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Kokon High School Academy of SA

Kokon High School Academy of SA


An "oh-so-ordinary" looking school, on the edge of a cherry blossom forest. It's very beautiful on the outside, a very elite-looking school. It's way different on the inside.

1,653 readers have visited Kokon High School Academy of SA since KuruLesperance created it.


Kokon Academy,
home of the Kitsunes,
where the sun shall shine it's rays,
on those busy, busy, teaching days,
where the special thrive,
and the immortals are very much alive,
we live everyday to the best,
Go Kitsunes, we never rest!

That chant is the school spirit cheer, and it's quite embarrassing.

WeLcoMe tO KoKoN AcADemY!

Kokon High School Academy of SA is an academy for creatures with supernatural abilities, let it be demons, to humans, to sirens, anything you could think of. And as you've probably already guessed, SA stands for Supernatural Abilities, which I hope is obvious. On the other hand, Kokon Academy is equipped with a variety of different hang-out places!

Right behind the school lies a shining pool, full of watery life! It even has everything you need:

● Shower
● Floats (gigantic unicorn floats, arms floats, tubes, etc.)
● Free Towels
● Lounging Chairs
● Picnic Tables
● Pool Noodles
● Snack bar (Just don't eat in the pool!)
● Water Vendor
● and much more!

The pool is rather large, able to fit in 30 people at a time. But watch it waterbenders, don't get your fellow schoolmates wet.

ALSO: I will probably roleplay the senseis for each class, so any minor characters, I'll RP. Senseis, prinicipals, etc.

Two powers for each person, by the way.<3

Kokon Academy Clubs

Art Club
Cooking Club
Ninja Club
Survival Club
Fencing Club
Music Club
Science Club
Origami Club

Club Meanings

Art Club: The Art Club is just basically teaching teens how to simply paint with different varieties of strokes, draw with different types of curves, and general art genres.

Cooking Club: The Cooking Club specializes is teaching teens how to cook, for perhaps later parties or celebrations, or simply for dinner or fun.

Ninja Club: The Ninja Club focuses on ninja stealth, ninjutsu attacks, and different kunai-wielding slashes and swords. Usually, they practice throwing daggers and agility.

Survival Club: The Survival Club usually goes out into the mountains, and stays on there for atleast 3 days or so. This helps teach teens how to survive harsh surroundings and high altitudes.
Captain of the Survival Club is taken by Gintoki Sakata

Fencing Club: They just use fencing swords and poke eachother with 'em, it also helps with their fighting skills.

Music Club: Focuses on different instruments, songs, and chorus.

Science Club: Science Club specializes in conducting experiments, using chemistry, and different mathematical equations to unlock different experiments.

Origami Club: As said, Origami Club specializes in doing paper artwork, folding different animals and items by only using paper. It usually goes from Easy-->Complex art.

NOTICE: Everyone goes to the same classes, so you don't have to miss your buddehs. <3

Code: Select all
[left][size=190][b]Most Used Quote[/b][/size][/left]

[b]Full Name[/b]:
[b]Voice Intonation[/b]:
[b]Hair Colour[/b]:
[b]Eye Colour[/b]:
[b]What Stands Out about You?[/b]:
[b]Appearance Description[/b]:
[b]Favorite Genre of Music[/b]:
[b]Favorite Food[/b]:


[b]Powers[/b]: (Have unique ones. Remember, 2 only though.)
[b]Grade:[/b]: (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
[b]What you Do for Fun?[/b]
[b]History[/b]: optional

Uber long skellies much? Lawl~
But anyways, you better like it.

Toggle Rules

● No godmodding.
● I'm a silly person. If you disobey my rules, I dun wanna have to warn you. :c
● No like, "OMGMAIPOWERISTHEBEST" blah blah blah. Please, no uber-strong-powers-that-kill-you-in-one-second.
● Absolutely no text talk, unless your character is texting a friend through the phone, or you're talking in OOC.
● Keep it PG-13. Yes, you can make out and all that, but please, anything beyond that, no. Just no.
● I encourage romance.
● Okay, with the boy-make-girl and the girl-make-boy character thing. I won't force you to make a boy if you make a girl, or make a girl if you make a boy, but I recommend it. But of course, my friends, you don't have to do that.
● Remember. Only two powers.
● All RPG rules apply here.
● Mild cussing.
● Speed-posting. Honestly, I don't care about this. The roleplay either goes neutral, slow, or fast. If you do not like a RP going too slow or fast, please try to deal with it. But what I don't like is when people post when someone says to stop or wait for them. If you do forget to stop when someone says they've got to "brb" or "gtg", the next day, please give them a recap.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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((First post is now posted. Sorry. I can't wait any longer. My eagerness has me trapped. :c))

Daisuke woke up at the sound of his alarm clock: and it meowed. He was such a feminine guy, loving flowers, kittens, and butterflies. He had a handcrafted vase with flowers in it near his wardrobe, and they were all white roses. He admired a particular rose: white roses, along with the normal red ones. Rubbing his eyes, he stretched and poked his clock gently to shut it up. His mother was resting in the other room: she wasn't that sick, though. His mother could still make some mean food, so she should be okay when he left for school. Maybe I should relax her, he thought. Daisuke crawled out of his bed and put on his longsleeved collared shirt, and pulled the sleeves up to meet his elbows. He wrapped his scarf around his neck, and slipped on his (very) tight skinny jeans, along with putting on his beige converse shoes.

He gently tip-toed into his mother's bedroom, and he glowed pink. A single rose appeared in his hand, and he took a deep breath and blew. The rose swayed to the side and let out a relaxing fragrance, to help his mother sleep. "I'll be back later," he murmured, as he made the rose disappear. The boy walked into his bedroom and picked up his backpack, heading towards the door to leave. Daisuke grabbed the house keys from the wall, exited the house and locked the door.

"I'm too lazy to transport," he murmured to himself tiredly as he rubbed his big eyes again, his natural blush as bright as ever. Daisuke made his way down the sidewalk, and turned a sharp corner. Maybe he'd meet a friend along the way.



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Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai
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#, as written by Skylite
"Takeo-kuuun! Wake up!

Takeo opened his sleepy eyes, to find his younger sister pulling his blankets off of him, in an attempt to wake the sleepy teenager up. "Takeo! Get your butt up! You'll be late for school!" 
"Yeah, I got it Suki. I'll be up in a minute."

"Okay, mom's got breakfast cooking." she said walking out of the room. Takeo sighed into his pillow, not wanting to get his sleep-deprived body out of bed. He eventually did though, showering, and putting on clothes which consisted of a white collared shirt, a red tie, a blue jacket, and black jeans. He ate his eggs and toast, and argued with his sister for a few minutes about the length of her skirt, which ended with her throwing a textbook at him (He caught it with telekinesis), and storming out angrily. 

Takeo said goodbye to his mother, and headed out the door, toward the academy, for another day at school. On his way, he noticed Daisuke Itsuji walking, and decided to walk beside him. "Good morning Itsuji-chan!" he said, with a smile.


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"Konnichiwa," he said with a grin. Daisuke fiddled with his backpack for a moment before slinging it over his back again. His fragile hands rose up to his face to pull the long scarf up to cover his lips like always, and he almost screamed like a girl when he saw a beetle, hopping backwards and nearly running into Takeo.

"Eh. Sorry," he apologized quietly. "I hate bugs." Daisuke nervously fiddled with a lock of his blonde hair, his innocent blue eyes glaring at the beetle. It was almost rainbow colored, and it was shiny. His natural blush deepened from his sudden 'bug-freaked' outburst, as he gently kicked the beetle into the road next to them. "I hope someone runs it over," he whispered, mainly to himself as his glare faded and was replaced with an innocent, cute look. His gaze shifted back to Takeo. His cheeks still red with his blush, he smiled sheepishly.


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I woke up and smiled the tiniest bit, looking around at my apartment. Yes, mine. Even though I'm a minor and living by myself.
I took a shower quickly, then try to figure out what to wear. I look in my closet and grab a pair of tightfitting denim capris and a dark purple half sleeved hoodie type top, the kind that ends at your elbows. I slipped on dark purple converse and clipped up some of my hair with a hairtie, the fancy kind that showed two dark purple spheres.
I grabbed a carton of orange juice from the refrigerator as well as a granola bar, my lunch already packed and in my bag, then headed outside. I wish desperately that I could sing, but then my gift would act up on any random strangers within earshot, something I didn't want to deal with this morning. I keep walking, realizing that there were at least a couple of people behind me when I turned onto another street.
Oh, well, whatever, If there's two of them, it isn't likely that they'll try to talk to me. I sip my orange juice as I look around and listen. There were a lot of birds out today. Well, I didn't blame them. It was actually a pretty nice day outside.


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Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan
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"Young master! It's time for your first day of school!" Hideaki awoke to the voice of his personal maid, Mei.
"Crap. I don't see what the big deal is. Nothing special even happened last year." Hide sighed to himself as he got out of bed and headed over to his bathroom. Hide took a shower and brushed his teeth, then went to his waredrobe after finishing up his hygiene. He heard his door slowely opening as Mei came in with a pale blush on her face.

"E-excuse me young master, but master Madenre has instructed me to start helping you get dressed in the morning." The young maid turned just a bit redder as she said this. Hide could tell there was a fair amount of hesitation in her voice. "What's that old man thinking. I'm 17 years old. I can dress myself. Honestly, he must be going senile. Don't worry about it, Mei. I can get ready on my own." Hide dismissed her, as he finished putting on his sleeveless black hoodie-shirt with red-lined rims.

"I-is that so? Well then, please excuse me young master." She then closed the door and went to take care of her daily chores. Hide could tell she was relieved, as he heard her let out a little sigh on the other side of the wall. He has extremely good hearing.
It had been a year since Hideaki had been adopted by the man known as Madinre Takamiya. He had grown used to the mansion, but refers to Madinre as an old man, even though he is only 38.

Madinre is a man shrouded in mystery. Almost no one has seen his true appearence, because of the fact that he wears a large black hat covering his eyes, and a small skull-like facemask covering his nose and mouth. Hideaki never bothered trying to figure out what Madinre really looks like, but he figured that there might as well be an old man hiding behind that mask and hat. All he knows is that Madinre is a rich business man(although he dosen't know what kind of business he conducts), and he has some ties with the school Hide goes to.

Hideaki grabbed his schoolbag, and opened his room door, heading over to the dining area. Surprisingly, he wasn't as hungry as he ussually is, and only grabbed a piece of toast that already layed on the table.

"Good morning, young master. Would you like me to drive you to school this morning?" It was Nervana. One of Madinre's senior maids, who yet seemed to be in her late 20's. "No thanks, Nervana. I'd rather walk to school today." Hide rejected her offer, and began leaving the dining area. Hide didn't want all the attention of coming to school in a limo, as he got last year. This was his 2nd time attending Kokon Highschool Academy of SA, and he had taken up the role of the Survivalist club captain before school even started. Apparently he had until the end of the 2nd week of school to get at least 2 other members to join. This was going to be tricky seeing as Hide didn't make any real friends last year.

Hideaki was now walking on the sidewalk towards school. He sided and scratched his head, trying to calm himself down. "I really hate first days." He mumbled to himself. He noticed that there were about 3 other teenagers behind him, who all seemed to be attending his school. 'They must be 1st years. Maybe I could get some of them to join.' He thought in wonder. By now he had already finished his toast.

His attention then turned to a cat he saw around the corner, few yards ahead. He looked back to the people behind him, and then back to the cat. 'I'll make this fast.' Hide decided before he ran over and around the corner searching for the cat. It seemed to have run underneath an old house. It looked to be abandoned. Hide starred at it a little while and then walked over to where the cat hid itself. He looked over his shoulder once more to make sure no one was looking and then took out a can of wet cat food from his bag. It was tuna flavoured. "Here, here. I'm not going to hurt you." Hide opened the can and put it closer and closer to the edge of the ditch. The cat came out surprisingly fast, and began feasting on the food immideatly. "I bet that tastes good, huh?" Hide said lovingly, as he pet the cat. Completely aware of any prying eyes.


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Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai
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#, as written by Skylite
Takeo laughed when Daisuke got scared by the bug. "You're not really afraid of that little thing, are you? He said with a smirk. As they continued walking, Takeo noticed a Levienne walking ahead of them. He wished he could say hello, but she was walking quite a bit faster than them. A thought then occured ad he remembered he was telepathic.

"Good morning!" He said to Levienne.


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Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai
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#, as written by Skylite
Takeo laughed when Daisuke got scared by the bug. "You're not really afraid of that little thing, are you? He said with a smirk. As they continued walking, Takeo noticed a Levienne walking ahead of them. He wished he could say hello, but she was walking quite a bit faster than them. A thought then occured ad he remembered he was telepathic.

"Good morning!" He said to Levienne.


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Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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"Well anyways, Taka. Let's keep walking," he said, still blushing at his sudden freak-out. He blushed even more. "Well duh. I hate bugs," he retorted with a grin. With his such awareness of bugs, practically everyday he freaked out if he even saw a fruitfly. Turning a sharp corner, he heard small licking sounds from a little ways off. Curious, the boy made his way around the corner and saw a boy, about 17 maybe, who had odd white hair. Absentmindedly, he silent approached over and crouched next to the gothic-looking boy. "Hellluu! Cute kitty. Is it yours?" He asked, his blushing dieing down a bit, and now he was just blushing normally. His wide, innocent eyes shifted to the kitten as he realized he was next to an old house, which to his perspective, looked kind of creepy.


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I freaked out inwardly and outwardly, kept walking. Well, it was a mostly inward reaction, except for the fact that I almost choked on my orange juice. I am going to get him back for that one. It is the equivalent of yelling 'BOO!' behind someone.
I think about it. It must have been one of the boys who were walking behind me. They were the only ones near me who I knew would have powers like telepathy. I debate turning around and shaking them or bashing their heads together. It's probably not a good idea to start the new school year like that.
Most definitely not. But I don't like almost choking on my orange juice, and I needed to do something. I turn around, put my hands on my hips, and looked at both of them.
I immediately knew it was the boy with the brown hair and brown eyes, not the blushing one. I waited for him to walk up to me, and his name became known to me. Oh... I love my sixth sense. "Kukai Takeo, is that you?" I asked, sweetly. I love pranking people. This is going to be nasty. But if I hear one more question about whether I'm human or not... someone's going to pay and it ain't gonna be me.


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Character Portrait: Isaac Thompson
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Isaac lay snoozing, sprawled out across the small bed in the cluttered one room apartment. Suddenly, the alarm clock beside the bed went off. Before the second buzz, Isaac had roughly slapped the top of it, sending the room back into silence. Five minuets later, the scene repeated itself as the alarm went off again. After the fourth time the alarm had been indiscriminately silenced Isaac, in a futile attempt to get up, slid his body onto the floor with a soft thump. He laid there on the floor until the alarm rang once again, forcing him to stand up in order to slap it.

The next time the alarm rang, Isaac was inside the apartment’s bathroom dressing himself after having taken a quick shower. This time he walked over to the alarm clock and picked it up, turning it upside-down and flipping the switch to silence it for good. Or at least until tomorrow.

Before returning to the bathroom, he took a peek outside the window near his bed. Looking up at the morning sky he mumbled, “Blue today…” then picked a stripped blue tie out of his dresser. It took him all of four minuets before he was dressed and his single strap bag, he headed out the door. As he walked down the stairs of the small apartment building, a voice called out to him. “Morning Isaac! Off to school?” Isaac turned his head to see the landlord sitting in fold out chair with a beer in his hand and a cooler beside him. “Think so.” Isaac responded with a nod, walking over his bike, which was sitting against the wall next to the landlord.

The landlord let out a deep laugh as Isaac fiddled with his bike lock. “Haha! Highschool! Those were the days!” Isaac looked over at the tan and muscular man who was probably in his late thirties or early forties. “Well, best of luck to ya there Isaac. Try not to have too much fun. Cheers!” The landlord raised his half empty beer can towards Isaac as he passed with his bike. “Cheers.” Isaac said absentmindedly as he rasied up a hand a softly fist bumped the raised can. The man let out another deep laugh. “Ha! That’s the spirit! Wish all my tenants were as easy going as you Isaac!” Isaac, already peddling off toward down the road, gave a single wave over his head without looking back. “What a cool kid, wish I had one like him.” The landlord said to himself as he took a sip of his beer and leaned back in his fold out chair.

Isaac peddled leisurely in the direction of his school. Still caught in his morning grogginess, he his mind was calm and mostly blank. As he passed a couple of students crouched over he turned his head to look at them. Something on the ground? Wonder what it is. Would be cool if it was a meteor…. He thought as he watched them instead of the road. When he turned to look where he was going, he noticed he was about to crash into a girl and a boy that were talking.

Not wanting to hit them, he quickly changed directions, swerving out of the way. He barely missed hitting the two, but seemed to recover without crashing and continue on his path. However, a few feet after he had regained control he stopped the bike. Was that? He asked himself as he went over what he had seen while he had been swerving.

He got off the bike and walked back toward the two, but before he reached them he stopped. Turning his head toward a very full trash bin that was chained to a lamppost. “Jackpot.” He said with a small, lazy grin on his face. He then walked himself and his bike over to the side of the bin.

Eying his target, he picked up a moldy and half eaten piece of flavored bread. Picking it up off of the top of the bin, he removed what remained of the wrapper and devoured the bread chuck in one gulp. After finishing, he patted his belly. Then, turning back toward the others, he waved and headed in their direction. He remembered that the last time he had talked on the phone with his father, that he had promised to try and make some friends this year. Isaac thought that now was as a good time as any to start.


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Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Hideaki continued playing with the kitten until he heard a someones voice come from behind him. He turned quickly to face the intruder(as he would call them). "What the hell do you think you're looking at?!" He yelled to the feminine boy who now seemed to be awestruck by the old house. He grabbed the collar of the boy's shirt and forced him to look him in the face.
"Listen to me. You better not tell anyone about this. You got that?!" Hideaki threatened intimidatingly.

As he did this, fuses of copperwire began sparking everywhere inside the house. "Crap! I better calm down." Hide turned his attention from Daisuke and went to a window. He looked through it and began reconnecting the wires with his mind. He wasn't however, able to reconnect the plastic covering around it. "Oh well." He sighed as he sent the wire back into the areas where he saw them pertruding from.

The loud noise that was coming from the sparks had scared away the cat, but it seemed to have finished the food Hide had given it. "Now look at what you did." Hide grimaced as he looked back to Daisuke. "Now you owe me. To make up for this, I'm gonna make you join my club. Welcome to the Survivalist club." Hideaki placed a hand on Daisuke's shoulder while giving him one of his devilishly evil grins.

He then noticed 3 others, and moved quickly to kick the can further underneath the house, as to get rid of any evidence of what he was doing. "Close save. Great job Hideaki." He congradulated himself as if he had just scored the winning kick in a soccer game. By the way he kicked the can, he could probably be good enough to win a soccer game too.


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Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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The boy squealed when Hideaki grabbed him by the shirt collar, and he began stuttering. "I'm delicate, p-please don't grab me," he said innocently, as he tried to slap his hand away. When Hideaki let go because he was messing with the copperwire, Daisuke was nearly dead when Hideaki forced him to join the survivalist club. He screamed.

"The Survivalist Club? That's like death to me! I'm practically as delicate as the roses I wield! I'd die being on a mountain!" Daisuke ranted, as he smacked Hideaki's hand away from his shoulder and he stumbled backwards to stare at Hideaki, his innocent eyes shaking gently from the scary boy, but he chuckled once he got a good look at the boy from a bit away.

"You don't look that scary," he murmured, cocking his head to the side. "You look kind of cute, not to be in a weird way, but as a simple compliment. Any girl would probably think that, unless they're..well, I don't know. I'm not good with words," he shrugged. "I'm nice to people who are mean anyways. Want a rose?" Daisuke asked kindly, as he spun in a circle and a red dust floated from the sky and built up to form a rose in his hand. "Unless of course you want me to knock you out with it," he said rather joyfully.


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Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Hideaki had completely ignored Daisuke's pleas to let him go and also when he refused Hide's "invitation" to join the club.
"Well seeing as this guy is my first member, I just need one more person before I can officially start the club." Hideaki mumbled to himself, as he thought.

All of a sudden, something caught his ear that irritated him a great deal.
"What was that?... What the hell did you just call me?!" Hideaki spun around and gave Daisuke a look of pure anger. "Nobody calls me cute! You hear?! Nobody!" Hideaki began moving swiftly over to Daisuke as he tried to play off his earlier statement.

He then stopped, the intimidation now leaving his face, as the boy offered him a rose and then began spinning around.
'Weird.' Was all Hideaki could think of to decribe the sight before him. But what Daisuke said next interested him.

"Oh! So you think you can knock me out? That a challenge?" Hideaki asked, with a hint of excitement in his voice.
He then reached out and touched a fence which stood next to him. A large portion of the pole, as well as some lining instantly formed a particularly sinister-looking scythe, which Hideaki spun around and then held in a battle stance.

"Should I come at you, or would you like to make the first attack?" Hideaki taunted, ready for some action. He needed some relief from the oh-so-stessful first day, afterall.


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Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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"Pish posh, pish posh. I don't feel like fighting. I'm not a fighter anyway, and if I did need to knock you out, all I would have to do is either kiss you or blow the rose fragrance at you. Also, I'm not in the Survivalist Club. I make my own decisions," he squeaked happily as he cocked his head to the side as he observed the interesting scythe. "You need to relax some more," he said blankly as he looked up to stare at the boy. "Perhaps, you could go to yoga, or simply sit home and burn some essence sticks and meditate." The boy spun in a circle again, the rose still in his hand. "Nya~." He said in a sing-song type way, as he simply attempted to throw the rose at the boy's face, not really caring if the thorns on the rose hurt him, or he was offended or anything. "I have better things to do than be an ignorant being and fight just to make some twouble," he said, baby-like, and hopped onto the pole fence, sitting in a crouching stance.

"Oh, my," he murmured, tapping his bottom lip. "Where did the others go? Most all, I wonder where Takeo and Aoi are. I think Takeo stopped to talk to Levienne, and Aoi, I've no idea. Ohh! Maybe I'll talk to Isaac! Oh, I don't know. Maybe I'll find Hea. Oh, there's so many choices," he murmured, shaking his head slowly as he was mainly talking to himself. "What do you think, friend?" He asked happily, expecting a rather rude insult or a slash to the face with the scythe. Oh well, what happens is what happens after all. Who knows what'll happen next? Maybe a monster will dash around the corner and kill them all, but which, is probably a bit impossible unless you're under your bed.

Bed monsters, that is!


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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Aoi skipped around, not caring how Girly it made him look. After all, if a Man can't skip around without being called a Sissy then he'd rather not be a Man.

That had to be the biggest pack of lies Aoi had ever thought of. He lost focus of anything he was doing and.. SMACK!

Aoi slammed into the Fence. A few groans and mumbles later, he was OK. Shaking from side to side in confusion. "Aoi-Kun better keep his head on today, or he'll probably get himself knocked out again. Like the year before, and the year before that, and...

He looked up and saw the only person that was as Feminine as him. "Ossu! ~ Daisuke-Sama!" He said, smiling his usual smile. He then turned to Hideaki. "Watch out with the big Scythe. You might cut yourself - And nobody would gain from that. Especially someone as cute as you. Watching the blood pour out would be an ugly sight." He said, still smiling. He took out his Flute and Played it normally. - Not like he had a reason to use his power.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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0.00 INK

Daisuke grinned as he saw Aoi. "Aoi-chan~! Don't address me as sama, simply address me as chan! I like chan better anyways~" he said happily as he cocked his head to the side, and soon blinked with sudden concern. "Also, are you alright? You look like you took quite a hit from the fence," he said as he hopped down. He was a bit tinier than Aoi, though, but only an inch off. His gaze shifted to Hideaki, and he leaned to whisper in Aoi's ear. "That meanie doesn't like being called cute for some reason. It gets him angry, just to give you a heads up. I don't want anyone getting hurt," he said, with a bit of concern and amusement in his voice. The amusement is from Hideaki's distaste for being called cute, and the concern if Hide gets angry and decides to hit Aoi.

"He even got angry when I said I could knock him out. I hope he realizes soon that I don't even have to fight him," he murmured, his gaze still on the feminine-but-scary looking boy.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skylite
"Hello Levienne." Takeo said with a smile as he walked up to the younger girl. He looked over and say Daisuke talking to a white haired boy who he did not recognize.

"How are you doing today?"

(OOC: Sorry for the super-short post.)


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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0.00 INK

Hideaki was a bit dissapointed that the boy wasn't serious about the fight. 'Maybe I should rip off a limb or two. It'll relieve at least some of my stress. Wait a minute... Kiss? Is this kid serious?' He thought to himself, once again giving Daisuke a stare as if he was the biggest freak on the planet. Hideaki twirled the scythe once and then planted it into the ground. He had also once again ignored the part about Daisuke not being in the club. Hideaki has gained the ability to mostly block out what he dosen't want to hear. "I already meditate. I have to in order to control my second power." He stated nonchalantly.

'Why the hell does he keep spinning. The more this guy talks, the more I want to cut him down.' Hideaki began showing large signs of irritation at this point. Most of all the anger vein mark on his forehead. 'Did he just call me his friend?' Hideaki began raising the scythe above his head, ready to bring down on the boy as he was rambling. He stopped himself just in time. "No, no. I need him for the club. Let him live for now, Hide." Hide mumbled trying to talk himself out of it.

All of a sudden another boy ran into the fence Hide had used to make the scythe. "Not another idiot!" Hide blurted while thinking outloud. "C-cute..." Hideaki had to restrain himself from beheading the boy at the mere mention of the word. 'What's with the flute?!' Hideaki shook his head from side to side, trying to calm himself down. "For the good of the club. For the good of the club." He chattered over and over again. He and Daisuke seemed to know each other. "H-hey. Would you perhaps like to join the club, I and your friend are in?" Hideaki asked Aoi with an unussually nice voice, and expression. It almost hurt him to smile to widely.

Right after yet another person showed up. "The idiots are multiplying! Wait. This one "seems" normal!" Hideaki thought out loud once again. He placed his hand on the lad's shoulder, and gave him the same painful smile as Aoi. "Hey! So how about joining the Survivalist club?" Hideaki now felt that he barf any second from the niceness. The scythe layed on the grass, now completely forgotten.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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0.00 INK

Daisuke stopped, and turned to stare at Hideaki. "You're beginning to irritate me, and it's rare that that happens." He sighed, resting his hand on his forehead. "Also, once again, I am not and I repeat not going to join the club. Just relax and be quiet for awhile, please," he breathed, clearly agitated from this individual. Another rose formed in his hand from dust, and this time it was pink. "And I'm going to make you to relax. I can control the power, so I think you won't go unconsious. Just a bit sleepy." He sighed, and used his second power in which involved his, well, you get what I mean. The one which involved lip contact to be able to make his victim relax or go unconsious. Daisuke began glowing a pale pink, little electrical pink shocks surrounding the aura around him. He thought. I'd enjoy this if it was with someone I know and someone I knew who wouldn't care. This is going to be stressful, with an individual with a negative aura. Oi. I wouldn't want to be in a battle with this guy. His scythe is unusually scarier than practically the grim reaper's.

Getting closer to the male, and not even blushing because of a bit annoyed he was, he held the rose in his other hand and put a glowing hand on Hideaki's cheek. He began muttering words, some either Japanese or English words originating from Latin. Daisuke's aura glowing a bit darker this time, since he was building up his supposed "energy", and silently begging it would shut up this yapping and challenging individual, he rolled his eyes a bit in a challenging way.

"Ew," he simply stated, before he attempted to connect lips with the boy so his power could fully work.

Well. This should be interesting. I bet you he'll try to cut my head off afterwards. Wait, you? Who was Daisuke talking to in his mind anyway?!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bani
Cecelia wondered, not for the first time, what had induced her father to send her so far away from home.
Well, not that she was complaining. She had always liked the pretty Japanese houses and paintings and origami and cherry blossoms anyway.

Being lost in her own world, she failed to notice her surroundings till she caught something sparkling out of the corner of her eyes.

Or rather, someone, she corrected herself as a young boy, practically glowing pink and with a sparkling background of pink - how was that even possible was she hallucinating again? - tried to kiss another boy with a shock of white hair, who also happened to be holding a scythe.

"I knew I should have listened to the librarian!" she announced to no one in particular, quite sure this was a figment of her imagination, because really, what else could it be? People did not attempt to randomly kiss other people of the same gender who were incidentally holding a scary-looking scythe while sparkling pink. That was just ... impossible. Right? What was next - pink unicorns?

Cecelia found herself cursing her curiosity - a frequent occurrence - for making her go to the section of the library that the elderly librarian had expressly forbade her to enter.

"But why shouldn't I go there?" she had protested.
"Just believe me, Ellie-san. You don't want to know what's in there."
"As you say, Hiroko-san. I won't go there." Cecelia conceded rather demurely.

Of course, that didn't stop her from sneaking in the moment Mr. Hiroko's back was turned to her.

Lets just say that while she didn't mind the general shounen-ai theme much, she still wished what has been seen could be unseen.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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0.00 INK

Aoi smiled as sweetly as possible and to Hideaki's request, he replied bluntly. "Naah! I'm not cut out for survival - And my flute does me some good. And this flute here?" Aoi played it as quickly as possible, and the cat Daisuke scared off came running back, and sat next to Aoi.

"Animal Controlling. It's simple really." He muttered, still trying to play to keep the cat focused. He stopped, and the cat fell asleep. "Daisuke-Chan.." Aoi muttered, his Psycopathic voice kicking in slightly. "Make him relax before i force him. Ofcourse, you're able to do that by Kissing - Correct?"

Aoi went back to normal, and smiled playfully at Hideaki. "I hope you don't mind getting kissed, Mr. "Survivalist Club." After all, this is unique. Getting to feel Daisuke's power in action." He laughed, playing his flute again. This time, slowly in an attempt to calm Hide down.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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0.00 INK

Hideaki all of a sudden felt a little sleepy. 'What the hell? When did I get so tired... Wait... Since when did this guy get so pink? Hell. The background even looks pink. Wait... When did he face get so close? Would someone please shut that damn flute up...' Hideaki couldn't help but feel that time was moving a lot slower then it should, and then suddenly spead up to a random point.

'Wait a minute... Was this kid really serious about that kiss thing? What kind of power is that?' As Hideaki thought this, he noticed that he had dropped his scythe. 'Damn. Guess I can't count on that right now. Hideaki then noticed that his hand was still on Takeo's shoulder. He concentrated on moving his hand to the back of Takeo's head, although it was incredibly hard, considering his current condition. 'You want to kiss me that bad, kid?' Hideaki taunted Daisuke in his mind. 'Like...' At this point he couldn't even finish the thought. Just before their lips were about to make contact, he let out a loud yell. "LIKE HELL!!!" He exclaimed while bring Takeo's head smashing into the side of Daisuke's. It took all of his willpower to do so, and he nearly keeled over afterwards. Instead of passing out, he merely fell on his ass and began shaking his head to try and wake up.

"Those are some strange yet impressive powers you've got there..." Hideaki began saying once he could talk once again. He stood up abruptly and pointed at Aoi. "If we run into any wildlife, you can put them to sleep! That way we don't get arrested for killing species on the verge of going extinct!" He exclaimed, although the last part was a bit exaggerated.

He then pointed his finger at Daisuke. "You could also do that. One little peck, and they won't be any trouble. You could also help if he get hypothermia or something, and can't fall asleep!" That last part was also exaggerated. Obviously sleeping wouldn't be the only thing someone needs to treat hypothermia, but Hideaki isn't exactly the most knowledgable in the medical field.

"Yes. You are both perfect for this club. If it comes to things like mountain climbing, then you can count on me. I'm sure there is plently of iron and I think some platinum in most of them, so we should be fine." Hideaki then walked over to his scythe and started walking toward's Aoi. "But I don't want you using that damn flute on me again." He said, getting in Aoi's face intimidatingly, and then withdrawing.

He continued walking past Aoi to the fence behind him. He then touched one end of the scythe to the fence and it immideatly reverted back into the fence, filling up the missing bars. Hideaki had the design for the scythe safely implanted into his brain, so he could make an exact replica easily. "Well. We'll talk about this some more later. I'll come find both of you depending if we have the same lunch period. If not then I'll hun-... seek you out afterschool." He said, covering up at the end. Hideaki then grabbed his schoolbag off the floor and made a run for it, since more people seemed to be attracted to the spot. 'I just wanted to play with that cat...' Hideaki sighed, as he began instinctually jumping on and off the roofs of houses.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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0.00 INK

Daisuke noticed Hideaki going sleepy. 'Yes, it's working.' He thought, until he noticed Hideaki grabbing Takeo's head. Before he knew it, he was hit in the head by Takeo's head, which was indeed pretty strong compared to Daisuke's fragile body. From the sudden impact, Daisuke lurched forward and fell on his knees, rubbing his head from surprise, and well of course, pain. Another thing that sucked whenever he used a bit too much power in trying, he usually either fainted afterwards or began coughing like a maniac. Well, he went a bit overboard in trying, since of course, Hideaki had negative energy, so it was pretty difficult since Daisuke is still new at that power.

'Ack. Now I'm getting sleepy. Why couldn't I just cough my lungs out,' he thought a bit angrily, before his eyelids fluttered and he lurched forward again, laying on his side, basically asleep/fainted.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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0.00 INK

Aoi glared at Hide. "If you ever hurt Daisuke again..." He muttered, his Kitsune speaking for him. "I'll make you beg for death."

Aoi shook himself out of his state, and watched Daisuke lurch forward. "Nope!" He shouted, kneeling infront of him, catching his head on Aoi's lap. "You'll be okay, man. Just hang on." He whispered, propping his head up against his arm. "Hey! Takeo! You okay?!" He shouted. Aoi still had his flute in his hand, and every so often it gently tapped Daisuke's head. "We don't have time for this, Daisuke-Chan. Wake up, we need to get to school." He grunted, a chibi -3- face coming over him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan Character Portrait: Daisuke Itsuji
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0.00 INK

Daisuke twitched, rolling off of Aoi's shoulder and landing on the floor with a thump. Again, from a sudden impact, he shot upwards and screamed, rather loudly, with a scared chibi face. T^T.

"Ow. Stupid kid with his stupid head-banging and stupid scythe and stupid club. I'm not meeting him after school," he muttered, rubbing the back of his head which still hurt. "Is Takeo okay?" He asked groggily, also a hint of annoyance in his voice. That stupid idiot. As much as I want to pierce his skin with a thorn whip, it's always good to be nice. Just be nice, he said to himself, and just sighed and flopped onto the ground. "Thanks, Aoi-chan," he said with a thankful nod. "Are you gonna meet him after school?"

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Levienne Allys
Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai
Character Portrait: Hea Jung
Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan
Character Portrait: Suridamaru Akashi
Character Portrait: Cecelia Raven Nightray
Character Portrait: Aoi Katō


Character Portrait: Aoi Katō
Aoi Katō

"What are you doing? No, Don't do that!"

Character Portrait: Cecelia Raven Nightray
Cecelia Raven Nightray

I Don't Believe In Violence, But You Are Pissing Me Off!

Character Portrait: Suridamaru Akashi
Suridamaru Akashi

"Damn Son!"

Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan
Hideaki Seitan

"Hey you! Join the Survivalist club or I'll kill you! So what'll ya say?"

Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai
Takeo Kukai

"Of course."

Character Portrait: Levienne Allys
Levienne Allys

"For the love of- never mind. I AM NOT A SIREN!!!"


Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai
Takeo Kukai

"Of course."

Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan
Hideaki Seitan

"Hey you! Join the Survivalist club or I'll kill you! So what'll ya say?"

Character Portrait: Suridamaru Akashi
Suridamaru Akashi

"Damn Son!"

Character Portrait: Levienne Allys
Levienne Allys

"For the love of- never mind. I AM NOT A SIREN!!!"

Character Portrait: Cecelia Raven Nightray
Cecelia Raven Nightray

I Don't Believe In Violence, But You Are Pissing Me Off!

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō
Aoi Katō

"What are you doing? No, Don't do that!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Hideaki Seitan
Hideaki Seitan

"Hey you! Join the Survivalist club or I'll kill you! So what'll ya say?"

Character Portrait: Levienne Allys
Levienne Allys

"For the love of- never mind. I AM NOT A SIREN!!!"

Character Portrait: Takeo Kukai
Takeo Kukai

"Of course."

Character Portrait: Suridamaru Akashi
Suridamaru Akashi

"Damn Son!"

Character Portrait: Cecelia Raven Nightray
Cecelia Raven Nightray

I Don't Believe In Violence, But You Are Pissing Me Off!

Character Portrait: Aoi Katō
Aoi Katō

"What are you doing? No, Don't do that!"

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Most recent OOC posts in Kokon High School Academy of SA

Re: Kokon High School Academy of SA

Sorry I dissapeared for like a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooongass time. Just wondering if this rp is still going since the last post was like last month. To be truthfull I thought it had already died before I left gateway for a period of time. But I'm willing to continue my part in it if it hasn't died yet.

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

Whispers in the Dark is my favorite song from them. I was totally stoked when they played pretty much every 1 of my favorite songs from them. Starting with my fav. Not a big surprise since it's their usual opener. That asian dude on the violin killed it, when him and the Cello dude came out. I'm soooo gonna look up violin sheet music for Skillet. xD

I'm also gonna be sad when Ben actually leaves the band(at least I've read online that he's leaving sometime).
No joke but near the end of the last song, while I was cheering, I said "I love you Jen!(Jen not Ben. He's awesome and all buuut, Jen is really hot. xD)." in like a half second before I continued cheering.

I can't really decide which my favorite band is between Skillet and Sixx: A.M. I've known Skillet longer, and love most of their songs, but some of Sixx A.M.'s songs really speak to me. Also "This is Gonna Hurt" and "Deadlihood". Come on. Beast. >.>
Their style is also really similar to Rise Against who I've also been a longterm fan of.

Anyways I pretty much ended my character's part in the rp for a short period of time so I can post in the other rp's I'm keeping waiting. That is unless someone else is jumping on roofs. xD

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

I love that band<3
Hero ftw.

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

Damn its hard keeping up with several rp's when you're grounded. There is still one rp I haven't responded to today, but its moving pretty slow anyway, so they won't mind. I didn't try coming on yesterday cause I was at a Slillet(or rather Christian/Christian Rock) concert.

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

Extremely sucky post I know, but I'm in a rush. Barely got this one out cause mom woke up.

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

Oh gosh, I'm sorry I have not been posting you guys, I've been working on this stupid history project non-stop. I'll make my next post soon, so sorry to anyone that I've kept waiting.

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

Personally Prussia is my favorite(cause he's awesome). Then Iggy... cause Flyin Mint Bunnieh!

Favorite female is Hungary.

Edit: I will post when mom goes to her room. xD

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

Russia and China are coincedentally both of my favorite characters.
And you're welcome. ^_^

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

Why, thank you Kuru for that. I tried to base Aoi off of myself. He's slightly Yandere though, so watch out if you annoy him.

He's like Russia and China mixed from Hetalia. Sweet, Kind and Cuddly, but a Psychopath and Sociopath when annoyed.

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

Just found out my mom got fired today. So she'll pretty much be home every day for at """least""" a couple of months. It might be kind of rare that I can still come on very often for a while. Cause it'll be extra freakin hard to sneak on, since I'm grounded. Yes. I am grounded for those of you who don't know. Just a heads up. xD

Edit: I'll post when I can!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

dunno if should post or wait for response ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

*edit* I guess......I'll wait then.

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

Why isn't anyone else posting?

Edit: Well me, you, and Kulu have already posted. The only other two I know of that are online, are Alyx, and Elite. I think Alyx is still waiting for a post from Sky.

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

I'm seeing several characters that have the same aspects as 1 or 2 other characters. xD
I guess I'll do my post now.

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

Sorry, I've got to comment, but Aoi is so darn adorable~ XD

Re: [OOC] Kokon High School Academy of SA

-Bouncing around- Nyeeeh! Is there a free spot so i can join? All the RP's i'm in are so dead or haven't fully started.