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Ric Falcone

"Don Falcone was my father. Please, call me Ric. "

0 · 633 views · located in New York City

a character in “Guerra Famiglia: The Crucible”, as played by Bromander Shepard


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【More Than The Mugshot...】
β€œIt's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.”


☞Full Name☜
Ricardo Thomas Falcone

Often just referred to as Ric, Ricky or Don Falcone but earned a few names before he took power like Ricky Riot and Bullseye




☞Sexual Orientation☜

Born and raised in New York City, New York. USA

Ric was made when he was 22 years old. He was made Don seven years ago after his fathers sudden death.

【Tale Of The Tape...】
β€œEvery tattoo is a memory, every scar is a lesson.”


6' 1"

182 lbs

☞Eye Color☜

Light Brown

☞Body Type☜
Ric keeps his body in optimum physical condition through rigorous exercise, martial arts training and a strict diet.

☞Special Markings☜
While he has no piercings he does have several tattoos on his body. A star on the left of his chest in a Russian design, a few words in Chinese on the left of his abdomen and a winged red dragon on left shoulder blade for his deceased brother. Beyond that he has a wide assortment of scars that were the results of everything from bullet wounds to to knife wounds and even a sword once in a training exercise that out out of hand.

Pretty much anything else.

【Behind The Mechanics...】
β€œMy motivations may not be what you think.”


His family, martial arts, old kung fu movies, archery, comic books oddly enough

The police, the District Attorney, bad memories

He has a habit of rubbing his thumb over forefinger and middle finger knuckle when he's nervous or stressed, it's a habit he picked up from archery. Brooding.

Failing his family, becoming like his father.

To eventually lead his family to a point where they can dig themselves out of the criminal underworld so they no longer have to run from the law. To come clean to his sister about what he did to her fiance.

He killed his sisters fiance because he had reason to believe he was a government mole. He murdered his own father when, in a fit of delirium his father wanted to launch an attack on a Yakuza birthday party that would have resulted in the deaths of a handful of high ranking Yakuza members and countless civilians and family members.

Mild OCD and insomnia.

Ric Falcone is a man who is incredibly driven and passionate. He sacrifices much of what most people in his position would savor in order to further his goals of securing a lasting measure of peace and prosperity for his family. He is a man that accepts the bloody reality of his life and what he must do but that doesn't mean he enjoys the violence or the carnage. If he could he would pull his family from the bowls of criminal enterprises into more legitimate business ventures but that is easier said than done. So he works, and he fights, every day to secure lasting long term avenues for his family to thrive off of while slowly weening the Falcone family off illegal venues. Their primary money making avenue is gun trafficking but even in the trafficking of illegal fire arms Ric tries his best to minimize the damage done by his hardware by primarily selling overseas and those state side he does sell to are only the most trusted buyers. His goals are lofty, the hurdles in his path are momentous but his will to overcome is indomitable.

His iron will, his resolve has been tested twice before and twice he's proven he is willing to sacrifice any piece of himself for the end goal, even if that means cutting out cancerous growths within his own family. His first test was his own father. The second was his sisters beloved fiance. Neither killing did he enjoy but both were necessary. Ric did what he had to and to this day while he doesn't take any satisfaction in his actions he doesn't regret them either. Those killings, that blood is on his hands and he bears the weight of those souls with a heavy heart but one that is proven and tempered in the fires of death. It is his love for his family that keeps him going on the days where his demons prove too much. His sister, his twin sister back from the war, his wife, his sister in law and his best friend. Each holding a piece of him and each one keeping him together, should one fail he would crack so he does everything in his power to keep them together and with him.

【Armed And Dangerous...】
β€œArchery teaches patience, fire arms training teaches the importance of a spare clip.”


As Don he doesn't often have to kill people personally but he does regardless on many occasions. Whether it's a bullet to the back of the head, a knife to the throat or simply snapping someones neck there is one word to describe Ric's style, efficient.

☞Load Out☜
Ric generally has a Sig Sauer p250 tucked away on his person as well as a small tactical knife for close range fighting.

Ric read in a book once that 'The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword' well Ric swings a sword better than most. Literally, he's a trained swordsman, martial artist in twelve different styles, skilled archer, knife fighter and proficient with an assortment of fire arms. He spends so much time honing his mind and body in order to protect what he cares for most, his family and as a result Ric has forged himself into a weapon all of his own. Beyond his more dangerous skills Ric is someone who dabbles in meditation. He speaks six different languages besides English including Spanish, Japanese, Italian, German, Russian and Mandarin Chinese.

He is usually driven wherever he needs to go in a Rolls Royce but he does have a street bike he likes to take out from time to time.

The nightmares induced from the killings of his father and future brother in law have left Ric with a small measure of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and waking him up from a deep sleep can be unpredictable at best. His love and trust in his family can be used against him. He believes in them and is often unwilling to entertain the idea that any of them could ever mean him harm. It is a central reason why the killings of his father and sisters fiance effected him so, he had to come to grips with the fact that they meant him and the rest of his family harm and therefore needed to be dealt with.

【Rap Sheet...】
β€œMy father had to lose his life so that I could protect this family. I will pay any price to ensure their salvation.”


There was a time, many years ago, where Ric Falcone was not a killer. He was not a gangster or a criminal. He was a little boy, just like a lot of little boys he laughed, and played and lived what many would call a normal albeit exceedingly wealthy life. Privileged was a word used to describe him when he was younger, and rightly so. He and his three siblings grew up in the lap of luxury. He had a younger brother and two younger sisters. They were close, all four of them. Often getting into some kind of trouble in the families mansion. But like in life, playtime has to come to an end eventually, Ric's time came when he was old enough to be told exactly what his family did for a living. They hurt people, they killed them when pain wasn't enough and they did it all to make a profit. They were the most powerful and influential crime family in New York City. A city Ric always thought his family helped build, little did he know it was a city they were helping to destroy. The mission was given to him early, he would be a soldier and earn his stripes and when the time came the crown would be passed down to him, to run the family of crime into the next generation.

Ric stopped playing with his brothers and sisters and went to work early on. Starting out by doing little runs for the made guys or breaking windows in shops that didn't pay their protection. As he got older the jobs got bigger. Fire bombing houses, beating up people to extort payment, knocking over trucks or stores even robbing a few banks. He was on the fast track to getting made, but to do that he would have to take a life. The first person he killed was a rival soldier in the Russian mafia that had shot and killed Ric's younger brother Tony who'd only just recently gotten married. Ric's fathers people captured him and had Ric slice the guys throat. Ric didn't hesitate, even while on the inside he could feel himself fading away and turning into someone else, someone he didn't recognize. The loss of his brother and the killing effected Ric, more than he wanted to admit. He picked up martial arts as a way to relieve stress but it became so much more for him. A way to center himself, to hone his craft and provide an outlet for the new violent tendencies developing inside of him. By the time word came down that he was to be made for the killing he was almost feeling normal again.

After Ric was made his father grew chaotic, illogical and paranoid. He saw enemies everywhere and in his old age he lost the wits that kept him on top for so many years. He began blaming the Yakuza for every misstep they seemed to come across. There were days Ric's father seemed to blame the Yakuza if it rained. They fought endlessly about the Yakuza syndicate, Ric seeing potential allies, his father seeing bitter enemies. The battles culminated when his father decided to send a team of men to attack a Yaukuza meeting. Ric scouted out the meeting personally. It wasn't a meeting at all. It was a birthday party for the leader's ninety six year old mother. The bulk of the people in attendance were civilian family members. The elderly or the very young, only a handful of actual members. His father didn't seem to care and Ric found himself making a decision he never thought he would make. Ric's father went to sleep that night but never woke back up, his heart gave out in the night. To this day Ricky remembers the feeling of the syringe in his hand.

After his fathers death Ric was able to ascend to the top and as Don brokered a new and lasting alliance with the Yakuza. Things have settled down significantly since Ric took over. Earnings are up while body count is way down. The last person Ric had to personally kill was his sisters fiance, another killing that weighs heavy on him but also another one that was necessary. He keeps these secrets from his family for they are his burdens to bear. He hopes that in time, once he gets them out of the criminal world they are mired in he can come clean once and for all, and tell them the truth. Now is not that time, too much is riding on this new alliance for anything to go wrong.

【Just A Little Extra...】
β€œSomeone once asked me if I wanted to build a snowman and I hadn't seen Frozen yet... I thought it was a cocaine reference.”

*All Optional*
☞Current Favorite Song☜
Bed Peace|JhenΓ© Aiko ft. Childish Gambino

Tends to wear a lot of suits given his status but when he is home and relaxing jeans and tee shirts are the greatest inventions in the world.

☞Favorite Superhero☜
Green Arrow

☞Least Favorite Superhero☜

☞Favorite book☜
Game of Thrones

☞Least Favorite book☜
Fifty Shades of Grey

So begins...

Ric Falcone's Story


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Character Portrait: Claudia Falcone Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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Ricardo Falcone hated these parties. Too many people, too many faces he didn't recognize. A mansion full of strangers when all he wanted was a home full of family. As he stood in his lavishly decorated and furnished bedroom he stopped in front of the full length mirror and stared at himself. He looked older than he remembered, his eyes haunted. His father flashed before his eyes, followed shortly by Sam. Ric groaned and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and fore finger, the ghoulish specters vanishing from his minds eye. Secrets have weight he reminded himself and they were his to bear. The burdens of the lost were heavy enough and Ric found it easier to focus on the trial ahead, a dinner party.

It had been Claudia's idea. She loved these things, any excuse to dress up really she was all over. Art expos, a charity gala, expensive birthday parties and Claudia had Ric in a suit and toted him through the front door. There were days he felt like an accessory but he didn't mind. It made her happy and it was easier then being alone, his demons tended to step out of the darkness when he was on his own. So he dressed, in a hand tailored suit Claudia took him to get fitted for. She wanted him looking his best. She said he always looked better in dark colors, so he had a dark blue shirt with a black tie and suit made for him per his measurements. He felt the soft cloth of the shirt between his fingers as he stared at his scarred body in the mirror and his eye focused on a tiny circular scar on his right shoulder.

A bullet wound, fired from a machine pistol owned by the same crew that killed his brother. That was the first time Ric had ever rode with Yakuza, shortly after he took power and forged an alliance with Hiroshi Yukimura. To his credit Ric had fought through the pain and earned the respect of Hiroshi's men, while he may not have been grabbing drinks with them on weekends they knew he was a warrior and a man who led from the front. He'd earned that from them, through blood and hot lead. Hiroshi was going to be here tonight, one of the few guests he was excited to see, with his daughter whom Ric had not met though had heard a lot about. Momoe Yukimura, The Dragon's Daughter as she is so often referred to. Some people think of her as a princess and she might as well be. Her father is a king by all rights and she is as unattainable as any princess in any castle in any fairy tale. Hiroshi goes out of his way to ensure she is kept far from his business and Ric couldn't blame him, if he had a child he would do the same thing.

Ric started to pull his shirt on just as he heard soft footsteps coming into the room. He didn't have to turn, he knew his wifes walk by sound alone. She had a swagger with each step that had always attracted him, a confidence he emulated but didn't actually posses on his own. He smiled softly as she came up behind him.

"It's not too late to call this thing off is it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claudia Falcone Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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It was a rare occasion to see Mrs. Falcone fully dressed at home. Usually she lounged around the house in something tease worth, or nothing at all. Claudia took a particular pride in her body and enjoyed showing it off to her husband whenever she could. After all, he was busy man and she was... Well, she was a busy woman too, but Ricardo didn't know much about that. He was under the impression that his wife suckered around all day and waited for his return. Claudia was a little more ambitious than her husband gave her credit fo. And after suspicious attitudes from Carrie, Claudia was working on something of her own. Sure, she and Carrie had been good friends before the incident, but nothing rubbed Claudia the wrong way more than disobedience.

As a result of this obsession, Claudia had been up early this morning. She tiptoed out of bed, dressed quickly, and spent most of her day making phone calls and making a chart of everywhere Carrie said she would be and when she wasn't there. Claudia had a couple of her feelers out, some people who casually overheard Claudia and some people who kept tabs on her social media. Claudia was moving slowly on the idea. She wanted Carrie to just be mourning, and she wanted to her friend back, but if push came to shove Claudia would send out a more serious spy.

Claudia had also planned a nice dinner party. She was known for her range of gatherings and tonights grandeur would be no different. A small team of remarkable chefs had been in the kitchen all day, a little old woman named Olga spent the day bossing around a couple of young kids. Olga was Claudia's go to woman when a party was to be had. The old woman really knew how to set up the scene, make everything beautiful, and she always tried to make things run smoothly. Olga was a saint in Claudia's book, and she had been with Ric and Claudia for all eight years of their marriage, starting as their wedding planner. Along with those two groups of people Claudia's standard maids did some last minute speck work.

Pleased, she clapped her hands and blew a couple of kisses toward Olga as she made her way to the bedroom. There standing in the middle of the room, in front of a full length mirror was Ricardo. Without thinking about it she smiled. He was singlehandedly the most attractive man she had ever met. Attractive in every way too. It wasn't just his physic that got Claudia going, it was also his attitude, his personality, his charm, everything.

"It's not too late to call this thing off is it?"

Claudia chuckled lightly as she walked behind him and wrapped her arms around him, rubbing his abs. "If you're a good boy, I'll give you a treat," she said suggestively, giving his side a couple of kisses before removing herself from him. She knew that Ricardo wasn't exactly a fan of these parties, but they worked for him and the business. Claudia didn't just throw these things for fun, she always had other motives in mind.

Her hands instinctually undressed herself while she thought of the dress that she had picked out. It was little dark blue cocktail dress. It was one of her more modest dresses, but she thought that it would do well for tonight. "Now come on," she said, "our guests will be here soon."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momoe Yukimura Character Portrait: Hiroshi Yukimura Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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"I'm not an asset of yours, I'm your daughter." That felt like a dagger to Hiroshi's heart and made him speechless. β€œBesides, you’ve owed me for a long time.” For the first time in a long time he almost shed a tear in front of his daughter, but luckily she turned away. Unsure how to respond he sat there staring at the bad of his daughter as if she just shot him. Against his professional instinct he hits the com button, "Driver stop the car." As the limo pulls over, he puts the glasses away and turns to Momoe. "I'm sorry, enjoy your night." With that he left the limo and hopped into the back of the lead escort SUV. They then rode on towards the party. The driver lowered the divider, "So ma'am, were to? You want to go home and change before you go out?"

Hiroshi arrived a few minutes early to the party. As he left the SUV he looked down the road and sighed, his only daughter hates him as much as she hated his tyrant father. He walked into the mansion accompanied only by two of his trusted guards. Once inside he looked around for his host, and not seeing Ric, he walked over to a window looking out at the side yard. His men stood a little ways a way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momoe Yukimura Character Portrait: Hiroshi Yukimura Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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"I'm sorry, enjoy your night." Momoe watched as her father climbed out of the car. She didn’t know if she wanted to run after him, throw her arms around him and hug him, apologizing, or push him into traffic. She shook her head. She hated this, now he made her feel guilty. How unfair?
"So ma'am, were to? You want to go home and change before you go out?"
The driver called from the front and Momoe didn’t answer for a long time.
β€œTake me to the party.” She said after a loud sigh. She said she’d go, so she’d go. Whether she liked it or not. Maybe he really did want to change. She’d give him a chance.
The driver seemed not to understand.
β€œIkimashou.” She urged and the driver nodded, sliding up the divider and pulling off to the party. Once there, she plastered on what she called her β€˜dead face’ a mask of smiles of someone that she wasn’t. She spotted her father immediately, looking out of a window, forlornly.

β€œFather.” She said, guilt evident in her voice after she touched his shoulder. β€œPerhaps I was a bit harsh.” She said, nodding at a few of the people as they passed. β€œI mean, I meant what I said, but I know you’re not actually like Grandfather, he wouldn’t have cared how I felt, so this is a start.” She told him. β€œSo, could change my mind.” She said. β€œProve me wrong.” She told him, her eyes watching the crowd, keeping her lips from moving too much just in case they were being watched.” Besides, I said I’d come, and you taught me that my word is my honor.” She said and flashed him a smile; it was small but genuine. She hooked her arm around his and pat his arm. β€œMaybe we can go for ice cream after this, like we used to?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momoe Yukimura Character Portrait: Brianna Falcone Character Portrait: Hiroshi Yukimura Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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The mansion was quickly filling up. Guests from the top one percent of the city seemed to fill Ricardo's home like water from a rushing dam. A part of him hated this. All the faces, all the names, people he had to pretend to be happy to see. In truth there was maybe a dozen at best he was actually happy to see and most of them were related to him. Carrie hadn't gotten there yet, he'd told Wesley to alert him the moment she arrived, if she arrived. Then there was Hiroshi, the only man of honor in the den of thieves they called a profession. Ric admired and respected Hiroshi immensely. He wasn't like anyone else Ric had ever done business with let alone met. He felt almost like a relic, a hold over from a long forgotten time hidden in mist where samurai walked down the street with their fabled katanas hanging from their hip. Just, honorable, fair and loyal, all things Ric wished he could be. It was Hiroshi that showed Ric that there was a way to live this life and not be a monster, he showed him he could be a killer when he needed to if it meant saving his family.

As Ric spotted Hiroshi he wondered what he'd think, of what he had in mind. He wanted to bring him in but he needed to be sure, he couldn't risk losing a friend and ally like Hiroshi Yukimura. Beside him was a beautiful young woman, of japanese decent. It wasn't difficult for Ric to discern who she was. Hiroshi brought his daughter which was a surprise to say the least. He'd heard about her in great length, Hiroshi being a very proud father enjoyed talking about her, but he'd never actually met her. As proud as Hiroshi was, he was twice as cautious. Her being here was a great sign of respect and trust shown to him.


Ric said in polite greeting as he approached. Hiroshi had been quietly speaking with his daughter but turned at his approach. Ric gave a short, polite bow as was custom before raising and shaking his hand. A bow for the east and a shake of hands for the west, the union of two great men from opposite sides of the world.

"Doa de anata o mitashite inai tame no shazai wa, watashi wa anata ga kon'nani hayaku tōchaku suru yotei shite inakatta."

Ric apologized politely, in perfect Japanese. Ric remembered the day the two men shared tea shortly after Ric took power. Hiroshi was impressed he spoke his native tongue so well. Ricardo knew several languages but was proud Hiroshi approved of his pronunciation, he had never used it in conversation before that first night. Since then he had gotten plenty of practice working so closely with Hiroshi and his men.

"And this must be Momoe, your daughter?"

Ric said, turning to the young woman at Hiroshi's right. Hiroshi had told him many times how his daughter was the most beautiful woman in the world, like her late mother had been. On this night Ric would have been inclined to agree. He offered her his hand and she shook it politely.

"It's nice to finally meet you Momoe, your father talks about you often. I've been told many times how beautiful you were, words don't do you justice Yukimura-san."

Releasing her hand Ric turned back to her father with a grateful smile.

"Thank you both for coming. Since I'm being honest Hiroshi, you were probably the only person I was looking forward to seeing tonight. I hate these sort of parties but with you two here maybe we might have a good time after all."

"Excuse me, Sir?"

Ric paused as his assistant approached with a tablet in one hand and his finger to his ear piece.

"Yes, what is it?"

Ric asked, somewhat perturbed for the interruption.

"Sorry sir but there is someone at the door for you."

Ric blinked somewhat dumbfounded at what the usually so intelligent man just said.

"Yes Wesley, it's a party. There's a lot of people at the door."

"Yes sir but this one asked for you by name."


Ricardo asked, hopeful his sister had decided to come. Wesley shook his head, aware of how desperate his boss was to see his little sister.

"No sir, I'm sorry."

Ric took a slow breath but nodded.

"Alright, thank you. I'll be right there."

Wesley took his leave as Ric turned back to the Yukimuras

"I'm sorry, please excuse me. If either of you are hungry or would like something to drink just let one of my people know. My home is yours."

With a polite nod Ric left Hiroshi and his daughter to mingle on their own for the moment while he saw to whoever was calling for him at his front door. As Ric reached the door he had to wade through the greetings of every guest in attendance his eyes lit up when he saw who was waiting for him. Long, shoulder length brown hair like a lot of the women in his family. Hazel eyes, his mothers, so different from his or Carrie's. Her body was different, so changed from when he'd last seen her, she had a fighters build now.


He said in shock.

"Brianna, holy shit is that you?..."

He broke out into a wide smiled and ran the last few steps to her before scooping her up in a big hug. The first truly good surprise he'd had in a very long time. She laughed before he put her down, his smile seeming to be glued to his face now.

"When did you get back? I didn't know you were home? Are you on leave?"

*Apologies for not meeting you at the door, I had not expected you to arrive so soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claudia Falcone Character Portrait: Marley Vane Character Portrait: Brianna Falcone Character Portrait: Alyssa Mancini Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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Claudia had quickly applied some red lipstick and scampered on in front of Ricardo. It sounded as if guests were arriving early. Coming down the stairs she put on her black high heels, fluffed her hair, and put on that show stopping smile of hers. Before reaching any of the guests she noticed a red headed maid serving champagne. Claudia looked her over quickly, spotting a price tag sticking out of the girls outfit. The white piece of paper stuck out like a sore thumb against the girls black shirt. Claudia approached the woman. Something was familiar about the red head but Claudia did't want to bother to have small talk with the help. The brunette grabbed a glass of champagne, giving the girl an obvious look over.

"You must be new," she said suspiciously. Claudia had no real suspicions of the woman but that didn't mean she couldn't have a little fun. Though she wasn't suspicious she did think it a little odd. Olga rarely added anyone to the regular party crew, something must of happened. Claudia's hazel eyes searched the girl. Funny looking glasses. Poor child, unable to afford something better. She waited a moment before pointing at the white price tag. "Better fix that," she said cooly before turning around. Claudia would keep her eye on this new maid. She always kept her eyes on the newcomers.

Sipping on her champagne as she watched Ricardo speak with Hiroshi. Next to the Japanese man was a much younger woman but the way that they interacted had Claudia believing that this girl was the much talked about Dragon Princess. Ricardo's words with them were brief because of an interruption from his assistant. Ah, there it was. Claudia had known that Brianna would be surprising Ricardo tonight, Claudia had just hoped that this heart warming reunion would have taken place well before the guests arrived. That was fine though, not everything went according to plan with these sort of things. Claudia slowly walked up behind Ricardo and his dazzling smiling face. His happiness made everything perfectly okay. A small smile crooked her lips as she rubbed his shoulders lightly before lightly saying "I tried to get her here earlier, but you know, Brianna always likes to make an entrance."

Claudia gave Brianna a little wink, then she gave Ric a peck on the neck and a pat on the back. "I'll leave you two to catch up," she said as she trotted off to her next endeavor. Claudia counted all of her ducks. There were quite a few missing, but one that she had expected at least an hour early to the party. Alyssa. With a sigh Claudia asked one of the help if they had seen Miss Mancini. She was in Ricardo's study. Half out of duty and half because she was curious Claudia went to find her. Leaving the part wasn't something too uncommon for the hostess, just as long as everyone else at the party had something to do.

Entering the study quietly Claudia spoke first, taking the first jab at Alyssa. Claudia looked down at her nails almost as if disinterested as she said, "Planning on having a quick fuck up here before the party?" Claudia smiled viciously, "well, he's already downstairs," she said. There was no confirmed information that Alyssa had feelings for Ricardo but Claudia liked to poke sadistically.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claudia Falcone Character Portrait: Momoe Yukimura Character Portrait: Marley Vane Character Portrait: Hiroshi Yukimura Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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Momoe turned from her father to find the illustrious Ric Falcone standing before them. Momoe plastered on a smile.

"Doa de anata o mitashite inai tame no shazai wa, watashi wa anata ga kon'nani hayaku tōchaku suru yotei shite inakatta."
He said and Momoe arched an eyebrow. She hated to admit it but she was impressed, Japanese was her first language, there was too many times, white men would try to impress her or her father, with shotty Japanese. Ric's enunciation on the otherhand was perfect.
His attention turned to her.

"And this must be Momoe, your daughter?"

Ric said, offering her hand, she gave his hand a gentle shake and a respectful bow.

"It's nice to finally meet you Momoe, your father talks about you often. I've been told many times how beautiful you were, words don't do you justice Yukimura-san." He said and Momoe resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "IT is nice to meet you too, Mister Falcone, you honor me with your kinds words." She said with a practiced grace. Dropping her hand, Ric turned to her father while Momoe's eyes darted around the party.

There was a reporter here by the looks of the red hair woman.

"Thank you both for coming. Since I'm being honest Hiroshi, you were probably the only person I was looking forward to seeing tonight. I hate these sort of parties but with you two here maybe we might have a good time after all."

He said and Momoe smiled graciously as he excused himself and she turned back to her father. "I really want that ice cream." She said but she was smiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claudia Falcone Character Portrait: Momoe Yukimura Character Portrait: Marley Vane Character Portrait: Fiona 'Ginger' Falcone Character Portrait: Hiroshi Yukimura Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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Walking into the party was the easy part, staying away from the alcohol was another. Dressing in a simple grey dress, her hair in curly crimson waves pinned to the side, and cascading down her shoulder. A martini glass in her hand. It was days like these that she missed her husband, Tony. He always dragged her to parties like these, and often would leave her there to do whatever it is that the Family needed. She used to hate him for it, resent the family for it, early mornings and long nights, she hardly was able to see him but as it turns out, he wanted what she did. He wanted out. Tony was trying to make it out. That's what Ric told her that day...

Fiona sat at her chair, thumbing through her phone, and the seemingly endless picture of her and Tony. Tears glossing her blue-green eyes, as she watched how happy they were. She thought she missed him before, she'd complained, bitched even, about how often he was gone, but that was when he came home. She closed her eyes. Now he was gone forever.
The bell to the shop door chimed and Fiona stiffened. "We're closing." She said and then turned to see her brother in law standing at the reception desk.

Fiona got to her feet, believing that he was here for what she'd said at the funeral. She was drunk, and hurting, and that was never a good combination.

"He's dead because of you! He should have been home, with me, but no, he was off doing god knows what for you! He died, for you! It should have been you!" She'd cried, in front of everyone. That was probably not the wisest thing to call out the Don but she had, and now she just knew he was here to 'handle' her.

As he approached, she backed against her work desk, where the 9mil Tony had bought her rested under the table. Just in case.

"What do you want, Ric?" She asked him, there was fear in her voice as hidden behind anger and sadness. Ric looked tense and that did nothing for Fiona's nerves. He shook his head. "I'm not going to hurt you, Fiona." He said somewhat exasperatedly. She didn't relax though. She merely swallowed. "Then what do you want?"

His blue eyes darted to her chair, or more correctly the wall behind it, where her work was on display. Fiona frowned. "You want a tattoo?" She said in disbelief. "Now, for what?"

"Tony." was his answer and there was a silence that fell between them while guilt washed over her. She may have lost a husband, but he'd lost a brother, blood brother at that, someone he'd grown up with, looked after, and here she was acting as if she was the only one that lost someone.
She looked at him then, the pain and grief and guilt in her eyes that matched hers. He blamed himself too it seemed.
"Alright." She said and allowed herself to relax and come forward.
After a long while, they didn't speak of Tony, the night he did, nor his funeral, instead they worked on his piece.

"he loved you, you know." Ric said as she worked on the sketch, her back was too him as he sat in the chair. "I know." Fiona lied, she didn't know for sure, he was gone all the time, and sure when he was home, he barely kept his hands off her but that didn't mean love, hell she was a stripper once, she knew better then anyone sex didn't mean love. "That night..." Ric began and Fiona shook her head. She didn't want to hear about how he died. "Please, Ric, not now." She said, tears glossing her eyes again as she looked at him, but Ric's eyes were steady, "I'm sorry for what I said at the funeral, that wasn't fair, it wasn't your fault so you don't have to explain." She said, her Irish twang dotting her words, a clear sign she was upset. "But I do, he wasn't there for a hit, he was there speaking with some executives, trying to find a way for us to go legit, He loved you, and wanted to focus on you." He said and Fiona dropped her blue pencil, shaking. "What are you saying, Ric, that he...?"
"He wanted out, Fi, he was trying to get out."

Fiona rose the glass to her lips, as tears lined her eyes again. Not here, not now, she told herself. Not today.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momoe Yukimura Character Portrait: Hiroshi Yukimura Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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"Father... Maybe we can go for ice cream after this, like we used to?” As Momoe spoke his heart both hurt more and yet at the same time was filled with a joy he had not felt in a long time. This was the first time in along time the two of them had as good of a heart to heart. It made him fell that for once that things between them were getting better and that everything was going to be ok. When she hooked her hand around his arm, all he could do is gently place his free hand on her hand. He had to muster every ounce of strength not to shed a tear or show any weakness. But Hiroshi did smile, the biggest most genuine smile he could.

Just as he was about to respond to her he was cut off by a familiar voice, "Yukimura-san" Hiroshi turned to see none other then Don Ricardo "Ric" Falcone, their host and a man he respected very much. The two bowed to each other and then shook hands. It was always a pleaser and an honor to have Ric around, even though he was an outside, Ric had impressed him and earned a lot of respect and trust not just from him but his men too. Again before he could get a word out his daughter stepped up and impressed him with her polite response. "IT is nice to meet you too, Mister Falcone, you honor me with your kinds words." He know she could be polite at these events regardless of her feelings towards it, but to brake from their conversation and be so polite was impressive. As he opened his mouth to greet his friend Ric was rather rudely interrupted by an aid, which put him off alittle. Didn't Ric train his people better then this, but watching his friends response he could tell this was important and let it go. As Ric left Hiroshi nodded and then turned to Momoe, "I really want that ice cream." she said smiling.

He looked her in the eyes with the most loving and prideful fatherly look he could, a look he hadn't given her since she was young. Equally as loving, "Of course we will go for ice cream, it would be my biggest honor and pleaser. And Momoe... my daughter... It is I who am sorry. I am so sorry for the way I have treated you. I have not been a good father to you in long time. You are the single most precious person in the world and I have been to worst to you. You were right to be angry with me and every thing you said was true. I have been treating you like my father treated you. If you can ever forgive me, I promise to be the best father to you I can. On my honor and my life I promise to make things better for us, for you." He was so proud of her by couldn't bring himself to say it for fear of becoming to emotional for public. It was true he had been an awful father and from that moment on would do everything he could to make it right in her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momoe Yukimura Character Portrait: Hiroshi Yukimura Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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"Of course we will go for ice cream, it would be my biggest honor and pleasure." He said and Momoe smiled, there was a look in his eyes that she hadn't seen in a long time, it was almost, pride. Not only that, her inner child was screaming 'Yay, Ice Cream!'

" And Momoe... my daughter... It is I who am sorry. I am so sorry for the way I have treated you. I have not been a good father to you in long time. You are the single most precious person in the world and I have been to worst to you. You were right to be angry with me and every thing you said was true. I have been treating you like my father treated you. If you can ever forgive me, I promise to be the best father to you I can. On my honor and my life I promise to make things better for us, for you." He said and she sighed. She would have to tell him about Ivan, at some point, but she didn't want to ruin this, she got the cold deathlike feeling that if she told him now, it would ruin the progress they were making.

"You're nothing like Grandfather, Grandfather was...."Momoe paused and swallowed, keeping her face even, she didn't want to tell him all that Grandfather really was, though she was fairly certain he had a pretty good idea, the extent of his cruelty towards her was another matter she didn't want to bring up right now. "You're a good man, Father, Mother always said so, and now I'm starting to believe her." She said, and was cautiously optimistic, she hoped she was right to let him back in, but at the same time, she wouldn't be surprised if by the end of this, he would become reclusive again.

"Anyway, what is the party exactly? I'm sure there's something we're supposed to be doing?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momoe Yukimura Character Portrait: Mark Hartmann Character Portrait: Hiroshi Yukimura Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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As they danced he couldn't help but smile as he stared in to the beautiful eyes of his daughter. "How is it that after everything I put you through, you, are still so beautiful and strong? You are so much like you're mother, strong independent, loving and free spirited. I'm sorry I have always been so controlling, you deserve to be free, free o live your life the way you want to." Just as he finishes saying that, over Momoe's shoulder Hiroshi noticed a 'pretty boy' walk in. Not only did his 'pretty boy' entitled attitude rube him the wrong way but Hiroshi recognized him right away, Mark Hartmann, DA. So now they had a cop and a well known DA at the party, what was Ric up to inviting these two to this party? "Great. Now, do I find Ric and look into whats going on, or do I stay with my daughter? Its possible this DA is on the payroll along with the cop, though that seems unlikely, so why are they both here? To protect my daughter it looks like I'm going to have to break her heart... again." He thought as he let out a slight sigh with out changing his facial expression but he did lower his shoulders slightly. Talking softly enough so only Momoe could hear him, "I love you. I always have and always will. I want you to know that what I do, I do for you my daughter. If anything goes wrong I want you to run. Go to any of our building and tell the guards that we have an Omega level code red. They will take care of you. I want you to promise me that you will do as I ask. And once its over, forget out this life, forget about me and live your life, free, happy and safe. Promise me that you will do this for me?" Though he said this with a smile on his face its clear how serious he is.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momoe Yukimura Character Portrait: Brianna Falcone Character Portrait: Hiroshi Yukimura Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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He smiled at the strength and amount of care in daughter even as horrible of a father he had been towards her. He contiued to dance as he looked her in the eyes, and in the sternest voice, "No my daughter promise me. I will be fine." He turned to her two female guards, "You two if things go wrong level omega code red and get my daughter out of here. And don't let her out of your sight for a second." The guards nod as he stopped dancing and bowed to Momoe. "Thank you for the dance." Hiroshi and his two male guards walked over to Ric.

In the polities and most respectful voice possible, "Pardon me." He bows, "I am sorry to interrupt but Mr. Falcon I was hopping that we could talk... In private." He looked at Brianna, clearly a close friend... No family, this must be his sister, the soldier. "I'm sorry, were are my manners. I am Hiroshi Yukimura. It is an honor to meet you ma'am." he bows to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Falcone Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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As they talked Brianna couldn't help but take in everything around them. Ric had done well, he and Claudia seemed to have everything going just the way they wanted. She was pulled from her thoughts when a man - the guest of honer, she presumed. He bowed and she bowed her her head in turn.
"Brianna.. Brianna Falcone. It's very nice to meet you. Sorry I've not heard of you before now, I've... Been away, for a while."
As Brianna spoke she glanced at her brother, hoping she was doing a good job. This was odd for her, after so many years of fighting, staking out buildings, and hunting down terrorists, Brianna was not used to talking her way through, well, anything! She was a fighter.
It was true what her buddy's used to call her; Brick.
She was cold and packed a mean punch.
Brianna glanced around the room and, as she took in all the faces, she began to feel a slight buzzing sensation at the base of her skull, almost like a sugar rush!
She looked back at the two men and smiled sweetly and bowed her head,
"If you two will excuse me, I think I need some air."
She backed away from the two and made her way through the crowd of well dressed men and women.
She walked around until she found a door leading do a balcony over a garden. Brianna sighed with relief as she quickly shut the door behind her and breathed in the night air deeply. She hadn't really counted on their being so many people here. She walked to a small stone bench and sat for a while. Looking up she half expected to see a clear night sky full of start but instead she saw clouds and planes and helecoptors flying back and fowrth through the sky. Another thing she had forgotten; how alive the sky was here. She hadn't missed it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claudia Falcone Character Portrait: Mark Hartmann Character Portrait: Carrie Falcone Character Portrait: Nicholas Quinn Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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Carrie pulled her car away from the police officer and skidded down the road. After some self convincing she decided the party was a must. She hadn't spoken to her brother in ages and had run out of things to tell the FBI about him. Quite a shitty mole she was in fact.

Whole driving down the street, to her own stupidity she found a tube of cherry red Chanel lipstick in her glove compartment and applied it while driving down the road. As a cause an effect, the cause being Carrie was distracted driving, the effect was well an interesting one. See she had swerved to the other side of the road. Although her story didn't end there as she swerved back in less than a second.

Smiling, and feeling invincible Carrie grabbed the Bourbon beside her and took another swig, wincing as the alcohol went down but smiling at the warm feeling it spread throughout her body. Drunk was good. Getting drunk had in fact become Carries favorite past time since Sam's death.

Finally she pulled up in front of a huge mansion that she had grown very accustomed to over the course of her life, although in recent years it had nearly become a stranger. Although the house was now a stranger Carrie let herself in anyways, not bothering to knock as she came face to face with the crowd.

Carrie had not forgotten on the way out of her Range Rover her bottle of Bourbon which she held in her hand and occasionally took a swig of as she let her eyes roam about the crowd taking everything and everyone in.

Almost instantly she spotted people that she knew. But a select few actually caught her full attention. Although the ones that did really caught it. Such as Mark Hartmann, a man she knew from her mole work. Two thoughts popped into her mind when she saw him, first suspicion as to why he is here. Maybe he's a traitor against the FBI, Carrie thought to herself. Her second thought was that he would see her and rat her out to her family, which ultimately was one of her biggest fears, the mafia didn't show sympathy to traitors even if they are family.

Moving her eyes from that she spotted Claudia and yet another cop. Oh this is fucking great, thought Carrie. Claudia, whom Carrie had previously been close with, was now just another person she got to watch burn when the mafia got taken down. It almost excited Carrie to know that her revenge may work.

The last person she spotted was her brother, whom she glared daggers at from across the room. She balled her hands into fists and clenched her teeth at the mere sight of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momoe Yukimura Character Portrait: Ivan Luong Character Portrait: Hiroshi Yukimura Character Portrait: Ric Falcone
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Before Ric has time to say anything one of Hiroshi's guards gets a call on his radio and emmetly puts a hand to his ear piece. Then leans into Hiroshi's ear, and whispers something to softly for anyone else to hear. Hiroshi turns to the guard, "Ok get my daughter out of here. Go to the book store, we have friends in the area. I will finish up here then take the limo." Without a moments pause the guard quietly relays the instructions over his radio. One of Momoe's guards hooks her arm around one of Momoe's arms and with a smile, "Oh come on you look board. Lets go some were more fun." As she says this she gives a small firm tugs to let her know to follow. The guards lead her out, one guard leading the way well the other stays hooked to her. Once at one of their SUVs the first guard holds the door open as the second guard puts Momoe in. The first guard then closes the door and gets in on the other side so Momoe is between the two in the back seat. After all three are in the drive pulls out of the driveway and drives like nothing is wrong. In route he take a few unnecessary turns, pulls into parking lots and other monovers to see if they are being tailed. Being deemed clear they drive towards Ivan's store.

As they get close the guards get a call and the drive makes a quick turn down a side road. Coming out the other side they pull behind a Jeep Grand Cherokee that had been stopped by a black four door sedan with dark black tented windows. A Japanese man in a black suit is talking to the diver. "So Mr. Ivan, may I call you Ivan? Look about what we talked about earlier, I don't want that sounding like I'm threating you or anything. So why don't we take a trip back to your store? You reopen your store so we can talk and I can get a look at how you do business and then we talk business, ok?" He gives a slow nod at the SUV diver, luckily the divider in the SUV so Ivan and Momoe couldn't see each other, then turns back to Ivan, "How about you lead the way ok?" The guy then gets back into his car and wait to follow Ivan.