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Sango Fujiwara

"They say the human heart feels the things eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand."

0 · 894 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “How To Paint A Colorful Sky”, as played by Rainbow Unicorns



"Simply know that when you see nothing but the darkness, it begins to seem endless, and you become blind to the light. When you see nothing but the light within souls, you become blind to the darkness itself. There is no simple black and white, only the grays that lurk around us. One cannot simply be known as selfish, for example, as there is always something, or someone, they deem worthy enough to give their life for. This world has endless contradictions, and perhaps it'd be best if we keep our minds open from all perspectives, rather then blindly follow what we conceive.

You will never fail to rule, Amalia, you will learn from your mistakes and embrace them one day. Never doubt yourself, even if all seems like it'll end in ruin. Fate is undeniable, and fate can always seem as if it's evil, but even while the King and Queen can see it, and change it, it's still fate."

M a i nx T h e m e || ETERNAL PATH - ERUTAN



For what shall come in the light, in which we expect it from the dark?
What is the string that shall tangle, and never break, but will severe if cut?
for you, i shall find an end to this world, and a start to a new one.


โ™” || Name || โ™”
Aviana Odette Bellamy
Yun Lee

โ™” || Alias || โ™”
Avi, Ana, Via, Ode, Ette, Dette, Odie, Dettie, Ettie/Eddie, Dot || All cute mash ups of her name and middle name she doesn't exactly... mind. She finds them cute, when called by close friends such as Brie.

The White Queen || A private nickname, really. There was only one person who knew of it, and however it came about was unknown.

The Butterfly || Adapted from a dear lover, and a dear brother. She was always known to flutter away, even at the worst of moments.

Madame Fate || She believed firmly in such a cause. Even when a person tries to defy it, in the end, it is still simply fate. Fate can never change, as it knows everything that will ever happen. She doesn't think often of it, but she knows it's rare, if not impossible, for anything to simply be a coincidence.

Witch - Devil Woman || No matter how you look at her, it's impossible to see her as something, someone, who has existed within the land. She doesn't seem to fit anywhere, and that's perfectly fine with the woman. She seems to know more then anyone fully knows, and she has a habit of being just at the right place, just at the right time.

โ™” || Belief || โ™”
Everything had a purpose, and nothing is ever an accident.

โ™” || Age || โ™”
Unknown, however she does in fact look like she's mid-twenties, maybe early thirties.

โ™” || Role || โ™”

โ™” || Current Location || โ™”

โ™” || Gender || โ™”

โ™” || Sexuality || โ™”
Demisexual || Panromantic

โ™” || Face Claim || โ™”
Yuuko Ichihara || XXXholic


Sometimes, even when the heart forgets, the body still remembers.


So begins...

Sango Fujiwara's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane Rie Character Portrait: Akiyama Kamiko Character Portrait: Sora Koizumi Character Portrait: Hiroaki Mishima Character Portrait: Akito Miyoshi Character Portrait: Mei Takahashi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Scra






The sun blazed against the clear sky. This air was chilly yet relaxing. The weather was trying to maneuver from its long winter slumber. The birds peaceful chirping began to dull down as noon approached Tokyo. The children were just starting to get out of school, and the adults were finishing up papers. The day itself seemed to have been dragging itself on forever, making many impatient for it to end.

While the day entered its new phase something mysterious was about to happen to ten unique children. The Athlete, The Wallflower, The Prep, The Student President, The Rebel, The Tomboy, The Player, The Studious, The Geek, and The Perfect. These ten children known for there outstanding talents have all been invited to a mysterious cafe, Missing Pieces.

Why were they invited? Will they even go? Well, we just have to see. But one thing for sure is that a new story is about to unfold in their messed up lives, something that will cause each of them to face the true tragedy of their lives. This story will be about breaking down the walls each child had built. Making them scream, cry, and fall. And along the way learning that none of them are alone, and that the only way to change is to fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiroaki Mishima Character Portrait: Tsukino Misaki Character Portrait: Sango Fujiwara Character Portrait: Sakura Fujiyama
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โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ สƒฮ›ฦแŽถโ˜‰ โ„ฑ. โ–‘
    feeling; nervous -- uneasy, cautious, "normal"
    currently at; home; apartment --- Missing Pieces Cafe
    date; January 6th
    Dษชแด€สŸแดษขแดœแด‡ CแดสŸแดส€ โœฆ 8C001A - Tสœแดแดœษขสœแด› CแดสŸแดส€ โœง 92C7C7

    The seminar had ended early today, and it seemed to a rather decent one at that. It ended before noon, giving her plenty of time to worry and question the invitation she had received. The main question plaguing her mind: If such an invitation could be trusted. Was this simply a ploy to lure her out? Or was it... serious? She wished she actually knew, if that, more about it. Why was it waiting at her door?

    Did that damned Sawamura do this? Didn't he know she wanted to be left alone? Or were her multiple attempts to end it all within the last few years not give it away? This was beyond stupid... Yet, what could the harm be in going?

    She saw no faults in trying to trust such an invite, but at the same time, she did. What if Daichi was there? What if someone from school was there...?

    It was a public location though, and she could of easily stayed in the site of others to prevent any contact. That, and she could always act. She could try and put on the beautiful mask of a lie. A happier life no one would quite be allowed to know. She'd lie about how her Mother was, and how her sister hated her so. She could say a thousand different things to cover anything up if it roused suspicion.

    The cherry haired female let out a sigh, standing as she began to rush down to her bedroom, stripping off her pink tee-shirt as she began to throw her clothes on. Leggings, ankle like boots, shorts, a white dress shirt, and a large jacket with the last name "๏ผฉ๏ผท๏ผก๏ผญ๏ผฏ๏ผด๏ผฏ" on the back. It still smelt faintly of chlorine, probably just due to how much she barely wore it unless truly stressed or worried.

    Throwing the outfit once again on, and giving her hair a brush through, she was out the door tightly clutching her tiny phone, which very easily could of blended in with her hair. After that, she read over the letter once more.

    Dear Reader,

    You have been invited to Missing Piece Cafe. Located on 162 Street, a map is posted on the back.
    We will be awaiting your arrival at 3:30 p.m. Please present the card, at the entrance to be let inside.

    Yours Truly,
    Mr. Fujiyama, Owner of Pieces

    Looking at her phone, and it was only 2:30... She still had an hour, and that'd be about how much time it'd be to walk to 162 Street. Stepping out of her apartment and locking it behind her, she began her journey into uncertainty. Just like she predicted though, she had gotten there on the dot of 3:30 PM, and already began to slip inside the Cafe to stare at the males before her. One, which she remembered as Mishima. The other? That annoying older brat Sawamura mentioned quite a bit of someone who looked like him... And wait! There was another girl there! That made her feel... A bit better, to be honest.

    "This is all stupid Sawamura-san's fault, isn't it?" Sango muttered, crossing her arms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akiyama Kamiko Character Portrait: Hiroaki Mishima Character Portrait: Tsukino Misaki Character Portrait: Mei Takahashi Character Portrait: Sango Fujiwara Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi
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0.00 INK



Dear Reader,

You have been invited to Missing Piece Cafe. Located on 162 Street, a map is attached to this message.
We will be awaiting your arrival at 3:30 p.m. Please present this message at the entrance to be let inside.

Yours Truly,
Mr. Fujiyama, Owner of Pieces.

Miko's eyes lit up when she received her message. School had been let early, which meant she had so much more time to do things! And this text message indicated an adventure! She snapped her phone shut, having already memorized the address and set out near immediately, forcing her red hat down on her head as she did so. The time read three, so she had half an hour to skedaddle all the way down to the cafe the message mentioned.

Miko didn't need the map attached, she had lived in this city for her entire life, and knew every single nook and cranny of it. Wanting to waste no time, Miko ran at a full sprint the entire way, ducking and weaving through alleyways, and even leaping over a marketplace stall that had gotten in her way, narrowly missing both the clerk and the tall customer!

"Miko is sorry!", she had yelled behind her, continuing without a second glance back and promptly turning a corner.

As she neared, Miko realized that she was thirsty. Like, really thirsty. She ducked into a nearby convenience store and approached the counter, sticking out a thumb and index finger and pointing at the clerk.

"You there! Clerk man! Miko would like something to quench her thirst! What will this get her?" she used her free hand to fish change out of her pocket and threw it down on the counter.

The clerk took a moment to count out the amount and then shot a dead glance up at her.

"This will get you nothing. It isn't enough."

"Whaa~?! What do you mean, it isn't enough! Miko is thirsssssssssssssty! Please, Mr. Clerk Man! You know what they say, helping a Miko a day keeps the doctor away!" She enthusiastically gave the man a thumbs up, only to have him shake his head and shove the change forward towards her.

She furrowed her brows, and stuck her hands out in front of her face, puffing her cheeks out as she began to pout. The clerk sighed at this, and then fished all of the change up again, adding some change from his own pockets as well. He pointed to a glass display case located behind Miko, full of low-priced juice in a can.

"Any of those. Now get out of here."

Her face lit up and she rushed to grab a can of carrot juice, opening it and nearly drinking the entire thing right there in the store before running out.

"Thanks, Mr. Clerk!" She shouted as she exited, breaking into a fast run again.

She made it to the cafe just in time, frantically showing the lady up front her message and then rushing to where she motioned only to run into a wall! Only it wasn't a wall, it was a really tall person! The customer she had saw earlier? How did he beat her?! She fell to the ground after recoiling off of him, and the now empty carrot juice can clattered to the ground.

She looked up at the man she had run into for a moment, after he had caught himself on a table. He had green hair and pretty green eyes to match. She stared only a moment longer before speaking.

"Whaa~! Miko is sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry!" She scattered to pick up the empty can off of the floor and then got herself up. She then held her free hand out to the tall one.

"Name's Miko!" She declared, blatantly unaware how obvious she had already made that.

He had grabbed her hand and shook it, introducing himself to her as well.

"I'm Orochi. Nice to meet you." She smiled at him and dropped her hand to her side.

Then she looked around, noticed the other people, and marched up to the one behind the counter. She pointed to him similarly to how she had pointed at the clerk earlier.

"Miko has answered your summons!" She announced.



Dear Reader,

You have been invited to Missing Piece Cafe. Located on 162 Street, a map is attached to this message.
We will be awaiting your arrival at 3:30 p.m. Please present this message at the entrance to be let inside.

Yours Truly,
Mr. Fujiyama, Owner of Pieces.

Orochi had just got done with his last swim practice when he got his message. He was drying his hair off with a towel when his phone lit up, vibrating the locker room bench. He picked it up with his free hand as he rubbed the towel against his head with the other.

3:30, huh?

He looked at the time on his phone. It was three now, which meant he had half an hour to get down to 162 Street. That wouldn't be an issue, considering the map that was attached with the message indicated that it was actually within reasonable walking distance, especially if he wanted to make it in that amount of time. Based on the fact that if he was in a rush, he'd actually arrive early, he decided to just take the walk at a leisurely pace, stopping by a stand on the way there to get something to drink. As the clerk was doling out change, a blur seemingly wearing a red hat shot by, and leaped over the two counters to the stand in a single bound.

" - sooooorrry!" was all he heard trail from the figure before it quickly turned a corner.

Orochi stared after the figure with a mix of surprise and awe on his face. He had to admire the sheer athleticism of the stranger, and turned to thank the flustered clerk for his service before heading off the same direction the figure had been running. He even ended up turning the same corner. He begun to think that maybe he and this figure would headed to the same destination.

As he neared, he passed a convenience store, and saw some sort of frantic commotion going on in the inside, but chose to ignore it, otherwise he wouldn't make it to the address by the time that was requested. He arrived not much later, bending slightly at the waist so he could read the sign on the door. It definitely was the place, as it read 'Missing Pieces Cafe'.

He entered, showed his message to the one inside, who then motioned to where he should go. He hadn't even been there longer than twenty seconds before something heavy struck him in the back and he nearly fell forward, catching himself with a hand on a nearby table.

He turned to see the culprit sprawled out on the floor. It was the red-hatted figure from before. And now that he could see them closer, he identified it as a rather small boy. No, wait. Maybe it was a girl. He wasn't sure until she spoke.

"Whaa~! Miko is sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Orochi was taken aback by how fast this girl talked, but then again, he wasn't all too surprised considering how fast she ran. He watched her try to grab the can before getting back up, and she extended her free hand to him.

"Name's Miko!" She had said to him, as if Orochi hadn't already grasped that. He gaped at her for a moment before grabbing her hand in his own and shaking it.

"I'm Orochi. Nice to meet you." He offered in return.

She smiled at him and wandered off then, appearing to announce herself to the one behind the counter. Orochi, however, focused his attention on another. Her red hair was familiar. And so was the jacket she had on.

But why?

The setting changes from Tokyo, Japan to Missing Cafe


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sora Koizumi Character Portrait: Hiroaki Mishima Character Portrait: Tsukino Misaki Character Portrait: Akito Miyoshi Character Portrait: Mei Takahashi Character Portrait: Sango Fujiwara
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Kyuyo Senior High โ‡ข Missing Cafe

The first day back to school has always given Akito a difficult bitter-sweet sensation, one he wouldn't quite be able to explain if anyone were to ask what he meant. The holidays away from school had a tendency to drag down on him. Each day felt like wading through thick ocean waters with the currents running against him. His house was not a minefield of any sort. There were no ticking time bombs waiting to be set off at the drop of a dime, no flares under thread of being set aflame, no...anything, really. And maybe it would have been better if there was some sort of threat of danger lurking about behind each corner.

Fear was a feeling, after all. It was all-encompassing, it was fierce. It felt like the biting icy winds of a winter storm whipping up around him, gripping his soul and taking hold, tightly and with no sign of forgiveness. However, through each room of his home was only that continued sense of nothingness. Of loneliness. And loneliness was a very empty feeling. It was hollow, intangible, a near impossible thing to grasp onto, which was practically the very definition of the word anyway.

So the first day back to school shooed those feelings away. There were people, he knew. He could see them. If he so pleased, he could reach out and touch them and his hand would not phase through their solidified forms. In that simple gesture, Akito always found himself reassured. He would find the smile he'd left behind the day before winter break began lying somewhere in the midst of the flock of familiar faces he'd grown used to. All he would ever need to do is dust it on and place it back on his lips where it surely belonged, as he didn't quite look the same without it.

In any case, by the end of the school day, his smile still held true. There was a comfort in knowing that the worst times were behind him and that it would be nearly another year before he would have to dive back into the heavy waters once again.

His thoughts were sidetracked as a note fell from his locker. He watched it flutter gently towards the floor and planned to wait for it to land, but just as he reached for it, a group of chatty guys getting ready for practice passed by and the wind of their passing flipped the note far out of reach. It was the worst game of tag he'd ever played, running like an mad man through the school halls as the rest of the students swarmed out of their classrooms, dragging the piece of paper into their depths, where Akito could only shove people out of the way to find it. A poor bystander found herself shoved into a locker, but once she caught sight of that forgiving face of his, her ruby lips were silenced from any signs of argument.

By the time he reached it, he found himself standing just outside of school with his shoes soaked through to his socks from running through a puddle on his way to snatch the paper. He managed to grab it out of the air, only to lose his footing and trip forward and fall on that beautiful, previous forgiving face of his. He might've considered it karma for shoving that poor girl into the locker, but he'd honestly forgotten she'd existed by that point. All that mattered was the note in his hands. He could only imagine all the ooey gooey, mushy gushy confessions that could be concealed inside.

Points off for ugliness. Really, no heart? No cute doodles? He was bored already.

Dear Reader,

You have been invited to Missing Piece Cafe. Located on 162 Street, a map is attached to this message.
We will be awaiting your arrival at 3:30 p.m. Please present this message at the entrance to be let inside.

Yours Truly,
Mr. Fujiyama, Owner of Pieces

Okay, well. It wasn't the strangest way someone had ever asked him for a date, he had to admit. It sounded mysterious! Already, his thoughts of boredom were beginning to fade away.

As he reached the place in question, his hands itched in that way they did when he anticipated something exciting to come. As he stepped through the doors and took a scan of the room- Back of the head, nice burgundy hair, brown eyed beauty, another brown-eyed beauty of the other species, tall, dark, and- Wait. Was that-? Surely it couldn't be. It was.

Overlooking those he had yet to pass judgement on, Akito made a bee-line straight for the dark-haired beauty he knew by many names, but mostly as Luna-chan. That's right. THE Luna-chan. He would have melted if he wasn't pulled so tight with energy. Throwing common decency to the wind (as he often did), Akito took her hands into his own, met her gaze, got down on one knee, and said, in the sweetest, most serious voice he could muster, "Lu~na-chan~ Will you marry me?"


Sportsman's Park โ‡ข Missing Cafe

No, Sora was not in the very best of moods. He was running late for a meeting that he never agreed to go to, but feared what might happen if he didn't. The note he'd found in his school locker had specific instructions on where he needed to be and how he needed to get there, but not being one to explore much, he didn't know the city very well. Everything had started out fine and dandy. After school, he went to practice his serves at the park. It was a common routine for him, especially since doing serves was a still action, so he wouldn't need to be running around. He wasn't meant to be walking much on his foot at all, but he was the stubborn, reluctant type. The doctors were never a hundred percent right a hundred percent of the time anyway and-

Well. We digress. To put it simply, somewhere along the lines between the park and the Cafe, Sora had managed to get himself completely and irrevocably lost. The instructions were meant to get him from the school to the Cafe, but the park was a little out of the way from the school, and he already felt like he was running late (although he wasn't quite sure since his watch had been on the verge of dying for days now and it got slower each hour), so he didn't have the time to backtrack to the school and go from there.

After nearly an hour had passed when he'd passed that same dog tied to a fire hydrant three times in a row, Sora was frustrated beyond belief and about ready to give it up and go home. Why was he wasting his precious time trying to find some place he'd never even heard about anyway? As far as he knew, it could have just been a prank. He could've been wasting his time trying to find a nonexistent Cafe. Oh man, then I would really feel like a loser.

Huffing and puffing, he came to an aggravated stop just to tear the note in half. He'd read the instructions so many times he had them memorized. "This is impossible!" And just as he'd said that, the chiming of a bell caught his ears. He turned and there, standing before him, was Missing Cafe. He could have cried tears of joy. He practically flew through the doors, nearly ready to kiss the tiled floors. Only, no, ew, that would be gross. Without bothering to scan the other occupants, Sora marched right up to the man behind the counter, tossing the bits and pieces of the note at him. They fell to the floor as he frowned at the man. He opened his mouth, more than ready to demand (or maybe just...politely ask) where he was and why he was there, but one look at his face had his tongue glued to the roof of his mouth.

So instead, the beautiful, articulate array of words that came out instead were, "Where am I?!" Which really only made him sound like the lost, amnesiac homeless man who lived in the alley next to the supermarket and always screamed at strangers whenever he woke up and forgot his surroundings.

The setting changes from Missing Cafe to Tokyo, Japan


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Akane Rie Character Portrait: Akiyama Kamiko Character Portrait: Sora Koizumi Character Portrait: Akito Miyoshi Character Portrait: Setsuko Fujikage
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โ€œThe so-called โ€˜psychotically depressedโ€™ person who tries to kill herself doesn't do so out of quote โ€˜hopelessnessโ€™ or any abstract conviction that lifeโ€™s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fireโ€™s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. Itโ€™s not desiring the fall; itโ€™s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling โ€˜Donโ€™t!โ€™ and โ€˜Hang on!โ€™, can understand the jump. Not really. Youโ€™d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.โ€

โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘Akane; Meaning 'brilliant red'โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘


Feeling; Lonely -- helpless, uneasy, lost

Location; Apartment --- Missing Pieces Cafe

Dษชแด€สŸแดษขแดœแด‡ CแดสŸแดส€ โœง CC3232

Tสœแดแดœษขสœแด› CแดสŸแดส€ โœฆ FF6666

Last day without cutting; 0

The boy's face was from Akane vilest nightmares. Cavernous mouth, distended chin, bastardized nose. The enormous, bulging eyes glared at her, demanded she see the truth, commanded her to acknowledge her sin, her failure. No matter how many times this scene played out, she was never fast enough, and she would never be fast enough to save that boy. A wail went through the air, followed by a loud snapping noise, and then the males glaring eye's softened and lost any light they had once held. The small dark haired girl moved forward in a blur, a battle cry leaving her lips as she raised the knife she held high, her vision going red. A strange laugh echoed off the walls as the small child stabbed the large man repeatedly, it was a worn out, sinister laugh.

Suddenly, she was no longer in a wooden cabin, instead she was in the dark forest, bloody knives sticking up everywhere, a cold, harsh wind slammed into her chest, she was a child no more, and blood was spraying at her like rain. She needed to wake up, she needed to wake up before it got worse. A pale face shinned in the moonlight, a form moving slowly towards her, the person's neck turn at a strange angle, their mouth hanging open in a silent scream, and then-

Akane jerked awake as a strange noise broke free from her throat, it was something between a cry of agony and a scream for help. Slowly, the sound died down, leaving the dark room in a never ending silence. She stared up at the ceiling for a long moment, the cold sweat that had settled over her skin making her shiver. It was the same every night, nightmare after nightmare, so real, so lucid, and it was horrible. She hated having to relive hell's every day. It was like she would never actually get any sleep, she would just always be stuck there, in the nightmare of her life. Her hand slid under her pillow, grasping the cold steal that gave her goose flesh for a split second. The hard metal slipped across the sheets and played over her thin skin, dancing bloody patterns and spelling hopes of a better life.

The clock flashed in red, reading 11:24 AM until the numbers were seared into her minds eyes. She threw the small object from her hand at the lock, knocking it to the ground with a thud. She was late. No surprises there, never really was. Sometimes she didn't hear the alarm. Not that it really mattered, no one had perfect attendance at the Academy. Rolling out and breaking free of her sheets, she pulled them away from her mattress and balled them up to the middle of her bed before sweeping into the bathroom and washing away the nightmares marks down the drain. After doing so the girl hurried back into her room so she could discard her sheets into the wash.

Finally, she got dressed; long sleeve shirt, jeans, and her red scarf. it never changed, the need to hide the marks and scars. It never would. glancing at the fallen clock, it now flashed 11:57 AM. Would it ever stop flashing? She sighed and grabbed her bag before heading out - she didn't see the small letter that sat on the floor outside her room.

Akane didn't bother locking her dingy apartment, no one would steal stained metal.

The streets were bustling and the sun shinning, any happy person would be out and about, perhaps wearing shorts and a tank and throwing a ball with friends at the park. No, instead she was heading to an Office for people too depressed to enjoy the feel of the sun or the taste of food. Conversations flittered back and forth as she walked, her head bowed, her lips pursed, eyes scanning the crowds, looking for something in other people that she rarely saw in broad day light. No it was more common to see it at night when the shouts and alcohol came out.

She moved at a slow pace, not quite worried about missing her appointment and not quite caring enough to hurry. All too soon, she was there though, outside the small two story building with worn brick walls and fogged windows, she entered casually and went up to the front desk, giving her name, the woman squinted at her before nodding to the door at the far end of the corridor. He was waiting for her.

"I was wondering if you'd show today." The older man sat in a worn leather chair, a clip board in his lap. Ane sat down in the leather couch across from him, her back again't the wall that was painted yellow. They had thought bright colors would help patients, but really it just made her want to claw her eyes out. The man - Doctor Turner - was a truly kind old man, he was understanding and refreshing, and he knew how she worked by now. "Well come on, let's see them." He sighed, pulled his chair closer to where she sat and pulling a small black bag out from under the couch.

"I can do it myself," Akane sighed, but rolled up her sleeves anyway. The doctor tsk'd and started to wrap her wrists in gauze before handing her an extra roll, which she slipped into her bag easily. She would need it later when the gauze became stained with her life's sorrows. "Thank you." She whispered, staring at the yellow that the walls were painted. It was fading and worn, like her mind. Perhaps it was time they repaint it? Black would be much for fitting. The man nodded and scooted back.

"Now, tell me about the nightmares again." He started, and that's how the next two hours went. Akane was alone in the world, the last of her family line. An old family friend pad for her apartment, for her school funding, and for these appointments. That was great and all, but she didn't need any of it, it would be no different if she lived on the streets, as long as she had something sharp in hand she would be okay. As she strode down the streets with hands in her pockets, her mind wandered to what her life would have been like if her mother and father were alive, if her brother was alive. Would she be able to wear shorts?

Silently, the brunette climbed the stairwell to her apartment, and headed towards her room. It was then she noticed the letter.

Dear Reader,

You have been invited to Missing Piece Cafe. Located on 162 Street, a map is posted on the back.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
We will be awaiting your arrival at 3:30 p.m. Please present the card, at the entrance to be let inside.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Yours Truly,
XXXXMr. Fujiyama, Owner of PiecesXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

She stared at the letter for a moment, before snorting and striding back into her apartment and dropping it into her trash bin. From there she went about her day as she usually does, first by throwing her bed sheets into the dryer, then by picking up the fallen lock that now read 2:49 PM. After that she threw her valued item back under her pillow and set to work fixing herself something to eat. Akane lived off of ramen and frozen pork, but it didn't matter to her, she didn't taste the food she put in her mouth. She had learned the trick to being able to eat a long time ago, but it didn't seem to make her skin any less pale or her cheeks any less hollow. Missing Piece Cafe...weird name. Ane went on with her day, but the name seemed to stick in her head, like a bad song.

3:25 PM, the clock flashed. She sat on her bare bed, staring at the clock with her worn eyes, playing with the cold steal that was her life line, dangling it between her fingers and relishing in the sharp sting it left in it's wake. Curiosity killed the cat. She was up on her feet before she really understood what she was doing. After wrapping band-aids around her fingers, she grabbed her bag and that strange letter that couldn't possibly have been for her, and headed out of the room she called home.

The streets had yet to lose their bustle, and for once she found herself rushing forward, following the directions on the map diligently, even if her eyes hadn't returned from their death fade, they showed the smallest bit of interest. And it was there and then, that she found herself standing outside of the large building that was the strange cafe. Just as she walked in, a male walked up to a pretty dark haired girl, dropped to one knee, and asked her to marry him. Akane dead panned for a moment and shuffled away from the pair.

Ane surveyed the cafe and the people within it for a moment, before she shuddered and turned back around. "Bad ideas go hand in hand with bad jokes." She mumbled, shuffling towards the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Akane Rie Character Portrait: Akiyama Kamiko Character Portrait: Sora Koizumi Character Portrait: Hiroaki Mishima Character Portrait: Tsukino Misaki
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โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ ฦฆษจษณ ู‰. โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘
    feeling; nervous -- uneasy, cautious, "normal"
    currently at; home; apartment --- Missing Pieces Cafe
    date; January 6th
    Dษชแด€สŸแดษขแดœแด‡ CแดสŸแดส€ โœฆ cadetblue - Tสœแดแดœษขสœแด› CแดสŸแดส€ โœง 614051

    He watched countless scenes unfold. Countless, unfortunate suicide attempts he could never stop. Countless deaths in general he wasn't even present for... His mind was clouded with guilt. His world was shrouded in the darkness of his broken heart, of a man who'd give everything and anything to save his friends lives... Yet he couldn't even save the one he cared for most in the world. He knew he only had to endure it for a bit longer... Than he'd see her again.

    Than his nightmarish hell would allow him to wake from his painful slumber.

    Within the next minutes, he was standing before her. His best friend, the reason for his constant feel of guilt and regret for everyone... She stood there, and just like before, he began to cry and reach for her, only to watch her grumble into gray dust and ash. She was long since gone, and it didn't seem like he'd ever learn such a painful fact. Eyes snapping open, reality painfully greeted him with the dim sun of the afternoon. He had gone home early from the university, as his professor had more... important matters to deal with at the moment.

    Much more important.

    Now that he was thinking about 'important', wasn't his darling 'mama lion' Sakura starting that group today? Sitting up on the couch, he pushed his hair back with a sigh. He... really didn't want to be alone. Who knows, maybe someone he knew was going to be there besides Sakura... Like... her.

    He knew how much Sango wanted to be alone. To be with her father on another plain, but it was still something he couldn't accept yet. She mattered to much to him, and when at age fourteen she began to change for the worst, he knew hard times were ahead for them. He knew he'd be losing his precious little assistant, and her father would be weeping if she ever joined him.

    Ah, he sounded creepy.

    Sakura, on the other hand, he had known the moment that man came to Fuji University. After all, who wouldn't creep on the new guy? It was too much fun, or at least, it was... But now considering how mean poor mommy was, it was just plain abuse! At least Rin had a thing for the chase... And the abuse. What a masochist.

    Standing up finally, the mad scientist stretched as he grabbed his lab coat, walking straight out the door without checking the time. In fact, he was lucky. If he had checked, he would of noticed it had just hit 2:00 on the dot. Judging from his lax behavior, however, he'd take the full hour and thirty minutes to get there... Maybe even longer.

    Surprisingly, he had a brisk pace though once he hit the vending machine, a Dr. Pepper being firmly grasped as he let out a refreshed sigh, swallowing the soda's contents as he walked, a hand in his pocket.

    It wasn't long before he reached the cafe after that. Exactly on the dot, as well. Slowly, a giant, idiotic grin was spreading ear to ear as he busted inside the cafe loudly, gently putting both his hands on the raven haired female attempting to walk out as he pushed her farther inside. "RaRa, how could you let one of you're kids just walk out like that? Swan is very ashamed, darling..." Rin teased, shooting the smoking insomniac a look with nothing but jokes hidden inside it. "I missed you, baby!" The man within the white lab coat added, running over once he spotted his beautiful redheaded little assistant. "SaSa is here to-" Nearly tackling the female, she was quick to suddenly squirm and scrabble away in panic.

    [color=]"Not you again!"[/color] She hissed, suddenly giving this so called "RaRa" the worst glare possible... Only to watch Rin end up falling onto of him. All that everyone heard was a loud thud echo across the room.*

    Laying flat on the ground Sakura let out a small sigh,"Rin...what are you doing here?" The brown haired man stared at the idiotic man on top of him, who showed the expression of a small child who had just been rejected.

    Rin pouted, hands on either side of Sakura's head. "I just missed you, mama lion." The mad man whined, pulling Sakura's cheek gently. "I had to miss our classes today, after all!"

    Sakura smiled sweetly at the man, "Ah~You know what Rin?"

    "... What?"

    Sakura held the man's face between his hands, moving closer to his face with a wicked smile,"If you don't get off me in the next second. I will make sure you will never be able to walk straight ever again~" Though his mouth was curved into the sweetest smile you ever seen, but his eyes were the picture of death.

    Eyes widened as he stared into the depths of his ultimate demise. Holy Christ, was mommy scary when he wanted to be. Too scary. "W-Wait, RaRa-!" It was just his luck, the bored, ex-assistant of his had glanced over the moment she heard an all too familiar voice, and stumbled back to topple on top of Rin, causing him to do the unthinkable. How could this have happened? His first kiss, gone to bloody waste. Sango wouldn't be getting away with this embarrassment, even if it was a cruel accident, scrambling to get the female off him, and at the same time off of Sakura, Rin's eyes flickered about in worry he'd be losing his ability to stand soon.

    Sakura was frozen, he just shook his head, though a smile was on his face. Of course it was a sign of death for Rin, as he tried to run for his life. Sakura looked up at Sango kindly,"Hey, Sweetie. Can you get off of this idiot for a sec? I don't want you to gt hurt along with him." Waiting for Sango to move, Sakura looked at the frightened scientist,"I would recommend you to clench your teeth Honey~"

    "C-Come on, can't we talk about this, darling?!" Rin panicked, hands suddenly searching for and groping at Sakura's wrist. "N-No need to do anything so rash in front of the kids!" Rin pleaded, on to watch briefly as Sango stood up and laughed as she adjusted her eyes to the scene before her. Glancing down at the males, she smiled briefly.

    Nodding her head, Sango spoke up. "You're not the virgin who just lost his first kiss." Sango teased, smirking at the flustered Rin's face. "Anyway..." With that she was quick to nervously walk over the source of the original voice, leaving Rin to continue fending for himself as he threw himself off the fearsome male.

    Sakura sat up as Rin fell off of him and without another word he hit the male in the head, "You are so lucky your my friend." Leaving the male to rub his head in pain, Sakura stood up and wiped himself off. "Gosh. Know I have to burn these clothes, and clean my face. I also need to call someone to disinfect this whole place, before the stupidity spreads and everyone catches it." One after another Sakura insulted the poor man who seemed to take each hit with a dramatic expression.

    Rin cringed and whined each time an insult was thrown. "Sakura... That's hurtful..." Rin muttered, sitting up as he rubbed his head. "I only do this because I love you, sweetie." Here he goes, trying to play that stupid 'let's confuse everyone' and 'guilt' trick in one. Truly, a terrible combination for the man as he crossed his arms. "I want it back." He quickly demanded, yet quiet enough where none of the young high school students would hear them.

    Sakura shoot him the 'be quiet before I kill you' look, "Why are you here Rin? I thought you had a meeting with some important Professors at the University?" Sakura said this as he walked over to his counter and leaned back on it.

    The man paused, an actual look of remorse on his face briefly as he felt his heart truly ache. "His... wife passed away. He need to go to the hospital." The woman had been depressed for months, and it seemed like even though Rin saw her not even three days ago at the supermarket, she was too far gone. And it was yet another person who was etching their death onto his heart. Maybe he should of said something to her. Say how much more beautiful she looked that day. How he hoped she was taking care of herself. "I'll figure out the project on my own. After all, what scientist would I be if I couldn't?" Rin tried to laugh it off, but it sounded more or less broken rather than a true laugh.

    Sakura let out a sigh, than gave Rin a reassuring smile, "Would you like something to drink? I'll make your favorite?"

    As much as he would of liked it, Rin really just felt down all over again. "No thanks, Sakura-kun... Do you mind if I just... sit here?" It was almost him begging at this point, despite his tone never shifting.

    Sakura patted his head,"Sure, go ahead. I'll talk to the kids, you just rest for a while. I bet you had a rough day today." Sakura walked away from Rin, facing the children.

    ****Anything that has to do with Sango with be further explained in her own post.****
    ***I'm also lazy and I'll add the coding later for speech dialogue***
    **Let this be a lesson to everyone why you shouldn't collab with an exhausted Luna kitty**

The setting changes from Tokyo, Japan to Missing Cafe


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane Rie Character Portrait: Akiyama Kamiko Character Portrait: Sora Koizumi Character Portrait: Hiroaki Mishima Character Portrait: Tsukino Misaki Character Portrait: Akito Miyoshi
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#, as written by Scra

"Even the strangest encounters have the greatest impacts.
It might take a while for you all to understand this.
But I promise everything happens for a reason.
Even if it isn't clear."

Dษชแด€สŸแดษขแดœแด‡ CแดสŸแดส€ โœฆ #64E986 || Tสœแดแดœษขสœแด› CแดสŸแดส€ โœง #98FF98

[Date; January 6th || Time; 3:35 p.m.]

Feeling; Exhausted => Excited; Nervous; Comfortable
Location; Fuji University => Missing Cafe
The ticking of the clock seemed to only add to the silence of the room. Sitting there Sakura examined the young boy in silence. It wasn't even a second later that Hiroaki glanced at Sakura, "Is there something on my face?" Sakura didn't say a word, he just sat there continuing to stare at him. Hiroaki raised a eyebrow, once again, at the strange man.

Taking a moment Sakura finally spoke, "May I ask you a question?" Hiroaki presented a blank expression. "Why did you decide to come?" Hiroaki didn't answer or it was more like, he didn't know how to answer. Looking Sakura in the eyes, Hiroaki showed, for a split second, uncertainty. "I don't know. I guess...I didn't want to go straight I decided to come here instead." With that he resumed reading, and Sakura took the answer and pondered on it.

Hearing the door open Sakura was greeted with his second guest. A girl with long brown hair striding up the counter, she gave an elegant and courteous bow to him, "Excuse me. I received a text message inviting me here. Do you know who might have sent it?" she asked, raising her phone once again by way of explanation. "Also, if it's not too much trouble, could I ask for a menu? I've never been here before, so..." She trailed off into silence, not sure what to make of the situation.

Bending down Sakura handed her a menu, "Here you go. And to answer your first question, I was the one to give you the text. Though I promise you won't be here for too long. Once the rest get here I will say what I need to say and you all may leave." Giving the girl a nod Sakura turned his attention back to the door.

One by one more people entered the cafe, first it was a girl with deep red hair, and another with short brown hair. After them, two more entered, a female with black hair and finally a male with short brown hair. Following behind them was a student that gave Sakura a good laugh. Taking him only a second too glance around the room, and without a second thought he zoomed across the room to the girl with the long brown hair. Sakura watched in amusement. He reminds me of that idiot.

Not even a second later Sakura was welcomed by a small boy with bright orange hair, who looked completely lost and kind of upset. The small boy marched toward Sakura, throwing pieces of paper at him, which scattered on the ground. Sakura waited as the boy was about to speak. Tilting his head he waited for the boy to say something.

"Where am I?!", Sakura broke into a laughing fit and couldn't help but clutch his stomach, hoping to catch his breath. After catching his breath Sakura smiled brightly at him, "You are at Missing Pieces Cafe! It is very nice too meet you. You really have a talent for making people laugh. I think that was the first time someone has ever thrown something at me...scratch that, third."

Sakura bent down, picking up the pieces that fell on the ground, "Don't worry we are waiting for two more people, than I will explain everything." Sakura placed the pieces of paper neatly on the counter. He saw the boy was still staring at him, glancing at his confused face Sakura couldn't help but reach out and ruffle his hair. "You have interesting expressions, just like a little puppy. It is cute."

Sakura stopped ruffling the boy's head and looked at the small girl who appeared to be in grade school, "I too would like to know that.. but more specifically, why am I here?" He hadn't noticed her enter, maybe because she was so quiet. Sakura was about to answer but saw she was out of breath.

Smiling softly he moved over to the fridge and pulled out a large jug of water, "Well, we are awaiting one more person, than I promise to explain this whole mess. But before than here is some water, you must be tired." He handing the girl a cold glass of water. Soon he poured eight more glasses and one by one handed each person a glass.

Hearing the door chime one last time, he saw the last guest arrive. He was about to welcome her, but saw she was exiting. He was about to call out to her, when he came in. The scenes that unfolded in those few short minutes caused Sakura to almost pass out and die from embarrassment and exhaustion.

After everything was cleared up, and everyone was here, Sakura turned to the children. Taking a moment to think things through , he smiled at the kids. "Sorry, about all the confusion. I'm sure everyone here has a bunch of questions, and at this moment just want to leave. But I promise you this will be quick." Pulling out a chair Sakura sat down.

"My name is Sakura Fujiyama, and I am the owner of this cafe..." Sakura paused as if he was stuck. "Oh! I need to see everyone's invitations." Sakura glanced over at Sora giving him a toothy smile, "Even your torn up little pieces of scraps. I'm sorry if the directions were hard to follow. But I'm glad you finally found the place." Walking over to Sora, he picked up the pieces from the counter, examining them. Continuing he went around and checked each invite.

Nodding with a satisfied expression, Sakura went back to sit down. "This is good, I'm glad you all got them!" Leaning back, Sakura's expression became serious, "Now here is what is going on. Long story short, you all have been called here for a special program, called Missing Pieces. Cool huh!" He saw the faces of confusion and he continued to explain the current situation.

"The schools, Yamaguchi Preparatory, Kyuyo Senior High school, and Fuji University have asked me to work with all you as an after school activity. Basically you were all picked to make a special club of sorts to see how different groups of people interact when put together. I will be conducting special events and have various task for you guys. Of course the schools will put how much work you do towards your GPA." Sakura let out a long breath, than picked back up from where he left off, "And for those who do not attend a school, I have talked and have been told that if you participate in this they shall consider enrolling you in their school."

Sakura held up a finger, pointing at the calender, "This program will last for the remainder of the school year. The schools have discussed this with your families and all your other activities, have been notified. So it doesn't infect your schedules, we have came to the decision that we will only meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Of course there will be times we meet extra for special events, but I will inform you ahead of time, so you will not be caught off guard."

Sakura had said a week's worth of words. Feeling the exhaustion kick in, Sakura reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, placing it in his mouth. Of course he didn't light it. He sat back comfortably against his chair, his back was straight and his head was tilted giving the children a sweet smile, "I know this is a lot, and I'm sure none of you expected this. But I promise this is going to be fun, and hey you might learn something new."

Sakura studied the faces of each person carefully and than looked at the time, "Well, that didn't take long. It's 4:00. We could have finished earlier if someone didn't come." Sakura sent a sharp glare at Rin who just smiled sweetly at him. Letting out a sigh, Sakura really wanted to light is cigarette, but he knew it wouldn't be good, so he would just settle for having it in his mouth. "So anyway, you guys have any questions? So we can wrap this up? If you want you guys can introduce yourselves, or you can save it for tomorrow. Whichever you prefer."

The setting changes from Missing Cafe to Tokyo, Japan


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sora Koizumi Character Portrait: Sango Fujiwara Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi Character Portrait: Sakura Fujiyama
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0.00 INK

Nodding her head, Sango spoke up. "You're not the virgin who just lost his first kiss." Sango teased, smirking at the flustered Rin's face. "Anyway..." With that she was quick to nervously walk over the source of the original voice, leaving Rin to continue fending for himself as he threw himself off the fearsome male. Alright, so maybe that was a bit too... mean, but when it came to that man himself, she simply couldn't help it. Besides, wasn't that voice the one of her savior? She was stalling up as she eyed him "secretly". Wasn't his name Orochi? A thousand things were ramming into her thoughts, invading every corner of her mind, so maybe it was a blessing when she noticed all to familiar orange hair. Tugging on a few strands of hair, than the jacket, Sango put on a smile as she approached him.

The man's smile was truly what caught Sora off his guard. His attention was on him beyond anyone else, the only sound in his ears being the lyrical voice of this strange man who's name he could- Oh god. His name! What was his name? Hadn't he said a name?! A lot of things had gone on from the point of Sora's confronting the man, to the whole...explanation bit, but somewhere in between the hair ruffles and soft laughs that resembled feathers in pillows, he'd totally blanked. Something about an experiment? Sure. Sure. Yeah. Of course he was down for it, so long as it involved S...-something with an S, he was sure. Something easy, like Salmon or...

"Sora? Is that you?" Sango's voice came out uncertain, and to be honest, a bit nervous.

Suddenly, a new voice broke through the air, breaking Sora of his thoughts of the man behind the counter. He jolted, a screech breaking past his lips entirely against his will as he nearly managed to knock his own self off his feet without the need of anything to trip him besides his own degrading embarrassment and flustered reaction. His cheeks were surely a him.

Instantly, his eyes widened. A name came to mind, although not crystal clear. It felt far away, but still there. As he grasped at it, he was pleased to find that he could still form the word at all. "Sa-Sango?" It sounded right coming out, so he had confidence he wasn't wrong. Slowly, a smile came over him, soft and nostalgic as he was taken to the days of two years ago, bittersweet memories coming to surface. All the "sweet" lied in Sango. "How- How- I mean, you're here, too? What a funny coincidence, right?" He laughed, a bit too loud unbeknownst to him. "I'm glad to see you!"

Such a soft smile, it almost made her heart leap in a way. As if she thought she was actually missed. It was a gentle, warm feeling that felt so foreign anymore. She took a minute to absorb him, her eyes scanning as that faint trace of a smile on her own face began to appear. "...I'm glad to see you too, Sora. It's been a long time, huh?" Sango knew to play it off as if nothing had happened. To lie with an excuse if asked why she dropped from school. She was anxious, to say the very least, but happy.

"It has," Sora agreed, feeling both elated and strained at the same time. He was happier than ever to see her, but he also felt limited with words. He wondered, where were they meant to go from there? He felt the need to ask her where she'd gone, but it felt too...involved, too pushy, not appropriate at that time.

Over her shoulder, a familiar crop of green hair caught his eye and his expression brightened immeasurably. Leave it to Orochi to appear just when he needed a continued excuse to talk to his (past?) friend. "Oh! Since you're here, come with me." He tugged lightly on her sleeve, gently ushering her along to Orochi's side, greeting his friend with a smile he saved just for him. "Or-o-chi! Hi! Isn't it weird that we both ended up involved in...this club? I never even heard of it before today." He paused, pursed his lips, took a better look around the room. "Now that I think of it, there's quite a few familiar faces I see." He supposed it was natural, considering the schools involved.

Turning his attention back on the two beside him, he motioned towards the taller boy. "Sango, this is Orochi. He goes to Yamaguchi, too. Maybe you guys had a class together?"Turning, he motioned to Sango instead. "Orochi, this is Sango. We used to be study buddies back before- er. Well, it was a couple of years ago, anyway."

Orochi paid what attention he could to Sakura's little speech. He wasn't all that happy about the potential this 'club' had when it came into cutting into his free time, which was mainly spent swimming or running through his usual exercise routine, but he supposed he couldn't complain much if it all counted towards his GPA. Besides, he wasn't entirely adverse to meeting new people.

The announcement had, at least for the moment, distracted him from the heavy feeing in his stomach he had gotten upon seeing that head of red hair when he had first arrived. However, the distraction didn't last long, as Sora, as much as he loved the little guy, brought the one thing he wanted to avoid directly to him.

He returned Sora's smile earnestly, but on the inside all he wanted to do was get away. Sora's introduction only confirmed his suspicions. Sango. It wasn't by any means a name he had forgotten, nor was the face it belonged to, but it was one he had hoped he would eventually be able to forget. Sure, he had been able to remove her from a terrible, terrible situation, but he wanted no recognition for it. He had found it convenient, as harsh as that may seem, that she seemed to remove herself from his life after what happened. That meant not having to deal with all the questions and attention.

As Sora motioned between the two, Orochi did his best to muster up a genuine smile, but one with an astute eye could tell that it was forced. He extended his hand to the girl he was supposed to be meeting for the first time.

"It's nice to meet you, Sango, was it? I believe we did have a class together, but we must have never really talked." It seemed casual enough, but his tone was laced with some underlying things that he hoped the girl across from him would pick up on.

Nothing happened. He willed to her.

In the back of his mind, he was already thinking of ways he could potentially remove himself from this situation.

The moment Sora had grabbed her hand and began pulling her towards the man she knew from that night so long ago, her heart began to pound. She wanted to run, to hide. Slowly, as she was being introduced, she tried to process what to say. Should she honestly just... go along with it? Yes, lying and everything had been her goal for quite some time but with Sora? He was so sweet when they studied together, after all...

She knew it was pathetic, but she felt as if he was her friend. Her first friend her own age, and if she hadn't grown so attached to him, maybe she would of been better off. I doubt he wants to hear about what a failure I've become. That depressing thought placed hurt to shine in her eyes, though she tried to cloud them over to a calm, neutral.

She had previously held a crush on Orochi, and to be honest? She was finally going to talk to him the day everything had begun to go to crap. After that, she never believed she'd be able to look him in the eyes... And she still couldn't.

Her heart ached, primarily with herself and her own self-disgust. Pulling off the jacket with hesitation, Sango paused. Would he want his jacket back?

She needed to play along.

"It's a... pleasure, Orochi. I believe..." Her voice weak, almost as if she didn't want to give it up. It was like losing a security blanket, and the way her hands trembled, it was obvious there was an underlying history. "U-Uh, I believe... This is yours... And Sora, I... I can't do this, we need to talk later." Sango rubbed her neck as she pushed the jacket into Orochi, her hands flying to wrap around herself.

Sora was more than just a sweetheart when she met him. He was determined, he kept her on track. Maybe... Maybe he wouldn't hate her? Maybe he was the one person she could trust besides... Orochi. "If you want, we can always... Talk later Sora. I don't know if you're busy or something..."


He said nothing as she handed over her - his jacket. He was surprised she had kept it, he figured she'd want to get rid of anything that would have reminded her of that Hell, he knew that she had more reason than he did. Despite his lack of external reaction, Orochi was conflicted.

Part of him just wanted to forget, but watching her wrap her arms around herself triggered something. He also felt like he did that day, a strong need to protect her beginning to brew. He remained silent, lost in his own thought, and turned the jacket over in his hands as Sango and Sora continued their exchange.

Sora looked between the two of them, sensing something not quite there. He wondered if he might just be making it up, reflecting his own nervous feelings onto them. He had a tendency to do that sometimes, after all, which usually lead him to make assumptions of what the other person might be thinking or feeling. Usually, it was towards him, but this time, it felt more like it was more between Sango and Orochi, but he brushed it off, blamed it on his own anxiety.

So with a smile, he gave Sango a nod, brows furrowed slightly in confusion at her sudden rush. He pulled out his phone and shook it. "We can trade numbers, if you'd like?" Was that an okay thing to ask? He was never good at texting or phone calls, but if he could make some sort of an effort if she tried contacting him, so long as he wasn't busy with other things.

She forced a smile to appear on her face as she pulled her phone out of her back pocket. The device could of easily blended into her hair as she looked down at it after flipping it open. "Yeah.. That'd be fine..." Her voice had begun to calm down, the stuttering coming to a minimum.

Setting up the contact information on her phone and pressing down the numbers as she was told them, she was quick to shove it back into her pocket. Mumbling her nine digits, Sango hesitated as she glanced at the door, her smiling falling once more as her arms resumed their hug. "Um, well... I-It was a pleasure seeing you again, Sora-kun. And an honor meeting you as well, Orochi-san!" A quick bow as she began to hurry towards the door. She just wanted to go home and pretend this never happened.


Orochi stammered, reaching out to grab at the retreating female's sleeve. Getting a firm grip, he pulled gently at it, urging her to stop. When he had made sure she had stopped, he tugged a bit hard at the sleeve of the shirt she was wearing. This pulled her to him, and he simultaneously pressed the jacket back into her arms all while using his free arm to pull her tight against him and rub at the back of her head.

The embrace lasted, at most, about a second. The amount of time it took for him to bridge the gap between them, hug her, and then place them the same distance as before apart made it seem like she had simply bounced off of him.

He did his best to avoid her gaze, and nodded in the direction of the jacket now pressed back into her arms.

"Keep it." He said, half mumbling, and walked away back towards Sora.

Power blue eyes widened as she turned to look at the man who had begun to pull her. It all happened so fast, as if it was all some strange dance routine. It was a second, at best, but why did it feel like an eternity? He was warm, and during a sharp inhale the scent filled her brain into an eased state just like he did on that day.

Her arms tightening around the jacket, she looked down with a weak smile, quickly pulling it back on after a moment. "..Arigatou." It was soft, almost like an inaudiable whisper, but the joy and happiness behind it stood all too firmly. Watching Orochi's figure head towards Sora, she left, head held up. Maybe the next few months wouldn't be too bad.