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You shall kneel before me like you make others kneel before you.

0 · 582 views · located in Daughtris

a character in “Gods of Elements: Sylph's kiss”, as played by Arik223


King Kage of Lightwake



Race: Part Elf, Part Human

Age: 260

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 180

Hair: Black

Eyes: Light green

Cloths and armor: King Kage wears green Royal elven attire, under his clothes he wears a chain mail that covers most his body, occasionally he wears a gold and diamond crusted crown enchanted by ice. At his side he always has his sword, which is enchanted by darkness and Ice, "Omnia". Kage's battle gear is different, its brown armor with shoulder fur, and a cape.

Sexual Orientation: Straight


Kage values freedom, he thinks that everyone in his Lightwake should be free to pursue their own desires, on the other hand though not everyone can be fully free, there are things they have to follow, and not following those things sometimes results in death. Obedience above all else, if the king commands you must follow. Honor is another thing the king goes by, honor is important for free will. Kage is not a weak person, he will go to extreme measures to prove that he is strong. He isn't all that evil, but he isnt considered to be fully good. Another thing is that Kage wants to be included in a fight, he wants to go head first.
Kage loves his family, he wants to be respected.



The history of Kage is not known by many, only his closest friends know the truth. Venash beds a lot of women, therefor has a lot of children. 260 years ago Venash got an elven women pregnant, her son is Kage. When Kage was born his mother was so scared for his future that she sent him away to Lightwake to live with her sister, she told Venash that she had a miscarriage and he never cared to look more into it. When kage was a little kid he loved to fight, when he fought he sometimes was a little too strong for the other elven kids, and attacked too harshly. There was a very small amount of Dark power inside of Kage, some that came from his father. When Venash turned 60 his real mother died, and he received a letter. In the letter she wrote the true story of what had happened. From that moment Kage decided to get through the ranks and be the king of Lightwake, the current king of lightwake was a weak old elf, one that didn't know how to rule. 10 years later though, Kage was the high general of the kings army, Kage was loved by his people and by the army, he knew that if the king died he would get the throne. Kage bought off an assassin, and instructed the assassin to place a bomb that Kage made in the Kings out house next to the lake. Kage guaranteed the assassin that the Bomb would only kill the king and his wife, and wasn't strong enough to kill everyone. The assassin followed Kages orders and placed the bomb in the kings bedroom. As the clock ticked the bomb went off, completely annihilating the entire house. After that neither the royal family nor the assassin was seen again.

Kage seized the throne, he was 80 years old and had years to live. For an elf 80 is equivalent to 19 for a human, and it only slows as the elf grows. Kage focused on his army, he made it so if anyone tried to invade, Kage and Raziel, his commander, could hold anyone off. Kage married one of the most beautiful women in Lightwake, and had a few children. About 140 years ago Kages daughters, Luthien, ran off with a commoner women. Kage sent a dispatch to get his daughter back but she was never found, so Kage gave up.

Its now present day and Venash sent his children on a mission to sieze most of Daughtris. After sitting aside for most of the war Kage decided that he had enough, he didn't want to watch the battles. Kage set and decided that he could be stronger then all his brothers and sisters, so he decided to have his own personal agenda, he would conquer his father and defeat his brothers and sisters.

So begins...

Kage's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylverana Character Portrait: Myria  Cray Character Portrait: Kage
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#, as written by Arik223

Kage sat in his throne, like hes been doing for most of the wars hes brothers and sisters have been waging on Daughtris. Of course no one really knew that Kage was the lost son of Vanesh, but he couldn't stand it to sit for much longer. The king sat on his throne while his wife was teaching his newborn to read. He look at her and smiled, Im not going to let anything happen to my family, i dont care how many people I have to behead to ensure their security. The king stood and yelled for his squire. The young snow elf squire ran in and kneeled before the king , "My lord" he said shyly. Kage replied in a commanding tone "Bring me the latest news of the war, and the latest of whats been going on in Lightwake" the squire nodded and ran off. Kage sat back in his throne and let off a deep sigh. His wife turned over with the child still at her feet, "Dont be so stressed my love, you that your sister can beat almost any army on this land." The king couldn't help but smile Myria is a great warrior and commander. The squire ran back in with a scroll in his hand "My lord, a town and a few villages in Lightwake were captured by Sylverana, she has been treating them like slaves, furthe-" the king cut off the squire "I need Myria in here. Now!" the king said in a loud tone. The squire kneeled and ran from the room. A moment later Myria walked through the front doors, she had her brown battle gear on, she was practicing. "You summoned me brother?" Kage picked up the scroll the quire placed on the table besides the throne and threw it at Myria, without saying a word Myria opened the scrolled, looked at it and closed it. "Right away brother" and just like that she was gone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylverana Character Portrait: Myria  Cray Character Portrait: Kage
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#, as written by Arik223
The battle field was going up in flames, death and despair in every corner. Down below Myria could see that the ground troops and general are doing extremely well and are successfully eliminating everyone on ground. Up top was a different story. The Cynderella was was destroying everything it lay its eyes on. It seemed unbeatable. A few more hits would kill her but she seemed to be avoiding the lot. She charged an attack and fired. Myria's airship barriers didn't seem load up all the way, a malfunction of some sort and the ray of light blasted through the second engine. Panic was going everywhere, Myria grunted, and yelled ordered "Prepare to abandon ship!" she yelled loudly. She glanced at the castle who had been hit during the fight, suddenly it disappeared, teleported away. Within seconds crew and and members of the ship were in docking area waiting for the carrier, the carrier came by and everyone loaded one by one until there barely a soul left on the dying ship. The carrier flew away from the burning ship as it was hurling down at the earth. The fight was not over Myria would not let the Cynderella leave in one piece.
Down below the troops seemed to be untouched, the took care of the marksmen without any problem and had no problem defending against the gargoyles, they listened carefully for what might be the last and final attack. Myrias radio beeped, it was from the king, he spoke softly "Myria, if you need reinforcments, just say the word. I've got two airships on standby" she looked at her crew and the the place where the castle once stood "Wont be necessary"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Sylverana Character Portrait: Gerard Kind Character Portrait: Myria  Cray Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Venash
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#, as written by Arik223
The carrier finally descended into the ground. Medics started to pour out, they were everywhere, taking care of wounded soldiers as well as citizens. Myria stepped outside, the ground general approached her and spoke "Its over my lady, we've won", she looked at him, trying to hide her happiness "it may be so but how long will it be until there are others?" Myria examined the field, looking in every direction trying to figure our what had happened. The two airships were burning outside of town, more crew ran out of the carrier to try and calm the fire. The citizens were peering through their windows trying to figure our what had happened. Her radio crackled and a man spoke "All clear" he said. She smiled and stood in the town center, someone ran out and brought her a speaker and microphone. She spoke loud and clear. "We have won. There is nothing to fear, you can come out of your homes, your king has sent forced to your help, and we succeeded in driving Sylverana off." within seconds hundreds of civilians ran out of their homes, cheering and clapping. All hail the king they were yelling. Myria couldn't help but laugh. When the last of the wounded was on the carrier and the last soldier boarded myria was ready to leave. Looking back and what had happened. The broken airships were left in place, no doubt the citizens would create some sort of monument or building out of the broken ships. The mayor ran up to Myria, "Thank you my lady, everyone here thanks you." Myria looked at the man "Thank your king." she walked away then stopped "Your town is on the edge of lightwakes continent, King Kage is going to build defenses and send troops all around the outer edges of Lightwake. I hope you don't mind?" the man stuttered "No, no my lady! we will being to build homes for troops, no one will get inside light wake anymore." she nodded and walking inside the airship.

Entering the ship was followed by more clapping and cheering. Myria couldn't get her mind off something, where did Sylverana go? It didn't matter to her at the moment. People ran out of their temporary quarters with champagne and beer to celebrate the recent victory. Myria made a toast and the drank. They arrived in the capitol after about an hour, the carrier was slower then the airship. The radio crackled, "Prepare to board" the ship landed on the runway and engineers ran everywhere to see if there was demage to be fixed. The doors opened and Myria walked out, she was immediately greeted by Kage "Dear sister!" He laughed "Your victory i sure something to remember, Come, we have things to discuss" Myria followed him.

Kage walked and sat on his throne. There were a few people in the hall, he told them to being construction. He looked at Myria "Let me tell you what were doing, all around the outer edges of Lightwake were going to build outpost's, with gunners and cannons and the top of the towers, no enemy will enter Lightwake for as long as I live." Myria looked at him "I would've done the same" he looked at the contractors still in the hall and waved them off, they bowed and left. "Now for more pressing matters. I am going to announce my claim to Vanesh's throne today, announce myself as his son. I'm going to announce that there will be no more territory disputes, i'm prepared to take care of brothers and sisters. Oh and i'm going to send troops to aid with the destruction of bahamut.

After that a TV crew ran in, cameras and computers were placed on the throne. After a few minutes of preparations it was ready. A man at the console said that he would be able to hack the Daughtris TV's only for a short while, only until the end of the speech. Then a man yelled action and the cameras were on Kage. "People of Daughtris, you are all probably wondering why you're seeing me on today, I have an important message to announce. My name is Kage, King of lightwake. I'm here to announce my claim to Vanesh's throne for the reason of being his son." Everyone in the throne room were in shock "Today i have successfully fend off an attack by my sister, Sylverana. Furthermore, with this message i announce that the fight to rule daughtris will end today, i will personally take to it that my brothers and sisters are back to their town and everyone else is left alone. The next message is to the Avory ship. I will come to your aid, i will send my best commander, Myria, my sister. That would be all" He waved his hand and the man at the console said that in a few seconds the message will air all around Daughtris. Even in airships.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Hemmingway Character Portrait: Gabe Godfrey Character Portrait: Reiko Isuno Character Portrait: Mitei Isuno Character Portrait: Myria  Cray Character Portrait: Ringo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arik223
There was chaos in the throne room people ran all around doing various tasks for the king. The king made one final trip to bedroom. He hugged her. He smiled at her, it was a warm moment, one that might not happen again for a long while. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. He spoke softly and calmly "I'll be back before you know it. But its something i have to do." He glanced around the room looking at his children. He approached them and embraced them, the younger one was weeping. "Now you listen to your mom" he said as he walked back to his wife. He gave her one last kiss just as a steward knocked on the door. "Are you ready sire?" Kage looked at the scrawny steward and said "Yes" with a more harsh tone, to show authority. He gave one last look, "Listen to Syrion, hes one of my best." and like that he was off.

Myria was in the control room with dozens of generals. She was frantic at preparations. Kage was about to send off 5 destroyers, a bomber, and a few more carriers. The bomber and 4 airship destroyers will be going around driving back his brothers and sisters, while the last airship and a few carriers will go help the cause aboard the Avory ship. Kage made sure to leave lot's of power at the home metropolis for any attacks. The wall was going to be built as an extra precaution. Myria will board the ship being sent to the Avory ship and command those forces, while the king himself will lead any attacks with the fleet he commands. Soldiers boarded carriers and airship's, ranks of generals and cew boarded the bomber. There was chaos in the hanger, but also in the Control room.

After a few hours everything was ready to go, Myria and Kage met with Syrion, the general who is left to take care of lightwake. "Make sure my family is watched and no one gets through are borders." Kage said, "Will do my lord." The man replied and saluted his king. Myria and Kage walked to their selective ships, "Be carefull sister" he said as he was boarding "Oh brother, your the one to be careful!" she said laughing lightly. The first fleet boarded and flew off, Myria's ships waited until the fleet was gone to send off her carriers and single airship. Once Kage was out of sight Myria gave the signal, and they were off.

On Kages ship the destination wasn't clear yet, but he knew that it would take a day to leave lightwake territory. Myria left off in the direction of the Avory ship. Myria needed to get there fast, so she didn't mind exhausting the overdrive. She put the airship and carriers in overdrive and within an hour they were in view of the Avory ship. She spoke to whoever heard her on the giant ship in-front of her "Permission to board, reinforcements from Kage, King of lightwake" she waited for the permission.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Thackeray III Character Portrait: Kage Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway Character Portrait: Xandra Hemmingway
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0.00 INK

Captain Thackeray and his crew had long left Avory and it's castle. A lot of things had passed since then. With the use of Mana, Ki, and many resource, the metropolis has been restored to it's normal state. The cannons and barriers are on standby in case of any attacks.

Judan and Xandra was sitting in their throne, looking worried in the castle's throne hall. The giant holographic screen was alive in the middle of the hall showing news about what is currently happening in Daughtris.

"How did the news compnay manage to get that information about the search for the gods?" Xandra asked Judan about the news on the search team. "We tried so hard to keep it a secret"

Before Judan could answer, the holographic screen buzzed for a few second before it showed Kage, the ruler of Lightwake.

"People of Daughtris, you are all probably wondering why you're seeing me on today, I have an important message to announce. My name is Kage, King of lightwake. I'm here to announce my claim to Vanesh's throne for the reason of being his son." Everyone in the throne room were in shock "Today i have successfully fend off an attack by my sister, Sylverana. Furthermore, with this message i announce that the fight to rule daughtris will end today, i will personally take to it that my brothers and sisters are back to their town and everyone else is left alone. The next message is to the Avory ship. I will come to your aid, i will send my best commander, Myria, my sister. That would be all"

The broadcast ended just like that and returned to the normal broadcast. Judan and Xandra looked at each other with jaw hung open.

"Kage, a son of Venash?" Judan murmured while scratching his chin. "contact the king of Clearwake, quickly" Judan ordered his servants

The servants dialed Lightwake's number while Judan and Xandra waited in their throne for Kage to answer their call.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rixator Falmona Character Portrait: Myria  Cray Character Portrait: Kage Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway Character Portrait: Xandra Hemmingway
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arik223

Kage sat in the hull of his commanding air ship, he had a large fleet at his back and he was going to use it the right way. It would be a while untill they get out of lightwake territory so Kage went to his air ship suite. Suddenly a young boy ran in and kneeled. "My king.. i - i- There is a call for you, seems like its from the hemmingways." Kage smiled. "Well, Let the call through then!" kage said with enthusiasm. He went to his command room where the big holographic screen was, once there the boy clicked a few buttons and the call was through. Kage spoke loudly and clearly.


Meanwhile... Myria was getting irritated that no one was answering the calls. A large airship stood in-front of theirs, and they were busy worrying about some reporters. Myria got annoyed. "Fire a flare, right up in the air" the man nodded and shot the flare above the airship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kage Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway Character Portrait: Xandra Hemmingway
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Finally, Kage received the call.

"Greetings" Kage voice could be heard from the holographic screen in the middle of Avory's castle throne room.

Judan and Xandra were sitting in their throne with some servants beside them. The females were wearing maid outfits while the male were wearing Butler outfits. Some were knight and soldiers with gleaming armor, standing still like statues.

"Greeting, Kage. It has been some time last we spoke" Judan smiled and nodded followed by Xandra beside him. He paused for a moment and continued "Is it true that you are one of Venash's son? Why haven't you mention it to us before?"


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Character Portrait: Kage
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#, as written by Arik223
Kage smiled. "I hope you know, old friend, that the phone works both ways!" Kage said with a slight laugh. "But to more serious issues, I hid my origins for the sole reason of protection. I am not fond of my father and will do whatever is in my power to bring him and my siblings down. I have sent my best general to aid the avory ship, and currently in the air with no clear destination, behind me a fleet of 6 or 7 airships. I encourage you to join the fight!" he said smiling while waiting for a reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kage Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway Character Portrait: Xandra Hemmingway
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0.00 INK

The rulers of Avory was a little shocked. Judan lay back on his throne to calm his self and spoke "I appreciate the help you are giving my daughter but..." Judan paused "you do know the powers that Venash have, don't you Kage?" Judan questioned. "I know you and your kingdom is very powerful, Kage, but so are the other sons and daughters of Venash. I have heard about Venash defeating all of his sons and daughters in seconds in a fight not so long ago. He must be very powerful indeed if he managed to do that" Judan paused for a second then continued "How do you intend to take him and his kingdom down?" He questioned again


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kage Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway Character Portrait: Xandra Hemmingway
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arik223

Kage looked at his screen, Judan seemed to be worried. "Power... Let me ask you this, what does power represent?" Kage paused for a moment "Power is nothing if he has no one to back him up. Venash thinks he rules duaghtris, well let him think again. He cant just send his sons and daughters to take over kingdoms, its immoral." Kage looked down and smiled. "I for one think that its about time Daughtris united to bring him done. That is what I'm doing dear friend, starting his downfall." After he said that a short man ran in, he bowed "My lord, Syrion reports that you would be pleased to know that every corner of Lightwake Island is walled off, we are now preparing to mount defense towers on the walls. The defense teams are on their way to their new quarters my lord." Kage smiled "Good, tell him to send a strong magician to every outpost aswell." The man bowed and ran to the communications room. Kage then turned back to the screen "Judan, I know that its far stretched, but i hope you agree with me. Behind me are 4 royal air ships, and a heavy bomber, Aswell as a dozen carriers carrying my troops. Myria on the other hand has one royal airship and two carriers carrying troops to aid your daughter." he waited for a response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kage Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway Character Portrait: Xandra Hemmingway
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0.00 INK

Judan was speechless. He thought long on what to say but nothing came up. Finally, he sighs and spoke.

"It is up to you whether you want to wage war on Pruwas, Kage, but for now, Avory shall maintain as a peaceful region. We shall not take part in the battle... but if the condition worsen and becomes dire, threatening Avory and the other region, we are prepared to do what we must to help" Judan said

"I really hope you know what you are doing, Kage. Many lives will be lost if a war is started..." Xandra said with a worried expression

"As for the troops you sent to my aid my daughter. It is up to her to decide what she will do with them. The goddess of light, Hikari, shall guide her" Judan said


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kage Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway Character Portrait: Xandra Hemmingway
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arik223
Kage looked up in disappointment, he paused for a minute and finally spoke. "It may be so, but the deaths of some will free the rest. I am looking at a higher goal here." Kage said in reply to Xandra. He smiled "I respect your decision old friend, and I know that you prefer peace over war, but peace gets nowhere. Venash thinks he owns us, he thinks that he can command his children to take over whatever they want without consequnce, I will not let him prevail." he looked down at his feet "I might breath my last breath, but in my stead I will see his death." Kage looked back up at the screen, "What I am proposing is not the destruction of one tyrant, but the bringing about of a unified nation, where we are all protected under one rule, and where we still have our own free will to live about." He looked at his crew who seemed to be looking with awe, "The day Venash will target you may not be today, but when it comes, it might be too late." Kage waited for a reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kage Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway Character Portrait: Xandra Hemmingway
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0.00 INK

"You reason well, my friend. Then I leave you to unite all the kingdom and the regions together. When it is done, we shall join you... but for the time being, I hope that the gods and goddesses are found in time..." Judan replied sadly. "I'm ending the holo communication, Kage. hopefully, we will speak again later... when there are other stuff to talk about..."

"I wish you luck, Kage" Xandra said


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kage Character Portrait: Judan Hemmingway Character Portrait: Xandra Hemmingway
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arik223
Kage smiled at the hemmingways, "farewell hopefully we will speak again later" the screen shut off. Mage turned to the pilots, "um, make way to gens laboratory"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gen Character Portrait: Kage
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arik223
"My lord! were approaching Fishan!" Kage smiled and waved the man away. Kage made his way to the deck of the captain ship, one of the biggest in Lightwake. It was royal and very deadly. He approached the large holo table in the middle of the room. "If Fishan is indeed controlled by a son of Venash, he or she will have no choice but to answer." Kage laughed "Establish communication with the current known leader of Fishan."


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Character Portrait: Kage
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0.00 INK

In the large sized strategy room of the castle of Fishan, stand four people. Three of them are the sea beast-men generals and one is Dethrant, the current king of the underwater region. Every one of them was watching the three dimensional holo-map displayed in the middle of the room, silent, thinking of a strategy to rid of Gen’s base which was built on their lands. That was when the holo-screen appeared and beeped, notifying an incoming call from the king of Lightwake. Dethrant pondered whether to answer as his relationship with most region in Daughtris is good, he wasn’t yet used to the new king of Lightwake. Finally, after a few seconds, he gestured his hand to the holo-screen, connecting the call.

“Greetings, Lightwake” Dethrant greeted with his deep voice


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Character Portrait: Kage
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#, as written by Arik223
The large holo-screen blinked repeatdly a few times, then went black as it established connection. On the other end stood the towering leader of Fishan, Dethrant, he stood sorrounded by three fish man. "Greetings, Lightwake" Dethrant said with his deep voice. Kage smiled, "Dethrant, looking well as always." Kage chuckled as he didnt have the greatest ties with the Fishan leader. Dethrant was a strong leader, a very capable ally to have. Kage was surprised to see him on the throne, maybe he was wrong and Fishan wasn't invaded by a son or daughter of Venash? But that cannot be, he sources are never wrong. "Tell me, how is Fishan fairing these days?" Kage hinted and grinned, "I am sure you have seen my latest broadcast, then you know why I'm here. Seeing as you are still on the throne there are very imporntant matters to discuss, I would ask that you grant me council."


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Character Portrait: Kage
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“It is a little too sudden” Dethrant took a deep breathe “but your request is granted” he turned away “come if you must. I shall have escorts ready for you on the main island”


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Character Portrait: Kage
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arik223
Kage shook his head and turned off the holo-screen. He returned to the main room just as one of his servents ran, he was breathless. Huffing and puffing, "Calm down boy, what is it?" Kage said annoyed, "Well? Speak up!" he reaised his voice slightly. The servent regained his breath and stood, "My king... Lord Syrion has a message for you, he is asking for 'Authorization code 686, defense protocol.'." Kage was in awe, what does Syrion need 686 for... Surely nothing that dire had happaned back home.. did it? Kage grunted loudly and slammed his fist on the table. "I trust Syrion. Tell him accepted." the servent bowed and ran off to the communications room to send the message.

Kage wasn't happy anymore, whatever was happening back home, it required risking of civilian lives to stop. The defense protocol Kage created was deadly, if anything unstoppable. Kage went back to the control room, he stood straighter and spoke louder. "Land ship on the main island."

When they landed Kage stood ready at the door. The main hull opened with steam shooting in all directions. "Ill go alone." he stated. One of his guards stood behind him "My lord I don't think its a goo-" Kage turned and gave him a harsh stare "Don't second guess me." he said and walk down where he was greeted by escorts and walked off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kage
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0.00 INK

The mainland was a small town filled with parked submarines all around it. A large submarine with the logo of the castle marked on it was parked in one of the docks. A few soldiers, knights, and servants, made of many kinds of sea-beastman and other creatures was there to welcome the king and his men. It was a shocker that Kage came alone. None of them questioned him nor were brave enough to look him in the eyes.

“Greetings, Lord King of Lightwake“ one of the Knight said and bowed down, followed by the others “we are your escort to Fishan Castle. A submarine is prepared to take you directly to the destination”