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"I don't need much anything, I just need to know that I can breathe."

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a character in “In Caelum we live”, as played by Thundera



Name: "My name Ellery but my surname doesn't matter."

Age: "I am seventeen." Image

Gender: "Take a hint from my appearance, I'm a girl."

Where is she from: "I live in the neutral zone, This is where I was born and raised."

Sexual orientation: "I really don't see why this matters but if you really want to know I'm straight."

Height: "I stand at about I don't know something like 5,6 maybe 5,7?"

Weight: "I weigh around 110 lbs. When you don't need you food you don't really gain much."

Species: "I am a form of hybrid. My mother was a bloodsucker but my father was a tyrlle. It's like a troll but the look human apart from a greenish tint to their skin and possess magical powers."

"My father taught me to fight young because he was never convinced our land would stay neutral and our own for very long. I prefer to use a whip or a bow and have good strength in my arms because of it but I can paint scenes from the future. It's not a gift though but a curse. I can't tell when anything I see will happen and I can't normally change it and the worst thing is I can't ignore it. I've seen horrors so cruel I've cried but they'd steal my right to think freely until they were on my canvas. I also have good strength and speed from my mother and I have a strong connection with nature from my father being Tyrlle

- Freedom
- Being outdoors
- Socialising though silence is good too.
- Singing and dancing
- Being relaxed
- Sparring with her friends
- Shooting her bow
- Being independent
- 'Ellery Time'
- Kids

- Loud people
- Snobs
- People threatening her family's welfare
- Prejudice
- Wimps or shy people
- Daytime
- Older people
- Control freaks
- and the plain old b*****s

"I come across rude and short but I mostly treat people how they treat me. Being a hybrid never seemed to go down with some, they'd call me a mistake or a bad accident because Tyrlle and vampires apparently can't mix. I'm a bit of an antisocial sometimes but I've learnt to be quite the actress over my time in this harsh prejudice world. This means I contain a healthy conversation with other people should I desire their company but most of the time I'm quiet and I'd I'm talk sarcastic or rude.

I like to be independent because I don't trust my parents enough to keep me and my sister Rose on sturdy ground. My mother is a woman of routine and me and my sister disrupted that routine and threw neglect learnt to turn to Daddy when we needed help. Our father however wasn't much better he never truly wanted kids.

I am very protective of Rose because of the horrors of bullying I fought threw when I was younger then her and I know she'd be too kind and soft to fight back or even defend herself. I know I come across cold at first and I'll apologise now but if you make the effort to get close to me I'd take anything or do anything for you. I'm not lying either, I've got myself in some real situations saving Rose or a friend.

Some say your either a lover or a fighter but I think I'm both. I fight for my family and for respect from the people around me yet I love and care for my sister more then anything. I guess I'm more of a fighter because I can count on my fingers the people I truly care for and I seem to have fight with everyone just to get an ounce of respect from anyone. Rose says she wants to be like me but I'm so glad she isn't ."

"I grew up being frowned upon by everyone. I wa not s clever or pretty, I didn't have cool superpowers and I wasn't sweet and innocent. I never minded it much it meant people avoided me and that suited me just fine. My mother used to protest against me leaving the house because I was an embarrassment but I soon learnt not to care. After all, it's just words and words never draw blood.
My typical rout included a lovely six am wake up. Straight out the house to practice with either my bow or whip and at eight I'd go inside to eat then I'd help Rose wash and dress before changing out my practice clothes and into proper day wear myself. Then I'd probably do chores for a long while. Then I'd break down and have a vision and my mother would threw things at me whilst I went to find my canvas the image burning my mind. It'd happen at school too and the kids would laugh at me as I clutches my head waiting for the bell to go so I could go paint the curse of an image.

Most of the time they were silly things like Rose tripping over my shoes when she came home from school but once I painted my Father losing his hand in a fight but my mother refused to listen to me and my father got in the fight a week later and lost his hand and all I thought was that he should of listened when I fell out with my mother over it. Funny he's never looked me in the eye since that day."

- her ability with painting the future can be helpful with difficult situations but not always
- she is physically fit and strong and excels at climbing and sprinting.
- Close ties with nature can help things grow and revive dead plants.
- both of her parents are well over a hundred but appear to be in their forties so she should have a nice long life.

- if she doesn't paint her visions quickly her hair becomes duller and she has monstrous head aches and migraines until the last corner is painted with color.
- She hasn't got the full strength and speed of a vampire because of her Tyrlle blood she also hasn't got the full extent of Tyrlle magic.
- Image

So begins...

Ellery's Story


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery
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Ellery hated attending school. She's not a banished person but her family are from neutral zone apart from her Father he's from the Occidens but he left so he could marry the love of his life, Ellery's mother; Juniper. Ellery had came along a few years later and now she's the angry faced outsider at the Occiden's Academy.

Ellery longed to be back in the woods hunting with her father, darting between trees like a deer and stalking like a tiger. However this waste of a school is apparently important.

Ellery walked to class late her head darkened by the shadow of a chunky plait which fell just past her chest. Ellery muttered her sarcastic apology and sat down. No one looked at her no one spoke to her, the way she liked it. Ellery sighed school had never been easy. Hybrids were almost as disrespected as the banished.

Ellery's eyes were crisp and dark like autmun leaves and her iris looked tired whilst her pupils showed her restless discomfort. Ellery was a confident girl but something about being trapped in these four walls made her shadow inside herself. Everyone thought she was weak but if Ellery rolled up her sleeves they'd know better. She wasn't ripped but toned like a athlete.

Her eyes narrowed and the torture Ellery knew began, kind of.

Ellery smirked as a kid started to back chat to the Teacher. Ellery agreed with him entirely but she would never speak up about it.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery
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The sad part of today, for Adion at least, is that people shut up when he was near them. Everyone began to treat him like they do the hybrids, ignore them like they don't exist. No teachers mocked him, no fellow students insulted him as he walked by. He wondered why they suddenly backed off of him, but he guessed that it had something to do with his little speech.

Remembering back to that point, he remembered the hybrid looking like she agreed with him. Adion had many moments where he would have talked to her, but he was afraid that if he did that, that she would be treated even worse than she already was. She seemed like she would like to have someone to hunt with, but Adion was never good at reading people. Animals on the other hand, he hand no trouble seeing into them.

Suddenly Adion heard something. "Adion Volf, come here!" yelled the principal at the top of her lungs. "Well, looks like the guards found out about my little speech." Adion thought to himself. He knew that he could easily escape to the forest and truly live his own life. However, something compelled Adion to walk to the principal and follow her into the office.

In the office, 2 city guards stood with spears in their hands. "Are you Adion Volf?" asked the guard on the left. Adion let out an irritated huff before responding with "Yes." The guards then walked over to Adion and said "Your going to have to come with us, please."

Adion and Shadow followed the guards to the jail. Adion had figured that he would end up here at the speech. It would not have been the first time that he was here, but it would be Shadow's first time. What happened next surprised Adion all together. The 2 guards took him to the guard captain and sat Adion down in a chair. The guard captain looked at Adion and said "Listen, I understand that I should have you interned for this, but if you can keep your mouth shut about your view of the world, I will let you go home without trouble." Of course, Adion said "Yes sir." without a moments pause.

He went home thinking to himself that if the teacher didn't want to hear his view then she should have never asked him about himself or his home.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery
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She silently wished the guy luck because she didn't think it was fair that we had to keep our thoughts and opinions private, They should be allowed to help improve their society, but no we go to jail instead.

Ellery frowned and turned her attention to scratching her name in the desk boredly. Her nail was struck by a wave of pain and Ellery sighed paranoid. Chipped a nail. Ellery laughed under her breath and then shut up before she got a taste of ear aching letures on being a decent person...I'll never be decent...I'm a hybrid for god's sake... Ellery thought miserably.

That's when an image hit her. It burnt her mind tearing her retinas apart as it took over her vision. A tree was on fire burning lighting up the sky with bright orange streaked red and even white in places. Ellery choked on her breath. She knew the tree. It was near where she lived. She grabbed a pencil and began drawing it all over the pages over her book until her mind eased, not before she squealed at the pain.

Ellery's 'gift' from her Tyrelle blood was painting possible scenes from the future but the problem is she never knows when it will happen or if it even will happen, Just that she needs to try and prevent it. Ellery would rather be a standard boring human- Actually, no she wouldn't. Ellery would rather be anything but ordiary...but she still found herself wondering if being human would be so dull. Ellery didn't have anything ordinary about her so she'd never have a clue but the idea to be the same was completely resented by Ellery and her stubborn mind.

She was half vampire to start and was quick and strong which helped her be an even stronger hunter and foe. She was half tyrelle and felt safer and more secure around nature where she could hunt and breathe unrecycled air. She lived in neutral zone...Where she was free to speak because there was no where else to be banished too. She predicited horrid sights she couldn't change. She couldn't bare class but had always been clever and intelligent. What's ordinary about that?


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Character Portrait: Ellery
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She couldn't take it much longer so claiming she needed the toilet she snuck out of school and started the long journey home. She'd have to stay out in the forests around her home because her Father would kill her for ditching her classes for lazing in the woods but then again he didn't see how life at her school was.

Sighing she kicked logs and head down she watched her feet take turns to take up ground. The earth and leaves were kicked up in the air by the toe of her brown fur boots as she walked. As she got deeper in the forest she felt happier and a sense of freedom and joy filled her heart. She laughed as her inner Tyrelle glowed within her. Her dragged walk became a jog and then that slowly evolved into a full blown sprint she dived over logs quicker then cheetah this was only because her mother was a vampire though no Tyrelle could run like this. Her laughter echoed and bounced off trees until Ellery found a lake blocking her path.

The lake was practically green a nice shade of dark sea green to be precise and the sun blinded the ripples white. Ellery smiled she knew this lake but it wasn't where she had intended to be. She thought about diving in but she wasn't in the mood for being wet so instead she kicked off her boots rolled up her trousers and dumped her legs up to the shin in the water watching the occasional bird swoop in to steal a fish and then watch it disappear again.

Ellery laid back breathing deeply cloaked in the harmony of rippling water and singing birds. It didn't take a genius to figure out she had to be related Tyrelle the way the sun beams seemed to naturally find her face and the way she was so relaxed with her feet being surrounded by possibly dangerous fish. She closed her eyes smiling and let her skin soak up the sun. Who needs school anyway?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Elunia Fyradova
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It was no about 6:54 PM and Adion found his way to the lake that marked the halfway point to Eludara Forest. He came out to the lake with Shadow at his side and the bird that broke into his house on his arm. It sure was beautiful. The way everything just seemed to come together. From the birds to the fish in the lake to the tree line to the sun sitting just high enough in the sky. There was one thing that was out of place yet had the feeling of being in place. It was the girl that was the hybrid.

Adion approached the girl and said "Hi I'm Adion. What's your name?" Adion had never talked to the hybrid and would at least like to hear her story, but if he could manage to make a humanoid friend, all the better. Shadow sat down very happily next to his master as the bird moved to Adion's should so that Adion could put his arm down. Adion knew one thing for certain, he and the hybrid were both very connected to nature.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery
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Ellery almost fell forward into the water...someone spoke to her. She stood up making the ground she'd been sat on before wet almost as wet as her very own skin.

"Hi...I'm Ellery." She wondered if he knew of her mixed blood he must do as despite never telling a soul everyone else at school seemed to know. She looked at him with big dark eyes and then at the animal by her feet. She smiled brightly however when she saw the bird. It was beautiful to her beautifully stunning and it made her smile. Ellery loved animals especially birds so to see one of such beauty really made her smile. Her smiling however calmed as she looked back at Adion.

She was a bit embarrassed about being caught but what could she do? Ellery had never spoke to him before so she didn't even know what to expect. Would he grass her up? Somehow she doubted it...mostly.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery
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The girl, who introduced herself as Ellery, had not yet attacked Adion. She smiled at Shadow and the bird, but it faded when her eyes had come back to Adion. He wasn't sure if the look in her eyes was slight hate, or just plain discomfort. Adion guessed that it was the discomfort.

"I have never ran into anyone at this lake. May I ask why you are here?" asked Adion. It was true that Adion had never ran into anyone by the small lake, but he would normally travel around the forests from 8 PM to 11 PM. Still, Adion knew that this lake was off the radar of most, but animals seemed to be attracked to it, so Adion guessed that is why Ellery was here.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery
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Ellery sighed softly. "Honestly I don't know...I ran out of school and ended up here..." She waited for him to take the mick out of her heritage but part of her doubted he would but the rest of her was so used to it. Her brown eyes qere stuck on the guy and his animals she eventually looked back at the floor like she usually did.

She played with the hem of her blouse. She was normally confident but then again socialising was her weaknessShe sucked in a silent breath and felt the sun burning her shouldera in pleasently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery
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"I caught a lucky break after answering the teacher's question. I answered it as honestly as I could.... He shouldn't have asked the question if he didn't want a true answer, or at least my point of view." said Adion, almost going off track. He quickly followed up with "I can see why you skipped school. It's not like it's a heaven for those who believe that we can live without constant warfare."

It was becoming more and more obvious that Ellery was not a people person. She showed obvious signs of being nervousness around Adion. Maybe if Adion was lucky, he would make an ally today. This did not seem likely though.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery
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"Yeah...or a hybrid..." she sighed. Ellery didnt know for certain that hw kbew what she was but she assumed he did because everyone seemed too. "I agree with you by the way. Every last word you said before you got sent out made sense." Her second sentance was quieter then her first as if embarassed to agree with him. Ellery hated confessing...even the stupid confessions like that.

Ellery's eyes fillowed a brightly coloured butterfly and the green tint to her iris became more obvious has inner tyrelle rejoiced. Ellery had always had a thing for butterflies and she hadn't a clue why but something about them made her stop and think


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery
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Adion watched the butterfly as well. Maybe not for the same reason as Ellery, but still, his yellow, wolf-like eyes followed the butterfly. To any half good beast master, the butterfly was singing a most beautiful song. One of peace and life, the gentle flows of life and nature and fate. Adion found himself seeming to be distracted by the butterfly, its voice being beautiful like all the other butterflies. On the other hand, Shadow and the bird failed to even take their eyes off of Ellery.

"I have something to ask you. Do you also hear the voices of animals? So often I hear songs by lakes and forests, and cries in cities. The animals don't care if they are put to work, but they still want room to be allowed in." Adion said, obviously speaking to Ellery. It was said a bit quieter then the rest of their conversation.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Ellery
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Ellery knew what he meant even half blodded Tyrelle can hear nature's songs. She just nodded. "I thought it was a Tyrelle thing..." She confessed her eagle eyes were fixed on the butterfly and her lips tipped up slightly in a shy smile. She went to turn away from the beautiful insect but her eyes were firm on the creature. The butterfly started to fly higher and higher until it dissappeared from her sight. Freed from her trance she turned to the man before her.

Ellery's smile had faded when the butterfly did and it made Ellery wonder if she was just a sad person but how could that be when some things give her such joy? She picked at the question for a bit then smiling politely said "I better be going...I have a few things to sort out before I'm due home." She half lied. Ellery did have things to do but she didn't have to be home at anytime sometimes Ellery stayed away weeks at a time and her parents barely battered an eyelid at her return.

She smiled and with a small wave she was gone. Ellery searched for 'her' tree. Where she hid a spare bow and quiver. She retrieved them and started her hike up hill to the water hole she had better chances there but her bow was always poised with an arrow ready to fly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery
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"Hey..." A voice next to Adion could be heard. A blonde woman with pale skin, green eyes and freckles was standing there, observing the lake. "I heard you had problems." She said. "That girl went away fast." She was referring to Ellery. "I guess she has problems too. Hey, did you know that the blue ravens can befriend all animals, even their natural enemies? Pretty awesome, eh?" The woman started petting Shadow. "My name is Livenine. I'm a serial killer." Livenine joked. "I used to have some quarrels with the teachers and the principal in the Occidents Academy. Sometimes I tried to murder the land separating beliefs, but being a serial killer isn't that easy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery
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"Beast masters gain the ability when they bind to their first animal." Adion responded to Ellery. They were both just watching the butterfly fly around singing, before it flew away. Adion's eyes fell back to Ellery at the same time hers fell to his. Ellery then said that she had some things to do at home began to leave with a wave. Adion responded with "Good bye, then." and a wave.

Out of nowhere, another woman, one who had skin his color, freckles, and green eyes. She then said something about problems and blue ravens. Blue ravens were a good animal to began to try the abilities of a beast master on. They were a peaceful and talkative bird that could also teach beast masters a thing or two. Adion responded to the new woman with "Blue ravens are also used by beast masters as a starter for speaking or control. They are peaceful and very rarely resist when someone goes poking around in their mind."

The woman then intoduced herself as a serial killer, while petting Shadow. Shadow wasn't saying anything about her indicating that she wanted to kill Adion. The woman then went further into detail, but Adion could not tell if she was an "idea" killer or a people killer. She had also introduced herself as Livenine.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery
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#, as written by isara12
The foreign bird had been watching Ellery the whole time, never taking it ochre eyes off the hybrid. When she walked, the bird remained there for a little while. When the other girl seemingly appeared out of nowhere, the bird glanced at the girl, before turning back in the direction Ellery walked off to.

The bird opened its wings, and with one, powerful flap, was off in the direction of the Hybrid.

Arriving at the tree Ellery was at, the bird landed on the ground. It just stood there for a few moments, before tilting its head

"you have been there, haven't you?" it asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery
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Adion noted as the bird that had been resting on his shoulders flew away. It was nothing that Adion hadn't expected, he was just standing there after all.

"The only 2 good things about the academy were that if you tried hard enough you might find a fragment of unbiased knowledge, and that it keeps the people away from the neutral lands. That's all that I had ever found." Adion said with an obvious dislike of the academy. He thought the girl in from of him was pretty, but that was all that he could tell. He had some trouble believing her, and he didn't know why. Maybe he was just a little bit on guard. It seemed like Shadow liked the girl.


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Character Portrait: Ellery
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Ellery gazed at the bird boredly swearing because it scared away her hunt.
"What, I don't know." She answered the bird quickly calming from her outburst of curses. "Sorry, forgive me...I shouldn't of...acted like that." She added with a soft sigh.

Ellery had been moments away from claiming a young buck fresh from the spring but the bird had sent it running. No problem, I'll track it... Ellery thought quietly. Her nose creasing slightly as she thought away busily at so many different things, but most of them things she'd never talk about with other people because other people judge and gossip but the silence can't gossip or judge


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery
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"Whatever you have for paying." Livenine answered. "If there's a problem with the item I gave you, tell me and I'll fix it, or trade it for new one. So... the girl who was with you... Is she a friend of yours?" Livenine asked. "Would she be interested in the stones?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery
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"The girl that was with me? I am still waiting on that knowledge." said Adion.

"If you would follow me, I would like to buy one of those stones, but I don't have any meat on me. We will have to go back to my house." said Adion, already walking in the direction of his home. His hunting shack, which looked exactly like that and not much else. Oh well, Adion had a small basement, in which he had 5 barrels of salted meat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Livenine Argon Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Amary
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Ellery dragged her and her kill home she'd be free to sit alone for a whike because her mother wouldn't be around for a while yet.

She dumped the meat in the kitchen and got rid of anything they couldn't eat and then left for her room diving into the thin glossy material she knew to be her best blanket and cover. She laid her head back frowning glumly. She was so bored and this wasn't like her at all. She had a busy mind and kept herself busy usually.


The young brunette ran around the woods alone keeping herself aware of her direction and obsticles. She spied her cousin's home in the distance on the hill and considered maybe showing her face because despite seeming slightly stuck-up Amary did have a soft spot for a fellow hunter like Ellery.

She made her decision and started bounding up-hill and eventually knocked on the large oak door. When she went ignored she barged in and couldn't hide she was impressed when she saw the dead prepared buck in the kitchen. Oooh she's good... She thought amused.

"Cousin?" She hollared up the staircase. She heard a moan and heavy footsteps and started to wonder if she'd chose a bad time.
"What's the tragedy this time?" Ellery asked and Amary barely hid her offence and surprise. Sure, most of the time she visited her cousin she brought bad news or asked for help but she did visit for a chat often.
"Nothing, I had planned on having a catch up but if your... Ellery cut her off there and Amary scrowled a little untils he was offered a drink.
"Just water please." Amary replied and barely a second later Amary had a glass of clear liquid dumped in her palm.

"So how ya doing?" Ellery asked a little more chirpier then before.