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Alexander Break

"Here's some advice. Ignorance isn't bliss, it's a sharp blade, that will pierce the ones you love. So why don't you start using your eyes. That is, unless you wish to end up like me?"{Wip}

0 · 618 views · located in Hogwarts

a character in “Hogwarts School of Witchcrafts and Wizardry”, as played by Leej10100




Spectrum. A range over which some measurable property of a physical phenomenon, such as the frequency of sound or electromagnetic radiation, or the mass of specific kinds of particles, can vary. For example, the spectrum of visible light is the range of electromagnetic radiation with frequencies between 4.7 × 10 to 14th power and 7.5 × 10 to 14th power hertz. This spectrum of visible light is also referred to as the band of colors produced when sunlight is passed through a prism, comprising red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Hmm~ Oh, I'm sorry, sometimes I just ramble on about random things. Candy?

Mad World | Michael Andrews ft. Gary Jules

♔ || Name || ♔
Alexander Gilbert Break III

♔ || Nickname(s) || ♔
Alex || Gill || Break || Candyman

♔ || House || ♔

♔ || Year || ♔
Sixth Year

♔ || Specializes In || ♔
Transfiguration || Charm || Potions

♔ || Age || ♔

♔ || Gender || ♔

♔ || Sexuality || ♔

♔ || Nationality || ♔

♔ || Romantic Interest || ♔
TBA "Hmm~ Well there is a certain someone who has caught my attention...Just kidding."

♔ || Face Claim || ♔
Xerxes Break

♔ || Height || ♔
Six Foot One

♔ || Weight || ♔

♔ || Hair Color || ♔

♔ || Eye Color || ♔

♔ || Skin Tone || ♔

♔ || Build/Appearance/Preferred Clothing || ♔
Alex is described as a handsome looking young man that has a slim body, not too athletic but not too thin. His skin has a characteristic pale clear albinism. His hair is cut in a sort of bob, dropping some of his hair on the left side of the face to cover his whole left eye and, like his skin, has a white color that characterizes and individualizes him. His height is not too disproportionate but perhaps is a bit tall compared to others who have the same age, measuring 6'1 and weighing around 160. He has a sharp, pointed face up to the chin while it widens more as it gets to the top. His nose, as the jaw, is pointed. Alex's strange eye has a iris with a ruby red hue, but sadly you are only able to see one, since his hair covers the other, which has no eye at all and is just an empty hole. Alex is always seen with a rag doll called Allie, who is believed to be charmed because of its humanistic qualities. Alex wears a coat of medium length, it comes to mid-thigh, has long and wide sleeves that cover Alex's hands completely and remains open unless Alex wants to close it at some point, for which it has a column of buttons. Inside this trench, there are two pockets arranged symmetrically on either side of his large size and possessing very useful for storage. Notably, the trench is subjected to Alex not by their sleeves but by that cross braces to his back. Beneath this coat he wears a simple shirt, colored purple with a white stripe in the middle, and remaining constantly bound with a black colored ornament on top that gives it a bit of class and also hides most of the straps holding his coat. He wears black pants medium length, the rest of his leg's are uncovered though his feet are covered by high white boots very strong with an opening in the center, revealing his shin. As an accessory he carries a small brown bag that hooks onto the coat and that is usually filled with candy.

♔ || Personality || ♔
There are many words to describe Alex's....unique qualities. For one he is random. Yes, very random. Not the random you may be thinking of though. He is the smart kind of random if that makes any sense? You’ll be in the middle of something and he’ll say something out loud that has nothing to do with the conversation, probably a quote or a fact. You never get a straight answer from him, but that doesn't mean his lies, as in fact Alex doesn't lie, he just only tells you what you need to know. Voice wise he is quite cheery and face wise he always wears a simple grin. His expression never/rarely changes even when doing something he dislikes.

His personality or the way he acts is often molded by his surroundings, depending on the problem or situation Alex will act accordingly to what he sees fit, without being too serious or too carefree. He is like a chameleon, shifting faces and attitudes to fit into whatever circumstance he finds himself in. The nature of his personality is as unpredictable as the weather of society. His personality is so much like this that it’s impossible to tell when he’s serious, angry, upset or any other emotion besides happy. Alex has a formidable intuitive ability. He is very good at understanding people for he is able to see behind a person's motivations, despite the fact he can't see. Alex can be marvelous actor, because he can be whatever character is required. Alex is a good judge of character.

Alex is mysterious, creative, and unclear, he never seems serious, and he has a tendency to question things that shouldn't be questioned. Majority of the time Alex acts in a very laid back and aloof manner, usually giving off an aura of him not worrying about anything. Which is completely false, Alex would rather create potions and charms in the form of candies and stay at Hogwarts, than to be with his family. As he has a great hatred for them and their terrible beliefs, the reason why is a complete mystery, and he refuses to speak of it. Alex is very secretive and doesn't reveal much about himself, unless ask. Alex has so much more beneath the surface of what everyone sees, just like the deepest oceans.

♔ || Likes || ♔
☑Clever People
☑His Friends
☑Colorful Things

♔ || Dislikes || ♔
☒Being Blind
☒Wasted Food
☒His Parents
☒Being Touched
☒Ungrateful People

♔ || Talents || ♔

♔ || Flaws || ♔

♔ || Fears || ♔

♔ || Family || ♔
{ Name || Family Role || Race || Job || Alive or Dead || Age}

Lord Alexander Gilbert Break II || Father || Pure-Blood || Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic || Alive || 46

Lady Annie Wordsworth Break || Mother || Pure-Blood || TBA ||Alive || 45

Vincent Levi Vessalius || Adopted Cousin || Half-Blood || Student of Hogwarts || Alive || 17

Julius Wordsworth Break || Older Brother || Pure-Blood || Ex-Student of Hogwarts || Murdered || 18

♔ || Bio || ♔

♔ || Other || ♔

- Alex lost his left eye in an "unforeseen" accident when he was younger, and currently his right eye is going blind, so basically both of his eyes are worthless. This information is unbeknownst to everyone except: Certain Teachers, Vince {Vincent Vessalius}, Little Yuma {Ayumu Mamura}, and his Parents. This doesn't mean in anyway that Alex, himself, is useless, as he is extremely talented and amazingly intelligent, despite his personality. And besides Alex has his other senses, which have heightened over the years to the point they have entirely replaced his eyes. Therefore, it is almost impossible to realize Alex's blindness...almost.

-Alex has a great friendship with two individuals: Ayumu Mamura a Hufflepuff, and Vincent Vessalius a Ravenclaw. They are a tight clutched trio, who are impossible to separate, despite the fact they all have completely different personalities. They are the only two students in Hogwarts that know of Alex's blindness.

- Never, even if the situation involves life and death, absolutely EVER eat the candy, which Alexander has created, with the patterns and colors of: Yellow with stripes, Blue with Polka dots, Red with hearts, and Green with swirls. The reason is that either those pieces of candy are potions or charms.

So begins...

Alexander Break's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Hah! Catch me if you can!" A loud and hyper voice yelled as it moved throughout the Great Hall, echoing as the whole room silenced to see what idiot was yelling to early in the morning. Of course the voice would belong to no one other than Fang Chung, belonging to the house of Gryffindor and being in her 4th year of attending Hogwarts. Perhaps this was why she was such a trouble maker.

But the real question was, where exactly was she? Her voice kept on laughing, idiotically, as she seemed to have travelled around each and every House table. Suddenly one of the student toppled over after giving out a yelp, "Ack, sorry!" Her voice shrunk backwards a little.

Just like any other person would suspect, Fang was using the Invisibility Charm again to cause trouble and havoc. After bumping into the student, she seemed to have lost focus and the spell wore off, revealing her, who was still in her bedtime clothes with messy hair and tired eyes, but a stupid grin on her face as she ran off, shouting and screaming, dodging one of the professor's grips as she continued her dash.

It was like a cat chasing a mouse; pointless. Of course Fang wouldn't be caught. The professor was far too slow to get her, especially if she was rushing throughout the hall with that unlimited amount of energy she seemed to have, "Get back here, Chun! You aren't allowed to be running around so early in that clothing! Get changed! And stop shouting!" The professor screamed out at her with the little breath he had after sprinting so far just to attempt to catch her.

Fang stopped at the end of the Gryffindor House table and saying with a tilt of her head, "And exactly why should I do that? These are comfortable! Much more comfortable than those robes!"

She had hardly done anything wrong, well, except for screaming, and only listed out her opinion. But this seemed to have only annoyed the professor even more, seeing how he frowned and began to chase after her again as she started she chase once more, "Chun!" He shouted with anger while she only giggled childishly and began to run around the Great Hall even more, and even faster, grabbing food off every and any table that she found to look appetizing. If someone was going to run so early in the morning, why not grab a snack while at it?

The setting changes from Great Hall to The Quad


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Tired... Work... Work... Oh what fun." Petra murmured as she sat herself outside in the school's courtyard, placing herself on one of the benches. Lucky for her school hadn't just started yet, so she had no need to rush to her classroom. And that meant one thing; she could drink.

The woman would take any opportunity given to her where she could sneak in a drink of wine, beer, anything that had to do with alcohol. Yeah, perhaps she wasn't the best role model, but she never encouraged others to drink and was a very trusty person when she would be needed in any serious situation. But in the mean time, she's really just any childish woman who has a drinking problem.

With a great sigh, Petra placed the small and thin textbook for Defense Against the Dark Arts on top of her face, murmuring various complaints about her job. Well, of course Petra loved her job and students, but perhaps sometimes she got a little too stressed out at times, "Oh, perhaps I should just quit one day. I'm too old to do things like this." She whined as she leaned her head backwards.

Petra was still young actually, but laziness was one of her greatest flaws. She didn't want to do certain things, and when she had to do something she didn't want to do, of course she'd get a little out of hand.

While she had the textbook in her left hand which was keeping the textbook over her face, covering up the sun that was already so bright, despite it being early morning, in her right hand was a can of beer that she had intended to drink that morning if it weren't for her having to grade a bundle of tests that she forgot to take care of the day before. It wasn't even open, surprisingly, and honestly, in the condition she was in, it really did look like she needed a drink.

The setting changes from The Quad to Grand Staircase


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Hey, new kid, you shouldn't be sleeping here." Ayumu heard a voice say as he slowly awoke from his deep sleep, which was literally around a few hours. He forgot one of his textbooks in his Potion's class and was going to get it the evening before, but since Ayu was still new to Hogwarts and only had a month of two of experience with everything, he still couldn't get a grip onto the whole place; especially the Grand Staircase.

It kept on moving and Ayu had trouble getting places, even back to his own Common Room, so when he tried to go back to the Potion's class to get his book, he got incredibly lost on the staircase. He didn't even remember where the classroom was in the first place. Then when he tried to get back to his Common Room, he couldn't. He was completely lost, and since Ayu wanted to be polite, he didn't wake any of the moving paintings and instead just fell asleep on one of the staircases.

"Ah, sorry." Ayu yawned tiredly as he simply opened one eye to see one of the older students sigh and walk past him along with a few others. What time did he fall asleep? How many hours was he asleep? Actually, what was the time, actually? After gathering up enough energy to do such, Ayu raised himself from his sluggish and laid down position until he was sitting upright. He then turned to one of the paintings and asked, "Um... excuse me, sir, do you know the time?"

The painting looked at him oddly but only shook his head and answered, "Afraid not, my boy! But I'm certain that its time for you to get going to your classes! School may start sooner than you think!"

"Oh, okay. Thanks." Ayu managed a tired and weary smile as he got up, a pinkish white cat, his own, jumping off his chest as he did so since it seemed to have slept there the whole night with him. When he got to a standing position, after a few minutes of adjusting to waking up on a cold and hard staircase, he stretched and turned to look down at the cat, "Is it really time to head to class, Emi?"

His sister, who was transfigured into a cat for the rest of her life, meowed at him back, being unable to speak with that odd expression on her face. Ayu sighed as he brought his hand to rub the back of his neck as he said anxiously, "Where's Alex and Vincent? I think I may need their help now." He even sighed again once the staircase began to move, as it always did. He was most definitely lost in the staircase maze.

The setting changes from Grand Staircase to Quidditch


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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The blonde haired boy, who was lying out on the Quidditch field, was still trying to figure out how his new broom worked. Jared just got a new one because he had accidentally tripped and fallen on his first broom. He went through the worst state of depression possible, kind of, but he got over it, strangely, and recovered quickly as he had gotten a new one this year.

He wasn't too fond of the new broom he bought. It costed him quite a bit, is one thing, and then it looked far to modern, having golden lining and beautiful set twigs at the end of the broom. But Jared was a fan of the older brooms, just as he was a fan of the older items and things of the sort, "Oh well." He gave a shrug and decided to look at its better qualities in the mean time, since Jared was, after all, a very optimistic young man and had to look at the better side of things before the worse.

"Ack, but... but..." He started, speaking to himself as he usually, as it was a hobby of his ever since a child, "But what if I mess up? I could seriously hurt somebody!" Jared let his head rest on the palm of his head as he tapped his finger on his cheek, trying to think. In the end though, Jared chose the stupid decision, as he always would, "Well... I guess a little ride on it wouldn't hurt..." He grinned before taking the broom into his hand and mounting it carefully. His robe was stuck to the end, which he quickly moved since he didn't want his new robe to get ruined also.

A moment later, one of the janitors saw him about to ride his broom into the air and called him out on it, spitting all over the ground as he hobbled over to him, "Oy! Kid! you aren't suppose' to beh doin' that right now! Geh off! Shoo!" He shouted as Jared backed up a bit.

Jared was a bit terrified of adults, and the janitor was one of the older men who should have been retired at his age. He felt goosebumps as he got off his broom, raising his hands into the air as if a police were arresting him and shouting, "I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't mean to! I swear! I-I didn't know!"

"Yeh sure abou' that?" The janitor walked even close to the blonde haired boy until there was hardly any space between the two. Jared even held his breath, "How do I know you ain't about to go flyin' around tryin' to make trouble for Hogwarts, eh? I should report you, shouldn't I? Yeh, I should." He agreed with himself as Jared tried to defend his intentions.

"Wait! I just wanted to try out my new broom! Sir! Please!" Jared began to beg. It was only his second year in Hogwarts school, and yet he was already getting into so much trouble.

The setting changes from Quidditch to Hogwarts


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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Hey guys, remember to post in the places inside of Hogwarts! Not in the Hogwarts placement itself! Thanks!

And important information! Class starts now! After I make my post with each of my characters, school will start and you may then post yours! All Gryffindors will go to Quidditch! All Ravenclaws will go to Potions! All Slytherins and Hufflepuffs will go to Transfiguration! This is all regardless of age or year in school!

Teachers! I put three classes for each of the three teachers! Please remember to get your teacher onto class in your next post so the day can finally start!

Thanks guys! My post will be up soon!