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High School of the Dead

High School of the Dead


"That world that we once long gone."

1,682 readers have visited High School of the Dead since Boogeyboy created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



Not much understanding needed to the plot of this role play. The role play will follow our characters, a few students and facalty who are trying to survive a deadly pandemic----The Zombie Apocalypse. The way you turn is simple, if you get biten, you turn...Once you have turned, you will be a walking corpse, who crave human flesh. Zombies can not see, they can only smell, sense heat, and react to sounds. Zombies are also not track stars, they are very slow, yet if they get their hands on you, you might as well give up...they have quite the grip. Unfortunetly, When the outbreak touched Japan(Where you live), it was school hours, so you knew nothing about the pandemic...until one of the gatekeepers got bitten, and starting attacking other students and facialty. We will start the role-play 2 hours in advance of when things started to get too serious around the school.

The role-play will be character-controled, your ideas, the way you work together, and your all around desicions will shape the role-play into the 'beatiful flower' it will become. Yes this is an anime role-play, and yes there will be blood. It's time to nut up, or shut up.

Character List

Moki Leen::: 17/Senior::: Gymnastics Club

Sam Shepard::: 18/Senior::: Weightlifting Team

The Character Sheet

Code: Select all

[b]Age[/b]: [15-19]/[21-40 for Faculty]

[b]Grade[/b]: [Sophamore, Junior, Senior]/[Position in Faculty for Faculty]


[b]Nationality[/b]: [You attend a well-rounded prestigace school, that attracts a lot of students world-wide.]

[b]Sexual Orientation[/b]: [Hetero, Bi, Homo, Curious, etc.]

[b]Appearance[/b]: [ You are allowed an anime picture in your character sheet, yet I'd still like a brief description of your characters appearance, you can add anything else that you can not see in the picture.]
-[u]Eye Color[/u]: [this is Anime]
-[u]Hair Color[/u]:  [again, Anime!]

[b]Club[/b]: [You can be apart of any club, school appropriate, that you'd like. More than likely, your skills will be influenced by the club you are apart of.]
-[u]Skills[/u]: [ I'd prefer only 1 or 2 major skills that shape your character to be original. With that being said...Be original! No two characters will have the same strengths.]




For the most part this will be a roleplay with rather mature content, if you consider Blood, Gore, Cussing, and some Raunchy behavior, mature. Yet, no sexual content is allowed, so please, take sexual content to the pms. Your character is not God, and your character doesn't have to be weak if you don't want them to'd be surprised how strong someone can become during a Zombie Apoclypse.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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"Eyes on the beam. Concentrate." Moki said softly to himself as he stood one foot in front of the other on a balance beam in the Schools Gymnasium. His teacher, as well as his peers were watching him. Some of them were anticipating his next move. His gray leotard was slim-fit on his body, showing every curve and dim muscle on his slim body. From behind his ear he pulled a small, green lollipop. He tore the wrapper off with his teeth, spitting the trash on the floor, then placed it's sweet apple flavored center into him mouth. With a slight 'mmm', the boy twirled forward at a fast speed, placing his hands in front of him gripping the beam just in the knick of time. He brought his legs over his body, completely in a hand-stand, the boy begun to walk on his hands for a brief moment, until pushing himself up with his hands, jumping backwards, landing on his feet again. Performing a roundhouse kick, launched the boy into the air in front of him. He begun to use the vault tequnice, forcing himself to twirl constantly, until he landed a stick right in front of the beam.

Everyone was silent as the veteran member of the gymnastics club stood still for only a moment, until he took the green lollipop out of his mouth."So coach, how was that, I thought I could have did a better landing, but that's only my opinion." With a soft giggle, Moki put the lollipop back into his mouth and walked over to the group of gathered peers and his coach that couldn't close her mouth out of awe. She begun to clap."Well done, Moki! Now, if only the rest of you could learn from Moki! Everyone on your beams, and get to work!" Moki picked up his black gym bag, and an oversized light blue hoodie that read Fukushima High School Athletic Veteran in white letters."I have to meet up with my Calculus teacher, Coach, I'll be back tomorrow to train the Sophomores in my second period. I'll see you later!" The boy managed to say as he put on his knee-high socks, a pair of white tennis shoes, and his hoodie. He walked out of the gymnasium with his gym bag over his shoulder putting earbuds in his ears and sucking on his lollipop.

Nothing was out of the ordinary. The hallway he was in was almost deserted, except for the few students walking back and forth minding their own business. He was a couple of girls chatting by a window, that had a view of Japan, as well as the schools front gate. He could only hear them murmuring, though they had a very worried look on their faces as the pointed at the schools gate. Moki didn't really care, he had to get to his Calculus teach before the bell rang, and his class was all the way on the other side of the school. Moki sighed as he tried to walk a little faster. It wasn't long before he realized something was strange. One of the student faculty was approaching him, though at a slow pace. Their eyes were pale white, they had gray skin, and blood dripping from their mouth. He looked outside and noticed that people were running. Running from people who looked just like the person with the blank stare in their eye, as they got closer to Moki.

"Hey, what's wrong, guy?" Moki asked, taking the earbuds out of his ears. Moki got nothing in response except for a loud moan and the teacher trying to grab at him."Woah, not cool!" Moki said, swiftly dodging the man trying to grab him, the boy quickly opened his gym bag, pulling out a couple of black batons from it, and dropping the bag. He begun to twirl the batons, one in each hand."These can be used as a weapon, if you don't back off, I'll be forced to use self defense." Moki tried to communicate with the man, though the zombified man was too persistent to trying to attack Moki."I warned you!" Moki yelled. Moki did a back flip that allowed him to dodge the next couple of attacks, he tossed one of the batons, at the man's head. It bounced off, then Moki did a spinning jumped in the air grabbing it. Moki knocked the man on the skull with each of the batons in both hands, still in the air, then kicked the man in the chest causing the zombie to go flying backwards, falling to the ground. The zombie didn't move after that."Don't fuck with me."


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"No way man that bullshit, there's no way Batman would be able to react fast enough to stop Superman even WITH kryptonite."

Sam said as he and his friend Aiko argued for the thousandth time about who would win in a fight between Batman and Superman. Aiko shook his head, not being swayed for a moment.

"Dude I think those muscles are squeezing your brain. Do you really think Batman wouldn't have already prepared for Supermans superspeed?"

"Woah, woah, now you're talking about prep time which we already said we weren't getting into."

"Hey all I'm saying is... What the?..."

Aiko paused as we both stopped to stare at someone down the empty hall. Another student was standing in the middle of the hall. Their head has tilted at an odd angle and their clothes were covered in blood. Sam's blood froze in his veins as he stared. Instantly he knew something was way off. Aiko took a step forward.


Aiko said with worry heavy in his voice as he took a step toward her. Her head twitched at the sound of his voice and a low moan escaped her throat. She slowly lurched forward and began to lumber towards us.

"Uhh Aiko?"

Sam said suspiciously.

"That's Himeko Hidetaka. I've got World History with her. She looks hurt man."

"She looks sick man, I wouldn't go near her."

Aiko shot the big American a glance.

"Dude she's hurt. She needs our help."

He said before rushing to Himeko's side.

"Himeko?... Himeko? Its me Aiko. Are you... are you all right?"

Aiko asked tentatively as he reached her. He slowly put a hand out to support her weight as the girl swayed unsteadily on her dragging feet.

"Yo Aiko man, don't touch that shit."

Sam warned but to no avail. Almost as if in response to Sam's warning the girl surged forward and grabbed Aiko's head and sunk her teeth into his cheek.


Sam shouted. Aiko screamed in pain as the girl ripped a chuck of flesh and skin off his face. Aiko dropped to the ground clutching his face as blood poured from the wound. The girl moaned again and craned her neck to go after Aiko again but Sam barreled forward.

"Leave him alone you bitch!"

Sam roared as he charged. He balled up his fist and threw a haymaker that connected with the girls forehead. The maybe 90 pound girl shot back from the force of the blow. She crashed into the lockers and slumped down to the floor in a heap. Sam knelt beside his friend.

"Hey bro you ok? Aiko?"

Sam asked in concern. Aiko was sputtering up blood and spit before his body began to convulse. His body shook violently for several seconds before going still. Then his head slowly turned to look up at Sam with the same blank stare the girl had. Sam stood up and took a step back.

"What the fuck?..."

Aiko slowly dragged himself to his feet and moaned.

"No fucking way..."

Sam murmured in awe.


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Moki noticed that this, whatever THIS was was spreading around the school fast. He caught himself bashing a few heads as he ran through the hallways. Most people weren't fighting, or too scared to fight at that. The zombies seemed to have attacked in groups for the most part, Moki saw---though he knew to just keep running and not let them touch him. Suddenly, Moki felt a tug, which forced the boy to fall on his back, when he looked up, a zombie student had a grip on his hood. Moki frowned."This is my favorite hoodie, prick." Moki said softly. He then leaned himself up with his elbow, throwing his legs up together in the air, forcefully kicking the zombie in the chin, causing it to let go of his hood, as well as tumble back a little bit. Moki noticed that their was six zombies all together behind him.", no, no, not that way." He turned around, to the opposite hallway, about five that way in a group."Not that way either. He then looked at the hallway straight ahead, he noticed only a few, yet they were scattered. There was a rather buff guy down that hallway, that was just staring in shock at a zombie. They must know each other, Moki thought to himself. He had to do something, figuring that the guy wouldn't do much about his friend trying to rip out his neck.

Moki quickly ran down the hallway. And almost as though he came out of a martial arts movie, Moki ran up the lockers, defying gravity, for only a couple steps, before tossing his legs sarond the zombies throat, and begun to squeeze with his legs. He put a baton between the zombies teeth, to hold it back from biting. The zombie started to seem frantic."These," Moki quickly looked at the zombie below him, pulling the baton further towards it's jaw,"are not our friends." Moki shook his head, trying to have a little sympathy for the buff guy. Moki quickly let go of the baton, then forcefully grabbed the zombies skull and twisted it too the side. A large crack could be hear. As the zombie fell to the ground, Moki grabbed the baton from between the zombies teeth and jumped off its shoulders, letting the zombie fall, with Moki standing in front of the guy."I'm sorry about that." Moki said, waiting for a response.


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"Holy shit..."

Sam muttered to himself as he watched another student show up out of no where like friggin ninja and take Aiko, or what used to be Aiko out with a set of batons in a stunning acrobatic display.

"I'm sorry about that."

The other student said after cracking the zombies neck. Sam couldn't help but release a relieved chuckle.

"Hey don't apologize bro. You just saved me from having to do that shit myself."

A chorus of ghastly moans echoed down the hall. Sam turned to see a large group moving down the hall towards them.

"C'mon man, we better go."

Sam said as he urged the guy to run with him.


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Somehow, Moki was able to break a smile on his face, even with all the events that where occurring."You're right." Moki said in reply to the boy's course of action." We should probably try to find any survivors, as well as find a way to escape this school. By the way, my name is Moki, Moki Leen. I can tell you aren't originally from around here, am I right?" It was strange to Moki, that even in the few years he'd been attending Fukushima High School he's never noticed this big guy, who looked as though he could pull apart a truck with his bare hands. Moki was actually happy to have teamed up with this guy, he felt as though he'd be a lot more safer with this giant by his side.


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Sam and Moki sprinted down the hallway in a mad dash for safety. Moki had his athleticism and batons and made quick work of any of the zombies they ran past that they couldn't get around. Sam was unarmed but that didn't stop him from hurling them out of the way or just punching them out of his way as they raced down the halls filled with the shrieks of the dead and dying that seemed to eerily compliment the moaning chorus of the walking dead. The pair slid into cover next to the wood shop class.

"Did the accent give it away? Yeah I'm from Philadelphia originally, in the good ol' U S of A. Came here for a fast track to the Olympics. Apparently that isn't gunna happen now."

Sam said as he took a few deep breathes to recover from all the running. He quickly popped his head around the corner to scan the wood shop class.

"Looks clear in there. We should stop in and regroup. Take a minute and look for supplies. Maybe pick up a weapon or two."


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"I use to live in the United States when I was younger," Moki said," Yet, I moved out here about twelve years ago, when my mother died, that is." Moki had a brief flashback of his mothers smile. He didn't think about it too much, now wasn't the time. Sam was right, they should try to look for things they could use, things that would help. It seemed that everyone they had ran into was either being eaten, or already a zombie...was Moki and Sam just lucky? Or did their skills finally pay off. Moki looked around the wood shop class room. He didn't want to use something he wasn't familiar with. He bite his bottom lip as he looked through the logs, and they different chopping tools. Though he had an idea, something that he had too try.

He set his batons on a table, he looked around the room for knives,"Now, lets see." he finally found exactly what he was looking for, "These will do perfectly." The boy found four, twelve inch blades attached to a handle separately, as well as some very strong duct tape. A sadistic smile crossed his face as he taped a blade to each side of the batons. The boy then launched the batons into the air, twirling, only to catch them as the dropped back to the ground. "I got what I need, what do you have so far?" Moki turned around to ask Sam.


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As Moki looked around the classroom Sam rooted through the different tools and supplies that were laying around. A few saws, hammers, boxes of nails and screws. Nothing that really stood out. Then the big American came across some of the metal working supplies. Sam picked up a large steel pipe and hefted the simple tool in one hand. The large makeshift club would be too heavy for the average person. For Sam this would work perfectly. He also grabbed a carpenters hatchet and slid it into his belt.

"I got what I need, what do you have so far?"

Sam shouldered the pipe like a baseball bat and nodded at Miko.

"I should be fine with this for now. Till I find something better."

He said with a shrug. Then banging started coming from the set of double doors leading into the wood shop.

"Looks like we got company bro. Wanna see if we can go around them? There might be another way out of here. Or did you wanna try our luck fighting our way out?"


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"Looks like we got company bro. Wanna see if we can go around them? There might be another way out of here. Or did you wanna try our luck fighting our way out?"

A smirk crossed Moki's face,"Some of those guys out their have teased me before,"Moki begun to twirl the baton's between his fingers on each side. Suddenly, the zombies got through the door and begun to trail in,"I think now's the best time then ever to repay them the good old times!" Moki ran towards the hoard of zombies, he begun to jump on tables and desks. At his speed, the zombies would have to be faster in order to even catch the boy, besides, he had a plan. Moki kicked his shoes off, and hopped on one of the bigger zombies shoulder. With a quick stab into the zombies skull it begun to tumble. With a forward flip off the zombies shoulder, Moki stabbed zombies on both sides of him, using them as a temporary arm post for him to kick the zombie in front of him into it's chest, causing it to fall backwards onto other zombies. Afterward, Moki pulled the bladed batons out of the zombies chest, causing him to fall to the ground, then he rolled off his back onto his feet, only to get up and stab both zombies in their necks. Moki seemed a little out of breath. "Sam, it's clobbering time!" Moki winked at his new found friend, ready to see the damage the boy could do.


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"Sam, it's clobbering time!"

Moki said after his impressive display. Sam smirked at not only the Thing reference but idea of him being called in to "clobber things". Sam hefted his pipe and charged in. He swung in a wide arc at the horde. The heavy pipe obliterated three zombie skull in that initial swing. The bodies shot backwards from the force of the blow. One of the other zombie reached for Sam but he bashed it in the face as if he was hitting it with the butt of a rifle. The blow staggered the walking corpse before Sam followed up with an upward swing the shattered it skull. Blood and gore exploded upward on the back of the wall. Sam spun and brought down the pipe hard crushing another walkers head into a pulpy mess in one hard swing. Sam was beginning to enjoy this. A cold hand reached around and grabbed Sam's face. The surprise caused the big American to drop his pipe in shock. Thats when the instinct kicked and grabbed the hand pulled it forward and lifted it up. With a shout he hurled the zombie into the horde knocking most of them down.

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Japan by Boogeyboy


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Character Portrait: Moki Leen
Character Portrait: Sam Shepard


Character Portrait: Sam Shepard
Sam Shepard

"What I wouldn't give for superpowers right now."

Character Portrait: Moki Leen
Moki Leen

"It's all fun and games until your Calculus teacher tries to eat you!"


Character Portrait: Sam Shepard
Sam Shepard

"What I wouldn't give for superpowers right now."

Character Portrait: Moki Leen
Moki Leen

"It's all fun and games until your Calculus teacher tries to eat you!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sam Shepard
Sam Shepard

"What I wouldn't give for superpowers right now."

Character Portrait: Moki Leen
Moki Leen

"It's all fun and games until your Calculus teacher tries to eat you!"

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Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

Umm mey i join teh RP? I LUVV Hotd like Heck yeah!

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

Shall I contribute a female to this party? ^_^
EDIT: Though it no longer seems open...

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

As far as I know yeerrp its still open but I haven't heard from Boogeyboy in like 50 years

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

I saw "Highschool of the Dead" in a forum topic and just had to barge in here!

Please please PLEASE tell me you have room left!

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

I'm still gonna get around to making my CS probably today im busy. xD

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

OMG. Fucking. HOTD.


But... One problem. I'm a guy, and it looks like it's turning into a sausage fest on this Rp. Not that that's a bad thing.

I Suppose I could create a girl if needed, But she'd be my first.
Hah. -The first one I've attempted to play. She'd probably end up being a really messed up sort of girl. >.>

-Edit- Is this Rp even alive anymore?

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

Yeah bro, DC, lazy, HOTD I love this god damn show. xD And ight I'll whip up a profile. XD

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

AND you're a HOTD fan?! HIGH FIVE NEW BUDDY!! lol and shit yeah there's room, its only me and boogey right now lol

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

Yo Count me in! I love HOTD!! Any room left?

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

Lul thanks. I think me and my friends have actually had that discussion like a billion times.

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

I'll set it up to where our characters meet....I'll probably set up a Characters Wanted thread a little later on today. Your post was funny, by the way. :)

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

Post is in bro. How did you wanna meet up?

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

All right man, i"ll shoot my first post out and we can meet up then we'll figure out how things are gunna go as people join up.

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

I just posted the first post, if you'd like our characters can somehow meet up, and we can decide in the IC what will happen after that.

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

Idonno, Maybe a couple more? We could probably get started now, and just hope people jump in...We probably won't end up escaping the school any time soon. So I'll start working on the first post. :)

Re: [OOC] High School of the Dead

So dude, how many people were you thinking you wanted to wait for before kicking this thing off?

[OOC] High School of the Dead

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