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Connor Flanagan

"I'm no leader."

0 · 801 views · located in Los Angeles

a character in “K Project: New Kings on the Block”, as played by CutUp


Comin In Hot | Uptown Funk | The One | Hall of Fame | Can't Hold Us | Gangsta Sexy
{When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.}
-Ronald Reagan

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{N A M E}
Connor Michael Flanagan
{N I C K N A M E}
Connie; Used to anger him, Hotshot, Red
{A G E}
{G E N D E R}
{R O L E}
Red King
{B I R T H D A T E}
April 8th; Aries ♈
{N A T I O N A L I T Y}
American of Irish, Welsh, and German decent
{S E X U A L I T Y}

{A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway.}
-Christopher Reeve

{H E I G H T}
5'10 feet
{W E I G H T}
160 pounds
{E Y E C O L O R}
{H A I R C O L O R}
{A P P E A R A N C E}
Connor is a tall young man with semi-long, maroon colored hair. He keep his hair tied up in a small ponytail. He has a highly toned, and athletic body with very little body fat. For his clothing style he keeps it rather relaxed. Usually a red sleeveless shirt underneath a black jacket, along with a dark pair of pants, and boots.
{O D D I T I E S}
Connor has two tattoos, one is his brother's name on his chest above his heart, and the other is of a Phoenix on his right bicep. He also has a very slight Boston accent.

{I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.}
-Ron White

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{P E R S O N A L I T Y}
{Carefree | Immature | Sarcastic | Doubtful | Protective | Nerdy}

Connor can best be described as a 5 foot 10 child. He's very laid back, and carefree. Overall he acts highly unresponsible, and nothing like how a King should. He's very much a fun-loving guy who's always the first to go out, and party. He's very much a party boy. He's highly sarcastic as well, and pretty immature. He's quite the jokester, who has a great love of cheesy jokes. He's a bit of a flirt as well, often using equally cheesy pick lines on women. But this is mostly for fun, when he truly has a crush on someone he tends to become nervous, and awkward around her. He can also act a little reckless.

Despite his immature, and childlike attitude he knows when he needs to get serious. He is highly protective of others, easily willing to give his life to protect any of his clan, or someone he considers a friend, no matter who they are, or where their allegiance lie. He can have a bit of a temper as well. This is especially apparent when his friends are threatened, or when someone insults his brother. He has a good heart, and is a little on the naive side.

Connor is a huge nerd with a great passion of Sci-Fi, and an avid comic book reader. His favorite comics would have to be from Image Comics, particularly works by Robert Kirkman, such as Invincible, the Walking Dead, and Super Dinosaur are his personal favorites. He is also a big horror buff as well, especially loving the classic Universal monster movies. They're just too damn cheesy not to love! He is also pretty smart, more so than what his appearance would suggest.

Connor is extremely doubtful of his position as the new Red King, and feels undeserving of the title. He constantly second guesses himself. He just feels that there are clearly better choices to be the next Red King in the clan than himself. So he is fairly uncomfortable with his new role to say the least.

But deep down Connor possesses great potential, and has a underlying sense of honor to him. The only thing that's keeping from being a great king is himself. He has the tools, but just doesn't realize it.

{Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.}
-William Shakespeare

{A U R A}

Red- As the Red King, Connor is extremely powerful when using his fiery Aura. When in combat he is able to unleash tornados of fire, and form blow-torch-like swords.

{S T R E N G T H S}

  • Athletic- Connor is a natural athlete. He's equally strong, and agile. He often uses his fire abilities to argument these.
  • Intelligence- Connor is a fairly smart individual, though he will deny this, and generally hides. Only to prevent more responsibilities to be put on him.
  • Combat- Even before he was the Red King Connor had great combat prowess. He was easily among the top fighters of the Red Clan, even though he'd never admit it. He was strong even to hold his own against a King for a little while. He is well versed in boxing techniques, and often couples this with his fire to give trouble to even the most skilled opponent.
  • Marksmanship- Connor is an adept marksman, being able to shoot fire with pinpoint accuracy as good as any gun.
  • Kindness- Connor's genuine kindness, and overall good nature is what inspires loyalty in the Red Clan.

{W E A K N E S S E S}

  • Temper- His temper can get the better of him at times. This can lead him to making obvious mistakes, especially when fighting.
  • Self Doubt- His biggest weakness is that he constantly doubts himself, and second guesses every decision he makes as a King.
  • Irresponsible- Connor is pretty irresponsible, and careless, borderline lazy. He prefers no responsibilities, as he feels he'd just mess up.
  • Naive- His naive, and trusting nature can make him pretty blind to the truth, and easy to manipulate.
  • Pretty Face- He can easily be distracted by a pretty face.

{The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.}
-Ferdinand Foch

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{H O B B I E S}
  • Surfing| "Dude, it's fun. What else is there to say?"
  • Boxing| "Wanna go a couple rounds?"
  • Drinking| "Of course I'm old enough to drink! I own a bar don't I? So you don't need to see a ID."
  • Comics- "Oh shit! Omni-man was a villain the whole time?! What? You were asking something?"
  • Flirting- "There's a big sale in my bedroom right now. Clothes are now 100% off!"
  • Working Out- "Dude, have you seen my abs? A body like mine needs to be taken care of!"

{H A B I T S}
  • Smoking- "Dude, I'm a walking lighter. What the hell else am I supposed to do?"
  • Telling Cheesy Jokes- "Why did the scarecrow get a raise? Because he was outstanding in his field!"
  • Playing With Fire- "I know you're not suppose to, but does that still count when you produce it from your hands?"

{L I K E S}
  • Surfing- "Yep, I'm a beach bum!"
  • Horror Genre- "Zombies are just boss."
  • Comics- "Geeks have inherited the Earth beitch!"
  • Red Clan- "Kinda obvious ain't it? I wouldn't be here if I didn't."
  • Drinking- "Convenient since I own a bar!"

{D I S L I K E S}
  • Responsibility- "Ugh, can't someone else do it?"
  • Mornings- "Whatever it is can't it wait till 1 o'clock?
  • Hangovers- "If somebody doesn't get me an goddamn aspirin I'm burning this entire city down!"
  • Cold- "So glad to be in sunny Cali!"
  • Romcoms- "So goddamn unoriginal, and unfunny!"

{G O A L S}
  • Being a good King- "I just don't want to drag everyone down with me. They deserve better."
  • Making his brother proud- "I don't know why you picked me, but I'll try not to let you down, even though I'll probably fail."
  • To find love- "Ok, ok pretty corny I know, but who doesn't want to be loved?"

{F E A R S}
  • Losing his Clan- "They're all the family I have left. I..I don't know what I'd do."
  • Being alone- "Without Troy that's getting closer, and closer to becoming a reality."
  • Failing his brother- "This'll probably happen. I'm not gonna lie about it."

{Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.}
-Walter Anderson

{F A M I L Y}
Troy Flanagan| Brother| Deceased- The former Red King, he was well respected, and beloved by his Clan, and even the by the others.
Thomas Flanagan| Father| Deceased
Fiona Flanagan| Mother| Deceased
{H I S T O R Y}
Connor, and Troy Flanagan were born, and raised in an Irish-Catholic home in Boston, Massachusetts. Their father was a professor at Boston University, and their mother was a stay at home mom. They lived a fairly happy, and content life. Connor, and Troy were always very close, as Connor idolized his older brother as many siblings do. As their father was busy with work more times than not, Troy was always the male role model in Connor's life.

When Connor was nine years, an Troy eighteen tragedy struck. Their parents died in a car crash. With no other family to speak of, Connor was forced upon Troy, or else he'd be put up for adoption. And that wouldn't have been the best solution, since kids his age don't often get adopted. No, Troy had to take in his little brother.

Troy had to drop out of college in order to get a job, and properly take care of Connor. Eventually Troy took Connor, and moved to L.A for a fresh start. There, Troy began taking up boxing, which was always a passion of his, and bar tending to make ends meet. The bar he began working at was known as Roth's Pub, which was owned by then Red King Joseph Roth.

Roth took a shine to Troy, and Connor, who Troy would often bring to the bar when he had to work late nights. Eventually Roth revealed the underworld that controls controls the city, and that he's one of these Kings. Roth made Troy a Clansman, and brought him into the fold. He even made Connor one to boot. This gave both brothers a new sense of family that they've been missing since Boston.

Troy dedicated himself to the Clan completely, as did Connor, for whatever that's worth from a kid barely in the double-digits. Eventually Troy began proving himself as a enforcer for the Clan. This led to him moving up the ranks of the gang rather quickly. And soon he became one of Roth's most trusted Clansmen, as well as becoming quite popular among the gang. It was apparent that he was quite the rising star.

Roth became sort of a father figure to the Flanagan boys. Or more of a grandfather, all the fun of being a father without the responsibilities. If it's one thing Connor took from Roth, it was his allergy to work. But eventually, as all things must come to an end, so did Roth's reign as the Red King. He was getting old, too old to be a king, and to deal with all this Aura business. This was a young man's game. So he stepped down as the Red King to enjoy his golden years, and crowned Troy as his heir, as well as leaving the bar to him.

As the new king, Troy brought a unprecedented among of change. He reorganized the Clan's structure from the ground up. They became less like a common street gang, and acted with a bit more honor. While profits may have took a hit, this change proved in the long run the better, as this kept the authorities eye off them, as well as improving their public image. This change wasn't the most popular among the older members. Many liked the old ways, and jumped ship as it were. Many went over to the Green Clan.

But still, those who remained became fiercely devoted, and loyal to Troy. Connor got a lot of pressure from Troy's new position as well. Being the brother of the King a lot is expected from you. Eventually the expectations became too much for Connor, and he became the carefree, immature man he is today. Connor was quickly wrote off as a lost cause by his fellow clansmen.

But Troy wasn't so quick to write him off, he saw the potential that Connor had, and only wished that he'd apply himself. So Troy would send more, and more jobs for Connor to do to get him to accept responsibility. And then Troy was killed. Connor was the first to find Troy, a beaten, bloody, and barely recognizable mess, clinging to what little life he had left. It was then that Troy made Connor the new Red King, much to his dismay.

With his only family left dead, and him having a new position as the King, Connor fell into a mild depression. With the accusations of the Kings murderer flying between the Clans, Connor isn't sure what to believe, or do. What he does know is that he has to try and be a King, for Troy's sake at least.

{Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice.}
-Ayn Rand

{F C}
Rin Matsuoka
{C O L O R}

{P R O T R A Y E D B Y}
Future God-Emperor CutUp

So begins...

Connor Flanagan's Story
