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Lightning Wing

Lightning Wing


Thunder and lightning cause havoc on a plane carrying seven teens to a trip to Bermuda. The left wing gets struck, and the plane goes down. The teens are left to fight for their lives after the burning plane goes down, and takes their pilot with it.

2,588 readers have visited Lightning Wing since WhiteTiger08 created it.


A trip to Bermuda seems pleasant after all of the havoc of finals. The high school takes a select group of students for a school trip. It will last eight days. Parent's permission is required. All of the students are eager to go. Thankfully, the plane ride start out pleasant.


Lighting flashes outside your window. A thunder rolls loudly, shaking the plane. Dark clouds surround plane, taking away all visibility. Rain pounds the roof and sides, creating even more havoc. The passengers shriek, and the pilot struggles to keep control. He veers right, barely avoiding a flash of lightning. It strikes the left wing, completely detaching it from the rest of the plane.

Screams shrill through the air. Smoke pours from the gash, and flames erupt. You see the burning wind crash into the water, wondering if the rest of you will do the same. The pilot grips the controls firmly, but is not able to keep you in the air.

The plane spirals out of control, and crashes. Half lands on the shore, the other half lands in the ocean. The passengers help save each other from the burning wreckage. Some people are unconscious, others severely injured or with a few bruises. The pilot is missing, probably in the middle of the ocean with the rest of the plane. Everyone is in a rush to find shelter on the small island, which seems to be deserted. Some trip.


You are a high school student on the trip to Bermuda for eight days. You are eager to go, and hopefully spend it with that someone special. Unfortunately, the plane crashes on the shores of a deserted island, and your only adult guardian has gone missing. Some people are injured, others with a few bumps. You all must work together to survive and find a way off the island before anything else goes wrong.

Female 1: taken by WhiteTiger08
Female 2: taken by Lloyd999
Female 3: taken by TwistedxXxAffairs
Female:4 taken by Colonel_Master
Female 5: taken by Grumpy-Converse

Male 1: taken by Cookies Need Love
Male 2: taken by SullenKiller
Male 3: taken by coolkat31
Male 4: taken by Tayloremond
Male 5: taken by Lloyd999

Reservations are accepted, but characters must be submitted within 48 hours of reservation or the reservation is cancelled.

Character Skeleton:

Nickname (If any):
Picture Appearance:
Written Appearance:

Include what you packed with you and if it was lost or recovered after the crash in Equipment. Write a preview of you background in History.
If you have any questions, please talk to me in the OOC.

Toggle Rules

1) I am the GM, so don't act like you are.
2) Be original with your posts and characters.
3) Romance is encouraged.
4) Keep romance and language PG-13.
5) Must post at least 2 times a week.
6) If you are away, PM me beforehand.
7) Be respectful of the rules and fellow roleplayers.
8) Have fun!

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Plane by RolePlayGateway

This is where the students spend a short amount of their time until they reach the island.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
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The setting changes from Deserted Island to Plane


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Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
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Lisa overcame her anger by chewing a number of chewing gums, she knew her brothers meant it as a tease but they should have known better. A few years ago Lisa had hell with them for the drawing and Lisa never forgot it; was it all one big tease for them?

Lisa wanted to be distracted and the storm was just the thing for it, Lisa also saw "Chrissa's nervous reaction to it and Lisa decided to intervene.

"Hay Chrissa, are you all right? Don't worry about it; if the storm is really that bad the pilots will go around it". –Hopefully- Lisa added to herself silently, her brothers who were all aviation freaks always told her once that the majority of aircraft accidents were because of pilot error usually generated out of the tight schedule they were on but Lisa hoped that this wasn't the case.

"It sure is a hell of a storm and this is only the outlining gales of the storm and not actually the storm itself…" Lisa stopped herself; the plane was not changing course and the storm started to rock the plane, why was the plane going deeper into the storm? Lisa could not see much from the window but she could see the lightning growing ever closer and stronger as the minutes ticked by. Lisa had a bad feeling about this and she could not conceal it and was left deathly silent. The journey was taking a wrong turn and Lisa could feel it and this made her afraid. However she still smiled at Chrissa and offered her some chewing gum.
"It's going to be a rocky ride, I personally can't stand that sort of thing and chewing gum really helps with it: want any?"

Lisa turned away; fear was a contagious thing and she didn't want to let it spread. Fear was no problem, it keeps you on your toes but letting fear rule you was the mistake. Lisa began singing a song to calm her down, it was a tune with a calming ring to it and Lisa wanted its light humorous touch right now or at least something familiar that did not change over time.

"I will sing you a song that won't take long; all coppers are bastards. I will sing you another just like the other; all coppers are bastards" ………. A violent shake took Lisa out of the song and returned her fear to her but at least she now her herself under control.

The setting changes from Plane to Deserted Island


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Character Portrait: Andy Marie Kellings
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As the flight progressed, Andy soon notice the dark clouds and the strike of lightening; she jumped out of her seat slightly, being startled by the lighting strike and small sound of thunder. She quickly turned up her music and slammed her eyes shut, trying to ignore everything around her- it was such a scary ordeal.

In all of her life, the only thing Andy has ever been afraid of was the monsters that lurked under her bed and the ghouls that made a racket in her closet. Now, it didn’t matter how much she tried to imagine them at the moment, reality kept pulling her back, tempting her to open her eyes. Once she had enough audacity to sneak a peek, her bright blue eyes were met by a bolt of lightning and another crash of thunder.

A small squeak escaped from her lips, and she scooted herself away from the window in her chair. She couldn’t help but to be a bit frightful; it was her first time flying, and on top of that, there was a storm! She suddenly heard Lisa’s voice, and surprisingly, the rough girl’s voice had calmed Andy down to the point where she even turned her head towards Lisa to look at her.

She was a nice girl, but was a bit too much for Andy could handle; the girl’s strong personality frighten Andy more than it did to teach much of a lesson on how to not cry during a book. It was the violent shake that caused Andy’s side go into the arm of the flight chair’s seat, and she yelped like a dog as the chair’s arm dug into her thigh.

Andy quickly moved away, a slight throb was left and before Andy herself knew it, she holding onto the back of the chair in front of her for dear life. Her hands barely wrapped around the head of the chair; even though she barely touched it, her hands clutch onto it, tight enough to make her knuckles go white. After a few moments, Andy regained herself composure and she carefully and slowly leaned back in the chair, begging for Lisa or Chrissa to speak once more.

The setting changes from Deserted Island to Plane


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"So, who killed you Connor, in your nightmare I mean," Lloyd asked, "GLaDOS? Zombies? Metroids? Crow? Rolland? Mike Tyson? Oh damn, don't tell me it was Flandre Scarlet! Damn, that'd be cruel." Lloyd was trying to figure out how to use a Tarrot Deck.

Roxanne was reaching over to Lloyd, half asleep with her eyes closed. "That's a bad omen, especially 'cause your doing it wrong," she mumbled. She tried grabbing her deck, but all that came out was comments from Lloyd like, "That's my hair. That's my face. That's my neck. That's my stomach. You don't wanna know what that is. That's my bird." "You're, bird?" A white pigeon was popping out of Lloyd's collar. Seriously, Lloyd was smuggling Serenade onto the plane? Lloyd was blowing at it and patting it's head to make it crawl back in his jacket. "Can you actually aim for the cards?" Roxanne reached down and grabbed his foot. "Okay, yur bein' reDICulous," Lloyd said gritting his teeth. Lloyd reached over and grabbed her stomach squeezing it. Roxanne started laughing. Both of them were tired, so it makes sense they were a little wired.

Then, lightning crashed. "Oops, sorry, didn't mean to-" Lloyd's cheeck turned Scarlet at Roxanne's hand. Roxanne frowned at him. Then at once, the started to grab each other like an Oyster Battle Royale in fast motion untill they got tired of it, and turbulance caused Lloyd to hurt himself. Lloyd sighed and closed his eyes, he was about ready to sleep. Roxanne put her head on his shoulder. "Get off me," Lloyd said to her. Roxanne put her head on the window, but then the bumpy plane caused her to hit her head, and she just put her head on the seat. She grabbed her Tarot deck and pulled three cards out. She then almost broke into laughter, but put the cards back in the deck and put them in her pocket. Even yhough she just woke up, she was all tired out again, but hadn't went to sleep yet.

The setting changes from Plane to Deserted Island


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Connor Mayfield Character Portrait: Lloyd Mitchell Character Portrait: Roxanne Scarlet
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"Eh, doesn't matter that much," Connor said in response to Lloyd. When Lloyd started to do some card tricks he pulled out an ace of spades. Lloyd looked like he had just unlocked Master Chief in Super Smash Brothers (I.E. Confused)."Strange," he murmured , "I thought I was going to pull out an Ace of Clubs." Connor stared at Lloyd as he got up to get some overhead luggage. Connor had never seen Lloyd get a card trick wrong. "You know," Lloyd said, shuffling through the tarrot deck, "Normal cards can be used like a tarrot deck. Each card has a meaning. Clubs is Luck, Diamonds is Wealth, Hearts is Love and Spades is Death."Lloyd tried picking a card from the deck. He shuffled it back in, and only got the same card. "I guess you'll have to do it properly if you want an answer. Lloyd placed the card in his lap as he drew to other cards. The card in his lap said "Death".

Connor was freaking out. He wasn't sure if is was being deprived of videogames or the fact that Lloyd just suggested that they were all going to die. Apparently it showed and Lloyd started to tease him."So, who killed you, Connor, in your nightmare I mean," Lloyd asked, "GLaDOS? Zombies? Metroids? Crow? Rolland? Mike Tyson? Oh damn, don't tell me it was Flandre Scarlet! Damn, that'd be cruel." Connor just sat there looking shocked. He slumped down in his seat. "I wish," Connor said disappointedly. He knew that if he had stayed in his dream for maybe a minute more he would be staring at the Virtual Boy's "Hard"Ware. That is truly a fate worse than death.

Roxanne woke up and started flirting with Lloyd, even though Lloyd didn't realize it. Connor smiled. He knew that even if the plane blew up in flames and crashed down to some remote island and everyone was forced to try too survive Roxanne would still be flirting with Lloyd. That fact brought him some comfort. Lightning struck near of the plane.Ok that is a bad sign Connor thought. "ATTENTION PASSENGERS. WE WILL BE EXPERIENCING EXTREME TURBULENCE. PLEASE SITDOWN AND STRAP IN." Connor already had his seatbelt on. Due to the announcement and the lightning now everyone was awake. Most of the people were strapping in but others were freaking out.

Then bad went to worse. A second strike of lightning hit the left wing. The pilot came back on the intercom. "ATTENTION PASSENGERS THE SITUATION OF THE PLANE IS EXTREMLY UNSTABLE. PLEASE DO NOT PANIC. HEAD TOWARDS ONE OF THE FOUR EXITS. I AM TRYING TO KEEP THE SITUATION UNDER CONTROL." The plane was headed down. I'm Dead. I'm freaking dead. Connor thought. When they made contact with the water everyone jutted forward. Connor felt like Lisa had just punched him several times back. The plane started to break up. Debris started flying everywhere. As the water started to fill up the plane the only thought that came to Connor's mind blurted out of his mouth. "Woah, This is just like the introduction to to Bioshock! Ow, Shrapnel!" Connor said with a smile before the "Ow,Shrapnel" part. More and more water started to flood in. Connor looked down at his right leg that had been hit with sharpnel. He was bleeding. The plane was starting to lean towards the right. Overhead luggage began to fall from above Lloyd and Roxanne onto Connor. His legs were pinned down by their luggage. "Great, Perfect ,Terrific," sighed Connor.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln Character Portrait: Connor Mayfield
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Chrissa smiled at the effort Lisa was making at trying to calm her down. She didn't know Lisa well, but she felt happy at the attempt. Nodding, she accepted the chewing gum. Placing the piece on her tongue, she stuffed the wrapper into her front pocket. Closing her eyes, she thought. It's going to be alright.It's just a little thunder and lighting. Satisfied that she calmed herself down, she relaxed.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning struck the left wing. Smoke erupted from the gaping hole in the transportation, and a fire was threatening to start. Rain pounded the plane as it flew towards the waves. Something unintelligible was being said through the overhead speaker, but Chrissa paid little attention. Connor seemed to fly out of his seat. The teens were being trashed through the plane.

About to rise, a large metal bar from the interior of the plane hit Chrissa in the temple. Her vision blurred, and she became quickly dizzy. Her fingered fumbled with the belt that bounded her in her seat. Water had filled the plane and her ankles were frozen. She pushed herself up, with support from the arm rests. Her mind was still foggy, and she couldn't see much of her surroundings. Her head felt as if a knife was plunged into her temple. She lifted a hand to the left, and when she pulled away, it was dripping in her blood.

With the water up to her knees, she was desperate to get out. She took a step forward, but was slammed face-first into the water by a large, heavy suitcase slamming against her back, and landing on her legs, pinning her down. Chrissa suddenly felt nauseous, the kind of feeling only received when a bone is broken. This is it. I am going to die here, right now. I will never see my family again. They will never know how I died. They won't even have a body to bury.

Tears streamed down her face. She was completely certain that her death was not far. Her blood still drizzled from her left temple, and her legs were mangled. Her face was halfway in the water. Chrissa had mostly accepted that she was at death's door. Sensing that unconsciousness was near, she feebly grasped at the air before her face fell into the sea, and consciousness slipped between her fingers.


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Character Portrait: Andy Marie Kellings
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She had only taken a few breaths to calm herself down before a bolt of lightning flashed around her right side; the next thing she knew, Andy was staring at the plane wing smoking. Andy’s chest expanded as she gripped the seat tightly, breathing heavily before the plane dived into the water. Andy started to panic, trying to undo her seatbelt quickly; by the time she was able to undo her seatbelt which tied her down into the seat, the plane was quickly filling up with water.

Andy pushed herself up as the water suddenly thrashed violently against her body, making it even harder. It pounded against her body over and over again, finally able to free herself from the chair as she grabbed the top of the compartment over her head; the water suddenly thrashed against her body again, causing Andy to lose her grip quickly and her body flailed backwards, her back hitting the top of the seat. A loud yelp escaped from her lips as she flipped over the seat and landed onto the seat behind, her.

Her lungs took in so much salt water that she nearly choked and drowned; her hands ruffled up against the back of her own seat as she turned around, seeing something she wished she hadn’t; it was the man who she knew nothing of that sat behind her- his eyes wide open, staring at her yet he did not breath. The man was old and sweet looking, and she felt like crying before another wave of the violent water thrashed against her, causing her to go under. Her eyes flicked open instinctively just in time to see a huge suit case thrash into her stomach, causing all the air to escape from Andy’s lungs. The pain was too much as she violently moved against the water, finally making her way to the small air bubble that was left; she painted heavily before looking around- feeling like the only person left in the plane.

Her eyes stung against the air before she spotted something red in the water; the emergency door. She took a deep breath, which pained her much before she went under, the thrashing water filling up whatever air bubble that was left. There was no turning back now. Andy’s hands latched onto the chair, her vision blurred with a messy mix of what she guessed was blood and water; fear swelled up into the pit of her stomach as she swung the door open, causing the faint sound of an alarm to go off in the water, soon silencing. Oh, how fast the plane was torpedoing through the water!

Andy started to choke, her mind fearing of what might happen if she so happen to swim outside. Her eyes peered to her right, and the sight of a man that seemed no older than her, dead sent shivers down her back and it was all she needed to make her escape. Her hands gripped the outsides of the plane before she forced herself through the emergency exit, her back ramming against the top of the door. Air bubbles released and a loud, ‘Humpf!’ was heard throughout the water. She struggled immensely before she was actually out of the plane, and when she exited, she realized just how desperate for hair she was.

Andy’s eyes looked upwards, her lungs dying for air as she saw how far away the surface was. Her hands thrashed upwards as she started to swim for the surface, finally being forced to open her mouth, filling her lungs with even more water. She gurgled and her speed became slower and slower, her strength became weaker and weaker. Andy felt the fear of death creeping up behind her before her hands reached the surface. Air! Andy busted through the waters, gasping for air before going back under once more, causing her to thrash her hands even harder against the surface. Already, her insides where on fire and stricken with so much pain, that it hurt to move; her head was pounding as she reached the surface once more.

She bobbed against the waves and surface for what seemed like minutes on end before a giant wave crashed against her, carrying closer to land, but under the water once more before bring her back out once again, away from the land. Andy thrashed her arms again as she tried so desperately to swim, yelps and yips escaping from her mouth as she felt the hot tears burn her eyes. Suddenly, Andy burst into tears, her lip shivering as she hiccuped, yet, she kept swimming despite how hard she was crying.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
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"Hit the deck!" Lisa heard herself shout when she felt a massive force strike the plane, she ducked and used her back as a pillow seeing as she could not find any in reach. The plane was out of control and panic was everywhere but Lisa was too centered in herself and hardly noted anything that happened around here.
"Dear lord, guide us in our hour of peril but if we die please forgive our sins"
Lisa didn't see herself as a religious person but her family was a bit traditional and this seemed like as good as time as any to pray.
Lisa had even hated anything to do with Christianity for a time and wore Thor's hammer in protest but she was afraid and desperate. Lisa opened one of her pockets and took out a crucifix, it didn't matter if god existed or not but the small silver cross gave Lisa comfort. The cross was her grandmother's and Lisa felt that whenever she had it her grandmother was with her and that was all she needed at that moment; some comforting touch.

As Lisa recalled her better memories and her worse ones Lisa found peace but she refused to die, not yet, not here and not like this.
Lisa huddled herself and covered herself as was written in the emergency instructions page, Lisa had a keen eye for such things but it didn't take a genius to copy the action; all it took was a sound head and not to panic.

That final moment felt like forever, the plane struck the ocean and partly disintegrated on impact. Lisa felt herself get hit by debris but the shock shielded her from the pain. For a few seconds Lisa blacked out and then woke up, water was everywhere and people were trying to escape the plane by any means they could come up with. Lisa didn't feel too badly wounded and could just about move all her body. Her backpack wasn't damaged so Lisa removed her seat belt and tied the bag tightly to her. Lisa surveyed her surroundings as she got out of her seat, she quickly noticed Chrissa's desperate situation and rushed to her aid.
There was little time for heroics but Lisa was sure she could get Chrissa out; other people would have to fend for themselves.
Lisa saw that Chrissa's seat belt was stuck but she had no knife, Lisa grabbed a sharp metallic part of the plane and cut the seat belt. It was hard work but Lisa was able to cut it. Lisa dragged Chrissa out of her seat but she could not get her out because of the debris.
Lisa didn't know what to do; desperately Lisa shouted "Matt!…. Justine! , help me out over here! "


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Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Kayden Granen
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Kayden was sitting right next to the wing when it exploded. He felt shards of glass and metal hit his face. Kayden tried to stand up after the wing exploded,but ended up falling over. As he struggled to get up, he felt a slow numbing in the left side of his face. He felt his face with his hand but they're was no feeling in it. Then he realized something disturbing. Kayden couldn't see out of his left eye. This fact didn't have much time to sink in though because as he thought it the plane hit the water.

He was jolted forward into the seats in front of him. As he made contact with the seats he heard a sickening crack. Damn, there goes my arm. thought Kayden as he screamed out in pain. The plane started to fill with water and Kayden had no idea what to do. He went to grab his overhead luggage. As he reached up but the weight of the luggage was to much for his injured body. He collapsed. He now knew that his condition his life is the only thing he had to save. He began to crawl one of the exits. Each move was more painfull than the last.

The water was now up to his nose. He knew he had to stand up. He grinded his teeth and took a deep breath. He focused all his energy into his legs. With one huge cry of anguish he stood up. Kayden started to walk very wobbly. He heard Lisa cry for help on the other side of the airplane. He knew that in his condition he would be no help them and continued forward. Then there in was, the water. Kaden had never seen something so beautiful in his life. He knew that if he jumped in all of the stress on his legs would disappear. He turned his back to the water and fell in backwards.

Unfortunately for Kaden two things were wrong with this plan. 1) The water was salt water so his open wounds on his face burned like acid and 2) the exact spot where he fell back onto had been covered in debris. Now floating in the water Kaden was in unimaginable pain. His back had been punctured by the debris in the water and was being burned by the salt water. "MOTHER OF GOD, THIS BLOWS!" screamed Kayden after making contact with the water. He began to float on his back trying to ignore the immense pain.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln Character Portrait: Matt Furor Character Portrait: Connor Mayfield Character Portrait: Justin Mcloud
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Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln Character Portrait: Juliet Loss
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Juliet felt her seat shaking under her, and as she glanced out the window, her eyes widened at the storm. She slammed the blind shut, too scared to look out into the rain. She groped around until she found her seatbelt, and slipped it on desperately. She tough she heard a voice over the intercom, but couldn't hear what it said.

There was a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder, and suddenly a smoking hole gaped at the left side of the plane. She watched in horror as the plane made its decent downwards, towards the ocean below. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out. As they descended, Juliet fumbled yet again with her seatbelt, and with a small click, let the seatbelt loose. Her ears popped, and suddenly she was underwater. She poked her head above the surface and let a slight gasp for air, before grabbing her life jacket and zipping it up. She knew better than to 'blow it up' yet though. She had seen an airplane crash reenactment where people had died because they had been stuck in the plane after it landed in the ocean, unable to get out because they were floating to the roof. She grabbed at her handbag, unable to think a proper thought apart from, "This water is freezing!"

She groped around the plane, dodging some panicking students. As she made her way to the hole in the left wing, which at least from this distance looked big enough to climb through, she trippedover someone's luggage, and felt herself tumle to the ground. Her head smacked against something, and she felt some sort of warm liquid on her head. Did someone pee?! she thought, slightly disgusted. She knew she should be panicking, but it hadn't seemed to settle in yet. Much like her banged head, she was numb.

"Matt!…. Justine! , help me out over here! "
Juliet swivelled her head around and saw Lisa desperately trying to save Chrissa. She ignored the two. No one has to know I saw them, she thought. Besides, she called Matt and Justin - not me.

With a quick glance back, Juliet jumped out of the airplane, and into the freezing cold water.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln Character Portrait: Connor Mayfield
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((srry haven't posted i haven't had cable but now I do))
Justin struggled with his seatbelt as the water reached his chest. He Finnaly managed to get the seat belt off, he looked around desperately for anyone else but everybody else was taking out of the plane. Justin plunged into the water and out one of the exits. He swam until he reached the island were the teens were. He layed on his back in the sand and covered his face, He sat next to Connor who was holding Chrissa. "Oh god, Connor is she ok? "he looked up at Connor worried, Justin ripped a piece of sleeve of his sweatshirt. "Connor you have to listen, put this where she is injured and press, no matter how bad she says it hurts it will stop most of the blood flow. "he grabbed Chrissa's hand and squeezed it. "You'll be fine promise. "he gave a faint smile and dropped her hand. Justin stood up. "who else is hurt? "
((sorry if I'm lacking on my posts I have been really busy and taking care of my sister))


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DONG. Just as Roxanne was about to sleep, she was disturbed. Evil Presence. DONG. She glanced over at the window. Then, everything went in slow motion. Everything seemed inaudible. DONG

Confusion, unorginized tones. Everybody started to panick, you couldn't make anything out of it. Roxanne yelled at Lloyd to wake him up. Lloyd woke up, and wondered what was going on, untill he saw the window. He looked at it in fear. Roxanne was about to unstrap, but Lloyd told her not to. then the plain hit the water.

The excitement began. Lloyd knew, to escape, was race against time. His world was inaudible as well. Instantly, they both unstrapped. Roxanne looked for Lloyd's suitcase overhead, but Lloyd got it off Conner. Lloyd openned it, took his bird out of his coat, and stuffed it in, as to protect it from water. Then, Lloyd's 'Kamen Diamonte' hat flew out, but Roxanne grabbed it. They stuffed it back in and ran for the emergency exit.

As they ran by the lains, excitement mixed with panic and confusion. Lloyd glanced over at Lisa and the others as the squeezed to get passed, pretty much ignoring them. Then they ran to the emergency exit, which was now submerged. Thankfully, Andy already openned it. The plane was losing interior pressure. If they were too late, the plane would be crushed, if it didn't fill with water first. Also, the waterproof case floated.

Panic and Excitement got more intense and mixed, as blood rushed through their veins. They ran toward the next exit. Lloyd got it openned, and immedietly the plane started flooding insanely. Anybody who didn't escape in minute and a half were likely too late. Lloyd and Roxanne fought the incomming current of water, and got out of the sinking plane. Because of them, the interior pressure rushed out of the plane, lettimg it start to sink faster. Lloyd and Roxanne because of the turbulent current, instantly were sucked under the plane. They panicked. Lloyd was tightly holding onto the suitcase, which stuck to the hull of the plane. Roxanne went up to get some air, and got back to under the sinking hull. Lloyd was running out of air, and wasn't a very strong swimner. Roxanne had no choice. She tried pulling him out, but the case barely budged. Lloyd really needed more air, so the switched spots. Roxanne grabbed the case. However, the sinking hull turned a bit, and instantly, the case rocketted upward.

DONG. Roxanne lost her grip, and watched helplessly as the bag rushed upward. DONG. Lloyd saw the case surface a second after he did. Roxanne however was nowhere to be found, except under.

Roxanne looked at the surface. The excitement left her, but simply echoed in her mind. She was about to give up her final breath, untill, the Magician's figure appeared in her head. Roxanne could barely see the moon. Roxanne started swimming upwards. She soon let her final breath, but two seconds after, she met the surface, and appear next to Lloyd, who was hanging onto the case. She joined him. The rain poured heavily on their heads, as they floated aimlessly. The action was echoing in the rain. Lloyd looked around, and barely saw something. DONG.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Marie Kellings
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0.00 INK

Andy’s hands drug through water, the salty, warm water was filling her lungs at each wave that hit her viciously; she could already feel her eyes become red, and Andy didn’t know whether she was still crying or not. Another wave hit her, slamming her against sand, and dragging her back against some coral; she could feel the fishes and animals swim all around her, wondering what had happened to their home- this only made Andy thrash more, feeling the deep burnings of the organisms scrape her. Another wave hit, bringing her back up to the surface of the water, feeling the air hit her like a thousand needles.

Her lungs where burning sensationally; oh how painful it was! Another wave hit, and once again, she was dragged back under; her hands grabbing onto bits of sand, picking up small creatures before throwing them into the current. This must’ve gotten her somewhere, because the next wave that hit her, violently pushed her into some shallow parts of the water; sand filling every opening in her face. With a final, strong wave, her body was forced onto the shore of an island.

Andy couldn’t believe how weak she was now that she was back on land; her hands thrashing against the hard, wet sand, trying to keep herself from being pulled back into the water. It wasn’t long before a horrid pain stabbed through her chest and eyes, causing her to cough violently; before she knew it, a pain shot up through her nose and seemed like it exit right in the middle of her throat- not helping her to stop coughing. Andy grabbed her chest, mucus, sand and water coming out of her mouth and landing in the sand.

She tried to support herself with her other weak arm, but a numbing pain made it shake under her weight; it wasn’t long before Andy collapsed, landing on the beach as she continued to cough up whatever filled her lungs. Soon, everything grew quiet, her body shivered brutally to the warm breeze; her breaths where heavy and surely not taken for granted. Andy’s heart dropped when she felt the cool water wash up against her feet, causing her to panic and crawl further onto the beach; her blue eyes fearing the fact that she could be pulled in.

Andy didn’t take herself very far- her body and mind where completely exhausted. She suddenly collapsed, the hot sand made her shiver only more, sending chills racketing down her back. Andy laid there for what seemed like hours, but she knew where only minutes before she lifted her face up to look at her body, and in one quick move, she shifted her body so she was sitting; wincing at the slight pain she felt in her back.

She was certainly bruised, that was clear as the sun on a beautiful day; her arms where almost littered with cuts and scrapes. Her fingers trailed over each and every one of them, wincing until tears came to her eyes. Andy released a shaky breath before she could feel tears pouring down her face; she was surprised that she could keep crying after the swim. Her tears burned worse than the salt water, her hands stiffly reaching her face. Hiccups released from her mouth, Andy’s body jerking forward at each sob that escaped her mouth.

Was she alone? Did the others die? Andy wished she could huddle herself close, but her body was too stiff for her to even stand. Before long, the sobs became wails as her red, blue eyes watched her surroundings, hoping that she could see other running into the distance, but saw nothing. It wasn’t being alone that had shaken her up, it was more of the crash, and everything that had happened within the crash.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
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0.00 INK

Lisa never imagined she would panic like this; she felt so powerless and so useless and she hated that feeling.

Lisa shouted a few more times her panic and fear increasing but no one came.

The plane shock as it began to sink and Lisa was knocked down to the floor, Lisa recovered as the fall was a result of her own Imbalance and not an overwhelming force and at last regained her senses as the reality of her situation became clearer then it had been a few moments previously.

Lisa looked around her and saw that her time was running out, ether she escaped on her own or gambled her own life in a final attempt to get Chrissa out of the decimated seat.

Lisa knew that dragging Chrissa out of the plane alone would result in even greater injury to her if Lisa received no aid in the task however if Lisa did not do so then Chrissa would drown.

Lisa searched for the lifejackets; the crash offered little time to put them on but if Lisa was to get Chrissa out of the plane she would need them. Lisa found only one which was not damaged in their seating area and decided to put it on Chrissa; Lisa knew how to swim and besides if she was going to get Chrissa out of the plane and into the sea she would need something to lighten her task or she would get exhausted and then they would both die anyway.

As she put the lifejacket on Chrissa's unconscious body Lisa took great care not to pull the suits activation string yet; a fully inflated jacket would get ripped to shreds inside the plane so the only option was to activate it at the door way.

Lisa took her bag and hoped most of the items whitin it would survive the sea as she pulled Chrissa away from the seats and attempted to scatter as much of the debris in their path as she could. Lisa saw the doorway and yet it felt as if she was spending an eternity in her attempts to reach the doorway, Lisa pulled the string which inflated the lifejacket and then pushed Chrissa out into the sea. Lisa looked around into the plane but decided to turn her eyes; there would be dead inside and Lisa did not want to see them like this.

Lisa closed her eyes and jumped into the see, for a few moments Lisa drifted under the waves before she emerged. Chrissa was thankfully floating thanks to the lifejacket and Lisa swam towards her with as much speed as she could muster. Lisa was soon able to take hold of Chrissa and slowly swam towards shallow waters. As Lisa breathed in air she badly needed Lisa saw on the horizon what seemed to be land; Lisa began to swim towards still holding Chrissa by the lifejacket and hoped others in the group had the sense to swim to the island themselves.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
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0.00 INK

Pain. A rhythmic thump of her heart struggling to beat filled Chrissa's mind. The beats were weak, the great muscle fighting to pump blood in and out of the veins that circulate through it. Her mind was fuzzy, but filled with pain. Her eyes remained clothed to slits, not daring to open them and face the reality of pain that laid ahead. Still, anything seemed better than what she was going through now.

Slowly opening her eyes, red stained her vision. She was vaguely aware of a gash on the top of her head spilling the metallic liquid into her eyes. Slowly reaching a hand up, she wiped the blood away, only to have it rush down again. Waves crashed against her body, only she wasn't staying still. She was aware that she was being tugged towards shore, but other than that, she was out of it.

As she drifted towards shore, her right leg snagged on a bit of coral, causing shots of pain to erupt through her body. Gasping for air, but having trouble having the oxygen enter her body, her eye lids fluttered shut and drifted to unconsciousness once again.


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Lloyd and Roxanne tried making it too shore as fast as possible, kicking their feet while hanging onto the case. "OH JESUS!" Lloyd cried. "What!?" Roxanne shouted at him. "Something touched me!" Roxanne sighed in annoyance and pushed him off the case as she continued kicking her way to shore. Lloyd, further behind, waded his way in. As soon as Roxanne touched dry sand, she started, soaking wet, walking toward the trees, how of the rain, case in hand. Lloyd just plopped right onto the sand. "Check on Serenade!" he yelled. Lloyd got up and looked around. He shivered, being soaking wet, and because of the cold rain, and it was night time. He got a glimse of the scenary around him. He couldn't see the plane very well. He was lucky not to have any injuries, yet, he fealt his vision blurring.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Mayfield Character Portrait: Lloyd Mitchell Character Portrait: Roxanne Scarlet
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0.00 INK

Connor started to cough up sea water as he finally made it to land. The entire venture left him exhausted. He had forgotten every moment that had happened after he managed to push the cargo off his legs. All Connor knew was that he was surrounded by three suitcases. He looked around to see if anyone else hadw survived the crash. At first when he looked around he couldn't see anyone. He started to panic. He kept frantically looking from side to side. Finally he saw a few figures moving about 75 yards to his right.

Connor tried to get up. A sharp pain shot up his right leg. It was drenched in blood. He knew that he old never be able to walk in this condition. He began to army crawl all the way to his friends in the distance. Each move hurt him moe and more. He was finally about a yard away from Llyod and Roxanne. "Hey," he yelled to Roxanne and Lloyd. Lloyd looked as if he had just been injected with horse tranquillizer, so Connor decided to address Roxanne. "Roxanne can you please get my luggage with me?" "Yeah I can get it but I think you should stay here with a leg in that condition." Connor nodded an than crawled his way over to Lloyd. Connor then fell back and felt each raindrop hit his face. He sat up and watched with Lloyd as the plane burned.


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And then everyone died of Dysentery . The End!

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Plane by RolePlayGateway

This is where the students spend a short amount of their time until they reach the island.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
Character Portrait: Andy Marie Kellings
Character Portrait: Matt Furor
Character Portrait: Connor Mayfield
Character Portrait: Justin Mcloud
Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric
Character Portrait: Juliet Loss


Character Portrait: Juliet Loss
Juliet Loss

"Well, we what?"

Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric
Lisa "Ace" Fenric

"To hell with this!"

Character Portrait: Justin Mcloud
Justin Mcloud

"Damn it! "

Character Portrait: Connor Mayfield
Connor Mayfield

"Whoa this is like the intro in Bioshock! Ow,Shrapnel!"

Character Portrait: Matt Furor
Matt Furor

"I guess I'm a farm boy, through and through."

Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
Chrissa Ann Lincoln

"Stay with me, now. Stay."


Character Portrait: Justin Mcloud
Justin Mcloud

"Damn it! "

Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric
Lisa "Ace" Fenric

"To hell with this!"

Character Portrait: Connor Mayfield
Connor Mayfield

"Whoa this is like the intro in Bioshock! Ow,Shrapnel!"

Character Portrait: Juliet Loss
Juliet Loss

"Well, we what?"

Character Portrait: Matt Furor
Matt Furor

"I guess I'm a farm boy, through and through."

Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
Chrissa Ann Lincoln

"Stay with me, now. Stay."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Matt Furor
Matt Furor

"I guess I'm a farm boy, through and through."

Character Portrait: Connor Mayfield
Connor Mayfield

"Whoa this is like the intro in Bioshock! Ow,Shrapnel!"

Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
Chrissa Ann Lincoln

"Stay with me, now. Stay."

Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric
Lisa "Ace" Fenric

"To hell with this!"

Character Portrait: Juliet Loss
Juliet Loss

"Well, we what?"

Character Portrait: Justin Mcloud
Justin Mcloud

"Damn it! "

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Plane by RolePlayGateway

This is where the students spend a short amount of their time until they reach the island.


Plane Owner: RolePlayGateway

This is where the students spend a short amount of their time until they reach the island.

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