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Benjamin Falls

"i never met emotion i didn't know how to fake"

0 · 278 views · located in Gravity Falls, Maine

a character in “Gravity Falls: Awakening”, originally authored by EsmeBheart, as played by RolePlayGateway



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Benjamin Falls
basics . I got a past do we really need to bring it up?
Primadonna ☠ Money ☠ Watch Me ☠ Big Boy ☠ Bump This

☠ name . Benjamin Dior Falls

☠ nickname(s) . Benji (all)

☠ role . the prima-donna

☠ age . 25 August 20, 1995

☠ pro-nouns . He/They

☠ sexual orientation . Homosexual

☠ relationship status . Long Distance Relationship

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appearance .

☠ hight . 5'6''

☠ weight . 120lbs

☠ style . opulent

☠ hair . he like to keep it short, but will tends to dye it every now and then currently black

☠ eyes . mesmerizing soft shape with dark brown color

☠ tattoos . none

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about .

☠ likes . acting, drama, vodak shot, parting,
party drugs, money, power, singing, champagne,
designer clothes, the smell of wet/fresh cut grass,
sunbathing, swiming .

☠ dislikes . mess, blood, boring people, being alone,
not getting the lead, not being in charge,
moving things, strawberries, alt music

☠ strengths . acting, singing, manipulation,
putting on a smile, organization, multitasking,
fundraising, networking.

☠ weaknesses . opening up, being nice,
taking accountability, queasy, letting go.

☠ personality .
Dramatic, Smart, Mean, Egotistic, Hurt


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history .

☠ who is benji . TEXT GOES HERE

fc ☠ Bretman Rock | cs ☠ esmebheart | hex ☠ #E8A3A4 | playlist ☠ the prima-donna

So begins...

Benjamin Falls's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Miles Stevens Character Portrait: Eva Conrad
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0.25 INK

Welcome to, Gravity Falls...


Eden Ackerman
the stoner | outfit | #0e849e
Once in a dream I thought
I could keep you safe forever
You held on to me
A beautiful scene
I still remember

8:00am October 25th, 2021
Twenty years after 'The Accident.'

It had been twenty years to the date since that ever fateful day in the local woods that outlined the small town of Gravity Falls. Twenty years since a group of children had discovered the remains of, what could only be assumed to have been their friend, Sam Mathers. Twenty years since six children were left scarred for life by whatever they saw and experienced out in those woods, and one child who wasn't allowed to grow up. And twenty years since a heavy weight fell over the town. Almost as if a curse had befallen the people who lived there. But that's just stories, right?

The skies above this small forest town were just as grey as they had always been, sunshine being a rarity but never an unwanted sight to be had. The air was blanketed in what could only be described as a heavy fog as it drifted down the streets. Giving it a somewhat eery appearance. Due to it still being rather early in this small town, life hadn't exactly kick started itself for the day just yet. As stores were slowly beginning to open their doors for the day. Students and workers walking down the stretch of side-walk as they made their commute, whatever it may have been for. But the energy that this day seemed to always hold was equally as heavy as the fog that hang about the air. Seeing as it was the twentieth anniversary since 'The Accident'.

An accident, Eden mused to themself. A god damn accident doesn't eviscerate a child. Anyone and everyone who was in the woods that night knew it wasn't a god damn accident. Whether they wanted to admit it or not. An accident doesn't cause a child to be nearly torn to pieces, and be enough cause for a closed casket to be needed for a god damn eight-year old. It was some sort of fucked cover-up on the police's end, and everyone knew it. The cops in this damn town cared more about saving their own asses and sweeping it under the rug, than bringing the dark truth to light. The truth that what happened that night, wasn't normal nor natural. That something had caused a child to die a brutal death like Sam Mathers had. And something or at least someone had to have been responsible for what happened to the others. Kids don't just become unable to control themselves. Kids don't all just have a panic attack and all go unconcious all at once, like some kind of hive-mind mentality. There was no logical explanation.

Yet, the cops swept it under the rug and treated it like any other investigation. They were nothing more than children who needed real help. Psychological and mental help. Not just a pat on the back and an 'It's gonna be okay'. That doesn't help repair a broken mind of an impressionable child. And the fact that everyone in this town, had gone back to their old ways within a few months. None of it made sense, not even to the ones who were literal children at the time. The remaining kids knew it was wrong. That something was wrong, but they were more or less silenced. And for what? Cuz they knew the truth? None of it made sense...

Eden stood alone as their eyes looked almost glazed over. Tears having since long stained their cheeks. Eden rubbed their face once more, finally wiping away their nearly dried tears from their darkened, hazel green eyes. They were kneeling down in front of a small headstone that was under a medium sized pine tree, a bit off from the rest of the headstones that littered the cemetery. Their eyes scanned over the carved lettering into the old and gray stone:

In Loving Memory
Samantha Lily-Rose Mathers

Eden could feel that all too familiar burning sensation start up behind their eyes once more as their hands trembled as they were down by their sides. It wasn't right. Sam should have been here beside all of them. She should have been allowed to grown up. She should have graduated like the rest of them. Should have been able to have been to fall in love and experienced life. Even for all of the shitty aspects of life, they were all worth it. It wasn't fair that one of them wasn't here, while everyone else was still alive, wherever they may have been. Eden felt their chest tighten as tears streamed down their eyes once more, tightening their fists once more. Taking a deep breath as they slowly tilted their head upwards, the sun shining down on their pale skin as the sun peaked out from behind graying clouds. "You de-deserve to be here, Sammy..." Eden mumbled softly, keeping their eyes closed as they felt a soft gust of wind scrape across their skin. With a heavy intake of breath, Eden retrieved their black sunglasses from their jacket's pockets and put them on, slowly looking around as they could once more sense as if someone was watching them.

But like usual, Eden braced themself as they turned to face whatever was spying on them from afar, but there was nothing there. "It's fine, E-Eden...It's f-fine." they reassured themself, rubbing their hands together in the cold October air. Eden glanced down at the headstone once more, gently pressing their palm against the cold stone, closing their eyes once more as they said a few silent words to themself and got back up to their feet. Nearly towering over the small grave, shaking their head as they let out a sigh. "'Till ne-next year, Sam..." they said softly. Clicking their tongue, and there was a chirp as a small, brown form bounded towards them, rubbing against their leg. "Let's get some br-breakfast hm, S-Seb?", Eden questioned the small otter that was on a lead, and turned on their heels, heading back towards the entrance of the cemetery. But not before seeing a few familiar faces at the front gate of the cemetery.

Eden stopped and paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as they looked at the family, "I-I hope you've be-been well." they stuttered out. A nervous tick that they still hadn't ever been able to break. Even after all these years, Eden was never able to break their stutter when talking to other people.

The older man within the group gave them a kind smile as he stepped forward, gently enveloping Eden in a soft hug, "We have, Eden. Thank you. How have...How have you been?" Ezekiel asked with a kind smile, stepping back once the hug came to an end. Eden returned his smile with a small one of their own. "I'm alright. Th-thank you, Mr. Ma-Mathers." Eden sheepishly dug their shoe into the partially frozen dirt below. The younger male who was standing next to his father gave them a gentle smile, "It's good to see you always, 'Ed. You could come 'round the house sometime." Kyle commented, "-But, there's no pressure. Just letting you know you can always stop by, if you ever needed anything, of course." Alexandra smiled at her son's comment, "What he's trying to say is, there's no need to make a stranger of yourself, hun. You're always welcome to our home. Always have, always will." the woman reassured with a warm smile that met her eyes.

Eden smiled nervously as they dug their hands into their pockets, nodding slightly in response. "I app-ppreciate it. Th-thank you." Eden began to turn to leave, but stopped half way before turning back to face them, "I might t-take you up on th-that sometime. I'll l-let you get back to your v-visit." Eden nodded once more, the family simply nodded and gave the young blond a gentle smile and carried on about their day as they parted. As Eden walked away, they took a deep breath. That small voice whispering in their ear begining once more. Eden needed to get their mind off of things, but before they could do that they knew they'd need to get something to eat and headed off in the general direction to where the local diner was. They didn't have work as they always got this day off from it, for obvious reasons. Something they appreciated about the Mathers. They gave everyone that worked at the store the day off. They'd need time with things today, just like they always did every time this day came around for the past ten years. Today was like no other, or at least that's what Eden thought. But for now, Eden planned to get some food for them and their roommates, and head back home. Where they'd do nothing at all for the rest of the day, if they were lucky and didn't get roped into their roommates usual bullshit...