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Ryunosuke Jin Akura

"Do try your best, won't you?"

0 · 545 views · located in Japan

a character in “Group of Idiots”, as played by AuraRift




Name: Ryunosuke Jin Akura "Though my friends call me Ryu."

Age: 17 "...and still growing!"

Gender: Male "Don't be so rude..."

Role: Boy 8

Romantic Interest: Being the near idol that he is, the subject of romance is one that his female fans may fret over. He has claimed to have feelings for somebody and that he will reveal these feelings when the time is right. Judging by the way he acts around them people have often assumed that his interest lies in Shiro, Kaya or Joanna however this is pure speculation and as such he may have feelings for any or perhaps none of these girls. The only sure fire thing known is that Ryu is straight and that the girl he has feelings for is one of his friends.

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 134 lbs

Nationality: Completely Japanese.

Job: Musician. He mainly plays guitar and sings, however he can write music and lyrics and has been known to play violin, piano and flute in his spare time. He is quite famous in the music world and is revered as an up and coming star, though for the time being he prefers to play small gigs around his home. "It's my passion... but I feel I have TOO much publicity some times."

Grade: Senior

-Ryu has an unnatural obsession with helping others, his friends especially and has trouble saying no.
-Not really an oddity, but Ryu is short sighted, meaning he must wear his glasses to properly see/read things from any real distance.
-Ryu is an up and coming star in the music industry, however he currently prefers to only play small gigs in his home town if at all. He claims he will attempt to go bigger and better places when he graduates and it is for this reason that any fans and paparazzi interested in him generally steer clear for the time being.



"A musical genius who takes his life seriously but acts more loosely around his friends..."

Calm, cool, collected and dedicated. To his fans and the paparazzi this is the only Ryunosuke Jin Akura that exists. They see a young man who is passionate about his music and pushes himself to the limits for whatever performance he may partake in. However to the displeasure of the media but the joy of many parents to children who aspire to be like him, he puts his education, home and most importantly to him, his friends first. He refuses to go anywhere extraordinary with his music career (concerts, record deals, big budget deals etc.) before graduating alongside his friends and c=obtaining a decent, social and normal education in a public school, even though the music World knows he has the potential to be the next big star whenever he feels like it. - "Money and fame can't buy happiness. So I'll go after them when happiness is something I already have."

When it comes to his work Ryu is an incredibly dedicated person. He throws his all into his performances, practices his music whenever he gets the chance and has been know to lose countless nights of sleep simply staying up and writing lyrics or composing music. He writes and composes all of his own songs, he works as his own manager and arranges all of his own gigs, he preforms alone and does his best to contend with any expenses all to preform the music that he loves so much. In conversation he is the epitome of formality, calmness and cool perspective. He is always kind to his fans (though since he hasn't done anything big budget yet they are few and far between), always polite to the paparazzi and always humble when turning down producers who may approach them, informing them that he would consider them after he graduates. Behind this side of Ryu, however, is a bundle of stress that just keeps on tightening. Sleepless nights, lonely performances, difficult management, constant bothersome fans, paparazzi and stuck up music producers who act like they're offering him the deal of a life time through a lonely education and money that people would only use him for. He puts on a brave face and is good at dealing with whatever comes his way but even still nobody can take all that stress and pressure alone. Even still for the longest time he did... until along came his friends.

He had known them from before his recent musical progress (which began at the beginning of the previous school year) and thought the world of almost all of them. He became a bit more distant from them as he tried his best to cope with all the stress his discovery was bringing him. But a message from his uncle set him straight and he now feels he can be more himself around them and only them (excluding his family of course). His true self, behind the star image and stressed out life, is the person that Ryu is most happy and natural to be. He's still calmer than most, but he doesn't take everything as seriously as he usually does, often joking around with little puns or quips here and there. Unlike in his everyday life, Ryu isn't always the center of attention when he's around his friends and he most certainly doesn't try to be. He likes helping his friends deal with their problems, giving them advice whenever he can and doing his best to understand what they're going through. In his eyes he owes it to his friends to help them with their problems as by them simply being with him and treating him like the person that he is, they return the favor.

When alone Ryu tends to think and read alot, occasionally singing softly or playing his guitar to himself. He enjoys all kinds of literature and can never pass up a good read. Apart from reading Ryu is a bit of a poet, he originally wrote poems however when he learned of his talents in musical preforming and composition he was quickly able to adapt his poetic skills into lyrical form, he usually writes songs now because of this, however he has been known to occasionally write poetry as he used to... though he doesn't show anybody his poems... When alone he also tends to fill the void by talking to himself, usually about whatever happens to be on his mind at the time, as such he often tends to speak the words he writes or read aloud the books he may be enjoying at the time. When alone like this he is very relaxed and happy, content with being alone with his books and songs for a little while at least. Sometimes however, as is expected, some people may intentionally or accidentally interrupt his relaxation and this interruption is one of the few things that annoy him. This annoyance is only surpassed by his dislike of the attitude some people when they just "give up". He believes that if nothing motivates you and you simply "give up" then what point does life have? He thinks these people should get out there and find their motivation rather than lazing around with a frown on his face.

As a final note if he feels anybody he cares about is threatened Ryu will live up to his namesake as "Dragon" and defend them with everything he has. Since he feels he owes everything he has to other people he is more than willing to risk himself to save those others. Using his martial arts he is able to win in most fights and as such (though he dislikes violence immensely) he will enter into any combat with a high held head and overwhelming confidence, however if he gets angry, which can often occur if he is fighting, he has trouble stopping himself and could accidentally end up seriously injuring his opponent. As a side note, the only non-human he would most likely be willing to stand up and fight for is his cat, Hikari, who he loves to bits.

~Music, it's his passion.
~Helping others, he feels it's his duty.
~Debating calmly, NOT arguing.
~Any form of chocolate biscuit or cookie, his favourite snacks.
~Being treated as an equal.
~Cats, he has a pet one named Hikari at home, though nobody knows about her.
~Reading, he keeps his reading private so that people don't bother him about it.
~Stargazing, it's something he generally does alone.
~People trusting him, he thinks it's the best feeling in the World.
~Martial Arts, though a pacifist, he is willing to defend himself and holds a black belt in taekwondo.

~Insects, he sees them as pointless and disgusting.
~Fighting, he prefers peaceful solutions.
~Clowns, they unnerve him.
~Being bothered while reading, it annoys him.
~Getting annoyed, though it doesn't happen often.
~His fans, the over obsessive ones especially.
~Fame, he doesn't like being the center of attention.
~Fish, as a food, he dislikes the taste.
~People lacking in confidence, he doesn't see the point without it.
~Random noise, what he calls the typical horrible rap/punk/dubstep/etc. "music" that some people listen to.

~Singing, he has an incredible voice that has gained him much attention.
~Instrumentals, he can play many instruments perfectly and is still learning more.
~Fighting, ironic due to his pacifist nature, he possesses a black belt in taekwondo.
~Debating, his calm nature makes him perfect for it.
~Giving advice, he is very mature and wise for his age and tends to advise people on issues when he has the chance.
~Understanding his friends, he has all the time in the World for the few people he feels see him as more than just some singer with a guitar.

~Takes his work very seriously, when not with his friends he can be over stressful.
~His calm nature sometimes make it difficult to gain motivation.
~His empathy for his friends makes it very difficult to say no to any of them... even when it's Delan... well, sometimes.
~He over-exerts himself in anything he does, often pushing his own limits.
~He gets annoyed easily when people just "give-up" or lose confidence in themselves.
~He can be extremely blunt with some things, leading to potential awkward situations.

~Music, he enjoys just playing to himself or his friends when not working.
~Video games, they're the perfect escape from a stressful reality.
~Spending times with his friends, it lets him feel like a normal teenager even when he doesn't act like one.
~Martial arts, though only in self defense or friendly sparring.
~Dancing, comes with his musical talent and stage performances, he's good at it too.
~Volunteering for "normal" jobs. To pass the time and earn some extra money, though his status often gets him rejected.




~Ryu moved out of his parents and uncles home to another house for unknown reasons.

~Ryu has apparently recently received a small cat with unusual fur, possessing an all black body but a white head and neck. Ryu named the cat Hikari and has told nobody about her apart from his family .


Shin Topen Akura - Father - Living - "One of the most supportive men alive for me."

Mashiro Mitaki Akura - Mother - Living - "She's a bit quircky and quiet sure, but she's always there for me."

Toma Jian Akura - Uncle - Living - "My uncle, he lives with my parents and is a bit of a joker, but he taught me all I know about music, so I respect him."

Thoughts towards Other Characters:

Holly Evans ~ "I think maybe if she was a little bit more friendly to strangers she may be easier to get close to. But I like Molly, I have no problems with someone depending on me or any of the others."

Rebbeka Jones ~ "She's easily startled by large crowds so remind me to never bring her to any gig of mine... still her quiet nature makes her easy to be around and I enjoy her company."

Shiro Rena Minami ~ "Shiro... she's so incredibly clumsy and appears so innocent that it shocks me to the core. Still that's mostly because I wouldn't want to see her hurt herself. Silly girl... if only she was a little more careful. She can be quite serious when need be however, which I can respect."

Jaemin Kim ~ "Jaemin? He's a nice guy, likes to keep things peaceful at the very least which is usually nice. However he is trained in a martial art like myself... so at the very least he can probably take care of himself. Though I've never actually seen him fight..."

Joanna English ~ "Her ethnicity confuses me... she looks Asian.... yet is apparently Caucasian... she is cheerful loyal and kind, if a bit mischievous. I hear she's not doing all too well in school however, she seems apparently resigned to her fate... her attitude has cheered me up many times and I worry for her."

Akiyuki Kawada ~ "A feminine young man in appearance to be certain. Though as far as personality goes I quite enjoy his company. I see his kindness abused occasionally however and while I feel bad standing by at such an event... I think I may suffer from a slightly similar problem."

An-Ren Huáng ~ "Oh An... so popular yet so clueless. I suppose he's not all bad but sometimes the things he may do make me cringe in almost physical pain. He isn't my favourite person in the World, but he is a friend and at the end of the day he has a good heart."

Delan Woo ~ "Talking to Delan is like talking to a child... Delan always has to be right, if Delan say it it must be true... or at least that's what it seems he believes. However, opposed to that is the fact that he reminds me of a younger brother type, so even if he'll probably completely reject it if it doesn't suit him, I try to subtly advise him."

Milo Jay Tonks ~ "Sure maybe he keeps to himself alot and MAYBE he enjoys completely avoiding giving direct answers... but the guy is a whiz with technology as a whole, if I ever need some machine fixed (and am willing to wait a while considering how forgetful he can be) I'll probably turn to Milo."

Ryoko Takahashi ~ "The female female charmer, I suppose you could call her. Even with an apparent "male" face, I don't really see her as unattractive, not that I'd tell her that... or any of the other girls I feel are attractive for that matter. Though being compared to a male would be uncomfortable for most females, she takes it in her stride and even seems proud. I respect that."

Kaori Yoshida ~ "A prideful and fiery young lady for sure... I understand that others may find that intimidating but I feel my calm personality would stand up well against her. Especially since she's a bit of a ditz and (although it may be mean to say) I feel I could probably outsmart her... though this might just further provoke her... what a dilemma."

Kayama Hinamori ~ "I'm not afraid to admit that I adore talking to this girl. Her calm demeanor reminds me of my own and I would have no trouble talking to her for an extended period of time... still her sleeping habits are worrisome... she sleeps practically anywhere she finds comfortable (or so it seems), I just wouldn't want her getting into trouble over such a detail."

Kyo Yoshida ~ "I'm an up and coming musical star and this guy still gets more attention from girls, I've been considering simply asking him for tips in that department... yet I don't see myself as the "flirting" type. He gets a little mad sometimes and is Kaori's best friend. I know alot of people probably get annoyed at his flirting... but it doesn't really bother me and I'd like to think we get along well enough."

Tamika Kondo ~ "She's certainly a headstrong and abrasive girl... that's for certain, she's another person who I must struggle to keep a calm demeanor around and one of the few who can actually annoy from time to time with their attitudes... even with that however, I know she can't be all that bad. So I try my best with her."

Hiro Maribara ~ "I have alot of respect for Hiro, pushing onwards even when suffering from the illness that he constantly deal with must be difficult for him and kudos are due to him for doing so regardless. I like to help him in any way I can (without making him feel a burden, of course), help him to overcome that illness to repay that brave attitude. He's a good guy."

Ana Yamaguchi ~ "Believe it or not but Ana actually annoys me. That lack of confidence and wishy-washy go with the flow attitude seem very unappealing to me and it makes me wonder why she doesn't exert herself more. It's not like she has an excuse like, say, Hiro would. So why? Still... she's not a bad person. I don't dislike her... she just... annoys me."

Emerie Granley ~ "A finely sophisticated and intelligent young lady is what I would describe Emerie as, despite her younger age she has more class than some other people I could mention... still she seems to be hiding something darker. Whatever it is I just hope she knows I am more than willing to offer her my assistance."

So begins...

Ryunosuke Jin Akura's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Jin Akura
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*Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...*

The humble alarm clock ticks slowly forward as the face of one Ryunosuke Akura lies pressed again a desk overflowing with papers, his dark room illuminated only by the desk lamp before him. He stirs slightly at the sound of the clock, but idle ticking is hardly enough to wake him. He had been up all night again it would seem, writing lyrics for longer than he probably should have... but he really wanted to bring out a new piece, an... an epitome! Something to show all the progress he had obtained through the help of others and the ceaseless work he was putting in... ironic then that such a song seemed to be doing nothing but increasing his current workload. His befuddled schoolbag sat beside him and his clothes were still on his back from the day before. Had he done anything other than work since returning home? Short answer. No, he had not. It had been in the door, prepare a snack, sit at desk, blast through homework and then work, work, work. He was really pushing himself hard.... like he always did.


"GYAAAH!" Ryu's face shot up from the desk at the sudden crash of noise, various sheets stuck to his face due to a horrible mix of saliva and time. He pulled them off quickly and turned around to see what creature of the night had caused him such grief. However it was no creature, in the following silence the clocks ticking seemed dulled and Ryu turned his head to see it fallen face down on the floor. How did this happen?.... Well the familiar white face peaking out from underneath his bed gave him a fairly good idea. "*sigh* Hikari.... be more careful would you?" Be grudgingly, Ryu lifted himself from his seat tiredly and picked the clock up from the floor. He thought it must have been broken... according to this clock it was morning and he was going to be late for school if he didn't hurry... Hikari must have busted it and messed the hands up. However Ryu's positive train of thought ended when he noticed something unnerving. The seconds hand was moving at a normal and decent pace. The clock wasn't broken. Panicking, Ryu ran to his windows and through back his curtains violently, only to almost fall backwards at the astonishing rays of morning light that pierced his darkness accustomed body.

"T... This isn't good!"


Within seconds Ryu was out the door, his bag repacked it's singular strap slung over his shoulder, clothes quickly adjusted, now complete with black blazer and a slice of hastily buttered toast in his mouth. Hikari saw him off sitting on his porch with a happy smirk (or the closest to that a cat can muster) and a light purr coming from her pursed lips. "Don't be bad Hikari! I'll be home soon!" The cat raised it's paw and licked it tenderly as if to tell him to stop worrying so much. Ryu frowned, but kept running regardless. He passed his parents house as he did so and saw his uncle passed out in the garden. "Wait... what?!" He jogged in place for a moment, keeping his momentum but stopping to view the irregular scene before him. He wasn't passed out as his eyes were open, he lay peacefully on his back on the grassy lawn as he lazily glanced at Ryu. "Oh... good morning Ryu." Ryu's jaw dropped and he stopped moving. "Toma-sensei... what on Earth are you doing?" Ryu talked with a cold, collected calmness that stung like ice. "You don't need to call me sensei anymore... I finished teaching you long ago." Ryu frowned. "That's not..." Ryu began however Toma simply sat up and pointed to his watch. He always knew how to keep Ryu on track, even if he was... strange. So without another words, Ryu nodded stubbornly and ran off once again.


With speed built up from avoiding the media, Ryu found himself at the school in record time while still barely breaking a sweat. Good thing he was so physically fit, looking at his mobile quickly he saw that he was actually making good time, he was kind of early in fact. Maybe the clock HAD been messed up slightly. But then Toma?... How had he so easily known how to drive Ryu away?! Ryu would have to remember not to underestimate his uncle so easily...


Almost deafened by the loud ringing sound of a blunt thud against metal. Ryu turned his head just in time to see Shiro sink to the ground. He barely managed to make out a portion of a conversation she had with a girl who was standing nearby.

"Second actually!"

Ryu cringed, one of these days that girl was going to get herself seriously hurt. As he watched her run through the school gates he heard some nearby students snicker before turning away at his gaze. He had known for a long time that people suspected him to have feelings for Shiro... but he honestly didn't care what other thought, it was none of their business, wether he did feel for her that way or not. So with that thought bolstering his reserve he quickly ran to catch up with her before she could do anything else to hurt herself.

"Oi! Shiro-chan!" He called out to her as he quickly began to catch up, stopping when he reached her.

"Shiro... what on Earth was that back there? Running around looking at your watch and then tripping into a street lamp of all things... I'm telling you you've got to be more careful or you could get seriously hurt..." Ryu scolded Shiro with slight annoyance, though it was clear he was just worried.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Delan Woo Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Jin Akura
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Shiro Rena Minami

"Oi! Shiro-chan!"

Shiro stretched her arms and came to an immediately stop in her little jog, where she'd probably have been sure to fall into the planters just beside her. She didn't turn around to see who it was, and instead, tried to guess without knowing first, 'And that person would be...' Shiro thought for a moment, comparing the voice to the people she knew, then snapped when she got it, turning around and pointing at him, "Akura-san!"

After seeing she got it right, she did a sort of victory-like pose before waving, and saying with that little grin of hers on her face, "Good morning, Akura-san!" It was only natural for her to call everyone by their last name, and add in honorifics. True, she was an idiot, a clumsy, tall, and strange idiot, but she was always polite, even towards her friends. It wasn't something that she chose to do, but something she saw that was necessary.

"Shiro... what on Earth was that back there? Running around looking at your watch and then tripping into a street lamp of all things... I'm telling you you've got to be more careful or you could get seriously hurt..."

Shiro immediately put both her hands together, as if in a clapping position, before holding them in front of her and bowing her head slightly while saying with a silly smile, "Ahaha, sorry! Can't help myself you know! Besides, I doubt I'll get seriously hurt! That's so rare it'll probably never happen! The worst injuries I've ever gotten are just regular scars and bruises and little cuts is all." She said, listing the three on her fingers as she went along, "See? Nothing serious! Anyways, anyways," She cleared her voice by coughing a bit, "Lets go find the rest of us in this huge group of freshman, now shall we?" She referred to the rest of their little group. (AKA. Group of Idiots)

An Huang

"Morning An. You're here early today."

An turned around and saw a blonde boy, being around 6 or so inches shorter than him, and looking slightly feminine. But An already knew who he was, and didn't mind the appearance of his, so he simply smile and waved, "Morning Aki-kun. Well, you can't expect very little of me! As Student Council President, I've got a few things I've got to handle, so coming here early will give me some free time later!" He said with a regular smile.

"Say, have you seen Jo yet this morning? I put together a little lunch for her since I had some extra."

"Jo...?" An asked, wondering who it was until he remembered, always calling people by their full first name at the very most, "Ah! Joanna-chan? Mmm... I haven't seen her today yet... It is a bit early in the morning after all, so she must be-"

An was interrupted when he heard a loud voice call, again, from behind him as he turned around and saw a girl with black hair, put into a pony tail, yelling from above them, seeming to attract the attention of many students actually, "Oi! Good Morning!"

Before An could say anything himself, the girl simply got down from the floor she was on above them, and hit the floor and giving them a proud looking gesture, "Tada! And she sticks the landing, Joanna English, representative for Japan!"

Often, An would get nervous, concerned about what would happen; She could have slipped and fallen, a teacher could have seen her... But An was so used to Joanna after being her friend along with everyone else for such a long time, so when she hit the ground, he only clapped his hands and shouted, "Morning Joanna-san! And nice stunt today!"

And just behind him, another one of his good friends came up, Ryoko; The male-looking young girl who was also apart of their huge group of odd friends, "Morning, An-san, Aki-kun."

"Morning Ryoko-chan!" An said with enthusiasm, as he always did everyday. Unlike some people, who referred to her by Ryoko-kun, he refused to add the male honorific to her name, finding it was insulting and rude, so he always called her by Ryoko-chan instead.

Next came Milo Tonks, the computer genius who could fix practically anything and was the smartest in the whole school. He sighed at the way his friend approached them all and said, "Come on Milo-kun! It's not very early in the morning! We've still got the whole day left to last, remember!" He laughed, patting him on the back.

And even though he didn't say much, An could see in the corner of his eye another friend, though he was a bit... well... different towards the others in their group. He waved towards Delan, that usual grin on his face and said, "Morning Delan-kun! You're missing out all the fun!"

'Really... I never knew everyone would arrive at school so early...' An thought to himself with a smile on his face, 'I'm pretty glad though, or I'd pretty much stay out here, surrounded by a bunch of strangers, not to mention how claustrophobic I am! Thank the gods they're here at this time...' He said, since his friends, The Group of Friends were always there to keep his spirits up. It was the reason why he joined Student Council actually, but he wouldn't ever tell them that, 'I'd probably get teased!' He let out a small giggle at himself, hoping no one heard since he was basically laughing at what he was telling himself.

(Incase someone hasn't found it out... For here, NPCs are in dark blue, Bold is a previous comment by another character or to stress the importance of a certain word, Green is Shiro's thoughts, Blue is Shiro's words, Tan is An's words, and Red is An's thoughts! ^u^)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Jin Akura Character Portrait: Akiyuki Kawada
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"Ahaha, sorry! Can't help myself you know! Besides, I doubt I'll get seriously hurt! That's so rare it'll probably never happen! The worst injuries I've ever gotten are just regular scars and bruises and little cuts is all."

Ryu grimaced at her words. She talked about it so casually... it was if she felt such "little" things couldn't possibly cause her harm and, at least to his knowledge, they probably wouldn't. Still at the rate she had her little accidents Ryu had not a doubt in his mind that Shiro would eventually end up seriously hurting herself. It was logically, near certain. That was probably what worried him above all else.

"See? Nothing serious! Anyways, anyways, lets go find the rest of us in this huge group of freshman, now shall we?"

Ryu shrugged and followed her confidently. Ignoring the once again, obvious gossiping girls and snickering guys who saw him with her. *It's truly upsetting that in a typical school nowadays a male cannot be seen casually alone with a female without implications being made...* Ryu thought, but he erased such thoughts from his mind and continued to follow Shiro without worrying about what other people thought. Shiro was his friend and he didn't give two damns about what rumors people spread, after all he was almost kind of famous, he was used to rumors if nothing else.

Deciding to not let their earlier conversation slide so easily, Ryu spoke up. "Look Shiro, I know you think that little injuries are O.k. and granted, maybe they are, but what I'm trying to say is that if stuff like that keeps happening then you're bound to end up getting more badly injured..." He paused for a moment. "That's all that's worrying me about it, I know you can't exactly help it, but take my advice and at least try to be more cautious yeah? The last thing I or anybody else in our circle would want to see is the clumsy and innocent Shiro getting badly hurt eh?" He smirked as he finished his sentence. Ryu kept following Shiro after that for a few moments before he stopped. "I'd hasten a guess that An is at the student council room already... he usually comes early so if we're looking for the others we should probably start there." He stepped towards the school building and gestured to Shiro, expecting her to follow. "And please Shiro... do watch your step." The way he phrased it, it almost sounded like he was half-joking, half-serious.


Entering the building with Shiro hopefully still in tow and following the voice of a rather loud and familiar girl who would apparently be the "representative for Japan. Ryu quickly found himself standing before a large number of his friends and was shocked to see so many in at such an early time in the morning. He announced his presence "Good morning everybody, shocked to see so many of you in so early in the morning, if I'm being honest." He counted each of the people there, excluding himself and most likely Shiro.





and Ryoko-chan. Much like An, Ryu disliked the idea of refering to Ryoko as "kun" as he felt it to be rude.

"So how's everyone doing today hmm?" Ryu asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Jin Akura Character Portrait: Akiyuki Kawada
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#, as written by Mashotu
Milo Tonks

Milo groaned. "If you continue to touch me you'll increase the chance of me getting sick or harmed, An-san. So it would be wiser to not do so, would it not?" Milo grumbled, "And I do not recall ever saying it was either early in the morning or not."

Wow, he was not in a friendly mood this morning. He finally looked up from his place on the desk and looked at his friends.
He sighed, "But good morning... I guess."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Delan Woo Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Jin Akura
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Jo nearly jumps three feet into the air, straight back into the tree, when she feels a person's arms suddenly wrap around her from behind. Still, she is ever the adapter, and recovers quickly from the small surprise of unexpected human contact. The greeting in her ear tells her the identity of her mysterious hugger, anyway, causing Jo to grin once again- a smile only made more playful when she hears a few girls, probably Ryoko-chan's fans, squealing at the sight of the hug. It is made only more amusing by the Ryoko-chan's reaction, which is to quickly release Jo from the embrace and begin picking leaves and stuff out of her hair. It reminds the girl of a mother monkey picking bugs out of the hair of the child monkey. Is there a specific name for younger monkeys? Hmmm. . . the trivial question enters Jo's mind, though she pushes it back to be inquired after later, turning her smile to Ryoko-chan, who has now begun to brush off her uniform.

"Careful, Ryoko-chan, you're going to make your fans worry," she teases with a playful smile, the one that makes her eyes crinkle very slightly and the tiny mole on her face seem to shrink to an infinitesimal size. It isn't long before Aki has joined in the Clean-up Jo effort, one which is constantly needing more volunteers, because Joanna can't be bothered to spare a thought towards her appearance- it isn't nearly interesting enough, after all. As soon as he extends the little package, Joana can identify it, and her expression seems to light up even further. Greedily, she grabs the precious box away from Aki, and hugs it to her chest as though protecting a sacred item from potential thieves. "I love you, Aki-kun!" she declares, wrapping him in a bear hug, though one hand is still holding the lunch. When she finally releases him, it is clear that a great amount of self restraint will be needed to keep her from eating the lunch before it is time. She's already been caught eating in class too many times, though teachers have come to simply accept the fact that she is going to eat in class regardless of what they say.

"Can't you just live in my house and cook for me every day?" she implores, only half joking. After this, she acknowledges An and his comment, giving a rather dramatic bow, twirling her hand slightly for flourish while the other hand is against the lower part of her back.

"Naturally," her voice holds a false pompousness, as she stretches out the last syllable. Of course, when she opens her eyes back up to look up at him, they are dancing slightly with humor. They always seem to be doing this. In a flash she is standing up straight once more.

"G'Morning, Milo-kun, Delan-kun," Jo follows An's suit in greeting them, saying the last name a bit louder because the owner of the name is further away. She smirks at his comment about being teased, clearly amused by the fact that he thinks anyone would tease the beloved SC president. Half of the girls are in love with his face, and everyone else adores his amicable personality. Anyone who might seriously tease him would likely earn the disdain of the majority of the student body.

"I was thinking about practicing the high jump, for the first meet, since it's next week and all, but I took slightly longer getting here than I planned, I guess," she explained, facing both of her palms upward with a shrug.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Delan Woo Character Portrait: Ana Yamaguchi
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Ana Yamaguchi

|: Tundra Manticore uses Frost Breath!
|: Cyrus takes 17 damage
|: Nova takes 18 damage
|: Tundra Manticore attacks Cyrus!
|: Cyrus takes 8 damage
|: Character Select > Cyrus > Attack > Tundra Manticore
|: Cyrus attacks Tundra Manticore!
|: Tundra Manticore takes 10 damage
|: Character Select > Nova > Magic > Incinerate > Tundra Manticore
|: Nova casts Incinerate on Tundra Manticore!
|: Tundra Manticore takes 32 damage
|: Tundra Manticore is defeated
|: Victory!

Ana Yamaguchi hummed along as the battle victory fanfare song played from her old Ninpendo Portable video game player. It wasn’t often she got to slay 16-bit monsters before school, but she happened to wake up early today. She made a quick note of how much XP, Gold, and random items her party earned from the battle, then took a moment to see what time it was. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun, she thought to herself, I should probably start heading off to school now before I get too carried away.

Ana saved her game before shutting off the handheld device and finished getting ready for school. Out of habit she took a minute to decide on which manga to bring along with her in case she had some free time later in the day, and ended up choosing the first two volumes of Magical Demon-Slayer Momoko-chan~! She hadn’t read it in a while, but it was a fun action-comedy series that would certainly entertain her if she was feeling bored.

It wasn’t long before Ana was already out the door and walking to school. She took her time walking at her own slow but steady pace, and being especially attentive at every crosswalk. When she was about halfway to school, she looked at the clock on her cellphone to check her progress. I guess I shouldn’t have spent so much time trying to reach level 10, but I’m not running horribly late. There should still be enough time to chat with the group before school starts.

Once Ana reached the school’s front gate, she paused and looked around to see if anyone from the Group of Idiots were around. The place was getting a little crowded with fellow students arriving at school, but Ana didn’t spot any of her friends. I guess they must have all gone inside already. I should check the Student Council room, since Huáng-san is usually the first to arrive.

Blending into the flow of students entering the school, Ana slowly made her way towards the Student Council room as she passed by several clusters of students (NPCs) all greeting each other and filling the hallway with conversations. When she finally arrived at her destination, she was happy to see the Group of Idiots were gathering there.

Good morning,” Ana said with a soft smile to the group in general, though a little unsure if anyone heard her amongst the chatter of everyone talking to each other. As Ana walked into the room she started making a mental note of which friends were here and which ones had yet to arrive. Well Jo-chan is certainly here, and already playing around with everyone. I don’t think she could ever hide in a crowd. Huáng-san is here too, as always. Is that Tonks-san next to him? I didn’t expect him to be here this early. I see Ryo-kun and Kawada-san are here as well. Oh, and so are Shiro-chan and Akura-san. I wonder if they arrived here together?

While Ana was distracted scanning the room she felt herself absentmindedly bumping into something, only to look down and realize that this “something” was none other than Delan Woo. “Ah! I’m sorry Woo-san, I didn’t see you there,” Ana said nervously and blushing slightly. I can’t believe I walked right into him! I hope he doesn’t get angry at me.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Delan Woo Character Portrait: Ana Yamaguchi
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#, as written by Mashotu
Milo Tonks

Eventually, Milo got bored and pulled a broken motorized helicopter out of his bag. He just simply needed something to keep his mind focused and hands distracted.

He yanked at some wires and twisted some screws. His sister had broken it and wished for him to fix it. And that was a month ago. He at least wanted to have it fixed by her birthday.

He glanced up once he realized Ana had come through the door. The action caused him to slip with the screwdriver and slice his finger open. He looked down at the now bleeding finger, "Well... This is rather unfortunate."
His mother was going to give him hell for this one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Delan Woo Character Portrait: Ana Yamaguchi
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"Morning Delan-kun! You're missing out all the fun!"

"G'Morning, Milo-kun, Delan-kun,"

"Mornin'.", he yawned as an answer and slightly winked.

Yeah. It was mornings. But it seems like not too early that everyone is still in their beds and sleep. He spotted Ryu, Shiro, Joanna, Aki, An, Ryoko and even Milo already there.

He was a bit irritated seeing An, knowing, he is there in the student council and again, makes all the things alone without any of the other student council members. He sometimes can really irritate him helping anyone everywhere. He really should take his time and speak with that idiot and get his act stright. Like so, he'll end up being someone everyone can order around. And Delan hated that his friend treated likewise, although he isn't goot at expressing himself as a good person with good ambitions.
He walked towards the student council room, having his thoughts filled with a clothes design. Yesterday, he had no time to finish it because he slept during the time he made the new doll model. He regret it now that he slept that time and kept it in mind to finish it during class. His worst subject was in the first hour anway... ah well, he was worst in any subject anyway so it didn't matter when he will...

"Crap!", he suddenly muttered to himself and stopped to walk. He forgot to bring his sketch box. Without it, he can't draw any designs. He sighed a bit irritated, wanted to start walking again, as suddenly he felt a bump from behind and abruptly whirled around, seeing Ana, the gamer girl.

“Ah! I’m sorry Woo-san, I didn’t see you there,”

"Yeah right. I am too small to be seen am I right?", he said irritated while looking *up* to her annoyed, not just because of this case, plus he was angry she was higher then himself. And although he was at fault too, standing in the hallway and blocking the way he didn't admit it and continued to complain. "Do you think with just a word saying sorry I'll forgive you?" Suddenly he had an idea. She was perfect! Perfect for him to use. He grinned a bit evil and pointed at her, rudely stated: "See as yourself as lucky, because I'll forgive you. Yes, I'll forgive you, unless you be a model for me for one day. How does that sound? Aren't I forgiving?" He had a specific clothes piece in his head.

"Although you are definitly not the best choice, I am hoping a good work from you." Having decided that all on his own, without even hearing any words against from her he yawned and walked beside her. "Now let's go to the classroom or the student council room... oh yes, the student council room! That stupid president should really give a rest. And the other members should work too. He'll overwork himself, that idiot. You come?" He finally asked Ana and looked at her, patiently waiting for and answer. "Oh, and I forgot to say good morning." He remembered and looked at her grinning a bit naughty. She didn't greet him neither. And he just love the feeling to be in an 'advantage', if someone can even include it as an 'advantage'... he is just being chidlish again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Kaori Yoshida Character Portrait: Tamika Kondo Character Portrait: Kyo Yoshida
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Shiro Rena Minami

While she walked, she noticed a lot of people seeming to whisper and glance at the two, with funny faces in her opinion. She couldn't really say it annoyed her, since she wasn't someone to really get angry, but she was a bit curious towards why. Apparently it seemed to have been bothering Ryu a bit, well... at least, in her eyes it did, so she turned around and simply said, "Ignore those people. Doesn't matter what bypassers think, because they don't know anything about us." She noticed what she said may have sounded a little rude to the students around her and froze, 'T-that's... also like telling them off...'

Shiro sighed but stretched her arms a second time, keeping her eyes on the ground since it's what she tended to never look out for and listening to her friend as he went on, "Look Shiro, I know you think that little injuries are O.k. and granted, maybe they are, but what I'm trying to say is that if stuff like that keeps happening then you're bound to end up getting more badly injured..."

Just as she always would, she shrugged, a bit of an aloof expression on her face as she lifted her eyes from the ground and looked towards the school in front of her, "Doubt it! It's been like this for such a long time, and nothing's serious has happened, so the chances of it happening in the future should still be the same, right?"

"That's all that's worrying me about it, I know you can't exactly help it, but take my advice and at least try to be more cautious yeah? The last thing I or anybody else in our circle would want to see is the clumsy and innocent Shiro getting badly hurt eh? And please Shiro... do watch your step."

"Yes, sir! Yes, sir!" Shiro laughed care-freely, almost like a child really, besides her slightly matured voice that is, "Ehh... clumsy and innocent? Since when did I get that title?" Shiro turned her head backwards, and while doing so, as expected, she was about to slip on a puddle of water (Yes, a puddle water, indeed) before one of the students grabbed her and got her back onto her feet.

"Still falling, Minami-san?" The younger boy laughed before walking off. Shiro was mostly known in the school for being so clumsy, perhaps some of it from being in their little group, but everyone, almost everyone knew she'd fall a few times a day, and it's been a sort of trade move now.

'And we just talked about keeping an eye out too...' Shiro sighed and continued walking, now following Ryu since he figured they'd be in the Student Council room and took the lead himself as she followed behind, keeping her eyes out for any bumps on the ground or any small puddles she'd possible trip or slip on.

"Morning everyone~" Shiro exclaimed with a bunch of enthusiasm, always loving to be around the many close friends she had, "Sorry we're so late! Well... early... in some way, but apparently, we missed a lot, didn't we! Anyways, we're back!" She then took a chair and sat down, listening to all the conversations with a wide smile on her face.

An Huáng

"If you continue to touch me you'll increase the chance of me getting sick or harmed, An-san. So it would be wiser to not do so, would it not? And I do not recall ever saying it was either early in the morning or not. But good morning... I guess."

“Good morning."

An brought his hand back at the first sentence, being a bit surprised about his bad mood. Not that he was in a good mood very often or a bad mood very often, but he always saw Milo as a sort of calm guy, one who didn't react very much to anything. But that was just An, being An, it would be hard to expect any less of him. He slightly laughed and nodded understandingly before seeing Ana walk through the door almost at that same time while he put on another grin, "Yeah, morning you two!"

"Good morning everybody, shocked to see so many of you in so early in the morning, if I'm being honest."

"You'd really think thats's surprising for me?" An said with a sigh, but not really saddened or angry or depressed, more like a comical sigh that wasn't meant to hurt anyone, "I always get here in the morning, remember Ryu-kun? As Student Council President that is. If I wasn't, things would be terrible... hosting the events, that is." An rubbed the back of his neck, thinking of how out of order everything would be if he didn't take care of it all before and after school.

"I was thinking about practicing the high jump, for the first meet, since it's next week and all, but I took slightly longer getting here than I planned, I guess."

"Well, maybe Ryoko could help you after school? I'd offer to help myself but I'm certainly no athlete, the most I could do is cheer you on."

"I'd probably offer to cheer you on also... But I can't really do much with all the extra work I'll have to take care of after school..." An sighed, feeling guilty he couldn't accompany his friends, 'But... I guess that's the responsibilities of being Student Council President...' He let his head hang for a little bit. It made him sometimes reconsider taking on such an important job. Sure, he had a family there and he treated them all equally and enjoyed himself with them also, but he needed some time with his friends also, 'Maybe.. I should reconsider...'

While thinking to himself, An felt a bit of a glare, or maybe it was just him, but he felt a bit of an odd aura coming off from Delan as he asked, "D-Did I say something to offend you D-Delan-san?" He kind of already knew the answer though, so he just immediately said, "Never mind! Never mind!" before he could answer. Although there was a smile on his face, An couldn't help but let a small frown appear onto his face, 'Though... I guess he's right, in some way. But I can't say no to people... Not when they ask so innocently...'

Again, as he continued to think, An leaned back in his chair slightly and began to wonder where the rest of them were, "Ah... I noticed something actually." He then leaned back forwards since he noticed he was falling after Shiro pointed it out to him, "We're missing a few people, aren't we? Where's Jaemin, Tamika, Kyo and Kaori, and Kaya-chan? Kaya-chan may be oversleeping again now that I think of it... She's going to miss class again... And maybe the others are outside?" He guessed.

"Now that you think of it..." Shiro began, opening the window and looking down from the second floor they were all on onto all the students below them, searching the crowd, "I don't think I've seen them yet either..." Then, something, er... someone seemed to catch her eye as she tilted her head and pointed to a girl with brown hair, who looked a bit foreign and said, "She's pretty. Do any of you know her?" It was a bit of out of no where question, but Shiro was always a curious girl, and didn't hesitate to ask when she was. This was just another one of her curiosities again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Delan Woo Character Portrait: Ana Yamaguchi
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#, as written by Keen
Akiyuki Kawada

Aki smiled brightly at Jo's reaction, his cheeks darkening slightly as she gave him a hug accompanied by a declaration of love. "Haha, well, I'm glad you're so happy with it... And well, I'm flattered but I think my sister would be pretty upset if I moved out." He chuckled lightly and rubbed the back of his neck, his gaze wandering over to Ryoko for a moment before looking back towards the group that was forming nearby.

It seemed that many of the other members of their "Group of Idiots" had arrived in rather quick succession. Aki cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair as he did so often, looking over each of his friends with a warm smile. He was quite content with simply standing towards to the back of the group quietly, it was part of his generally timid nature. His attention was redirected towards Jo as she brought up practicing her high jump.

"Well, maybe Ryoko could help you after school? I'd offer to help myself but I'm certainly no athlete, the most I could do is cheer you on." It was his mentioning of this that conjured forth images of him in a cheer leader's outfit into his mind, instantly blushing at the embarrassing results of his own imagination. I don't think I could handle wearing a skirt that short... That'd be way too embarrassing, don't know how girls do it. He put his hands in his pockets and looked up towards the sky, trying to shake the thoughts from his mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Delan Woo Character Portrait: Ana Yamaguchi
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Ryoko Takahashi

Cleaning Jo off didn't take much time, especially with two people doing it. She then proceeded to pout and poke the adventurous girl with a twig she pulled out of the girl's hair when Jo made the comment about her "fans". Ryoko refused to believe that she had fans, she wasn't like that, she just thought that they appreciated that she was working so hard and played a major hand in bringing the school's teams to the finals. She still refused to believe that they worshipped her, like Jo constantly makes it sound. The athlete did have the courtesy to flash the girls a smile though, in which they immediately chatting amongst themselves. Aki then handed Jo a homemade lunch, that the girl seemed to love so much. Ryoko could admit that she was somewhat envious of the boy's culinary skills. Don't get me wrong, Ryoko could cook, but only the basic things and only albeit decently. When the girl then went as far as to ask, jokingly of course, if he could live with her and cook for her every day, Ryoko took the liberty of poking her again with the twig she refuses to dispose.

Ryoko then simply smiled at An as he greeted her. She let an amused smile settle on her face as the ever so lazy Milo practically trudged in and threw himself onto a desk. She let out a chuckle as An tried to console the boy only to be shot down. Jo then called out to Delan who was some distance away, she merely nodded in acknowledgement at the shorter boy. Then Jo mentioned a high jump she was yet to master and Ryoko was about to offer to help when Shiro and Ryu walked in. She once again simply nodded her greeting.

It was when Ana walked in that Ryoko let a full smirk stretch across her face. Abandoning her place beside Jo, she discreetly and quite elegantly snuck around everyone to be behind Ana. It also helped quite a bit that Delan made a big deal of Ana bumping into him. While the rather short designer was ranting about how she would pay him back for apparently "not seeing him". Ryoko placed a hand on the brunette's head, effectively invading her personal bubble, which she considers herself to have been a master at now, especially when it came to Ana. Not too long after she'd met the girl had she found that one of her favorite things was to make the girl blush. She didn't know if it was the mere amusement she got from making the girl embarrassed or if it was Kyo rubbing off on her, but she didn't care, she just took enjoyment from bursting the girl's bubble.

"Take it easy on Ana, Delan-kun." Ryoko uttered, wrapping her arm around the girl's shoulders. Then a mischievous challenging smirk formed on her face. "It isn't her fault that she couldn't see you, you could pass of as an elementary school student with your height," Ryoko also loved to press buttons when it came to Delan. The boy's arrogance irked her to no end, but she countered it with shots at his rather tiny, delicate figures. Not to mention that he made dolls and dresses, Ryoko laughed for a whole three days after she found out. "Besides, if you need a model, just use one of the underclassmen again." It wasn't unusual that the upperclassmen "asked" the underclassmen to help them out with their club activities and more often than not, the female underclassmen liked to model for Delan.

That was when someone suggested Ryoko helped with Jo's high jump. "I'd love to, I was supposed to serve as the assistant coach after school today anyway, I'll just ask him if I could help you, Jo, how about it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Kaya Hinamori Character Portrait: Delan Woo
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Ryu was content then. Simply sitting and listening to his friends speaking to each other and laughing made him smile, it reminded him that he was, deep down, a teenager and not some pseudo stressful superstar like everybody else seemed to think he was. However such an illusion was short lived as the intercom blared to life and the principals voice, laced with annoyance and impatience, spoke arrogantly through the schools speakers.

"Ahem... would Master Ryunosuke Akura please make hs way to my office immediately. There seems to have been a little... misunderstanding regarding his current position... again. That is all." The intercom cut off coldly and without so much as a single warning.

Ryu could hear a few nearby students snickering as he stood up and frowned at his friends. "I apologise everyone... but it seems I have to go... I'll be sure to speak to you all later yeah?" With that sentence and a light shrug, Ryu took off for the principals office.


As Ryu slightly cracked open the office door and peered inside, he heard the gruff voice of the principal order him to sit down and shut the door behind him. Ryu gulped lightly and did as he was instructed.

"Tell me Ryunosuke, do you know why you're here?" Ryu shook his head. "No, sir." The prinicpal furrowed his brow. "Oh really, you couldn't even hasten a guess?" Ryu frowned. "I'm guessing it's something to do with my work?..." "Of course it is Ryu! It always is!" The principal interrupted before throwing down an open letter onto the table. "This, Mr.Akura, arrived on MY desk this morning addressed to you! Now, I have enough mail to deal with without sorting through your damned fan letters but upon reading this particular note, I find a request that you leave school periodically for a small portion of the morning to attend some sort of meeting? Now had you informed me beforehand then maybe I..." Ryu quickly butted in then. "Wait sir... a meeting? I assure you this is news to me aswell... where is the meeting? What's it for?" The prinicpal tilted his head slightly, seemingly surprised to see Ryu's own conclusion. "It says here that it's for some "once in a life time" contract and that you are to meet the producer in the park gazeebo for twenty minutes from now..." The principal paused. "Now look here Ryu, I am not an unreasonable man... I can understand that your lifestyle can be quite hectic and I admire your drive to remain in school regardless... but having mail sent to my office and leaving school before it even starts for meetings and such is not acceptable and poses as a distraction for not just me and you but potentially for the other students. Now, this once I will allow you leave, but from now on you make sure to receive your own mail and to arrange your meetings outside of school hours, understood?" The principal finished, standing upright with hands folded behind his back. Ryu stood up also and bowed gratefully. "Yes sir, thank you for understanding." The principal smiled warmly and patted Ryu on the back. "Not a problem Mr. Akura. Now I'd suggest you hurry, that letter looked very official and you really don't have that much time."


Thankfully the park and the school weren't too far apart from each other and Ryu found himself arriving quite a while before his meeting was even supposed to start. So in the meantime he decided it would be best to take a walk. Get some fresh air and put on his "fame face" for his upcoming meeting. He didn't exactly WANT to be doing this... after all these meeting always went the same way, he would get an offer, hear the offer, refuse the offer, then head back to whatever he had been doing beforehand. It was always an awkward experience and he never liked doing it... still he felt obligated to do so... as if it would be almost selfish to flat out refuse to meet those who offered him what they surely though was the ideal life.

As these thoughts swirled in his head and Ryu walked on lost within them he was distracted by a light panting sound. "What on Earth?" He thought before looking downwards. At his feet sat a familiar dog. "Pa...ku?" Ryu sounded out sounding slightly confused... "Well if you're here... then surely that means..." His eyes shifted slightly to the bench that Paku was sitting beside and Ryu jumped back slightly in shock at the red haired girl who lay upon it. How had he not noticed her earlier? He really had no idea. "K... Kaya-chan?" He spoke quietly, hoping to catch her attention... though he didn't get a response. It would seem Kaya was asleep... *Sigh* "Of course she is... I suppose I'd best wake her." He petted Paku's head to reassure the animal that he was no threat before placing his hand on Kaya's shoulder and shaking her gently.

"Oi, Kaya-chan, c'mon now, wake up."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Kaya Hinamori Character Portrait: Delan Woo
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“No... no no no nononononono! Woo-san that’s too cruel! I can’t possibly do that, it’s too embarrassing!”

"Cruel? How come? I am being kind! Ya know-" Before Delan could finish his argument, Ryoko suddenly appeared and clinged on Ana. He could already predict what was coming with her having that cheeky smile on her face. Being alerted, he glared at her who's for him, neither a boy or a girl kind of human creature. He remembered how he had goosebumps after actually finding out that that high human being was actually a girl.

"Take it easy on Ana, Delan-kun."

Like he thought.

"It isn't her fault that she couldn't see you, you could pass of as an elementary school student with your height,"

And that could he also predict. She was so predictable with her argument against him. Still, it irritated him every time. "Sh- shut up you Giant not girl not boy creature! You two are just too high for the avarage people." He stated while sticking out his tongue. "What are you anyways? If you are a girl, act like it. And don't come with the argument that I make clothes and dolls! I heard that enough from you." Then he scrutinize her from the head to the toe and showed a slight smirk. "No dress will suit you I guess." He added, had that eyes that were looking down on someone on the face. Really thinking she just suited into boy clothes. What was not his business.

“Ryo-kun... t-thank you, but... I mean, I don’t think you should make fun of Woo-san’s height.”

A bit surprised, he looked back at Ana while lifting his eyebrow. Did he heard her right? Did she actually defend him? How interesting. A slight smile, that disappeared shortly after that appeared on his face, delighted to see that someone actually defend him, what normally would be the complete opposite. It was always him against the world, so he saw it. So he was actually a bit happy hearing that, still not showing his true feelings. "See? Ana understands me! Not like a certain someone." He said to Ryo smirking.

"Besides, if you need a model, just use one of the underclassmen again."

“Woo-san, can you please reconsider? I know you like designing clothes, but I don’t think I’m suited for being a model.”

Delan acted as if he was thinking, but he didn't reconsider anything. He was a stubborn child and will not give up until he get what he wants. That was his principles. He lifted his head to Ana and smiled as kind as he could (what wasn't quite a kind smile) and stated: "For real? Still, I want you. The underclassmen aren't bad, but they don't have your face and figure." He hold her kin so he could see closer to her face. He was quite statisfied with it, so it seems. "Don't decide everything before you even give it a shot. And trust me, that dress I designed will suit you perfect... A- and it's not a compliment! It's a fact." He suddenly felt a bit embarassed saying such things, but then he pointed at her declaring: "I guess with this it's settled. I'll measure you after school." He grinned, still not accepting any objections. If she were to decline, he would get his way anyway. So he thought.

"Ahem... would Master Ryunosuke Akura please make hs way to my office immediately. There seems to have been a little... misunderstanding regarding his current position... again. That is all."

Music guy? As Delan heard that annoucement, he didn't thought anything. But he did had a bad feeling, still he didn't thought much about it. Hope that guy didn't get into trouble because of his work..., he just thought, because he know how the feeling was that his work wasn't recognized by people. But he didn't want to jump to conclusion, so he just let the thing be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Delan Woo Character Portrait: Ana Yamaguchi
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"What? You spurn my affections? Reject my proposal? I'm hurt, Aki-kun. Heartbroken, even!" Jo laments, clutching her heart and stumbling back a little bit before falling to land on one knee, facing downwards but managing to maintain the hurt expressions. Of course, this little charade lasts only until another member of the group enters scene, at which point he begins to stand once more.

"Good morning back at ya', Ana-chan," Jo greets the more demure female friend with a beaming sort of grin, making a grand waving motion despite the fact that Ana is relatively near to her at the moment. While the two aren't particularly close --Jo suspects, with evidence to confirm the guess, that Ana can be a bit startled by some of her pranks-- she still is fond of the young woman, as she is of all of her friends. They are all incredibly nice people, after all, who rarely begrudge her food and aren't constantly pressuring her to do better. Immediately, Jo registers the direction in which Ana is walking, and her body moves before her mouth does, hand suddenly shooting out in a sign for stop as she lunges out. It is too late, however, and the soft-spoken girl runs directly into Delan, a far from soft spoken boy. The flinch on the girl's face is animated, almost exaggerated, as she witnesses the scene with the fascination of a bystander during a minor car crash. The damage is not bad enough for her to be overly concerned, but does draw some reaction out of her. This isn't saying much, of course, because Joanna tends to have some sort of cartoon-like reaction to most things, even if she forces the reactions because she finds them funny.

"Noooooo! Run away, Ana! Before he eats you!" Jo warns her, but the feigned urgency in her voice is given away by her cheery expression, making any attempt at acting completely void. The sound of muttering prompts Jo to turn around once more, this time facing Milo, who is staring at a bloody finger with a rather blank expression, not doing anything about the cut. "You shouldn't bully people like that, Delan-kun. It isn't gentlemanly," she informs him as a sort of secondary thought.

"Oi! Milo-kun! You should bandage that. Oh, wait," she unzips her bag and pulls out a handy-dandy first aid kit, necessary because she tends to scrape herself in trees, and because she hangs out with Shiro frequently enough. Of course, all of the band aids are various superheroes, this one being Justice League themed, and she spends a second staring at them before electing to take a Green Lantern one for Milo. "You'll make us delicate ladies faint with all that goriness," she scolds him playfully before crouching by the desk and extending the band aid towards him. She's still smiling, but only her nose up is visible due to the angle at which she is facing the desk.

"Aw, come on, An-kun! You can wear the miniskirt and bring pom poms! You too, Aki-kun," she offers, acting as though she considers this a deal clincher that will have them coming to cheer for her without hesitation. "An offer you can't refuse," she adds, winking in a manner so overdone that it is clearly meant in jest. Most of what she does is, after all. Those who don't know Joanna personally often have difficulty distinguishing her jokes from sincerity.

"The great Ryoko-kun is always welcome at my practice, of course. Kanade-senpai is constantly whining about you joining almost every sport team but track and field, you know," Jo drops an octave and lines her hand up perpendicularly with her mouth, as though about to tell some important secret. "I think she's a closet-Ryoko fan, personally." It is obvious that poking her with a stick will not do anything to deter Joanna.

"Goodbye, my love, my darling! I shall wait for you with bated breath!" she calls out to Ryu as he walks away, holding one hand to her heart and flicking the other about as though she is some Victorian lady, saying goodbye to her lover with the fluttering of a handkerchief. Having executed this with complete Joanna-style precision, she spins around on her heels and sneaks over to Delan, putting her arm over his shoulders -an action that requires her to crouch slightly- and waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Trying to get Ana-chan alone, are we? Delan-kun, you sly dog," she teases him, grinning as mischievously as always. Of the group, he is one of the most fun to tease, because he always reacts to everything with such. . . .emotion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaya Hinamori Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Jin Akura Character Portrait: Emerie Granley Character Portrait: Hiro Maribara
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- Kayama Hinamori -

The park was quiet with maybe only a couple of joggers out following their daily routine. The few who had passed the sleeping Kayama had only glanced at her strangely before moving on, mostly due to the dog who sat protectively in front of the leg of the bench. Of course, Paku would never attack someone unless he sensed that his master was threatened, and usually only did so if she ordered it, fore Paku was a very obedient dog. He did not bother to chase the squirrels nibbling at acorn at the bottom of the tree behind him, nor did he pursue the birds pecking at bugs in the grass. The only thing that did catch the animals attention was a hand that reached down to pat him between the ears. The dogs tail wagged at the familiar scent of one of Kaya's friends and turned its head to watch the older boy gently shake his master.

"Oi, Kaya-chan, c'mon now, wake up."

There was a small movement of Kaya's eyelids, tightening for a second before they budged open just a little. She squinted slightly at the light of morning, taking a moment to figure out exactly where she was before turning her head to figure out who had woken her up. "...Ryu-kun...why are you he--" Her words cut off as she took a moment to let out a yawn, not bothering to finish what she was saying. That would just take too much effort. She sat up, raising her arms over her head to stretch and then standing up to lift her right hand and place a finger on her friends forehead. "You should be at school. You're late." she said, her eyes widening just a little as a thought went through her head.

"Wait, is it a late start? Did I wake up early for nothing!? Or is it that school is already over and I've slept all day again!?" She questioned, letting out a sigh and, removing her finger from Ryuunosuke's forehead, she plopped herself back onto the bench looking a little disappointed. "Dictator-san needs to give students like me more time to sleep.." She mumbled, calling the principle by the nickname she'd given him in the beginning of the year.

Hiroke Maribara

This morning was no different from any other for 1st year Hiroke Maribara. His aunt would wake him up, flipping on the light and yelling "Good Morning, Hiro!" as loud as she possibly could, ignoring the usual complaints from the neighbors in the house next door. Kenji would whip up something for breakfast as well as Hiro's lunch, being the restaurant chef that he was. A good thing, too, since Lei couldn't even cook rice to save her life. Each morning was as lively as the next and personally Hiro liked it that way. After breakfast he'd get dressed into his uniform, brush his teeth, and comb out his hair before making sure he had all of his homework finished and his notes organized. Last but not least, before slipping on his shoes and heading out to the car with his aunt, he'd take his medication. Each pill set up based on the day and what they were for. In the morning he only had to take three, the most common one being the one that would keep his temperature down and steady while the other two were for his heart and blood pressure. Then there was the vitamin his mom instructed for his aunt to make him take every morning as well, but that wasn't really as important as the others.

At last, he picked up his brown case(a commonly-used Japanese schoolbag) and followed his aunt out to her little car.

■ ■ ■

Traffic was a little busier than normal today for some reason, probably due to the road work that was going on recently. A lot of cars had to change their usual rout to work or school and take the main road. This commotion resulted in Hiro showing up a little later than the usual time he did. Not so late to make him late for class or not give him enough time to see his friends in the morning. His aunt was a bit of a speed demon, you see, and traffic didn't change her habit of swerving in and out of different lanes to get ahead of people. She pulled away from the drop off spot, telling him she'd see him after school and to make sure to visit the nurse after lunch to take his medicine. There was really no need for her to do so. Hiro was responsible enough to remember, but she did it anyway. Likely just for reassurance that he wouldn't forget if she reminded him.

The brown-haired boy turned to face the school, letting out a sigh to relax himself before continuing forward. He was a little surprised to see that his friends weren't gathered outside of the school like they normally were, but after standing there for a moment he realized the window to the student council room was open and he spotted the familiar figure of Joanna passing by the window for a moment. He was about to make his way up, but stops when he notices a girl in the corner of his eye. It wasn't because he'd never seen this girl before that made him stop, but rather the fact that she looked like she was about ready to fall over. He turned around, making his way passed a couple of people before he was able to stand about a foot behind her.

"Uhm, excuse me?" He started with a soft smile, gently placing his hand on the girls right shoulder for a second to get her attention before removing it and waiting for her to turn around. "Are you alright? You must be new here. My name's Hiroke Maribara. Would you like me to take you to the student council room? I have a friend who would probably show you around." His friendly smile turned a little sheepish and he glanced over to the side.

"I-I mean, only if you want!", he stuttered, moving his eyes back onto her halfway through his quick sentence. He didn't want to sound like he was pushing her to come with him, if she was even new in the first place. Boy, if she wasn't, then this situation would turn into a flat out embarrassing one for sure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Ryoko Takahashi Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Delan Woo Character Portrait: Ana Yamaguchi
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"You shouldn't bully people like that, Delan-kun. It isn't gentlemanly,"

Delan heard her remark rolling his eyes. He didn't bully her. That's for sure so he didn't said anything to her that time and other because he was concentrating on Ana. And Ana seems flustered and embarassed. He didn't like it. It's not like he will do something weird right? Measurements are measurements. Not like he is somekind of a perve... he didn't even want to think it and shook off the thought. But still, he was irritated with her remark. What is she thinking? As if he was a gentleman. He doesn't like to be a gentleman, although his bloodline requires it. He didn't care for his family at all. That was the weirdest thing of him. Although he have such a rich and known family, he doesn't like to brag about it. He hates his family. Well, but still, he was arrogant in other (many) things, so it should even all of it.

"Trying to get Ana-chan alone, are we? Delan-kun, you sly dog,”

Now Delan was getting more angry. "What do you want? I am not trying to 'get' her!" He was embarassed to even say that out loudly, but he continued. "I am... inviting her. Right! I am inviting her. To get to see some... things and then trying out my dress! What is so wrong with that? Are you saying that I did something wrong? And what do you actually saying? Please, you should try your jokes with others. Because I am serious here." He stated in one breath and looked at Jo serious, wanted to show her how serious he was. It was his work, his hobby and even his future after all. Although he is "sometimes" childish, for his work, he'll be dead serious.

“Woo-san, I... I can’t. I’m sorry for bumping into you – I really am – but what you’re asking for is too much.”

Delan looked back to Ana. She looks very... worried, nervous... and was she scared of him? He sighed. "Relax a bit. I am not going to bite you." He said strongly, without even trying to soften his voice. "Okay... first of all I'll ask you: What are you doing after school?"

There were no hidden meanings behind the question and his expression shows it all that it was because of bussiness. That side of him would be because his bloodline. Stubborn in reaching objectives. Then he showed a slight smirk, having again his arrogant face. "I guess it would be playing your games right?" He answered his own question by himself. "Don't you wanna do something useful sometimes and help me out? That's friend for right?" He knows that he himself wasn't a good friend at all, but still, he wanted to have the help he needed. Like always, an immature thought. "And to make it clear: You are NOT going to go on stage or something to perform them. I am just going to take a picture of you in the picked dress."[/color] Suddenly he grabbed her hand and hold it tightly while looking up to her smirking. "And I can guarentee, one more time, that it will look good on you. My eyes are always right."

Then suddenly he had an idea. "Joanna! You think so too right? She looks good in a dress! Say it! And just to infrom you: I am not bullying her, right?" Joanna was honest, so his impression of her, although she behaves like an idiot, she had a kind heart. Not like him. But that one thought he throwed far away into the deepest corner of his mind. Like hell he isn't kind. See?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaya Hinamori Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Jin Akura
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Ryu stopped his gentle shaking when he saw Kaya's eyes begin to drearily edge their way open and he contained a smirk as she began squinting in the morning light, it was almost kind of cute. "There you go Sleepyhead... geez... a park bench of all places..." He seemed to mutter the last part to himself, as though he found the entire situation to be a sad mixture of humor and worry from his perspective.

"...Ryu-kun...why are you he--" She interrupted herself with a yawn and Ryu found himself openly smirking. If this was her after a nap on a park bench, Ryu felt sorry for Kaya's father every morning.

"Why I'm here?... Oh well that's simple, you see I have a- huh?" He stopped mid sentence as he crossed his eyes and looked a little upward to find that Kaya's index finger was now firmly planted on his forehead. How odd... he wasn't entirely sure how he should be reacting to that. Heck, should he even react to it? He wasn't one to overthink anything but the sudden strange pose he found himself and Kaya to now be in flustered him somewhat. Still, he was sitting thinking about her poking his forehead when she was talking, so he slowly turned his gaze to hers as she spoke.

"You should be at school. You're late." He sighed deeply at her words. "Kaya-chan... the irony of you worrying about me being late is almost too much for me to handle, you know that right?" Ryu chuckled lightly. "Now as I was saying... He trailed off as he noticed Kaya's eyes widening ever so slightly and he raised an eyebrow as she began to speak. "Wait, is it a late start? Did I wake up early for nothing!? Or is it that school is already over and I've slept all day again!?" Ryu put his hands on his friends shoulders. Hush for a moment Kaya and I'll tell you. School probably hasn't started by this point but the odds of you actually getting there on time by now are pretty slim... if you ran I suppose it could work, but somehow I don't see you as the running type... He trailed off... releasing his grip on her shoulders as he did so.

"Dictator-san needs to give students like me more time to sleep.."

Ryu sighed deeply once again as Kaya sat down. "Tell me about it... I was at school already but had to leave because, apparently, I have a meeting here in about ten minutes... I don't even want to go either, I was up all night working again and to be honest I'm too exhausted to pretend to be all "fame and formalities." He flopped down onto the bench beside her and rested his head on the back, running his hands down along his face to try and wake himself up before resting them at his sides.

"Kaya-chan..." Ryu's voice took a serious tone. "I've stayed up for way too long and I find you sleeping on a park bench..." He sighed heavily, obviously dreading having to face the upcoming meeting alone. "Speaking of which... I'm telling you Kaya, you need to pay more attention to where you decide to fall asleep. Sure Paku's watching your back but he's just one dog after all, sleeping in the middle of such a big public place ESPECIALLY when it's near empty could get you into trouble... what if a caretaker had found you sleeping in their park? Or what if someone with bad intentions came along and decided you were an easy target? He paused.

"Ok maybe I'm thinking too much on this... but seriously... be more responsible. I wouldn't want to see you getting in any more trouble over your sleeping habits and I do worry that you will.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Rena Minami Character Portrait: An-Ren Huáng Character Portrait: Joanna English Character Portrait: Delan Woo Character Portrait: Ana Yamaguchi Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Jin Akura
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An Huang

"Ahem... would Master Ryunosuke Akura please make hs way to my office immediately. There seems to have been a little... misunderstanding regarding his current position... again. That is all."

"I apologise everyone... but it seems I have to go... I'll be sure to speak to you all later yeah?"

An nodded at this, spacing out for a dear long moment there while listening to all his other friend's conversation about the high jumps after school, and snapping out of the conversation for a short time to hear an announcement made about Ryu leaving school for a bit, "You're going to have to make up some things if you leave too long, keep that in mind." He said with a small and usual smile before waving as he left the room.

"Bye bye Akura-san!" Shiro said in her enthusiastic tone and continued to stare out the window as usual.

"Aw, come on, An-kun! You can wear the miniskirt and bring pom poms! You too, Aki-kun. An offer you can't refuse."

An laughed at Joanna's way of saying things and shook his head innocently, denying, "Ahaha, but I can't do that! I really wish I could though... N-not to wear the miniskirt! But to cheer everyone on and join you guys, but being Student Council President does tend to interrupt these things unfortunately. Besides, I doubt that my sister would let me borrow her skit anyways-"

He didn't realize what he had began to say until he finished half of the sentence. As many people knew, An had amnesia, making him unable to interact in PE, do any sports, and it caused him to lose all his memories since the beginning of high school. He had no memory, only living alone, 'Sis...ter...?' He wondered to himself for a while, 'Since when did I have a sister?'

An noticed that his expression might have looked strange at the moment since he was so shocked from what he said, so he immdiately forced a smile and said, "A-anyways, I-I'll probably just try to bring the paperwork over and watch after school anyways! A-ah... uh... W-well... I-I've... got to go... do something real fast! I'll be back!" He quickly bowed his head before quickly opening the door and slamming it shut my accident, then dashing down the hallways filled with people.

He needed some time to get what he said through to his head, 'I-it's probably just an illusion... a hallucination? I didn't say anything like that! I never had a sister before, and if I did... well... where would she be? I live alone, don't I? I don't have any relatives or family, the doctors said they died in that car crash which I don't even remember. I don't even remember their faces...'

An walked to a small water fountain inside and on the same floor level, and instead of drinking it, splashed it on his face for a moment. Maybe it looked a little weird, but he had to snap out of his daze anyways, 'I-If they saw me like this I'd look weird...' He told himself with a serious expression.

Shiro Rena Minami

"Trying to get Ana-chan alone, are we? Delan-kun, you sly dog,”

Shiro laughed at her friend's comment on the two and whispered in Joanna's ear, "Someone's getting off with another certain someone quite well today. And here I thought that the shortie wouldn't ever find something as beautiful as this!" She pretended to wipe away an invisible tear with a chuckle, hoping Delan didn't hear her comment as she whistled and continued to look out the window before hearing another familiar voice appear so quickly.

'Hey guys.'

"Evans-san~" Shiro grinned and waved, stretching her arm high up so that it almost touched the ceiling, seeing how she was 5'8, being the tallest girl in the group, and taller than the majority of the boys actually, "Good morning! Ah, you missed so much though! I was actually beginning to wonder where you were!"

Shiro then heard voices below her, through the crowd of voices that is. She had good hearing, and could hear a friend's voice from over a mile away, if that were humanly possible. She always liked to over exaggerate her abilities, acting like she had inhumane super powers or something when she really didn't, and could just recognize a friend's voice in the crowd really easily.

Immediately turning back to the window, she looked down and saw a young boy with brown hair. She knew who it was without a doubt because he was just like her in some sense; having a weak body. She found it annoying, but kind of looked up to this kid who was a year younger than her for prevailing for such a long time and pushing himself anyways.

"Maribara-san!" Shiro called with both her hands cupped around her mouth to make her voice louder over the other students. She raised her hand and waved, signaling to him, "Come on! Come on! You're going to miss everything if you don't hurry up and make it to the Student Council room you know!"

'Hmm? Who's that?' She thought to herself, seeing that popular girl with the brown hair, the foreign looking one that is, walking around and apparently he was having a conversation with her, 'Perfect! Now we can invite a new friend and they can get here faster!' She let a small childish and idiotic looking grin slip onto her face.

"Neh neh, Maribara-san, bring that girl with you! She'll need to get directions right? Huang-san can give her directions about the school and talk to her as the Student Council President! Isn't that right, Huang-san-" Shiro turned around but then saw that An wasn't in the room, 'Strange... what happened to him...' She wondered, but just shook it off.

It wasn't her business anyways, "A-anyways! Come on! Bring her up! She'll need some directions around the school as a new student anyways! We can make a new friend also! Come on!" She motioned for the two to come upstairs to their level, the second floor in the Student Council room which was only used after school and during school hours.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaya Hinamori Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Jin Akura
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- Kayama Hinamori -

It was hard to say whether or not Kaya was relieved to know that school hadn't started yet. She wasn't really all too worried about being late and if she left the park soon she'd still make it to her first class. Maybe running would help her get there a little earlier, but what Ryu had stated about her "not being the running type" was a definite fact. Running took too much energy in which Kaya just did not have, nor the motivation to get to school on time.

She leaned forward a little to scratch her dear pet behind the ear, giving Paku a soft smile as Ryunosuke sat himself down beside her. She only glanced at him for a second while her hand remained on her dog's head, but she could tell he was tired. "He should sleep more..", she thought to herself, her smile straightening out until her face went back to it's tired state.


She narrowed her eyes slightly at his tone, but not to a noticeable extent.

"I've stayed up for way too long and I find you sleeping on a park bench..."

Knowing what was coming, she moved her eyes off of him and gazed down at her dog who was now standing and had it's front paws resting on her lap. Paku's tail wagged happily as Kaya used one hand to pet his head while the other scratch at his neck.

"Speaking of which... I'm telling you Kaya, you need to pay more attention to where you decide to fall asleep. Sure Paku's watching your back but he's just one dog after all, sleeping in the middle of such a big public place ESPECIALLY when it's near empty could get you into trouble... what if a caretaker had found you sleeping in their park? Or what if someone with bad intentions came along and decided you were an easy target?

She let out a small sigh, leaning back a little(although still having a bit of a slouch) and pulling her turtle backpack up onto her lap and gently wrapping her arms around it. It wasn't her fault that she fell asleep whenever she found a comfy spot. She wasn't mad or annoyed with Ryunosuke's little lecture. After all, he was just concerned for her safety and she couldn't blame him for being worried. Still, Paku had never failed to keep her safe before and she honestly never put much thought into her own safety whenever she found a place to take a nap.

"Sorry, This bench was comfortable.." She said dully as she brought her knees to sit Indian style while Paku sat himself down to watch the two of them with curious eyes.

"Ok maybe I'm thinking too much on this... but seriously... be more responsible. I wouldn't want to see you getting in any more trouble over your sleeping habits and I do worry that you will."

She straightened herself up a little more and turned her head to look over at him. "You worry too much about other people and not enough about yourself, Ryu-kun. You're also being a hypocrite when you tell me to be more responsible. You need to be more responsible as well." She stated bluntly, continuing her slight slouching position from before. "If you keep staying up all the time, you'll get sick from exhaustion."

She paused for a moment, hugging her turtle backpack a little tighter and leaning herself back against the bench. "You don't have to be all smiles all the time for those who keep trying to get you a record deal, either. If I were you I'd tell them to leave me alone right off the bat. You'd think adults would understand that students your age can't keep getting pulled away from school, especially after announcing that you weren't going to go professional until you graduated. That is if you're even able to go professional after exhausting yourself with song-writing as well as your studies and homework."

She set her feet back onto the sidewalk and stood up, pulling the green strap of her back over her right shoulder as she turned around to look at her friend. "Am I going to have to tells those producer guys to back off since you're too nice to do it yourself? I promise not to mouth off, probably." She said, managing a small smile to let Ryu know that she was joking...mostly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaya Hinamori Character Portrait: Ryunosuke Jin Akura
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"You worry too much about other people and not enough about yourself, Ryu-kun. You're also being a hypocrite when you tell me to be more responsible. You need to be more responsible as well."

"What you think I'm not responsible? I work ages every night in order to-" Ryu began, clearly annoyed by the accusation Kaya had made and prepared to fervently defend himself. However as Kaya spoke again, Ryu cut himself short.

"If you keep staying up all the time, you'll get sick from exhaustion." She had said.

Ryu looked away from kaya then, ashamed at the way he was about to react. "So that's what you were talking about then... Kaya-chan... you don't understand I have to-" He stopped himself as Kaya continued speaking.

"You don't have to be all smiles all the time for those who keep trying to get you a record deal, either. If I were you I'd tell them to leave me alone right off the bat. You'd think adults would understand that students your age can't keep getting pulled away from school, especially after announcing that you weren't going to go professional until you graduated. That is if you're even able to go professional after exhausting yourself with song-writing as well as your studies and homework."

He could have explained why he wanted to keep working, why he didn't feel he could afford to rest. But he felt it would just cause unneeded drama, also he could feel the tinge of truth in her words and it stung. He knew that in some ways she was one hundred percent correct. He had been overworking himself and he felt bad hearing her say it as it showed that she was concerned... and concerning his friends for his own well-being was the last thing he wanted to do. "I... No... you're right Kaya I've been working too hard and it can't be good for my health. I'm sorry to have concerned you." Though he sounded sincere, and he was, he was more than likely not going to lower his work rate... for his own reasons. He turned his head, which had been hanging in shame since he started talking, to see Kaya sitting with her clutched tightly as she sat with her knees up on the bench. He felt a pang of guilt for lying to her but he had to do what he had to do. So he just sighed and continued looking downwards, when suddenly Kaya jumped up from the bench, her signature turtle backback sitting happily on her shoulder by its strap.

"Am I going to have to tells those producer guys to back off since you're too nice to do it yourself? I promise not to mouth off, probably."

Ryu saw the smile on her face and stood up beside her with a larger grin. Having a friend along for the ride might make it a little bit easier on me when I think about it... it would give you an excuse for the principal in regards to your lateness today aswell. I'm sure he would have an easier time understanding if you told him you were helping me. He smiled wider and looked at his watch before groaning, he was late. "Sorry Kaya-chan but I don't know if I'll be able to take you along after all... if I don't leave right this instant I'll be late so I'll have to talk to you la... ter." Ryu froze in his train of speech and thought for a moment. Had he not just promised to put less stress on himself? To the very girl he was about to leave behind? To rush to yet another tiring and fake meeting no less? Also him leaving now meant Kaya would most certainly get in trouble for being late again...

So, after a moment of standing in still, awkward silence and stewing the whole situation over in his head, in a very characteristic way, Ryu decided to help out a friend by completing the very uncharacteristic activity of skipping both work and school. "Or... in order to relieve some of my own stress AND allow you the same excuse you would have had... we could go for a walk with Paku maybe? Or go and do something else for the duration of the morning classes... and, you know, just "say" we were at the meeting when we weren't?" This was a very strange thing for Ryu to do and he didn't feel entirely alright doing it, but his moral compass told him this was the best of his options at the time.

"We should lie through our teeth... that's what I'm getting at... what do you say then? It would benefit us both so I see no reason not to do so..."