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Samantha Damask

"I-I... umm... what was the question again? I'm sorry I forgot!"

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a character in “Hogwarts School of Witchcrafts and Wizardry”, as played by Starlight77


Samantha Damask


I think we all have blocks between us and the best version of ourselves, whether it's shyness, insecurity, anxiety, whether it's a physical block, and the story of a person overcoming that block to their best self. It's truly inspiring because I think all of us are engaged in that every day. -Tom Hooper

Hallelujah | Kate Voegele
Voice Example
Singing Voice Example


♔ || Name || ♔
Samantha Rose Damask
“I… it’s a mixture of German and American…”

♔ || Nickname(s) || ♔
Sam. Sammy. Sammy-Rose.
“Sam… is just fine, thank you.”

♔ || House || ♔
“I still think it’s a mistake that I was put into the house of bravery and strength… well, there’s really nothing I can do about it.”

♔ || Year || ♔
5th Year

♔ || Specializes In || ♔
Offensive and Defensive Dueling Spells
“It’s an odd thing to excel at considering how much of a pacifist I am…”

♔ || Age || ♔

♔ || Gender || ♔
“Y… y-you couldn’t t-tell..?”

♔ || Sexuality || ♔
“I don’t see why you need to know that!”

♔ || Nationality || ♔

♔ || Romantic Interest || ♔
Perhaps someone has caught her eye…~
*cough* Lies *cough cough*

♔ || Height || ♔
“A rather decent height, right?”

♔ || Weight || ♔
"You don't need to know that!"

♔ || Face Claim || ♔
Mio Akiyama


♔ || Hair Color || ♔

♔ || Eye Color || ♔
A Stormy-Silverish Gray

♔ || Skin Tone || ♔

♔ || Build/Appearance/Preferred Clothing || ♔
"S-stop looking at me!"
Sam has a wonderfully-proportioned build. She's rather athletic, so lean muscles can be found all over her body. She's also of a decent height. Even though she's got an athletic build, she's got her girly curves that make her a bit eye catching. Her long black hair can be arranged into many different styles, though she prefers just leaving it down.

When not wearing her uniform, Sam likes to wear simple jeans, sweatshirts and t-shirts. She loves sneakers and boots more than any other types of shoes.
"I... I can't walk in stilettos... I-it’s not like I want to, anyway!"


♔ || Personality || ♔
“I’ve been called… what’s the word..? Complex.”
Couldn’t have stated it better myself. Sam has a few very different personalities which changed depending on where she is, who she’s with, or just how she’s feeling in general.

Above almost everything else, Sam is very shy. This makes her very anti-social, for most of the conversations she tries to start end in stuttering and blushing for no apparent reason. She’s also extremely easily startled, and hates anything scary. The house ghosts provide a big problem for her. Just the sight of them makes her want to curl up in a ball and shake with fear. Sam can also be a bit prone to fainting when very frightened. When Sam gets frightened, she usually crouches down and closes her eyes whilst crying and muttering to herself. Did I mention she’s a massive cry-baby? Simple things like getting yelled at and cutting her hand makes her cry.

Doing anything publicly scares the living daylights out of Sam. From having to speak in public to performing any form of song, she freaks out. It can sometimes be literally one step away from breaking down.

If you look past that, somehow, you’ll find the real Sam. Who’s actually really spunky and fun to be around. She’s generally very mature when it comes to following the rules and doing her homework, but sometimes she likes to just cut loose. She’s playful and her smile can light up the entire room. Unfortunately, not very many people get to know Sam this well. Her shyness seems to get in the way of everything. Sometimes she’s even bullied for it. Every day she thinks that she was placed in the wrong house. “Why was I placed in the house representing bravery! It just doesn’t make sense!”

Sam also has the tendency to be very defensive of those she cares about. Her little sister is everything to her, and if anything happened to her, Sam wouldn’t know what to do.

Aside from English, Sam is also fluent in Japanese and German.

♔ || Likes || ♔
Casting Spells
Reading Alone
Her Little Sister
Anything Non-threatening

♔ || Dislikes || ♔
Everything She fears
Mean People
Having Too Much School Work
Being Judged
Having To Speak In Front of Others

♔ || Talents || ♔
“I have quite a few talents… It’s really only because I’m curious of everything…”
Guitar “I’ve been playing since I was nine. It’s a good pass time.”
Ever since Sam was little, she’s played the guitar. She’s not very good at writing the music, but she likes to learn how to play different songs. Playing her guitar is usually the highlight of her lonely day.

Athletics That Don’t Involve Physical Contact “Like Track and… things of that sort. Nothing like Football or Soccer. What’s odd is the fact that Quidditch is excluded from that list.”
Sam has always been very athletic. And she’s built for it. She’s a lot stronger than she looks, not to mention she’s got good reflexes and loads of stamina. But playing things like Soccer and Football can be too much for her to handle, but flying around on a broom dodging large flying bowling balls isn’t as frightening to her as wrestling. “I’ve always been good on a broom…”

Anything Book-Work Related “I have a knack for memorizing things…”
Yes, she does indeed. Sam is great at remembering certain things, but easily forgets other things. Like she can memorize an entire sheet of music in an hour, but she’ll forget the ingredients for a potion sometimes. “I barely pass potions every year…”

Singing “I-I’m sorry! I can’t sing for you now!”
Sam has loved singing her entire life. It’s a fun thing to do alone, but when she has to do it in front of other people, she gets very nervous. One of the few people she can sing to is her younger sister.

Martial Arts “W-what? N-no I’m not!”
Sam’s parents always made sure that Sam could defend herself. Though her fighting skills are kept mostly a secret, she can kick someone’s ass with a bit of ease. The only problem is she’s quite the pacifist.

♔ || Flaws || ♔
“Sometimes I think my entire existence is one big flaw…”
Her Shyness
Her Lack of Bravery
Having the Habit of Over-Working Herself

♔ || Fears || ♔
“A lot of things, actually… well, take anything that anyone would fear, and I’m afraid of it. Things like spiders, the dark, doctors, needles, death, blood, monsters, ghosts, intimac- …. NEXT QUESTION PLEASE.”



♔ || Family || ♔
Nyoko Ushiba|Unknown| Mother| Aware of Magic|
Lukas Damask| Unknown| Father| Aware of Magic|
Katharina Damask| Alive (14)| Younger Sister| Aware of Magic|
Julia Damask| Alive (62)| Grandmother| Aware of Magic|

♔ || Bio || ♔
“I… I don’t really want to talk about it…”
Sam definitely has and interesting parentage. Her father was a German half-blood wizard and her mother was a Japanese pureblood witch. The two actually met in Hogwarts. After they both graduated from the wizarding school, they moved to America, seeking a better life like many other had.

There, in Virginia, they had their first daughter, Sam, and their second daughter Katherina soon afterwards.

At her young age, Sam would travel around with her parents a lot. She spent summers with them in Japan and Germany, alternating every year. They spent time with their grandmothers, and Sam gradually took upon their native languages. As age 8, she could speak German and Japanese, along with English, fluently. Her sister, however, never took to German, and only really learned Japanese and English.

Sam’s like went like this for a while, until she turned eleven. Up until then, magic had always been a word used fairy tales, not in real life. But, that day, an owl came flying in through and open window and dropped a letter onto her mother’s lap. Her mother had opened the letter so slowly that is scared Sam. What was inside that was so important? Sam listened as her mom spoke to her father saying “she got accepted!” multiple times.

Everything changed after that. Her parents told her of her wizarding heritage, and told them of the special school far away that would help her harness her amazing powers. Sam, being Sam, cried for quite a while. The thought of being away from her family devastated her. She only agreed to go after her father had a nice long talk with her, father to daughter.

So her adventure as a wizard began, and she went to Hogwarts every year.

Until this recent summer, things had been going great. Sam had just finished her 5th year, and her sister had just finished her first. Then, not too soon after coming home from England, her parents brought sudden news. They were to pack up everything, and were going to spend the summer with grandma in Germany. Sam was puzzled at the suddenness of this trip. She was more surprised when she heard her parents would not be coming with her.

So Sam and Kathy went to Germany. They were there for the few months in the summer, and then it neared school time again. The two girls were anxious. Where were their parents?

Then, her grandmother told them. She had lost contact with their parents weeks ago. No goodbyes or anything. Just… gone. Kathy, being the stronger one, stuck it tough and kept quiet. Sam, however, was devastated. She cried and cried and cried, and debated not attending Hogwarts this year. Her sister eventually coaxed her into going. But what will happen know? Were their parents dead? Had they just left them because they didn’t love them anymore? Sam finds herself asking herself these questions multiple times a day. And who knows?

♔ || Pets || ♔
This is Zasha. Zasha is Sam’s one-year-old pet cat. Sam loves Zasha, and Zasha loves Sam. She understands her, and Sam can be seen sleeping with Zasha as if she were a teddy bear. Zasha is very mellow, which she has to be to have to deal with an owner like Sam.
This Is Rutherford. Sam uses Rutherford to send letters from Hogwarts to her Grandmother in Germany.

♔ || Sam’s Guitar || ♔
Sam’s Guitar is a special guitar that has its own built-in speaker. Sam spent four years saving up to buy this guitar, and would literally kill anyone if that broke it.

So begins...

Samantha Damask's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Hah! Catch me if you can!" A loud and hyper voice yelled as it moved throughout the Great Hall, echoing as the whole room silenced to see what idiot was yelling to early in the morning. Of course the voice would belong to no one other than Fang Chung, belonging to the house of Gryffindor and being in her 4th year of attending Hogwarts. Perhaps this was why she was such a trouble maker.

But the real question was, where exactly was she? Her voice kept on laughing, idiotically, as she seemed to have travelled around each and every House table. Suddenly one of the student toppled over after giving out a yelp, "Ack, sorry!" Her voice shrunk backwards a little.

Just like any other person would suspect, Fang was using the Invisibility Charm again to cause trouble and havoc. After bumping into the student, she seemed to have lost focus and the spell wore off, revealing her, who was still in her bedtime clothes with messy hair and tired eyes, but a stupid grin on her face as she ran off, shouting and screaming, dodging one of the professor's grips as she continued her dash.

It was like a cat chasing a mouse; pointless. Of course Fang wouldn't be caught. The professor was far too slow to get her, especially if she was rushing throughout the hall with that unlimited amount of energy she seemed to have, "Get back here, Chun! You aren't allowed to be running around so early in that clothing! Get changed! And stop shouting!" The professor screamed out at her with the little breath he had after sprinting so far just to attempt to catch her.

Fang stopped at the end of the Gryffindor House table and saying with a tilt of her head, "And exactly why should I do that? These are comfortable! Much more comfortable than those robes!"

She had hardly done anything wrong, well, except for screaming, and only listed out her opinion. But this seemed to have only annoyed the professor even more, seeing how he frowned and began to chase after her again as she started she chase once more, "Chun!" He shouted with anger while she only giggled childishly and began to run around the Great Hall even more, and even faster, grabbing food off every and any table that she found to look appetizing. If someone was going to run so early in the morning, why not grab a snack while at it?

The setting changes from Great Hall to The Quad


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Tired... Work... Work... Oh what fun." Petra murmured as she sat herself outside in the school's courtyard, placing herself on one of the benches. Lucky for her school hadn't just started yet, so she had no need to rush to her classroom. And that meant one thing; she could drink.

The woman would take any opportunity given to her where she could sneak in a drink of wine, beer, anything that had to do with alcohol. Yeah, perhaps she wasn't the best role model, but she never encouraged others to drink and was a very trusty person when she would be needed in any serious situation. But in the mean time, she's really just any childish woman who has a drinking problem.

With a great sigh, Petra placed the small and thin textbook for Defense Against the Dark Arts on top of her face, murmuring various complaints about her job. Well, of course Petra loved her job and students, but perhaps sometimes she got a little too stressed out at times, "Oh, perhaps I should just quit one day. I'm too old to do things like this." She whined as she leaned her head backwards.

Petra was still young actually, but laziness was one of her greatest flaws. She didn't want to do certain things, and when she had to do something she didn't want to do, of course she'd get a little out of hand.

While she had the textbook in her left hand which was keeping the textbook over her face, covering up the sun that was already so bright, despite it being early morning, in her right hand was a can of beer that she had intended to drink that morning if it weren't for her having to grade a bundle of tests that she forgot to take care of the day before. It wasn't even open, surprisingly, and honestly, in the condition she was in, it really did look like she needed a drink.

The setting changes from The Quad to Grand Staircase


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Hey, new kid, you shouldn't be sleeping here." Ayumu heard a voice say as he slowly awoke from his deep sleep, which was literally around a few hours. He forgot one of his textbooks in his Potion's class and was going to get it the evening before, but since Ayu was still new to Hogwarts and only had a month of two of experience with everything, he still couldn't get a grip onto the whole place; especially the Grand Staircase.

It kept on moving and Ayu had trouble getting places, even back to his own Common Room, so when he tried to go back to the Potion's class to get his book, he got incredibly lost on the staircase. He didn't even remember where the classroom was in the first place. Then when he tried to get back to his Common Room, he couldn't. He was completely lost, and since Ayu wanted to be polite, he didn't wake any of the moving paintings and instead just fell asleep on one of the staircases.

"Ah, sorry." Ayu yawned tiredly as he simply opened one eye to see one of the older students sigh and walk past him along with a few others. What time did he fall asleep? How many hours was he asleep? Actually, what was the time, actually? After gathering up enough energy to do such, Ayu raised himself from his sluggish and laid down position until he was sitting upright. He then turned to one of the paintings and asked, "Um... excuse me, sir, do you know the time?"

The painting looked at him oddly but only shook his head and answered, "Afraid not, my boy! But I'm certain that its time for you to get going to your classes! School may start sooner than you think!"

"Oh, okay. Thanks." Ayu managed a tired and weary smile as he got up, a pinkish white cat, his own, jumping off his chest as he did so since it seemed to have slept there the whole night with him. When he got to a standing position, after a few minutes of adjusting to waking up on a cold and hard staircase, he stretched and turned to look down at the cat, "Is it really time to head to class, Emi?"

His sister, who was transfigured into a cat for the rest of her life, meowed at him back, being unable to speak with that odd expression on her face. Ayu sighed as he brought his hand to rub the back of his neck as he said anxiously, "Where's Alex and Vincent? I think I may need their help now." He even sighed again once the staircase began to move, as it always did. He was most definitely lost in the staircase maze.

The setting changes from Grand Staircase to Quidditch


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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The blonde haired boy, who was lying out on the Quidditch field, was still trying to figure out how his new broom worked. Jared just got a new one because he had accidentally tripped and fallen on his first broom. He went through the worst state of depression possible, kind of, but he got over it, strangely, and recovered quickly as he had gotten a new one this year.

He wasn't too fond of the new broom he bought. It costed him quite a bit, is one thing, and then it looked far to modern, having golden lining and beautiful set twigs at the end of the broom. But Jared was a fan of the older brooms, just as he was a fan of the older items and things of the sort, "Oh well." He gave a shrug and decided to look at its better qualities in the mean time, since Jared was, after all, a very optimistic young man and had to look at the better side of things before the worse.

"Ack, but... but..." He started, speaking to himself as he usually, as it was a hobby of his ever since a child, "But what if I mess up? I could seriously hurt somebody!" Jared let his head rest on the palm of his head as he tapped his finger on his cheek, trying to think. In the end though, Jared chose the stupid decision, as he always would, "Well... I guess a little ride on it wouldn't hurt..." He grinned before taking the broom into his hand and mounting it carefully. His robe was stuck to the end, which he quickly moved since he didn't want his new robe to get ruined also.

A moment later, one of the janitors saw him about to ride his broom into the air and called him out on it, spitting all over the ground as he hobbled over to him, "Oy! Kid! you aren't suppose' to beh doin' that right now! Geh off! Shoo!" He shouted as Jared backed up a bit.

Jared was a bit terrified of adults, and the janitor was one of the older men who should have been retired at his age. He felt goosebumps as he got off his broom, raising his hands into the air as if a police were arresting him and shouting, "I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't mean to! I swear! I-I didn't know!"

"Yeh sure abou' that?" The janitor walked even close to the blonde haired boy until there was hardly any space between the two. Jared even held his breath, "How do I know you ain't about to go flyin' around tryin' to make trouble for Hogwarts, eh? I should report you, shouldn't I? Yeh, I should." He agreed with himself as Jared tried to defend his intentions.

"Wait! I just wanted to try out my new broom! Sir! Please!" Jared began to beg. It was only his second year in Hogwarts school, and yet he was already getting into so much trouble.

The setting changes from Quidditch to Hogwarts


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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Samantha Damask

“D-do I really have to talk to him..?”


Sam’s day had not been starting out very well. She’s been standing in the courtyard, fully dressed, for about two hours. Her gaze wandered in the sky aimlessly, looking for a certain owl who was supposed to be sending her a special package.

“Come on, Rutherford! Where are you!?” Sam grumbled out loud as her foot tapped the ground impatiently.

“You’re still waiting for him?”

Sam turned to see her younger sister walk over with a rather concerned look on her face. “If you don’t eat, you’ll feel faint after wards…” She said, her brow raised.

“I told you Kat, I already ate something for breakfast. I need to get my broom from Rutherford!”

“But… classes start soon…”

“I need to get my broom from him.” Sam crossed her arms and refused to move at all. This broom was very special to her. It was the newest model, and she had gotten it as a special gift for her 16th birthday. Her father even had her name inscribed on the side of it. It was also the last thing she had received from her parents. And no one was going to take that away from her.

“Alright alright…” Kat walked over to her, sighing. “I’ll keep you company…” Sam smiled, knowing she had won the little argument.

Thankfully, Rutherford seemed to know the Hogwarts schedule. Not ten minutes later, a light brown spec could be seen in the distance. Sam’s grin grew wider and held out her two hands, palms up. Rutherford landed with the broom on her hands and the owl on top. “Good job, Rutherford!” Sam giggled and kissed him on the top of the head. She pulled a sausage from her pocket and the owl ate it quickly. “Take these to Avó.” Sam told the owl as she handed him two letters. Rutherford took to the air and disappeared so quickly, it was like magic.

“Alright, you’ve got your broom, now let’s go back inside.”

“No, I need to take it to the Gryffindor’s Team Room. You’re coming with me.” Sam grabbed Kat’s robes by the back of her collar and began to drag her across the courtyard.

“I’m still kinda angry about you joining the Quidditch team… you know if you get hurt I’m going the ruin the life of the person who hurt you. You know that, right?”

Sam couldn’t suppress a girly giggle. When Kat got angry or serious, her cheeks puffed out like that of a chipmunk.

They soon came upon the room. Sam walked into it quickly and placed her broom upon the rack, and stood there marveling in its beauty for a bit. Kat, who had left Sam’s side, went and looked around the room. She looked at the bulletin board. Sam stood up, hearing some sounds in the field.

“Hey, you hear that?” Sam hopped over to the door and looked outside.

“Hey! There’s Kai! Don’t you need to find out when the next practice is taking place?” Kat said quietly. Sam, being the silly girl she is, hadn’t checked the board for any news. “Go ask him!” Kat planted her hand on Sam’s back and shoved her forwards, out of the door. With a high-pitched yelp, she stumbled onto the ground.

Sam quickly leapt back to her feet, dusting herself off. She casted a glare behind her and glared at Kat who was hiding inside, giggling uncontrollably. Sam trudged across the field. But as she walked, her confidence and anger dissipated. As she stood beside Kai, it took all of her strength to prevent her body from shaking. She noticed he was talking to someone, but she just wanted to ask and get it over with.

“H… h-hey Kai. I… I-I was wondering when the next practice was taking place…” She shuffled on her feet as she never once removed her gaze from the ground. There was a light blush sprinkled across her cheeks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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Ebony had been up before dawn to begin her personal training. She had to buy a new broom a week before the new school term started, and she'd struggled to find time to break it in and adjust to it. Her three brothers were Gryffindors to the last, reckless and a danger to themselves and to most of her possessions. It had been a three year old Firebolt, her pride and joy even when the other teams got faster, newer brooms. She could afford the fastest, top of the range broom every year if she wanted, but her Firebolt served her better than any other. After all, it wasn't the broom that won the match, it was the person sitting on it. Until her brothers got a hold of it, that was. It was sheer luck that Emily could disarm and restrain an angry chaser at fifty paces.

The hem of the Ravenclaw's robe was still damp from the early morning frost as she touched down a little faster than she liked. She straightened up with an air of faint disgruntlement, studying the latest Firebolt with a critical eye. She huffed with frustration, pushing the few strands of hair that had escaped from her braid back into place. Maybe the twigs needed clipping, or she was still subconsciously compensating for her old broom's slight reluctance to pull up. She'd heard rumours they were a little stiff starting out, or maybe it was the cold...

She glanced around as she heard someone yelling to someone to get off their broom. She froze for a moment, although she doubted it was her... She was right, a stammering voice tried to defend themselves, without much success. She smirked as she hid her broom in the undergrowth and made her way back towards the castle for her first class. She'd rallied some classmates together and placed a serious combinations of hexes and a jinx or two to prevent it being stolen if it was ever found.

She was quite surprised to find that none other than Gryffindor's captain, Kai Logan, with a young Hufflepuff, whom she guessed from his demeanour was the boy who got caught earlier. She was about to approach when another figure came stumbling by, before falling flat on her face. Ebony clamped her hand to her mouth in order not to laugh; but was that seriously Gryffindor's seeker? Her shyness was bemusing to say the least; she had yet to hear the girls string more than one sentence together without stuttering or turning scarlet. How she had made it this far, or even onto the Quidditch team, she would never know. She finally approached the group, her eyes studying Kai carefully. She made a point of getting along with the other Captains; they were chosen because they were the best after all. But then again, there was nothing wrong with a bit of good-natured elbowing, was there?

"I know Gryffindor is in trouble this year, Logan-" It took virtually all of her willpower not to look at Samantha at this point, "-but seriously, trying to recruit a Hufflepuff? You've not run out of options already have you?"
She folded her arms, a crooked grin on her lips. Potions could wait; she could probably teach that class anyway.

The setting changes from Hogwarts to Quidditch


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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"Nope! I'm gonna report you! Stupid seconds years think they're powerful now and can go 'round causin' trouble? Not here! Not today!" The janitor began to say threateningly, but just before he could lead Jared away, who was really beginning to freak out, someone else came to the rescue.

"What's going on here?" A voice asked as both Jared and the janitor turned to see an older student with blue hair. Now while Jared was afraid of adults, tall people wasn't exactly his concern. In fact, he was much more glad than afraid to see the student, who Jared recognized to be the team Captain of Gryffindor, Kai Logan, appear while the janitor seemed to have made a nervous gulp.

"T-The kid was causin' trouble! Gotta go report him to the headmaster, see!" The janitor spoke out, finally, a hint of anxiousness in his voice while he looked up at the tall student.

"It's okay. There's no need to report him," Jared felt a hand go on his shoulder, "I'll take him up to his common room right away. He wont do this again."

The janitor eyed the two suspiciously, but was in no mood to make a fight. So he nodded and muttered a few things under his breath as he hobbled away, leaving the Quidditch Pitch.

Once he was gone, Jared looked up at Kai and gave him a relived smile and said, "Thank you so much! You saved me! Really, you did! You really did!" He said, letting out the greatest sigh of relief before he then saw the Captain's eyes drift over to his broom.

"Is that your broom?"

Jared looked down at the new broom. It was one of the newer models, but Jared kind of missed his old broom, one of the oldest that he bought for very little. He had to adjust to the modern brooms, and he wanted to do that before his first Quidditch game. He'd be the worst player on the team if that was the case.

The blonde nodded and said, "Yeah, one of the newer models, Raiwen 300." He remembered the brand of the broom. He then remembered something else as he added, "Costed me a fortune! Brooms really are expensive now, but I only got it because I broke my last one."

“H… h-hey Kai. I… I-I was wondering when the next practice was taking place…” Another, and more feminine voice asked. This girl Jared didn't know so he only watched her, blinking cluelessly. Was she blushing?

"I know Gryffindor is in trouble this year, Logan-" Another girl walked up to the group, this one having red hair that Jared stared at as she continued to speak, "-but seriously, trying to recruit a Hufflepuff? You've not run out of options already have you?"

He then recognized her as Ebony Charleson, Ravenclaw's Quidditch Captain, 'Wow, two Captains in one place...' Jared thought in awe before then speaking up after regaining his thoughts, "U-Um... He wasn't recruiting me. I wanted to give my new broom a test run before the janitor was about to rat me out. Kai was only trying to get me out of the situation is all." He said, hoping he wasn't causing any trouble to the Gryffindor House.

The setting changes from Quidditch to Hogwarts


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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#, as written by Lorawr

"Yeah, one of the newer models, Raiwen 300. Costed me a fortune! Brooms really are expensive now, but I only got it because I broke my last one"

Kai laughed and looked at the broom curiously. He reached a hand out and run a finger in appreciation down the smooth enchanted wood. It really was a beautiful broom, and Kai was filled with good humored jealousy. He was already saving up to buy himself a new broom. Maybe the new Velox, or the latest Nimbus. He knew that both brooms were relatively mainstream, but he didn't care. All of the best players worldwide used them, and that meant that they must be the best. Kai abruptly remembered the blonde kid in front of him, and grinned as he put his hand forwards.

"Awesome. That's pretty cool. I'm Kai, by the way. I captain the Gryffindor team," He told him, just as a soft thud came from behind him. The thud came accompanied by a familiar yelp of confusion and embarrassment and Kai found himself smiling before he'd even turned around to find Sam sprawled on the floor in front of him.

"Oh, hey there, Sam," Kai greeted her affectionately as she got to her feet. As usual, she was blushing fiercely and stuttering so badly that he had to concentrate to understand what she was saying. Her clumsiness and her shyness was really endearing, to the point where Kai had quickly become fond of her. Truthfully, her skill at Quidditch had surprised him, but he was glad she was on the team. In the distance he could see the girl that he recognized as Sam's kid sister, looking quite proud of herself. Kai assumed that she had pushed Sam, and smiled with amusement.

“H… h-hey Kai. I… I-I was wondering when the next practice was taking place…”

"I just put a notice up on the board. Next practice is tomorrow. We'll be meeting at - "

Kai was interrupted by the snide tones of the Ravenclaw captain as she approached them. His eyes narrowed, and he drew himself up to his full height as he took a couple of steps closer to her. It wasn't that he particularly disliked Ebony, it was just that she was, well, his opposition. He also found her personality somewhat distasteful. She seemed to be cruel, and ruthless at times. It was a trait that he could respect, but it also gave him reason to distrust her.

"I know Gryffindor is in trouble this year, Logan, but seriously trying to recruit a Hufflepuff? You've not run out of options already, have you?"

The blonde kid replied to her before Kai could cut in, "U-Um... He wasn't recruiting me. I wanted to give my new broom a test run before the janitor was about to rat me out. Kai was only trying to get me out of the situation is all."

At this point, Kai scowled at her and stepped past Sam and Jared to confront the Ravenclaw girl. He stepped close enough to her that she would have to crane her neck to look up at him, and then spoke in a low, even tone. Kai had often seen the girl out on her broom early in the morning, and he assumed that, like him, she was honing her skills.

"Charleson, one day you're going to learn that you can whine as much as you like, but it's not going to make your Quidditch skills any better," He told her with an exasperated roll of his eyes. This wasn't the first time that he had clashed with the Ravenclaw captain. They had a long history of verbal abuse towards each other, but he had yet to be proved that his team was any worse than hers. To Kai, Ebony was little more than a mild nuisance, despite her best efforts to aggravate him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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Samantha Damask

“C-can’t we all just get along!”


Sam had managed to finally look up at Kai. And yes, she had to look up. Sam was already of a decent height for her age, and her was almost eight inches taller than her. Sam, however liked his towering height. It made her feel rather secure for some odd reason she will probably never be able to explain.

"I just put a notice up on the board. Next practice is tomorrow. We'll be meeting at - "

Sam had been listening when he was cut off by Ravenclaw’s Quidditch Team Captain sauntering over like she owned the place.

"I know Gryffindor is in trouble this year, Logan. But seriously, trying to recruit a Hufflepuff? You've not run out of options already have you?"

Sam could tell she had been referring to her, and it only made her blush even more. Her silent, seething rage grew a bit more. Her hands that were behind her back clenched into tight fists, and her jaw tightened as well.

"U-Um... He wasn't recruiting me. I wanted to give my new broom a test run before the janitor was about to rat me out. Kai was only trying to get me out of the situation is all." Sam looked to the boy who had been here the entire time. She had barely noticed him. So that’s why…

"Charleson, one day you're going to learn that you can whine as much as you like, but it's not going to make your Quidditch skills any better." Sam was quite surprised by the sudden shift in Kai’s tone. Sam blinked slowly, staring at him. She could see this escalating way out of proportion, even though this could just be ignore and everyone will walk off.

Sam decided internally that she should probably do something. So, she stepped up cautiously in between the two. “P.. perhaps it would be best if… umm…” Sam wondered what to say exactly. “Alright. Here’s the deal.” Sam grumbled. Now she’s going to be late for classes. She hated being late. “Both of you should probably just back off and calm down for a bit. Why don’t we settle this on the field later.” Sam cast an annoyed glare in Ebony’s direction. Her eye sorta twitched as she realized she was speaking to the two Captains rather rudely.

Sam backed up and bowed out of habit. “I will see you later, Kai. And hopefully I won’t see you later, Ebony. As for you-“ she nodded in the direction of the Hufflepuff boy, “I’m sorry to have met you like this. I have to go. Classes will be starting soon.” She stood upright and trudged across the field, annoyed with pretty much every one. She hated being late because that meant she had to walk in and be scolded by the teacher in front of everyone.

“Let’s go Kat!” She shouted in the direction of the Team Room. Kat scurried out of the room and beside her sister. The two walked in silence with Sam quietly fuming.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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The setting changes from Hogwarts to Quidditch


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson Character Portrait: Kai Logan
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The Hufflepuff was staring at her. Ebony didn't like being stared at, especially not in the manner that this unfortunate creature was. She narrowed her eyes in his direction, giving him a clear signal to knock it off before she decided to do it for him.
"U-Um... He wasn't recruiting me. I wanted to give my new broom a test run before the janitor was about to rat me out. Kai was only trying to get me out of the situation is all."

The red-head blinked slowly; he must have been joking, but he sounded serious. Her eyes flicked casually from Jared to Kai and back again, waiting for the punchline. It didn't arrive. The crooked grin returned, and she was about to make another comment before the Gryffindor Captain quite literally stepped in. Ebony and Kai had sparked off each other from day one, and it was only a matter of course before he found one of the best ways to unsettle her. She generally liked guys being taller than her, but in Kai's case, she despised it. He was tall enough to make her feel small, and while she didn't like being stared at, she positively hated being forced to look up at him. Still, she wasn't going to let him get the better of her.
"Charleson, one day you're going to learn that you can whine as much as you like, but it's not going to make your Quidditch skills any better,"
She scoffed lightly in retaliation, although she was a little bemused to receive a roll of the eyes. "Well, my skills are certainly not going to improve much this year unless I actually have to work to score against a team other than Slytherin."

Ebony knew only too well that this was little more than fighting talk; that all her teasing was amounting to very little. Still, she enjoyed herself, even if Kai did tend to take himself a little too seriously at times. She was silently daring him when a little voice popped up, and it's owner tried to step in between them. What was she expecting, a fist fight? Did she really think that Ebony was as stupid as to try and pick a fight with a guy that size? No, she knew that Kai was highly unlikely to try and swing for her, and when it was best to grin and walk away. Their reflexes as Keeper and Chaser, despite Ebony's wind-ups, were roughly the same, and her wand was never far out of reach, so it wasn't like she was unprepared if he decided to duel instead.
“Alright. Here’s the deal. Both of you should probably just back off and calm down for a bit. Why don’t we settle this on the field later.” Her eyes flicked up to Kai for a moment, bemusement glittering in her eyes, but biting her tongue for the moment. Fancy someone actually paying attention to the traditional clash of the captains.
"Well, that was me told," She chuckled quietly as Sam left, folding her arms across her chest. "Nice kid you've got there,"

The setting changes from Quidditch to Hogwarts


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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Hey guys, remember to post in the places inside of Hogwarts! Not in the Hogwarts placement itself! Thanks!

And important information! Class starts now! After I make my post with each of my characters, school will start and you may then post yours! All Gryffindors will go to Quidditch! All Ravenclaws will go to Potions! All Slytherins and Hufflepuffs will go to Transfiguration! This is all regardless of age or year in school!

Teachers! I put three classes for each of the three teachers! Please remember to get your teacher onto class in your next post so the day can finally start!

Thanks guys! My post will be up soon!

The setting changes from Hogwarts to Quidditch


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis Character Portrait: Petra Gordon Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Jemima James
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Fang, after arriving in the Gryffindor Common Room, got changed into those uncomfortable robes for the fourth year in a row. She made horrid faces as she put it on, wanting to keep her pajamas on underneath, but knowing that'd just feel more uncomfortable, "Why can't we just wear normal clothes..." She complained silently to herself before exiting the room, waving good bye to the few moving paintings on the wall who laughed at her for getting trouble again which she glared right back at them.

Along the way, Fang conjured up a clock and figured it was about to be time for her first class, and she was more than excited. It was Quidditch after all, one of her favorite classes, and probably one of the only ones she really liked. With a little too much thrill by the thought of getting on her broom again, she grabbed it before heading off to the Quidditch pitch, skipping along the way, but making sure not to get in trouble a second time. She'd be more let down to get detention during her favorite class.

After walking back down the Great Hall, spying some people helping a first year around the school, she made it to the Quidditch pitch only to realize that there were already a bunch of people there. After getting a little closer, she noticed that they weren't from Gryffindor and it looked almost like they were having a friendly argument. Fang couldn't really tell since she didn't arrive early enough to listen to the whole story. But she had no reason to.

Casually, she walked up to the group and said in her regular loud and slightly obnoxious voice, as it nearly heard all day long, "And what exactly's going on here huh? Gryffindor's are taking the Quidditch pitch for the day ya know, so you Ravenclaw," She glanced at the blonde haired boy, "And... uh... Hufflepuff go on and get to your classes, or you'll be late. We don't want that now do we? Go on!" She said, pointing them in the direction to exit the large stadium.

She then turned to Samantha and Kai, looking at them a grin as she held up her room upright so the twigs of it were just touching the grass, "Ready for a practice? I promise no bludger will hit you in the face, so lets practice hard today. I don't want to lose to any of the other three houses, honestly." She laughed, "We just have to wait for Miss Gordon to get here and we can start!" Fang said excitedly, as she was nearly hopping up and down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Jemima James Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson
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Suddenly, a bell was heard in the distance, and just then, a girl with brown hair put into pigtails walked up to the large group. Not wanting to get anyone else in trouble since he had always caused enough chaos. He already knew his next class was with transfiguration, and he decided he'd head that way after he visited the Hufflepuff Common Room.

After entering and doing the password, he quickly got in and changed out of his clothes which were now muddy because of the time he'd spent in the Quidditch Pitch trying to figure out how to get on his broom and not destroy anything in the process. In the end, he never got enough practice with it, which he actually got not practice, so he'd definitely be unprepared for his next Quidditch game.

After changing into a second pair of robes, he headed for the Grand Staircase, and after figuring his way around, he passed two people along the way, he was quickly headed on his way to Transfiguration Classroom, having his books in his hand and a smile on his face. But then he paused after passing these two people, and turned around, the small smile on his face which turned into a childish grin as he said loudly and happily, "Jemima~" He shouted, dashing back up to her before ruffling her green hair and saying, "Aha, you've grown since last year!"

He then noticed the white haired boy, around his age, just behind him and looked down at her with a confused expression, "Who's this?" He asked. Jared knew he had to get to class, but he hadn't seen Jemima in around a full year, so he really wanted to spend some time just to bring up a conversation.