting knocked into by people as he stood at practically the very edge of the platform. Whether the nudges were intentional or not was up for debate. His appearance wasn't exactly what on would call "subtle," with the dyed hair, raver-esque outfit, and multiple piercings. He wouldn't be too surprised if that drew a little animosity. Not that he really cared, of course; individuality never hurt anyone.

That wasn't exactly true, as he found out after a particularly harsh shove. With a yelp, Zane found himself falling, landing roughly on the ground. The college student groaned, glaring up at the small group of his classmates laughing their asses off. "Oh, real mature, guys," he yelled back, straightening out his headphones. Didn't they realize that little stunt could've killed him? For one thing, there was the electrified third rail that he could've fallen on. Actually, the fall itself could've caused some kind of injury. And of course, that wasn't even mentioning the obvious issue of the--

It wasn't until then that Zane noticed the ground was shaking. What was it, an earthquake? No, this was different somehow. Then a thought struck him. A scary one. Heart pounding miles a minute, he turned around, eyes widening in horror.

The last thing he saw was a train heading straight for him...

"GAH!" Zane sat bolt upright, eyes wide and unseeing with fear. It took a moment for him to realize that he wasn't in any danger. God, that'd been one Hell of a dream. The teen groaned, rubbing a hand across his face. "I have got to stop drinking Mountain Dew before bed." Hoping to get a few more hours of sleep in, he let himself fall back onto his bed. Only to yelp in pain when he realized there was no bed under him, just a hard floor. "Ow! What the--?" This time when he sat back up, he froze on the spot, actually getting a good look at his surroundings.

This wasn't his room. In fact, it didn't even look vaguely familiar. The room looked like part of an apartment, smaller than his (and that was saying something). It was pretty barren, save for the huge black sphere sitting int the center of the room. That was...odd. Zane blinked in confusion before standing up, looking around warily. "...Hello? Anybody home?" This was beyond weird, closer to downright creepy, actually. How the heck did he get here? Was this a dream? No, he'd just woken up from a dream. ...That had been a dream, right? Oh, God, what if it hadn't been?! Was this what the afterlife was like? The college boy groaned, leaning back against a wall as head pounded with too many questions. He was scared, really and truly afraid of what might happen next. "What's going on here?"

The setting changes from Japan to Gantz Room


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(Post moved to 'Japan')

The setting changes from Gantz Room to Japan


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#, as written by Black
The day was peaceful, sunny and bringing a sense of hope and joy to the world. However not for Teito, he sat in one of the large rooms, a depressive face held up only by the palm of his hand. A woman stood at the front blabbing on about something, he just didn’t care about anymore. It was a few days after his mother’s funeral and his father hadn’t even said 3 words to the boy since then. He was always β€˜too busy’.

Once the woman had finished, Teito was excused from the room, though he decided to actually take a tour outside. Sitting on a park bench just watching the world go by, he didn’t feel like learning today, he didn’t feel like doing anything. Something seemed to catch the young boy’s attention, a few kids playing. Well one of them was sitting on the freshly cut grass with a grazed knee, crying. As soon as it had happened, two adults came rushing over along with some more kids. His mother and father had smiles on their faces as they were attempting to make the child feel better. The kids were also joining in, doing silly things which evoked laughter from the boy.

Teito found himself feeling even worse now, a small tear welling up in the corner of his eye as it ran down his pale face. He wished, oh how he wished he had a family like that. Sure…he had everything, everything a kid could ever dream of. But that didn’t include a loving family. It broke his heart to see everyone else so happy with their families, even when his mother was alive, they weren’t like that. But she was the closet thing he had, but now.


Murdered by some idiot driver. It sickened Teito to know that the driver of the vehicle which caused her death, was still alive, walking around somewhere without the guilt weighing down on his shoulders. There was no way he’d feel guilty, no way he’d even care that he ruined many lives by the death of just one woman. The man was too drunk, too idiotic to feel such feelings, he probably did it quite a bit and there was no law to put the man behind bars. It was just…'an accident'.

Teito rose to his feet, staring up at the cloudless sky, blinking away the tears he found himself unwillingly shedding. He wandered along the empty pathways, keeping his head low and his cap pulled over his face so that no one would recognize him, not that they even knew the wealthy politician Ryoichi Valdez, even had a son. Teito was just locked away inside the house all day being force fed useless information by some up-tight and overly-paid old woman.

Teito stopped when he came to the over-pass, looking down over at the rushing cars for a minute. He would come here to think, the noise of the cars passing by gave him assurance and a calming sensation. Strangely enough, it didn’t make him angry, it should have done, due to the β€˜accident’ his mother was in. No. He found them calming, relaxing and tranquil, a sign that he was still alive.

The idea had then dawned on him. Looking up at the sky he smiled, wiping the tears away on the black fingerless glove. He stepped onto the edge of the over-pass, the barrier which ensured that no one would fall accidentally. He sat down on it, kicking the air gently with his dangling feet, looking down at the rushing traffic below, the busy people getting on with their lives, without a single care in the world.

He smiled.

And jumped.

Though he should have been dead, if not run over by the car, then from the sheer height of the jump, but instead his feet landed on the floor. The floor belonging to that of an apartment. He fell forward and caught himself with his hands, his white cap falling off of his head and to the wooden floor beneath him. His head lifted up ever so slightly to stare forward at the ominous black sphere, seemingly floating.

He scrambled to his feet, picking up his hat as he did so and stuffing his hair back inside of it. There were two others in the room, one who was seemingly older, he had black hair with purple dye in the form of hightlights, it was a strange thing to come across but for some odd reason Teito liked it. It was defiant and showing that the person was not just another one in the world, but rather an individual.

The other was female, she had long white hair and magenta eyes, she was beautiful in a sense of the word. Though Teito felt his head drop at the sight of these two, he had no idea what to say to them but the questions he had kept buzzing around his head and just wouldn’t quit. He gulped slightly, bowing his head so the brim of his cap and his brown fridge would obscure most of his face. Well that was the plan anyway.

β€œWhere is this?” he mumbled, either to himself or to the other two, it was unknown, he just had to speak out the question which was in his mind. He should have been dead. He jumped from a bridge, so how did he land here? How was it even humanly possible?


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The bell echoed as it rang through the long halls of the school that Sunkyu Lee attended. Chattering students crashed into the halls and started to make their way out of the school. Among those students, was Sunkyu Lee. A bright, optimistic and tiny girl of age sixteen. She was excited for the weekend. A bag on her shoulder and a few books in her arms, she started towards the doors of the school. Sunkyu was greeted by the cold snow. She giggled, and pulled a piece of her sweater over her nose. She loved the snow, but it was unusual for it to snow at this time of the year. Whatever, she didn't mind.

"Sunny! Oh Sunny!"

Sunky turned around and rolled her eyes. "What? What do you want now?" She said, annoyed. It was a group of boys who just loved to bother her. Every day they would ask her for something, weather it was her homework, some money, her lunch, or even her virginity. She just wanted them to go away.

The boys crowded around her and one started to play with her hair. One said, "Can we have your homework?"

Sunkyu shot them a dirty look. "No. Leave me alone." She said.

The boys laughed. "Oh come on. You're so smart. It's too bad you make bad decisions." One boy said.
"Yeah. Such a big head and nothing in it." Another taunted.

Sunkyu scoffed and started to walk away. When she did, one of the boys pulled a knife on her and smiled. Sunkyu's eyes went wide.

"C'mon, Sunny. Don't be that way..." He said, grabbing her hands and pulling her behind the school.

"No! No! Let me go! Yah!" She screamed, tears streaming down her face. She dropped her books as he pulled her. When they were behind the building, he pushed her onto the floor. The boys then started to beat her up. Then they tried to have their way with her, but she fought back. The boys got angry at this, and out of anger, they slit her throat, threw her into the nearest trash, and closed the lid.

Sunkyu took deep breaths in, even though she could hardly breath. She looked up at the lid and saw a dim light.
There's always a light in the sky..
The light got brighter,
Let it guide you..
And closer.
"Guide me..." Sunkyu said.

. . . . .

Sunkyu's eyes suddenly opened, and she took a sharp, breath in and sat up. The floor was wooden and hard, it looked like she was in an apartment building. She scanned her surroundings, she looked like she was inside some sort of appearment. Her eyes looked towards the windows.. It looked like she was in Japan. Feeling a little weird, she looked again, and saw a big, black ball. Just sitting there in the middle of the room. She jumped, and crawled away from it. There were a few more people in the room, but she didn't say anything. She just stared at the ball. "Is this a dream?" Sunkyu said quietly to herself.

((Jebal - Please.))


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Alexis sat in the brake room as the sirens approached bringing him to attention. "What a busy day." He sighed to himself, getting up and throwing with his coffee into the trash. A screaming man was willed by quickly heading strait to the surgery room, making Alexis have to sprint to catch up. He grabbed the chart off the end of the bed and read it, still running to keep up. "The patient has severe chest pains, which is that to caused from the fresh deep gash on his chest." Alexis noticed gang tattoos on the mans arms "I wander." He mumbled to himself while pulling out his Stethoscope and putting it to the mans chest. He listened the best he could over his own panting from the running. *Thump, Thump, Tick, Thump, Tick, Thump.*

"Tick?" Alexis mumbled, He listened for a second more before his eyes got wide. "TICK?!" He yelled making himself fall in his panic, the other doctors leaving him behind. "Stop! Hey?! Stop you idiots!" He yelled but to avail. The others had intentions of stopping, after all Alexis was the only German doctor in the hospital, if not the only German in the whole city. "Your jealousy is going to get us killed you idiots." He mumbled getting back to his feet and running to catch up to them in a full sprint. *Faster! Run faster!* He thought speeding up his pace and bursting into the room where the X-ray machine was already humming to life. "No!" He screamed jumping through the air and hitting the emergency stop button making the machine instantly power down. "Are you all idiots?!" He yelled looking at all the angry and confused stairs. "There is a bomb in his chest! If any of you would have bother to list..." He was cut off by one of the doctors screaming and running out, the others looked around for a moment then started to panic and run away too, leaving Alexis all alone.

"Fine! Run you cowards!" He yelled thinking it would bring at least one back but instead it just got him flipped off. A sigh escaped his lips as he walked back into room with the man who was in shock. "A...a bomb? A bomb?!" the man yelled and started to cry. Alexis put on a kind smile walking over to man. "Hey. I'll get it out. and if I don't at least it want hurt." He grabbed the forceps and opened the wound slowly, looking down into it. *There it is.* He thought slowly moving another pair of forceps down to the bomb, the sweat building on his eyebrow and sliding downward towards his nose but by the time he noticed it was to late.

The tiny drop of sweat fell downwards strait towards the bomb and landing on a wire port, there was a tiny spark followed by detonation. Alexis let out a scream as the bomb exploded and he was swallowed up in the flames.Alexis was still screaming as he appeared in the apartment room. He was stuck in a state of shock and continues screaming for a moment before snapping out of it. He looked around at the people with an embarrassed look. He then smiled a big smile "So this is hell?" He asked.

The setting changes from Japan to Gantz Room


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When Yasuo Fukuda arrived in the Gantz room he was on the floor thrashing around scratching at his throat until he felt the sensation of cool air raveling through his nostrils and filling his lungs. He sat up inhaling and exhaling, eyes still wide and half in shock. In an instant his memories came flooding back, slapping him hard in the face.

He was eating dinner with his wife at one of their many homes. Something he hadn't done since the campaign started. It was something he felt was necessary to keep her quiet and in line. She wanted to cook the entire dinner, serving delicacy after delicacy. It was better compared to her usual food, but still lacked skill. Thats what he was thinking when all of a sudden his throat became itchy and it became harder and harder to breathe. He fell on the floor begging her to call a doctor. She just sat there smiling. "You didn't think I knew about your whore, you old cheating bastard, huh? Well, I knew. I knew everything."

"That bitch," He was furious. He wanted to destroy her with everything he had. He wanted to watch her squirm and beg for mercy as he picked her apart limb from limb. He stood up and straightened his tie because. He noticed there were people in this odd room he was in. Normally, he would introduce himself ever so politely, give each of them a firm handshake, look them in the eyes and say "Can I count on your vote?" He also wanted to understand how he got from his home into this odd room, but that would have to wait till later. He had a life to ruin. He headed straight fort he door, but it didn't budge. He became enraged and started kicking at the door out of frustration until he was out of breath.

It was then he noticed a door to one of the smaller rooms were slightly ajar. He peeked in, a smile playing across his lips. No reason I couldn't have a little fun before destroying my wife, is there? he asked himself. He entered the room. Locking the door behind him.

The setting changes from Gantz Room to Japan


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Ula smiled out at the world before her, musing at how the people below were running about, rushing themselves through their daily lives. "Det pΓ₯minner mig om Sverige." ("It reminds me of Sweden.") she smiled to herself. She turned to look back at the low-quality hotel she had decided to stay in to save money. She made her way to the bathroom, looking at the mirror in it and noting the large vertical crack down the middle of it. Raising a hand, she ran her finger along the crack, wondering why they hadn't fixed it. The hotel had plenty of guests who were in favor of a cheap place to stay - surely they had money with all those guests staying multiple nights? Her mind raced, thinking out completely unrelated things just a moment later. Bored of the mirror, she made her way back to the window in the other room.

She leaned against the window, looking up at the sky. The sky was blue with many fluffy clouds floating up high. Ula made shapes out of the clouds, finding that one looked like a muffin, another looked like the letter L, and another looked like a dragon. Her magenta eyes slowly drifted down to the many towering buildings. It was like the buildings in Stockholm, Munich, or Berlin, but these were decorated with letters that she couldn't understand. She spoke no Japanese, her manager taking care of that and hiring a translator. As she looked down at the streets, she noticed a dog down below. It was tan and white with a curly tail and beady black eyes. Taking interest, she leaned herself more against the glass. That was when Ula heard it. It was a snapping noise. 'B sharp,' she thought immediately, realizing it's pitch before feeling the sensation of falling. The front of her hips were pushed painfully against the low windowsill as she tipped forwards, the bottoms of her boots rising off the cheap carpet of the hotel. Her silver hair was wildly tussled as the wind blew through it. Her eyes widened and she screamed at the top of her lungs, the ground coming closer then it had been from her view from the fourth floor. The dog ran away from her screaming, dashing down the street as she hit the sidewalk with a sickening half splat half crack noise.

Ula winced, finding herself lying on a wooden floor. Her eyes were shut tightly and her hands in tight fists. She lay on the floor for a moment before realizing that she did not feel any pain. Slowly, her eyes opened and she sat up, glancing around. Was there anyone here? Scanning the room with magenta eyes, she soon found nothing in the room, but she did spy, though the doorway, a large, black ball. She reasoned it might be worth calling out and seeing if anyone answered. Maybe there was someone in that room that was out of sight? Perhaps there was even someone in another room? "Hello?" she called, in English, more people spoke English then Swedish or German after all. "'s anyone here?" She called out, somewhat quietly, her voice laced with a heavy accent, not quite Swedish but not quite german.

The setting changes from Japan to Gantz Room


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"Get off of me, please!" Mitsuko screamed. While she was hiding away in this dark back room, she had been discovered, by a man who's face she couldn't see. He's hands crawled all over her body as she begged for him to stop. She was tired of people always trying to control her. Always trying to use her. She had enough. She killed herself to escape this kind of nightmare and here she was experiencing it again in the after life. This must be hell., she thought. And then it happened. She swung at him, connecting a fist to his face.

"Damn you," he growled countering by slapping her very hard causing her head to fall back and hit the floor with a quiet thud. He pinned her arms down and tears rolled down her cheeks. Her face was sore and she was slightly disoriented. He continued pinning her thin wrist down with one massive hand and held her face in place with the other locking his lips onto hers. She felt sick to her stomach and when he snkd his tongue into her mouth she bit it as hard she could.

"aaAAH! You stupid bitch!" He hollered throwing both hands to his mouth. She could taste blood in her mouth. This was her chance. She slammed into his crotch with one foot and kicked him off of her with the other. He fell over groaning. She got up and sprinted for the door. It took her a second to unlock it and when she did she went for the exit door which of course didn't budge. She struggled with it, yanking on it willing it to open, but of course it was a no go. The man had barely gotten to his feet when he came stumbling towards her. the light shown on his face. She recognized him. She couldn''t belive her eyes. It's Yasuo Fukuda the candidate who's running to become governor of Tokyo! With him nearing her she gave up on the door and ran back to the bigger room with the black ball. To her surprise it was filled with people who seemed startled by the commotion! She knew she looked crazy. She was naked with someone's blood on her lips. She did the only thing she could think of and that was squeeze behind the black ball and hide.


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Ula Oxenstierna watched people appear one by one in the other room, shocked by their gruesome way of appearing - piece by piece. She watched them all, too afraid to really say anything in particular. Within several minutes, there was at least three people in the other room. Ula seemed shocked at the phenomenon. She slowly crawled out, looking around at everyone awkwardly. She said nothing, neither did she really do anything in particular. "... G-God dag!" she greeted quietly, 'Good day' in Swedish. She fidgeted a moment more before wondering to herself if she should have stayed in the other room. As she stepped forwards towards the rest of them, slightly awkwardly, she heard commotion in the other back room. Her magenta eyes flicked to the side and she turned to the door, raising a hand and sweeping some ivory locks behind her ear. She wasn't wearing her large headphones at the moment, they hung around her neck, the chord hanging and near her legs hazardously before plugging into a small pack on her hip.

As a girl burst out from the room, nude with blood on her lips, Ula's eyes widened and she covered her eyes and took some steps back, flustered. Her foot then got caught on the headphones cord, hanging it from where it had been plugged on while she yelped and fell backwards. "I-I'm sorry!" she apologize, acting more like she had walked in on her nude rather than she had come in nude. Registering the blood on the girls lips, she stammered. "A-Ah... A-Are you alright?" she asked, lowering one hand from her eyes to pat around on the wooden floor, trying to find the plug to her headphones to reconnect them to the pack on her waist.

Ula, at this point, was thoroughly confused. Hadn't she just fallen to her death? Why were all these people here? The black ball in the center of the room was extremely eerie and it unnerved her whenever she caught a glimpse of it. Perhaps she was dreaming and everything and everyone here was simply a figment of her imagination. Oh! That also meant she didn't have to be afraid! People didn't die in their dreams, right? They said that it was impossible to die in your dreams. Yes! She had just fallen asleep! She had no reason to fear these people!

The setting changes from Gantz Room to Japan


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#, as written by Black
More and more people seemed to come into the room by the same way too, a laser slowly materializing their body. Though their insides were clear enough to see as it happened, not the most attractive sight in the world, but what could Teito do? He only looked away as he started to see it happening. A female with brown hair, then two males, one with short brown hair and he was wearing a lab coat, obviously a doctor or scientist of some kind. The other was an older male with white hair, Teito had recognized him as someone who was running against his father to become the governor of Japan, though his name escaped Teito. What’s he doing here? Teito thought.

He disappeared into a room and a few minutes later a naked woman burst out, running to the door which was apparently locked. Not that Teito had tried, he was too busy worrying about the people in the room to try and escape. Teito flushed in the face, pulling his hat down and looking at the floor, he had never seen a woman naked before and he felt it rude to look at her.

The woman ran past Teito and hid behind the ominous black sphere in the room. Teito looked to her seeing that her lip was bleeding, he only looked at her face and no where else. He grew a little angry at the way she seemed to of been treated by someone who wanted to be Japan’s next governor. He turned to face Yasuo and glared at him, walking up to him and having to look up to see his face.

His hair was obscuring one of his sea-green eyes, but he was glaring at him none-the-less. β€œYou shouldn’t do that to women, it’s not nice!” he yelled, probably drawing everyone’s attention to the kid. He was 15, but being the height of 5”2, he could have easily been mistaken for a 12 year old. Teito of course was wondering about the room too, but it seemed obvious that no one else knew about it, so he didn’t feel like asking any questions.

The setting changes from Japan to Gantz Room


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0.00 INK

Fukuda Stumbled out from the back room reaching out for the nude woman who sped pass him, back into the main room. "You get back here.." He muttered finally able to stand somewhat straight. "Useless woman," he continued muttering to himself while limping back to the main room. He passed a beautiful foreign girl with magenta eyes and spat on the ground near her. "Beautiful on the outside, monsters on the inside." The blood still dripping from his lips onto his disheveled yet expensive coal grey suit. He saw his prey hide behind an enormous black sphere which he paid no attention to. No where to run now, he thought grinning. His hands were itching to grip her throat and shake her senseless, but then someone stood in his way.

β€œYou shouldn’t do that to women, it’s not nice!” the child yelled at him. Fukuda paid him no mind shoving him aside with one hand, but something about the boy made him take a second look on his face. A mix breed! he thought disgusted. He looks so familiar... Fukuda's perfect memory processed the images of near fifty different people before he realized. "Ryoichi Valdez!" he yelled. His...child? Before Fukuda knew it, he had a new target.

The setting changes from Gantz Room to Japan


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"Damn, Mellissa! I thought you were making me money!"
"Not anymore! I've lost my value." Mellissa Cheong snapped back. She was having an argument with the man that supposedly 'owned' her. She secretly hated it, but in fear of being killed, she never said anything.
"What do you mean 'lost your value'?!"
"Back when I was like, eleven, and new, people paid a lot of money for me, no? Well now that I'm thirteen, and aged, not a lot of people pay for me anymore. I'm just like everyone else, but I get more attention then them, right? So why are you freaking out?!"
The man took a deep breath. He paced back and forth once, and then turned to Mellissa and smiled.
"I'm sorry. I overreacted. I'm just upset because you were my best seller.." He reached for her face, but Mellissa slapped his hand away.
"And I'm damn tiered of you claiming me! I don't belong to you!"
"Who picked your dirty butt off the street? Who's paying for school, and for your clothes?!"
"That doesn't mean anything! You don't own me! I want to quit!"
The smacking sound of a hand making contact with a face echoed through the dirty, poorly kept building, and Mellissa fell to the floor. Her eyes were closed, but she felt the weight of the guy on top of her and heard the sound of a zipper being undone.
"No!" She said, kicking him off of her. He rolled a few times, and Mellissa got up and ran for the window, but the guy pulled out a gun before she could make it...

Bang! Bang! Bang!

She fell to the hard wooden floor, but she felt fine. She gasped, and scrambled to her feet. That was when the naked lady ran out... Maybe she was still in the prostitute house after all. She watched as it all happened, with an innocent, confused face. Then she finally turned around and said the question everyone had on their mind.

"Where is this? Hell?"


Everything that had happened seemed to overwhelm poor Sunkyu. The naked lady, the crazy person who she saw on the news one day, the random people fading into the room, the big black ball, what the hell was this?! Wasn't she supposed to be dead?! She felt her neck for the cut, there was none there. She had thought about going towards the door, but after seeing a few people try to open it and fail, she shrugged that idea off.

"Where is this? Hell?" Somebody finally spoke up. Sunkyu looked up at her. "Well, I see a politician, who's probably trying to do something sick to a woman, so.. yep. This must be it." She got up, "Dunno what I did though..."


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#, as written by Prose
Aleksandra sighed while resting her chin in her hand and gazing out the window of the black sedan. Mother and Father were talking about wonderful Tokyo was and how beautiful the architecture seemed, though of course it could never compare to a traditional Russian building. Her parent's pride in their home country brought a small smile to Aleksandra's lips. It was a comfort to hear them chatter back and forth about trivial things. They were always so serious and discussing the next possibility for her career. Aleksandra just wanted them to relax and enjoy life for a moment. After all, Mother and Father deserved it. Shifting in her seat to sit in the middle, Aleksandra placed a hand on each head rest in front of her. Her head poked between the front seats and the girl smiled beautifully for her parents.

"You two should smile for me," she said to them which drew both of their attentions to their adopted daughter," I love you both, so much. I just want to see you ... happy ... " Aleksandra's parents smiled and began to laugh. Father took a hand off the steering wheel to run those strong fingers through his daughter's silky hair. Mother had reached over to caress a perfect cheek.

Aleksandra saw it first as she was turning her delicate face to see Mother's smile. A car on the highway was swerving back and forth, attempting to pass up another vehicle. Her eyes went wide with surprise and shock. Why would someone be driving like that? Didn't they know that it was dangerous to pass cars in the opposite lane?

"You're such a beautiful girl, Aleksandra," Mother said, touching the girl's cheek.

"Yes, yes. You shall be the most famous model in all the world," Father added with a nod of his head and gave a grin to his daughter.

Aleksandra's eyes fell from happy into something frightened and nervous. Her hand reached out and the girl pointed a single finger towards the other car who was now heading directly for them.

"Papa ... that caβ€”," Aleksandra's statement was cut off as she screamed. The car's tires squealed as Father attempted to dodge the oncoming car. It almost seemed that they were going to get away by the skin of their teeth. However, the driver of the other vehicle was not of his right mind; drunk and inebriated just like the alcoholic they were. The other car swerved at the last second with an acceleration in speed as the driver mistook the gas pedal for the brake pedal.

The two vehicles slammed into one another. Metal ground against metal as the two machines twisted and conformed into a metallic monster which slightly resembled what they had been before. Glass flew forward and twinkled in the air like a millions diamonds, lacerating Mother's and Father's face. Skin began to droop from their faces, blood poured forth in a cascade, a sickening pop went unheard as Father's kind eye exploded when a rod had penetrated through it violently until it embedded into the back of his skull and into the headrest behind. The steering wheel had crashed into Father's chest and embedded deeply into what had been the man's ribcage, turning heart into nothing but chunks of pumping muscle.

The car continued to crunch together, contorting and crushing into itself. Mother's neck had snapped from the airbag exploding in her face, and then her waist was crushed by the console until her body had been pinched into two parts. A body flew forward from the other car, legs being ripped off of him by the sheer force of the high-speed crash, creating an arc of blood through the air, and crashed into Mother's fresh corpse.

Aleksandra had put her seat belt on after shifting from the left side of the back seat to the middle. The invention was supposed to protect the wearer. However that was not the case as the emergency crews would find out after the event had transpired. The young renown model was throw forward during the initial impact. Aleksandra had gasped in surprise before a harrowing scream tore from her throat. Then the pressure against her mid-section increased before she felt it slicing clean through her body in one smooth action. Entrails followed after the first portion of her body as Aleksandra flew forward out of the windshield, and smashed her cranium against the hard pavement of the road. It rolled a few feet only to be crushed by a car which was attempting to avoid the wreck. Fingers twitched twice ...

Gray eyes opened to a lit room, and blinked a few times. Her face and palms were pressed against something. A floor? Slowly the girl lifted herself up from it, sitting back on her legs. Raising her hands, Aleksandra looked at them.

"I'm alive ... ?"

The girl flinched violently and peered around the room with a heavily confused expression on her well-known face. It would have been hard to not recognize one of the most famous young models of the year. Aleksandra then spotted the conflict which was taking place between a naked woman and some man. She looked up at Fukuda in utter horror and attempted to scramble backwards but a boy had been shoved into her, possibly leaving him to tumble to the floor. Aleksandra wouldn't really see the outcome of the action for the fact that she just screamed and covered her eyes with her arms.

The setting changes from Japan to Gantz Room


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With all the transferences complete it was finally time to begin.

HERE WE GO! ONE! TWO! THREE! Its the beginning of love and a brand new day,~

A day filled with hope~

so open your heart and BEο»Ώ HAPPY~

The cheerful melody emitting from the black sphere continued to play as digital green words appeared on its front screen. Each letter E and S were backwards. Read correctly, it said:

Your Lives have Ended.

How You Use Your New lives
Is Entirely Up To Me.

Thats The Theory Anyways.

After a few seconds the screen changed.
You Shmucks Will Now Go Out To Defeat This Person.

Yokaishi Alien



- 'Tee Hee Hee'


Instantly three drawers shot out unexpectedly, protruding from the right, left and the back of the black sphere. The music ended and the Black sphere sat there silent. It gave the new set of players five minutes to grab there gear just as it was programmed to do, then one by one transported each of them to the hunting ground.


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A Cheery tune started playing from the black sphere and something appeared on the front of it. Mitsuko couldn't see what it was, but it had everyone in the room fascinated. After a short period of time the music stopped and three drawers shot out from all side of the sphere. One rammed against Mitsuko's shoulder. In it were several steel suitcases each with a name on it. She noticed one had her name on it. She took and down, opened it up and discovered a a sleek black outfit.

Is this cosplay? she thought to herself. "Well, it's better than being naked," she admitted. She fumbled with it a little, but got it on eventually. It fit her body very tightly, but comfortably. She stood up taking notice to how much of a dominatrix she appeared to be. She felt eyes on her and looked down embarassed. Her eyes glided across the other racks and then wandered inside of the black sphere. She gasped and fell back. Inside was a naked bald man with a gas mask on. He appeared to be sleeping...or maybe he was dead. Before Mitsuko had a chance to get her thoughts together, it happened again. She was transported.

When it was over, Mitsuko found herself staring into the face of the world's most beloved rodent, Mickey Mouse. She investigated the area a little. It was littered with game/food stands like at festivals. Looming over her were enormous roller coasters. ....An amusement park?

The setting changes from Gantz Room to Japan


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Alexis was standing ready to brake up the fight that was about to take place, well not brake up but treat the kids injuries afterwards. Cheerful music then started to fill the room leaving Alexis confused. "What in the world is going on here?" He asked looking at the black ball and see the music was coming from it. "Well that's odd." He mumbled walking over to it and examining all around it. He was crouched down when a drawer shot out of it hitting him right in the face and knocking out a blade less sword. "Interesting. Very interesting." He picked it up and examined it carefully, then looking up reading the screen. He read through the details. "This is a game? Oh My God! Were going to Disneyland!" He yelled sounding like a kid in a candy store.

Alexis looked at the nude girl who was now in some sort of cos play suit. He looked down at a suitcase with his name on it, grabbed it and opened it. "One for me too huh?" He undressed and put it on, putting his white coat back over it. "Hey this thing feels pretty cool!" He said with a huge smile. "There one here for everyone too!" He yelled out to the others. "Hey short stop it would look cool on you." He said looking at the kid who just almost got beat up over the nude woman. He looked over at her watching her get beamed away, then feeling it was happening to him too.

Alexis slowly appeared next to her in the amusement park, with a disgusted look on his face. "That creeps me out hell out." He said remembering seeing his own insides. He snapped out of it and looked around at the rides and vending stalls. "Now were are those bumper cars?" He said to himself, walking over to one and grabbing some cotton candy. "You want some?" he asked with his mouth full and offering the girl from before some of the cotton candy.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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"Oh no, Thank you." Mitsuko kindly declined, slightly embarrassed. "By the way,my name is Mitsuko Kitsuragi. Nice to meet you."she introduced, timidly, holding out her hand to shake his. She really wanted the young boy to appear. She wanted to thank him for standing up for her. No one had ever done that for her before. She blushed at the thought feeling a bit awkward.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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"Nice to meet you Mitsuko. The name's Alexis Zaphyl. He said smiling and shaking her hand. "I think I'll call you Mits." He said with a laugh, walking behind the vending stall and fixing himself a drink. "Now were are those bumper cars." he said starting to wander off but going back not wanting to leave the girl alone. He sat down sipping on his drink and looking around at all the fun that could be had. "I think I like this game." He said with a smile then went back to drinking.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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0.00 INK

Mits, huh? Mitsuko giggled at the name. He was pretty carefree for He was handsome as well. She sat down next to him staring up at the night sky. "I'll call you Lex then." She liked that name. Although she was enjoying herself she was still uneasy. It crept from the back of her mind to the forefront of her brain. She shouldn't be alive right now. She killed herself. She wondered if it was the same for all those other people. Even though she ddin't want to, she had to find out. "Lex...I shouldn't be alive. Before I arrived in that strange room...I'm sure," she choked out the last couple of words. "I died."

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0.00 INK

#, as written by Black
Teito was roughly pushed to the side by Fukuda, he glared after him and growled under his breath. Fukuda turned to look at Teito once more, a look of realization dawned on his face as he shouted out his father's name. Teito pulled the hat down slightly, a little embarrassed, but then he looked up and spoke confidently and defiantly to Fukuda, "My name's Teito Valdez actually" he replied with a sort of smug look over his face, stepping forward towards Fukuda in case they had to fight. Though he was short for his age, well extremely short, he was good at fighting, he used to have classes back at home. His father thought it would be best if he learnt self-defense, so Teito wasn't to be underestimated.

The song started up and Teito stared at the black sphere, wideyed. It seemed to be where the source of the noise was coming from, suddenly letters, well not letters but they resembled letters, faded in on the screen. Teito walked over to the sphere and examined the letters, it was a little hard to read but he understood it after a few times. Then the screen changed, show an image Alien? That was probably the best way to describe it, it had text as well next to it and apparently they had to kill it. Teito was really confused but then either side of the sphere shot out revealing racks and racks of cases and guns? As well as a few hilts of swords. It managed to hit the doctor/scientist in the face and Teito just rolled his eyes.

He picked up the blade-less hilt and examined it, he wondered what it was, any buttons to make a blade extend? "Hey short stop it would look cool on you." the doctor/scientist passed a case which was then opened to reveal a black suit. How would this look 'cool' on anyone? he sighed, just pushing the case aside, he held the hilt of the sword in his hand as he began to vanish, via a laser, now seeing an amusement park. When he had completely reappeared in the park, he looked around noticing the doctor and the now-clothed, woman from earlier. That thing wasn't kidding when it said 'Disneyland' he snickered slightly at the way those two looked in the suits, they did look kind of ridiculous.

Teito then remembered about what the ball said, about the Alien they had to hunt. He didn't really believe all of this nonsense, but decided to go along with it anyway. It could prove to be an interesting dream. That's right...he probably jumped then didn't die and is now in a coma. There wasn't any sign of the Alien so Teito walked over to the other two, looking up to them, the hilt of the sword held in his hand. "Have you guys seen that Alien thing?" he asked them, perhaps they had done, they had been here a little bit longer than he had.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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"Lex. I like that." He smiled looking up at the stars, then looked back as she said "I died." . "Yep I did too Mits. I was blown up actually, burned like hell too." He laughed a little. "This whole situation makes no sence to me but we might as well enjoy the ride right Mits?" He said with a care free smile. "Have you guys seen that Alien thing?" He heard from behind him looking back to see short stop stand there sword in hand. "Nah, its probably a laod of bull, or just some guy in a suit that jumps out and says BOO or somthing." He laughed at the thought of a short guy in suit jumping out and saying boo. "This is probably a T.V. show or some kind of game in heaven. Don't take it so seriously, I mean we already died right? What can happen we die twice?" He said laughing and running out of drink.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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"Alien?" Mitsuko was confused. She didn't know what he was talking about because she never got a chance to see the screen. "I don't know anything about an alien, but I did want to thank you for standing up for me before. That was very brave of you." she gave him a light kiss on the cheek, then stepped back and smiled warmly. "I'm Mitsuko Kitsuragi. What's your name?"

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Gantz Room


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Meanwhile, in the Gantz room. The ominous sphere began its count down.


The setting changes from Gantz Room to Tokyo Disneyland

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0.00 INK

#, as written by Black
Teito sighed, a part of him wanted to argue back at the doctor/scientist, though he felt it was best not to. Maybe it was a TV show...and besides could you die when you're already dead? It didn't seem logical...but then none of this did...still Teito clenched the hilt of the sword just in case, he didn't want to take any chances. "I don't know anything about an alien, but I did want to thank you for standing up for me before. That was very brave of you." the girl said to him, kissing him on the cheek. Teito blushed violently, pulling the hat down to hide his face.

"N-n-n-" he stuttered on the word but then managed to finally come out with it. "No problem" he replied in a confident tone, showing that he wasn't embarrassed by her actions. Though he had never been kissed by a girl other than his mother before, it was strange and somewhat confusing for Teito. He wasn't good with people but he was trying his best at the moment. "Mitsuko Kitsuragi..." he repeated the name in his head a few times, it had been the first name someone had actually given him apart from his family, he wanted to remember it.

"Pleased to meet you Miss Kitsuragi." Teito said with a polite smile and in a formal tone, complete with a bow out of respect. The bow caused his hat to fall off, revealing the intense blush still lingering on his face. His rose up, his messy brown hair obscuring his eyes, which he swept it out of. "My name's Teito Valdez," he had noticed the hat was on the floor but he would pick it up later, he deemed it rude to pick it up when exchanging formalities.

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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
The frail girl formed in Tokyo Disneyland without any gear on her whatsoever. She hadn't even had time to react to what took place back in the Gantz Room, let alone prepare for whatever this event really was. Aleksandra slumped onto the ground while the others spoke around her.

Please to meet you. Aliens. Die twice. Enjoy the rides.

The Russian girl pulled her knees up to her chest and pressed her eyes against them in an attempt to not cry. She couldn't help but to play the horrific scene again and again in her mind.

Blood everywhere. Mother. Body parts were flying. Father. His eye. The other man.

"Gn," Aleskandra uttered in an attempt to not reveal the fact she was crying now. Tears flowed freely down her face from the ultimate doom Aleksandra felt. Here she was in an unknown place for a business trip with Mother and Father. They had died. She saw it. Aleksandra saw her own death too. Then there was that room with all the people and the song.

The girl was scared for her life.

"Mama ... "

Even if Aleksandra was a media idol, she was still a young girl.

"Please ... help me. Come back."

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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Alexis patted the girl on the head with a smile. "It'll be ok. I promise." He smiled at her. "Don't get to worked up ok? You'll make yourself sick." He then got up and fixed another drink. He walked back and sat down next to girl giving her the drink. He looked around a little worried *What if there are aliens here? Would we have to kill them, would they kill us?* he thought to himself. "What am I thinking? Aliens? Really." He chuckled softly so as not to be heard.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
A rather pathetic whimper echoed from the girl as a hand patted Aleksandra on the top of her head. She couldn't help but to look up and see who it was that touched her. It was one of those men whom had been in the other room before they mysteriously appeared outside in the theme park. As Aleksandra's gaze continued up at him, tears began to fall down her porcelain cheeks as the man attempted to reassure the Russian girl.

Her eyes never left him as the man left to obtain drinks. Aleksandra did not know why but she felt as if she lost her sight on him that she'd be losing the anchor of her sanity. Carefully the young woman took the drink into her hands and stared down at the contents for a moment before looking back at Alexis. Her bottom lip quivered and fresh tears welled up in those soft eyes.

Liquid spilled out onto the concrete between Aleksandra's knees while she threw herself somewhat at Alexis and clung to his arm. The scared girl pressed her forehead against that arm and began to weep again.

Aleksandra didn't know this man.

At this point she didn't care.

The Russian just needed comfort and he had offered a sliver of it, only to have the flood gates opened by Aleksandra. She was his responsibility now and the man could only blame himself for bringing this upon him.

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0.00 INK

The sound of the young russian girl crying attracted the attention of a seemingly lost small child. He didn't know where he was, but his instincts made him search for the person the cries belonged to. He came into a clearing standing halfway in the shadows staring at the group of people who sat in front of a booth. His shaggy black hair hung past his eyes where tears began and fell from. He wore a tattered long sleeved shirt that was way too big for him without pants. He ran for the group of people whining. "My mommy! I lost my mommy!Help me find her big sister! Please!" He begged yanking on Aleksandra's shirt."Help me find her big sister! Please! Help me find my mommy..."

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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"Shh there, there. Thats it let it out." Alexis pulled her into a hug and stroked her face. "It'll be ok." He repeated, consoling her. He was starting to loose feeling in his arm from her squeezing it but ignored it. "My mommy! I lost my mommy!Help me find her big sister! Please!" Alexis looked up seeing a seemly lost child running to them and clinging to the girl crying. "Hey there little guy. We'll help you find her ok?" He said with a smile. *I'm a nanny now.* He thought trying to console the boy now too.

*What is he doing here at night anyway?* He thought suspiciously, keeping his free arm within reach of the useless sword instinctively. He continued to try to calm them both down. "Here little guy." He offered the little boy the cotton candy he had gotten.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
Aleksandra's cries were quieted with each stroke of Alexis' hand on her cheek and from the strength of his embrace around her frail body. It was almost like Father's hugs when she was upset. The grip along the man's arm lessened as Aleksandra began to calm. She just wanted to sleep, just to fall asleep and wake up from this horrible nightmare. The young woman sighed against Alexis, inhaled a shuddering breath of air, and shifted her head upward to look at him to thank him.

However, that was interrupted by a small boy tugging on Aleksandra's white shirt. The girl blinked in surprise and then turned her head to peer at the small boy over her slender shoulder. Aleksandra's natural instinct was to cling to Alexis more tightly as if attempting to get away from the strange boy.

"I'm not your big sister," she said somewhat coldly," Go away." That boy was encroaching on her source of comfort and Aleksandra did not like it whatsoever. She crawled into Alexis lap even more and wrapped her arms around the man's neck while giving the boy a sour look. She wanted him no where near Alexis and was not about to share. Usually Aleksandra did not act in this fashion, but with the shock of losing her parents and dying herselfβ€”or hallucinating it, whatever had happenedβ€”it was safe to assume that something had shifted in the young woman.

"Let someone else help him," Aleksandra said looking up at Alexis with pleading eyes," Please don't leave me alone!"

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"Yay! Daddy!"The boy announced happily grabbing the cotton candy and devouring it in seconds. Unfortunately, it came back up just as fast it went down spilling all over Alexis' and Aleksandara's laps. The boy giggled unapologetically then started whining about his mommy again.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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He had a bad felling about the girl and boy both getting his attention and hes right. "I'm not your big sister, Go away." Her tone was angry and cold. "Now now don't be mean, that never solves anything. He said patting her on the head. He knew she didn't want to share him with the boy and it would turn into bickering. He tried not to fear out as she crawled into his lap. *What in the world is this kid doing?* He asked himself rather confused, looking down at her and seeing she was staring up at him. "Let someone else help him, Please don't leave me alone!" Her eyes and voice were begging him. " Please don't leave me alone!" She said in a helpless tone, tugging at his heart a little like he was her father.

Alexis let out a sigh as the kid spit up on them, taking off his jacket and cleaning it off of there laps quickly. *filthy, filthy, filthy!* He through to himself while doing it. He sighed again when the kid went back to whining. *Why me?* He thought looking at the two of them, knowing a squabble was coming up some time soon.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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#, as written by Prose
"Yay! Daddy!"

Aleksandra glared back at the boy and gave him another nasty stare. He was pulling Alexis' attention off of her and Aleksandra did not like it whatsoever. The man was going to comfort her, not him. "Stop it," she said, pulling herself closer to Alexis and away from the young boy. If Aleksandra had been a more mean young lady, she perhaps would have pushed the child away. She could only fall so far away from her maturity though ...

And then an idea struck Aleksandra. She was a model. A famous model. One that held sex appeal even in her young age and she knew how to use it against men and women. It was something that the boy did not have at all, yet Aleksandra held it in her very hand. The girl was far from sheltered from the evils of the world and had used this forbidden charm several times in her career at the whims of her parents' will. It had all been to further her status as a model, and never before had Aleksandra used it in a situation such as this. It was worth a try to get the annoying boy away from themβ€”to convince Alexis to make him go away so he could continue to make her feel better.

It was then that hot sick spilled into her lap because of the young boy. Aleksandra silently fumed and raged in her mind while Alexis patted the puke from his pants and her skirt. Turning her cold gaze away from the child, Aleksandra sought out Alexis' eyes while placing a soft and tender hand on his cheek. The fingers of her other hand had curled gently into the collar of his shirt and she spoke in an innocent tone, yet with allure that should not have been there for a girl of her age.

"See? He's sick. Make him go away before he gets us all sick. You don't know what he could have. It could be deadly. Please," she begged Alexis while leaning into him so close it would be hard to see anything other than those entrancing and frightened eyes. Alexis would have to move in order to view anything other than Aleksandra.

"He scares me ... "

It was a lie, but she was determined to say anything in order to get what she needed.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Gantz Room


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As the man ran into the room, she gave him a strange look - he looked a little bit crazy. Her red-violet eyes widened when the man spoke harsh words and spat on the ground near her. 'Ah! How unsanitary! This sloppiness would never be promoted in Sweden! Don't they teach manners here!?'. She looked up at the man, scrambling to her feet and pointing at him. "T-That is unsanitary and r-rude, s-sir!" she stammered, trying to sound firm and accusing, but instead, sounding frightened and unsure. Her shaky tone and heavy accent did not help whatsoever. She tried to assure herself again that she was dreaming and that nothing could hurt her.

The moment cheery music abruptly chimed out in the room, she let out a surprised, shrill yelp and tried to turn and run. She was rewarded with a face-first slam into the glass balcony door. Embarrassed would be a severe understatement of how she felt. Within the ten minutes she had been here, she proved that she was jumpy, flustered, scatterbrained, and a cultural alien. She turned around, red from embarrassment. "F Flat..." she muttered, saying the pitch of the sound that had been emitted when she had hit the glass. She tried to distract herself by reading whatever was on the strange black ball. Her English was very good, so she could understand it - despite the strange occasional backwards letters. As the three compartments shot out, she jumped in surprise again - not her startle not nearly as bad.

She stepped forwards, looking at all the things there. Picking up one of the guns, Ula aimed it around a bit before looking curiously at it. "Why?" she asked no one in particular. As the other girl, who had been previously nude, got dressed in some strange outfit. As she started to be transported, Ula had barely managed to gather what was happening. She watched the other girl disappear until only her waist down was still present before grabbing another gun, now having two small guns. "Ah! W-What do i do now!? Where are we- What is that!?" she said, noticing that nude, bald man. That was the last thing she saw before she was transported.

Ula looked around herself, severely confused. She had been expecting something kind of like one of the rings of hell from Dante Alighieri's 'Inferno'. This was the furthest possible thing from the 'Inferno' she could think of. "A... theme park...?" she looked around herself. She wondered where everyone else was, trying to keep her silvery hair out of her eyes as she glanced around. She was confused! She didn't want to be here! She suddenly wanted to wake up from this dream. She wanted to go home. Unfortunately, i didn't look like waking up was an option - everything seemed too... real.

The setting changes from Gantz Room to Tokyo Disneyland

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Ula watched the scenes in front of her with a look of confusion. She had been standing in a room with people a moment ago and now she was standing here watching something that she didn't understand unfold. She decided to just stay quiet and watch, not knowing any of these people whatsoever. She didn't know who anyone was, she didn't know where she was, she didn't know what was happening, and her eyes started to cross just thinking about it. She slipped the two gun-like objects into the belt around her waist, simply pinning it between the belt and her side. She fixed the cravat of her fancy dress and slipped the headphones, that had been hanging around her neck, over her ears. She turned the volume way down just after she had turned on some music from the music player in the pack on her hip. The volume was low enough that she could hear the music, but also decently hear what as going on around her. She hoped that didn't look cold, she just didn't want to interfere with what might be happening.

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When Fukuda arrived in the amusement park he was startled, but soon his surprise turned annoyance. He glanced at the group of people there and grunted. Before disappearing he managed to grab a small gun before being transported and stashed it in his suit. "I'm sick of this" He said storming off bumping into the girl with the magenta eyes. He looked at her harshly as if she was the one who bumped into her and took off. Alone.

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Ula gasped as the man bumped into him. Without slipping off her headphones, she turned. "H-Hey! Y-You beast!D-Don't they teach manners here!?" She yelled after him, reddening from anger and slight flustering. She then fell silent, somewhat afraid of being attacked by a crazy man if she said more. She turned up the volume just slightly and looked down, fidgeting with the cord, twirling it around one of her fingers. Her manager had said that Japanese people were usually very very polite... Right now, she found herself questioning that. Honestly, she was doubting more then just the manners of Japanese people, going as far as to doubt reality at this point. She then turned back to the other scene, fidgeting and staying quiet.

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Another small child appeared next to Ula tugging on her sleeve yanking her in a direction opposite of everyone else. This time it was a young girl who's eyes were also covered by her messy hair. "Come play with me, big sister" the girl smiled.

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Ula blinked, surprised by the child. "A-Ah... Um... Alright, sure...!" she said, not knowing what else to say. She wasn't good at saying no in most situations. "What do you want to do?" she asked, hoping that child could understand her messy, accented speech. Ula allowed herself to be pulled away, although her eyes lingered on the rather handsome doctor for a moment. "Oh! Er- What's your name? I'm Ula." she introduced herself as she remembered her manners.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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Things had happened way too quickly. Before they knew it, both Mellissa and Sunkyu were in these suits, and both had a weapon.. Now they were in Disney Land..

"Well, at least I know what happened..." Sunkyu said, toying around with the small gun she had picked up, but being sure not to shoot it off. This pill was going to be hard for her to swallow, but at least now she could comprehend the situation better. So she was really dead? Those guys really killed her? The light she saw.... Did it guide her? Was she where she was supposed to be? Sunkyu had been following everyone else, but seemed to get lost in her thoughts, and now she was lost entirely. She looked around, seeing none of the people who had been with her, or were wearing the same thing as her, and on top of that, it was dark.

Maybe it was just something in her head, but she heard footsteps. "Hello?" She called, taking a few steps forward. Hopefully it was one of the people in the group walking around.


Mellissa just followed everyone. She didn't feel like talking to these people she didn't know, or fiddling with anything. She just wanted to know what was going on. Hopefully the conversation about that would start soon, so that she could eavesdrop and figure it out.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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Alexis had a confused look as Alek climbed further onto him, then laughed at how jealous she was. "Stop it," she said to the boy pulling herself even closer to Alexis. He let out a sigh "There's no need to be so mean to him." He then patted her on the head. *I don't like this.* He thought to himself putting his hand on the sword. "Something isn't right, please don't..." He was cut off by her hand touching his face softly and her eyes staring strait into his, leaving him wide eyed and confused. The other hand gripped his collar so he couldn't pull away.

"See? He's sick. Make him go away before he gets us all sick. You don't know what he could have. It could be deadly. Please," Her voice was innocent yet somehow alluring. She moved in closer to his face making Alexis blush a little and swallow hard. He usually wasn't able manipulated like this but for some reason this girl was able to do it. "Well a may...well you right." He stuttered out unable to break eye contact with her. "Mits? could you umm... help the boy?" He asked still not looking away, it felt like those eye were pulling his to them. "He scares me ... " Alexis pull her into a hug after she said that, resting his head on her shoulder. "It'll be ok." He said keeping his eyes on the odd kid, he just didn't trust the kid. He wasn't sure if it was because of Alek or his own instincts but something was defiantly off.

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"Oh, uh sure," Mitsuko swept the small child up from Alexis' lap. He was very light and then. Before she was fired Mitsuko worked with children. She loved children.

"You're a mommy too," the child said giggling. He jumped out of her arms and ran towards the shadows. "Come meet my mommy!

He called me a mommy...could it be possible...,Mitsuko placed a hand on her belly. Could, I still be pregnant? She felt her eyes welling up with tears when she noticed the child running off, disappearing into the shadows. "Wait! Come back!" She called out, chasing after him. "It's not safe wandering around by yourself!"


The young child who begged Ula to play with her ignored her question. She only talked about playing, leading Ula into an empty dark area where not a soul was seen. The child ran ahead of Ula disappearing into the darkness, leaving the young foreigner alone by herself. "Come on!" the child's voice called out.

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#, as written by Prose
Aleksandra pressed her own cheek against the man's shoulder though her warm breath washed over the flesh of his neck with the whispered grazes of her lips as well. Such a forbidden touch from such a young woman, yet Aleksandra did it all on purpose. Even if she was falling to the tricks and desperations of the other girls she had grown up around in the modeling industryβ€” techniques she loathedβ€”Aleksandra needed this man. She needed someone to take care of her. Mother and Father had never taught Aleksandra about how to live life and take care of herself aside from how to allow people to dress Aleksandra, or put make up on her, or sign this paper here. The girl was lost in reality.

"Thank you," Aleksandra said quietly with a sigh of relief. Alexis was going to stay with her. She had won against that dirty and filthy little boy. Taking a look around, she finally noticed which theme park they were in. It was Disneyland in Tokyo. Aleksandra had gone there with her parents just yesterday. It had been an early birthday celebration for the family only. Today was supposed to be the larger party with the friends, agents, and other models included.

Suddenly, the girl pulled away from Alexis only enough to look him in the eye again, and this time she wore a rather charming smile on those perfect lips. "Let's go do something. It is my birthday after all. Oh," Aleksandra said while finally realizing. Even if she had 'fought' so hard to retain the man's attention upon her, Aleksandra had not a single clue to who this man was, nor even his name. "I'm Sabine," she offered while standing up from the Alexis' lap, leaving him to view nothing but silk and blasphemous leg of the teenager, if he had drawn his eyes up further as well, according the religious standards, he would have been condemned to Hell.

The girl took a step away so that she would not be straddling his legs, and bent down to offer her hand.

"C'mon. Let's go," Aleksandra said with that beautiful smileβ€”the smile she had given her parents before they had all died.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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Alexis swallowed hard again at the feel of her breath on his neck. *This is so not right* He thought, raising his hand and slapping himself when her lips touch his neck. He saw the kid run off with Mits following it into the shadows. "damn it." He mumbled getting a bad feeling. He gripped tightly on the handle of the sword. "that kid. Something is wrong with picture." He mumbled to himself. The girl then pulled away slightly letting her meet his once again, a smile on her face. "Let's go do something. It is my birthday after all. Oh," She looked somewhat embarrassed Alexis thought looking at her confused.

"I'm Sabine," "I'm Alexis, Sabine. Thats a nice name." He said smiling as she stood up, His view was blocked by her legs. Looking just a few inches upwards would make him look indecent but being the idiot he was he looked up towards her face. His got horribly red and his nose bleed slightly, he turned away his head quickly mumbling "Polka Dots?" to himself and slapping himself once more *Stop being an idiot!" He thought taking her hand and standing.

"C'mon. Let's go," She said with the prettiest smile he had ever seen. *to bad it was such a sin.* He thought smiling back but worrying about Mits. "We should go check on Mits. I have a bad feeling about this. Why is a boy here at at night anyway?" He sighed to himself thinking on the subject. *Wait if he lost his mommy why did he say Lets go meet her?* He questioned. "Were going to back up Mits. This is just to fishy." His voice was stern as he took Sabine's hand with his free hand and the sword in the other.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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#, as written by Prose
"We should go check on Mits. I have a bad feeling about this," Alexis had said to Aleksandra as they stood there, staring off in the direction of where that little boy and woman had gone off. "Who's Mits," the girl asked passing a glance up to the much taller man. "Why is a boy here at at night anyway," Alexis had asked next which made the Russian's brow draw down slightly in disappointment. "Alexβ€”"

"Were going to back up Mits. This is just to fishy."

Before Aleksandra could say her protests, she was already being led by the hand towards where that boy and Mitsuko had gone. "But Alexis, he said he was taking her to meet his mother. She'll be fine," the young model said while trying to stop and held firmly to Alexis' hand. Aleksandra didn't have much strength to her however and could have easily been carted along. Even if Alexis had decided to slip his hand from hers and continued on without Aleksandra, the girl would end up following him. She didn't want to be left alone.

She pressed up against his side, and surveyed the area around them, hugging to Alexis' side and never letting his hand go. It wasn't know if it was Alexis' nervousness or something else, but Aleksandra began to feel quite strange and anxious herself. Maybe there really was something wrong.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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Alexis drug Sabine behind him. "But Alexis, he said he was taking her to meet his mother. She'll be fine," "Exactly. He didn't know where his mother was five seconds ago. Something just doesn't add up." He said with a serious look. "I protect those who matter to me, So Mits and especially you don't need to worry." He smiled and patted her on the head, Feeling her cling to him once more. He squeezed her hand in reassurance. "It'll be ok, but if anything happens I want you to get a safe distance away." He smiled down. "Promise me you want get hurt because of me?" He asked in a darker tone, his smile died as he looked around the area. "Mits? You ok?" He yelled then listened for any sound, any movement.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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Ula hesitated a moment before running after the child. "H-Hey! Wait! It's dark in here!" she yelled out. "What if you trip and hurt yourself or-!" she cut herself off, hearing the call from the child which called her and beckoned her. "Excuse me! Why can we play in here!?" She yelled out, confused. She noticed not a single person was around and the child could barely even see at this point, it was just too dark. Her hair and the cold of her headphones whipped wildly as she ran after the child, sometimes quickly turning her head to look around herself. She slipped the headphones off her ears and let it hang around her neck like before.

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While looking at a map of where he was, Fukuda heard foot steps heading for where he was. He looked over his shoulder, at the same time reaching into his jacket to grip the toy gun. He felt silly for gripping the toy gun, but he wouldn't dare use any of the expensive things on his person to fight anything off with.

The footsteps stopped. Carefully, he looked around as he power walked from the area he was in. He soon came across a one of the girls from the room. She looked like she was Korean about 16 years old. He smacked his lips and narrowed his eyes when he saw what she was wearing. She seemed lost. Oh, well. Not my problem, he thought. He pulled his cellphone out dialed his assistant and only got static. What the... the sound of the static was replaced by the sound a child's giggling. The giggling grew from one children giggling to two children giggling from two to three and so on. Thats when he saw them. Five children holding hands skipping towards him, laughing and singing. It was such an eerie picture. He decided to turn around and catch up to the young student. Without realizing it he burst into a full speed run which resulted in him crashing into the girl.

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Mitsuko lost the child. She couldn't see him any more. She turned looking in all directions, her companions barely visible in the distance. She contemplated walking back to them, but before she could finish her thought something enormous grabbed her, dragging her away. She only had time enough to let out a blood curdling scream.

As Fukuda began to try to get up he could see Ula close by, but his vision was cut off by the ominous children that surrounded him and Sunkyu. They jumped on them and yanked on their clothes and hair, giggling, laughing and dancing around them. He'd finally had enough and kicked one square in the chest. That was a mistake. The small child stood up and howled. As it howled its body began changing into the monster they'd all seen on the screen of the Gantz ball.

A flood children sprouted from what seemed to be thin air as they ran towards and engulfed Zane, Alexis, Teito, Aleksandra and Mellissa. The children cried and whined, laugh and giggled, tugged on the players and jumped on them. until suddenly they fell quiet. Some of the children began howling as their bodies shook, crackled and popped. Several of them burst into these monsters that at nearly seven feet tall with short legs and enormous arms.

Simultaneously, the monsters attacked.

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#, as written by Prose
"B-Butβ€”" Alexis had squeezed her hand in an attempt to reassure Aleksandra. It calmed the young woman somewhat but not near enough to stop her defiance. "Alexis, please. I don't like this. We should just go. I just want to go home. Let's go home, Alexis. Please," Aleksandra begged while clutching to the man's clothes. The girl was torn at this point. She wanted to run away because something wasn't right, but Aleksandra didn't want to let Alexis go either. He was going to protect her and make everything alright.

And then the howl was heard which made Aleksandra stop breathing and sent her heart racing. What was that? The girl was frozen and couldn't move. Not only had she seen her death and the death of her parents, but now she was stuck in Disneyland with no explanation of how she had gotten there in the middle of the night. And now there were strange noises like some type of animal howling around her and the others.

"Alexis, please ... take me homβ€”" Aleksandra screamed as a volley of children came at them, attempting to tear her away from Alexis. With one hand, the young woman tried to pry them off of her and stop them from pulling her away. Giving a particularly violent shove to one of them, they let go but then fell entirely silent. Aleksandra just stood there trembling in fear, watching them mutate into horrendous creatures.

As they attacked, Aleksandra merely screamed out Alexis' name and closed her eyes.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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"Alexis, please. I don't like this. We should just go. I just want to go home. Let's go home, Alexis. Please," he looked down at her when she said that and patted her on the head. "I know you do, but I don't think we can just y." He was cut off along with her by the sound of the howling. His muscles froze in place and his eyes widened as he looked around for the cause of the sound. "Alexis, please ... take me homβ€”" He heard her say followed by a scream as children seemed to pour out of the shadows around them, grabbing at her.

"Sabine don't hurt them! They seem to just playing!" He yelled just a few seconds to late, seeing her shove on of them. They all went silent and stated to change, there bodies mutating into the 'aliens' they were sent here to hunt. "What the hell?" His said his eyes widening as they grew taller then him. He stood there in shock as they started to attack. Sabine screamed his name causing him to snap to attention, instinctively grab her up and run all in one swift motion. His leg muscles seemed to bulge out of the suit along with his arms, she seemed as light as the air in his arms as he ran back towards the group others from the room. "Get to the ferris wheel!" He screamed.


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Zane glanced around nervously, remaining silent as he had since this whole mess had started. It wasn't normal for him to be this quiet. Then again, nothing was normal about his current situation. He was walking around with a group of strangers hunting aliens, for crying out loud! At this point, he'd probably be better off having been squashed by that subway train. Shoving that thought away, he looked around at his companions. All in all, they seemed alright. Well, except that one creep who'd tried to do something less than pleasant to that girl, Mitsuko. Good thing Teito had stepped in.

The college student glanced over at the other boy inconspicuously, hoping there wasn't a blush on his face. He wouldn't lie: he'd really been impressed by the guy's bravery. Not many people would stand up for someone they didn't know. That took some guts. Zane shook his head, shifting his gaze to the gun in his hands. This was so not the time to be developing a crush, even if it was just an admiring one. Not only was he probably ruler straight and could have just about any girl he wanted, but they kinda had bigger problems at the moment.

Like, for example, the fact that something was heading right towards them.

Bolting around, he cocked his X-gun, ready to shoot the first thing that moved. Lucky he managed to wait, otherwise he might've shot one of the many children that started running towards them. Zane sighed in relief as he lowered his gun. "It's just a bunch of kids!" Maybe that freaky ball thing had been wrong about the aliens being here. Maybe they'd left just before he and the others had arrived. Those thoughts became less certain, however, when the little brats started attacking them. "What the-- Hey! Get…OFF!"

Swinging his arm, he accidentally sent one of the kids flying a good few yards away before hitting the ground with a thud. Zane blinked in shock, looking at his arm. "Whoa. Guess these things really do work." Filing that away for further notice, he looked up to see it the kid was okay, only to find something decidedly NOT a human kid in it's place. As Zane watched in horror, the children mutated into the very aliens they were supposed to be hunting. Okay, so maybe that creepy ball hadn't been wrong. Snapping out of his terrified stupor, he didn't need Alexis to tell him twice before he started running, too scared to even consider using his gun. "Wait up!"

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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Ula suddenly saw children, not just one, but many. "Wh-Wha...?" she hesitated, not sure if she should get the guns at her hips. She felt something start to pull at her dress and something grab onto her arms and legs. She let out a startled, shrill scream. Her available hand started to grope at her waist for one of the guns. Her hand found purchase on one of the guns and, without thinking, she pointing it down and started to mash the trigger. There was no bang and he started to panic, screaming even louder. "Somebody! Help me!" she yelled.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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While Sunkyu was walking along, playing with the gun, minding her own business, she felt a sudden weight crash upon her. Before she knew it, she was on the ground.

"Ow.." she mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her head slightly. "Geez, you should watch where you're-" She looked up and saw the creepy old politician man from earlier.... and he brought along a bunch of kids. They jumped on her and pulled at her hair, laughing, and giggling. Then Sunkyu remembered how annoying little children were.
"Hey! Get off!" She cried out, trying to pry one off of her. Her attempts were successful when they all fell silent. The child that was on her simply got off, and the others did the same. The silence was almost like a high-pitched ringing in her ear. She hated silence.

"H-Hey... Are you alright-" Suddenly, Sunkyu was cut off by a howl. She went wide eyed as the child started to mutate into this terrible, seven foot monster. It grew, and grew, and popped and cracked and made weird sounds, and during all this, Sunkyu started to back up. She backed up into Fukuda, and then got up and backed up some more. The thing before her was horrific. A seven foot alien, with short legs and huge arms. Then it attacked. Sunkyu screamed and quickly avoided it's attack-- thank goodness for older brothers who liked to jump on you!
She ran away, but she didn't get too far before Alexis. He yelled at them to get to the ferris wheel, and that she did. She ran as fast as she could towards it, but still took a last glance back.

- - -

Mellissa unleashed a string of curse words as a bunch of children barraged her and knocked her to the floor. She hated little children, even though she was one herself. She found them incredibly annoying. She pushed a few off of her, and after yanking one off of her by the hair, the children fell silent. Mellissa looked around suspiciously, and then she heard a howl, and a scream shortly after. She went wide-eyed, and then heard a growl. She screamed as a hand hit the pavement next to her, hard. She then scrambled up and started running in the direction everyone was going in.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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#, as written by Prose
"I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die," Aleksandra chanted to herself quietly while keeping her eyes shut tight. If she were going to experience another horrible death, the girl didn't want to see it coming after the last one. "Alex, please don't let me die. I don't wanna die. I want to live. I want to live with you," Aleksandra pleaded while her grip on him tightened and as the man continued to flee for both their lives.

'I want to live with you,' she had said but that was utterly ridiculous. Not only had Aleksandra met Alexis only a few minutes ago, but he was also ten years older than the girl. But, she thought silently to herself, he was the only one that showed kindness to her and attempted to care for her as well. Alexis had been there for Aleksandra when no one else had even looked twice at her. Could anyone have really blamed the young woman?

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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#, as written by Black
Teito called after Mitsuko as she ran off with the child, though he didn’t follow her. That would have been stupid, she wanted to help the poor child to find its mother, though something was off about the child, something Teito just couldn’t place. Why would a child be here this late at night, when it was so long after closing time? Why would the park security not take care of him?

Then another child, pestering the white haired girl, dragging her into the darkness. It was all too strange and Teito gripped the handle of the sword tightly, he was tempted to run in after them. But that would have been stupid, no one could see in the thick of the darkness.

Suddenly children everywhere surrounded them, there wasn’t any escape now, they encircled those who had just waited, him and Zane mainly. The howling was appalling, head splitting to say the least, just a constant noise and Teito bent over and gripped his head and covered his ears and-

Then silence.

He rose his head in time to see, in front of him, the child’s body splitting releasing a sickening sound of cracking and popping. It grew to about 7 feet in the air, green and mutated because there stood the Alien they had to kill. The one the black sphere had shown them. And it wasn’t just the one, it was all of them. They were surrounded by the green monsters, towering over them…

And they attacked.

Teito immediately gripped the handle of his sword, though the blade had yet to show itself. He had a serious and brave look about his face, he wasn’t the type of person to let pressure or fear affect him, that would only hinder his progress. Without a suit on though, he was next to doomed, but at least he wouldn’t go down without a fight. He swung the handle of the sword at one of their legs, but that didn’t do a lot, unmoved was the alien. Then the blade appeared, slicing through both of the legs of it, causing it to fall to the ground, blood oozing everywhere from the wounds and splashing Teito, its legs just rolling off to the side, enraging the other Aliens to see their comrade injured in such a way. The charged towards him with great speed but Teito dodged them all, skidding across the floor under their legs. He stood up swiftly when he came to a halt and the sword extended as it was sliced through the air, cutting through the Aliens.

But there was too many and they surrounded Teito again with no real way out, they were angry- furious even. Teito gripped his sword and held a defensive stance, though he was trapped in a near-hopeless situation.


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Alexis carried Sabine running as fast as he could to to Ferris wheel. "Alex, please don't let me die. I don't wanna die. I want to live. I want to live with you," He smiled down at her. "Your not going to die don't worry." He said patting her on the head and putting her in the Ferris wheel. He looked behind him to see short stop was cornered with some other guy and he had the sword out. "Wait here I'll be right back. You'll be safe here." She smiled at her once more before running full sprint towards Teito and Zane.

Alexis jumped up into the air grabbing one of the aliens heads and smashing it against his knee. The muscles in his arms and knee seemed to bulge as the alien's head exploded in his hands from the impact. He dropped in front of them pulling out the sword handle and standing there a moment waiting for it's blade to come out. "Shit. Really? Come on! Activate! Grow! Power on!" He yelled hitting it against his hand. "Extend! Do something damn it!" He yelled squeezing the handle and making the blade come out. A few strands of hair fell to the ground as he stared at the blade that just nearly took his head off. "Well now were in business." He laughed slightly at his joke and almost re-death.


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Zane wasn't much of a fighter, but he was definitely a runner. You kinda had to be when you're constantly being chased by homophobic jocks who want to beat you to a pulp. Running away was just a natural reaction, as cowardly as it seemed. When it came to his fight of flight response, the latter always seemed to take over. The college student was halfway to the Ferris Wheel, trailing right after Alexis, when something occurred to him that caused him to stop dead in his tracks. Where was Teito? He hadn't been one of the one's who'd gotten dragged off, but he wasn't headed for the Ferris Wheel, either. Which meant...

Bolting around, he saw just what he'd expected to see: Teito taking the beasts on single-handedly. Zane groaned, slapping a hand to his head. "You have got to be kidding me." He was starting to think that this dude had some kind of hero complex or something. Now, he had two options: keep running to safety, or turn around and try to help. Obviously, the second option would be much smarter. However, he couldn't very well turn around and leave knowing that he was leaving one of their own to his death. Especially one he'd inexplicably taken a liking to. Already regretting his decision, the teen gripped his gun and raced back toward the fray, not having a clue as to what he was doing.

Before he could even get close, one of the aliens stepped in front of him, effectively blocking his path. Zane skidded to halt, frantically trying to use his X-gun. What kind of idiot made a gun with two triggers?! "Aw, screw it!" With the creature just a foot away and reaching out to grab him, the teen final just aimed and pulled both triggers, hoping the weapon wouldn't explode. To his shock and awe, blast of energy shot out of the gun, the throwback sending him to the ground. Zane barely managed to shield his face as the alien in front of him literally exploded, sending extraterrestrial gore flying. "Ewww..." He grimaced at the creature's remains, resisting the urge to vomit. Better than being ripped limb from limb, that was for sure.

He didn't have a whole lot of time to enjoy his first kill, though (not that he'd have really tried, anyway). The teen screamed as he found himself grabbed around the neck, dropping his gun as he was lifted. Zane clawed at the creature's hand desperately, gasping as he grip on his throat tightened. Unfortunately, the struggling was doing little more than wasting precious oxygen. To his horror, he found his movements slowing, vision blurring at the edges. 'God, please don't let me die. Not like this.'

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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#, as written by Prose
"Wait here I'll be right back. You'll be safe here."

"N-No Alexis don't leave me." Aleksandra yelled at the man while holding out a hand towards him as if she could grab hold of Alexis and stop him. It was too late though as her 'hero' was gone and already running to help the others. The Russian was forced to remain there in the Ferris Wheel while watching everyone else fight for their lives. They were all becoming heroes and she was doing nothing but being a coward. A wave of panic onslaught Aleksandra as Alexis was almost killed by one of the aliens.

Once again the man's name was screamed in a panicked fashion from Aleksandra's lips and despite him having told her to remain, she ran towards him and the others. Without a suit or a weapon it was quite foolish for the young woman to make such a rash decision, yet it was not like Aleksandra knew what she was getting herself into. Still running towards Alexis, an alien exploded in front of her, drenching the girl in alien entrails. The girl stood there for a moment and wiped a hand down her face then looked down at her hand.

An expression of sheer horror filled those innocent eyes, but her shock was soon ended as Zane screamed. Lifting her gray eyes, Aleksandra witnessed the boy being lifted up by his throat and then gun dropping to the ground. Suddenly and without thought there came the need to do something. Anything. He was going to die if someone didn't help him. So, without giving thought to her own life, the teen ran close to the alien and picked up the gun that Zane had dropped. Aleksandra was only able to aim it before she screamed herself while being lifted upwards by her long strands of hair by the very same creature that held Zane.

"Alex! Let me go! It hurts," Aleksandra cried out while tears sprang up into her eyes and while her shaking hand rose once more to aim at the alien's throat. Frantic fingers pressed the triggers over and over again but nothing seemed to be happening. Wasn't that what you were supposed to do with a gun? Press the trigger? That's how everyone had done it in the movies!

"I don't want to die! Please! I don't want to die!"

There was a moment in which the alien paused before his throat contorted and bulged before another splatter of gore painted both Zane and Aleksandra. Now being held by a headless alien, Aleksandra tumbled to the ground and the gun clattered away from her.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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Technically, Zane had already died once already. It wasn't really a process he wanted to repeat, especially not in a slow, painful way. It didn't l look like he had a lot of choice in the matter, though, seeing as he was currently having his windpipe crushed by an giant alien. By this point he'd stopped fighting back, all of his strength focused on trying to breathe as his eyes watered from pain and terror. That wasn't working out too well either. It scared him, really. To think that he'd escaped death once just to be thrown back to it in a significantly less pleasant way.

Just as his vision had started to black out completely, a number of things happened at one. There was an explosion. Something sticky and foul-smelling splattered him. And he suddenly hit the ground with a thud. Zane reacted as soon as the grip on his throat released, coughing and gasping as he tried to get air to his starved lungs. Ugh, he felt like he was going to be sick. And when he realized he was covered in alien guts, he almost was. Zane shuttered, wiping the gore from his face. What the hell had happened? One minute he was at death's door, then next he was sticky with extraterrestrial innards and still very much alive.

Struggling to his hands and knees, he noticed he wasn't the only one in this state. Aleksandra was next to him, and he recognized his own gun near her. Had she... Shakily rising to his feet, he made his way over and helped her up, grabbing his gun. "Hey, you alright?" He was still trying to grasp the fact that anyone had helped him. Him. The kind of person others looked down on like dirt and spat at in passing. It was quite the change of pace, and certainly not an unwelcome one. "Guess I owe you one now, huh?" he chuckled weakly, throat still pretty sore from strangulation. "Thanks."

The tender moment would have to wait, though. The other aliens clearly weren't too happy to see one of their own blown to bits. Already the beasts were closing it, circling the two alien hunters. "Shit. These guess don't give up, do they?" Standing close to Aleksandra, he raised his gun, ready to fire at the first creature that came at him.


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#, as written by Black
Teito's eyes darted around looking at each one of the Aliens to see their movement, he knew he was going to die, there were way too many of them, but he wouldn't give up hope just yet. His breathing was heavy, taking short and fast paced breaths between head movements. They were all too close now. It was a hopeless situation, Teito realized that now, he took in a small breath to calm his nerves. Closing his eyes and just hoping the death would be quick and painless. The confidence and hope he had before...


Suddenly a sticky liquid covered his face, his eyes gradually opened and he blinked twice, looking at the decapitated Alien. Only thing was, his head had been exploded by just a knee-to-head kick. The Aliens seem to want to go after the new threat now, the rather tall and idiot doctor. Teito smiled at his confusion with the sword, it was amusing to see something like that going on in such a grim situation. Following suit, Teito raised his sword and sliced down the back of one of the Aliens which was the closest to Alexis. Teito panted heavily, looking at Alexis as the Alien fell to the floor in front. "Thank you," he bowed, bending over to take in a few deep breaths before standing up again. There were a few Aliens left which surrounded them, many of them had gone off to surround two other people, who Teito couldn't see over the tall Aliens. Alexis would be fine, he had a suit, though the powers of the suit were unknown, but he seemed to know what he was doing. "You can handle this right?"

Teito didn't wait for the reply before sprinting towards the others. "Get down!" he shouted to whoever was trapped between the aliens. Teito waited for a while, to ensure his orders were followed, his katana then extended and he swung it, cutting the heads of about three of the Aliens, drawing the attention of them all. "Run away now, get somewhere safe!" he shouted, now seeing the two people as Zane and Aleksander, though he didn't know of their names, but recognized them. He nodded once to them before taking a defensive stance to the oncoming Aliens.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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0.00 INK

As the girl screamed Fukuda pulled the trigger of the toy gun several times at the monsters he were surrounded by. The gun hummed and glowed each time, but nothing happened. He covered his eyes praying to the same God he'd swore his entire life didn't exist, when five explosions went off before him slapping him with pieces of meat and blood. He lowered his in complete and utter awe as he noticed that a path had been opened where the aliens once were. He heard someone yell "Get to the Ferris Wheel" and without thinking he bolted. Running frantically with clenched teeth Fukuda towards the ferris wheel when another explosion went off somewhere very close, slamming large pieces of those strange creatures into him knocking him onto the ground.

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Ula heard some explosions of gore and the sound of splattering. Within moments, she heard some even closer to her. Her legs felt wet, but with what? She paused a moment before she realized it was the blood of whatever she had shot. She heard a yell, distant that she could barely make out. "Someone!? Is someone here!?" she yelled, whimpering a bit near the end of her sentence. She mashed the trigger of the gun a couple more times and struggled a moment before she heard an explosion and felt herself jerk forwards. Accompanying the explosions were a series of splatters - exactly two splatters. She looked back to see three dead, gored creatures - blood and guts lying everywhere. She was free from them for a moment. With that moment, she darted toward the destination the yell had specified; The Ferris Wheel

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Mitsuko felt herself moving forward. Her body jostling with every bump, the sounds of explosions and screams could be heard from a distance. Her eyes fluttered open to darkness and an enormous creature that was carrying her in its arm like a piece of meet. She silently observed her surroundings and all she could see were the white eyes of other enormous creatures marching alongside her. Mitsuko didn't dare to gulp. She was still alive, she was thankful for that so she wasn't going to jeopardize it in any way.

What Mitsuko wanted to know was why she was still alive. She decided finding the answer was futile, so she came up with a plan to escape the first chance she got. There was a small chance it would work, but it was better than nothing. At least she thought so.

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As the small group of strangers who barely knew one another's name continued fighting for the Lives, things became more violent by the second as more of the Yokaishi aliens appeared. One caught Alexis by his leg in mid-air, swinging him over head and throwing him into Teito crushing a couple of his rib bones. Two of the monsters ganged up on Mellissa beginning a playful yet harsh tug of war with her body. Even as Ula and Sunkyu caught up to the main group near the Ferris they were not safe from the horde of on coming alien monsters.

Another creature jumped through the air landing on Sunkyu pinning her under it. The Yokaishi finally managed to to corner all the players leaving them with only one path to escape by. The direction where Mitsuko had disappeared.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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Zane barely dodged another wave of alien gore as several of he beasts were suddenly beheaded, falling lifeless to the ground. Who else should he have expected to save their butts than Teito? The college boy blinked, shaking his head vigorously when he realized there was a light blush on his cheeks. The hell?! Okay, seriously, what was up with him? He was nineteen years old and getting all starstruck over a kid who was probably barely in high school! Even for a gay guy, that wasn't exactly, well, normal!! Snapping out of those thoughts, he considered the boy's command. "Run where? We're completely blocked off!" It was true. Everywhere they looked, seven-foot-tall aliens were closing in on them, and no matter how many were killed, more always seemed to appear.

The teen yelped in surprised as Teito was suddenly decked by Alexis, not entirely sure who the sickening crunch had come from. Before he could offer any help, though, there was another problem he had to deal with. Nearby, one of the girls (Melissa, if he remembered right) was about to be torn limb from limb like a rag doll being fought over by a pair of toddlers. Hoping she wouldn't mind being splattered with alien guts too much, he aimed for both of the monsters' arms, severing them from their bodies. "Ooooh, that's gotta hurt," he mused aloud, flinching. It was then he saw exactly what they needed; there was one route leading away from the Yokaishi, a gap in the circle they were surrounded by. "Guys! I think I found a way out." He raced over to the tangled forms of the two males, carefully moving one off of the other. "You guys alright?"


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"Let go of me! No!" Mellissa yelled. She could feel her arms being almost ripped off by these two, gross monsters. That was when she realized, she probably wouldn't make it out of her alive. It was no use even trying to resist, it hurt her more than it did to not do anything. She cursed in her mind, and continued screaming. "Let go! Let go! It hurts! Please!!"
'I wonder if they even understand English..' Mellissa thought bitterly to herself. After one final tug, she heard and felt something weird, and then the aliens released their grip on her arms. She dropped to her knees, and then looked at her hands, wide eyed. "Wh-What the hell is this?!" She screamed, desperately trying to get the guts off of her, squealing a little. Mellissa didn't even know what had happened, or who to thank, but she was thankful, anyway.

She looked up and saw about three more running towards her. Apparently, they were very defensive of their own kind, seeing her covered in the thing's guts made them upset. She screamed, and backed up some more, but they continued to come towards her at full speed.. Where the hell was that gun?! Mellissa searched frantically but found nothing, not on her waist, or anywhere nearby. And then it hit her... The alien of course. With one hit, she was knocked out, and then they jumped on her.

- - - -

Meanwhile, Sunkyu had her own problems. She had ran to help Mellissa, but ended up being pinned to the ground by a alien. When she hit the floor, she grunted, and her gun slid away from her. Her eyes were closed for a second, and when she opened them, she saw the alien on top of her. Her eyes went wide eyed. The alien took the form of the boy that killed her... smiling.. being a pervert. "Yah!" She screamed, trying to wiggle her way out of the pin.
"Yah! Get off!" Sunkyu screamed again. She couldn't even reach her gun, and this seven-foot-tall alien was a little different than a five-foot-something kid at her school. She just couldn't pry it off. "Get off!" she screamed again, tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't save herself this time.. She was just a girl... A really tiny one, at that, and this thing was a.... whatever it was. Suddenly she felt a sudden strength in her, and she felt herself making progress, but it still wasn't enough to get her away from the alien. "Help! Help!" Sunkyu screamed, as the alien tried to grab her neck.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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Mitsuko stood there alone covered in bloods and entrails, holding a bodiless arm in one hand. She dropped the large disproportioned arm with a thud and tried wiping the blood from her face. "What is this suit?" she asked hoping someone could answer this seemingly impossible question. "And what are these monsters?" Thanks to the suit her escape from the creatures was successful, of course not in the way she had planned. She tried slipping away from the monsters, but the one that was carrying her held a firm grip on her. While trying to pull away from it, she accidentally pulled it's arm off. Realizing her strength she fought back against the monster decimating it and any others that tried to assist.

As Mitsuko waded through the lake of corpses she tried to figure out where she was and how she could find her way back to her new friends. As she pondered which direction to go she heard a faint clicking noise. She quickly turned around to make sure nothing was behind her. Then she thought she saw something in her periphery and snapped her head to the right and left. There was nothing. She put a hand over her heart and sighed. She was so nervous that she was shaking. Mitsuko finally decided to just start walking in any direction. She'd come across a map eventually that would show her a way out of the park, then she would make her way to the police station. That was the best plan for now, at least.

The former Children's library took her first step in a direction and that when she noticed her. A nude woman with long black hair and pale skin that seemed to glow in the darkness, stroking the decapitated head of one of the alien creatures. The woman stood up still holding the head with tears running down her cheeks.

"My babies..." She hissed. Long, thick fangs sprouted from the woman's mouth and six 6 feet long white spider legs sprouted from her back. "You killed children of mine. I will devour child of yours."

Next thing Mitsuko knew the monster crashed into her knocking her back into the ground. The new monster had Mitsuko pinned down snapping its jaws at her head. Mitsuko held the creature with one arm and furiously kneed the creature in the gut over and over again until its grip lightened. Mitsuko used that opportunity to reel back both feet and charge them both into it's gut knocking it off of her. Mitsuko jumped up, but the monster had disappeared. She panicked and tried to run, but the monster reappeared behind her, grabbed her long hair roughly and flung the mother-to-be into the the metal bars of roller coaster that snapped and bent creating a cradle of steel. Mitsuko laid there disoriented. It's so much stronger and faster than the others... Tears ran down from her eyes as she realized that she may have just met her match.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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"Well this isn't good." Alexis said looking around at the aliens that had surrounded him. "In fact this has the potential to really suck." He stood there pondering the out come of different attacks for what seemed like hours, though it was only seconds. His hand gripped tighter on sword as it grew longer and a smile appeared on his face. "This changes everything." A grin appeared on his face, looking around at the aliens. Suddenly he spun the blade around himself as fast as he could, the aliens that had been around falling into pieces around him. "Well that was easy! Hey you guys o-" He was cut off by a fist hitting him directly in the face, making him drop his sword.

He was knocked flat on is ass and dazed for a moment. "That was a cheap shot! Unfair!" He yelled getting back onto his feet and balling up his fists in front of him, the alien doing the same. "Come on lets see what you got, Big Ug-" He was knocked onto his back again by the alien. He let out a long angered sigh. "Ok now I am mad." He was back on his feet in an instant, his foot connecting with the aliens knee. There was a load crack as its knee snapped inwards sending it falling to the ground. It barely had enough time to make a sound before Alexis foot smashed into it's head sending grey matter all over the ground.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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#, as written by Prose
Through the cacophony of battle there was a blood curdling and harrowing scream which echoed for several feet around the Gantz players. An alien had seized Aleksandra, picking her up by a single wrist and lifting her up from the ground. The lesser creature's other hand shot out and groped one of the teenager's fleshy breasts, squeezing it until it almost seemed as if it were going to burst. The Russian's feet dangled uselessly only mere inches off of the ground while her back arched in the sheer pain of the sexual assault. Soon enough though, her body was released only for the alien to give Aleksandra a great jounced of her body, snapping her shoulder joints. The girl's body went ridge once more before another agonized scream trilled from her throat.

Aleksandra's sight became blurred through the sheer pain and agony along with the tears that had sprung up to cling to her lashes. There was a small moment where she saw the others' in the near distance but her mind did not register they were there whatsoever. There was only the pain and suddenly the feeling of movement. Her view whirled around and changed until there was another sharp crack of bones severing and breaking. The alien had brought down Aleksandra upon his knee and shattered her spine in half before dumping her onto the ground like some broken doll. Aleksandra couldn't even scream at this point for she was drowning in misery.

'I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die again. Mother. Father. Hold me please ... I'm scared.'

The alien raised its foot and prepared to slam it down upon Aleksandra's head in order to stomp the life out of her ...

A tear slide down her cheek and a few fingers twitched on the ends of her silken hands, marred with blood.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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Alexis hear a sream just as he had stomped the aliens head, he turned to see Sabine being thrown to the ground as her spine being broken. "Shit! Sabine no!" He yelled grabbing up the sword and throwing it. The sword flew through the air and right into the aliens head, sending it falling to the ground beside her. He ran up to her checking out the damage. *This isn't good.* He kept thinking to himself as he ripped of the sleeves of his jaket and wrapped up her arms. "It'll be ok." He kept say as he held her in his arms and stroked her face. "Why didn't you say where I left you?" He said as he started to cry.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
Aleksandra was nothing but a limp doll in the arms of Alexis. Dead weight. Useless for the game now. The only thing the poor teen was able to do was breath and blink her soft eyes. "I ..." she whispered through the pangs of pain traveling down her form, " I was trying ... to help ... he was gonna die ... " The girl gave a small whimper and more tears flowed down her porcelain cheeks.

"It hurts, Alex," Aleksandra cried quietly, "I'm sorry ... " Desperately the girl attempted to move her limbs but nothing happened. She couldn't even wiggle her toes or her fingers. Her head did not even wish to turn so that Aleksandra could watch for danger. All she could do was stare up at Alexis with a pathetic and most apologetic look in her eyes.

"Am I going to die," she asked in that quiet tone againβ€”a question that no girl should ask, especially on her birthday.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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Alexis wiped away her tears softly. "You did good Sabine...You did very good." He said kissing her forehead. "I'm proud of you." He continued to stroke her face gently and lovingly, crying as he did so. "Am I going to die?" "Shhh don't cry. Your not going to die, walk on the only hand...I'm not sure." His voice was full of sorrow and uncertainty as he spoke. "I failed you Sabine. I'm so sorry. I...I shouldn't have left your side. This is my fault." He said stroking burring his face in he neck.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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#, as written by Prose
There was a small silence while Aleksandra stared up into the night sky with the sounds of struggle surrounding her and Alexis.

"I always liked the name Sabine more than Aleksandra ... "

The girl closed her eyes and continued on with the little strength she had left in her frail and broken body. "Everyone knew me by Aleksandra ... They feared the name because I'm famous. They thought I was better than them. I've never had a true friend before. I hate modeling but my parents wanted me to have a good life like them. They said I was beautiful. They weren't even my real parents. I loved them ... "

Aleksandra opened those steely eyes again to attempt to meet Alexis'.

"I don't think they loved me back. I guess not being able to walk now is a good thing, right? I won't have to disappoint them by quitting modeling. They'll never believe me if I get to tell them. If they are alive. I remember dying in the car crash. It was terrible, Alex. I don't know how I survived because ... Iβ€”I," Aleksandra's words faltered for a moment, " ... didn't. I died. Is this Hell? Did I do something bad? Why is this happening to us, Alexis ..."

" ... why?"

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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Alexis held her tightly ignoring the struggling sounds around them, his focuse only on her. "I always liked the name Sabine more than Aleksandra ... " He looked at her kind of confused as she said that. "Everyone knew me by Aleksandra ... They feared the name because I'm famous. They thought I was better than them. I've never had a true friend before. I hate modeling but my parents wanted me to have a good life like them. They said I was beautiful. They weren't even my real parents. I loved them ... " He smiled at her, a soft loving smile. "I'll still call you Sabine. I've never realy had time to keep up with the coluter so I hope this doesn't make you sad but Ive never heard of you." Her smiled as her eyses met his and she continued.

"I don't think they loved me back. I guess not being able to walk now is a good thing, right? I won't have to disappoint them by quitting modeling. They'll never believe me if I get to tell them. If they are alive. I remember dying in the car crash. It was terrible, Alex. I don't know how I survived because ... Iβ€”I... didn't. I died. Is this Hell? Did I do something bad? Why is this happening to us, Alexis ...why?"
No this isn't hell, your to kind and pure to be in hell. We are very much alive." He stroked her face and neck resting his hand on her cheek. "I'll never leave your side again." He said learning down and giving her a soft short kiss. "Even if I have to carry you around here in my arms."

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
'We are very much alive ... '

'I'll never leave your side again ... '

Aleksandra felt the gentle press of Alexis' lips against hers. The girl's reaction was a quieted gasp as her eyes flew open from surprise and shock. Another tear fell from the corner of her eye. Those silken and plush lips of Aleksandra felt as if they had been set aflame and the girl's heart beat just a little more quick as a blush rose up on her cheeks.

It had been Aleksandra's first intimate kiss.

Releasing a small sigh, the girl closed her eyes and attempted to press her cheek into Alexis' hand to no availβ€”Aleksandra was fully paralyzed due to her injury.

"Even if I have to carry you around here in my arms," Alexis said to her so lovingly, so compassionately.

"But the others. You should ... help the others, Alex. I'llβ€”" Aleksandra's eyes opened lazily and looked away from Alexis to stare at the ground from the corner of her vision. "β€”I'll be alright here." There was a long silence in the air and filled with tension. Aleksandra knew that her death was most likely imminent and soon to come. She was nothing better than a helpless infant now due to her broken back and paralysis. Those creatures were going to come after them again; those demons. Alexis didn't deserve to die defending someone that was already going to die.

"Butβ€”" she said while turning her eyes to gaze up at the man once more,"β€”you better promise to come back to me. Promise that you'll take me home once its all over, Alexis?"

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0.00 INK

Mitsuko breathed in and out through her nose taking long leaps. She was now on the run from the Mother monster. She couldn't hear it anymore nor did she dare to look back to see if it was still in pursuit. She was focusing on escaping. Her feet landed on the roof of a small building, she bent her legs and launched herself back into the air. She saw a ferris wheel in the distance. She remembered that same ferris wheel being close to where they were transported to at the beginning. She prayed that everyone was still around there. She needed assistance badly.

As she closed in on the Ferris wheel she felt as if the predator was closing in on her. She was almost there when she noticed that her group were cornered by an army of the Mother monster's evil children. She moved faster catching sight of something almost as disturbing. It was Fukuda! He had his gun aimed at the group of humans. No, he had it aimed for Teito! Mitsuko landed on a miniature ride then shot herself at incredible speed in time enough to catch the invisible explosion full on. Her suit glowed intensely, blinking like a dying star on impact. Her limp body flew towards the group of people huddled around the Ferris wheel.

The Mother monster swooped in grabbing hold of Mitsuko who was only inches from crashing into the team crashing straight into a random ferris wheel booth. There the alien held her down with its actual arms and pounded her with with its sharp insect-like legs. Mitsuko tried to block the onslaught, but her suit continued blinking. The rough battle caused the multi colored booth to swing back and forth, back and forth eventually giving Mitsuko enough momentum to counter. She grabbed onto two of the creature's monstrous legs, reeled her legs back and kicked it forward. The two of them went flying out of the booth into the ground where an enormous puff of rubble and dust filled the air blocking everyone's view of the combating mothers.

A chilly gust from the north blew the dust out of view revealing Mitsuko standing. Her hair blowing in the wind, both arms locked around two of the Alien's spider legs yanking them upward while forcing one foot down on the creature's face. The Lesser aliens pounded their chest, growling in protest. Their alien mother wasn't done yet. Her free legs continued pounding away at Mitsuko's abdomen, but that didn't stop the one woman army, Mitsuko Kitsuragi! Mitsuko continued pulling on it's legs. Bluish-green veins popped up all over her forehead while fresh blood dripped down from a nostril and the corners of her mouth. The monster beneath her clicked wildly from the pain.

"That's right, BITCH! Click all the fuck you WANT!" she screamed as images of all those who's ever put her down and discouraged her drifted to the front of her brain, their voices raced close behind:

Her Mother
"A proper woman takes care of her family and does not pursue pointless endeavors outside of the household."
Her Father
"Stop reading those childish novels and go help your mother with dinner."
Her husband
"I don't know or care why the hell you would want to have a job, but you better make sure dinner and a warm bath is ready for me every night I come home from work."

Mitsuko's eyes flared with pure white rage. She leaned backward arching her spine. "This GAME IS FUCKING OVER!" rriiIIPPP!. The insect arms tore off, reacting just on instinct Mitsuko twisted the legs around using them as spears that sped like bullets down towards the Mother monster's heart. Crimson blood sprayed like it was being spewed from a water hose.

A confused smiled froze on the young woman's face.

I missed?
Mitsuko's spears had missed their target. Mitsuko looked down to see the spider woman's free legs embedded in her abdomen, blood and a gushy clear fluid trickled down the mysterious suit that had been saving her life all night. Mitsuko coughed, vomiting up even more blood. The Mother monster pulled all her legs outward tearing Mitsuko's core into pieces, flinging blood and guts in all directions. The lesser aliens howled in triumph as their mother stood...


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0.00 INK


The Yokaishi aliens continued Howling in victory as their mother sniffed the scent of the humans. They were all covered in the smell of her children's blood. She decided that she would cover her children in the human's blood. She commanded her children to stay back and attacked the humans alone.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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0.00 INK

'Well this sucks ass.' Sunkyu thought, as she continued to try and free herself. The Alien had it's hands around her neck, trying to choke her, and was successful for the most part. Sunkyu could feel the air escaping from her lungs and not returning, it was the worst feeling in the world.. other than slowly getting your neck slowly cut open. Her hands desperately searched the floor to feel for the gun she had. Finally, after getting wiggling out far enough, she finally found her gun.
'Yes!' She thought, grabbing it. She held it up to the alien, and pulled the trigger. That didn't work. She pulled the other one, that didn't work either... What the hell was this? As the last bits of air escaped her lungs, she pulled the two triggers at the same time. A wave of energy came from the gun, and Sunkyu closed her eyes.

The next thing she knew, she was being covered in some sort of wet gooey substance. She took a deep breath in, and sat up, looking at her arms and seeing the entrails of the aliens all over them. Her eyes went wide in shock and horror, and she wiped her face and looked around. All this time, Sunkyu has heard screaming that had recently stopped. Looking in that direction, she saw three of the aliens crowding around something.. or someone! She shrieked and shot at all three of them. They all basically exploded, covering the dead body of Mellissa with the same substance she had been covered in. Sunkyu fought off tears and covered her mouth with her hands at the sight of the thirteen year old girl, a large slit in her stomach reveling every gut that was in that area. She scrambled to her feet, only to hear all of the aliens howling. She looked towards the ferris wheel. And she saw it all... Oh, she saw it all... Maybe they really were in hell. Maybe this is how they die a second time before they get to hell. Sunkyu just stood there, paralyzed by shock and fear. She didn't know what to do now, she was lucky to have made it this far unharmed...

Maybe she should just let herself die.


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Black
Teito held the sword firmly in his hand ready to take anything which came at him and attempted to attack the others. Though he was almost immediately pushed onto the floor by impact from something really heavy, heavy enough to cause a sickening crack and Teito to shriek in pain. It was a human, Alexis from before, he had been propelled into Teito, thrown by one of the Aliens. Zane managed to pull Alexis off of him which Teito was thankful for, though standing up proved to be a chore. He eventually rose up only to stumble forward, clutching his side in anguish. It was hard for him to breathe, about three or four of his ribs had been cracked, bruised and broken, causing some extreme pain and difficulty in breathing.

Teito took short breaths and irregular and fast paced intervals, it wasn't helping the pain at all, it just happened to be a natural reaction his body was going through. He took his hand away for a minute to reveal blood seeping through his white clothes and something sharp piercing through his skin. One of his ribs. His hand bled mainly because the bone had pierced his hand as he placed it over the wound, it wasn't a nice sight at all and Teito turned away to not show anyone. It was amazing that he was still standing, still gripping the sword in his unharmed hand, he found strength in protection and he wanted to protect everyone at all costs. He would probably die from blood loss, but until that happened, he would protect everyone as best as he could.

He had his back to the others and came face to face with Fukuda, who was standing just a few feet away, gun at the ready. Teito cursed under his breath, he couldn't dodge it, he wouldn't be fast enough, so he merely closed his eyes and accepted his fate. After around five seconds, nothing seemed to happen, so slowly his eyes reopened to see Misuko on the ground, she had taken the shot for him. He wanted to run to her, to see if she was okay but he legs wouldn't move, he stood in shock from the other creature, a much larger one with spider-like features. It fought hard with Misuko, at one point it seemed as if she won, but the celebration came all too soon for Misuko was ripped apart by the mother-alien.

He wanted to scream, really he did, but nothing came out. His mouth hung open and his eyes wide at the horror in front of him, the same sweet girl who had saved him, now a pile of blood and guts. He held back the urge to vomit, his badly damaged chest didn't seem to allow it, neither did it allow him to speak, but it did allow him to shed a tear. A hand rose up to touch it, looking at the small droplet of water in his hand, he had only cried when his mother died before, so why was he crying now? "No..." the word escaped his lips as he saw the mother alien approaching, he couldn't do anything, someone had died and it was because he wasn't strong enough to protect them. The sword clattered to the ground as he gave up, falling onto his knees, the pain shooting through his body due to his badly damaged ribs.

He would die here, that was obvious to him now. But he didn't mind. He didn't deserve to live, not now that he couldn't even protect one person. The same person who had protect him and fought for everyone and here he was, a pathetic mess, not even able to stand properly.


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0.00 INK

There was a loud explosion from the right of Alexis followed by a crashing sound. He looked up to see Mits fighting a strange spider alien, ripping one of it's off and driving it into its heart. "Yeah go Mits!" He yelled with a smile but the smile soon died as saw her being cut into a bloody mess. "no..." He mumbled under his breath, his body shaking from greif and rage. He let out a scream grabbing his sword tightly *I'll kill that bitch!...I'll...* He calmed himself knowing a full on charge would only get him killed, enstead walking over next teito. He looked down to see one of his ribs sticking out *This is going to hell in a ham cart fast.* He thought looking around and seeing no one with suits on and Mits...poor Mits.


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0.00 INK

((Figures. I'm gone for two days and suddenly everyone's posting like nuts))
Zane's eyes widened as he saw that Teito was not, by any meaning of the word, alright. "Oh, God..." He kneeled down next to the younger boy, wide-eyed and frantic. The only thing on his mind was a panicked mantra of "What do I do?" Yes, he was CPR certified, but that sure as hell didn't help him here. He could see the kid's bones, for God's sake! And the blood...God, there was so much blood. He thought for sure he was going to be sick. "J-just lie still, don't move. It's alright, you're gonna be okay." Lies. There was nothing remotely okay about the situation right now. And it was only make less okay when he looked up to see the older man, Fukuda, pointing his gun right at the injured boy. Had he lost his mind. Fearing for Teito's life, he got up and stood in the line of fire, ready to take the shot. Yeah, it was a freaking stupid thing to do, but Teito had his whole life ahead of him, and probably more to offer the world than some gay arts student who was disowned by his homophobic family. To his shock, though, he wasn't the one to take the hit; Misuko was. He flinched as the blast sent her flying, though her suit seemed to take the bulk of the impact.

And then, impossibly, things got worse. Zane's heart jumped into his throat at a very loud, very angry sound behind him. It stopped completely when he turned to see the source of said horrible noise was a huge (and this was not an exaggeration in the least) creature that looked like a cross between a human and a spider. Needless to say, he was downright petrified. It just had to be a spider, didn't it? It couldn't be a snake, or a bat, or some other scary animal. Of course, it had to be the one thing he was deathly afraid of. For the life of him, he couldn't decide whether to run away or curl up in a ball and pretend it was all a bad dream. So he just sat there, watching helplessly as Misuko was forced to fight the monster woman alone. For some reason, he couldn't bring himself to look away. Not even when the woman was ripped to pieces like a rag doll.

Shaking his head in denial, he fell to his knees, tears forming in his eyes. This couldn't be real. It had to be some kind of horrific dream, all of it. He clamped his hands over his ears, trying to drown out the howling of the Yokaishi, Teito's pained moans, Alexis' angry shouts, everything. It didn't work. No matter how much he wanted to pretend it wasn't, this was reality. People had died, people were dying. So the question remained: was he going to sit there crying for the people he was unable to help?

Or was he going to do something to save those he could help?

His mind set, Zane stood up, wiping tears from his eyes as he glanced over at Alexis. "Get everyone as far away from the Ferris wheel as possible, alright?" Without giving any other explanation, he clipped his gun to his belt and raced off, straight toward the gargantuan Mama-alien. Looking around, he snatched a good-sized rock off of the ground, weighed it in his hand...and chucked it at she head with all his might. "HEY!! Down here, you oversized bug! Wanna know who killed your babies, huh?! Come and get me!!"

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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0.00 INK

The Mother limped towards the group humans, making clicking noises. She would have to be careful of the humans that resembled the one she'd just slaughtered. The pain of her two missing legs was immense and continued to spray blood. On her spider legs, she was now unbalanced and much slower. She would have to use her human legs. Her rage was unfathomable. Thats why she wanted to tear the humans apart all on her own. Which would be first?

Her question was answered by a clunk of earth hitting her on the head. A wimpy human bellowed something she didn't understand, but she could taste the strong scent of fear emanating from him mixed with the scent of her children's blood. Target acquired. She headed after the boy in a full sprint hopping into the air preparing to crush him under her.

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0.00 INK

Fukuda hid under a children's ride cursing. "Stupid woman, why did she get in the way." While Mitsuko was fighting the Mother Alien he used that as his chance to slip away. There was a possibility the others would be after him for trying to kill the child, but he'd decided that if he was going to die, then he would take his rivals child with him. Then that damned woman got in the way. He continued to silently curse under his breath in hiding.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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0.00 INK

Alexis saw the kid stand, gun in hand. *Is he really going to fight that THING without a suit?* He thought seeing the determined look in his eyes. "Get everyone as far away from the Ferris wheel as possible, alright?" He looked at the kid in shock for moment before nodding, picking up Alek and placing Tetios arm on his shoulder to help him walk. "Don't you go dieing on me kid." He said watching him run away and throw a rock at its head. "Come on lets get you both out of here." He said as he stared to make distance from the fight that was sure to be destructive.

The setting changes from Japan to Gantz Room


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0.00 INK

#, as written by Black
Teito's breaths were short and exasperated, his body almost limp in a pathetic and given up sort of way. He didn't even care for the blood anymore, the amount of it would surely kill him off soon enough, if not killed by the Alien. He just stared wide-eyed at the monster and at the foolish older male going of to fight it, it was useless, why didn't he realize that? That thing couldn't be beaten! Just look at what it did to Mits. "Get everyone as far away from the Ferris wheel as possible, alright?" His voice was full of determination, it didn't waver, which amazed Teito. How can one be so stupid? he smiled faintly at the thought of it, shaking his head as tears welled up in his eyes. He was stuck in a sense of pure admiration for the male, the fact that he tried to save Teito before and was trying to save everyone now.

He was helped up by Alexis, an arm put around his shoulder as Teito lent on him to walk. He didn't want to leave the male, but he didn't want to see him die either and it was so obvious that he would die. But what could Teito do? He could hardly even walk, but he wanted to help the poor male because he tried to hard to save him before hand. If he could of walked, he would have done and stood by his side, even to take fatal blow meant for him. But he was unable to move by himself and let Alexis take him and Alek away.

"Don't die!" Teito yelled back, throwing the sword towards the college student, he would make much more use of it than Teito would. He closed his eyes and prayed to God that they would make it out okay. He didn't care for his own health, if not rushed of to a hospital soon, the blood loss would take it's tole. But Teito didn't mind, as long as no one else had to die, they all had better lives than him. They all had lives. Not stuck inside a boring old house all day, not aloud to go outside in the fear that something bad would happen or he would get teased by other kids. What kind of life was that? Living under his fathers control and crying every night over the loss of the one person he cared so much about; his mother.

The setting changes from Gantz Room to Tokyo Disneyland

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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
Aleksandra did not know what was going on anymore. All the girl could sense was what everyone was saying and shouting around her. Her eyes were still forced to look up at the clear night sky. The stars seemed so peaceful. Suddenly her vision began to move which disappointed Aleksandra. If she kept her concentration on the stars then the pain wasn't so bad. As soon as she was lifted into Alexis' arms, the girl cried out in her agony creating a new cascade of tears to flow down her cheeks.

"Pain ... make it ... stop."

It was hard to even understand who was around her now. She didn't know that Alexis was the one carrying her. She didn't know the boy next to him. She had forgotten of the danger around them.

There was only the pain and how she wished so desperately that it was gone.

"It hurts."

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Japan


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0.00 INK

Alexis felt like his heart was being ripped out, hearing Alek scream in pain and seeing her cry. "Pain ... make it ... stop." She said struggling to get the words out. "It'll be ok." He said looking at her and holding her more carefully. He didn't want to move her, he knew the complications that could come from doing such a thing but he had no choice. "It hurts." She said once more, pain tearing into his heart once more. "I know it does. I'm sorry but it has to be done. I hope you can forgive me." The words seemed choked out from him holding his tears back.


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0.00 INK

Well, so far his plan was working. He'd definitely gotten the mother's attention. Now came the tricky part. Once he was sure the alien was following, Zane turned tail and made a run for it, heading straight for the Ferris wheel. Thankfully, Alexis had taken it upon himself to evacuate the others. Good, thing, too; he didn't want any more people hurt from what was about to happen. Before he could reach his destination, though, one of the monster's spider legs shot out, skimming his side right beneath the ribcage. The college student yelp, pressing a hand to his now bleeding side. 'So that's how you want to play, huh?" Clenching his teeth against the pain, he used his free hand to activate Teito's sword and slash and the spindly limb, severing it before forcing himself to keep running.

Okay, so this was going to be a little trickier now. The steady blood loss was slowing him down, and the spider woman was severely pissed and getting closer. It was a miracle that he managed to get to the Ferris wheel without being caught and ripped to shreds. He figured losing yet another of her legs has effectively slowed the creature down a bit, thank God. She was a persistent angry Mama Spider, that was for sure. Well, good. Zane needed her as close to the Ferris wheel as possible.

By the time he got to the supports of the giant metal wheel, Zane was winded and starting to get light-headed. Apparently, loosing large amounts of blood was not particularly fun. Who knew? Saving that little tidbit for later, he returned to the situation at hand, namely the giant Spider Queen who seemed dead set on killing him. Despite his physical weakness and sheer terror at being so close to anything even remotely like a giant killer spider, the purple-haired teen forced himself to stand his ground. 'Just a little closer...closer...' Finally, he deemed the alien close enough, raising his gun and firing. At first glance, you'd think he'd missed, seeing as the alien was still standing and poised to strike again. But that hadn't been his target. Forcing his body to move, Zane barely made it out of the way before the supports on the Ferris wheel detonated in a blast of metal and raw energy. The ride wavered for a moment, as if struggling to remain standing, before giving into gravity and crashing down. Right on top of the monstrous creature standing beneath it.

Watching the scene with grim satisfaction, Zane felt his knees buckle as the adrenaline in his veins evaporated. He was tired, achy, and bleeding from a nice gash in his side. Mostly tired, though. So very, very tired...

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo Disneyland

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0.00 INK

Ula hesitated, all the chaos around her was distressing. She had practically decided to hide halfway through, hands clasped over her mouth and watching with wide, magenta eyes. All the gore and blood was appalling and made her stomach churn. What was happening? Why was she here? It was sick! What kind if disgusting place was this!? She let out a quiet little whimper and let out a strangled cry and shock as Aleksandra's spine was shattered. It was a sickening sound and sight and her hands flew to cover her eyes. "No!" She yelled. Ula ran out, wanting to help them, but stopped, feeling regretful for leaving her hiding place, seeing Mitsuko get torn to pieces. She screamed, tears running down her pallid face - out of panic and terror. She just wanted to go home! She'd never lean out a window again!

Ula didn't even know any of the people around her and she just wanted to break down and cry - cry, cry, cry, and cry. She didn't really want to be a crybaby, but this was almost beyond frightening to her. What happened to Sweden? To the land she loved? Not this killing field filled with strangers and monsters?

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0.00 INK

The Mother monster's body twitched under the enormous heavy bars of the ferris wheel. Her brain and heart had been reduced to pulp excreting unknown fluids as well as dark blood that settled into a pool around her now unmoving body. In response The Lesser aliens lost their minds. They attacked, but only each other. Reducing their numbers to zero.

Mission Complete.

The transport began teleporting the humans that remained alive back to the apartment Where each of them stood unharmed as if the incident never happened.

The setting changes from Tokyo Disneyland to Gantz Room


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0.00 INK

Now, it was time for the Gantz Ball to deliberate tonights scoring.

16 pts
- too much nice-ness, not enough screaming.
- scream louder next time. i like that.

Teito- jalapeno3ggroll
21 pts
- too short and too many hero antics.
- stop being a show off.

Ula- g3rman+i+z
9 pts
- too much wandering around.
- wear a bra.

9 pts
- too many rape and assault attempts on humans.
- aliens are your enemies, stupid.

Aleksandra- ruZZian+i+z
3 pts
- too much hiding, not enough fighting.
- stop following Dr.P3DO.

Alexis- Dr.P3DO
24 pts
- excellent for a first timer.
- too much staring at ruZZian+i+z's panties.

Zane- fRUITPuNch(lol)
33 pts
- who knew fruits could kick ass?
- sixty-seven more points go.

After displaying the score the screen changed once more displaying the images of Mitsuko and Mellissa, the only two who died during the mission, on the screen. The images minimized till they were no bigger than finger prints and were entered at the bottom of an enormous rectangle filled with miniscule images of other human beings. Perhaps a thousand or even a hundred thousand. Too many for one person to count.
The screen changed once more displaying rules for the humans to follow while dealing with the Gantz game. Then the apartment door that wouldn't budge automatically unlocked. Returning the humans their freedom. At least a slice of it anyway.

The setting changes from Gantz Room to Japan


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0.00 INK

Sunkyu hadn't seen a thing that happened. Shortly after Mitsuko had... died.. She had ran away. She decided she didn't want to die, so she ran and hid somewhere. It wasn't long before the ferris wheel had come crashing down just inches away from her. She just stared at it.. And the next thing she knew, she was brought back to the room where this nightmare all started. The black ball started displaying little, funny pictures of the people in the room.. With weird names. Sunkyu's was first.
'that's supposed to be me?' She thought, squinting at the screen. It read;

16 pts
- too much nice-ness, not enough screaming.
- scream louder next time. i like that.

Too nice? That was weird. Sunkyu didn't feel like she was too nice.. Oh well. "This thing sounds like a pervert," She mumbled to herself, narrowing her eyes at the screen. Once all the points were done, they showed the pictures of Mellissa and Mitsuko, that then shrinked and blended into a colorful collage of thousands of tiny pictures... Then the rules were displayed, then there was a click. The door! Maybe she would be able to get home now! ... But wasn't this apartment overlooking Japan? How would she get back to Korea if she was really able to go back home? This had better have been some sick dream she was having.


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0.00 INK

"GAH! Giant spider!" For the second time in the past 24 hours, Zane woke up from a dream centered around him dying. Oh, wait; that'd been real. Right. He sighed, glancing around to find himself in the same room he'd woken up in before. "Okay, is this going to be a regular thing?" he muttered to himself, standing up carefully to avoid hurting his side any more than he already had. Wait. His side? It felt fine. Zane pressed a hand to his side, checking for the damage he knew had caused him to dose off. No cut, no blood, his shirt wasn't even ripped. "Well, that's a handy trick," he mused, looking over at the giant sphere with a smile. "Thanks."

The ball didn't answer, not that he'd really expected it to. It did, however, produce a screen with several lines of text. Ever curious, the college boy strode over and read through the writing. He couldn't help but giggle as he read over the code names. I mean, Dr. P3DO? jalapeno3ggroll? Come on, these were hilarious! When he finally got to his own review, though, he wasn't sure whether to feel insulted...or flattered.

Zane- fRUITPuNch(lol)
33 pts
- who knew fruits could kick ass?
- sixty-seven more points go.

Okay, so "fruit" was decidedly not the nicest thing that a guy of the alternative lifestyle could be called. But there was no denying that he had totally kicked ass out there. That was something to be proud of. He had to wonder that it meant with "points," though. Was this like some kind of video game, where if you got enough points you'd leveled up or something? He'd always thought video games were supposed to be fun, not lethal.

His expression fell when both Mitsuko and Melissa's pictures came up on the screen, shrinking to the size of postage stamps before joining what had to be a thousand other little thumbnails. "W-wait! Can't you bring them back? You saved me from getting crushed by a train, you fixed my side. I mean, come on! I know you can save them! You did it before." Irrationally angry, he kicked at the giant orb. It did more damage to his foot that the object, but it did sort of make him feel better. "You can't just let them die!"


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0.00 INK

Alexis saw Alek being transported right from his arms, he didn't want to let her go but was forced as she completely vanished. He let out a sigh and sat down wandering if it would happen to him too. He felt his head starting to do that strange thing and he got his answer as it moved down to his eyes. He saw her in Alek the room. "Thank god." He whispered to himself as his feet appeared and he could walk again. He practically ran over to her and started to check her injuries, a huge smile coming to his face. "There gone." He said in disbelief, pulling her into a hug as the score board came up.

Alexis- Dr.P3DO
24 pts
- excellent for a first timer.
- too much staring at ruZZian+i+z's panties.

Alexis' face blushed horribly as he read that. "I...I wasnting staring! I swear I didn't stare!" *Now I'm admitting to seeing them!* He thought getting up and laughing a nervous laugh. "I. umm. you see it was. umm." He fumbled with his words wearing a carefree smile but on the inside he freaking out. "Oh screw it." He said sitting back down a little distance away from Alek and pouting. "Im not a pedo." He said in a childish tone.

The setting changes from Japan to Tokyo


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0.00 INK

Upon arriving in the apartment Fukuda was relieved. His twisted ankle was healed, good as new. That nightmare was finally over. To his dismay all of the other people who were originally in the room were back as well, including Teito Valdez. Fukuda grunted. Then right before his eyes the screen began displaying something. Scores? Was this supposed to be some kind of game? He knew of private organizations in foreign lands that abducted random people, so their benefactors could make bets on the outcome, but something of this degree is unimaginable.

9 pts
- too many rape and assault attempts on humans.
- aliens are your enemies, stupid.

Who the hell is behind this crock!? Fukuda was appalled. "Whoever the hell you are you've made an enemy of the wrong man." he muttered. At the same time he also feareed that the comments would remind everyone of his deeds and turn on him. he decided to inch further to the back of the apartment towards the exit door. after a couple of minutes he heard the door unlock with a click! Without further thought he bolted out of the apartment and was heading down a flights of metal stairs that screeched with every footfall. For a second he turned around to look back at the run down apartment building. "Strange. The apartment I was appeared brand new." The old man didn't waste anymore time on it. He had a more pressing matter that he knew was in need of his attention immediately. His wife.

Lucky for him, Fukuda was able to catch a cab to one of his homes where he picked up a handgun and one of his cars. Then he drove to a hotel for the night, assuring himself that it would be safer. Apparently, only few hours had passed since he arrived in the room with the mysterious and the end of the mission. Staring at his watch it was 4 am. He tried contacting his assistant, but her voice-mail came up every time. After a few minutes he fell asleep
and slept straight for 9 hours.

When he awoke he tried his assistant once more and this time decided to leave a message, telling her he had something important o discuss. Almost immediately she called back, but it wasn't her voice on the phone. "Dinners still ready, Yasuo dear." his wife immediately hung up. She was calling him out. He cursed, then began laughing uncontrollable. It was fine if she still knew he was alive. He'd kill her regardless.

Fukuda left the hotel, got into his car and drove off to the place where he last dined with his wife. The place where he died. When he arrived at the condominium, the door was unlocked. "Don't be afraid, Yasuo dear, come on in." his wife said inviting him in. Yasuo pulled out the handgun and walked into the room. "Well, I'll be damned. It really is you." She was sitting at the same end of the table she was at the night before.

"Did you really think a hag like you could kill a man like me?" he smirked. He glanced at his assistant who was bound to a chair at the table with bulging eyes and a blood soaked sock in her mouth. He could see his assistant's intestines dangling between her legs. "You're disgusting, Tokiko." he calmly spat at his wife.

"I'm disgusting?!" Tokiko cackled. "You're the one sleeping with whores! You pathetic excuse of a man!" She pulled out a gun and the couple fired at each other simultaneously. The room lit with each shot until Yasuo Fukuda's face hit the carpet, the blood running from his forehead staining it a dark red.

The setting changes from Tokyo to Shuto Expressway tunnels

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Takanawa


0.00 INK


The setting changes from Shuto Expressway tunnels to Japan


0 Characters Present

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0.00 INK

Higher than the tower of Tokyo, past the blanket of clouds that covered the night sky and among the stars that shined brightly in the darkness of space...they continued to come. Legions drawn to our planet like moths to a flickering flame. Creatures with monstrous appearances and unimaginable abilities fall to our soil like silent meteors, moving among us unseen...unheard. And like abhorrent factory the dead are brought back to life to hunt them. Each fallen soldier replaced by a fresh unsuspecting one who will be forced to fight the same fight or die.

Bbeware the empty room with the Black Ball. For when you awake in this room remember:

Your Life Has Ended

How You Use Your New Life Is Entirely Up To Me

Well, That's The Theory Anyway

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in

Tokyo Disneyland

Tokyo Disneyland by RolePlayGateway

A child's playground.


Japan by CherrySwirl

Land of the rising sun.


Tokyo by RolePlayGateway

One of the worlds most popular cities.

Gantz Room

Gantz Room by RolePlayGateway

A seemingly empty apartment where the dead are brought back to life.

Shuto Expressway tunnels

Shuto Expressway tunnels by RolePlayGateway

Amongst the darkness lies a monster.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors