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Jason Dunford

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness." WIP, just need history

0 · 1,917 views · located in United States

a character in “Inhumans”, as played by CutUp


SuperheroDiamond EyesShort Change HeroX Gon Give It To YaSeven Nation ArmyBeautiful CrimeSuperheroes
{"Get your mission on lock, and see it through."}

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| N A M E |
Jason Eric Dunford

| A L I A S |

| N I C K N A M E |
Jase - Shorten version of his name.
J.D. - Hasn't been used since he was a kid.
The Guard Dog - Due to his position as protector of Agent Parker.
Boy Scout - Due to his rule following, and moral nature.
The Sensational Sentinel - Just another alias for him, and the title of the comics about him.

| A G E |

| G E N D E R |

| E T H N I C I T Y |
American of English, and Irish decent.

| B I R T H D A T E |
August 1st; Leo

| S E X U A L I T Y |

{"You'll never be great without taking a chance."}

| H E I G H T |
6 foot 2

| W E I G H T |
382 pounds

| E Y E C O L O R |

| H A I R C O L O R |

| A P P E A R A N C E |
Jason is often times described as being tall, dark, and handsome. Indeed, seemingly everything he owns is either black, or really dark. He has short jet black hair, and some stubble on his chin. Jason has a muscular build, and is physically fit, and toned. Generally Jason wears a black leather jacket over a white, black, or grey t-shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans, and black combat boots. While as Sentinel Jason has a very militant style. He wears a black armored chestplate, which actually doesn't protect him much more than his own skin, over a black long sleeved shirt. He keeps the sleeves rolled halfway up his arm, and a pair of fingerless gloves. He wears black cargo pants, and combat boots underneath that. He also wears a classic black leather domino mask, along with a streak of black paint across his eyes and nose.

| O D D I T I E S |
Jason has a Spartan helmet tattooed on his inner left forearm with the Latin phrase 'per angusta ad augusta', which means 'through difficulties to greatness', underneath it. Jason has many scars all over his body. He has a scar on his right eyebrow that he got when he was young. He has several scars from the various bullet and knife wounds.

{"This ain't no place for a better man."}

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
✦ Sarcastic ✧ Stubborn ✦ Temperamental ✧ Moral ✦

Jason is advertised as a beacon of hope, a paragon of heroes. And Jason does his best to exhibit these qualities. Jason is a rather kind, and protective man who genuinely wants to make a difference in the world. It's this sort of hopeful outlook that makes Jason seem like a bit of a boy scout, hence the various nicknames and jabs at him about it. Jason is a gentle giant at his core. He has a decent sense of humor, and can be rather sarcastic, and sassy at times, with Scarlet Parker having really rubbed off on him.

Jason is stubborn to a fault, and doesn't know the meaning of quitting. Due to his strength, and near invulnerability Jason has a habit of placing the weight of the world on his shoulders. He thinks he has to take on others problems himself, and that it's his duty to fix problems. And if something goes wrong he tends to place the blame inward, even if it's beyond his control. Due to this he can be quite overprotective of those he cares about. No better example would be his attitude towards Scarlet. It's not as if he doesn't believe her capable of protecting herself, he just feels as though she shouldn't have to.

As a superhero Jason takes his duties very seriously, and has always pushed himself above, and beyond the call of duty. Which hasn't hurt his popularity in the public eye. And in fact the reason why he does so is to ensure a better future for Post-humans. If he can show that Post-humans are no different than normal humans that would be a step in the right direction in defusing the tension between the two people. And thus we have his biggest reason for being with the Alphas, and working with the brotherhood, to change public opinion. As corny as it sounds he believes that there needs to be a symbol of unity, and if no one else will step up then he will.

Despite his boy scout reputation Jason can be rather temperamental, and impatient. He can get easily frustrated, and has little tact for social occasions. He's rather straight forward after all, and if not for timely interventions by Scarlet he would have permanently kept his foot firmly in his mouth. Jason tends to wear his heart on his sleeve. Jason keeps a rather cheerful outlook on life, despite his rough upbringing, and of course his brother. No matter how many hits he takes he doesn't let them show. Due to Jason refusing to let the terrible things he has gone through his entire life to change him. He refuses to be a victim.

Though Jason is loyal to the Alphas, and the Fatherhood recent years has shaken his faith in them. Despite what others think Jason isn't naive about how the world works. He knows, and understands about the shadier side of the government, even if he doesn't approve of, which he would be very vocal about. And despite his protests about going to extremes he can understand why such actions need to be taken, though he still won't approve of it. But with past events his faith and loyalty in them has started to falter. But for now he has to keep his head down and continue his duty, well so long as he deems his orders good that is.

{"Ain't never gave nothing to me, but everytime I turn around cats got they hands out wanting something from me."}

| P O W E R S |
✧Super Strength - Jason possesses incredible superhuman strength, with his upper limits last recorded as being around 25 tons. Though it has been observed in moments of great peril he could possibly exceed these limits, much like a normal person does in times of great stress. He can use the strength in his legs to leap great heights, and distances.
✦Enhanced Durability - Jason's body and tissues are far more resistant to injury when compared to others. He is resistant to small arms fire, with him describing pistol bullets as 'mosquito bites', while assault rifles are more like 'bee stings', and a shotgun blast is enough to bruise him, and knock him off his feet if close enough. Higher caliber rounds are capable of piercing his skin, such as long range sniper rifles. He isn't completely invulnerable, as if he's struck with enough force he will get hurt. Though he heals at a slightly faster rate than others, it's not fast enough to be classified as regenerative healing. He is also far more resilient to both high and low temperatures, and has a high pain threshold.

| S T R E N G T H S |
✦Combat - Even if he wasn't able to bench press a car Jason is still a skilled combatant. He is trained in several military styles of martial arts, particularly krav maga.
✧Intelligent - Jason is a reasonably intelligent guy, he is the leader of the Alphas after all. He's versed in strategy, and tactics, though he wouldn't call himself a mastermind or anything. He excels at thinking on his feet, and making more fluid plans in the heat of the moment.
✦Leadership - Jason is a natural born leader, and has a very take charge attitude.
✧Moral - Jason has a genuine desire to help others, and do the right thing. He realizes that not everything his superiors do is on the level, which he will be vocal about if it's something extreme such as experiments on Post-Humans, but he does his best to do the right thing when he can.
✦Protective - Jason is naturally protective of others, and is willing to put his life on the line for the well being of others.

| W E A K N E S S E S |
✦Heavy - Due to his thick skin, and tissue he's rather heavy. When in water he instantly sinks like a ton of bricks.
✧Temper - Despite his boy scout attitude Jason has quite the temper. His temper can often blind him, as he'll make obvious mistakes if enraged enough.
✦Stubborn - Jason can be rather stubborn, bullheaded, and set in his ways. Inflexible is what some might call him. He can rarely ever give up on things, and is prone to obsessing about things.
✧Cooking - Jason is an absolute klutz when it comes to cooking. He has on consecutive occasions almost burned entire buildings down trying to make eggs. He basically lives on fast food, microwave dinners, and MREs.
✦Large Bodies of Water - Jason has a rather big fear of large bodies of water due to the fact he sinks.

{"A seven nation army couldn't hold me back."}

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| L I K E S |
✦Dogs - "Yep, I'm a dog person."
✧Agent Parker - "Despite what's happened between us I still love her, and she's probably the only real friend I got."
✦Reading - "I like reading the classics, and history books......and occasionally the comics they write about me......the five year old me is so jealous."
✧MREs - "They're basically what I live on....I'm told it doesn't loo good for my image. I say to that have you ever seen my cooking?"
✦Kids - "What can I say? I love the little anklebiters."

| D I S L I K E S |
✧Needless Destruction - "I'm a walking bulldozer, I do my best to keep the destruction of public property to a minimum."
✦Cooking - "I tried to cook Scar breakfast in bed one time a couple years ago.......I had to pay for her entire kitchen to be the hell I did that with cereal is beyond me."
✧Most of his comics - "Ok, some of the stories aren't half bad mind you, but then......there's this one where I travel back in time, and fight cyborg Nazis, and prevent the destruction of Paris......yeah, so you get my point right?"
✦His Brother - "Me and my brother are.....complicated. He's my brother, and I'll always love him, but I can't let him hurt people. There's a point where we have to stop being the victim, and accept responsibilities for our own actions."
✧Large Bodies of Water - "Anything larger than a pool, or a creek I'm out."

| H O B B I E S |
✦Training - "Gotta keep in shape."
✧Postcard Collecting - "With my job I travel a lot, so I like to pick up souvenirs."
✦Reading - "I'm an avid student of history.....and I may or may not read the comics they make about me....some are actually pretty good!"

| G O A L S |
✦Finding His Daughter - "I'm gonna find her. Even if I have to beat it out of Tate."
✧Marrying Parker - "Our lives aren't anything but complicated, but with her it's a bit easier. Maybe one day, when we aren't so busy saving the world, we can settle down. Of course nobody can make her do anything she doesn't want to. I'm not even sure she still wants to anymore."
✦Making Amends With His Brother - "Not happening anytime soon. But maybe in the future, if he does his time, maybe we can have some kind of relationship. No matter what he thinks about me, everything I've done is to help him."

| F E A R S |
✧Losing Scarlet - "I don't care what happens to me. I'll protect her with my life."
✦Failing To Find His Daughter - "I HAVE to find her. Failure isn't an option."
✧Losing His Brother - "Like I said, we're complicated. I don't approve of what he's done, in fact I hate it, but he's still my brother, and I don't want to see him dead."

| R E G R E T S |
✧Not Helping His Brother - "I thought turning him in was the best thing for him....maybe there was more I could have done for him. I don't know, I thought it was the right thing to do."
✦Losing His Daughter - "I....I should have fought harder to keep her."
✧Not Marrying Scarlet - "There was a time when we were about to do it.....but it kept getting pushed back by our jobs."

| S E C R E T S |
✧Searching For His Daughter - "Scarlet tells me that it's out of our hands. That there's nothing either of us can do. Well I can level a building by punching it, there's a LOT I can do."
✦Allowing His Father To Die - "Right, of course I did. I let a building fall on top of him. I think it's called karma."
✧Relationship With Scarlet - "Our superiors may know, but the public doesn't. It'd be a nasty scandal."

{"We fight every night for something, when the sun sets we're both the same, half in the shadows, half burned in flames."}

| B I R T H P L A C E |
Chicago, Illinois

| H I S T O R Y |
At least two paragraphs, the longer the better!

| F A M I L Y T I E S |
Mother| Deceased
Father| Deceased
Adam Dunford| Younger Brother| Alive
Scarlet Parker| Girlfriend/Fiance/Baby Momma| Alive
Karina Dunford| Daughter| Alive(as far as he knows)

{"All his life he's been told that he'll be nothing when he's old. All the kicks and all the blows he'll never let them show."}

| F C |
Brett Dalton

| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |
Future God-Emperor CutUp

Sheet Ⓒ of CutUp

So begins...

Jason Dunford's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allysha Harding Character Portrait: Jason Dunford Character Portrait: Tommy Elsafty Character Portrait: Natsumi Harada Character Portrait: Ellie Vilks Character Portrait: Daniel Braxton
Tag Characters » Add to Arc »

0.00 INK


DAY : March 16th, 2099

TIME: 10:00 P.M

LOCATION: Agent Washington D.C, United State of America


“Miss. Parker, explain to me again why I should allow this--... This gang of yours to proceed?” President Tate said as he turned his icy blue eyes to the blonde agent as he slid the file back towards her labeled ‘Vasquez, Nadine’ “Well, with all due respect, President Tate, I wouldn’t call my Task Force a gang so to speak because while gangs are known to commit crimes, this task group would allow some evil, money hungry, insane, and overall bad people actually be able to do some good with their powers.” Vice President Coin scoffed. “Do some good?! So you bring together a known terrorist, two runaways, an infamous schizophrenic murderer, the brother of your… boy toy, Agent Dunford, your extortionist of a foster sister, and let not forget to mention, the son of President Tate who is a serial killer who takes credit cards.” Scarlet was never fond of Coin for numerous reasons maybe because of her talk shit attitude while instead of being logical and unbiased loved to throw one’s personal life into their face like how she would with Scarlet about her foster sister, her daughter, but more than anyone, her fiancé, Jason Dunford or ‘Sentinel’, to most people but to her he was always just Jason. But, Scarlet could roll with the punches. “I never said they were perfect heroes. All I said is that these criminals are the worst of the worst while being the best at what they do.” She tossed the files towards Coin and watched as she reluctantly looked at them. “Daniel Tate, or Daniel Braxton has the best precision and aim of anyone, human or post while also having combat skills that are impeccable.” Amelia Coin barely looked up as she continued to the file labeled ‘Vasquez, Nadine’. “Nadine Vasquez. Was top of her class at the academy before getting mutated by your labs--..”

”Now, she knew the risk of being test subject A.” Tate said as if he was trying to cover his ass. Which he was, so was everyone else involved. No one wanted to be responsible for ruining that poor girl’s mind and then being surprised when she committed a massacre like the one she did. Don’t get Scar wrong, Nadine was dangerous but she was powerful. “Of course she did. But because of the experiments, she’s powerful not to mention smart. Before being test subject A, she was top in her class in both field work and in intelligence. She had a 200 IQ.” She could tell Tate was getting interested. “And now?” She flipped to the next page showing her erratic brainwave. “It hasn’t changed when Nadine is in control and with the others it varies from childlike in her persona A, known by Harley to Van Tombler in Persona B, aka Zodiac.” Van Tombler was one of the smartest people of their time, the man who was able to crack the code to the mutant gene.

"With three people in that head of hers comes three sets of powers, all different. And she has leverage and with leverage comes power.” Coin scoffed. “You are aware that with those powers she was able to kill over 100 people and hurt 200 others? Not to mention the children of the first family. Or the fact that she’s in the mental ward all drugged up because she put three guards in the hospital.” Coin said as she tossed the file back to the agent. “Yes, but what you’re forgetting is that she killed all of those people within minutes and she got those officers just by looking at them. If you were able to control that fire, those powers along with the six others they would be unstoppable.”

“And just how would you control supercriminals like these if you don’t mind me asking.” Scarlet kept her eyes on Coin the entire time. “I do mind. That information is between President Tate and me on how I will control them.” The older woman took a deep breath before sitting up straight. It was silent for a moment before the President broke the tense silence. “And if this fails?” Scarlet chucked as she filmed to a photo of the inmates all in a lineup. “Easy. They’re criminals for a reason, they’re known for messing things up. If anything goes wrong or it fails. They take the blame and are thrown right back into prison.” President Tate reached for his pin and the file needing his signature before signing he looked up at the younger woman. “One year, Agent Parker. One. To the day, do I make myself clear?” Scarlet began to grow a smile on her face as she nodded. “Yes! Yes, sir. Thank yo--..”He held up one finger making Scarlet quiet down. “I refuse to allow a human woman like yourself go around criminals like them. Which is why I will be sending security with you for your protection.” The blonde took a deep breath and nodded. At this moment Tate sounded just like Jason. Stating how she needed protection because of one reason or another. “Yes, sir.” Noticing the expression on her face, James Tate cracked a small smile. “Come now, Miss. Parker. I think you’ll find yourself quite fond of the man in charge of your security detail.” Not long after this conversation the three of them were going their separate ways out of the empty restaurant that they have rented out for their meeting. She shook both of their hands before getting into her black town car which took her home where she waited for her night to truly begin.

DAY : March 17th, 2099

TIME: 6:00 A.M

LOCATION: Agent Scarlet Parker's Home, Washington D.C, United State of America

Scarlet could hear her heart pounding and her shaky breath as she looked up at the skylight above her bed as she rubbed the sweat off of her forehead and moved strands of long blonde hair out of her eyes. For her there was no better way to end her day with anyone other than the Sensational Sentinel himself, Jason Dunford. As she tried to catch her breath she couldn't help but chuckle. ”You know what? This might be the best night I’ve had all week.” She turned to her and pulled herself to her boyfriend’s chest as she looked up at him with a small smirk before going on to kiss him jaw. She knew he couldn’t stay with her all night and as much as she wanted him to. The brighter it would get outside and the easiest for Jason to be seen. Jason smiled at Scarlet's kiss, with his grin only getting wider. "It's starting to sound like you only want me for my body. I mean I get the super durability is appealing. But I'm more than a pretty face, and great abs." He smirked. Scarlet laughed as she softly pressed her forehead to his jaw. "I know you are but, the face and body definitely do help." She pulled herself even closer to Jason as she listened to her man. "But you know what babe, She sighed as she snuggled into his shoulder. "Mm. What's that?"

"Even still every night with you is the best night of my life."He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and kissed her forehead. Sure, it might have been a corny, and cheesy thing to say, but to him it was still the truth. He always did have a way of making Agent Scarlet Parker, the cold heart of Division A1 somewhat human especially when he said things so cheesy towards her but, hey they work. They worked when they were in their twenties and it worked now. Not that she would ever let him know that. She scoffed as she pushed him. "Oh dear God, please stop. I don't need to hear that.". When he kissed her forehead, she moaned softly before looking up at him and giving him another kiss on the lips before laying back on him. She knew he would have to leave soon but, right now she just wanted to stay like this with him taking in the afterglow. She didn't even want to think about anything else not the bruises on her body from training in the morning (and how she would probably have to explain or lie to Jason how she got them) or her meeting with President Tate and Vice President Coin about Task Force Omega and the last finishing touches to the program including profiles on the seven she had chosen which were at first on her dresser but were now all over her dark wooden floor with a few now being covered by her red dress and black blazer. But she wasn't thinking about that right now. After holding her for a moment Jason let out an annoyed sigh.

"Well, I better get my clothes on, and get out of here before someone spots the walk of shame." She lost her smile as she sigh. "I guess you're right." He followed with a smirk. Jason released Scarlet from his embrace, and began putting on his shirt, and pants. When he got out of bed Scarlet pulled her legs to her chest as she watched him get dressed for a moment before getting out of bed herself with her blanket to cover herself and the small bruises over her body mainly around her arms. "You know, I'm really starting to feel cheap. Maybe you could get me some....I don't know, diamonds, or a sports car or something? What do people get usually get their secret lovers?" She scoffed. "Oh please." She kissed him softly before heading over to her closet to slip on one of his sweatshirts that he left over her house and she decided that she was going to keep as her own. "Is spending the night with me not good enough anymore because it seemed like enough when I was young, and skinny, and pretty." She threw her hair up in a ponytail and headed towards her papers to pick them up. "And I mean, you're the rich, sexy, heroic celebrity 'bachelor' not me. So, shouldn't I get something?" She smirked as she looked up at him before continuing to reorganize the papers.

Jason let out a soft sigh at her jabs at her own age, and body. Even if he knew she was joking, he didn't care too much to hear her talk about herself in such a way. "Oh you're right. I need to start showering you in love and affection." Jason said as he crept up behind Scarlet, lightly kissing the back of her neck, and slightly nibbling on her ear. "Mm. That's right.” She turned towards him with a wink before picking up the rest of the photos and files and fixing them into the folder the needed to be in. She couldn't afford to mess anything up especially because of a rather fun night she had with her boyfriend. She wasn't paying close attention to Jason until she jumped slightly when he wrapped his arms around her. When he kissed her neck she laughed and wrapped her arms around his. "I need to start treating you like the goddess you are. Can't risk you going off with the next big trend in superheroes." He then began tenderly rubbing her shoulders. For someone with such strength, and durability it was surprising how gentle he can be. She let her head sink into his shoulder as he massaged her shoulders which were sore from training. "Well, if you keep this coming. I'll be staying around for a long, long time." She looked at him and kissed his cheek. Before she could even kiss him again she saw him look at the clock she had on her nightstand along with a photo of the two of them at the Fatherhood annual ball where they went other people but kept slipping away to be alone. Jason glanced over at the clock, and groaned at the time. "As much fun as the lovey dovey banter is, and it really is, I really do need to get going." He sighed as he pulled away from her. As he pulled away from her she let out a sigh in disappointment.

"Afraid if we keep it up I might have to drag you back into bed in a manly fashion." He smirked as he continued to get dressed. A smirk slid on her face as she looked towards him, watching him get dressed. "Well, we wouldn't want that, would we?" She slipped the mugshots of the criminals into their files before stacking them all away with one special one on top of the rest. "So you got the meeting with Tate and Coin about Omega today right?”

"That's right." She said without even turning around. She already how their conversation was going to turn out. With the two of them arguing about if it was a good idea or not and one of them just storming off to cool off, mostly Scarlet seeing that she felt like she could handle it. "Look, I'm not going to argue about it again with you......Just, I hope you know what you're doing." Her eyebrows furrowed as she listened to him. Jason has had his misgivings about the task force. Sure he's all for giving people second chances, but these were super criminals. Even if his brother was one of them. " careful ok? I love you, I don't want you to get hurt." It surprised her but, it was nice. The blonde walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck before bringing him in for a long kiss while she went on her tiptoes. When she pulled away she looked at his lips and sighed before looking up into his eyes, laying one hand on his jaw.

"Jason, I know you love me and I love you. You know I do but, I know what I'm doing. I can handle myself, they can't break me." She took a deep breath before reaching for the first file in the stack with the word security stamped on it with red ink before handing it to her man. "You aren't the only one who wants me safe anyway. President Tate thought it would be for the best for me to have protection so, he chose the best of best." She knew that having security would make Jason feel better about her leaving especially when he realized the 'best of the best' chosen to go down South with her for almost year was him. That was the one thing that killed her about Project Omega was leaving him for so long with not being able to have any contact with him. But she was also on the fence about having him come with her. She knew he meant well and that he just wanted her safe but she was afraid that with him being overprotective of her would get in the way of her work. She didn’t want to be in his shadow where people thought that the poor, little normal couldn’t handle things on her own without her big, bad guard dog around. She watched him look at the file before setting it down on her bed before looking at him. "You have the right to refuse if you want, of course." Even though they've been together all this time, there was always a part of her that felt as if he didn't want to be around her for long which probably wasn't helped by the idea that the two were always sneaking out of each other’s homes instead of just telling the world that they were together, and in love, and had a child together. “But I couldn't help but agree. And if you are interested in being my bodyguard... We leave the moment I get the call." Jason merely glanced at the file that was handed to him, and laid in on the bed.

"I'm always going to be there for you, no matter what." He said as he placed his hands on the sides of Scarlet's face. He didn't need to read the file to tell her that. Scar smiled as she let her right hand stroke the top of his hand. "And I know you can take care of yourself. That's one of the things I love most about you. But just because you can doesn't mean I'm gonna let you. I love you, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Sorry, I'm selfish that way." He added with a bright smile. She chuckled before kissing his palm before laying her cheek back on his hand. "Alright, let's get ready. We don't want to be late." The blonde nodded before pulling herself away from Jason in order to get ready for the day. Since she had a gut feeling that today was going to be the day.

DAY : March 17th, 2099

LOCATION: El Cielo Penitentiary, New Orleans, Louisiana, United State of America

“Time to wake up you, lousy wastes of human flesh! It another shitty day here at El Cielo especially for you lucky seven who get to do nothing until I get the call.” The acting supervisor of the prisoners, Lt. Duke Warren said over the intercom to the newly established Task Force who weren’t allowed to do anything or go anywhere outside of their corner of the prison consisting of their own cells, a common meeting area where only those with clearance were allowed to go into, and a surveillance room for the guards to watch them 24/7 along with several buttons to shock the bars on the small window in the middle of the sold steel door in order to “control” the inmates. “Oh my god. Shut up!” Could be heard coming from the ‘rubber room’ cell, with the label ‘Vasquez’ on the door along with a loud bang against metal door.

Warren chuckled as he walked out of the office and down the aisle with doors on both sides of him. “Oh man, I can’t believe they’re letting your crazy ass out, Vasquez. You’ll be back in here in a week.” He walked up to her door where the young lady was holding on to the bars. The tattooed woman fake chuckled along with the older man before reaching her hand outside of the bars trying to grab the warden but he was able to dodge her grasp. “Careful, Duke. I won’t be in her for long and when I get out where are you going to run.” Warren just stared at the girl before turning towards his buddies in the booth and grabbed his walky-talky. ”Shock’er.” Within seconds a scream could be heard as electricity crackled through her shock collar. That was used in order to keep her personas in line when they got out of control especially Zodiac. The Lieutenant laughed a bit before heading back to the office booth with the others. “Let’em out.’ And with a lock of the surveillance booth, one by one the cell began to unlock to allow the prisoners an hour and a half out of their cells after three days of being in their 24 hours a day.