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Neden Isimir

"Cause I could touch a hundred thousand souls, but none of them would ever feel like home."

0 · 1,608 views · located in Greythorne

a character in “greythorne”, as played by Wolf's Bane109




"The world is so cold, now that you've gone away."

Gone Away -Five Finger Death Punch
Heaven -Pvris
Lips -The xx
Anyone Else -Pvris
All the King's Men-The Rigs
Death Stranding -Chvches
Runaway-Hayley Kyoko
How To Be A Heart Breaker-Marina & The Diamonds


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Neden Valkarie Toruun Orion Isimir

N I C K N A M E (S)
Doesn't really have any | Goes by whatever people call them

Unknown | Claims it's March 15th | Pisces

Exact age is unknown | Appears to be 26 | Somewhere around two thousand in human years

Fallen/Cast-down Angel

S E X U A L I T Y & G E N D E R
Homosexual | None-Binary | They/Them/She/Her

Considered "Caucian" | Angel Blood

Unknown | Claims to be from Salem, MA



Neden wears whatever feels more comfortable for them that day, anything from a t-shirt and skinny jeans and boots, to wearing an oversized hoodie and sweat pants. Their sense of style isn't anything of note, except that it fits them and demonstrates how exactly neutral they are in every aspect. Their preferred go-to outfits are anything that is a t-shirt and jeans, to button up short sleeves with jackets and boots. Preferably leather jackets and skinny jeans are a must in their casual attire while wearing things that help increase their androgynous appearance, such as blazers and baggy shirts, as well as flannels.

H E I G H T & W E I G H T
5' 7" | 115lbs | Fairly fit

Neden has been reported as being considered handsomely beautiful by most, and elegantly androgynous by others. They have a pale complexion that can hold the slightest bit of a tan before wanting to get sunburned, which is brought out even further by their natural platinum blonde hair with natural dark roots that is distinct to them alone. From their dark eyes against their pale skin, they are anything but ordinary. Essentially a walking enigma that is hard to figure out upon first meeting them. They are tall and slim, but not to say they aren't fit, as they are anything but defenseless. From their natural musculature to their outstanding physicality, they are one that no one would want to meet on the battlefield, or even dare say a back alley in the middle of the late hours of the night.

They keep the sides of their head shaven and eyebrows neatly trimmed with a notch in their left brow, mainly as hair never grows due to being sliced with silver years ago. Attaining a small and rather prominent scar if one looks closely. Along with that are a nose piercing on the left side of a single fake silver hoop, and very small gauges in both of their ear lobes. But they are rarely seen as they tend to have their hair down if they aren't busy in a workout or training.

As for any oddities and scarring, they have plenty and aren't ashamed of it. Scars and markings tell of one's journey through life without having to say a single word, and Neden is fully aware of that fact. They have a multitude of tattoos that cover their body, and then some. All of their tattoos give off a rather stylistic and almost gothic style, and that is precisely what they go for. They exude confidence and self-assurance in every aspect, even to go a little far as to even consider it a superiority complex and even arrogant at times. Whatever the cause, they have no shame in flaunting their body or even undressing in front of others as they aren't exactly sure why so many people are flustered by the human body.

Their true defining features, or well, scarring is on their back. From what one can garner, they house two very large scars that run along their shoulders and down to the small of their back. Once one knows of what they are, it makes sense. A being that was once an angel, who's wings were brutally torn out would indeed be ashamed. But not Neden. They hold pride in their scars and will gladly explain the story behind it. The only problem is, the fact that the scars still bring pain when touched, but normally there is just a slight numbness to their back, something they had gotten used of living with as long as they have.


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| Music, Neden was always a fan of it especially when they came to earth. They learned how to play several mortal instruments and is rather talented with what they have learned // Singing, before their fall from grace, Neden was one of the best and after their fall they took on singing for a hobby, proving to still be good at it they took up singing as a street entertainer for a rather long time, finding it rather fun at times | Playing guitar (both acoustic and electric), drums, bass, violin, cello, flute, and piano, they've had a love for those instruments even far before they were cast from Heaven | Folk tales, they love hearing what the mortals thought of other beings and creatures, and find it nothing but silly, but also charming what humans came up with over their course of existence | Animals, something about their innocence and endless affection and love for people causes them to have a soft spot for them, especially abandoned animals | Romance, it doesn't matter, every aspect from kissing and holding hands to the more intimate things like sex and cuddling, as long as it means something and not just a one night stand or hookup, Neden is all for it and isn't very shy about it either | Flirting, they are a massive flirt and will flirt with just about any pretty face that they lay their eyes on. While they don't hide their attraction to anyone, they do it usually out of a reaction for who they're flirting with, but also as a way of meeting new people and just have a good time | Learning new things, while Neden has been on earth for all too long, being able to know more fascinates them and they are constantly seeking out knowledge | The smell of cinnamon, peppermint, lavender, and fresh parchment. Something about those scents brings a sense of calmness and peace to them | Sweets and baked goods, anything from candy to cakes and muffins is an immediate way to win them over and are sure to share their food with others | Small gestures of kindness and decent human behavior, anything from a compliment, opening/holding a door for them, to showing someone cares is an easy way to win their favoritism and loyalty as they will return it ten times fold | Movies, anything from horror movies to romance movies can garner their attention and will possibly obsess over it for far too long | Rock climbing, spelunking, and all-around extreme sports are something they love and are often seen doing | Cooking, Neden adores being in the kitchen and since they have had time to travel the world and learn new recipes, they are a rather good cook and always try to find someone to cook for | Tattoos, whether their own tattoos, or someone else's, they find tattoos and body art fascinating and rather attractive to an extent | Combat/Sword-fighting, they were one of the best warriors Heaven had ever seen, and as such it isn't surprising that their skill in combat is something to not only be feared but admired as well | Jokes and good humor, Neden has a very interesting form of humor and enjoys making others laugh and will usually throw in a corny joke whenever they get the chance to |

The sound of loud chewing, something about it causes their skin to crawl and grosses them out | Loud or sudden noises, especially if the cause is unknown | the smell of something burning, especially toast and coffee | The smell of alcohol and cigarettes, they can't stand the smell or how anyone can damage their body in that manner | Having a guitar string break while playing, nothing angers them more than a busted cord | Bigotry of any kind, even if it's a joke, they don't find it funny and will get loud over it in a split second and stand up for whoever is being bothered/harrassed | Being asked what they are, as in what species as no human is really allowed in Greythorne, for the most part, | They like almost all music, except for country, they don't get how anyone can like that kind of music | Attention seekers and liars, as they can read people's minds they know the true motive behind it and are bothered by it | Senseless killing, that part of them hasn't changed and never will. They've always stood up for the small person and always will |


Contrary to their first impression that they give off, and their rather rough-looking exterior, Neden is quite the opposite of how they may seem once someone gets to know them. While they can be rather reserved and is typically a better listener than a talker, they make for an interesting companion to say the very least. If they aren't busy in their own little world in their head, then they are easily, in one word, cocky. They may not come across as such when making first impressions, as they tend to be rather guarded and reserved. But once someone manages to wiggle in and get to know them, they then understand why they typically keep their circles of friends small. They are very easily in simplest terms, annoying at times and overtly arrogant for the most part. Not to say they are heartless or big-headed, but they know what they want and what they're good at, and they make that fact know.

Once someone can look past the rough, tattoo-covered exterior, they can see that Neden is an incredibly kind, caring, outgoing, and loving individual who, that once given the chance could prove to be one of your best friends if given the chance. They can be rather possessive and clingy, once getting close to someone that is, but for the most part they are happy to be by themselves. When they are out in a crowd of people that they are comfortable with, they hold nothing back and tend to be one of the biggest flirts in the group. Having no shame with physical contact or making it obvious if they like someone or not. If they like you, it's rather obvious, and if they dislike you, it's even more so. They aren't the best at hiding how they feel, and their face often portrays their emotions. Whether they are happy or angry, enjoying someone's company, or are completely disgusted with someone's existence, their expression says it all. And they aren't ashamed of being such an open book. They learned the hard way that pretending like everything is okay was harder than accepting that certain thing in life would happen regardless and grew to accept it.

Essentially, if Neden doesn't like someone, they're all too overt with it and aren't afraid to say it to someone's face, and if they like someone, they make it even more evident. From either constant physical contact, poking fun at them, possibly flirting if they're more interested in that aspect, or simply giving gifts or doing small favors. Essentially, they have more than enough manners and don't shy away from it. If they see someone in need, they will gladly help them without hesitation. If it be simply holding a door open for someone, or helping lift something or carrying a heavy object, they are all but happy to help someone. They've never gone out of their way to show that they dislike someone, as even then if the one they dislike needs help, they will help. Whether that is the former angel in them or not, that remains to be seen. But over the inhuman amount of time Neden has spent on earth, they've learned one thing, what's the point in making someone else's life shitty with the world being already so cruel and hopeless? If they can make someone else's day better by the simplest act of kindness, then that is all that matters to them. They love people and will do anything for them, especially those that they are fond over and will go to no ends to make sure their friends and loved ones are happy and taken care of.

When it comes to relationships, there is something surprising that people notice. While they are generally a massive flirt and have no shame of making their feelings known, it's when they come to care for someone when someone truly care for. When they are serious about someone and their feelings for them, they focus solely on them and have no one else in view. Making that person the most important thing in their life and will do whatever they can in their power to make them happy and safe. Often being considered overbearing and too smothering at times, they have tried in recent years to tone it down and do their best of making sure they aren't so overprotective of those that they care for, romantically or not. They know how fleeting mortal life is and will do whatever they can to make their short life the best it can be.


Angels. The very beings made by God Himself meant to be the perfect example of all of his creations. The beings made in the purest form and were the epitome of both handsome and elegantly beautiful in one as Angels never had a specific gender or sex. However they felt is what made them themself, and no one could judge them for it. The beings made to serve him and watch over the mortals that he too created or defend Heaven from any and all insurgences, when he was too busy with other affairs. Neden doesn't remember exactly when, but they remembered that one minute they didn't exist, and then the next they did. It was a simple thing really, beings made or born (which was a rare circumstance) solely for the purpose of servitude and protection whether to the mortal realm below or protecting Heaven itself. Wherever you fell into the ranks, is where you would reside until the end of time itself or until God saw more in them. Which is where Neden came into existence. Originally named Orion after the Constellation of stars, they were made to serve God himself, and do his bidding. Mainly as a soldier in his Angelic army. Neden showed that they were a perfect fit, as knowing how to form nearly perfect battle scenarios and ways of making stronger strongholds and where certain angels should be and where others could avoid. It was until even God himself realized that Orion was more useful down on Earth as a Guardian Angel for humans and mortals over being in Heaven. As well as a way to test their loyalty to him.

It started out simple enough, watching over the humans that needed protection, and those that needed it more than others. Such as children or those that were going to die soon, who Orion would then move onto the next as the Angel of Death took their place. Their existence was what others would consider mundane and simple grunt work, while others were either servants back in Heaven, or soldiers who protected the realm from the Others. It was then that Orion's life or well, existence would change.

One of the people they were sent to look after was a young, kind and caring woman. The girl had lost everything and was going to end her life as she had no point in existing, no family, no friends, no nothing. Just an empty and hollow husk of her former self. Orion watched as the woman went to complete her self made task, but before the woman could, Orion found them reaching out and...grabbing onto the woman's shoulder, telling them not to do it, that there was more to life and that there was a plan for them. What Orion hadn't anticipated, was the response. The woman turned around and could see Orion, who was normally unseen by humans, but because her life was on the verge of ending, she could see things no one else could normally. Orion had formed an attachment to the human as time went on, observing her from afar and close as they began to spend time together, conversing, explaining that Angels and Heaven were real, and Orion was Elizabeth's (the woman Orion had saved) Guardian Angel. As time went on, their bond and interactions became more intense and personal, more than what an Angel should have with their mortal subjects. Something that they knew was wrong, but couldn't help it. There was something about earth and the humans that fascinated them more than being a mere watcher and protector. Perhaps even jealousy that they got to live a life Angels could only ever dream of.

It was then that He heard the whispers of one of his very own creations flirting with mortals and being seduced by one's own filthy and wicked desires. Orion was called for and was summoned back to Heaven, where they were damned by God himself. He gave them an ultimatum. Forget the mortal and their feelings for them and return to heaven and become a soldier once more, or...Give up the title and status they held and be made mortal to simply wallow in the filth that disgusted them all. Neden chose to defy their creator, and in a final act of rebellion as well as an ultimate form of a 'fuck you', they removed and tore their own wings from their back. Feather by feather when parts wouldn't rip out or tear off. It was a slow and painful experience to say the least, but when the process was over, when their hands were covered in their own blood and soaked feathers were scattered around their feet. They gave their creator one more final word before being banished to Earth. Which, may have been a blessing. Neden roamed the earth for years in search of their long lost lover, and when they finally tracked them down, it was then that reality hit them. Elizabeth had died four years ago alone in a hospital bed due to an illness that was usually uncurable. Years had passed when Neden was in Heaven for their trial, and the woman they were in love with and gave everything up for had passed away all the while.

For years, they wallowed in self pity and anger. Not towards themselves, but to God. He took away the only thing they truly cared for, and Nedn had no doubt that it was something that He did to make their punishment all the more cruel. Since then they have hated all religions, as what God would truly do that to their own creations if they truly cared? After years of traveling, they had taken on a mortal name, allbeit it was a very odd one, but it was staying true to who they were, as well as a last ditch attempt to stay under the radar from any and all supernatural beings as long as they could. They had been to most of the world in their time on earth, which had been an estimate of a few thousand years, learning new languages and cultures, meeting new people and seeing them age and pass on while they never aged. Never grew old, never had an ache or pain as they couldn't really feel anything that involved pain. But what they could feel was the sense of emptiness and hallow. It wasn't until a year ago that they finally heard of a place for people like them, a place called Greythorne. They have kept to themselves and have lived in the outer part of town, never really talking to anyone and watching as more of a phantom or shadow that kept the town safe.

It was until the attack happened that Neden hadn't interacted much with the people there. On that night however, during the siege, they had managed to take out four hunters that attacked the town. It was a much larger group than what they had seen in all of their years, and it terrified them. News spread of how many had been killed, including some long-time residents, and their loved ones. Now, Neden knows what they have to do, and are preparing for the next attack and then...That is when they plan on making their presence known to the people of Greythorne. And perhaps, they could regain their wings in the process..


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Neden originally was an Angel, sitting up in the clouds serving the Creator for an unknown amount of time. They used to have immense strength, speed, reflexes, senses, ability to read minds and had an inhuman healing factor of being able to heal any wound, as well as take no damage as nothing could pierce their once impenetrable flesh aside from silver. Among that, Neden was adorned with beautiful pure white Angel wings, but since being cast down to Earth as a mortal, their wings had been torn and ripped out, leaving nothing but gnarled and grotesque scars behind.

Aside from having no wings prior, they have since attained most of their powers since. They have increased speed, strength, stamina, and agility. Surprisingly light and fast on their feet and deadly in combat, with a sword or bow it's all the same. One day they hope to regain their wings, but they doubt they ever will, as doing so would require them to sacrifice their life for someone else's, as well as being in the good grace of God once more. Besides, if they regained their wings, would they ever be the same or work like they once did? But as well as not feeling pain, they can't feel anything either, essentially numb to both pain and pleasure. Rion can feel it when someone holds their hand or kisses them on the cheek, yes. But the feeling one gets when experiencing said touch isn't there, the butterflies in your stomach doesn't happen to them, as much as they would like to, they don't. Which is another reason why Neden wants their wings back, so they can feel things again, and not just pretend to feel.

Music, shouldn't come as a surprise that they are naturally born at music and instruments. Before they came to earth they were playing instruments and singing when they weren't watching over people on earth as their Guardian Angel | Archery, while it is a cliche vision, seeing an Angel with a bow, Neden is rather skilled and adept with the weapon, almost never missing a shot | Extreme sports or adrenaline jumping, such as rock climbing and cave spelunking, whatever the case, Neden is a clear fan of it and lives for the small adrenaline boost they get from anything | Swordsmanship, they are spry and light on their feet and it is almost hypnotic to see them in action with a blade | Cooking, they find the smallest of things to be the greatest of things to do, and cooking is no exception |

| They can go days without eating or sleeping due to their lack of being human, but they do partake in eating if they want to | Their protective nature for others, whether it's the Guardian Angel in them still, or simply being a decent being, they have a love for others that come all too naturally for them | They are undyingly loyal to those that earn their trust and will easily do whatever it takes to help those they care for | Their knowledge is immense as they spent much time reading and learning new things | Combat, no surprise considering they were once a soldier in heaven |

W E A K N E S S E S & F E A R S
| The fact that they are a hopeless romantic, even after being cast down to Earth for it, they crave wanting a relationship, but are afraid when someone finds out what they are, no one would want to be with them | The fact they cannot feel pain, while its hard to break through their diamond-hard skin, they can still be injured over time and not realizing it could get them killed one day | Their main weakness is silver, as it is the one thing that can pierce their hard flesh and can cause burns and rashes to the skin if only exposed for long periods of time | Neden's cockiness has gotten them into a few fights that they wished they could have avoided | The scars on their back, they cause immense pain when touched and is their biggest weakness as it is the one part of their body that is incredibly weak to damage | Threats to the innocent and children, one thing that truly pisses them off and sends them into a blind fury is innocent people being hurt for no reason | They aren't exactly the best with people and as such they suffer from minor social axniety | They fear of never getting their wings back, and if they did, they doubt they'd be the same as they heard horror stories from former angels of having gnarled and deformed wings when they reearned them, or even worse, the dreaded black wings that are a rare occurence among Angels and is usually a bad omen when one attains those raven , jet black wings |


So begins...

Neden Isimir's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Evelyn Fox
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T R A V I S 0 G R A V E S O N 00000000000000000000000 K A Y L E S S A 0 V A L V E N

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#8B4513 0 | 0 #FF4500

trav 0 | 0 kay

Travis didn’t take too long in the shower, never one to take his time or day dream under the shower head, quickly stepping out and drying himself off. He had grabbed some his underwear and jeans before he got in, just in case Evelyn was still hanging about in the guest room. After throwing on his clothes he walked out of the bathroom and saw Evelyn holding up the necklace he had given to Rosie and was looking at earlier, forgetting he left it out. “Pretty right?” Trav commented as he walked over to the dresser and grabbed a shirt and put his arms through it, leaving it open for a second as he talked with Evelyn, more so out of habit than anything. “This for Rosie?” Evelyn asked. “Well, it was. I’m assuming you know about the argument between us.” He replied, grabbing some socks and looking for his shoes. He stopped for a second and turned back towards his vampire mentor. “Actually, do you mind holding onto it for me? Feel like one of these days I might lose it.” Evelyn nodded her head and grabbed her things and walked out of the guest room back towards the others. Travis sighed and put on his boots before heading back to the main room.

Kaylessa’s eyes got big as Rosie handed her some books. “Oh! Thank you! I’m excited for the flight, and I get to fly like you and Neden.” She said with a giggle, setting the books down on the end table, giving the siren another hug. Kay looked over as Neden spoke up and quickly pulling her in for a hug, Kay lifting a leg during the hug. She tilted her head a bit as the angel spoke. “No no, its fine. I loved spending our time together Neden!” She said quickly before Neden headed into the kitchen, talking about having something. Kay was intrigued and excited for even more gifts, she had no idea saying bye would get her so many things.

As Travis walked down the hallway, he heard a familiar voice that brought a light smile to his face, and as he rounded the corner his suspicion of who it was was confirmed, the sweetest person in Greythorne, Kaylessa. He didn’t want to interrupt as it seemed like she was having a moment with Neden, and he just leaned against the wall and listened, pushing up his sleeves. From what he caught between them, Kaylessa was leaving to Hayden, assuming to his tribe. It was bittersweet to hear, but knew it would be good for her since she’s spent her whole life in Greythorne and getting out and seeing more would be an excellent experience for the young half-elf.

Kaylessa held out her hand as Neden spoke and put a necklace a feathered wing pendant into it, telling her it was titanium and not silver so it would be safe. “Neden! Thank you! First this dress and now this necklace!” She said with a big smile across her face, quickly putting the necklace on. “I’ll tell Hayden exactly what you said, he’s back at the house making sure everything is good to go.” Kay turned back towards Rosie as another thought popped into her head. “Oh Rosie. Can I ask for a favor?” She started, “I haven't seen Travis since the attack, so if you see him can yo-” A cough interrupted her as Kay turned around and was surprised to see a man standing against the wall. “Travis!” She just about shouted, running and giving Travis a big hug.

Travis laughed as he got just about tackled by the little half-elf, holding her tight. “Hey there little Kaylessa. Heard you’re leaving?” He asked. “Yeah, with Hayden, to his tribe and such. I get to meet people like me! The half that isn’t you, but other me.” Kay said looking up at Travis, before stepping back and moving her hair and pointing at her ears. Travis grinned back at her and buttoned up his shirt as she stepped away. “That’s amazing! Well, I don’t have any gifts for you, but just stay safe. You’ll love it over there, been a few times in my travels.” He said looking over at Neden and Rosie for a second, flashing a small smile. “I’ll miss you Kaylessa, thanks for all the talks and keeping me company in my store. And I’m not saying goodbye, but see you next time.” He finished with a smile, letting Kay hug him again before she grabbed her stuff.

“Yes, until next time! To everyone. I love all of you and can’t wait to visit here, or maybe even you guys visit me. It would be so cool. Anyways. I should be going. Bye guys!” Kaylessa said, wrapping her arms around the books Rosie gave her and heading towards the door. Even though the goodbyes had been bitter and not something she wanted to do, it went pretty smoothly and she hopes she would see everyone again some day.

As he watched Kaylessa leave, he ran his hand threw his hair and looked back at the other two in the kitchen. “So anyways. Thinking me and Evie are going out for a quick hunt. Shouldn’t be gone too long.” He mentioned, just as Evelyn walked in from behind him, bumping him in the shoulder on purpose. “Don’t worry Rosie, I’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything else stupid. She said as she headed towards the door. Travis rolled his eyes and gave a light wave after grabbing his jacket, walking out the door and quickly heading towards the woods with Evelyn, to quickly get out of eyesight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Kaylessa Valven Character Portrait: Zoe Peña Character Portrait: Travis Graveson
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Jaiden Price
Witch | Outfitx|xhex: #800000
xxxAnd it's too late,
xxxShe believes in fate,
xxxShe's absolutely smitten,
xxxAnd she'll never let you go.
Jaiden sat there nervously, hands clasped infront of her tightly as she waited for a response from Zoe, observing the other woman's face as she could see the gears turning in Zoe's head. Clearly trying to piece together what Zoe was offering, and when it became clear, Jaiden couldn't help but let a small smile appear on her face for a moment. A small chuckle came from her as Zoe said she didn't know what to say, and confirmed Jaiden's fears that she was getting ready to leave. Zoe was running out of money and supplies, and her brother, whoever he was, was anything but helpful. Which caused a small frown to form on her face for only a minute before Zoe continued talking.

Jaiden smiled again as Zoe reassured her that she wasn't ready to leave, reaching across the table and placed her hands on Jaiden's, which caused her heart to stop for only a second before her clasped hands released and gently held Zoe's for a minute as the other witch went on to say that she'd accept the offer. A smile returned to Jaiden's face, "I'm sure you'll do great. Besides, I'll be there to help you, and even if I get confused by something, I know a guy that can help out. He's kind of a plant witch so, he'd be able to help us out for sure if we got real stuck." she chuckled softly, "I'm happy to help with anything you need, Zoe. I can't really offer much, the other offer would have been one of the extra rooms in my house but, I figured you'd want your own space and home to live in if you'd be staying here longer so...I'm happy to help any way I can. So uh, what do you think the first thing you'll do now that you'll be staying...well, for a bit longer that is at least?"

Neden Isimir
Fallen Angel | outfit : herex|xhex: #a39d9d
xxxI'm at a loss for words under a full moon
xxxStaring at the ceiling of a white room
xxxDoes the mirror in the corner see my shame too?
xxxOr a different view? (yeah)
Neden watched with a smile as Kaylessa took the necklace and excitedly put it on, "My friends deserve the best. Don't mention it, Kay. It's kept me safe all this time, I only hope it does the same for you." the angel said with a smile. Giving the half elf a small nod as she said she'd tell Hayden that Neden had wished both of them luck and safe travels. Neden watched as Kay began to ask Rosie if she could say something to Travis, before he and Evelyn both came back into the room. The angel averted looking at Evelyn, or even in her general direction and gave the group space. Still not feeling entirely safe around them all just yet, considering how some people were still viewing them, it was only a matter of time until people stopped playing nice with them.

The angel watched as they all bid Kay a final goodbye, and stepped aside as Travis and Evelyn walked by them, getting nothing but a bad vibe from Evelyn as she stepped by Neden. A small pit formed in their stomach, things would never go back to the way things were between these two, would they? The angel sighed a bit as they watched the two disapear into the forest and out of sight, Kay soon leaving afterwards as well. Neden closed the door and looked at Rosie as she started to talk again, bringing the trial back up again wasn't something they had expected so soon, again. A small pit formed in their stomach once more as Rosie spoke, especially at the last thing the siren said. She wanted Neden to be there for Travis, just in case things went south. It made sense, people were less angry with Neden and most of the anger was aimed at Travis. But Neden was still a target of the people's ire.

Neden sat down on the couch, looking down at the ground for a good minute or two as their brain wracked what was asked from them. They very easily could say yes, and be killed for helping Travis, or maybe they could be used as help and could possibly save Travis' life. This was a whole 50/50 chance of being pulled off, or it all going to shit and no one had a way of knowing, but they had to try. That's all they could do. Neden finally looked back up at Rosie, their eyes scanning her over innocently enough to gauge a verdict from what they could sense from her. Rosie was being genuine, and wasn't trying to set them up with a false pretense of safety. A small sigh escaped their lips as they finally gave a nod, "It's worth the shot I suppose. My life is already on the line as is so, what's the worse that can happen, right? They want me dead too as is, so...I don't really have much to lose I suppose." a sound of a mix of a laugh and pained sigh escaped their lips as Neden brushed their hand through their hair. "I'll do it, Rosie. I need to own up to my past actions...I'll try to help Travis as much as I can. I promise." they gave another nod as they nervously fidgeted with shaky hands.

The angel looked back up at Rosie as a nervous smile came across their face, " it okay if I stay here a little longer? Normally I'd give you your space but...Last time I left...Someone ended up getting hurt...But, if you want me to leave, I'll go." Neden asked with a shaky voice, which sounded like they were on the verge of crying, just barely able to keep it together. The angel began to stand up as they did so, just incase Rosie wanted them to leave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxhow it should be
xxxmany years after the disasters that we’ve seen
xxxwhat have we learned?
xxxother than people burn in purifying flame
Phoenix caught the look of guilt on Alex’s face. Even if it was in a different body, it was the same expression he’d seen before, a strange juxtaposition on the unfamiliar face. Phoenix needed to pull himself together, for God’s sake, Alex was dealing with this too and didn’t need to be worrying about him.

He sighed as Alex confessed to not knowing how to contact her. The demon didn’t seem to want to make things easy for them, considering she was apparently pissed at Alex for not having listened in the past. As Alex stopped talking for a moment, Phoenix found himself also turning to look at Triss. Great. Of all moments to take a nap. Good to know she was so concerned about fixing things.

He sighed as Zada asked how he was doing, the brief physical contact being nice. “I’m… things are just… weird,” he said softly, not wanting to disturb Alex’s thinking. “You know exactly what it’s like, though,” he added. He didn’t want to say exactly what was stressing him out so much, because he didn’t want to make Alex feel any worse, but he knew Zada would know. He put his hand over hers and squeezed back gently, just for a moment, before folding them back in his lap.

He looked back again as Alex began to speak, sighing a little. It wasn’t what they wanted to hear, and Phoenix felt the pit in his stomach grow. They needed to figure this out, the thought of things being like this for any longer than a day was terrifying. But he forced a small smile and nodded as Alex said they’d figure it out. They had to.

He jumped a little as Triss woke with a start and pulled something from her mouth, and said she’d spoken with the demon. It felt like somebody had kicked him in the chest as she explained how long it would last. Years. The mention of a deal did nothing to make him feel better. Demons were masters of trickery, he wasn’t convinced that it wouldn’t backfire horribly and make everything worse. He agreed with Zada, but also knew they really didn’t have much of a choice. The thought of things being like this for years made him feel like he was going to throw up, pass out, or probably both.

And at least building an altar was a somewhat easy and quick task. Zada had a ready supply of candles, which was good. He nodded as Alex mentioned needing certain items for the apartment. He got to his feet and stopped, looking at Alex for a moment. Alex had a knack for knowing exactly where he’d left items, even if things seemed to be a bit of a mess. He’d probably find them in half the time it would take Phoenix.

“You should come with me. You know where everything is,” he admitted. “You two should stay put,” he advised, turning to Triss and Zada. “People probably won’t pay too much attention to seeing me and… Triss together and it’ll be easier to explain. But seeing as you two normally hate each other, people will take notice and ask questions. We’ll be as quick as we can. Text me if you need anything or there are any issues. I’ll bring back some snacks,” he added with a smile, before heading out of the house.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxi know we're not everlasting
xxxwe’re a train wreck waiting to happen
xxxone day the blood won't flow so gladly
xxxone day we'll all get still
The silence as Neden considered her question made Rosie a little uneasy. She wasn’t entirely sure that she could blame them if they refused. The entire town was going to be crying out for Travis’ blood, and if someone was to stand against that, they’d been seen as being just as bad. And if things went wrong, well… they’d definitely be seen as a traitor and be treated as such. Which meant their life would be in danger too.

She smiled with relief as Neden agreed to it. Neden would dedicate their entire self to it, no matter what, and Rosie knew their best chance was with Neden on their side. Rosie couldn’t be seen to be helping. “Thank you, Neden, really. I appreciate it.” Neden had background knowledge on the hunters which might work in their favour, and Rosie knew they’d be thorough in their investigation. She decided against mentioning that they’d probably be working with Evelyn, knowing that the vampire was one of very few people that Neden was actually afraid of.

She frowned a little at the shake in Neden’s voice, before smiling at their question. “Neden, you’re welcome here for as long as you want. You’ve been through hell. There’s always a spot here for you, no matter what. And it’ll be nice to have someone else around.” She said, shrugging a little. Honestly, she was glad for the company. Travis and Evelyn were training so much and working so much together, and Rosie sometimes felt a little bit on the outside. But dwelling on those feelings wasn’t going to do anyone any favours. “So, you want anything else to eat or drink?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

Neden Isimir
Fallen Angel | outfit : herex|xhex: #a39d9d
xxxI was looking for a breath of life
xxxA little touch of heavenly light
xxxBut all the choirs in my head sang no
xxxTo get a dream of life again
Neden gave Rosie a small nod of their head when she thanked them for agreeing to help Travis. It was the least they could do here, if they wanted to make anything right, or even begin to make anything right. They'd have to start somewhere, and now it seemed like the best time to. Not like they had much of a choice to say no. If they chose to reject, someone else could be chosen by the townspeople to be killed, and Neden wasn't going to let an innocent person die when they could take the punishment themselves. If they needed to fake their death again, and start over somewhere else, so be it. Killing an angel wasn't easy, and they doubted anyone could do it, they tried countless times in the past. The angel shook their head, trying to not focus on that now, they didn't need to get into that type of headspace.

If they managed to pull it all off, for them to even be successful, Neden knew what they'd have to do. If things didn't end well, which was their main concern, Neden would have to pull several strings, just in hope of things not ending as badly as they could. As well as having to go back to a place they really didn't want to go back to. Even if it was just that headspace, it was going to be hard and hurt. It was a dark place for them to be, but it's what was going to be needed of them, and Neden was going to do everything they could to help Travis and the others, even if the only person that ended up being hurt was Neden. They didn't care, they lived more than enough life-times, they could afford this when the others couldn't. The curse of being a celestial immortal, the angel guessed.

They were brought back out of their thoughts when Rosie said that they could stay as long as they wanted to, and that there would always be a place for them to stay here. Neden gave her a gentle and sincere smile, it just didn't entirely meet their eyes. "Thank you, Rosie. But I'm fine, thank you." they said with a small smile, collecting the plate from earlier and brought it over to the kitchen sink. Neden looked down as they placed their hands on the edge of the sink, gripping it slightly as their knuckles turned white for a moment.

"I just...Part of me feels like I deserve everything that I've been through...That it's only fair after all the horrible things I've done...I don't know. Living as long as I have makes me be in my head alot...I'm sorry. You have enough on your plate as is, you don't need any more stress added to it, I'm sorry." the angel shook their head, cursing under their breath. They didn't even know why they said it, it just, felt like they needed to get it off their chest. But as they thought back on it, it was stupid to even bring up.

"Anyway...If there's anything you need help with, Rosie. Aside from, what we were just talking about, let me know. I may end up going to see a healer for this. All things considered." Neden said, vaguely addressing to their leg. They really were so stupid to turn down the offers when they first got hurt, but it was too late to continue feeling sorry for themselves. Neden had more important things to focus on, and they couldn't keep up with the self pity anymore. It wasn't going to help with anything, and the last thing anyone needed was them being distracted by their own stupid thoughts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Evelyn Fox
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0.00 INK

xxx Smell like I sound
xxx I’m lost in the crowd,
xxx And I’m hungry like a wolf
xxx Straddle the line, in discord and rhyme,
xxx I’m on the huntdown after you

It didn’t take the two vampires to get to the edge of town and quickly enter the woods, they spent more time making sure the coast was cleared so no one would spot Travis more than anything. Though they did have an excuse if they were seen. Travis would quickly pull the hat he carried in her jacket pocket over his eyes and Evelyn would talk about a new vampire fledgling she would have to feed. Then again, this would only work if they didn’t get a good look at Travis. The two of them didn’t speak much before they got into a woods, a little bit because in case anyone recognized Travis’ voice, but also because there wasn’t much for the two to talk about.

As they got into the woods and into the cover of the woods. Travis lowered his hood from the jacket he was wearing and relaxed a bit. The leafs and branches above extending from the trees around them dimmed the sun’s rays enough where it didn’t bother Trav too much, but he was still getting used to dealing with the sun now being his enemy. He glanced over at Evelyn before speaking. “I’ve hunted deer and other game before, so you won’t have to teach me the basics, but am interested in what all other benefits being a Vampire brings to the table of hunting.” Trav said as he took a look around, but Evelyn quickly shushed him. “Theres a deer ahead, half a mile out. Use your senses to track it down.” Travis nodded as he stood still for a second and caught a scent, beginning their hunt.

Their hunt didn’t last too long. Travis was able to find the deer, two actually, a doe and stag. And with Evelyn’s help they quickly took them down, painless as well. Evelyn was adamant on making sure the kill was quickly and didn’t cause the animals much pain, explaining to Travis what to do with his bare hands rather than with a gun or blade. He picked up her tips quickly and put them to use as they quickly secured their meals “So time for us to get back to Rosie’s?” Travis asked, picking up his kill. ““We should go by my place first. Clean up a little bit of the blood mess you mostly made.” Evelyn said, teasing Trav a bit. Travis agreed, made sense to clean off a bit and not make a mess at Rosie’s. The two quickly headed to Evelyn’s apartment first to clean up as well separate meat and blood; since Evelyn’s own supply was running low.

After washing up and cleaning the meat and blood, Travis and Evelyn headed back to Rosie’s taking mostly alleyways and the not so busy streets to try to keep Trav hidden. It didn’t take them long to get back to Rosie’s, only out hunting and cleaning up for a couple hours. Travis knocked and entered as Rosie yelled out to come in, carrying a bag of blood and wrapped meat. “Hey yo. Sorry for taking so long. Eve took me back to her place to freshen up.” He said, putting the stuff in the fridge, and hearing Evelyn say a snarky comment behind him. “Uh-huh, whatever you say mistress vampire He replied jokingly, turning back and seeing something different on Rosie’s face and posture. “What’s up?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Travis Graveson
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxhow it should be
xxxmany years after the disasters that we’ve seen
xxxwhat have we learned?
xxxother than people burn in purifying flame
Hearing Alex talking about how quiet it was, how much he missed the spirits. Phoenix couldn’t imagine what it was like. He couldn’t imagine what it was like to constantly hear their whispers and their murmurs, but he also couldn’t imagine what it was like for that to just… disappear. This whole scenario was so horrible, and Phoenix couldn’t imagine what it was like. He didn’t know how to help. He felt like he hadn’t even been much help in the whole scenario, just making things worse with his stress and anxiety. He forced a smile as Alex thanked him. There was so much he wanted to say. If Alex would have had a nervous breakdown without Phoenix, Phoenix didn’t want to think about where he would be without Alex.

As Alex got back to his feet and finished gathering what they needed, Phoenix finished packing up the few bits he was to bring. He turned back around as Alex called him, raising an eyebrow, and expecting Alex to maybe say they were ready to go or to ask where Phoenix had put something when he’d been tidying up. But instead, his words just felt like a kick to the chest. He’d kept telling himself that everything would work out, that it would be fine, that they’d be fine, but Alex’s words were just an unpleasant reminder that Phoenix had no idea what the future held for him if this didn’t work. Until then, it had seemed straight forward, and maybe naive. But him and Alex fitted so well together that it was hard to imagine anything other than Alex always being there. He hadn’t said anything, because how could he? They’d only been properly dating for a relatively short period of time, and yet when Phoenix pictured his future now, Alex was always there. But Phoenix knew that if they couldn’t fix this, then everything would just be wrong. Greythorne would be wrong.

He’d been trying to keep it together all morning, but that was the point that his resolve shattered and he choked out a sob, instinctively pressing his hand to his mouth. “I don’t-” he tried to say, but he choked on the words and tried to take a deep, shuddering breath. It just turned into another sob. “I don’t know what- what I’m supposed to do without you.” He choked out. There was so much he wanted, no, so much he needed to say, and he couldn’t put any of it into words. “I’m sorry, I just- this has to work. I don’t care what you have to do, but I need this to work,” he managed to get out, managing to calm his breathing a little. “I love you so much. I don't want to think about what happens if this doesn't work.”

His phone buzzed, and he wanted to ignore it, but he caught a glimpse of the screen. Zada needed him, and he tried to take another deep breath, this one a little more successful. “Sounds like Triss has managed to burn herself on some silver. We should head back,” he said, wiping his face. “Can you grab the burn paste from the bathroom?” He didn’t want to go back, but he didn’t want to stay here either. He wanted to just go somewhere else entirely until all this was gone, somewhere he could pretend it wasn’t happening. But that wasn’t an option. He wasn’t going to let Zada down like that. He sent her back a text.

To: Zada
Shouldn’t be fatal, just a sore burn for a few days. Bringing something to help heal it up.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxi know we're not everlasting
xxxwe’re a train wreck waiting to happen
xxxone day the blood won't flow so gladly
xxxone day we'll all get still
Rosie looked up as Neden began to speak from where they were in the kitchen. She frowned at the angel’s words, shaking her head slightly. “Neden, sweetheart… You can’t dwell on that. It isn’t healthy, and it won’t do you any favours. You’ve done bad things in the past. But you’ve also done good things since. You can’t change or erase the things you’ve done, but you leave it in the past where it belongs. Don’t let it hold you back or stop you from doing good things,” she said softly, standing up and putting a hand on Neden’s arm for a few seconds as she spoke.

“And as for your leg, I think you might be out of luck considering we just lost two of our best healers to the wilds of the Irish countryside. And I think there’s only so much Phoenix’s tea can do for something like that,” she said lightly. “But we’ll figure it out. We’ll figure it all out.” She looked up as she heard two more people approaching, tensing up a little out of habit. But she heard familiar voices and relaxed as Evelyn and Rosie came back in. It suddenly hit her again that she was going to have to tell Travis about the trial. The joking banter between Travis and Evelyn didn’t do much to help things.

She sighed as Travis asked her what was up, shooting Neden a glance. “I got a letter while you were gone. You’ve been called to stand trial for everything you’ve done. And… I’ve been asked to preside over proceedings as the Council’s representative, which means I can’t directly help you.”
“What the fuck?” Evelyn said, folding her arms. “Can they do that? Given your…” she trailed off, but Rosie knew what she meant.
“They can do whatever the hell they want. They, strictly speaking, run this place. There’s nothing stopping them. And if I fight it, I’ll make it worse. It’s a public trial, so the whole town will be there to keep me accountable. There’s nothing I can do. So… Neden has agreed to help you figure it out, find something that might help.”
“You can count me in too. You fucked up, hunter boy, but you don’t deserve to be ki-” Evelyn cut herself off. “Uhh… does he know about that part?”
“No. But he should,” Rosie said, turning to look fully at Trav. “That’s the other thing. The traditional punishment for a guilty party is ritualistic execution. Death. So if there’s anything you can think of that could help your case, we need to know about it.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Evelyn Fox
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0.00 INK

what you gon' do
zzzzzz.zzzzzzzwhen there's blood in the water?
Travis wasn’t sure what exactly he expected to hear from Rosie and Neden, but what the siren revealed was a thought that lingered at the back of his mind for awhile that he ignored and just hoped would go away. He was now being held accountable for his actions, the things he ran away the first time for. Travis wasn’t sure how long he could just hide out at Rosie’s, sort of hoping that a miracle would happen and everyone would just forget about what he did and such. But now a public trial, and that it was upon Rosie’s shoulders. He wouldn’t want anyone else up there judging him, but he knew it wouldn’t be easy for her. Travi wasn’t sure how to react to the news, luckily Rosie kept talking and the others joined in the conversation, giving him time to just sit down with his thoughts for a moment.

Trav stayed quiet for most of the conversation between the group, just sitting idly. He didn’t show a physical reaction to Evelyn Evelyn saying he fucked up nor what the punishment would be if, when, he would be found guilty. He wasn’t scared of death, never one to fear what laid on the other side after a man closed his eyes for the last time. But he was still trying to come to terms with the monster he is, not the vampire side of him, but the side of him that used to be a hunter. Maybe this was the retribution for his sins and the consequence of his actions catching up to him.

It wasn’t until Travis looked up and noticed the others staring at him that he realized they were talking to him, as he lost in his thoughts for a bit. “Sorry, I’m just... thinking.” Travis said as he ran one of his hands over his face and through his hair. He could just run again, but if he ran now, he would have nowhere else to go. The Branded would know about his traitorous actions by now, plus being a vampire wouldn’t be easy to hide from them, and if he ran from Greythorne, he assumed news would travel about the hunter and he would be exiled from any other villages. Either way, he was now a deadman walking, waiting for judgement.

“I need some time to myself.” Travis said abruptly, not really noticing, or caring, if he interrupted anyone. He stood up and made his way into the basement, closing the door behind him. The room Rosie set up for him he appreciated, but being closed off in the basement would give him more time to himself and away from the others.

After his feet shuffled down the stairs, Travis made his way across the basement and slammed his fist into the concrete wall, leaving a miniscule crack in the wall thanks to his vampiric strength. He turned around and slid his back down the wall until he was sitting down, one leg stretched out and the other bent with his arms around it.Travis let out some deep breaths and quickly wiped away a tear from his face. After all he had fought for, the friends he made, and the one place he felt welcomed, was now just crumbling down all around him.

unless i am myself,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzi am nobody.
“No. What’s causing this, the demon?” Trisstana replied outloud to Zada questioning if she was okay. When she said it was silver it took a moment for the mermaid to remember she was technically a witch now and that silver was one of the things that witches didn’t exactly agree with. She let Zada lead her into the kitchen and pull the burned hand until cold water, letting out a small mumble in a yes tone to being asked about the injury.

Triss kept her hand until the water as it did make it feel a tad bit better as Zada said she would ask Phoenix. She was glad for how quick thinking Zada was, and thankful to have met a woman like his outside of the river waters. Over her life, the small pods of Nixies were close knit, becoming a family of sorts, but Triss never found one she felt comfortable with and enjoyed traveling down the water and through different rivers. But being with the beautiful mermaid, she felt a connection, something she assumed the other Nixie’s felt with each other in their pods. But she felt terrible putting Zada through the current drama she was entangled in even if it wasn’t her fault.

Trisstana didn’t realize she was staring at Zada until she heard the trail end of her asking if it still hurt. “I mean. The water makes it feel better.” Triss said looking back at the water. But there was something else that seemed to bother her. “The water. It feels different. I… It doesn’t feel as natural as it normally does. Now it just runs off of my hands instead of flowing around me.” She paused for a second, turning to look back at Zada.

“You know, the connection one has when swimming in water and letting themself be one with it and letting go. I… I don’t feel it anymore…” Trisstana trailed off. She knew it was because of the body she now inhabited, but she didn’t like it. She never had the thought of what it would be like to live without water, and the feeling she felt now was something that she hoped she would never feel again. Triss pulled her hand out of the water, rather deal with the pain of the burn than be reminded of not being welcomed by something she’s devoted her life to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Evelyn Fox
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0.00 INK

Neden Isimir
Fallen Angel | Outfitx|xhex: #a39d9d
xxxI was looking for a breath of life
xxxA little touch of heavenly light
xxxBut all the choirs in my head sang no
xxxTo get a dream of life again
The angel took a deep breath as they heard the following words from Rosie, blinking rapidly a few times as they felt a hand gently squeeze their arm. Looking up ever so slightly to meet Rosie's eyes as she continued to talk. Neden knew full well that she meant what she said, and they appreciated it. All of it. Having someone truly believe you had changed, and weren't like that anymore. It helped dull the pain that Neden constantly felt, but not all of it. They'd forever feel the guilt of their past actions, and it was just something they'd have to live with. Neden took a deep breath as they nodded slightly, "Thank you, Rosie..." their voice trailed off, they wanted to say more but, they didn't have the energy for this. Not to continue fighting someone who was only here to help them. Neden gave her a small, forced smile for just a moment before it faltered again. They knew one other person who could help with their leg, someone else than Phoenix, but they hadn't been in contact with him in well...Years. Doubted he was even still around. But, maybe if they reached out to him, they could see how he was doing.

"I uh...May know someone...Will have to try to reach out to him but...I should be able to track him down somehow..." Neden stated softly, "He's an old friend of mine, a non-hunter friend. He did get wrapped up in some stuff in the past but...He's a good guy, all things considered. But, we'll see." Neden nodded a bit. Neden's eyebrow arched for a moment as they heard voices coming from the front door before it opened and in stepped Travis and Evelyn. They were back already. Neden straightened their posture as they took a step away from Rosie, keeping their eyes down and away from Evelyn's gaze. They knew she wasn't entirely angry with them all the time, but they didn't want to start anything with the vampire already, especially when Rosie started to explain everything to them when Travis asked what was going on.

The angel's eyes glanced among the three others as they spoke. Returning Rosie's occasional glances with their own, always an understanding look every time. They kept their hands folded neatly in front of them, rubbing their thumbs against the top of their hands, a coping mechanism they developed over the years. Neden's eyes glanced between Rosie and Evelyn as they exchanged words, occasionally glancing at Travis as the two women spoke, gauging his reaction to it all. Which, was the outcome they had been expecting. Seeing his face falter, his body language shifting drastically, even to the point of him having to sit down.

A small sigh escaped their lips as they shifted on their feet before finally speaking, "Like Rosie said...I'll help him in any way that I can. This...This wouldn't be my first time having to stand trial for someone and have to come to their defense. Maybe not to the same callibur but...I'll do what I can. Which, I won't let them kill him. It won't come to that." Neden took a deep breath for a moment before continuing, "I know I'm guilty of my own past actions, especially with The Branded but....I know things about them that, could actually help us." Neden shuddered for a moment, looking at Travis as he stood up, said he needed time and dissapeared in the basement. They nodded silently at him before returning to look at Evelyn and Rosie.

They gave it a moment before they started to talk once more, "There's uh...Something else I didn't tell you all...Until now. I know it's important, especially to make mention now." Neden bit their lip for a moment before continuing, "On my way back to Greythorne, I found some scouting parties....And outlooks. Bases. I know where they're located and...I might be able to help...Not just with the trial but...Other things. their hands shook nervously for a moment, "Evelyn, your help with the trial would be greatly appreciated, honestly. I am...I'll be needing as much help as I can get. So...Thank you. After all of this is over with, I dunno...I'll let you kill me? I mean, you're already considering it so, why not?" they shifted awkwardly, "They're not gonna stop...Not until they're taken out...And...I have an idea. But it can wait for after the trial. We get that squared away and over with first...We can move on with those fucking bastards later. What I'm trying to say is...I'm with you all for all of this...Not gonna leave you high and dry, I mean...I came back, right? I owe you guys so much...This is just the start of the least I can do to help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Travis Graveson
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxthough the pressure's hard to take
xxxit's the only way i can escape
xxxit seems a heavy choice to make
xxxand now i am under all
There hadn’t been a trial like this in Rosie’s lifetime. In fact, when she’d asked around, only the oldest of the immortals could seem to remember them, and they were so long ago that the details were blurry. The elders refused to communicate with her, only sending her some old and crumbling documents that were no use. Only two things were clear. They would have to decide if Trav lived or died. And she would be the one making that final call.

So she’d done some researching of her own. With Evelyn and Neden out of town, she’d had to balance managing the patrols with the research, but she managed. The main thing that she learned was that there was no set structure to these things. It changed with the times. Which she was surprised to find herself relieved at. No structure meant no pressure.

But she also knew she couldn’t do anything to tilt the trial in Trav’ favour. Every step she made, every little thing she did, every decision she made, was already being scrutinised. Nobody would dare make any accusations. She was too well liked for that. But the moment she gave anything away, they would pounce on that. And she refused to give them that much.

She kept the trial simple, similar to usual court trials. Evidence from both sides would be presented. The elders would send somebody to present the evidence against Travis. Neden and Evelyn were to be his defence. Witnesses could be called, physical evidence could be used; nothing was off the table. Rosie had also made the decision to have a sort of jury. She knew this was risky; that the general feeling in the town was that Trav deserved to die, and so, that they might be biased against him. But if she was the sole person making the decision, she knew that regardless of what evidence was presented, then if she allowed Trav to live, people would claim the whole trial had been rigged.

It wasn’t that she cared what people thought of her. She did, and she knew that it had the potential to impact her job too. But her main motivation was that, if they claimed the trial was unfair, the elders themselves would step in and they would make an example of her, Trav, and possibly Neden and Evelyn as well. She knew that that wasn’t likely to end well. So she refused to let that happen. She had to trust that Neden and Evelyn could find something that might change everyone’s mind.

The morning of the trial, she didn’t go into the kitchen for fear she’d run into Trav. Things had changed between them, and not in a good way. She was still hurt by his betrayal. He’d proven himself, sure, and he’d suffered plenty in the meantime. But that didn’t undo all of the things he’d done. Maybe she was being unfair or overly harsh, but she was suddenly second-guessing everything about their relationship. He’d claimed it has nothing to do with it, but she felt like she couldn’t trust him any more.

Staying in her room was just stressing her out even more. So instead, she texted Neden to meet her in an area of the woods not too far away from her house. It was secluded, away from any hikers, where they’d be unlikely to be seen or overheard. She hadn’t seen Neden since they’d gotten back, and truth be told, she’d missed them and their presence. As goofy as they were, they were something constant, which is what she wanted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

0000Neden0Isimir 00000000000000000|00000000000000000000|Rosie0 Thompson

Angel | Attirex|x#a39d9d 0000000000000000000000000000000000Siren | Attire |x #cc0460

Image000000000000000000000000000000 Image

To say that the past few weeks had been some of the most stressful days in their life, would have been an understatement. Neden had been given a task unlike any other than they ever had in their entire existence. While it wasn't the worst, given the exact circumstances involving it, that didn't stop it from leaving a bitter taste in their mouth. This entire ordeal, would involve them to go into and behind enemy lines, directly collecting information and resources for this trial they'd be having for Travis. Which, in and of itself was already hard enough. Neden had never once needed to do something along this nature, and while it was an odd feeling, they couldn't deny a part of them was curious for what it would be like once it came to pass. But on the other hand, the more they focused on it, Neden could feel a pit form in their stomach whenever they thought about it. But after they gathered their things, had a small, last conversation with both Evelyn and Rosie, Neden parted ways and left Greythorne once more. But with an entirely different motive than their previous adventure outside of the town.

Tracking down and locating certain members and bases for the Branded weren't even an issue for Neden. From their memories of passed experiences, they knew where to look. Who to go for, and what to ask without arousing any suspicions upon themself or anyone else for that matter. It was almost as if deeply buried, previous memories and instincts took over the entire time that Neden was searching for memories. In fact, Neden couldn't help but realize this was almost like their days when they were a part of the Branded, all those years ago. Sneaking behind enemy lines, obtaining information, and then eventually going back to report their findings. As easy as it was to do, the reality of their past actions came rushing back in bursts. Which often led to constant nightmares and night-terrors when they slept while they traveled about, to even small bouts of panic attacks when certain situations started to become too much for them. But Neden carried on. They had a task at hand to complete. A whole town of supernaturals were relying on them, Neden couldn't let them down. No matter how easy it may have been to turn back and forget the whole mess. Or how easy it would have been to leave Travis high and dry, fending for himself-They made a promise. That they'd help with this trial. Not just to Travis. Or Evelyn, but Rosie as well. And everyone else. If the angel was being honest with themself, thinking about letting down Rosie, hurt them the most, out of all of them. Something Nenden didn't want to think about. It was more than just letting her down with the trial, more than betraying their word to her. But they didn't like focusing on the why behind it. This wasn't about them, never was.

It was only once Neden had rounded up all the information that they knew they needed, that they had decided to head back to Greythorne. Even though Neden still had three days before the trial, they wanted to get back. Clear their head, and then work on everything that would come afterwards. But what Neden had come across on their way back to the small town, or more precisely, who they ran into, had caused a short delay in getting back. It wasn't a face that Neden had ever expected to see ever again, not since that day. The day where their entire existence had become what it is now. When they were given a choice, forget a mortal, or be cast down to earth. Well, by now it was all too obvious what their choice was all those years ago.

To say that they weren't ready to confront this exact 'demon from their past' well, Neden wasn't sure what left more of a bitter taste in their mouth. The truth they were being forced to face once more, or the taste of iron and blood that they had tasted on their tongue during the conflict. All that they knew, was that they were letting him go. But not before making sure he knew what kind of hell Neden had gone through, partially because of him. While it would have been so easy to have killed him, seeing as only a Celestial being can kill another one. Would have been so easy, they thought over and over again as they stood over the blonde male. His blue eyes stared up into Neden's hazel eyes as they stared back at him. Towering over him as a sword was clasped tightly in their hand. Would be so easy, they repeated over again in their mind. All Neden remembered from that encounter, was a soft and gentle voice in their ear telling them that it wasn't worth it. Killing him like that, wouldn't solve anything. It wouldn't bring Sarah back, nor Markus, or Violet. Hating him any more would only bring them down a dark path further, and if they continued, there'd be no coming back from it...

Neden had closed their eyes as they stared down at him, and the next moment they opened their eyes. To see above them, nothing more than the circulating ceiling fan of the small bedroom back in the home that they called their own. It had been about two days since they had gotten back into Greythorne, keeping their initial presence unknown before it would be the next morning and the trial would begin. Neden let out a soft sigh as they slowly sat up, their body still aching from the few previous days. Bruising covered their body in multiple areas, a few scattered cuts and bruises covered their face, but it wasn't terribly worrisome. But it would be rather obvious that they had delt with something during their time outside of Greythorne.

The angel slowly began to get dressed in a fresh set of clothes when what sounded like something hitting the glass of the window. Neden stopped for a moment, gripping the cane that they kept next to the bed. While they didn't have a reason to continue using it anymore, as their leg had since long healed by now, they had it refurbished into a hidden sabre. The blade residing within the length of the cane. With a single flick of a finger, the top hand grip could pop off, and be pulled out to reveal a long, thin blade. Looking back over to the window, Neden had walked over slowly, cane still gripped in their hand.

They would have entirely overlooked it, if they hadn't heard something coming from the bushes and what sounded like pained animal sounds. The angel sighed and exited the home, walking over to the back of the house where they heard the sounds coming from. Once rounding the house, Neden saw what it was. A small, black crow, was on the ground. With what seemed like metal chains around both feet. Their brows furrowed and within seconds, Neden had helped free the creature from its confines. "There ya go, little guy.." they said softly. The crow looked up at the angel with a tilted head, before letting out a soft caw. With further inspection, Neden noted that the bird seemed to have a slightly injured wing. Scooping the avian up, they placed him gently on their right shoulder. "You can stay up there, and I'll figure out how to help with that wing, alright?" they gave the crow a small smile. "I know what its like to have your wings...well...'clipped', shall we say? I'll find a way to get you right as rain again, lil' fella-" Neden stopped as they heard the familiar sound of their phone going off.

With furrowed brows, Neden checked and saw that it was Rosie, asking if they could talk. For a moment, immense panic filtered through them. Had something bad happened? Or were they just over thinking things again? Probably the latter, if they had to guess. Knowing Rosie, she'd be there within a few short moments, quickly sending a 'Sure! Be there in a bit!' text, Neden began the walk back to the meeting place within the woods...

It didn't take very long before Neden had arrived at the meeting spot, leaning against a few trees as they waited for Rosie to arrive. Occasionally petting the crow that had taken up temporary residence on their shoulder. It was only when the sound of encroaching footsteps that Neden finally spoke up once more, "...Rosie? Is that-" before they even finished, they saw the all too familiar form of Rosie walking over to them. A genuine smile overtook them, their expression was incredibly soft as they stepped forward a few feet before stopping. "Everything okay, Rosie? I got here as soon as I could." they asked softly, combing their fingers through their once again platinum blond, almost white hair.

Rosie’s face broke into what felt like the first genuine smile in a while as she saw Neden. And then she got a proper look at Neden, and her expression faltered for a second. “Yeah I’m fine, just wanted to check in. Jesus Christ Neden, what happened to you?” She asked. “Did the hunters catch you?” She was glad that Neden had at least made it back safe, but she couldn’t help but wonder what exactly they’d been up to while they were gone.

Neden returned that all too familiar smile with one of their own for a moment. Their expression changing for a moment as their brows furrowed, "Is it the hair? It's the hair, isn't it?" they questioned, combing their hair once more, with a chuckle at their lame attempt at a joke. "But..really, no. It...It wasn't anyone from the Branded." they began, clearing their throat.

They looked around for a moment, eyes carefully scanning around the two of them. "Walk with me…" they said softly, before nodding with their head for a moment before they began to walk. "I did meet with some Hunters though...But, it's fine. I took care of it all. It was just...Weird. being on...that side again." Neden stopped for a moment before taking a deep breath, "I didn't realize how fucking terrible that life was...Until now. Which is why I'm more than happy to say that...I think I have enough of a defense for...You Know Who."

Rosie laughed and just shook her head slightly as Neden made the joke about their hair. She was glad at least to hear that they hadn’t been caught by the Branded. They began to walk slowly, Rosie with her hands in her pockets. She genuinely had no idea what that must have been like, interacting with hunters after all this time. Weird seemed like an understatement, but Rosie wasn’t going to press or comment on that. That wasn’t why they were here. She sighed with relief as Neden confirmed that they had a defence for Trav. “God, Neden, he’s not Voldemort,” she joked, but it felt a little forced. “Evelyn says she’s got something as well, something she thinks should really help. I can only hope it’s enough to convince everyone. They’re… they’re really angry. Not sure I can blame them.”

Neden chuckled at Rosie's retort for their nickname for Travis. "You're entirely right...Too much hair….and a nose." They nervously chuckled once more, before composing themself as matters became serious again. Neden sighed with relief when Rosie confirmed that Evelyn had found something at the very least on her end. "Good. Good, I...I was worried about that actually, I-" it was only at the mention of Evelyn and Travis, that the crow that had been perched on their shoulder seemed to stir awake. But not before pecking the angel's cheek, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Neden bit back, which caused the Crow to retort back with some chirps of its own. Neden shook their head, "Well I'm not fluent in Avian, I'm sorry-" the Crow cawed once more at Neden, immediately shutting them up as they rolled their eyes, "Yeah fuck you too."They grumbled.

Neden blinked and looked back at Rosie, chuckling nervously for a moment, "Sorry, new guy here and... Haven't really figured out what his issue is just yet. But he won't be too much of a distraction, promise." They gave her a reassuring smile, "Promised you all I'd have something when I came back, and I think I do...At the very least we have a fighting chance now. I promise you that, Rosie.." their expression softened tremendously for a moment, their eyes scanning over Rosie for a moment, before stepping forwards and giving the shorter woman a tight hug. If Neden was being honest, they missed her terribly. Rosie seemed to be the only real friend they still had in this town, and they'd be lying if they said they weren't scared of losing her too. "I missed you, Rosie…" Neden said softly, before pulling a bit away from the hug.

Rosie laughed as Neden and the crow on their shoulder seemed to engage in some sort of stand off. Rosie couldn’t say she’d seen Neden with the crow before, but she also couldn’t say she was surprised. Neden had a habit of collecting the weird and wonderful creatures around them as friends, so a surprisingly animated crow was just another creature to add to that last. Although Rosie swore there was something almost familiar about that crow, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

“I dunno, if things go wrong, we could use him as some sort of distraction,” she joked as Neden promised he wouldn’t interfere. She swallowed and nodded as Neden promised that they had a fighting chance. Rosie hadn’t realised how much she’d needed that hug until Neden already had their arms around her. She somehow managed to maintain her composure, but she wasn’t quite sure how. “I missed you too, Neden. It’s been boring without you around the place,” she added with a wry smile, before sighing. “It’s nearly time. I should probably go, make sure everything’s set up and I’ve got everything prepared.”

Neden grinned back at their friend as they looked down at her, "Oh of course it was boring without me." they joked, before sighing and nodding their head in agreeance. Realizing they'd have just roughly under a few hours to prepare everything, it all began to close in around them. Their chest tightened a bit, and their throat and mouth went dry. Neden simply nodded again, "I'll be there soon and, it'll be okay. We got this." the angel gently patted Rosie's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze before they turned and began to walk back home before getting their supplies and everything they'd need for this trial. It was going to be a literal trial of life and death, and they'd be damned if they didn't try.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Trisstana Glasser Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Evelyn Fox
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0.00 INK

And with a smile like an ocean wave
You catapult around the Sun
To meet me at the other side
To tell me that you've found it fun

xxxxxxxxxxxxxOutfit ║ Hex: #D4AF37

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After the Zada and Triss got back home, the two spent the rest of the day close to each other, starting with a much needed bath and then embracing each other before falling asleep.

The next morning, Trisstana was relieved to wake up and see she was still in her own body, that Seterah hadn’t gone back on her word. She booped Zada on the nose as she said she was hungry and quickly got out of bed and headed into the kitchen, grabbing a pastry out of the cupboard, by this time Zada was already behind her making herself some tea. As Triss was about to follow Zada to the couch, she noticed some envelope on the ground addressed to her and Zada. “Hey Seafish, some letter here. For us.” She said as she picked it up and used one of her claws to cut the top of it open cleanly. Zada beckoned Triss over as she asked the nixie to read it.

As Triss got to the couch, she laid her head down in Zada’s lap and her legs stretched across the rest of it, one hanging off the edge and the other ending up on the opposite arm of the couch. “Hmm… some trial going on in two weeks. For a hunter!” Her voice popped as she scanned the letter and focused on some points more than others. “Oh Rosie is in here too, that’s the siren you’re friends with right? I guess she’s in charge of it.” She continued to talk, reading more of the letter to herself and giving the short and important parts to Zada.

Trisstana was a bit confused when Zada asked if the hunter was anyone she knew, obviously she didn’t know any hunters by name, so how would she know the one in the letter. “Uh, oh! Here it is. Travis Graveson? Sounds like a hunter name.” Triss could barely get the name out of her mouth before Zada snatched the letter and read it herself, leaving Triss just staring up at her partner. She listened carefully as she ate her pasty as Zada told Triss about this hunter, not having any nice things to say about him.

The next few weeks went by smoothly, the two of them mostly went out for some time in the lake or when Zada needed to pick up some things and Trisstana would follow along. Back at the house Triss tended to either staying close to Zada’s side or doing the occasional cleaning around the house. When the day of the trial finally came, Zada seemed prepared and ready to go. Zada looked over and gave Triss a smile before getting out of bed and mentioning breakfast, Triss just nodded and headed into the bathroom to start getting ready.

When Triss exited the bathroom she went over to the closet to pick something out, but then heard a noise like something flopping down on the bed and turned around to see what it was. One the bed was the outfit she wore when she made the deal with Seterah. This spooked her for a second as she stumbled into the dresser and made some noise. Zada quickly came in, presumably to see what the noise was about, and asked about the dress. “Uh… yeah. Just got it recently from the delivery store.” Trisstana felt bad for lying to Zada, something she’d never done before, but wasn’t sure what else to say. Zada seemed to leave the dress at that as she asked what she would like. “Tea would be fine.”

Trisstana sat at the table in the dress Seterah had dropped off, obviously wanting her to wear it and be reminded of her deal. Thankfully Zada quickly spoke up and took Triss’ mind away from the demon. She turned to look at her partner as she spoke and asked her if she would be interested in joining. “I have no other plans seafish.” She said shortly, as she finished her tea and went to put her now empty cup in the sink. "Is it soon?"

Many men, many, many, many, many men
Wish death 'pon me
Lord I don't cry no more
Don't look to the sky no more
Have mercy on me

Outfit ║ Hex: #8B4513

Image Image Image

Travis’ rest wasn’t completely uninterrupted, too many nerves going on from the trial as well as what had happened the previous night with Evelyn at the cemetery; his mind was a mess. He woke up early before the sun could fully rise, but just stayed in the room for a bit. Usually when he woke up he’d go downstairs to take his mind off things, but knew he would need all the energy he could use to get through today and what all would happen. Trav grabbed some nicer looking clothes he had planned to wear and headed to the guest bathroom to get ready, hanging up the jacket to let the steam from the shower get out any wrinkles he might have missed.

As Trav was getting ready he heard some noise and assumed it was Rosie and quickly threw his shirt on and fastened his belt before walking out. “Hey Rosie, I wa-” He began talking but was interrupted when the door shut. Either Rosie was ignoring him or just didn’t hear him before she left. He let out a sigh as he walked back into the bathroom to finish up getting ready.

Shortly after fixing his hair and made himself a bit more presentable, Travis headed back into the living room and into the kitchen to get himself some breakfast. It was more of a habit than any actual hunger for something to eat. Travis quickly pulled a bowl and a box of Apple Jacks out of the cupboard and a carton of milk out of the fridge. He whistled a tune to himself as he poured the milk into the bowl and then the cereal before leaning on the kitchen island as he began to eat.

Not before he got two bites into his food there was a knock on the door and Travis leaned over to see who it was through the window, and was relieved it was someone he knew, though felt a bit awkward seeing it was Eve. “Door’s unlocked!” He said loudly, though not sure how much of it was understandable as he said with it with a mouth full of food. “Sorry, was mid bite.” He said as Evelyn opened the door and walked in.

“You know… you don’t have to eat shit like that anymore. Just some of the good stuff will keep you going.” Evelyn teased Trav with a smile as she walked over, getting herself some breakfast of her own before pulling up a stole. “Where’s Rosie at? She still getting ready?” She asked. Travis let out a chuckle as he swallowed another bite. “First off, it’s just what I do, still adjusting to all of this, sorry I’m not pure like you yet.” He said with a smirk, and then letting out a sigh. “I think she left to go somewhere. I tried to catch her before she left, but not sure if she didn’t hear me, or didn’t want to talk to me. We haven't really talked much since you and Neden left. She’s been focused on this trial.” He said, before finishing his cereal and tilting the bowl up to drink the milk that was left.

“Speaking of which Eve, about last night…” Travis started to talk, but could tell Evelyn was about to interrupt him. “Wait, let me finish please,” He quickly said cutting her off before she could speak. “Sorry if I stepped over a boundary. Not entirely sure what came over me.” He continued, looking across over at Evelyn. “It’s fine, Trav. I didn’t mind honestly.” She said with a smirk as she got up to place her dishes in the sink. Travis got up quickly and helped her, taking the dish out of her hand gently, saying he would deal with it and walking up beside her.

It wasn’t long until the front door opened and Rosie and Neden walked, Travis shot them a wave and a smile. “Morning to you both.” He said as he walked away from Evelyn be back to the counter as they made their way in and the three of them spoke for a moment, Travis excused himself for a moment, saying he had to get his jacket form the room and he would be right back, leaving the three to talk among themselves.

“Hey Rosie, before we leave. Can I talk to you?” Travis asked as they spoke about getting ready to go. “Just us two.” He added on at the end. Rosie agreed after the two of them headed into her master bedroom to get some privacy to speak.

Travis shut the door gently as Rosie entered the room, her taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Travis let out a sign and rubbed his hands together anxiously and nervously before speaking. “I just, want to say Rosie. Don’t do anything just for me.” He said shortly. Taking a moment to pause, kneeling down in front of her and slowly taking her hands and looking at her, giving a look as if it was okay he held her hands. Shenodded before he spoke again. “You get to make the final decision it seems, but don’t choose to save me to rescue me just because you feel like you have to or because of our past, whether what you believe what we had was real or not.” He spoke slowly, keeping his composure. “I don’t want you, or Neden, or Eve to risk yourself for me. What’s coming, no matter what it is, I don’t know if I deserve forgiveness. But I know I tried my best to remedy what I have done, and I’ll continue to do that.” He paused for a moment, looking back at the siren.

Rosie softly spoke, saying it would be fine and not to worry too much. Travis let out a slight chuckle under his breath. Of Course Rosie would say not to worry, she had everything under control. “Rosie… I-” Travis began to speak, but was interrupted when someone from the other room called out for them. “Well, I guess we should get going then.” He said, not going back to try to repeat what he was going to say, standing up and dusting off his pants before opening the door and holding it open for Rosie.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Zoe Peña Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Evelyn Fox
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0.00 INK

Neden Isimir
outfit | Angel | #a39d9d
xxxI'll be good, I'll be good
xxxAnd I'll love the world, like I should
xxxYeah, I'll be good, I'll be good
xxxFor all of the times that I never could


After shortly departing from Rosie, Neden nearly high-tailed it back to their house to gather up their things. Which was only a messenger bag that they had meant to take with them. Stuffing a few papers, a notebook, and binder into it, they slung it over their shoulder and rather literally ran out the door, closing it behind them. Using their unfurled wings, Neden was able to get back to Rosie's house a few short minutes later. Their crow companion was nestled gently in their hands, before propping him back on their right shoulder. Letting the bird perch on them, as they had no issue with it.

Neden had followed Rosie into the house, knowing they'd need to regroup and probably go over a few things first before heading over to begin the trial. They hadn't realized exactly how sweaty their hands were, until they fidgeted with them a bit out of instinct. They gave Travis a small smile and nod as he greeted them, giving Evelyn a small nod of greeting as well.

The angel didn't expect Travis to immediately ask for a moment to speak with Rosie, but they also weren't going to deny him that. It was simple enough. "Of course, Travis. Take all the time you need." they gave him a small smile, before turning to look around. It was only then that they realized they had been left alone with Evelyn. Neden didn't think about that, until after they were alone, immediately wishing they hadn't told Travis to take their time with things.

To even attempt trying to distract themself from the ever growing anxiety, Neden silently pet the crow on their shoulder every few seconds. Occasionally talking to the bird as it communicated with small low rumbles. It was only when the crow looked over at Evelyn for a moment, then back at Neden, that it pecked their cheek. Once. Then twice. Neden flinched their face away, furrowing both eyebrows, "What is your problem?" they questioned the crow. Which only resulted in another rumble.

The angel rolled their eyes, "Then stop pecking me, you asshole. It's not my fault you're grumpy." Neden retorted. Looking up awkwardly in Evelyn's direction, "Sorry...Lil' man here is new and, I don't know what his problem is. Probably not used to so many people in a short time.." Neden cleared their throat once more, "We...We should probably get going, yeah? Should get there a little bit early, get everything sorted..."

Jaiden price
outfit | Witch | #800000
xxxI'm way too young to lie here forever
xxxI'm way too old to try so whatever
xxxCome hang
xxxLet's go out with a bang


In the following weeks, Jaiden had spent much of her time helping Zoe get everything squared away and sorted since getting her moved in. Outside of that, Jaiden didn't have much else going on, even after being informed about Travis' trial. She didn't exactly care to go, nor did she plan to. Sure, being there to support her friends would have been the right thing to do, sure. But Jaiden knew if she went, it wouldn't end well. So, she decided instead to go over to the flow shop and see how Zoe was coming along with things.

Even in such a short amount of time, Zoe was already doing a better job than Jaiden had been expecting. Sure, it was just flowers and plants, but it was a relief to see that Jaiden's instinct was correct. Not only was Zoe doing a good job with customers, but having her around the town helped Jaiden feel oddly less alone. Like she had someone who she was able to talk to. Someone who didn't know her past, or who she used to be. Someone with an outsider's view.

By the time that Jaiden arrived to the store, Zoe was already well into her work. Another thing that impressed Jaiden. No matter how early or late Jaiden was arriving to the shop, Zoe already had everything on lockdown. If she was already doing this well within a few weeks, Jaiden doubted Zoe would have any issues in the future.

"Morning'!" Jaiden responded as she entered the store, side stepping the customer as they exited the store. Thankfully, work wasn't too intense at the store. They were able to take everything as easily and slow as they could, all things considered they did just sell flowers and other plants. But with the store finally being opened again, people tended to come in droves.

Jaiden was in the middle of tending to a few withering plants when Zoe thanked her again. Which, honestly seemed to be more of a routine than the actual work was, by this point. And everytime, Jaiden's response was the same. There really wasn't much to be thanking her for. She just did what any decent person would do, or at least she was doing what she hoped someone else would do in return for her, if she was in the opposite woman's shoes. "Like I've said before, Zoe. You don't need to thank me." Jaiden started, standing back up and turning around as she disposed of the withered remains of the plant into the bin. "If you're gonna make a new life here, it's only fair that you get a chance at making it happen." she said with a small smile.

"Besides, I think you're the only person in this town who'd be able to handle this. Aside from Phoenix of course, but I honestly think his true love is caffeine." Jaiden joked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Evelyn Fox
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxthough the pressure's hard to take
xxxit's the only way i can escape
xxxit seems a heavy choice to make
xxxand now i am under all
Rosie was glad of the short walk back to the house. The quiet gave her a little while to think and to start to mentally prepare herself for what was to come. She wasn’t particularly in the mood for conversation, so when she walked in to see Evelyn and Travis out and about, she had to force a smile. When Travis asked to talk to her by herself, she nodded, her smile slipping a little.

She wasn’t totally sure how to react as Travis told her not to make any decisions based on their history. A part of her was hurt that he thought she would, especially after everything he’d done. She’d been blatantly ignoring their past ever since he’d gotten back.

She sighed and shook her head. “Travis… it’ll all work out. Don’t worry about it, we’ve got it in hand,” she said. Then Evelyn called out, asking if they were ready to go, and the conversation was over.

She walked out to the kitchen and looked at the three gathered. The moment was finally here, where everything came together. She cleared her throat. “Alright, before we go… I just want to say thank you. These past few weeks haven’t been easy for any of you, but you’ve all… you’ve all been great. And no matter what way today goes… you should be proud of yourselves. You’ve done your best, and that’s what matters. Now, let’s do this thing,” she said with a smile, before picking up her bag.

The town hall had been set up for the trial. People were already in and seated by the time she arrived, gossiping among themselves. She could feel eyes on her and see people whispering to each other as she took her seat, scanning through the papers in front of her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Evelyn Fox
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0.00 INK

Many men, many, many, many, many men
Wish death 'pon me
Lord I don't cry no more
Don't look to the sky no more
Have mercy on me

Outfit ║ Hex: #8B4513

Image Image Image

Travis followed behind Rosie into the kitchen where Neden and Evelyn still were, speaking about what they’ve done and thanking them. Travis only nodded in response before the four of them left and headed to the town hall.

As they approached, Evelyn led Travis through the back of the town hall while Rosie went through the front. This would give Travis a bit more time to get a hold of his thoughts before being brought forward in front of the town, seeing most of them for the first time since the meeting where Rosie read the note out about there being a hunter among them. Where Rosie lied and gave him a chance to save himself, wondering if she would do the same again.

“Hey, can you give me a minute? Just to freshen up and get a hold of my nerves.” Travis said to Eve as they were in the back. “Sure, it’ll be alright Trav.” He opened the door and headed into the bathroom, taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. Travis splashed some water on his face and leaned against the sink. He let out a deep breath as he let the water run, staring just down at the sink. “Hello Mr. Graveson.” A voice came from in front of him. Trav quickly looked up and instead of seeing his reflection in the mirror, he saw a dark haired woman. She was more than fairly attractive, a sort of divine beautiful she held in the way she stood and presented herself.

Travis was taken back for a second, not entirely understanding what he was looking at, trying to think of the types of creatures that would present themselves to him like this. “Excuse me?” He spoke, more of a question rather than trying to leave. He turned off the water as he straightened his posture. “You’re excused, but don’t leave yet. I see this is a major day in your life, potentially one of your last, which would be a waste of an... Immortal creature like yourself.” The woman continued to speak. “Can I help you?” Trav asked, slowly trying to piece everything together.

“No. But I can help you. The odds aren’t in your favor Travis, and you’re worried about the outcome of this trial led by these mortals. We can make a deal to get what we both want.” The woman, or creature, leaned in close as if she was going to come through the mirror as she spoke. There was something about her words that kept Travis intrigued, not wanting to leave. “I can give you your freedom and clear your worries about your friends, all it ta-” She started to speak again, but Travis interrupted her. “Demon.” He said out loud, finally piecing it together. “I don’t have time t-”

Travis himself was interrupted by sharp words from the demon. “Don’t interrupt me. You may be immortal, but you’re nothing compared to me. You may address me as Annanza.” Her tone shifted for a moment, showing annoyance. “Don’t call me demon, it’s vulgar. You may address me as Annanza and nothing else.”

Travis was taken back by the shift in tone to serious and back to a seductive tone. He knew he had to be careful, he had interacted with his fair share of demons over the years and knew what they were capable of. “I’m listening to Annanza.” “Good. Now, a being like yourself would be wasted if found guilty, but finding you innocent might not look good for Miss Thompson, the one who now calls themself Neden, and your current vampiric interest-” “Don’t invol-” Trav interrupted Annanza again, but this time was met with her hand coming through the mirror and gripping his collar tightly and pulling them face to face. Her beauty shifted, sharp teeth behind her lips and an anger hiding behind her dark eyes, her nails feeling more like claws at the moment. “I said. Don’t interrupt me. If you do it a third time, the trial will be the least of your worries.” Annanza shoved Travis back.

Not many things intimated Travis, but an angry demon that he didn’t know would scare most people. “My apologies.” Travis spoke, just met with a mumble from the demon woman. “Now, I can use my powers to assist in this trial. I know you’re not afraid of being found guilty and given death, but you have so much more potential. But one thing you are afraid of is the people you care about being hurt.” Travis wanted to speak up, but was met with another glance from Annanza. “I can help shield them from public opinion. Protection is easy enough, after all. All I ask in exchange is a little… Devotion.” She smiled seductively, but let her sharp teeth show through her disguise, “I don’t want much, Travis, just someone to rely on, to tether me to this mortal coil.” She was almost certainly not telling Travis everything.

Travis listened as the demon named Annanza put out her terms, terms he wanted to accept but he was skeptical of what she wanted exactly among her vagueness. The smile she put on sent a feeling through his body, but not one of chillness through his bones, but of confidence and lust through his veins. “Annanza-” “Yes?” She purred, drawing out the ‘s.’ “I’m skeptical of our deal, I-” Travis was interrupted by a knock at the door, followed by Evelyn mentioning they should get going soon. Travis sighed, of course he wouldn’t have time to take this deal into consideration. “So what, you say you’ll protect them and I say I will be devoted to you?”

“I’ll protect them like I would my own children,” The demon tilted her head, looking at Travis through her eyelashes, “You just need to sign,” She reached out, through the mirror, holding what appeared to be an ancient scroll. Travis watched the scroll come through the mirror, still curled a bit, he reached forward to flatten it out to get a better look at it when Annanza grabbed his arm. She quickly pulled him closer, inches between their faces, her hand gently rose up his arm and caressed behind his ear. “I just need one more thing, little one. Some ink for my pen.” She spoke softly, her nails then cutting into his skin tracing a sort of outline over his old Branded tattoo.

As Annaza leaned back, she must have used some sort of magic, causing a sort of burning, tingling sensation behind Travis’ ear. He felt some sort of liquid bubbling up, and Annaza let him reach up to feel it, leaving deep black ink on his fingertips. The demon quickly produced an old fountain pen and dipped it into the ink, not wasting a drop, and handed the pen over to Travis, “You’ve signed contracts before, I assume.”

“Of course.” Travis replied, holding the pin, his other hand reaching back behind his ear and the ink already dried. He turned his attention back to the contract, starting to read it. “You good in there?” Neden asked through the door, Annanza let out a light laugh as Travis turned back to the door. “One second!” He shouted in Neden’s direction, and Neden mentioned they would be out there waiting. “Tick tock, little one. Not much time left, it seems.” She spoke, Travis looking back to her and down at the contract, debating whether to sign or not. “Fine.”

Travis put on his jacket and fixed his cuffs as he walked out, being met with the angel and fellow vampire. “Sorry.” He glanced between the two and then they headed into the main room of the city hall, eyes of most of the town on them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Evelyn Fox
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxthough the pressure's hard to take
xxxit's the only way i can escape
xxxit seems a heavy choice to make
xxxand now i am under all
Rosie was ready to begin, and frankly, she probably would have preferred to just get started. But she looked up to discovered that Trav still wasn't there. She went to shoot a look at Evelyn, but both she and Neden were absent, presumably looking for Trav. She sighed and anxiously tapped her pen on the table a few times. She knew by the atmosphere in the room that it would be hard to turn the room in Trav's favour. She shot a glance towards the front two rows, where she'd asked the jury to sit. They didn't look particularly happy.

She sighed a little with relief as Trav finally appeared in the room. The atmosphere seemed to become even icier as Travis, Neden, and Evelyn made their way in. As they took their seats, Rosie got to her feet and stood at the podium. The eyes of the town were on her, and she could almost feel their doubts about whether or not she was the right person for this. But she couldn't let that worm its way into her head. She cleared her throat.

"People of Greythorne, it is my honor and my privilege to welcome you here today. I could only wish that it was for a slightly more pleasant purpose. Today, we will decide the fate of Travis Graveson, who has been declared a traitor to our town after being discovered to be a member of the Hunting group known as the Branded. I know that many of you are angry and hurt, that you have lost people in the attacks on our town or have been injured yourselves. But I ask that you listen to the evidence put before us with an open mind, and make your decision based on that. I have asked a number of you to form a jury who will represent the town people and make the final decision; so the decision will come from the people and not from me. First, we will hear a representative of our town's elders to describe the course of events and the evidence implicating Mr. Graveson."

She took her seat as the old man stood up. He was old and for a second, Rosie dared to hope that he might be boring and monotonous. He wasn't. Instead, he gave an impassioned account of the evidence they had and the damage that the Branded had caused to the town, and Rosie could tell just by looking at the crowd that they were siding with him. "Thank you. We will now hear from representatives for Mr. Graveson, Ms. Evelyn Fox and Mx. Neden Isimir."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Travis Graveson Character Portrait: Evelyn Fox
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0.00 INK

Neden Isimir
Angel | outfit | #a39d9d
I'll be good, I'll be good
And I'll love the world, like I should
Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good
For all of the times that I never could

When it was finally time to leave, Neden had followed Rosie and the others to the Court House, anxiety had taken over them from the inside out, but they managed to contain it. Somehow. Neden knew it would take some time for the townspeople to all gather, take their seats, and for the entire trial to begin. And seeing as how Neden would now be needing to defend Travis in a trial, they had to stay close enough by him until the time came. They watched as he excused himself to the bathroom, and waited for a few minutes until Evie would give them the cue for when it was time for them. And eventually, it came. The female vampire returned to where Neden was, and gestured it was time. Neden stood up from their seat and walked over to the bathroom where Travis was, and knocked lightly. "You good in there" they questioned, and waited for his reply.

Neden waited patiently for the door to unlock, and watched as Travis emerged. Apologizing. "Don't be. I'd give you more time if I could but..It's time." the angel gave him a bit of a sorrowful look before turning on their heels and motioned for him to walk ahead of them. The three finally took their seats within the main room, Neden shooting Rosie a look to signal they were ready when she was. Anxiety still running deep through their body. Their heart was racing heavily, it would be surprising if no one else could hear it.

They watched as Rosie got up, gave her speech and then next was the representative of the town elders. Neden sat in their seat entirely still as the man spoke. They even half hoped he'd keel over, but no such luck. Instead, he gave a suprisingly well spoken speech, giving reasons and examples of why Travis should face the punishments for his crimes. And while Neden did agree to a degree, they knew their purpose in all of this. And they just hoped what information they garnered was enough for the people to at the very least, consider their punishment for him in the end.

Finally, Rosie got back up and addressed those who would be acting as defense for Travis. Evelyn and Neden. The angel took a deep breath and rose to their feet, clutching the messenger page they had with them closely. Slowly Neden made their way up to the podium, gave Rosie a small nod and turned to the courtroom. Neden took yet another deep breath, "Fair people of Greythorne. I am both honored to be able to stand before you today to bring evidence in hopes of aiding Mr. Graveson here. But on the same hand, I am also regretful for what I learned in my time away from Greythorne." Neden began, their eyes scanning over the room as they spoke. Neden removed the bag and carefully placed it beside the podium, retrieving folders from within.

Neden looked back around, "I have spent the past two weeks, largely scouting for any outposts and hideouts for The Branded. As I knew what I'd need would be within at least one of their compounds." Neden began, shuffling through the folders on the podium. "I won't lie, I did almost give up towards the end. I had managed to look through at least four different compounds, just outside of Greythorne borders. And I will give you the coordinates of each one. Know where to avoid and keep your eyes on." they said with a small nod before continuing.

"But I am thankful to say that I did find information for Mr. Graveson here." Neden began, swallowing the lump in their throat, "I'm just not sure how he will react with what I bring to you." their eyes flitted over to Travis for a moment. Gauging his reaction so far. They knew what information they had would most likely destroy him. He'd feel betrayed and angry. But he deserved every right to know what they found.

Neden retrieved one of the folders, removing a few papers that they removed from within. Scanning it for a moment as they took a deep breath. "While I am here to defend Mr. Graveson, I also can't help but try to remain unbiased here. We all know what he's guilty of. Slaughtering countless Supernaturals throughout his course within The Branded. We all know that. And there is no denying that fact. We ignore that, then what are we really here for?" Neden asked with raised eyebrows. They took another deep breath, "But what we didn't know, was why. Why was Mr. Graveson apart of all of this to even begin with? What motivated him to do what he did? To get involved with all of it to begin with? Because there most be a trigger to that, right?" Neden's eyes moved around the room, taking in how the jury acted.

"I found several documents pertaining to Mr. Graveson. Those that were his entry forms, documents about his progress and activities out in the field when he was apart of The Branded. And the last one, was his discharge form from their side." Neden cleared their throat before continuing. "I discovered, that upon Mr. Graveson joining The Branded, he joined under the pretense that his family had been killed due to Supernaturals. All he wanted was justice for his family, that he believed were killed by the Supernatural. But with what I had found out as well, everything that Travis was told and made to believe-" Neden paused for a moment, not able to look at Travis as the following left their lips, "-was all based on a lie." Neden finished as they placed two folders on the table that sat in front of the Elders.

Neden turned back to face them, "The reality was, Mr. Graveson's parents were killed by the monsters he was led to believe. If anything, the monsters in question were the ones who lied to him in the first place. No supernatural forces were involved in their deaths. Only humans." Neden looked away for a moment, making the briefest eye-contact with Rosie before continuing. "Within those folders, you will see the fabricated story that the recruiting officers of The Branded forged, to gain Mr. Graveson's loyalty. Like most of those who get involved with The Branded, are lied to and deceived to bolster their ranks. They have one goal in mind, to wipe out the supernatural, not caring what means they must take to achieve it. Even killing innocent people to accomplish their goals." Neden finally looked at Travis, a sorrowful look overcame their face for a moment.

There was silence that filled the room for a moment as Neden took a moment to let it all settle in everyone's mind for what was revealed. "While it does not excuse Travis of his actions while within The Branded, and it never will pardon him for his actions. At the very least it explains why he did the things he did. At least consider it in your decision. While it is unforgivable, it is at the very least understandable. A young kid wanting justice for his parents murder." Neden took another moment as they walked back up to the podium. "Retrieving this evidence nearly cost me my life. The last document, which is The Branded's claim for what happened to Travis. They have it documented that he betrayed them and was killed in combat. They believe him to be dead, as that was what a few of their own Hunters claimed during the last attack." Neden held up another folder, and gave it to the Elder's Representative.

"What I will say, to finish this off. Is that while Mr. Graveson here is responsible for dozens of deaths of innocent Supernaturals. He is also responsible for the deaths of dozens of Hunters that belong to The Branded. He's fought just as hard for us, if not even harder than he ever has. And that at the very least has to count for something. We don't expect nor want you to forgive and pardon his past actions. but to acknowledge them, and at the very most, be willing to consider giving him a second chance to prove himself." Neden's eyes flickered around the room one last time, before giving a small nod, "That is all." Neden retrieved their things and made their way back to their seat. Awaiting for whatever evidence Evelyn had to report for Travis' case. Neden's eyes kept grounded to the court-room's floor. They didn't know if they truly aided Travis and is cause, or only made things worse. All they could do was hope they'd at least head him out and decide based on evidence alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Zada min Albahr Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxyou will remember
xxxwhen this is blown over
xxxand everything's all by the way
xxxwhen I grow older
Rosie struggled to keep her expression neutral at Neden’s revelations about Travis and his family. A gasp of shock and of sympathy rippled through those gathered; but Rosie could see her fair share of unmoved faces, among the crowd and the jury, and she wasn’t sure that it had been enough. She caught Evelyn’s eye, and Evelyn shook her head ever so slightly. Whatever she’d been planning had fallen through. Rosie just nodded.

“We will now take some time for the jury to deliberate. Thank you all.”

The crowd immediately burst into animated conversation, but Rosie didn’t remain at the stage for fear she’d overhear it. She stepped offstage and into one of the back rooms, to allow her some time to think.

This was out of her hands now. This had never been her decision to make in the first place; that much she knew, although she was almost regretting that now. She exhaled, running a hand down her face. No, she told herself. She was too emotionally involved in all of this; she wouldn’t have been able to make a fair decision. The people wouldn’t have trusted her, and she would have questioned her own decision far too much anyway. This was the right way of doing things. After a while- minutes or hours, it was impossible to tell- There was a knock on the door. “Miss Thompson, a decision has been made.”

She took a deep breath, composed herself, and went to the door. The head of the jury stood on the other side, and she nodded at him. His expression was deliberately unreadable, and Rosie almost appreciated that. They walked out to the stage together, Rosie standing a few steps behind him as he took the podium.

“Thank you all for your patience. After significant deliberation, the jury has come to a conclusion. We have considered all of the evidence given to us. We cannot forgive Mr. Graveson’s participation and contribution to the heinous crimes against this town, and we do not believe that he can be considered innocent.” The crowd burst into chatter at this point, some angry, some clearly delighted at that. The foreman silenced them with a single word. “However. We do acknowledge the tragic circumstances around Mr. Graveson’s involvement and that he was manipulated into becoming one of them. We also acknowledge that Mr. Graveson has changed his ways and has become one of us in many ways. It is for this reason that the jury does not suggest putting him to death, and instead recommends banishment, on pain of death if he ever returns to this place.” The foreman stepped away from the podium, the room bursting into noise, with some angry yelling directed their way. Rosie still hadn’t processed what she’d just heard. But she knew she needed to deal with the crowd immediately, before things got out of hand.

“QUIET!” She bellowed, many of those who had been her former students sinking back into their seats on reflex at that command. Everyone else at least had the respect to obey. She recovered her composure, and took a moment to put the words together in her head.

“I thank the jury for your services, and thank you for that decision. I accept your recommendation. Travis Graveson, you are to be banished from Greythorne forever.” She said, looking at him. As she said so, Evelyn got up from her seat and sprinted over to him, grabbing him and saying something to him. And then she kissed him, in front of the whole town and in front of Rosie herself. There was a burst of excited whispers, with more than a few looks towards her. Rosie had to swallow hard, her composure cracking by the second. Not now. This was not the time to respond or react to that. She had to keep it together.

“Miss Fox. If you don’t mind,” she said, her tone flat and harsh, but provoked a few snickers throughout the audience. Evelyn sat down beside Travis, deliberately not looking at Rosie. “Mr. Graveson, if you are found within town limits at any point, you will be executed. You have one hour to gather your things before this exile comes into effect. Thank you, everyone,” she said. Somehow, she kept it together as she walked off stage. She managed to get off stage, away from everyone else, before she began to shake with emotion. She got to one of the private rooms before she had to pull off her jacket and scream into it, the fabric muffling the sound. Travis and Evelyn. Evelyn and Travis. That hadn’t been her shooting her shot either; Travis had been kissing her back, neither of them apparently giving a shit about the fact that Rosie had been standing there, declaring Travis’ fate. They hadn’t cared that the whole town had seen it either. Rosie had already decided against getting involved with Travis again, deciding that his past sins were too large for her to ignore; but it was the fact that they had acted so thoughtlessly, two people who had claimed to care about her.

Rosie texted Neden. She’d considered texting Zada; then she’d realised if she told Zada what had happened, Zada would probably rip his heart out. She’d still briefly considered it, even after that realisation, deeming it a fitting revenge, before eventually deciding that she didn’t want Zada getting into any trouble as a result. So instead, she’d texted Neden, asking them to fend off anyone asking where Rosie was, and come get her after everyone had left.

They’d done that, both heading straight back to Neden’s, where Rosie had proceeded to single-handedly drink a bottle of wine (or two), bitch, cry, bitch some more, hatch a plan for revenge, cry some more, and eventually pass out on their couch. After the first bottle of wine, things got a little blurry, but she knew that she’d cried about more than just Trav and Evelyn. She was pretty sure she’d gotten incoherent for a finish. But she would have been lying if she said that she hadn’t desperately needed it.

She would have liked that to be the end of it, that she could have moved on from there. But the whispers and the glances when people thought she wasn’t looking lingered. They were sympathetic, at least. But it also made it so much harder to put the whole thing behind her when people were still gossiping about it. One of her students had even come up to her and declared that she could do much, much better than “that piece of shit” anyway. There had been multiple offers to track Travis and Evelyn down and give them a taste of their own medicine from her friends, but Rosie had refused them all.

It took a couple of weeks for it to die down, and for Rosie to begin to move on from the whole debacle. A welcome distraction came in the form of the Summer Ball. They hadn’t had one for a few years; but it was agreed that after the number of attacks and the events the town had endured over the past year, they needed something fun. Rosie, of course, was roped into it, but she didn’t mind so much. She needed the distraction, and besides, it was nice to be organising something that didn’t directly relate to the protection of the town.

The event was traditionally a masquerade, and they agreed to keep that theme; however, they also agreed that masks would not be mandatory, given that the first and the worst of the attacks had been at Halloween. One of the Council members generously offered them use of his house as he was away for a few days. It was a large, old mansion, with plenty of space, so they eagerly accepted his offer.

The night came, and it felt like the first time Rosie had been properly excited about something for a while. Finding an outfit had taken a little bit of time, nothing seeming to match the vague idea she had in her head. She found the dress by complete chance, and everything else had fallen into place after that. She’d had to get heels that were higher than she usually would have worn in order to compensate for the length of the dress, and she had dwelled on whether or not the mask was a little over the top, before eventually deciding that the scenario required being a little over the top. Her hair was pinned into a simple bun at the nape of her neck, her makeup inspired by the greens of her dress.

She was among the first to arrive at the mansion in order to make sure that things were set up and that there hadn’t been any last minute disasters requiring her attention. Thankfully, everything was ready to go, and so she simply found herself exploring the halls with a glass of champagne in her hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Jaiden Price Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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0.00 INK

Neden Isimir
The Angel | Attire | #a39d9d
Jaiden Price
Fire Witch | Attire | #800000

The days that followed the trial had been a mix of uncertainty and nerves for Neden. On one hand, they didn't know if what they did was even the right thing, or if they could have, no should have done more. Just another thing to add to their list of should have-could haves, they supposed. But on the other hand, Neden was uncertain about their own fate. Would the other townspeople decide to turn on them too? Would they look at Neden differently than they already had?

However though, Neden found themself worrying about something else entirely. While they had initial reluctance they agreed to go to the event that the town was throwing. Especially cuz all of their friends were going, and if they were going well, how could Neden out of all people say no?

Neden had been getting ready in their room when their phone buzzed, an eyebrow arched in confusion. It was only when they checked that it was Jaiden, asking if they were ready yet seeing as the two would be going to the event together, at least for arrival’s sake. Neden shot back a quick reply text, before looking back into the mirror as they finished messing with their hair, using both their fingers and a light layer of gel to make sure it stayed in its desired position. Brushing their fingers through the main of platinum hair once more before they finally rose to their feet.

Just as the sound of a knock came from the front door of the small home. "She couldn't already be-" they mumbled, making their way to the door. Opening it carefully at first, before taking in the figure who stood infront of them, "Holy-" the angel started, before taking a step back. "Just come on in, almost ready." they gestured with a small smile. "Good, because if you weren't ready I was going to come in anyway and drag you, we're gonna be late." Jaiden insisted as she stepped into the home.

"Yeah well, what else is new anyway, right? Besides, being fashionably late is like, our thing, alright?" they teased back. "Yeah well, maybe for you, but Zoe just texted me like five minutes ago asking me where I was and-" "Ohh, is that was this is about? Your little crush." Neden jeered as they finally turned back on their heels to look at the smaller one.

Jaiden's face nearly lit up light a christmas tree, before she playfully pushed Neden back, "Oh shut up, plus you're one to talk." Jaiden replied as she began to make her way to the door, "Oh please, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about."


The walk from Neden's home to where the party was being held wasn't terribly long, even if Jaiden kept demanding that Neden quicken their pace. "Oh relax, the building is right there." Neden gestured, quickening their pace just a bit so they could open the door for Jaiden to enter first, "After you." they gave a small bow of their head, "Why thank you." "Mhm." Neden hummed back in response, keeping in step right behind her as they both entered the hall estate.

The two kept in stride as they made their way into the main room, where dozens if not hundreds of people were already. Many getting drinks and food, talking amongst themselves. Everyone dressed in various attire and masks. On one hand, it was like stepping into some magical realm, but on the other, it caused a pit to form in both of their stomachs. Seeing as the last time everyone dressed like this...

With a single glance, Jaiden and Neden put on both of their masks, which simply only covered their eyes and part of their face, in respective colors of their chosen attire. "I uh....I'm gonna go get a drink...And uh...See who I can find, yeah? You have fun with Zoe!" Neden teased before they quickly stepped away so they couldn't be swatted again by Jaiden, "Have fun with Rosie!" Jaiden called out, before turning on her heel, and began to make her way through the crowd in search of Zoe, taking out her phone and sending a quick text to finally let her know that Jaiden and Zoe had arrived.

Meanwhile, Neden had made their way around the room, looking for one particular person. Which, after some searching, Neden was able to find her with little to no trouble. Even on an occasion like this, Rosie never missed an opportunity to choose something that helped her stand out in the crowd. Neden carefully picked up a glass from one of the passing waiters, and taking a deep breath, they carefully strode over to the Siren in question. Coming to a not so graceful arrival as they came to a stop beside her, keeping in pace as they spoke, "Well hello there." Neden beamed down at Rosie, with a small smile on their face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir
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0.00 INK

zzzzoutfit - #3A0A4D

to be alive: not just the carcass, but the spark.
that's crudely put, but. . .

if we're not supposed to dance, why all this music?


Alex grinned when Phoenix agreed to leaving early, taking a moment to pump his fist and very lamely whisper “Yes,” to celebrate his miniature victory over attending oppressive fancy parties. He couldn’t help but sigh contentedly when Phoenix kissed his cheek and took his hand, the combination of love and whatever carnal desires were running through his head were enough to bring any man to his knees. Phoenix practically had him on a leash- Alex would go wherever he desired. This ball wasn’t something he’d choose to go to, not after last Halloween, but for Phoenix… Anything for Phoenix. And, hey, if he could get laid at the end of the night he’d do just about anything, so that probably played into it too.

As soon as they entered the mansion, though, Alex started to feel caged in. He tried not to look too tense, but he knew he couldn’t hide that from Phoenix if he tried. They’d known each other too long, Nix knew all his tells. Luckily, Phoenix seemed distracted by looking around long enough for Alex to take a few deep breaths and try to slow down his heart rate. You’re fine, He thought to himself, You’re going to be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen. But he couldn’t shake the dread that settled into his chest. Was this anxiety or an omen? As much as he really didn’t want to he started almost frantically scanning the room; exits were found, and he tried to make out the identities of anyone wearing masks. Marianne Ward, Silas Thorne, Kevin-

He jumped when Phoenix spoke, quickly turning to face the other man.

Alex reached out and placed a hand on Phoenix’s arm. It was just Phoenix. He was fine. He just needed to breath, ground himself, calm down. ”Uhh…” He vocalized, looking right into Phoenix’s eyes for some sign of assurance- this was fine, he was okay. He was okay.

His mind flashed to someone he’d seen while quickly surveying the room and he said, ”Actually, I need to talk to, umm,” He gestured vaguely in Rosie’s direction; he knew it was very likely if he didn’t head over there now that she’d be too busy for the foreseeable future. ”So why don’t you go talk to Zoe, and I’ll go have a quick word with Ms Thompson, and then I’ll get us both a drink and come find you.” He forced out the thoughts that, the last time he’d left Phoenix to go do something else at an event like this, he’d been stabbed and technically died. Before Phoenix could ask, he added, [color=#3A0A4D][b]”I’m okay, I promise, just got a little overwhelmed. I’ll find you.” He leaned in and gave Phoenix a kiss that was just a little too long to be considered chaste, and went to work his way over to Rosie.

He started talking before he’d even come to a full stop in front of her, ”Hey Ms Thompson, could I have a moment of your-” He paused, only then fully realizing that Neden was there. He looked between the two of them for a moment, ”I’m not… Interrupting something, am I?” He shook his head, ”I’ll be quick.” Focusing back on Rosie, and trying to sound a lot more confident than he felt, he said, ”I want to try to help with… All the attacks and stuff, uhh…” This was going great, ”I know I’ve said I can’t control the visions, and I can’t, but I can force them on, and I wanted to try to see if we could maybe predict if and when an attack would be.” He took a deep breath, nervously shifting his gaze to the floor, ”I know that trying to predict the future isn’t a sure bet, and I don’t have the best track record but… Greythorne is my home, and I want to try, and in the past year everything I’ve been able to interpret has come true, and I don’t know if I’m finally coming into my powers or just finally figuring out how they work, but I want to try… If you’ll give me a chance.” He nodded, mostly to himself, and looked back up at Rosie, really hoping he wasn’t interrupting something serious and important to beg to be given the chance to try to predict the next time people in town would be murdered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phoenix Woods Character Portrait: Alex Garcia Character Portrait: Rosie Thompson Character Portrait: Neden Isimir Character Portrait: Zoe Peña
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outfit : herex|xhex: #c4a7be
xxxi know the world's a broken bone
xxxbut melt your headaches, call it home
xxxhey moon, please forget to fall down
xxxhey moon, don't you go down

As they approached the mansion, Phoenix could feel that familiar burn of anxiety in his stomach. The place looked wonderful, lit up with warm lights that bounced off of metallic and glittering surfaces. But it was the crowds of people in masks that brought back unpleasant memories. Not to mention, it was much harder to recognise who was there, and whether or not they were strangers or friends. He could see the tension building in Alex's frame, and so he had to try and keep his own frame relaxed. This was how they so often worked, one of them attempting to look outwardly calm to try and stop the other from freaking out more. Neither of them would admit it, and neither of them ever acknowledged that the other was doing it; but it was appreciated.

When Alex spoke, it caught Phoenix a little off guard. He nodded as Alex said that he needed to go talk to Rosie. But even still, Phoenix studied Alex’s face, trying to read exactly how anxious he was. Alex knew exactly what he was doing, and reassured him that he was okay. The kiss was welcomed, both as a confirmation that Alex was okay, and to steady Phoenix’s own nerves. He didn’t want to dwell on the bubble of anxiety sitting in his stomach. There was the feeling that something bad was going to happen; because it seemed like something bad always did at these things. But letting that show outwardly would have only worried Alex more, so he told himself that it was just him worrying too much again

Alex headed for Rosie, and Phoenix scanned the room in search of Zoe. Once he spotted her, he made a beeline for her, wearing a huge grin and a slightly forced bounce in his step. “You made it!” He said cheerily. “And you look lovely. I think Jaiden’s around here somewhere, I think I saw her and Neden coming in a few minutes ago,” he said, scanning the room for her. “How are you doing? How’s the flower shop?” he asked.

outfit : herex|xhex: #cc0460
xxxyou will remember
xxxwhen this is blown over
xxxand everything's all by the way
xxxwhen I grow older
Rosie glanced up as someone greeted her, and she smiled as she spotted Neden. “Wow, you look dashing!” She said, grinning at them. “I feel like you should be carrying a sword or something.” Before she could say much more than that, however, another person joined them. She hadn’t been expecting Alex of all people to come over, but nonetheless, she was delighted to see him. She’d always had a soft spot for him, even when he’d been a major source of headaches for her when he’d been a student. She frowned as Alex asked if he was interrupting something, glancing at Neden, before shaking her head.

Alex was clearly trying to appear a certain way, but the fact that he spoke without letting Rosie get a word in edgeways gave away that he was more nervous about what he said than he wanted to appear. And so, she didn’t try and push him, just let him talk and explain himself as much as was needed. His offer took her aback a little. His visions had been at their worst when he was a student, and Rosie had seen the second hand effects. To voluntarily bring one on… she knew that it was a major thing for him to offer. Her first instinct was to refuse, to say that he didn’t have to do that. But… any glimpse of what they might be about to face would be welcome in helping them figure out what was needed.

“Thank you, Alex. That… that would be helpful, but only if you’re sure. I don’t want you to put yourself through something unpleasant or to push yourself too hard if you’re not sure about it. Any help you can give would be great,” she said. She doubted that he would offer if he wasn’t sure about it. This wasn’t the type of thing one would offer without some level of certainty, and she knew that. But she didn’t want him to feel forced into it. “I appreciate it, Alex. And we can consider it an apology for the Macbeth incident in your junior year,” She teased, raising an eyebrow and smiling.