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Shuala Chanoni

0 · 309 views · located in The World of Serva

a character in “Levantine”, as played by onetrickpony


Name: Shuala Chanoni
Age: 22
Gender: female
Appearance: She is a petite and coltish girl often swallowed by her wardrobe, a giant deep crimson cape generally surrounds her entire form. Beneath, a white, fluttering, loose-fitting tunic. Her fair skin is littered with freckles and lightly tanned from long days drifting in the golden hours of the day. Her face is sprightly and round, small rosey lips seemed permanently pursed into a mischievous smirk. Her cheeks are always rosy, giving a good-natured playful feel to her expression, but her biting eyes always imply the contrary. Deep amber colored orbs float behind a disheveled mahogany colored hair, glinting and toying with their subject. As a shape-shifter, she often takes the form of various woodland creatures she's fond of.

Nationality: Sergad

Power Name/Effect: She has the ability to shape-shift. She must understand her subject, study their every behavior, essentially, get inside their very being before she can imitate their form. The art takes a long time to master, so she generally sticks to a few choice forms: A fox, sparrow, owl, doe, and a wolf in battle. She often secretly takes the form of her dead brother when alone.
Weapon(If your character uses one): She generally fights using a pair of elongated daggers sheathed near her boot when in human form.

Personality: Impish and conniving, Shuala loves to play tricks on people. Taking delight in the manipulation of those around her, it's difficult to decipher what is the truth and what is a lie. Studying and reading people are important for her ability, so it isn't rare for her to use these abilities to wreak mental havoc for the hell of it. When she laughs, it's generally at the expense of others, and a biting sarcasm is stained on her entire being. She isn't one to avoid altercations, and in fact, relishes in them.

Bio: As a child, she grew up on a small farm within a dense wood, away from most civilization. She had two older brothers, so she grew to be quite a tomboy, casting away femininity with disdain. Her father and her brothers tended to the crops as well as cut wood, fashioning it into the most fantastic furniture, instruments, and trinkets which her father would often travel to the cities to sell. She saw herself as a lump of wood, about to whittle whatever she would like out of it. Her mother often played music, and she heard whispers from her brothers that she was once a renowned musician. Her father was a gruff man, but she did not need affection to know he loved her. Her brothers loved her and showered her with attention. Many hours were spent playing hero with makeshift swords fashioned from scrap wood. They would crash through the wood, pursuing imaginary demons, and collapse in the fields, chewing idly at sweet grass and giving name to the clouds. They made up their own myths and histories, unfamiliar and ignorant to things acknowledged as common sense to most.

At eleven, she took in an injured sparrow. This allowed her to study it's strange form and characteristics. They definitely though differently than a person. She began to imagine herself as a sparrow, reacting to different stimuli as though she were the tiny frail bird. Her brothers thought her strange for pretending, but she found it fun. She began fantasizing that she could fly. One day, leaning heavily upon the window sill, she imagined herself flying to a branch just outside the window as the sun was setting. She closed her eyes and felt her arms beating in the circular strokes, her legs growing thin and reversing, and feathers covering and warming her body. She attributed this to her fantastical mind, though it felt so real, but as she suddenly opened her eyes, she realized her arms were covered in feathers, and her legs had mutated. The transformation was far from complete--how could an eleven year old truly understand the physiology of a sparrow?--but this unleashed a new realm to the tiny girl. She began spending all her days hiding in the wood, practicing her transformation. She was able to shrink her size, and grow a partial beak. The more she understood and noticed, the further she could transform. One day, while she was practicing becoming a hare, she smelled the deep stench of oak burning in the distance. A fire had consumed the entire wood, and was raging towards her humble home. She raced towards her home, unable to concentrate on a full transformation, part human, part deer, with the feathers of an owl agitated upon her back. Her eyes wildly searched for her family. Her father and her brothers were attempting to fight back the flames. When her oldest brother turned and saw her, he was overcome with shock and horror. It was at that moment that the barn collapsed overhead, burying her family beneath the burning rubble. She tried to save them, the scars from those horrific burns still haunt her hands to this day. She can hide them at will now, but usually allows them to show, not wanting to forget.

Theme Song: Shostakovich String Quartet No. 8 in C Minor (III)

I understand.

So begins...

Shuala Chanoni's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shuala Chanoni Character Portrait: Anyu Vakartia Character Portrait: Oan Mkoll Character Portrait: Adrian Fenris Character Portrait: Jake Darren
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Serrin's cold eyes fell upon the city of Merris below. He stood atop a clock tower, overlooking the large city. He watched the people below, with a hint of disgust. These people, who cared nothing for the lives of others, would do anything to make their own lives easier, even if it meant pushing all of their problems onto others. Rana appeared beside him.

"Oh, will you look at all the people. This city is quiet lively, unlike that town in the middle of nowhere you came from." She joked. Serrin turned his eyes to her.

"I do not like this place. Why are we here?" He asked in a cold tone. Rana merely smiled.

"Well, we need information..." She started. Serrin sighed.

"What kind of information?" He asked in an irritated tone. Rana gave a small grin.

"The kind that tells us who will try to stop us, and what they are capable of." She pointed towards the fountain. "There are people there who have abilities, just like you."

"What makes you think they will attempt to stop us? They barely have a grasp on their powers, much less what we are up to. They will prove to be no threat." Serrin said. Rana put her hand on his shoulder.

"They were given those powers for the soul purpose of stopping us. Even if they don't know, they will instinctively come against us. It's just in their nature to do so, so it would be smart to see what they are capable of now." Rana explained. Serrin sighed and snapped his fingers, his four undead servants appearing.

"Then let us crush them now to be rid of them once and for all." Serrin was ready to give the order to attack when Rana stopped him.

"Even you don't have perfect control of your power yet. Even if you sent them all, they would probably be defeated. Even though that doesn't matter seeing as they are immortal as long as you are alive, it is never wise to show all of your cards to your enemies. I suggest sending one to gauge the enemies' strength." Rana suggested. Serrin nodded.

"Shyu. Go and test their power return if you start to have problems." Serrin commanded. The legendary hero of Coora stepped forward.

"I understand. I will return shortly. Please wait for me." She said softly as she leaped of the building, landing in the middle of the fountain area. As she landed, a blizzard formed over the city, as snow raged to the ground.