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Rosa Gallagher

give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world.

0 · 997 views · located in Los Angeles, California

a character in “LA Neighbor's Club”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway


rosaline gallagher
give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world.

nicknamexxxrosa; vastly prefers to rosaline. will
always introduce herself as rosa, and many don't know
her name is rosaline, not rosa.

zodiac signx.scorpio
sexualityxxxxbisexual biromantic
occupationxxstudent, dance instructor
dialogue codexxx#669999
thought codexxxx#996666
face claimxxxxxxxciara baxendale
song inspirationxdon't remind me what the price is when left to my own devices.
after high school,/majoring in dance in julliard


xxxxgeneral style


in winter and summer alike, she's pretty much always seen in quirky denim jackets, embroidered bomber jackets, and leather jackets of varying colours and designs. what changes is what she wears with them. in summer, she favours crop tops and shorts or dresses and sunhats. in winter, high-waisted jeans and close-fitting tops tend to be her outfit of choice.

casual and formal

rosa polishes up well. for any formal events she's always dolled up to the nines, with dark red lipsticks and heels. maxi dresses and jumpsuits are a must. day-to-day, she keeps her makeup simple, usually a BB cream, mascara, concealer, and either a gloss or nude lipstick. her personality comes out through her clothes, which are unique and often colourful, yet also stylish.

anything else

rosa has a tattoo of a scatter of stars on her shoulder that she can easily cover with sleeves and concealer for a show. her nails are always painted, usually black unless a show requires otherwise.



Imagerosa's passion is and always has been dance,
ballet and contemporary in particular. she loves fresh
and always has some in her room. french
is her favourite breakfast food, but she seldom
makes it. red lipstick makes her feel powerful
and is a must for shows. driving has always made
her feel calm. her favourite snack is pink lady apples
and chocolate. her favourite music is pop rock
but she has a secret love for musicals. she's always
loved sitting outside during a rainstorm. she loves
stories about the underdog, especially if they win.
Imageshe hates people who get everything they want
. she's deathly allergic to bees and
. she hates synthetic vanilla scents. even
just the smell of fish makes her gag. she hates
control freaks. she suffers from extremely bad
hayfever. she hates geometry andspanish.
she hates all coffee except iced. her mother made
her hate gardening. reality tv has never held
much of an appeal for her. her pet peeve is people
touching her hair without warning.
she hates
effortlessly popular people.


rosa has had to fight for everything she has.

even when it came to dance, she's had to practice twice as hard for twice as long to get where she is. her grades never came easily to her, and in high school, her life was run on a strict schedule. even her place in julliard was hard fought. she had to do two auditions and get a higher GPA than was originally required due to demand. as a result, rosa is a tad bitter. she sees those around her getting things so easily, and she gets angry. she's got a lot of internalised anger that she refuses to deal with, and has a bad tendency to become defensive when somebody criticises her.

but all of this has made her hard-working and determined.

some might become dejected if they had her share of bad luck. but not rosa. instead, she fights with every scrap of her existence. she worked her ass off to get her GPA over the mark they wanted, and she practiced for hours a day to make sure she was up to scratch. rosa has never been afraid of hard work, but since she realised that it was the only way she was going to get anywhere in life, she embraced it. if she wants something, she's going to put her mind to it, and she's going to get what she wants, even if it kills her.

she isn't always the easiest person to love.

her anger and spite bubble and boil just beneath the surface. she's defensive and occasionally a little harsh. she's selfish, prioritising the things she wants over the people around her. she has a lot of love to give, and she would love to be one of those effortlessly popular people. she blames her bad luck for her occasional trouble making friends, when in reality it's her attitude. to her friends, she's kind, loyal, and generous. she's liked, but not loved. sometimes she gets a
little lost and claws for something to bring her back. she's aware of her faults
but knows that at times, they're what keeps her powering through. so she holds on.
she'd love someone to help her with it, but can't let anyone in like that. not yet



rosa's family was never exactly wealthy. they had enough to get by, but while rosa's peers got the newest, flashiest toys, rosa's christmas presents were practical things. her dance lessons for the year at christmas, and a desperately needed pair of ballet shoes for her birthday. her parents seemed to be afflicted with the same curse as rosa, having to fight for everything they had. but they loved and treasured rosa and her older sister so much. they would have given up everything they had for the happiness of their daughters. rosa's passion of dance was apparent from a young age, and they spent so much time and money ferrying her to and from classes and competitions. she was good too. if they'd been better off, if they'd had more to their name, they would have sent her to a private dance school. instead, she spent almost all her free time dancing and practicing and being the best she could. the la neighbour's club was her brief escape, feeling like she could just be a normal kid. when she was twelve, her dance teacher recommended sending her to more professional classes. her parents searched the city for teachers that offered scholarships, that at least offered financial assistance. rosa attended a number of trial classes, but none seemed to come through. they had more or less given up hope when one gave her a chance, saying they'd pay for her classes for at least the next year.


and thus began rosa's life of balancing everything precariously. three times a week, she would leave school, jump on a bus, do as much of her homework on the bus as possible, go to her class, get the bus home, finish her homework, and maybe find some time to practice. she found it hard to make and maintain friends at this time, because she was constantly busy. the la neighbour's club was all she had, and she was fighting to even stay in contact with them. it was rushed visits to the mall with them, brief phone calls once she got her own cell, seeing them only on weekends or in school. she started helping to teach her local classes two nights a week when she was fourteen as a way of earning money, eating up even more of her free time. she was sixteen when her teacher asked if she'd considered where she wanted to train professionally. Julliard was mentioned for the first time, and rosa began fighting her way to get there. practicing every hour she could, working her ass off to get her GPA up. she was just about managing to balance her work and her life, somehow managing to have a social life, however pathetic. she was provisionally accepted, and she relaxed, thinking she'd made it. and then they came back and asked her to attend another audition, due to a surge in interest. she kept practicing, kept working every moment. she was sleep deprived, she was hardly talking to any of her friends. and then they confirmed her acceptance, and she could breathe again. it was then she had to confront her neglected friendships and try and patch them up, even if they were soon to move away. she managed to salvage most of them. but she looked at mason, who she'd never been especially close with. and he was the golden boy. everything about him seemed so effortless. everyone still seemed in love with him. rosa had lost life-long friendships. and she discovered that she almost hated him. she stayed civil, but she stopped making an effort with him anyway. she'd hardly noticed his absence when word of his disappearance reached her.


X X X X X X X X X roleplayerX X X X X X Xsheet creator
X X X X X X X X xxxxxxxicatX X X x x x x x x x xxxxxxthe writer's voice.

So begins...

Rosa Gallagher's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

K'gara blinks and looks around blearily


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

K'gara is afraid


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

K'gara sniffles as she starts to cry, letting out a mournful howl


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

Bian Linh Vu hears someone crying and follows the sound


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

K'gara is trembling with fear, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings (what does it even look like here? The description is very vague) with her once proud ears folded flat against her head


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

Elanna Torres looks around, taking in her surroundings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

K'gara is sitting cross legged on whatever passes for the floor here, just sobbing mournfully


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

Character Portrait: K'gara K'gara says,
 “ Oh *sniffle* I really have no idea...*sniffle* Your guess is as good as mine. Last thing I remember was being swallowed whole by a sea serpent so this is probably some part of the afterlife ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

K'gara has her cheeks drenched in tears


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

Elanna Torres pulled out a small device from her pocket, and checked it over. She pressed the button on the device, and nothing happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

Character Portrait: K'gara K'gara says,
 “ I'm probably halfway to being a glob of mush by now ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

Janemba giggled with glee at all of the new playtoys.

he exclaimed before promptly bounding deeper into hell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

K'gara yelps with fear at this


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar
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0.00 INK

K'gara then just sighs and starts sobbing into her arms again.