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Heathglen Academy

Heathglen Academy


In Heathglen, a school in which only the extremely gifted, or the extremely rich may go, one would think that things there are boring, right? Wrong! Jump into the drama of the prestigious and the proteges, and see where your brain takes you.

1,741 readers have visited Heathglen Academy since Mrs. Sara Banner created it.




Heathglen has been a prominent academy throughout American history, cultivating some of the brightest minds of the century from American and around the world alike. And for those who can't get in on pure academics, money has always talked. Within the academy, there is always a pressured feeling for students to do their best, and it can get quite competitive. Pranks have be known to happen, and fights have broken out. But with all of the pressure to "Be the best", how will the students rebellious nature to just want to be normal teenagers show itself?

But not only are the students extraordinarily bright, but the teachers as well. These are no run-of-the-mill professors. These are extremely intelligent people, top of their classes, eager to pass on their knowledge to the next generation.

Like most prestigious schools, Heathglen can be extraordinarily cliquey. Though because the standards are so high, the cliques are as one would normally see. Kids hang out with others who share their indulgence of choice, and some even co-mingle. Everything from Books for alcohol.

Now that mid-terms are coming up, pressure is up, and competitivity is at an all time high. How is it that everyone will survive.


The Dean: Hank Vindersole

Biology: Reserved

World History: Reserved

Calculus/Trigonometry: Heather Caldra

US History: Reserved

Algebra 1-3:

Ancient Mythology: Reserved

Music: Kimberly Renea Thomas

Drama: Reserved

Psychology: Reserved




English: Francesca Beckett

Spanish: Nicholas Adams





These are the kids whom would be the top of their class if they applied themselves, but rely on their parents money rather than their intellect. They're usually snobby and a bit full of themselves, but always have the money to look their absolute best.

  • Portia Prince
  • Joshlynn Markene
  • Ryan Vance


These kids would much rather stay in their dorms reading, studying, and playing video games, then partying, though that's not to say they're necessarily awkward and socially inept, just.. indoorsy.

  • Michelle Braxton
  • Sara Jolivette
  • Tracy Riverez
  • Ernest Henge
  • Toby Amelie Vine
  • Alice Kuronomi


Most would think these kids would flunk out by now, but for some reason, the drugs they ingest don't seem to affect their capability to learn.. That, or their loaded parents haven't found out about their habit.
  • Sara Jolivette
  • Aurora Dane
  • Ryan Vance


When these kids aren't blundering around in a drunken stupor, or stuck in their rooms with a wicked hangover, their usually out at parties, or smooth talking the teachers to keep their grades up.

Toggle Rules

1) No Godmodding

2) No whining

3) No bullying

4) No being rude

5) You must you good grammar and spelling

6) No Gary/Mary Sues

6) If there are any scenes about PG-13, keep them in chat, email, or PM.

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Teacher Character Skeleton:



Subject Taught:


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
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Sara gave a light sigh as she walked through the tall Mahogany doors of Heathglen. It's good to be home again. she thought to herself as she made her way up to her dorm. Setting her things down on the bottom bunk she looked out the window, chuckling to herself as she saw the nervous looking Freshman. As calm and cool as they tried to be at a prestigious school, they all had the same deer-in-headlights look. She had arrived early, and decided she wanted to go down to the Food Hall for some lunch. She walked towards her door, pausing slightly as she walked past the mirror. She bit her lip lightly, wondering what her old friends from last year would think of her now. As a Freshman and Sophmore at Heathglen, Sara was what one would call, voluptuous. She was one of the bigger students, and though most of her friends didn't seem to mind, she was terribly self conscious. So over the summer, she took it upon herself to work her ass off, quite literally, and lose weight. She had lost about 60 pounds over the summer, her figure slimming down greatly, but still retaining feminine curves. She smiled softly, it was the figure she had always wanted, and she would be glad to be able to surprise everyone.

She walked down towards the Food Hall, sitting by herself, her headphones in her ears, iPod turned on as she sipped some water, looking around at the student body curiously.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Dane Character Portrait: Tobi Amelie Vine Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Ryan Vance
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Ryan had arrived via his motorcycle. His family's mansion was about three miles away, so not too close, not too far. They'd sent him here as to try to cleanse him from his almost constant rebellious acts two years before, and this year he'd be a returning junior. His click was the stoners, and many of them flocked to him because he had connections through his older brother, who dealt on the side of his normal job with the family. So, the school hadn't really done much to dent his lifestyle, but at least he had better business here then he probably would any other school around them.

He headed to his room first, so he could drop off the two bags he had. It's not like he could carry too much on that bike anyway. He threw his stuff on the bed, then decided he'd swing by the tree out back, the sat beside the bleachers. There was basically where everyone went to catch a smoke, because there weren't any cameras and teachers rarely walked by. He left his dorm building, and started to head to the tree.

On the way, he passed the food hall, and glanced in. Many students looked like they were getting food and socializing, but something - someone caught his eye. At first he didn't recognize her, but after a second look he realized it was Sara. She looked great, not that she hadn't before. She was always pretty but it looked like she'd dropped a lot of weight. He didn't really know why girls tried so hard to get that sort of figure though, he hoped no one had been mean to her about it. On the other hand, many guys loved girls who looked like that, and Ryan couldn't deny that she did look good.

Instead of going over, he continued to the bleachers. He wasn't one to just go over and start a conversation, especially about how hot she looked now. He wondered when his other friends would arrive, like Aurora and Tobi. When he got to the tree, he saw some familiar faces that greeted him, and he returned the favor. He leaned against a side of the tree, and pulled out a cigarette.


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Character Portrait: Tobi Amelie Vine Character Portrait: Ryan Vance
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Tobi faced herself, taking in her reflection in the floor-length mirror that stood by her dresser.
Eyeing her outfit, Tobi eventually shrugs and turns away from the mirror.
Glancing at her bedside clock it alerted her that it was 7:50 am, way past the time she was meant to be leaving.
Rolling her eyes, she mutters a bitter, "Of course I'm going to be late - Always am." and runs from her colourful room, down to the kitchen and grabs the cold poptart her mum had cooked for her at 7:20 this morning, the time she should have left.

Taking a bite she grabs her backpack and just prays that she's remembered anything although, it'd be like her to forget the most important things.
She knew where everyone would be, by the bleachers of course, that's where all the Stoner's hung out purely because it was hidden so no one could she what they did 'round there, or more specifically, what they were taking.

It possibly wasn't the best idea to take her bike to school but she had nothing else, considering her parents wouldn't buy her the coolest motorbike because she was too 'reckless'.
Pssh, so maybe she bumped into people quite a lot and there was that one time she almost hit a little kid on her bike but she didn't! She swerved - That's got to merit for something, right?

After parking and securing her bike, she heads over to the bleachers and immediately spots Ryan, waving at him she runs over, and lets her bag drop to the floor, resuming her snacking on her poptart and greeting everyone around her.


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#, as written by Ever

Alice nervously shifted in the black leather bench seats of her carriage; a simple black limousine that, undoubtedly, was carrying her to a new life. What would Heathglen be like? Would I make any friends? Can I really fit in here, as an American and as a student? What if I'm a loner?! Trying to direct her attention away from wringing her hands in distraught, she busies herself with smoothing out her outfit, paying close attention to the tutu. A sudden thought hits her, making her quite pale and causing her to nearly jump up to the front, her shrill hysterical voice had evident panic in it. "CIEL! Did you remember to take off the diplomatic plates?! Oh god oh god. Please tell me you did!" Slumping back into the seats, overwhelming despair flooded her being as he shook his head 'no' Rubbing her temples in an attempt to fight off the headache that was creeping it's way into her mind, she made an attempt to reassure herself by muttering "Its fine... you're late, no ones going to be out there, you'll be fine. You got this, Alice!"

"We're here, Ms. Kuronomi". Her blue and purple head snaps up in surprise as the door swings open, revealing a cobblestone walk way. Shakily getting out, nerves on high, she blinks rapidly at the watery sunlight that was currently attacking her sight. After a few seconds of being blinded, an image so beautiful finally comes into focus, it takes her breath away. Her mouth hung open slightly in a daze seeing the beautiful building that hung in the backdrop before she quickly snaps out of it. After tucking a stray piece of vibrant blue hair behind her ear, she turns to her butler, Ciel, before taking her plush character Hello Kitty backpack from him, allowing him to gather up the suitcases. Glancing down at the piece of paper, she reads off her room number, looking over once at the card that was taped to her information.

Trailing after Ciel, she blinks around in amazement at the campus, easily ignoring the stares she was receiving. Of course people would stare though, its not everyday you see a girl with unnaturally died hair in such an odd outfit, trailing behind a loaded down butler. Pausing briefly, something catches her eye. A group of people at the bleachers, smoking. They allowed smoking on campus? What a strange school... "Ms. Kuronomi, if you would kindly hurry up.." Ciel's words snap her out of the daze she was in, and replying with a simple "O-oh.. yes!" before hurrying after him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Tracy Riverez
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Tracy stood in the bathroom staring at herself in the mirror. It was another year at Heathglen and she was thinking about all the things that could possible go wrong. Last year she was pushed around and put under a lot of pressure. She didn't want to go through that again. She hated the gossip and drama. Running her hand through her hair she left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around herself. Her mother was waiting for her so that she could be dropped off at school. Standing before her closet she picked out the usual outfit and then walked back into the bathroom.

She brushed out the knots in her hair and then tied it up into a ponytail. One last look in the mirror she put chapstick on her lips and then walked back out to her bedroom. She grabbed all her bags and walked down the stairs and got into the car. She checked her iPhone for emails from her brother. There were none. She put in her headphones and got into the front seat. It was a long car ride and she didn't want to be awake during it.

"Tracy wake up," Tracy heard. Her music had automatically turned off when she fell asleep and she could hear everything going one around her. Lifting her head off the window she looked around at the school that would be her home until the next break. Tracy turned and hugged her mother goodbye. "Bye mom," she said getting out the car with all her bags. Her mother pulled away and Tracy made her way to her room.

She claimed the bottom bunk and she started unpacking clothes. Only half of the room was hers so she made sure to make sure space was left for her roomie. When she was done she reapplied her chapstick and she checked her phone again. Nothing. She left the room and walked down to the cafeteria. She was starving and the cafe was still serving food.

She grabbed a bagel, coffee, and a banana. She sat at a table near a girl that seemed familiar. With a closer look she saw that it was Sara. She looked good, but Tracy kept that to herself. She didn't want to seem creepy. She bit into her bagel and sipped her coffee slowly wanting the day to go by faster.


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Character Portrait: Francesca Beckett
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Francesca Beckett was not a woman who liked to be rushed, in chaotic times it was, it was often that one would forget things in these situations and if there was anything Fran hated more than being rushed, it was forgetfulness. This was one of the main reason, the dark-haired woman would rise earlier than she probably had to, on the days worked at least and always had everything planned out for lessons well in advance, there was nothing wrong with being prepared. It was the beginning of a new year at Heathglen Academy and signalled Frans five year at the Prestigious School; she had studied at an equivalent school back in England before coming to America to study at Stanford; getting this job had been one of the highlights of her life, except Lily being born, that trumped everything.

The thought of her daughter, caused Fran to smile into her cup of tea, even though she had been in America for ten years now and still couldn't shake her need for tea, Lily had been an unexpected but welcomed change to her life and she had thought she had finally achieved the family which she had always wanted; the loving husband and beautiful children. Little did she know how all that would change in just five years.

It was a new school year and the term wasn't the only thing which was new for the English teacher; a few weeks after the school had broken up for summer, Steve had left for a business trip in New York, only to return a few days later with the devastating news that he was leaving her, the news was shocking and after hours of arguments and flying porcelain, it was revealed that he had been carrying out an affair with one of his work colleague, a slut by the name of Emily Robinson, what made it worse was that this affair had been going on for over a year and when Steve had to miss Lily's third birthday party, because he was away on business, he was really seeing her. When Fran had learned this, a hair dryer was flung at his head. She sighed deeply at the memory, that had been two months ago now and the pain was still rife, divorce proceedings were going relatively smoothly, she was keeping the house and Lily would remain with her, that was the important thing.

"Morning Mama" a small voice distracted her from thought.

Placing her mug down on the kitchen counter, Fran swivelled around on her kitchen stool, turning to face her daughter with a smile "Good morning my little love" she cooed, lifting the small child onto her lap, running a hand over her light brown curls "how did you sleep?" She asked pouring the milk onto the bowel of lucky charms, she had prepared for her.

Lily leant back against Frans chest, stifling a yawn as she placed her teddy bear onto the counter and reached for the spoon for her cereal "I dreamt about rabbits again." Fran smiled, bringing the mug back to her lips "that's nice sweetie" she supplied. "Mommy, are we getting a puppy as well?" Fran raised her eyebrow at that, Lily had never mentioned about puppies before, she had always wanted a rabbit or kitten, never a dog "why do you ask?" She asked curiously. "Daddy said he's going to buy me one when he gets his new house" she supplied happily. Fran however, did not share her daughters sentiment, her jaw clenched at Steves manipulation "we'll see sweetheart."

After breakfast, Fran dressed Lily for kindergarten and tied her hair into bunches before going into her own room and changed into her outfit for her first day back at school. It didn't take her long, she had already applied her make up and straightened her hair, sitting down on the edge of her bed, Fran slipped her feet into, eBay bought jimmy choos, which technically didn't count as designer shoes, but they had cost her a quarter of the price. Not long later they were by the front door, Fran helping Lily into her coat before slipping her own on.

Mornings were kept to a pretty strict routine, she would drop Lily of at school, walk her into class, kiss her goodbye then hurry back to her car where she would drive to school, luckily, Lily had recently grown out of her crying bloody murder phrase, whenever Fran would leave her, so that gave her extra time in the morning to get to work, without having to drive like a maniac through town. Pulling into the staff car park, Fran pulled into the first available spot she saw, cutting the engine to her Audi, immediately cutting the engine. Grabbing her handbag and the other large bag containing all her school work, Fran made a bee line for the entrance of the school, which was already buzzing with students, some new and some old faces, she smiled at some of last years students and also to some of the new student, undoubtedly feeling a little daunted by this school, she was on her first day and she was a teacher.

Fran walked with a purposeful stride, down the corridor, her heels clicking in rhythm on the hard floor; she quickly found herself outside the teachers lounge, opening the door, she walked inside, smiling as she seemed to be the first one in, giving her a little more time to prepare for the inevitable 'how was your summer Fran?' 'Good, besides the fact that my husband left me' conversation, dumping her bags down on one of the chairs, Fran removed her coat, hanging it on the coat hanger in the corner before walking to the kitchen area, the first one in on a morning was always tasked with making a fresh pot of coffee, hell she was probably going to need a few mugs to get her through the day, if only she could top it off with a little whiskey.


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Character Portrait: Lennon Hale
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Lennon had never been a fan of the summer time. Well, actually, he wasn't a fan of any of the seasons themselves. He only ever put up with the other three because they included the months during which he taught at Heathglen Academy. He normally looked forward to the summer for the last few weeks of school, hoping that when he drove out to Hollywood for the summer he'd finally get the lead role he'd been dreaming of since his childhood. By mid-June, he was either cast as a background character or, if he were lucky, a supporting character. Just this year, he would be returning from shooting a romantic comedy as the protagonist's best friend who, unfortunately, died within the first three scenes. Afterwards, he found himself trying out for a large-budget action movie, only to be turned down by his lanky appearance. He'd begged for a shot, claimed he'd put on muscle, even agreed to take a salary he knew would get him absolutely nowhere. The director had been against it, though, and sent Len away.

July and August merged together, filled with late nights of working on his screenplay or out at a club with the current week's girlfriend (or boyfriend, he wasn't very particular). Now, he was driving back to Heathglen in his burgundy Hummer H2 with the radio turned up to deafening volume. The voices of The Beatles mixed with his own as he subconsciously sang along to the universally recognized "Hey Jude". At shotgun sat his two dogs with their heads poking out of the window, tongues lolling in the wind. The elder of the two, a German Shepard by the name of Charlie, seemed more relaxed than the younger, a Beagle named Peanut. The dogs made his trips back and forth so much more bearable, even though he never really would admit that.

Lennon was already dressed in an ebony polo with khakis as he entered his neighborhood. He knew he was running late, as he usually did every single time after the summer break. The Hummer bounced slightly as it pulled into the driveway of Len's two bedroom home. In a fluid motion, he opened the car door and slid out to grab his bags from the back. Quickly, he raced up to the door and left them on the porch where they wobbled for a few heartbeats from the forceful way he let go of them. Then, he opened the passenger door and grabbed the leashes of the dogs while grabbing his keys from his pocket. Hurriedly, he tossed his bags into the front hallway and shooed the dogs inside.

Despite not having not been in the house for months, it was in wonderful condition. Each summer, he'd been lucky enough to have a neighbor who would stop by to clean and feed his other pets: the fish and his ferret. Once the two dogs were off of their leashes, they raced off through the house, investigating the premise thoroughly. Using this moment for his benefit, Len hurried out the front door and locked it behind him.

Back into the Hummer he went, pulling out of the parking lot and making his way to Heathglen which was actually only ten minutes from his home. But, he was far too tired to walk like he usually did on warm days. He pulled the truck into the school's parking lot and pulled up beside a sleek Audi, which he recognized as Fran's car. A smile crossed his lips briefly, realizing all of his colleagues would be there today. What would he tell them when they asked about his summer plans, though?

Lennon sighed and leaned back against his truck's leather seating. Riffling around in his pocket, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one as he opened the door and got out. He knew he'd need to calm his nerves somehow before the day began and he usually didn't get a break until lunchtime to smoke. It really was his only vice, considering he hadn't dared touch an alcoholic drink. Well, the smoking and his anti-social "other" personality were his vices. Len stopped a few yards away from the group of students to finish smoking, glancing around the large group for a familiar face or two.


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Jay's summer hadn't really been eventful. He'd watched countless programs on the Smithsonian Channel, beat a few video games, and read many novels. Actually, he really hadn't been outside much the entire time except to buy groceries or any other necessities. Even though he'd broken up with Nicole back before school let out, he was still heartbroken and had been, in simpler terms, a recluse. On the morning of his first day returning to Heathglen Academy, Jason had woken up considerably early due to a certain little feline he shared his apartment with. The loud, high-pitched mewling of George had jolted him awake with a groan.

"Damn it, George..." he muttered, sitting up and knocking the scrawny cat off of his chest and into his lap. Purring as if self-content, the cat curled up in Jay's lap, only to be knocked off on to the bed when the man started to stand up. "Sorry, today." Dragging his feet against the carpet, Jay made his way to the bathroom. If the cat hadn't woken Jay up enough, then the shock he received from gripping the doorknob certainly did. With another groan, he entered the bathroom and made for the shower.

After showering, Jay felt much more awake. In fact, he was almost able to notice George before tripping over the cat and falling down on the floor of his bedroom. With a loud caterwaul, the feline sprang up and dashed for the door and out of sight. Jason slowly picked himself up and then grabbed at his glasses on the nightstand where he usually left them. With them on, things seemed a bit clearer as he hurriedly pulled on a white dress shirt, blue tie, and brown pinstripe suit. To finish off the outfit, he grabbed a pair of weathered brown dress shoes and slid them on to his feet.

Dressed and much more awake, he entered the kitchen, dodging the cat that had set itself down in the pathway, and grabbed a pack of Poptarts. They were some sort of chocolate flavor, due to the fact that he really wasn't a fan of the normal strawberry or cherry flavored ones. With them in hand, he grabbed the keys to his car and made for the door, locking it behind him.

In the parking lot of the apartment building, Jason unlocked and entered his silver Prius. Once inside, he popped open the package of of Poptarts and broke off a piece to shove in his mouth. As he drove off, Jay quickly ate his breakfast, stopping to break off another piece of Poptart at each traffic light or stop sign. Eventually, he made it at the school and parked his car somewhere near the front of the school. Though the package was empty, his fingers were covered in the icing from the inside of the pastry.

Signing dramatically, he licked his fingers clean and started toward the door of the school, pushing his way through the crowd of students with grunts of "'scuse me" and "pardon". Finally, he was inside and his fingers were icing-free. A sigh, of relief this time, passed through his lips as he looked around the from hall. It was wonderful to be back. Jay followed the path to the teacher's lounge and slipped in, not even realizing at first that he wasn't alone.

"Oh, jeez, hey," he said, jumping slightly as he noticed Fran. He flashed a quick smile at her and walked toward the coffee pot that was in the kitchen area. "How are you, Fran?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joshlynn Markene Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Ryan Vance Character Portrait: Tracy Riverez
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Sara smiled lightly Tracy, before standing and flattening out her skirt, and walking outside. She could've sworn she saw Ryan, and she was craving a smoke like it was nobodies buisness. She slowly walked outside, smirking slightly to herself as she was able to walk comfortably in her heels like she had never been able to previously. She looked down at her outfit: Though she didn't really wear outfits such as this, she felt that she had earned the right to do so after working hard all summer.

She smiled to herself, finding Ryan. She approached him quickly, giving him a wry smile, and a small wave, "Hey there Ryan." she said, standing beside him, "How's life on the richer side?" she teased, winking slightly, "Mind if I bum a drag?" she asked lightly, until Joshlynn knocking it out of his hand and stepped on it, "What where the fuck you're going. Last I checked he didn't ask you to impede on his life choices, you damn rich bitch," Sara hissed, her smile falling quickly, as she glared behind her sun-glasses. She had never been able to stand the Rich Preps.


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Character Portrait: Joshlynn Markene Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Ryan Vance
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Joshlynn Markene

"Oh my god. Mother, can you hurry up!"

Joshlynn violently flipped her seemingly perfect, blonde hair to the side. The sight of her new, expensive house disgusted her. Every single brick that made up the Markenes' new household exhausted Joshlynn as she felt as though it made the whole place look like a major drag. Maybe a bright shade of pink would have been better. Heck, any color would do. Anything but the nasty, dull bricks.

"Mother! Ugh, I'm about to walk to this school if you don't hurry up!" Joshlynn slammed the multiple bags on her shoulders down to the ground and marched through the front door, her eyes darting around to find her missing mother. There was nothing but the usual, red-wallpapered welcoming room with the oddly placed sofa in the middle.

"Oh, Josh, I'm so sorry! I just had to do a little emergency search for my keys and then your father called-" Joshlynn's mother was cut off as her daughter held up her hand, signaling for her to be silent.

"Great story. Not let's go."

"Honey, what's with the attitude?"

"Mother, what's with the pace? By the time we leave, I'll probably have three kids and a fat husband. Now come on!"

Joshlynn quickly paced out of the front door and made her way to her mother's green porsche. Her mother shook her head and sighed. What am I to do with this young lady, she thought as she followed her daughter. As soon as the car was reversed out of the driveway, Joshlynn grunted with relief. She was ready to arrive at the academy and be gone from the brick house's presence.

"About your father, he's having to go on a sudden business trip." said Joshlynn's mother as she shifted the gear into drive. Her eyes avoided Joshlynn's face as she knew that her daughter probably wouldn't care.

"That's great, more money." stated Joshlynn, her eyes beaming with joy from the news. Her mother sighed and shook her head once again. What was she to do with her spoiled, bratty daughter?

At last, after an hour long trip that somehow managed to fit in arguing between Joshlynn and her mother, the Markenes arrived at Heathglen Academy. Joshlynn pushed the door opened and jumped out, grabbing her bags as quick as she could as soon as her mother opened the back trunk. "Goodbye, mother!" she yelled, wanting to get away from the real world as soon as possible. Her mother waved once, got in the car, then drove away in anger.

I wonder when she's going to realize that she's just so annoying, Joshlynn thought in her mind as she bursted through the academy's entrance. As soon as she set foot in the school, Joshlynn was shocked by the amount of students hanging around socializing. There were so many people that Joshlynn began to panic, feeling crushed between the countless number of human bodies.

"Move! Oh my gosh!" cried Joshlynn as she shoved people out of her way. Shouts and complaints were thrown at her, but she couldn't care less. All of these people were beating on all of her nerves and she just couldn't take it. Less than a minute in her new school and already she was hating it. As soon as she found herself in a less dense part of the school, she sighed and made her way to her room. After quickly throwing her bags onto her bed, Joshlynn walked out of her room and began to aimlessly wander around the school, hoping to find other wealthy, high-class students just like her.

In the midst of her wandering, Joshlynn stumbled upon some bleachers and saw a small amount of students relaxing and smoking. She let out a sound of disgust and continued on her way, knocking a guy's cigarette out of his hand during the process. He was much taller than Joshlynn, probably around 6'1" or 6'2", but that didn't bother her a bit. The girl next to him kind of scared Joshlynn through her appearance.

"That's the stick of death, stay away from it." Joshlynn gave the cigarette a nasty look as it continued to burn on the ground. She placed her heel on it and caused her foot to squeeze the cigarette's fire out. "No need to thank me." said Joshlynn, turning around and smiling to herself. I just saved a life! She felt so prideful.

People might as well start calling me a life saver, gosh.


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Character Portrait: Joshlynn Markene Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Ryan Vance Character Portrait: Lennon Hale
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Joshlynn Markene

Flipping her hair to the side, Joshlynn continued to bathe in her own pride, seriously thinking that she had just helped a guy live instead of dropping dead. That is, until Sara Jolivette decided to pipe in her own statement. Before Sara could get a word out of her mouth, Joshlynn turned around and gave her a glare that could pierce a thousand souls. She couldn't wait for what the druggie girl wanted to say.

"Watch where the fuck you're going. Last time I checked he didn't ask you to impede on his life choices, you damn rich bitch." yelled Sara, the smile that was shining brightly on her face now gone. Joshlynn stepped back, dramatically throwing her left hand onto her lower neck.

"Excuse me, smoke stack, I don't know if you're thinking straight, but you really need to keep that mouth of yours shut. All that smoke you project from all of your existing face holes while talking really," Joshlynn lowered herself down to Sara's level and brought her face close to the smoking girl. "Disgusts me. So goodbye, I don't want to catch cancer standing near you two." Joshlynn tapped Sara's nose lightly, smiled at Ryan, then turned and walked away, occasionally flipping her blonde hair to the side.

As Joshlynn walked through the parking lot to take a much longer route back to the school's entrance, she caught sight of a teacher smoking in his Hummer. Sighing, Joshlynn created an expression on her face that signaled her disgust for smoking. As she walked past the teacher's car, Joshlynn shot her expression towards his sight, wanting him to get her message clearly.


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Character Portrait: Kimberlynn Renae Thomas
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Kimberlynn slowly got up from the chair she'd been sitting in waiting on her husband who was making her a snack to eat. She thought about the little one to come and it excited her. She waddled over to the fridge and got out a pitcher of peach tea. Dodging swiftly as her husband laughed trying to spat her had away from the bacon he had just made. But she did emerge victorious in her mission and beamed as she munched on the treat and said "who are you to deny the pregnant woman food hmmmm?" She asked her eyebrow peeking up mischievously.

"The father of the little Hoover inside of you" he chuckled and set down her bacon and potato chip sandwich which oozed with ranch dressing as the condiments. She licked her lips and dug in without even saying grace first. She could tell this child was going to be a boy just from the cravings she had. When she was pregnant with their first baby which was a girl it was always sweets se wanted.

Sadly the first child was lost but now here she was pregnant again eating more meat and weird stuff than she'd have ever dreamed. After her meal she checked her phone and saw that she needed to get ready for work.

Her husband tried to convince her not to go that she was too pregnant but that was just silly to her. Her response was always "music soothes the baby" she then got dressed in a pair of black tights and a maroon dress with slits in the sleeves. And high heels of course she still had to look good for her first day. Though she slipped some sandals in her bag. She got her keys and headed straight to school.


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#, as written by Ever
<a href=""><img src="" alt="

Alice pauses outside the place she was to call home for the length of her stay at Heathglen, room 105. Almost as if she was hesitant to see what laid beyond this door, she pauses staring down at the card key. Shaking her head and giving a small chuckle at her wariness, her slender fingers pick up the card key as if it were a living organism before swiping it swiftly and deftly through the locked slot. Seeing the green light go off, she wraps her hand around the cold metal handle before turning it and stepping inside the darkness.

Her hands frantically feel the wall, frowning trying to find the switch. Before long, she comes in contact with the small knob and flips it up abruptly. It takes her eyes a few minutes to focus before she can clearly see what was actually in the room: bare white walls, hardwood flooring without a rug in sight, closet doors on the left of the room, a mirror on the right and a queen sized bed (no sheets or comforter mind you) tucked into the upper right corner. A small frown can't help but grace her lips seeing the absence of color.

"Ms.....Kuro..nomi...Ple...ase...wait...up!" Alice spins around hearing the wheezing voice of her butler, holding back a giggling seeing his appearance in her doorway. "Loaded down like that, you almost look like a donkey, Ciel." comes her good hearted reply before rushing to his aid to take away some bags from him, carefully setting them down in the middle of the room. Placing her hands on her hips, the small frown returns as ideas of how to spruce up the room flood her mind, blocking out Ciel's patient words.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tobi Amelie Vine Character Portrait: Joshlynn Markene Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Ryan Vance
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Ryan casually smoked as he waited for others to arrive, and watched carefully as Tobi rode over and locked up her bike. He knew that her parents probably wouldn't get her anything else. She came over to him, greeting everyone else as well.
"Well goodmorning to you too." he said slightly sarcastic. He raised an eyebrow at her, and nodded to her bike. "You know I could give you a ride... Unless you're scared of an actual bike.." he joked with her, and gave her somewhat of a smirk.
He put the cig to his ligs again, taking a drag and blowing it the opposite direction from where Tobi was.
Sarah approached a moment or so after Tobi answered, giving Ryan not much room to reply. He hadn't gotten a good look at her before, but she looked much different than she had last year.
"Hey there Ryan." she said, waving to him a bit. "How's life on the richer side? Mind if I bum a drag?" she winked at him then. He gave her an amused look, her new appearence seemed to give her a large confidence boost. Which was good, he liked seeing her so happy and forward. "Can't complain." he answered, and began to hold out his cigarette.
Not a moment later Joshlynn knocked it from his hand. "That's the stick of death, stay away from it." she said and put it out with her heel.
"Gee thanks, Princess." he muttered.
"No need to thank me." she said, he didn't know if she'd heard him or not, it didn't seem to matter though. Either way she seemed proud like she'd done her good deed for the day. At least one person would feel satisfied about it. Ryan already felt an itch creeping back into his throat.
At this point he thought the prep would walk away and find Portia or some other good girl, but instead Sarah surprised him.
"Watch where the fuck you're going. Last time I checked he didn't ask you to impede on his life choices, you damn rich bitch." Sarah said to her.
"Excuse me, smoke stack, I don't know if you're thinking straight, but you really need to keep that mouth of yours shut. All that smoke you project from all of your existing face holes while talking really disgusts me. So goodbye, I don't want to catch cancer standing near you two." Joshlynn replied.
He was a little surprised that it happened, but also a little surprised one hadn't attacked the other. He could see it happening in the future though. The prep girl smiled at him as she left, and continued to flip her 'oh-so-precious' blonde hair. He kind of just shook his head, and pulled out two cigarettes this time, handing one to Sarah.
"Some girls.." he started, "can be handfuls." He looked at Sarah, then back at Joshlynn who was walking by the teacher's cars. "I feel bad for whatever guy is trying to please her."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joshlynn Markene Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette Character Portrait: Ryan Vance
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"Excuse me, smoke stack, I don't know if you're thinking straight, but you really need to keep that mouth of yours shut. All that smoke you project from all of your existing face holes while talking really disgusts me. So goodbye, I don't want to catch cancer standing near you two." Joshlynn retorted, before leaving. Sara glowered after the girl as she walked away, "Fuckin' preppy little coward, just like the rest." she muttered, gratefully taking the cigarette, she slipped it between her lips, leaning forward to take a light from Ryan's lighter, "Thanks Ryan." she murmured, taking a long drag, the feeling of the smoke filling her lungs already soothing her frayed nerves, like salve to a burn.

"Some girls.. Can be handfuls. I feel bad for whatever guy is trying to please her." she heard Ryan Say lightly.

"Yeah, How much you wanna bet he lifts up her skirt and finds there's nothing there, like a barbie doll. Maybe that's why she's so damn stingy and stuck up." she chuckled.

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Character Portrait: Tracy Riverez
2 sightings Tracy Riverez played by Miss_Dreamer
"Just leave me alone and let me read."
Character Portrait: Heather Caldra
0 sightings Heather Caldra played by Miss_Dreamer
"Disciple is my middle name"
Character Portrait: Jason Richards
1 sightings Jason Richards played by Scarlet Loup
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Character Portrait: Lennon Hale
2 sightings Lennon Hale played by Scarlet Loup
"Acting is the greatest answer to my loneliness that I have found."

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View All » Add Character » 22 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nicholas Adams
Character Portrait: Michelle (Mickey) Braxton
Character Portrait: Portia Prince
Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
Character Portrait: Kimberlynn Renae Thomas
Character Portrait: Ryan Vance
Character Portrait: Ernest Henge
Character Portrait: Tobi Amelie Vine
Character Portrait: Joshlynn Markene
Character Portrait: Aurora Dane
Character Portrait: Hank Vindersole
Character Portrait: Belinda Santos


Character Portrait: Belinda Santos
Belinda Santos


Character Portrait: Hank Vindersole
Hank Vindersole

God help you if I catch you up to no good.

Character Portrait: Aurora Dane
Aurora Dane

Someways I'm a super bitch up t my own tricks but it won't last forever. Next day I'm your supergirl out to save the world and it keeps getting better

Character Portrait: Joshlynn Markene
Joshlynn Markene

"I'm not mean. I'm straightforward, so get over it."

Character Portrait: Ernest Henge
Ernest Henge

"Greetings and Salutations 'home boys'!"

Character Portrait: Kimberlynn Renae Thomas
Kimberlynn Renae Thomas

Kimberlynn Thomas

Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
Sara Jolivette

Fuck hipster, I just choose not to conform to your idiotic cliques.


Character Portrait: Belinda Santos
Belinda Santos


Character Portrait: Hank Vindersole
Hank Vindersole

God help you if I catch you up to no good.

Character Portrait: Nicholas Adams
Nicholas Adams

"What's done is done."

Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
Sara Jolivette

Fuck hipster, I just choose not to conform to your idiotic cliques.

Character Portrait: Ernest Henge
Ernest Henge

"Greetings and Salutations 'home boys'!"

Character Portrait: Michelle (Mickey) Braxton
Michelle (Mickey) Braxton

Headphones in? Fuck off.

Character Portrait: Joshlynn Markene
Joshlynn Markene

"I'm not mean. I'm straightforward, so get over it."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sara Jolivette
Sara Jolivette

Fuck hipster, I just choose not to conform to your idiotic cliques.

Character Portrait: Kimberlynn Renae Thomas
Kimberlynn Renae Thomas

Kimberlynn Thomas

Character Portrait: Nicholas Adams
Nicholas Adams

"What's done is done."

Character Portrait: Aurora Dane
Aurora Dane

Someways I'm a super bitch up t my own tricks but it won't last forever. Next day I'm your supergirl out to save the world and it keeps getting better

Character Portrait: Hank Vindersole
Hank Vindersole

God help you if I catch you up to no good.

Character Portrait: Belinda Santos
Belinda Santos


Character Portrait: Joshlynn Markene
Joshlynn Markene

"I'm not mean. I'm straightforward, so get over it."

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