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Max Carson

"Heroes can be found in the most unlikely places."

0 · 701 views · located in The City

a character in “Heroes Or Ghosts”, originally authored by xXxCryptic-AngelxXx, as played by RolePlayGateway


β€œHeroes can be found in the most unlikely places. Perhaps we all have it within us to do great things, but may simply lack the circumstances or the reasons to be heroic.”


Full Name: Maxine Noelle Carson

Nickname: Max [Everyone],
Mockingbird [Code name]

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Faceclaim: Tay Jardine

Hex: #131949

On the Outside


Max is about five foot six inches tall and weighs about one hundred and twenty four pounds. She had dark, layered hair that often covers part of her face, but almost always covers her forehead. She has small brown eyes and usually wears eyeliner to frame them. She has a piercing in both ears as well as in her left nostril. Despite her style, she has a very friendly face to match the kind heart inside. When she's not trying to save lives, she attempts the whole cliche thing of wearing glasses to hide her identity, but in the end she gives up and wears her contacts instead. When a civilian, she wears jeans, boots, and t-shirts.

On the Inside



Max is actually an incredibly friendly person, which can get her into all sorts of trouble. Especially in a town full of villains and villain supporters. She's very protective of the people in her city because she has lived there all her life. She's disappointed in how things have turned out for her friends--the heroes. She can be a bit shy when it comes to talking about herself. She'd rather pass the spotlight of conversation back onto someone else, because she's the type of person who wants others to be happy. It takes a bit for someone to be able to crack her open. Probably because she's trusted too many people with her life and too many people have thrown it back in her face.

  • Video Games,
  • Singing,
  • Photography
  • Singing,
  • Photography,
  • Combat
  • A little bit of guitar. She's learning.
  • Bites her lip when she's thinking
  • Bounces on her toes when she's nervous
  • She can emit a sonic blast by singing at specific frequencies.
  • Afraid of tight spaces

βœ“ Boots βœ“ Blue and Black βœ“ Guitar βœ“ Sweets βœ“ Music βœ“ Parties βœ“ Singing βœ“ Alcohol βœ“ the night sky βœ“ combat βœ“ Her power βœ“ Fighting Crime βœ“ Helping Others βœ“ Animals βœ“ Butterflies βœ“ Heroes

Dislikes/Hates: βœ— Running βœ— Villains βœ— Small spaces βœ— Getting hit in the face βœ— Pink βœ— Mistakes βœ— Hurting innocents βœ— impossible situations βœ— hangovers βœ— Almonds

The Past


Max was probably always considered an "odd" kid growing up. Her parents allowed her to take interest in anything and everything she wanted to learn about. Music, Science, Ballet, to name a few. The dancing she quickly learned wasn't for her. It wasn't that it was too difficult, she just didn't enjoy standing on her toes for an extended period of time. As she got a little bit older, she picked up reading graphic novels and comic books. She had a love for science fiction and fantasy. Superheros and knights in shining armor. She adored those characters, and even more when they were badass females like Batgirl. She would pretend to be a hero from time to time, saving her toys from invisible villains using only her fists.

Then one day a chance to be a real hero came. There was a kid at school named Bailey who was constantly picked on by the other kids. Max never knew why. She only knew that it wasn't right. One day while walking to her usual outdoor space by the playground for lunch, she saw Bailey being dragged by other kids to a secluded location. Max knew something bad was going to happen so she ran to get the teacher, but she was too busy trying to break up a fight that broke out between a couple of kids who both wanted a dessert only one kids' mother had packed. So Max took it into her own hands. She ran after the group only to find that they had started to hit and kick Bailey who was now on the ground and screaming. Max yelled at them to stop, her hands shaking with anger and fear, but they didn't listen. Then she took a deep breath and yelled really loud and all the kids were knocked forward. Bailey was left alone. Max ran over, grabbed Bailey's hand and dragged them to the nurses office where she reported what had happened. She was glad she was able to help, but it put a target on her back that lasted the rest of her school life as a snitch. To most kids, it didn't mean much, but to others, it made them stay away from her. It didn't bother her too much. She had what friends mattered to her.

When she reached adulthood, she realized how much crime was in her city, and took it upon herself to take them down. That is until the city turned on her and she went into hiding. There was one person she knew could probably help her win her city back, but she wasn't sure they would be willing, or if they were, what price she might have to pay.

So begins...

Max Carson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxdialogue color: #91182e


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

The bar wasn't exactly the most appealing place to be; not while sober anyway. It was poorly lit, always smelled faintly like cigarette smoke, and the patrons weren't always the most friendly of people. Which was exactly why Willow liked it. The chances of any of her co-workers finding her here were slim, and in her usual booth down the back, tucked into one of the corners, the chances of them noticing her were even slimmer. The fact that she had her hood pulled over her head and her hair tucked into the hoodie only helped further that. It was the perfect place for Spectre to do business.

But even still, she was on edge. Her finger ran around the edge of her glass constantly, wondering if she was insane for coming out here, doing business, at a time like this. The city's heroes were gone, and while she would have usually been rejoicing, she knew that they were probably coming for the villains next. But this message had been too tempting for her to ignore. She was just hoping it wasn't a trap. She'd tucked a knife into both boots, just in case they had something which could neutralise her ability.

She could feel somewhat safe that it wasn't a cop. The police in the city relied far too much on the heroes, and now that the villains were gone, they were desperately trying to stay afloat. It was such a shame that it wasn't entirely safe for people like her right now, because otherwise, it would have been the perfect time to do business. Willow took out her phone, double checking the message was clear. Then she smirked. It was crystal clear, even pointing out the very location of the booth and the fact that she'd have her hood pulled as low over her face as she could. If her potential client couldn't even find her with that, they weren't the type of people she wanted to work with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxdialogue color: #91182e


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow could see the client approaching her table. They walked with their head down, hood pulled almost as low as Willow's own, and with a sense of urgency. They didn't even stop for a drink. Willow smirked. The nervous ones were always the easiest to work with. Willow didn't look up as they sat down, not wanting to give herself away. They said her name, once, briefly, as they sat down. It was a woman, Willow realised as she thanked her for meeting her here. Willow allowed herself to glance up from under the hood. She caught a glimpse of the woman, just before she pulled her hood even lower. Taking a leaf from Willow's own book, then. Something to hide. Oh boy, this was going to be fun.

"Your name seems like a good place to start," Willow said. "Doesn't seem altogether fair for you to know my name without me knowing yours." She drained her scotch, and signalled for the bartender to bring her another. "Would you like a drink?" She asked, cool and calm. "Something to... steady your nerves?" She added, having noticed the woman's shaking her hands.

"And then... tell me what you need. In as few words as possible. I don't need a backstory. I don't need to know why you need it. Just tell me what it is, and where it is. I'll name my price. We discuss. I don't use contracts, because I find the threat of death tends to help deter betrayal and double-crossing. Sound simple enough, my dear?" She explained. Honestly, the sooner she could get home and get plotting, the better. She felt too exposed here. And sitting in such a way that her face was almost entirely cloaked in shadow meant that her vision was partially obscured. But unlike the young woman sitting across from her, Willow had learned to disguise her fear a long time ago. Fear is weakness. Never show weakness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Bar || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

"Your name seems like a good place to start," Spectre said. Max found it difficult to hide her surprise. Spectre was a woman? "Doesn't seem altogether fair for you to know my name without me knowing yours." She had a point, but Max hadn't thought of another name to go by. Mockingbird was out of the question. It was her hero alias and in a place that this, a name like that wasn't smart. She also couldn't give her real name. What kind of idiot gives away their "secret identity" when they first meet someone. Potential partner or not. So she decided to buy herself some time. "So Spectre's a woman, huh? Not what I was expecting." Then she took a deep breath and said, "I'm...Shadow." Oh my God, Max. How lame can you possibly be? Oh well.. too late now.

Spectre drained her drink and signaled for another. "Would you like a drink? Something to... steady your nerves?" It took everything in Max to keep her hands on the table and nodded appreciatively. "Vodka on the rocks." She requested. Normally she wouldn't touch anything so hard around strangers, but she's already shown herself to be nervous and lame. No need to add "Pansy ass" to that list. "And then... tell me what you need. In as few words as possible. I don't need a backstory. I don't need to know why you need it. Just tell me what it is, and where it is. I'll name my price. We discuss. I don't use contracts, because I find the threat of death tends to help deter betrayal and double-crossing. Sound simple enough, my dear?" Spectre explained. Her drink appeared in front of her and she downed a mouthful before opening her mouth again. 'My dear?' Shit. Now I'm being treated like a kid.

"What I need from you isn't exactly simple and technically it's two things. The first..." She took a deep breath. What she was about to do could very well get her killed. "I need you to help me take my--our--city back. And I need you to help me locate the one who put targets on our heads and take them out." She hoped by "our" she was referring to the idea that they're both members of this city. That its their home and not that Spectre was a hero like Max. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes. This city is going to fall apart really fast without a balance. I love this city and I'll do whatever I have to in order to save it. Capisce?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxdialogue color: #91182e


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow raised an eyebrow as the woman across from her told her her name. It was very obviously an alias, but she didn't call her out. A lot of her clients used aliases; as long as they paid up, she really didn't care. She listened to Shadow's requests. Beneath her hood and the shadows, she raised an eyebrow. And when the girl finished, Willow stared for a moment, as she assessed whether or not the girl was serious. And then she started to laugh. She was struggling to believe that she could be actually asking her..

"Oh wow, I needed that laugh. Listen, Shadow, or whoever the hell you are. I'm a master thief. You want me to break into the Louvre? No problem, just give me a few days. Want me to rob a bank? I'll have it done by the end of the night. But I'm no hero. Even the cops aren't entirely sure that I exist. I can leave the country any time I like. The only reason I stay here is because I have invaluable contacts here. I have no ties or loyalty to this city. If this city falls apart, I'll find another one." She sat back and considered the woman in front of her for a few seconds.

"You're a hero, aren't you?" She asked, but did have the courtesy to lower her voice to make sure nobody but Shadow heard her. "They're the only people I've met who are so... righteous. Were you late to that meeting? Called in sick that day?" She asked. Then she sat back and examined her nails. "How bad must it be that someone like you came to someone like me?" She mused.

"I suppose... if you're that desperate, I can offer some... assistance. But you'll have to pay the right price." She added. Truth be told, she didn't want to get involved. But she also didn't particularly want to die. She could offer support, but she wasn't going on the front lines.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Bar || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max peered up from under her hood, unable to see much of anything beyond. Stupid scraps of fabric... Then Spectre laughed. Laughed at her mission. Her goal. Her hands started to curl into fists, but she stopped them and took another swig of her drink and tried not to make a face as the burn traveled through her chest before settling into her stomach. Then she went on and on about how this town was nothing to her and how she's practically a ghost to the police. Then a thought occurred to her that made her smile. The police couldn't find her. But Max could. She let the girl finish and was about to say as much when she asked the one question she had been dreading. "You're a hero, aren't you?"

"Would it change anything even if I was?" She asked, swirling her drink around in it's glass, the ice tinkling around like tiny bells. The girl was mocking her now. She was well aware of the bounty on the heads of heroes. She knew what she was into, but this was her home. She grew up here. She wasn't going to leave or let it fall to ruin. "How bad must it be that someone like you came to someone like me?" Her grip tightened on the glass. It was a good thing her power wasn't strength or she may owe the bar a new cup. "It's bad. Half the people I know are either dead or missing. And I..." She cringed. She had been caught once. It wasn't pretty situation. She just barely got out alive. She still has the scar on her side to prove it. "I don't have much left to lose, but have you ever seen a situation where there's an imbalance in power and it tips into chaos? I haven't. And I'd rather not live to see a time when it does. Villains may have the advantage now, but people are going to quickly realize that the things they care about are going to be gone if it continues and they'll try to get rid of you too."

She tipped her head back and the remainder of her drink disappeared down her throat. Her hands weren't shaking now. That's good. "I suppose... if you're that desperate, I can offer some... assistance. But you'll have to pay the right price." Max's head snapped up so fast, her hood moved back a fraction and exposed her face. In her surprise, Max didn't fully notice until it was too late and by that point the words, "Name it." passed her lips. She hadn't given much thought as to what Spectre would want. Money probably. It would probably empty out the money she had been saving up to go back to school. She still hadn't decided what she wanted to do with her life... It may not even matter if she didn't find the person with a figurative gun to her head. She can always save up some more, but she only has one life. "It's yours."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"


All this talk of power imbalances just made Willow roll her eyes. They weren't stupid. Already, a significant number of villains had either ceased their usual mayhem or, at the very least, toned it down. As incompetent as the cops were, even they'd manage to catch the villains if they ran loose in the city. If the heroes were gone, things were bad. Willow herself had considered leaving, even before this offer had come up. She was still considering it. Considering the woman's desperation, she could get a significant sum of money from her. More than enough to tide her over until she found a new job somewhere she liked.

Willow's smirk became a grin as the woman's head snapped up so fast that her hood fell back, revealing her face. Amateur. She was pretty as well; around the same age as Willow herself, but with dark hair, and a face that made it hard to judge her actual age. Her desperation shone through in her face. Willow decided in that moment to draw the whole thing out as long as possible.

"I'm not coming out fighting with you on the front lines. That kind of heroism isn't my style. Like I said, I'm a thief. Not just stealing diamonds and paintings and priceless artifacts... but information. And that is what I will offer you. I'll retrieve any information necessary from any building you ask. I'll use my... talented friends as a source of information. But no fighting beyond that," she said.

"Now, for my fee." She pulled out her phone and a notepad. As she spoke, she jotted down figures and some calculations. For the most part, it was for show. But sometimes the show was vital. "It seems like there would be a significant amount of work in this job. That is definitely going to influence the fee. And there also seems like there could be a significant threat to my person, so I'll need to factor in some... life insurance, shall we say. Then money for any necessary resources, a sum to cover any medical fees..." She wrote a number at the bottom of the page and circled it, before sliding it across to Shadow.

"One million dollars. Usually I'd ask for cash, but considering that amount, I will accept a cheque. Made out to Spectre, I have a bank account in that name. Can't go having to give away my identity by using my real name for business, now, can I?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Bar || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max motioned for another drink, not one that she expected to finish, but something to keep her hands busy. "I'm not coming out fighting with you on the front lines. That kind of heroism isn't my style..." Spectre explained her position on everything. Well no Shit, Max thought as she took a sip of her drink. She didn't think Spectre would go out swinging like the rest of 'em. Even as a villain, it wasn't her style. Spectre was about stealth. Leaving no trace. That's what she needed. She was looking for someone dangerous, and she didn't want them to see it coming. "Works for me."

Max watched as Spectre calculated the amount that would probably kill all hopes of school. And if she was being honest, all chances of a comfortable life. Every fee was justified. Every cost had a purpose. She understood them all and was willing to pay. She just knew it would be more than she really had.

When Spectre turned the notepad towards her, Mat wanted to smack her forehead on the table. Dramatic, but maybe it would knock some sense into her. One million dollars, she thought ruefully. That was way more than she had saved. She sighed. "I can pay it just... not all at once." She ran a hand through her hair. "Quarters at a time, maybe. It's more than I thought you'd ask for, but its all justified. So I'll pay it." She looked up at Spectre's shadowed face, her own filled with determination. "How do I know that you'll deliver? If there's no contract how I do I know you won't take the money and run?" Calling a professional a coward like that probably wasn't the best idea, but she needed a guarantee.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow had been expecting some negotiations. It was a huge sum of money. Willow sat back and watched the girl's face for a second or two. There was a moment when she felt guilt; but she also knew that she could have charged even more. She took a sip of her drink as Shadow agreed to pay it. Willow raised an eyebrow. Most called a scam artist, a true thief; but this woman in front of her seemed determined to make it work.

"We can work something out," Willow agreed. "I generally ask for half up front, but given the... circumstances, I'll be a tad more lenient." Don't let yourself go soft, Willow. This woman probably believes the heroes did the right thing regarding your parents. She cleared her throat and sat up a little straighter as the woman asked about a contract, about knowing she wasn't going to run away. Most didn't even think of that. But, because Willow never particularly felt like being pursued by heroes, she usually stuck to her word. However, she also felt that this woman deserved something.

"You get to know my face. That way, if I betray you, you get to describe me to the police. It's a lot harder for me to flee the country if there's an arrest warrant out for someone matching my description. You do not get to know my name, because that is far too valuable if you double-cross me," She said simply, shrugging. "And as for payment, like I said, I usually ask for half payment in advance, and instalments after each portion of the job is completed. As this will be a long job, I'm willing to negotiate. 25% within 48 hours. I'm willing to go as low as 20%, but no lower than that. You have to understand why I'm hesitant to trust someone like you." Willow wondered if she was still being too harsh, but Spectre overruled. No. She could earn that much in no time, and be out of the country before the trouble kicked off.

"I'll meet you when I get the payment so you can discover my... true identity. That way, if I don't deliver, you've lost a considerable small amount of money."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Bar || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max felt herself smirking at the "guarantee". "I think its only fair to see your face. After all, you've seen mine." Although it wasn't exactly on purpose. She thought. "But I see your reasoning so I'll take it if it's what it takes to get you to help me." She took another sip of her drink before swirling the contents around. She thought a moment about the finance situation she was about to find herself in. Twenty percent would be easier. It offered more wiggle room for living while still being able to pay Spectre. However, she was already a child, an armature, and weak to Spectre. She needed to prove she was up for this. "I can do twenty-five percent." It would empty out her savings account and she'd have to live off energy bars and instant noodles for a while, but once things were back to the way they were, things would be better.

At least.. She hoped they would be.

"So 48 hours. Same meeting place I assume?" She asked, pulling her hood back up over her face and downing the rest of her drink.

[[Sorry it's so short, Cat. Wasn't sure what else Max could really say.]]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: barxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow nodded as they agreed on the amount. Honestly, this had been one of the easiest deals she'd ever done. Usually there was some negotiation about the price, or what exactly she was supposed to do, or the lack of a contract. But Shadow had taken it all in her stride, which made Willow a lot happier about things. She swallowed her drink and got to her feet, making sure her hood still concealed her face.

"Same time, same place," she agreed. "Don't be late." She stopped briefly to pay the bartender for their drinks, then strode out of the bar. Almost as soon as she made it out onto the street, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. But she'd had that feeling ever since the heroes had disappeared. She was a couple of hundred metres down the street from the bar when she heard the first catcall. Far enough that any trouble mightn't be noticed at first. "Hey, darlin'. You're heading somewhere in a hurry, aren't you?" Willow rolled her eyes, static already beginning to crackle around her hands. "Get lost. I'm not interested."

"Aww, can't a guy compliment a pretty girl like you?" The guy sauntered towards her. Willow raised an eyebrow. "I feel like our ideas of compliments differ slightly," she retorted. "And, like I said, I'm not interested. So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to go home now." She said. He was uncomfortably close now. Willow had passed him off as being drunk, but now she couldn't smell any alcohol off of him. That was the first warning sign. "I could always... walk you home," the guy said. "Get away from me," she said, shoving him away. She could hear the shock he got from the static. And that was when she felt the needle dig into her neck.

Instinctively, she whirled around, driving her knee up. It buried in the man's groin, and he stumbled away. But the first, the catcaller, was coming for her. She lifted her hands again to shock them; but nothing happened. Her powers weren't working. Whatever they'd got into her was counteracting her powers. "Son of a..." She muttered. Good old fists it was then. She punched the catcaller, then ducked and pulled the knife out of one of her boots. Her head spun as she did so, but she shook it off.

It just got worse the more the fight went on. She shrugged off her hoodie, sacrificing her anonymity for the sake of actually being able to fight properly. She managed to knock out or stab the catcaller, she wasn't even sure any more, but now her head was clouded, her limbs were starting to feel heavy, and the remaining one was a much better fighter than the catcaller. She wasn't sure how much longer she could keep up the fight, but goddammit, she was going to try her best.


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Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Bar || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max nodded and waited for Spectre to leave before she moved from her spot. She didn't want Spectre to think she was following her although now that Max thought about it, it probably would've been a good idea.. But trying to get a upper hand through the shadows was a good way to establish her new Alias, but a bad way to start a partnership. She got up from the bar and went to pay for her drinks, but the bartender refused. "Already paid for," he said with a grunt as he wiped down an empty glass. Max was surprised but grateful. She thanked the bartender for his service and gave him a tip instead before leaving the bar. She tried not to move too quickly down the street in her attempt to get as much space between her and the bar as possible.

She reached the street and tried to remember the way back to her apartment from here. She decided to go right and hope that was the correct way. Usually she was pretty good at direction, but the buzz had reached her and it was dark now and the streets were cloaked in more shadow than Spectre. She had barely made it half a mile before she heard a ruckus. A scuffle if you will. Max's first instinct was to step in, she was already digging into the front right pocket of her jacket where her emergency mask was stashed, but decided against it. Being a hero was dangerous now. Best to observe first, act later. Besides, for all she knew it was a couple of drunks fighting over a woman they saw at the bar.

She turned a corner and there they were. Max watched from the shadows for a moment, taking note and gathering the information in front of her. It was a woman and two men. One of them had gone down, but the other was still up and swinging. There was a discarded black hoodie on the ground and the woman--only a girl really. Not much older than Max herself--was swaying. Something was definitely wrong. Max's throat itched, her power wanting release, but no. People would know Mockingbird's power. It was too dangerous. So, plan B: the element of surprise. And a knife she kept stashed in her boot in case of hand-to-hand combat. When you're a small girl, you need every advantage.

Not too far from the fight was a couple of trash cans, the big kind--dumpsters--businesses used for dumping garbage into. This part of town was more paper waste than anything to she was glad there wouldn't be a smell. She quickly and quietly moved through the shadows and climbed onto them. She pulled the knife from her boot, still in it's sheath and jumped. She landed on the man's back, and dug in one quick swing, the sheath flew free of the blade and she brought the tip to the back of his neck, right at the top of his spinal cord. "You will take your buddy and you will go. She said in a gruff voice. "Or I will sever your spinal cord and you'll never walk again. You'll be left here for someone to find. And I'm sure your kind doesn't have anyone looking for them. Wonder how long it would take?" As a warning, she sliced the bit of skin below the nape of his neck. It was only deep enough to draw blood and long enough to scare. Then she slowly, keeping her foot on his wound, stood and then got off. The man pushed himself up, grabbed his buddy, and ran. Max made sure her hood was down in case he turned while he fled.

Once he disappeared from sight, she rushed to the girl's side. She had a beautiful face. Once she was sure artists would love to paint, if her eyes weren't so distant and confused, and if her face wasn't sleek with sweat. Her hair was a mess, as well and there was so much of it even though her head was shaved on both sides. "Are you alright?", she asked, checking the girl from any noticeable wounds. Any bleeding. But she couldn't see much with her dark clothing. "Let me take you home. Where do you live?" She looked up at the buildings around her and realized where she was. Which of course, gave her a better idea. "Nevermind, my place is closer. Hold on, ok?" She assessed how well she'd be able to carry the girl, but most ways required her to help a bit, but from the looks of it, she might end up being mostly dead weight. She took a deep breath and wiggled her arms under the girl's legs and back and lifted. It was much more difficult than her weights training exercise, but hopefully she'd have enough strength, or adrenaline, to get her home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: streetxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"


Willow was sure she wasn't going to hold out much longer. But if she was going to go down, she was going to go down fighting. Bastards had taken away her ability, and she wasn't happy about that. That fury cleared her head a little, and she went in for another swing, the knife clutched in her hand. And then the man hit the floor, having been attacked from behind. Willow stumbled back, having to put one hand against the wall to keep her balance. She could just about hear the woman's threat; a threat that even Willow herself would have been proud of. She watched the following moments as closely as she could. Which, to say, wasn't much. Her vision was starting to blur. But when the woman turned, Willow felt like she was going to pass out for a whole different reason. It was Shadow. She didn't know if she was hallucinating because of the cocktail of drugs coursing through her bloodstream. But then she spoke, and all doubt was erased. Willow hesitated, both trying to catch her breath and trying to figure out her next course of action.

But that was enough for Shadow to decide that she didn't need an answer. If she looked as bad as she felt, then she looked a sorry state. She couldn't fight it as the girl lifted her off of her feet, carrying her with apparently little effort. Willow realised that she couldn't speak without giving away her identity. But, if she was honest, that suited her down to the ground. Speaking required energy she didn't quite have, and she figured that energy was better spent thinking. Plotting. So, Shadow was bringing her back to hers. Willow really didn't want to have to deal with the humiliation of having to admit that she, the girl who was currently being carried home by a goddamn hero, was Spectre. She could always try and sneak out. Make it believe it was a dream. But then what about whenever they met again for the deal? Shadow would recognise her as soon as she took off her hood. She could always... not turn up. Not accept the deal. Nobody lost anything other than their time. But... that didn't seem right either. If she did take her up on the deal, Willow made a mental note to reduce the payment a little. She wasn't completely unreasonable; saving her life was probably worth a discount.

But right now, saying as little as possible to reduce the chance of Shadow recognising her voice seemed to be the best idea. Willow allowed herself to relax almost entirely, not resisting at all. Doing so might mean the girl didn't question her as much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Street/Max's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max felt the girl's weight shift as she began to relax in her arms. And felt a mixture of emotions wash over her. The first was the satisfaction that always found her after a save. She was a hero for a reason and tonight reminded her of that reason. The second was worry. Something was definitely wrong. There was a hint of alcohol on her breath, but not enough for the substance to be the cause. Maybe she had a concussion? That would need medical attention which Max was not yet trained for. Max really hoped it was nothing that would need medical attention.

The last emotion was... a bit complicated. She felt he heat rush to her face as she carried the girl towards her apartment. It had been a good while since Max had held anyone in any way. The contact was... good. Max gave a sharp shake of her head to clear her thoughts and nearly lost her footing. Good going, Max, she thought as she righted herself. The hood of her jacket was still up over her head which probably made the pair look odd in the city, but no one gave them a second glance. Ok a few second glances, but no thirds.. and it was likely because they were two women in skinny jeans. Weirdos.

Max realized very quickly that she was going to have difficulty actually getting into her apartment when she reached the front door of the complex. She thought about asking a stranger to enter the code into the door, but that took more faith in humanity than she had at the moment. Being hunted does that to a person. She also didn't want to set the girl down on the steps because picking her back up would be a pain. So she did the only other thing she could think of. She used her nose. It wasn't easy, but she got the code entered and the door buzzed unlocked. She pushed it open with her back and made her way up the stairs to the second floor and down the hall to room 2-13. This time, she did set down the girl so she could fish her keys out of her pocket. The hall was clean and carpeted unlike the concrete steps of the complex. Once the door was open, she lifted her again, trying her best not to groan at the weight. She wasn't all that heavy, she probably weighed about as much as Max did and she can just barely hold her own weight. The adrenaline from the fight was wearing off too.

She was glad she kept things pretty tidy or she'd have to set her down again to clean a little before setting her on the couch. Thankfully, it was just a trip to the couch. The apartment was mostly clean with few spots of clutter in places that had heavy traffic. Max had her own chair she spent most of her time in when she was home so the couch was hardly used. The door to her room was closed and the bathroom's was open. The kitchen was tidy. So nothing embarrassing. The walls were decorated in movie, music, and video game posters and other similar merchandise. The shelves were covered in books, DVDs, and PS4 games which now that she thought about it she'd probably have to sell in order to be able to pay Spectre. She'd have to start packing those up tomorrow. But for now... She went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. She filled it with filtered water from the fridge grabbed a blanket from the closest before she went back to the girl nearly passed out on the couch.

"Are you still with me? You don't have to talk, just nod if you can." She asked. "I have water for you here do you want it?" She held the glass towards her a bit so she'd be able to reach it. "Are you hurt? Have you been drinking? On drugs?" She paused after each question to give her time to respond if she could. She placed the blanket at the girl's feet. She hadn't taken her boots off or anything, not wanting to spook her. "There's a blanket here too if it'll make you more comfortable. I know it would definitely help me." She gave her a soft smile. For a split second, she wondered if she had made a huge mistake in bringing a stranger into her home, but she couldn't leave her there. Not like this.

She turned her head and sighed. "Who needs heroes, right?" She muttered to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

At some point, Willow started drifting in and out of awareness. She was pretty sure that she stayed conscious through it all, but she knew she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. Especially when they were suddenly going upstairs, when she hadn't even noticed them entering a building. Her mind has been as sharp as ever until that point, but the edges were starting to dull. Probably due to the adrenaline wearing off. There was another rush of adrenaline as Shadow put her down, but her limbs were just too heavy to move at that point. And then she was lifted again as she was carried into the girl's apartment.

She was put down on the couch, then left alone briefly as Shadow went off to do something. it gave her time to fully appraise her situation. She wasn't going anywhere, not until whatever hellish cocktail of drugs that was currently in her circulatory system was filtered out enough for her to move. She needed to be careful not to let her mind get to such a point that she would give away any information too easily. It had crossed her mind that this could all be some trick. But she was pretty sure she still had a knife in one of her boots, so if it was a trap, she still had a way to defend herself. She had to assume her powers were going to be offline for the foreseeable future. Not permanently, hopefully, but for as long as 24 hours.

Then the girl came back and started speaking to her. Willow was about to keep her vow of silence, then second guessed it. Assuming this had nothing to do with Shadow, the girl wanted to help her. Willow didn't know what cocktail of drugs was in her system or how her body would react to it. It would therefore make sense to warn the hero of that, just in case Willow started to have a seizure or choke on her own vomit or something. She really, really didn't want to die on a hero's couch. The irony would probably forever pursue her.

"I... don't know," she forced out. "Those guys, they shot something into my neck. Drugs of some kind. Dunno what they are," she added. She took the glass, her hands shaking slightly from the effort. She was thirsty, but reminded herself that, seeing as her mobility was impaired and she was in a stranger's home, drinking a whole glass of water wasn't the best idea. She sipped at it, as slowly as she could manage. "Thank you," she said, as the girl turned away. Willow might have a hatred for heroes in general, but her life had been saved. She may have been a thief, but she did believe in honour among thieves. And even if Spectre was a tad proud, Willow was not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Max's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

"I... don't know," the girl said--well croaked was more like it. She explained that the guys had injected her with something. Some drug. Max's hair stood on end. A drug was as bad if not worse than a concussion. Depending on what it was, it could seriously hurt the girl. She took the glass from Max's hand and sipped at the water. That was something at least. "Thank you," she said. Max's heart softened. This. This is why Max was a hero.

"You're welcome," she replied with a smile. There was something familiar about the girl's voice. Max was everywhere these days so there was no telling who it belonged to. Although... the memory seemed more recent. Max pushed it to the back of her mind for now. She chose to focus more on what she knew than what she thought she knew. It worked better for her that way. "I know you're not going to like this idea, but maybe we should take you to the hospital. We don't know what kind of drugs they pumped into your veins...but I won't make you go. I mean, technically I could. She let a bit of her mischievous nature play through in her smile. "I could just carry you there." Or if she was being more honest with herself, she could call a cab, but the way the world was these days, Max had trouble with trust. She was sure the girl felt similarly so she wouldn't make her go if she wasn't up for it.

"Man," she muttered to herself, "If only I had finished school.. I probably would be more help right now." She sighed and smiled softly at the girl. "Let me know if there's anything I can do for you, ok?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

At the mention of a hospital, Willow's stomach twisted with anxiety. No. She couldn't go to the hospital. She had no clue if her anatomy was different to a normal human's, and frankly, she would much rather take her chances on a hero's couch than risk getting more messed up in a hospital. She'd also be a lot more likely to do damage if her powers returned suddenly in a hospital, whereas here, the damage was a bit more limited. And she really didn't feel like getting arrested for accidentally shocking a nurse after everything else she had done.

"No. No hospital. I... I'll be fine. I'll just sleep it off." She said it a little too quickly, and her attempts at calm were weak at best. But she had to try. Shadow would probably insist, because she was a hero, and heroes only ever did what they thought was best. Not that they ever even thought that much. But... Shadow seemed different. Willow shook that thought out of her head. The heroes had refused to help her and defended allowing her parents to die. Her parents had been some of the good ones, but Willow was too sceptical to believe that too many of those heroes existed any more.

"I... I think I just want to sleep right now," she added. That was the truth. Her mind was starting to cloud, so she needed to sleep before it became totally impaired and she ended up saying stuff she would have never said otherwise. She wasn't going to give anything away. If this was a trap, they were going to have to work a lot harder to get through her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Max's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

Max wasn't surprised when Willow refused to go to the hospital. She didn't seem to react to her humor though, but Max would just chalk it up to the fact that she was drugged and probably tired. She wasn't going to force the girl to go if she didn't want to. It would only cause trouble. So Max sighed, pulled the blanket up around the girl and hoped that she wouldn't die in her sleep. That would be difficult to explain to the police. And they had trust issues as it was. "I... I think I just want to sleep right now," she told Max. Max smiled softly and said, "Sleep is good. Let me know if you need anything okay?"

Then she stood up and looked around her apartment. She had a lot to do to get that money for Spectre. She went into the closet to get the boxes she had saved from her move and left them out on the floor. She yawned, it was late and she'd have to get it done tomorrow then. She looked back at the girl on her couch and thought a moment. She could sleep out on the chair in case she needed anything. Sounded better than sleeping in her room on her soft bed without knowing if anything happened. She went into her room to change out of her clothes and into her pajamas. Then she grabbed her favorite, super fluffy pillow, and the super fluffy blanket from her bedroom and sat in the chair. She picked up a book from the table to read until she fell asleep. Last she knew, the girl was fast asleep as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

Willow wasn't sure what woke her up first. The throbbing headache, her aching limbs, or the dehydration. For a moment, she presumed it was just a hangover. She was accustomed to them, but never as bad as this. Then she peeled open her eyes and realised that she was not in her own apartment. It then registered that she was still on a couch. Then the events of the night before came back to her, and she shot upright. Her head started to tilt precariously, and she had to put her head between her knees for a minute. Well, she hadn't died at least, so that was a good start. And there wasn't a bunch of heroes standing around her, waiting to question her, so really, it was going well. Even with the hangover from hell.

Once her head had stopped spinning, she looked up to assess her surroundings. The woman from last night, Shadow, was on a chair nearby, asleep. Had she stayed there all night? Had... she slept in such an uncomfortable way just to keep an eye on Willow? Willow watched her for a second or two. Beyond everything that had happened, she didn't recognise her. She'd never been one of the ones that had showed up in attempt to foil one of Willow's robberies. This woman apparently had nothing to gain by Willow's presence in her apartment, and yet she'd helped after all.

She was pretty. Not in a hollywood starlet way, or in the razor sharp way that Willow herself was, but... cute. Not a bad face to look at. Something about that face twisted something in Willow. She looked away, spotting the glass of water from the night before. She drained it, and found herself immediately wishing for more. But... she had priorities. She needed to get out before the girl woke up and started asking questions, and eventually realised who she was. Willow stood up, as slowly as she could, but even still, the room spun for a second or two. Her hoodie was nowhere to be seen, but when she patted the pockets of her jeans, her phone was still there. Probably dead, but at least she had money. Her keys had fallen out during the night, but were still on the couch. She retrieved them and tucked them back into her jeans.

And now, time to make her escape. Even if the girl would eventually recognise her when they met to secure their deal, Willow had never been one for awkward morning-afters. And this would be the most awkward of them all. She evidently overestimated her own agility, however, as she almost immediately stumbled over her feet, sending the empty glass crashing to the floor and shattering into hundreds of pieces. Willow started swearing under her breath as she started trying to gather the worst of the shards.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

Location: Max's Apartment || Hex: #131949 || Outfit: x

A loud crash roused Max from her sleep. She sat up with a start and looked around quickly. She saw the woman stooping over to pick up something and the light glinted off a broken glass. Max sighed with relief and yawned, "Glad you're up. And okay." She ran a hand through her hair and stretched, her back cracking as she did so. She got up from the chair and went over to help. "I got it. You'll hurt yourself." As if to prove her point, Max picked up a rather sharp piece and sliced her finger. Good going, Max, she thought. She quickly stood the pieces in her hands and went to dispose of them in the kitchen garbage can. She pressed a towel to her finger and saw the pile of boxes near the shelves. Oh yeah. My deal with Spectre. She sighed and went over to the shelf and began to pull her books, video games, and DVDs into the boxes. It was a slow process because she only had use of the one hand.

Max was not a morning person, but she was awake so she'd have to get used to it. She yawned again, and remembered her manners. "Are you hungry? I could make some breakfast. I'm no chef, but I make some mean scrambled eggs." She ran a thumb over the leather binding of one of her favorite books. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. "The secret to my eggs is real cheese. Not that processed garbage." She slowly placed the book in a box. "I probably have some bacon left, if you're into that. And maybe some fruit. Should still be good. I got them from the farmers market only a few days ago. Do you like strawberries?" She was rambling. Distracting her mind from what she was doing so she wouldn't stress. So she wouldn't get too connected to what she was doing with things she was very fond of.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Carson Character Portrait: Willow Rogers
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: apartmentxxxxxxxoutfit: here


xxx"and these secrets all that we've got so far,
xxxthe demons in the dark, lie again.
xxxplay pretend like it never ends
xxxthis way no one has to know"

"No, no, really, I broke it, it's fine," she said quickly. But before she could stop her, Shadow had already cut herself on the glass. Willow had to try hard not to roll her eyes. So much for her sneaky exit. She retrieved the last few pieces that were large enough to pick up, and threw them into the bin. As she did so, the girl started piling books and cases into boxes. She was only using one hand as a result of her injury. If Willow ever found the men that had attacked her last night, they certainly had a lot to fear.

She was going to turn down the hero's offer of breakfast, but her growling stomach gave her away before she could do so. "Yeah, uh, breakfast sounds good. And yeah, I love fruit. Are you okay? Your hand isn't still bleeding, is it?" She said, crossing the room to look at it. "What are you doing with all of these books? Are you moving?" She asked. If Shadow was rambling, Willow was only a few steps away from doing the same. She was woefully out of her depth, and her thought process was an argument between her pride, her decency, and her desire for food. Bacon sounded really, really good right about then.

She took the hero's hand forcefully, examining the cut. "It's deep enough. You should cover it, getting dust into it could really cause some damage. Don't think you'll need stitches, though." Even if Willow had never been caught, she had been injured before. And when the cops know you've been injured, they start watching the emergency rooms. So Willow had learned how to patch herself up. Maybe not as prettily as a doctor would, but enough to stop the bleeding. "Glass was relatively clean, at least, so you should be okay."