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James Brighton

"Come on, Ollie. It'll be fun!"

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a character in “Imperfect Beings”, as played by Emerald.x


James Brighton


Role: One of the twins

Human Form

Hair color: Dark Brown

Eye color: Hazel

Skin tone: White

Build: Medium, well toned and slightly muscular from the werewolf thing


Wolf form

Coat color: Dark brown with a lighter brown face

Build: Medium

Scars/Marks TBD



- Pizza
- His siblings
- His pack
- Being a werewolf
- Having fun
- Letting loose
- Eleanor
- Heights

- Being serious
- Anyone being hurt or dying
- When his mother is angry with him
- Getting into trouble/getting caught
- Curfews
- Hunting, bet you wouldn't like it either if you were the one being shot at

- His sister when she's angry " She may be little but she could kill you and get away with it before you could even try to run."
- Loosing his brother
- Being alone

- Biting his lip when he's nervous or anxious
- Fidgeting



Personality: James is carefree. He rarely thinks before he does things and this tends to get him into a bit of trouble. He would rather act first and ask questions later. He loves to have fun and joke around especially with his siblings and hates serious situations. He is often the first one to let loose and do something a little bit stupid or childlike. Whenever he is alone with his siblings he's back to being a five year old child again and loves to roll around in the dirt and play fight. He is never the one to say no to a party and is usually the one dragging Oliver out to them. He is always trying to have fun and make the best out of life and make those memories that will last forever.

He is nearly always happy and it can be quite difficult to wipe the smile or silly expression off of his face. The only thing he really cares about are his family, and would do anything to protect them. When it comes to the safety of his family or his pack, he can often become quite serious. He is determined and headstrong so once he sets his mind to something, be it trivial or not, he is determined to achieve it and will stop at nothing to accomplish it. He does have a certain temperament and can often blow things way out of proportion if and when he does get stressed. The rare times that he does get upset are usually way worse than your average person, now whether this is due to his lack of anger or the werewolf thing or a combination of both, no one knows for sure.

History: Being born as a twin comes with its hardships, but it also comes with it's perks. James has always had not only a brother but a best friend in Oliver.He is the first one to know anything going on in James' life and generally understands him better than anyone else. Their relationship has always been fairly dependent on one another, James needing Oliver for stability and sensibility, while James keeps him from focusing all of his energy into be stressed and responsible. He has always been the outgoing twin and loved to help get his brother out of his shell. He has always been a little reckless and Oliver is usually the one to reign him in again. In saying this, he is also fairly close with his other siblings and only one of them can reel him back into reality if and when he looses control.

Unlike his twin, James was thrilled about the wolfism, it gave him an outlet a way to use up his energy and get out any of the stresses that were trying to bring him down. The only problem is his temper which can often get the best of him, especially when he's not human and fog his mind a bit causing him to do really stupid things if he hasn't changed or been able to let loose recently. When they discovered Ella's pregnancy, he of course was forced to sit down and talk about it with his brother and try to figure out what to do. Neither of them wants to let this come between them but it seems to be getting harder what with the pregnancy's end looming overhead. Since neither of them has any way of knowing who the real father is nor do either want Ella to die this is causing some stress on their relationship.

Theme Song:

So begins...

James Brighton's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton
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Eleanor Whiteraven

The Alpha female didn't look too intimidating- she was a petite blonde with lovely hazel eyes just like the twins. But she ruled the pack home with an iron fist. When she wasn't beside her husband's bed, she was with one of the changelings or Ella. It seemed to Eleanor each time she saw the woman, she was setting new limits for her. She was constantly being watched and the twins were always nearby, just in case her body started to fail. In which case she would have to be bitten. That was the only way to tell which of the two was the father. If one of them bit her and nothing happened, it wasn't him.
At first, when she wasn't too weak, they used to bring her out of the house, wether it be for a walk or a drive into town. Either way, it was much more entertaining then sitting on the couch or in the spare bedroom that had become hers. In the time spent with them, she grew to love both of them and realize just how close they were. That's why she was so hesitant to allow herself to be bitten and find out who the father was- she never wanted to put anything between them.

Eleanor was curled up on one end of a couch in the living room of the pack house, the twins on the other side, dead asleep. They had been in charge of watching her, but she had done her best to be as absolutely boring as possible and, anyways, it was early in the morning. They had fallen asleep rather quickly.
Ella was allowed out of the house, due to how weak she had become. The smallest scratch would bleed heavily, and the slightest bump left a bruise. It was for her own safety. But there was two problems with her staying in the house: it was [b]insanely[/i] boring, and she way way too stubborn to play by the rules.

Planning/hoping to be back before either one of the twins woke up or their mother came down to check on her, Ell quietly got off the couch, glancing back to make sure James and Ollie hadn't stirred, she slipped out of the house. She closed her eyes, leaning against the door as she deeply inhaled the crisp morning air. Being early spring, new flowers and leaves were just beginning to peak out from under the thin sheet of frost.
Ella gingerly stepped forward, but stumbled slightly. She gripped the iron railing beside her, mild anger bubbling up in her. She hated feeling weak. Dependent.

Sullenly sitting in the front step, she pulled her coat tighter around her and leaned against the railing. Her long brown and blonde hair fell in soft curls, spiraling almost down to her waist. While the Alpha female acted exasperated by the burden of having to overlook the bringing in of to newly bitten werewolves and the health of a pregnant human, everyone knew she was thankful for the distractions. Her husband wasn't expected to live to see the birth his eldest son(s)'s child. (luckily) the Alpha female was a doctor, and said although she was due next week she could give birth earlier. If she wasn't bitten before then, both her and the child would die. How wonderful.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton Character Portrait: Nathaniel Brighton
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Nathaniel Brighton

He still remembered it vividly. Too vividly, especially after drinking as much as he had. He remembered getting to the party and first seeing her, but most of what happened next was a blur. The final result, however was something he couldn't shake from his mind. And that was exactly what was tearing him from his sleep. For the, what felt like hundredth, time that week, Nathaniel was dreaming. Not dreaming really, more like remembering, it was always the same, flashbacks from that night that caused him to wake in a near panic. This time he couldn't shake it.

When he tried to go back to sleep again, the moment his eyes closed he was back there. Pressed against Caroline as their lips danced, his own then moving down along her neck, leaving soft bite marks until his teeth broke the skin. Pulling back and tasting the unfamiliar iron taste on his tongue and reaching up to where his fingers were stained with blood from his lips and nearly loosing it right there. He remembered fighting for control of himself and trying desperately to keep it, and himself together. He had woken up before he got to the part where he called his sister in a drunken panic, mumbling into the phone the words "I fucked up." through swallowing. The sudden pit in his stomach making him feel as though he might throw up. No, this dream only replayed the horrible moment when it happened and when he had realized what he had done, allowing him to relive it almost daily.

Giving up on sleep, knowing that it was no longer an option, Nathaniel pulled himself from his bed. He inspected his reflection in the mirror, regretting it almost instantly. The boy in the mirror was not the usual one, skin paler and cheeks more flushed than usual and there was a small sheen of sweat on his forehead. It had been almost nine months and he still wasn't over it. He sighed softly and moved into the bathroom. He quickly brushed his teeth and fixed himself up a bit, cleaning his face, allowing the brisk water to put some color back into his skin. He then returned to his bedroom where he changed from his sleep clothes into jeans and a t shirt. He slipped from his room and quietly through the living room where he picked up his coat and slipped outside, the cool air instantly waking him up more and giving a perfectly reasonable excuse for his pinkened cheeks.

The new environment had proved enough of a distraction to cause him to completely miss Eleanor's presence and almost trip over her. He hadn't really expected anyone to be up, let alone outside. "You okay?" Of course not, she was slowly being killed day by day and was forced to face her immanent death in a few days and to top it all off, her own flesh and blood was causing it, something she could normally have been happy about was destroying her more and more each day. Of course she was not okay. "Look, I never saw you, if you never saw me." He bargained. She wasn't supposed to be unsupervised, let alone outside, and he, well he just really didn't want to deal with anybody right now so having no one know where he was was a good start. He slipped past the girl on the steps and crossed the yard into the thick of trees and continued walking along a familiar route until he reached his own little spot, a small cross between a cavern and a meadow hidden beneath the rock coverage and foliage. He had discovered it a few years ago and it had served him well as a great place to escape from everyone else for a little while

James Brighton

This whole pregnancy thing was harder than he had expected. Thankfully he had some help in his brother, since neither of them knew whose it was they both felt the need to help take care of her. Besides, they both loved her. It wasn't helped by the fact that a normal pregnancy was difficult and this one was even more complicated. Since Ella had refused to let either of them bite her off the start, she was getting weaker and closer to death by the day. So even though they tried desperately to convince her, Eleanor still refused to budge on the issue, he wasn't entirely sure why, but since she wouldn't let either one of them try and they certainly weren't both going to do it, (I mean come on, the kid would eventually want to know who it's father was) they had no real option. Both were torn, they both knew the other both wanted it and didn't at the same time. Whoever it was got the girl, well not for sure since there was a small chance that she could still pick the other, but the father would share the bond of a child with her and that would be hard to overcome. However, whoever it was also got all the responsibility of it and knowing for sure and/or Eleanor finally choosing between them would probably end up driving a wedge between the tight knit pair.

So they were both on the couch with her. They had been supervising her and trying to entertain her but had managed to fall asleep, late nights and early mornings tended to do that. He was asleep, quite peacefully, for a while, dreaming of nothing but blackness thanks to his pure exhaustion. It wasn't until Ella had been gone for quite sometime that James awoke again. He blinked a few times as his eyes fluttered open and tried to gather what had happened and what exactly had woken him up. He turned his head to face Ella with a smile that soon turned into a frown at the empty spot on the couch. If he hadn't been awake before, he was now.

"Oliver! Ollie wake up." He said carelessly reaching a hand out and patting it down against his brother's face without really looking.His eyes were too focused, scanning the room and trying to see if she had maybe just moved into the chair or gotten up to eat or something. No such luck. When the other brunette finally did wake up he wasted no time in telling him of his discovery. "Ella's gone." He informed his twin, not even allowing him to properly wake up first. This was far too important to waste any time. They had to find her before she hurt herself, which in her current condition really wouldn't have been that hard to do. She had never outright disappeared before, and why of all times would she pick now, when they were so close?

James' mind nearly immediately went into a frenzy, they were so close, so close to the due date that nothing was really safe for her anymore. His mind ran through possibilities, what if she had gotten hurt or what if she had tried to run away before the baby was born to ensure that neither of them could bite her. He tried to calm himself down with no real avail. By now he had grown attached, and even if neither was his, he still loved both Ella and that baby and he would have hated to lose them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton
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Oliver dreamed about tomorrow's performance. In his dreams he rehearsed his big part, the female lead opposite him played by Ella. Othello, but with a twist, instead of two races that drove them apart, it was a curse. A curse he may have to pass on to her whether he liked it or not. He never would have chosen this way, nor would he ever push it on someone else, no matter how awful they may be. He leaned in, ready to smother his lover--

A cold smack in the face woke him up abruptly. "Jamez, leemee alone. Ugh..." he murmured through his arm after tossing his twin's hand away from his face. "Ella's gone." All the would be sleep left Oliver's system instantly and he shot up off of the floor in a panic. Without a word, Oliver was at the door with his and James' coats in his hands. He tossed the latter's coat to it's owner and swung his own on silently before striding out the door. "Ella! El--" She was right in front of him. "Ella, babe, don't scare us like that!! We were worried sick! James just about had a kitten..." He realized the error too late. "Ehm... metaphorically. Sorry."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton
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Eleanor Whiteraven

Eleanor leaned forward, resting her head in her hands when she heard the door open. Every muscle in her body tensed, worried one of the twins or their mother had found she wasn't in the house. She didn't want to make any of them worry, and just needed to come outside for a moment. Get a little fresh air.
But when she turned, she saw Nathaniel instead. For a second they gazed at each other, both surprised to see the other, until he spoke. "You okay?" he asked her, and she smiled gently. "I'm fine." They both knew it was a lie. But she hated feeling weak, and hated admitting it even more.

"Look, you didn't see me ad I didn't see you." Nathan told her, ad she nodded carefully. "Deal." She responded, as he slipped past her into the woods. She sighed, looking out at the rose bushes that lined the driveway leading into the forest and, eventually, into town. The bushes had soft, freshly grown leaves and a couple early buds, far from blooming. She glanced back at where Nathaniel had gone, thinking of James and Oliver. It would be an impossible task to chose between them- and she was hesitant to find out who the father of her child was. She liked to think of it as her baby choosing for her. Either way, whoever's bite worked would be the one she chose. It was just her worst nightmare to tear apart the twins. That's why she was putting it off. Maybe if she waited until the last minute, it wouldn't drive a wedge between them. . . But she knew this wasn't true.

Ella shivered, and her bare feet burned on the semi-frozen concrete. With a sigh, she was about to stand when the door opened again. "Ella! Ell--" she flinched and turned towards James, feeling guilty. "Ella, babe, don't scare us like that!! We were worried sick! James just about had a kitten. . ." Ella raised one brow, watching him carefully as he went on. "Ehm... Metaphorically. Sorry." She laughed lightly, grabbing his arm for support as she carefully stood, nearly losing her balance. "I'm sorry I just needed some fresh air. I didn't mean to scare either of you- I thought I would be back before you even woke up. I was just about to go back inside anyways. It's absolutely freezing out here." It really wasn't all that cold, but she couldn't quite keep herself warm. She took a slow, careful step inside was the twins' mother came downstairs and saw them. "Eleanor! What are you doing outside?" The little blonde quickly strode over to them, lifting her chin and inspecting her for any cuts or bruises. "You're freezing!" The woman exclaimed, glancing at her sons sternly for a moment. She led the girl back to the couch, and gave her a look that told her not to try anything funny.

She led her sons into the kitchen, shutting the door behind them, with her foot. "In case you haven't noticed, Eleanor is dying. And there's only one way to save her. Wether she wants you to or not, you have to bite her. This family can't deal with another loss." With that, she turned and left the two.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton
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James Brighton

James ignored his brother's annoyed grumble. All he cared about was that he actually just got up already. When he finally did, to no surprise, he was up off of the couch in seconds and across the room in what had almost seemed to be a single stride. He took the coat from Oliver, only because his hands instinctively went up to catch the flying object to prevent it from hitting his square in the face. He did not, however, bother to actually put the coat on, so he just held it and quickly followed his brother out of the front door. Oliver's stopping nearly caused James to smack directly into him.

He moved through the door way to stand beside his brother."Ella, babe, don't scare us like that!! We were worried sick! James just about had a kitten..." He thought about protesting the accusation but couldn't help but breath a soft chuckle at his twin's joke. He held the door open to help Oliver get her inside again. He breathed a small sigh of relief. He was glad that they had found her before she'd managed to get herself hurt or, worse, before their mother had. That woman may have been tiny, but if he thought Anna was scary, their mother blew her out of the water, and lately she had taken a shining to Ella and had basically attached herself at the hip to the poor girl.

Crap. He hadn't even really had time to be thankful that Ella was okay because he could already hear the familiar voice calling from the stairs. "Eleanor! What are you doing outside?" James winced at the sound of clicking with every step she took towards them as their mother crossed the room to examine Ella for any damage. "Mom-" He protested, he didn't really care that she was basically giving them a death stare but he certainly didn't think she should be yelling at Eleanor. Could you have blamed the girl, if he had been cooped up on that sofa for the last few months he would have gone insane, probably doing a lot worse than going to sit outside for a minute.

James sighed and followed the petite blonde into the kitchen, bracing himself for the worst. "In case you haven't noticed, Eleanor is dying. And there's only one way to save her. Whether she wants you to or not, you have to bite her. This family can't deal with another loss." His face stayed in a hard line while his mother was in the room, knowing that at this point she would be taking none of his usual shenanigans. "Wow Mom, thanks. If it wasn't for you I never would have noticed that. Thank you for your helpful insight." He mocked under his breath slightly once she had left. She acted as if they didn't already know that, that it was something that had been hidden from them. But how could they, neither of them wanted to loose the other or Ella and yet it seemed that either way they would. This was one of those moments where he knew he needed to escape for a little while, change and go run until he was calm again, but he couldn't. Neither of them were allowed to stray very far from Ella in case her 'condition' got worse and action needed to be take. So instead, he was stuck here trying not to explode on his own.

He turned around and strode back into the living room. He knew that Ella was probably a bit worried about what had happened in the kitchen, because unlike everyone else in this house, she did not have the excellent hear through walls kind of hearing. He resisted the urge to lean down and kiss her forehead. That wouldn't have been fair to Ollie. They had pretty much agreed from the beginning that neither of them would do anything that could sway Ella's decision or give himself an unfair advantage and that included any kind of romantic contact. So instead he just smiled as an attempt to silently reassure her that everything was okay. She didn't need to know about what they both knew they had to do. She wouldn't like it, because up until now they had always asked her permission, and James wasn't so sure they would be able to anymore.
"She'll get over it." He told the girl on the couch."She just tends to get overly worked up about things sometimes, but she probably won't hold it against you." Now them, well, that was another story entirely, but in their mother's eyes Ella was in need of protection and that made her fairly exempt from the rules.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton
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Damn, the one thing they didn't need right now was of course coming down the stairs. Mom clicked down each step, livid with James' and his faliure. Oliver didn't look at her, but helped her over to the couch and lowered her onto it (much to her annoyance) before going into the kitchen.

"In case you haven't noticed, Eleanor is dying. And there's only one way to save her. Whether she wants you to or not, you have to bite her. This family can't deal with another loss."

Anger boiled in his chest. It was NOT her choice as to what happened to Ella. As much as she may think it was, she had no right over another's life who was not a Brighton. He hated this whole hierarchy, this iron rule they lived under. He loved Ella and James more than the world itself, and he didn't want to do anything until he had a plan. James may just dance his way through everything, but Oliver needed logic. He followed his twin out of the kitchen and leaned over the back of the couch to look down at her paled face. "She just tends to get overly worked up about things sometimes, but she probably won't hold it against you."

"Yeah, except for if James pulls a thick one and goes against her. Again." He hinted subtly that they couldn't just say no to her, no matter how disgusted they were. Ella remained out of the loop, and James got the message. Oliver smiled at his brother and reached out over the groggy girl to punch him lightly on the arm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Caroline Céline Thorn Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton
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Eleanor Whiteraven

Ell strained to hear what was being said in the other room, but it was hopeless. She sat back in the couch, feeling like a child. She felt so drained and weak, and as time past it was too hard to hide it and put on a brave face. But this was a completely different kind of weak that she had felt when he uncle had beaten her. She felt so loved and accepted, like the faint memories from when she was a child. This weak could be cured, but she couldn't just find out who the father was, and toss away the other like he was nothing to her. She loved both of them so much.

When the twins entered the room again, she perked up. "She'll get over it. She just tends to get overly worked up about things sometimes, but she won't hold it against you." James told her, giving her a half hearted assuring smile. Blowing hot air into her hands to warm herself, she offered him a gentle smile back.

"Yeah, except for if James pulls a thick one on her. Again." Ella glanced up at Oliver, then to James curiously. She was clearly missing something.
With a sigh, she sunk into the cough and closed her eyes, carefully resting her hand on her stomach. Ella looked terribly fragile. With her eyes closed, she didn't notice Caroline pass by them.

From under the sweater she wore, she felt a light brush against her hand. At first, her baby moving had felt very unnerving. Especially when it was decoded that it was fun to elbow Ell's bladder. Eleanor smiled gently, keeping her eyes closed. "I'm cold." She whispered to the twins softly, glancing over at them with her brilliantly blue eyes. "I'm sure you don't mind being used as space heaters?" She smiled softly as them, her voice light and teasing. She awkwardly patted the spots next to her with her left arm, keeping her right on her stomach.

When they sat next to her, she nestled herself comfortably between them. She felt terribly cold, her ivory skin pale. Ella, however, seemed mostly unaware of this. Removing her own hand from her stomach, she rested one of their hands on her stomach so they could feel the soft brushing and fluttering from just under her skin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Caroline Céline Thorn Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton Character Portrait: Nathaniel Brighton
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Nathaniel Brighton

Nathaniel reached his hand behind one of the rocks and under some carefully placed leaves and pulled out the small white box he had been searching for. He had long since learned not to keep them in the house after his mother caught him smoking and nearly set fire to both him and the cigarettes. Now he kept them out here, yes, of course she could still smell it on him and of course she knew that he still did it but it made it far less frequent and at least now she couldn't really say much since he was technically told not to ever bring cigarettes into her house again. At least when he smoked out here she couldn't really get too mad about it, besides by the time he normally came back in the smell of the woods had depleted the residue anyway.

He held a cigarette between his lips, tossing the pack to the ground as he pulled a small black lighter from his pocket. He flicked on the lighter and lit the cigarette in his lips. After even the first drag he was more relaxed. He could feel the dream slipping behind him as the cool breeze slapped against his cheeks and threatened to put out his smoke. He sank down beside the nearly empty pack and leaned against one of the rocks. He liked it out here. There was no one, just him. He could hear footsteps and crinkles in the leaves but he never had to worry about anyone coming back this far. Here it was just him, the one place he was truly alone. He took another drag and blew the grey cloud that followed out slowly, closing his eyes.

He hated this, he did. Normally it would have been fine but only weeks after his accident the twins learned of theirs and so any help he'd gotten in sorting his mess out was gone. Then their was the issue of his father. It seemed the only one who wasn't in the center of a whirlwind was Anna. Then there was the problem of his uncle's pack who they all knew, clearly had no sympathy for the sanctity of blood or family. Oh and to top it all off he still had to figure what the hell he was going to do with Caroline.

It had been nine months and he honestly couldn't really remember saying more than two words to her. He tried his damnedest to avoid her at all costs and made all failed times as short and silent as humanly, or not so humanly, possible. The only reason he knew her name was because his mother had informed him of it, and of course cussed him out when he pointed out to the alpha female that he didn't even know her name. He had never really had to witness this sort of thing. Not up close anyone, his immediate family had it in their genes to begin with and the other pack members lived on the property but most of them had their own dwellings so he never had to see anyone actually change somebody before. Besides, he would have been far too young to remember it anyway.

Nathaniel took another drag of his cigarette, realizing at the intense heat against his lip that he had let it burn almost all the way to the butt while he had been distracted by his own thoughts. He sighed softly and put it out against the rock he was leaning against and dropped the butt into the leaves, careful to be sure it was all the way out first. The last thing he needed was to set the frigging woods on fire, then he wouldn't only have the wrath of his mother to deal with but also a bunch of pissed of werewolves who now had nowhere to escape to.

Finally after minutes of sitting there and trying not to allow himself to really think of much aside from the contents of these woods he was finally a bit more relaxed again. If this didn't work there was always booze, though he wasn't much of a morning drinker, he had no problem with spending his nights liquifying away his troubles. It probably wasn't the best way to handle it, but hey, it sure as hell was effective.

James Brighton

"Yeah, except for if James pulls a thick one and goes against her. Again." James rolled his eyes dramatically. "That's exactly what I plan to do." He informed his brother. "She's not simply getting her way on this one, I'm tired of her trying to make our decisions hers. Its not her life." He was not about to just let their mother get her way. She might think that she did, but she didn't get to have control over someone else's life, especially when that someone wasn't a technical a Brighton nor a pack member, and even more especially when that someone was Ella. He knew she probably wouldn't understand exactly what his words had meant but Ollie would. As much as he wanted to be able to save her and that baby, it was ultimately her choice and if she said no, it meant no. Maybe when it got closer to the end it would be different but as of right now, as little as he wanted watch it happen, if she wanted to die with that child, he wasn't about to go against her. Even if it meant sacrificing his own wants.

He smiled another soft smile at Ell, trying to reassure her that everything was fine, even though it wasn't and that their conversation wasn't something she needed to worry about. He saw Caroline pass and contemplated saying something but she didn't seem like she was in the mood for talking. Besides that was his brother's problem, Lord knows James had enough to deal with on his own. "I'm cold."
He looked back to the couch again. "I'm sure you don't mind being used as space heaters?" He smiled softly, how was he supposed to say no to her, looking at him with that face.

He sat down on the couch beside her, staring straight ahead, not wanting look at her up close when she was so pale and looked so breakable. It was awful, seeing someone you loved on death's door step. He was almost startled when she placed her hand on his, moving it to rest on her stomach. He could feel the soft movement under his palm. It was both the best and the worst thing to happen in that moment. It made him want to both throw the entire sofa out the window and smile at the same time. He chose the latter, figuring it was the better option.

It was weird, almost eerie, how something that could feel to simple and sweet could be quickly destroying her. He both loved and somewhat loathed the child at the same time. It was confusing but he did, he loved it, how could he not love something that came from Ella? But it was also the reason that she hadn't been able to move from the couch or her bed very much in months and it was the reason that she very well might die in less than a week. Yet he still loved it. It was so sweet and gentle and it might be his. Either way he loved it, but there was also that small part of him that wanted to rip it out to make it stop. If there was someway to that without killing Eleanor in the process, and if hell froze over and she had let him, he probably would have.

Being here like this made it even more obvious that something had to be figured out soon. Made him realize just how close they were. Made him realize that even with the small part of him that resented that child, he wanted both of them to make it out alive. He knew where Ella was coming from, he didn't really want to know either. But they had to, it was their only option. "Mum's right though." He said softly to his brother. "We can't deal with it." Not only could they not really hold out saying no to her especially if she actually ordered them to do it, but she was also right. There were no winning situations here so they were going to have to go with the one that at least had some small amount of happiness in it. And it certainly didn't involve her dying, now they just had to convince Ella.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton
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Eleanor Whiteraven

As Ella looked at James, staring straight ahead, not wanting to see just how weak she was, it occurred to her how absolutely selfish she was being. She was putting off being bitten, reluctant to loose either of the twins or hurt them. But by not letting them bite her, she was still hurting them. Seeing her so weak and fragile must be painful for them, too.
And she would never allow her child to be harmed. By being the stubborn girl she was, she was causing pain all around.

"Your mother told you to bite me." It wasn't a question. Their mother had threatened to force them to bite her when she started getting weak, but never actually did it. She figured her little 'stunt' had pushed her to.
Ella wrapped her arms around herself, staring down at the carpet for a long moment. A war was raging on inside of her; wether to keep stalling just a little longer, keeping both of them just a little more, or allowing them to bite her. Closing her eyes for a second and biting her lip until it turned white, she made her decision. She glanced up at both of them, taking a long moment to study the two before taking in A deep breath and leaning forward.

"I would never want to put either of you, or the baby, in harm's way. I just love both of you and I was afraid that if I let you bite me, finding who the father was, then I would hurt, and loose the other. Is being selfish." Ella glanced from one to the other sheepishly. "I'm so sorry for putting you both through this." She whispered, running and hand through her long hair and glancing down.
She studied the carpet for a moment longer, before glancing at her stomach. She loved her baby- what mother wouldn't love their child? She loved it even more, knowing one of the men she loved was the father. Either way, it would have a wonderful father.

"it's the least I can do," Ella continued on, "To allow you to bite me." She looked at at them, with a very small smile. It would be quick, and rather efficient, finding who the father was. She had been told result would be instant, if he was the father. If her want, there would be now change at all. Wordlessly, she offered up her arm with a half smile. "Hopefully this isn't going to be to traumatic for any of us.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton
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When Ella placed Oliver's hand on her stomach, he had been deep in thought. What character would be able to get through this with everyone still alive, well, and happy? Her cold, frail hand had pulled him out of his mind and into the real world. The world he tended to avoid whenever possible. Slowly, he watched with curiosity as she guided his own muscled hand with James' to her swollen abdomen and placed them there. Her hands fluttered away, and what happened then left him both horrified and mystified. He felt her child moving. Quite possibly his child, and if naught else his nephew or niece. A little beast was growing and feeding off of Ella, one that he quite possibly helped create. He saw his hand begin to shudder and he pulled it away before either of them could see.

He loved the child, of course! Either way, it was family, no matter how close. Any child of James would be just as much a child of his. But Ella... Soon, if nothing happened, both would die. Ella wasn't even guaranteed to be his family... But if James was a father, Oliver would allow Ella to do what made them happy. James and Ella were just too important to Oliver for him to allow them to be unhappy.

That child... Oliver pitied the unborn being. He hated the fact that he had no choice in the matter of his curse. No one should have to have this happen to them. No one. He hated every day that he had to deal with the wolf, with the fake life that fed off of his soul. Now the woman he loved and the newest addition to the family would have to bear that burden, quite possibly because of him. He placed his head in his shaking hands and rubbed his tired eyes. This was geting to be way out of their grasp.

"It's the least I can do to allow you to bite me," Ella whispered, dragging Oliver out of his reverie.

In a single, fluid motion he was on his feet at the other side of the room. "Ella," Oliver whispered, overjoyed and horrified at the same time, the emotions warring for first priority. He settled for silence and just stared at James. "J... Y--You... You go first... Ella, thank you, thank you so much, love." He rushed over and kissed her fragile hand without inhibition before returning to the other side of the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabel Rose Brighton Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton Character Portrait: Nathaniel Brighton Character Portrait: Logan Nox
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James Brighton

James didn't respond to her first comment, well accusation as it were. He just couldn't bring himself to confirm it. The words tasted like vinegar in his mouth and he hadn't actually even said them. "It's not selfish, Ell. I don't really think either of us really wants to know either. We're all scared." He admitted in hopes of making Ella feel a little bit better.

He too had feared that finally finding out would push the twins apart. After all they both loved her and this child so much but they only truly belonged to one of them. Who ever's they weren't of course wouldn't stop loving them but he would probably end up jealous or event resenting the other. And who ever's they were would probably feel guilty about the other's feelings.

"It's the least I can do, to allow you to bite me." He froze. He finally managed to look up. His brushed over Ella briefly on their was to his brother. He opened his mouth to say something but no words came. His mouth was suddenly dry and he felt almost paralyzed. He swallowed hard as he watched his brother. He heard his words but took a moment to actually register what he had said. He looked up almost mortified. He wanted to, but he couldn't seem to move his body. He swallowed again and moved his hand slowly to touch Ella's. He lifted up the fragile thing to look at it. Small, pale and looking bonier then ever.

He shook his head. "I- I - I can't." He said looking up to his brother. As much as he wanted to he couldn't bring himself to hurt her. He took a deep breath as his eyes focused on the girl beside him. his fingers moved slightly around hers as he tried to bring himself to do it. He looked down again at the frail hand in his own, rolling it over in his own so it was palm up and bringing it closer to his lips slowly.

He paused to take another deep breath and swallow again. He then moved closer his teeth grazing the skin of the base of her hand, basically on the side of the top of her wrist. He knew he had to hit a blood stream or get as close as possible without actually hitting a main vessel to have it work quickly and be over faster. He pressed his teeth in, trying to do it with as small of a hole as he possibly could, not wanting to give her any unneeded pain or possible scarring. It wasn't as hard as he thought it would be an in fact required much less pressure then he had expected. He pulled away slowly, placing his thumb over the small wound tightly to help keep the blood from coming.

He could feel his heart beating loudly in his chest, his breath quickened. His body's reaction to the bite and the wolf in him enjoying the taste of blood far more than James liked or cared to admit. He ran his tongue across his lips to clear the small amount of blood from them. He looked up to Ella, watching for a reaction. Anything, any kind of reaction telling him that she was okay, any sign that he hadn't hurt her too badly.

Nathaniel Brighton

Nate's thought's had been interrupted by the sound of leaves crunching nearby, much closer than before, faster too. Different too, not just footsteps but also a steady sloshing of the leaves as though whomever it was was...dragging something?

Soon a familiar blonde head appeared through the trees. He heard a soft thud and watched as his sister ran towards him frantically. He caught her in his arms. He listened as she explained to him what had her so upset. "Nathan, I really messed up. I bit someone. I didn't mean to, I just. . ." She was shaking. He rubbed a gentle hand on her back. "What am I going to do?" He slumped down beside her, pulling her back into his arms. "Shhh, it's okay. It's gonna be okay. We can fix this. We can make it better, okay?" He looked her, his blue eyes watching hers. He then glanced over to where she had dropped, presumably the body amongst the fallen leaves.

He strode over to the still, limp body on the ground. he knelt down beside it examining the boys face and placed his fingers to the males wrist and then his throat before sighing a small sigh of relief and wandering back to his sister."We'll get Mum. She'll know what to do. We can fix it. It'll be okay Ann, I promise. He's not dead right. He's still alive, that's good. " He tried to soothe. "Don't worry. Just try to stay calm okay. It'll be okay." He told her. "Come on, lets get him back to the house. He's just unconscious but he'll be okay." He said recomposing himself in his usual uncaring composure again.

Nathaniel slid his arm under the other male's. and began to pull him out of the woods and towards the house, lifting the upper half of his body from the ground to keep from banging him off of anything and potentially damaging something more important than just his leg. Once back to the house, he dropped the boy's body beside the front door and ran inside. He didn't even stop to bother questioning why his brothers were in the main living room staring at Ella. Instead, he ran straight upstairs. "MOMMM!" He called out running the hall and looking between rooms. "Mom. Its Anna, she - she bit someone. He's outside, and he's unconscious ." He said nearly running into the petite blonde woman once he'd found her. "She's freaking out. And we don't know what to do. Mom, you gotta, can you help? You can do something right? You can fix it?" He said.

He wanted more than anything else, to protect his sister and take away her pain and fears. He hated seeing Annabel upset and wanted to fix it for her, be there for her protect her and keep her from destroying herself like he had done to himself after his night with Caroline.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabel Rose Brighton Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Caroline Céline Thorn Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton Character Portrait: Nathaniel Brighton
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(This isn't from any of the characters' points of view- it's the uncle's pack)

Bitten humans are very easy to be led astray by the ones who bit them. Often they are like a child, and will follow behind their alpha very loyally. If they are taught to do so.

In the pack home, windows in the back of the house were broken rather violently. Naturally, the three in the home would turn to the back of the home. The front door was silently opened. The scent was so similar to the Alpha's, the werewolves wouldn't pick up on anything wrong other then the scent of many wolves behind the other side of the house. The werewolf silently entered the living room, approaching the couch. By the time the three turned to him, he lunged forward and ripped Eleanor off the couch with one arm before she had a chance to react to being bitten. Being stronger and more experienced then the younger werewolves, he had crossed the room before they had a chance to attack.
Naturally, Ella's first instinct was to quickly elbow him in the face. She caught him in the jaw, giving him a dark bruise. The werewolf -the twins' uncle- simply jerked the female back as a low uncharacteristic growl escaped her. Finally, the man spoke. "Nice to see you, nephews. I hope you don't take this personally, just getting a little revenge. We heard you boys and your brother had made a mistake. Just thought we would take them off your hands. I'm sure they will make wonderful additions to our pack, though." He spoke to them casually, and shot them a charming smile. "And I would try anything. First of all, I can snap her neck in a second. Second of all, I have loyal wolves surrounding the entire house. I can easily kill your whole pack. Don't worry, we won't hurt her or the other changeling. I should be retrieving her now, actually." He kept up him charming smile, throwing Ella over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He slowly backed out of the house, as though daring them to attack him and end up killing the girl.

Once outside the house, their uncle passed Ella off to a recently changed human, who had been waiting outside for him alongside a few other changelings in their human form, and a bunch in their wolf form.. He then ventured off into the woods, following Nathan's scent to the changeling he had bitten. He walked silently, pausing when he found her. Not bothering to take the same care he had when sneaking up on James and Oliver, knowing he was much stronger then a simple changeling, he lunged at her and easily caught Caroline. He threw her over his shoulder like he had with Eleanor, ignoring any resistance. "Celine." he spoke to her charmingly, as though he wasn't kidnapping her. "I'm your new alpha. Don't worry, you'll get the training you were probably deprived of here and so long as you don't disobey, you will be fine."
As he came back to the house, he noticed a male and Annabel standing close to the house. He was shocked he had missed them.

Handing Celine off to a werewolf that seemed stronger and sturdier then the other werewolf that held onto a struggling Ella. He nodded to the south, away from the pack home, and the two started off with Ella an Caroline, closely followed by wolves. He started off towards Annabel, who at first was way to emotionally compromised to even notice him. "Hey there, Annabel. I'm just going to take this guy off your hands." He spoke carefully, reaching for the unconscious male. "I wouldn't try anything, I'm sure you can smell the wolves I have surrounding the house. I will kill your brothers in a heartbeat." He threw the male over his shoulder and slowly backed away, a threatening look in his eye.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabel Rose Brighton Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Caroline Céline Thorn Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton Character Portrait: Nathaniel Brighton
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James Brighton

If there was a reaction, it certainly hadn't been noticed by James. He was far too distracted by trying to regain the human inside of him and keep himself from doing something stupid. Thankfully, the crash from the back windows of the room pulled him from his blood driven haze. He instinctively, and without even really thinking, snapped his head up and was up from the couch beside his brother in a second. Watching Ella for a reaction, no longer a priority and simply protecting her taking over. He kept his eyes on the broken glass, scanning across the windows for any signs of movement. From the corner of his eye he tried to read his brother and figure out what he was thinking, or well planning. He could smell more werewolves, far more than usual and different than the ones in their pack.

At the creaky sound of the floorboard that had ruined many attempts to sneak out, he spun simultaneously with his brother to the door. Too late, he spun just in time to see Eleanor in his uncle's arms. James could feel his stomach twist in knot, his hands in tight fists at his sides. "Nice to see you, nephews. I hope you don't take this personally, just getting a little revenge. We heard you boys and your brother had made a mistake. Just thought we would take them off your hands. I'm sure they will make wonderful additions to our pack, though. And I would try anything. First of all, I can snap her neck in a second. Second of all, I have loyal wolves surrounding the entire house. I can easily kill your whole pack. Don't worry, we won't hurt her or the other changeling. I should be retrieving her now, actually."

His jaw clenched tightly as he watched his uncle carry away a very loud, but still helpless looking Ella. He wanted to do something, and it had crossed his mind a couple of times. But in case he hadn't already knew it was a stupid idea and far too risky to chance, he felt Oliver's hand on his shoulder, holding him back. The support was nice, especially since he was beginning to feel like he was going to stop breathing, his usual smile wiped completely from his face. "Ol-" He mouthed looking to his brother and hoping that he would just know what he was thinking.

Nathaniel Brighton

His mother hadn't even had much of a chance to react or even get mad about the whole Anna biting someone ordeal when they were both distracted yet again, this time by a loud crash, that sounded like glass being smashed open, from downstairs followed by loud female screaming. Ella, he determined almost certainly. He ran down the stairs and stopped when he hit the bottom to take in the scene. Smashed windows, the twins standing by the couch staring at the open front door as if it had opened itself and the strange and overwhelming scent of new werewolves.

He meant to ask them what the hell was going on, however he was pushed aside by his mother as she ran over to the couch. She was standing in front of her clearly traumatized sons and trying to make sure they were still alive before running to the door and outside to find, presumably Anna and Caroline and see if anyone was still around. Nate followed in suit, leaving his brother's standing there and running out to find his sister.

He found her outside, practically where he'd left her, maybe a little closer to the house. Thankfully she was alone and safe. He almost breathed a sigh of relief. "Anna." He breathed. "What happened are you okay?" She seemed off, she had been upset before but this seemed different, more scared and more confused, maybe? He then spun to face his mother, finally giving in to the spasm of emotions running through him. "Mom, right now would probably be a good time for someone to figure out what the hell is going on here. An excellent time for one of those stupid family meetings." It seemed really quiet, empty. He couldn't smell as many people as usual nor could he hear the same familiar rhythm of hearts beating that he had before going inside. He couldn't help but wonder what exactly he had missed in the mere few minutes he had been inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabel Rose Brighton Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton Character Portrait: Nathaniel Brighton
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Anabell Brighton

Anna relaxed slightly as her brother held her close and soothed her. She nodded numbly while watching Logan slightly warily. Guilt weighed heavily on her. Not only had she screwed up her own life, but this boy's life would never be the same. He wasn't even the same species. She sighed heavily and ran a hand through her hair, while glancing back up at her brother as he pulled away and approuched the male.

Anabell followed closely behind, silent, as her brother slid Logan's arm over his shoulder and started off towards the house. "Thank you." She offered her brother a half smile, thankful that she had him. She wasn't sure what she would've done without him in this mess. When her brother dropped the boy outside in the front of the house, she sat down next to him and avoided looking at him.

Before he could return, she caught the scent of wolves, coming from the back of the home. She stood and looked towards the woods behind the pack house, not noticing as her uncle came around and went inside. Ann stiffened as she realized just how many wolves there were. Before she could go inside and warn the others, her uncle came out carrying a clearly upset Ella. He didnt smell of blood and all the other wolves were behind the house, so she figured her family was safe. Ann quietly dragged Logan back towards the woods. She didn't want to upset anyone, and have her family get hurt.

A a few minutes went by as she crouched down next to the changeling, staying as still as possible. A noise from behind her startled her, and she whirled around to see her uncle. "Hey there Annabel. I'm just going to take this guy off your hands." Anna growled and jerked away from him. "I wouldn't try anything, I'm sure you can smell the wolves I have surrounding the house. I will kill your brothers in a heartbeat." Anna clenched her jaw as her uncle took her changeling. She had to protect her family.

She ran back to the house, as her brother came out. "Anna. What happened are you okay?" Nathen asked her quickly, and she sighed in releif when she saw him unharmed. "Our uncle just kidnapped Ella and the boy I bit." she told him, glancing in the house at the twins. They looked traumatized .


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Caroline Céline Thorn Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton
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Eleanor Whiteraven

Eleanor couldn't speak as James pulled her hand towards his mouth slowly. She closed her eyes, after seeing how uncertain he was. But she trusted him completely not to hurt her. When his teeth pierced her skin, she tensed as she felt a mild pain. She quickly relaxed as thick, slow-moving wolf venom coursed through her veins, leaving a somewhat pleasant feeling. He released her wrist, putting his thumb firmly over where he had bitten her.

Before she had time to react, the loud sound of glass breaking caught the three's attention. Just as quickly as the glass had broke, she was ripped of the couch. She quickly drew her elbow back, elbowing her attacker square in the face was a satisfying thud. She caught a glipse of his face as he jerked her to the side. She didn't recognize him.
He spoke to the twins, threatening her as she growled and struggled. He threw her over his shoulder -which was very uncomfortable- and left the home with her, as she desperately tried to get away.

Her passed her off to another pack member, who was slightly weaker then him. She elbowed him in the back of his head, hard. He snarledat her, but refrained from injuring her. After struggling for a few more minutes, he started walking away from the home. She heard Caroline's voice, and tensed even more. They were taking her too?
She let out a desperate cry as the smell of the pack she had grown to care for so much faded. She thrashed about, trying to cause as much injury as possible. When the smell had completely faded, the rest of the pack joined them.

They were brought to a large home, and Ella was let down as the door was locked behind them. "I'm Elliot. Your new Alpha. See, your former pack and ours are rivals. I figured I would send a message to them and help you guys out all at once." The twins' uncle smiled at them, as her wrists were clamped together and she was practically dragged up stairs, as she tried to kick and bite the pack member. Celine was aloud to walk on her own. "Remember, the more you play by my rules, the more previlages you will earn." he smiled charmingly again, mostly at Caroline. They were brought to a floor that was completely cut off from the main floor other than a door, that was locked from the outside. There were four bedrooms, and a bedroom. When they were locked on the floor, dropped in the hallway, Ella sat and brought her knees close to her chest. Well, at least as close as she could. A soft whimper escaped her, as she hung her head.

Back at the house, the Alphess found herself bombarded with shocking things. She had been just leaving her husband's room quietly when he son came running up the stairs. As he explained that her daughter, too, had bitten a human and begged the woman to help, she frustrstedly shook her head. "If he's alive, then he's a werewolf now. There's nothing I can do to reverse that. Where are they?" not a second later, after she asked her son had she heard glass broken.

She quickly swept by her son, down the stairs to find that Ella was gone, and her sons were sitting on the sofa agape. "What happened?" she demanded, her stress level getting higher as she smelled the wolves surrounding the house. As Nathen ran out of the house, to his sister, she stepped out and caught what she told him. "Great. Just wonderful. Now we're missing an unstable changeling and a pregnant girl who could give birth at any time. He has no idea what he is getting into." The woman snarled, stepping back into the house. "Mom, right now would probably be a good time for someone to figure out what the hell is going on here. An excellent time for one of those stupid family meetings." Her younger son told her, and she paused.

"Everyone in the living room!" she called, in a firm voice that all her children knew not to question. When they were all in front of her, and irritatedly turned to face them. "James, Oliver, tell me what happened then all of you sweep the territory to make sure they're all gone."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton
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Oliver shot a look to James who sat next to him, hyperventilating, eyes wide. "I got this, J..." He kept a hand clasped firmly about his brothers as he recounted what had happened, from James's bite to Ella's kidnapping. "It was him... He came back..." He looked down in shame, both for being unable to protect Ella and the rest of the pack. He was the one who had the best chance to take him down, but he had failed. "I'm sorry," he whined, head dropping lower. James was comatose with shock and was Oliver's first priority after this was over. "James, I'm sorry..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabel Rose Brighton Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: Caroline Céline Thorn Character Portrait: Eleanor Whiteraven Character Portrait: James Brighton Character Portrait: Nathaniel Brighton
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James Brighton

He could here his mother's orders from the spot in the living room."Everyone in the living room!" He then saw the bundle that was his mother and siblings enter the house again. "James, Oliver, tell me what happened then all of you sweep the territory to make sure they're all gone." He gave a small nod but no words came out. Thankfully Ollie was there to take over and explain what had happened.
He shook his head at his brother. "There was nothing we could do. He would have killed her, we were out numbered, he would have killed everyone." He reminded his brother. It was true, any move they would have made would have only ensured that Ella was, quite literally, ripped apart before their eyes.

"We'll get them back." He said, as if he was trying to reassure both everyone else and himself. "We'll get them back, right?" He was determined to get them back. He wasn't about to give up now. Even if he was going in there alone he was determined to at least try to get them back again. He was not about to sit by and let either his child or his niece or nephew, be born there. Not with that monster. And he certainly wasn't about to leave Ella in his care. After all the man practically killed his own brother, he certainly wouldn't fret over killing a complete stranger.

Nathaniel Brighton

"If he's alive, then he's a werewolf now. There's nothing I can do to reverse that. Where are they?"
He nodded. He understood that, but he hoped that they could still help make sure that his sister didn't freak out too much and maybe find a place to put the boy for the change. He remembered having to lock Caroline up in a room in the basement of the house that before that he hadn't even known was there. He knew that during their first change, the changling was unstable and the second they changed into a wolf anyone in their path was in danger

By the time he reached his sister she had explained frantically that their uncle had taken her new changling as well as Ella. When the Alphess called the family meeting he followed into the living room where his brother's explained what had happened. "Wait, where's Caroline? He didn't take her too did he?" He asked. He almost couldn't believe that of all people, he had been the first one to notice her absence. He tried to tone everything else out for a moment. He wasn't quite sure how to describe it, but he sort of just was able to ... feel things when it came to Caroline. And right now it felt weird, he could smell her or here her and she felt distant, further away than usual. "She's not here." He said quietly after a minute. "He got her too." This made him a little annoyed. It wasn't like James or Oliver's inheritance out of love, but still he was a little bit pissed off about it. After all, she was his responsibility and therefore sort of his in a way and he was annoyed that she had been ripped away like that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabel Rose Brighton Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: James Brighton Character Portrait: Nathaniel Brighton
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Annabel Brighton

Annabel silently followed her brother and her mother into the house silently. She her brothers explained what had happened, she felt anger overtake her. It didn't really bother her too much that Ella had been taken. She didn't really care for her, really. "There was nothing we could do. He would have killed her, we were out numbered, he would have killed everyone." James softly spoke to his twin. She felt bad for them. They looked so horrified, and really she couldn't blame them. The pregnant girl they loved had been ripped from them, and was now in the care of the man that had pretty much killed their father.

Wait, where's Caroline? He didn't take her too did he?" Nathan asked, sounding surprised. Hoody seemed to have an answer for him. "She's not here. He got her too." he added, sounding slightly irritated. "It's scary, knowing he has the power to come in and take whoever he wants." Anna stated softly while rubbing her arms.
After a long pause, she glanced up at her mother. "I'll double up with Nathan." She told her mother suddenly, referring to when she had told them to sweep the territory. She started to leave with Nathan, but paused in the doorway.
Vaguely, she felt a strange sort of distant bloodlust. She could've missed it easily. Her brow furrowed as she focused in the feeling. It must've been coming from the boy she had bitten. Vaguely, she felt the irony taste of blood and quickly shit out the feeling. "Oh, gosh." She whispered, covering her mouth. "I think the boy I just bit hurt someone."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: James Brighton
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"We'll get her back, J," stated Oliver with confidence. His voice was firm and confirming, as if he were stating the obvious. He glanced at the alphess with barely concealed hatred. "Let's go scout the perimeter," he ordered to James. He grabbed his twin's arm, threw his jacket in his face and dragged him out the door, barely stopping to snag his own coat in his unoccupied hand. He was blind to everything but his plan. This plan meant everything. Once they were a good ways into the forest, Ollie let up on the brisk crusade and turned to his brother. "We're going now."

The wolf in him licked its chops hungrily, but he forced it aside. It hadn't been out in so long...

And it wouldn't be coming out now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annabel Rose Brighton Character Portrait: Oliver Brighton Character Portrait: James Brighton Character Portrait: Nathaniel Brighton
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James Brighton

"We'll get her back, J," His brother told him confidently. James nodded. "I know." He said. He didn't plan on leaving her there, not with him.He nodded and followed Oliver outside. He had to actually try just in order to keep up with his brother's brisk pace. Once they got out into the thickness of trees in the forest he stopped quickly, causing James to nearly run into him. "We're going now."

"What?" He asked a small grin sweeping across his lips. "I think I might actually be rubbing off on you." He pointed out with a small grin. It wasn't like his brother to come up with a plan as reckless as this. Normally he was the voice of reason and took time to plan out every single aspect of a plan. It wasn't like Oliver to just do something like this on a whim. But James was not about to dispute so instead he just nodded. After all, he did want to get Ella back. "Come on." He said heading towards the side of the forest. He wanted to get out of there before their mother noticed them leaving.

Nathaniel Brighton

Nathaniel nodded in agreement with his sister. "I know. Especially since he's not the most sane person on the planet." He whispered back. After the long moment of silence he too looked up to their mother. "Yeah, We'll start in the back." He agreed, knowing that the last thing any of them wanted was to be in that house with their mother for even another second.He paused at the door along side his sister when she stopped. "You o-?" He started before being cut off by his sister's answer to the question he had yet to ask.

"I think the boy I just bit hurt someone." "Shit. That's not good. Maybe it was one of the bad guys." He offered hopefully. It couldn't hurt to try to be optimistic about it. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed new movement outside. Their brothers were heading from the forest and to the edge of the property. He didn't really even have to think about it to know what they were up to. He nudged Annabel slightly. "Come on." He said quietly, pulling her outside with him. He figured it would be better to at least go with them, even though they probably wouldn't be too keen on it. But they would need the back up, and besides, it wasn't fair that their brother's got to have all the fun.