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Life Sentence

Planet Earth


a part of Life Sentence, by phantasms.


phantasms holds sovereignty over Planet Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

738 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

kind of based on suicide squad. ??\_(???)_/??


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Planet Earth is a part of Life Sentence.

5 Characters Here

Jacy Malenko [8] #001492
Arabella King [8] #004329
Vincentius Spencer [8] #000666
Fujie Yamabe [8] #003218
Aloysia Weber [0] #000345

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4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella King Character Portrait: Vincentius Spencer Character Portrait: Fujie Yamabe Character Portrait: Jacy Malenko
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0.00 INK

Good evening agents. I hope you four are wearing your party clothes, though the meaning of party differs a bit more than usual. We understand that you four couldn't examine the layout of the ship, but we have provided each of you a map to remedy this problem. The gold bars we request are in the cabin deck. The ship can be occupied by up to 200 people with a rather extravagant ballroom on it's main deck. Be sure to keep an eye out on the sun deck as this is the extraction point.

Agent #000666 will assume the role of the president of an real estate and oil company due to his skills in diplomacy and deception. Your name will be Arturo Santo and you will be of Italian descent. Remember to do your research and an accent. Agent #004329 and Agent #001492 will appear as the bodyguards of #000666. You will both be allowed to carry concealed hand guns and agent #004329 will carry a suitcase that contains a laptop that she will use to gain control of the cameras and alarm system. Agent #003218 will assume the role of one of the waitresses. She will use her extensive knowledge of toxins to prevent Victor Noel from consuming something he shouldn't. Also, she will watch for Adelard Jules as he will most likely try to kill Victor via poisons which can only be down if he gains access of the kitchen.

Good luck and don't make us kill you.

4:00 PM

The words echoed in her head especially the last ones. She was still a rookie despite being a part of the organization for around 8 years. Every mission brought an anxious feeling to her chest. Would she be the one they pull the plug on?

The air filled with chatter. To be completely honest, Ara was out of her element. Although she enjoyed meeting new people, she preferred 1 on 1 confrontations instead of a congested crowd of people who sport ulterior motives. She isn't given much of a choice, so she quickly dismissed the thought. The air was dimly lit with lampposts that lined the stone walkway. Her group of 3 quickly boarded the vessel.

The interior was quite impressive. The ballroom windows were impressive in size and were draped by a dark red curtain. A lavish banquet filled the middle of the room while chandeliers hung from the ceiling. A large stair case that split into two on opposite ends stood in the very north with a large throne that peered over the area. As a complete contrast of the regal setting, a DJ stood on the stair case. Stairs that led up to the top were accessible by a 4 doors that were in every corner of the room. A doorway leading to the kitchen stood on the very left. Waiters and waitresses bounced about, giving out drinks and light cuisine. A waiter offered some champagne tot he group, but Ara politely declined.

While Vincentius made small talk with he many presidents and CEO of various companies, Ara tug at the fabric of her suit. It definitely didn't feel the best on the skin, but she didn't have much of a choice in the matter. How do men cope with these ties?" The thought crossed her mind and left just as quickly.

The sound of a microphone being tapped echoed throughout the banquet hall. Ara sighed and showed signs of dissatisfaction as the king made his speech. "Greetings all! I hope you all are doing as well as I am. Anyways, I have invited you all here for one reason and one reason only. To party! So get out there meet some new people, the love of your life! You can thank me later." Accompanied with a bow. After the speech ended, the ballroom filled with music and people did their affairs.

After an hour transpired, Ara tapped Jacy on the shoulder twice to signify that she was going. She walked towards the door leading to the washroom. The mission has started.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella King Character Portrait: Vincentius Spencer Character Portrait: Fujie Yamabe Character Portrait: Jacy Malenko
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0.00 INK

"How blessed are some people,
whose lives have no fears,
no dreads; to whom sleep
is a blessing that comes nightly,
and brings nothing but
sweet dreams."

"Piacere di conoscerti." Spoken fluently in his so-called mother language, Italian. It wasn't difficult really as his original life had provided more experience in dealing with such people who believed that money and status were the only things needed in life.That it would be able to fulfill the vast emptiness that is man's greed. Well, he should stop there. That is not what's important at that moment. He is nothing more but Arturo Santo here to serve as ordered, an elite CEO covering real estate and oil as his major business. He had experience with real estate and oil trades before as those were one of the auxiliary assets of his nobility once upon a time. He also did additional research since times might have change the procedures of such management.

Anyway, he would say that the people circling him like seeing glittering gold would ensure he carried his identity for this scenario well. It had also helped more than ever that he looked extremely handsome with his tailored suit and tie. Ladies were flirting with him with such lasciviousness. He could not help but want to bite into them literally and drained them of their lives.

He continued with the social norms to draw them in, but not too much as to warrant any discerning eye to invoke suspicion. Just the right amount of curiosity and popularity that would be perfect for interruption if need be. "Ah yes, I would assume that stock would plummet, but I had prepared and therefore" He paused for a moment and, "Magnifico." He kissed the tips of his fingers which earned quite the jolly reply from the group of people he was conversing with.

That was how Vincentius continued on as he was followed by his so-called companions who are now his bodyguards for now. He allowed them quite free movement but nothing that can be viewed as overly. Once the host of the party had announced his opening remarks. The party reignited further. Events like this never changed even throughout the ages. In any case, he glanced towards his two companions, very briefly before continuing his conversations. After all, they have their roles for the moment. And his, is being Arturo Santo.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella King Character Portrait: Vincentius Spencer Character Portrait: Fujie Yamabe Character Portrait: Jacy Malenko
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jorxio

"Why'd it have to be a ship?"

The complaint had been muttered more than a few times tonight, each repetition accompanied by a napkin dabbing the sweat from his brow and a straightening of his sunglasses. There was an amount of envy welling up within the pit of his stomach, alongside whatever else had been churning all night, towards the occupants of the fancy affair. The way they seemed to chat with one another so absentmindedly, the way they walked so gracefully from place to place, and worst of all the way they seemed perfectly fine with enjoying food. Between his own uneasiness and the enjoyment of the partygoers, sickening simply didn't do it all justice. However, despite his own motion sickness, Jacy kept his mind focused on the task at hand. He frequently ran it through his head, over and over, in hopes to take his mind off the situation. Periodically there would be a moment of fiddling with his ear-piece, or tugging the strap of his holster. Anything to keep himself from dwelling on his ailment. After all, he was incredibly aware of how difficult it becomes to 'lay low' after letting your lunch up.

"Y'don't want a repeat of the nightclub incident. Focus. Breathe..."

"...How's the bastard do it?"

It wasn't until he caught the garnet glint of Vincentius' eyes that Jacy realized the dirty look he must have had on his face. With a short breathe he rectified himself, aligning his tie and his posture before concentrating on his role; Intimidating bodyguard. Specifically 'intimidating' in order to compensate for co-worker. The simple idea of Ara guarding anything put a grin on his face. Occasionally Jacy would glance and find that he'd lost her in the crowd. When he did have a clear line of sight, he was forced to stifle the chuckle that came with catching a glimpse of her best toy soldier impression. Thankfully, muscle was not high in demand when dealing with a ballroom of luxury-living business owners, and tipsy, fancy-pants patrons. As tempting as the free flow of liquor and unwatchful eyes were on his habits, he made an effort to keep his eyes off the drinks for two reasons; One reason being that he grew weaker in constitution with each glance. The other being that he could only presume that Fujie was mingled in the crowd somewhere. Frankly, he could never quite read the woman and dropping dead from a poison filled drink would, assumably, put a damper on the room's mood. These things in mind, he reined himself in, never straying too far from Vincen-...Arturo Santo's side. Occasionally a passerby would step a bit too close or try to penetrate the circle of conversation, only to be stopped short by a stiff-arm to the chest and the same short-lines:

"Not so close to Mr. Santo."

"Mr. Santo. This woman would like a word with you."

"Watch yourself around Mr. Santo."

Before long the routine became instinct. Jacy would gaze off into the crowd and listen to the rumble of hundreds of voices, only to be brought to attention as a body drew in close or brushed beside him. When he received a couple taps on the shoulder he obliviously went to brush away the person, until the sight of Arabella departing snapped him back to reality. Briefly there was hesitation, before a wave of elation washed over him. That listless feel of patience was replaced with the growing titillation of work, and it coaxed a sharp grin out of Jacy. Promptly, he glanced over his shoulder towards Vincent, his smirk remaining even as he gave a short nod. Now it was a simply matter of playing the waiting game.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella King Character Portrait: Vincentius Spencer Character Portrait: Fujie Yamabe Character Portrait: Jacy Malenko
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: Cruise Shipxxx


xxx"i am as chil as ice
xxxas for you you've become boring
xxxuse your brain, it's become loose
xxxkick the predictable love."
Fujie hadn't even been on the ship long enough for any reasonable person to draw conclusion, but she's still hated it. The salty smell of the area that the ocean's breeze carried through each of the quarters, mixed with the different scents of different expensive perfumes gave Fujie a headache. Despite all of that and the constant rocking of the giant hulk this era's people call a cruise ship, she was here to complete the mission her and some other numbers were assigned.The mission had to do with some rich man and stealing his money, the usual. Except, this time they weren't exactly killing the target. Fujie's job was to keep this man from dying, to her misfortune, but at least she's alive so she'll live with the fact. The hard part wasn't keeping Victor alive, it was trying to keep Adelard alive. Fujie had a small danger strapped to her thigh just in case she needed to make a nonlethal incision somewhere, just in case one of the other numbers couldn't take him out. Her first plan was to try to get Adelard to drink some poison that would paralyze him temporarily, but seeing as how he hid also a specialist in poison Fujie doesn't know how much of a viable plan that actually is. Therefore, Plan B is the knife. She's sure another number will take care of that for her though.

Fujie mingled with random partygoers, making small talk while trying to see if one of their drinks had any signs of a poison. Since she was in a crowd full of people, it would be harder to detect poison since she could only use her eyes and not her mouth, nose, or fingers. So far, everything seemed okay. No one has dropped dead yet and I guess that was a positive. In the midst of the controlled chaos, Fujie saw Vincentius pretending to be of Italian descent. Arabella and Jay were nowhere to be seen so Fujie assumed the mission had already started. Fujie began to wander aimlessly around the room full of people, she was tempted to drink something but seeing as she couldn't gurgle the wine randomly to detect rotten oranges or whatever taste a poison could have, she opted out of having a small drink tonight. Fujie didn't know how many times it would take for her to weave to the crowd until people started questioning her sanity. Instead of trying to make a scene in an attempt to find an assassin, she stood by the door to the kitchen where people dressed in the same waiters uniform as her bustled in and out of the kitchen carrying various arays of tiny overpriced food that probably wouldn't even satisfy a homeless person. Well, waiting by the door was the plan, until she realize she was infant a waiter at the moment and she could go into the kitchen to see what kind of poisons she would have to be looking out for. She slipped into the kitchen in hopes of finding some useful information.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella King Character Portrait: Vincentius Spencer Character Portrait: Fujie Yamabe Character Portrait: Jacy Malenko
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0.00 INK

"At least the bathrooms are in good condition." Ara thought to herself. To do her "amazing" hacking. She needed a place without cameras. Of course, the washroom is a sufficient but gross choice.

The counters were made from granite with extravagant curtains draping every mirror. The stalls were made from smooth black wood while the floor was tiled with tan marble. The exorbitance was a bit too much for her to handle, however she didn't have much time to dawdle. She picked one of the stalls at the very end and got to work.

"Hmm, a more in depth map is easily accessible through hacking one of the guards cell phones. Also, I'll remove the calling feature." Ara mumbled to herself. However, the only way she would gain access to downstairs was through a high ranking guard's key card. She identified which one, but needed someone else to do it. She touched the communication device on her left ear. "Fujie, I need to ring in a favor. Would you steal one of the guards' key cards? Either the ugly one with a mohawk or the big muscular one with an eye-patch. You pick. Once you're done, meet me near one of the banquet tables to give me a 'drink'." With that, Ara got back to information mining.

The cameras were important. However, they seemed to lie in a closed circuit. She needed someone to place a beacon inside the system so she could assume control. She tapped her communicator once more. "Yo Jacy, could you use the weird metallic tube I put in your jacket about 20 minutes ago. It shoots a minuscule needle that acts as a direct connector between me and my computer." Ara stated. Jacy seems to have good aim, so she hope he could make the shot since there is only one of them.

It would be nice to know where Victor is at all times. Since she has acquired a digital map, it would be easy to track him throughout the ship. However, Victor didn't seem to have a phone as his guards took calls for him. "Duke." Ara elevated Vincentius to a high status due to the sole reason that his skin is so nice and smooth. "Could you please distract our friend Victor and place a tracking device on him? This will also help divert his guards from seeing Jacy perform his task, Thank you so very much." With that, Ara quickly left the washroom.

On the other hand, Adelard Jules was snooping around the kitchen. The poison that Adelard specializes in is usually in the form of powder. It could be misconceived as seasoning as the main course was a form of steak. He couldn't risk anyone else consuming the poison so he had to be cautious. He was about to season some of the food, but he heard footsteps. Different footsteps. Footsteps of someone who was cautious and has been in a few battles. Adelard quickly left, but accidentally left a dab of his poison behind.

Victor finally stepped down from his throne and was conversing with the populace. It seemed he would be susceptible to an assassination attempt, specifically by a man with ruffled white hair and who's currently looking for an opening.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella King Character Portrait: Vincentius Spencer Character Portrait: Fujie Yamabe Character Portrait: Jacy Malenko
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0.00 INK

"How blessed are some people,
whose lives have no fears,
no dreads; to whom sleep
is a blessing that comes nightly,
and brings nothing but
sweet dreams."

As far as he can see, Vincentius' conversations with the upper echelons were rather good. They seemed to be taken by him and even to the point they're spilling a bit of secrets of here and there. They were all interesting, but he wasn't seeing where he could use it, but it won't be bad having them in mind. The usual flirting was also present, but he played with the fires so decisively and gracefully. One could see that this was not his first rodeo. The flow continued on smoothly even when he noticed that Arabella had left his vicinity. That would imply the mission was on the process. As for his remaining so-called bodyguard, they waited for a need to move further.

Soon enough, it came as Arabella's voice. He was asked to distract and make sure they know where Victor is at all times. That was not difficult. It was not hard for him to move the dialogues he received forward to where Victor is. He had already seen the Mark at the corner of his eyes since earlier. That's why it didn't take that long for them to be face-to-face. It also helped that the other people were vouching for him. It's interesting to see how effective those small, meaningless talks he had with them.

Smoothly, he introduced himself. "Mr. Victor Noël." He then offered a cordial, yet pleased smile. It was not an oversight to say that it was quite the killer smile as the ladies surrounding him seemed to up his attractiveness factor. It also added that his presence seemed to be fitting of some royal vibe. "È un onore." His accent was perfect and yet had that Italian vigor of charming suave. He reached out his hand for Victor to take.

When, his hands were taken for that friendly handshake. It was a deed done for him. "Arturo Santo, thank you for inviting me to this wonderful party of yours." His hand was smooth and had a delicate touch to it despite being a man. Yet, the grip was firm and sturdy fitted for a man. Once, released he smoothly proceeded with light chatter. There were talks of mild business inferences and then hobby topics like where would be the best country for foot ball, watching the best concerts and so on. It was to engage Victor in a conversation as long as it is lavish, with the touch of aristocratic flair. It caught the Mark's interest. After all, Vincentius knew well those kind of activities. He had been always the center of attention during those times.

Now, it's time for the other part of his deed. With a suave move of the feet. The girl who was leaning so closely between him and Victor suddenly fell with the champagne in her hand, making a splash on Victor. She apologized immediately and in panic. That one commotion was quite a cover as everyone's attention was taken in an instant. Now, his deed was already done. The rest, he would leave for the others to do as they are required. "Are you alright, Mr. Noël?" He chimed in between the small ball of chaos he did while taking a fleeting glance around him, a cover to see his other companions were good, especially his so-called bodyguard. Although, his crimson eyes appeared to take notice of something white and his defenses rose with a simple word. "A change of clothes is in order, I believe so." He looked at Victor's Bodyguards, a suggestion to make them aware of the surrounding just a bit.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella King Character Portrait: Vincentius Spencer Character Portrait: Fujie Yamabe Character Portrait: Jacy Malenko
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jorxio

Ever since his partner-in-guarding had made her leave the feeling of the room had gone from an arduous battle against boredom and nausea to an equally arduous battle against anxiousness and suspense. Suddenly as Jacy scanned the room, what once was an unvaried jumble of cocktail dresses and black tuxedos in a ballroom had become a minefield of potential failure. Each individual was an obstacle of different difficulties, each with a unique perspective. This meant there were nearly two-hundred outlooks on the event, and each one of them was confined within a floating bastion packed wall to wall in the ocean. In the middle of it all was Jacy, who's only comfort was the fact there were three others 'on his side,' only one of which he could actually see from where he was standing. In spite of all this, by some means Jacy found himself riddled with enthusiasm as well as unable to hide his smirk. Perhaps it was simply proof that he enjoyed his line of work. Perhaps he was an adrenaline junkie who can only feel whole in the face of danger. Conversely, he may even just be a lunatic who's lived too long and taken a few too many needles into the brain. Either way, when a familiar voice rang in his ear, his heart skipped a beat. "Time to play scaly..."

"Yo Jacy, could you use the weird metallic tube I put in your jacket about 20 minutes ago?"

"Tube. The high-tech piece of pipe here." He confirmed to himself by reaching into his jacket and grabbing hold of the object, making a soft clink as his leather-gloved metal hand tapped metal tool. When it had been slipped to him, he took a moment to guess its uses, beyond making for a adequate bludgeon.

" It shoots a minuscule needle that acts as a direct connector between me and my computer."

"...So, it's a Poindexter's peashooter. Good thing I didn't start testing buttons." "10-4, kid."

With a brief nod to none but himself, Jacy took his hand from his pocket and put his head on a swivel, taking notes for the new assignment at hand as he ghost Vincentius' path. This wasn't the first time he'd have to deal with the annoyance of CCTV cameras, however, the old protocol used to be; find the security room and bust whatever head is watching the monitors. Hell, before that the protocol was to blast out every camera. Having a hacker on hand sure seemed to over complicate things in his eyes. It almost seemed like these days people were scared to spill a little blood. Obviously, subtlety was never a strong suit for Jacy. Either way, the gameplan was set, and there was no way to get better than hand-on experience. Besides, he had already spotted the perfect camera; a nearly unnoticeable dome shaped camera was planted just mid-way up the right-hand side staircase. With a target in his sights he began to slowly step away from the side of his "employer a bit," and work through the crowd just enough to be within range.

"Are you alright, Mr. Noël?"

Suddenly, a commotion. All heads in the vicinity rotated just as Jacy had reached the stairway, and time began to drag as he laid eyes on opportunity. Hugging the stair's rise, he made a prompt backpedal, deciding to capitalize. Whether it came as an untimely mistake or a planned distraction was unsure, but nevertheless moves were to be made now or never. Suddenly, as Jacy's eyes snapped to his target through the banister of stairs, he held his breath. With one swift motion, he clasped the tool in his pocket, and withdrew it with a gunslinger's intent; Quick on the draw, confident on the fire, and painful in the end. The last of these things came with his stuttering backstep ending in him colliding with a rather well-to-do man, back to back. Regaining his footing, both men exchanged an uncomfortable stare, before Jacy found his composure and copped a grin.

"My apologies there Old Pod. Expect some gut-warmer from Mr. Santo." He said as he stepped away, a tad rushed. As he did so, he stared over the mans shoulder and observed his own handiwork, only to wince at the sight; He had hit the camera, which was the truly important part. However, today the accuracy was a bit too spot on, as he noticed had had sent the needle straight through the lens. "'s in there. Like the old man says; Bang-up or not, if it works it works. Just play it cool, and hope nobody caught wind. Especially not the 'team.'" The whole 'hacking' process had been explained to him before; Something something, closed circuit. Something something, IP Address. Something, something, DVR. In the end, he didn't care for how it worked, only how effective it was. Hopefully, the answer would be very with all the work that needs doing for it to work. Grievances aside, Jacy broke into a short jog as he made his way back towards Vincentius, with only the hope that things were going according to plan. Somewhat more focused on the mission's third objective, viewing it to be far more important than keeping some punks throat unslit and his throat slitter's throat unslit. Either way, he was anxious for a sitrep on the other numbers and his own situation. Once again, patience was a battle, even as he slipped back into the vicinity of Vincent.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella King Character Portrait: Vincentius Spencer Character Portrait: Fujie Yamabe Character Portrait: Jacy Malenko
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0.00 INK

xxxlocation: Cruise Shipxxx


xxx"i am as chil as ice
xxxas for you you've become boring
xxxuse your brain, it's become loose
xxxkick the predictable love."
Fujie was busy rummaging not so discreetly through the various cabinets in the kitchen. Hopefully it looked like she was making herself useful and trying to find something of importance rather than looking for any poisons that could be used. The only thing Fujie could really validate was the use of either the rat poison, an excessive amount of one the cleaning products they keep on board or the rubbing alcohol that they kept. Most of these were easy to differentiate, so the assassin would presumably be bringing his on little concoction. What it was? Well, Fujie had never really tried to publicly poison someone at an event. If she had to guess it would probably be Ricin, which was probably a stretch considering that was labeled as a biological weapon. It only take a miligram of Ricin to kill someone and it could definitely get the job done if you're looking to catch someone within a crowd. It seems less far fetched taking into consideration that this was a mission for the Number, a biological weapon could be the assassin's key to success here.

Deep in her thoughts, not-so-concealed, on the kitchen floor, Fujie felt her earpiece vibrate a little. She touched it and received Arabella's message. Without much thought, Fujie was just going to go for the dude with the Mohawk, she's pretty sure that would be the easiest dude to crack. Before leaving, Fujie grabbed a tray of drinks that just so happened to be set on the kitchen counter and glided out of the room back into the commotion. The Mohawk dude was just standing in the middle of the crowd, carefully watching people. Fujie made her way over to the man and offered him a drink. "Care for a drink?"She asked, rather flirtatiously. I'm sure a very good looking and hardworking man like you could use a drink and relieve your stress a bit, don't you think so?She batted her eyelashes. "Listen Ma'am, I-" the guard began. No need to be shy now, Fujie placed the drink in the guard's hand. Come on, take a sip,She pressed her index fingers to the man's mouth. I'm sure a big strong security guard like yourself has such big duties, that's definitely a turn on for me.Fujie began to apply her lipstick. Not only was this a method to seducing, the poison it was quoted with would also put the man to sleep for a bit. I'm sure you have plenty of keys, show me them? I want to see if you live up to the title, Caught in her trap, the man patted around his uniform to find which pocket he put his key card in. "Well, we don't have key rings these days, but I do have this key card that gives me an all access pass to everywhere in this ship, maybe we could go somewhere a little more private-" Before Fujie could let him finish his sentence, she had snatched the keycard out of his hand and planted a kiss on his lips. Her goal was to get him to bit on her lips, and it worked. He injested the poison. In the middle of their makeout session, which was pretty hard to do since Fujie had a tray of drinks in her hand, the man began to slouch and Fujie knew that it had set. She left him in a daze and went to resume her mission.

Fujie tapped her earpiece. "I got your keycard, Fujie whispered. I'll be waiting by one of the tables with your drink, so use your manners when you ask for one.Fujie half joked and let go off her eat. She was tempted to have a sip from her own tray of alcohols, but she knew better than to drink on the job.


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