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Allie Maramack

"Sorry I stopped listening when you starting showing your ignorance."

0 · 1,812 views · located in San Francisco, California

a character in “Just a Part of Growin' Up”, as played by Princess Silkiesoft



{"I love you guys really, buuuuut I have this need to smack you over the head sometimes". }

|Full Name|
Allexis Darah Maramack
October 27
Twenty three
Magazine Editors Assistant
"Soo basically I get coffee, do all the dirty work, and get none of the recognition".
"Some guys are hot, some girls are hot, they all have their ways of getting on my last nerve".
|Apartment Number|
Apartment 1-b
"Yeah I live in the apartment building that just personifies my sunny disposition".
Bethesda Maryland
"Just a hop, skip and a jump from DC".

{"Tie me kangaroo down sport, tie me kangaroo down... annnnd done". }

|Quirks & Habits|

|Talents(T) | Strengths(ST) | Skills(SK) |

Allie is very head strong and independent, she expects nothing from anyone but herself through her own hard work and perseverance. She has a real eye for organization and proficiency, very rarely is she not able to meet her goals before her deadline at work. Her college education in publication, design, art and business make her the perfect candidate for being a magazine editor, unfortunately she had to settle for being an assistant which she hates.


Unfortunately Allie has a very cynical point of view, and can often times come off as cold to other people. Her wall of cynicism and sarcasm is hard for some people to get past, most choosing to just avoid her after a while of being around her. She has few friends at work, and frankly she likes it that way, being that Allie kind of has an inferiority complex, part of the reason why she rarely delegates at work. Her trust issues in other's make it hard for her to think that any one could do the job as good as she can, despite the fact that she hates her job.


Allie loves old movies there is a movie theater in the neighborhood that runs classic movies once a month and she does her best to make it there for the event. Whether this is a hobby or a habit, who can say, she likes to take pictures of the food she's eaten at restaurants around the city and posts them on instagram. This happens allot cause Allie's cooking skills are atrocious, she has been well known in the apartment building for setting ramen noodles on fire. She like to paint, but do to work finds little free time to do it. She has a great appreciation for art and likes to go to the art museum and small art shows that pop up all around San Francisco.


Honestly Allie's biggest fear is pretty obvious, and that is putting her trust in someone and having them back out, disappoint or let her down in any way. Just too many experiences in her life have left her just totally put off by people she has put her trust in her life. From family, to romantic interests, time and time again she has been let down so now she walls her emotions off and pushes herself to do everything on her own to try to avoid being disappointed in someone else.

She was engaged once in college.

Allie has an aversion to feet so much so that she can't stand to even look at her own deciding to wear socks all the time even to bed.
She calls herself bisexual but she really has only had serious relationships with guys. However she can't deny her attraction to women and has had relationships with them before, most have ended badly.
Allie has a rocky relationship with her father, but puts on a good show if he happens to visit not wanting to show that her family is a complete farce.


Allie thought she knew the answer to that question at one time in her life, but now in her seemingly dead end job she feels like she really doesn't know what to do with her life. She thought that since she had done things right, make good grades, graduate high school, got to college, make exceptional grades, graduate college, apply for her dream job... But as we all know that fell a bit short and she had to settle for second best. So for right now her life is pretty stagnate, and with her pessimistic view on life in general she doesn't see it getting better anytime soon.

{"Oooooh so that's what you meant... Wait what?". }


|Artistic| |Pessimistic| |Hard working| |Sarcastic| |Loyal|


Allie has had a love of art since a very young age, whether it was coloring pictures for her mother and lots and lots of play doe animals she always seemed to be creating something. As she grew older she began to notice art in things that many wouldn't even think about, especially the magazines she obsessed over as a teenager. This stemmed her want to work in magazines as a medium for her creativity, however that didn't turn out quite like she planned.


Due to her rocky family life, Allie has allot of trust issues she really does feel like the only person she can truly rely on is herself. However because of this she feels overwhelmed and just see's life in a very jaded light. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong in her eyes, so she really doesn't see allot of optimism for anything.

|Hard working|

You'd think such a pessimistic person, wouldn't really bother to work as hard as Allie does, but her mistrust in others makes her always feel better if she does something herself. She tends to have allot of anxiety problems if she puts someone else in charge of something, out of fear that it wont get done right.


Allie's vocabulary is laced with snide remarks, anecdotal quips, and often times cold comebacks. Lots of times things are said and she doesn't even realize what she said might have hurt someone's feelings. This doesn't mean she's a complete bitch, lots of times once she realizes that what she said might have actually hurt someone she does her best to make up for it. Unless she really feels like the person deserved what she had to say about them, these times she doesn't bother.


If you become one of the few and proud that rate as a friend to Allie consider yourself a friend for life. For those people that have been able to get through her wall of emotional protection, they have found a dedicated friend that would do anything for them. She's lives to see the people she cares about happy, and hurts when they aren't. Allie is always there for you whether it's a shoulder to cry on, or a sarcastic anecdote that makes you laugh, she'll be there for you no matter what, good or bad. With that said, when you break this loyalty expect someone that despises you, someone that can hold a grudge for a very long time.

Coffee (in any incarnation)
Classic old movies
Dying her hair odd colors
Her grandmother's mac'n'cheese
Crazy socks (she owns hundreds of pairs)
Dachshunds (If she thought she could manage it she'd have one.)
Trying new food
Obnoxious people
Kids (especially her brother's kids)
Goat curry (tried it once about died from spicy)
Her job
Long check out lines
Waiting too long in general

{"One big happy... dysfunctional mess thanks mom and dad". }


|Place of Origin|

The suburbs of Bethesda Maryland, is one of those quaint places that people think is a good place to raise your kids. The white picked fence, one and half kids, one big happy family. But that's not always the truth, and in Allie's case it wasn't, her father was a business man that commuted back and from Bethesda to DC which was pretty common, because it was so close. Yeah the city was nice, but that couldn't make up for her family problems.

|Family Tree|

David Maramack
Allie's Father

Businessman in Washington DC for a publishing company. Divorced from Allie's mother, now lives in DC. Allie really doesn't have any contact with him, and kind of resents him for what he did to the family.

Carol Delainy
Allie's Mother

Boutique owner in Bethesda. Divorced from Allie's father, still lives in the family home in Bethesda, remarried after divorcing David, however after Allie left home for college she divorced him as well.

Aaron Maramack
Allie's Brother

Lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two children. Works in broadcasting, Allie stayed with her brother and his family right after she moved to California, it wasn't a pleasant experience for her or the family.

Melissa Maramack
Allie's Sister in law

Her brother's wife a perky, bubbly type of person that is completely the opposite of Allie and they clash because of this. Shes is a stay at home mother.

Hunter Maramack
Allie's Nephew

Allie hasn't had much experience with her brothers kids but what she had she didn't like. She thinks Hunter is spoiled by his parents and a complete brat. He got on her nerves the whole few weeks she spent with them.

Lucy Maramack
Allie's Niece
Age- 6 months

Allie had more of a pleasant experience with her baby niece then she did her older brother. From what Allie can tell Lucy is a happy healthy baby, and will do great as long as her parents don't screw her up like they did her brother.

Thomas Delainy
Allie's former Stepfather

Allie's stepfather is a big part of her life, more so than her own father. Honestly she doesn't know why her mother divorced him and she doesn't really want to know. However she keeps in contact with Thomas, over the phone, internet, or email, he still lives in Bethesda and is an attorney.

|Happiest Memory|

Allies parents divorced when she was quite young, so when her mother was dealing with depression after the divorce Allie and her older brother Aaron were sent to stay with the grandmother. This was one of the most stable points in time for the two children considering their parents marriage had been rocky from the start. Allie has fond memories of the country home where she played in the woods behind the house, caught minnows from the creek, and had tea parties in the garden shed. She lived there for almost two years till her mother remarried and she and Aaron went to live with their mother once again.

|Saddest Memory|

That would probably be watching her mother break down and cry in front of her father when he said that he was leaving. It hurt her to see her mother practically begging him to stay. Then her father just turning his back on her, walking out the door leaving his wife sobbing in the middle of the living room floor.

{"You want to know about my past? Pssh... oookay I warned you though". }

| History |

Allie's life has been pretty mediocre compared to some people's of that we're sure but someones own problems always seems like the biggest in the world when it's happening to you. So I guess, when Allie says her childhood was kind of fucked up in her opinion she's right. Her parents married young when they were both in college, when money was scarce and true love kept the pair together or so it appeared to everyone outside of the household. About a year or two after the pair got married, Carol gave birth to their first child, Allie's brother Aaron. Carol quit college at that point to stay at home with him and Allie's father David continued through college. Those were simpler times, Allie's mother always said when Aaron was two David landed a job in DC with a a big company that worked with the government.

A God send for the poor college pair, but as time went along things started to drift apart between them. Carol was beginning to think that her marriage was going to end. Then the news that she thought would change things for the better, she was pregnant. It was special for her because her son now eight years old wasn't a baby anymore and the thought of having a new little life in the house was promising for her. However that wasn't the case for her husband David, it seemed like the further she got along in the pregnancy the more he stayed away on business. Hoping that thing might change after the birth of the baby, Carol tried to accommodate her reluctant husband.

When Allie was born there was a short period where David looked like he might actually like the thought of being a father again. But as the years passed and Allie hit the age of three it was back to being gone for weeks on end, until finally the damn broke. Carol confronted, David with phone calls, women's apparel that were obviously not hers and the nail in the coffin her phoning his office and finding out he wasn't on a business trip, but had taken vacation days... without his family. It as nothing to him to just shrug and not deny any of what was blatantly obvious and had been going on for several years. And in another devastating blow to Allie's mother, that he had been planning on leaving after Aaron's next birthday. Carol broke down in front of him and cried, asking what she had done, and why he was destroying the family. He couldn't really give any other explanation other than he felt trapped, and after his sad reason for an excuse he turned his back on Carol and walked out the door leaving her sobbing in middle of the living room floor. Now to a young three year old's eyes this was just cruel. Allie never could see her father in the light she had once before, after watching him crush her mother's heart she really couldn't trust him.

Carol could hardly handle the divorce, and the loss of who she thought was her true and only love. She had always said, "Yeah we had our bad times, and arguments just like any other couple, but I was completely blindsided by this. I just never could dream of doing anything to him like he did to me, and for what a young intern or some foreign escort." Allie's mother became very depressed after this point, and not wanting her children to see her in this state she sent them to live with her mother Baltimore. Allie didn't at all understand what was going on, all she knew was she had just lost her father, and now her mother was sending her and her brother away. For a long time, Allie resented her mother for this, and felt like everything the divorce, her mother's sadness, everything was some how her fault. Granted this is a feeling that lots of children have when their parents divorce, but like I said before, when the problems are your own they seem like so much of a bigger deal than someone else's.

Life at grandma's was a cake walk compared to life with emotionally distant parents. Allie's grandmother did her best to try to make a stable life for Aaron and Allie. She was firm but loving, and many of Allie's happy early memories were spent there, Carol their mother would try to visit as much as she could. Eventually meeting a new guy, and after a couple of years they decided to get married and ultimately try to be a family once again. It was bittersweet for Allie, she loved her grandmother dearly and almost didn't want to go. But the hope of finally having a family with their mother again, she went her brother Aaron who was now thirteen was a little more apprehensive of the new addition of his stepfather Thomas Delainy. It always seemed to Allie that her brother was trying to start a fight with Tom, but Allie was glad to finally have a dad that acted like he cared about her and her mother. It was rare for Tom to not spend an evening at home, either helping her mother, or playing Allie. To her he was more of a father than her real father had even thought about doing, and that sort of relationship blossomed as Allie grew into a teen herself. Maybe it was the age difference, maybe it was the fact that Aaron spent more time with David than Allie had. But it got to the point where Aaron was just out right rebelling against their mother and especially Tom. Even going as far as blaming Carol of running their father away. As soon as he was eighteen he left home, Allie missed him but with Tom and her mother's support she didn't feel so alone.

School years were pretty unnerving for Allie, she wasn't athletic, she didn't play an instrument, she was the art geek girl that spent her after school time in the high schools art room drawing or panting something. She didn't have many friends outside of the art class, and she didn't really date or anything, most thought of her as kind of nerdy. Until her junior year when she met a girl named Della, Allie had always felt an attraction to girls and with the experience with her real father she really didn't want to have a relationship with a guy. In fact she had determined that guys were allot of what was wrong with America. She and Della became fast friends and fell in love just as fast. When word spread across the school or the two art class girls caught kissing int he art room after school things started to get difficult. Della was not comfortable with the fact that she was attracted to girls, and feared retaliation not only from her parents but from people at school. Allie on the other hand, as a little more open about it, and when Della decided to break things off she was a little upset. High school can be rough, and with the rumors and teasing that continued through out the year, Della transferred to another school in hopes of getting away from the bullying. All of this only fueled Allie, and she decided to become an advocate for women, lesbians, gays and bisexuals in the school. Her senior year was full of protests, rallies and petitions to the principal and the school board. Even going as far as her trying to chain herself to a cafeteria table one day in protest, which was abruptly ended by school security, a pair of bolt cutters, and a week long in school suspension. Despite all this, Allie worked hard and made good grades, which is why most of the time her punishments were lite. Allie graduated in the top ten of her class, it was at this time she decided that maybe she should tone down the protests a bit, got to college, get a good job and use that to fuel her cause.

College was hard at first, home sickness being the first, and the fact that her mother divorced her stepfather only a few months after she left home. She doesn't know how many times she's asked Tom what really happened, because her mother could never give a straight answer why she did what she did. But Tom being the type of guy he is, holds no ill will towards Carol, only saying "Why it happened doesn't matter, we just need to move forward Allie, and no matter what, you can still call me dad if you want." After a while Allie got into the college groove and actually started to enjoy herself, for the first time in her life she felt like she had control over her own destiny instead of the emotional roller coaster her entire life had been to that point. That is until she met Gavin, he worked at the bookstore on campus and was in the same art history class with Allie. The became friends at first and then their live went to the next level, and Allie realized she was in love with him. When she finally opened up to him, he admitted that the feelings were mutual, to the point that they both felt like they could spend the rest of their lives with each other. It wasn't long after that Gavin proposed and Allie accepted, it was a surprise to allot of her feminist roommates and even more of a surprise when Allie moved out and the engaged couple moved in together. All of this was happening so fast, but they both decided the wouldn't tie the not till after they both finished college.

Two, three years went by and it seemed like everything was going as planned, Allie was anticipating getting a job in the magazine business and Gavin wanted to start an internet company that specialized in mass producing art deco by new and upcoming artists. But things came to a screeching halt when Gavin's mother gave them the news that his father had died suddenly of a heart attack. Leaving his mother to care for and support his two younger brother's one of which had cerebral palsy and was confined to a wheelchair. It started out as random trips home, leaving Allie at home in the apartment by herself, then the news came that broke her heart. Gavin decided that he was going to go back home and help his mother, granted Allie understood why he did what he did. But what she didn't understand is why he cut off the engagement, she pleaded with him many times, and his explanation was that he really needed to concentrate on helping his mom with his little brothers and he didn't want the worry of leaving Allie behind in the way of that. He ended it all by telling Allie he knew that she would make it on her own, where as his mother wouldn't. So they parted ways on good terms for the most part, but Allie couldn't shake the feeling of being abandoned by someone she cared about again, as much as she didn't want to hate Gavin for leaving, and even understanding why, she still has a little resentment towards him for it.

The lasts months of college where up and down, Allie had random relationships, till she graduated. She was just below valedictorian when she graduated, but it was once again a bittersweet moment for her. A few months were spent after graduation with Allie trying to decide what she was going to do with herself now that she was finished with school, for now at least. She stayed with her mother for a while, did a bit of advertising work for her mother's boutique. Went to spend some time with Tom, had a fleeting moment of thinking that she might go to law school and become a lawyer like Tom, but after contemplating it a bit more she just didn't see herself as the judicial type after all she was the protest queen in high school. Then she decided that she would take her degree somewhere it might come in handy, she started out in staying in LA with her brother Aaron, his wife and two kids. Through out Allie's college years she and Aaron had managed to reconnect. Unfortunately she and Aaron's wife were like oil and water, Melissa had these high conservative values and often made comments about how gays, and lesbians needed some sort of medicine to 'fix' them that their way of life was unnatural. The nosy, busy body homemaker, the type of woman that grates on every one of Allie's nerves. Needless to say after a few weeks of being there, Allie was grateful to find the job in San Francisco, first year in the city was spent living in very small apartment that Allie swore someone had boarded up a body in the wall somewhere. There was always a disgusting smell she could never manage to find out where it was coming from, and it was like a roach rave party every time she turned the light out in the kitchen. Needless to say when she found the Daffodil she was elated and happy to share the apartment with three other strangers.

{"I know a song that gets on every bodies nerves! Okay I'll stop there before I drive myself crazier". }

Man, we used to be brothers, superheroes and warriors,
cowboys and indians, train drivers, everything,
rolling through the endless summers.

But everything changes, you got married, had children,
and I don't have your number, the one I can remember
is the place you used to live with your parents.

But in the stillness of the moment it takes for a polaroid picture
to capture our faces forever,
the world has turned a touch on its axis, and the only thing certain
is everything changes.

Man, they closed the Astoria at the end of last summer:
the place we earned our pedigree, scene of our victories,
a sanctuary in the centre of London.

Now they're building a railway, to drag the vanquished to Versailles,
and the singalongs go on, but they're singing different songs
in rooms that we don't know on the other side of the city.

In the stillness of the moment it takes for a polaroid picture
to capture our faces forever,
the world has turned a touch on its axis, and the only thing certain
is everything changes.

I just need a little time to take a little time with today,
to savour all the triumph and tragedy, before it slips away (before it slips away).

So let go of the little distractions,
hold close to the ones that you love,
because we won't all be here this time next year,
so while you can take a picture of us (x2)

Take a polaroid picture.
Take a picture of us to show we've been watching to see where the time goes.

So in the stillness of the moment make sure you take a polaroid picture,
and keep it with you forever,
to remind yourself that everything changes,
but there was this one time, there was this one time, when things were OK.

{"Just all the crap I had left over wrapped into one bigger piece of crap". }

Roleplayed by Princess Silkiesoft. I prefer to be called Silkie
Face Claim is Allison Scagliotti
I'm pretty new to roleplaying online.

So begins...

Allie Maramack's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 5:45 A.M.
Location - His Apartment Building, 2A.

Thomas hadn't really meant to get in an argument with his roommate last night. Truthfully, he had been looking forward to celebrating his best friend's birthday with his best friend. The night before, he wasn't arguing in contempt towards performers as Eliot may have thought he was. Rather, he was looking at the future in a purely pragmatic way. The moods of the public were fickle and millions of people competed for the same audience Elliot sought to attract. He'd rather have Eliot have something to fall back on such as a job as a dance teacher or coach should things get rough for his friend, but, the night devolved into a bitter argument. Today, however, Thomas decided that they'd have a fresh start. He heard a knock on his door.

"Hey! I'm leaving!"

Thomas resisted an inarticulate grunt from escaping his mouth. He needed his coffee. Besides, knowing Eliot, he would be out the door before he had the time to respond. Instead, Thomas sat up from his bed and took his first steps on the ground before heading for his dresser and putting together his outfit for the day. It was casual but still respectable if he could say so himself. He would not be having any Skype meetings today with his colleagues, however. He had other business to attend to for the day.

He took the time to shower, brush his teeth, and dress before heading towards the kitchen to grab a breakfast bar. They didn't have coffee. There wasn't much of a point in stocking up in coffee since they were living near a coffeehouse. Besides there was someone he needed to meet there.

He grabbed his laptop from its place of honor near his bed and swung it on his shoulder in its carrying case before heading out his apartment and locking it behind him. As he headed for the Mighty Bean, he took out his phone and with precise movements from his thumbs, typed a message.

Allie, tonight's the night. Meet me at the coffee shop when you have the chance. -Thomas

Allie had been a natural ally for him when Elliot's birthday drew near. Thomas had taken the liberty of arranging for a surprise party for Elliot downtown. Naturally, he didn't want Elliot finding out before tonight, but he didn't quite trust the others to not let something slip when they were around Elliot. He did, however, need to tell someone what he planned beyond vague references to a party downtown. It was surprising how naturally he turned to her for help, but he couldn't have got everything done without her. He smiled slightly. She was one of the few people in their little group who could plan things out so easily.

Thomas sat down at a booth in the coffee shop before ordering a cup of coffee. When the waitress brought him his cup, he surreptitiously added a little whiskey from a flask in his coat pocket. He never drank his coffee black.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Koriko Hatsamura
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 6:00 A.M.
Location - Her Apartment Building, 1b.

"Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning!

A hand escaped from under the blanket cocoon that was occupying Allie Maramack's bed, stretching and reaching out to the cell phone blaring out the lyrics signalling for the young woman to wake up and start the day. Now usually she would be scrambling around like a chicken with her head cut off, and getting ready to go to work but this day she had managed to get the day off. However this didn't mean she was off the hook and could lay around in bed till noon, with nothing better to do that sit around in her underwear and catch up on Netflix. No she had promised, Thomas that she would be up bright and early to help him with Elliot's birthday party. Honestly she didn't know why he had chosen her to help, she wasn't really that close to Elliot other than some idle chatter between the pair when she happened to run into him at Ronnie's place. But to be honest she had helped Thomas because... it was hard for her to tell him no. Those blue eye's, that quirky half ass smile, and the body, what girl would say no if they had any attraction to men. The good thing about Thomas, for the most part it didn't matter that he had all of those things, he was genuinely a nice guy, which in Allie's opinion was a rare commodity. Besides, even if she didn't know Elliot that well, how hard would it be to plan a party for a guy who loved to dance and have fun.

She managed to flip the cover's off of herself and shut off the alarm in one fatal swoop, swinging her legs over the side of the bed, and planting her socked feet on the fluffy purple rug that sat beside her bed. Wiggling her toes a bit before standing up and heading to the bathroom, sleepily scratching her rear she opened the bathroom door, it making a faint creaking sound as she stepped in and it closed behind her. The resounding click followed as she, turned on the shower, beginning her usual morning routine. After a quick shower, Allie stepped out and wrapped her towel around her torso, then she headed over to her closet. It was a laid back sort of day, so it called for a laid back outfit, of course she would change later on for the party but why look like she was up to something before the big surprise she didn't want to blow the secret. Picking out clothes was never a big thing for Allie, if it looked good together she wore it, whether someone else thought it looked good was immaterial to her. When she finally made it back to her phone she saw that, Thomas had already messaged her and was at the Mighty Bean, no surprise there like any one that lived in the area, if they didn't get their morning coffee fix well it was like a watching a bad zombie movie. Grabbing her keys, phone, and her Ipad, after deciding to grab a muffin at the coffee Allie began to head for the door. But before stepping out the thought crossed her mind. She gave a heavy sigh, and walked over to Kori's door, the girl got on Allie's nerve's sometimes but she did her best to be friendly with Koriko. She knocked gently on the younger woman's door.

"Hey.. Kori I'm heading down to the Mighty Bean, I'll catch you later okay?" Allie called through the door.

With that she felt that she had done her part as a roommate and headed out, not like it was a long way to travel a couple of flights of stairs and there you were. Convenient to say the least, especially for people like Allie that sucked at cooking anything. When she stepped through the doors of the coffee shop it wasn't hard for her to pick out Thomas, with a gentle smile and a wave she headed over to him.

"Hey, hows it going? I'm gonna grab a latte and a muffin and I'll be back." she set her Ipad, phone, and keys down at the table with Thomas and then made her way into line to get her breakfast.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 6:15 A.M.
Location - His Apartment Building, 2A.

Thomas had just taken a few sips from his coffee when he saw Allie appear. He smiled slightly. Even this early in the morning, she still managed to look good without really trying. Her shirt and her skinny jeans really showed offer her curves and it helped that he was secretly a huge Batman nerd.

"Hey, hows it going? I'm gonna grab a latte and a muffin and I'll be back."

"I'm waking up," he told her with a grin as he watched her go. He waited patiently for his friend to return. He was tempted to watch her go, but he restrained himself. Instead, he settled on sipping his liquored up coffee until she returned. He nodded at her in greeting when she returned with her breakfast.

"The Golden Dragon managed to get the DJ I asked for," he noted. The Golden Dragon was a new place, but it sounded like people liked it, "Today, we just need to make sure the gang gets there and behaves."

That was easier said than done. He remembered a certain incident where the group's actions almost led to a cool down in a drunk tank. It was not something he wanted to repeat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Hayley Snow Character Portrait: Elliot Robson Character Portrait: Andrew Colton Snow
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 6:10 A.M.
Location - Her Apartment Building, 2B.

The sun filled Hayley's bedroom with bright light as she turned over groaning. " Damn light..." She grumbled as she rubbed her head looking at the time on her phone. Seeing that it was 6:10 the bright blue eyed woman sat up sighing happily, She didn't have any classes and on top of that it was Elliot's birthday.With that she pushed herself up from her bed that not to long ago had her blissfully tangled in her bed sheets. She made her way out of her room and shuffled her still sleepy self to the bathroom where she went through with her daily hygiene. With that done and out of the way Hayley made her way pass the small living room and into the kitchen where she took out her small concoction of Ice tea and whiskey from the fridge.

She took a couple of small sips savoring the smokey tea flavor the two liquids made and that cool yet burning sensation that slid down her throat as she swallowed. " Ah, that's a good pick me up in the morning." She said to herself as she looked at the time, it was 6:25 now so Hayley made her way over to the bathroom once more for a quick shower. Once she was done with that she got dressed in her outfit for the day and proceeded to fetch her camera. Once she made sure she had everything that's when her phone vibrated in her pocket, it was a text from Elliot. [You still coming to the studio to take pictures, right?] Hayley's fingers swiftly moved over the key pad. [ Yes, Of course. I was just leaving the apartment now, see you in 20. Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!]

The bright eyed woman made her way to the front door but stopped in her tracks then walked backwards to her brothers room. " Yo, Bro I'm heading out, If your going out don't forget to lock up, love yeah!." Hayley shouted the last two words as she walked out the apartment after grabbing her motorcycle helmet that sat next to the door. Hayley ran down the steps and out to her motorcycle where she placed her camera into the small compartment that was attached to the side of her bike. She quickly tied her hair up into a messy bun to avoid helmet hair and then slipped on the helmet mounting her bike. A few minutes passed as she let the engine run before she took off down the street with a loud roar of her engine. It didn't take her long to hit morning traffic but sure enough it was not that bad, yet.

She was at the mighty bean in less then 15 minutes where she parked her bike in the back and strapped her helmet to her side as she walked in. Hayley let her hair down shaking it out softly until it fell perfectly straight then walked up to the small line at the counter. She hadn't bother to look around the cafe since her sights was set on the cupcakes behind the counter. Once it was her turn up at the counter, Hayley quickly ordered two coffees to go and leaned over the counter whispering something into the cashiers ear who just happen to be an acquaintance of hers. The woman behind the counter smiled and quickly pulled a small brown bag from the back and handed it to her. Hayley took it carefully and paid what she owed before making her way over the door but before she could leave she saw two Familiar people sitting at a table.

It just happened to be Allie and Thomas, " Hey you two, What's up? " Hayley looked at the clock on the cafe's wall before she looked back at them. "Ah, sorry guys I'll catch you later. I'm off to the dance studio down the street to snap some pics and give Elliot a birthday present." Hayley carefully held up the brown paper bag before heading out the door. Hayley quickly made her way to her motorcycle where she carefully placed both cups of coffee on the seat and took out her camera placing it around her neck then grabbed the coffees again with the brown bag held in between her teeth. Hayley was going to walk the rest of the way to the studio since it wasn't that far from the cafe and so she did.

Once there she used her foot to push the door open and walked in spotting Elliot right away. " A wittle elp pwease?" Hayley asked the best she could the brown bag blocking her form speaking properly as she held out the coffees to him. After he grabbed them Hayley quickly turned around pulling out a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting, rainbow sprinkles and a blue candle on the top. She lit the candle with her lighter and turned back around holding it out to him. " Happy Birthday~!" She half shouted with a goofy smile on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Hayley Snow Character Portrait: Ben Page
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#, as written by TushoKa


Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 6:00 A.M.
Location - His Apartment Building, 1A.

At exactly 6 AM Ben's stereo started to play Paradise City by Guns N' Roses and basically blasted him out of bed. The music was too loud, but it woke him up, put him in a good mood and he didn't have the heart to turn off such a great song. In order to show some compassion to his lovely room mates however, he turned down the volume to a level more acceptable to this time. He ran his hand through his hair as a common morning ritual. He had the headache from hell and a serious portion of dry mouth. He couldn't believe it was 6 AM already, it meant his 3 hours of sleeping were done. He had a gig the night before with his band, the baby born misfits, and they played until about 2AM. It wasn't planned, but the people enjoyed the show and so did Ben. In the end they didn't even have any original songs left and they started playing covers. A cab had brought him home afterwards and he had looked up his bed in all quietness.

With his boxers on and a towel in his hand he opened his bedroom door to find no one else in the hallway. The bathroom seemed to be empty and he slipped in for his half hour power shower. It was something holy to him, especially when having a hangover. Everywhere he looked he saw bubbles, and everything he smelled was champagne.Why oh why did we have to finish the evening with champagne? After his shower he shaved and finally left the bathroom in not much worse a state as how he found it. He went back to his room to find some clothes. It wasn't long before he was wearing a standard pair of jeans and a band shirt of his own making. There is no shame in promoting your own band. In total Ben had given away more of these shirts than actually sold, but as long as the name gets out there. The last person he gave a shirt to was one of Ronnie's followers on Youtube after she posted a very sweet comment on one of the videos he appeared in.

With the silence in the apartment he didn't know if the ladies of the house were still sleeping or if they had left already. He grabbed his guitar that he would need for his music lesson and headed for the door. At the door he grabbed his sunglasses and shouted: "Bye ladies, I'll be at the Bean if you need me!" With that he closed the door and walked down the stairs. Thankfully he didn't have to go far to get his coffee and breakfast. He stepped into the Mighty Bean and greeted Gordon with a smile on his face. "Gordon, can I invent my own coffee today? I was thinking a quadruple espresso and a shot of hazelnut syrup, and calling it 'The Hazel Heartbreak'. And the best thing is you can have the rights to the name if I could have it for free, just for today." Ben had the biggest smile on his face, but Gordon's face did not. With him you had to know when to stop and so Ben surrendered by putting up his hands. "Okay, okay, I'll pay, but this idea will make you rich. And I'll take a blueberry muffin please."

While waiting for his coffee at the counter Ben turned to the rest of the room to see if he saw any familiar people. Anything to delay my morning a bit... He saw Allie and Thomas sitting at one of the tables and Haley just walking out. Wow. people are in a hurry today. He almost doubted if he should join them as Allie had a way of making him nervous. But with Thomas there it would be rude of Ben to sit somewhere else. His coffee was ready and he walked over to the two. "Good morrow, do you mind me joining you guys for a bit, or is this a private meeting?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Koriko Hatsamura
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Date and time: April 23, 2014, 6:00 AM
Location: Her apartment building, 1B and then The Mighty Bean

With a grumble at the sound of her room mate's alarm, Koriko rolled over on her mattress, pulling her gold sheet tighter. She quickly realised that she wouldn't be falling back asleep anytime soon, no where near it. Sighing, she pulled her eyemask off and tossed it aside carelessly. She could pick it up later, no problem.
Rolling over, she stretched, clasping both hands together and raising them towards the roof. Pushing to her feet, she stepped outside to glance down to the bathroom. Damn, Allie had it. Sighing, she retreated back into her room and fished through her closet. What did she want to wear today? Of course her wardrobe consisted primarily of dresses, shorts or skirts and spaghetti strap tops, so it wasn't unlikely she'd look fabulous regardless, but she made a point of wearing nice things. She could meet anyone, right? Fishing through her top drawer, she pulled out her makeup and applied it like she'd done it a million times. Actually, truth be told, she probably had.
Pulling on her dress, she decided she could shower that night. Glancing up as Allie poked her head in, she gave a short nod and a smile. "See you later," she replied, waving her off. She frowned. Maybe that hadn't been the right thing to say? She'd never felt very confident around Allie. Most likely because she looked up to her, and she'd never had many friends. Sighing, she grabbed her cell, a pair of black flats and her handbag before trodding quickly down the stairs.
She always got a blueberry muffin and a strawberry shake to start her day, and today was no exception. Walking into the warm air of the Mighty Bean, she smiled, heading to the counter. She glanced up as Ben walked towards the table Allie and Thomas sat at. Chewing her lip, she wondered if she'd be intruding or not if she went to sit with them. Mentally slapping herself, she took her order and went to stand by them. "Hey guys. Is it cool if I sit there?" she asked, nodding to the free spot. She glanced at Ben before her eyes flikered away. She knew he thought badly of her, but she thought he was really nice. That he had the potential to be a star. As such, she made a point of being polite around him. That and the fact that Allie was there meant she was acting pretty demure considering her general attitude.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Winter Waite
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0.00 INK

Time= 6:30 A.M + Location= Her apartment, 4C, then The Mighty Bean

Winter rolled over on her side of the bed, groaning as she did. The alarm was a shrill ringing in the back of her mind, and it was increasing in annoyance. It had only been going off for maybe a minute, but Winter didn't want to wake her husband-to-be up so early, and she had somewhere to be. So, she sat up and pulled the covers off of her, careful not to disturb the other occupant of the bed. She pressed the button on the alarm as she stretched, cracking her back as she did so. She'd have to see about getting a new bed somehow- she'd not been exactly forceful in getting the bed she wanted and now her back was suffering.

When was the last time you were forceful about anything, Winny? a petulant voice in her head demanded. Still, she had to admit to something- she couldn't remember the last time. She just liked to avoid conflict in any way she could. Winter drew her sleep shirt over her head quickly and changed into a simple white sundress that had lace around the arms. She had bathed the night before, and so she quickly brushed her teeth and pulled her hair into a messy bun at the back of her head. She slid on a pair of pale beige ballet flats as she jumped lightly towards the door. The apartment was simple and airy, mostly due to the fact that money was tight. One day she could redesign it the way she wanted it.

With one arm resting against the door, Winter slid on the other ballet flat and checked her phone at the same time. 6:30. She didn't have to be at work until seven-thirty on Wednesdays. She smiled as she pulled open the door and, drawing her eyes down the floor, locked the door behind her. She did her best not to look at the apartment across the way- she didn't much agree with what went on in that home, but Winter didn't judge people.

The mighty bean was a breath of fresh air to Winter, as it was every day. She ordered a chamomile-honey tea and looked for a place to sit. She saw a few people she recognized and bit her lip. Winter wasn't the best conversationalist on the best of days, and today her fiancee wasn't up with her. He was a much better speaker- Winter hid behind him most of the time. Still, she didn't want to be mean so she payed for her tea and, grasping the hot cup like a lifeline, made her way over.

"Hey," Winter muttered quietly towards the group seated there. She almost didn't think they heard her, she was so quiet.

"Would you mind if I sat here?" Winter made a habit of being almost too polite. It would sound sarcastic in another person's voice, but Winter didn't recall ever being sarcastic and she was always asking for permission. She hoped they'd say yes, but she quickly scanned the room for another place to sit if they said no. She didn't mind being told no, like most people did. She vaguely wondered what would happen if she said no to anyone- she didn't like doing so and to her knowledge she'd never had to. That made her a very good assistant, at least.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Hayley Snow Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Winter Waite Character Portrait: Koriko Hatsamura
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 6:30 A.M.
Location - The Mighty Bean

After Allie had gone through the line and managed to swipe a banana nut muffin before they were all gone, she came back to the table again. And like always he was straight to business, something else she liked about him. He didn't dick around with small talk for an hour before he got to the point of why they were there together in the first place. Allie was a firm believer in getting the hard stuff done now, and you have more time for fun later.

"The Golden Dragon managed to get the DJ I asked for,.... we just need to make sure the gang gets there and behaves."

Allie came around and leaned on the back of his chair checking out the itinerary Thomas had for the party up on his laptop. As for making sure people behaved better, Allie couldn't agree more, last big party they had, a combination of lots of alcohol and heated tempers lead to almost knock down, drag out fights.

"Yeaaaah we don't want a repeat of our last big party, I'll limit myself and try to keep an eye on how many times certain people have gone to the bar. Definitely might want to make sure some get cut off at some point, or we can do a survival of the soberest thing and lock all the shit faced one's in a room and see who survives." Allie laughed a little then went back to her seat and sat down.

She didn't go to clubs that often, but she heard this one was pretty cool, "Hope Elliot likes this place," she shrugged as she started to take the wrapper off her muffin. "But then again, as long as he has good music to dance to, he should be pretty satisfied."

Allie smiled when she glanced over and saw Haley come into the Mighty Bean like a whirlwind. This was pretty typical of her, girl was always wound up tighter than an eight day clock, Allie thought for once she might sit down and talk for a minute. However like usual, she was in a hurry to get somewhere, and apparently didn't realize what time it was. After a quick hello Haley was on her way again.

"Okay, be careful Hay's, and don't forget to keep Elliot occupied until the party." she smiled and shook her head as Hayley zipped out as fast as she came in.

Allie looked over at Thomas, and smiled at him as well as she was sure he was used to fast paced Haley as well. It wasn't long after Haley was out the door that Ben came in.

"Good morrow, do you mind me joining you guys for a bit, or is this a private meeting?"

Allie raised her eyebrow, Ben was just odd sometimes, it wasn't that she didn't like him. She just wondered why he tried so hard sometimes. He was naturally a funny guy, and when he was just being himself Allie thought he was pretty cool. However, it's when he thinks he has to put on a show for a lady sake, and totally over does it that he kind of got on her nerves.

"Good morrow?, I didn't realize I had walked into the Renaissance fair... but grab a seat the more the merrier. Besides means there's less we have to tell you later, saves us time on having to explain crap to people." she took a sip of her latte and moved her chair over towards Thomas to accommodate more room at the table.

Allie could tell that people were starting to stir, and clammier to the Mighty Bean for their fix of caffeine. The next into the establishment was Koriko, Allie managed a smile and a wave. She was glad to see her out of the bedroom up and moving. She worried about the younger girl sometimes, Kori really didn't have any friends. Of course, this was due to her severe personality flaw of being a raging drama queen and a stuck up bitch most of the time, but Allie wished she could put the 'movie star' persona aside sometimes and just be herself. In the apartment, Allie would sometimes catch slight glimpse of the real Koriko, a fleeting moment that was usually dashed the minute Kori said something negative, and superficial about someone else.

"Hey guys. Is it cool if I sit there?"

Allie nodded, "Yeah sure thing Koriko, like I told Ben here the more the merrier". she pushed her seat closer to Tom again to make room for Kori.

Of course, Kori wasn't the last to make their way over to the now bustling table Winter came over as well asking to to join them. Allie was happy to accommodate and soon found herself practically sitting right next to Thomas. Not that she minded too much, Tom was pretty nice company after all.

"So.. Thomas since most of the gang is here should we enlighten them as to what's on the agenda this evening?", she turned to smile at him while taking a long deserved drink of her latte.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Hayley Snow Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Winter Waite Character Portrait: Koriko Hatsamura
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 6:30 A.M.
Location - His Apartment Building, 2A.

"Yeaaaah we don't want a repeat of our last big party, I'll limit myself and try to keep an eye on how many times certain people have gone to the bar. Definitely might want to make sure some get cut off at some point, or we can do a survival of the soberest thing and lock all the shit faced one's in a room and see who survives."

Thomas couldn't help but smirk a little at Allie's words. Was it their age or their personalities that made himself and his group of friends terrible drunks. At least he had the sense to drink slowly. He had nowhere near the tolerance of Haley Snow, for example. He could never get how she was able to down so many drinks and still function normally. He took a sip of his coffee.

"Ronnie could record it and post it on her youtube channel," Thomas noted.

"Hope Elliot likes this place," she shrugged as she started to take the wrapper off her muffin. "But then again, as long as he has good music to dance to, he should be pretty satisfied."

"All Elliot cares about is dancing," Thomas told her with a slight frown, "He is good. Good enough to make it, but luck has just as much to do with his career as skill does."

He shook his head. Enough about the future. He attempted a slight grin, "I will have to remind him to spend time with his guests at the bar occasionally. If we let him, he'll dance all night."

Soon enough, Hayley found herself in the coffee shop and, rather than stopping to chat, sped past them. Nonetheless, Thomas had the chance to greet her.

"Don't tease him too much about Ronnie," he warned half-seriously. He knew she was going to do it anyway.

Soon enough, Ben drifted into the Bean and decided to join them. Thomas frowned slightly at Ben's slightly flirty greeting to Allie. He knew it was more out of nervousness than anything, but for some reason it irked him. Nonetheless, he put that thought out of his mind.

"Good morning Ben. You hardly seem to need the coffee today."

Ben had no time to reply when others appeared, forcing Tom to sit next to Allie, rather closely he noticed. This particular booth was meant for four people to share comfortably, but now he and Allie were slightly squished together. Not that he was complaining. It felt rather nice.

Thomas inwardly scowled at himself and forced himself not to dwell on that thought.

"So.. Thomas since most of the gang is here should we enlighten them as to what's on the agenda this evening?", she turned to smile at him while taking a long deserved drink of her latte. He smiled back at her slightly. Now seemed to be the right time to reveal what he and Allie had planned.

"I brought out the Golden Dragon for us tonight starting at 7:00. It will be an open bar and open invitation to the public once we arrive. The food at the buffet will be mostly Southwest Asian, but there should be a good selection of non-Asian food for those of us who dislike Asian cuisine."

He learned over to his laptop, accidentally sliding over Allie's lap as he brought up the address and picture of the nightclub as well as directions from the Mighty Bean.

"The nightclub is semi-formal, so dress nicely. It is close enough to the Bean. It's right outside of Chinatown. Also, try not do anything that might end up on the internet."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Hayley Snow Character Portrait: Elliot Robson Character Portrait: Ben Page
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0.00 INK

Time: 6:45am
Location: Dirt Track East Side

Rose groaned loudly as bright lights suddenly flickered on, the white lights blinding her even with closed eyes.

“What the fuck Tarren turn the damn lights off” Rose snapped harshly. She didn’t expect the girlish giggle to be the response. Slowly Rose’s eyes opened only not to see her bedroom but the green and metal interior of the Monster Energy trailer. She snapped up into a sitting position, banging her head on the metal bunk above her. She cursed loudly only to receive another giggle, whom by looking over Rose saw it was June Everetts, trainer and fellow biker.

“Hey lazy ass why didn’t you go home last night?” June asked. Rose groaned, she hadn’t meant to fall asleep in the trailer it just kinda happened. Shit! Tarren is going to have her head, she didn’t even phone him to tell him where she was. Damn his over protectiveness.

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep but in my defense you were a tyrant yesterday” Rose snapped referring to June’s less then pleasant training yesterday. “What time is it?”

“6:45am, training starts at five this evening” June answered, leaning against the metal wall beside the tool box.

“Shit! Sorry I can’t make it I’m going to my friend’s birthday tonight” Rose said while scurrying around, grabbing her phone, wallet and jacket. She didn’t have time to change she had to go. June just nodded her head and watched as Rose rushed out of the trailer. She hopped on her bike and took off. It took her actually seven minutes at top speed to get back and during the trip Rose almost fell asleep. She decided to stop at the Might Bean. She parked her bike and went inside only now noticing that she still had her dirt biking boots on and was majorly sporting Monster Energy with her t-shirt, jacket and hat. Good lord why? Sighing she went up to the counter, there being no line thank god, she order a chai tea and an apple turnover.
The worker’s seemed to be on the ball today because she got her order almost instantly. She took her drink and food and glanced around knowing that someone she knew would be here. Someone was always here. Then she saw a group of her friends and made her way over to them, pulling up a chair and planting herself with the group.

“Why hello everyone" she greeted then took a bite of her apple turnover. Gah! Fricking heaven in her mouth. She listened to what Thomas said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Maddisyn Lane Character Portrait: Winter Waite
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa


Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 7:00 A.M.
Location - The Mighty Bean

Ben shoved into the booth upon the invitation and took a big bite out of his blueberry muffin. His mouth was too full to respond to Allie's and Thomas' comments. He would never claim that he never spoke with a full mouth, but he didn't want to gross out Allie this early in the morning. He put his guitar straight up next to him to keep it out of everyone's way, which meant it became a bit cosy in the booth they were sitting at. Before Ben's mouth was empty, Koriko showed up at their table and received the same invitation Ben did just a bit earlier. Since she would not be able to sit otherwise Ben put his guitar on the ground as much under the table as possible. Koriko could be a bitch, but she is hot none the less. I would be mean to make her get a chair.

Not even a minute later they were joined by Winter as well. She always seemed either nervous or shy when she was with the group. Ben could not imagine why, she had a cool job and Winter and her fiancée were nice people in general. When she asked to join them Ben got up from his seat. "Morning Winter, please take my seat. I'll get myself another one." Without waiting for an answer he picked one of the loose chairs from the table next to them and put it next to their table with the back towards the table. He sat down and set his arms on the back support. I can't help it, it just sits nice this way.

"Just one moment guys, let me just get Maddie, she'll probably want to hear this." Ben walked back to the counter, he thought he had seen a glimpse of his room mate when he was ordering his coffee. He walked over to one of her colleagues. "Excuse me, I am looking for one Maddisyn L., red hair, big smile, sunshine of the Mighty Bean. You might have heard of her, she's kind of a thing around here. If you could just ask her to come to our table, we have to talk dance moves for tonight." He ended with a wink to the young girl and then walked back to his chair. "I'm sure she'll be here any moment, so what are we up to tonight?Ben asked as he heard Rosa coming up behind him as well.

Thomas told them about the planning for that night. Ben knew the club, he had performed there before with his band, the Holy Happening. It was more than a decent club, and one Ben knew came with a price tag. One of the perks of actually having some spare money. Ben was glad to hear about the food. He didn't care if it was Soutwest Asian, Non Asian or from Jupiter. Every kind of cuisine was perfect for Ben, some of his friends called him food whore, in the nicest way possible of course.

Ben grinned at Thomas' do-not-end-up-on-internet rule. And I was planning to come out of his birthday cake and giving him a striptease.., you can forget about that now. He didn't really know what to think about tonight's party. Sure he was always in for a night in the club, but he wasn't sure he liked the birthday boy very much. Ben had seen the glances between Elliott and Ronnie and he was sure he wasn't the only one. Ronnie was like a sister to him. And a little brother needs to be protective of his big sister, Ben had known that ever since his own sister was diagnosed with Leukaemia. Ronnie had been hurt by guys before, and Ben would do everything he could for her never to feel like that again. She deserves so much better than that... So far he hadn't really been able to find any faults on Elliott's side, but that didn't mean there were none. And if there are, I will find them...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Maddisyn Lane Character Portrait: Winter Waite
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Date and Time: April 23, 2014. 7:00 AM
Location: The Mighty Bean

Maddie leaned momentarily against the back wall, hidden from view. She was out of breath from rushing to prepare multiple coffees at once, but the heave of her chest was comforting. She liked the feeling of her lungs hammering against her ribs; if she was breathless, she was doing something right for someone, hopefully. She wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead and ran her fingers through her curls lightly as she let out a peaceful sigh.

"Excuse me, I am looking for one Maddisyn L., red hair, big smile, sunshine of the Mighty Bean. You might have heard of her, she's kind of a thing around here. If you could just ask her to come to our table, we have to talk dance moves for tonight."

She couldn't help but smile as she listened as she listened to Ben's voice. There wasn't anything particularly special about it, or about him in general, but he had the type of personality that blended well with her own, which made life in their apartment a little easier, and also made him one of her good friends. Maddie poked her head around the wall, looking towards Gordon for the approval to leave her station. He gave her a brief nod, or at least she thought he did. Either way, she made her way to the table where Ben sat with several other people, some of which she knew only because of their daily visit to the Mighty Bean, not that that stopped her genuinely happy attitude.

Maddie pulled up a chair and sat next to Ben, flashing him a toothy grin. "The only 'thing' I am around here is a screwup," she laughed, "I think I've given at least ten people the best coffee of their lives and people are still complaining that our coffee sucks!" She didn't mean anything by the statement, just playful teasing, but she was suddenly aware of the fact that she was an outsider among the group. She knew most people by their order and their face, and looking around the table, there were a few familiar faces, but still she didn't know what to think of the people now sitting around her.

"I don't know if I know everyone, or if everyone knows me, but I'm Maddie, obviously," she smiled towards the rest of the table now and gestured towards her name tag, which now felt awkward and heavy on her chest. "So what's going on?" She tied her hair up in a ponytail, letting her curls fall freely against her back, and leaned back in her chair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Maddisyn Lane Character Portrait: Winter Waite
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0.00 INK

Date and Time: April 23, 2014. 7:00 AM
Location: The Mighty Bean

Koriko smiled at Ben and his kind gesture, slipping into the chair, smoothing her skirt under her legs. She listened to what was being said, but before she knew it, someone else had shown up. Winter. Ah, she knew her. She was too shy for Kori's liking, so she generally did her best to ignore the girl. Still, she couldn't help the jealous twinge in her chest when Ben completely got up for her. Biting back a frown, she focused her eyes down to her drink. She looked up to see Thomas and Allie talking about a party.
She had to admit, it sounded fun. She didn't know many well, but she made a point of knowing what was going on, so she knew about Elliot's birthday. "This is for Elliot, right?" she spoke up, absently running a hand through her short, dark locks. "He's that dancer, isn't he? He's really good at what he does." She never meant it to seem so directly appraising, but seeing as that would be noted as a good thing, she left the compliment in the air for once, without retracting it. "I've thought of signing up for dance classes, actually, does he take students? I figure it might be good for my career to learn all artistic performing crafts." That's Koriko, never leaving a conversation without mentioning her career. For once she was being a little more subtle about it though.
Looking up, she saw a red head walk overShe let her scowl go this time, giving her a steeley glare. She had to admit it- those who had talent she became very possessive over, and Ben was certainly under that category. Smiling artificially at Maddie's introduction, she tilted her head. "Hi Maddie," she drawled. "My name's Koriko. You might have actually heard of me. I've been in quite a few successful films." Well, you know what they say about subtlety. It always ends eventually.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Maddisyn Lane Character Portrait: Winter Waite
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 6:50 A.M.
Location - The Mighty Bean

"Elliot better appreciate the fact that I'm actually going to wear a dress to this shindig", Allie crossed her arms in front of her and leaned back in the booth.

She hadn't really noticed Thomas' accidental brush across her, there was so many people at the table now it was hard not to bump into someone next to you. When Ben came back with Maddie, Allie gave a wave to the red headed Mighty Bean worker. She heard Kori start to go on about wanting to learn to dance to add it to her repertoire, and then introduce herself as the 'actress'. This was typical Koriko behavior when she felt threatened, well at least that's the conclusion Allie had come to over the time of living with Kori. It was always kind of amusing that Kori often made the comment 'You might have heard of me'. Allie hadn't even known who she was when she first met her, and had to google the movies Kori had been in to have the foggiest clue what she was talking about. Unless you were in the know of Japanese movies.... it was likely that whomever Kori said this too had no idea what she was talking about either.

So the fact, that she made it a point to tell everyone she felt threatened or intimidated emotionally by was always amusing to Allie. Kori wore the fact that she was a child actor armor, it was like if she made other's feel insignificant because she had been famous that she didn't have to deal with her own personal insecurities. Allie just wished it would finally sink in that other people didn't really care that she was an actress, and that if she would break down and be herself all this nervousness or feeling like nobody liked her would stop. However Allie wondered if Kori truly knew what her true self was like, all that she knew as a child was being in the limelight. Made Allie think about if she ever had children, she would never put her into acting out of fear of seeing them emotionally inept like Kori.

"Well Maddie we're throwing a party for Elliot, hope you aren't chained to the espresso machine tonight so you can come join us."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Maddisyn Lane Character Portrait: Winter Waite
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 7:00 A.M.
Location - His Apartment Building, 2A.

"Elliot better appreciate the fact that I'm actually going to wear a dress to this shindig", Allie crossed her arms in front of her and leaned back in the booth.

"I don't know. I happen to think you look pretty good in a dress," Thomas told Allie with a smirk. Despite her complaints, Tom knew that Allie liked dressing up for an event occasionally. If he knew her, she probably went out to buy something special for the occasion. It came with being artistically inclined, he supposed. Personally, he was going to wear an old outfit for Elliot's birthday party. He did not care too much about fashion.

He looked up as more people joined the group. He smiled at both Maddy and Rosalina. He didn't know the two girls as well as some of the others, but they were genuinely nice people. From what heard, Rosalina was an excellent mechanic and Maddie never got his orders wrong. His smiled strained slightly when Koriko arrived an started speaking about her (former) acting career. She was pleasant enough to hang out with, but she thought too much of her fame. If he put on less airs, she and everyone around her would be happier.

"And I was planning to come out of his birthday cake and giving him a striptease.., you can forget about that now." Ben joked.

Thomas rolled his eyes, "No one wants to see that."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Veronica Bond Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Maddisyn Lane
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#, as written by TushoKa


Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 7:25 AM
Location - The Mighty Bean

Koriko seemed to be excelling at bitchiness once again when she explained her past to Maddie. She is meaner before 9 AM than most people are all day. If she would have been a bit nicer, Ben would have probably asked her out ages ago. Her movie 'Whispers' was basically a religion to him, he has seen it about 50 times, but never after he had met her. Somehow that magical girl on screen was something completely different in real life.

Winter excused herself and was about to leave. It reminded Ben he had to go as well, or he would be very late. He would already be late as it was. He got up from his seat as well and brought the seat back to the table that it came from. No need giving Maddie any more work to do. Thomas made his statement at the moment Ben got up and put his guitar on his back. "Tom, you should only speak for yourself. There might be many people who would want to see this show and that is the end of the matter." He did not want to wait for anyone to answer and screamed a little bit too loud. "See you all tonight!" After that he held his hands over his ears and walked out while singing the refrain of 'Just the way I do'.

Getting outside he started walking towards the nearest cable cars stop. His ride for this morning was going to be a short one, but he didn't feel like walking up the hill today. While on the cable car he checked his twitter account and from the comments he could see Ronnie had posted another song. He was always most interested in that part of her Youtube life, they shared that passion for music. He liked to help her with these and to sing duets, they usually came out very nice. He saw the next stop was his and he got out.

He was in a nice neighbourhood with some very expensive houses. He rang the doorbell of the corner house and the maid opened the door. He was teaching a 14 year old girl how to play the piano today. It would be her tenth lesson in two months, quite a bit more frequent than most of his students. Her parents paid him well for it, so why not. They had a piano on which they practised, but in the last three lessons she had expressed she would much rather learn to play the guitar. It didn't really fit with the classical image her parent had for her, but then again they were never there. They had played music together the last lesson with the girl on guitar and Ben on the piano.

This time he had asked her to think of what music she wanted to play. They would then figure out how to play it together. Ben found it good practice and had done it himself frequently. "Good morning Francine, what music are we going to play today?" With a big smile on her face she showed him the album cover of Journey. 'Don't stop believin' was a classic and Ben liked her taste in music. He hoped he had been an inspiration for that.

During one of their breaks he got his phone from his pocket and started typing. Hey Ronnie, what's up? Didn't here you this morning. Will I see you a the party tonight? He hit send and put the phone back in his pocket. While waiting for Francine to come back from the bathroom he started playing a tune on the piano to kill some time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Veronica Bond Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Maddisyn Lane
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014, 7:25 AM
Location - The Mighty Bean

Glancing up as Winter left, she smiled at her. "See you," she offered. Glancing at her drink, she soon realised it was empty. Hmm... maybe she should get another? But no, that would lead to her wanting to work out for twelve hours. Sighing, she pushed it away, looking over as Ben got up. She couldn't help the twitched smile edging its way to her lips. He could sing, too. Something she wished she could do. She could hold a note, yes, she could get pitch, yes, but she couldn't, for the life of her, ever sound good. It irritated her greatly and she felt it to be one of her biggest flaws.
Curling her palm up, she rested her chin on it, watching after him. "He's a teacher isn't he?" she asked. Hmm... Pushing the thought aside for now, she frowned, twirling the straw in the cup. She glanced at Allie, suddenly getting a worrying thought; this party, was she even invited? What if it was highschool all over again? Chewing her top lip, she fought the urge to ask. Instead she said a quiet 'goodbye' and stood. She took her cup and went to put it on the counter where the workers would get it. She figured it might be a good idea to make friendly with the others... A gift was in order, then.
She had plenty of money, that wasn't an issue even in the slightest. It was what to get Elliot. She knew him, yes, but not on any personal level. So she would have to ask him. Heading towards his apartment, she swept her hair behind her ear and fixed her clothes. Knocking on his door, she paused in the hall. She rocked on her feet and pushed air out from between her lips. This was definitely a strange thing for Kori to be doing. But she wanted to actually have friends for once, so she should be nice. To do that she needed to know something about this boy other than the fact that he's attractive and a talented dancer. Questions, then... favourite films, games, uh, actors or musical groups. Music! That was a good idea! She smiled to herself and mentally high fived herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Veronica Bond Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Maddisyn Lane
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 7:30 A.M.
Location - The Mighty Bean

The crowd of friends began to disperse, Winter got a call and left with barely a word, Ben had to run off probably to teach some kid how to play Chop Sticks, and Kori well she seemed uneasy still and stood to head out as well.

"Hey Kori, let me know when you're ready to go tonight that way you can drive. I'm gonna try not to drink myself under the table this time, but it's still better if you drive." Allie called out before she was out the door of the Mighty Bean.

She looked around at the others that had not left yet, "Well I guess you all are dismissed until tonight, and remember I want those essays on my desk by Monday." she rolled her eyes at her own stupid joke. "I swear sometimes I just need to smack myself over the head I'm so annoying, honestly how do you guys put up with me?" she laughed a little.

With that she let out a cleansing breath and then turned her attention back to Thomas. "So, what do you need me to do, before tonight? Do I need to pick up something, any specific decorations, balloons, a creepy ass clown?" she gave him a smile while leaning her chin on her hand.

She began to think of Ronnie, surprised that she hadn't seen her at the Mighty Bean this morning. She must have headed out before us all this morning. Allie thought to herself as she waited for further instructions from Tom, "I should probably text her to let her know to take time out of her busy schedule for the party. She felt like she had zoned out for a minute, shook her head and blinked, trying to center herself and bring her attention back to Tom again.

"I swear I'm paying attention Thomas, I just had a thought about Ronnie is all", she put her attention back on him again.

She felt like she was almost staring at him, not that he was hard to look at. It was the complete opposite of that, he was very nice to look at. But she didn't want to make things weird by staring at him either, it was one of those situations where you're uneasy about maybe taking a friendship to the next level, risking messing everything up by turning a friendship into a romantic relationship. Then again, Allie had learned through her experience with Gavin that rushing into something wasn't such a good idea either. Not that her relationship with Gavin had been bad, hell if the circumstances had been different she would have been married to him. Still there was something about Thomas, that just seemed to draw her in, and she felt like maybe they could be something more.

She had known Tom as long as she had lived in the Daffodil and knew that he was a good guy, one of those rare ones that Allie felt like she could trust. Still everything depended on how he felt about it, did he feel anything for her, yeah he made comments, like the mentioning of her looking nice in a dress and there was occasional flirting on his part. In-particular with Allie, and she respected that about him he wasn't the type to flirt with one girl, then turn around and flirt with the next one to pass by. Still it was something she wanted to tread lightly with, they had a decent friendship that she didn't want to mess up, but she didn't want to miss out on maybe having that special person because she was scared. It was all very confusing and she hated feeling that way, so for now she would concentrate on the party they were working on together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Thomas Clemens Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Maddisyn Lane Character Portrait: Winter Waite
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Date and Time: April 23, 2014, 7:30
Location: The Mighty Bean

Maddie tried to hide her embarrassment. She not only had no idea who Kori was, or that she was an actor, or that she was famous, but Maddie had no idea how to respond to such a statement. Luckily, moments later the girl got up and left. Maddie breathed a sigh of relief, mumbling to herself, "I hate being put in situations like that." She laughed it off awkwardly, and pulled her legs into her seat, sitting criss-cross applesauce. She watched Ben go, followed by a girl named Winter, leaving her with a girl name Rosalina, Allie, and a guy who she thought was named Tom. Now she looked at Allie, "Is she always like that?" Speaking about Kori, Maddie turned back to look at the door. She had never really met anyone outside of her roommates since she moved to San Francisco, out of preference for a quiet life. She wasn't sure if that's how normal people behaved, or if the girl was trying to show that she was better than some cafe worker, not that Maddie really cared or had anything to prove. But if this was how Kori was going to behave, was it worth going to a party and risking such awkward social situations? Maddie shook off the thought, deciding that if Ben thought she should go, she would.

"Should I bring anything to the party? I mean, it's really no big deal, since I can't really get a gift for someone I don't know…" Her voice trailed off as she glanced towards the counter, seeing Kori's cup still sitting there. She hated when customers did that, but at the same time, at least now she didn't have to take it with her from the table. She let her feet fall to the floor and leaned against the table, holding her head up with the palm of her left hand. She was excited, but also scared, for the party. She'd get to meet new people, and pretend to know anything about dancing, and she could enjoy herself for once in a blue moon. There weren't many opportunities for her to really let loose, aside from singing into her brush handle to the radio in her room, or dancing with her coworkers at Eddi's when they had the free time to mess around.

Really, Maddie should have gotten back to work. She was thankful that Gordon was pretty lenient about this sort of thing and that business was starting to slow, but still, it was her shift and she should be covering it. Still in conversation, however, Maddie pushed this realization to the back of her head. She could work herself into the ground, but that wouldn't give her any friends. She had to step up and do that herself, and the only way to do so would be by being friendly. So she smiled, and listened, and tried to hold interest in the conversation, while mentally preparing an outfit for tonight.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allie Maramack Character Portrait: Rosalina Theresa Levitt Character Portrait: Ben Page Character Portrait: Maddisyn Lane Character Portrait: Winter Waite Character Portrait: Koriko Hatsamura
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Date and Time - April 23, 2014. 7:30 A.M.
Location - His Apartment Building, 2A.

Time passed and the group of friends began to disperse until the evening. Thomas listened to Allie's joke with a slight smirk on her face. At times, it did seem like either he or her would take the role of a parent. It was kind of strange. He could only hope Elliot didn't pick up on it and bother him about it. He could be annoying. Justl like a younger brother.

"So, what do you need me to do, before tonight? Do I need to pick up something, any specific decorations, balloons, a creepy ass clown?" Allie asked with a smile, placing her chin in her hand. He grinned slightly. She looked cute that way. He paused in thought. Really, there wasn't much to do. Everything had been arranged and the nightclub was doing all the menial work. Yet, he was reluctant to stop working with Allie so soon.

"We could go on a hilarious road trip to get our hands on a plot MacGuffin for Elliot's party in a race against the clock to bring ito the party on time, all the while meeting exciting new people and getting into comedic misshaps culminating in a life-changing realization and declaration of love. It will be rated R and you will be played by Koriko and I will be played by some Will Smith."

He waited for her reaction, but she seemed distracted. He waved his hand in front of her face.

"I swear I'm paying attention Thomas, I just had a thought about Ronnie is all", she put her attention back on him again. He could not help but stare back. She was certainly beautiful, he knew, and pleasant to be around. Truthfully, he thought he felt... something. He didn't know. He never had the time to date anyone before. The drama back in high school always seemed silly to him. But, now, he was older, and Allie was far from silly.

"Should I bring anything to the party? I mean, it's really no big deal, since I can't really get a gift for someone I don't know…"

Tom blinked. He had been so focused on Allie that he forgot Maddie was there. He inwardly slapped himself. He turned to smile at her.

"Just bring yourself and dance with the birthday boy. Trust me. Elliot won't mind."