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Lightning Wing

Deserted Island


a part of Lightning Wing, by WhiteTiger08.


WhiteTiger08 holds sovereignty over Deserted Island, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

555 readers have been here.


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Deserted Island is a part of Lightning Wing.

9 Characters Here

Lisa "Ace" Fenric [13] "To hell with this!"
Chrissa Ann Lincoln [11] "Stay with me, now. Stay."
Connor Mayfield [7] "Whoa this is like the intro in Bioshock! Ow,Shrapnel!"
Andy Marie Kellings [6] "Why!?"
Justin Mcloud [4] "Damn it! "
Juliet Loss [3] "Well, we what?"
Roxanne Scarlet [3] "Trust me, I'm never wrong, right?"
Lloyd Mitchell [3] "Oh this is sooo bad, I'm going to miss something!"
Matt Furor [3] "I guess I'm a farm boy, through and through."

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DONG. Just as Roxanne was about to sleep, she was disturbed. Evil Presence. DONG. She glanced over at the window. Then, everything went in slow motion. Everything seemed inaudible. DONG

Confusion, unorginized tones. Everybody started to panick, you couldn't make anything out of it. Roxanne yelled at Lloyd to wake him up. Lloyd woke up, and wondered what was going on, untill he saw the window. He looked at it in fear. Roxanne was about to unstrap, but Lloyd told her not to. then the plain hit the water.

The excitement began. Lloyd knew, to escape, was race against time. His world was inaudible as well. Instantly, they both unstrapped. Roxanne looked for Lloyd's suitcase overhead, but Lloyd got it off Conner. Lloyd openned it, took his bird out of his coat, and stuffed it in, as to protect it from water. Then, Lloyd's 'Kamen Diamonte' hat flew out, but Roxanne grabbed it. They stuffed it back in and ran for the emergency exit.

As they ran by the lains, excitement mixed with panic and confusion. Lloyd glanced over at Lisa and the others as the squeezed to get passed, pretty much ignoring them. Then they ran to the emergency exit, which was now submerged. Thankfully, Andy already openned it. The plane was losing interior pressure. If they were too late, the plane would be crushed, if it didn't fill with water first. Also, the waterproof case floated.

Panic and Excitement got more intense and mixed, as blood rushed through their veins. They ran toward the next exit. Lloyd got it openned, and immedietly the plane started flooding insanely. Anybody who didn't escape in minute and a half were likely too late. Lloyd and Roxanne fought the incomming current of water, and got out of the sinking plane. Because of them, the interior pressure rushed out of the plane, lettimg it start to sink faster. Lloyd and Roxanne because of the turbulent current, instantly were sucked under the plane. They panicked. Lloyd was tightly holding onto the suitcase, which stuck to the hull of the plane. Roxanne went up to get some air, and got back to under the sinking hull. Lloyd was running out of air, and wasn't a very strong swimner. Roxanne had no choice. She tried pulling him out, but the case barely budged. Lloyd really needed more air, so the switched spots. Roxanne grabbed the case. However, the sinking hull turned a bit, and instantly, the case rocketted upward.

DONG. Roxanne lost her grip, and watched helplessly as the bag rushed upward. DONG. Lloyd saw the case surface a second after he did. Roxanne however was nowhere to be found, except under.

Roxanne looked at the surface. The excitement left her, but simply echoed in her mind. She was about to give up her final breath, untill, the Magician's figure appeared in her head. Roxanne could barely see the moon. Roxanne started swimming upwards. She soon let her final breath, but two seconds after, she met the surface, and appear next to Lloyd, who was hanging onto the case. She joined him. The rain poured heavily on their heads, as they floated aimlessly. The action was echoing in the rain. Lloyd looked around, and barely saw something. DONG.


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Character Portrait: Andy Marie Kellings
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Andy’s hands drug through water, the salty, warm water was filling her lungs at each wave that hit her viciously; she could already feel her eyes become red, and Andy didn’t know whether she was still crying or not. Another wave hit her, slamming her against sand, and dragging her back against some coral; she could feel the fishes and animals swim all around her, wondering what had happened to their home- this only made Andy thrash more, feeling the deep burnings of the organisms scrape her. Another wave hit, bringing her back up to the surface of the water, feeling the air hit her like a thousand needles.

Her lungs where burning sensationally; oh how painful it was! Another wave hit, and once again, she was dragged back under; her hands grabbing onto bits of sand, picking up small creatures before throwing them into the current. This must’ve gotten her somewhere, because the next wave that hit her, violently pushed her into some shallow parts of the water; sand filling every opening in her face. With a final, strong wave, her body was forced onto the shore of an island.

Andy couldn’t believe how weak she was now that she was back on land; her hands thrashing against the hard, wet sand, trying to keep herself from being pulled back into the water. It wasn’t long before a horrid pain stabbed through her chest and eyes, causing her to cough violently; before she knew it, a pain shot up through her nose and seemed like it exit right in the middle of her throat- not helping her to stop coughing. Andy grabbed her chest, mucus, sand and water coming out of her mouth and landing in the sand.

She tried to support herself with her other weak arm, but a numbing pain made it shake under her weight; it wasn’t long before Andy collapsed, landing on the beach as she continued to cough up whatever filled her lungs. Soon, everything grew quiet, her body shivered brutally to the warm breeze; her breaths where heavy and surely not taken for granted. Andy’s heart dropped when she felt the cool water wash up against her feet, causing her to panic and crawl further onto the beach; her blue eyes fearing the fact that she could be pulled in.

Andy didn’t take herself very far- her body and mind where completely exhausted. She suddenly collapsed, the hot sand made her shiver only more, sending chills racketing down her back. Andy laid there for what seemed like hours, but she knew where only minutes before she lifted her face up to look at her body, and in one quick move, she shifted her body so she was sitting; wincing at the slight pain she felt in her back.

She was certainly bruised, that was clear as the sun on a beautiful day; her arms where almost littered with cuts and scrapes. Her fingers trailed over each and every one of them, wincing until tears came to her eyes. Andy released a shaky breath before she could feel tears pouring down her face; she was surprised that she could keep crying after the swim. Her tears burned worse than the salt water, her hands stiffly reaching her face. Hiccups released from her mouth, Andy’s body jerking forward at each sob that escaped her mouth.

Was she alone? Did the others die? Andy wished she could huddle herself close, but her body was too stiff for her to even stand. Before long, the sobs became wails as her red, blue eyes watched her surroundings, hoping that she could see other running into the distance, but saw nothing. It wasn’t being alone that had shaken her up, it was more of the crash, and everything that had happened within the crash.


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Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
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Lisa never imagined she would panic like this; she felt so powerless and so useless and she hated that feeling.

Lisa shouted a few more times her panic and fear increasing but no one came.

The plane shock as it began to sink and Lisa was knocked down to the floor, Lisa recovered as the fall was a result of her own Imbalance and not an overwhelming force and at last regained her senses as the reality of her situation became clearer then it had been a few moments previously.

Lisa looked around her and saw that her time was running out, ether she escaped on her own or gambled her own life in a final attempt to get Chrissa out of the decimated seat.

Lisa knew that dragging Chrissa out of the plane alone would result in even greater injury to her if Lisa received no aid in the task however if Lisa did not do so then Chrissa would drown.

Lisa searched for the lifejackets; the crash offered little time to put them on but if Lisa was to get Chrissa out of the plane she would need them. Lisa found only one which was not damaged in their seating area and decided to put it on Chrissa; Lisa knew how to swim and besides if she was going to get Chrissa out of the plane and into the sea she would need something to lighten her task or she would get exhausted and then they would both die anyway.

As she put the lifejacket on Chrissa's unconscious body Lisa took great care not to pull the suits activation string yet; a fully inflated jacket would get ripped to shreds inside the plane so the only option was to activate it at the door way.

Lisa took her bag and hoped most of the items whitin it would survive the sea as she pulled Chrissa away from the seats and attempted to scatter as much of the debris in their path as she could. Lisa saw the doorway and yet it felt as if she was spending an eternity in her attempts to reach the doorway, Lisa pulled the string which inflated the lifejacket and then pushed Chrissa out into the sea. Lisa looked around into the plane but decided to turn her eyes; there would be dead inside and Lisa did not want to see them like this.

Lisa closed her eyes and jumped into the see, for a few moments Lisa drifted under the waves before she emerged. Chrissa was thankfully floating thanks to the lifejacket and Lisa swam towards her with as much speed as she could muster. Lisa was soon able to take hold of Chrissa and slowly swam towards shallow waters. As Lisa breathed in air she badly needed Lisa saw on the horizon what seemed to be land; Lisa began to swim towards still holding Chrissa by the lifejacket and hoped others in the group had the sense to swim to the island themselves.


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Character Portrait: Lisa "Ace" Fenric Character Portrait: Chrissa Ann Lincoln
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Pain. A rhythmic thump of her heart struggling to beat filled Chrissa's mind. The beats were weak, the great muscle fighting to pump blood in and out of the veins that circulate through it. Her mind was fuzzy, but filled with pain. Her eyes remained clothed to slits, not daring to open them and face the reality of pain that laid ahead. Still, anything seemed better than what she was going through now.

Slowly opening her eyes, red stained her vision. She was vaguely aware of a gash on the top of her head spilling the metallic liquid into her eyes. Slowly reaching a hand up, she wiped the blood away, only to have it rush down again. Waves crashed against her body, only she wasn't staying still. She was aware that she was being tugged towards shore, but other than that, she was out of it.

As she drifted towards shore, her right leg snagged on a bit of coral, causing shots of pain to erupt through her body. Gasping for air, but having trouble having the oxygen enter her body, her eye lids fluttered shut and drifted to unconsciousness once again.


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Lloyd and Roxanne tried making it too shore as fast as possible, kicking their feet while hanging onto the case. "OH JESUS!" Lloyd cried. "What!?" Roxanne shouted at him. "Something touched me!" Roxanne sighed in annoyance and pushed him off the case as she continued kicking her way to shore. Lloyd, further behind, waded his way in. As soon as Roxanne touched dry sand, she started, soaking wet, walking toward the trees, how of the rain, case in hand. Lloyd just plopped right onto the sand. "Check on Serenade!" he yelled. Lloyd got up and looked around. He shivered, being soaking wet, and because of the cold rain, and it was night time. He got a glimse of the scenary around him. He couldn't see the plane very well. He was lucky not to have any injuries, yet, he fealt his vision blurring.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Mayfield Character Portrait: Lloyd Mitchell Character Portrait: Roxanne Scarlet
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Connor started to cough up sea water as he finally made it to land. The entire venture left him exhausted. He had forgotten every moment that had happened after he managed to push the cargo off his legs. All Connor knew was that he was surrounded by three suitcases. He looked around to see if anyone else hadw survived the crash. At first when he looked around he couldn't see anyone. He started to panic. He kept frantically looking from side to side. Finally he saw a few figures moving about 75 yards to his right.

Connor tried to get up. A sharp pain shot up his right leg. It was drenched in blood. He knew that he old never be able to walk in this condition. He began to army crawl all the way to his friends in the distance. Each move hurt him moe and more. He was finally about a yard away from Llyod and Roxanne. "Hey," he yelled to Roxanne and Lloyd. Lloyd looked as if he had just been injected with horse tranquillizer, so Connor decided to address Roxanne. "Roxanne can you please get my luggage with me?" "Yeah I can get it but I think you should stay here with a leg in that condition." Connor nodded an than crawled his way over to Lloyd. Connor then fell back and felt each raindrop hit his face. He sat up and watched with Lloyd as the plane burned.


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And then everyone died of Dysentery . The End!