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Eden Ackerman

"When the dreamer dies, what happens to the dream?"

0 · 434 views · located in Gravity Falls, Maine

a character in “Gravity Falls: Awakening”, as played by Wolf's Bane109



"When I'm awake, I hide all the chains so you aren't afraid."

The Hurt, The Hope | Once In A Dream | The Two Tongues (Screaming Salvation) | Trauma | When We Were Young | Happy Pills | Bad Habits | Voices


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Eden Liles Ackerman

Blondie (Most common), 'Ed' (Jokingly)

March 15th


The Stoner

Homoromantic, Demisexual


Gravity Falls, Maine



H E I G H T & W E I G H T
5' 7" | 126lbs

Having a creamy pale complexion, naturally dark hair (But platinum blond when dyed), sharp features and an often intimidating demeanor, Eden takes on after both their mother and father. There is an undeniable bit of masculinity among their features, but Eden was never bothered by it. In fact, there is something handsomely dark but beautiful about the way Eden looks. People tend to say that their eyes can be hypnotic, two slightly dull orbs, a mix of moss green and honey. Holding your gaze until you break eye contact. Eden's by no means unnattractive, least by most people's standards. But Eden sees theirself as nothing more than average and carries themself about to the beat of their own drum, never really caring how they're viewed by others.

Eden has countless tattoos that they have garnered over the years. Most of which are covered due to their choice in clothing, but most notably the ones that are visible half the time are the one behind their ear, and the three on either forearms. As for piercings, Eden has 8mm gages in either earlobe, and a small platinum hoop nose ring that they've had since they were sixteen.


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- Photography - Drawing/Sketching - Modern and Loud, overly bassy Music - Cannabis - Alcohol (Particularly whiskey) - Sweets (Especially Dark Chocolate) - Reading - Studying History - Romance - Physical Contact - Lowkey Flirtation - Computer Sciences - Animals (Has a soft spot for cats & Dogs) - Warm blankets - Tea (specifically honey) - Candles - Spicy foods - Sleeping in late - Morning Sunrise - Smell of pine - Burning incense - Disney movies (often seen and heard quoting and singing them at work) - Big/Oversized hoodies - Binging Netflix -

- Darkness - Overt Silence - Blood - Gore - Anything particularly horror focused - Being sober - Beer (Too bitter) - Being cold - Smell of old, burning charcoal - Cheap Cigarettes - Smell of stale beer - Certain aftershaves - Closed in/Tight places - Loud or sudden noises - People arguing - Their family's reputation -



From the Eden that people see, and the Eden that so few people actually know, lies an endless mystery. Even to those that they once called their best friends. You see, when prominent 'Resting Bitch Face' and a severe case of 'Lock Jaw', combined with how one dresses and presents themselves like Eden does it's not so much of a surprise that not many people ever tend to really know them. Whenever one looks at Eden, they tend to think that they're pissed off and angry with just about anything and everything. From the constant furrowed brows, tensed jaw, and occasionally mumbling to themself incoharently, people have come to refer to Eden as nothing more than the 'Town's Loser' and 'Low-life'. Typically seen avoiding any and all eye contact with people, coming across as chronically annoyed, mixed with an appearence that causes most people to be on edge. To say that Eden is the local black sheep among Gravity Falls is putting it very lightly.

Often times coming across as an asshole to most people they know, mainly due to mumbling out answers to people's questions, or ignoring people all together aside from giving small random gestures or shrugs in response. Eden truly never was the town's favorite resident, and they're fully aware of it. Parents often bringing their children to their side whenever Eden is walking about town, due to their all dressed in black, riddled in questionable tattoos, and over all 'grumpy' behaviour. Eden usually spends most of their time alone, and it never seems to be put into question or bothered. So people let them be.

But that's just what people see on the outside when they simply look at Eden, without really looking at them. If people really took a moment to give Eden a chance or even more than five seconds, the real Eden would be seen within seconds. Their clenched jaw and avoidance of people, is nothing more than them being a bundle of nerves that's about to explode from anxiety and lack of social skills. Always afraid of saying the wrong thing or making the wrong impression. The avoidance of looking others in the eye and mumbled responses? Eden's too afraid to look at people directly due to the shadow people and voices they hear. The whispering and vague responses? Force of habit as they're trying to ignore the voices they hear from all around them. From those who have asked Eden why they don't really talk or look at others, they've been given this as a response, "When everything is just so loud in your mind, it sort of just over-powers you. Making you feel smaller than you really are, and you become too afraid to speak."

While Eden's stand-offish and awkward way of being is a constant and their default of being, deep down, all Eden wants is it all to stop. All the voices, the things they see from the corner of their eyes or down a dark hallway or in a room as they turn a corner before it's gone. Eden just wants it all to stop. Everything is so much louder in their world, and they're afraid it will never end. Eden knows how to put on a brave face and act like things are fine, often shrugging off their own feelings and insecurities so they can worry about someone else. But in reality, Eden is nothing more than that scared little child from all those years ago. They were brought into this world not having much of a chance at life anyway, and ever since that fateful night twenty years ago, Eden has had to form walls and barriers. Pretend that everything is okay. Maybe if they take one more hit or take one more trip, the voices will stop. But in reality, Eden knows the truth, no drug is truly able to make it stop. It'll only prevent the inevitable and one day, Eden knows they'll have to face those demons and skeletons in the closet and one day they hope they'll be able to do it sober, but they doubt that day will ever come...




The first thing that anyone from a small town knows, is that people talk. And when people talk, news and rumors spread all too fast. Before they quickly begin to muddle and blur between what actually happened, and the truth. So when rumors spread around town that Eden was actually the product of an affair, whether it was whispers spread due to jealousy, or the unkind truth, no one is exactly sure. But that was cause enough to cause more than enough tension in the Ackerman home when Eden was only four years old.

If that itself wasn't bad enough, Eden was known to be the only child of one of the local families. Specifically, the Ackerman family. Tyler and Julian Ackerman had been high school sweethearts and eloped not too long after graduating high school, and barely a year later, Eden was born. Life was simple enough in the small town, as Eden was an only child for most of their life, until their parents had a second child when Eden was eleven, but was immediately put into foster care due to the situations at home. (Due to the issues at the home, Eden has never made it known to their sibling that they're related, but has been involved in her life, otherwise). But their early years were indeed worrisome, seeing as their father was an unemployed drunk who was known to be abusive, and their mother worked at one of the local bars to keep a roof over their heads.

Between the fighting between their parents, late night screaming matches and things being thrown around the house, Eden had one way of escapism from reality. That came in the form of their neighbour and friend, Sam Mathers. She was only two years older than Eden, but the two hit it off immediately. Wherever Eden was, Sam wasn't too far behind, and visa versa. Often times being referred to as 'Soul Mates' by both parents in either family. So, when the day came that Sam was nowhere to be seen, Eden had rounded up the rest of their young friend group and they decided to go track their friend down. Which, knowing Sam would have probably been in the woods. Seeing as she always had a pattern of running off and playing in the woods, just like the town-kids always did.

Everything was normal that day when they arrived, but it didn't take very long for things to spiral into pure terror and horror. The events that happened that night had left nine kids traumatized beyond repair, and one dead. Some of the children entirely unable to speak about it ever again, and those who were able to talk about it were called crazy, like Eden was labeled after they were questioned by police in the weeks following the sudden death. Eden was qustioned more intensely than some of the others, due to their connection to Sam, as well as them being one of the one who were able to talk about what they saw, no matter how fractured and nonsenicle it may have been. They were just a child, after all.

But that was when the nightmares started. It began slowly and in small bursts. Nights where Eden would run to their mother crying about a bad dream. To eventually saying how they thought there were monsters in their closet or under their bed. To eventually having constant, chronic nightmares. By the time that Eden was twelve years old, they were sent to be tested for any mental health issues after the accident in the woods. Which turned up with results of PTSD, anxiety, depression and possibly even visual and auditory hallucinations. Which was immediately written off for needing medication and that was the help they got. Being handed a bottle of pills when they were a pre-teen, a pat on the back and a 'Good luck' by the therapists from the next town over.

That was the begining of their spiral. The medication seemed to work for the first three months, but then there was a night where Eden could have sworn that they saw something in their room. That shadowy figuring crawling towards them from the foot of their bed, who hovered over them routinely. And after six more months of seeing this figure, That was when the voices only got worse. For literal years, Eden silently bore the burden of seeing and hearing things from then on. Often being bullied and tormented for the way they talked, as they had developed a stutter in their early years.

When they were fourteen, they experienced their first assault by a group of students while walking home. The group of boys followed them home, mocking them about hearing and seeing things, imitating their stutter, and some even made rude remarks about their mother and father. Eden pushed passed them and had spent the rest of the day sobbing behind a locked door as their parents argued late into the night, with another one of their screaming matches. Through teary eyes, that's when they saw it. Or more precisely her. Eden didn't recognize who the young female was, but the moment they noticed her, she was gone. Just as quickly as she must have appeared.

A few more years passed. Years filled with voices, seeing things darting down halls and tormenting their every waking hour. Mixed with the stresses of home life and their parents who were on the verge of divorce, and their ever slipping grades. Eden just couldn't take it anymore, and shortly after their sixteenth birthday, they dropped out of school and never turned back. Which, if Eden had known what it would have led to, they never would have done it.

It wasn't long after their dropping out of school that they really delved into experimenting with substances. Anything from simple cannabis, to psychedelics. The latter of the two only seemed to make things worse with the shadow-folk and voices. But the cannabis? Oh that sweet, sweet delight had helped make everything disapear. Eden quickly noticed that they couldn't hear the voices anymore or didn't see the shadows popping up wherever they went. They had finally found their salvation. But as the years went on and drug experiments, Eden had finally hit their breaking point.

One day after coming home after their late shift at the Mystery Shack, they found their mother on the kitchen floor. They immediately called for the police, but even by the time they had gotten to her body, they realized it was already too late. After the emergency services had taken the body away and questioned Eden, it was revealed that their mother had overdosed on something. They just didn't know what it was. With their father having seemingly disapearing into thin air to have never been seen again, Eden didn't know what to do with themselves from that point forward.

It was only during one of their shifts at work that they received a call from Elliot, and fould themselves rushing him to the hospital as one of their coworkers drove Eden's car. From that point forward, Eden had taken the reins on being the mom friend between the two of them. Having spent weeks looking after Elliot until he was better, all up until the point he too left Gravity Falls. Leaving them behind.

That was eight years ago, and now that Eden is twenty six years old, still working at the Mystery Shack, and even living in one of the back rooms that they turned into their own bedroom, it's safe to say that Eden never left. Unlike most of the others who high-tailed it out of town as soon as they could, Eden felt like something was keeping them in Gravity Falls. Whether it was the survivors guilt since that night, the memories of Sam keeping them from leaving, or the fact that they were still a god damn coward, well Eden's not sure either. But it's been two decades since that night transpired, since they lost their other half and best friend. Their soul mate, well, Eden doesn't imagine they'd be making it that much longer in this damned town. Eden's bet is on the substances taking them out first, if not the immense guilt they feel over what happened the night Sam died. The real reason why they turned to drugs in the first place. The reason why they can't stand to hear those voices anymore, or see those damned ghosts from their past. It's all been slowly eating away at Eden every day since then, and they know eventually the truth will spill out and they don't want that day to ever come...



O T H E R / G H O S T S
Before that night ever took place in the woods, Eden was like any other kid. Nothing special or outstanding about them. They were just your average, every day kid. But after that night, everything changed. They started hearing voices wherever they went. If a room was silent, they could hear soft, disembodied voices in their ears. The voices started out small, but as time went on, it only got worse. The voices never stopped, never left. So, when Eden was offered a blunt at a party, they thought nothing of it. But after that, things changed once more. The voices stopped. Muddled out due to the affects of the drugs, and Eden had found their sanctuary and therapy. As long as they weren't sober, everything was right with the world. It was only when they were around eighteen that the shadows started to come back again. It started out small enough. Usually just thinking they saw things or imagined it. Just like they were told. But when they started seeing full body apparitions at the foot of their bed at night, or could see figures following them down hallways or the town's streets, Eden's dependency on drugs only grew worse. They were growing desperate for a fix to keep the demons from their past at bay. Varying drugs and substances later, and after one hellof a bad acid trip, Eden knew they had to come back from it. Going to rehab for six months, forced to be sober, was absolute hell for them. But after they came back to Gravity Falls, they started working at The Mystery Shack once more, occasionally dabbling in smoking again. But with the 'shadow people' looming back over Eden once more, things may only have gotten worse once more...

Drawing & Sketching, Eden always has some sort of pen and notebook nearby | Musical Instruments (namely guitar & drums)

Loyalty, Eden is beyond loyal to their friends | Clear Headed, before Eden started smoking they were severely anxiety ridden, but since then, they've never been more clear headed in their life

Drug dependency, for over a decade now Eden has been struggling with various substances | Nightmares, even with the amount of time they're nowhere near sober, it never seems to stop the memories from returning | Self blame, Eden blames themself for that night and hasn't been able to forgive themself since | Severe Insomnia, ever since they began seeing shadow-people and hearing voices, Eden has always suffered with sleepless nights, especially when sober


So begins...

Eden Ackerman's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Miles Stevens Character Portrait: Eva Conrad
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0.25 INK

Welcome to, Gravity Falls...


Eden Ackerman
the stoner | outfit | #0e849e
Once in a dream I thought
I could keep you safe forever
You held on to me
A beautiful scene
I still remember

8:00am October 25th, 2021
Twenty years after 'The Accident.'

It had been twenty years to the date since that ever fateful day in the local woods that outlined the small town of Gravity Falls. Twenty years since a group of children had discovered the remains of, what could only be assumed to have been their friend, Sam Mathers. Twenty years since six children were left scarred for life by whatever they saw and experienced out in those woods, and one child who wasn't allowed to grow up. And twenty years since a heavy weight fell over the town. Almost as if a curse had befallen the people who lived there. But that's just stories, right?

The skies above this small forest town were just as grey as they had always been, sunshine being a rarity but never an unwanted sight to be had. The air was blanketed in what could only be described as a heavy fog as it drifted down the streets. Giving it a somewhat eery appearance. Due to it still being rather early in this small town, life hadn't exactly kick started itself for the day just yet. As stores were slowly beginning to open their doors for the day. Students and workers walking down the stretch of side-walk as they made their commute, whatever it may have been for. But the energy that this day seemed to always hold was equally as heavy as the fog that hang about the air. Seeing as it was the twentieth anniversary since 'The Accident'.

An accident, Eden mused to themself. A god damn accident doesn't eviscerate a child. Anyone and everyone who was in the woods that night knew it wasn't a god damn accident. Whether they wanted to admit it or not. An accident doesn't cause a child to be nearly torn to pieces, and be enough cause for a closed casket to be needed for a god damn eight-year old. It was some sort of fucked cover-up on the police's end, and everyone knew it. The cops in this damn town cared more about saving their own asses and sweeping it under the rug, than bringing the dark truth to light. The truth that what happened that night, wasn't normal nor natural. That something had caused a child to die a brutal death like Sam Mathers had. And something or at least someone had to have been responsible for what happened to the others. Kids don't just become unable to control themselves. Kids don't all just have a panic attack and all go unconcious all at once, like some kind of hive-mind mentality. There was no logical explanation.

Yet, the cops swept it under the rug and treated it like any other investigation. They were nothing more than children who needed real help. Psychological and mental help. Not just a pat on the back and an 'It's gonna be okay'. That doesn't help repair a broken mind of an impressionable child. And the fact that everyone in this town, had gone back to their old ways within a few months. None of it made sense, not even to the ones who were literal children at the time. The remaining kids knew it was wrong. That something was wrong, but they were more or less silenced. And for what? Cuz they knew the truth? None of it made sense...

Eden stood alone as their eyes looked almost glazed over. Tears having since long stained their cheeks. Eden rubbed their face once more, finally wiping away their nearly dried tears from their darkened, hazel green eyes. They were kneeling down in front of a small headstone that was under a medium sized pine tree, a bit off from the rest of the headstones that littered the cemetery. Their eyes scanned over the carved lettering into the old and gray stone:

In Loving Memory
Samantha Lily-Rose Mathers

Eden could feel that all too familiar burning sensation start up behind their eyes once more as their hands trembled as they were down by their sides. It wasn't right. Sam should have been here beside all of them. She should have been allowed to grown up. She should have graduated like the rest of them. Should have been able to have been to fall in love and experienced life. Even for all of the shitty aspects of life, they were all worth it. It wasn't fair that one of them wasn't here, while everyone else was still alive, wherever they may have been. Eden felt their chest tighten as tears streamed down their eyes once more, tightening their fists once more. Taking a deep breath as they slowly tilted their head upwards, the sun shining down on their pale skin as the sun peaked out from behind graying clouds. "You de-deserve to be here, Sammy..." Eden mumbled softly, keeping their eyes closed as they felt a soft gust of wind scrape across their skin. With a heavy intake of breath, Eden retrieved their black sunglasses from their jacket's pockets and put them on, slowly looking around as they could once more sense as if someone was watching them.

But like usual, Eden braced themself as they turned to face whatever was spying on them from afar, but there was nothing there. "It's fine, E-Eden...It's f-fine." they reassured themself, rubbing their hands together in the cold October air. Eden glanced down at the headstone once more, gently pressing their palm against the cold stone, closing their eyes once more as they said a few silent words to themself and got back up to their feet. Nearly towering over the small grave, shaking their head as they let out a sigh. "'Till ne-next year, Sam..." they said softly. Clicking their tongue, and there was a chirp as a small, brown form bounded towards them, rubbing against their leg. "Let's get some br-breakfast hm, S-Seb?", Eden questioned the small otter that was on a lead, and turned on their heels, heading back towards the entrance of the cemetery. But not before seeing a few familiar faces at the front gate of the cemetery.

Eden stopped and paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as they looked at the family, "I-I hope you've be-been well." they stuttered out. A nervous tick that they still hadn't ever been able to break. Even after all these years, Eden was never able to break their stutter when talking to other people.

The older man within the group gave them a kind smile as he stepped forward, gently enveloping Eden in a soft hug, "We have, Eden. Thank you. How have...How have you been?" Ezekiel asked with a kind smile, stepping back once the hug came to an end. Eden returned his smile with a small one of their own. "I'm alright. Th-thank you, Mr. Ma-Mathers." Eden sheepishly dug their shoe into the partially frozen dirt below. The younger male who was standing next to his father gave them a gentle smile, "It's good to see you always, 'Ed. You could come 'round the house sometime." Kyle commented, "-But, there's no pressure. Just letting you know you can always stop by, if you ever needed anything, of course." Alexandra smiled at her son's comment, "What he's trying to say is, there's no need to make a stranger of yourself, hun. You're always welcome to our home. Always have, always will." the woman reassured with a warm smile that met her eyes.

Eden smiled nervously as they dug their hands into their pockets, nodding slightly in response. "I app-ppreciate it. Th-thank you." Eden began to turn to leave, but stopped half way before turning back to face them, "I might t-take you up on th-that sometime. I'll l-let you get back to your v-visit." Eden nodded once more, the family simply nodded and gave the young blond a gentle smile and carried on about their day as they parted. As Eden walked away, they took a deep breath. That small voice whispering in their ear begining once more. Eden needed to get their mind off of things, but before they could do that they knew they'd need to get something to eat and headed off in the general direction to where the local diner was. They didn't have work as they always got this day off from it, for obvious reasons. Something they appreciated about the Mathers. They gave everyone that worked at the store the day off. They'd need time with things today, just like they always did every time this day came around for the past ten years. Today was like no other, or at least that's what Eden thought. But for now, Eden planned to get some food for them and their roommates, and head back home. Where they'd do nothing at all for the rest of the day, if they were lucky and didn't get roped into their roommates usual bullshit...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Eva Conrad
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5.00 INK

elliot fox
the outcast. outfit. #96909c.
they're better off without you,
cause a scene like you're supposed to
they'll fall asleep without you
you're lucky if your memory remains

If he was being completely honest, Elliot would have rather not been in town on that day of all days. Being home was going to be hard enough as it was without being there on the anniversary. But the way everything had shaped up, it was the only day he could arrive. His parents weren't around either. It was Steve and his mom's fifth anniversary, and they'd had a non-refundable cruise booked. It did at least mean he had his childhood home to himself, but he wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

Town had hardly changed since the last time he'd been home. Hell, it had hardly changed since he'd left. He was sure that it was a comfort to some, but it just left him feeling uneasy. Things were supposed to change. His neighborhood on the outskirts of LA seemed to change every time he left for a tour. But here he was, home for the longest time in seven and a half years, and nothing had changed. Except him, he reminded himself. He didn't have to be the same person he'd been back then. He wouldn't be that person.

He'd never been able to sleep on planes, and even though his flight was an overnight one, that didn't change. He'd rented a car and driven up himself, so he knew he should have been exhausted by the time he was dumping his bags on his bed. He should have been ready to pass out. But instead, he felt wide awake, too anxious to even think about sleeping. Was this a good idea? Had any of this been a good idea? He tried lying down on the bed in the hope his body would win out over his brain, but after ten minutes of staring at the ceiling, sleep feeling as far away as ever, he figured it was futile. So, instead, he decided to go for breakfast.

The diner had always been the best place in town to get breakfast after a long night, and while the unchanging nature of Gravity Falls freaked him out a little, that was the one thing he hoped hadn't changed. As he approached the diner, he spotted a familiar figure a short distance away. Somebody he'd only seen over screens for the past year and a half, since he'd managed to avoid coming home last Christmas. He grinned and began making his way over to them. They hadn't spotted him yet, by the looks of things. He had some witty comment in his head, ready to say to catch their attention, when, at the last moment, he spotted the animal they had on their leash.

"Is that a freaking otter?" he said as he reached Eden, almost without realising it. Then he grinned at them. "Hi."

eva conrad
the journalist. outfit. #ebb13a.
she's a killer queen
gunpowder, gelatine
dynamite with a laser beam
guaranteed to blow your mind

"On the surface, Gravity Falls seems just like any other town this far out in the woods. It's... quirky. But not in a bad way. The people are pleasant. A little... strange, perhaps, but pleasant. Truth be told, for most people, it's hard to tell if they're genuinely strange, or if it's an act that they're putting on. Gravity Falls' only tourist attractions is the lake and a charming establishment known as... the Mystery Shack. Gravity Falls' brand is that of the weird and the mysterious, so it makes sense that the people would be the same. But there's an undercurrent of... something else. Something... darker. I met a detective this week investigating a cold case from twenty years ago. His name is Detective Mason Cartwright, and I spoke with him yesterday about why he's here."

Eva clicked the stop button and groaned, stretching. The first episode of Orbiting was supposed to be coming out the next day, and Eva was still trying to get everything recorded and edited. Because she had plenty of experience in editing and putting shows together, she'd volunteered to do the bulk of the editing as well, with her producer doing any final tweaks and touch-ups. It had possibly been a little too much work to take on, but she wasn't backing down now. It just meant several early mornings and late nights. She, at least, had all of the interviews she needed recorded, it was just scripting and recording her own thoughts.

She'd already been at her desk recording takes for almost forty minutes, and she needed food. Being told, she didn't entirely trust the bed and breakfast's breakfast offerings, so instead, she sent a text to Vi.

To: Vi
wanted: recommendations for the best breakfast in town. reward: i buy you breakfast in return.

She'd been so glad when she'd arrived into town to discover Vi was also around. Knowing just one person in town made it so much easier to settle in and start to find out information. It meant that she got all the best insider knowledge and gossip, as well as having someone to grab a few drinks with in the evenings. Her phone buzzed with a reply from Vi.

From: Vi
“Best breakfast is a place that doesn't normally sell it! La Cocina de Serrano, I will meet you at the front door, I have connections ;)”

Eva grinned, grabbing her bag and slinging it onto her shoulder, before heading out to meet Vi.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox
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0.00 INK

Eden Ackerman
the stoner | outfit | #0e849e
Once in a dream I thought
I could keep you safe forever
You held on to me
A beautiful scene
I still remember

Eden had been semi-out of things as they walked down the side-walk, having taken out their ear-buds and put one ear in, keeping another one on alert incase anything happened around them that they needed to react to around them. Occasionally mindnessly skipping songs that were on shuffle until they found one they liked in that moment, looking through a few different apps, liking a few posts or sent some memes to some of their friends. Just anything to keep their mind preoccupied from those damn voices. The cool autumn air that scraped across their skin as they walked was a welcoming thing. While there wasn't much that Eden looked forward to around Gravity Falls, they always managed to somehow enjoy the ever so small things. The crunch of fallen leaves under their every step, the sound and sensation of wind against their ear, and the smell of fall that filled the air. It was small things that like this, that made living in this ghost town bearable. Even when at times Eden wished that wasn't the case. Maybe if they had left when everyone else did, things could have gotten better. Maybe exploring the world and doing something at the very least would have been better than continuing to wallow in their own misery for twenty years. Yet here they still were.

Doing the same old shit, every god damn day. Never going anywhere, never progressing. Always in the same old cycle. It was like no matter how hard they tried, they were stuck in some endless sort of limbo. Being how they were wasn't exactly helping either, and Eden knew it. Never breaking out of their shell, keeping to the same group of people. Hell, it was even a miracle that they ever interacted with Ashir. Then again, it was only because he was their newest roommate. But that wasn't to say Eden had anything against the guy, rather the opposite. However unexpected his arrival was, it wasn't unwelcomed. If anything, it was a pleasant surprise. Someone that didn't know who Eden was, didn't really know their past. And they preffered to keep it that way. Then again, news travels all too fast in a small town, so it was only a certain amount of time until word got around to the guy. Oh well, not much that they could do.

Eden was only shaken out of their thoughts when they heard someone call out to them. It took them a few moments to process not only the words, but the voice. That sneaky son of a bitch, were the only thoughts before they turned on their heels, and sure enough. There he was. In all of his god damn, blue-haired glory. "You be-beautiful son on a bi-bitch-" were the only words Eden got out before they had practically flung themselves at Elliot. Embracing him into a tight hug, which would have otherwise taken them both down to the ground if Elliot hadn't been expecting it. This was more or less routine for them at this point. Elliot showing up out of nowhere, and Eden tackling him with a hug.

After taking a moment to take in the moment, Eden finally broke away from the hug, taking a few steps back and patted down their clothing. Blinking for a moment as their brain took a moment to process what was asked. Looking down and quickly scooping up the small creature, "His na-name is Se-Se-Sebastian. Th-thank you ve-very much." Eden teased, before gently placing a kiss on the otter's head. Scratching under his chin for a moment, before turning on their heels as the two of them started to walk again. Eden paused for a moment, looking at Elliot. "Should have t-told me you'd b-be co-coming. Would have d-done somethin' sp-special." Eden smiled gently, turning back ahead of them.

Eden nodded in response after Elliot spoke, eyeing him up for a moment. If they could venture a guess, he was beyond tired and clearly hadn't eaten anything in hours. If they could place a bet, he arrived to town and didn't do much before running into them. "Br-breakfast, is o-on me. C-come on then, Ell. No Arguments." they gestured with their head, indicating the way that they had both been heading to anyway. Eden mindlylessly fidgeted with the rings that they had on their left hand. "How...Ho-how have yo-you been? I kn-know you'be be-been worki-ing on an al-album, right?" Eden already knew the answer to that. They had been keeping up with his social medias and everything in between for years. But they were more or less desperate to keep the awkward silence from sticking around for too long. Anything to keep their mind and ears off of those damned voices would help.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Miles Stevens
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille

Miles Stevens
the de-facto leader | #6C021B

Miles Stevens was used to his morning routine by now. Being a teacher it was the same kind of morning every day, except for this one. It was the anniversary of Sam's death and even after 20 years, he took it a bit different than he should be. Miles could never sleep the night before, because when he closed his eyes he was reminded of everything he saw that day. It was something he didn't even like to talk about with the therapist.

It reminded him everyday that there was something out there in Gravity Falls, but he never could figure out what or why it went after Sam. Not many other incidents like it have ever been reported, so the question kept lingering around in his head, Why Sam?

He groaned as he got out of bed. He got ready for the day and just automatically turned off his phone not wanting to deal with it. Almost as if it were autopilot he made his way out to the edge of the forest to stare at it for awhile. What was it about Gravity Falls? What made it easy for people to come crawling back? Miles sighed as he tried to peel back the layers of the forest to maybe get some sense of clarity, but that would never happen. Part of him wanted to go further into the forest and just sit at the spot where they found Sam.

His fingers moved in a way that made him want to wrap around the a cylinder container, but there was none on him. The itch and the crave to have something was there. Miles felt extremely irritated now and just began to walk away from the situation, decided to get some coffee and a breakfast bagel before he had to head to the school.

His walk wasn't too long and it was rather peaceful. When he got up to the diner doors, he opened then and walked in. As he placed his order to go, he couldn't help, but see two familiar people sitting at a booth together. Eden and Elliot. He walked up to the two of them with a big goofy grin on his face.

"Yo, wassup guys! I haven't seen either of you for a hot minute." Miles said same grin continued to be plastered on his face, "How's the Mystery Shack, Ed? Also sick music bro." Miles spoke and near the end he lifted up a closed fist towards Elliot. He understood it may not be Elliot's thing, but it had been so long the guy was just excited beyond words.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Miles Stevens
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0.00 INK

Eden Ackerman
The Stoner | Attire | hex: #0e849e
Elliot Fox
The Outcast | Attire | hex:#96909c

Elliot knew by this point to brace himself for Eden’s hugs. Truth be told, they were one of the things he loved most about coming home. Talking over screens and through texts was nice, but it couldn’t beat a proper, in person hug from your best friend. He laughed as Eden stepped back and introduced their otter, and he reached out to scratch the otter lightly on the top of his head.

He shrugged as Eden said he should have said he was coming. “Truth be told, I… don’t think I was fully sure I was coming until I stepped onto that plane, and maybe not even then,” he admitted. “Only reason I even told Mom and Steve was so they wouldn’t move the spare key without telling me,” he added, laughing. The offer of breakfast was greatly appreciated. “I dare not argue,” he replied.

He shrugged as Eden asked how he was. “Okay. Our last tour was amazing but, holy shit, did I crash hard after,” he said. “I think I slept for about twenty hours when I got home and was like a zombie for a week after.” He nodded as Eden asked about the album. “Yeah, it’s in the early stages. That’s… actually why I’m back. I’m gonna spend a few weeks here, get some writing done, get some demos recorded. LA is great, but this felt like an album that should be written here, you know?” He said.

“How about you? The Mystery Shack is still as weird and as overpriced as ever, right?” He asked with a grin.

Eden nodded back in response as Elliot said he wasn’t even sure if he was gonna be coming back to town, which, honestly Eden couldn’t blame him. Gravity Falls hadn’t exactly felt like home in years, among countless reasons.

A small chuckle escaped their lips as Elliot went on to explain why he even told his mom and her fiance, which reminded them about the wedding. Eden had almost forgotten Elliot told them about it months ago.

At the mention of the band’s tour, Eden gave another nod, they had kept up with everything through twitter and instagram. If they weren’t at work, Eden was most likely stalking their friends’ social media. Vicariously living through them, if they had to be honest, which was a bit pathetic, to admit that fact.

“I-I thought I re-remembered ri-right.” Eden chuckled a bit, keeping their eyes forward, away from Elliot. There was nothing more that Eden wanted, was to be able to look Elliot in the face, and truly be able to see him in person. But yet, the only way they even really had a proper way of knowing what he looked like, was through pictures and videos online. And while he was standing directly next to them, Eden couldn’t look at him for barely a few seconds before having to look away. Eden didn’t know what was worse, not being able to even look your friend in the eye when you spoke to them, or only being able to do so across a screen. Pathetic, honestly.

Eden shook their head at his question, a small chuckle escaping their lips before speaking, “Always.” Eden retorted. “A-and of c-course, same w-with me.” Eden pointed at themself. “Weird a-as ev-ever.” Eden gently nudged Elliot’s arm for a moment, before looking up and realizing they were already at the diner, stepping up and opening the door, “A-age before bea-beauty-” they teased and gestured for Elliot to enter the diner.

Elliot smiled as Eden confirmed that things had hardly changed and that things were as weird as ever. “Honestly, I think I’d be kinda disappointed at this point if it wasn’t,” he admitted, laughing a little. He raised an eyebrow as Eden indicated for him to enter the diner first. “I’m younger than you, asshole,” he joked, but stepped inside.

“Whatever-” Eden playfully pushed him through the door and walked in after him. As it was still rather early and a Friday, not many people were out just yet. Which was a good thing. Meant less possible voices they could avoid today. Thank the gods.

There weren’t that many people in the diner, and their usual booth was free. He slid into the booth. They hadn’t been there that long when a familiar voice reached them. He glanced up and grinned as he saw Miles. He hadn’t seen Miles in years, and it was good to see him again. He seemed to be doing well.

“Thanks, dude. Good to see you,” he said, bumping Miles’ knuckle with his own.

They both took a seat at their usual booth they had been using for years. All the way back in high school, they’d always sit in the back-most booth, beside the window. Rarely ever did the diner get so full, they’d usually be left alone so they could talk openly and not be overheard by anyone they didn’t want listening.

It was only a few minutes later that Eden heard a familiar voice, barely taking a glance to look at him. Eden didn’t know why but whenever they looked at Miles, he was surrounded by shadows. It never sat right with them, and still didn’t.

Eden glanced up quickly at Miles and gave a simple, “H-hi Miles.” before looking back down. Clearing their throat before taking a sip of water. Eden raised their eyebrows at that old childhood nickname for them. They honestly hated that one in particular the most. “It-it’s good. The usual.” they gave a small shrug of their shoulders. “D-day off so, y-ya know...Hope y-you’re doing w-well.” they looked up at him for the briefest of moments, and immediately a chill went down their spine. Eden averted their gaze from Miles once more, and hoped that Elliot would get the hint to hopefully distract him.

After being friends for this long, Elliot hardly even noticed the fact that Eden couldn’t quite meet anyone’s gaze or even look them in the face any more. It was just another thing that made them “them”, as far as he was concerned. But when it came to Miles, even Elliot could tell that they seemed to be struggling to as much as glance at Miles. Not wanting an awkward silence to settle in and make Eden more uncomfortable than they already were, Elliot turned to look at Miles again.

“So, dude, it’s been a while. What are you up to these days?” He asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Miles Stevens
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille

Miles Stevens
the de-facto leader | #6C021B

Miles was excited to see two of his friends he hadn’t seen much of in the last few years. He could feel Elliot’s knuckles brush up against his and he grinned. It was good to feel some sort of validation with them, because sometimes he was unsure how others really felt about him. Besides that small blip of depression, Miles just took a sip from his coffee cup.

“Glad to hear you’re doing well. I am good, got some theatre kids to teach in about thirty minutes. Not a day off for me yet sadly.” He said with a bit of a chuckle before looking between the two. Maybe Miles had intruded on them, but he wasn’t going to dwell on it, was he?

“As for what I’m up to…” Miles trailed off a little before he was thinking about it and then answered. “Honestly? I have just been teaching for the last few years at the high school. I babysit for my sister sometimes when she needs some time off, but other than that not a whole lot. You two have any plans later in the day? Maybe I can catch up after work.” Miles suggested and then his hand went into his pocket trying to pick his phone out.

He extended it out towards the two, “If one of you puts your number in, I can text you and if anything comes up, I’d be more than happy to hang out.” He said, shining a smile.

Once one of them put their number into his phone, he started to wave. “I should get going before I’m late, but it was nice to see the two of you!” He said and with that he turned on his heel exiting the diner.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Miles Stevens
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0.00 INK

Eden Ackerman
The Stoner | Attire | hex: #0e849e
Elliot Fox
The Outcast | Attire | hex:#96909c

Eden just sat there and nodded as Miles spoke, doing their best to take in all that he said. However hard it may have been with the soft, ghostly whispers in their ear, partially drowning him out. There was a faint tickle sensation that crept across Eden’s skin along their right ear, which caused them to twitch reflexively. A shiver went down their spine as their throat closed up some, the feeling of cottonmouth taking over in that moment. Just calm down, Eden mentally reminded themself.

They were just able to look up as Miles seemed to come to his end of catching the two of them on things. Blinking a bit, Eden nodded, not fully understanding everything, but they weren’t going to ask him to repeat it. Last thing they wanted was to come across like some asshole who ignored someone who used to be such a close friend when they were children. It took Eden a moment to see that Miles had his hand extended, a phone being offered. They understood enough that he was asking for at least one of their numbers, and Eden nervously reached out, offering an awkward smile as they took the phone for a moment. Quickly typing in their cell-phone number, under the contact of ‘Eddy’, seeing as Miles liked using that one so much for them.

Offering Miles a gentle smile, Eden returned a brief nod and wave of their own, eyes trailed down and away from his face as usual. It was only when he finally walked away after last minute formalities, that Eden could feel like they were able to breathe, just barely. ”I uhm, I...E-excuse me-” Eden said with an awkward nod of their head in Elliot’s general direction, before quickly stumbling out of the booth and towards the direction of the bathroom. Eden practically stumbled into the push door, just barely being able to support their own weight as it opened to the single room. Turning, Eden locked the door behind them and made their way to the sink. Supporting themself against the structure as they looked up finally. Their hazel eyes scanning their face in the mirror. You look like shit…, Eden thought to themself. They should have just stayed home, going out today wasn’t a good idea after all.

With a shaky hand, Eden reached into the pocket of their trench coat, and retrieved a small bottle. It had been years since they needed any, but they always carried some around on the off chance the emergency would ever come. Eden somehow managed to remove the cap and poured two small white pills into their palm, and down them dry. Anxiety pumping through their veins as every heart-beat seemed to make it all worse. Breathe, Eden..Breathe.

Elliot mightn’t have seen Eden properly for a few years, but he could still tell when something was wrong with them. It distracted him somewhat from the conversation with Miles, but he still tried to focus most of his attention on him. Elliot had always felt kinda bad about how they’d grown apart and had fallen out of touch, so he sure as hell didn’t want to seem like some asshole who wasn’t even listening.

“Uh, no, I don’t think we’ve any plans. I literally just got into town this morning so… recovering from the drive and catching up with things around here, you know how it is,” he said. “Sure, a catch up sounds good,” he said. Part of him was a little glad when Eden reached out to put their number in. “It was good seeing you, man. We’ll definitely catch up at some point, yeah?” Ell said, before Miles said his goodbyes and left.

It was at that point Eden practically bolted to the bathroom, with only a mumbled apology by way of excuse. Ell hadn’t seen them this bad since he was in high school and Eden had dropped out. Or maybe he’d just never been around long enough to notice. He deliberated for a few seconds about whether or not to follow them, before his concern for his friend won out, and he got to his feet, following them towards the bathroom.

The door was locked. Of course it was. He knocked gently on the door. “Eden? It’s me, bud. Are you okay?” He called softly. He sighed a little. Back when they were kids, this was always different. Elliot had always been in as much of a state as Eden had been. Eden’s need to look after Ell had won out over everything else at times. And Ell needed to return that favour.

“Do you wanna come back to mine? The house is empty, it’ll just be us. We can… blare some music and talk shit or… whatever you wanna do. It might just be a bit less overwhelming,” he offered through the door. There was a sudden wave of anxiety as the reality, and the reversed familiarity, of this situation entered his head. He shook it off. “Just let me in, Eden.”

The sudden knock on the bathroom door caused immediate panic to shoot through Eden’s veins. Instinctively, they were about to yell that the room was occupied, but that all too familiar voice sounded softly from the other side of the door. A heavy sigh escaped their lips, realizing it was only Elliot. Who probably came to check up on Eden after they bolted.

Eden paused for a moment, trying to decide on what to say, they just didn’t know how they were going to excuse the sudden up and run like they had. Even though, Eden knew all too well that they wouldn’t need to explain. It was just instinct by now to have an explanation for every odd little behaviour that they had acquired over the years. Eden blinked when they heard Elliot ask to be let in. Should they?, they considered for a moment. There was a solid minute of silence that came from within the bathroom, before the sound of a soft click and the door was unlocked.

Eden was standing back next to the sink, looking themself over in the mirror. Trying to get themself to calm back down again. One. Two. Three. Four…, Eden counted silently. With each breath they took, they’d count. It was a simple exercise they had been taught in therapy and it worked, sometimes. Turning around nervously, Eden kept their eyes down low and picked at their finger nails as they began to speak, ”I-I’m s-sorry.” they stuttered. ”I-I don’t k-know wh-what happ-ppened b-back th-there.”

Turning back to look at the mirror one more time, Eden splashed some water on their face, trying anything to keep them composed. ”Uhm….N-no plans t-today so...Wh-whatever yo-ou wa-wanna do.” Eden said with a shrug. They just wanted to be anywhere but here. Thankfully, they had a joint in their pocket and a lighter, if they really needed to chill out later, they at least had it with them.

The silence from the other side of the room made the seconds drag, until he eventually heard a click. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, closing the door behind him again. Eden looked like shit, and he could tell that today was an especially bad day. He also knew that they would never admit to that. He shook his head as they apologised. “Nothing to apologise for, my dude,” he said softly with a smile.

He thought for a second. The Mystery Shack was home to Eden, but he also knew that it was busy and seldom quiet, and he wasn’t sure that was right for them right now. He wrapped an arm around their shoulder, giving them a gentle squeeze. “How about we go back to mine, yeah? Chill out, listen to some music, catch up properly. I can’t guarantee I won’t fall asleep though, so you’ll have to forgive me for that.” Elliot said gently.

Eden gave a small smile and nod as Elliot reassured them there wasn’t anything to apologize for. They didn’t feel that way but, they knew better than to argue, Elliot would win in the end anyway. He normally did. Keeping their eyes down, but occasionally looking up and then back away, Eden absentmindedly picked in their nails. It was a bad habit they picked up over the years, but it was also an uncontrollable tick they had formed from their anxiety.

They simply gave a shrug, truth be told, Eden didn’t care where they went. Anywhere was better than here, and being alone. S-sure. I-I got s-stuff on m-me.Sh-should be f-fine. L-long as y-y-ou don’t c-care if I-I s-smoke later.” Eden joked slightly. Their tone was still holding a bit of defeat, but was somewhat lighter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox
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0.00 INK

elliot fox
the outcast. outfit. #96909c
they're better off without you,
cause a scene like you're supposed to
they'll fall asleep without you
you're lucky if your memory remains
Spending time with Eden was good. They'd spent too long apart, and every time he'd been home, he'd been so eager to get away that he hadn't even really been in the moment when they'd been hanging out together. But hanging out with them that day was good, almost like the good old days before he moved away.

Rather unsurprisingly to both of them, he ended up falling asleep, sprawled across his bed around Eden, the still unpacked suitcases, and the instrument cases. When he woke up, it was afternoon, and the reminder of what awaited them that evening suddenly seemed to hit hard. They both pretended not to dwell on it; but of course they both did. There was no question that they’d go. There never had been and there never would be. But the feeling of apprehension was still there. Twenty years later, and it still wasn’t easy.

Twenty years later, and he still had no freaking idea what to wear to something like this. Admittedly, he had attended less and less in previous years, but he had always taken a moment to remember Sam wherever he was and whatever he was doing. A suit felt wrong on so many levels, not least because Eden wasn’t getting changed. But most of his clothes still felt too… wrong for something like this. In the end, and after consulting with Eden, he decided to just wear something that he thought Sam would have thought was cool. A quick comb of his fingers through his hair, and they were good to go.

Neither of them said much as they made their way back into the town. A small crowd was already gathered, with familiar faces dotted around the place, along with a few unfamiliar. Maybe things changed more than he thought in between visits. “So do we… wanna talk to people or just lurk at the back and hope nobody sees us?”

eva conrad
the journalist. outfit. #ebb13a
she's a killer queen
gunpowder, gelatine
dynamite with a laser beam
guaranteed to blow your mind
Spending time with Vi and her friends was such a wonderfully unexpected throwback to being in college, and Eva really enjoyed spending time with her. Isla’s food did not disappoint in the slightest, and Eva made a mental note to hit up the restaurant as much as possible while she was in town. Over the course of the conversation, something had been mentioned about the memorial service later that evening. She was assured that the invitation was open to everyone, but Eva wasn’t sure about going alone. And wanting to let Vi spend time with her old friends, she instead decided to convince the only other person she could call anything close to a friend who also happened to be in town. Which was Mason, the detective assigned to the case. He took some convincing, but eventually they came to the agreement to go and respectfully keep their distance at all times.

Going out without her podcasting equipment for the second time in a day felt strange. Part of her wished she’d used breakfast as an opportunity to get some more information, but she also knew that today probably wasn’t the day to go barging in and asking too many questions. Instead, she had her trusty notes app on her phone to take typed notes that she could record in the morning for the podcast.

She made her way to the town square, having changed into something she felt was hopefully more appropriate to the occasion without making her stand out too much. Knowing that the fact she was a stranger would already make her stand out more, she hung back at the edges of the crowd, scanning the crowd for familiar faces and to get a read of the general energy of the crowd. As expected, everyone was somber and serious, a quiet respect settling over the assembled crowd.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Ashir Rahman
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0.00 INK

Isla Serrano
the jock
outfit - #9E555D
thousands of lightyears away
lives a butterfly
constructed of stars

Isla loved seeing her old friends, and one new one, over the course of the morning, but as fate would have it, things like that never lasted. Before long they’d left, she had to clean up, and finish preparations for the rest of the day. Working in her parent’s kitchen didn’t mean less work for her (in fact, most days she felt like it was more work), and she spent the rest of her shift that day up to her elbows in grease and dish soap, thinking all the while what she could do to improve the place. It could do with some sprucing up, really. Honestly, though, she didn’t know how any business could hope to stay afloat in a dying town.

But she could only stay occupied with business thoughts for so long. Isla hadn’t been in town on the anniversary of Sam’s death in so long. The last memorial she’d been to had been before she transitioned, and now she felt a little stuck. What was appropriate to wear to something like this?

She showered- always fighting against the impermeable smell of a restaurant kitchen, touched up her nail polish, and went about picking an outfit. She didn’t want to stand out, not at this event, so something understated was definitely the right choice.

Walking everywhere in town like she’d done the past two weeks she’d been in town reminded her so much of her childhood. This entire day reminded her of her childhood. None of them had ever been able to escape the looming shadow of Sam’s death since that fateful day. It felt like the memory of what happened haunted the entire town, weighing everyone down. Isla was reminded of why she left in the first place.

Damn familiar guilt, bringing her back here to such a sad place.

Thankfully there was already a small crowd assembled by the time she arrived. Most of the town would attend, probably. That’s how it always was in the past, and if Isla knew one thing, it was that things didn’t change in Gravity Falls unless someone came in from the outside and forced that change. She looked around, spotting some familiar faces. There was Eden. Should she talk to Eden? A part of her said yes, but Elliot was there, and all the guilt and regret and sadness from what had happened between them in high school overrode her desire to catch back up with old friends. Still, she tossed a soft smile and an awkward wave their way, though she was fairly sure they wouldn’t really recognize her. Maybe she should have tried harder to stay in touch.

Ashir Rahman
the artist
outfit - #3C5148
it is home to souls
who were too bright
for our world

Ashir rarely ever made it to bed before three am, so he rarely ever made it out of bed before noon. But when he did finally get up, he spent some time sketching, checking in on the wax ball that his roommates tolerated because it was less weird than his last project. He mostly kept to himself during the day, unless one of his roommates sought him out for one reason or another. He didn’t mind them, in fact he felt like they were all friends, but alone is how he’d always done things.

He’d arrived in town a few weeks after the anniversary of Sam’s death the year before, so he wasn’t sure what to expect from this event, but he did know that both of his roommates had been friends with Sam when they were children, and attending with them would probably be a nice thing to do. Show some support. There was also the fact that the people who owned both the place he lived and worked were the long-dead child’s parents. It felt like it would be weird if he didn’t go. He didn’t know anything about the formality of the event, but it hardly mattered. He didn’t have any nice clothes with him here- those were all packed up neatly back in his parent’s attic- just clothes with tons of paint stains, clothes with a few paint stains, and clothes with little to no paint stains. He opted to go with as few paint stains as he could manage and hope that he wouldn’t be dressed wildly inappropriately.

He’d established a calm familiarity with most of the folks in town by now, and recognized most of the faces in the slowly growing crowd. He mostly found himself sticking close to Venus, though, as if being there with her increased his legitimacy for being there. He absently picked at the blue nail polish that Vi had applied just a few days prior, already it was chipped nearly to oblivion by Ashir’s nervous nature. “Oh, there’s Eden,” He announced, pointing them out in case Venus hadn’t seen, “You know that guy with them?”[/b] He looked really familiar, but there was no way he was who Ashir was thinking he was.

He shoved his hands in his pockets, mostly to force himself to stop picking at the nail polish. He wanted to be there for his friends, really, but he also wanted to give them some space, and goodness this town was ridiculously inspiring. “Hey, I’m just gonna,”[/b] He said, pointing back out of the way. He didn’t wait long before he made his way out away from most of the people, pulling a small notepad and a pencil on it’s last leg of life out of his pocket to sketch out some things that were coming to mind, take some notes on lighting, add too many little notes about the mood and the way all the colors even feel muted somehow.. He’d revisit some of it later, toss some of it out. Well, most of it wouldn’t make it past the drawing board, but he was always working on something.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Miles Stevens Character Portrait: Ashir Rahman
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
Venus Matthews
the nerd | #519cc2

Venus had enjoyed her time catching up with Eva as well as spending time with her friends. It had been too long since she had a proper visit with a lot of them as she usually stuck to herself inside her room doing god knows what. Vi was used to just streaming on her channel and talking with people over the streams in the chats, but lately, she’s had to come out more and socialize with people who weren’t her roommates especially around this time of year.

The blue-haired girl had no idea what really happened that night. Her mind won't let her remember for the rest of her life, it's like she stored it in the depths of her brain and chained it up. It still made her uneasy to come to these things though, so it was nice that Vi ended up heading there with Ashir. He was not a part of their original friend group, but she felt comfortable enough around him to be able to have some solace in his presence.

It wasn’t long before he spotted Eden though and began to point her out. Vi’s eyes looked up from her phone and scanned the general direction Ashir was pointing in. He had asked about the boy who was with her, and Venus gave a soft smile not realizing Elliot was in town.

“That’s Elliot. Those two have always been inseparable. I’m fairly certain they’ve been together in all their past lives.” Venus said with an upbeat tone. It wasn’t long before Ashir had left and part of her was sad, but she knew she should try and be closer with her friends.

Venus slowly made her way over to the other two, but on her way, she noticed Isla and walked up to her instead. “I swear these things throw me back in time.” She said in a more somber tone and offered a small smile to her friend as she took a stand next to her.

Miles Stevens
the de-facto leader | #6C021B

Miles Stevens was the kind of guy who could put up with a lot of crap. You could literally deliver dog shit to his door and he would shrug his shoulders, but today was the day that Miles had little to no patience with anyone, not even his students.

He had been relieved to see his friends at the restaurant during his morning routine, it helped stabilize his mood throughout the day. He didn’t make any snide comments to his students like he did last year when he called Tommy Miller a bastard child. Yeah, that did not help his reputation and his job stability when he was already on thin ice some days.

As he was leaving through the school field, as his house was near the backside of it, some kids were playing football toss with each other. Then he heard a voice coming from the biggest douche in school, Ronnie Savage.

“Hey, Mr.Stevens!” He called and as Miles turned around there was a football spiraling for his face. “Think fast.” He said chuckling with his friends, as the football hit him square in the face.

Miles was stunned and didn’t know what to say or do for a minute, but his blood was beginning to simmer and only continued to rise as the laughter from the teenage shits engulfed his brain. Without thinking about it he picked up the football and walked a little closer to Ronnie and deliberately spiked it in his face.

“Think fast,” Miles said in a mocking tone and the corners of his lips turned down, nose scrunched. Fuck this douche canoe. “Pull that shit again Ronnie, and I’ll bang your mom.” He said and did a motion like he was gonna go after Ronnie, before turning and heading home.

Miles was stressed to shit and didn’t want to go to this funeral service but he could feel his heart swell at the idea of missing it. He was in town, and he owed it to Sam. He had to go. Hopefully, Ronnie wouldn’t be there, or if he was his mom better be there. Miles would make good on his promise.

Somewhere Miles had ended up at the service, the crowds were forming but he stayed on the outskirts. He could see Vi and Isla over to one side and Eden and Elliot to another. He was closer to Eden and Elliot and he just offered a wave, not being as chatty as he was before.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Miles Stevens Character Portrait: Eva Conrad
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Eden Ackerman
the stoner | outfit | #0e849e
Once in a dream I thought
I could keep you safe forever
You held on to me
A beautiful scene
I still remember

Having decided to go back with Elliot to his parent's house, was somehow a breath of fresh air for Eden. They always spent so much time at home, especially since they also worked there. As much of a gift as it was, being able to have a roof over their head and no commute to work, it also meant Eden didn't really have to go anywhere, unless they really wanted to. And considering this was the first time they had really been away from The Mystery Shack in weeks, it was nice. Even if it was stressfull.

But, once Eden got to the house with Elliot, it was like everything from their teenage years came back to them all at once. Everything was practically the same. And it was all too easy to fall into routine again, like no time had passed. And since it was only them, Eden didn't have to stress too much. Except for the obvious reasons. Figures occasionally tarting around corners, or those whispers in their ear. But thankfully, with Elliott being around, Eden had a means of distraction. At least it was until he inevitably fell asleep. They were both laying on the bed, just there and talked, for a few hours. And nearly mid-conversation, Elliott passed out. Just like old times indeed.

Eden let Elliot sleep, and took the time to go out on the back patio, and decided it was a better time than any to take a smoke break. Retrieving the blunt they had tucked away. Eden had been outside for roughly thirty minutes before they went back inside. The voices and shadows were gone as always, whenever their mind was clouded by the affects of cannabis. It just made things easier, and Eden didn't know why. Maybe they really were crazy?

Eventually though, Elliot woke up, and in the meantime Eden had even cooked up some food, and the two shared a small lunch, just catching up for a bit again. Eden's mind clearer now than it was a bit before. That was until the conversation veered to what they'd be doing this evening. It was the annual anniversary for the night Sam died. Only difference, it was now twenty years later, and still no answers. Elliot had asked for help from Eden with what to wear, Eden didn't give too much help seeing as they wouldn't be changing, it'd be fine. And with what Elliott decided on, it was good enough. No one would care.

As the hour began to close in, the two decided it was best to start heading over to the city square, where the ceremony would be held. Eden went every year, and it never stopped making them feel the same way. Like they failed her. They should have been able to have found answers to this by now, but here they were. All grown up, and nothing had been pieced together, and that was the worst of it. As Eden and Elliott made it over, there were already a few groups had already gathered.

A small smirk creased on Eden's lips when Elliott asked where they wanted to go, "L-like you e-even need t-to ask-" they joked, taking him by the arm as they both stood off to the side, but up close enough to be able to see the Mathers when they arrived. They did come here for their daughter and best friend after all. As they waited for it to officially begin, a few things caught their eye. Well, more so people did, than anything else. Oddly during these services, Eden never experienced seeing things. And it never made sense, but they weren't going to question it, less things to stress about the better. But, this time, there were some faces in the crowd Eden didn't either recognize at all, or a few they did.

The first one was that pod-caster who recently came into town, Eva. She was cool in Eden's opinion. They weren't friends by any means, but Eden did recognize her from their past, scattered conversations around town. Mainly when she'd ask about some of the local rumors around town, and Eden would as always awkwardly do their best to explain, but it would always be passed off to someone else who didn't stammer throughout the whole ordeal. But, even through the awkwardness, there was something comforting about her presence to Eden, but they weren't going to think about it too much. All Eden did was give her a small nod of their head, and slight wave of their hand before looking around more.

Next Eden managed to see Ashir, one of their roommates. They gave him a small nod, but watched as he went off to the side, taking out a small notepad. Couldn't blame him, even the town square managed to be a pretty sight, all things considered. After looking around a bit more, Eden scouted out Venus, and gave her a small smile and wave, but paused as they saw her talking to someone Eden didn't recognize. Leaning over to Elliot, "Y-you know wh-who Vi is t-talking t-to? I-I d-don't." Eden asked with a shrug. Not putting too much thought into it, Eden looked around once more, managing to see Miles standing off alone. They gave him an awkward smile and turned back to the main part of the square. Seeing as the Memorial Service was beginning now.

The Memorial Services were always hard for everyone in Gravity Falls. Not because they had personally known Sam, or knew the story about her anyway, but because of the overall tone and atmosphere. It was nearly palpable. It was just as depressive and heavy as the gray skies that were a constant in this town, and just as thick as the fog that often filled this town in the mornings and evenings. When people weren't giving their speeches, there was a heavy weighted silence that filled the air. Not even the chirp of a bird or the wind could be heard. It was the small things like that, that made this whole ordeal feel weird. But that's not saying much in a town like Gravity Falls.

Sam's parents and her older brother gave their usual speech about Sam, and how much she was loved and missed. The usual things parents would say after losing a child this early, even if it happened so long ago. Whether people believed it was something that was simply a tragedy, or knew there was something more to it, they listened. After a few more speeches were given, the town's own Mayor, Quinnlan Simms came up to the podium to give the closing speech. It was drawn out just as ever, some people even beginning to yawn. Which, was a total shift in attitude than it had been earlier to the family of Sam herself. Finally though, the old man finished his speech, with hopeful parting words to the crowds. How this is what Sam would have wanted, and it was for the best they always came to pay their respects.

Finally, the Memorial Service came to an end, and people began to part ways and disperse. Eden simply looked at Elliott, giving him a an awkward smile. It was only then, in the dispersing crowds, that Eden spotted something that stood out from the rest. It was a man in a pure black suit, with dark hair, which was jelled back tightly to his head, he had dark eyes, that seemed transfixed on Eden, and Eden alone. After a moment, Eden leaned over to Elliot as they glanced at him, "E-Elliott, did y-you see th-that-" they started, but by the time they looked back, the man was gone. Eden took a deep breath, shaking their head. "N-nevermind.." there was a tone of defeat in their voice as they spoke. Not wanting to give it more attention than it deserved.

Giving a small shrug, Eden didn't know what to do now. They could go get some dinner with Elliot and the others if they wanted, even if Eden wasn't in the biggest mood of social interaction. Looking around a bit more, Eden froze. The feeling of anger and annoyance building up, "W-why's he h-here?" Eden muttered aloud. Looking off to the side, there was a man that they did recognize. It was that new officer in town, Mason Cartwright. He was poking around in Sam's case, and Eden didn't like it much. So, the fact he was here now, watching the whole Memorial Service, and clearly having been taking notes as he was busy writing things down in a damned notepad.

Eden looked back at Elliot, with a look he'd know all too well, and they began walking over to the officer in question. A clear annoyed and upset look on their face all the while. "Wh-what are y-you d-doing here?" Eden started as they approached the man. Their eyes surprisingly locked onto him, finding a bit of courage in the moment, or just anger, really. "Y-you're n-not supposed t-to be here." Eden said with a cleat tone of anger. They would have continued questioning him, until they felt someone grab Eden by the end, pulling them back before they could make things worse. Eden was nearly seeing red, all they wanted was answers as to why he was here out of all places, and taking notes during a Memorial Service? He couldn't have waited until he got back? It just felt like a slap in the face to Eden, and they weren't having any of it.