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Neden Isimir

"Cause I could touch a hundred thousand souls, but none of them would ever feel like home."

0 · 1,610 views · located in Greythorne

a character in “greythorne”, as played by Wolf's Bane109




"The world is so cold, now that you've gone away."

Gone Away -Five Finger Death Punch
Heaven -Pvris
Lips -The xx
Anyone Else -Pvris
All the King's Men-The Rigs
Death Stranding -Chvches
Runaway-Hayley Kyoko
How To Be A Heart Breaker-Marina & The Diamonds


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Neden Valkarie Toruun Orion Isimir

N I C K N A M E (S)
Doesn't really have any | Goes by whatever people call them

Unknown | Claims it's March 15th | Pisces

Exact age is unknown | Appears to be 26 | Somewhere around two thousand in human years

Fallen/Cast-down Angel

S E X U A L I T Y & G E N D E R
Homosexual | None-Binary | They/Them/She/Her

Considered "Caucian" | Angel Blood

Unknown | Claims to be from Salem, MA



Neden wears whatever feels more comfortable for them that day, anything from a t-shirt and skinny jeans and boots, to wearing an oversized hoodie and sweat pants. Their sense of style isn't anything of note, except that it fits them and demonstrates how exactly neutral they are in every aspect. Their preferred go-to outfits are anything that is a t-shirt and jeans, to button up short sleeves with jackets and boots. Preferably leather jackets and skinny jeans are a must in their casual attire while wearing things that help increase their androgynous appearance, such as blazers and baggy shirts, as well as flannels.

H E I G H T & W E I G H T
5' 7" | 115lbs | Fairly fit

Neden has been reported as being considered handsomely beautiful by most, and elegantly androgynous by others. They have a pale complexion that can hold the slightest bit of a tan before wanting to get sunburned, which is brought out even further by their natural platinum blonde hair with natural dark roots that is distinct to them alone. From their dark eyes against their pale skin, they are anything but ordinary. Essentially a walking enigma that is hard to figure out upon first meeting them. They are tall and slim, but not to say they aren't fit, as they are anything but defenseless. From their natural musculature to their outstanding physicality, they are one that no one would want to meet on the battlefield, or even dare say a back alley in the middle of the late hours of the night.

They keep the sides of their head shaven and eyebrows neatly trimmed with a notch in their left brow, mainly as hair never grows due to being sliced with silver years ago. Attaining a small and rather prominent scar if one looks closely. Along with that are a nose piercing on the left side of a single fake silver hoop, and very small gauges in both of their ear lobes. But they are rarely seen as they tend to have their hair down if they aren't busy in a workout or training.

As for any oddities and scarring, they have plenty and aren't ashamed of it. Scars and markings tell of one's journey through life without having to say a single word, and Neden is fully aware of that fact. They have a multitude of tattoos that cover their body, and then some. All of their tattoos give off a rather stylistic and almost gothic style, and that is precisely what they go for. They exude confidence and self-assurance in every aspect, even to go a little far as to even consider it a superiority complex and even arrogant at times. Whatever the cause, they have no shame in flaunting their body or even undressing in front of others as they aren't exactly sure why so many people are flustered by the human body.

Their true defining features, or well, scarring is on their back. From what one can garner, they house two very large scars that run along their shoulders and down to the small of their back. Once one knows of what they are, it makes sense. A being that was once an angel, who's wings were brutally torn out would indeed be ashamed. But not Neden. They hold pride in their scars and will gladly explain the story behind it. The only problem is, the fact that the scars still bring pain when touched, but normally there is just a slight numbness to their back, something they had gotten used of living with as long as they have.


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| Music, Neden was always a fan of it especially when they came to earth. They learned how to play several mortal instruments and is rather talented with what they have learned // Singing, before their fall from grace, Neden was one of the best and after their fall they took on singing for a hobby, proving to still be good at it they took up singing as a street entertainer for a rather long time, finding it rather fun at times | Playing guitar (both acoustic and electric), drums, bass, violin, cello, flute, and piano, they've had a love for those instruments even far before they were cast from Heaven | Folk tales, they love hearing what the mortals thought of other beings and creatures, and find it nothing but silly, but also charming what humans came up with over their course of existence | Animals, something about their innocence and endless affection and love for people causes them to have a soft spot for them, especially abandoned animals | Romance, it doesn't matter, every aspect from kissing and holding hands to the more intimate things like sex and cuddling, as long as it means something and not just a one night stand or hookup, Neden is all for it and isn't very shy about it either | Flirting, they are a massive flirt and will flirt with just about any pretty face that they lay their eyes on. While they don't hide their attraction to anyone, they do it usually out of a reaction for who they're flirting with, but also as a way of meeting new people and just have a good time | Learning new things, while Neden has been on earth for all too long, being able to know more fascinates them and they are constantly seeking out knowledge | The smell of cinnamon, peppermint, lavender, and fresh parchment. Something about those scents brings a sense of calmness and peace to them | Sweets and baked goods, anything from candy to cakes and muffins is an immediate way to win them over and are sure to share their food with others | Small gestures of kindness and decent human behavior, anything from a compliment, opening/holding a door for them, to showing someone cares is an easy way to win their favoritism and loyalty as they will return it ten times fold | Movies, anything from horror movies to romance movies can garner their attention and will possibly obsess over it for far too long | Rock climbing, spelunking, and all-around extreme sports are something they love and are often seen doing | Cooking, Neden adores being in the kitchen and since they have had time to travel the world and learn new recipes, they are a rather good cook and always try to find someone to cook for | Tattoos, whether their own tattoos, or someone else's, they find tattoos and body art fascinating and rather attractive to an extent | Combat/Sword-fighting, they were one of the best warriors Heaven had ever seen, and as such it isn't surprising that their skill in combat is something to not only be feared but admired as well | Jokes and good humor, Neden has a very interesting form of humor and enjoys making others laugh and will usually throw in a corny joke whenever they get the chance to |

The sound of loud chewing, something about it causes their skin to crawl and grosses them out | Loud or sudden noises, especially if the cause is unknown | the smell of something burning, especially toast and coffee | The smell of alcohol and cigarettes, they can't stand the smell or how anyone can damage their body in that manner | Having a guitar string break while playing, nothing angers them more than a busted cord | Bigotry of any kind, even if it's a joke, they don't find it funny and will get loud over it in a split second and stand up for whoever is being bothered/harrassed | Being asked what they are, as in what species as no human is really allowed in Greythorne, for the most part, | They like almost all music, except for country, they don't get how anyone can like that kind of music | Attention seekers and liars, as they can read people's minds they know the true motive behind it and are bothered by it | Senseless killing, that part of them hasn't changed and never will. They've always stood up for the small person and always will |


Contrary to their first impression that they give off, and their rather rough-looking exterior, Neden is quite the opposite of how they may seem once someone gets to know them. While they can be rather reserved and is typically a better listener than a talker, they make for an interesting companion to say the very least. If they aren't busy in their own little world in their head, then they are easily, in one word, cocky. They may not come across as such when making first impressions, as they tend to be rather guarded and reserved. But once someone manages to wiggle in and get to know them, they then understand why they typically keep their circles of friends small. They are very easily in simplest terms, annoying at times and overtly arrogant for the most part. Not to say they are heartless or big-headed, but they know what they want and what they're good at, and they make that fact know.

Once someone can look past the rough, tattoo-covered exterior, they can see that Neden is an incredibly kind, caring, outgoing, and loving individual who, that once given the chance could prove to be one of your best friends if given the chance. They can be rather possessive and clingy, once getting close to someone that is, but for the most part they are happy to be by themselves. When they are out in a crowd of people that they are comfortable with, they hold nothing back and tend to be one of the biggest flirts in the group. Having no shame with physical contact or making it obvious if they like someone or not. If they like you, it's rather obvious, and if they dislike you, it's even more so. They aren't the best at hiding how they feel, and their face often portrays their emotions. Whether they are happy or angry, enjoying someone's company, or are completely disgusted with someone's existence, their expression says it all. And they aren't ashamed of being such an open book. They learned the hard way that pretending like everything is okay was harder than accepting that certain thing in life would happen regardless and grew to accept it.

Essentially, if Neden doesn't like someone, they're all too overt with it and aren't afraid to say it to someone's face, and if they like someone, they make it even more evident. From either constant physical contact, poking fun at them, possibly flirting if they're more interested in that aspect, or simply giving gifts or doing small favors. Essentially, they have more than enough manners and don't shy away from it. If they see someone in need, they will gladly help them without hesitation. If it be simply holding a door open for someone, or helping lift something or carrying a heavy object, they are all but happy to help someone. They've never gone out of their way to show that they dislike someone, as even then if the one they dislike needs help, they will help. Whether that is the former angel in them or not, that remains to be seen. But over the inhuman amount of time Neden has spent on earth, they've learned one thing, what's the point in making someone else's life shitty with the world being already so cruel and hopeless? If they can make someone else's day better by the simplest act of kindness, then that is all that matters to them. They love people and will do anything for them, especially those that they are fond over and will go to no ends to make sure their friends and loved ones are happy and taken care of.

When it comes to relationships, there is something surprising that people notice. While they are generally a massive flirt and have no shame of making their feelings known, it's when they come to care for someone when someone truly care for. When they are serious about someone and their feelings for them, they focus solely on them and have no one else in view. Making that person the most important thing in their life and will do whatever they can in their power to make them happy and safe. Often being considered overbearing and too smothering at times, they have tried in recent years to tone it down and do their best of making sure they aren't so overprotective of those that they care for, romantically or not. They know how fleeting mortal life is and will do whatever they can to make their short life the best it can be.


Angels. The very beings made by God Himself meant to be the perfect example of all of his creations. The beings made in the purest form and were the epitome of both handsome and elegantly beautiful in one as Angels never had a specific gender or sex. However they felt is what made them themself, and no one could judge them for it. The beings made to serve him and watch over the mortals that he too created or defend Heaven from any and all insurgences, when he was too busy with other affairs. Neden doesn't remember exactly when, but they remembered that one minute they didn't exist, and then the next they did. It was a simple thing really, beings made or born (which was a rare circumstance) solely for the purpose of servitude and protection whether to the mortal realm below or protecting Heaven itself. Wherever you fell into the ranks, is where you would reside until the end of time itself or until God saw more in them. Which is where Neden came into existence. Originally named Orion after the Constellation of stars, they were made to serve God himself, and do his bidding. Mainly as a soldier in his Angelic army. Neden showed that they were a perfect fit, as knowing how to form nearly perfect battle scenarios and ways of making stronger strongholds and where certain angels should be and where others could avoid. It was until even God himself realized that Orion was more useful down on Earth as a Guardian Angel for humans and mortals over being in Heaven. As well as a way to test their loyalty to him.

It started out simple enough, watching over the humans that needed protection, and those that needed it more than others. Such as children or those that were going to die soon, who Orion would then move onto the next as the Angel of Death took their place. Their existence was what others would consider mundane and simple grunt work, while others were either servants back in Heaven, or soldiers who protected the realm from the Others. It was then that Orion's life or well, existence would change.

One of the people they were sent to look after was a young, kind and caring woman. The girl had lost everything and was going to end her life as she had no point in existing, no family, no friends, no nothing. Just an empty and hollow husk of her former self. Orion watched as the woman went to complete her self made task, but before the woman could, Orion found them reaching out and...grabbing onto the woman's shoulder, telling them not to do it, that there was more to life and that there was a plan for them. What Orion hadn't anticipated, was the response. The woman turned around and could see Orion, who was normally unseen by humans, but because her life was on the verge of ending, she could see things no one else could normally. Orion had formed an attachment to the human as time went on, observing her from afar and close as they began to spend time together, conversing, explaining that Angels and Heaven were real, and Orion was Elizabeth's (the woman Orion had saved) Guardian Angel. As time went on, their bond and interactions became more intense and personal, more than what an Angel should have with their mortal subjects. Something that they knew was wrong, but couldn't help it. There was something about earth and the humans that fascinated them more than being a mere watcher and protector. Perhaps even jealousy that they got to live a life Angels could only ever dream of.

It was then that He heard the whispers of one of his very own creations flirting with mortals and being seduced by one's own filthy and wicked desires. Orion was called for and was summoned back to Heaven, where they were damned by God himself. He gave them an ultimatum. Forget the mortal and their feelings for them and return to heaven and become a soldier once more, or...Give up the title and status they held and be made mortal to simply wallow in the filth that disgusted them all. Neden chose to defy their creator, and in a final act of rebellion as well as an ultimate form of a 'fuck you', they removed and tore their own wings from their back. Feather by feather when parts wouldn't rip out or tear off. It was a slow and painful experience to say the least, but when the process was over, when their hands were covered in their own blood and soaked feathers were scattered around their feet. They gave their creator one more final word before being banished to Earth. Which, may have been a blessing. Neden roamed the earth for years in search of their long lost lover, and when they finally tracked them down, it was then that reality hit them. Elizabeth had died four years ago alone in a hospital bed due to an illness that was usually uncurable. Years had passed when Neden was in Heaven for their trial, and the woman they were in love with and gave everything up for had passed away all the while.

For years, they wallowed in self pity and anger. Not towards themselves, but to God. He took away the only thing they truly cared for, and Nedn had no doubt that it was something that He did to make their punishment all the more cruel. Since then they have hated all religions, as what God would truly do that to their own creations if they truly cared? After years of traveling, they had taken on a mortal name, allbeit it was a very odd one, but it was staying true to who they were, as well as a last ditch attempt to stay under the radar from any and all supernatural beings as long as they could. They had been to most of the world in their time on earth, which had been an estimate of a few thousand years, learning new languages and cultures, meeting new people and seeing them age and pass on while they never aged. Never grew old, never had an ache or pain as they couldn't really feel anything that involved pain. But what they could feel was the sense of emptiness and hallow. It wasn't until a year ago that they finally heard of a place for people like them, a place called Greythorne. They have kept to themselves and have lived in the outer part of town, never really talking to anyone and watching as more of a phantom or shadow that kept the town safe.

It was until the attack happened that Neden hadn't interacted much with the people there. On that night however, during the siege, they had managed to take out four hunters that attacked the town. It was a much larger group than what they had seen in all of their years, and it terrified them. News spread of how many had been killed, including some long-time residents, and their loved ones. Now, Neden knows what they have to do, and are preparing for the next attack and then...That is when they plan on making their presence known to the people of Greythorne. And perhaps, they could regain their wings in the process..


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Neden originally was an Angel, sitting up in the clouds serving the Creator for an unknown amount of time. They used to have immense strength, speed, reflexes, senses, ability to read minds and had an inhuman healing factor of being able to heal any wound, as well as take no damage as nothing could pierce their once impenetrable flesh aside from silver. Among that, Neden was adorned with beautiful pure white Angel wings, but since being cast down to Earth as a mortal, their wings had been torn and ripped out, leaving nothing but gnarled and grotesque scars behind.

Aside from having no wings prior, they have since attained most of their powers since. They have increased speed, strength, stamina, and agility. Surprisingly light and fast on their feet and deadly in combat, with a sword or bow it's all the same. One day they hope to regain their wings, but they doubt they ever will, as doing so would require them to sacrifice their life for someone else's, as well as being in the good grace of God once more. Besides, if they regained their wings, would they ever be the same or work like they once did? But as well as not feeling pain, they can't feel anything either, essentially numb to both pain and pleasure. Rion can feel it when someone holds their hand or kisses them on the cheek, yes. But the feeling one gets when experiencing said touch isn't there, the butterflies in your stomach doesn't happen to them, as much as they would like to, they don't. Which is another reason why Neden wants their wings back, so they can feel things again, and not just pretend to feel.

Music, shouldn't come as a surprise that they are naturally born at music and instruments. Before they came to earth they were playing instruments and singing when they weren't watching over people on earth as their Guardian Angel | Archery, while it is a cliche vision, seeing an Angel with a bow, Neden is rather skilled and adept with the weapon, almost never missing a shot | Extreme sports or adrenaline jumping, such as rock climbing and cave spelunking, whatever the case, Neden is a clear fan of it and lives for the small adrenaline boost they get from anything | Swordsmanship, they are spry and light on their feet and it is almost hypnotic to see them in action with a blade | Cooking, they find the smallest of things to be the greatest of things to do, and cooking is no exception |

| They can go days without eating or sleeping due to their lack of being human, but they do partake in eating if they want to | Their protective nature for others, whether it's the Guardian Angel in them still, or simply being a decent being, they have a love for others that come all too naturally for them | They are undyingly loyal to those that earn their trust and will easily do whatever it takes to help those they care for | Their knowledge is immense as they spent much time reading and learning new things | Combat, no surprise considering they were once a soldier in heaven |

W E A K N E S S E S & F E A R S
| The fact that they are a hopeless romantic, even after being cast down to Earth for it, they crave wanting a relationship, but are afraid when someone finds out what they are, no one would want to be with them | The fact they cannot feel pain, while its hard to break through their diamond-hard skin, they can still be injured over time and not realizing it could get them killed one day | Their main weakness is silver, as it is the one thing that can pierce their hard flesh and can cause burns and rashes to the skin if only exposed for long periods of time | Neden's cockiness has gotten them into a few fights that they wished they could have avoided | The scars on their back, they cause immense pain when touched and is their biggest weakness as it is the one part of their body that is incredibly weak to damage | Threats to the innocent and children, one thing that truly pisses them off and sends them into a blind fury is innocent people being hurt for no reason | They aren't exactly the best with people and as such they suffer from minor social axniety | They fear of never getting their wings back, and if they did, they doubt they'd be the same as they heard horror stories from former angels of having gnarled and deformed wings when they reearned them, or even worse, the dreaded black wings that are a rare occurence among Angels and is usually a bad omen when one attains those raven , jet black wings |


So begins...

Neden Isimir's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Violet Marsden
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0.00 INK

Jaiden Price
Witch | outfit : herex|xhex: #800000
xxxWe've made such a mess of this place
xxxThere's blood stains on your face
xxxWatch everybody live and pray
xxxInvade in her life

The next few days came by like a blurr for Jaiden. It was a mix of returning back to her normal everyday things, and then with the introduction of a Hunter and his body being taken care of, Jaiden knew what she had to do. She began training with her abilities, thanks to some help with Markus. He was able to gather some other Pyrokenetics in the town who helped her focus and know-how to contain it. They practiced in secrecy and private as the days passed. They all knew. They knew what was coming, it was obvious. They just didn't know when. Jaiden had always practiced slightly with her connection to fire, but never spent as much time as she did. The days were exhausting and seemed to go on forever. With the ever-growing dread, and with slightly more control, Jaiden had started to fall back into her old ways. Going out with some friends, and staying in Markus' home lately. Things had felt off in the following days, just something didn't feel right. About anything, and she didn't know why. Not until the day arrived.

Jaiden was out among the town, enjoying her day for the first time in a very long time. She went among the shops and checked to see if there was anything she wanted or needed, but there wasn't anything of real note. Passing from storefront to storefront her day went by rather quickly, and as the sun began to dip, fear and anxiety began to slowly creep inside once more. The air felt colder. No sign of wind or movement, but just cold. As if even nature knew what was about to happen. She found herself walking down the street in the dark when it happened. Screams. It started out in the distance of just one, and then another joined in, and eventually, it was a crescendo of multiple people screaming as they ran through the town. She felt her heart sink as reality hit her. It was happening again. Just when everything started to feel normal once more. She began to finally take a few steps back and as she turned, she saw what was going on just down the street. A dark figure rushed out from between two buildings, tackling an elf in the process to the cold hard ground, and a gunshot rang out. The elf went silent and still as a pool of blood began to form. She felt sick as others rushed past her, whether to action to help or in fear as they made their escape, but all she saw was the same thing the night of the festival. People screaming, running for their lives and to find safety, and Hunters. Everywhere. There was too many this time around as they seemed to swarm from the surrounding treeline as they made their way into town.

The young witch finally snapped herself back into reality as someone pushed past her, forcing her against a brick wall. After a moment of shaking her head, Jaiden found herself pushing herself against the wall and into the middle of the street. Looking around for any sign of someone needing help. She wouldn't run away, not this time. She was a coward last time, and someone she loved dearly paid the price for her actions. She was a coward, and she hated herself for it. Feeling so helpless and defenseless. Too scared of her past actions to use her abilities to help someone else. To use it for good, or at least in a just manner. She shook her head, seeing two more Hunters run after a group of small children, cornering them in an alleyway. Jaiden quickly gave chase after them and stopped about five feet away from the Hunters. A large lump formed in her throat as she tried to hold back the anxiety as her hands shook. After a brief moment, she called out to the Hunters, "Aye, Fuckos! Get the fuck away from those kids!" Jaiden lunged forwards, punching one in the back of the head as she gave a short burst of fire towards the other Hunter's abdomen, using it as a distraction. The first Hunter whirled around as he grasped the back of his head in pain, mumbling something under his breath about how they'd all pay. She heard and had enough, without even a single moment of hesitation, the two Hunters were consumed by a sudden wall of fire, that slowly drew in closer and closer, the light bouncing off of the buildings. Giving the scene a hellish glow as the two Hunters crumpled to the ground as they screamed, and suddenly were silenced as they turned to ash and dust. Without a single look of remorse on her face Jaiden turned to the group of children that had been herded like cattle. "Go find your parents and hide, don't let anyone find you. This isn't your fight, got it?" her voice was compassionate and somber but was cold as ice at the same time. She quickly turned on her heels and left to go find others that were in need of help, or maybe even one of her friends to help, if they weren't busy. All she hoped was that everyone was okay, and that nothing bad had happened just yet.

Markus Valegood
Lycan | outfit : herex|xhex: #063A67
xxxI got everybody sleepwalking but they
xxxThey think they're awake
xxxAnd our hands always covered in shame, but
xxxIt won't wash away

The following days had been an absolute mess. Markus had been busy with trying to figure out what to do with the whole Hunter issue, as losing their only real form of information had been expired all too quickly. Patrols became stricter, longer, and larger groups were sent out as it wasn't safe. Things hadn't felt right since the first Hunter showed up, and with how things had only seemingly got worse over the next few days both Markus and Neden grew paranoid. They added new members to the patrols and made sure everyone was combat-ready and knew what to do if another attack were to transpire. It was like the worst thing that could possibly happen, was starting to happen and it was only a matter of time until it made itself known. That was until today. Markus was tending to things in the town, getting a few personal items, as well as supplies for the house as three people were in his home. He hadn't realized how expensive food was for three people, but he couldn't complain. As much as he never wanted to admit it, his friends were his family and he was happy to help them any way he could. He was in town the entire day as he had multiple errands to run, and by the time he was done with everything the sun had already started to go down. He began to slowly make his way through the town and back to the direction his home was in, midway through the entrance of the forest he stopped. Everything went cold and silent. The forest itself was normally so lively with animals, the wind would blow and make sounds throughout the trees. But not now. Now it was eerily silent. It was then that he heard a faint whisper among the trees. Spriggans and TreeFolk all alike were hidden throughout the woods, which was what made the forest such a fantastical, yet horrifying place. If one wasn't any wiser they could end up as some fertilizer for one of them.

Markus' hair on the back of his neck stood on end as he couldn't tell what it was, not until it was too late. Screams were heard coming from town, and that it when it hit him. Hunters. They were here, again. The church bell went off soon enough, alerting the people in the town of what was happening, as everyone knew if the church bells went off, it was to signal the arrival of danger. Markus began to make a bee-line for the town when a sharp and searing pain shot through his leg. Looking down, a large arrow had embedded itself into his right calf. He groaned in pain as he took a moment to collect his thoughts, they were hiding in the woods. It only made sense. Quickly he turned, grabbing one by the throat as he went for a sneak attack from the shadows. Markus simply grinned, and in an instant a crescent of red sprayed through the air as the Hunter was dropped to the floor, a fresh and gnarled wound bled out from the neck. Markus looked around for more, ducking behind a tree as he pulled the arrow out from his leg, seeing the wound heal within seconds. A chuckle erupted from his throat as he witnessed two more Hunters peer out from within the trees, "If you're going to fight, at least make it fair." he said with a low growl, his eyes twinkled with some mischief before lunging forward with inhuman speed. He already had his hand wrapped around another Hunter's throat, squeezing tightly until he heard a satisfying crunch and the Hunter's body went limp. Markus dropped the fresh corpse and slowly stalked his way through the woods, hearing a twig snap behind him he ducked behind a tree.

Familiar voices came from the entrance of the woods, seeing a group of children and then an all too familiar face appear quickly behind them. Rosie had been ushering a group of her students to safety. A small smile appeared on his face as he went to greet them, but yet again a searing pain shot through his side as he fell to his knee. A deep growl erupted from deep within his chest as he flashed Rosie a look. He looked down at his side, yet again another arrow. With a groan he removed the arrow, snapping it in half with ease. This wound seemed to take slightly longer to heal, but within a minute it had already healed over. He turned to where the arrow came from, seeing another Hunter hiding behind the trees in the back. Markus helped move the students and Rosie hide behind some trees themselves. He knew what he had to do, he wasn't as useful as he could have been otherwise. He quickly tossed off his shoes, removing his shirt and tossed them to the side, "You may want to look away." he said softly. the transformation was quick, but too slow for his liking. It always was. His bones having to break and crack, reform from human and into that of a wild beast's. His muscles and tendons, and every fiber of his being shifted from his human form, to that of an overly large wolf. A low, gravelly growl escaped the beast's mouth as it looked around for a moment. It had always been something he hated, and used for last resorts, but this time it was the only option he had if he wanted to ensure the safety of his friends. The wolf slowly lowered itself close to the ground as it peered around the side, staring into the darkness. Picking up on the scent of the Hunter, Markus slowly slinked from where he had been hiding with the others and made a straight bolt and out of sight as he chased the Hunter. A pained, human scream sounded as the sound of snapping and growling, bones breaking and flesh tearing and all went silent within seconds. After a few moments of nothing, no sound or movement a figure slowly exited from the darkness. The figure slowly made its way from the darkness, blood-covered dark matted fur, dark blue eyes scanned the area as a howl escaped its lips. A triumphant howl sounded but was quickly silenced as the trees themselves seemed to stir to life. Roots began uprooting themselves, gaps, where there were trees prior now existed as the treefolk, had been awoken from their slumber, ready to defend their home and the people within it.

Violet Marsden
Ghost...? | outfit : herex|xhex: #2b2a2a
xxxThere's blood in the water but it tastes so sweet
xxxShow me no mercy
xxxAnd let it rain, and let it rain
xxxShow me no mercy

The following days had been hell on earth. From locking herself away after the night she had spent with everyone, to spending long nights and mornings in the local library. Violet had been studying everything she could to try to learn something, anything about herself. Anything about what she had become, but there was nothing. Nothing about someone having been a ghost that had become what she was now. There were no answers, and maybe there never would be. But as the days went on, it only grew more painful. The mark on her wrist had grown from a simple numbing throbbing pain, to at times an immobilizing sharp ache. She never understood why it would randomly cause her pain, nevermind where it came from or why. All she knew now was that she was different from before, not just shunned to the outside and made to look on as an outsider, but now she could do things. She always could move things around or summon things to her will if she so desired, but this was different. She spent the following days researching and practicing her newfound abilities. It was now that she was in the woods, northside of the town. She sat beside a tree, reading a few of the books that she had borrowed from the library. She hadn't planned to have been there as long as she did, but it was like something else was calling out to her from afar. Always out of reach, both literally and figuratively.

It was only when the sun began to go down that she decided it would be best for her to get her things and head home. Markus made it a point for her to never be out by herself when it got dark. She took a detour, though a pathway she hadn't been to in years. A place she avoided at all costs since the accident. Since she became a ghost, and whatever it is that she is now. The all too hauntingly familiar scene and smell laid before her eyes through the treeline. Violet slowly walked through the trees, keeping her backpack close by as she shuffled into view of the lake. She felt a large lump form in her throat, it was the first time she had been there since, wanting to reject the reality the best she could. But with everything having gone to shit already, she had to face the facts, even if she didn't want to. Violet set her things down along the treeline next to a birch tree and walked to the water's edge. Sitting down, and gently tracing the water's surface with her fingertip. But, the moment her finger touched the water, frost gathered and quickly began to spread out over a small patch of the lake. Violet quickly scrambled backward from the water. She blinked, but the moment her eyes landed on the lake she gave out a heavy sigh. The rippling water was just as it was, no ice, no frost. Nothing. She hadn't had visions or memories of the event in years, and now...Now it happened for the first time in over a decade. Quickly getting to her feet she mumbled to herself, "I knew I shouldn't have come here..." she mumbled. The sound of a twig snapped alerted her, causing her to pause for a moment. Looking around she didn't see anything of importance, that was until a voice spoke out from behind the tree line. "You're right about that." a deep, yet oddly calm voice called. Violet snapped her attention to where the figure sat, his face was blocked from view as he was looking away from her. "Who...Who are you?" she questioned, an eyebrow quirked.

The man smirked, turning his head to look at Violet, his face still obstructed from view due to the cloak he was wearing. The only defining features that could be seen were a very squared jawline, brown gote, and beard. The man slowly stood, rising to his full height which easily towered over Violet. "In time, my dear. But for now, I think the real important thing is your friends. Remember?" he mused. Violet took a step back when the man spoke, something was familiar about him, but she didn't understand why. Not yet anyway. A lump formed in her throat at the mention of her friends, and how they were more important than anything at the moment. She was going to ask what that meant but then a scream was heard far off in the distance, which caused her to look away. Violet snapped her head back to where the man had stood, and when her eyes landed back there he was gone. Without a trace. There was no sound of him leaving, nor was there even a sound before he made his presence known. Violet didn't know what to do, she couldn't move as she tried to figure out what to do. Does she go to help whoever screamed, or simply ignore it? It was only when what sounded like several people running along with the trees that caused her heart to race, as well as sink. They were all dressed in black and were running at high speeds to the direction of the town. She immediately understood what was happening, she began to make her way from the lake, that was until three figures stepped out from the treeline. They had to crouch down from the upper branches of the trees as they exited and entered the clearing. Violet knew that Spriggans and treefolk had existed in the town before, but these...These were far too large to be normal ones, nevermind how old they looked. Ancient moss and foliage had spread across the majority of their bodies as they stretched. Violet watched in silence as they looked at her, before looking at each other and then back at her before walking past her and towards the direction of the town. The fact that the ancient treefolk started to awaken caused her heart to race even more as her palms began to sweat. She didn't know what point she'd serve in trying to help, but if what was happening was what she thought, then she had to do something. Anything to help those she cared about, and that's what she would do.

Neden Isimir
Fallen Angel | outfit : herex|xhex: #a39d9d
xxxThis place is going up in flames and
xxxWe watch and we wait
xxxAnd I think I kinda like the way it
xxxIt burns in my face

The ensuing days had been nothing but preparations and over paranoia. Neden had always been one for being over the top in everything they did and always seemed to be paranoid about something or someone. But those days were an entirely different kind. With the way patrols were being pushed towards and adding new people, making the rules be harder and the guidelines of what to do in case of an emergency or attack. They spent days without sleep, choosing to stay up most nights, hard at work even if they weren't patrolling. With the events that transpired between Travis and the Branded, Neden had to take matters into their own hands. They stayed up later and longer, ate less, slept less, but trained more. Trained harder, and longer than they ever had. They knew something bad was coming and it would be coming soon, but Neden didn't know when or why. But just that something dark was coming their way, and there was nothing to do to stop it. All they could do was help the others prepare and that is what they did. While on one of those days, Alex approached them and asked for some help. That he'd need someone in the next few days to come with him to the graveyard so he could do a special thing for him to be able to have a proper vision? Something along those lines, Alex hadn't been exactly very clear on what he wanted from them, but they obliged. What was the worse thing that could happen? It could backfire and he could end up hurting himself? Which, would be oddly amusing. The day finally came when Alex came to them and said it was time to go, taking a few things with them just in case if things went south, not like they needed this to happen for them to bring their things with them anyway. A few knives, their main choice of weapon and a few other things that they kept hidden in their overcoat.

Neden followed Alex to the graveyard and kept a small distance between them as they walked, keeping their eyes on anything and everything. Neden silently followed Alex as he tried to find the perfect spot that he wanted to set his things up. When he finally chose a spot Neden helped him set everything up and took what he didn't need, placing it on the side of the gravestone. They gave him a few feet of distance in case anything backfired or went horribly wrong and simply watched. Neden nodded as he told them to just sit tight and not to worry, and that he wasn't sure what was going to happen exactly or what they possibly could witness. Neden simply shrugged as he began whatever he was doing, as Neden didn't really have the biggest interest in Necromancy or things along the things that pertained to death. Whether it was still the angel part in them or not they weren't sure. All they knew was that it made them uncomfortable, but not because it went against nature itself, but because they were dealing with someone who wasn't even entirely sure if he was doing it right. Neden simply stood there watching as it all unfolded, when nothing seemed to be working as even Alex said he wasn't sure if he was doing it right, "Look, if this doesn't work any time soon I'm gonna go. I have more important things to-" they started but were silenced as a dark mist began to form around their feet. Neden dug in their pockets for a moment, but stopped as suddenly dozens of spirits formed around Alex. Their eyes widened for a moment as their heart raced, but took a deep breath as they spirits moved in closer to Alex and formed a semi-circle. [i]Holy shit...He actually did it..., they thought to themselves as Alex's otherwise stupid idea of a summoning actually worked.

They watched in silence and awe as it only lasted a few short seconds, but it was enough to take in. Alex sat there in silence, in a daze as who they presumed to be past necromancers themselves, or some other witches gathered around Alex. Everything happened so quickly, as the spirits quickly faded away, as did the mist and they were left alone once more. Neden blinked back into reality as Alex began to tip over, clearly still in his daze. Neden reacted on instinct and helped keep him from slamming his head into anything and helped lower him to the ground, backing away a bit to give him room to breathe. Neden looked away as Alex quickly scrambled to his feet and emptied his stomach. Patting him on the back awkwardly as he did so, seeing as that it could be the only thing they could do to comfort him. Neden didn't know what he saw, but whatever it was, it wasn't good. All they knew was that Alex was incredibly panicked and speratic, more so than usual. It was then that Nedne heard screaming coming from the town. their heart sank, it happened. It was happening again. Another attack. "Alex we need to get out of here now! It's not safe." they said as they shook him by the shoulders. Neden looked at him as he gestured to the town, obviously telling them to go and help. Neden shook their head, "Not leaving you behind, you idiot." they said as they helped Alex to his feet, but watched as he took off like a rocket. Shaking their head they quickly followed after him, and watched as another figure came running into the graveyard, but was stopped by a cloaked figure. Neden didn't see what happened exactly, as it happened too quickly. All that they knew was that Phoenix went down, and the Hunter was ensnared in vines and was quickly silenced.

"No!!" they exclaimed as they ran towards the direction Phoenix was in. As Neden ran, they stopped by Alex and forced him to his feet, "Get to your fucking feet you idiot!" they said coldly as they helped him as they made their way to Phoenix. Thankfully Alex was easy to help over to where Phoenix was laying down in the grass, obviously losing blood all too quickly. Neden placed Alex down next to him, quickly turning their head behind them seeing more figures emerge from their hiding spots. Hunters, and lots of them. "Fanfuckingtastic" Neden muttered out loud. Looking back at Phoenix and Alex for a moment they spoke, "Do what you can, wrap this around his wound for now." they said as they tossed him a wrap of gauze they had stowed in their pocket. Turning to face the encroaching Hunters, Neden dug into their pockets and retrieved something that glinted in the moonlight. Whistling softly into the wind for a moment, Neden smirked. They'd have back up soon enough, but until then they'd have to do what they could. Turning the end of the pen, in a flash it changed its appearance from a normal household pen into that of a sword. With a deep breath, Neden brandished their weapon as a Hunter rushed them with two plain steel daggers.

Neden dodged the first strike of their blades, twirling the sword around as they engaged in combat with the Hunter. The Hunter went for a single strike, easily dodged with Neden's speed and agility. "'What even are you?" the Hunter hissed between her teeth. A smirk spread across their face, "Pissed off, darling." they quipped, quickly going in for a lunge of their own, the Hunter got in a quick slice along Neden's left arm as the Hunter blocked the blade with their other dagger. Neden hissed at the Hunter for a moment, but smirked as not even a drop of blood seeped through the coat. The Hunter went into for another jab, but was forcefully yanked backward by what appeared to be vines and branches. A smirk appeared on Neden's face as they looked around, Spriggans and treefolk of all kinds finally arrived and had made quick work of some of the Hunters. "Head into town, the town's people need your help more than us." Neden called out to the dozen of Spriggans, who simply nodded and left for the town. Neden took another quick look around and ran back to Alex and Phoenix, who were still laying on the ground, "You both need to get out of here, now. Find someplace safe and you'll be fine. Got it?" they questioned. Neden took two steps away from them and stopped before they made their way back into the town. Stopping as something didn't feel right, it was too quiet. The Hunters had been picked off far too easily and it just didn't sit right with them. Neden knew more were out there, hiding among the trees. Before they turned back to speak to Alex and Phoenix, the slightest sound of a twig snapping along the treeline caught their attention.

Without even thinking, Neden stepped in front of Alex in a split second, and a moment later the crackling of a gunshot went off. Neden slowly looked up at Alex as they turned to look at him. A small smile creased their lips for only a second as they collapsed to their knees, holding their side. Everything went silent, except for the doll sound of static and ever so quiet ringing sound in their ears. Neden didn't even have a second to think of a better option than getting in the way of Alex and blocking him from being hit. A chuckle sounded for a moment before Nedne let out a soft groan as blood came spurting from their lips. Neden bent over and coughed, blood splattered across the old stone and grass. Looking down at their hand finally, they saw that it was coated in blood and a large mess of flesh and blood covered their jacket. "I'm sorry...I wasn't much help...I wish I could have done more..." they muttered, their breathing became heavy and labored. Neden was losing blood and strength at an all too fast rate and their vision began to blur. Sitting back against one of the headstones they let out a chuckle, "You did good though, Alex...Don't let them tell you otherwise..." they said softly. There was nothing left to say or do, and after a bit of silence, all went quiet. Not even the sound of wind or animals chirping. A figure slowly stepped out from the treeline and slowly began to make its way over to Alex and Phoenix. As the figure grew closer they slowly raised their weapon and went to open fire.

In what seemed like a blink of an eye, and an unknown figure rushed at the Hunter, knocking them off their feet. The weapon scattered across the cold stone below and out of sight. The Hunter looked up at his assailant in confusion. After a brief moment of silence, the Hunter brandished a large, curved knife and went for a quick strike. The other figure dodged out of the way with incredible speed, grabbing the Hunter by the shoulder and flipped over them. Now standing behind the Hunter, the figure gave a quick few jabs along the back and kicked at the lower lumbar, causing the Hunter to crash to the ground. "What...What are you?" the Hunter questioned, looking up at the figure with dark, jet black wings that seemingly blended in with their attire, as they spread out more. No smile or chuckle, but an icy cold tone came forth as the figure spoke, "Death." the figure said simply. In a blink of an eye, a dagger was logged into the Hunter's forehead, burying deep within the skull, and the Hunter went still. The winged figure slowly stood up, wiping the blood from their weapon as they put it back into their cloak's pocket. As the figure slowly walked over to Phoenix and Alex, an all too familiar face gave a small and friendly smile, "I'll explain later, but we need to get out of here. Now. Can you carry him or should I?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Markus Valegood
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outfit xxxxxxx hex; #8B4513
xxx Older than water, stubborn as stone
xxx There'll be no forgiveness for all that you've known
xxx Oh these days, oh these days get heavy
xxx Hotter than friction, subtle as sound
xxx There'll be no forgiveness for you to come around


Travis walked Rosie home after he told them a little bit more information before saying there wasn’t much else, and once again apologizing for killing the hunter, even though he was only sorry with the situation it was caused. The hunter being dead was a loose end that was gone and one less thing for Travis to worry about. When they finally arrived at Rosie’s place Travis finally answered her question about how the hunter knew Rosie was a siren. He had thought over this answer for a little bit and was able to answer easily. Basically he explained that the hunter wanted Travis to help him escape, and when Trav was trying to calm him down, he explained what he would have to go against, including a siren. And when she entered the room he probably put it together. He gave her a hug and apologized for it, that he never wanted her to get hurt.

Over the course of the next few days, Travis did report back to the Branded to brief them on what happened, of course leaving out he was the cause of death for the captured and hostage, telling him he was killed when he tried to escape and that the monsters probably know they are going to attack soon. He recommended them calling it off so they wouldn’t be on such a high alert with the patrols they were doing, they were expecting an attack this time. They said they would think about it and then questioned Travis. He wasn’t use to this and was caught off guard. It seemed like they didn’t trust him, and making sure he wasn’t sympathetic to these freaks of nature. Travis gritted his teeth as he explained why he was sent there and that’s what he was doing. Not just for him or because they ordered him to, but for his parents and for it to never happen to anyone else again.

This night Travis had stayed up later, once again Neden saying his store being open would be more beneficial than him joining the patrol. Phoenix had called saying he would come pick things up, so Travis had some of his usual stuff ready, though expected him to probably get some more stuff. As he finally left Travis started closing up shop before a chill ran down his spine and then a scream, followed by much more and yelling. Travis bolted outside and saw the chaos and the cause. They were attacking. He slammed the door to his shop closed and headed into his apartment that was connected, but then he remembered something. Rosie. She had told him she would be spending a couple nights later at the school, and tonight was one of those nights and would probably be getting ready to head home or even on her way.

Travis was getting ready to don a mask and join his fellow Hunters in the night, but now he could only think about Rosie, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something happened to her. He quickly grabbed a pistol and tucked it into his belt, a knife into his boot, and one of his hunting rifles and darted out. He knew he wouldn’t be shot on sight by the Branded, but they would be alerted by him not in attire nor attacking with them. But Travis didn’t care, all cared about was making sure Rosie was safe, and started running to her place, where just a couple days ago he had walked her home to make sure she was safe.

While running he heard a howl, one he had only heard one other time in Greythorne, and that was of Markus, usually spine chilling, but right now he didn’t care. The streets were chaotic and fires were being made through many alleys. The Branded were trying to keep their prey in the open, easier to pick off as well as watching each other’s backs. Travis got knocked down as a vampire pounced on him, but quickly got off as he recognized Travis but then ran off as silver bullets were fired in his direction. Trav didn’t stick around too long as he was almost to Rosie’s.

Travis crossed a field and saw Rosie’s place in sight, and her in her doorway, back to the rest of the world. He didn’t know what she was doing but then noticed couple hunters rushing towards her. “Rosie!” He shouted, but when she turned around it was too late, a female hunter on the patio with her with a knife, probably coated in some sort of solution to hurt the super naturals, and the others a couple feet away with their gun aimed at her. Travis pulled his rifle off his shoulder and fired. His shot was to the female hunter closest to her in the back of the knee causing her to go to a kneel. This took the attention of the other hunters off of Rosie as they turned and faced Travis. “Stand down. You know why we are here. They are the enemy Tr-” But before they could finish Travis fired the rifle again, two shots this time, taking out two more hunters. Gunfire from the last hunter, not counting the one closest to Rosie, but Travis quickly hid behind some small stone cover. “You traitor to humanity!” The man yelled at Travis in anger, mistakenly emptying his clip around and into Travis’ cover, one actually grazing his leg before he pulled it in closer behind it.. He was quick to reload but Travis was able to pop up and fired a shot into the man’s shoulder. They were wearing a sort of reinforced armor, the type Travis knew they would be. But he fired two more shots into the man’s side as he clutched his shoulder, one of the few weak spots on their armor.

“Rosie.” He called out again as he rushed towards her remembering the woman he shot in the back of the knee, but saw that Rosie had already taken care of her. “You need to head inside, it’s not safe out here.” Travis said as he slowed down and stopped a few feet from Rosie. She quickly refused, saying she wanted to fight, but then pointed out the wound on his leg offering to patch him up. He didn’t feel any pain from it, probably from the adrenaline. “I’ll be fine. But if you insist on fighting…” He pulled the pistol from his belt and held it out. “They have armor on-” He paused for a second, trying to think of how he would explain knowing that. “At least it looked like it when I shot him in the shoulder. But they aren’t expecting y’all to be using guns.”

As Rosie took the gun, Travis held out his hand at the bottom of the small steps to Rosie. “But I’m not letting you fight alone.” He said, throwing out a small smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven Character Portrait: Violet Marsden
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0.00 INK

outfit xxxxxxx hex; #FF4500
xxx If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
xxx Well, I guess I'll make my own way
xxx It's a circle, a mean cycle
xxx Sometimes I wanna fuckin' scream or run away,
xxxI can't excite you anymore


That night Kaylessa really enjoyed hanging around Phoenix, Violet, and Jaiden. She didn’t really hang out with people in a tight group like them, seeming to be more of a free spirit that floats around sharing with anyone and everyone, but she did like it while it lasted. Kay didn’t really understand insider jokes before but now the group of four had a couple of their own and she would treasure those and when she left in the morning, she likes watching the sunrise reflecting off the snow, she made them promise that they would do this again, maybe even with Alex.

The following days were more so normal from Kaylessa, either saying hi to Phoenix and asking about if things are better with Alex and if he’s talked to him, but always getting the same answer of not yet and they aren’t ready to talk. Kay really wanted to talk to Phoenix about Alex but knew from Phoenix’s energy and demeanor that she should leave it at her asking the simple question and changing the subject. She would also try to see Alex but somehow she always missed him and his grandma would answer the door saying he was either busy or not there, Kay occasionally leaving small gifts for him.

Then came the attack. Kaylessa was just out walking through the town when she heard screaming and was shoved aside by some of the citizens running. She stood up confused and peaked around the corner and saw the horror that was happening. Another attack, like at the festival, where Kay exhausted herself to a coma, and whenever she would ask Rosie or someone about what all happened they would never give details and change the subject to something more joyful. But now, now they were attacking again. Kay then heard another set of screams and knowing the only way she can help is by healing she went towards them.

Kay kept to most dark alleys but started crossing one of the parks in the town when she was grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground, letting out a scream behind her mouth being covered. She finally saw who was holding her down and quiet, some person she never recognized, with weapons and masks, a Hunter. ”So you must be the little half-elf. A healer not a fighter. Now we can’t be hav-” Kaylessa kicked the man in the shin which made him loosen his grip and she quickly stood up and starting running. ”You bitch!” The man yelled out and started chasing her.

While trying to get away Kay accidentally made a wrong turn and ended up in a dead end of some stones and thick hedges that she knew she wouldn’t be able to get through and when she turned around the Hunter was blocking the only way in. The man smirked and raised his gun aiming at the half-elf. Kaylessa stumbled back closed her eyes, scared and not knowing what to do. But what she heard next wasn’t what she was expecting, instead of gun shots, she heard a yell and a sound of a scuffle. When she opened her eyes after awhile, she saw the hunter was no long standing and being a threat to her, but on the ground unmoving, and saw a familiar beast figure, Markus. He helped her up and asked if she was okay. “Yes… thank you. I’m sorry for being weak…” She mumbled out as he made sure she was okay.

Markus made sure she was safe and asked where she was going. “I… I don’t know. I just wanted to help. Have you seen Phoenix, or Alex?” Kaylessa asked as the two ran through the town. ”You’re asking about Alex? Him and Neden were talking about something at the cemetery and I heard a scream from over there.” A small druid said to Kay and Markus, seeming to appear out of nowhere. ”But so much has been going on and pretty sure Neden can take care of themself and Alex.” Before anyone else could say anything Kay took off towards the cemetery.

Kaylessa ran as fast as she could, ignoring everything around her as she headed towards the cemetery and when she arrived and dashed through the gate she saw two things that froze her in space. First was Neden, she now had large black wings coming out of her back that seemed to mezmerize Kay. And then she saw something that was much worse than Neden’s beautiful wings.. Alex clutching onto Phoenix who did not look so great. Kaylessa decided she would ask about Neden later and rushed over to Phoenix and Alex. She didn’t look as bad as they did, just a little dirty and a bruise on her face from being thrown into the ground. “What happened?!” She shouted, quickly putting her hands over the bloodied wound of Phoenix as the others explained what had happened.

Usually when Kaylessa used her powers, she would feel a little bit of herself drained of some energy and a warm glow come from her hands, but right now she was feeling nothing, as if her powers weren’t working and she wasn’t healing Phoenix. “I… It’s not working. I can’t heal him. Why can’t I heal him?” Kay kept trying and trying. She could heal Phoenix but she could feel some of his life essence draining from him. As she sat there with her hands over the wound some tears started rolling down from her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven
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#c4a7be | #3a0a4d

phoenix | alex

At first, Alex thought that Phoenix must have been fine. He had to be fine. He’d… He’d taken down the hunter. He knew it was all just wishful thinking, there was just already so much blood. He felt like he was going to be sick, but nodded at Neden when they told him to do his best with the wound. Phoenix had been apologizing, and as much as Alex would have loved to have a heartfelt conversation, he needed to keep calm in this moment, and found himself repeating words that were spoken to him shortly after he’d been attacked, “Don’t- Don’t apologize. You never have to apologize for this. None of this is your fault.” He wasn’t talking solely about the attack, of course, and maybe Phoenix would understand, but he didn’t really expect Phoenix to be thinking about much apart from the pain he was feeling. “I know you’re in pain but we need to try to stop the bleeding, okay?”

Blood didn’t typically bother Alex, but seeing Phoenix this way was difficult. He hesitated for a brief moment, trying to decide if he should do something about Phoenix’s clothes, but ultimately decided that he didn’t want to waste the time. Phoenix could be more properly bandaged when they weren’t in so much immediate danger. He tried to work quickly, but his hands were shaking-he was scared. He didn’t want Phoenix slipping away, so he decided to try talking to him, “You’re gonna be okay, alright? I’m… I’m not leaving your side, okay? I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” It wasn’t long before Neden was telling him that he needed to get into town, and they were right, Alex just didn’t know how he was supposed to do that. Not that Phoenix was particularly large, but they were so close to the same size, and Alex was afraid he might hurt Phoenix more.

Before he really got the chance to work that out, though, he heard a gunshot, and suddenly Neden was apologising. At the gunshot, Phoenix flinched a little, but looked around nonetheless. “Neden?” he managed to force out. Alex had never felt more hopeless, or helpless. He didn’t know what he was supposed to, or what he even could do. He heaved a sob, “I’m so sorry, Phoenix. I’m trying, but I know it’s not good enough. I know. I was too late.” He went to brush Phoenix’s hair off his face, but just ended up smearing blood on his forehead.

Neden couldn’t be gone. That wasn’t right, it was too brutal a death, too harsh, too quick. And then Alex was apologising again, sobbing. It hit Phoenix then. It was too late for him. Alex wasn’t going to be able to get him to help quick enough. “Alex...I’m scared,” he sobbed.

Alex didn’t seem particularly phased when Neden walked back over, maybe he was too focused on Phoenix, or slightly in shock, or maybe he just didn’t care, but he genuinely didn’t seem to notice the changes at that moment. He shook his head, “He’s in pretty bad shape…”

His vision had gone blurry enough from the pain and the blood loss that he didn’t recognise the figure that approached Alex. He wanted to yell a warning, but just couldn’t get it out. And then he heard Neden’s voice. Not clear enough to hear what they were saying, but clear enough to know it was them. Was this what Alex meant by seeing spirits? Were they this familiar, this… soon? But he wasn’t ready to go. He could feel his vision starting to fade, feel himself starting to pass out from the blood loss. Instinctively, he grabbed Alex’s hand, hoping for something to anchor him to reality. But it wasn’t enough. Everything went black.

But only for a second. When he opened his eyes, he was gasping for air, feeling like he’d just surfaced from cold water. Everything looked the same, but he knew it wasn’t. Alex was still there, clutching… what Phoenix presumed had been his hand, except his body wasn’t there. And Neden-

Neden was there. Neden was there, and they were alive and… they had wings. Strong, powerful wings. Had… had they always had them? What had happened to them? The only other winged creature he knew were sirens like Rosie, and Neden wasn’t a siren. They were talking, but the words sounded as if they were coming from underwater. He couldn’t make them out, but he didn’t need to. He could see the tears streaming down Alex’s face regardless. Phoenix reached out, went to put a hand on Alex’s shoulder, but instead his hand passed straight through. “I’m sorry,” he murmured again. He sat cross-legged beside Alex, ignoring the tugging in his gut, telling him to go somewhere else. “I’m staying right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

Phoenix had clutched his hand, and then his body went limp. Alex tried to tell himself that everything was going to be okay, but he swore he could almost feel a presence hovering nearby, but he told himself he was imagining it. Even if it were real, this was a graveyard at night, of course there were spirits here: he could see them everywhere he looked. He felt a heavy darkness settling into his heart, but before he could linger there, he heard Kay’s voice, and had she not immediately gone to help Phoenix, Alex may have all but thrown himself into her arms for comfort. When she asked what happened, he shook his head, “There was a hunter, and then…” He took a deep breath, he couldn’t even say the words. “It happened so fast, Kay.”

Then Kay said it wasn’t working, and that was when Alex knew that it was probably too late. For a moment, he felt like the ground had opened up to an endless abyss, and he was falling farther by the moment. Then he remembered something; when he’d been attacked, he’d almost died. They couldn’t heal him, either. He’d been so confused and had wandered away, he would’ve died had Violet not fetched him back from the beyond. He looked at Kay, “Kay, if you can, just keep trying. I…” He licked his lips nervously, “I have a plan.” He didn’t tell her that he had no idea if he could do it or not: he’d not gone fully into an incorporeal plane since he’d nearly died, and he was fairly sure it wasn’t going to be an easy task. He briefly looked around, and though he felt a faint presence to his side, he didn’t see Phoenix anywhere but laying in front of him. He chose to take that as a good sign. “I’ll be back, okay?”

He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind, but the sounds of the attack, the knowledge that he had no idea if this would work, the pain and pressure of potentially losing the person that he’d shared so much life with, it was all too much to bare. His heart began to race, and nothing but images of death and destruction filled his head. If he couldn’t pull this off, he knew he’d rather be dead, and if he couldn’t calm down, he knew he would fail. He opened his eyes and looked up to the night sky, pleading silently for some strength. Something inside him knew he couldn’t do it, and just when he’d given up and accepted it, closed his eyes for a moment of private grief, he felt something spark within him. It was familiar and entirely unknown all at once, but he was sure he knew what it was. He could almost feel the earth beneath him calling out to him, thanking him for the sacrifice he’d given. While he knew it wasn’t him, that this wasn’t his doing, there was so much blood on his hands. He didn’t think what he wanted to do required sacrifice, but maybe if he took responsibility for whatever arcane thing the spirits were planning, he could make it through the veil. “Okay,” He mumbled, barely letting the word past his lips. “Yes.” It was suddenly colder than he’d remembered. “Did I do it?” He asked, aloud. He looked ahead, as if to gage Kay’s reaction, but everything sounded like he was listening from underwater, and looked blurry; out of focus. He couldn’t even really see her face. It was, altogether, less disorenting when you weren’t dying, though.

It felt like ages, but was probably seconds, before he turned to the presence to his side. To Phoenix. They were there, sitting side-by-side. For a moment, it reminded Alex of childhood. Sitting in the backyard, looking at the stars far past time for bed. He wondered if they would have done things differently if they knew this was where they’d be. It took a second for him to find his voice, but when he did, he said, “Hey,” He saw his breath evaporating in the air; he was alive, and clearly not meant to be here. “We need to get you back, okay?”

Phoenix could feel his heart breaking as Kay rushed to his side, going to heal him straight away. It was too late. He knew it, could feel it in that constant, growing, almost overwhelming tugging feeling in his chest to go somewhere else. But he wasn’t leaving, not until he literally had no other choice. He could see it in Kay’s expression as she realised it wasn’t working, his wound wasn’t healing. He knew that staying was probably just prolonging the pain for all of them, but… he wasn’t ready to go.

And then he glanced back at Alex, and saw something like realisation spark in his expression. And then he closed his eyes. Phoenix watched, ignoring the worsening pull in his chest. He needed to see what Alex was trying to do, he needed to know.

And then he heard Alex’s voice, clear as day, not distorted like it had been. Did I do it? What exactly had he been trying to do? Phoenix was about to ask, and then Alex turned to look at him. His breath was a cloud in the air. Phoenix hadn’t even realised he hadn’t been able to see his own breath, but it probably made sense.

“What are you doing, you idiot? This isn’t safe for you, you shouldn’t be here.” It was only then that he fully processed what Alex had said. “I don’t- I don’t know if I can go back. I don’t think I’m supposed to.”

Of course, here there were, Phoenix nearly dead, and he was worried about Alex. “Don’t worry about me,” Alex said, sounding much more confident than he felt, “I’ll be fine, I’ve done this before.” He failed to mention that he’d been nearly dead, and had almost gotten himself and Violet both killed, but he didn’t think those details were necessary. When Phoenix said he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to go back, Alex just shook his head. “We do lots of things we aren’t supposed to, Phoenix. It’s… It’s what we do.” He paused, briefly. He knew that this place held a powerful sway over the dead and dying, he’d been here before, and he remembered that it was hard to resist, at first. The fact that Phoenix was even still here was a good sign, but if he wasn’t willing to go back himself, Alex wasn’t sure if there was much he could do. Not without some serious consequences, at the least. “Phoenix, I… I missed you. And, um…” He sighed, “I don’t like life without you around, so I’d rather not lose you today.” He reached out for Phoenix, but let his hand fall to the ground between them, instead.

He smiled a little as Alex reminded him that they had a habit of doing things they weren’t supposed to. That had been their entire lives together. They hadn’t ever listened to what they were supposed to do. But this wasn’t like his mom telling them to go to bed and them staying up playing Pokémon or watching cartoons or whatever. This was… bigger. Alex’s words made him sigh and look away a little.

“I… I missed you too, Alex. And I am so, so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you like that, back at the festival but… seeing you like that I… I couldn’t. I couldn’t watch, and I couldn’t help you, and I was so, so scared. And I was so powerless. And…” he managed a small smirk. “And then when it… happened to me, you still came and tried to save my ass. I just… it’s so strong, Alex. It’s so strong.”

Alex nodded, “Sorry I couldn’t do more.” He was quiet for a moment, “I didn’t see it in time, or I might’ve been able to stop it.” He sighed, “Or something. I was being selfish, wasting time. You’d think I’d know better, right?” He studied Phoenix for a short moment, as if he was afraid he’d forget his face if he looked away. “I can’t make you come back with me. Well, I probably could, but that would go horribly wrong, and that’s not really the point, I…” He shook his head, as if to force himself to stop talking. Babbling on wouldn’t do either of them any good, so on the off chance that he couldn’t convince Phoenix to at least try to return to his body to be healed, he said, “What happened at the festival wasn’t your fault. I was just angry at the world, at myself; I was feeling hurt, and I felt guilty, scared, and jealous.”

That was the closest thing to an apology Alex could muster, and he hoped it would be enough to ease the burden in both of their souls. “I know what this feels like, it’s horrible, and it’s tiring, and you feel like if you just listen to that pull you can finally rest, but…” He stopped, he could feel raw emotion building up inside of him, threatening to boil over, and he would be in danger if that happened. “So many people in this town love you, Phoenix. We can’t lose you.” He reached out and placed a tentative hand on Phoenix’s shoulder, “I’ll help you, if you’re willing to try.”

It felt… good to finally be talking like this. They’d never fought before, never had to apologise for anything, and it felt like there was a weight being lifted from Phoenix’s chest. They should never have led it get that far, and he wished they could have had it under different circumstances. But they’d said what they needed to say.

And Alex was right. The constant tug in his chest was exhausting, and there was a tiny part of him that just wanted to… let go and follow it. But he was far too scared to do that. He didn’t need convincing to try. But before he could say that, the tug suddenly strengthened, almost taking his breath away, almost overwhelming his self control. He gasped a little. “We have to try. I’m… I’m not ready to go yet. But we need to do it now. Tell me what I need to do,” he said, instinctively covering Alex’s hand with his own, clutching on him like an anchor all over again. The contact made it easier to ignore the almost overwhelming pull, and he grabbed Alex’s other hand almost without thinking.

With his hands in Phoenix’s, Alex suddenly realized he wasn’t fully sure of what to do. It had been so instinctual when it was him, and he quickly tried to think of what to tell Phoenix to do, “I remember that I just had to go back,” He shook his head, “You haven’t gone far, so it shouldn’t be too difficult.” He turned his head to look at Phoenix’s body, and then out towards the town. He didn’t know if Phoenix was going to have the ability to do this on his own, and if he was being honest, he didn’t remember how he’d done it, himself. He didn’t feel like he’d done anything special, but he remembered what Violet had said to him, “It helps to focus on your life, the things you don’t want to lose.” He found himself squeezing Phoenix’s hands, as if he was afraid he would blow away if he let go.

Alex could still feel the raw power from Phoenix’s blood, even as the ground soaked it up; he could feel the pull, right in his chest. It practically called out to him, demanding he do more. It would be rude to waste so much human blood. Besides, there was a nice fresh body, plenty of healthy, robust spirits. And here he was, wasting his time on one that was about to move on. He almost physically shook his head at the thought; Phoenix wasn’t a waste of time, that wasn’t him, but he wasn’t sure where it came from. “Phoenix,” His voice was steady, sure, “Go back. It’s not time to rest.” It wasn’t a request, or even direction. It was almost a command, but gentler. “Thank you for everything, but I still need you.”

The pulling was only getting stronger, to the point that Phoenix was becoming sure that Alex’s hands clutched in his were the only reason he hadn’t gone yet. When he’d first arrived, “back” had felt… closer. As if he was just beneath the surface of the lake, but now he was sinking, too deep to swim back. But he tried. He pushed back against the pull fighting back. It felt useless, it felt impossible, but he pushed, focusing on that feeling of Alex’s hands in his. And then he heard Alex speaking. I need you. And all of a sudden, the pull was gone, or maybe Phoenix pulled some last strength from somewhere, but he gave one last push-

And opened his eyes, his body reflexively taking a gasp of air and starting to cough. The air was cold against his skin, he could feel his own blood soaked in to his shirt and sticking to his skin, he could feel the steadiness of the ground beneath him. He was back. He was back. He’d done it. The realisation almost made him laugh with relief.

“Alex-” he said, pushing himself upright, ignoring the slight spinning in his head as he did so. “We did it,” he said, still a little breathless, but smiling, smiling so wide.

One moment, Alex was wondering if it was working, or if he should give up and start saying his goodbyes. Then Phoenix was gone. Wait! Phoenix was gone? Panic gripped Alex for a moment, but then he heard muffled laughter, and he knew it had worked. He didn’t know why, or how, but it worked. Phoenix did it. It was when Alex heard a distant, otherworldly rumbling that he remembered just how much danger he was in.

It was time for both of them to go home, if they could. He finally let himself relax, and quickly found himself back in a more corporeal form. He suddenly felt exhausted, all of his muscles sore. Still, he couldn’t resist returning Phoenix’s smile with one of his own, tired as he was. “You did it.” He reached out to hug Phoenix, a part of him fiercely relieved, and another horribly afraid to hurt him. In the end, Alex had him in a firm, but gentle, embrace. “Never do anything like that again, you idiot.”

Phoenix returned Alex’s embrace, but held on as tightly as he could, smiling into Alex’s shoulder. “I’ll try not to make a habit of it,” he laughed, moving away to look Alex in the face again. Alex, who had literally risked his life, and probably his soul, to save Phoenix. And even if he himself didn’t know it, Phoenix wasn’t sure that he had brought himself back at all. There had been a moment where he thought the fight had won- and Alex had pulled him back. He’d literally saved Phoenix’s life. He couldn’t have done it alone. And maybe it was the fact he was still a little dizzy, maybe it was the fact his heart was still pounding with the adrenaline of it all, maybe it was everything about the scenario, maybe it had nothing to do with it. But Phoenix leaned in and kissed Alex, a hand moving up to cradle Alex’s cheek as he did so.

To say that Alex was surprised was, perhaps, an understatement. For a second, he acted almost like he didn’t know what to do. Maybe it was something about the relief of Phoenix surviving, or how this whole ordeal had reminded him of feelings he thought he’d buried and forgotten years ago, but Alex found himself kissing Phoenix back, hands grabbing at the back of Phoenix’s shirt. He gave Phoenix a soft, and almost sad sort of smile as they broke the kiss. “We should go.” Almost as an afterthought, he added, “Before someone else almost dies.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven
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0.00 INK

outfit xxxxxxx hex; #FF4500
xxx If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
xxx Well, I guess I'll make my own way
xxx It's a circle, a mean cycle
xxx Sometimes I wanna fuckin' scream or run away,
xxxI can't excite you anymore


Tears were rolling down Kaylessa’s cheeks as she kept trying to heal Phoenix, and it should have been working but it wasn’t. She couldn’t lose Phoenix, one of her best friends that listened to her ramble and just let her be herself without complaining. All the times of hanging out as his cafe and just sit on the counter and talk while he was cleaning and closing up shop, would never happen again if he would to leave. She didn’t want to even think of the word die or death, she didn’t want to accept it.

It was when Alex said he had a plan and to keep trying. Kaylessa was confused at what he meant, not entirely sure what plan or what he could do that would help Phoenix since she was the one to be known for healing people. Alex then closed his eyes, and Kay could feel as if he spirit wasn’t there. She felt Neden’s hand on her shoulder and turned to look back at them. “What, what’s going on?” She asked, wiping away some of the tears on her face.

The two left in the living world sat there waiting, Kaylessa occasionally trying to heal Phoenix again but nothing coming from it and then just staring at Alex. He looked peaceful at this moment, unmoving and full of serenity. She reached over and gently grabbed Alex’s arm, lightly rubbing it and waiting for him to come back. “Please…” Kay mumbled under her breath and taking a glance back at Phoenix who still hadn’t moved since she showed up. She was scared, she had never really lost anyone close to her before, and the closest thing to that was her mother leaving, but she promised they would see each other again and Kaylessa would be taken care of in Greythorne. Right now she never had a chance to say anything to Phoenix, not even a goodbye or a thank you for being her friend.

But then there was a gasping for air and Phoenix sat up. This scared Kaylessa at first, letting out a little squeak and making her back off a second as she was frightened, but then filled with joy as Phoenix was alive. “Phoenix!” Kay shouted with joy with a smile on her face. He was alive, and she was happy she wouldn’t have to mourn the death of a friend right now. She wanted to give him a big hug and let him know how happy she was he was still with them, but knew to give Alex a chance first, the two were best friends and knew they would be happy. Kaylessa at this point was standing as she filled with joy and energy, but then in one moment that all went away and she froze. Phoenix had kissed Alex, and he was kissing him back.

Kaylessa was confused and full of a whole assortment of emotions. She didn’t understand. Kay had told Phoenix everything, confessed how she felt about Alex even wanting to talk to him about everything, about them. But right now she was frozen in disbelief, not knowing how to feel exactly. Why wouldn’t Phoenix tell her how he felt about Alex? But then she realised it wasn’t his fault. No, it was hers.

Before either of them turned to talk to her, before they could notice how she felt and the tears forming in her eyes, Kaylessa took off running. How could she be so dumb to not to understand what was between Alex and Phoenix? How could she be so pathetic to actually believe Alex likes her the way she liked him? How could she be so stupid not to see that? And many more questions rushed through Kay’s mind as tears fella off her face and she ran, away from Alex, away from the fight, away from everyone.

Kaylessa ran with tears falling down her face, not even taking the time to wipe them away as she pushed through bushes and under branches. She finally had to stop when she entered a clearing at the edge of the lake. She spotted a tree that she used to climb a lot when she was younger a few hundred feet away and darted towards it. Kay looked across the frozen lake, the moonlight glistening off the thin sheet of ice that had started to form with the temperature dropping. She wiped her tears away and started climbing up, eventually maneuvering her body on a long branch that hung over the lake.

Kay sat with her legs hanging off the branch and just staring across the lake. At this distance there was much less screaming and yelling, the gunshots sounded distant. “Why am I so stupid? Of course Alex doesn’t like me. I should have known.” She asked herself in between sniffs and wiping her eyes and her runny nose. She didn’t want to go back into tow, she didn’t want to face Alex or Phoenix with her shame. Violet and Jaiden were even there when Kaylessa was asking Phoenix about Alex, they probably thought of her as an idiot for how she felt.

“Maybe I should run away… Never come back. No one will miss me, Alex-” Kaylessa was talking out loud when the branch was on suddenly broke, causing her to scream before sending her and the branch crashing through the ice of the lake below. The fall knocked the wind out of Kay so when she went to try to breathe she took in a mouthful of water and accidentally swallowed, her throat burning from the ice cold water. She tried to scream for help but couldn’t get enough air into her lungs, just struggling against the water and the layer of ice above her. Kay could barely fight against the water as her limbs started to feel heavy, her vision started to delude until she finally felt a calmness as she slowly closed her eyes. The last thing to cross Kaylessa's mind was the last word she had said before falling, Alex.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven Character Portrait: Markus Valegood
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0.00 INK

Violet Marsden
Revanent | outfit : herex|xhex: #2b2a2a
xxxThere's blood in the water but it tastes so sweet
xxxShow me no mercy
xxxAnd let it rain, and let it rain
xxxShow me no mercy

Everything was silent and cold as Violet slowy walked through the woods. An eerily silence with the small buzzing and whispering she always heard echoed through her ears. The wind slowly blew, grazing her skin with its all too familiar embrace. She left the lakeside as soon as she could, she needed to get into town. As she walked, dozens of Hunters appeared from behind trees and rocks alike. Stepping backward she took a deep breath, readying herself to defend herself in any way that she could. One of the Hunters took aim at her with a compound bow, readying the arrow, but was quickly snatched backward and dragged away by some vines and branches. Using that as a distraction as a few of the other Hunters were set upon by more treefolk, Violet rushed forwards and jumped onto one of the Hunter's backs. Using Violet as a distraction, one of the Spriggans formed vines around the Hunter's throats, watching as the life was quickly extinguished as the neck was forcibly snapped. Violet fell alongside the body on the ground, but quickly pushed herself away and behind a tree as another Hunter had taken aim at her but missed, the arrow finding itself lodged into the tree she had hid behind.

Amongst the fight, one of the Hunters ran to where Violet had hidden, and crept along the tree and slowly turned to go in for a grab at her. But when they turned around to the other side of the tree, she was gone. The Hunter looked in confusion, he could have sworn that Violet had ran behind for cover. As he went to walk away, Violet suddenly dropped down from the branches, landing on his shoulders and forcing him into the tree face first. The Hunter swore as he grasped his face as he felt the blood and then finally the pain. "You little bitch!" he exclaimed as he held his nose, trying to ease the pain. Violet simply smiled and gave a small little wave as a cluster of vines wrapped around the Hunter's ankle and forced him onto his back as he was pulled away. A small smile and chuckle escaped her lips, but not for long as she felt arms wrap around her from behind and easily hoisted her up into the air. Violet struggled to free herself as she tried worming her way out of their grasp, "You're the little ghost girl we were told so much about, right?" a female voice spoke up from her. Violet froze in place at the Hunter's words. Someone had been telling them about her? No, about the people from Greythorne as a whole. She knew that there must have been a mole, but who? Thinking it was Travis would have been too obvious and easy, but her gut was telling her something she didn't want to trust. "What...What are you talking about?" she asked, trying to not only get as much information as she could get, but also as a way of distracting the Hunter and get her to lower her guard.

The Hunter sneered as she continued to drag Violet along, "Don't try asking questions, or try to make me feel guilty about killing you monsters. It won't work on-" that was all that she needed. With one swift movement, Violet forced her head back as hard as she could, smacking the back of her head into the Hunter's face as she was talking. Violet found herself falling onto the frozen, snow-covered ground beneath her. Violet gasped for air as she rolled onto her back before she slowly propped herself up as she rubbed the back of her head. It was wet and warm, looking at her hand she saw a small amount of blood. But there was no wound, so why was there-it was only when she looked up at the Hunter that she realized. It wasn't her blood, but the Hunter's blood as her lip was now split as well as a broken nose. Violet smirked, the Hunter looking up at Violet as she spat out a mixture of saliva and blood onto the otherwise perfectly white, snow-covered ground. "You bitch!" the Hunter's voice was somewhat muffled from the now swollen lip. Violet chuckled, "If you want to fight, at least make it worth it." she retorted, raising her hands in the form of fists infront of her face. The Hunter stretched, tossing down her own weapon which was a large knife with a curved edge.

The two looked at each other in silence as the wind blew, the other Hunters were busy at work with their own combat with the treefolk and other supernatural folks that had rushed into the woods to help by this time. After what felt like forever, but was simply a minute, the two rushed at each other. Violet dodged the first swing of the Hunter as she went for an uppercut. Violet gave a quick jab at the Hunter, right on the side next to the ribs, and quickly backed off. The Hunter let out a small groan as Violet managed to hit the weak spot in the armor, "You are going to regret not dying peacefully." the Hunter spat out. Violet couldn't help but chuckle, but it wasn't her normal chuckle. Something about it just felt off, and unnerving which caused a small tinge of absolute fear to hit the Hunter. "You're no normal ghost are you...There's no way that you're a...No. You can't." she said coldly as she readied herself once more. Violet couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow a the Hunter's words. Did the Hunter know what Violet was? And if so, how and why? In the moment, she didn't care for an answer, as much as she wanted one, she could get one later. "You're going to watch, as we kill all of your friends, slowly. And then we'll kill yo-" the woman was cut off from her mini-rant as Violet suddenly rushed her, knocking the Hunter off of her feet and onto the ground. The two fought to out do the other, but finally Violet managed to get the upper hand and wrap her hands around the woman's throat, slowly beginning to squeeze tighter and tighter. Her eyes never breaking the eye-contact between the two. "What's....What's wrong? Afraid of losing more people?" the Hunter managed to gasp out, trying to use her last words as a means of distracting Violet.

Violet simply scoffed as she continued to squeeze the life out of the Hunter, "Fuck....You." Violet finally said, her voice sounding ice cold and void of any life or emotion. The Hunter finally managed to get what she had wanted, a small bit of anger from Violet which had caused her to not be fully aware of her surroundings. The Hunter, in one swift motion, brought her right hand down and into Violet's left shoulder, digging the dagger deep into Violet's arm. Violet let out a pained scream as the knife only dug farther into the flesh and bone in her arm, a dark liquid slowly began to ooze from the wound as the dagger was taken out as the Hunter attempted a second stab. But Violet was too quick, too furious and bloodthirsty and in one moment and flick of the wrist the Hunter went still and silent. Violet didn't know what had happened, all she knew was that she wasn't in control of her actions, not fully by any means. Finally blinking, her vision had returned to normal, as in her angered state everything seemed darker and blurred, almost as if her vision entirely went black. She found herself scooting backward and away from the corpse of the Hunter, turning and emptying the contents of her stomach. Violet had never been one for violent outbursts or hurting someone, but having that small taste of what it felt like made her heart race.

Violet slowly stood up on her feet, looking around the woods. In her small bout with the Hunter who now laid motionless on the ground, she hadn't noticed that the others had been fully dispatched of. Now, now she stood alone in the silent and eery woods. Once that felt like a safe and secure place, now felt otherworldly and unnerving. Her vision began to blur and fade from in and out of her normal vision, to that of a blurred reality. One moment she found herself in the quiet woods, and the next when she blinked there was a dark mist forming around her and then she was gone, leaving a small flock of black ravens in her place. Violet found herself slamming into something hard and cold beneath her when she opened her eyes. Gone were the cold, snow-covered birch trees and soft wind blowing, and now...Now she found herself in a darkly lit, dusk covered victorian designed office room. A simple old oak desk with a large chair behind it sat infront of a curtain covered window, a crackling fireplace was along the cobblestone wall, two chairs were sat infront of the desk that sat across the room, and shelves with countless books aligned the room. She didn't know what happened, or where she was, all she knew was that those faint whispers were growing closer and closer and then finally they stopped. Silently Violet stood in the middle of the room, trying to figure out anything to do, nevermind even say. She had just barely began to open her mouth when the sound of one clearing their throat sounded behind her. Quickly turning around Violet had a look of deep fear and anxiety written on her face when she saw the familiar figure standing behind the desk, hands folded neatly behind his back as he faced away from her. Violet could have sworn she was alone in this room, and then she wasn't. "Who...Who are you..?" Violet barely stuttered out. The room felt cold and empty, despite the crackling fireplace behind her.

The figure slowly turned around, a small smile was placed on his otherwise emotionless face. He was tall, oddly tall and lanky. His arms and hands seemed to be just slightly too long for his body, as did his legs. His skin was a sickly pale color, dark short hair covered his head in a comb-over, with the slightest bit of gray and white patches. His eyes were almost black in nature, void of any sign of life, even the parts of his eyes that were normally white were a solid black, making his eyes seem like a deep and dark abyss. Violet silently looked at him for a moment as she tried remembering who he was, but before she could ask, the man spoke. A soft, yet gravely and almost velvet-like voice sounded. As if it was coming from around her, and not just the man that stood in front of her, "We can discuss who I am on a later note, dear one. But now, now we discuss the promise you made with me. The one about your friends, remember?"

Neden Isimir
Fallen Angel | outfit : herex|xhex: #a39d9d
xxxThis place is going up in flames and
xxxWe watch and we wait
xxxAnd I think I kinda like the way it
xxxIt burns in my face

Neden watched as Kaylessa had finally arrived at the graveyard, kneeling down next to Alex and Phoenix, as they gave the small group their space. Neden didn't know what to do, for once, they had no idea. All they had to offer was to help the initial bleeding with what they had given Alex to patch it up, but even then that wouldn't have done much. Nothing they could do would help. While they could heal themselves, and others of very minor wounds, this was out of their field of expertise and ability to heal someone. So all they could do was silently stand there and watch, as even Kaylessa wasn't able to help heal Phoenix's injury. Kaylessa was the one that Neden would have brought Phoenix to if they got back to town soon enough, but since Kaylessa met them there first, it brought a small spark of hope back into their heart which had only been extinguished all too soon. "Fuck..." they mumbled softly under their breath at the realization that even a healer like Kaylessa was hopeless in being able to heal. Neden sighed to themselves, combing their fingers through their hair as they tried to think of what to do. Anything at this point would be worth trying. Their attention was taken back to Alex when he told Kaylessa to continue trying to heal Phoenix, and that he had a plan and he was going to try to do something. They gave him an odd look at first, raising their eyebrow with uncertainty by what that meant. But they watched as Alex sat down like he had before, crossing his legs as he sat beside Phoenix. Was this like what he did before? Where he contacted the spirits from the other side just barely an hour before? Neden wasn't certain, but they were all out of ideas and plans, and if this worked...Well, it would be worth it. The Angel simply looked at Alex and gave him a nod, "Just don't fuck this up, got it?" they said with a small smile.

They weren't going to leave them alone as Alex tried his idea out, if things went horribly wrong they'd have no one to protect themselves or get Alex out of his trance. Neden watched as Alex closed his eyes and began to do his thing. It was only the sound of Kay's voice that broke them from focusing on Alex. Neden simply placed their hand on her shoulder when she asked what was Alex doing and what was going on, "I'm not entirely sure...I've only ever seen one other Necromancer aside from Alex and, my best guess? Doing something stupid that might actually work." Neden said with a slight chuckle in their voice. Refusing to move from their spot until Alex and hopefully Phoenix came back, Neden stayed in place. Only moving a few footsteps away as they paced back and forth, their black feathered wings twitched and moved every now and then as anxiety-filled their whole being. Neden never was the anxious type, but in all of their years in the human world, they never experienced something like this. Well...Not on this side of the situation anyway. The angel shook those thoughts out of their head as now wasn't the time to focus on the past, they changed and were no longer that person. In felt like hours passed, while in reality it was only a few minutes when the sound of a loud gasp sounded, taking them out of their trance.

The sight of Alex and Phoenix smiling and making small jokes between the two caused a smile to form on their face as they stepped closer. "You actually did it, you crazy bastard." Neden said as they chuckled, patting Alex on the head as he was still sitting down. Neden was going to speak up and say how they needed to get going if they were able, but much to their surprise, Phoenix leaned in and surprisingly ended up kissing Alex. Normally, they would have been taken aback by it, but considering the stories they overheard and knew how generally close they were, and with what they had gone through it wasn't too much of a shock. "Humans..." they scoffed under their breath. It was only the sight of Kaylessa running off in the distance that caused a small tinge of guilt and anxiety run through them. It still wasn't fully safe to just go running, even if the sound of fighting had gone down. Neden would have given chase to stop her and ask what was wrong, but Neden had more important matters to take care of. Turning back to Alex and Phoenix, Neden gave them a nod and smile, "You two, take care of each other and look out for each other, got it? No more getting stabbed." they mused as they turned, but before leaving they saw a few Spriggans making their way from the town and back to them. They didn't need to exchange words, but most of the fighting was over, only a few Hunters remained and they had come back to check on the ones in the graveyard. "Watch over those two, alright? I'm going to check on the others and I'll report back later. We're going to have one fucking mess to clean up when this is over..." Neden said with a bitter tone. They just had a feeling that while things were going in their favor, they had to have lost some of the townspeople once more.

Neden gave Alex and Phoenix one more look and a small salute of their hand before they took off for the town like a rocket. It was simply just a blur and they were gone. In only a few moments, Neden was back in the middle of town. It was a disaster, broken into homes and stores, bodies of both supernatural and Hunters littered the town, blood and gore covered the streets. A sinking feeling filled them as they slowly stalked the streets, something still didn't feel right. Reaching back into their pocket they retrieved what looked to be a simple silver pen and twirled it in their index finger and thumb as they casually walked down the street. All was silent, and then there was the sound of footsteps behind them, rushing them by the sounds of it. Turning on their heal, Neden pushed themselves backward with their wings and a gust of wind swept behind them as looked up to see a Hunter had come for a sneak attack. A large grin formed on Neden's face and with a simple flick of their wrist, the pen formed into the appearance of a sword, holding it by their side. the Hunter sneered and went in for a rush with two twin daggers. Simply jumping into the air due to the help of their wings, Neden spun and gave a swift kick that landed against the Hunter's face, sending them backwards. With a groan the Hunter slowly got back to their feet, giving Neden a scowl as blood trickled form his now broken nose. "That looks rough." they chuckled, and went in for a swipe of their own, but pulled back last minute, using their foot to knock one of the daggers from the Hunter's grasp. "You're gonna die, you bitch." the Hunter called out through broken teeth and cartilage. Neden simply let out a small chuckle, which only irritated the Hunter more and rushed them. Neden gave a few quick jabs and kick into the Hunter's abdomen then sent him hunched over, gasping for air. Neden approached the Hunter from behind, grabbing him by the shoulder, "Sleep well, dear prince." they mused, "Wha...wha-" the Hunter stuttered, but before he could even utter a word, a fountain of blood emptied from his freshly sliced throat which he tried to stop as he grabbed his throat. Neden watched as the man finally went still and silent as the pool of blood slowly grew around him. Leaving the Hunter, Neden turned and wiped their weapon clean on the edge of their coat.

Silently walking down the street, Neden forced their weapon to retract and take the appearance of a pen once more, placing it in their coat's pocket once more. And instead, Neden pulled out two twin daggers, unsheathing them as they did so. Up ahead they saw three Hunters outnumbering a single individual. Shaking their head, Neden took to the sky, and using their wings rushed one of the Hunters and took him to the ground. Having distracted the other two, the woman had the advantage against at least one of them, taking one out with ease with the snap of the neck and the body went limp as it crumbled to the ground. Neden quickly got to their feet as one of their daggers was plunged deeply into the Hunter's chest. Turning around, Neden finally made eye contact with the woman, she was of average height and build, but with fair colored skin and dark eyes. The things that stood out from making her look like any other citizen, was her long electric blue-green hair, and choice of dark clothing and lipstick. They both smiled at each other, before turning their attention to the remaining Hunter. Neden simply removed the dagger that was used to kill one of the Hunters, "I think you got it from here, love." Neden said with a small smile as they turned away. Hearing blood-curdling screams as the Hunter was set upon by the woman, who dug her fangs deeply into his neck and had her fill of human blood.

Patrolling the streets once more, nothing was to be further seen, aside from one thing that brought immediate concern to Neden. A form was pushed up against a wall. It wouldn't have been a cause for concern naturally until Neden recognized who it was. Quickening their pace they kneeled down beside him, placing their hand by his side, while their other hand was placed on his cheek, "C'mon, Markus. Wake the fuck up." Nedne called out, patting him gently on the cheek. Markus slowly blinked, lipping his lips dryly, trying to speak. Neden simply hushed him as they caressed his hair and face. They needed to keep him calm and keep his breathing at a stable level. "Don't say a thing, ya got it? You need to save your energy. You're not dying like a bitch from this stab wound, you're not that sad of a man, Markus." Neden commented, searching through their pockets for something, anything to help with the bleeding. But then they remembered they gave Alex the gauze to help with Phoenix's injury, "Fuck..." they cursed under their breath. Looking back at Markus, they could tell he was trying to tell them something important, but his words were slurred and murmured. The only thing they could understand was, "In his pocket" and "No one can know". Neden simply nodded and searched through his jacket's pocket, retrieving a vial with a strange colored liquid in it. Neden gave Markus a look over and squinted, they knew what it was, but how Markus managed to get his hands on it, they didn't care. All that counted was that he had it, it wouldn't fully heal what had been done, but the least it would do was prolong the inevitable and give him more time. Popping off the top of the vial, they helped tip Markus' head back enough for the liquid to go down easily enough. Markus cough and sputtered a bit, but he had swallowed the liquid and that's what mattered. After a few minutes, the major bleeding had stopped and Markus had fallen asleep. Neden wrapped their arms under his legs and behind his head, and scooped him up in their arms, and began the long walk back to find somewhere safe for Markus and for everyone else until they knew what to do. But for now, Neden made a promise, and no one else could know what happened. Not until it was time anyway...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven
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0.00 INK

A l e x Garcia

Outfit - #3a0a4d

Alex wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting to happen, but Kay running away like that hadn’t been it. He turned to look at Neden, but they seemed content to let her go. Something about it didn’t sit right with Alex, but soon after, Neden was telling him to look after Phoenix. Well, they’d told the boys to look after each other-heaven knows they needed looking after-but Alex had interpreted that to mean that he should look after Phoenix, and that was what he intended to do. Neden left too quickly to thank, so Alex settled on standing up and extending a hand to Phoenix, ”How are you feeling?” He remembered being a little weak, at first, after he’d been attacked. Hopefully a good night’s sleep would help with whatever Phoenix may be feeling.

He also remembered how horrible that first night after being attacked had been, and had no intentions of letting Phoenix ride it out alone. ”You can come back with me,” He worded it like it was an offer, even as he was guiding Phoenix in that direction, ”Besides, I think Abuela would like to have you where she can keep an eye on you.” He had, of course, failed to mention how he would like to keep a close eye on Phoenix.

The walk was pretty quiet. Alex spent it looking out for signs of trouble, and making sure Phoenix was supported and okay. Alex wouldn’t have known what to say anyway, and smalltalk seemed inappropriate. He’d never liked silence much, but he’d been starting to get used to it in the past several weeks. The house was empty when they reached it, though the lights had been left on. About half of the pictures that were once hanging on the walls and displayed proudly through the mains rooms of the house were missing, which only made it look emptier.

Abuela should have been back by now, attack or not. Alex was a little concerned, but his grandmother was probably just out helping her friends. Still, he would have expected her to check in on him by now. She was probably just busy. He decided to turn his attention to Phoenix, maybe helping him would ease the anxiety growing in Alex’s chest. ”Do you need anything?” Of course he did, he’d nearly died. ”I can… I mean, I’m not much of a cook, but I can get you something to eat,” As if Phoenix hadn’t practically grown up in this house, wouldn’t feel comfortable helping himself. Maybe he didn’t, anymore.

”I could get you some coffee, or… Tea might be better, you need to get some rest soon…” He felt a lump rising in his throat and felt his eyes fill with tears. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, He had no right, Phoenix was the one who’d almost died. On impulse, Alex wrapped his arms around Phoenix, hugging him as if he’d been lost for years. ”I’m so sorry, Phoenix.” He was, at first, not even sure what he was apologising for, ”I said so many things and I shouldn’t have.” He sighed, ”I don’t wanna be like her, Phoenix. I… I’m just sorry.” He was talking, of course, about his mother-for as long as Alex could remember, she’d lashed out and ruined every relationship she’d ever had, including her relationship with him.

Alex pulled away, holding Phoenix at arms length, trying to think of what else Phoenix could need, ”Let me… I’ll get you some water?” He was trying to help, but his head was spinning in a million different directions, and he didn't know what to do, or where to go from here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxno i've got nothing to lose
xxxexcept everything you are
xxxi'm not looking at the moon
xxxi'm staring at the stars.
There was a brief, horrible moment when Phoenix thought he'd ruined everything, but then Alex was kissing him back and it felt like everything was right, for a few short moments. Then Alex pulled away and said they should go, making Phoenix laugh a little. But it was as he looked up that he spotted Kay running in to the trees, and guilt hit him like a punch to the stomach. He'd... he'd forgotten she was there and had gotten wrapped up in the moment. There was slightly more urgency in Neden's tone as they told them to look after each other, before disappearing back into the fight.

He took Alex's hand and climbed to his feet rather ungracefully. "I'm fine. A little bit... bit lightheaded but I'm fine," he said. Considering the amount of blood on his shirt and around where he'd been lying, he wasn't entirely surprised that he was feeling a little shaky. He found himself leaning in to Alex for support as they walked. Alex offered to bring Phoenix back to his. And even if it didn't feel as much like an offer as Alex telling him that was what was going to happen. And regardless, that was the only place he wanted to go. The reality of what had happened was starting to set in, and he didn't want to be alone. Alex's place had sometimes felt more like home than home had ever done.

The absence of the photos didn't escape him. He wanted to ask, but one look at Alex's face and he decided against it. Alex started rambling, asking him what he needed. Phoenix could see the tears starting to build in Alex's eyes, so when Alex hugged him, Phoenix clung to him desperately, able to feel the tears building in his own eyes. The lump in his throat made it too hard to get the words out and the tears started to pour down his cheeks. What had Alex been going through? Why hadn't Phoenix fought harder to keep him, ignored the stupid comments and just not walked away?

"You're never going to be like her, you hear me? You're better than she ever was," He swore, the tears still streaming down his face. Alex pulled away and Phoenix had to fight the instinct to pull him right back in for another hug. Alex was still upset, and Phoenix just put a hand to Alex's face. "This isn't your fault. We both messed up, okay? And it's okay now, we're okay now. You made it better. I'm here now and I swear to god, I'm not going anywhere," He said. And he forced himself to smile. "So, I really, really need to shower right now," he said. "But I could kill some mac and cheese or a hot chocolate right now. Or both. You think you can manage that without burning down the kitchen?" He asked with a grin. "And I'm stealing some of your clothes, okay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxam i more than you bargained for yet?
xxxi'm just dying to tell you
xxxanything you want to hear
xxxbut that's just who i am this week
They cried more that night than either of them had in years. Phoenix held it together until he was out of Alex’s sight and earshot, but the shock of seeing himself covered in his own blood was startling, and the realization of what had almost happened- what had happened, if only for seconds, minutes- hit home. And once the levee broke, it didn’t take much for the floods to start again. Just pulling on clean, dry then clothes was almost enough to set him off, but the fact that they smelled like Abuela’s washing detergent, that they smelled like Alex, sent him into floods of tears. Hugging Alex again when he got back into the kitchen. Laughter at Phoenix having to rescue the hot chocolate and the mac and cheese that turned into tears all over again. Phoenix waking them both up when he woke up from a brutal nightmare, already choking on sobs.

It got better with time. Once the shock and the horror and the guilt of the night was over, things got easier. Phoenix thought Abuela was actually going to cry when she came back the next morning to find the two of them sitting in her kitchen as if the past few weeks had never happened. And as horrible as the night before had been, that feeling of familiarity as the three of them sat in the kitchen and chatted and laughed made everything feel so much better. It felt like coming home.

But not everything was the same. It seemed their entire lives had been shaped by dumb, reckless decisions- and Phoenix’s decision to kiss Alex again after Alex insisted on walking him back to his apartment was no different. He realised the minute that he did it that he might have messed up, that he might be ruining everything they’d just fixed. But then Alex was kissing him back, and god, it just felt so right.

Figuring things out at first hadn’t exactly been easy. It was only when they stopped trying to figure things out and just let it be what it was that everything seemed to fall into place. They’d kept it just to themselves for a while. But they had to tell Abuela. Her reaction was… not what they’d expected. Apparently she’d been waiting for this to happen since they were kids. And after Jaiden “broke” into Phoenix’s apartment at three am to find them making out on the couch, they’d stopped trying to hide it.

After everything that had happened, Phoenix wanted to make sure that nobody was spending Christmas alone. His parents had been planning on coming home for a week or two then- but given that they’d had two major attacks so close together, they were reluctant to, and so were spending Christmas in Australia. Phoenix was oddly conflicted about the whole thing, but didn’t let himself dwell on it. It meant that he didn’t have any commitments and could do something good.

After the chaos that had been Friendsgiving, Phoenix should have been reluctant to invite that many people over again. But after what he felt was careful planning, he was convinced that he would have totally been able to handle it. It took Alex talking him out of it and Abuela offering up her house before he agreed that maybe the apartment was a little small. And he invited people who didn’t have family in town, or who didn’t get along with their family, over to Abuela’s for Christmas dinner, complete with Secret Santa. In return, he just asked people to bring a side, a dessert, or board games for after dinner.

He spent the entirety of Christmas Eve finishing up the last few things he needed to do. It was different to every other Christmas, but not in a bad way. It felt good to be doing something, something that would put smiles on everyone else’s face, and that was what mattered. At half one in the morning, Alex finally convinced him to go to bed.

And even still, Phoenix naturally woke up early. The sun was only starting to rise, the soft light filling the bedroom. Alex still seemed to be asleep, so Phoenix quietly slid out of bed and went to the kitchen. It was still a little strange, having someone else living in the apartment with him. Not strange in a bad way, but just in a way that struck him every now and when he had the place to himself. The apartment seemed smaller, but cosier, feeling more like there was constant life in it. Maybe it was the stones and feathers and other odds and ends that Alex appeared home with that were now scattered over the apartment, or the way that things were just never left in the same way that they had been when he was living alone. And he wouldn’t have changed any of it.

The coffee brewed and a selection of pastries piled on to a plate, he made his way back into the bedroom and put a mug of coffee down on Alex’s bedside table. “Morning, asshole,” he called with a grin. He sat cross-legged on the bed beside Alex, his own mug of coffee in his hands. “Merry Christmas.”

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxlittle things i should have said and done
xxxi never took the time
xxxbut you are always on my mind
xxxyou are always on my mind.
Nothing had quite been the same since that night in her house. Nothing had happened that night- Kay had plopped herself down beside Kay and Trav and they’d chatted until Kay started to fall asleep. But Rosie had texted Travis the following morning after he’d left to ask him for dinner.

They’d gone for dinner a few times, gone for coffee a few times, but things never seemed to quite work out. She’d kissed him after their second time going for dinner, but it had been interrupted by her phone ringing. And things like that kept happening. Rosie didn’t mind. She liked just going for dinner or grabbing coffee or going for a walk together.

But after the attack, she’d also taken on a more proactive role in defending the town. Well, specifically, in protecting her students. They were taking it in turns to walk or drive some of the younger students home, as well as any of the older students who lived a little further away. When some of her students wanted to learn self-defence, she agreed, on the condition that it was only to be used if they had no other choice. The most recent attack had been bigger, more aggressive, more damaging, and just telling the kids to run and hide wasn’t going to be enough before long. They had to learn to fight back.

She’d been surprised when she’d gotten word from Phoenix, inviting her around for Christmas. Then he had explained what he was doing and that he didn’t want anybody to feel alone, and she’d gladly agreed. She hadn’t been all that surprised to find out that he and Alex were together. She’d felt sorry for Kay, of course, but she could remember what the two of them had been like in high school. She was only surprised that it had taken this long.

It was nice to sleep in for once. Even still, she woke up relatively early, stretching and yawning. Travis was coming around to hers first and they were going to Alex’s abuela’s place together. She reached for her phone and sent him a text, before having a quick shower and getting dressed.

To: Travis
Merry Christmas! Christmas breakfast at my place?

outfit : herex|xhex: #005555
xxxoh should my people fall
xxxthen surely i'd do the same
xxxconfined in mountain halls
xxxwe got too close to the flame
Hayden had completely lost track of his days over the past few weeks. He’d known that it was close to Christmas, of course, but he hadn’t realised exactly how close it was until he woke up Christmas morning, went out in search of breakfast, and found everywhere closed. It was only then it sank in what day it was.

Something in him had been urging him to try and find this town for a while now. He’d driven all over BC, it felt, before finding himself in the tiny town the day before. He’d arrived into town, and that constant driving urge finally settled, something in him releasing a contented sigh of “here.” He didn’t know why he was here, or what he was supposed to do, but something told him that it was going to be here for more than a few days.

He’d asked the day before if there were any elves in town, anyone like him. The owner of the B&B had shook her head, before going “Oh, wait, we have a half-elf. Her name’s Kaylessa Valven.” They’d written down her address for him. He didn’t know whether or not he should visit, given that it was Christmas Day. But he didn’t have anything better to do, and he figured that if she seemed busy, he could claim to just be stopping by.

But even as he reached her front door, he reconsidered. Maybe tomorrow would be a better time, maybe she had plans today or just wouldn’t want to see anyone. But before he could knock, the door opened, and he was confronted with a young woman, probably about his age, with long dark hair, and big blue eyes. "Uh, hi, sorry, are you... Kaylessa? Sorry, it's just someone told me you're the only other elf- well, half elf in town, and, well, I'm an elf so I thought I should... come say hi. I'm Hayden, by the way. Oh, sorry, are you just heading out? I can... come back?" He rambled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Violet Marsden Character Portrait: Markus Valegood
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0.00 INK

Jaiden Price
Witch | sweater : herex|xhex: #800000
xxxThe second someone mentioned you were all alone
xxxI could feel the trouble coursing through your veins
xxxNow I know, it's got a hold
xxxJust a phone call left unanswered, had me sparking up

The days following the attack had everyone on edge, and Jaiden was no exception. But this time she refused to hide away from the world and let it control her like it had the first time. Instead of shutting herself off from the world, she continued to go out and help the others with cleaning up and repairing the town once more. Helping sweep up broken glass, ruined buildings or public spaces, and homes. A large majority of people refused to leave their houses unless they were certain it was safe, and as such Jaiden found herself making multiple trips per day helping people in their homes, as they made room for others as some homes weren’t safe just yet, or were entirely destroyed in the attack. This time more people had been brutally slain, both supernatural and human, and as such a result of most situations, loved ones were lost. A feeling Jaiden knew all too well.

This time she made it a point to help those that suffered the most. A family who lost a child or sibling, or even a parent. She helped in any way she could, often resulting in helping make clothes and food for them as they didn’t have the energy or mental stability to cook for themselves. As the days passed on, patrols had resumed as they did before, if not more so. They became more strict, and lasted longer. Often making rounds with shifts, Markus was home for a while when he wasn’t at meetings, not being in the patrols like he used to. Which Jaiden noted as odd, but seeing how it took so much out of everyone, she didn’t think much of it. She had been so busy with the attack and the aftermath, that by the time she arrived back at Markus’ home she wasn’t surprised to see him in bed already. But as the days had gone on, one thing struck her the most. She was at first happy to see that Alex and Phoenix had gotten over their rough patch and were spending more time together again. But it only took her to end up paying Phoenix’ home a late night visit for food that she found out the truth. Once she unlocked the door and made her way in, she walked in to see Phoenix and Alex being more than friends. She simply told them not to pay her any mind, took some food and left for her home again. While the new development in that area wasn’t entirely surprising or shocking, she was more surprised by the fact that they didn’t tell her. That was probably the part that hurt her the most. Not being told by who she considered her best friends, were now dating. Not that it changed anything in her mind. She was happy for them and wished nothing but the best for them.

But as Christmas came around, and after she received the invitation to Christmas with the group, she happily accepted. As a custom among them, they always went with a secret santa option. What surprised her, was who’s name she got out of all of them. Kaylessa. She didn’t really know the half elf that well, and after some digging and trying to figure out what she liked. She settled on some small things. Some candles, a drawing kit, and after spending three days on it, she finally finished her main part of the gift. It wasn’t much, but she hadn’t sat down and worked on a project in a long time. She was no professional by any sense, but it turned out alright. It was a simple wall art of a forest made of dark and light greens, with splashes of orange and reds. With the occasional pink and blue. What stood out was the pastel dressed figure, who wore a flowey sundress, who was standing next to a wild doe with large yet elegant antlers. After making sure that the drawing was perfected, or at least how perfect she could get it to be, she printed it out and wrapped everything up and waited for the day to arrive when they would go to Phoenix’s for the party. Something she eagerly awaited. But on Christmas morning she was stirred from her sleep as she could have sworn she could smell something that took her from her otherwise pleasant sleep. Fumbling out of bed and into the hallway as she slowly began to wake up to the smell of freshly made breakfast.

Markus Valegood
Lycan | sweater: herex|xhex: #063A67
xxxThese cigarettes won't stop me wondering where you are
xxxDon't let go, keep a hold
xxxIf you look into the distance, there's a house upon the hill
xxxGuiding like a lighthouse to a place where you'll be

The days following the attack for Markus were, rough to say the very least. He didn’t exactly remember what happened, or how he got back home that night. But when he woke up two days later, he talked with Neden who explained everything. That they had found him injured, and on the verge of passing out from his wound that wasn’t healing. It was then that he remembered what happened. The Hunters, the attack, being stabbed….Everything. It hurt. Not just in a physical sense, but in an emotional sense as well. He didn’t want reality to be the one that was playing itself out, but when he looked down at his side, sure enough the wounds was still bleeding rather badly. Taking that as a sign of fate, Markus begrudgingly accepted his reality of being on a limited amount of time. But he ensured that Neden kept their end of the deal, no one could know. Not now, not so early. Just in the off chance of there possibly being...something to help. Maybe not a cure per-say, but something to help slow it down than what he already used. Something to give him more time than he was already borrowing, but he knew it was slim.

He went about his days as normally as he could, even with his slowly failing strength and moral to continue on. But seeing his friends and the people in Greythorne working together, building everything back to how it was before as well as they could. Seeing them work together like this once more kept him going, kept giving him something to fight for, not just himself. He couldn’t think of himself anymore. The connections he made with the people in his time in Greythorne, the people he grew to slowly yet begrudgingly grow to warm up to needed him in a time like this. He wasn’t a leader per-say, but he was someone that people looked up to, especially in times like this. He did what he could to put on a brave face and carry on like everything was normal, even if he knew better. Knew he was on borrowed time, and that his time here in Greythorne, as well as life was slowly coming to an end. His part in the patrols became less physically involved, and he became more of someone who worked behind the scenes while Neden took his place as the face or more so, the poster child of the patrols of Greythorne. He knew he could trust Neden, even if the way they tended to do things was somewhat unethical.

It was only when he received the invitation to Phoenix’ for a Christmas party that he normally would have declined, but seeing how things were going, he couldn’t reject. Not this time, not when it could be his last. He needed to spend as much time with them as he could, something he regretted not doing sooner. He was surprised when he pulled out a name and saw who he got for giving a gift to. Phoenix. He didn’t really know him all that well, considering he was Jaiden’s friend compared to his own. But with that knowledge, he didn’t even care that he ended up just asking her directly what he liked. And after some extra badgering, she told him. He thought on it for a while, and while he wasn’t the best gift-giver, what he settled on was fine enough. It was simple, he ended up deciding on one of his own leather jackets, and a coffee mug. It was a basic white coffee mug with a silly pun on both sides. He wasn’t sure if Phoenix would really appreciate it, or even like it. But he figured he would at least get a small chuckle out of it. Deciding to not spend so much time worrying on it, he wrapped the gifts and tucked them away from any prying on and awaited the day when he would go with the others to Phoenix’s home. On Christmas day, he woke up early while Jaiden and Violet were still asleep and prepared them a large Christmas breakfast and awaited them patiently. “Merry Christmas, Jaiden, Violet.” he said with a small smile as they slowly emerged from their rooms, both rubbing their eyes and yawning as they were drawn out from the smell of breakfast.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

xxxi called it the moonsea
xxxit is a cruel dream
xxxfrom up so high, I can hardly decide
xxxif you're waving hello, or waving goodbye

It didn’t take Zada long to find and scoop the dead bird up from the ground. Its red feathers were a tragic, but beautiful, contrast to the snow. Then she put it in a large zippered freezer bag, and wrapped that nicely in a gift bag, complete with beautiful tissue paper and curled ribbon. That would do. Zada then finished getting ready, applying a deep red lipstick to her lips and putting on her coat. The last step before heading out was grabbing the baklava she’d made for the event. Phoenix had asked everyone to bring something and, honestly, you couldn’t have too many sweets at a Christmas party. She also just, really loved baklava.

She took the walk to Maria Garcia’s house at a leisurely pace: she’d left in plenty of time, and there was no way she would be late. She enjoyed seeing the town in winter, even if the beautiful cover of snow came at the price of a frozen lake.

When she arrived at the house, everyone was just standing in a group outside. Zada was a little confused, and shot Rosie a quick ‘what’s going on?’ look, but didn’t bother trying the door. If everyone was grouped outside like this, there must be a reason. She noted the newcomer in the group, but didn’t make a move to introduce herself. She did, however, greet Kay warmly. It wasn’t long before Neden arrived with a… Comically large bag slung over their shoulder, and it was they that ushered them all inside. The first thing Zada did when she stepped through the door was look for Alex, and when she found him, she said, “Was there a reason we had to wait out in the cold until everyone arrived?”

Alex just stared at her, as if he didn’t have a good answer to her question, and then stood up and attempted to take the baking dish from her, “Here, I can-” Zada didn’t let it go, but instead held tighter to her dish, “I’ve got it.” Alex started to direct her to the kitchen, which she ignored. She knew where it was, she was in Maria’s book club. She went and put her dish with the rest of whatever else was there. All presumably made by Phoenix. She couldn’t help but smile at it all, it really was incredibly kind, and made the town feel more like home, and her friends feel more like family.

She took off her coat and settled down in a chair just in time to listen to Neden’s little speech about presents, and the hats. Zada had no intention of wearing one, and even upon Neden’s insistence that she put it on, just stared blankly at them. She watched as everyone put their own hats on, some with more reluctance than others, and sighed. There was really no harm in wearing the hat, so she carefully perched it on her head, as if to try not to mess up her hair. Still, the whole thing was… Charming, and she couldn’t help the ghost of a smile that appeared on her face.

She’d never had a Christmas that involved this much gift giving (the years she even celebrated had been more private affairs), and the whole thing really was pleasant. Though she wasn’t entirely sure what to think of some of her gifts, she still gave Neden a small smile, “Thank you, these are lovely.” She decided to go ahead and put the necklace on, even as she thanked Neden for the gifts, partially because the color made her look a bit more festive, and partly to show that she did genuinely like at least one portion of her gift.

After Neden was done, Zada picked up the gift she’d brought, and held it out to Alex, but made no move to take it to him. After a short moment, and a confused look, he stood up and took the present from her. He moved slowly, as if he were expecting her to jump up and bite his head off at any moment. He took the gift back to his seat to open it, shooting Phoenix a wary glance as he sat down. “I drew your name. It made me think of you.” Zada didn’t know what reaction to expect from Alex opening the gift, but pure elation hadn’t been it. She had to admit, though, she was kind of glad he liked the bird.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

xxxglass sky, killin' time
xxxyou leaned upon my shoulder
xxxand my thoughts dried
xxxdidn't mind

When Phoenix said Alex could finally have his gift, a wide-and goofy-grin spread across Alex’s face. He loved getting presents, and this was no exception. He set his coffee precariously on the bed, grabbed the present, opened it up quickly, and turned the pocketwatch over in his hands a few times; looking it over. He nodded at Phoenix’s explanation-he had always liked shiny things. He opened it up to look at the face, before shutting it back and looking up at Phoenix, a smile on his face, “This is great.” He figured he could carry it at work: he often had to dress up a little more than he would like, and couldn’t wear all of his amulets and other paraphernalia as easily, and he often felt he needed all the protection he could, working with the dead. He leaned over and kissed Phoenix on the cheek, “I’m gonna break this thing, though, I want you to know that. There’s no way I won’t.” Then, almost as an afterthought, he added, “Thank you. I love it.” He picked up his cup and took a long drink of his coffee, “You can’t have your present yet, though. I don’t have it. I’ll give it to you at the party.”

He’d had to keep it at Abuela’s, because otherwise he would get excited and give it to Phoenix early, and then he’d have nothing to give on Christmas, and that would be a disaster. They spent a short amount of time talking and drinking their coffee before they had to get going. They wanted to make sure they were there before the others so they could get things set up. Alex also wanted to make sure he had the gifts he was bringing squared away: one for Jaiden (that she was going to love), and one for Travis, who he’d drawn for the secret santa exchange. He’d had a little bit of trouble with that one: he hadn’t known Travis for an excessively long time, and admittedly mostly talked about himself (and the town) when he saw the man. It was probably fine, though. He’d finally decided on giving Travis something he’d found in the woods, which was where he generally went for his gift ideas.

Soon enough they were headed to Abuela’s house, with more foods and baked goods than Alex thought necessary. “What was the point,” He said as they walked, “In asking everyone to bring something, if you were just going to make all of this, anyway?” He wasn’t upset, in fact he found it amusing. He knew that Phoenix just wanted everything to be nice for everyone, but he thought that Phoenix tended to do too much, and stress himself out.

In Abuela’s house, all the pictures of Phoenix were back up, plus new ones that Alex didn’t even know she had. If you didn’t know better, walking into the house, you might just think that Phoenix was her grandchild, and not Alex. Alex couldn’t help but chuckle, “You’re definitely her favorite…” The two spent a little time getting things set up and ready before Alex excused himself to go get Phoenix’s present from its hiding place; and evidently missed the first knock on the door. Everyone made their way inside just as Alex was sitting down to wait for them to arrive. Zada asked him why he’d made them all wait outside, and Alex didn’t know what to say to that. He was a little confused, and he was certainly scared of Zada, so instead he sort of just ignored the question off and tried to help her with the dish she’d brought, but she brushed him off and went to drop it off herself.

He stood still for a moment, face blank as if processing what had just happened. He’d never known how to take Zada, and this was no exception. Soon enough, though, he turned to the others with a charming smile, “I didn’t hear you knock, I didn’t leave you outside on purpose. The door wasn’t locked, though, you could’ve come in at any time.” He noticed the elf accompanying Kay pretty quickly and offered a warm smile, “I’m Alex. This is… Well...” He paused for a second, not entirely sure how to describe the house, “My grandparent’s house. Welcome.”

It wasn’t long before Neden was ushering them all into the living room passing out hats and talking about gifts. They’d gotten everyone something? Alex put on the hat happily enough; he had to admit that Neden had brought some real holiday cheer with them, even if it was a bit… Much. Neden announced that they could open their gifts, and Alex did. He wasn’t particularly thrilled with them, but he smiled and thanked Neden. It was a nice thought. But then, there was the last one. Now, a sword hadn’t been something Alex was expecting to get for Christmas. But when he opened it, his face lit up in a sort of childish wonder, and before he could even think about it he found himself saying, “Oh my god, this is incredible.”

Soon afterwards, Alex noticed Zada holding something out to him. He waited a second, and it became clear that he was going to have to get up and go to her. Fine. He didn’t particularly like being treated like some sort of animal or whatever she thought of him as, but he wasn’t about to argue with her, either. He was, frankly, terrified of her, and the careful way he approached, and how quickly he retreated back to Phoenix’s side made his fear pretty evident. She said the gift made her think of him, which made him even more wary, because he knew she didn’t think very highly of him. Still, he opened the bag slowly, looked inside, and grinned widely. He pulled the freezer bag up out of the wrappings and looked across the room at Zada, “Thank you! This is great… Really, I like it. I can use this.” There was nothing but sincerity in his tone; he was really, genuinely, thrilled. The look on her face dampened his enthusiasm a little. He wasn’t sure if he was meant to not like the gift, or if that was just what her face always looked like, but he decided not to dwell on it.

Alex turned to Travis, grabbing a small box and handing it to him, “I um, I want you to know that I’m about eighty percent sure this isn’t haunted.” The disclaimer came even before Travis had a chance to open up the pocket knife. Alex had only recently felt comfortable enough to go into the woods again, though never far, and nearly never alone, and he’d found it out there while he was digging around for things. He’d cleaned it up the best he could, and just hoped that Travis would like it, or at least not hate it.

Then he gave Jaiden a gift. He had been planning this particular present for some time, it took a lot of effort and time to get everything together to make it perfect. Inside was a fanny pack, since she’d liked his so much. He waited a moment for her reaction, then smiled and said, “The real present is inside.” Inside, however, was just filled to the brim with various different glitters.

He didn’t wait around for her to open it, in fact he started to walk away even as he told her to open up the fanny pack. He handed Phoenix the tell-tale red envelope of a Christmas card, wanting to make sure to give it to him quickly in case Jaiden murdered him. “Merry Christmas, Phoenix.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxam i more than you bargained for yet?
xxxi'm just dying to tell you
xxxanything you want to hear
xxxbut that's just who i am this week
The smile on Alex's face made Phoenix sigh a little in relief. He knew it was a little old fashioned, but it was still useful, and still pretty. His grin just widened as Alex leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, before admitting that he was probably going to break it. Phoenix just laughed and rolled his eyes. "Oh, trust me, I know that," he teased back. He just picked up the pillow next to him and hit Alex with it as Alex said he had to wait. "You asshole, I should have made you wait too."

They finished their breakfast, finished up the last few things for the dinner, and then started packing up the stuff to bring to Abuela's. As per usual, Phoenix had perhaps over-catered a little, especially considering that he'd asked people to bring food anyway. But, when Alex remarked on it, Phoenix just rolled his eyes. "Because if everyone showed up with sides, we'd have no dessert. And if everyone showed up with desert, we'd have no sides. And if everyone showed up with board games, we'd be totally screwed," he said. He knew that Alex probably knew, he'd probably heard Phoenix muttering to himself trying to figure out who was likely to bring what, before just giving up and deciding to cater for the worst case scenario.

Abuela's was already feeling like home again, the photos back in their proper places. Phoenix hadn't realised how many of photos of him there was until Alex pointed it out, and then he couldn't stop seeing it. He didn't even know how she'd gotten some of those photos unless she'd been on to his parents for them (which, admittedly, was not outside the realms of possibility.) He just laughed in response to Alex's comment about him being the favourite. "It's because I can make her sopapillas and you nearly burned the kitchen down when I tried to show you how," he called as he shoved up his sleeves and got to work doing the last minute prep.

He only realised that the others had arrived when he heard Neden yelling something about wanting to give them all presents, and Zada brushing past Alex with her usual distaste, saying something about him not letting them in, and Alex retorting that the door wasn't closed. A distraction soon arrived in the form of Neden handing him a hat. He grinned and pulled it on as soon as they handed it to him, before spotting a newcomer, someone that he didn't recognise and that was sticking pretty close to Kay, looking a little overwhelmed by the whole situation. "I'm Phoenix, nice to meet you," he said. Alex had rolled his eyes when Phoenix had said he was going to presume that more people than were invited were going to show up, and he'd been right. But he didn't mind. It was nice to see the excitement in Kay's face as she introduced him to people.

He took the small pile of presents from Neden with excitement and attempted to balance the flower crown on top of his christmas hat. That would have been more than enough- and then Neden handed him and Alex "matching presents." He gasped with delight at the sword, looking over to Alex in excitement. "Holy shit, this is so cool!" He gushed.

He just shrugged a little in response to Alex's look as Zada handed over her present to him. She hadn't been asking Phoenix anything about ideas for Alex, so it was much of a surprise to him as it was to Alex. Upon seeing the dead bird, Phoenix shot a look of confusion at Zada. But, of course, Alex loved it, and Phoenix just grinned to himself and shook his head.

"Maybe- before you open that-" Phoenix said, spotting that Alex had handed Jaiden her present. Once the glitter got everywhere, there would be no dragging Jaiden back. "Here. I hope you like it, I... really didn't know what else to get you," He said, handing Jaiden a flat, heavy object. He'd been pestering Alex for ages, trying to get him to help him to come up with an idea, but Alex had initially suggested the fanny pack as her secret santa present, so he'd stopped asking after that. He knew that she'd been having a rough time of it over the past few months, and knew that they probably hadn't helped things by her finding out about them the way they did. So he'd put hours into the scrapbook instead- handwriting some of her favourite lyrics into it, writing out her favourite recipes so she could make them herself, pressing some of her favourite flowers, and finding every single photo they had together over the course of their friendship, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the blurry, and sticking them in to it. "I left some room at the back so you can add more to it if you want."

Alex left to go retrieve Phoenix's present at last- or maybe just to escape Jaiden's wrath. But he was back quicker than expected, handing Phoenix an envelope. Phoenix raised an eyebrow as he began to tear it open. "If this is an IOU I swear to god I'm break..." he trailed off as he looked at the two tickets in the card. Two tickets to an MCR concert. When they'd started announcing dates, Phoenix had said in passing that he'd been so pissed off when his parents didn't let him go when he was a teenager, but that they probably had a point. He would have been a liability, he would have given them all away. Alex hadn't really said anything, but Phoenix had just presumed it was because he'd heard enough of the complaining at the time.

"Holy fuck-" was all he could get out, just staring at them. This... this wasn't even a "local" venue, this was at least a few hours of a drive away. It was probably almost a day of a drive away, if not more. "Thank you so so much-" he managed to get out, wrapping Alex in the tightest hug he could muster.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxlittle things i should have said and done
xxxi never took the time
xxxbut you are always on my mind
xxxyou are always on my mind.
Rosie grinned at Trav's reaction. She'd wondered if it was a little bit cringeworthy, if he would even like something like that, so she was glad when his reaction was genuine. They spent the morning together as Rosie made her mom's stuffing to bring to Phoenix's, as she figured most other people would probably be bringing desserts. It was nice, just relaxing with somebody like this, doing their own thing as they kept each other company. She knew that the dinner was bound to be a little chaotic, but honestly, she was looking forward to it.

They left together, Rosie carrying her baking dish and her presents, having given the bag of drinks she'd also decided to bring to Travis to carry. They met Kay outside, and she awkwardly returned her hug as best she could while balancing the dish in her hands. There was a guy, about Kay's age, standing beside her, and Rosie was pretty sure she hadn't seen him around town before. He'd certainly never been in any of her classes. But Kay answered that question by introducing him. "I'm Rosie," she said, also shaking his hand. "We don't get many elves around these parts besides our Kay here, so it's lovely to meet you!" She said. Travis made a comment about them all being weird, and Rosie batted for his arm. She spotted Zada arriving, who shot her a quizzical look. Rosie shrugged a little, before Neden arrived and led them all into the house.

The scene that ensued was chaos. Neden had, of course, brought presents for everyone, but especially Rosie. She beamed with delight at her presents. "Neden, these are amazing, thank you so much!" She gushed, standing up to hug the angel. The rest of their presents made Rosie watch with interest. The swords were... an interesting choice, and she made a mental note to make a bet with Neden later to see how long they could go without injuring themselves with them.

Zada's present to Alex, and more accurately, their reactions to it made Rosie laugh. She stood up and passed a small bag to Zada. "Happy Christmas, babe. It's no dead bird, but..." she said with a teasing grin. She'd gotten Zada a bottle of their favourite red wine, a selection of slightly obscure but interesting-sounding novels, and a hair comb she'd found entirely by chance.

outfit : herex|xhex: #005555
xxxoh should my people fall
xxxthen surely i'd do the same
xxxconfined in mountain halls
xxxwe got too close to the flame
They spent a while talking, Hayden explaining things to Kay, telling her that he was a healer too. He didn't know why, but he decided against telling her that he was a druid. Maybe it was because he presumed she wouldn't know what it was- or maybe it was because he was afraid she would. He didn't mind it, never had minded the respect his position had earned him, but he liked just being normal for a while.

He had intended on excusing himself when Kay said she was going to meet with her friends- but instead, she asked him to come along. So he went, curious to see more of the town and to see what the other people were like. Upon shaking hands with Kay's two friends- Rosie and Travis- Hayden got two very clear cut impressions. A good one of Rosie- warmth, energy, authenticity. But there was something... off about Travis. Hayden's polite smile slipped for just a moment as he tried to figure out what it was, but then he fixed it back on as if nothing was wrong. He laughed a little as Travis said the people were a little out there- but it didn't take long for Hayden to realise that he wasn't lying.

Inside the house was chaos to say the least. One person was handing out presents left right and centre, and even had some for Hayden. Nobody seemed terribly surprised or upset to see him there, which was nice, making him feel included almost right away. Hayden opened the presents to find a deep green crystal necklace, a book of poetry, and an denim jacket that looked like it would just fit him. Considering that they hadn't known he was coming, he was extremely happy with those presents, and was glad to be engulfed in the chaos of the party. There were, however, a few things he still didn't understand, like why the dark, vaguely threatening woman gave one of the guys- Alex, he had said his name was- a dead bird, and why Alex had seemed so happy about it. The blonde one- Phoenix, wasn't it?- had jumped up to hug Alex and appeared to be fighting back tears. After a few minutes like that, he gathered himself to excuse himself and go finish the cooking.

Hayden laughed a little and leaned in to Kay. "So do you want to tell me a little about all of these people?" He asked with a grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Violet Marsden Character Portrait: Travis Graveson
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0.00 INK

outfit xxxxxxx hex; #8B4513
xxx Older than water, stubborn as stone
xxx There'll be no forgiveness for all that you've known
xxx Oh these days, oh these days get heavy
xxx Hotter than friction, subtle as sound
xxx There'll be no forgiveness for you to come around


Travis heard someone else walking up and glanced over his shoulder to see Zada, a little surprised. He knew her thoughts on men in general, and he was pretty sure she despised Alex, so he wasn’t expecting to see her there. But before he could say anything to Zada, Neden walked up carrying a giant bag and quickly greeted them all, then opening the door to and go inside. The door must have been unlocked, but Travis didn’t want to just barge in.

Trav walked inside carrying his present for Violet and the drinks he offered to carry for Rosie, letting her know he was gonna set them out on the open table across the room for people to pour themselves some if they wanted. As he finished setting out the drinks he felt a tap on his shoulder and was greeted by Neden again, holding out a numerous gifts. A golden necklace, a journal, leather jacket and a flower crown, similar to what he noticed some others had but different than the others. “Wow, killer jacket, I like it. Thank you Neden.”

After Travis wrapped the gifts up from Neden inside the jacket and set them aside they wouldn’t be in the way. He took a glance around looking for Violet so he could give her the small book he had gotten for her, but was quickly met with Alex. He had come to Travis a couple days ago asking for a glitter, and lots of it, but wouldn’t tell him what it was for. The thought skipped through his mind for a second that the gift was for him, but was relieved when Alex just handed him a pocket knife, saying it might not be haunted. Trav quickly whipped it open and examined the blade, not exactly dull but would need some sharpening. “This is cool, Thanks bro.” Travis said as he patted him on the shoulder. He then spotted Violet across the room sitting in a chair a little bit away from everyone else.

Travis excused himself from Alex and headed over to Violet, holding the book behind his back. “Hey Violet. So, uh, I pulled your name for the Secret Santa. Don’t really know you so well so I had to ask around about what you might like…” Trav pulled the book from behind his back and handed faded green book to Violet. “It’s a First Edition, not exactly mint condition, but hopefully you like it.” He returned the smile she gave him thanking him. “None needed, just glad it wasn’t a bust.”

As he was pouring himself a drink, Neden spoke up in the center of the room to get everyone’s attention and spoke. “Merry Christmas!” Travis cheered with the whiskey he just poured himself and saw Rosie talking to Zada. He poured Rosie some Rosé and carried it over to her, messing with the hat Neden had given Rosie and wrapping his arm around her, and greeting Zada with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

outfit xxxxxxx hex; #FF4500
xxx If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
xxx Well, I guess I'll make my own way
xxx It's a circle, a mean cycle
xxx Sometimes I wanna fuckin' scream or run away,
xxxI can't excite you anymore


Kaylessa was happy with the others being nice to Hayden and greeting him, and the group quickly entered the apartment, dispersing to do their own thing. She quickly sat crossed legged on the floor as Neden spoke, handing out a hat and presents to everyone, even Hayden. She quickly opened her gifts. She gave out an audible squeak as she saw the dress. “Thank you!” Kay watched as the others got their gifts and awed a little bit at what Hayden got.

Jaiden quickly called over to Kay and handed her another gift, explaining she was her Secret Santa. The gifts Jaiden had gotten here were a little bit more than what Neden got her. “I love this art! Did you do this yourself? It’s perfect!” Kaylessa quickly lunged and gave Jaiden a hug from her sitting position before pulling back and flashing a smile at Hayden, though then a commotion caught her attention. Alex and Phoenix. A weird feeling came across Kaylessa’s chest that she didn’t really understand and she thought back to how she told Phoenix her feelings about Alex and then seeing him kissing Alex.

Kay was then brought back out of her thoughts by Hayden leaning against her and asking about the others. “Oh! Sorry. That's Jaiden, she's a witch, controls fire. A little shy but nice to be around, she gave me these!” She showed the gifts Jaiden had just given her. “Neden, the person who gave us the gifts, shes I think an angel? But her wings were different, but still pretty.” Kay paused for a second as she glanced around the room. “That’s Violet. She’s like a sister to me. I think people have said she's a ghost, but she’s alive now. It’s confusing as well.” She then pointed at Rosie, Travis, and Zada. “You met Trav. Rosie is a Siren and the teacher at the school, she taught me in school. Zada is a mermaid, she eats men's hearts , but she's super nice so you shouldn’t have to worry. Though she doesn’t exactly like Alex.”

Kaylessa paused for a second after saying Alex’s name. “He… Me and him went to school together, and I thought we had feelings for each other… But I guess Phoenix likes him more…” Kay trailed off for a moment before catching herself. “Oh, sorry. They are both witches as well. Well Alex is more of a necromancer type, while Phoenix works mostly with earth-y things and plants-” Kay was cut off when the door opened and she saw Markus walk in. “And thats Markus! He’s a werewolf, and the person I got a present for. So be right back.”

After getting up and grabbing her sundress and the gift for Markus, Kay hugged Markus. “Hey! So I got you for the present exchange thingy.” She held out the small bag with the homemade dog pull toy for Markus’ pup. “Well, more so for Coco.” Kaylessa quickly excused herself and went to the bathroom with the sundress and changed. When she slid the dress on Kay twirled for a second to see how it looked on her in the bathroom mirror and smiled. Most of her stuff was multicolored and more laid back, but she loved the little stitches in the dress. She quickly came out of the bathroom and went back to Hayden, who had gotten up and started talking with the others. She grabbed his hand and smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

xxxglass sky, killin' time
xxxyou leaned upon my shoulder
xxxand my thoughts dried
xxxdidn't mind

Alex smiled as he watched Phoenix open the card, though he was also keeping an eye on Jaiden-he knew that he probably deserved whatever pain she would inflict on him, once she got her present all opened. Phoenix’s reaction brought the biggest, brightest smile to Alex’s face. “I told you it was a good present.” Alex happily returned the hug, chuckling slightly as Phoenix thanked him. “Of course. It’s for you.” As Phoenix started to let go, Alex heard Jaiden yell that she was going to kill him. “Okay, I gotta go.” He turned and ran from Jaiden, but there was only so far he could go without heading outside, and he really didn’t want to do that.

So, after a short time, Alex stopped and turned to Jaiden, arms outstretched as if to hug her, “Jaiden, just listen-” She didn’t listen, though. Before long, Alex and Jaiden were both tumbling to the ground. Alex was laughing, Jaiden was not. “Jai! Jai! Stop it!” He brought his arms up to cover his face, as if he thought she was going to start punching him, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It was a joke!”

It wasn’t long before someone had physically restrained Jaiden, and they were both back on their feet. “I guess the glitter was taking it too far.” He shrugged, “I thought it would be funny. Lesson learned.” He looked down at himself, and realized that now he was covered in glitter. “Oh, wow. I’m sorry, Jaiden, I-” He cut himself off as he started laughing again, bringing a fist to his mouth to try and hide the smile, “I didn’t really think it through.” After brushing himself off the best he could, and then just accepting that he was just going to look extra fabulous for a while, Alex decided to rejoin the party. First order of business was collecting his dead bird and putting it in the freezer until they left. He was going to thank Zada again but she looked happy for once, and not at all like she wanted to murder someone, so he decided not to be the one to ruin that.

Instead, he returned from the kitchen with a small paper bag, heading straight for Markus, practically purring out a, “Hey, Daddy.” As he approached, leaning up against a nearby wall in an effort to look cool and composed, “I have something for Coco.” He handed over the bag, filled with Christmas cookie shaped dog treats, “She’s a good girl and I love her.” He leaned in a little closer, “And, listen, I know we’ve been dancing around-” He gestured between the two of them, “You know, for years. I want you to know that it’s fine, I really and truly am over it.”

xxxi called it the moonsea
xxxit is a cruel dream
xxxfrom up so high, I can hardly decide
xxxif you're waving hello, or waving goodbye

At first, Zada didn’t outwardly react when Neden said they had something else for her, and to find them later, but she did flash a small smile to them before moving on and looking around the room. A lot of chaos had erupted as soon as Neden finished handing out their gifts, and Zada had never experienced anything quite like it in her time on dry land. She had to admit, though, that she loved it. Something about it all really made her feel like she belonged and, for the first time since she'd left the sea, she really felt like she might have something resembling a family, again. She didn't know that she really liked them all, but she didn't need to.

When Rosie handed her a gift bag, Zada initially just raised an eyebrow but when she opened it up, a genuine and warm smile lit up her face. “Thank you!” She stood up, wrapping her arms around Rosie in a gentle hug, “It’s perfect,” She gushed, “Of course, you’ll have to come by soon so we can drink this, and I'll tell you what I think of the books.” Naturally, she would expect her closest friend to know what to get her for Christmas, but she was honestly thrilled. She pretty quickly sat down and started looking over the covers of the books, admittedly judging them a bit. She always said that she liked to get to know a book before and as she read them, and that was a part of it.

She heard some commotion, saw the glitter in the air, and then Jaiden went running. She was after Alex, though, and Zada just genuinely didn’t care. Jaiden could kill him, for all she cared. As that was going on, Zada saw, out of the corner of her eye, someone new walking in. He quickly turned to check it out, but it turned out to just be Markus. She flashed him a smile: a mixture of relief and, just maybe, a bit of happiness on her face. They weren’t close, but she was comfortable enough with Markus, almost enough to call him a friend.

After Kay had changed into her new dress, Zada walked over to where she sat. She smiled over at Kay, "You looked wonderful before, but that new dress is lovely on you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxam i more than you bargained for yet?
xxxi'm just dying to tell you
xxxanything you want to hear
xxxbut that's just who i am this week
Phoenix laughed as Alex pulled away from the hug to run away from Jaiden, who had just been covered in glitter by Alex's present. A distraction, however, came in the form of Markus, who awkwardly handed him two boxes, explaining that he'd pulled his name. Alex opened the smaller box first and laughed with delight at the mug. The jacket, however, was a surprise. He recognised it right away, he was pretty sure he'd complimented Markus on it when he'd been wearing it. "Markus, this is... this is wonderful, thank you so much!" He said.

As he went back into the kitchen, he spotted Alex trying and failing to brush the glitter off of himself and laughed again, shaking his head. He'd tried to talk Alex out of the glitter bomb and had failed, but was glad to see that it had at least backfired somewhat. Everyone seemed so... happy, so relaxed. After the past few weeks they'd had, they all needed it, and it made him happy to see it. He was about to go into the kitchen when he saw Alex, still covered in glitter, heading for Markus. Just Alex's expression made Phoenix smirk and lean against the doorframe, watching what was going to happen. He managed to keep a relatively straight face even as he was just able to overhear the conversation. He sauntered over to Alex, leaning an arm on his shoulder. "Sorry, babe, but... he gave me his jacket. We both know what that means," he said, before kissing Alex on the cheek, winking at Markus, before heading back out to the kitchen, smirking to himself the whole time.

It didn't take dinner long to come together. Someone had started handing around drinks and had kept Phoenix's rum and coke sufficiently topped up as he cooked, calling everyone to the table as he dished up. As Alex had accurately predicted, they had way too many desserts with plenty of leftovers for people to bring home, but he didn't even mind. It felt nice to do something like this, something where everyone was relaxed and happy. Well, Phoenix wasn't convinced that Jaiden had completely given up on killing Alex, but he was pretty sure she wasn't going to do it immediately. As they moved into the sitting room to play some boardgames, he found himself leaning his head on Alex’s shoulder, feeling happy and safe as if he could fall asleep there and then.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxlittle things i should have said and done
xxxi never took the time
xxxbut you are always on my mind
xxxyou are always on my mind.
Zada’s reaction to her present made Rosie grin, returning the hug. Zada was honestly like a sister to her and she’d been so relieved when she’d pulled her name. She sat back down and laughed as Jaiden chased Alex out of the room, a glitter bomb having been unleashed upon her. She smiled at Travis handed her the wine and she leaned into him a little as he put her arm around her, sipping the wine. It had been so long since she’d been in a room where everyone was so relaxed, where nobody seemed worried. Phoenix was popping in and out as he cooked, laughing at whatever was going on at the time. Even Markus seemed relaxed.

The dinner was amazing, as expected, with plenty of food to go around and plenty of leftovers too. They were under strict orders from Phoenix to take something home with them, and to take as much as they wanted. They ended up draped across various couches and chairs, playing board games and laughing. Phoenix seemed to be nearly falling asleep on Alex’s shoulder, and Rosie took that as a sign for them to leave. She sat up, stretching a little. “Okay, I think we’re going to leave. Thank you so much for everything,” she said.

“No problem. Don’t forget your leftovers,” Phoenix mumbled with a sleepy grin, and Rosie grinned. She retrieved a box of leftovers from the kitchen, before calling goodbye to everyone again, and waiting for Trav to catch up with her outside. “So… do you want to come back to mine?”

outfit : herex|xhex: #005555
xxxoh should my people fall
xxxthen surely i'd do the same
xxxconfined in mountain halls
xxxwe got too close to the flame
Hayden watched as Kay pointed out each of the people in the room. She pointed out the people he’d encountered already- the witch who had given Kay her secret santa gift, Jaiden, the androgynous person who had given Hayden his gifts, Neden- and then started onto the others. There was a “ghost” which wasn’t really a ghost, the human, a siren… He raised his eyebrows at the description of the mermaid. The woman who Kay had indicated was the vaguely terrifying woman who had given one of the others the dead bird. Even if Kay said that she was nice, Hayden made a mental note to avoid crossing her as much as possible.

Hearing Kay talk about Alex made him a little sad, seeing the expression on her face. But she quickly gathered herself, explaining that he was a necromancer and that Phoenix was an earth witch. And then, to round out the group, was a werewolf, who Kay ran up to to give his present.

Someone started asking about drinks, and Hayden was handed a Coke. He started chatting to the others. When Kay came back, he smiled at her. “You look nice. Your dress is pretty,” he said, with a grin, blushing a little as she took his hand. Then Zada came over to talk to Kay, and Hayden straightened up a little. “You must be Zada, right? I’m Hayden, it’s nice to meet you,” he said, holding out a hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven
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0.00 INK

outfit xxxxxxx hex; #8B4513
xxx Older than water, stubborn as stone
xxx There'll be no forgiveness for all that you've known
xxx Oh these days, oh these days get heavy
xxx Hotter than friction, subtle as sound
xxx There'll be no forgiveness for you to come around


Travis sighed a little as he watched the glitter bomb happen in Jaiden’s hand and then again when she dropped it as she chased Alex yelling she was going to kill him. He thought about helping but quickly saw some of the others seperate them, and relaxed as Markus gave in and gave him a slight head nod as a greeting and turned back to talk and laugh with Rosie before food was finally done cooking and the group ate.

It wasn’t long until everyone was done, somehow Kaylessa was the one who ate the most, but sort of made sense as she probably had a high metabolism as well as her healing powers. Travis stopped for a second. Powers… Supernaturals… He zoned out, thinking back to why he was here. He originally came to this town to get rid of these people because he thought they were all monsters. But they weren’t. They were just like him, just like humans, and just normal people with normal lives who just happen to be a little different.

And now Travis felt like he actually belonged for once. Yeah he belonged to the group called the Branded, but it was more of work, and maybe some friends. But in Greythorne it was different, he felt comfortable, safe. The people around him weren’t looking to get ahead, but just get by. They were more than just monsters, or just people with powers, but like their own little dysfunctional family, and Travis didn’t want to ruin that. He already had the first two attacks on his conscience and he spelt many nights drinking himself to pass out after closing his shop, or just staying up all night so he wouldn’t have nightmares. But now...

Travis was taken out of his thoughts as Rosie moved a bit, and he helped her up. Not only did he feel comfortable, but he had someone amazing that cared for him, and helped drown out the demons in his head. Trav looked deep into Rosie’s eyes and saw the innocence in her and the happiness behind her smile. He couldn’t help the Branded anymore. These aren't monsters. They were his friends, his family.

Travis walked out of Alex’s place carrying some leftovers and his gifts, then hearing Rosie ask him if he wanted to come over. “God I don’t know, been with you all day, don’t know if I can handle anymore…” Trav said, laughing a little and smiling. “Of course.” He said, giving an actual answer as the two walked back to her place. Talking about the party, laughing at the events that happened. It wasn’t long before they were back at Rosie’s and quickly taking off their jackets and putting down all the things they had to carry.

“I really enjoyed myself tonight Rosie...” Trav said as he gently grabbed Rosie from behind and wrapped his arms around her. She quickly spun around and threw her arms around his neck. She replied with a smile and leaned up and the two kissed, he pulled her in more and held her tighter, before pulling back. But he just looked at her and smiled. Travis lowered his hands and lifted Rosie up and started kissing her again as he carried her through the hallway.

outfit xxxxxxx hex; #FF4500
xxx If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
xxx Well, I guess I'll make my own way
xxx It's a circle, a mean cycle
xxx Sometimes I wanna fuckin' scream or run away,
xxxI can't excite you anymore


Kaylessa blushed a bit and smiled keeping her head low as Hayden complimented her and the dress. “Th-thanks.” People complimented her often, but hearing it from her new friend, made her feel warm inside, she wasn’t sure why exactly though. As she was about to say something to Hayden, Zada came over and also commented on her dress. “Thank you Zada! Neden just gave it to me!” She replied, then hearing Hayden introduce himself and hold out a hand to Zada.

“Oh sorry! This is Hayden! He’s an elf, like my mother. He just got here and I wanted to bring him here so he wouldn’t be alone.” Kaylessa said as her hand reactively rested on his leg. “Don’t worry Zada, he’s a really good guy. Not like the other elves that wouldn’t stay long here.” The three of them sat together and talked for a bit before food was finally done and brought out, Kay thanking everyone for cooking and bringing food.

Kaylessa laid down on her back on the floor as she finished eating, stuffing herself full. The food was some of the best food she has had in awhile, so she wanted to enjoy as much of it as possible. But now she was exhausted and feeling really sleepy from the food and barely kept herself awake during some of the games, having her head in Hayden’s lap as they finished the last game of cards and people started getting their things and saying goodbye. Kay stretched and made a small squeak noise as she stood up and said bye to everyone again before walking outside with Hayden.

As Hayden and Kay walked back to her place, she huddled close to him, not because she was cold, but because it just felt right. When they reached the door Kaylessa opened it and looked back at him. “Do, do you want to stay the night here? I wouldn’t mind.” The two walked in after Hayden said yes and Kay started getting ready to go to sleep. She stopped and stared for a second at Hayden. “Do you want to sleep with me?” She blurted out, but quickly gasped and covered her mouth, getting red. “I mean, uh, I have a bunch of blankets on my bed, we could share them…”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

xxxi called it the moonsea
xxxit is a cruel dream
xxxfrom up so high, I can hardly decide
xxxif you're waving hello, or waving goodbye

Zada glanced over Hayden for a short moment before taking his hand, giving it-perhaps-a firmer-than-necessary shake. She had really come to care for Kay, and wasn’t keen to see him around her so soon after her heart had been broken. She didn’t smile as Kay introduced him, instead she nodded in understanding, “Well, Greythorne is normally a wonderful place to live. With any luck, Hayden will be able to enjoy his time here.” Zada enjoyed the rest of her evening; the conversation ranged from irritating to excellent, but considering the guest list, she expected no less. The food was good, and overall, she had a great time. Zada had never been good at board games, or card games, and found them mostly frustrating, but everyone else seemed (mostly) happy, and she just couldn’t help but enjoy herself, in spite of her constant losses.

It wasn’t long before everyone seemed to be getting ready to leave, some looking more tired than others. She gathered up her leftovers, and as she said her goodbye, made sure to thank Phoenix for inviting her along. It was nice to not be alone on a holiday, for once. Being alone truly didn’t bother her anymore, but something about being included in the festivities just felt… Nice. When she’d first come to Greythorne, Zada had thought of it as a place that she could live in peace, and nothing more. Nowhere had ever felt like home, not since she’d come ashore. Greythorne came close, but she didn’t think she would ever fully feel at home on dry land.

The walk home was a quick one, and for the first time in a while, Zada felt a small pang of something in her chest. Loneliness, maybe. Or homesickness. She still longed for the sea, even if her life in town was wonderful, her friends amazing. She wondered, briefly, if her sisters would like Christmas, and came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter. Her friends in Greythorne did, and they were her family, now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

xxxglass sky, killin' time
xxxyou leaned upon my shoulder
xxxand my thoughts dried
xxxdidn't mind

When Markus planted a kiss on the top of his head, Alex couldn’t help but grin. In the back of his head he felt like he’d won some sort of a prize. It had only taken years of teasing Markus, and while they both knew that it was (mostly) not very serious, something in him was still very pleased by the gesture. When Phoenix commented that Markus had given him his jacket, Alex laughed. “Dammit, Phoenix. I thought I finally had a chance!” He was happy, though. He couldn’t think of a better gift from Markus. Well, he could, but there was no way Markus would entertain it.

It wasn’t too long before the food was done, and Alex tried to keep drinks full (but mostly focused on his own) in the time between. Mostly, Alex was just glad to have everyone together and happy. He saw smiles on faces that had been missing them for a while; even Zada seemed happy enough, and Alex wasn’t sure he’d seen her with anything but an angry or perfectly neutral expression before. It was nice to see everyone talking and laughing together, especially after all they’d been through recently. Sometimes all the different conversations and noise felt almost like it was too much, but Alex managed just fine.

After dinner, they broke out the board games, which was fun. Everyone was getting along well, and it was going great, until Violet accused Alex of cheating. This spiraled into a bit of an argument. It was, honestly, amusing, and probably inevitable. Alex never was able to convince Violet that he wasn’t cheating, but she did eventually drop it… After it was politely suggested that the group should just start a different game. Which was fine, but Alex still insisted that he hadn’t been cheating, and he was offended that Violet thought he was.

Eventually things started winding down. Phoenix had leaned up against Alex’s shoulder, and Alex couldn’t help but smile. He also didn’t dare move; if Phoenix was going to fall asleep using him as a pillow, then Alex accepted his fate and decided to enjoy his new life as a pillow. It was around then that people started packing up to go, saying their goodbyes, and eventually it was just the two of them left. Alex would’ve been lying if he said he wasn’t a little relieved. He was tired, and as much as he’d enjoyed everyone’s company, he was ready to wind down. He rested his head against Phoenix’s for a moment, savoring in the quiet. Which was, maybe, not the best idea at the moment. Because there, feeling safe and secure, heart full of love and happiness and no worries on his mind, he quickly drifted off to sleep.