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Shin Yu Han

Appearance of a jock, Brain of a nerd, Personality of an emo.

0 · 584 views · located in Lawton Wood Summer Camp

a character in “Lawton Wood Summer Camp”, as played by Newbie alert.



Name: Shin Yu Han

Age: 17

Birth Date: December 12

Role: Emo

Sexuality: Pansexual

Face Claim: Oh Se Hun


Hair Color: White at the top, black at the bottom

Eye Color: Black

Height: 5'9

Tattoos/Piercings: None (The tattoo at the bottom picture is Henna.)



Shin is a cold, quiet type of person. He tends to ignore anyone and everyone who tries to talk to him, making him alone. He is usually seen reading books or sleeping but other than that, he doesn't do anything else. Shin is emotionless, and if by any chance he shows any emotion towards a person, it only means that person is special to him. And it only takes an extremely stubborn, persistent person to break the barrier around his heart.


+Bitter Food+
+Hats and Scarves+


-Living Things-
-Sweet Pastries-
-Extremely Bright Lights-


>Falling In Love<


Character Back Story:

Shin grew up from a rich family. He's the middle child and since he was the only boy of the three siblings, he grew up from the strict upbringing of his father. His father intends him to inherit all of the family estate and to do that, Shin needed to be perfect. He was athletic and smart. He can also play a bunch of instruments and has good manners. Shin was almost perfect, although, the one thing that his father missed to correct during his childhood days was his personality. Even in his childhood days, Shin didn't have time for friends even if he wanted to and that molded him into what he is right now. An antisocial.

Thinking that it isn't too late to correct it, Shin's father sent him into the Lawton Wood Summer Camp and is expecting Shin to change for the better.

Bunked With: Aiden Scott

Relationship Status: Single.

So begins...

Shin Yu Han's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Summer Makinna Character Portrait: Raquel Pierce Character Portrait: Leah Grace Anderson Character Portrait: Layla Grey Character Portrait: Evangeline (Evie) Jack Character Portrait: Arella Blake
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Arella Blake

Arella sat on the bus keeping to herself the entire ride to Lawton Wood Summer Camp. This was going to be the first time she had ever attended one and she could already tell she may not like it in the end. After all, she didn't know anyone who was going to be there, at least from who she could tell was on the bus. The red head just wished her grandmother didn't force her parents to have her go to this stupid camp. Arella had better plans for the summer then spending it with bratty teenagers she didn't even know.
Once the bus arrived at the camp she climbed off following the other teens. The young female looked up at the wooden sign with the words Lawton Camp and let out a frustrating sigh as she slung her backpack over her left shoulder. The female took a deep breath before making her way under the sign and officially onto the camp ground.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Summer Makinna Character Portrait: Raquel Pierce Character Portrait: Leah Grace Anderson Character Portrait: Layla Grey Character Portrait: Evangeline (Evie) Jack Character Portrait: Arella Blake
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Caius spent the entire bus ride doing three things. Listening to his I-Pod, chewing gum, and staring blankly out the window. In the back of his mind he still couldn't believe that this was happening. He could have been practicing with his band, getting somewhere with what he wanted his career to be. But instead he had to spend the entire summer trapped in camp with people he didn't even know, or really want to get to know. His parents were only making him go because they thought he should make some friends, that he spent too much time focusing on music. Well at least he had something he loved to focus on, unlike them. They were trying to make him go their route, barely getting enough money to get by, but being safe, consistent. They didn't want him on the roller coaster ride that was being a musician. But that wasn't going to change and they knew that.

When the bus stopped he picked up his guitar case and backpack from the seat next to him, a nice assurance that nobody else would be sitting there, and got off with the rest of the teens. His backpack was heavy, probably due to the entire case of white Ultra Monsters that he had stuffed in there, along with some snacks and candy. Stuff to get him by for the as long as he could. His parents had also given him one of their credit cards, their way of trying to make it up to him, he could buy whatever he wanted from the general store that they had here.

Caius wordlessly helped the adults unload the bus, for the sheer reason that he wanted to get his stuff and get away from all the teens as quickly as possible. Once that was done to grabbed his suitcase and took off into the campgrounds. Hoping that they got their cabin assignments soon. He wanted to explore, find a nice quiet hidden spot that he could call his own, and spend as much of the summer as he possibly could there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Summer Makinna Character Portrait: Raquel Pierce Character Portrait: Leah Grace Anderson Character Portrait: Layla Grey Character Portrait: Evangeline (Evie) Jack Character Portrait: Arella Blake
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Stevie Blackheart

Earbuds in her ears, music turned up as loud as it could possibly go, bare legs crossed with left leg bouncing along to the beat of the music that was playing from her cell phone, the brunette hummed along with the song that was playing. Every now and then she'd get complaints from other kids who were on the bus with her, but she just shrugged them off and continued on with what she was doing. After all, even though she was forced to go to this stupid summer camp, she still had to work on her own music.

Once the bus pulled up to the camp she let out a relieved sigh, happy that she was finally going to be able to get off this stuffy bus and out into the fresh air. The young female pushed through the crowds to get to her things in the back of the bus. Before making her way over towards the room board she checked on Sera, her beautiful red fender guitar. After finding that she was alright, she closed the case and continued making her way towards the board. After scrolling down the list she noticed that she had been the only one in the entire camp who didn't have a roommate. Well at least that is until late comers show up.

The young brunette smiled and shrugged her shoulders as she began making her way through the crowds once more and into cabin fourteen. Leaving the door wide open for the fresh air, she claimed the bed by the window and began unpacking. Once she was finished she pulled Sera out and began strumming the strings as she sang along to the original song she had been working on for the past month.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Summer Makinna Character Portrait: Raquel Pierce Character Portrait: Leah Grace Anderson Character Portrait: Layla Grey Character Portrait: Evangeline (Evie) Jack Character Portrait: Arella Blake
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((ooc: wait... didn't mean to tag everyone. woops, sorry))Image

Leah glanced around the bus. Most of the teenagers were looking at their phones or sleeping. Leah didn't own a phone, never had. She leaned against the window and looked up at the sky outside. This was as long away from home she had ever been and she felt great. Everyone else on the bus seemed to be dreading the place they were going, but Leah was quite positive about it. No matter what, it couldn't be worse than home.

The bus finally stopped and she tried to get off, but a boy bumped into her. "Watch where you going.. redneck" he hissed before pushing her aside and jumping out of the bus. Was it really that obvious where she was from? Leah followed carefully behind him, trying not to let the words hurt her. He was probably just having a bad day. She briefly helped getting the others luggage out of the bus, then she grabbed her own suitcase and followed the crowd to a bulletin board with names on it. After letting everyone else look first, she finally found her own name. "Leah Anderson and Summer Makinna," she whispered to herself. Summer was a nice name. She wondered if the girl would be nice too.

Leah started to walk, but then realized she didn't know where she was going. The only cabins she could see from here had the numbers 11, 12 and 13 on them. Hers was number 7. She glanced around the camping site. The place was beautiful. She wanted to go find her cabin as soon as possible so she could start exploring the area. She looked around to find someone she could ask for help. There was a big shirtless guy talking to some pretty girl. Then there was another blonde girl not far from them. She didn't want to ask the two people talking. The guy looked a bit intimidating. She decided to ask the blonde girl who was on her own. She looked like someone from the big city and Leah couldn't help feel a little nervous. She took a deep breath and instinctively grabbed the cross she was wearing around her neck. She might hate talking to strangers, but she wasn't gonna let it show. She walked over to the girl who was dressed nicely. Leah couldn't help compare the blondes outfit to her own worn-out dress and old boots. "Do you know where I can find cabin 7?" she asked with her thick Southern accent and smiled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Summer Makinna Character Portrait: Raquel Pierce Character Portrait: Leah Grace Anderson Character Portrait: Layla Grey Character Portrait: Evangeline (Evie) Jack
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Layla Grey

Image Layla spent most of the bus ride listening to music and hadn't bothered to look at any of the others on the bus. ''God, I hate buses''she thought and continued looking out the window. there is no way she would have survived the ride without her Ipod. it was the old, but it had served her well.

Once the bus finally arrived at the camp, Layla grabbed her luggage(Mainly just clothes and her back up pair of headphones) and made her way over to the notice board to check her cabin pairings with her headphones still on.She found her name and her cabin pairing ''Raquel Pierce, Wonder what shes like?''. On the way to the cabin, she couldn't help but notice the lake. ''Didn't Know there was a lake here'' she thought. At the cabin Layla took out her headphones and put her Ipod in her bag. Her foster parents wanted her to make loads of friends, but Layla didn't see that happening. ''I wont be here long, it will be over soon. I hope''.

Layla had gotten up early that morning as she had forgotten to pack and she decided to try and get some sleep. The bed in the camp wasn't as uncomfortable as Layla had imagined. ''Maybe I could sleep all through this stupid camp''. . But she couldn't with the sunlight coming in through the window.She decided she had better get acquainted with at some of the others.
''wonder if anyones worth talking to'' she said to herself, as she was leaving the cabin. 'I just hope they don't
ask questions''

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Summer Makinna Character Portrait: Raquel Pierce Character Portrait: Leah Grace Anderson Character Portrait: Layla Grey Character Portrait: Evangeline (Evie) Jack Character Portrait: Arella Blake
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Stevie Blackheart

Seeing as how it was a beautiful day out, Stevie thought it would be a good idea to go outside and play her acoustic for a little while. She always seemed to enjoy playing her guitar outside, it was nice and calming to her. The young brunette stood up from the bed and walked outside, her red acoustic in hand then sat down on one of the empty benches.

After she made herself comfortable on the bench, she began strumming the guitar in an even pace and began singing along with the tune she was playing. The female glanced over at the notebook she had sitting beside her every now and then, trying to place different lyrics places and switch things around to make the song sound complete.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Summer Makinna Character Portrait: Leah Grace Anderson Character Portrait: Shin Yu Han
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ImageSummer grinned at Leahs response. She shoved the crocheted bikini in the top drawer with her other five bikinis and intimates. She ran into the bathroom to hear Leah say that she was going to go look around. She sighed, uncomfortable with being alone again. She slipped on the tight bikini top, clasping it quickly then slipped on the bottoms, she put on short cotton shorts and a thin white cropped tank. She slipped on her sandals on the way out the door.
"Well what to do now" She said aloud to herself. She didn't have many options, she could go to the lake now and just sit there alone or she could wander or she could just sit there in desperation. She decided to walk around specifically around the cabins. She wondered if they may varied in some way, though she doubted it.

She walked past the many cabins. They all pretty much looked the same. In a strange and very vague way it reminded her of home. She lived in a gated community all the houses pretty much looked the same: Expansive green lawns, large houses either of brick, stone, or a requested material, beautiful gardens, and white picket fences. From the outside they all looked pristine as the people in it, well aside from her family. With her heavily tattooed father, blonde baking and homemaking mother, and various sisters and brothers (Most of whom have their own controversy).

She sat down on a bench in front of one of the cabins that was engulfed by a delightful sunlight. She sat on the bench table with the sun shining behind her and leaned back, bracing herself on her palms before tilting her head back. She had always loved soaking up the sun. Her dad used to call her Angel because of the way her hair shone in the sunlight and created a halo. Her mom however, preferred to call her Kitty because of her habit of falling asleep in the sunlight. She chuckled to herself, remembering old memories. Then realizing her mistake, sat up and crossed her arms "If they cared about me they would not have sent me here"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Summer Makinna Character Portrait: Leah Grace Anderson Character Portrait: Aiden Scott Character Portrait: Shin Yu Han
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Aiden let go of the door frame and walked into the room and over to where his bed and where his stuff was and grabbed out a pair of sandals and set his shoes under the bed and grabbed a towel from his bag. As he turned to walk out of the room he stopped in the doorway. "Don't touch any of my shit and we won't have any problems." he said before he walked down the hall to the bathroom.

Once he was in the bathroom he turned the water on so it could warm up before he took his shower. After standing there under the shower head for a few minutes just relaxing he turned the water off and got out of the shower drying himself off, got dressed and did his hair before he walked out of the bathroom and as he passed the bedroom threw his dirty stuff into the corner next to his bed and without saying anything left the cabin to walk around. He saw a red haired girl with what looked like to be lots of freckles looking lost and by the looks of her screamed preachers daughter. "Did daddy make you bring your chastity belt?" He said with a laugh jokingly but from the looks of the girl she would probably not take it as a joke. As he looked around he saw a blonde haired girl sitting on a table leaning back on her hands looking up at the sky. Aiden grinned and made his way over to the table and sat on the table and leaned back just like the blonde was doing until their heads were almost touching.

Looking up at the sky with his sunglasses on he said, "It's not as bad as you expected it to be is it? Surprised the hell out of me."