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Julian Serrure

All who joy would win must share it. Happiness was born a Twin.

0 · 523 views · located in Northbay, Ireland

a character in “Living Gods”, as played by RubyBlue


Donā€™t you trust me?


Name: Julian Hall Serrure
Nickname:Jules, Julie
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Pantheon: Norse
Ancestor: Loki
Occupation: Works part-time in a local record store, Professional Drummer

+His drum kit
+His twin
+Late night drives
+hot tea
+Going out without a destination in mind.
+Getting lost
+Being found
+Thai Food
+People easily persuaded.
+Being startled
+People who dismiss him.
+Talking on the phone
+Extreme heat.
+Getting caught
+Deep Water ā€“ You wonā€™t find Julian swimming during the summer.
+Being alone ā€“ The thought terrifies him which is why he constantly surrounds himself with people at any given chance.
+Responsibility ā€“ Julian is a big kid who never wants to grow up, least of all have to have some sort of responsibility. Too much pressure.
Music ā€“ Itā€™s kind of his go to thing. He has his own band and works in a music store. Any question you might have about any genre and there is a good chance Julian will know the answer.
Collecting ā€“ Ever since he was a kid Julian has made a habit of collecting things, trading cards, coins, stampsā€¦whatever happened to interest him at the moment. His collections aren't very large seeing as he has a very short attention span.


Ancestor: Loki ā€“ Norse God of cunning, trickery and deceit.
Julian has the ability to shape shift, although he is restricted to lesser animals unlike his twin. Heā€™s able to transform his body into that of any animals, regardless of size, being that heā€™s had some sort of exposure to it first. Be it a picture, or through the glass at a zoo, or Julian running through a field after a bull, he can use that animal as a template. He tends to take on the relative strength; heightened senses and speed of these animals while in their form yet does not retain them when he shifts back to his human body.

Julianā€™s most often used ability is that of persuasion. Heā€™s always had a talent for it and his incessant use has made him quite formidable. While speaking he is capable of persuading people who are listening to do things or react in a way they normally wouldnā€™t. Itā€™s very similar to hypnosis in a way and very nearly impossible to disobey his commands no matter how trivial they are.
Of course itā€™s not all powerful, people who canā€™t hear him or understand him go unaffected and if he happens to have laryngitis heā€™s pretty useless.

+He is unable to maintain a shift for longer than a few hours, the strain on his body is too much and he gets amazingly ill if he tries to ignore the need to revert. +Although his power of persuasion is strong there are a few weaknesses, the more complex the thought or order the more difficult it is to follow. Those with higher intelligence are much harder to persuade and he can never order or ask anyone to do anything that they weren't capable of before.
+Is an excellent musician, plays the drums avidly and also likes to sing. Of course the hypnotic quality of his voice doesn't hurt him there.
+Amazingly resilient, he's taken a lot of shit his whole life. Being a descendant of Loki didn't exactly make one popular and instead of getting depressed or wondering what was wrong with him, he realized it was what was wrong with them that mattered. This is why he takes so much pride in learning others secrets and using what he has learned against them.
+Gifted Liar
The other Norse tend to look down on us as if they're somehow better, like their ancestors could even hope to rival Loki. The Egyptians aren't a bad lot, a bit nose in the air but harmless. The Greeks on the other hand, they look like a handful and I could see lots of fun stemming from that.


Julian is quite free-spirited, generally easy going and friendly. Of course you can never be sure if heā€™s truly being genuine. His go to personality setting for most people is Clueless Stoner Kid which has worked for him since he began using it when he was a teenager. The deceptive boy had figured that it was much easier to get what he wanted if people wrote him off as simple, when people didn't think you had brains or talent it was much easier for them to believe anything you said. Obviously he didn't have the capacity for deception when in all honesty he took to it like a fish to water.

For those who do get close Julian they might be treated to a different view. Occasionally cruel, always manipulative and always with some sort of plan in mind, Julian wasnā€™t one to enjoy leisure time. He liked stirring up conflict and watching the results, knowing that he was the one behind it all. This probably has a lot to do with his love of secrets, his own and most importantly other peoples. Heā€™s a proficient eavesdropper, insanely curious and will not hesitate to use what he found against anyone. Itā€™s a part of his inherent nature that he has embraced and instead of feeling guilty about it he chooses to feel pride.

There are time when Jules can be truly sensitive and caring, usually in regards to his twin sister and the random assortment of friends he has collected. He can be quite generous with his attention, time and money if he feels youā€™re worth it and is always the one whoā€™s making sure everybodyā€™s having a good time and if not heā€™ll set about to changing it.

Unlike his sister Julian had always identified with being an outsider, he knew why the other kids at school didn't talk to them much. It was a known fact that the other kidā€™s parents told gruesome stories about Loki at bedtime to scare them. Which in turn only made them scared of his descendants turning them into social pariahs before the twins even left first grade. Julianā€™s sister did her best to fit in and be ā€œnormalā€ whatever that was, and Julian followed in right behind her. Where one went the other would follow as it were and thatā€™s how he began to learn how to hide his true self from people.

It continued this way for awhile, the twins learning how to use their abilities in private. Hiding the fact that they were becoming more and more proficient from people who thought theyā€™d only use them for the wrong reason. Of course when someone tells you all your life how bad you are you canā€™t help but want to prove it a little bitā€¦or a lot.

During his high school years Julian took shape shifting into smaller and smaller creatures, becoming the proverbial fly on the wall which was how he learned so many of the school officials private business. Which he published himself and distributed anonymously. The amount of affairs and clandestine drug use in the facility was astounding. The uproar was everything and more than he ever dreamed and it was then he got a taste for stirring the pot. He was only telling the truth after all and wasnā€™t that what everyone placed a high value on? Honesty?

Graduation came and he soon enrolled and then dropped out of University, claiming that he couldn't handle the stifling environment of academia and instead took up work in a record shop and set to work on his band.


So begins...

Julian Serrure's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon
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#, as written by Issa


Saturday, 20th July

The residents of Northbay have awoken to a surprisingly pleasant summer's day. The weather, by magic or nature, is already a charming 20Ā°C (68Ā°F) and predictions have the maximum temperature reaching a comfortable 25Ā°C (77Ā°F). There are only a few wisps of cloud in the sky and a refreshing breeze can be felt throughout the area.

The main street is being prepared for the festival. It is still open to the public as most of the shops lining the street are likely to stay open until the cordons are put up. There is a definite buzz to the town as those involved in the preparation for the festival work and those who are attending look forward to the nights festivities.

For the town Elders there is a feeling of anxiousness. Will their planned festival help to calm the town's tensions or will it do the opposite?

Ramses Atum

Ram lefted his head and closed his green eyes, soaking up the early morning sun as it bet down on the lake. Cool water sprayed in his face and a constant breeze ruffled his hair. It was perfect sailing weather and Ram had been up since dawn to make the most of it. His one man boat, named 'The Falcon', raced across the lake, skimming across the waves.

Ram opened his eyes as he drew closer to the shore. Standing up in the boat he shielded his eyes from the sunlight glistening off the water and took in the view. There, pretty as a picture, sat Northbay. It fit snuggly between the lakeshore and the hills beyond. He could make out the main street with its small array of shows on either side. There was a large amount of activity in the street, surprising for such a small town and so early on a Saturday.

Then again it was the day of the Lantern Festival. No doubt every spare hand the Elder's could rope into helping was busy putting up decorations. Ram's father Ramsey was a member of the Elders' Council so Ramses was able to get all his information first hand and fresh. The festival was officially an overdue welcome to the Greeks. Unofficially it was to try and calm down the rising animosities between the different groups in the town. As Ram's father had said, if the town could come together and enjoy this one, simple event then they would be one step closer to regaining peace and order.

Ram thought it was a vain hope. He highly doubted that bringing together the whole town into one street would solve anything. Quite the opposite really. Ram knew little of the Greeks but he had grown up with the Norse and his own Egyptian pantheon. He knew enough to understand that there would always be certain individuals who do anything but try to ease tensions.

Shaking such thoughts from his head Ram aimed the boat to shore. A moment later he pulled into the docks, jumping onto the wooden jetty with the ease of practice. He anchored his boat to the jetty, tying it securely. The day may have been calm now but Ram knew enough about Irish weather to know to predict anything. Besides, when you lived in a town of power beings you could never be sure when someone's powers would cause a little mayhem.

Standing up Ram raised his arms above his head and stretched, before straightening out his clothes. With a pleased smile he set off down the wooden walkway, heading towards the Sailing Club rooms and a much needed shower.

Mack Nephthys

Early morning carpentry was probably not the best way to deal with a hangover, but oddly enough Mack found the rhythmic thud of his hammer strangely calming. Or perhaps he was still drunk from last night.

He had visited Northbay's singular drinking hole, the pub, the previous night. It had started as a causal beer, but three bottles of beer, four shots of vodka and who knows what else later his night had ended up much larger than anticipated. He had woken up this morning still in his clothes, his light still on and his alarm cloak blaring from under a pile of clothes.

Mack had agreed to help set up for the Lantern Festival that night. He wasn't even getting paid, but doing it as a favour to the town. Not that he minded doing it for free. Mack didn't have too many expensive habits and the rent on his tiny apartment over the supermarket was relatively cheap.

"Mack! Can you move the lanterns slightly to the left?" Ebony Aset, aunt of the three Aset girls and member of the Elders, shouted from the street. Mack, standing up on a ladder, nodded down at the woman and moved the lanterns as desired. Satisfied Ebony nodded and wondered off to oversee another part of the preparations. Left to his own devices Mack returned to hammering.

Almost finished he gave one final hammer on the nail, only his attention must have slipped because the next thing he knew a sharp pain erupted in his thumb. With a yelp he jerked his hand back, making him lose his balance in the process. His legs went out from under him, his arms pinwheeling in circles as he tried to grab at anything to keep him from falling.
Unfortunately the ladder seemed to elude him and Mack quickly found himself falling. A gust of wind blew up the street, particles of sand held in the breeze. The wind increased in strength and pressure, directing itself around the falling man. Faster than the eye could follow it had formed into a miniature wind funnel, Mack being safely buoyed in the centre. Slowly he was lowered to the ground. Only when his feet had touched concrete did a movement of his hand send the winds away, leaving a thin layer of sand behind.

'Mack, as much as I'm glad you're not hurt...' The stern voice came from Ebony Aset, her foot tapping quickly as she surveyed the tiny beach of sand that his powers had called forth. She had a broom in her hand, 'I want all this sand gone before tonight.' Thrusting it into his grasp Ebony turned and left. Dusting the light sprinkling of sand off his clothes before beginning to sweep up the street, Mack wished - and not for the first time - that his winds didn't magically summon sand when he called them.

Asta Falr

The view from the hills above the town was spectacular. Asta, pausing on her descent, couldn't help but grin at the landscape. The lake was sparkling in the early morning sun, light glistened off the town roofs and there was hardly a cloud in sight. She could have stayed on the thin track that ran up the hills beyond Northbay all day, but one glance at her watch told Asta that she'd need to open the shop soon. With a last glance across the lake Asta turned and made her way, half skipping, down the track.

Most likely it was the excitement of the coming festival that had seen Asta rise so early and head up into the hills. She often went for walks, but rarely so early in the morning. Coming back down she hit the main street at it's beginning. The entrance to Northbay was decorated with a simple sign which read 'Welcome to Northbay'. Asta passed the sign, entering the main street of the town. She passed people setting up stalls, others hanging decorations and more than one person shouting out loud instructions.

Asta waved happily at Mack as she passed him. Curiously he was sweeping up sand, although where the sand came from Asta couldn't be sure. Down the street she went, dodging in and out of the workers, until she reached the Bookstore.
"Key, key key... Oh, there you are!" She muttered to herself as she dug into her cardigan pockets. The Bookstore owner had given Asta the responsibility of opening the store today and she would have hated it if she'd lost the keys already.

She pushed the door open and stepped into the dark room. The light switch was unfortunately at the other end of the store and Asta didn't fancy wondering through the dark to find it. So, holding her hand out, she summoned a small sphere of light and used it to guide her through.

Ten minutes later, the store lit, open and ready for customers, Asta sat back at the counter with a sigh of relief. From here she had a good view of the festival preparations, but instead of watching the workers outside she picked up her book 'Catch-22' and began to read. The doorbell would jingle as soon as anyone entered, meaning until then she could happily lose herself in Joseph Heller.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terrance Falr Character Portrait: Asta Falr Character Portrait: Stephanie Ceres Character Portrait: Bobby Ceres Character Portrait: Daphne Bacchus Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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Bobby was up early as usual, tucking in his shirt and tie early in the morning. The sun wasn't up yet, but he'd gone to bed at 8:30 the night before and was well rested as usual. Making sure his hair was greased back into place he, grabbed his messenger bag, slung it over his shoulder and ran out of his room.

Most days Bobby wouldn't have gone to work until after school, but today was different. Today was the lantern festival and school was closed. From across the second story hallway he could see bits of light poking out from a closed door. He smiled to himself, of course Brad was up and awake, probably reading that law book he liked so much.

Making some quick toast in the kitchen he went to go start up the car his parents had bought him for his birthday in February. But he soon found it was little use, because Stephanie, his little sister was already drunkenly passed out in the car, sheā€™d probably had another row in the pub the night before from the looks of the nasty bruise on the side of her face. It hurt Bobby to see his little sis in such a sorry state, she was always using that fake id , in fact most nights she was Betsy Caldwell instead of Stephanie Ceres it seemed and Bobby liked Stephanie Ceres much better.

Try as he would he couldnā€™t get his hungover sister to budge, just mumbled a few scouse like swears at him. So he had to take his vintage bike instead. Not that he really minded, he liked biking much better in fact, and as he sped along into the town of Northbay he felt in good spirits. Today seemed like it might just be a great day. As he came to a stop at the bookstore he worked at, his phone went off:

"Hey what's up? You going to the festival tonight? I'm looking to have some fun tonight, anybody willing to join?"

From: Daphne Bacchus

He slowly, with his figures instead of thumbs, as he never did get the hang of typing, wrote out.

To: Daphne Bacchus

ā€œGoing to work, you ought to have seen Steph this morning. Any idea what happened? Anyways Iā€™ll be attending I guess, Steph will murder me if I donā€™t.ā€

From: Bobby Ceres

Bobby continued to walk into the bookstore, where he found his co worker Asta already buried in a book. ā€œWell someones up and early.ā€He said quietly, smiling as he walked past the counter to go to the back to restock the shelves. After a moment he replied, ā€œI could go up and get us some coffee if youā€™d like, itā€™d only be a minute and Iā€™d get a discount because of my sister.ā€

It sure did sound much stupider aloud than in his head and he regretted talking.


Stephanie awoke to the sound of her brother soft voice. ā€œPiss off Bobbyā€ She mumbled with a moan as she turned away from the open car door. She was surprised she made it home in the car last night. Her head and face were throbbing, and a half an hour later when she had enough energy, strength and will to get up, she found a ugly little bruise covering the bottom left side of her face along her her messy dark brown hair messily falling in her face.

ā€œWell hello beautiful.ā€ She smirked to her own reflection, trying to remember how the bruise had gotten there. Puzzled she shrugged, stepped out of the car and shuffled into the house. After finding her way up the stairs to her room, she remembered she had to go to work. Shit work, Iā€™ll bet I have a million miss calls.

Stephanie picked up her cell phone before undressing and was surprised she had only one text message.

"Hey what's up? You going to the festival tonight? I'm looking to have some fun tonight, anybody willing to join?"

From: Daphne Bacchus

She texted back before jumping in the shower.

ā€œDammit! Iā€™m late for work and still hungover, Iā€™ll be at the festival or whatever though, Iā€™ll meet you there with Bobby and Brad even if I have to drag them both. Later.ā€

From: Stephanie Ceres

After Stephanie had showered, thrown on some old striped tee shirt and a brown sweater jacket, with some rolled up jeans and some brown saddle oxfords, she decided to text some other random people she had in her contacts from getting out in the new town.

To Laya:

Hey watcha up to? Are you going to the festival tonight, seems like everyone is.

From: Stephanie Ceres

To Julian:

Hey Julie, what up? Working today, cause maybe we could hang some more at the fest later on. If not thatā€™s cool too.

From: Stephanie Ceres

To April:

Howā€™s it going? Are you going to the festival today?

From: Stephanie Ceres

To Terrance:

Hey you going to the festival, maybe we could hang out of something.

From: Stephanie Ceres

Stephanie froze we she got to the next contact on her list, Antares Pallas, the one guy in town she actually fancied. Hands fumbling she wrote out a very shaky text to him, careful to mind her spelling before starting her car and driving to work.

To Antares:

Hello, um ah, would you mind going to the festival with me later today. We could meet up before or something, it doesn't have to be alone you know, I mean Brad and Bobby will be there too and um yeah, itā€™d be super cool if you could come. But I mean you donā€™t have to.

From: Stephanie Ceres

As Stephanie walked into the coffee shop she worked in her manager gave her an angry look which she ignored as she made her own espresso and tucked her phone away. As that weird Beatles obsessed old lady who live down the street from her back in Liverpool would say, it was going to be a hard days night.

(I know no Izzy yet but I will edit soon, I only have so much time, this is looking great so far guys!:))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus Character Portrait: Alyssa Taylor Vanadis Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Daphne Bacchus
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Fin woke up sprawled across his bed with his forearm laying across his eyes to block out the sun that was peeking through his window. Though it wasnā€™t the sun that had woken him up, it was the beep that had just signalled out from underneath a pile of clothes that seemed to span his whole floor.

He laid there for a moment staring at his ceiling, not quite ready to get up, he only laid there a moment before a grin stretched across his face and he rolled off his bed onto the pile of clothes on his floor. Just lying there was way too boring, and he was way too curious about what the text was about. It took him a solid five minutes to find his phone that was impressively buried, though for the achievement of finding his phone the state of his room suffered. hHs room was messy before but it was now a wreckage site.

He got up to leave his room with his phone in hand and took a glance back at the state of his room, though only for a moment before shrugging it off thinking to himself that he could clean it later. Though that was a blatant lie, seeming as Finā€™s idea of cleaning was putting three things away and then getting distracted by something he found. Walking through his place Fin read through his new text from his sister Daphne, smiling to himself as he remembered today was the belated festival to welcome the Greeks. He couldnā€™t help getting excited, all he wanted was for the day to hurry up.

To: Daphne
Of Course Iā€™ll be there Daff, wouldnā€™t miss it for the world. Iā€™ll definitely see you there!

After typing quick reply, Fin threw his phone onto the nearest ledge he could find without really thinking about what he was doing. He did this all the time and never learnt. Sometimes he would lose his phone for months at a time, or he just wouldnā€™t get around to charging it. Anyone who knew him at all knew it was incredibly unlikely for him to have his phone on him and let alone have it charged and on him.

He took a quick shower and dressed for the day before heading out the main street, excited to see all the decorations people had been working on. He walked through the main street with an uncontrollable grin on his face. The whole place just looked so festive and everyone seemed to be around working together to make the place look great. Plus they couldnā€™t have picked a better day, the sun was shining and there wasnā€™t a cloud in the sky. Tonight was sure to be a good night, hopefully with plenty of alcohol, though he could fix that if it became an issue.

As Fin walked on he became aware that he was no longer just walking on concrete and the whole ground seemed to be scattered with sand. He looked up and seeing Mack had been given the duty of sweeping up the sand he made his way toawrds the guy. ā€œI swear sleep in and you miss all the fun,ā€ exclaimed Fin when he gained Mackā€™s attention. ā€œWhat happened here?ā€ he gestured to the sand scattered all across the street, an expression of curiosity and confusion spread across his features.

ā€œDid you need any help cleaning it up?ā€ Fin asked, when remembered that Mack had been sweeping up the sand. He hadnā€™t much to do that day, he had to work a few hours at the restaurant over lunch but that was about it. So he had plently of time to fill in and he really did want to help out and not just rely on other people to do everything.

He looked over Mackā€™s shoulder to see Delilah walking through the town seemingly taking a look at the decorations being put up. He immediately started walking over towards her, hoping since she was Greek and this was her first festival that she would be as excited as he was. ā€œTalk to you later Mack,ā€ Fin said over his shoulder at the last moment, completely forgetting his offer to help out.

ā€œDehlilah!ā€ Fin called out grinning, ā€œI take it your shops not open today then?ā€ He caught up to her and began walking with her through the town. He wasnā€™t particularly close to Dehlilah but they were both Greek so they knew each other and from his point of view got on well.

ā€œThey town looks so festive and amazing doesnā€™t it?ā€ He asked a wide smile lighting up his face as he faced forward still taking in all the decorations that had already been put up as well as the ones that were yet to be set up.


Calypso had been up for a while lying on the couch brainlessly watching whatever was on the television, occasionally changing channels when she felt a surge of energy. While everyone else looked to be out and about on that Saturday morning she had nothing to do. Ever heard the expression ā€˜no post on Sundaysā€™? Yeah, well Northbay was such a tiny town there was no post all weekends, plus a post office wasnā€™t something so important that it needed to stay open when there was a festival on so she had no work. Her roommate and her best friend (excluding her twin Julian) Alyssa hadnā€™t come home last night, she was either at her parentsā€™ place or off somewhere with a one night stand, either way though this meant Calypso was alone. She also was definitely not going to go help set up the festival, helping out and getting involved with the community was not something she would ever voluntarily do.

Speaking of the festival, Calypso found it hilarious that it was put on in order to try and soothe inter pantheon tensions since she could not remember a festival in Northbay that hadnā€™t ended badly or at least stirred up more drama than it was worth. This time would of course be no different though, her and Julian would be around to make sure of that. Not that sheā€™d discussed it with her twin, but she knew heā€™d be up for it causing some drama.

Calypso decided it was probably time to get up and do something when her she heard he phone beep from what seemed to be the kitchen. Switching off the television she pulled herself to her feet to go investigate who had texted her. She smiled though when she read Alyssaā€™s text and quickly sent off a reply.

To: Alyssa
Yeah, yeah, Iā€™m up. As if you even have to ask if we're going, no way weā€™d miss out on so much potential drama. Grabbing a drink before the lanterns sounds like just what the night calls for, havenā€™t seen Julie yet but will definitely drag him along.

Calypso was already dressed for the day in a simple patterned dress and so throwing her phone into her pocket she headed to her room to finish her hair and put on some makeup. Soon enough she was walking along the main street, not interacting with anyone she passed but rather walking very slowly, watching everyone go about putting up their direction. She loved watching people, she found it fascinating to watch how every single person was different in how they walked, talked and just generally held themselves. Calypso was so absorbed in her thoughts she hadnā€™t even noticed that she had walked right pass Ava until she heard her call out. "I'm here. What do you want?" Calypso looked over her shoulder and eyed the other girl a playful smile already forming on her face.

ā€œWow, Ava Apophis helping out?ā€ she said sarcastically truning around so she was standing in front of Ava, a small smile tugging at the corners at her mouth. ā€œConsidering what everyoneā€™s saying, what a brave move.ā€ She said offhandedly, shrugging it off. Calypso turned her back to her, seemingly looking at the decorations. She was bullshitting about people talking about Ava, but while the burnette was always good for starting up drama sometimes she needed a slight push.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stephanie Ceres Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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Julian looked up lazily from his magazine and looked yet again at the front of the store. No one was there, and he doubted anyone would probably wander in. It was an off day for business usually and then the added extravagance of a festival didnā€™t exactly help. Theyā€™d blocked off all sorts of streets and itā€™d take some sort of genius to wind his way through, Julian had barely made it and only been fifteen minutes opening the place.

Heā€™d offered to open and man the store for the short time it would be open that day, considering he wasnā€™t as excited or as civic minded as the rest of the citizens of Northbay he figured why not let the people who actually enjoyed participating enjoy it while they could. Of course he enjoyed his solitude, the opportunity to play any sort of music he liked and the chance to pound away at the amazing kit his boss kept in the place. As a matter of fact heā€™d planned it this way and was quite pleased with himself.
Taking a moment to check his phone which had vibrated across the counter in a sort of strange
shambling dance he took a quick look at the text heā€™d received from Stephanie Ceres.

Of course heā€™d be at the festival, he was almost positive that he and Calypso would grace the long unseen lantern festival with their presence and who knew what the twins would have in store the town, if they were lucky that is. Julian has almost decided to skip the whole affair and get insanely drunk instead but why couldn't he do both?

At work right now, slow as hell. Iā€™ll catch up with you later at the festival. Promises.

He deftly texted back before tossing his battered phone back onto the counter and returning to his magazine. Propping his feet onto the counter in front of him he leaned back and waited to flip the sign from open to close.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Izzy Dias Character Portrait: Lucas Jason Amut
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Izzy awoke late in the day, typical of her when she didn't have classes. She instantly went to her phone and was almost disappointed when she saw there were no new messages, at least not from anyone important. Frowning, she made up her mind to do her very best to change that, by sending a few messages out to the people she felt she knew best, most of which who she felt either could easily be controlled, or were attractive, or she considered a friend, and that left a wide range of people.

To: Odessa, Fin, Amanda, Lucas, Bryce, Viona, Ronan, Julian, Calypso:

Hey all, your queen has awoken! So whereā€™s everyone up to? Iā€™m looking forward to seeing all you peeps at the festival tonight, and festivals arenā€™t even like my thing like at all! So you guys better be there because if Iā€™m there alone with the village elders, heads shall roll! Lol! Will be in town fyi so feel free to meet up with me.

From: Izzy Dias

Izzy put her phone down, sat up, walked out of bed down to the small bathroom in her tiny flat and took a long bath, before dressing and heading out for town. It was nice not having to work to pay for school because you had a rich stepfather to pay for it all, Izzy had to admit, problem was, that meant a lot of people were tried down for work. Driving into town she quickly parked her car and watched as several people put together decorations, smirking almost, she couldnā€™t understand why anyone but criminals would work for free for something having to do with the community, but she supposed that was why she was a leader, after all, not everyoneā€™s grandfathers Zeus, and the ruling blood certainly ran deep in Izzy.

Izzy, getting out of her car decided to look for a place to loiter around, a hobby she quite enjoyed. She wasnā€™t really watching where she was going however and bumped into Mack, who was sweeping sand?

ā€œUm excuse me, but do you mind!ā€ She snorted angrily, when he completely ignored her. Then an idea came to her. ā€œ Hey Mack, check this out!ā€ When she had gotten his attention she looked to the sky and caused a small stray bolt of lighting light up the sky. It was the kind that was gone in an instant and made you wonder if there was a storm or not, the ones that Liverpool had been getting frequently for the last 21 or so years. Besides, it was always fun to scare the crap out of people, and Izzy remembered somebody told her once that Mack was afraid of lighting.

Laughing to herself, Izzy walked down to the record shop and gave Julian a wink before turning to the music, trying to find some old records that would make for a great sound mix. She would flirt a little, talk a little, possibly buy something, and be on her way.


Bobby grinned to himself as he heard Asta call out, ā€œMorning Bobby!ā€ Followed by ā€œI donā€™t drink coffee, but Iā€™d be keen for a hot chocolate.ā€ He watched, coming back to the front of the store, pleased that this didnā€™t go as badly as he thought it might. Asta helped you out almost, and he had to admit, she was a very easy person to talk to. She pulled out a bunch of euroā€™s and some coins (thatā€™s the Irish currency if Iā€™m correct) and offered them to him. ā€œMaybe get some lemon cakes too? My shout.ā€

Bobby refused the money and replied. ā€œSure thing, Iā€™ll buy, one hot chocolate, a tea for myself and a bunch of lemon cakes coming right up, Iā€™ll be back.ā€ He walked out the door before Asta could protest and ran not really thinking about anything but getting Astaā€™s ordered right. He ran between Daphne, Amanda and Fin, tripping himself, and said a quick ā€œIā€™m terribly sorry!ā€ and continued on his way rushing by a girl who he thought was named Layla with the same hasteful sorry before reaching the coffee shop.

When he had at last reached his destination, he found himself waiting for his sister to stop texting before she noticed him. She raised a brow.

ā€œUm Bobby, what up? Why are you so sweaty? Where you running from those normal thugs again!? Cause Iā€™ll cripple them I will! And you know I donā€™t like it when you just come to visit me.ā€

ā€œRight, just, everythings fine Steph, just ah, um I was wondering if I could have a medium hot chocolate, a ice tea and two lemon cakes.ā€ Bobby said as Stephanieā€™s eyes lit up before she got to work.

ā€œOh Bobby, who is it, who are you buying breakfast for, thatā€™s real unlike you, well then again I guess it isnā€™t, your just usually too shy to-ā€

ā€œItā€™s just Asta, nothing romantic, just, you know, just something employees do for each other once in awhile.ā€ Bobby interrupted.

ā€œWell ā€˜ere ya go Bobby, enjoy your little lunch with you employee.ā€ Stephanie laughed a little and handed her older brother his order and watched as he ran back out shaking her head. On his way back, breathless, he stopped to catch his breath and felt his phone go off, so he one handly picked it up and read the new message.

To: Amanda Cyprus, Stephanie Ceres, Bobby Ceres, Fin Bacchus

Turns out my boss doesn't want me to work today so I have the day off... Anybody wanna hang out?

He quickly typed back a response.

To Daphne:

I would, but Iā€™m stuck at work. Maybe later, see you at the festival. Oh and I think Iā€™ll ask Asta if she wants to come too if thatā€™s alright.

From: Bobby

He quickly walked inside and put down the bag heā€™d been carrying. ā€œ And there you go Asta, a hot chocolate, two lemon cakes, and a ice tea.ā€ He sat down on a box of books he probably shouldn't have sat on, and took a big gulp before finding himself stuttering.

ā€œ So um eh w-would you um m-mind going to the f-festival later tonight w-with some of my friends and siblings. I mean you donā€™t have to, I just thought m-maybe itā€™d settle some things and we could all get to know each other.ā€

He winced waiting for her answer.


Stephanie sighed as her phone buzzed and flipped it out to see what was up.

To: Stephanie

Yeah, sure, sounds like fun, when would you like to meet and where?

Stephanie felt her heart thump at the message. There it was, plain as day, a messages from Antares, asking her when and where she wanted to meet up. Why the hell was she so nervous and more importantly, not already texting him back.

To: Antares

Cool, glad you can come, I was thinking we could maybe meet at the docks at around oneish, I should be done with work by then. I still have to wait for Brad and Bobby so itā€™ll probably be just the two of us, but itā€™s not like itā€™s a date or anything so yah. See you at the docks:)

From: Stephanie

Stephanie pressed send and looked up to see Bobby, looking rather crazy. She smiled served him and returned to her phone, an unusual thing for her to do while at work, but today to her it seemed at least, it was like a holiday.

To: Amanda Cyprus, Stephanie Ceres, Bobby Ceres, Fin Bacchus

Turns out my boss doesn't want me to work today so I have the day off... Anybody wanna hang out?

Lucky, she muttered to herself before repiling.

To Daphne:

Sorry, but Iā€™m stuck here till one, we can hang later though.

From: Stephanie.

Stephanie put down her phone only to pick it up again and read yet another message.

At work right now, slow as hell. Iā€™ll catch up with you later at the festival. Promises.

She quickly typed back:

K see you later at the fest, donā€™t be too sad, you're surrounded by music, Iā€™m surrounded by coffee and baked goods, not quite as entertaining ;)

Then she really did go back to work, shoving her phone in her pocket as a customer came in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys Character Portrait: Mack Nephthys Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus
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ā€Yeah,ā€ Jade sighed with a small, forced laugh, ā€œIā€™m okay, thanks, Layla.ā€ Layla was glad that she was ok, after all she wouldn't want any of the Egyptians to get hurt. She stood back up and watched Mack help Jade to his car, probaly to go to the zclinic, just to be sure anything happened. As they drove off, Layla waved slightly before sighing to herself. The strain from her duffle bag was getting to her shoulders, not only that, but it was annoying to carry around. So she decided to start walking home, which was luckily two doors down, as she walked down the cobbled road, she noticed how wonderful the decorations were. Wow, Mack and the others are making the street quite gorgeous! she though while reaching her door and stepping inside, immediately greeted by her two eager cats Akil and Alko.

"Back so soon sweety?" Her mother had asked, she was in the living room. Probably watching Lost Girl again, she couldn't stop watching that show, if her mother had nothing else to do she would watch it. "Just wanted to drop off my bag, get some coffee, then go to work" she had walked up to her room, it was completely clean and tidy. Her dark, wooden floors were a nice contrast for the red wallpaper. Although the walls were covering with either pictures of her and her friends or posters of famous celebrities. She threw the bag into the walk-in with ease, turns around to find her two cats sitting at her feet. Like they wanted something... "Meow," they both said at the same time. Akil, the black Persian, rubbed up against her legs sweetly then jumps on the window nook, jumping over the mass of pillows, and he looks out the window out onto the main street. Layla walks over with a questionable look on her face, What are you up to Akil? she thought while sitting down on the nook with Akil. She looks out the window and tries to determine where he is looking, her eyes darting from person to person. But its no use, she presses her head against his furry side and tries to look from there. Akil is looking at the music store, Layla instantly knows what he wants. Standing back up, she crosses her arms and stares at the hopeful Akil, who was now being accompanied by Alko, the white Ragamuffin, she and him are sitting next to each other with hopeful looks on their small faces. "There is no way you two are coming to work with me," She says, with a comical look on her face, as the cats keep on with their assault on her, "You guys know that I can't, its Norse territory...Don't you look at me like that...Oh Bast help me...Fine!" She says, defeated. The cats happy with their win. They jump off and run out the door with Layla following.

As Layla gets down the stairs, she checks her phone for any messages and sees that there is none. She looks up to see her mother holding a cup of coffee, "OH MY GOD! Don't creep up on me like that mom!" She says with a slight smile on her face, almost being scared to death. Her mother gives Layla the cup of coffee and walks off laughing, "You gave in to Akil and Alko didn't you?" Layla walks out the door, her excited cats on either side of her. Layla was smiling as she walked along the sidewalk, she was happy as anyone could be. Well, apart from her cats, who looked like they were going on an adventure. Layla opens the door to the music store, the bell dinging above it, as she walked in. She saw Julian at the counter with his feet on the desk, no doubt slacking off. She couldn't blame him, there was no one here. "Alright Julian, I am here to relieve you of your jail time," she said happily. As her cats jumped onto the counter with ease, hoping to scare Julian probably.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Amanda Cyprus Character Portrait: Izzy Dias Character Portrait: Antonio Diaz Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus
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0.00 INK


ā€œWhat a way to start the day.ā€ Odessa replied to Fin with a bit of a shrug as she watched the commotion play out. She watched as Layla and a few others came to the girlā€™s aid. The crash had looked pretty rough and it seemed like Tony couldnā€™t get away fast enough. Odessa vaguely noticed as the rest of the group went in to be seated without her apparently. It wasnā€™t as if she was unused to being excluded and it seemed like Tony probably needed a minute to collect himself anyway. Walking in after the other Greeks she took a moment to look around and take note of who else had decided to have breakfast in town this morning.

As she walked up to the counter and took a seat, she smiled at the other waitress on duty whom Odessa knew from the pub. Quickly she ordered a ham and cheese omelet and a side of wheat toast before slipping out of her thin cardigan and tucking her sunglasses away in her bag. She was positively starving and the breakfast bar she had forced herself to eat at 6:30 this morning was long gone. There was also the small fact that since she burned so much excess energy that her appetite was usually ravenous. She supposed it paid to be an Ares kid, the metabolism was out of sight.

Digging in to the steaming plate that was set before her, Odessa felt like she was in heaven. Food was one of her loves and she had never been the kind of girl that worried about what other people thought of her. So what if she could eat an entire pizza by herself and she thought salad was a curse word? There wasnā€™t anything wrong with that.


Julian had only had one customer all day and it had been Izzy Dias, who as a rule of thumb he was quite fond of. Of course he greeted her as Your Highness and flirted shamelessly with her until she picked out what she wanted and took her leave. Watching her walk away he was reminded of a certain night they shared that he wouldnā€™t mind reliving again. There was always the festival later for all that, of course by then thereā€™d be a plethora of people around who he might take a shine to.

Lazily resuming his position behind the counter he went back to his magazine and started thinking about food. He never ate breakfastā€¦or lunch for that matter, he just didnā€™t have the patience to wait for it to cook or to even go to a restaurant and order anything. For this reason he tended to live off candy, beef jerky and beer. Your typical diet of a twenty-one year old bachelor.

It was then that he heard the jingle of the bell signaling the arrival of a customer, more than happy to break up the monotony he looked up expectantly only to come face to face with Layla, his co-worker and her cats apparently.

ā€œOh, itā€™s just you. Hey, itā€™s been dead. Enjoy.ā€ He remarked casually as he let his feet drop to the floor with a thud as he leaned in to take a closer look at the felines on the counter top. Julian was a fan of animals and often respected them more than most people. Plus he was a shape shifter after all; he spent half his time wandering around in one animal form or another, his favorite being the domestic house cat.

ā€œI like the cats. They give the place a certain je ne sais quoi. Anyway, catch you later.ā€ Julian finished as he gathered his things and headed for the door. He and Layla didnā€™t exactly get along great. They werenā€™t enemies by any means just two totally different types of people and if he wasnā€™t mistaken he made her uneasy.

Decided that he would leave his car at the store for now he decided to walk the rest of the way into the center of town where all the preparations were taking place. What better time to scope out what could be the event of the century? As he pulled out a crooked cigarette and lit it with the black bic he kept in his pocket he found himself in front of the pub. ā€œNah, too early. Not that much of a degenerate.ā€ The tall, lanky boy said to himself out loud. His smooth baritone, comforting and soothing even to his own ears.

It was then he spotted his sister and Ava and with a crooked grin he walked over to the pair, overhearing most of their conversation on his way over. Tucking his hand into the pockets of his jeans he leaned against the wooden pillar holding up a booth still in the process of being assembled.

ā€œI was just about to ask the same question.ā€ Jules replied in greeting as he took a drag from the still lit cigarette dangling from his pouty lips. ā€œI plan on getting properly wasted and I just canā€™t do it on my own, itā€™s not nearly as fun.ā€ He finished with a cheeky grin and a wink in Avaā€™s direction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Ava Apophis Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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"It's strange for me to be here, is it?" Calypso gave a small sly smile as Ava noticeably let her eyeā€™s rove her body. ā€œStrange, out of characters, bizarre, oddā€ Calypso replied counting out each adjective on her fingers as she spoke them, ā€œTake your pick Love.ā€

"And what about you? Playing helpy helperton today, are we?" Calypso replied with light laughter, ā€œHelpy helperton?ā€ She questioned playfully. Though before responding to the actual question she paused for a moment as she looked across the street for a moment thinking about what to tell the brunette. She had been on her way to see her brother, who was most likely working, but she didnā€™t need to tell Ava that. ā€œNot on your life, a may be a natural born actress, but letā€™s leave that role to one of the extras. I was just one my way to buy a fish from the pet store, Iā€™m hoping for a black goldfish, probably name it Julie. What do you think?ā€ She gave the Ava a wry grin and she told her the story about getting a fish.

"Are you going tonight?" Calypso paused for moment seeming to think about whether she was going to go or not, but rather she was thinking about Avaā€™s brother being away. It was obvious, at least to her, how close Ava was to her brother and Calypso had her suspicions about Avaā€™s true personality coming out around him. ā€œWhat, afraid to make a decision with your brother away?ā€ Calypso asked flippantly before she heard another voice speak out from behind her. ā€œI was just about to ask the same question. I plan on getting properly wasted and I just canā€™t do it on my own, itā€™s not nearly as fun.ā€

Of course Calypso knew the voice anywhere, and so she just rolled her eyes playfully not turning to face him yet, still addressing Ava. ā€œOf course, no way Iā€™d ever miss out so much potential drama.ā€ She answered with a grin knowing Ava would have completely agreed with that statement, though Calypso would have still said it if the recipient of her comment hadnā€™t agreed. ā€œBesides Iā€™m not about to the let people think that we have grown complacent.ā€ This time Calypso looked over her shoulder at Julian giving him a full view of the mischievous glint in her eyes and the sly smile of her face. Of course the ā€˜weā€™ she had mentioned was her and Julian, her partner in all things manipulative, dramatic and chaotic.

ā€œAnd you Julie, arenā€™t you lucky you and I are meeting up with Alyssa at the pub before they let the lanterns fly.ā€ She said addressing Julieā€™s early statement, a small but real smile lighting up her features. She loved her twin brother and was always glad there was one person out there who knew her through and through.

ā€œYouā€™re welcome to join us if you want.ā€ Calypso said offhandedly to Ava seemingly not caring, since she knew neither Julian nor Alyssa would care if the brunette came with them. Though then her face twisted from uncaring into a daring smirk and her voice changed tone to match. ā€œThat is if you think you can keep up Love.ā€

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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0.00 INK


Calypso's mention of a gold fish made her eyebrow arch, and her smile broadened. "A bloody gold fish? Really, Calypso?" Ava's head tilted back and she laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. Just as she was about to tease her about it, Calypso mentioned Ava's absentee brother. Ava would be lying if she said that Calypso's words hadn't stung her just a little. Whenever anyone mentioned her brother, in any regard or manner, she nettled. But in what may have been a vain attempt to hide her uneasiness, she jammed her hands into her jeans pockets and made fists with her toes, bending the end of her flip-flop.

Certainly, if either of the Serrure twins were even hinting at an invite, she'd take the bait. When Julian stepped up, Ava merely listened to the exchange between him and his sister. At the mention of getting "properly wasted," Ava snorted a bit of a laugh and finally let her eyes fall on Julian. Shew, that boy and his sister made her think unspeakable things. All of a sudden, she was excited for this Lantern Festival, if only to see what kind of mayhem the three of them would be creating.

But her reverie had been broken: ā€œAnd you Julie, arenā€™t you lucky you and I are meeting up with Alyssa at the pub before they let the lanterns fly.ā€ Ava didn't have much of an impression about Alyssa, but had heard rumors about the girl's interest in causing drama. On paper, Ava and Alyssa would probably make a great team, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy (or was it competition?) at the idea of another lass possibly stepping between her and the Serrures. Of course, none of this was present in her eyes.

"Hi Julian," she said, staring directly into his eyes. "Spare a fag?" She bit her lip, turning her body toward him and shifting her weight to one hip. She hoped he found her Pink Floyd tee sexy in a "just rolled out of bed" kind of way.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon Character Portrait: Bryce Nepthys
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jynxii

Jade stood quietly behind Alaura as she took control of the situation- like she did every situation."How can we ever repay you?" Alaura asked, and Jade looked to her with a bit of annoyance. It was over just a quick as it had flared, and she was back to staring at the ground. "No, nothing. I don't need to be repaid," Mack replied, adding "I'm glad you're alright Jade." Jade looked up at him and offered a shy, embarrassed smile. Not soon after, she felt a warmth on her hand and turned to notice Quincy, who she offered the same smile to. He leaned in towards Alaura, informing her that he was there to help if she needed. As always. Jade stared at Quincy for a moment as Liam walked up. Quincy was so in love with her sister, so willing and desperate to help or leap at her command. Jade wondered if Alaura even knew about the effect she had on Quincy.

"Okay... Hoping everything is alright. Maybe we should bring Jade back to her home... I know that she probably doesn't want to stay here at least," Liam offered, speaking to her sister as if she weren't there. Jade looked up at him then, but not to glare. She was too numb to be mad at anyone right now, even though she was feeling more and more claustrophobic by the second. Mack began to nod, which drew her attention back to him as he said, "Do you need anything? I can swing by the supermarket and pick up any supplies..." "I don't think there's--" "The doctor said I need prenatal vitamins," Jade cut in, speaking up as she took her hand away from her older sister. "And, I'm pregnant, not crippled. Alaura, don't you have festival decorations to be putting up?" She sighed, aware of the annoyed tone coming out in her voice. She didn't want all these people around-- she just wanted Gwyn. Right now, that's all she wanted- to curl up beside her and die if that'd make a smile lift Gwyn's cheeks.

Jade shook away the thoughts of her ex as she placed a hand on her steadily growing stomach. Just as the doctor had said; her womb was inflating steadily, even as she stood in front of her friends now. She could feel milimeter by milimeter expanding, and her shorts already starting to feel tighter. "Just go back to decorating for the festival, I'm sure they need the help. My house isn't far- I'll walk. I want to walk, Alaura. I need some time to think. Mack, if you could maybe bring the vitamins over later, or give them to me when you see me at the festival- yes, I'm still going, that'd be great." She glanced around once more to everyone standing, staring at her. "Thank you all for being so worried, but I'm healed now, and I'm okay. I was just a little shook up, but Mack totally took care of me so I'm good now, okay? I'll see you all at the festival." With that, and before anyone else could chime in to stop her, she walked out of the clinic and started up the sidewalk to go back to her townhouse, which was as she said fairly close by.

As her door closed behind her, she leaned up against the frame and slowly slid to the floor, sobbing as she held her growing stomach. This was not how she had wanted anyone to find out- at all. It was all just too much: the loss of her girlfriend, not knowing who the father was, everyone finding out that she was pregnant, the idea of facing everyone that night with a beach-ball for a stomach, but above everything else-- almost losing her children. All five of them. Five of them. The idea made her nauseous, and she curled into herself, holding her stomach gently as she wept for everything she had lost.

When she was finally done feeling sorry for herself, she clawed her way back up her door to walk into her bathroom. She slowly stripped down, still sniffling and crying a little as she stared at her naked reflection. Her stomach welled in front of her as her red, puffy, eyes trailed over her form. She had been so beautiful once- now she looked like a cartoon character that had swallowed a beach ball. With a sigh, she showed and dug through her clothes for a larger pair of shorts, and a loose enough top to flow over her new stomach.Image Luckily the butterfly print managed to cover all of her skin, but it was painfully evident that she was pregnant. There would be no hiding it now. Figuring that she should at least tell her father, Jade scooped up her car keys and headed out of the door. She was about to get in, when she changed her mind. She could walk there, too. She lived on the other side of main street as it was, so it would just be a short walk to the bakery. Before she left, she placed a postit note on her door, in case Mack tried to drop the vitamins off at her house.

With a heavy heart, she put her keys, wallet, and cell into her brown shoulder purse. Walking felt significantly different now that she had so much weight toward her front. She found herself having to lean back just slightly, and felt very comfortable with one hand on her stomach. As she walked down the street, she noticed that most of the decorations had been set up, and the road had officially been blocked off. Good thing she hadn't taken her car. As she entered the bakery, her father came around the counter with a very serious look on his face. "It's been a long time, Bella," he said, his accent still as heavy as the day she was born. She couldn't help but smile warmly, tears swelling in her eyes. "I know, Papa." "I see you bring good news," his tone lifted with his smile as he walked over to her and put his arms around her. "I bet Guinevere is very excited," he chuckled. Bella started to cry all over again at the mention of her ex, throwing her arms around her father in a tight embrace.


She spent the next thirty minutes filling him in on everything he had missed over the past year, and apologized for being so secretive and distant. Mr. Aset sat stone silent on the other end of the patio table, ignoring the coffee one of his helpers had brought them. "You mean you don't know who the father is?" His tone was gentle, but firm, and from years of listening to that combination she could also hear the underlining disappointment. "I've tried to remember, Papa... I really have, but I just... I can't remember at all. I'm scared, Papa. I don't know what to do." Mr. Aset nodded slowly, holding the ultrasound picture in his hand fondly. "That's exactly how I felt when I first found out your mother was pregnant with Alaura. I was terrified. But, I found a way, little bird. Just as you will. You said Alaura already knows of this? Yes, well, then you will certainly have a lot of support. I'm sure April will be happy to hear the news as well." Jade smiled in awe of her father's calm demeanor. He was always so cool- so collect. No wonder Alaura always had her head on her shoulders.

"I have to get back to the bakery, little bird. Lots of baking to be done, the festival is starting soon. You just try to have fun, and relax a little. All there is to be done now is prepare." Jade nodded and stood as her father did, accepting a kiss to each of her cheeks. She felt significantly better. With renewed hope for herself, she made her way through main street which was lined with rides, vendors and food stands now- all frantically trying to set up for the festival. She had been signed up to work the kissing booth by Alaura weeks ago, and she felt a small twist in her stomach. No one was going to want to kiss a pregnant girl. She helped herself to a large pretzel, as she stood on the side walk and pulled out her phone to text for emergency back-up. She couldn't tell Alaura that she wouldn't be able to make it- she'd have to find a replacement.

To: Ariel, Asta, Julian, Leslie, Ronan, Bryce, Chione, Ramses, Fin, Daphne, Izzy, Stephanie.
Message: [GROUP MESSAGE] Hey everyone! I know this is super last minute, but I was supposed to work the kissing booth and get it organized, but... something came up. I have the following time slots that need to be filled, and I would love you forever if you could take a shift? 6:00-6:30, 7:00-7:30, 8:00-8:30, 9:00-9:30, and 10:00-10:30. The thirty minutes between each time the booth will hold raffles- the money goes to the school playground! Martha ((NPC)) will be taking care of the raffles, so after your thirty minutes is up you're free (: Let me know, guys! Again, thanks so much!

Jeeze, what a long text. She sighed a little, and continued to text since she had nothing better to do- and because she was a little lonely.

Message: Thanks for checking on me earlier. I'm okay, by the way. (: I hope we can get to hang out tonight.

Message: We need to talk. Please. It's important. - Jbird.

Message: Hey, I don't know if you got my note on the door or not but I'm already downtown for the festival! I went to see my dad at the bakery. He took the news well. Thanks for being so cool earlier, and for taking me to the hospital. I'm glad I have a friend like you.

To: Quincy
Message: Hey... can you do me one more favor? Keep Alaura busy tonight at the festival. I really don't need her breathing down my neck, worried the whole night. I want to have some fun, and she needs to have some fun. I know you're the man for the job. Ps- Thanks again for today, Quincy... meant a lot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bella Jade Aset Character Portrait: Viona Kari Jarlson Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Ava Apophis Character Portrait: Ronan Saxon Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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Julian smiled brightly at his twin at the mention of Alyssa and the pub, he could care less about lighting a lantern and setting it loose but he did care whether or not they enjoyed themselves. Tonight would probably involve some sort of mischief, ample amounts of alcohol and apparently two very attractive girls to distract him. At least if Ava decided she wanted to join them, which judging by the way she kept looking at his sister and himself was a distinct possibility.

ā€œComplacent, us? If only, imagine how boring thatā€™d be. The thought makes me shudder.ā€ He replied with mock fear, his heavy lidded blue eyes going wide with fake shock. Turning his attention back to Ava he watched her quietly, a lopsided grin splashed across his face as she asked to bum a cig. Digging for the crumpled pack in his pocket he pulled them out and produced a single cigarette. Stuffing the pack back into his front pocket he took a step closer to Ava, obviously appreciating her presence and held out the smoke for her to take.

ā€œI suppose I can part with one, for a friend.ā€ Julian said charmingly, his voice a low rumble, as he regarded the girl in front of him. Pulling a lighter from his other pocket he produced a flame for Ava. He was nothing but a perfect gentleman after all.
He took this opportunity to glance at his sister, another wicked smile crossing his classically handsome face, as he noticed the slight change in her demeanor. ā€œI donā€™t know, Calypso, takes a special sort of person to hang with us. Fearlessness, a sense of adventure, an I donā€™t give a fuck type of attitude...what do you say Ava? Think you can handle itā€Julian finished, cocking his head to the side and casually observing the brunette through a curtain of his flyaway blond hair as he finished his cig and deftly flicked it away.

It was then that he received a text, taking moment to fish his phone out of his pocket he quickly glanced at the message before rolling his eyes and furrowing his brow. He knew Jade, they werenā€™t extremely close but he supposed he liked her well enough, but a kissing booth? Him? She was aware that most everyone in town detested him and his ancestor, right?
ā€œListen to this.ā€ He said, preparing to read the message aloud.

Hey everyone! I know this is super last minute, but I was supposed to work the kissing booth and get it organized, but... something came up. I have the following time slots that need to be filled, and I would love you forever if you could take a shift? 6:00-6:30, 7:00-7:30, 8:00-8:30, 9:00-9:30, and 10:00-10:30. The thirty minutes between each time the booth will hold raffles- the money goes to the school playground! Martha will be taking care of the raffles, so after your thirty minutes is up you're free (: Let me know, guys! Again, thanks so much!

ā€œShe wants me to man the kissing booth, which has probably got to be one of the worst ideas ever, yeah? Should I do it? Imagine one of those prissy old women, always railing against Loki, standing in line so I can kiss them for charity. Mum would be so proud.ā€ Julian finished with a laugh, certainly entertaining the notion, at least for now.


Ronan pushed his glasses off his face and pinched the bridge of his nose, he could already feel a bit of a headache coming on, probably from his hangover rearing its ugly head yet again. Sighing he pushed away from his desk and went to retrieve more coffee, knowing that if he didn't heā€™d probably pass out at his desk and completely miss the lantern festival after which his mother would make his life hell. She took her responsibility as an elder very seriously.

As he trudged back to his desk, two reporters were waiting to hand over their articles and photos to be proofread and confirmed before being published. Flipping his glasses back onto his face he sat down with a plop and looked up at the two people standing over him. ā€œWell, letā€™s get on with it then. Although I will remind you we have deadlines for a reason.ā€ He said a bit tersely looking at the clock, they were really cutting it close and he didn't relish having to rush through and make sure everything was as it should be.

For the next hour and a half he worked steadily making sure that every article, column and picture in his care was properly confirmed and ready for publishing. When Ronan finally handed off his finished projects he decided to call it a day and finally took a moment to look at his phone.

To: Ariel, Asta, Julian, Leslie, Ronan, Bryce, Chione, Ramses, Fin, Daphne, Izzy, Stephanie.

Message: [GROUP MESSAGE] Hey everyone! I know this is super last minute, but I was supposed to work the kissing booth and get it organized, but... something came up. I have the following time slots that need to be filled, and I would love you forever if you could take a shift? 6:00-6:30, 7:00-7:30, 8:00-8:30, 9:00-9:30, and 10:00-10:30. The thirty minutes between each time the booth will hold raffles- the money goes to the school playground! Martha ((NPC)) will be taking care of the raffles, so after your thirty minutes is up you're free (: Let me know, guys! Again, thanks so much!

Frowning slightly at the thought of having to kiss strange people, he weighed his options and quickly texted back.

To: Jade

Sure thing. I can do the 8-8:30 slot for you if youā€™d like?

Quickly he pressed send, and figured heā€™d face his decision when the time came. He knew his mother wanted him to be a part of the festival and it had hurt her feelings a bit when he begged off because of work. Ronan figured heā€™d kill two birds with one stone. Help out a friend and make his mother happyā€¦every boyā€™s dream. Sometimes he swore he was the most boring person on the planet.

Scrolling further into his phone he smiled shyly as he read the text he received from Viona.

To: Ronan

Hey, I better see you at the festival tonight~

Taking a moment to think about what he wanted to say to the friend heā€™d had a crush on since they were teenagers he deftly typed out a message before sending it on itā€™s way.

To: Viona

Of course Iā€™ll be there; Iā€™ll be manning the kissing booth apparently. If youā€™re lucky Iā€™ll give you one for free.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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0.00 INK


Ava had taken the cig from Julian graciously, cradling it between her fingers as if it were persimmon. That thought made her smirk; neither of them were Greek. Julian's voice took her out of her mild reverie. ā€œI donā€™t know, Calypso, takes a special sort of person to hang with us. Fearlessness, a sense of adventure, an I donā€™t give a fuck type of attitude...what do you say Ava? Think you can handle it?" His challenge sent chills up her back, which she quickly tried to rectify by standing up straight and rolling her neck. "I'm certainly not afraid of either of you gits," she said, still grinning.

His mention of the kissing booth made her arch a brow. At his suggestion of actually taking up the offer, she threw her head back and laugh. "Honestly," she said through laughs, "I think I'd make the better candidate. It's very easy to persuade people at night." She was, of course, hinting at her ability to be quiet influential over people's decision-making with mere eye contact. Manning a kissing booth would certainly give her the opportunities. Afraid of making Calypso feel left out (a tragedy, surely) Ava turned to her after lighting the cigarette. "Tell me, Calypso," she purred, "Would you pay for a kiss if I was in the booth?"


Ava enjoyed merely being around the Serrure twins. It was backwards and completely mad, but she felt... secure with them. Leave it up to Ava to feel safe with the descendant's of mythology's most notorious trickster god. At least she knew to be wary, to take everything they said at face value, that really there was no danger with them becoming so intertwined that she felt her feelings were compromised. The only type of intertwining she hoped to achieve with either of them was between the sheets, tumbling through some drunken fog or other. At any rate, with her brother gone, Ava really had no one else.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Aset Character Portrait: Layla Ailuros Character Portrait: Amor "Ariel" Amelia Vanadis Character Portrait: Dehlilah Cyprus Character Portrait: Ramses Atum Character Portrait: Leslie Damon Saxon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Issa


Saturday, 20th July

The main street of Northbay, still illuminated by the soon to be setting sun, has come alive. Music (a local folk band currently playing on the stage) drifts down the street.

Residents arrive to take a look at what the festival has to offer: food, games, competitions, raffles and trinkets for sale.

Of course, given that the town's residents are the descendent of gods you can bet that there will be other stalls selling magical items and game booths encouraging use of powers.

Mack Nephthys

- Midday -

Mack was shaking his head as a pair of helpers moved a beam of wood into place,
"Watch where you're..." He started to warn the pair before, crash! the beam hit another pile of poles and sent them rolling across the road. Luckily most of the street was blocked off from pedestrians so there was little need for Mack to run screaming after them. Instead he simply pointed after them to the pair that had caused the crash.

A moment later a voice made him turn and he found Dehlilah Cyprus standing behind him.
"Um, hey I didn't want to interrupt but um can you ask the girl, my friend ran into if she's ok?" She sounded nervous, or perhaps she was just breathless from running across the street.
"Jade. Her name is Jade." Mack said. He felt uncharacteristically defensive of Jade. He was a friendly guy, he didn't take too many things to heart and was easily able to brush off most insults. But the crash this morning had almost cost Jade her babies and in his eyes Dehlilah had been more concerned with getting Antonio into the restaurant than caring for the hurt girl. Still, the fact that she was here asking after Jade meant that Mack's voice wasn't cold, it was simply lacking its usual warmth.

"I would have helped, but I didn't know if you'd want us... To put our noses in your business," Mack wondering who 'our' was meant to be, Dehlilah and Antonio? Mack shook his head slightly. He was about to argue that it had only been 'his' business because he had been concerned, but decided to hold his tongue. He liked Dehlilah well enough, from the little he had seen of her around town. Besides a moment later she looked over her shoulder. She said goodbye, placed a hand on his arm and added "Thanks, seriously," before leaving.

After she left Mack turned back to the set-up, shaking his head as he saw that in the few minutes his attention had been elsewhere all chaos had erupted...

- 5:00 pm -

Mack sat back, enjoying the cool beer in his hand as he watched the cordons open and the first residents enter the festival. Mack was at one of the stalls set up outside the bar, fairy lights twinkled above his head and the setting sun was caught and held by the string of mirror-like, plastic crystals that were twined around a nearby lamp post. Soon enough the whole street would be lit by the fairy lights and street lamp, creating a magical setting for the night's festivities.

Mack's hangover of the morning was well and truly gone. In fact, if he found the right people he wouldn't be against making an event out of tonight. He finished his beer and signaled for the bar keep who passed him another. He popped it open, appreciating the tsk of goodness being released.
"To a good night." He said to the bar keep, tilting his bottle in a salute. He returned his gaze to the street, took a sip and leaned back, waiting for the night to begin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyssa Taylor Vanadis Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Ava Apophis Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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0.00 INK


Calypso returned Julianā€™s wicked smile as she waited for Avaā€™s answer, she knew the girl would of course want to hang with them, but calypso was more interested in they she responded to their friendly taunts. "I'm certainly not afraid of either of you gits," Calypso gave a grim smile to the brunette are her response, it was hardly surprisingly and rather expected but she shrugged it off. ā€œDonā€™t blame us then if you fall behind.ā€

Calypso couldnā€™t help the bark of laughter that left her as Julian read out the text he had received from Jade. ā€œAs if she sent that,ā€ she shook her head slowly, if she ever began caring about others, the first feeling she would have would be pity for the girl who had just asked Julian to man a kissing booth. ā€œSeems like someone in this town was actually dumb enough to fall for your harmless stoner act,ā€ she laughed out in response to the text he had received, though her comment only caused another ripple of laughter.

After slowly regaining normal breathing patterns after her outburst of laughter calypso was able to her the tail end of what Ava was saying. "Tell me, Calypso," she purred, "Would you pay for a kiss if I was in the booth?" Calypso slowly looked the brunette over waiting longer than really necessary, so much so it became a bit awkward. She then raised a brow, her expression a mixture of questioning and daring. Though when she spoke her tone was flat and disinterested, ā€œNever Love, I donā€™t believe in charity.ā€

In truth, the only time she would kiss the brunette in front of her was in a drunken stupor. That wasnā€™t an insult, Calypso had a lot of drunken memories and experiences but when it came to her sober way of thinking she was incredibly picky. That and she felt nothing in the form of lust for Ava, though that didnā€™t mean a drunken night was out of the cards for them.

Calypso notice in the distance Mack putting up barricades to keep people out of the main street as the final decoration were about to be put up. ā€œI think we better continue the chit chat elsewhere guys, or else weā€™ll be moved,ā€ she said to Ava and Julie nodding over to where Mack was.


Calypso headed back home to yet again watch some more TV, inviting Ava and her twin to join her in her exciting afternoon, before returning to the main street where the festival had begun. Though she reminded Julian about having a drinks at the bar, and again extending the invite to Ava.

Arriving at the festival she wasted no time looking at the decoration or any of the stalls like many of the others, already having her directions implanted into her mind. She cared very little about some stupid decorations like many of the idiots residents in Northbay. She kept her head down, and headed straight for the bar where she hoped at least one of her friends was already waiting for her with a drink in hand.

In reality Calypso found the bar vacant of anyone she was meeting up with. Sighing she took a seat and promptly order a drink hoping Alyssa didnā€™t make her wait very long, anyone who knew Calypso knew she didnā€™t do patience or waiting, she was way to self-centred for that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyssa Taylor Vanadis Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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0.00 INK


As absolutely tempting as it had been to join Calypso in an afternoon of TV-watching, Ava had already made up her mind that she'd be spending the day alone. It was not without a heavy heart, however, that she walked away from Julian and Calypso and when she stepped into her empty apartment, she felt her spirits fall.

She continue the ritual of pushing open her brother's bedroom door, only to feel the disappointment of seeing his empty bed, disheveled, exactly as he'd left it. There was no suitcase, no evidence that he'd been home even for a moment. Ava couldn't help but feel angry at him. She slammed his door shut and didn't even wince at the sound of what was most likely a picture frame falling off the wall.

Ava checked her phone. Nothing. She tossed it on the couch and resigned to a long, hot shower with the radio on full blast. By the time she stepped into the steam-filled bathroom, a half an hour had passed, and she felt no better. She set a blow dryer to work on her hair, combing it through with her fingers, and staring at the emptiness in her reflection's eyes.

A lantern festival. Ava was probably the only one who didn't give a shit. It was difficult for her to feel any sort of enthusiasm without her brother to revel with her in the glory of chaos.

After twenty minutes with a hair straightener, another fifteen for makeup, Ava snagged clothes off the hangers and padded, barefoot, into the kitchen. A shot would make her feel better, right? "Down the hatch," she said out loud, and tossed the tequila straight back. She'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the burn.

Finally fed up with her own self-pity, she grabbed her phone, a pair of flip flops, and made for the bar where Calypso said she would be. It was, after all, only a short walk from her apartment (a fact she was sure to keep in mind while researching places to live).

She saw Calypso and Alyssa through the windows. Where was Julian? For a moment she paused, chewing on her fingernails. This was potentially a bad idea.

And it was that thought exactly that propelled her through the doors and straight up to their table, where she took a seat without even asking. "I can't imagine you're plotting without me," she said, not a hint of jest on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fin Bacchus Character Portrait: Alyssa Taylor Vanadis Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Ava Apophis Character Portrait: Ronan Saxon Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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0.00 INK


Odessa smiled with her mouth closed and swallowed her food before laughing at Fin and his pantomime of book reading. To look at him one would think that heā€™d actually read something before which Odessa almost doubted seeing his strict aversion to it. Pushing away her now empty place she nodded happily to his question and grinned brightly at the handsome boy next to her. ā€œIt was delicious and I could probably eat two more platesā€™ worth, but a girlā€™s gotta watch her figure. Saving room for festival food is very hard, but totally worth it.ā€ Odessa explained, patting her flat and firm midsection, her thoughts drifting to the festival that would be starting quite soon. She had to work that night but not until ten or so sheā€™d definitely get to enjoy the best of the festivities albeit sheā€™d probably be enjoying them alone as per usual. Unlessā€¦

ā€œSpeaking of the festival, what are your plans for later? I was gonna go stag but if I can rope someone into braving some rides with me I think all the better, right? What do you think, want to meet up later? Iā€™ll win you a stuffed animal if you say yes.ā€ Odessa offered, her big blue eyes slipping into puppy dog mode, of course if he said no it wouldnā€™t be that much of a disappointment. Odessa was a divisive personality and most people either hated or loved her, her and Fin has always seemed to get along just fine so she was confident in the fact that theyā€™d probably enjoy each otherā€™s company. At least for the evening and if they could gather up more people, well the more the merrier.

ā€œAnyway, if youā€™re up for it, let me know. Iā€™ll be at the pub probably, or you can text me.ā€ The greek girl offered confidently, another smile gracing her face as she reached into her bag and pulled out money to pay and tip for her meal. ā€œWell, Iā€™m off. It was excellent as usual; Iā€™ll see you guys later.ā€ She finished brightly, taking her leave of the restaurant and heading back to her small apartment to shower and change.


After a shower and a tiny nap, Odessa finally decided to get ready for the festival and quickly dressed in a bright blue summery dress that played up the blue in her eyes. Applying a small amount of makeup she slipped into a pair of sandals and headed out the door. Hopping into her car she drove the five minutes to the pub and parked in the employee parking lot and took in the sights of the fest. It had really come together and it actually had the ideal effect of making Odessa feel welcomed. Not wasting another moment she quickly entered the festival grounds, obtained her lantern and wondered where on earth she should start.


Julian couldnā€™t help but join his sister in her abrupt laughter; the thought was really quite ridiculous. A good majority of the people in town either hated him or were afraid of him he doubted theyā€™d be happy to see his face behind the kissing booth. Of course that only made him want to take part, he was always one for subverting the expectations of others and what better way than to be charitable, helpful lad. Thinking it over for a brief moment as Ava flirted shamelessly with his sister he quickly came to the decision that heā€™d just ignore the text. Heā€™d rather make a mark in a more distinctive, exciting fashion, something he was sure he and Calypso could do with their hands tied behind their backs.

ā€œThink Iā€™m going to have to pass on that.ā€ Julian murmured to himself as he slid his phone back into his pocket and smiled innocently at Avaā€™s assumption that she was the only one capable of persuasion. Every time Julian opened his mouth he had the opportunity to change someoneā€™s mind, their actions or feelings but he didn't exactly relish the thought of using it to make people kiss him and pay him for it at the same time. He did have some principles to many peopleā€™s surprise.

Julian took his sister upon her invitation to come back to her place and spend the afternoon watching mindless television. Theyā€™d lay around like Jones town victims and have beers until it was time to meet with Alyssa and perhaps Ava. Waggling his fingers in farewell to the pretty brunette before him he smirked. ā€œWeā€™ll see you later then. Donā€™t keep us waiting, weā€™re extremely impatient.ā€


Hours later he followed his sister to the pub and immediately headed for the bathroom; heā€™d already had a few beers and knew that once he broke the seal heā€™d never be able to go back. Julian took his time while in the restroom, whipping his hair out of his face and smiling grimly at his own reflection as he washed his hands and dried them. Straightening the plain, slightly too small, black t-shirt he had on he left the restroom and spied Calypso now joined by Alyssa and Ava both. Coming up behind the three girls he quickly and quietly joined them and he signaled for a beer.

ā€œNow donā€™t you worry your pretty little heads, Iā€™m present and accounted for. Guy canā€™t visit the menā€™s room without getting his picture put on the back of a milk carton?ā€ He replied in greeting a broad grin crossing his handsome face as he grabbed his beer and took a swallow. Resting his arm on the back of his bar stool he glanced around the pub and took in the scene. Julian figured that most of the barā€™s usual patrons were out among the crowded festival, buying their beer from vendors who charged way too much.

Turning back to Alyssa he looked her up and down appreciatively before leaning forward and approving of her makeshift plan. ā€œI personally vote for all of the above.ā€ He said with another smile, this time a bit more intimate for Alyssaā€™s benefit although he wasnā€™t as keen on inviting Tut or Mack. He liked Mack just fine, even found himself slightly attracted to him but Tut was another story. They didnā€™t exactly get along and the last thing Julian wanted or needed was competition.


Ronan stopped outside of the festival and took a deep breath. He only had a about an hour before he needed to report to the kissing booth so heā€™d have to entertain himself somehow, as he had that thought his stomach rumbled, deciding to let him know that the he skipped lunch. Recalling that heā€™d worked straight through in a hurry to leave he figured his first stop would be to one of the many food stalls. As he entered the fest, received his lantern and made his way to the nearest vendor he stopped abruptly. Of course he couldnā€™t eat festival food now, he was going to have to get up close and personal with people in less than an hour and the last thing they probably paid for was an onion kiss or something.

Sighing he instead made his way to one of the beer vendors and grabbed himself a pint before taking a moment to take a look around the festival. Theyā€™d really done it, it looked spectacular, the last festival had been when he was twelve and he thought it spectacular then too. With his mood brightened he decided that exploration was his best bet. Trekking along the midway he watched as people won and lost at carnival games, little kids with cotton candy as big as their heads and couples partaking of the many rides afforded to them.

Pushing his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose he took a large sip of his beer and looked around for any familiar or friendly face. Most notably, his brother, his mother and Viona. Not seeing any of them he shrugged to himself lightly and followed the sound of live music. It was there that he found a spot and swallowed the rest of his beer as he listened to the strains of the Irish folk music coming from stage. For a moment he felt relaxes and at peace, taking his glasses off he tilted his head to the slowly darkening sky and lost himself in the music. He had a feeling tonight would be fantastic and if it wasnā€™t heā€™d just drink until it was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyssa Taylor Vanadis Character Portrait: Calypso Serrure Character Portrait: Ava Apophis Character Portrait: Julian Serrure
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0.00 INK


Alyssa let a small smirk curl the corner of her lips as she heard Ava from behind her, turning in her bar stool and leaning back slightly as she spotted her friend. "I can't imagine you're plotting without me," Ava was seated with them now, their group slowly growing as the night progressed. Now all they needed were a few good drinks, cute boys, and a motive to stirr up the small town of Northbay. "Nice of you to join us Ava, I thought for sure you had disappeared." Alyssa teased, taking another swig from her open beer.

ā€œNow donā€™t you worry your pretty little heads, Iā€™m present and accounted for. Guy canā€™t visit the menā€™s room without getting his picture put on the back of a milk carton?ā€ Alyssa nearly jumped out of her seat as she heard Jullian from behind her, listening to the rustle of his clothes as he slid into the bar stool next to her, signaling for a beer. Alyssa's smile brightened, stretching ear to ear as she turned to face Jullian more openly. "Can't be having you run too far away from me before I go looking for you." Alyssa winked, leaning forward as he did. "ā€œI personally vote for all of the above.ā€ The young man murmured.

Alyssa laughed softly, sipping from her beer and then setting the almost empty bottle on the bar counter. "Well, if we're getting wasted, we're doing it properly." She stated simply. "Two shots of patron, please." Alyssa motioned to the bartender who had taken her beer bottle and thrown it away before getting out two shot glasses and pouring the clear, but powerful, alcohol into the small glass. Alyssa took one shot in her hand and the slid the other towards Jullian with a nervous laugh she quickly masked by knocking her shot back.

The booze burned at the back of her throat, but it slowly numbed to a warm tingle as she slammed the shot glass on the counter, shaking her head at the bitter taste. "Oh yeah, thats the good stuff." Alyssa took off her hat, laying it on the bar top and running a hand through her straw colored hair, brushing it over one shoulder and untangling a few strands from her earrings. "So, how are you enjoying the festival?" Alyssa mused with a casual grin. "I dont see why they put on one in the first place, they think it'll 'bring the town together' but I think it's only going to stir things up more." Alyssa admitted.