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"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that showed you tried."

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a character in “Legacy of the Dragon Soul”, originally authored by BlueWind_22, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Kyra

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Dragon Soul:Lighting

Mark Location: On her right hand palm

Weapon:Bow and lightning infused arrows, a double edged sword, and two hidden daggers.

Power: Electrokenisis, Create lightning storms, able to ride in/on lightning bolts or electricity.

- She's doesn't know much about fighting but is really scrappy.
- She can get through a crowd without being noticed.
- She apparently has 'bad luck' and everything she touches breaks or something bad happens to it.

Personality: Kyra is very silent, and prefers to keep to herself then talk and socialize with people. Some people think she is odd, but in truth, she just doesn't know anything. She doesn't really feel emotions or feelings for some reason and if it were the modern age, they would diagnose her with Depression. It wouldn't matter thought because she'll just sit at a table with a bunch of people and just space out when people try to talk to her. What most people call her is Feral, and wild because she acts more like an animal than a human, which is the way she likes it. She rarely smiles, and even rarely does she speak to people about anything. No one knows why she's like that, but sometimes some lucky traveler or hunter would come upon her in the forest when it's raining. Of course, they rarely ever make it back to their village to speak of her because of some 'unfortunate' accident. No one knows who or what she really is, but they do give her space.

Kyra was born of royal blood and actually came into this world when it was lightning, raining and thundering like crazy outside. Not many people noticed that though, because the next day her mother died by being struck by lightning. So, many people mourned in one home for their dead relative and in the next house, people were celebrating for the newborn baby. That is until a group of theives and thugs came and raided the village. Kyra's dad died by a knife in the back, when two of her brothers ran, leaving her in the house. There were very few survivors of the raid and her life would have been cut short if it weren't for Draco, the thief that killed her father. He had just happened to fall upon her when searching for any valuable items in the homes. Instead of killing her, he took her back to his village where he raised her along with his kids.
So, not knowing she was being raised by her father's murdered, Kyra grew up calling Draco 'daddy'. She also called Ravyn, and Kyo, Draco's children, her sister and brother. She never knew until she hit puberty and the Village council made her a threat to the village. They started saying the mark on her palm was bad luck and that she would probably turn on them. So, one day she went outside where an angry mob was waiting and they tried to kill her. They didn't though. Only because she destroyed them first. She had instinctively created a lightning storm and killed everyone by electrocuting them when they started to harm her family. Apalled by the damage she had caused, she left and just began to wander from place to place.

Other: nope

Status: She's single and often doesn't hang around people so she never really thought about caring about someone.

So begins...

Kyra's Story


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The pungent smell of sweat, horse manure, and ale entered Kyra's nostrils as she glared at the five boys. She was older but they out numbered her, and her odds weren't looking very good. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She thought as one of the boys rushed her and slammed her into the wall. The back of her head slammed into the wall and stars began to float around the boy's head. She shook off the dizziness and kicked feebly at the boy's ungaurded stomach. Bingo! The boy grunted before he pulled away and fell to the floor, wrapping his arms around his stomach. The other boys laughed as they approached her and began to throw her around. One boy would grab her then push her toward one of the other boys, causing her to lose focus. It went on like that for minutes before Kyra fell tripped and fell onto the ground. She opened her eyes and saw the mangled puppy she had tried to save on the ground across from her.

It's my fault, Kyra thought bitterly as she grappled with the memory of how she came upon the puppy. She had named it Sunshine because of it's golden fur but not that it was dead, the name didn't matter. All that mattered was that the stupid idiots surrounding her were the cause of the puppy's death. It was also partly her fault for being a fool for thinking she could avoid the crowded streets by going through the alleys. It was also her fault she hadn't been more alert and had seen them a minute early. It was her fault. It would always be her fault.

Kyra's self-pity and anger was stopped short as one of the boys kicked her in the stomach. The air whooshed out of her lungs and her chest began hurt as she started coughing. Instinctively, she had tried to curl into a ball but that only made it worse. The boys laughed, "What's that matter little girl? Can't find your puppy?"

Kyra gritted her teeth as her palm began to tingle as her stomach began to boil. The feeling slithered up her spine, making her purple eyes glow then the seering heat ran through her palm and into her fingers. "Go to... Hell!" Kyra screamed out the words as her right hand shot out and wrapped around one of the boy's ankles. She closed her eyes as she listened to the boy scream, and groan at the same time. She felt some of wet liquid fall onto her arm and only then did she let go. Eyes kept shut, she whimpered as she heard the boy fall. Hurried footsteps and scared murmers reached her ears as she opened her eyes. The other boys had left her, and their buddy behind. Angry, yet tired Kyra closed her eyes and began to crawl back into her fetal position, ignoring the smell of electrocuted flesh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Kabal Pyragni Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Anise Character Portrait: Sikes Character Portrait: Kira Aqaia
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Silvia stirred and woke up, blinking at the rays of sunlight beating down on her...and her guardian friend. She rolled over, pushing away a large bushy tail that had been her blanket for the previous night, taking a look to her side to find Fernis sound asleep, pink tongue hanging out. She threw her arms around the wolf's head and squeezed gently, rubbing her cheek against it.

"Fernis~Wake up~I'm thirsty. " she cooed to the big guy, who eventually whimpered good-naturedly and got up, shaking off dust from itself, while Silvia got up from her comfortable, mobile 'bed' and assisted in getting rid of the dust on Fernis. "Thanks for being a great place to sleep on."

Fernis proceeded to lick Silvia's face and she giggled, pushing it's snout away.

"Alright, alright, stinky breath! I got the message. We go now. A city's nearby and we're going to get water and a good scrubbing for your mouth. " she told Fernis, as she mounted the wolf. Fernis grunted and shook its head, apparently displeased with the 'scrubbing' part. She laughed and patted its neck, rubbing gently. The gigantic wolf slowly padded toward the direction of the city, gaining faster pace and eventually coming into a full-fledged gallop. Silvia rejoiced in the feeling of the wind upon her face, and it seemed Fernis did as well. They came to a halt in front of the city gates, two of the gates men pointing their swords at Fernis threateningly, Fernis growling before Silvia leapt down from her trusty steed and stood in front of the swords.

"He's mine. And he's harmless as long as no one hurts him or me. " she told the men, patting Fernis's snout, calming the wolf down into staring at the gates with yellow eyes that seemed far more intelligent that any other wolf. The men looked at each other, shrugged and stepped back.

"Thank you. I assure you, if Fernis hurts anybody without any reason, you may bring us both to custody and hang us from the gallows. " she held a fist, palm facing down, towards the men opened it, palm facing outwards towards the men, an Ancient Bear gesture to signify a promise. She kept a hand on Fernis's side as they both walked through the gates, leaving the men bewildered with what the gesture the white haired girl had done was.

Silvia and Fernis earned many stares from passerbys, her disinterested stare and Fernis's regal form seemed to repel the people and wherever they walked, people stayed out of her way. There was no doubting that this young lady was a warrior, Broken Oath was wrapped in a brown cloth and hung from her waist, her arms firm from wielding the greatsword around, yet not muscular, her tattered clothing that seemed as if she had been wearing them for long periods of time in the wilderness and the fact that a gigantic wolf listened to each and every one of her commands. To risk a fight with this girl would be mere suicide.


The wolf quickly bowed its head and whimpered softly. Silvia sighed before patting the wolf's snout. Her friend must've been hungry if it tried to take a snip at a piece of fresh meat from the roadside stalls without having her pay for it.

"We'll try and get food for the both of us. I just hope you don't eat everything up..." she told it, the wolf prodding it's snout on her back affectionately. "Alright~Alright~ I'll hurry up!"

There was no doubt the lady who was in charge of water was in shock when Silvia ordered for a large container of water, and Fernis poked his head through the door and gulped down the clear liquid, as did Silvia. At the butchers, Silvia just about bought every piece of meat from the store, not even spending up all the coins she got from raiding bandits. She had plenty. She sat on the stairs of the butcher's store and watched Fernis devour everything with gusto. When it was done, it licked Silvia's cheek, sending a large streak of red on it.

"Fernis~ " she whined playfully, wiping her cheek. "Full?" Fernis shoke its head. "But good enough?" Fernis bowed its head. "Good. Let's go. "

As she started to take a step forward, she felt a sharp jolt coming from within her, and a light stinging sensation from her left shoulder. What was going on? It was as if she could feel a presence, similar to how she felt the presence of a tree or forest animal... but this was felt more...intelligent...and somehow ancient yet young... She looked around trying to spot anyone that might have caused her such a reaction.

She saw a black haired man, a shepherdess and a man with long brown, chesnut coloured hair conversing with each other and another man with brown hair who seemed to be tending to a somewhat limp looking sheep which must've wandered off from its shepherdess. She ran over to the fallen animal as well, but as she passed by the other 3 people, she felt the stinging sensation grow stronger and she eventually had to bring her right hand up to grip her armor covered left shoulder. As she neared the sheep and the man, she felt another tugging jolt and she lurched forward, landing on her knees. What was going on?!

"Sheep? " she called out softly as Fernis followed shortly, a large animal that wouldn't go unnoticed. Silvia leaned in towards the sheep. It was starting to stir a little. She leaned closer and repeated her call again. The sheep stirred several times before staying still and Silvia thought it was dead...when it suddenly it bleated out loudly, surprising Silvia's poor heart as well as Fernis's. The sheep rolled over to an upright position and licked Silvia's cheek with its little tongue and bleated repeatedly. She smiled and patted the sheep for a few moments, cooing at it gently.

"There~Nothing's wrong I hope? " she asked, before a series of bleats took place as if telling her something and she turned towards the man beside her in realization. Her voice dangerously low. "You...? You kicked the sheep? " Deep growls started to emanate from Fernis's throat, directed at the man.

But before Silvia could continue, Fernis's attention shifted from the man and stared off somewhere, a deeper growl emanating from its throat before diminishing. Fernis yipped at Silvia before charging off in that direction. Silvia stood up, forgetting about the man who had kicked the sheep, caring only about Fernis's sudden reaction.

"FERNIS!!" she gave chase and finally found Fernis, towering over 4 boys who were cowering in fear, one was crying his eyes out. She strode over, placing a hand on Fernis's side.

"Alright. Spill it. What did you guys do? Fernis doesn't just run off after someone unless they mean alot to him or unless they did something bad. " she spoke out to them, staring at them with sharp, yellow-green eyes intended for intimidation, to add effect to her statement, Fernis growled. The boys shrunk back even more, as if trying to become a part of the ground and pointed at a nearby alley. Silvia walked over to the alley, the boys taking the opportunity to take off running. She hissed in annoyance, but when Fernis gave chase.

"Heel. Let them go Fernis. " and Fernis stopped, trotting back to Silvia's side as she looked into the alley to find a dead guy, seemingly burnt to a crisp, a girl curled up on the ground and a nearby mangled puppy. It pained her knowing fully well that the puppy was beyond saving...She felt the jolt again, and the stinging sensation on her left shoulder, but she walked towards the girl.

" okay? " she asked with a rare gentle voice that she reserved only for trees, animals or people she was close with. She placed a hand on the pink haired girl's shoulder while Fernis whimpered softly as it prodded the dead puppy with its snout.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Pristine
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Pristine felt something coming from a nearby alleyway and felt her feet walking in that direction. It wasn't long before she saw several young guys run past her as if the devil were on their heals. Walking further down she thought she heard someone speak. It wasn't a loud voice so it was hard to hear it. It wasn't long before she smell something horrid. Looking down, she saw a burned figure. Now that was a sight. It brought back memories of seeing her village destroyed. Shutting out the memory, she saw several figures ahead and instantly felt her dragon symbol heat up. Was this what she was feeling? It seemed to be coming from the two figures.

Uncertain what to do, Pristine stood there for a second before moving forward.

"Did something happen here?" she asked in a low voice.

Something told her that she needed to find out who these people were.


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Character Portrait: Kyra
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Kyra felt someone prod her shoulder, and, automatically, she thought it was the boys from before who'd probably come back for more. Anger caused the seering heat to surge through her fingers as she pulled away from the human hand on her shoulder. She stared at the ground ignoring the pain that came from putting weight on her blistered hands. Kyra pushed herself onto her feet and looked at the strange girl. Suprised by this kind stranger, Kyra slid a cool and collected mask on to hide her suprise, anger and sadness. Her once purple glowing eyes became dull and... normal, or at least as normal as they could get.

Kyra looked at Silvia and nodded her head as if saying thanks then she walked out of the alley as if nothing had just happened to her. Her chest hurt, and she had to resist the urge to check the back of her head. Instead of checking the back of her head, she pulled her hood on and manuevered her way through the crowds expertly. She passed the man on the ground with the sheep, and the some girl on the floor talking to a man standing over her. Her palm tingled but she ignored the pull and... The world spun and she stumbled as she tried to hold onto to something to hold her up. She grabbed a man's shoulder and he gave her look of disgust before shrugging her off. Kyra moaned as she fell over.

Kyra's ribs were probably bruised, and she most likely had a concussion but of course, she didn't care. She didn't care about anything except that every problem she ran into was her fault. Not anyone else, but her own damn fault. She never had anyone to blame but herself and that was something she wasn't doing now because... She blacked out as someone's foot stepped on her left hand.


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Character Portrait: Kyra
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"Kyra. Get up or you will perish. Get up!" Kyra blinked open her eyes whilepulling her left arm to her side protectively. It felt like someone had just stepped on it, which of course, really did happen. She dragged herself to her feet and started to walk back toward the alley she had tried to pass through before. Only to find it crowded there too with people. She had bolted from the alley but since she's been gone, it's looked as if more people had gone to hide there too.

There was only three of them, but that crowded enough for her liking. Kyra mentally bared her imaginary teeth at them but in real life she just stared at them. She ignored the carcass of her once playful puppy and focused on the two leggers. They were talking, but she didn't understand, and she didn't want to understand their language. It was if she just another animal while they, the so-called humans, talked about politics and of wars long since passed. She was just an another animal to them, another animal to poke and prod with their spears and swords. Angered coursed through her veins, but she did nothing and showed nothing of what she was feeling.


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Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine
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Silvia smiled warmly at the girl as she nodded. Probably to say thanks? But there was something awfully off about her... her eyes? Before she could continue asking her what was going on...

"Did something happen here?" Silvia turned towards the shorter white haired girl nearby. Silvia placed the tips of her fingers on her shoulders and flipped them forwards, palm facing upwards.

"I just came here and found her like this...along with some boys who ran away. " She pointed at the electrocuted boy of a boy. "Now, THAT, I'm not sure. "

She returned her gaze to the girl with pink hair but she was gone. Silvia blinked. Did she run off that quick? Fernis's whimper grew even more distressed as it prodded the dead puppy's corpse harder.

"Fernis..." she walked over to place a hand on its face. "'s dead. " as she said it, she could feel her eyes stinging. After living in the wild for such a long time, she developed more empathy for creatures compared to humans, or maybe it's because she's never witness the death of a human friend...considering how she never stayed long in a city or town. And to be honest... a majority of the humans were... beyond loving. Crimes are committed by humans, not creatures. Humans kill others for their own benefits, while animals do so for food and survival. Fernis whimpered again as Silvia went over to pick up the dead puppy, cradling it.

"Do you mind filling in my team?" seemed like a drunkard was asking them to join his team...but...

"Team of what? For what? " she asked the man, pulling out her disinterested stare again. Suddenly, the girl with pink hair came back to the alley and stood there staring at them. She smiled at the girl, while Fernis began to circle the 4 humans.


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Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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#, as written by Fencer
Shivir was surprised for what he had done but had no regrets, no matter what he wasn't going to miss this opportunity. The problem was how to convince them, something like "Well I want to win to be close to the King and see if I can kill him" doesn't sound very convincing much less coming from a man who obviously just wake up after a drunken night, besides nobody would help him after hearing something like that.
He was thinking when once again felt the unfamiliar sensation in the mark he had in the back followed by the appearance of a pink-haired girl, that was pretty weird considering that until the moment he was in front of these people had never happen anything like that, but at least there was a possible new member for his team.

The wolf's girl looked at him holding a dead puppy while the big canine walked around them, and the cloaked one did the same thing, two questions came from two different sources one answer easier than the other.

"Why should I join you?" asked the cloaked one

Indeed there lay the problem, why should they join him? he was trying solve that in his mind, the hangover didn't go and seemed that would last at least for another hour, suddenly a gust of wind made him reflexively put his guard, to his surprise the mark on the back for the third time provoked that mysterious feeling and to his fortune the wind came from a girl who wanted to join his team, "Accepted" replied without hesitation and without asking name or skills or anything that, his plan was the plan of a drunk with a grudge, may not be the most viable but it was all he had.

"First, the team is for the tournament in this city" answered the girl with the dead puppy, couldn't remember the name of the tournament and didn't matter much.
"Second, as I said I just need to fill up to a team, don't really have to do anything more that just stand ther and you can keep the prize money I don't want it" in the end decided to go with the truth, but also had other excuses to try convice them just in case.

Now had to prove he could back up his words, Shivir raised his right palm and quickly began to form a sphere with water drawn from the humidity, his first thought was to fake an attack with the water collected but the wolf would probably misunderstood everything and tear his throat so he decided to show control rather than strength, with a wave of his hand the sphere rose rapidly and then began to fall as rain on that area,his control over the water made ​​the raindrops dodge everyone there so no one got wet under that artificial rain, not even the wolf, hopefully that will be enough to show that he's reliable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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Kyra studied their features including the wolf's before she took one hesitant step toward them. Her hair fell in her face which was good because when the alchohol smelling guy did some weird water trick they began to glow. He was a threat, she could feel it in her veins, but it was actually the tingley feeling coming from her palm that was becoming more pronouced. She glanced down at her palm to see it glowing a white rage blue. She didn't let out a sound, she didn't look startled, but she did clench it into a fist and held it tightly to her side. The water trick was probably freaking her out that much. Angry with herself for not knowing why her mark was glowing, she looked away from the guy and stared at the fried boy still lying in the alley.

Kyra's blood boiled at just looking at him, but she also felt a bit guilty for killing him. It wasn't intentional, but she had done it based on her instincts and apparently when she did listen to her instincts, bad things always seemed to happen.

Kyra turned back to the guy and gals who were talking now. She tried to tune back into their conversation that seemed to be about... Joining the tournament?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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((How in the world did one group have 1 guy and a bunch of girls and another with 1 girl and a bunch of guys? lol Btw, just to remind everyone, my char is covered in a cloak so they don't know she has white hair.))

Pristine watched the interaction around her. The male smelled drunk, among other things. The one with the wolf had this calm demeanor about her that eased Pristine for some reason. Or was it the way she treated the dead puppy. Seeing that almost made her break down for she liked animals. However her heart was so tattered and frozen that she couldn't bring tears to her eyes. Not to mention she didn't want to show any weakness in front of strangers, like the other girl did. The one who freaked out looked like she could lose it at any moment. In the past, Pristine was always able to comfort people, but now she didn't think she could do any good. She felt her dragon mark react again when another person appeared and said she'd join the tournament.

Follow them. a voice told her, whom she knew to be her dragon.

Sighing Pristine knew what she must do.

"Fine, I'll join." she said simply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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A team for a tournament in the city? And what's this about prize money and about not having to do anything more than just stand there? The man who was speaking began to form a sphere of water on his right palm, she could detect no sense of malice from the alcohol-smelling man and she looked at Fernis to judge its reaction. Fernis continued to moved around in a circle, watching them, not even holding its glance on the man with the water sphere for more than a second. He was no threat then, Fernis was the perfect judge for that.

She watched as the man displayed his control over the water sphere, bringing it up into the air and making it fall like rain over them, the water droplets not touching any part of her and as she looked around, it wasn't touching anyone else either, not even Fernis. She was impressed, and enjoyed the view as the water fell around them. She smiled a little. She also looked at the newcomer who immediately listed herself as a participant in said tournament. Energetic as a little puppy.

"A tournament in the city with prize money, huh? Another one of those weird fights that humans do for money. " she mused, knowing fully well the tournaments that the Ancient Bears ever took part of was for a display of power or for the rights over a mate, and sometimes, a tournament was even held to promote friendship. If any of the tribesbears were belittled or made fun of, a tournament was also held to prove its strength, thereby silencing any complaints. Tournaments held for leadership was also there. Maybe...

"I'll think about it. " she told the guy. Her left shoulder began to sting again, as if telling her it was a bad move, but she ignored it. Instead, she held her right hand diagonally on her chest and moved it downwards and placing it on her side. Ancient Bear's gesture for the right to be excused. Instantly, Fernis pranced over to her side like an oversized puppy and trotted along with her.

"We need to bury our friend here, don't we Fernis? " she asked the wolf as she walked away from the alley, cradling the dead, mangled, golden furred puppy. Fernis grunted as an affirmative.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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Kyra watched the wolf and the girl, Silvia, begin to bury her puppy. She didn't didn't want to watch, so instead started working on a storm. A storm that would at least keep her concious and keep her from doing something she'd regret.

The clouds above the city began to move together, as if they were being pulled to one center. They became one giant cloud, dooming the city into a melcholy shade. With the sun gone, Kyra gave her head a little nod, meaning that yes she would join the drunk man's little crew. She didn't know why, but that it was almost like someone were telling her to join. As soon as she confirmed her answer, water began to fall from the clouds, as mourning too of the loss of another innocent being. Thunder boomed loudly, as lightning bolts began to appear. They didn't hit the town, but flashed then disappeared, and begin anew. It gave Kyra hope, but to others, not so much. She looked out of the alley to see people muttering and growling with anger at the beauty before them.

They didn't understand that the storm above was a blessing. It was beautiful and natural, yet they thought it was a bad omen, a danger. Yes it was dangerous, and it could kill them in a heartbeat. Kyra's eyes glittered at the sight of the crowds beginning to lessen, just a tiny bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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Pristine looked about as the one girl caused the weather to change. She could here the thunder and see lightning as the rain fell. Unlike the majority of the people in the city, she welcomed the rain. The city needed a good cleaning anyway. Looking at the girl whom she felt caused this, she felt her dragon symbol react again. She turned back to the burnt body and figured something out. The girl was a Lightning wielder. She guess the girl with the wolf was a power wielder too and it was obvious the guy was a water wielder. She could sense magic from the violet hair girl too. This couldn't be coincidence. Could it be possible? Pristine knew that eventually she'd had a destiny to fullfill and it included joining with the other Dragon Soul Wielders. That meant . . . . she would have to find Sikes too. Thinking about him made her frozen and shattered heart hurt and she felt anger rise too. Quickly disregarding such thoughts, Pristine turned to the others.

"I have a question for all of you. I can feel magic coming from each of you and I've felt something coming from a mark I have on my lower back. I have the symbol of the dragon there. Any one of you have the same mark?" she asked suddenly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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#, as written by Fencer
With the acceptance of the cloaked girl the man had two members for his team, the wolf's girl walked away saying that she would think about, that answer wasn't so bad, not bad, was much better than a flat denial, Shivir looked to the pink-haired small one who nodded slightly, probably in relation to joinning the team.
While the water wielder was thinking that it would have been better to allow his rain think fall over him to see if that cooled him a bit and helped ease the headache the small girl caused a rain of her own, though it was more like a storm, Shivir never raised the idea of ​​altering the climate of an entire city but if she wanted to do he wasn't going to stop her, the more water the better he felt also the rain really cooled him.

Although he never thought about make them fight, his naive and arrogant idea was fight by himself, for now his team has elements that support each other, his Water, Lightning of the small one, Shivir assumed that the first girl to volunteer to be part of the team was Wind wielder considering the first gust, and the cloaked girl with unknown element, the wolf's girl was a mystery too and he was still unsure how convince her, he was wondering how he can do it when the girl of unknown element made ​​a strange question.

"I have a question for all of you. I can feel magic coming from each of you and I've felt something coming from a mark I have on my lower back. I have the symbol of the dragon there. Any one of you have the same mark?" she asked suddenly.

The mark of a Dragon?, That was a strange question, indeed he also had a mark on his back but had never seen or had given much importance, the closest he had been to see the mark was as a kid and his friends sketched something similar, needless to say that the artistic skills of children weren't the best.
Sighed and began to take off his now dirty and wet white coat and then continued with the blue shirt he wore underneath and turned his back to the girl who asked, "With mark, Are you talking about something like this?", He never gave much importance to that mark and wielders weren't so rare, of course in place he lived on he was a show but for the rest of the world was just another wielder, only stronger than average.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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Kyra's face turned red when the drunk guy began to take his shirt off. She turned away not wanting to see skin so she began to count the normal people passing by the alley. One, two, three, four, five, six,... She stopped at forty when something odd happened. Her palm began to hurt, like really hurt. It was like someone just stabbed her hand with a burning hot fire poker and yes, she did know how that felt. The pain began to intensify, but this was Kyra, like the only Kyra in the world who excelled at hiding her emotions from the people around her.

Say something! Kyra opened her mouth, as if to say something but snapped it shut before glancing back at the crowds to count people again. Just like counting sheep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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(OOC: The others, eg. Sikes, since he knows what the Marks mean, don't know about this. So Sikes can either find out about Silvia's Mark during the tournament itself or some other way.)

"I have a question for all of you. I can feel magic coming from each of you and I've felt something coming from a mark I have on my lower back. I have the symbol of the dragon there. Any one of you have the same mark?"

Silvia didn't look up, although she heard the question very well despite the downpour. Instead, she patted the last of the wet dirt onto the mound that the puppy was buried in. She had buried the puppy beneath a tree, something that she found acceptable and a perfect grave. She nodded, then leaned in to whisper something to the tree. As she finished and pulled away, words began to carve themselves into the base of the tree, forming an epitaph.

'Here lies a friend. A friend unknown, a friend never met, but a friend all the same. '

It was simple, but simple was the best. Silvia stood up, satisfied, while Fernis prodded the tree with its snout before following Silvia back to the alley. Despite being soaked to the skin, Silvia didn't bother. The first and grime from her clothes and skin were being washed off, and her fair skin was beginning to reveal itself. She was there just in time to see the drunk stranger that had asked them to join the tournament stripping off all his upper clothing. A small flush formed on her cheeks, but she wasn't very bothered by it. After all... his Mark was there. On his back. So it seemed that two of them had well as herself.

"You should be careful in revealing stuff like never know if you're a target for people because of that Mark. " she warned, stepping closer and began to unbound her armored shoulder piece. She removed it and displayed her own Mark to the others. The Mark was now beginning to feel warm despite the chill, as if grateful for the revelation. She bounded the shoulder piece back onto her shoulder and glanced at the other two.

"I know what it is. My grandfather told me about it. " she told them. What she hadn't counted on was meeting the others who had the same mark.

Suddenly, Fernis sneezed, spraying Silvia with rain water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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Yuzumi smiled as the guy accepted her to part of his team but then her, what she call birth mark, started burning a bit. She winced a bit and got confused, "That's weird. Usually my healing abilities would kick in right now."


Yuzumi looked up and saw it started raining. She quickly pulled her hood up so that her head can be kept dry. She looked at the others and saw their serious expressions with each other and giggled quietly, "Such serious people. They'll get wrinkles fast that way."

"I have a question for all of you. I can feel magic coming from each of you and I've felt something coming from a mark I have on the lower back. I have the symbol of the dragon there. Any one of you have it?" a question that was asked by the white haired girl.

This question sparked the lavender haired girl's curiosity. Slowly the others started to show their own dragon marks and this surprised her, "How could this be?" she asked herself as she unconsciously touch her own mark.

Then the blonde haired girl started explaining that those have it shouldn't reveal it because it would be a reason to be a target. Hearing this, she became a bit hesitant on revealing her own mark. She took one deep breathe, "A Kyuro is faces danger with one swift move."

She then started to remove one sleeve of her jacket to reveal her own dragon mark, "I have this awesome dragon mark on my right arm." she grinned, "I think it's just awesome to have a mark like this."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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Pristine listened to the others before merely nodding. The Lightning Wielder's reaction to what was happening was amusing, but Pristine felt a stir of pity for her. She also figured out that the girl with the wolf was Wood wielder based on how she buried the puppy. Now that she knew that all of them were Dragon Soul Wielders, she suppose to better start explaining things to them. She turned to Silvia about her comment.

"I wouldn't have revealed such a thing if I wasn't certain about it. Might one of you want to see to that poor girl there. She looks like she's in pain." she said, pointing to Kyra.

Her dragon felt that Pristine could be nicer, but Pristine felt she was in no position to truly help someone and hated herself for it. She was hiding her vulnerability by being a bit terse and rude.

"Since one of you knows about the mark, this make things easier for me to explain. Who ever holds the dragon mark is a Dragon Soul wielder. There's one for each element. Each of you has a dragon residing within, always trying to guide you. Again, I wouldn't tell you guys this if you didn't bear those marks. I would explain more, but it's very late and pouring. I suggest we find shelter. I am assuming that one of us has to sign in for this tournament. Hey Waterboy, since it was your idea we become a team, you ought to do it." she suggested.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine
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Kyra glared at the others, especially Pristine for even having to talk about her. She didn't like being noticed, in fact she liked being in the shadows where no one saw her. It was alot more beneficial, and... Safe. Kyra looked away again to count 'sheep' as they passed by but then stiffened. The blazing heat in her palm was growing and reaching out to her fingers. I have control. I have control. I... don't have control. I have to get away. The stupid storm she had created was causing her to lose control of the... What did the other girl call it? Dragon soul power, or whatever it was. The uncontrollable feeling always came randomly and it never bothered her, at least until now.

Kyra turned back to the others and ducked her head as if to say, 'I'll be right back'. She turned and darted into the crowd, away from the group. She dodged, and weaved through the crowds expertly, making sure to clench her fist to her chest.

Kyra looked upwards to see a barn of some sort. She let out a soft sigh of relief before entering it and closing the door discreetly. The warm aroma of hay, wood, and dusk entered her lungs, as she unclenched her fist. Finally. As if someone just pulled the lid off a volcano, the energy escape through her hands. Lightning bolts jumped and lunged forward, touching the ground, the walls as if they were exploring. They didn't touch the bales of hay near her, but the did left little burn marks on the walls. Her purple eyes also began to glow dangerously.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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#, as written by Fencer
Shivir watched the different reactions with some interest, the little pink haired turned red before looking away, the wolf's girl also had a small moment of blushed but quickly recovered, the cloaked one ignored him completely and the wind one don't seemed disturbed then he realized that had done something a little insensate, even though he saw nothing but girls they didn't stop being women so it was obvious that some of them would be uncomfortable when a man began to undress out of nowhere, well at least paid off and discovered that apparently everyone here had a similar mark, since he had never seen it he couldn't be sure but at least the wolf's girl and the wind one were identical they just were on different locations, one in the shoulder and the other on the arm so wouldn't be so strange that in the one he has on his back had the sane meaning as theirs and he didn't care.

The blonde said it was dangerous but he didn't care, the blue haired girl said was so amazing to have a mark like that but he didn't care, for Shivir was only a mark that had never bothered his life to this day, the cloaked girl finally gave her statement:

"Since one of you knows about the mark, this make things easier for me to explain. Who ever holds the dragon mark is a Dragon Soul wielder. There's one for each element. Each of you has a dragon residing within, always trying to guide you. Again, I wouldn't tell you guys this if you didn't bear those marks. I would explain more, but it's very late and pouring. I suggest we find shelter. I am assuming that one of us has to sign in for this tournament. Hey Waterboy, since it was your idea we become a team, you ought to do it." she suggested.

According to her story he has to assume that the soul of a dragon lead him to get drunk and end up sleeping in an alley then wake up with hangover and lost himself faced with the chance of attacking the king, it wasn't easy to believe, he raised his right hand and prepared to stop the rain, Shivir wanted to hear more about that story of Dragon Soul wielders and if the rain was a hindrance to that could just get rid of it, closed his eyes to concentrate but stopped when realized he wasn't really interested in the whole thing, not when he had his team ready, lifted his clothes and began to dress again, the pink haired was leaving the place announcing that she would return soon, that was problematic, "I have no problem with sign up, just tell me your names" only knew the name of the wind girl, Yuzumi something "Little girl" told the cloaked girl smiling as recalled how she called him 'Waterboy' "you can go to find the girl who brought this rain and then look somewhere we can talk in quiet, by the way my name is Shivir Nibelhiem and as long as is raining I will not have troubles finding you" wasn't entirely true, if they entered an inn or something he wouldn't be able to find them with his skills but with a wolf of that size the places they could choose were limited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Character Portrait: Silvia GladeO'Rose Character Portrait: Shivir Nibelhiem Character Portrait: Pristine Character Portrait: Yuzumi Kyuro
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"Since one of you knows about the mark, this make things easier for me to explain. Who ever holds the dragon mark is a Dragon Soul wielder. There's one for each element. Each of you has a dragon residing within, always trying to guide you. Again, I wouldn't tell you guys this if you didn't bear those marks. I would explain more, but it's very late and pouring. I suggest we find shelter. I am assuming that one of us has to sign in for this tournament. Hey Waterboy, since it was your idea we become a team, you ought to do it."

Yuzumi was still in shock when she heard that what she has on her right arm that she thinks is awesome was the mark of a Dragon Soul Wielder, "So she's saying that each of us have one elemental power because there's this dragon inside our bodies and that it tries to guide us?" she then smiled to herself, "Awesome." but then frowned a bit, " So why haven't I heard from my dragon yet?"

She watched the pink haired girl dashed to somewhere else but said that she would return, "I hope she would be okay." then she turned back to the others and the blue haired leader said that they should look for her and that they would go somewhere quiet to talk later on. She learned that his name was Shivir Nibelhiem and that he would find them as long as it's raining.

Yuzumi did a salute towards Shivir, "Aye aye, Captain!" then went towards him seeing that it looks like he was having a massive head ache and touched his head. A gentle blow of wind blew on his head, blowing the pain away, "There. I hope the head ache is gone, Shivir." she said before speeding away to find the pink haired girl. The last thing she heard from the group was, "Hold up...Does that mean this...stinging sensation I've been feeling was the dragon trying to alert me about the presence of other Dragon Soul Wielders?"