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Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Hendon House Academy for The Gifted


Everyone has something they're good at. Whether its art, science, drama, sports, or some other ability. But some people, have abilities that are...different than others. They are the true meaning for the Hendon House Academy.

1,205 readers have visited Hendon House Academy for The Gifted since Midnight's Work created it.



Everyone has something they're good at. Whether its art, science, drama, sports, or some other ability. But some people, have abilities that are...different than others. They are the true meaning for the Hendon House Academy. To the other students, they seem only to be other talented students, like them, normal. But even the staff know that they are anything but. They have talents that reach beyond the realm of normal human comprehension.

But besides the enhanced abilities of some of the students, there's more drama in this school than in most. Every kind of problem or situation you could imagine, this school's seen it at some point or another. Even some of the teachers and staff have been a part of it.

Now as a new year begins, there are new students arriving, old ones returning, and with them, new trouble, drama, and chaos will erupt.

But what happens when gossip starts to spread. Not just within the student body. That would be far to easy. No, its landed on the internet. Someone's begun to spill rumors, all in vivid detail, on a blog called Gifted Gossip

Front Entry Hall | Garden | Classroom | Theater | Gym | Art Classroom | Music Classroom | Dorm Hallways

Girl's Uniform | Boy's Uniform


Erick Stephen Hodgkins
Wyatt Sullivan


Paige Black
Nikki Long
Avery Rose Carson

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Approved Abilities List

Regular Abilities

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Sports - Specify in application
Music - Specify in application
Any other talent you wish to have, please specify it in your application

Manipulation of Nature and Elements

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Aerokinesis (Wind Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate air molecules and wind currents. Like all gifts, aerokinesis is often tied to emotional state, and it often manifests when a preadolescent is in some state of emotional upheaval. When first learning to use their gift, an aerokinetic will only be able to create breezes; with more control, he or she will be able to create stronger winds (adults can reach gale-force wind speeds, with a great deal of dedication), and to also stop the wind from blowing around them while outside, though the later ability will have a physical distance limit around their body.

Cryokinesis (Ice Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate and create ice. Cryokinetics have the ability to not only shape and otherwise manipulate ice, but to also freeze liquids already in existence; they cannot create liquid to freeze, or create ice out of nothing. This gift often manifests in preadolescents when they unintentionally freeze liquids they come in contact with. Teenagers will find it easier to freeze liquids they are touching; adults will be able to freeze liquids easily without contact. Cryokinetics cannot melt ice.

Electrokinesis (Electrical Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate electrical charges currents. This gift often manifests in--pardon the pun--shocking ways. Electrokinetics can reroute and/or stop electrical currents running through wires, and can also make electricity 'jump' from one device to another, though the cannot manipulate the way an electrical device works or create electricity where there is none. The good news is, in today's world there's electricity just about everywhere. Very advanced, adult electrokinetics have been known to harness the power of lightning, but this is dangerous and relatively rare.

Geokinesis (Earth manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate earth. This gift allows for the levitation and shape transformation of rocks, soil and minerals. It does not enable the gifted to create earth. Teenage geokinetics would be able to handle small amounts of soil and rocks, moving up slowly to larger quantities and less common minerals.An adult would eventually be able to hurl boulders and create fissures in the earth.

Hydrokinesis (Water Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate water. A hydrokinetic can control the flow and action of water; a teenager would be able to do this primarily in controlled environments, such as tubs, sinks, or bowls, though adults can to some extent also work on water in nature, by for example deflecting rain drops from the area around their body while walking in a rainstorm. Hydrokinetics cannot create their own water or change the temperature of the water.

Magnetokinesis (Metal Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate the natural magnetic properties of metal. Magnetokinetics are able to use magnetic forces to manipulate the shape and state of naturally magnetic metals; their ability will have no effect on metals without magnetic properties. Young magnetokinetics will also find it easier to manipulate 'softer' metals, and in smaller quantities; teenagers often find it useful to practice on coins and paperclips. An adult magnetokinetic with a great deal of experience may be powerful enough to act on metallic objects as large as a truck.

Meteokinesis (Weather Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate and create weather. Pre-teens and teenagers can form very small clouds and conditions, such as personal storm clouds, if you will. Anything bigger than that can lead to headaches, nosebleeds and exhaustion. Changing the actual weather on a large scale takes a great deal of control and should only be attempted by experienced adults.

Pyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate and control fire. This gift is a very volatile one, and young pyrokinetics are encouraged to use only small amounts of fire to practice--i.e., what could be gained from a match or a lighter. Preadolescent and teenage pyrokinetics will be unable to create their own fire, but with a great deal of practice, adults can learn to create their own by harnessing the natural principles of friction (think of rubbing two sticks together to start a campfire).

Thermokinesis (Temperature Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate temperatures. A thermokinetic does so by affecting the rate at which molecules vibrate, and can thus affect the temperature of both water and air. Teenagers will only be able to affect limited areas, and may not be able to accomplish extreme temperature changes; for instance, making something boil outdoors in the middle of January would be very, very difficult. Only advanced, adult thermokinetics can adjust the temperature of water to the point of making it change state (by either making it a vapor or turning it into ice).

Tychokinesis (Luck/Probability Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate and create good or bad โ€œluckโ€. Those with ability have the power to alter probability, so long as there is a chance that the event would happen anyway. In its early stages, one would only be able to affects the outcome of things such as coin tosses and random card draws. Those with more experience can move onto throwing card games, slot machines and race outcomes. No one has had the power needed to win major lottery prizes though.

Manipulation of Atoms, Waves & Matter

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    The ability to transform one substance into another (ie: ice to glass). It takes time to build up to transforming complex things such as plants into plastic and what have you. Teenagers and younger are capable of changes such as ice to plastic or wood to metal to objects no larger than a chair, though they cannot always hold the changes. With practice and control, adults can make permanent changes as well as deal with complex substances, even turning iron into gold or rocks into gemstones.

Audiokinesis (Sound Wave Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate and create soundwaves. This gift can manifest via the volume of sounds around the gifted fluctuating sporadically in times of emotional stress. While gaining control over it, a younger person can slighty alter volumes of non-human sounds as well as mimic sounds that they are very familiar with, though great concentration is needed. As an adult, they do not need to be as familiar with a sound in order to copy it. They will also be able to control the volume of human voices as well as other sounds.


    The ability to perceive spatial distances and positions via sound wave. Echolocators have extrasensory hearing and an innate, automatic understanding of the way sound waves operate that allows them to use sounds to determine location and distance from objects. Echolocators will often either click or use some sort of prop to create a similar noise; when the noise hits an object and bounces back to the echolocator, they can determine how far away it is and roughly what size it is. This allows echolocators to navigate in the dark with extreme accuracy, and also gives them an extraordinary awareness of their surroundings and where the people around them are. Initially, this gift will be unreliable, fading in and out, and eventually echolocators will learn how to turn their ability 'on' and 'off' at will.

Gravikinesis (Gravitational Manipulation):

    The ability to manipulate gravitational fields around one's person. For an inexperienced gravikinetic, the upper limit of their abilities will be manipulating gravity enough to make heavy objects lighter, and to allow themselves to jump higher. Experienced gravikinetics can levitate, though it is important to understand that this is NOT flight. They cannot move horizontally unless they push off another object (in which case they'll eventually stop in midair) or there's a strong wind. The highest a gravikinetic has been able to levitate is 15 ft off the ground.

Photokinesis(Light Manipulation):

    The ability manipulate light particles. A photokinetic can control the action of light particles in order to change the way light looks and behaves; for instance, he or she could change the color of light, create 'light orbs' of varied shapes, or intensify existing light. A photokinetic can only, however, manipulate existing light, and cannot create their own. Light particles are also attracted to photokinetics, who can use them to 'glow.' Adult photokinetics can dim light to the point of near-imperceptibility, but are unable to completely extinguish light.

Molecular Acceleration:

    The ability to take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy thus โ€œchargingโ€ that item with explosive results. When charged the item is capable of moving on it's own, given initial direction from the charger. Skin contact is required while charging and most of those with this gift tend to charge smaller objects; as the time required to charge them is greatly reduced and they are much easier to wield. As a beginner, small objects are the only things that can be charged and occasionally objects will end up charged by accident. As control grows, the charging time for small objects decreases, though large objects still take significantly longer to charge.


    The ability to disrupt atomic bonds to the point that they break, thus 'vaporizing' an item. In other words, a vaporizer can cause the atoms of an object to explode apart so abruptly and violently that they become vapor. This is an incredibly dangerous gift and is difficult to reverse, but it is also, luckily, a very hard gift to use and control. Teenage vaporizers will find it easiest to vaporize liquids (which have looser atomic bonds) and will have trouble vaporizing anything larger a shoebox. Adult vaporizers who put in a lot of practice are capable of vaporizing objects as large as a human being, though it's very rare.

Enhanced Physical Capabilities

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Accelerated Healing

    The ability to heal one's own injuries much faster than might normally be possible. Preadolescents and teenagers with this gift will find themselves getting sick a lot less often than their peers, and the first and easiest thing to heal is injuries to the skin. With practice and experience they'll be able to heal internal injuries and illnesses as well. This gift requires conscious thought, though, and an unconscious accelerated healer cannot heal himself. Accelerated healers are also not immune to death; sudden serious injuries wouldn't allow time for healing. Accelerated healers with a great deal of experience can slow the aging process, but there's never been anyone who lived longer than 150 years.

Adoptive Muscle Memory:

    The ability to mimic a physical action after seeing it performed once. Young bearers of this gift will find themselves absentmindedly performing actions that they have seen in person, but otherwise do not have training in (ie playing the piano). This gift is limited by what the gifted is physically capable of and it is possible for the inexperienced to "forget" skills over time. A fully trained adult possesses that ability to perform and remember actions that they have observed from mediums such as television as well as in person.

Animal Shifting

    The ability to take on the shape of an animal while still keeping a human mind. Contact does not need to be made with the animal before shifting though familiarity is always helpful. Shifting also becomes more difficult as the size of the animal increases (ie, cats are far easier than bears.) While learning to use this ability, the less experienced are prone to random shifting during times of emotion stress as well as tiring easily between transformations.

Biological Mimicry:

    The ability to transform into another sentient living organism (humans and animals). In order for this gift to work, one must have made physical contact with the organism in question. When first using this gift, biological mimickers will only be able to transform wholly; with practice, they may be able to pick and choose, such as only changing their hair color after coming in contact with a blonde. When transforming into animals, teenaged individuals will discover that there is a size limitation. Up until young adulthood, the largest that they would be able to manage would be animals that are roughly the same size as a medium-sized dog. Also, these transformations are very draining, and for young users are limited to an hour or two, though adult mimickers can sustain transformations for longer periods. They cannot replicate gifts of those they touch, however, nor can they replicate the animal form of an animal shifter, only a person's human appearance.


    The ability to stretch or deform one's body into limitless forms. The more control a person has, the further they can stretch and the longer that form can be held. Those with little experience will often experience pain when they begin to reach their limit of stretching they may also find that their limbs will stretch involuntarily when doing things such as running or climbing.


    The ability to defy gravity in order to lift one's body off the ground. The gravitational manipulation affects only the user, and no one else. The individual can then use gravitational forces and utilize natural forces such as wind currents to propel and direct themselves. Preadolescent and teenage users will only be able to fly low, within ten-twenty feet of the ground, and will find it difficult to sustain flight for long periods of time; adults will be able to fly considerably higher and for longer periods of time. Carrying other people or large objects while flying will be very difficult and a lot more draining.


    The ability to identify and alter problems with the human physiology. A preadolescent or teenage healer would find themselves able to heal only surface injuries, injuries that they could see, such as lacerations and bruises; as they grow older, they'll be able to search out, identify, and heal internal injuries. Healers do not have an innate knowledge of human anatomy, and it's highly suggested that they study it before they attempt to heal anything internal on another human being.

Intangibility (Phasing):

    Individuals with this ability are known as 'phasers,' so the gift has also come to be known by an alternate name--phasing. Phasers are capable of making their physical bodies intangible--i.e., sublimating the physical particles while retaining the appearance of solidity, thus allowing them to pass through physical objects unhindered. Preadolescent and teenage phasers will have difficulty maintaining an intangible state, and may find themselves 'stuck' in physical objects temporarily (though this will not harm them, as the particles of the object will make room for the particles of their body, thus temporarily making them literally a part of the object).


    Fairly self explanatory, those with this gift are capable of rendering themselves invisible. Pre-adolescents and teenagers will have trouble controlling when they go invisible. As a person grows older and more controlled, unwanted invisibility is done away with. However, no matter the level of control, clothes do not go invisible with their wearer.


    The inability to be physically harmed. While there is no outward alteration to the human physiology of an individual with invulnerability, they cannot be injured; their bones will not break, their skin will resist laceration, and they cannot be burned or fall victim to frostbite. They will, however, feel pain; for instance, if an individual sticks his hand into a fire, while his skin will not suffer, he will feel the full effect of the fire just as anyone else would. This gift is unreliable after it firsts manifests; some things will cause injury, and others will not. With age and practice, a young adult will be able to withstand any injury.


    The ability to transmute one's cells into water molecules and back. Many young liquifiers have difficulty re-solidifying after liquifying, especially if they've allowed part of their 'body' to become separated from the rest. Clothes and other objects on the liquifier's person will not be affected; therefore, if clothed while liquifying, one will end up being a puddle under a pile of clothes.


    The ability to spontaneously destroy and then regenerate one's body. Self-destruction manifests as an incendiary explosion--like a bomb--that typically affects everything within a 5-10 foot radius of the adult self-destructor, though skilled adults can manipulate the size of the explosion to be larger. Any clothes or objects the individual is holding, wearing or in contact with will suffer the full effect of the explosion, and thus when regenerating, the individual is almost always naked. Control of this gift lies in learning to control one's emotions and not explode--literally--when upset, thereby protecting the individual and the people around them. This is a highly dangerous and destructive gift.

Self Duplication:

    The ability to create temporary clones of oneself. When this first manifests, self-duplicators will only be able to create one clone. Clones also can also only exist within a limited distance of the duplicator's original body, and teenage duplicators may have trouble directing their clones to do complicated tasks, as all duplications require conscious control. Adult duplicators will be able to create multiple clones, though coordinating their actions will always be a challenge.

Size Shifting:

    This ability allows the gifted to change their size, obviously. This gift can be very dodgy until control is learned. Younger individuals with this gift may find themselves very limited in how far they can grow or shrink as well as how long they can hold an altered size.

Superhuman Speed:

    The ability to accelerate under one's own power to speeds greater than normal for a human being. When it first manifests, this gift will be very unreliable; speeders may find themselves unintentionally accelerating to highway speeds, or be unable to accelerate when they mean to. With control, speeders will be able to not only accelerate at will (and only at will) but also to control the extent to which they speed up; teenagers will only have two speeds: normal and abnormally fast. Adults will be able to speed up at very subtle increments. Stopping can also be a problem for teenagers, though with practice they'll learn how to do so without crashing into things.

Superhuman Strength:

    Put simply, this gives the gifted immense strength. The main problem lies in being able to gauge oneโ€™s strength and learning to harness it. The inexperienced may find themselves constantly breaking things that they are trying to work with and throwing objects a lot harder than intended. As an adult, some have reached a point of being able to lift 1,000xโ€™s their own weight.


    The ability to spontaneously and instantly transport oneself from one place to another. Preadolescent and teenage teleporters will find that they have the most difficulty with 'aim,' sometimes 'landing' in places they didn't mean to teleport too; they can also have difficulty teleporting on cue at first. Teleporters should take care to only teleport to places they're familiar with, so as to avoid landing inside objects, which can be painful and messy.

Enhanced Mental Capabilities

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    The ability to make inanimate objects move, apparently of their own will. Animators act like psychic puppeteers, controlling the movement of inanimate objects; this often manifests as preadolescents play with toys that then begin to move on their own. Animators find it easier to work with objects made of natural substances, such as wood, metal, glass, clay and stone. Teenagers will not be able to animate anything much larger than a table lamp.

Astral Projection:

    The ability to project one's consciousness in visible form outside of one's physical body. In doing so, the projector's body, while still alive, breathing, and functioning, remains in a comatose state. The projection is entirely intangible and will appear to 'float,' which combined with a projection's natural translucence gives it a ghostlike appearance. This gift often manifests as astral sleep-walking in preadolescents, and teenagers will find it difficult to control when and where they move in and out of projected states; however, with a great deal of practice, they will be able to not only control that, but also the appearance of their projection, including making it appear to be solid or changing its shape. A projection will never, however, achieve corporeality.


    The ability to instinctively and immediately know what's happening in the present moment in other places. Claircogs cannot see the future, only the present, and as teenagers and preadolescents, they'll have difficulty getting more than brief snippets that can be hard to contextualize. They'll also be more likely to 'see' people or places that they have strong emotional attachments to. Initially this gift will kick in entirely at random, but with a great deal of practice they'll be able to seek out or block out visions.


    The ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of others. At first, those with this gift may just be written off as being particularly good at reading people. However, as it starts to truly manifest, the gifted will find themselves feeling emotions that are not their own. Pre-adolescents and teenagers will often be off on their reading of people and tend to pick up on things best when they have a strong emotional connection to a person as well as a physical one. At first, changing the emotions of another requires great concentration for small changes, though when an emppath is in a heightened emotional state, they tend to radiate their emotion and effect everyone within a few feet of them without even noticing what they are doing. As time goes by and control is learned, it becomes easier to manipulate and read, often negating the need for physical contact. The more experienced empaths can work with entire roomfuls of people at once.

Intuitive Aptitude:

    The ability to understand the structure and operation of complex systems without special education or training. To use this gift, one must be able to observe and touch the object they are trying to understand. For inexperienced people, it takes much longer to work it out than with someone who has been working with the gift longer. They will also be unable to figure out objects more complicated then a standard microwave until they have a firmer grasp of the gift. At their best, a person will be able to tell immediately if the object theyโ€™re in contact with is broken as well as how to fix it, if needed.

Memory Alteration:

    The ability to alter the memory of another person. At first, it is only possible to make small changes to memories, such as remembering a personโ€™s appearance differently. It is far easier to use this ability when an emotional and physical connection with the subject is maintained. Though it is very rare, as only the most experienced can manage it, some have been known to be able to completely erase memories.


    The ability to reanimate the dead. This is a very touchy gift as it can have serious repercussions. While things reanimated by a necromancer may appear to be alive, they are nothing more than puppets, under the control of the one who brought them back and only animated until the necromancer releases that control.. Until a firm control is gained with extensive practice, teenagers and younger will only be able to reanimate small animals and nothing larger than a dog and only for a short period of time. Only the most experienced can bring back humans and even then, as previously stated, they are not truly alive again.


    The ability to see possible futures. With the inexperienced, this gift is spotty at best, leaving room for a lot of misinterpretation. Teenagers will find that they have their most accurate and vivid visions while they are asleep. As the gifted grows more accustomed to their visions, they will find that they only see the future as it exists at that moment. The slightest change in plans can alter the course of the future and thus what they see.
    Note: If you select this gift, permission to see the future of another character is ALWAYS needed from the driver of said character. Please put a note in your posts where the gift is used letting us know that permission was given.

Projected Illusion:

    The ability to project visual illusions. This often manifests in a child's sleep, with illusions of their dreams, and can be very difficult to bring under conscious control. The more control a user develops, the more detailed and realistic their illusion will be; as teenagers, illusions are often very obviously not real, and it's not until adulthood that many can make their illusions appear solid. Also, the more intricate an illusionist, the more draining it is, and keeping an illusion up for longer than a few hours will exhaust a user.

Psychic Persuasion:

    Ability to "charge" the kinetic energy within a person's brain, allowing a subtle influence over any sentient mind. This power allows the gifted to compel others to believe what they say and agree with their suggestions. Teenagers will find that it takes great concentration to make the smallest of suggestions, though it becomes gradually easier with practice.
    Note: If you select this gift, permission to compel another character is ALWAYS needed from the driver of said character. Please put a note in your posts where the gift is used letting us know that permission was given.


    The ability to read the emotional energy absorbed by an object. Objects made of natural substances--for instance, metal, wood, and stone--absorb more energy than those made of plastic or manmade substances. When first manifesting, psychometry often acts upon the user's emotions--for instance, a child holding an object imbued with sad memories would seem to randomly burst into tears. Children and young adults also tend to pick up on strong emotions more easily, and have difficulty shutting them out. With a great deal of control, an adult psychometrist may be able to 'view' the event that imbued an object with emotion via a psychic vision, rather like a hallucination.


    The ability to psychically manipulate and control the functions of electronic devices. Technopaths can basically mentally 'hack' any computerized system, though as preadolescents and teenagers, they'll have a great deal of difficulty surpassing firewalls and security codes. With full control, a technopath could build a completely new program into a computer without ever needing to touch it.


    The ability to move objects using oneโ€™s mind. This gift usually manifests in the form of objects being moved around at random while the bearer is in a heightened emotional state. When control is first being learned, it can be difficult to move an object for more than a few inches, if at all. Small objects are always more easily moved and the larger the object, the more control and experience is needed. At full power, things as large as trucks may be moved, though that is reserved for the particularly dedicated.


    The ability to read another person's mind. When this gift first manifests, it is usually very unreliable, and teenage telepaths will only be able to read 'surface thoughts.' With experience they'll be able to delve deeper and look for specific thoughts, but that ability is generally only found in young adult and adult telepaths.
    Note: If you select this gift, permission to read the mind of another character is ALWAYS needed from the driver of said character. Please put a note in your posts where the gift is used letting us know that permission was given.


    The ability to psychically locate other human beings. A tracker latches onto the electrical impulses inside the trackee's brain; therefore, they cannot track anyone who is dead, or at certain levels of unconsciousness. Initially, the gift will be spotty and hard to consciously control, and it'll always be easier for a tracker to find people they know and have some sort of emotional attachment to, positive or negative. Adult trackers will be able to find even strangers, though it will require a great deal of effort.

Xenoglossy (Interpretation):

    The ability to understand and speak foreign languages. When it firsts manifests, a young interpreter will only be able to understand scattered words and phrases from one family of languages--i.e., Germanic, Romance, Amerindian or Altaic. Initially, understanding will be easier than speaking, and teenage users may find themselves mixing languages unintentionally, or randomly beginning to speak another language. With control, an interpreter will be able to pick up entirely new languages after as little as one conversation with a native speaker.

Zoopathy (Animal Interpretation):

    The ability to understand animals. More accurately, a zoopath can instinctively interpret what an animal's vocalizations and body language mean; an animal will never speak in human words to a zoopath, though it is possible to have conversations of a sort. Young zoopaths will find it easier to communicate with animals that are more intelligent and/or more familiar to them.

  • Post at least once every 1-2 days.
  • I am the GM but since my life sometimes gets hectic, I'll need a Co-GM who will help me work out a plot, helping to make sure that everybody follows the rules, and maybe help with the blog as well.
  • Be literate. No one liner posts
  • I hope this doesnt seem rude, but please, only use people who you know the names of as your play-by/character face(I have my reasons)
  • Dont start fights with other roleplayers.
  • I'm still working on the plot, so if you have any suggestions, PM me or drop me a note in the OOC discussion
  • If you've read the rules this far. In your name above the picture, make it a url and add in your characters theme song.
  • Any questions?

Character Sheet

Description Box

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[b]First name only here[/b]

[img]realistic images of people you know the names of here[/img]
Full Name: Full name here
Nickname: Got a nickname?
Birthdate: Month Day, Year
Astrological Sign:
Class: even if you're "gifted" choose one of the other talents to be your cover, but put Gifted/whatever you're in
Gift: if you're "gifted" put your gift here. choose from the approved lists

Personality Box

Code: Select all

Personality: at least 5 sentences

Equipment Box

Code: Select all
Clothing Style: at least 2-3 sentences.
Prized Possession: 1-2 sentences about a possession that your character holds dear
Other: Anything else? An accessory they always wear? (optional)

History Box

Code: Select all
First Memory:
Favorite Sport:
How does your character feel about love?
Short Background: at least 2 5 sentence paragraphs, including (if you're "gifted") how your power manifested. Keep in mind that they dont manifest before puberty.

No profiles with anything shorter will be accepted. This keeps it fair to the people who choose to actually work hard to make a character.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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#, as written by GamerX
A big black van came up in front of the school with two people inside; or at least that was all you could see with the dark tinted side and back windows. The boy in the passenger's side got out and thanked the person that drove him as he went to the back of the van. This boy, dressed in the school uniform, some knew but the new students haven't had the chance to meet yet. His name was Eric, the starter pitcher for the Hendon House's baseball team last year. Eric pulled his luggage out of the van and set it on the curb next to him. It was only three pieces, but in total it was heavy. One black denim bag held his bathroom utensils, some extra casual clothes, his favorite book, a Nintendo and PSP for after lights out, and a few games he liked. Another bag was clearly his baseball equipment as he was the typical baseball bag shape. As for the third it was the only hard case with wheels and stood up to his sternum. Inside were two of his favorite suits for occasions that required a more formal dress attire. "Okay, I might as well head to my dorm room while I wait for more people to get here." Eric started his way to the dorms easily pushing the larger case with his denim bag on top of it, his baseball stuff was slung over his back diagonally. Lucky for him he was strong even without the use of his gift so he could make the semi-long trip to his room with no wasted time. However, this didn't stop him from talking with friends from the previous year at Hendon House.


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She had no idea how she was going to be able to do this. Riding in the passenger seat of her brothers red Suzuki Swift she could see her school, Hendon House Academy. She looked over to her brother and she already missed him. After a summer filled with just chilling with him and playing sport she didn't know how she would be able to last a semester without that. As they drove into the school car park she extended her arm and turned down the music that was blasting through the car. "Are you ready, Nikki?" Tyka, her brother, said as he turned his head towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I guess," she replied and she opened her door and began to grab her things from the back seat. As she took out her suit case her brother came around with her messenger bag in his hands. As she set her suit case on the ground and began to grab a large and long black bag her brother said, "You know that if you ever need me, you just need to call?". Nikki put the large black bag, which contained her keyboard and various books of sheet music which she had scribbled on, she grabbed the messenger bag and placed it ontop of her suit case and said, "I know, so I guess I will see you when I see you?" "Yep, later sis, have a good time.." he replied. Nikki looked around and began to laugh, "Don't worry, I will try my best!" It was at this point that he began to drive away that Nikki felt alone in the world. As she walked toward her room she saw friends reuniting after not seeing eachother for ages. As she entered her room, which she had to herself as no one wanted to share a room with her, Nikki decided that it may be a good idea to go for a walk around before she started to unpack.


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#, as written by GamerX
After Eric got to his room he noticed that so far he had it to himself. He rolled the large hard case to the back of the room near one of the beds and tossed the denim bag on the bed. As for his baseball stuff he set that at the head of what he claimed as his bed and decided he would leave unpacking for later. Eric walked back out of his room and looked both ways before deciding to head to the garden. It was peaceful there and he could relax in some shade before things started to get hectic around the school with all the new and returning students.

It wasn't long before he found a shady spot under a willow tree after he reached the garden. So far no one was really there, meaning for the time Eric was alone in the area. This wasn't something he especially liked, being alone, but for now none of his old friends had arrived and he hadn't met anyone that was new to the school to talk to. "I wonder what kind of gifted people other than myself there will be this year." Eric shrugged the idea off his mind as he laid down in the grassy shade of the willow and waited for others to come around.


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Just before she decided to close her door and go for a walk around, Nikki realized that she should probably send her brother a message to tell him that she was alright. Quickly running back into her room she grabbed her messenger bag and closed the door behind her as she left. As soon as she had exited the dorm room building she reached it her, grabbed out her phone and began to type as she walked. 'Tyka, just wanted to tell you that I have taken most of my stuff into my room and that's about it. Just thought you might want to know. Love Nikki x' As she hit the send button and waited for the message to send she looked up to see that she had absent mindedly walked herself to the garden area of the school. Putting her phone back, she realized that she still hadn't taken the newly bought books out of her bag. "Might as well try and reading done before school starts." Walking onto the grassy area she began to look for spot to read. As soon as she found a nice willow tree to sit under she found that someone was already under it. As she started to walk closer she began to feeling some sort of sad feeling coming from that boy. For once her powers actually came is some sort of use. "I wonder what kind of gifted people other than myself there will be this year." Wait a mini second, did he just say what I thought he said. I never knew anyone else who has had powers, other than my brother. "You never know who you you might find here..." I said as I showed my face from behind the tree. "There may be more people with gifts then you know about."


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#, as written by GamerX
A voice that sounded new, 'Might as well introduce myself,' Eric thought as he quickly spun off the ground and onto his feet. The movement was quick and difficult to pin-point exactly how he did it, not even Eric knew exactly how he did that, he just did it. "Eric Hodgkins, Hendon House starting pitcher last year and hopefully this year as well. The pleasure is all mine," along with his short little introduction Eric gave a quick polite bow and a gentle smile. "May I ask for your name?" Eric decided to let the info for his gift go unmentioned until she asked. Even though the serene silence he once had was now gone Eric was glad that there was someone he could converse with. Although there were many things that he could have asked his new acquaintance, Eric decided it best to wait until another time for most of them.


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"Nikki, Nikki Long," She said after the boy in front of her had said his introductions, "It is nice to meet you Eric Hodgkins." This was definatly the point where light blobs and gone off in her head. She remember seeing him in a couple of the baseball games she had gone to see last year. He was really good, and coming from her that was really saying something. This considering between her and her brother, she was better at sports than he was. Then it stuck her, just a minute ago, wasn't he talking about people with 'gifts', deciding to herself that it might be better to not mention that at this point in time, she began to think of things to talk about and once sometiing came to her head she just went with it. "So, you play baseball ha..? We should go to the batting some time." and straight after saying that she regreted it. "I didn't mean that, that just slipped out.... ummm....akward..." looking down toward the ground she began to wonder why she even decided to open her big mouth in the first place, she was hoping that Eric didn't think she was weird as well. That would definatly be the best start to the year, NOT!


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#, as written by GamerX
"Not awkward at all, what's wrong with two new friends celebrating their newly formed friendship." Eric gave a little delighted chuckle in attempts to lighten the situation. He didn't really know her from anywhere, or at least he didn't get a chance to talk to her to remember. Although it seemed Nikki knew Eric, maybe from a game he was in or even from a class or something. "So, what is your best class? Mine is anything to do with baseball; big surprise, huh?" The last part was clearly said with a hint of sarcasm that wasn't trying to be hid at all. It seemed like Eric was quite joyous right now, and those that knew him well enough would say that it was because he met a new friend or that he was hanging out with someone; those that didn't know him well would most likely be clueless on his source of happiness.


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'Whew, was all that Nikki could think when Eric had said that, 'For once someone doesn't think I weird for being good a sports..!' AT this point she was very surprised, she had always been teased for playing sports and stuff like that. It wasn't very often that someone actually thought it was alright, other than her brother, of course. Wait a second, did he just say friend! She couldn't believe it, for once in her life she was able to make a friend. At this point, Nikki was stuck, she had never really had a 'friend' before. 'Play it cool, Nikki. Try not to stuff this up... or say anything you shouldn't..! "So, what is your best class? Mine is anything to do with baseball; big surprise, huh?" Eric said to her with a hint of sarcasm. Nikki started to feel a different aura around him now. He seemed to feel.. happy? Nikki had no idea what had happened but she started just to go with it. "Yer, that really cool. Mine would have to be music, mainly the keyboard. Although my brother is starting to teach me the Keytar." For once she began to think that she had found someone just like her, other than the 'gift' stuff. Someone that thought that her doing sport and stuff was cool. AMAZING!


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#, as written by GamerX
"That is so cool, I love music but I am not very good even after I took some lessons. I envy you for that kind of skill." Eric chuckled, it seemed his happiness was something that was evident even without sensing his emotion. "So, Nikki, which part do you like better about music? The angelic sounds of the notes or the way it can influence entire groups of people?" The way Eric asked this it sounded normal to most people; although it seemed like a mysterious aura came about him and the slightest change in his voice came about that could only be heard close by. Most people would pass it by as an odd occurrence, but someone with the gifts based in sound or emotion could tell he was hinting to a supernatural gift if it related to either parts of his question. 'If she knows what I am talking about and she answers right I might tell her about my 'gift' rather than let her figure it out on her own. Who knows, maybe this will spark a new friendship that will last forever.' Even with his thoughts all over Eric kept his aura the same, even though he didn't really realizing he was still doing it.


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'Ok, so I have always known that I was bad at tests but really. Come on. Even I know the answer to this, but what answer to give.' It was at this point that she stood still. Did she want to give the right answer, or not. "I love the fact that I can influence the people around me with my music. It gives me that warm feeling inside that makes me really happy." She said in around the same tone that Eric had. She was now just watching Eric to see what his was going to say from that. She spoke from her heart but she decided to see what he thought. She began to look at his aura to see that is was the same as before, no change what so ever. Nikki had to say that that had never happened before now. No one she had even been with had ever been able to keep their emotions the same for that amount of time. Considering the question he had just asked. This was defiantly something new and Nikki was defiantly worried. 'What is happening? Has my 'gift' gone into overload or something.' Nikki decided that it may be better just to forget about it and ask her brother about it later.


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#, as written by GamerX
Eric smiled from the answer and after a moment of thought his aura changed to a happy one again. "Judging by the way you responded you must be an Emppath. Sorry if the way my mood was staying so static learning to control my emotions down to its purest form is something I learned to do after learning about some of the other 'gifts' out there from my grandparents. As for me I have a power that is based more on the molecular level rather than the emotional." Eric chuckled slightly as this was the first time he had met someone with Empathy, well in person at least. His grandparents told him a little about them but even they didn't know too much about them. "Don't be surprised if you see me with my gloves on most of the time. I wear them to prevent accidental charging of anything. It would be a bad scene if I sent an eraser through the wall or something." Eric sat down and looked out to the garden, thinking about what might happen from here now that he told his secret to someone he just met. 'Will she think I am will her opinion of me change, if it changes....I wonder how close of friends we will become now that we both share a similar mutual secret?' These and many more thoughts started to cross Eric's mind, but he still was happy regardless of how things turned out.


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"You are right there, I am an Empath, though I don't tell anyone that I don't trust." 'At least my 'gift' isn't in overload or anything' "I have never really known anyone to be able to do that before." She had never met anyone other than her grandfather and her brother that have powers. This was very weird for her, as she really didn't know what to say. As much as she wanted see his 'gift' in action, she thought that it might be better to ask that another time. "I would be pretty weird, I understand. Though wearing gloves all the time would be pretty cool." Nikki said as she looked as his gloves, well,. that and what it might look like having a random eraser pass through a wall. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Nikki began to laugh really hard and as soon as she realized she was laughing she stopped and looked down toward Eric with a small tears coming out his eyes. "I am so sorry, the thought of an eraser going through a wall is so funny..!" As she said this she took her messenger bag off her shoulder placed it on the floor ans sat next to Eric and wiped the small tears from her eyes. "You are really funny, you know that..?" She continued and began to giggle a little.


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#, as written by GamerX
"Me, funny? That's a laugh in a half," Eric chuckled slightly, "I am just being myself regardless of what happens through my life. What I may be able to do or not be able to do I am still me no matter which way you look at it. Sadly some people don't look at it that way when they see you are different than them." Eric looked over to Nikki with a sweet smile as he radiated with a calming and joyous attitude. "I wonder how many classes we will share if any, what do you think Nikki?" Eric didn't seem to have a care in the world right at the moment, almost as if they were the only two for miles around. This however couldn't be true as the school was still nearby and there were numerous students already gathering around the campus finding their way around, unpacking in their dorms, and many other activities as well.


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"Well," Nikki started than stopped to think, she really had no clue, "If you think about it. I am guessing that you are going to have a sport or at least baseball oriented timetable. While I know that mine is very much music based. Though, you never know what could happen here.!" Nikki the began to giggle to herself a little, she was right for once. You never do know what could happen at this school. She meet another person with a 'gift' for heavens sake and that had never happened before. She looked over to Eric to see him shooting her a smile, smiling back she soon began to realize that more and more people were ariving at the school and that soon try might no be the only ones in the garden area of the school. "How long do you think it will take for people to start coming toward this area of the school..?" Nikki asked Eric wondering what was going to happen if any of his friends from pervious years found them here. 'What would happen..?! I mean what if doesn't even think of me as a friend.! As far as I know he is just talking to me cause we both have 'gifts'...


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#, as written by GamerX
"I doubt anyone will, like last year they seem to be busy with finding their way around the school and not so worried about going to the garden. I say find out as you go and ask for help when you need it." Eric laid back like he had been before and closed his eyes, though it was obvious he wasn't asleep. After a few moments of silence Eric decided to ask a question. "How similar do you feel as though we are to those without gifts?" The question was quite out of the blue for someone not able to tell exactly what Eric was thinking. But in his mind it made sense, after all he was asking questions that would help him understand the person he was talking to better than other questions would. This was something Eric had a knack for doing; asking the questions that gave more answers than one would intend on giving. Everyone, including Eric himself, blamed this on him being an Aquarius' deep thinking and problem solving skills. Also, like a typical Aquarius, Eric liked people that can get him thinking better than the most beautiful girl around.


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"Well, I can Definatly say that we are different. Though when you think about it we are kinda alike, just that we have something that the find weird." Nikki said as she turned her head to look around at the gardens and think about the question that was just asked a little more. It was a very good question to ask, for sure. Considering you could tell what a person though just by there answer. "Though when you think about it," she said as she turned her head back toward Eric who was now lying down with his eyes closed, "we are conpletely different to normal people. We think, act and do things different because we knew that we are different to them. If you get what I mean. What about you.. What do you think?" Nikki asked and couldn't wait to find out the answer to this one.


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#, as written by GamerX
"I would say I think we and those that are normal are exactly the same. The way I see it everyone has something that they do better than everyone else, or they can do something others they meet can't. Sound familiar? Those of us that are gifted can each do something no one else can truly do. Thus we are the same as those without a gift." Eric quickly sat up, eyes popping open and looked over to his new friend with a smile. "I like you, you can keep my mind stirring even without a conversation. I mean after all you can sense emotions and even influence them right? That alone makes me wonder what is going on in your head and want to know how you see the world." Eric laid back down and looked at the tree leaves above him. "Since I can't really see your power but I know it is there, in a way you could say I have seen your gift. How about I show you mine real quick? After I make sure no one can see me use it that is." Eric chuckled slightly as he thought about the expression someone would have from seeing what he could do, other than Nikki that is.


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"I like you too. I have to say that I have the same reason as you, I think that your view on the world is different and intriguing. You opinion makes me wonder what you are going to say next." Nikki said with a smile on her face as looked toward her newly found friend. This was definatly something that she wasn't used to, for sure. The only people, other than her brother, she has ever trusted or even talked to has been her grandfather and after he passed away, everything changed. Whipping a small tear from her eye as she heard Eric ask his next question. 'Is he really going too?' Nikki thought to herself as she did a double take. "That would be awesome..!" she replied with just a hint of excitement while looking at Eric who was chuckling to himself. Feeling the emotion coming from Eric she couldn't help but giggle to herself.


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#, as written by GamerX
As the laughter settled down a little Eric stood up and climbed the tree real quick to check the surroundings. When he saw no one was coming he hurried down, snatching a pea sized bit of ta branch on his way. The speed that Eric went up and down, let alone the slight swinging jump he did at the end, made him seem like a monkey climbing a tree. Once he was down Eric slide his left glove off and held the small piece of wood in his now bare hand. "See if you can keep up with this little trick," Gregory said as he finished charging the tiny bit of the tree. Eric looked over to the pond about thirty feet away and aimed the charged 'weapon' between his thumb and middle finger, ready to flick it. "Aiming for the pond," Eric said just before he flicked the piece of wood sending it away faster than most could keep up with. A moment later their was a small splash quickly followed by a three foot splash, presumably the center being where the piece of wood hit. A couple seconds later there was a dirty cloud forming line with Eric's fingers and the center of the splash. "Nothing that great but when I combine it with what little shooting practice I have had it is fun for hitting targets sometimes. I still need to work on my aim though." Considering the target this time was a fairly large pond, it would be a pretty hard thing to miss, even at this distance.


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"Wow!" Nikki semi yelled with glee. What she had just seen was amazing and she defiantly wasn't going to forget it for a long time. The first time that she had seen a person, other than family, used their 'gift' and it was amazing. She looked over to Eric with a smile on her face and said, "That was so awesome. I can't believe that you just did that. I- um- wow." She shuddered repeating herself. She was very temped to show him what she could do with her powers. Though she couldn't do much she had been practicing a lot over the holidays. Thinking it over, what would she show him. 'I could try changing his emotions but that only works when I know the person really well. I guess I could try..' Looking back to Eric, she put her hands behind her back and swings back and forth on the balls of her feet. "Hey, Eric." Nikki said nervously not knowing what he was going to say, "Do you want me to show you my gift?"


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#, as written by GamerX
"It would be selfish of me to say no after I just showed you mine. Besides, learning about another person is one way they can get closer to one another." Eric smiled to Nikki as he answered, this was definitely exciting; after all he was getting to see a gift in action he had only heard of previously. Sure he had seen many powers, some of the most abundant being more the manipulation of the natural world and the physical body. However, others with molecular and mental manipulation based gifts were rare to see for some reason; if Eric was lucky that is. So being able to see someone that have a gift with emotion as its base was a special event all on its own.


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"Ok," Nikki said as she took a deep breath in and began to think about what she should do, "I am going to try an change your emotion now.." She said as if it wasn't know already. Giggling to herself for a couple seconds she reached out and grabbed Eric's hand. After awhile she began to think of the sad-est thing that she could and the first thing that she could think of was her Grandfather, Simon. Closing her eyes she thought about the day that she found out that he had died in his sleep. The way that she, a 12 year old girl, walked harmlessly into her grandfathers bedroom trying to wake him up as he had already missed breakfast on her birthday. Shaking and shaking until she let out a blood ranching scream. As she was thinking about this scene over and over again she began to slowly grip Eric's hand tighter. Finally letting the memory flow through the physical connection she then let the sad tale float into his mind, effortlessly, and began to instantly change his emotion from happy to sad. Letting go of his hand she then opened her eyes, wondering if it had actually worked. 'I guess I will just have to wait and see..'


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#, as written by GamerX
As he saw the memory which Eric assumed was Nikki's his happy mood quickly changed to a sorrowful one. Without warning Eric embraced Nikki in a hug that seemed to be one that a friend gives another friend to help reassure them. "That is saddening, no one should have to go through that at such a young age." Eric then realized how inappropriate this was, hugging someone he just met was not something everyone felt as an okay thing to do. With that he quickly let go with a slight blush coming over his face, "Sorry about that. I am sure you thought it was inappropriate since we just met." Eric chuckled to himself as a mix of sorrow, joy, and embarrassment started to fill his emotions, all completely unintentional.


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"Haha," Nikki laughed to herself as she began to re-read Eric's emotions once again, "That's alright. Don't even worry about it, though I hope that the memory didn't effect you to much. It usuall doesn't work with people I only just meet, so at least that is something, don't you think." Reaching up toward her cheeks she felt two things, 1: the fact that her cheeks felt really warm, as if she where blushing and 2: that they were wet, most probably from crying while showing Eric her 'gift'. Wipping away the tear from her slightly red cheeks she looked up at Eric and suddently felt happy once again. The fact that she could completely open with someone other than her brother was something very new and different to her and it was something that she didn't want to lose.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nikki Long
Character Portrait: Avery Rose Carson
Character Portrait: Paige Black
Character Portrait: Wyatt Sullivan
Character Portrait: Eric Stephen Hodgkins
Character Portrait: Elizabeth Grayson


Character Portrait: Elizabeth Grayson
Elizabeth Grayson

A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.

Character Portrait: Eric Stephen Hodgkins
Eric Stephen Hodgkins

Professional Baseball? Naw I love Baseball but not that much.

Character Portrait: Wyatt Sullivan
Wyatt Sullivan

"For someone with power over ice, I'm pretty hot-tempered. And yes, I'm familiar with irony."

Character Portrait: Paige Black
Paige Black

The more you try, the more you care. And the more you care, the more you have to lose.

Character Portrait: Avery Rose Carson
Avery Rose Carson

Art is an expression of life.

Character Portrait: Nikki Long
Nikki Long

"So, this what has been written.. This is what happened.."


Character Portrait: Avery Rose Carson
Avery Rose Carson

Art is an expression of life.

Character Portrait: Paige Black
Paige Black

The more you try, the more you care. And the more you care, the more you have to lose.

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Grayson
Elizabeth Grayson

A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.

Character Portrait: Nikki Long
Nikki Long

"So, this what has been written.. This is what happened.."

Character Portrait: Eric Stephen Hodgkins
Eric Stephen Hodgkins

Professional Baseball? Naw I love Baseball but not that much.

Character Portrait: Wyatt Sullivan
Wyatt Sullivan

"For someone with power over ice, I'm pretty hot-tempered. And yes, I'm familiar with irony."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Wyatt Sullivan
Wyatt Sullivan

"For someone with power over ice, I'm pretty hot-tempered. And yes, I'm familiar with irony."

Character Portrait: Paige Black
Paige Black

The more you try, the more you care. And the more you care, the more you have to lose.

Character Portrait: Avery Rose Carson
Avery Rose Carson

Art is an expression of life.

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Grayson
Elizabeth Grayson

A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.

Character Portrait: Nikki Long
Nikki Long

"So, this what has been written.. This is what happened.."

Character Portrait: Eric Stephen Hodgkins
Eric Stephen Hodgkins

Professional Baseball? Naw I love Baseball but not that much.

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Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Haha :D sorry about the shortness of my new post..! I am about to go to work and wanted to post something before I left..!

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

I'll respond when I wake up tomorrow, for now I need some sleep. Also I actually just pictured the eraser thing in my head.

Eric sits down hoping that he can not charge something on accident since he left his gloves at home for once. He then marks something wrong on a test and has to use his spare eraser, which he charges accidentally. He sets it down and nudges it due to not paying attention and the eraser flies through the walls and hits a tree. Part of the tree's trunk bursts from the impact and and falls to the ground with a thud. Eric's eyes go wide as he knows exactly what happened from simply the sound of it and nothing more. "And just when I had forgotten I had this gift too," he mumbles under his breath nervously, hoping no one realizes that the fallen tree was his doing.

When I pictured that little scene I almost burst out laughing and would have woken my grandma. XD

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Hey everyone. I just got word from Midnight's Work that we can go ahead and start posting now. I am going to go ahead and post my entrance now. By the way the Blog and the introduction on here sounds it seems that the roleplay starts at a new year, so I'll have my character just arriving to start the new school year at Hendon House.

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Same here :) I can't wait for this one to start up..!

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

I too would like to know when this RP is starting up. Lol, we seem to have a lot of characters!! :]

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Not trying to seem pushy or anything (I am just really excited) but, when will we be starting this roleplay up?

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

In real life I prefer to defend those I care for rather than get into unnecessary fights. Although in real life I most likely could only handle 3 or 4 people at once now. Although I couldn't do much against one person if I am not defending those I care for. XD In this roleplay I don't think Eric would stand a chance against two gifted people, and he might be able to hold his own against one. It all depends on the powers and how well they are used. XD

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

LOL! Nice~! XD
Precognition, Molecular Acceleration. Guess they're not so different after all.

Looks like the ladies get a little violent later too ;)
And if they're defending you, looks like Wyatt's not so popular with the girls and somebody else is! XD
And I don't know about you, lol, but I dunno if I could hold my own against 6 bad ass, gifted chicks!

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Even counting the characters not accepted yet the Femlae-Male ratio is 6-2. XD Us guys are outnumbered. lol
And Heirii13, this IS completely a coincidence! XD I checked the ratio after sending that.....Maybe I should have chosen Precognition for Eric's power instead due to that odd happening. lol
For everyone wondering what I am talking about with that it was something I said in a PM to Heirii13. The thing I had said was about being outnumbered 6-2 before I decided to help out. XD

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Well, I just filled out a character sheet thingy for this rp. ^^ Hope my charrie is good enough for it.

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Well your character is in. XD Looks like the Baseball rivals are in. I think we should PM one another and come up with how their relationship as firends or enemies could be. lol

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

@ Gamer X
My dude wasn't accepted, but he'd deeeefinitely be a 3rd base and right field kinda guy~! ;)
Although, his backstory involved pitching, cuz that's how he discovered his powahz~! XD

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Where is your character best on the field? As it says my guy is best with being the pitcher. (Although in real life I tend to play outfield or 1st base.)

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Aw, man. If I were to get accepted into this thing, my character would have SUCH a rivalry with GamerX's character.
lol XD rival baseball players~

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

Looks like fun. I'm working on my character right now. ^^

I hope to join you all in your quest for good RP. >:)

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

you decide, and it would be good if you added it in

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

I have submitted my character. I have a question though...Are we deciding if we are returning students or are you? Should we place this info in our character sketch? :]

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

It does take place in the current year and as for the powers, one per student, and you pick from one of the lists of approved abilities.

Re: [OOC] Hendon House Academy for The Gifted

I'm interested in joining this, it's been a while since I was in a detailed academy RP/ I just want to know, what are the limits for powers/skills?
