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Max Carson

"Heroes can be found in the most unlikely places."

0 · 702 views · located in The City

a character in “Heroes Or Ghosts”, originally authored by xXxCryptic-AngelxXx, as played by RolePlayGateway


β€œHeroes can be found in the most unlikely places. Perhaps we all have it within us to do great things, but may simply lack the circumstances or the reasons to be heroic.”


Full Name: Maxine Noelle Carson

Nickname: Max [Everyone],
Mockingbird [Code name]

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Faceclaim: Tay Jardine

Hex: #131949

On the Outside


Max is about five foot six inches tall and weighs about one hundred and twenty four pounds. She had dark, layered hair that often covers part of her face, but almost always covers her forehead. She has small brown eyes and usually wears eyeliner to frame them. She has a piercing in both ears as well as in her left nostril. Despite her style, she has a very friendly face to match the kind heart inside. When she's not trying to save lives, she attempts the whole cliche thing of wearing glasses to hide her identity, but in the end she gives up and wears her contacts instead. When a civilian, she wears jeans, boots, and t-shirts.

On the Inside



Max is actually an incredibly friendly person, which can get her into all sorts of trouble. Especially in a town full of villains and villain supporters. She's very protective of the people in her city because she has lived there all her life. She's disappointed in how things have turned out for her friends--the heroes. She can be a bit shy when it comes to talking about herself. She'd rather pass the spotlight of conversation back onto someone else, because she's the type of person who wants others to be happy. It takes a bit for someone to be able to crack her open. Probably because she's trusted too many people with her life and too many people have thrown it back in her face.

  • Video Games,
  • Singing,
  • Photography
  • Singing,
  • Photography,
  • Combat
  • A little bit of guitar. She's learning.
  • Bites her lip when she's thinking
  • Bounces on her toes when she's nervous
  • She can emit a sonic blast by singing at specific frequencies.
  • Afraid of tight spaces

βœ“ Boots βœ“ Blue and Black βœ“ Guitar βœ“ Sweets βœ“ Music βœ“ Parties βœ“ Singing βœ“ Alcohol βœ“ the night sky βœ“ combat βœ“ Her power βœ“ Fighting Crime βœ“ Helping Others βœ“ Animals βœ“ Butterflies βœ“ Heroes

Dislikes/Hates: βœ— Running βœ— Villains βœ— Small spaces βœ— Getting hit in the face βœ— Pink βœ— Mistakes βœ— Hurting innocents βœ— impossible situations βœ— hangovers βœ— Almonds

The Past


Max was probably always considered an "odd" kid growing up. Her parents allowed her to take interest in anything and everything she wanted to learn about. Music, Science, Ballet, to name a few. The dancing she quickly learned wasn't for her. It wasn't that it was too difficult, she just didn't enjoy standing on her toes for an extended period of time. As she got a little bit older, she picked up reading graphic novels and comic books. She had a love for science fiction and fantasy. Superheros and knights in shining armor. She adored those characters, and even more when they were badass females like Batgirl. She would pretend to be a hero from time to time, saving her toys from invisible villains using only her fists.

Then one day a chance to be a real hero came. There was a kid at school named Bailey who was constantly picked on by the other kids. Max never knew why. She only knew that it wasn't right. One day while walking to her usual outdoor space by the playground for lunch, she saw Bailey being dragged by other kids to a secluded location. Max knew something bad was going to happen so she ran to get the teacher, but she was too busy trying to break up a fight that broke out between a couple of kids who both wanted a dessert only one kids' mother had packed. So Max took it into her own hands. She ran after the group only to find that they had started to hit and kick Bailey who was now on the ground and screaming. Max yelled at them to stop, her hands shaking with anger and fear, but they didn't listen. Then she took a deep breath and yelled really loud and all the kids were knocked forward. Bailey was left alone. Max ran over, grabbed Bailey's hand and dragged them to the nurses office where she reported what had happened. She was glad she was able to help, but it put a target on her back that lasted the rest of her school life as a snitch. To most kids, it didn't mean much, but to others, it made them stay away from her. It didn't bother her too much. She had what friends mattered to her.

When she reached adulthood, she realized how much crime was in her city, and took it upon herself to take them down. That is until the city turned on her and she went into hiding. There was one person she knew could probably help her win her city back, but she wasn't sure they would be willing, or if they were, what price she might have to pay.

So begins...

Max Carson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Max's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max chuckled a little at the sound of the girl's stomach growling. "Breakfast it is then." She didn't even bother to look down at her hand when she said, "It's just a scratch so don't you worry." She had a whole shelf cleared by the time the girl had made her way over to her. "No. Not moving. Just... light on cash at the moment and I need it for something important." She smiled softly at the row of plastic covered comic books still on the shelf for the moment. "I'm going to save the city." She grabbed the first group and moved them into the box. "Well me and one other person." She actually gasped out loud when the girl took her hand to examine the cut.

Okay she had to admit, the cut was worse than she had thought. The towel was already soaked with blood in the area that was pressed to her finger. She looked up at the girl who was now examining her finger gently. This close she could see a bit of red in her blonde hair and there were flecks of green in hazel eyes. "I didn't think it was that deep. Your right, I should probably clean and cover it." After a moment, she realized she was staring and cleared her throat before standing up and heading to the bathroom. "The-uh-bandaids are in here. Gimmie a minute and then I'll start some breakfast." She pulled a bandaid from the box in the medicine cabinet and put some antibacterial ointment on before wrapping it up and heading back out and into the kitchen.

"So bacon is good right?" She said rummaging through the cabinets for her pans. "Feeling a bagel too? Could make a breakfast sandwich." She cracked and whisked a few eggs before pouring them into the now hot pan to cook. "By the way, I'm Max. Thought you should know who's apartment you're staying in." And who saved your life, she thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow raised an eyebrow as Shadow mentioned saving the city. She... really was optimistic, wasn't she? She seemed to genuinely believe that they would do it. Willow herself wasn't so sure that they would be able to do it with just the two of them. Hence why she was staying away from the front lines. She wasn't getting herself killed because of a hero's foolish optimism. It took a minute or two for it to sink in that Shadow was selling these things to pay her. A mix of emotions rose inside her. Guilt. Was her price too high? But... if saving the city was so important to the girl, then books and comics should be way down on her priorities. Still, maybe a reduction was called for. If only because she'd probably saved Willow's life.

As she was examining Shadow's finger, she could feel the other girl's gaze on her. She looked up with a grin, moments before the girl pulled away to go into the bathroom. She had probably recognised her by now, was trying to figure out where she knew that voice. How long would it take for the girl to realise where she knew Willow from? Would she be angry? Try to barter with Willow?

"Honestly, I think I'm hungry enough to eat anything," she replied. Knowing the girl's name took Spectre aback for a second. She was never supposed to have known it, never supposed to know this person beyond a business deal. It was a reminder that, after all, she dealt with people above all else. Again, guilt flared about her pricing. But again, she reminded herself that it had been perfectly normal people that had allowed her parents to die, that would have allowed Willow herself to get hurt because they were afraid of what she could do. But she did have some honour. A face for a face, a name for a name.

"Nice to meet you, Max. I'm Willow," she said, perching on the arm of the couch as she watched the girl cook. "So, tell me more about this person you made the deal with. And... if you don't mind, why do you care so much about this city? Why did you take it upon yourself to save it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Max's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max pulled the pan from the stove with one hand and moved to get the cheese, which she left on the counter near the stove, with the other. Then she went to grab the bag of bagels with. That way she didn't burn the eggs while she was away. She placed the bag on the counter and then grabbed two plates from the cabinet and used one hand to place the bagels openface on the plates. The used a spatula to separate and fold the eggs so they would fit on top of the bagels and sprinkled the cheese in between the folds so the heat would melt it. She set the pan down on a part of the stove that was off and went to the refrigerator to get the bacon and cheese. "I like a girl with an appetite. Means I don't have to be so picky with what I make."

She resprayed the pan and placed bacon strips onto the warm surface. "Nice to meet you too, Willow. That's a beautiful name by the way. Not like 'Max'." She smiled as she said it making it clear it was a joke. She wasn't in love with her name, but it suited her and therefore they got along fine. "So, tell me more about this person you made the deal with. And... if you don't mind, why do you care so much about this city? Why did you take it upon yourself to save it?" Max thought for a moment while she moved the bacon about the pan so it wouldn't burn. "My partner is one of the more well known villains in the dark world. Not for being ruthless or particularly psychotic, but for being practically a ghost. They get in and out of places without anyone ever knowing until they're far away. They're well known for their information gathering as well and that's what I need their help with. I'm risking myself enough, I don't need to risk theirs any more than I have to." The bacon was finished and she took a knife to cut two into smaller strips and then left four full. The cut ones went onto the bagel sandwich and the rest were placed two to a plate. She put the pan on the stove and turned it off. Then she placed the bun on top of each and carried the food over to the coffee table. The perks of living alone meant no unnecessary furniture. She handed Willow her place and munched on her bacon between sentences. "I don't know if I buy into their "it's all about me" act. I think deep down they do care for this place. Otherwise they would've left a long time ago. I'm sure she's got the money by now."

"As for this city, I grew up here. Maybe inside the city itself but the suburbs surrounding it. We'd travel into the city all the time though. Sure it's got its shitty places. The slums, the poorer districts, where crime is high because people are desperate for survival. But I've seen a lot of good in this city. There's an art show every Friday in town hall and at the end the people pick an artist to paint a mural on a building. There's a farmer's market in the square every Sunday full of fresh produce and hand crafted goods. I have three jars of jam from last week. There are the anonymous meetings on Tuesday nights. Daily lunches and supply drives at the shelters. And once a month there's a picnic in the park where families gather and play games and eat food that everyone brings. It's a city worth saving. I've even seen the desperate do some heroic things. Marcy stopped a rape--I bring her soup on Saturdays. Trevor does neighborhood watch--not that he ever catches anyone, but it's the thought that counts. They're good people. Heroes in their own way. I haven't seen either of them in weeks. Marcy is home but doesn't open her door to me anymore so I leave the soup on her doorstep. Trevor hasn't patrolled the streets in so long, all the cats have come back. This city needs its heroes. And they're gone." She looked over at Willow, some unknown feeling growing in her chest. Hope maybe? "Do you know what I mean?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow had to do her best to keep her expression neutral as Max unknowingly described the very woman sitting in front of her. It was good to know that she was so well respected and that her reputation was exactly what she hoped it to be. A ghost, impossible to catch. She could pride herself on that, at least. When Max speculated that Spectre had some attachment to the city, Willow's task of keeping a neutral expression became even harder. She had no love for this city. But the people, on the other hand... they were what kept her here. And if they were leaving, it felt like Willow's own days were numbered.

But as she listened to Max talk about the city, and watched her, Willow fell in love with the city for a brief moment. The picture the woman painted was beautiful, a place of light and hope and happiness, where nobody was stabbed in broad daylight and nobody was sent to their death. A place where the heroes were truly good. A place that was broken, but could be healed.

It was not the city that Willow knew.

"I've never seen that part of the city," she admitted. "I see a lot of the city at night. The drug deals, the attacks... everything the heroes don't stop. If I could leave, I would. But I have a good job here, with people I like, doing work I've always wanted to do. I've got friends here. So... I'm staying here for the time being. I... guess it's not always as bad as it seems, right?" She replied, before taking a bite out of her bagel. She had to stop herself from groaning. "Oh my god, this is amazing." She said, her mouth still full of food.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Max's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

"I've never seen that part of the city. I see a lot of the city at night. The drug deals, the attacks... everything the heroes don't stop." She admitted to Max. Felt an ache in her chest at the mention of crime that wasn't stopped. She didn't have an excuse for that. Sure she couldn't be in more than once place at once, and sometimes she got to a place too late, but there were others out there. Less now, of course, but enough that it shouldn't be a problem. "I don't have any excuses for heroes. There are enough out there to make a difference, and yet... crime slips through the cracks and people get hurt..." she sighed. "As for not seeing the better parts of the city," she continued with a soft smile, "I could show you around sometime. This city will surprise you."

A genuine giggle spilled from her mouth at Willow's reaction to her food. "Oh my god, this is amazing." She nearly groaned. "It's not anything too special, but I'm glad you like them that much." She took a bite of her own. It was good, but Max never thought much of her cooking. It wasn't what she wanted to do with her life. "I'm glad you're doing something you love. I haven't quite gotten there yet. I've been saving money up for school, but the city comes first. There are a lot of good people missing, captured and hurt, or... well no longer with us. They can't wait. I can always go to school."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow couldn't quite believe that Max hadn't realised who she was. It wasn't like she had changed her voice in any way; she was talking exactly as she had done at their first meeting. And yet the girl showed no sign of recognising Willow. Willow was starting to wonder if it would even click when she showed up to their scheduled meeting exactly as she did now. Still, for the sake of a bit of peace, and a potential easy exit, she'd take it.

She was pleasantly surprised when Max didn't try and defend the heroes. She acknowledged that there was an issue there, and that there shouldn't be one. Maybe there was hope for the heroes after all, as long as they all shared a similar mindset to Max. Which, really, Willow doubted they did. "Yeah. I'd like that," she said in response to the offer of a tour around the city.

"Yeah. My co-workers are great. I mean, some of them are the typical physicists. Old men in lab coats, geniuses who are amazing at what they do, but who can't deal with people. At all. But they like me, because I'm good at what I do. And I'm being paid to work towards my doctorate, which is even better." She said. "What about you? What do you want to do? In school, that is," she added. Part of her felt guilty about stopping Max from being able to go to school. She was one of the good ones, she didn't deserve this. But... she had chosen it, right? She could have chosen to go to school and screw saving the city, but she didn't. She wanted to be a hero.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Max's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Something in the way that Willow talked reminded her of someone. Someone she had met recently, but she couldn't quite place it. When Willow accepted her invite to show her around the city sometime, Max felt herself smile in a way she hadn't in a long time. Excitement coursed through her at the idea. "Oh man it'll be awesome, Willow. If you're up for it, we can take it a day at a time and I can show you the daily things the city has to offer." She was smiling so much it was difficult to bite into her bagel. A bit of melted cheese stuck to the side of her mouth, but she didn't quite notice.

Max nearly choked when she talked about her work and schooling. "Whoa. Physics? That's some complicated stuff. I remember taking physics in high school. Wasn't my best subject, but the lazer light show my teacher did was pretty cool. Not entirely physics based, but fun." She took another bite of her bagel, chewed and swallowed before continuing. "Bio and Anatomy were always my thing. I actually took an honors course my senior year for biology just for fun." Her smile softened a bit. "I want to be an M.D. A surgeon if possible. Gives saving lives a whole new meaning if you're able to take a person apart and but them back together again in working order. Which.. sounds creepy.. when I put it that way huh?" Her eyes softened as she remembered how starting college and working towards her goal felt. Being a hero made her feel similarly, but she didn't have the training to so much to help in case things went south. She knew basic first aid, but when it came to bigger things... she was at a loss. "I had actually started medical school, but I had to drop out and take care of my mom. She passed away not too long ago. Cancer. Stage four. She fought it a long time, but eventually it was too much."

"So now that she's in a better place, I wanted to go back, but getting the money on your own is tough especially if you're making minimum wage. I've thought about loans--man they would help a lot--but the interest for student loans? Forget it. My grandchildren would still be paying off my debts." She shook her head. "That's totally awesome that you're getting paid to go to school pretty much."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

God, just how good could a person be? Not only was Max a freaking hero, she also wanted to be a doctor. She wanted to go home after a long day of helping people, then lose sleep in order to help more people. How much did she like humanity? Most people surely didn't like humanity that much. She felt her stomach plummet as Max mentioned losing her mom. She'd... she'd been there. Not through cancer; she hadn't had to watch her mother die. And as traumatising as the circumstances of her parents' death had been, she'd take it any day over watching even one of them die.

She cleared her throat as the subject changed. "Yeah. I've... always had a way with physics. A lot of people think it's weird that I'm so interested in it, but I really don't think I want to do anything else. And... I get what it's like. I had to work the whole way through university to just try and make a dent in my loans. I'm in a better place financially now, but it's... not fun." She probably could pay off her loans entirely with the contents of her bank account, but she also knew that a young woman like her suddenly being able to pay that amount of money would raise a few eyebrows, and questions would be asked. So she paid only a little more than was required each month, gradually chipping away at the amount left. But, because Max was so righteous, she wasn't ever going to be able to earn money in the same way Willow did.

"You ever thought about going all mercenary on it? Or become like... a private eye or something? Something where you can still do good, but earn a lot more money?" She asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Max's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max shook her head. "I don't think it's weird at all. I think more women should be into the sciences. I think have more of a knack for it don't you think?" She finished up the rest of her bagel and realized she had nothing to drink to chase it down with. She went to the fridge to get them both something to drink. Unfortunately she was out of juice, so water it would have to be. She grabbed two glasses, filled them with ice and water, and then brought them back to the table. "and I agree. No it's not fun." She shrugged. "But that's the way life is sometimes."

She sat back in her chair and sipped her drink, her eyes went to the window of her apartment. It wasn't an amazing view, but it had more a view than most apartments in the city. She saw a corner of a building and then, down the way, the park. ""You ever thought about going all mercenary on it? Or become like... a private eye or something? Something where you can still do good, but earn a lot more money?" Willow asked. "Honestly, I haven't. Largely because no one had really presented the idea. Although I'm not sure I'd be an excellent P.I. Especially since I can't locate this... whomever who has a hit on all the heroes heads." She looked from the window and over to the boxes. "I should get to packing up more of this stuff. Things aren't going to sell themselves." She spoke mainly to herself. It was the best way to think things through for her. Otherwise they get lost in the noise in her head. "Ebay or the market?" She muttered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow stared at her hands, cupped around the water. Max's situation reminded her a lot of where she'd been in university at times. When she'd only just been able to make ends meet, and the prospect of a huge loan hung over her. But when times had been hard for Willow, she'd always had a way to get her hands on money. Rob a bank, take on a job to recover something... that didn't appear to be an option for Max.

"I should probably get going. Let you... pack up and all," she said, clearing her throat. "What are your neighbours going to think when they see a strange girl leaving your apartment, though?" she asked, grinning at her as she stood up. She glanced around, double checking for her hoodie. It had probably been abandoned in the alley, she'd need to retrieve it on her way home. It was a good hoodie, good for covering her face. Sure, she could get another, but it was a pain to have to wear a different hoodie in the mean time.

"Tell whatever stories you like, I won't complain," she added, winking at Max as she double checked she had her keys and phone. "I'm open to anything." She hesitated as she got to the door. "Thank you, by the way. For all of this, for everything. I'm really lucky you walked past," she said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Max's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

"I should probably get going. Let you... pack up and all," Willow said. Max couldn't help a twinge of sadness, but she knew that Willow wasn't going to stick around forever. It was just nice to have someone to talk to for a little while. She turned to say goodbye to Willow, when she saw the grin on her face. It was probably the first smile she saw Willow make. It lit up her face and Max felt heat rush to her face. "Oh uhhh," she was getting flustered and tried to think of something clever to say, but all that came to mind was It wouldn't be the first time , but that's not entirely true. "They don't pay much attention to me." She said with a shrug. Which also wasn't true. "But if they ask I'll be sure to say something clever."

"Tell whatever stories you like, I won't complain," she said with a wink. Yep, that did it. Max felt her face heat up more and she found herself looking away. She looked back when Willow thanked her. "Well.. It's not a problem. It's my job. And... Thanks for sticking around a bit." She smiled. "I'm glad I walked past. And for what it's worth. I'm glad you're alright. Good luck with the physics and... If you're ever up for that tour of the city, just.. come back I guess."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

"Spectre, you're standing out a mile with that posture. Relax. Drink your whiskey." Winter said from his spot at the bar. "Gosh, I wonder what could be stressing me out?" Willow retorted. She'd brought along Winter for backup. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was very, very wrong. Shadow had been too... chill about it all. She had to have known that Willow was also Spectre. And she hadn't done a thing. If Willow had had her way, she would have brought along even more support, but Winter had pointed out that the bar they were meeting in wasn't exactly a hotspot, so if the place was packed, it could give away their game. So it was just her and Winter, and their trusty earpieces and mikes.

"Is there anyone else in the area if it all goes south?" Willow asked. "Yeah, they can be here in a few minutes if we need them, and one or two are only a street or so away. I'm warning you, Spectre, there's no guarantee that they'll come. Since the heroes decided to disappear, even we're being more cautious than usual. If the people don't like the heroes, god only knows how eager they are to get rid of us," Winter said. "I'm fully aware of that. If my posture is making me stand out, shouldn't you be trying to relax me, not make me more tense?" She hissed.

"You'll be fine. You've got me," he said. "Just watch your drink, don't let it get spiked with whatever the hell they got into my system. My powers are only just back working properly. If we both get dosed with it, we're screwed," Willow replied, forcing herself to slip down in her seat and relax a little, taking a sip of her drink, and watching the door intently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Bar || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

It took Max only minutes to decide to bring her phone and use that to wire the money instead of carrying around a sack of cash. Not only would a bag of any kind be suspicious here, but it would also raise red flags if she suddenly withdrew her savings account. She managed to find some stuff in her storage unit to sell. Most had belonged to her mother but they weren't anything grand. The most important things were in a safety deposit box in the bank and she is the only one who has access to it. With that and the small sum of money she made off the books, DVDs, and video games she was able to sell, she finally had enough to pay Spectre the up front charge.

Now she was back on that same street corner outside the bar, trying to psych herself up for the meet. What if Spectre changed her mind and wouldn't help? What if all of this had been for nothing? She shook her head sharply. No. This will happen. If Spectre won't someone else... someone else will. She wondered, not for the first time, what Willow was up to. She left Max's that morning and never came back. Granted it had been only a few days, but the girl was magnetic. She was smart, and kind, and beautiful the way that gemstones are. Hard as rock, but sparkling under the right circumstances.

She took a deep breath and pushed open the door to the bar. It was dark, well as dark as most bars, but darker than it was currently outside. There was some kind of rock music playing in the background and the clack of billiard balls echoed throughout the large room. In the back corner, where they had first met, sat Spectre in her dark hoodie and a drink in her hand. It was almost as if she had traveled back in time to their first meeting, only this time he was ready. She wasn't shaking. She made her way over to the booth and plopped down in the seat as if meeting an old friend. She waved for the bartender and requested another vodka on the rocks. Then she smiled at the girl from beneath her own dark hood and said, "Well, Well. Fancy meeting you here." Her intentions were to break the ice, but if anything, there was an atmosphere to the table that iced her veins. Was something wrong?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Something tightened in Willow's chest as Max came in. Winter didn't miss it either. This her? He asked, turning to glance at Willow. She nodded, choosing against replying verbally. She appeared to be unaccompanied, which was... a start. That didn't mean that she wasn't going to have "friends" joining them very soon. The girl sat down with a confidence that only served to make Willow ever more anxious. She was barely recognisable to the... well, the Shadow that had met her two days ago. This was the Max that had cooked her breakfast and carried her home and looked after her. But... to business.

"Indeed," she replied. "So, to business. I agreed to show you my face, correct?" She said. She sat forward and pulled down her hood, untucking her hair. She grinned, realising that this put her in a position of power. She could have the element of surprise, because who would honestly expect the girl they'd found in the street to be the very villain they were dealing with?

"Hello, Max." She said, her confidence changing her posture. "Now, I'm not completely heartless. You probably saved my life, and that counts for something. I'll... halve my price." She heard Winter nearly choking on his drink over her earpiece, but didn't react. "But if you dare tell anyone that Spectre reduced her price for you, you'll have an entirely different price to pay. I will not have it thought that Spectre will drop her price for a pretty face. And if you cross me, I will kill you and personally steal your belongings to retrieve my full price. Understood?"

"Oh, there she is. I thought Spectre had gone soft there for a moment," Winter muttered.

"I notice you don't have a duffel bag of cash with you. Probably a good choice. As we both found out, this isn't the best of areas," she said, her grin widening. "So, a cheque, is it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Bar || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Spectre was all business as Max expected, but there was something different. And there was this nagging sensation in the back of her head telling her something was familiar. Something that just wasn't clicking. "That's what we agreed on." She said, the smiling slipping from her face. It was normally so warm in the bar, but right now, Max felt the need to suppress a shiver. As Spectre pulled back her hood to reveal her face, untucking the hair from her jacket, Max really did freeze as the shock set in. It was Willow.

The room spun a little. She didn't know what to think. Was this a trap? And yesterday was a plan to get into her good graces so she would be caught unaware? No... She doubted Willow would allow herself to be drugged and at the mercy of a hero. No matter who had her back. Her brain was a swirl of fear and anger and she felt like she could be sick. She reached out and stiffly took a large gulp of her drink, making a face as the burn slipped down her throat and warmed her core. It was enough to snap her into place. Willow didn't know the city as well as Max. She didn't trust the city.

But Max had to trust the people or all was lost.

She allowed the ice to melt into relief. Even though before her sat Spectre, all business, she knew that the girl she met was in there somewhere and if this was a trap, she'd have to reach for her. She smiled and chuckled a little. "No wonder you have no connection to this city, Spectre. You've never seen it." Then she replaced herself with Shadow. " But the deal is the deal. You'll get your money and I won't say a word. About the price drop or your face. You have my word. Would you like a check? Or I could wire you the funds."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow smiled smugly as she saw Max's reaction. She was startled, maybe enough to give her a slight edge. Willow was not as simple as she seemed, as she would never allow herself to be. But then the girl appeared to regain her confidence, and that unsettled Willow. She never liked losing her edge, even if it was an edge she had only gained moments ago. That unleashed a fierce determination in Willow. She was simply going to have to show that she would always have an advantage. She had always had an edge, and she was not going to lose that. Not even to Max, the woman who had shown her such kindness. And certainly not to Shadow, the hero she didn't trust and probably never would.

"I've seen exactly enough of this city. Nothing you could show me could redeem it," she said calmly, as if they were discussing anything else. "Wire them to me. If anything happens, gives me a tether to find you," she said. She knew that she was probably over-reacting, but that smug confidence reminded her of those heroes who told her that, without a shadow of a doubt, they had done the right thing. Who had put her down as a young girl, hysterical after losing her parents. That young girl had outwitted them on a number of occasions, and every time she saw one of them losing it with frustration, something in her roared with triumph.

And, what was more, it hurt. Max had been so much not the stereotypical hero. Willow had allowed herself to open to trusting her, because she had seemed so... not like them. And now they were all she could see. She wasn't any different. She was a hero. She probably believed that she would be able to change Willow's ways by making her fall in love with this city and sway her to protect it. Willow would rather die than let that happen.

"So. I'm going to need to know everything you know, so I will know where to start. As concisely as possible, but I want names, dates, locations. The important stuff. I don't care about what you were feeling at the time." She ordered, leaning back and downing her drink. She signalled to the bartender for another, and swore she could see Winter raised an eyebrow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Bar || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

"I've seen exactly enough of this city. Nothing you could show me could redeem it," Willow said. Ouch, Max felt something crack and anger flared in her chest. That's not the response Willow had the other day. Max knew anger wouldn't help her here so she took another drink. Wait 'if anything happens'? What does she think is going to happen? Max was the one in potential danger. She was the one with a bounty on her head. Max gave herself a moment to calm down before she smiled at Willow. "That's not what you said the other day, Spectre." she said, emphasis on her alias so she knew and would understand that she wasn't going to tell anyone her identity. "What exactly are you expecting to go wrong here?" She thought as she finished her drink and motioned for another one.

Wait. That was it. Willow... Spectre.. whomever-- was angry about something. Something Max did? She tilted her head and watched Willow a long time without saying anything much in response. Enough that she hoped Willow would see Max, and not whatever was making her angry. See the girl who had saved her life and made her breakfast and genuinely wanted to help. Then she finally said. "I'll tell you all you want to know, Spectre, but answer me this: What exactly are you so worked up about? I've seen you and I've seen Spectre and neither have been so riled up. So what's different?" Max sat back, new drink in her hand and waited. Something had Spectre--Willow--spooked, and Max wanted to know what.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow stared right back at Max. She wasn't going to allow herself to be intimidated. Then Max had the audacity to ask her what she was so worked up about. Willow rolled her eyes. "What am I so worked up about? Oh, many, many things. But your confidence that you can change my mind, that you can change me? That was the spark. You're just like the rest of them. So goddamn righteous. Maybe all of those nasty villains will change if we just make them fall in love with this city! Maybe if we give them breakfast, they'll change their ways! You know," she stopped, and laughed bitterly. "I let myself believe you were different. You genuinely seemed sorry for every mistake the heroes have ever made, everyone they've ever hurt. I thought that maybe there was hope for the heroes. But... now I know different. That cockiness. You're just like the ones let my-" she caught herself. "You're just like the rest. You didn't get me riled up, darling," she spat. "You just met Spectre on a good day the last time we met."

"I'm really feeling that melodrama," Winter muttered. Willow resisted the temptation to roll her eyes, instead staring at Max. "So, are we still on for this?" She asked. She glanced around at the rest of the bar. It hadn't drastically filled up... maybe only an extra one or two people. Enough for her and Winter to handle if things went south. She intuitively checked her hands, that she hadn't built up static around her hands. She generally had a good check on her powers, but her emotions could threaten that control. And electrocuting Max really wasn't going to do her any favours.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Bar || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Double Ouch. Max had to keep herself from flinching at the first half of Willow's words. Then she snorted. "I'm sorry. Cocky? I think you're reading my good mood for cockiness." She didn't miss the slip at the end of her statement, though. Your what, Willow? What happened to you?, she thought. "People make mistakes, Spectre. And heroes are people. So yes. They make mistakes. And there are.. more heroes than there should be that use their do gooding for selfish purposes. They show up when it benefits them and they run from danger." She shook her head. "I am not one of those people. I don't know what happened to make you think that I would ever be like the lowest of us." She was probably speaking louder than she should, a side-effect of her hurt and frustration. And wait, Darling?

Max sighed, taking another sip of her drink. "Yes, we're still on for this. Here." She pulled out her phone and pulled up her banking app. When it asked for the account information for the transfer, she passed it to Willow. There wasn't really anything on there that could harm her should she chose to do something with it besides personal photos and maybe an email app. "Put in the account so I can transfer you the money and then I'll answer any questions you have." Max laid her head back against the seat. This meeting exhausted her quickly. She had thought she had made.. maybe not a friend but an acquaintance in Willow and a partner in Spectre. Unfortunately, something spooked the girl and now there's so much venom in her words and a wall around her, Max didn't think she'd ever be able to get through it again. "And Just so you know. I didn't know you were you when I offered to show you around. So where exactly would I get the idea to change you when I didn't know who you were?" She gave her a tired look. "Ever think about that?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Max seemed to genuinely believe that Willow was talking about the cowardly heroes. The thought was almost enough to make her laugh. No, at least those had the decency to admit to it. It was the heroes who were brave, who did try, who saved lives, who believed they were doing the right thing and who were so goddamn righteous that they refused to listen to anything that wasn't praise. She couldn't be sure that Max would behave in that exact way, but she was still a hero, and would always side with them.

Willow took the phone, typing in the account details and hitting enter, before handing it back. When Max told her that she hadn't had any idea who she was when she offered to show her the city, Willow rolled her eyes. "What did you say? 'It's no wonder you don't have love for this city, Spectre. You haven't seen it.' Sounds an awful lot like what somebody would say if they were trying to persuade me to change my ways by showing me all the wonders of this hellhole. And I'm not going to believe that you had no idea who I was. I wasn't even trying to hide my voice, and you literally found me right outside this bar. How could you not connect those dots?" She asked, sitting back in her own seat. Not that heroes have ever been that good at using their logic. "Oh, and if you think of trying anything, I've brought some friends along. Just in case you decide that I need... dealing with. Now that you know I'm not one of those villains that can be redeemed with a hug and a long talk about our feelings." She said.

"But if not, I need to know the last known location of the heroes that have disappeared, contact details for all of them, the location of where they went for that negotiation before they disappeared, their abilities and aliases, and anything else you deem appropriate."