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Jemima James

"It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice."

0 · 754 views · located in Hogwarts

a character in “Hogwarts School of Witchcrafts and Wizardry”, as played by ladygeekiness




It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice.

Subwoofer Lullaby | C418

Singing Voice Example

♔ || Name || ♔
Jemima James. Yeah, her parents are kinda embarrassing like that.
♔ || Nickname(s) || ♔
Jem, Jemmie, James, Mima, JJ
♔ || House || ♔
Hufflepuff, although many people mistake her for a Slytherin.
♔ || Year || ♔
♔ || Specializes In || ♔
Herbology and Potions. Ask her to make any potion, and she'll brew it with hand-grown ingredients. She's also great at Quidditch, and is the Hufflepuff seeker
♔ || Age || ♔
♔ || Gender || ♔
♔ || Sexuality || ♔
Bicurious, puberty is a confusing time.
♔ || Nationality || ♔
1/2 New Zealander 1/2 Scottish (Before you ask, she neither has a strong New Zealand accent or Scottish accent, she has a mixture of the two.)
♔ || Romantic Interest || ♔
Jemima has been friends with people who would fall in love at the snap of their fingers, but she's not like that. It's not often that she has a crush. Unfortunately, she's gotten the occasional incident where a boy reveals they like her, and she doesn't like them back. Not that they're not nice or anything, she just doesn't get into relationships, plus, she's twelve. Her chinese zodiac sign fits her all too well. (Snake, another Slytherin mislead...)
♔ || Height || ♔
4.5 ft
♔ || Weight || ♔
85 lbs
♔ || Face Claim || ♔

♔ || Hair Color || ♔
Grassy Green
♔ || Eye Color || ♔
Emerald Green
♔ || Skin Tone || ♔
Pale, but tanned from spending lots of time on sunny New Zealand beaches.
♔ || Build/Appearance/Preferred Clothing || ♔
Jemima has a fairly small build, and it gets mentioned a lot, but Jemima has gotten used to it now. Her short green hair and green eyes have gotten her mistaken for a Slytherin, which she doesn't mind what with her role model, Severus Snape, being from Slytherin, but it does get annoying. She often has a grin on her face, or is seen with another person, keeping them happy. Being from New Zealand but having origins in Scotland, She prefers to wear shorts and short t-shirts on what she considers to be warmer days (16C° and up), and wears jeans and long sleeved tops for colder days. It's not uncommon to see her curled up with a book in a baggy sweater by a roaring fireside in winter. She doesn't mind wearing skirts and such, but she'd rather wear shorts or jeans. Or jean shorts. Her wand is sturdy with a handle of apple wood and a body of maple. It is 12" long and has a unicorn hair core. She's very fond of her wand, and polishes it every week to keep it working as well as it can. She runs through wand polish quite quickly due to this.

♔ || Personality || ♔
Jemima is probably the friendliest person you'll ever meet, and is normally the first person any first years, especially Hufflepuffs, will meet, although she isn't a prefect she is often their guide to the school. Her life motto is "It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice. She loves that motto, as it fits her perfectly. She loves to have at least some attention, even if it's awkward replying to compliments, but always puts others before her, just like the motto says. She always knows when to be bouncy or gentle at the right times, and always loves putting smiles on other's faces, even if they aren't the nicest of people. She's great at it too. She's neither an extrovert or an introvert, she sits on the edge of both, but leans more towards extroversion. The things that holds her back is how much she loves being alone in peace, listening to music or nature, relaxing in light, either artificial or natural. She loves to play her bass guitar by herself, jamming out alone. But despite loving being alone, she has a wide range of friends, ranging from Hogwarts and New Zealand to a fellow witch penpal in France attending Beauxbatons. She can be quite emotional, but always forces herself not to cry, thinking of happy thoughts rather than brooding. But sometimes she just lets it out, and takes a time to chill out as mentioned earlier. She's not very fierce, and doesn't like to argue with anyone, even if they get her really frustrated. She always makes sure to be nice and treat the golden rule quite seriously. Her birthday is the 27th of July, 2001, and all the flowers, birthstones, and zodiac signs fit her almost perfectly, it's crazy! She can get quite jealous of others, but makes sure not to let it show, unless the jealousy involves food. I mean, come on, food! She's very determined to reach her goals and ambitions, and will do nearly anything to achieve them, another thing people use to mistake her as a Slytherin. Jemima is different to most Slytherins however. If the way she achieves her goal harms anyone, she will try and find another way.

♔ || Likes || ♔
  • Music, but no specific genre is her favourite.
  • Playing her bass
  • Herbology
  • Potions
  • Charms, even though she messes up spells often.
  • Her friends
  • Nature
  • Beaches
  • Home, wherever her heart is
  • Muggle technology, it's amazing how much they can do without magic, and still think that magic doesn't exist, when they have their own type of magic, technology. Jemima has a lot of muggle things, including her electric bass guitar and her various musical devices.
  • Flowers
  • Hogwarts
  • Her family
  • Quidditch (Go Moutohora Macaws!!And Scottish National Quidditch Team!)
♔ || Dislikes || ♔
  • Being mistaken as a Slytherin, even though she doesn't mind too much, it's annoying
  • People disrespecting the environment (littering needlessly, not caring about rare creatures, global warming etc.)
  • Astronomy, as the tower is extremely tall, and she's afraid of falling to her death. Ironic as she loves quidditch.
  • Muggle studies, she'll have the choice to do it next year, but from what she's heard, it's extremely inaccurate and ignorant
  • Peeves the poltergeist.
  • Bulldogs, they're so slobbery, but to be fair they're kinda sweet.
  • Liquorice
  • Burrs, they're always stuck to her
  • Overly tight clothes
  • Strong smells
  • Boiling hot days
  • Bears, unless they're teddy bears. :3
  • Injuries
  • Bullies, obviously
♔ || Talents || ♔
Jemima is very talented in herbology and potions, as mentioned earlier, and is very advanced for her year level. She has a potted bonsai tree that she takes wherever she goes, and takes perfect care of it, sometimes meditating with it after a long day of studying. She's one of the best potion makers in Hufflepuff, and one of the best in Herbology too. The Herbology talent probably comes from her dad, who is extremely good at Herbology, and has his own garden with magical plants. Her mother is quite talented in potions too. Genetics. She is also talented in cheering people up, putting a smile on most anyone's face is one of her favourite things to do. She also has the Inner Eye, but hasn't quite realised it yet, as normally it's just deja vus and such, but she does have it. She's good on a broomstick too, and owns a Nimbus 2000. It's outdated, but still goes pretty fast, as her mother did a little tweaking on it. She's the seeker for Hufflepuff and is extremely happy about it, and so are her parents.
♔ || Flaws || ♔
Jemima can get quite jealous, but bottles it up along with any other negative emotions, which isn't great to do. Sometimes she snaps and has a bit of a rage fit, but makes sure to do it where no one will see her. Sometimes, her kindness and caring for others gets in the way of what she wants to do, like personal goals and ambitions. She cares too much. She's quite bad at Charms, but still enjoys the class, and is getting better.
♔ || Fears || ♔
Jemima is afraid of falling from high heights, and hence dislikes Astronomy class because of it. It's not the falling, falling is one of the most exhilarating feelings ever, it's the landing she's scared of. She's also kind of scared of bears, luckily there are none in New Zealand.

♔ || Family || ♔
Isabelle James- Mother, Halfblood, Ravenclaw, Scottish
Gareth James- Father, Fullblood, Hufflepuff, New Zealander
Thomas James- 5 year old brother, Jemima was surprised and grateful her parents didn't call her brother James.
Jessica- Jemima's stillborn twin sister

♔ || Bio || ♔
Jemima Fabio James was born in a magical family bringing joy and a tragedy. Although Jemima's parents Fatimah and Ellery were very happy and proud of their beautiful baby girl, they were wrung with the tragedy of a stillborn twin daughter. Fatimah, her mother was the most grieved, but she knew that to be a good mother she needed to get out of the dark and into the light. Coming from a wizard family, it was obvious Jemima would be a witch. And they were as proud as proud can be when she first rode her own toy broomstick. Her mother was a talented quidditch player, and was a reserve for the Scottish National Quidditch Team before she moved to New Zealand. She then became a player for the Moutohora Hawks. Her father Ellery wasn't the most talented flyer, but was a marvellous Herbologist, and was the proudest father on earth when his daughter grew her first bouncing bulb. But enough about her parents, and more about Jemima. She was raised in the hills of Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, close to the beach and sky, her favourite places to visit from time to time. Their house was quite secluded, and had spells all over it to make sure muggles didn't see anything magical in the house whilst wizards and witches did. So, Jemima grew up in safety, with not much risk of any muggle finding out she was a witch in a wizarding world. She was safe to ride around on a toy broomstick until she got a real one, and was brought up being taught about famous wizards and witches, knowing the best potion to use in different situations, and what a wand really looked like. She could be a witch and proud to be one in her very own backyard, which a lot of wizards don't get to because they're nearest neighbours aren't a 15 minute walk away. When she was seven her mother had another child, this time a baby boy, and ever since Jemima has been very sure to take care of him and protect him.

Jemima's hair wasn't always the grassy green it is today, it used to be a bright strawberry blonde, before she meddled where she shouldn't have. Jemima's mother liked to make potions as a hobby, and more often than not there would be a potion simmering in her mother's "sewing" workshop at the back end of the garden, that was really where her mother made potions. One fine summer's day when she was 6, Jemima visited the sewing/potion workshop, but instead of finding her mother to ask for her help with reading a particularly hard paragraph in her storybook, she found a simmering potion in a cauldron. Jemia was curious, and when she was looking in the pot, she accidentally knocked in an ingredient on the top shelf, resulting in a boom and a messy workshop. Her parents rushed in from a cup of tea and biscuits in the front garden to her aid, only to find a broken cauldron, a potion covered workshop and a green-haired daughter. The colour was permanent however, and the cover up for it at Jemima's muggle school was she'd messed around in her mother's workshop (truth), and her mother's fabric dyes had permanently stained her hair green.(lie) Luckily, green is Jemima's favourite colour. So, for the next 5 years, Jemima was considered a total weirdo at her muggle school for having green hair, but soon enough, along with a Nimbus 2000, she got her acceptance letter from Hogwarts on her eleventh birthday. Jemima and her family were absolutely ecstatic, even Thomas. Jemima had waited to go to the magical place her parents talked about with so much joy and respect ever since she first heard of it. A few days later, the whole family used a variation of plane trips and disapparition spells to get them to London. They stayed with relatives before going to Diagon Alley. There, Jemima bought her pet owl Plop, and visited Ollivander's wand shop. Although it was still healing from the return of Voldemort, many wands had been made and it was almost as good as new. Jemima thought it was the most magical place she had ever seen. Ollivander was kind and gentle despite what he'd been through, and helped her find her wand. After a few tries, Jemima was drawn to a certain wand, and it was drawn to her. Quite literally. Her wand had chosen to make it's master visible by dragging itself and Jemima towards each other, and when Jemima grabbed hold of it it shot out a mixture of green and yellow sparks before calming down. It was one of the weirdest things to happen to Jemima in her life, and it was the best thing as well. This wand meant she could cast spells and make potions only available with a wand, this wand meant she was a true witch. She was proud of her maple and apple wood wand, and was amused that it had a core of unicorn hair for no reason other than unicorns.

So, after discovering the magic of platform 9 3/4, she rode the train to Hogwarts, immediately making everyone in her compartment happy while leaving her parents sobbing lumps of pride and joy on the platform. She enjoyed the british wizard sweets, due to not many of them being available in New Zealand. She avoided the liquorice though, magic or not it was gross to her. She finally arrived at Hogwarts, and was sorted into Hufflepuff, and she was extremely happy, although people snickered at her name. She quickly became popular among Hufflepuff with her bright green hair and ability to cheer others up. She quickly became accustomed to the school, and found her way around quickly. She was extremely good in Herbology and Potions, whilst lacking in Charms and Transfiguration. She was dying to be in the quidditch team, but first years weren't allowed to be in the quidditch team. Instead, she read as many books on the subject as she could, and created chants for the Hufflepuff team, inspiring as much house pride as she could in every quidditch match crowd. She had many friends, and kept in touch with her Beauxbatons attending friend Aglaé, but there was one problem wit her first year at Hogwarts. There was no sunlight. But, despite being disappointed with the lack of sunlight, she's recovered in New Zealand, and is back with her bass, speaker, and broom, and is ready to take on any challenge Hogwarts sets her this year.

♔ || Other || ♔
Jemima's owl is called Plop, named after a book character he bears a striking resemblance to. He is a small white and grey Barn Owl.
Jemima doesn't mind swearing, and swears occasionally, but doesn't do it too frequently.
Jemima would like to be either a wandmaker and work alongside Ollivander or have a shop selling potions and plants when she grows up.
She made her bass speaker with her dad over the summer holidays, and it's made of apple and maple wood like her wand. It's very special to her.


So begins...

Jemima James's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Hah! Catch me if you can!" A loud and hyper voice yelled as it moved throughout the Great Hall, echoing as the whole room silenced to see what idiot was yelling to early in the morning. Of course the voice would belong to no one other than Fang Chung, belonging to the house of Gryffindor and being in her 4th year of attending Hogwarts. Perhaps this was why she was such a trouble maker.

But the real question was, where exactly was she? Her voice kept on laughing, idiotically, as she seemed to have travelled around each and every House table. Suddenly one of the student toppled over after giving out a yelp, "Ack, sorry!" Her voice shrunk backwards a little.

Just like any other person would suspect, Fang was using the Invisibility Charm again to cause trouble and havoc. After bumping into the student, she seemed to have lost focus and the spell wore off, revealing her, who was still in her bedtime clothes with messy hair and tired eyes, but a stupid grin on her face as she ran off, shouting and screaming, dodging one of the professor's grips as she continued her dash.

It was like a cat chasing a mouse; pointless. Of course Fang wouldn't be caught. The professor was far too slow to get her, especially if she was rushing throughout the hall with that unlimited amount of energy she seemed to have, "Get back here, Chun! You aren't allowed to be running around so early in that clothing! Get changed! And stop shouting!" The professor screamed out at her with the little breath he had after sprinting so far just to attempt to catch her.

Fang stopped at the end of the Gryffindor House table and saying with a tilt of her head, "And exactly why should I do that? These are comfortable! Much more comfortable than those robes!"

She had hardly done anything wrong, well, except for screaming, and only listed out her opinion. But this seemed to have only annoyed the professor even more, seeing how he frowned and began to chase after her again as she started she chase once more, "Chun!" He shouted with anger while she only giggled childishly and began to run around the Great Hall even more, and even faster, grabbing food off every and any table that she found to look appetizing. If someone was going to run so early in the morning, why not grab a snack while at it?

The setting changes from Great Hall to The Quad


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Tired... Work... Work... Oh what fun." Petra murmured as she sat herself outside in the school's courtyard, placing herself on one of the benches. Lucky for her school hadn't just started yet, so she had no need to rush to her classroom. And that meant one thing; she could drink.

The woman would take any opportunity given to her where she could sneak in a drink of wine, beer, anything that had to do with alcohol. Yeah, perhaps she wasn't the best role model, but she never encouraged others to drink and was a very trusty person when she would be needed in any serious situation. But in the mean time, she's really just any childish woman who has a drinking problem.

With a great sigh, Petra placed the small and thin textbook for Defense Against the Dark Arts on top of her face, murmuring various complaints about her job. Well, of course Petra loved her job and students, but perhaps sometimes she got a little too stressed out at times, "Oh, perhaps I should just quit one day. I'm too old to do things like this." She whined as she leaned her head backwards.

Petra was still young actually, but laziness was one of her greatest flaws. She didn't want to do certain things, and when she had to do something she didn't want to do, of course she'd get a little out of hand.

While she had the textbook in her left hand which was keeping the textbook over her face, covering up the sun that was already so bright, despite it being early morning, in her right hand was a can of beer that she had intended to drink that morning if it weren't for her having to grade a bundle of tests that she forgot to take care of the day before. It wasn't even open, surprisingly, and honestly, in the condition she was in, it really did look like she needed a drink.

The setting changes from The Quad to Grand Staircase


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Hey, new kid, you shouldn't be sleeping here." Ayumu heard a voice say as he slowly awoke from his deep sleep, which was literally around a few hours. He forgot one of his textbooks in his Potion's class and was going to get it the evening before, but since Ayu was still new to Hogwarts and only had a month of two of experience with everything, he still couldn't get a grip onto the whole place; especially the Grand Staircase.

It kept on moving and Ayu had trouble getting places, even back to his own Common Room, so when he tried to go back to the Potion's class to get his book, he got incredibly lost on the staircase. He didn't even remember where the classroom was in the first place. Then when he tried to get back to his Common Room, he couldn't. He was completely lost, and since Ayu wanted to be polite, he didn't wake any of the moving paintings and instead just fell asleep on one of the staircases.

"Ah, sorry." Ayu yawned tiredly as he simply opened one eye to see one of the older students sigh and walk past him along with a few others. What time did he fall asleep? How many hours was he asleep? Actually, what was the time, actually? After gathering up enough energy to do such, Ayu raised himself from his sluggish and laid down position until he was sitting upright. He then turned to one of the paintings and asked, "Um... excuse me, sir, do you know the time?"

The painting looked at him oddly but only shook his head and answered, "Afraid not, my boy! But I'm certain that its time for you to get going to your classes! School may start sooner than you think!"

"Oh, okay. Thanks." Ayu managed a tired and weary smile as he got up, a pinkish white cat, his own, jumping off his chest as he did so since it seemed to have slept there the whole night with him. When he got to a standing position, after a few minutes of adjusting to waking up on a cold and hard staircase, he stretched and turned to look down at the cat, "Is it really time to head to class, Emi?"

His sister, who was transfigured into a cat for the rest of her life, meowed at him back, being unable to speak with that odd expression on her face. Ayu sighed as he brought his hand to rub the back of his neck as he said anxiously, "Where's Alex and Vincent? I think I may need their help now." He even sighed again once the staircase began to move, as it always did. He was most definitely lost in the staircase maze.

The setting changes from Grand Staircase to Quidditch


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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The blonde haired boy, who was lying out on the Quidditch field, was still trying to figure out how his new broom worked. Jared just got a new one because he had accidentally tripped and fallen on his first broom. He went through the worst state of depression possible, kind of, but he got over it, strangely, and recovered quickly as he had gotten a new one this year.

He wasn't too fond of the new broom he bought. It costed him quite a bit, is one thing, and then it looked far to modern, having golden lining and beautiful set twigs at the end of the broom. But Jared was a fan of the older brooms, just as he was a fan of the older items and things of the sort, "Oh well." He gave a shrug and decided to look at its better qualities in the mean time, since Jared was, after all, a very optimistic young man and had to look at the better side of things before the worse.

"Ack, but... but..." He started, speaking to himself as he usually, as it was a hobby of his ever since a child, "But what if I mess up? I could seriously hurt somebody!" Jared let his head rest on the palm of his head as he tapped his finger on his cheek, trying to think. In the end though, Jared chose the stupid decision, as he always would, "Well... I guess a little ride on it wouldn't hurt..." He grinned before taking the broom into his hand and mounting it carefully. His robe was stuck to the end, which he quickly moved since he didn't want his new robe to get ruined also.

A moment later, one of the janitors saw him about to ride his broom into the air and called him out on it, spitting all over the ground as he hobbled over to him, "Oy! Kid! you aren't suppose' to beh doin' that right now! Geh off! Shoo!" He shouted as Jared backed up a bit.

Jared was a bit terrified of adults, and the janitor was one of the older men who should have been retired at his age. He felt goosebumps as he got off his broom, raising his hands into the air as if a police were arresting him and shouting, "I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't mean to! I swear! I-I didn't know!"

"Yeh sure abou' that?" The janitor walked even close to the blonde haired boy until there was hardly any space between the two. Jared even held his breath, "How do I know you ain't about to go flyin' around tryin' to make trouble for Hogwarts, eh? I should report you, shouldn't I? Yeh, I should." He agreed with himself as Jared tried to defend his intentions.

"Wait! I just wanted to try out my new broom! Sir! Please!" Jared began to beg. It was only his second year in Hogwarts school, and yet he was already getting into so much trouble.

The setting changes from Quidditch to Grand Staircase


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Jemima James
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Jemima had woken up to her another day at Hogwarts, and had been facing away from the window, her dorm mates waking up also. She crossed her fingers and rolled over under her yellow bedsheets. She smiled happily as she saw the sun in it's last few stages of rising, glad there would be sun this year. She was lucky she'd woken up in time, she was still recovering from a bit of jet lag, even though the majority of her journey had consisted of disapparition spells. She sat up, and swung her feet over the side of her bed, her toes barely touching the ground. She got onto her feet with a grin and a little bounce, wishing a cheery "Good morning!" to the other second year girls in her dorm. They grinned back, puffy eyed and yawning. Jemima ticked off a day on her calendar, and used a water spell to give her bonsai tree on her bedside table a little watering. She rubbed her apple and maple wand on her pajamas to give it a little buff, and gently set it down next to her modified bass and speaker to get dressed for school.

After brushing her short green hair, Jemima put her wand in her pocket, and bounced down the stairs. Her black shoes made a light tapping noise as she did a mixture of skipping and walking through the common room, saying good morning to anyone that passed by. She had definitely gotten up on the right side of the bed today. She bounced out of the Hufflepuff common room entrance, her large satchel swung beside her, full of books and notes. She pattered down the steps of the grand staircase, stopping at certain points and moving quickly at others. She smiled at paintings, and they smiled back, and one puppy in a painting of a witch with her dogs followed her through many paintings until their owner dragged them back with a spell. She giggled at the puppy's expression, but almost bumped into an older white haired boy. "Oh! I'm sorry!" She smiled cheerfully, before furrowing her brow and putting her hands on her hips. She smiled as she remembered. "Oh, you're Ayumu right? First year Hufflepuff like me last year!" She grinned and held out her hand to the taller boy, her green eyes sparkling with mirth. "I'm Jemima James, Jemima Fabio James to be exact, seeker for the Hufflepuff quidditch team!" Jemima's eyes drifted off to the side and her face fell into an expression of the kind someone would see on the face of someone in love as she mentioned she was seeker for the Hufflepuff quidditch team. She did love saying that. She almost zoned out into a quidditch daydream before she snapped back to her senses. "You need any help?" She raised her eyebrows in both question and friendly worry for the first year. Even though Jemima knew Ayumu was older than her, he was still a first year, and first years often needed help.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Jemima James
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Just before Ayumu was about to walk off, most likely going to get lost as he usually would since it was his first year adjusting to the ways of Hogwarts, he felt someone bump into him from behind. It didn't hurt or anything, but it definitely was hard enough to grab his attention, "Oh! I'm sorry!"

He turned around to see a girl, much shorter than he was. She had bright green hair and looked like one of the younger students too, but definitely not some clueless first year like Ayu was. He knew her name, since they were in the same house, but couldn't lay his finger on it. Ayu was sure it'd come to him soon.

"Oh, you're Ayumu right? First year Hufflepuff like me last year!" The girl said cheerfully as she held a hand out for him to shake.

He grabbed it and did so like any regular person would and said, returning the same smile she had and answered, "Yeah, Ayumu Mamura. I guess it's a little obvious I'm a first year..." He laughed, running his pale hand through his white hair, "I'm still pretty lost here, even though its my second month here. This place is bigger than I expected..." He murmured, looking upwards where the staircases went on and on everlastingly.

"I'm Jemima James, Jemima Fabio James to be exact, seeker for the Hufflepuff quidditch team!" The girl, Ayu now recalled after she said, whose name was Jemima said to him.

Just then, especially after hearing Quidditch, a smile formed on Ayu's face as he said, a hint of excitement in his voice even though he was still pretty sleepy, "Oh! Thats right! Jemima! Sorry, I remember seeing you in the beginning of the year and hearing your name, but I've never really remembered very much since there's so much to take in. You play for Hufflepuff also? Even though its my first year, I'll be playing Keeper for our team also." He said happily, liking the idea of having a broom and playing Quidditch in his first year while most didn't.

After a small pause for him to yawn, Ayu continued speaking, "I'll be playing with you this year, and the other Hufflepuffs, and I look forward to it. I promise I won't let you down, we'll be winning our first game, I'll guarantee it."

"You need any help?" Jemima raised a brow.

It was only after she asked that Ayu remembered that he had to get somewhere. He had completely forgot about it after waking up and getting all excited once the fellow Hufflepuff brought up Quidditch, "Actually-" He paused again, since his cat, or sister, which people only saw to be another pet of a student, meowed, wanting to be picked up, "Yes, yes, come here..." He said quietly while picking her up as she just sat on his shoulder, making sure not to fall off while Ayumu continued, "I actually need help getting out of here." He smiled, "This place is huge, and its moving every few minutes. I can't find my way out... I need to get to the Potion's Class actually. I think its in the dungeons? I left a book there today, and I'm pretty sure I'll be needing it.."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis Character Portrait: Jemima James
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Walking towards the grand staircase, he watch as they never ceased to stop for anyone not even for him. But, he was smart enough to figure out when to hop on and when to just sit and wait for the right time. Theodore was preoccupied by his study book of potions. He couldn't wait for class to start, he enjoys his first class of the day, and that was potions. The teaching and the teacher providing the teachings were just a good match to him. Hearing a few faint voices -which made him lose his train of thought-,"This place is huge, and its moving every few minutes. I can't find my way out... I need to get to the Potion's Class actually. I think its in the dungeons? I left a book there today, and I'm pretty sure I'll be needing it.."

"The potions class is in the dungeons. What are you? New?" He didn't say that to joke around he actually said that in a serious way. Though, it may not come off as nice, he was as polite as his personality and boundaries would let him. Looking over at Jemima, he has seen her in potions class, even though she insists that he give her his notes he is always disagreeing to her awfully cheating suggestions. Even if he did give her his notes, she wouldn't understand what he wrote.

Looking over towards Ayumu,"In order to understand where the stairs go, you have to study which ones go to the place you'd like to go." Watching the stairs move continuously he already knew which one to get on. Looking back at Jemima,"If you were heading somewhere else I'd be glad to show him which stairs to take."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis Character Portrait: Jemima James
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Jemima was excited when she learned that she and Ayumu would be playing against each other. For her it was always more exciting when you were playing against people you knew. "This place is huge, and its moving every few minutes. I can't find my way out... I need to get to the Potion's Class actually. I think its in the dungeons? I left a book there today, and I'm pretty sure I'll be needing it.." Jemima grinned, and jerked a thumb behind her. "If you want I could-" Suddenly, Jemima was cut off by another boy, who she recognised to be Theodore, the older potions student who's work she admired. "The potions class is in the dungeons. What are you? New?" Jemima tucked a strand of green hair behind her ear and grinned at Theodore. "Oh hi there Theodore!!" She hadn't really seen Theodore lately, and he still hadn't really replied to her question. She looked up with Theodore at the constantly moving stairs, changing and sliding, grinding and crunching as they did so. It really reminded Jemima of how lucky she was to be at Hogwarts.

Jemima was distracted by the stairs for a while, when Theodore spoke again, this time directly to her. "If you were heading somewhere else I'd be glad to show him which stairs to take." Jemima looked back at Theodore, but didn't have to look to far down due to their heights. "Hm? Oh no, no it's perfectly fine, you go ahead, I'll get Ayumu to where he needs to go." She smiled at them both before clapping her hands together, making an echo throughout the staircase. "Right, Ayumu and cat, we'll go back down into the dungeons, and Theodore can be on his way." She grinned, and was about to head down the stairs when Jemima remembered something. "Oh, and Theodore, are you sure you don't want to study potions with me? I'm doing a personal side project on Strengthening Solution, and the fifth years are doing it too, so we could like, study together and stuff!" She smiled happily, her eyes shut in a cheesy grin. She opened her eyes and started heading down the stairs. "Just think on it! Come on Ayumu!" Jemima beckoned over her shoulder as she skipped down the stairs to the dungeons.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis Character Portrait: Jemima James
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"Hm? Oh no, no it's perfectly fine, you go ahead, I'll get Ayumu to where he needs to go." Looking at her for a little bit, he would smile back if he actually felt a bit comfortable enough to do it. At this moment he just wanted to get to class, he did not feel like get punished. Not this early anyways. "Right, Ayumu and cat, we'll go back down into the dungeons, and Theodore can be on his way." He was actually going the same way, he just didn't know that Jemima was actually going the same way as well. Shrugging before making his way down the stairs,"Suit yourself then. I was heading that way anyways."

"Oh, and Theodore, are you sure you don't want to study potions with me? I'm doing a personal side project on Strengthening Solution, and the fifth years are doing it too, so we could like, study together and stuff!" The words 'study' and 'potions' made his ears spark, because those words are very entertaining to him. So, he stopped halfway down the stairs and looked up at her, with his eyes filled with interest.

Studying was fun to him, grabbing more knowledge was what he enjoyed to do. Even if it was needed for him to study without needing to study on his own accord, he still enjoyed it. "Just think on it! Come on Ayumu!" Watching her as she walked down the stairs,"As long as it's studying, I think we could schedule something. But, at the moment I got to get to class." Though it may not look it, he was rather excited. He was always excited when it came to studying and learning new things.

The setting changes from Grand Staircase to Hogwarts


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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Hey guys, remember to post in the places inside of Hogwarts! Not in the Hogwarts placement itself! Thanks!

And important information! Class starts now! After I make my post with each of my characters, school will start and you may then post yours! All Gryffindors will go to Quidditch! All Ravenclaws will go to Potions! All Slytherins and Hufflepuffs will go to Transfiguration! This is all regardless of age or year in school!

Teachers! I put three classes for each of the three teachers! Please remember to get your teacher onto class in your next post so the day can finally start!

Thanks guys! My post will be up soon!

The setting changes from Hogwarts to Quidditch


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis Character Portrait: Petra Gordon Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Jemima James
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Fang, after arriving in the Gryffindor Common Room, got changed into those uncomfortable robes for the fourth year in a row. She made horrid faces as she put it on, wanting to keep her pajamas on underneath, but knowing that'd just feel more uncomfortable, "Why can't we just wear normal clothes..." She complained silently to herself before exiting the room, waving good bye to the few moving paintings on the wall who laughed at her for getting trouble again which she glared right back at them.

Along the way, Fang conjured up a clock and figured it was about to be time for her first class, and she was more than excited. It was Quidditch after all, one of her favorite classes, and probably one of the only ones she really liked. With a little too much thrill by the thought of getting on her broom again, she grabbed it before heading off to the Quidditch pitch, skipping along the way, but making sure not to get in trouble a second time. She'd be more let down to get detention during her favorite class.

After walking back down the Great Hall, spying some people helping a first year around the school, she made it to the Quidditch pitch only to realize that there were already a bunch of people there. After getting a little closer, she noticed that they weren't from Gryffindor and it looked almost like they were having a friendly argument. Fang couldn't really tell since she didn't arrive early enough to listen to the whole story. But she had no reason to.

Casually, she walked up to the group and said in her regular loud and slightly obnoxious voice, as it nearly heard all day long, "And what exactly's going on here huh? Gryffindor's are taking the Quidditch pitch for the day ya know, so you Ravenclaw," She glanced at the blonde haired boy, "And... uh... Hufflepuff go on and get to your classes, or you'll be late. We don't want that now do we? Go on!" She said, pointing them in the direction to exit the large stadium.

She then turned to Samantha and Kai, looking at them a grin as she held up her room upright so the twigs of it were just touching the grass, "Ready for a practice? I promise no bludger will hit you in the face, so lets practice hard today. I don't want to lose to any of the other three houses, honestly." She laughed, "We just have to wait for Miss Gordon to get here and we can start!" Fang said excitedly, as she was nearly hopping up and down.

The setting changes from Quidditch to Grand Staircase


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis Character Portrait: Jemima James
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Jemima was just about to say something, "If you want I could-" But then another student came by, hearing the conversation and entering it himself.

"The potions class is in the dungeons. What are you? New?"

"Oh hi there Theodore!!" Jemima had apparently seemed to have known him.

Ayumu turned towards the blacked haired student and nodded, "Yeah, I'm a first year." He responded just as he smiled, "Ayumu Mamura, first year Hufflepuff, nice to meet you." Ayu said. It was a short and simple introduction, but Ayu really had to get out of the Grand Staircase and get his books before class.

"In order to understand where the stairs go, you have to study which ones go to the place you'd like to go." The black haired student said.

"I see..." Ayu said quietly, remembering that he had to study one of the books which was a guide to Hogwarts itself. He never got the time to study though, for anything really. Especially since he fell asleep after every five minutes of attempting to study.

Ayu looked at the two, glancing at Jemima and Theodore as they had a conversation, listening, and understanding, but deciding to say nothing for the mean time until Jemima spoke up again, "Right, Ayumu and cat, we'll go back down into the dungeons, and Theodore can be on his way. Come on Ayumu!""

After she chatted a bit with Theodore, Ayu continued to follow Jemima, feeling a sense of guilt for having to use her time to guide him somewhere. But he'd never find his way through the Grand Staircase, and decided to follow her in the end, waving bye to Theodore with a sheepish smile on his face while he followed just behind the green hair and younger girl.

Just then, he heard the bells ring and he sighed, "There's the bell... Listen... You may be late, Jemi." He had already made a nickname for her, "I'd hate for that to happen, I mean, as a first year, I have a reason to be late, I'm sure I won't get into much trouble." He smiled, but then realized that he also didn't know where he was supposed to go for his first period. He got a schedule, but he definitely forgot it all over the course of his sleeping time.

The setting changes from Grand Staircase to Quidditch


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Jemima James Character Portrait: Ebony Charleson
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Suddenly, a bell was heard in the distance, and just then, a girl with brown hair put into pigtails walked up to the large group. Not wanting to get anyone else in trouble since he had always caused enough chaos. He already knew his next class was with transfiguration, and he decided he'd head that way after he visited the Hufflepuff Common Room.

After entering and doing the password, he quickly got in and changed out of his clothes which were now muddy because of the time he'd spent in the Quidditch Pitch trying to figure out how to get on his broom and not destroy anything in the process. In the end, he never got enough practice with it, which he actually got not practice, so he'd definitely be unprepared for his next Quidditch game.

After changing into a second pair of robes, he headed for the Grand Staircase, and after figuring his way around, he passed two people along the way, he was quickly headed on his way to Transfiguration Classroom, having his books in his hand and a smile on his face. But then he paused after passing these two people, and turned around, the small smile on his face which turned into a childish grin as he said loudly and happily, "Jemima~" He shouted, dashing back up to her before ruffling her green hair and saying, "Aha, you've grown since last year!"

He then noticed the white haired boy, around his age, just behind him and looked down at her with a confused expression, "Who's this?" He asked. Jared knew he had to get to class, but he hadn't seen Jemima in around a full year, so he really wanted to spend some time just to bring up a conversation.

The setting changes from Quidditch to The Quad


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Petra Gordon Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Jemima James
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Jemima skipped down the hallway, getting to the potions classroom quickly, but not too quickly. There wasn't much need to rush. She swatted her hand when Ayumu said she should go. "I told you, it's fine! We're going to the same class anyway!" She grinned and pointed at the Potions classroom door. They'd arrived quickly, and the bell had barely finished ringing. "Let's slip in and get your books!" She grabbed his hand and opened the classroom door quietly, as people were just coming into class. They picked up the book and left quickly. Classes would start in less than a few minutes, so they'd best use a trick Jemima had up her sleeve. She made sure no one was looking, and pulled aside a tapestry on the wall. She pulled Ayumu inside and smiled. "My mum found this passage in her last year, after collecting lots of rumors and clues and stuff. She was in Ravenclaw. I use this in emergencies, and being late for Mr Sou's class is definitely an emergency. I'm assuming you've discovered one of the more strict teachers in the school?" She smirked and beckoned. "Come on! This corridor doesn't come out in the Quad!" She turned forward and scampered quickly up the steps.

The passageway came out behind another tapestry, of a very smug looking wizard. Jemima looked around, got her bearings, and ran down the corridor. They came out a level above the ground floor. Jemima walked down the stairs quickly, Ayumu following. She saw a peachy haired boy go pas them, then turn around. It was Jared, an older Hufflepuff. Jemima smiled briefly at his sort of compliment, and grabbed Jared and Ayumu's hands. "Jared, Ayumu, Ayumu Jared. Late. Transfiguration. No time complete sentences. Run." She pulled them along somehow, and ran them both to the quad, whether they liked it much or not. They were late, but hopefully not too late. They got to the Quad after much running and student dodging, and arrived just in time. Jemima panted, and bent over, leaning on her knees, exhausted by the sprint. They'd arrived in time though it seemed. A trickle of students were arriving, but most appeared to be finishing off breakfast or something. At the thought of breakfast, Jemima's stomach grumbled. She looked into her satchel. She had backup in case of times like this. She pulled out three bacon sandwiches.

She handed one of the glad wrapped pieces of food to both Jared and Ayumu. "Here, have this. No doubt you guys are hungry. It's a little cold cos it was made last night, but it still tastes good. Hogwarts kitchen elves can't be beat." She smiled, and bit into her own sandwich. As Jemima ate, she saw a taller woman lying on a bench with a book on her face. It was Ms Gordon, one of Jemima's favourite teachers. She walked over and sat on an opposite bench, near the top of Petra's head. She chewed her bacon sandwich, swallowed, and held one out to the teacher. "Want a sandwich? You'd better eat it on the go or you'll be late to teach your own class." Jemima smiled although Petra couldn't see her. There was something about smiling that meant you didn't need to see the face to know someone was smiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Petra Gordon Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Jemima James Character Portrait: Xing Hei Character Portrait: Claire Rook.
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#, as written by Agent
Claire Rook

The grey sky had opened up and when Claire and Xing came out into one of the hallways bordering the Quad sunlight was shining into the open grass courtyard. The air was still crisp though and Claire adjusted her scarf against the cold before hopping over the sill of one of the many stone arch windows; Xing, no doubt, made a disapproving look at this unrefined behaviour and walked the rest of the length of the hall to enter the courtyard via the proper archway entry.

“I was just scouting ahead,” Claire said with a smile by way of an excuse. “All clear. No danger here, apparently. Much like most of the trip here. Although, that lost Gryffindor first year may have been some sinister suspect in disguise, so I apologise for not hexing him. But, back to the situation at hand, it even seems that you’re the only Slytherin student here so far."

The bell for class had sounded just moments ago, which meant that technically Claire and Xing were a few minutes late, but it appeared that they would not be last to a class which hadn’t quite started. Professor Gordon was sitting on one of the benches looking tired and a little frazzled with a textbook in one hand and a plastic wrapped sandwich in the other. JJ was also there with the second year Jared and another Hufflepuff boy, a first year whose name Claire hadn’t yet committed to memory.

Claire strolled over to the bench and dumbed her bag on the ground beside it. “Hiya JJ, causing trouble?” she said as her regular greeting to her friend. “Morning, Ms Gordon,” she added peering at her teacher before turning back to her housemate. “You been harassing the kitchen staff?” she teased harmlessly, indicating towards the plentiful supply of delicious-looking bacon sandwiches going around. “Oh, by the way. JJ, Mr Xing Hei. Xing, Jemima James.” She gestured rapidly between the two students as she made the introductions. “And company,” she waved vaguely at the other Hufflepuffs.

“So, what are we doing in class today and who do I get to practice on?”

The setting changes from The Quad to Hogwarts


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Petra Gordon Character Portrait: Jared Blake Character Portrait: Jemima James Character Portrait: Xing Hei Character Portrait: Claire Rook
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“Hiya JJ, causing trouble?” Jemima looked up as she heard someone address her by one of her favourite nicknames. She smiled when she saw it was Claire. "As always." Jemima replied as usual. Even if the reply was often false, she thought it was quite clever. “You been harassing the kitchen staff?” Jemima jokingly put a hand on her heart and made an expression of shock and disbelief. "How could you think of such a thing!" Jemima chuckled. "Nah, you know they don't mind me asking for food. They do love chatting with me about New Zealand's pavlova occasionally." Jemima smirked and in her head she mischievously giggled as she brought up the pavlova with the Australian Claire. She smiled at Xing Hei as he was introduced. "Ah, I've seen you around. I've heard that your potions theories are amazing.We should work together sometime. Studying with other people is always more fun and efficient I've found." Jemima gestured to Ayumu and Jared. "Oh, this is Ayumu and Jared. They're Hufflepuffs like me and Claire." She pulled the three Hufflepuffs into a sort of mixture between a group hug and huddle. Her short arms barely reached Jared's other side, as he was on the other side of Claire. "If Hufflepuff had a chant I would get it started right now, but there's only a school chant, which is cool, but I won't." Jemima spoke of what she was thinking aloud as usual. “So, what are we doing in class today and who do I get to practice on?” Jemima furrowed her brow and blew a strand of her green hair out of her face before answering. "I'm not really sure, but I'm sure I'll completely fail at it anyhow. Potions and Herbology is more my thing." She grinned sheepishly, still holding her fellow Hufflepuffs in a tight hug. She'd actually kinda forgotten she was doing it. She looked at Claire beside her. "How have you been? Haven't seen you much lately." She let go of Ayumu for a moment to pull a sandwich out of her bag. "My last sandwich. You want it?"

OOC: Accidentally posted in Hogwarts! XC Sorry