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Emmaline Quirin

"You can't tell me what to do!... Alright, you can. But I don't like it."

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a character in “Hollow House”, as played by Imagine That!



Name: Emmaline Mercy Quirin

Nickname: She likes to be called Emmy, but most people call her Emma out of habit.

Gender: Female

Age: Tweny-one

Birthday: 12th of December

Heir: Genie Princess

Likes: ♦ Laughing ♦ bright colours ♦ messing around with magic ♦ diamonds ♦ dream catchers ♦ vanilla ♦ looking up at the clouds ♦ classical
music ♦ painted fingernails ♦ baggy hoodies.

Dislikes: ♦ Cinnamon ♦ the colour orange ♦ loud noises ♦ people who get jealous easily ♦ long periods of studying ♦ scary movies ♦ high heels ♦ coffee ♦ extreme heat or cold ♦ cats.

Fears: Emmy is scared by anything sharp and pointy, like needles, knives, ecetera. She is also extremely claustrophobic and is petrified of the idea of being locked up and captured by the same person in charge of her mystical piece of jewellery. The idea of being trapped and exploited is terrifying to her.

Personality: Emmy is an extremely sarcastic genie, and she's also very confident. Her confidence is a main trait in her persona; her will to fight against anything if her mind is against it is something that she prides herself on. That's probably why she makes such a terrible genie. She hates the exploitation that genie's have to go through, and when she's under the control of a master, she does her best to mess up as many of his three wishes as she possibly can. If he wants a lover, she'll make her ugly, for example. She's a very childish person, and she absolutely hates anyone who thinks they are better than her, just because of her race - in her mind, it's personality that is important, not your place in the social hierarchy. Emmy rarely tells the truth around anyone that she doesn't feel comfortable around; meaning any strangers, anyone of her own race, anyone of another race, and anyone really that isn't a member of her family. Due to her nature, she can also be quite skittish around people she doesn't know. She's jumpy, as practically anyone can steal her freewill at any moment, and she has panic attacks quite regularly. This is why she puts up a front around anyone that she doesn't know.

History: Emmaline is one of four children; Two older brothers, and a twin brother, called Delroy. She's her mother's pride and joy, purely because she's the only daughter in the family. Their father died when they were only young, meaning that their mother was the only one around to really take care of them. In the short time that she had known her father however, they were incredibly close, and she suffered greatly from his death. She was the "tag-along" sister, always following her mischievous brothers around, trying to be involved in all of their mishaps and adventures. The boys usually pushed her away, poking fun at her for being the only girl, and causing her to be upset. However, this all began to change when Jason left. Emmy was the only other "fun" child left in this house, so the bond between her and Delroy began to develop when they were in their teenage years - taking them to where they are now. They're more like best friends than brother and sister, joking around and play-fighting.

Reaction to being sent to Hollow House? She doesn't like it. At all. Being cooped up is something that Genies hate - and that's what's happening. They're being forced to live in a castle together with eighteen other people, in close confinements. Em hates the idea, and she really, really doesn't want to go. She tried pleading with her mother to force their older brother to go along with Del, but it was stated that both a Prince and Princess must go. She's going, purely to support the race of the Genies, but she isn't going to make it easy for anyone else.

Which race will you get along with best? The witches could be quite interesting - maybe they can help her harness her powers to a better extent. Also, faeries have always interested her, mischievous little blighters. Who knows, maybe they could collaborate and attack a common enemy.

Which race do you dislike most? Because of her skittish and jumpy nature, werewolves are not the sort of people she likes to be around, purely down to their random phases into their other forms. She's also not a big fan of the elves, with their high and mighty ways of life, and she hates the irritating optimism of the nymphs. All of their dancing around and singing and everything? She wishes she could stick them in a bottle and keep them prisoner.

Other: Emmy gets irritated by the fact that she can only use her powers at full capacity when she's under the control of a master, and she can only go to sleep when she's cuddling a teddy bear that her father had given her when she was a child. She's allergic to nuts, and her piece of magic jewellery is an antique pearl ring passed down from her great grandmother.
Vaporeon ;D

So begins...

Emmaline Quirin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes
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Leonardo Reyes, Elven Prince

Leonardo Reyes stepped through the portal that had been created in his homeland of the forest, the blinding white light of the portal dazing him for a moment, making him close his eyes. His hands clenched around the one of his younger sister, the hand that he had taken in his before they had walked through the portal. He had decided in that moment that they were alone now, and they had to stay together, as much as possible. Her hand had given him comfort and confidence as he led her through the shimmering mirror-like entity in front of them; he wasn't sure if he would have wanted to do it without her comfort. Despite being of the highest race, and of the highest status in that race, Leo had felt a small shudder of doubt and fright running through his body - but he would never let anyone know. Ever. That just wasn't the person he was - he was a Prince of the Elves.

When the Reyes siblings emerged from the portal, it instantly closed behind them. Leo looked behind them briefly, then to his left, and then to the right, pondering for a moment, looking for any signs of life. There wasn't any. "Interesting," was the only word that came from his mouth a he let go of his younger sisters hand, and crossed them across his chest. His face contorted into a look of concentration as he wondered what to do now - were they to go into the house already? Were they to wait here until someone came out and told them to come in? Was there anyone there to let them in? This plan hasn't been thought out to it's full extent. He thought, turning back until his eyes came to rest on his twin, Juliet. He had decided.

"Well, Jules. Would you like to go in and explore our new abode? I doubt that there will be anyone else here on this deserted island, so shall we?" He smiled momentarily, a cute, crooked smile - one that was only reserved for family members and friends... if he had any. It was rare that anyone saw him smile, or laugh, or break his serious facade for even a moment, and after that momentary lapse, he changed back into the stoic Prince. With a small gesture, he offered her to go ahead of him.

Emmaline Quirin, Genie Princess

"No! I flatly refuse! I am not going! You can't make me!" Emmaline Quirin protested, as her mother pushed her towards the portal that was glowing in the gardens of her family home.
"Emmy, listen to me, you have t---"
"No! I'm not going to be cooped up in a stupid house for a stupid amount of time with a stupid amount of people! You can't make me!"
"Emmaline Quirin, you listen to me. You are going to help your brother gain us Genies some respect in this world, do you hear me child."
Emmy ignored him, and continued to push her mother away from her.
"Do you hear me child?" Her mother snapped at her, pulling her up straight and shaking her shoulders lightly.

Emmy stopped fighting for a moment, and poked her tongue out at her mother. She didn't want to go at all. It was a Genie's worst nightmare, being cooped up in the same place for a long amount of time, and her mother was forcing her and Del to go. "Del, please, make her understand? We can't be forced to go! Screw the war, let them all destroy themselves, we're barely involved! I mean--

And with that, she was shoved through the portal.

Emmaline didn't know who had pushed her, be it her twin brother, her mother, or one of the palace staff who were just getting irritated by her refusal. She flew through the white light, and landed flat on her face when she fell out. What a regal entrance. She stood up quickly, and brushed herself off, looking around briefly as she did so. She could see two people already walking in the direction of the house, and she frowned in concentration, trying to work out what race they are. However, she couldn't determine, so quickly turned around, waiting for her brother to emerge from the annoyingly glittery portal. She tapped her foot in anticipation, getting slightly anxious without him around. It was a new place, and she felt nervous being here without Delroy next to her.

"Come on Del! Hurry your ass up and get out of there."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Pan Arton Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Brenton Aedus Vesta Character Portrait: Venus Melissa Arton Character Portrait: Evangeline Almora
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Evangeline Marie Almora

Eva stared at the gaping portal. It was so bright it hurt her eyes, but she found she could not look away. The Princess was hypnotized by the light and that fact that it would be the thing to take her away from her... Home? That did not feel like the right word. This place, the castle, was not really a home to her. It was a residence, the place she had lived in for twenty-one years, but not a home. To Eva the word home evoked warm feelings of acceptance and love. Here the only love she had ever received was from her brother and still the entire place had been cold and empty. Her only happy memories were with Fisher as the two played, or she watched him train. Eva's parents had mostly ignored her for her entire life, and as such she had no feelings about missing this place.

Speaking of Fisher, Eva turned her head to see her brother. He was, at the moment, speaking with their parents. He looked quite serious, but then again Fisher usually looked serious. After all, he would be the King of the Nymphs someday and as such had been trained for the position in every way possible. A tiny smile spread across Eva's face at the thought of Fisher in charge. He would be a good King and he would keep peace with the races. That's what he wanted now, anyway, an end to the war and with him in charge the peace they would hopefully achieve now would continue. Well, that's what Eva predicted for him anyway. Suddenly she felt a pincer like hand grasp her shoulder.

"Off into the portal with you," the woman snapped. Eva turned her head to see it was the cook that held her shoulder tight enough to bruise. The way she spoke epitomized how Eva was viewed in this place. Everyone knew that her parents weren't considering her for Queen, and that she was ignored by them most of the time. Plus there was the fact that Eva never complained to anyone. She would simply accept the disrespect of the slaves and keep quiet, not wishing to cause trouble. So they'd all learned that they didn't have to do as Eva asked, and they could simply skip over her room when they were cleaning.

Eva hesitated, glancing at Fisher and their parents once more. She wanted... Eva didn't know what she wanted. Perhaps for them to glance at her? Maybe wave? But she knew that was silly. What Eva didn't want was to go through the portal alone, without her brother next to her. Eva always felt stronger when Fisher was by her side. Still, she knew it was not right of her to wait for him. It would be best if a representative for the Nymphs reached the mansion as soon as possible and Fisher might be busy talking with the King and Queen for a while. Besides, even now the cook was steering her towards the portal with a steel grip. Eva didn't resist, allowing herself to be guided in front of the light. If it hadn't been for the slight push by the cook, Eva might've frozen right then and there. As it was, however, the girl stumbled through the portal to the other side. She felt the ground give way slightly and looked down to see sand beneath her feet. She glanced around and felt fear thud through her veins at the amount of people on the beach. There were so many... Too many. Eva had the sudden urge to dive back through the portal, but she was frozen where she stood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin
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#, as written by Shané
Delroy Figaro Quirin- Genie Prince

Delroy watched, with a small grin on his face as Emmy kicked up her normal amount of fuss at being told what to do. In the uproar, his parents had not given him too much notice, all the better to relax and enjoy the show. He lazily leant on one of the solid, marble pillars of the palace waiting for the uproar to die down a little...which truly only happened once his mother pushed Em out into the portal.
Del couldn't help but smirk slightly at his mothers comment of him giving "Genies some respect". Yeah, he was real dignified. He brushed his hand through his dark, shaggy hear, before his mother's furious gaze dug into him.
"And what do you think your doing?" she snapped, ready for some more fireworks after Em.
A lazy smile flitted across Del's face.
"Waiting for Em to realise how much she adores her brother"
"Come on Del! Hurry your ass up and get out of there."
Del let a loose smile flit over his face, and glanced smugly at his mother.
His mother returned his smile with a glare, before taking a deep breath in an effort to control herself.
"Listen. I know your not like your older brother..."
Del snorted slightly, like he hadn't known that.
"But this isn't about you. What about Em, the others...Do you think they deserve to be ruled over by other species?"
Del smile wavered slightly, before he quickly jammed it back in place.
"Yeah, well I'm planning to have some fun...and I might think about being slightly helpful" Delroy said with a bit of a yawn, before turning and running straight at the portal, turning at the last minute, to give his mother a cheeky thumbs up. His mother's face contorted in anger, but by then the bright light of the portal consumed him, and he couldn't help giving himself a rewarding smile at the thought of her face...His demeanour quickly sobered however at her words. As much as he wanted to deny it, she did have a point…
Ah well, he'd think about that later.
The next minute he was through the portal facing a large, mansion like structure that was Hollow House and a ticked off sister. He gave Em a cheeky grin, before turning his gaze back to the "house". So this is where they'd be staying.
"Miss me?" he said slyly to Em. "Well it's not bad for the middle of no where"
He said teasingly. He could tell he'd annoyed her, but hey, that was what brothers were for. He let out a low whistle as he saw the beach.
"They certainly didn't spare any expense...come on"
He started making his way towards the house. If they were going to be stuck here, he might as well make sure he was comfortable. He was fairly certain Em would follow, after all, how would she cope without her brilliant twin?
As he made his way up there he began to notice the other people coming. Most were only silhouettes, too hard to actually see properly. Delroy was partially thankful for this, he wasn't too keen on seeing some of the races...from the rumours in the Genie kingdom, most didn't look normal, though maybe his parents instructed him otherwise...not that he'd been paying attention. Rumours were more interesting than the facts.
He turned to Em.
"Did you manage to learn about how to tell the races apart" he asked confidentially. Sure they were a long way off, but apparently elves had heightened senses. Bleh. He didn't like the sounds of elves. Top of the races, or in his words- plain stuck up. As he finally reached the door and pushed it open he found himself staring at the lavished dining room.
Wow. Well they certainly wouldn't be living in poverty. He didn't mind letting he's shock show. Sure he was royalty, but he didn't mind showing his feelings...when it suited him.
"Wonder where the rooms are?"
He wondered down the hallway, there were small numbers on the doors...Oh yeah. His was supposed to be 13. Lucky him.

"Em. What was your room again?" he called behind him, before lowering his voice. Who knew who was here already.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Diana Cordelia Beaumont Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes
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Leo Reyes

Leo followed his younger sister, up the large grassy pathway that led up to the abandoned house. What the house has been used for in the past, before it was decided to be the prison of twenty twenty-one year olds, he did not know, and in all fairness, he didn't want to know. He walked in silence, his mind bouncing around with thousands of questions as he walked. Elves are natural inquisitive and intelligent creatures, and Leo was a classic elf - thinking about and analyzing everything that he saw. His hands stayed crossed across his chest as he went, and his head was still held high. His pointed ears caught sounds coming from behind him, noises of other couplets of twins arriving on the island, but he didn't turn around to see what they were. He heard someone say "Did you manage to learn how to tell the races apart?" But didn't pay much attention to it. Then, a variety of scents hit his nose, and he felt as if he had been smacked in the face. He tried to keep his face straight, but it probably faltered for a minute as he adjusted to the new smells.

The variety of different smells was horrible. He hadn't been in contact with any other races before, but he had read books on them. He knew that the sulfur smell that he could sense was that of Demons. The smell of ash came from the Phoenixes. The dog-like smell, which wasn't completely pleasant, but not unpleasant either, was that of Werewolves. And that smell of rust, or iron, came from the two flying bodies that had just brushed past them, was that of the Vampires. He was jolted to the side slightly with the bump from the female Vampire, but he composed himself quickly, and carried on advancing into the house along with Juliet.

Once they entered, he was astounded by the grandeur of the hallway. The spiral staircase going up to the first floor, the chandelier... it slightly resembled his own home, back in the forest. Leo's hand slipped into his pocket and gently brushed against the piece of bark in his pocket - that piece of home that he had brought with him. It instantly comforted him, and soon, he was walking once again with his hands at his sides, almost marching, royally until he was next to his sister. "Shall we look for our rooms, dear sister? Our names seem to be on this list here. I'm assuming our bags have already been placed there."

Emmy Quirin

"Oh yes, I missed you more than anything, you arrogant ass." Emmy wouldn't admit to her brother that for the brief moment she had been alone here, she had missed him, yes. But he'd never know that; he'd let it go to his head, and then she would never be able to get him to leave her alone, or shut up about it. So, she kept her mouth shut. However, she stood close to her brother as they walked up to the large house, even though she stood confidently. She didn't like it to seem as if she was a weakling compared to her brother, but she couldn't help but be a little cautious about going into the large mansion. She hadn't liked the idea of coming here in the first place, but now that they were here, she felt even worse about it. Stupid war.

"Have I learnt how to tell them apart?" She asked her brother, cocking her head to the side curiously. "Well, obviously, I know how to tell some apart. The sulfuric stink of the demons, the usual blood stains on the cloths of the vampires, fire coming from the rooms of Phoenixes, water dripping from the mermaids, faeries leaving glitter everywhere. Was that what you wanted me to learn?" She teased him back, nudging him softly in the elbow as the house loomed over them. Soon, they were inside the house, and the genie felt her mouth dropped to the floor in amazement, and her eyes almost pop open. She had never seen a place so beautiful, so elegant and so homely all at the same time. The genies are the poorest of all of the races, hence the slave race thing, and it was rare that they ever saw grandeur like this. It was a rarity. But a god-damn nice one. Maybe this stupid little trip wasn't going to be that bad after all, especially if they were living in a place like this.

On the wall by the door, there was a list of names and room numbers, obviously indicating the rooms in which they were staying. "Oh that's good, putting a genie in number thirteen." She laughed at her unfortunate brother. She continued to read down the piece of paper. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served in the dining room at ten o'clock, two o'clock and seven o'clock, and would be catered by magic. Well, that could be interesting. There were other little bits on the paper, but they seemed of little significance.

"Come on Del, I wanna' explore! Lets go check out our rooms, and have a search around."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin
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#, as written by Shané
Delroy Figaro Quirin- Genie Prince

"Oh yes, I missed you more than anything, you arrogant ass."
Del rolled his eyes slightly, though still smiling. Typical of Em, never admitting the obvious.
"Have I learnt how to tell them apart?. Well, obviously, I know how to tell some apart. The sulfuric stink of the demons, the usual blood stains on the cloths of the vampires, fire coming from the rooms of Phoenixes, water dripping from the mermaids, faeries leaving glitter everywhere. Was that what you wanted me to learn?"
As she nudged him teasingly, he gently shoved her aside laughing at the obvious stereotypes. The look on Em's face when she saw the room was to die for. He gave her a cheeky grin, before coming over to look at the list.
"Oh that's good, putting a genie in number thirteen."
Del gave her a dark look, before continuing through the list, carefully noting each mealtime. Far be it from him to miss one. He raised his eyebrow at the mention of being catered by magic. Now that would be fun, perhaps he'd pick up a few tricks.
"Come on Del, I wanna' explore! Lets go check out our rooms, and have a search around."
Del glanced back at Emma a childish smirk enlightening his features.
"Why would we want to do that?" he asked sarcastically "This is far worse than what we have at home" He said in mock disdain, before dropping the whole act. He wondered briefly is that's how the higher ups were thinking...the thought gave him an idea. He glanced at Em mischievously.
"I certainly want to have a look around...however if we are having as much trouble as the other races of thinking of ways to tell them apart, would it not be interesting to have a little fun?" he pounced on the idea quickly "I mean, who better to lie than us? What if we pretended to be one of the other races? It's not that appetizing to be part of the slave race with all the others, so lets swap. Obviously it'll be found out later, but who particularly cares?"
He gave Em a wink.
"Bet I make it upstairs faster…"
With that he quickly bounded up the nearby stairs, taking two at a time in an evidently childish measure. Sure, he'd smarten up a little later, but for now the whole situation was getting to him. He was going to enjoy every moment. He had no doubt that the little charade he planned on doing would probably bite him on the bum later, but life was to be enjoyed in the present right?
As he finally made it to number thirteen, he considered who'd be best to act as…
Elves would be fun, all high and mighty, go from bottom of the pack to the highest. The thought deepened Del's smirk before he threw open the door to his room.
The expensive, rich brown fabrics greeted Del. He let out a low whistle.

"Em, you have to see this"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Aileen Enora Vesta Character Portrait: Pan Arton Character Portrait: Brenton Aedus Vesta Character Portrait: Venus Melissa Arton
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#, as written by Mela
Venus Melissa Arton, Faerie Princess

Lissa laughed with joy as her brother began racing towards her, evidently changing all the while. The smile on his face had warmed her entire being, making her clap her little hands in excitement, and as he now passed her, shrinking with every fractions of a second, she called out a giggled “hey! Wait up!” before setting into motion, her slim legs bringing her closer to her brother as she instigated her own change. She would have a blast, she decided; might as well enjoy the few things she could about this place, attempt to get the damn treaty signed, and then go home to her familiar castle in the beautiful nature that constituted home. So yes, Lissa had her mind set on finding out as much she could, maybe even spot similarities she could use when trying to convince everyone that a treaty was a good idea – that maybe, they weren’t all that different. If she had to be honest, she had no clue why nymphs, faeries and elves were fighting eachother.

Sure, they had their differences, but they all cherished nature and subtle beauty, so in the general picture of things, they weren’t all that different. Many people were offended by the nobility of elves, and the mischievous nature of the Faeries, while some felt that the Nymphs were that tad too free-spirited, but Melissa had never liked stereotypes, preferring to give everyone a fair shot at showing who they were, despite races. People could be very different even if they were of the same kin, like her and her brother, so maybe they could be very alike across species too. Maybe the werewolf princess was a fun-loving albeit temperamental girl, maybe the elf prince was a down to earth guy, and maybe the vampire princess wasn’t only a bloodthirsty evil creature? Lissa wouldn’t know until she met them… or spied on them.

As Lissa’s little, white dress became too big for her shrinking shoulders to carry, she felt the usual leaves creep up around her body, forming the short, strapless dress always making up her little faerie-outfit. Her body grew smaller, the tickling feeling of her wings magically growing out of her back causing her to laugh softly. As she unfolded her glittering, white and lightgreen wings and set off after her brother, her smile grew. She quickly caught up with him, rapidly circling him, joyfully laughing all the while. However, she only did one round before she took the lead, her wings soundlessly, yet furiously flapping about, causing her to move quickly through the air, not feeling the strain of its drag due to her slight size. It was wonderful! Lissa hadn’t been in her faerie form for days, and as she flew through the air, she realized she’d missed it.

Lissa didn’t open the door, because – let’s face it – she wasn’t quite big enough. Instead, she raced through the keyhole, grinning when she caught sight of a redheaded woman along with a darkhaired man. She knew that red hair usually meant Phoenix, and she’d heard stories of the prince dying his hair out of rebellious urges. She glanced at her brother, glint in her eyes. “Phoenixes?” she mouthed at him as she flew up behind the female to look at the paper she was gazing at. Lissa heard the woman say ‘Brent,’ her voice a little unsure, an impression moreover confirmed by her slightly widened eyes. So, the Phoenix prince was called Brent. The uncaring look on his face made Lissa a little uneasy, but she felt safe in her tiny form, accompanied by her much tougher brother, as she could move before anyone even thought of lashing out. She was little bigger than a fly and she had to admit that the others’ great size made her yet more uncomfortable. That was the price of her vague safety, however.

Her eyes moved over the sheet and they widened just slightly as she caught sight of the word ‘vampire’ on the same floor as her and Pan. She felt her smile disappear, because though Lissa was willing to give anyone a chance, fear induced in her for all of her life proved hard to shake. She floated in the air, just behind the Phoenix princess and looked back at Pan, knowing he’d get why she suddenly looked so frightened the second he saw the workout of their floor. She didn’t say anything, not wanting to draw attention to herself, even though she knew the Phoenixes could not hear her tiny voice. She was being careful, which she personally thought was the way to go about things.

The young princess had not really taken any notice of the beautiful room she was in, much more occupied at the prospect of finding out about her housemates… and evidently floormates too. She couldn’t complain about the mermaids though – they were probably a little bubbly like her and she’d though she might get along with them.

Brenton Aedus Vesta

Brent had trailed along with his sister, indifferent, blank look on his face, his hands casually in his pockets. He felt slight amusement at his sister’s attempt of the whole royal dignity. Sure, she would probably fool a couple of people, but she was a 21 year old girl, for Christ’s sake – who was going to believe she was really that calm and collected? Brent knew his sister, and he was pretty confident she was quite nervous on the inside. That’s what putting so much pressure on your own shoulders usually resulted in. He followed her inside, raising a single eyebrow at the interior. It was pretty decent – he wasn’t impressed (he rarely was), but he wasn’t disappointed either. It was no more than what he was used to, and honestly he didn’t care much for decorations and pretty things. Now, if they had a fireplace somewhere, Brent would be a happy little birdie. His expression sobered back into non-existent in a matter of seconds however.

He heard shuffling, causes his eyes to automatically seek out the cause of it. The sight of two people racing up stairs had him smiling wryly. Oh the wonders of infantile behavior. Brenton wasn’t particularly fond of games or folly, even though he was not a fan of his sister’s compliant, serene appearance either. Actually, in all honesty, Brent wasn’t a huge supporter of… well, anything, really. Except for his own desires and wants. Not for the first time, Brent wished himself in the bright skies, enjoying the feeling of wind under his wings, the sun heating up his body without it actually catching fire. He longed for the freedom of it, but was aware that his sister needed him to stay with her, at least for a little while yet, however bothersome that was.

He also walked with her as she moved to read a note behind a door – one, Brent deigned to read with her, so when she informed him of the rooms they’d be in, he merely nodded once, already aware. Also, he’d noticed the fact that they’d be joined by Genies, Nymphs and Demons on the second floor. Well, that would surely be lovely; the gloomy ones, the slaves, and the hippies. Frankly, Brent wasn’t excited at the prospect, and when he felt fear from his sister, he figured she’d seen that the demons would be on their floor. When she then said his name, along with pointed, he was sure of it. He sighed softly, that protectiveness welling up in him again. He expected to see a lot of that during their stay. If those demons as much as talked badly of his sister, or even looked at her wrong, Brent would be there, and he’d welcome the fight if it was what it took to keep his sister safe. He’d win of course.

He had been trained in all things physical since the day he could first walk, along with being taught how and where to hit, inflicting the maximum amount of pain. That, and the fact that he had been honing his skills of fire-breathing, slowly building the amount of times he could do it, along with his endurance of it. Also, he just didn’t care. He didn’t get worked up in a fight, he didn’t leave anyting but cold calculation in his mind. That, along with many other things, made Brent a pretty scary opponent in any situation. If things got really bad, he’d go flamey bird on them all and burn the house to the ground. There were no steps he would not take, because he didn’t care about anything apart from his little sister.

“Yeah, I know,” he said, voice unexpectedly soft and reassuring. He moved to put strong arms around his sister, standing behind her. Then he put his mouth down by her ear, whispering to make sure no one could make out his words. “Relax, sis. No one’s going to hurt you. I won’t let them, filthy demons or not.” It was one of those rare moments where Brent showed actual affection, albeit slightly harsh, but he didn’t mind too much as Aila was the only one who could hear him. Couldn’t have anyone thinking he’d give them the same consideration, because hell would freeze over before he did. No reason to humor the poor things. He offered his sister a soft squeeze, still not letting go. He had a feeling she needed it right now. She’d never been on her own before, and adding to the fact that he was the way he was… well, he couldn’t blame her for feeling a bit alone despite his company. It was odd, this caring side of him, but though he still could not quite make up his mind as to his opinion if it, he’d decided to just go with it. Maybe this trip would help him loosen up a little. Maybe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes
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Leo Reyes

"The second floor?" Leo repeated, giving nod, before following his sister up the staircase. She walked regally, her hand balancing softly on the hand rail, keeping all of her elegance. The blonde elf copied her way of walking, hand on the rail, walking slowly and gracefully. Elves had a way about they that made them always seem elegant, always beautiful, and always regal - now that they were here, they were going to work on keeping that elegance even more. His eyes darted around his surroundings as he walked, taking in all of the new images, scents and sounds. Elves also have a fantastic memory, so by glancing over at everything once, he would never have to look at a map of the house again - he knew where everything was.

Soon, they were on the second floor of the house, and they walked towards their rooms, numbers passing by them. As they walked, the twins passed a music room, the large piano by the window instantly catching Leo's eye. Music was one of the Elven Prince's favourite pastimes, if you didn't include archery, and the piano was his favourite instrument. Leo knew exactly where he was going to be heading when they weren't sorting out a peace treaty, or spending time with one another. Soon, they were past the room, the stunning piano away from his eyes and he headed into his bedroom, after making sure that his sister had comfortably gotten into hers.

His room was stunning; a large four poster bed that looked extremely comfortable was situated against the wall, a huge chair by the window where he could sit and study in solitude, and it all had a sense of gracefulness again, with it's white and cream decor. They had done well, with the rooms - he bet that all of the rooms reflected something about the race in which they would be holding - something natural for the faeries and nymphs, something water-related for the mermaids and dark and dreariness for the vampires and demons. All of his clothes were already hanging up, and soon, he had changed out of his traditional Elven traveling clothes into something slightly more regal - a pair of black trousers and a white shirt, with the crisp sleeves rolled up to just above his elbow. He slipped a pair of black shoes onto his feet, and was just about to finish wrapping a dark green skinny tie around his neck when his sister called him. Leo walked over to the door and opened it for her.

"What do you need my opinion for, dear sister?" He inquired, inviting her into his room.

Emmy Quirin

Emmy laughed at her brother's mocking of the house. It was more regal and beautiful than anything she had seen before in her life, and poked her tongue out at him. "Oh come on, you'll grow to love it." She grinned. A pang of sadness hit her, as she realized that when everything was sorted here, they would have to go back to their poor sector of the country, and go back to the slaves that they were. Maybe she'd have to elongate their stay a little. Somehow. Soon, her mind was back on Delroy again as he came up with an ingenious idea. She listened intently to his plan of acting as another race, not having to be the slaves for once in their lives, and she couldn't stop the large grin from taking over her face. She was just about to answer him when he challenged her to a race, and he bounded off up the stairs.

Emmaline had never been as fast as her brother, and with the head start that he had gathered, she had no way of beating him to their rooms. However, she gave a good effort, darting in and out of the obstacles and people that had gotten in her way, and she met up with her brother on the first floor. She paused for a moment, bending down and resting her palms on her knees, trying to somehow catch her breath, before pushing the door of her new bedroom open. The room was nothing like her's back home - the deep brown and blue fabrics, the wood on the dresser, the softness of the carpet - Emmy had to stop herself from screaming in excitement.

Del's voice hit her ears, and she momentarily popped her head out of the bedroom door, running quickly into his to check it out. It had the same colour scheme as her own room, and soon she was pulling him into her room by his hand, letting him check out the similarities.

"Del, I think we're going to like it here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin
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#, as written by Shané
Delroy Figaro Quirin- Genie Prince

Del laughed as Em took hold of his hand dragging him from his own room and into her own.
"Del, I think we're going to like it here."
"Oh no Em. I am going to be completely miserable" Del said before putting on a comical "sad" face. Immediately after, he relaxed his features, only confirming her statement.
Suddenly he ran into her, scooping up her small form and dumping her in the middle of the beautifully made bed.
"Look at the mess you've made already!" he laughed, before plonking himself down beside her.
"So...which race shall we slaves decide to be" he mused, his eyes lighting up with mischief "I would certainly like to be a might, stuck up elf, however I doubt we'd be fair enough, nor do we have pointed ears…"
He gave Emmy's dark hair a glance before continuing.
"Hmm….Vampires won't work, don't have sharp teeth, no bright red hair to be a phoenix...we could be witches."
He threw a glance at Em trying to gaze her response.
The only issue with witches is they were too average...that was when he came up with the perfect race.
"What about a werewolf? We have dark hair, and that way we can be grouchy and moody to our hearts content"
He grinned at her before laying down, staring at the ceiling. As much as being stuck here was annoying, there was plenty of fun to be had for the most part.
He wondered briefly of home, with the spare furniture even for a royal. Perhaps he really did have a chance at changing the lot of genies. His face darkened slightly as his thought pattern, suddenly turning serious. He glanced at Em. Yes it would certainly be worth wild to be able to give Em a better lifestyle.
He found himself fingering the cursed gold cuff/armband around his wrist. It always was unnerving to know that at any moment someone could force him to remove it and order him around. Del frowned slightly, his overly excited mood slightly dampened by his current thoughts. Downstairs he could briefly hear a few people in discussion, though the sounds were muffled.
He wondered how many others had arrived, and whether there would be any incidents. No doubt there would be eventually, he just prayed it wouldn't turn violent. He wasn't exactly a strong type, more of a jester and larrikin. Then again if anyone dared hurt Em, he would make himself stronger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes
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Leo Reyes

Leo went back to fixing his tie when Juliet entered the room, taking a brief moment to pause at the mirror, before moving out of the way for her. He listened to her inquiry about her outfit, and again couldn't stop the small smile gracing his lips. "We match perfectly." He smiled. It was strange, that they had both chosen to wear similar colours, the green of his tie matching the green of his twin's dress. He turned to his sister, who was now gazing at herself in the floor length mirror, situated on the inside door of his wardrobe. "You look beautiful, Jules." He spoke softly, reading the expression on his sister's reflection. She looked slightly worried, and she kept on looking down at her outfit. Anyone who didn't have an Elvish sense of intuition would understand what was going through her head. "You're not over-dressed, Juliet," He said, trying to make her feel more confident, "nor are you under dressed. You'd make our parents proud, if they saw you right now." He told her, letting that smile that only showed itself for her briefly flash across his lips.

Soon, he was walking towards the door of his bedroom, and he opened it for her, as a gentleman always should. "I think we should make our way downstairs and introduce ourselves to our fellow prisoners." He jested, the joke or smile however not reaching his eyes. Leo did feel like a prisoner in this House, but he would never show his true feelings about their situation to anyone other than his twin sister. "As soon as we've completed that, we can begin to explore our new housing." His hand gestured her out of the door, his ears already picking up an array of voices from downstairs.

"We can be fashionably late."

Emmy Quirin

Emmy squealed as her older brother picked her up, and practically flung her across the room, and landed on her bed. She was laughing as he spoke, and she looked down at the now messy bed. "Oh well." She choked out through her giggles. Okay, the two of them were going to have fun here, that was for sure. She had initially hated the idea of coming to this god-forsaken island and spending what was probably going to be weeks, months or maybe even years in this house, but now, she was beginning to see the upside to this situation. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of tears and deviousness, as Delroy continued on, plotting his scheme. Maybe it wasn't a smart idea to mess around with the other people in the house this quickly, but it would make them think twice before trying to mess around with the Genies, wouldn't it? But what if it backfired and it made the other races even more disgusted by their race? Emmy shook her head, trying to get ride of these thoughts - there were going to be no ramifications for their little prank. It was going to bring their status up in the world - yes, it was.

"Werewolves are a good idea, yes," she began, thinking through her brother's logic, "but they're only a few ranks above us. What is we play Vampires? They can retract their fangs and hide them, right?" She smiled, thinking about acting as someone that high up in the social hierarchy - it would be so much fun. "Del, please please please can we pretend to be Vampires?" She pleaded with him, as he laid down on the bed next to her.

However, her pleading stopped when she saw her brother go off into a reverie, his eyes tracing the patterns on the ceiling, and his hand aimlessly playing with the gold band around his wrist. Her own hand came up to gently touch the antique pearl ring, situated on her middle finger. She played with it for a moment, her mind on the same track as her brother. At any given moment, that piece of jewelry could be stolen from her, and she could become a slave to one of the other people in the house. A shudder ran through her body at this though, of being enslaved by someone. She had been fortunate enough to never have been enslaved before, but that could change at any moment. A sigh emitted from her lips, before she pushed herself up, so that she was leaning on her elbow, looking back at Delroy.

"So, Mr Genie. Shall we adopt our new persona?" She grinned, the playfulness seeping back into her voice almost instantly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Desiree Menendez Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain Character Portrait: Marie Dibson Character Portrait: Vincent James Dibson
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#, as written by Shané
Delroy Figaro Quirin- Genie Prince

Del finally snapped out of his reverie when he remembered Em's begging. Vampires. He'd forgotten they could retract their teeth. He shook his head slightly as though shaking off the dreary thoughts, when Em interupted him.
"So, Mr Genie. Shall we adopt our new persona?"
He gave her a cheeky smile.
"What are you talking about you crazy child? I think before we explore the rest of the house we should find some nice, fat necks to suck on"
He gave her what was supposed to be an evil glare, but what actually turned out as a rather strange mix between a frown and a smile. He immediately wiped the look from his face.
"Well that sure didn't work" he said comically, before grabbing Em's hand to lead her out of the room. "Vampire's shall be fun…"
He was cut off as a fiery haired woman along with a strong looking male walked past. Something was evidently upsetting the female, as the male gentlemanly let her into her room. She exchanged a few words before the door was shut.
It was hard to gage what the males response was, but Del didn't particularly feel like talking to them any way. They were evidently not the best people to talk with at the moment…
Del turned to Em raising his eyebrows slightly, shaking his head slightly implying they weren't the right people show their charade yet. They evidently had things to sort out first.
He started to walk down the hall towards the stairs. When he looked down there were two couples below. An overly happy, bubbly girl, a awkward and shy male, another couple also standing with them. The female was rather pretty and the male rather handsome as well, though quite frankly Del couldn’t care less. What made them perfect to talk to was the way they were open. He and Em could have quite a ball lieing to them.
That was one advantage of a genie. No one would be able to look past their lie for a while, until it was proved wrong. He would have quite a lot of fun pulling them along with his charade. Automatically he adopted a vain and pompous look about him. Giving Em a brooding look. He carefully raised his chin and tried to look as stuck up as possible. After all, that's was what vampires were for. He gave Em a slight indication of the head to the group, before his mask broke into a cheeky smile. He immediately fixed his pompous mask before continuing down the stairs. Drama was a lot of fun, and he enjoyed getting into the skin of another character. At the moment he was second in rank, and from the group below Del could tell none were elves.
Brilliant. They'd be top of the chain for now.
"Greetings all" He said with a rather icy stare towards the group below him. He was careful to keep his chin lifted and his eyes rather haughty and proud.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Desiree Chamberlain Character Portrait: Aileen Enora Vesta Character Portrait: Brenton Aedus Vesta Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain
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Vincent Dibson

Vince, still annoyed with his own introduction, could only be surprised to the way the girl reacted to him and his sister. She seemed terrified of them. What for? Vincent didn’t consider himself particularly intimidating, and Marie was anything but that. But, then again, what did these creatures hear of the merfolk back home? When the girl said her name and race, it made sense. Although Vince never witnessed it with his own eyes, he knew the fundamentals that fire and water don’t mix. Is that why she was afraid of them? Because they live in water? Vince thought this to be completely irrational. Aileen seemed nice enough though, even if she was tensed up.

When her brother spoke up, however, Vince knew in an instant he’s going to be trouble. As Brent sent a cold smile at Marie, Vince stepped in front of her, a sense of protection and tension building up inside of him. He didn’t like this phoenix. He was a threat. When he started talking, Vince’s eyes narrowed, in anger and confusion. Is this a rank thing? Vince never really cared about the merfolk’s status in the ranks. If no one bothered them, why should he? But Brent was crossing the line. Who the hell did he think he was?

When he blew fire, Vince nearly stumbled back in shock. The feeling of intense heat and dryness startled him. Now Vince was confused. What’s this guy’s problem? Aileen sent across an apologetic look before following her brother up the stairs. Vince felt a strange connection to her. He and Aileen shared one important thing in common. They both seemed to be chasing their out of control siblings, trying to keep them from embarrassing themselves and the people around them. He gave a small shrug to her unspoken apology, which meant, It doesn’t really matter. He was about to answer to Brent’s receding form, when Marie beat him to it. “It was nice meeting you!”

Vince’s stomach dropped. “Marie, what am I going to do with you?” He said to himself, looking sadly at his sister. He tried to protect her as best he can, but he knew she’d always go slipping out of his grasp like the little fish she was. He zoned out as Marie started rambling, glancing absentmindedly at the sheet that hung on the wall. Vince decided he’d try to talk to his sister, to open her eyes to the situation. Before he could say anything though, new voices broke in.

Turning, he noticed two other pairs coming towards them, one from the staircase and one from the entrance. He guessed the conversation would have to wait then... He glanced up at the two pairs. The first, who already introduced themselves as werewolves Desiree and Asher, surprised him greatly. These were werewolves? Vince had always pictured werewolves as intimidating, unstable and sullen, not as friendly and welcoming as these two appeared to be. Thankfully not everyone in this mansion was a replica of Brent.

The others, coming down from the stairwell, seemed strange. The way they held themselves reminded Vince of some of the Lords and Ladies he’d seen at royal balls back in the sea, with superior looks on their faces and the flaunting steps. These were the kind of people that made Vince feel incredibly uneasy.

Hearing Desiree’s question, he answered with a bit more thought than the first introduction they made. “I’m Vincent Dibson, and this is my sister, Marie. We’re the merfolk.”

He looked at his sister, letting her once again take the reins over the conversation. Vince was never one for small talk.

He glanced at the werewolf princess. She seemed just as at ease and happy about this predicament as Marie. Vince could see the two becoming close friends, and smiled. It wasn’t like Marie couldn’t make friends in an instant, but it made Vince happy to know that there were other people in this mansion with just as much enthusiasm as she has. Asher seemed nice enough as well, Vince thought with a bit of relief. Not as alarming as he thought the creatures of the night would be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Desiree Chamberlain Character Portrait: Pan Arton Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain Character Portrait: Venus Melissa Arton
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Pan Arton

Before Venus can give Pan an answer, the mermaids began talking again, and Venus had signaled for him to stay quiet. He did. He was only partially interested in what the mermaids had to say to one another. But he listened all the same. The way the female shouted out after the phoenixes once they left was a bit quaint, and a tad dim witted. His sister seemed amused by it, so that made her happy. The rest of it was rather dull. Some naive ranting about there being good in people. Reminded him a bit of Lissa. It was one of the traits he liked about her. Something he'd lost a long time ago. It was something he wouldn't want anyone to lose, especially his sister.

After some time, Venus expressed wanting to make introductions. He smiled at the notion, all the while, secretly hating it. He didn't look forward to meeting any of these people face to face. He was just fine being a fly on the wall, but to actually interact with these people was nothing less than torture. But he knew it had to happen eventually.

Before he knew it, he was being whisked away down the hall and carried into his sister's room through the key hole. Inside he was assaulted by all things white and silver. It was almost painful. It all just seemed too clean and too pure. It was a harsh reminder of what he wasn't. Although his sister seemed to enjoy it. He was glad. "It's beautiful." He told her. "For you. I just hope my room doesn't look anything like this."

Pan didn't mind being taken into this room as she changed, except for the whole pureness and light thing. Being faeries, he wasn't bothered by the naked body. As she changed, Pan looked on and watched her put on her new dress. He smiled at it. "It's very flowery." He commented. "It looks great on you. I think it's a bit formal, though. We're just going to be meeting all of the other races. It's hardly worth looking nice for." He said rather coldly. "Never mind. You look great. Now it's my turn." He turned and flew the same way he came in. "Hurry before the vampires get you." He teased as he flew across the hallway. Fortunately, his room was just across the hall from his sister's. Only a few measly feet of danger zone. But Pan didn't see any vampires out in the hall, and actually believed that the vampires hadn't have arrived at all. He flew into his own room and looked around.

"This is more like it." The place was dark. Black floors, black walls, black furniture, black everything. There was also plenty of white, but it contrasted nicely with the blackness. It reminded him of his own heart. He felt like he would be sleeping inside his own soul tonight, as odd as that sounds. He didn't wait for his sister to walk in, knowing she was right behind him and would be coming in at any moment. He flew into his closet and started looking through his options. He didn't spend long. He found a plain black t-shirt, and a dark green jacket. He also found a pair of black jeans. He laid the outfit out on his bed and began his transformation back into his larger size. He changed quickly, not wanting to keep his sister waiting to begin the meet and greets. Once the last article of clothing was one, he walked to the door, grimacing at his sister on his way out.

"So where are we off to now?" He asked her as he stepped into the hall. "Walk around until we find somebody? Or is there some place specific you'd like to go?"

Marie Dibson

Marie took her eyes off from the paper hanging on the wall to look at her brother, who felt like he had something to see. She could feel that he wasn't exactly happy with the way the previous conversation went, but hadn't had the chance to say anything about before the hall was filled with even more people. Marie nearly squealed, but held it in.

The first pair, that entered through the door, introduced themselves as werewolves, which piqued the mermaid's interest. She imagined their transformations as something cute and adorable, like puppies. She didn't know what puppies are, but thought they would be adorable, like starfish. She had to resist the urge to pet them both on the heads right then and there. But they were people first, and she was aware of it. After all, they did look and act like people. And these ones appeared a lot more friendlier and open than the phoenixes.

The other pair hadn't made any introductions such yet, but carried a very sophisticated aura about them. They appeared to think themselves above all the rest, and not just because they were on the stairs. She had no idea who they were, but they too seemed less grumpy than the phoenixes.

Before she could get over her excitement to say anything, Vincent made the first move and introduced themselves to the strangers. A sense of pride welled up in the sister, proud of her brother for taking such a daring move. She put her arm on his shoulder and shot him a smile. "That was really good." But then could sense his bravery fading away, and decided to take the reins.

She turned to the werewolves and gave them both a warm smile. "It's very good to meet both of you." Then turned to the strangers on the stairs. "You too. Like my brother said, we're merfolks. We come from the water, and it isn't often we get to meet members of the other races. It's kind of like having a party, isn't it?" She turned towards the female werewolf, Desiree, whom Marie felt a special bond with for some reason, like she reminded her of somebody back home.

"Yes, this is a big house, isn't it?" She responded to Desiree's inquiry. "We haven't had the chance to go past this room, and I'm still not quite sure how we're going to get up to the higher floors, since our bodies seem to want to stick to the floor for some reason. I'm still not quite used to getting around on these legs. Do you guys have to jump to get to high places? Is that what you call it? Jumping?" She thought about it for a little while, and then realized that she just got off on a tangent and had to try to return back to the conversation at hand. "As for the number of people here, I think it's 20. It is still a lot though. But you can check out this list to be sure." She said, pointing to the list by the door. "We're all on it!" She says, almost exploding with excitement. "It even tells us what rooms we're sleeping in."

She turned back to the strangers on the stairs. "Oh, I almost forgot. You never told us who you were. Oh, wait, I want to guess. Nymphs? No, faeries! No. Okay, I give up."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Aileen Enora Vesta Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Marie Dibson
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Leo Reyes

Leo could see by the expression on his sister's face that she was worried about something. Or nervous. It was rare that he saw her like this, but he could understand why at this moment in time, she might be feeling slightly anxious. They had never interacted with any other species other than Elves -they had been kept in the safety of the Elvish realm for their entire lives, and they had believed that to be a good thing. However, now, it seemed as if it was backfiring on them. The other races had to have met before, as most of them were free spirits, compared to the two members of the Elven royalty. He gave his sister a quick, reassuring smile as she stood there, giving herself the once over in the mirror. Then, she had turned around to face him, and was straightening out his tie - she knew how irritated he got by the smallest little details being out of place - his parents had even joked in the past that he might have some symptoms of OCD. However, everyone knew that Elves didn't get any human diseases, and this was probably impossible, but it was still an eyeopener for him.

His mouth twitched slightly at the though of reminding Jules like their father. His father was his role model, for all sense and purposes. He was supposed to be, in theory, because he was their King, but he was such a kind and caring man that how anyone could hate him was beyond the young Elven prince's mind. "Like Dad, eh? I'm not going grey, am I?" He joked with her, his mouth however void of a smile as he did so. Soon, he was following his sister down the hallway towards the stairs, and descended them the same way that he had ascended - with a regal sense that could only have come from the Elves. He had to walk around another two people standing on the stairs, with their heads held high, the male staring cruel down at the rest of them, greeting them. However, the walked around with a false pretense, he could already sense that. They had a faint scent of dust, as bad as that sounded, which probably meant they came from one of the lower down races, like werewolves or genies. So why were they acting... oh they were Genies. Understandable then. He didn't say anything about their falseness as he passed them, and walked down to stand next to his twin.

"Hello," He repeated, giving a curt nod of his head to those that were there, hoping that the genie had stopped talking, and he wasn't interrupting, "My name is Leonardo Reyes, more commonly known as Leo, and this is my dear sister, Juliet. We are here to represent the Elven community. Who might you be, if you do not mind me asking?"

Emmy Quirin

Emmy was too busy laughing at her brother's failed vampire glare to notice the stroppy red-head walking past in much detail, she just saw a flick of red passing past the door. Her mind however was more focused on the scheme that they had come up with, and that they were going to be settling into their roles very soon. She shrugged back to her brother when he looked at her in confusion for a moment, and she had the same little epiphany that he did - the red head and the boy that had followed her definitely weren't the right people to be showing their facade to right now, so she went back to ignoring them again, and focusing instead on becoming a vampire. They had never pulled a prank as drastic as this before, so she was going to have to put all of her emotions into it. "Right, let's do it." She grinned mischievously to her brother as he stood at the door, gesturing for her to get up and leave with him.

She noticed the same two people that her brother did as she descended the stairs, and stood behind him. She looked at him for a moment, her expression one of disgust. She hated people that were really that chirpy; but she could see it in the girl's eyes that she was one of those really happy people. Lovely. she was going to be so fun to be around. As quickly as Del had done, Emmy's eyes turned to stone, and her mouth closed, holding in that trademark smile that was usually on her face, and replacing it with a hard smirk, her lips pressed together tightly. This was going to be so much fun. She was a fantastic liar, it came with her genetics, but putting it into action with people that she had never been around before? Oh god yes. Only for a moment were they the highest ranking species in the room, until the Elves descended. For a moment a surge of panic ran through her - their plan was going to be destroyed already. She saw the male elf look at her in confusion, before he continued on and introduced himself. Phew, they had gotten through that one!

"Hello." She spoke after her brother, nodding regally in the direction of those beneath her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Desiree Menendez Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Damon Asher Chamberlain
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#, as written by Shané
Delroy Figaro....Beaumont??? - Genie...Vampire?? Prince

Del watched in hidden amusement as Em's face hardened and a haughty and proud look dominated her usually cheeky and fun-loving smile. He glanced back down at the growing number of people. Two new twins came in introducing themselves as were-wolves in a rather childish manner. If Del hadn't been pretending to be a stuck-up vampire he probably would have joined in the joking, as it was her retained a cold stare and allowed a mocking smile to change his features.
That was when the elves appeared. Damn! They always had to appear when they weren't wanted, stuck up creatures. It would have been nice to be top of the ladder for a while. Ah well, second certainly beat last...that was when the elf prince gave himself and Em a hard look. Del kept his mask of pretence arrogance in place perfectly, but inwardly he cowered. Surely they wouldn't ruin their fun so early? He hadn't even started yet! Evidently the elf knew something was amiss, but he didn't question it further, continuing down the staircase to who was obviously his sister.
Del inwardly let out a sigh of relief, before being distracted by a very ditsy comment by the mermaid princess. Ugh! How dumb could you get? Nymphs and faeries??? Ew. Was he and his sister really that bad at acting? Then again she'd already proved herself ditsy earlier, so it was more likely her. Besides it would be rather fun to rebuke her.
He let out a sniff of disapproval at the mermaids comment, putting on an affended look.
"Do we look like fairies and elves to you?" he said in an affected show of hurt pride. "I am the Vampire Prince, Delroy Figaro-"
He was about to finish his name, when he realised they would probably know the genie last name. It was lucky he was good at lieing.
"Beaumont" He finished smoothly "And my sister, Emmaline Mercy Beaumont"
That was when the elves introduced themselves. Secretly this annoyed Del. He'd just done such a good performance, and here the elves were taking away the lime light. Outwardly he regally turned his head to observe them in obvious scrutiny as the male introduced themselves.

In a pretence of being slightly bored, Del glanced around the room. Perhaps he was pushing his luck by being borderline rude, but he couldn't help but playing the role for all it was worth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Pan Arton Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Venus Melissa Arton
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#, as written by Mela
Venus Melissa Arton, Faerie Princess

Lissa's face lit up at Pan giving her 'permission' to stay with him. Her smile only widened at him deducting that she would be able to sleep in his bed without any problems. She loved her bother more than anything, especially in this instant. She knew he was sacrificing privacy for her, which was why she'd asked him instead of just assuming, even if she was aware he'd do pretty much everything for her. She felt a little bit like she was using him, but she couldn't stop. If she did let go, she thought she might break. She was only able to be herself because of having him as a safety-net, and nothing else. She hoped she'd be able to let go a little at some point, because she knew Pan needed solitude sometimes. She didn't understand that he did, as she was completely opposite, but she did accept it. Pan had often just... disappeared for periods of time back home, and she'd always known he did it to be alone; think, wonder, plot. It was, after all, what Pan did best.

Then her brother turned to look directly at her once more and spoke. His words made her laugh softly, shaking her head at him. "Always so negative, Panny." She said playfully, "you might not like to be here; I don't really either, but you can't say it's a dump. That would be lying, and mother always said not to lie." She added the lying bit with fake innocence, bashing her eyelashes at him before laughing. Their mother had tried to lecture Pan about not lying in like... forever. She'd never succeeded; probably because Pan just sort of... ignored her, like he always did when she bothered to chastise him. "But, that was it for now," she finished, smiling up at him before pulling at his green jacket to make it sit perfectly on his figure. "You look just dashing," she noted, meaning it; the look worked for Pan, and green was totally his colour, which she'd often told him. "C'mon then, let's go hunt down some people," she added, taking his hand before she opened the door and brought him along.

As the fairy twins made their way through the house, Lissa detected chatter by the entrance hall. Her lips curving into a happy smile, she sped up, dragging her brother along. "I think there are a lot of them down there now, Panny!" She couldn't help a bit of excitement. She'd already decided she'd have everyone sign that treaty ASAP, so getting to know people was the first step to achieving her goal. The second they entered, stepping into the room for everyone to see, she waved with her free. "Hi there," she said, suddenly slightly nervous at the amount of people in the room. She cleared a throat, smile slightly less excited. "I'm Venus Melissa... or Lissa, or Mel. Really, I have a lot of names," she stated, almost kicking herself for her less than smooth way of handling things. Damned nervousness getting the best of her. She took a little step closer to Pan, searching strength in his presence before she felt able to continue, "My brother, Pan," she said, gesturing towards him, "and I are representing the Faeries."

She smiled, her anxiety so very obvious on her face. She looked around the room, her eyes darting slightly in fear as she caught sight of a couple looking less than nice. By their posture they couldn't possible be anything good. However, when she saw a couple with pointy ears, her mood turned slightly less dark, brightening. Elves! She'd always wanted to meet elves, and now they were standing right there. She also saw the mermaid twins, so she sent them a smile of recognition, even if this feeling was one-sided.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juliet Reyes Character Portrait: Emmaline Quirin Character Portrait: Delroy Figaro Quirin Character Portrait: Pan Arton Character Portrait: Leonardo Reyes Character Portrait: Venus Melissa Arton
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Pan smirked as his sister told him not to lie. But he wasn't lying. This place was a dump. It may be an expensive dump. It may be a beautiful dump. It may be a massive and comfortable dump. But it was a dump nonetheless. It was a place Pan has no desire to be in. A place that stinks with the stench of the other races. And if it isn't a dump now, it will be before long after the various races meet and nothing short of war breaks out among them. By then, the place will be more then a dump. It'll be a nuclear wasteland.

Shortly, Pan felt himself being dragged out of his room and down the hall back into the main entry. He started to wander if this was going to be his main mode of transport throughout the house. In the room, he spotted many people of various races. The mermaids he recognized immediately, but had no desire to even make eye contact with either of them. He also recognized the elves by their pointed ears. He hated them immediately. There were four others that he couldn't recognize. Two seemed to be acting pompously. He had the feeling that it was an 'act' they were putting on. Being a natural liar himself, and a good one, he could spot the signs of insincerity. What exactly they were trying to pull, he couldn't tell. Perhaps they were simply trying to put on a brave front while being completely terrified on the inside. Something he felt his sister may be doing this very moment. The other two appeared to be slightly more sociable. He couldn't get a proper read off of them just yet. He needed a bit more time.

As his sister took care of their introductions, he gave a polite, but completely disinterested wave towards them. He made no attempt to smile. He wanted them to realize how much he hated being here, and how much he despised them all. He didn't want to give any of them the wrong idea that he was here to make friends, though he felt that message was going to be lost on at least one of them.