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Infrai Island

Infrai Island


a part of Infrai Island, by Whispers..x.


Whispers..x holds sovereignty over Infrai Island, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

878 readers have been here.


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Infrai Island is a part of Infrai Island.

14 Characters Here

Nick Grieves [30] Testing them, punishing them, it's all the same really. I don't differentiate.
Vivian [25] My skin is its own rainbow. Sort of.
Tony Griffin [20] "Stay still and shut up. This will only hurt for a second."
Charles [13] Quiet and Smart he prefers to keep to himself.
Bailey Willis [13] Really, I'm just a kid...
Brooklyn Jones [13] "Sometimes I wish I could phase the pain away."
Tabitha Wilkins [12] "Be calm and it'll be over in no time."
Jak Ross [9] Get out of my way!
Skylar Hawkins [8] "Oh, hello."
Yohance [8] Stop treating such beauty like crap. Heh.

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6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones Character Portrait: Tabitha Wilkins Character Portrait: Jak Ross Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Charles Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
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Brooklyn rolled her eyes as Tony walked by, turning on all the treadmills on low, an easy little jog yet nothing more so far. “Why would I want to do that? Throw away my dignity to treat you sadistic bastards better than you treat us? I’d rather loose a body part than something as disgusting as that,” she said towards the man as she started to jog on the treadmill.

The subject could feel her body start to accumulate sweat as she continued to jog, the warmth of the room speeding up the sweating process quite a bit. This sort of testing wasn’t as bad as what would usually happen, but with the heat the way it was, it might as well be as bad. Just for a moment she closed her eyes and let her mind wonder around for a bit, imagining a life beyond this hell hole.

Suddenly she felt an electric shock course through her body, no doubt the works of the stupid little electrodes on her body. She let out a faint growl and cringed slightly, her feet slowly phasing through the treadmill below her. Before she could phase through anymore she caught herself and pulled herself back up onto the treadmill, starting to jog once again.

After a few seconds she glanced over towards the other two, Vivid catching her attention greatly. The girl’s skin was a rainbow and colors and different designs, all seemed to be for the amusing pleasure of the tester though. It almost made her sick to her stomach, she might as well have been flirting with the man instead.


Tabitha listened to him talk about how the others would have gotten him out of his cell and such. She didn’t approve of how they did things, but there wasn’t anything she could very well do about it. “That’s it them though, this is me and this is how I run things,” she began, “I’ve never seen the point and all the harsh treatments you all get here and quite frankly it’s a little sickening if you ask me.”

Her clipboard was placed into her lap and she began to write a few things down to start with, just general things of how he looked before starting here experiment. The woman stood up and gestured for Jak to do the same, soon walking over to where she had placed and arranged selection of light sources. Different kinds of flashlights, lighters, matches, anything that would emit some sort of light.

“Alright, what we’re going to do today is calculate what kind of lights affect you the most. I know it’s painful for you but I promise it won’t be too terribly long, I’ll even give you a couple of pain killers to help with the pain when we’re done,” she looked at him with a soft smile before grabbing at the lowest source of light, a match.

“When you’re ready just tell me,” she said, holding the match towards the side of the box.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Clara Benz Character Portrait: Andras
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Clara was having a good day, her morning coffee was still warm when she got a chance to drink it and she had gotten two emails of congratulations on the completion of her newest formula! Smiling to herself she tugged the chain-mail suit over her body, the kind that people wear when they're about to swim with sharks, over that she slid a heat resistant coat, and if that getup hadn't been strange enough she through on her sparkling white lab coat, wouldn't want to look unprofessional or spill some nasty chemical on her nice protective equipment.

Pulling out her handy dandy tablet she began double checking the formulas and math involved in this latest chemical reaction, sliding painlessly through the material she grinned, there wasn't a possible way this wouldn't work, and she had the go ahead to try it out! Approaching the vials and beakers of her personal storage shelves she unlocked the glass barrier with her password and withdrew four serums, X-1, X-2, Heavy Sedative, and Muscle Melter, the kind of stuff that makes you numb. X-1 and X-2 Were her new gems and if they worked Mr. Andras wouldn't have to be strapped up all the time, X-1 was meant to release his energy, thus her strange outfit, this would cause a wicked reaction and would be very dangerous at a close range, X-2 was the stabilizer, once enough energy was expelled it would prevent the death of the subject, finishing by containing the energy at a more manageable level.

After pocketing the serums and two injection guns. She picked up one more thing, a mini-forklift, the kind used to carry heavy boxes, with controls much like a segway. She took her time riding to the subjects area, only to find Nick with his gun,

"Hello Nick." She said bluntly and continued on her way. "boys will be boys" she thought to herself and continued past him deciding to only intervene if necessary. To her convenience the massive hulk of a subject was already out cold, from the looks of it his usual sedative putting him in a perfect state for transportation to the containment building where she could carry out her experiment in peace. That's where the segway came in and she began to push and shove the giant onto the lift.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Kalex Zanna Character Portrait: Bailey Willis
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"What do you think?" Of course Nick wasn't going to leave Kalex alone. He'd never tested these two together before, and he already had something planned. Even better, the room was set up for it already. Oh, this was going to be fun. Nick didn't drop Bailey's gaze, smirking and giving a small shrug. "Well, that's one aspect of it. Would you like to know a fun fact?" He lifted his other hand and gently lifted Bailey's chin up slightly, resting his fingers there. "There were other subjects before you, some not exactly weak and defenceless. They fought back. And guess who got to put them down when we sorted them out?" He moved his hand to Bailey's shoulder, guiding her towards the door and shutting it behind him. "So, let's recap. Only one out of three statements about me correct. Must do better, Bailey."

Enough talking. Nick kept a hold on Bailey just in case as he crossed over to Kalex's call, raising an eyebrow at her outburst. "Yes, well done." He muttered, prising her hands away from the bars and carefully leading her out of her cell. He always found it hard to meet the requirements of treating Kalex almost like you would a small child - fragile - but thankfully once they got on with testing he could forget that little detail.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Kalex Zanna Character Portrait: Bailey Willis
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Bailey didn't even answer him and took hold of Kalex, putting her arm around the weak subject protectively. She really didn't find it fair; she knew Nick would do the same kind of testing to both of them, even though Kalex couldn't handle it.

"So what do you have in mind today Nick?" She questioned icily, holding the girl to her in a motherly fashion. She then bit her lip, thinking about how easily it would be to snap this girl like a twig.

"Can you... Can you go easier on her at least? Be somewhat humane?" She really pitied Kalex; the poor thing barely knew what was happening to her. If she had a soft spot, it was for Kalex. She didn't really care that she was showing her weak side; she wanted this girl to leave in all one piece.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves Character Portrait: Kalex Zanna Character Portrait: Bailey Willis
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Kalex took comfort in the arm around her, human contact without pain was a nice feeling and generated warmth and safety in her subconscious memory. She looked at Bailey with a slight smile this girl reminded her that all of the subjects were in the same boat, she didn't know what the girl could do with her powers she could tell she was a little safer in her care.

"It's okay. I can handle what he throws at me, I'm still alive aren't I?" Kalex reassured the girl, even if she didn't remember it she had faced the tortures of Nick before. She had already determined these tests were a daily thing, most of her past three days had been heavily based on painful memory recollection, mental torture, and shock therapy, nothing too physically painful, these previous tests made her ignorant of the possibilities.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tabitha Wilkins Character Portrait: Jak Ross
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“That’s it them though, this is me and this is how I run things. I’ve never seen the point and all the harsh treatments you all get here and quite frankly it’s a little sickening if you ask me.”

Jak looked at the woman, thinking for a moment over the words. “Yea, they take things for their own enjoyment but I think you are all in the wrong by abducting us from our homes and lives. Well, that’s my opinion at least.”

Jak watched as Tabitha began producing various luminary devices, and shuttered. So it’s this type of test, he said to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by Tabitha as she spoke again.

“Alright, what we’re going to do today is calculate what kind of lights affects you the most. I know it’s painful for you but I promise it wont’ be too terribly long, I’ll even give you a couple of pain killers to help with the pain when we’re done.” She paused for a moment, then finished. “When you’re ready just tell me.”

Jak sighed, and in his bored tone stated that he was ready. He watched then as Tabitha lit a match, and he had to squint his eyes in response. “Ow, that is bright, but I can still see
 Not too much though. It feels like I’m getting acid thrown on my face but I think I can manage.” It was always natural light sources that caused the worse pain. Jak hated that type of light, but at least the scientists kept him inside the facility with only a small window.

Jak’s mulled these thoughts over, and was suddenly reminded about his family. They weren’t too keen on camping or traveling, but did they love family time. He remembered how he couldn’t wait to get away from them and most of all how he hated being around his sister. She was a bright light of hope and joy, and that sickened Jak to no end. How could one person be so cheery? She maintained that, even after finding that Jak escaped from the house and enjoyed sneaking into theatres and stealing from stores. She never got mad, or even tattled to his parents, instead she simply scolded him.

Still, even though he preferred to stay away from her, he couldn’t help but talk to her and act nice when they did have their little encounters. They’d talk for hours about his powers in his room, and he couldn’t help but feel homesick now. He wished he could get back there, but he knew he couldn’t. There was no escape from the island, and for now he thought, he’d just focus on getting through these tests alive.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Charles Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
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((I apologize greatly for my leave of absence. (: Family vacation. It was fun.))

He chewed on the top of his pen, scribbling something on his clipboard. The electrodes were constantly measuring heart rate, adrenaline production, and even perspiration, and he had to record it by the minute. Without looking up as Brooklyn bashed him, he said, "That can surely be arranged, my dear Brooklyn." Actually, he did wonder what kind of bearing her phasing ability would have on limb regeneration... he ought to follow up. He pulled out his Blackberry and made himself a memo.

He looked up at the yelps that signified that the first shock had taken place. It was very low voltage, very low wattage, but still startling, he was sure. He pointed his chewed-up pen at Brooklyn's feet. "Was that involuntary, that phasing there? Triggered by pain? A defense mechanism, perhaps?" As he said that, he turned up the power of the shock. The next one should be coming in five minutes. God, he hated this heat. He pulled out a handheld fan and placed it on the counter to cool himself off, making sure that it was pointing away from the test subjects.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Jones Character Portrait: Tabitha Wilkins Character Portrait: Jak Ross Character Portrait: Vivian Character Portrait: Charles Character Portrait: Tony Griffin
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((Don't worry about it *patpat* glad you had fun on your family vacation))


Brooklyn rolled her eyes and continued to run, not bothering to talk back to him. She most likely knew they would cut off a limb just for their stupid experiments, not like they had anything better to do with their time than crap like that. Her arms crossed over her chest, she could feel her sweat falling down from her arms down onto the treadmill below.

“Yes it was involuntary and I don’t know what the hell it was, it could have been some kind of defense mechanism to keep myself from getting too hurt by you losers,” she almost shouted back to him. There wasn’t any way she couldn’t have noticed the little fan he’d taken out to cool himself off with. Couldn’t go through the heat like the rest of them she supposed, wimp.


“Well that’s a rather interesting start,” she said, writing down what Jak had to say how it felt.

“Alright let us try this next,” Tabitha grabbed a lighter from the table and in no time she had the thing lit up quite nicely. She preceded to point it towards the boy, waiting for what he had to say about the light source and the way it was affecting him. It wasn’t as if she was enjoying doing this to him, nor anything to any of the subjects that caused pain, but she always gave him something afterwards to help with any pain that was still there after.

“How does that feel?” she asked the boy.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tabitha Wilkins Character Portrait: Jak Ross
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Jak had a rather rude comment in store for Tabitha when she said “Well that’s a rather interesting start,” but he kept it to himself.

“Alright, let us try this next,” said continued Tabitha as she produced a lighter and flicked it on. Because the lighter’s starter fluid was more on the man-made side it hurt less, and the brightness seemed to let him see more than the match.

“Well the lighter hurts like the match, but downgrade by about 10%, and then the light lets me see just a little better.” Jak paused a moment, waiting before finishing his statement by saying simply, “So what’s up next?”