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"Don't pick a losing fight."

0 · 270 views · located in Caelum

a character in “In Caelum we live”, as played by Thundera


Amaryllis ‘Amary’ Linden Bell
”You said yes and danced before and got your feelings hurt.”
Name: ”My name is Amaryllis ‘Amary’ Linden Bell.”
Age: ”I am 23.”
Gender: ”I am a Female.”
Where is she from?:”I am a proud civilian of Orientem but I can often be found roaming the woods.”
Sexual Orientation: ”I am Straight but that is highly irrelevant.”
Height:”Um..I’m short like most Tyrelle but I think it’s something like 5,5.”
Weight:”Once again Tyrelle so like...111 lbs”
Species:”I’m strong blooded Tyrelle...My uncle married a vampire however...They had a child called Ellery or something...I don’t know...”
Skills\abilities\weapons: ”I am stronger in the woods and have control over the Earth element and I can speak to animals and hear their songs. I use daggers and a bow well too much like Cousin. I am a fast runner and have the hearing and sight of a vampire but that’s a Tyrelle thing...We’re quite similar to vampires in a way...but I’d never marry one like my uncle did...”
Occupation: ”Hunter. I hunt for friends and family in return for cash but I also do some spare bits and bobs for people if I’m short of cash.”
Likes: ”The woods hunting animals boring question let’s move on.”
Dislikes:”Liars and people I can’t respect or honour.
Personality: ”I am stubborn I guess and I’m known to fight to get my way. You only live once after all! I hate school and rarely attend. I’m twenty-three for heaven’s sake and I have a perfectly but thankfully this is my last year at the dump and then I’m free to live as I want.
I don’t like the way the ‘system’ works either. I have to fight losers and wimps that won’t beat me and where is the honour in that? Pointless slaughter and mutilation just to please some scum of a leader that we are all meant to suck up to and admire. Sorry to be the black sheep around town but I’m not following him into war any day soon. I’d sooner scrape my own eyes out and swallow them!
There’s another thing I’m prone to being dramatic and reacting badly to stuff. I have really bad temper but I am intelligent so most of the time when they say I’m wrong and I argue I’m mostly right. I hate socialising with most people and I’m also prone to simply giving them a boot up the ass if they won’t shut up.
I walk around with an oversized domestic cat which comes to my kneecap but isn’t fat or anything it’s just altered with magic to be stronger, faster and consequently bigger. Her name is ‘Nezzera’ which means darkness and it suits her because of her jet black pelt that is annoyingly fluffy and makes a good pillow but it does tangle terribly when we’re walking through tight gaps between trees and shrubs. She is my best friend and my most loyal associate. We can communicate well she has a gift of speech but we mostly talk through our mind link which is powered purely by Tyrelle blood and abilities.”

History: ”My history is mostly boring day by day nonsense but I’ll tell you the story of my parents death because that’s the only thing that’s ever really happened to me. My father cut down a tree badly and it smashed down on our house and squashed my father and trapped my mother under the sofa until she died of a lot of causes. Lucky me I was out hiking and survived mostly oblivious to any emotion or feelings I had towards the matter. I rejected help and shelter from my uncle and aunt and resolved to living alone after I rebuilt my Father’s house.
And that is my story summed up in a single paragraph.”

Strengths: ”My strengths lie in knife combat or shooting and I’ll never lose a fight in my own habitat of the woods. I have too much of a benefit there.”
Flaws: ”My powers are useless where there aren’t plants or some form of Earth as they can’t really work properly without a physical source and I’m psychically weak when it comes to punch ups or sword play but I’m quick with my knives and bow if that makes up for it.

So begins...

Amary's Story


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Character Portrait: Amary
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An arrow whizzed through and a brunette beauty rocketed behind it. Amary had learnt to be quick at retrieving her kills because animals scavenge and people steal and anyway Amary was freakishly hungry and wanted to get this rabbit on the spit quickly. Petit brown boots batted the soft dirt harshly leaving clear obvious footprints behind her.

Amary reached her meal with a hissed 'Yes' of victory. The rabbit's eye was pierced by her arrow and quiet obviously dead. Amary ripped the arrow out and picked up the rabbit by the ears. Body held high despite her small height Amary stated her march back to her place. When she. Wasn't sulking back in the city she was in the woods in her red wood cabin. She loved it here and she had more belongings and memories here then at home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Amary
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Ellery dragged her and her kill home she'd be free to sit alone for a whike because her mother wouldn't be around for a while yet.

She dumped the meat in the kitchen and got rid of anything they couldn't eat and then left for her room diving into the thin glossy material she knew to be her best blanket and cover. She laid her head back frowning glumly. She was so bored and this wasn't like her at all. She had a busy mind and kept herself busy usually.


The young brunette ran around the woods alone keeping herself aware of her direction and obsticles. She spied her cousin's home in the distance on the hill and considered maybe showing her face because despite seeming slightly stuck-up Amary did have a soft spot for a fellow hunter like Ellery.

She made her decision and started bounding up-hill and eventually knocked on the large oak door. When she went ignored she barged in and couldn't hide she was impressed when she saw the dead prepared buck in the kitchen. Oooh she's good... She thought amused.

"Cousin?" She hollared up the staircase. She heard a moan and heavy footsteps and started to wonder if she'd chose a bad time.
"What's the tragedy this time?" Ellery asked and Amary barely hid her offence and surprise. Sure, most of the time she visited her cousin she brought bad news or asked for help but she did visit for a chat often.
"Nothing, I had planned on having a catch up but if your... Ellery cut her off there and Amary scrowled a little untils he was offered a drink.
"Just water please." Amary replied and barely a second later Amary had a glass of clear liquid dumped in her palm.

"So how ya doing?" Ellery asked a little more chirpier then before.