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0 · 982 views · located in Daughtris

a character in “Gods of Elements: Sylph's kiss”, as played by shadereen



Gust is 1’ 8’’ tall and just like Hikari and Undine, he is weightless. When he is about to be weigh for his school yearly physical check-up in primary school, he adds weight to himself according to his friend’s weight.

Currently, he has dark brown hair, so does his eyes.


Gust is pretty much a happy boy which loves to have much fun. He loves to hang out and even prank his friends, parents of teachers with mortal abilities. In important times, he takes it serious.


He wears fake dark brown rabbit ears on his head for fashion purposes. His cloths are white with some golden lining while his gloves are brown with black leather. His shoes are also brown but with white wings attached to it for decoration. He has a carved cartoon bunny head as his belt’s head which he very much adores. He has a mace that looks to large for him. Three pair of large white feathery wings are attached to the white mace with a yellow orb on top and a carved head that looks like Hikari's. It looks more like a staff than a mace.


Before he was his way now, he was a young girl with rainbow hair. He changed himself into a boy a nine years ago using the womb of a young maiden from Ostwyn and lived as a normal child, going to school, hanging out with friends, and taking out the trash. His current mother is Alura, a human and his father is Gaia, an elf. He lives with them in a small apartment.

So begins...

Gust's Story


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In an apartment in Ostwyn, a family was gathering any valuable things before teleporting away from the metropolis. They had to yell to hear each other because of the loud destruction noises in the metropolis.

“Is everyone ready?!” Gaia yelled to his wife, Alura and his only son, Gust.

“I’m ready!” Alura yelled back in sort of frightened way, wearing the back pack on her back “gust you ready yet?!”

“Um…” Gust hesitated.

He seemed to finished packing what is needed but something else was the matter.

“we need to hurry, Gust! The metropolis is under attack and we need to get away now!”

“Gust!” Gaia yelled

“mo… mom… d… dad… I…” he stuttered

“What is it, Gust?” His father walked up to him and placed his hands on the boy’s shoulders, speaking softly “what is the matter?”

Suddenly, a part of the walls of the apartment crumbled, smashed by the giant shadow knight outside the building.

“Kyaa!!” Alura screamed and fell

Gaia quickly grabbed Gust and ran to Alura, helping her up from the floor.

“We need to get away right now!” he told them

The ceiling started to crumble. In that instant, a furious wind blew it away from them.

“That was lucky…” Gaia muttered looking to the ceiling which now had a large hole in it. Through it, they can see the apartment above “Ready to teleport?”

“Let’s just go!” Alura said

“I can’t go with you!” Gust suddenly yelled out

“What?!” Gaia yelled back “stop saying nonsense, Gust! Now let’s go!”

Gust sighed and a gentle but strong wind blew, opening Gaia’s arm, releasing Gust. It surprised him and Alura while Gust just drifted slowly to the floor and moved away from them. They wasn't sure but the wind seemed to be controlled by their son without chanting some sort of incantation or using some sort of device to cast the spell. It was the first time for it and It shocked them.

“I’ll explain later, mom… dad…” He told them, no longer stuttering “I’ll see you both later at grandma’s place”

“What are you talking about, Gust!” Alura yelled in panic “come here! We don’t have time for this!”

Suddenly, a bright green sigil appeared underneath them. Alura could only put her hands out to try and grab Gust but it was too late. She and Gaia was teleported away. There was no way they can get back as the teleportation sigil they placed in their home was destroyed when the walls crumbled.

Quickly, Gust ran to the hole in the wall and jumped out. In mid-leap his cloths changed into a white outfit and a large mace appeared on his hand. Three pair of large white feathery wings are attached to the white mace with a yellow orb on top and a carved head that looks like Hikari's. With it, he flew away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylverana Character Portrait: Gust Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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One of the giant shadow knight's summons attempted to stop Ostwyn's red guardian golem's attack from reaching its master but failed and dispersed into nothing when rammed, forcing the giant shadow knight itself to raise his broad sword in front of him, blocking the coming attack. Both of them were staggered. The knight’s summons took their chance and quickly surrounded the red guardian golem, slashing it relentlessly while the giant shadow knight regain its balance and raised his sword up, summoning more of his summons for protection.

The other shadow giant moved its head to dodge the multiple shots from Ostwyn’s blue guardian golem, and succeeded to evade most of them. The rest hit him on the shoulder, chest, and neck. It didn’t expect Ostwyn’s red guardian golem to run up to him, swinging its mace. It was a direct hit. It was thrown back and bounced a few times on the ground, destroying a few buildings where it hit and flipped back and sliding to a crouching position. Another unexpected occurrence happened when a human sized boy wearing white flew effortlessly in front of his head. The shadow creature didn’t have time to react as the boy swing its white winged mace to its head, completely smashing it. It was motionless for a second before slowly dispersing into ash and was spread by the air.

Sylverana was busy evading attacks from the jets and shots coming from the ground unit, but while doing so she managed to look around, watching the Mythril golem, Ostwyn’s guardian golem, and her shadow giants. She only managed to turn her head to see her father’s creation turned to ash. He eyes widened in shock. Quickly casting a far sight spell, she saw the boy with the winged mace. The sight made her speechless, jaw dropped.

Did that boy do that? she thought, now a little panicked It’s time to go

She raised her hand up, palms out “return, Knight of Noctem!”

The giant shadow knight suddenly turned to jet black smoke and moved to Sylverana’s palm, turning back into an orb. She clenched her hand and the orb disappeared. Her head was turned towards Lightwake’s castle, thinking of Cynderella. She raised her hand forward, opening it, and a tear shaped bottle with red liquid appeared. By gripping it, it shattered. Black fire enveloped her body whole. As the fire dispersed, she was gone.

Meanwhile, in Lightwake’s castle, the battle between Cynderella and Syrion is still occurring. The bright flash from the shield made the Leviathan queen turn her head and covered her eyes with her arm. Syrion’s aim was misdirected when Cynderella did so. Cynderella’s arm and rib were slashed. Instead of blood, white light shined from the wound. Cynderella backed away from Syrion. The commander wasn’t the only one who could cause blindness with light. Cynderella’s veil suddenly flashed brightly to blind Syrion while she herself shot white laser from her hands and her hovering crown, aiming at Syrion’s shield to destroy it.


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Character Portrait: Sylverana Character Portrait: Gust Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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#, as written by Arik223
Syrion covered himself with his shield, which was big enough to conceal most of his body. He used a slight spell to regain some of his vision, noticing the monster fire he ducked under his shield. Although a direct hit would damage the shield a-lot, it would take more then that to destroy. Syrion didn't want to take his chances, with shield up he rolled to the right, and right away lunged forward to bash the mosnter with his shield, he would follow with a slash from above and one from below, then would retreat back.

Back in the city things were starting to brighten up, the defense Golems were doing their job, but not without help. One of Syrions generals noticed the kid kill the shadow after the Golem made him stumble. Amazement was in his eyes. The giant mountain was aiming for the cannons, he swung his arm and destroyed half the cannons. The general made a direct order to reinforce all cannon force fields. Although strong it would take a couple of hits to get through those shields. The cannons left standing directed fire back at the mountain. The defense Golems were rational, therefor wouldn't attack an ally. The witch they were trying to kill suddenly retreated, swallowing her shadow and turning into smoke. The general was amazed at the kids power, and the two Defense Golems switched targets. The Blue Golem started shooting the mountainous Golem in the face, while the Red one used all the agility he had in order to leap around and hopefully get a direct hit somewhere on the Giant's body.


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Character Portrait: Gust Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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Parts of Ostwyn has turned to ruins. Numerous buildings was destroyed, leaving piles of rubbles. Countless mangled bodies of soldiers was seen on the streets. Gust took a moment to look at his surroundings, saddened and angered by what he is seeing. When the mountainous golem raised his hands, preparing to swing it down on the metropolis, it blocked the sun from Gust. Quickly, the god of wind flew towards the mountainous golem's raised hand and swung his feathery mace the same time the mountain golem swung his hand down. It both clashed and en explosion of rocks happened, causing thick smoke. No one saw whether the god or the hand won. Seconds later, large chunks of rocks fell from the smoke and gust flew out, enveloped by furious winds, still holding his feathery mace. The mountainous golem pulled his hand, revealing that is wasn't there anymore.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Gust Character Portrait: Mulier Tentationis
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Guy found himself in a vast field surrounded by thick brush and and a forest. Guy couldn't help but notice a large black structure, it was very odd, a bright vibrant green with mixed purple and yellow of wildflowers. In the center of them lay and obsidian black tomb covered in carvings of wyrms, dragons, men, elves, orcs. Almost one of every race was on this structure.

Guy watched as deer ran through the forest, cam close to the clearing, then they vanished as quick as they had appeared, they seemed to highly fear this place. Guy somewhat shuddered as he felt a cold breeze caress his face. He couldn't help but be somewhat afraid of whatever that thing was. Guy edged closer and closer to it seeing more clearly script written on it in a draconic dialect.

Guy thought he couldn't decipher it, but the the words became clear to him.

To access the prism, you must be true of heart. The good, the evil, and only the almighty gods may access this treasure.

Guy cursed himself, he saw many hole on the walls. He put his hand in one and the hole seemed to suck a little energy from him. It was a keyhole. He must have to assemble enough gods here to open the chamber where the Prism of Palovala lie. Waiting to be wielded by the worthy persons. Guy couldn't help but think of travelling to find the other gods.

Guy began to get hungry, he reached into the bag a wrym had given him, inside he found a teleportation disc. Guy knew what he was going to do. He took out a map, a normal one, one that the people of Daughtris used, it located him and Guy saved the location. He then looked at the disc, he put his hand on it and pressed a few buttons. "Wait here my servants." Guy told them (irritated like myself! -_-) as he teleported away.

Edited by shadereen:

Guy and his companions finally reached the waiting halls of Kelovios's lair once more. On the vintage TV there was the news, Aya, the reporter was reporting the current scene of Ostwyn.

"Its almost dark in Ostwyn but the mountainous golem was still threatening the metropolis. The two guardian golem of Lightwake was a lot smaller than the mountain golem but its power is great. Mana surges in its body, creating barriers to prevent itself from easily being destroyed. We could see that the boy who as you know, is probably one of the gods of Daughtris, is flying around the mountainous golem, probably to confuse it and disorient its movement, dodging and evading the swings of the golem's hand. It has been this way for a while now"

"A god!" Guy exclaimed in surprise.
As a merchant, the pillaging merchant has been doing business all around Daughtris. A few months ago, he has been to the metropolis of Lightwake and placed a few teleportation sigils there on the alleyways, parks, and streets. If he was lucky, some of the sigils would still work. Guy was a melee fighter, a professional when it come to swinging his axe and shield but wasn't good in manipulating mana for arcane arts. Taking his trusty teleportation disc out of his beg, he put his hands on it and pressed a few buttons.
"If you wish to accompany me, meet me at Ostwyn" he told Mulier and Janice before vanishing, teleported away by a sigil which appeared on the floor created by the device. Instantly, he appeared on one of his teleportation sigil in one of the Alleyway of Ostwyn. The sky was orange with a hint of purple on the clouds. Behind him and also in front of him was piles of rubble from building's crumbled walls. Dust filled the air, causing the view to be slightly cloudy. It was quiet other than the echoing sounds from far away, similar to the sound of thunder which was actually the guardian golems shooting at the mountainous golem.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Gust Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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Guy saw the young boy flying around the golem. He couldn't help but watch in awe as the two smaller golems attacked as the boy seemed to evade every hit the golem threw at him. Guy would usually be somewhat worried for the child, but he was obviously older than he seemed, who other than a god could fly on their own?

"Boy!", Guy yelled, "Lead him here!" Guy called. If M'tun was god of destruction and chaos, then Guy should be able to help defeat a mountain golem. Guy tried something, he didn't know what. He pointed his ax at the golem and shouted like he usually would when he attacked to intimidate his foe, but instead of his usual berserker mode activating, his weapons began to glow. His mind was clear, he wasn't filled with rage, yet he was. It was a rational rage, a sort of controlled blaze. (BEAST MODE ACTIVATED!)

Guy's eyes glowed red, his tattoos glowed through his armor. He could feel power coursing through him. (Ps. are we still doing the turn system?)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Gust Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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[yes we are still doing the turn system but just between you and me]

All of this time dodging and evading every attacks without a single counter, the god of the wind was actually charging his feathery mace for a single attack that would literally destroy the mountainous golem without even leaving a single trace of dust. If he had smashed the mountainous golem bits by bits, the chunks from it would've rained down on the metropolis, something that Gust did not prefer. With his keen hearing abilities, Gust heard the yelling from down below. He dodge another swing from the moutainous golem and glanced towards the direction of the voice, seeing a glowing beast like man. Knitting his brows, Does he have a death wish?, he thought. Even though Gust could feel the man was radiating with immense power, he worries that if he had done as the man instructed, the reincarnation of M'tun would be squashed like a bug by the mountain sized golem's hand.


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Gust Character Portrait: Amon Takartas
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Guy saw the boy could hear him but he seemed to not pay him any attention other than a short stare. Guy dare not try and attack the golems feet for fear of being trampled. He couldn't just run up and start hacking away at it's ankles. Guy then saw through the dust, and dirt the flew form the golem as it moved, a small cave entrance. Guy put all his Ki into a dash for that cave, then when he had a shot he jumped as high as he possible could hoping to at least grab on to a ledge so he could scale the wall. Back home, Guy used to always climb, their shamans lived in the mountains and Guy often had to get there quickly to trade with them.


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Gust
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What Guy did really surprised the god of the wind. It was a pretty reckless move. Gust fear that the cave would collapse and crush the viking. While watching whether Guy would change his mind and get out, Gust attention for the mountainous golem attacks was interrupted. At that moment of distraction, the mountainous golem moved its body forward to ram Gust with its chest. When Gust turned his head to the mountainous golem once more, it was already too late to move. The god of the wind was stuck on the mountainous golem's chest like a lizard on a car's windshield. Meanwhile, the two guardian golems of Lightwake kept shooting at the mountainous golem bottom parts. Cracks appeared on its shin and thighs, and is probably going to fall if the guardian golems continue to shoot at the cracks with their massive cannons installed on their bodies.

[OOC: Inside the mountainous golem, it shook furiously. It was just like a massive earthquake. The shaking would cause Guy to be lifted of the floor of the cave and hung in mid air for seconds before landing on the walls or the ceiling. What he finds if he proceed? It can be anything. Its up to you... but not the prism of course...]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Gust
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Guy had over shot and went straight into the cave. It shook furiously and Guy often lost his footing, he ended up on the ceiling clinging for dear life over a few spike in the bottom of the cave. "Maybe I should have thought this through." Guy told himself. It was too late now, the fall form the cave would kill him without any Ki, it would take some time to replenish.

Guy continued deeper into the beast and as he got deeper in the shaking was much less furious. Guy wiped his brow of sweat, suddenly a loud rumbling began and a few huge chunks of rock fell from the ceiling like meteors. Guy urged himself forward, at the last moment his scorpion like tail came out of his armor and launched him forward. Guy felt the rocks smash on the ground behind his tail.

Guy continued and he heard growls and grunts. Roars and scratching.

Guy ran around the corner to find a control room. It wasn't really a control room though, more like a big screen with a stone tablet covered with many different runes on it. They were Dracains. The vial dragon/human hybrids that had attacked his island. Guy drew his ax and shield and let out a war cry. "WHHHHHHHHHARG!" He shouted and the Dracains were petrified. But then they noticed there were many of them, and only one attacker.

The Dracains rushed him. That's when it hit Guy. This was meant to be destroyed, the golem, then the Draicains would spread through the city laying waste. Guy had to attempt to kill them, all of them, before they ruined the city.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Hikari Character Portrait: Gust
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Undine and Hikari finally reached the main metropolis of Lightwake which was build on a hovering land in the sky, Ostwyn. The sun hasn't set yet but it won't be long until it did. Most of the inhabitants has already flee using their own choices of transportation but the soldiers of the kingdom kept on protecting their homeland with their Guardian golems and the mysterious boy. The two goddesses frowned when they saw the size of the Mountainous golem. It's core in its earth layered gut was glowing purple, reflecting its power upon who sees.

"that is the biggest golem I've seen so far" Undine muttered

"For me as well, Undine" Hikari responded

They nodded at each other and flew towards the mountainous golem.

The god of the wind was almost done with charging power onto his mace. Gripping his mace tight, he was ready for the mountainous golem's attack.

"Gust!" another female voice shouted at the god of the wind from down below, a few meters above Guy who was still pondering on what to do.

Shocked by recognizable voice, Gust turned his head down, seeing his mother, Alura, and his father, Gaia, on an airbike, risking themselves in attempt to pull their son away from the battle. The life of their son is more important than anything else in the world. The two parents just stood there, looking up to the the god of the wind. They didn't know how to do it or what to say but they wanted to get Gust away from there, away from harm. The god of the wind's attention on the mountainous golem attacks was interrupted by his parents sudden presence. At that moment of distraction, the mountainous golem moved its body forward to ram Gust with its chest. When Gust turned his head to the mountainous golem once more, it was already too late to move. The god of the wind was stuck on the mountainous golem's chest like a lizard on a car's windshield.

The two parents gasped "Gust!" Alura screamed, fearing that her son has been injured or even killed. Without thinking, Gaia pulled on the accelerator and speed towards Gust and the mountainous golem, ignoring the danger, wanting to save their beloved son.

[Go guy! save them if you are a good person after all... but I know you're actually evil >:-3]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Hikari Character Portrait: Gust
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Guy watched as more gods appeared. His heart seemed to do a backflip in his chest. Great, the quicker I find these gods, the quicker I can get my full power Guy laughed at this. He was overly joyed. He saw the boy stricken by the golem. Guy instinctively ran towards him. He was just a child, and he was going to help Guy unlock his full power.

Guy leaped up trying to pour Ki into his jump. But it wasn't high enough. He was so high off the ground it would be impossible to take the fall without any injuries. Guy struggled against the air attempting to push himself upwards. Guy asked himself God of destruction... how do I fly? [what would M'tun do? XD]

Guy imagined flames coming from his feet. Nothing. He imagined just levitating. Nothing. Then he imagined wings, and out of his back sprouted raven like black wings. But Guy fell not knowing how to fly. He had flown too high, and this was his punishment. Guy desperately tried to flap his wings. then he let out one huge lash of his wings five feet above the ground. Guy had landed softly enough to survive, but he wasn't un-injured.

Guy struggled to stand and he saw he had a large gash on his calf from a rock. "I won't walk for a while. Looks like these wing will need to work." Guy though aloud. Guy stood and felt shocks of pain rush through his calf. Guy flapped, but this time controlled. He only slightly lifted off the ground by a few centimeters.Guy then felt into the black gem, he searched the past M'tuns memory and found the first time he flew. Guy then knew how.

Guy leaned forward and let himself fall, before he hit the ground he began to flap, all the push went upwards and he got a nice lift. Guy then continued, blood dripping from his leg, as he flew towards gust. Guy saw the people coming on the speeder and he reached his hand out at them. He wanted to throw something at them, but instead a little beam of fire launched out of his hand and hit the speeder causing it to go off course and almost fall to the ground."Maybe I'm starting to get a hang of this god thing." Guy said under his breath to himself . Guy didn't care. They were just people, not the gods he wanted. Guy flew as fast as possible hoping the Golem wouldn't spot him and he grabbed Gust of the golems body and then went in a dive towards the ground, flapping hard before they landed so it was smooth and soft.

"Boy." Guy said. He could tell he was hurt. Guy felt terrible that he couldn't have helped. Now possibly, one of the only keys to his full power was gone.


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Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Gust
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With Guy's help, Gust got into a crouching position. "I appreciate your help..." he said his thanks to Guy, holding himself up by leaning on Guy's legs because he was a lot shorter than the viking. That was when he noticed Guy's bleeding wound. Unfortunately, the god of the wind has no healing abilities. His face and body was still trembling from the pain of being hit by the mountainous chest but he could handle it. His strength is different from how it used to be before he was reborned. It was slightly weaker at the moment but it would take more than one hit to knock the god of the wind out. The battle wasn't over. The mountainous golem wasn't going to let the god of the wind and his sudden savior to rest just like that. Seeing the two on the ground like small bugs, it slowly raised his foot and proceeded to stomp at them. It was hard to miss seeing the attack since the mountainous golem's size filled their eye's view. Just by waving his mace, Gust bestowed himself and Guy with temporary wind enchantment, rendering their body to be light as air and can fly and sprint fast as wind as easy as breathing. With that, they chances of them escaping the area of the stomp would be heightened drastically.
"RUN! FLY! WHATEVER!" Gust said to Guy in panic and started to run frantically out of harms way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Hikari Character Portrait: Gust
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Guy looked ta the boy as he ran away at breakneck speeds. Guy saw the foot coming for him and it was too late. Guy could only try to survive. Guy felt the golem's foot coming down. Guy trew his shield over his back, and his ax in it's sheath quick as the wind and he put his arms up and caught the foot. Guy was surprised at his own strength. he could feel power emanating form the gem.

"Ahhhhhh!"[FUS ROH DAH!] Guy yelled. He glowed red, he once again felt godly power. Was this magic? Guy had never used magic before, it felt like a huge surge of power, and now in his godly form he could use it. He felt unstoppable. Indestructible. Guy threw his arms up and sprinted about twenty meters in just a few seconds then dived out from under the mountainous beast's foot. Guy collapsed on the ground felling very drained. Guy's need to survive surpassed his tiredness. He almost used enough energy to kill himself. He was still getting used to this.

Guy flapped his wings and flew away as far as he could, he wobbled as he flew and crashed into the side of a building and landed on the roof of a nearby building. Guy laid there staring at the sky. He felt life slowly slip away, his life flashed before him. The monkey, Kuro, Bahamut, Mulier, Janice, Thaqutol. Guy then remembered his potential for power, that Thaqutol said only he and the other gods could defeat the Echanii.

Guy felt a sudden surge of energy. Enough to surge him to life and get him to his feet. Guy felt dizzy. He had seen his father, heard him calling him to Valhalla. Thor and Odin sat at the end of the great whale's bridge waiting for him. Then Guy relized they weren't real, they weren't the real gods, Guy and the others were. If Guy died, he didn't go anywhere. It wasn't time to die. Not for Guy. It was Guys duty to be the god for others now. He would be a powerful and highly worshiped god.

[this is probably my favorite post in a while. Guy literally died and was "reborn" as a god :3]


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Character Portrait: Gust
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Gust's parents rode the flying airbike near to the ground where the mountainous golem stomped its foot. The dust was thick, rendering poor visibility but it also hid them from the eyes of the mountainous golem. A couple of times they almost collided with a large chunk of rocks and walls of buildings, but it was safer than being under the mountainous golem's foot.
"Gust!" Alura cried at the top of her lungs, frightened. In her mind, the mangled body of her child plays in her mind. Her cheeks were wet with tears falling nonstop from her eyes "no... please don't" she said under her breath.
"Where are you, son?!" Gaia called on to Gust, pleading for his to be alive. He stopped the airbike and hovered motionless. Listening whether there is a reply.
For a moment, only the humming and vibration of the airbike could be heard. A young boy's coughing could be hear, catching Gaia and Alura's attention. They saw their son, kneeling on the ground, wiping his face with the sleeves of his clothing while still holding his feathery mace.
"Mom! Dad!" He cried out to them.
Gaia didn't waste time. Instantly, he steered the airbike to his son. When he stopped to park the bike, Alura quickly got off and hugged his beloved son tightly.
"Don't do that to me again" she cried. The worry in her heart dropped slightly but they were still in danger.
"Let's go now" Gaia told the daughter and son "its still dangerous here. We can't stay here"
"No, mom, dad" the god of the wind gently got out of Alura's arms "I don't know how to explain this quickly but you both need to go back to Gran Gran's place"
"Please, Gust" Alura begged with her teary eyes "I'm pleading with you. Come with us"
"I don't know how you got to be this powerful, Gust but as your parents we will not leave you here in this dangerous place" Gaia said strictly.
Gust shook his head "No, dad. You don't understand. I'm Sylph. The god of the wind element. I can handle this giant, no sweat"
"stop your nonsense, Gust. This is no time for games"
"I'm not playing games, dad!" Gust shouted. He couldn't take it anymore.
"Gust, please!" Alura said, reaching for the boy.
Gust let his mother hug him but it will have to be the next won't be today. The god of the wind had no choice. Grabbing both his parent's arm, he locked their ability to manipulate mana with his wind abilities.
"Gust, what are you doing?!" Gaia said when he noticed the ground them was glowing with green light, wind blew up from it, fluttering their clothing and hair. Suddenly, the two parents were gone. Once again, forced teleportation by the god of the wind. This time, they won't be able to get back to Ostwyn easily. Bending his legs slightly, Gust suddenly shot up to the sky, planning to continue the with the fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Hikari Character Portrait: Gust
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Meanwhile, the two guardian golems of Ostwyn kept shooting at the mountainous golem, causing big hole and chunks of rocks to fall from it. The guardian golem's size was just the size of puppies compared to the mountainous golem. With only a swing of its available hand, the mountainous golem swept the two guardian golems off the ground. It continued to ram the air bound guardian golems with its shoulders, launching them miles away and crashing on to some undamaged buildings, causing the untouch section of Ostwyn to lose its title. It then continued to search for the boy which destroyed one of its hand, scanning the lands beneath him with glowing blue eyes. Suddenly, a continuous multiple explosion occurred behind his head. When it turned it head to see, it managed to get a glimpse of uncountable amount of complex designed spears made of light the same size as some sky scraping towers anchored to his back and neck before they disappeared. Its eyes scanned the direction of where the spears came from and saw a white glowing woman, levitating in the sky, just like Gust was. Hikari was far away where she thought the mountainous golem couldn't reach her. Suddenly, the belly of the mountainous golem glowed and shot a massive ray of blue light at the goddess of light. The goddess instinctively made a barrier appear between her and the mountainous golem to protect herself but it wasn't casted strong enough. Shattering the barrier, the ray broke through and hit Hikari, but she managed to block the rays with a quickly conjured shield equipped on her hand. The mountainous golem continued unleashing the ray like an unending laser, forcing Hikari to continue focusing on blocking until high velocity of water blasted the mountainous golem's face, staggering it, causing its rays to redirect to the empty sky, splitting the dark clouds. It stopped and turned its head to scan where the water came from, seeing yet another woman, this time glowing slightly blue with waters hovering around her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Hikari Character Portrait: Gust
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Guy saw these two women and stared for a moment in awe. Do all gods use mana? Guy asked himself. Guy was new to mana, he had rarely fought any spell users either, but now in his new form, he could use the arts of arcane. Limited yes, but he could still do it. Guy felt even more powerful, like he truly was a God.

Guy felt renewed, almost as if he were cleansed of his past. He felt like a new person, reborn. Guy let himself fall off the building, then after building up speed, he opened his wings and flew over to the two women. Guy drew his shield and started firing some more fireballs at the Golem. Guy smirked at the two women. "I'm Guy Clansbreath, Jarl of the Northern Clans, God of Chaos and Destruction." Guy told them. That felt good to him. He could announce his power. Power... Guy said to himself. The thought flew around his mind and warmed his entire body, seeping into his bones and very soul.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Hikari Character Portrait: Gust
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"God?" She questioned in confusion. This is the first time she heard of the title "alright, Mister Clansbreath" she acknowledge with a nod and turned her attention back to the mountainous golem "careful not to die"
Hikari jetted towards the mountainous golem and blasted thousands of white rays out of her palm, making up with numbers for the lack of size which were thinner than the mountainous golem's ray. Hikari's rays did not progress in a straight line. It curved outwards, leaving space in the middle for the goddess of the light to proceed forward, leaving the rays behind. She swiftly kicked the mountainous golem with focused Ki on her leg, sending rocks and dusts flying everywhere. When she retreated back, there was a lake sized hole where she kicked. The rays before then curved inwards once more before hitting inside the hole. The goddess of the light aimed her attacks at the mountainous golem's gut where his glowing core is, causing the golem to be staggered when the rays hit the hole left by Hikari, crumbling down the layers of rocks covering its stomach, revealing the big and bright blue sphere.
"there!" Hikari shouted, informing every one of the mountainous golem's source of energy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Hikari Character Portrait: Gust Character Portrait: Kelovius
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Guy watched as the Goddess of Light kicked the golem leaving a huge crater, and revealing it's life source. Guy didn't dhow it, but he was afraid of these Goddesses. they would have had maybe hundreds, or thousands of years of experience. Guy was a merchant, he could keep secrets with him to his deathbed with no suspicion whatsoever.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Undine Character Portrait: Guy Clansbreath Character Portrait: Hikari Character Portrait: Gust
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Guy saw his chance. he launched himself at the core with all his wing strength and as he did so he tried to channel mana. He ended up being surrounded but flames and going faster, he was a human meteor shooting at the core of the golem. The golem tried to hit him with his arm but as the arm his him Guy's speed and the severe heat of the flames smashed through the stone of the Golems arm. Guy recoiled as he noticed he hadn't hit his target, but instead nearly severed the arm of the Golem. Guy laughed a somewhat minachicale laugh. Guy had power beyond his wildest dreams now. He was truly a god.

Guy kicked off of the bottom of the crater he had made and flew back to the two goddesses. "I think I may have missed." Guy joked.