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Sam '' Sammy'' Larson

She's just trying to find her place in the world.

0 · 485 views · located in Boston, MA USA

a character in “Macabre: Debello's Return”, originally authored by Wolf's Bane109, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Sam '' Sammy '' Larson.

Race: She is a Dhampir.

Age: Appears to be an 18 year old. Actual age: 28 years old.

Physical appearance: She is five foot, nine inches tall. She weighs about 155 lbs. which is mostly muscle, she works out. To keep in shape.
Her eyes are a beautiful blue, which makes it easy for her to blend in with humans. She is fair skinned from being in the sun. Her hair is a beautiful chocolate brown. Her hair comes down to about an inch below her shoulder blades. She also has a large scar that runs down the left side of her neck, and down to her left elbow. Her, human '' father '' gave it to her as a 'punishment'.
She can usually be found wearing her dark blue hoodie, her black, tight, ripped jeans. A random tee-shirt, and her black and white Converse.

Personality: Sam really doesn't act her age most of the time. She is lovable, sarcastic, fun loving, smart, quick witted when she has to be. Loves to joke around and sometimes hug people, a lot. Which sometimes makes people question if she is straight or not. She is though, she has a boyfriend who she loves dearly. She can easily forgive people since she is so easy going. She can not stay made at you for very long if you get her mad, she just can't stay mad at anyone.

Even though she is part vampire, she does not drink any blood. She has learned to quench that thirst for blood. It has taken some time to not want animal or human blood, and she hates the taste of blood. Unlike her twin brother Logan, he loves the taste and feel of blood. She can not stand the fact that he loves blood. She gets easily sick of the sight, smell and taste of blood.

Equipment: A small, but sharp and deadly pocket knife. She barely uses it.

Abilities: She does have super speed and strength, but she is not fast or as strong as a full vampire. And her senses are better than the average human's.
She does have one special power, as does her twin brother Logan. They can feel people's and other creature's emotions. If they are sad, happy, suprised, angry, ect. They can feel it. Sam uses her ability for good, and helps people. Her brother on the other hand, uses it for evil. He learned to use his gift to manipulate people's emotions.

weakness: Her weakness is, emotional harm. If you harm anyone of her friends or bring up her past. She will break down, and go in a rampage. So I would say, not to do either. Unless you have a death wish.

Bio: Her birth mother was a human, and was seduced by a male vampire. He left her when he found out she was pregnant. He told her, that if anyone was to find out who the father was, he would kill her, and the babies. She met a human and they got married, when she gave birth to both her son and daughter, she died. The husband took the two children and raised them, in a terrible home.

Since they were both hybrids, they grew very quickly. When they were twelve, their father began to do drugs and drink. He would come home drunk and high, then he would take his pointless anger out on them. He came home one night and was very angry because he lost in a bet. He took his anger out on Sam and then began to beat her. He then took a knife and started to attack her. He knocked her to the floor, and took the knife and craved a line down from her left side of her neck to her left elbow.

She began to loose much blood, and began to thrash around on the floor. Her brother came in and smelt the blood. H e attacked the father and killed him. He took care of his sister. She eventually got better and they ran away.
They then split up, when they got older and her brother began to beat her and abuse her.
She quickly got tired of it, and left.

That was over 5 years ago, she has not seen her brother since then.
She has fought in many battles and killed many other creatures. Right now she is trying to find her place in the world. She is living by herself in an abandoned building. She is waiting to find the reason of her existence.

( And now I'm supposed to say something like Oreo's! Don't know why exactly, but there you go).

So begins...

Sam '' Sammy'' Larson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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It was just another regular morning for Sam. Her obnoxious alarm clock was buzzing and buzzing. She slipped her hand onto her desk and hit the alarm with her fist. The alarm finally stopped buzzing, and Sam lifted her head from her pillow and yawned. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She threw the blankets and covers off of her, she swung her legs over the side of her bed and stood up. Sam stretched her back and arms. As Sam stretched, she heard a crack, she smiled at the sound and walked over to the bathroom. She washed her face and took a quick shower. She then got out, and changed into a, her hoodie, dark jeans, a black tee-shirt, and her black and white Osiris high-tops.

Sam walked over to her desk and grabbed her wallet with a good amount of cash, her cell phone, and her car keys. Sam then bent down and grabbed her black and purple back pack, she stuffed extra clothes, a couple of water bottles and a few protein bars into it, and walked out of her apartment. She walked over to her car, and opened the door. She quickly got inside, so she wouldn't get wet. She turned on the engine and drove away. While she was driving, she looked at the Haymarket station and pulled up to the side walk. She turned off the car and looked around, she sighed and then quickly stepped out of her car. She then ran to the door so she wouldn't get wet.

Sam then headed for the stairs and swiftly walked down them. As she reached the bottom she herd that her ride was being delayed, she sighed and was about to head back to her car, when she noticed some one that she had just seen the other day. The woman was wearing a white button up blouse, a knee length pleated skirt, and a Summer blazer. Sam walked up behind her and said in a low voice,''You need a ride. I can get you there before you're late. If you don't want to be late for work, you should take my offer. '' Sam said that as she took a step back. She then waited for an answer.


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Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Willa bobbed her head in time to the music blasting from her thick sound-proof headphones. She had folded her arms across her chest and was absently drumming her slender fingers to the beat of Billy Joel's, "We Didn't Start the Fire". It was due to this that she didn't hear but rather sensed someone had invaded her personal space. Willa turned, eyes narrowed, expecting some homeless bum or a drunkard to be looking for spare change. Instead, the face of a young woman loomed into view. Willa took in the long dark hair, the strikingly blue eyes, and the scar running along the girl's pale throat and arched a brow at her. She lifted one headphone, looking irritated.

"Did you say something to me?" Willa asked, somewhat more harshly than she intended. She hated taking off her headphones. Immediately, her sensitive ear was bombarded with the music of life all around her. Light Songs bounced off the cramped station walls in a deafening blare into her ear--but also another song. A Dark Song. Willa's eyes narrowed further as she realized the Dark Song's source was directly in front of her. What was this girl? It was hard for Willa to tell exactly what the girl was with the amount of overlapping Songs all around them. Too hard to pinpoint. Worse yet, it would be dangerous if this girl started trouble here with all of these onlookers. She would break the Silence if they saw Willa work. They would be revealed as something supernatural. Couldn't have the innocents seeing that. Willa hoped that wouldn't be the case. Instead, Willa stared at the girl, her lips pressed into a tight uneasy line. "Can I help you?" Willa muttered. Her voice seemed almost raspy with disuse. She disliked talking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Sam looked at the young woman and said, '' I asked if you wanted a ride to work. But, as I can feel, you distrust me very much. So, I'm guessing your answer would be no.'' Sam took a deep breath and remained still. She looked around at the bystanders and smiled as she saw a little girl holding onto her mother's hand. Sam looked at the little girl and gave her a smile, and a wave.

The little girl looked at Sam and smiled, and waved back. She then kept on walking with her mother. Sam looked back at the woman and just looked away, since she could feel the mixed emotions in the woman. Sam could also feel what this young woman was, she was stronger, wiser, and smarter than Sam, she could feel all of that, just by standing next to her She also felt something else, something she had never felt before. A strong and legendary power, something Sam could find useful in the future, but Sam didn't know this just yet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Willa had lived in Boston her whole life--so she was familiar with the weirdos the world could produce. This girl was probably one of the least threatening weirdos she had ever met. But still a weirdo.

This was all confirmed when the girl mentioned offering Willa a ride to work. Of course I distrust you! Willa thought bitterly. Only weirdos and crazies offer strangers a ride to work! Like some bad horror movie waiting to happen...

As an answer, Willa inched farther away from the girl and returned her headphone to her ear. She feigned ignoring the girl (and did it as well as an seasoned T rider would.) while in fact keeping an eye on her. She watched as the girl waved at a child--who waved back. Vampire? Willa couldn't be sure. But Vampires were by far the most charming creatures. wouldn't explain how she was wandering around in the day time. The name of this creature slipped through her mind like sand through a sieve.

Frustrated, Willa glowered at the scrolling information bar as it flashed that the next train would arrive in ten minutes. Great. Would still be late--and now how this strange girl to worry about on top of it. What was the hold up anyway? As if the scrolling bar could read her thoughts, the screen flashed the warning again, "Attention Passengers, we are experiencing delays due to a Police Emergency at Downtown Crossing Station." Willa frowned. Had someone jumped in front of a train this morning? That would be messy. The music on her Ipod rolled into some classical piece that she couldn't remember the name of. Probably Bach. But she felt unusually cold. Willa eyed the strange Dark Song creature again warily, tapping her foot with impatience and willing the train to hurry up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Sam still felt the emotions coming off the young woman. She laughed to herself and just shrugged when she felt the distrust and confusion of what Sam was. Sam then heard the announcement and then thought to herself, '' I don't think it was an accident.'' She looked back at the woman for a second then said, '' Well, my offer always stands. Good bye.'' She then turned and walked towards the stairs. As she was walking, she felt another emotion coming from somewhere. Sam looked all around and couldn't see anyone out of the ordinary.

Sam then smelt the air, she couldn't smell anything un-normal. She looked back at the woman, and sat down on the stairs. She couldn't see anything, but she could feel something. So, she just sat there, looking around trying to find the source of the emotions, while keeping an eye on the Woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willa Thorn Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Sam smiled as she saw the woman walk into the train and leave. Sam looked around and sighed, she didn't really have to leave for work now, but she thought she better leave. Sam stood up and then got a quick scent of another creature. She could smell strong body spray and she then saw where the scent was coming from. She saw a blue haired guy, sitting on a bench and seemed to be staring at something. Sam could feel multiple emotions coming off of him, Sam felt bad for him. But, she could smell something besides the body spray, she smelt his real scent. Sam walked over to the pay-phone and made a call to her boss, '' Hello, it's Sam. I won't be at work today, something very important has come up and I can't come to work today.'' Sam then stopped and listened to her boss talk. She was alright to skip out on work today, she was only a cook at fancy Italian cafe'. So she could miss one day of work. She then said, '' Thank you. I'll make up tomorrow, good bye, Sir.'' She hung up the phone and looked at the blue haired guy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Ethan sat with a rather bored expression. His train was very late. With a light sigh, he pulled out his iPod and decided to listen to some music. The sound of guitars blared in his ears, drowning out the sounds of all of the hustle and bustle of the people. His head leaned back and he closed his eyes, losing himself in thought.

The music played until Ethan felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Someone was staring at him. He opened a single eye and looked around, seeing a woman looking at him. Ethan's nose twitched. Something was different about this girl. His nose twitched once more, picking up a familiar sent. Ethan barely held down a snarl. He stood up abruptly and walked over to her without thinking about the dangers of stomping up to a possible vampire.

"Is there something you want with me?" He demanded, towering over her with an angry glint in his eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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0.00 INK

Sam was shocked when she was asked this question. She looked at him for a second, then felt what he was feeling. She looked into his beautiful eyes and said, '' Um, not exactly. I was just thinking. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or angry. I truly am sorry.'' She made a quick little bow with her head and took out her i-pod and put her ear buds in, and pretended to be listening to music as she left. But she could feel like this boy could start some trouble, and she was getting ready for it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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''Um, not exactly. I was just thinking. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or angry. I truly am sorry." She bowed her head rather nervously and walked off. Ethan felt bad. What he said was rather rude.

"H-hey! Wait!" He jogged after her and walked around to in front of her, blocking her path. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. You just caught me in a... bad mood." Ethan sighed and rubbed his neck. He wasn't feeling like himself today. "My name's Ethan, what's yours?" He asked. "But still... why were you staring at me?... I know you're not... normal." He bent over and whispered the last few words in her ear. He backed up and took another glance at the clock. Eh... he wasn't too late. Plus he was kind of the store manager's pet, so he wouldn't get into too much trouble.

All the while, around him, Ethan could hear people talking about the strange murders. They all wondered how the victims could die and have no blood left in their body. The answer was rather obvious, but these people were oblivious to the supernaturals that live amoung them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Sam was amazed that he didn't want to start anything. She looked at him and said, '' No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have been looking at you like that. So I'm sorry.'' She smiled at him and kept walking, she then said, '' My name is Sam . But my friends call me Sammy. You can call me either, I don't mind. And it's nice to meet you Ethan.'' She smiled at him and then said, '' What do you mean you know I'm not normal? At least I'm not the one with blue-''She cut herself short and said, '' Never mind. I'm sure you have work to get to. You should go. It was nice to meet you.'' She then took another step forwards and tried to get away from this awkward meeting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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0.00 INK

As Sam was walking, she felt someone is distraught. The feeling of panic and confusion was overpowering Sam. She looked around and saw a girl, not that much older than her, standing near the tracks. Sam looked at her more closely and realized she was going to jump. Sam took one step towards her direction, and the wonderful to some, but repulsive to her, she could smell blood. Sam eyed her and saw she was holding her neck. Sam thought for a moment and knew that she was attacked by a Vampire. She then thought to herself, '' What Vampire could it be? I don't know any Vampire that would go in broad daylight. Then again it is raining today, but still. Who would be so stupid and go and attack someone?'' She was about to run to the girl and save her, but before she could do anything, a stranger came and grabbed the girl and pulled her away.

Sam looked at Ethan and said, '' Let's take a look.'' She ran towards the girl and saw that a group of people started to swarm around them and see what happened. Sam pushed and made her way past and through the group of people, until she got to the front of the crowd of people. Sam looked at the girl and studied her from head to toe. Sam then felt some kind of aura coming off of this girl. She didn't know what, but Sam knew that this girl wan't human, she was far from it. She then heard the man cry out for help. Sam walked up to her and said, '' What can I do? I'm pretty well trained in first aid, and other kinds of healing processes.'' She bent down to the girl and said, '' My name is Sam Larson. Who are you? I'll need to know your name and age.'' Sam then grabbed her back pack and started to look through it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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Sam really seemed like she wanted to get away from Ethan. This made him sigh. He walked with her for a few moments, before deciding that he should just say bye and leave. But he froze, mid-step. His nose wrinkled. The stench of blood overwhelmed his senses as his head whipped around, looking for the source. Suddenly, there was a bunch of commotion near the tracks. Bingo.

“Let's take a look.” Sam seemed to have the same idea as Ethan. He darted forward, wiggling his way through the crowds. He squeezed out from in between two husky fellas and sort of dropped to his knees mid-stride, and slid next to the girl.

Ethan’s eyes, and nose, were drawn to the famous two holed puncture wounds in the girl’s neck. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, moved her hand out of the way and pressed the cloth to the wound. He bent over and muttered into her ear. “Don’t worry… we’re different…” Ethan then nodded in Sam’s direction then looked back at the girl. He didn’t know if telling her that right now was that great of an idea, but he did it anyway.

Ethan looked back at Sam and whispered, “What can we do? She’s been bitten!” He made sure no one else would be able to hear. It wouldn’t be long before an ambulance arrived. He could hear the sirens already, and they were approaching fast. “We need to go. Now. Ethan hissed under his breath.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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Sam looked at Ethan and said, '' I'm not leaving her. Go, I'll be behind you. Go!'' She said to Ethan. Sam knelt down to the girl and said, '' Don't worry, I'll make sure you stay safe.'' She sat next to her and waited for the ambulance and the Police to arrive. Sam looked at the girl and didn't say or do anything, she knew what was going to happen to her. Sam didn't like it, but she had to accept it. She stood up when the Police and Parametics came. Sam looked at them and said, '' She's been hurt, make sure you keep her safe. And others.'' She looked at the girl and stayed there. She was going to keep her word and stay with her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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''I'm not leaving her. Go, I'll be behind you. Go!''

"That's not what I meant-" Ethan called as Sam sat with the girl in the ambulance.

Ethan was going to go with them, when a paramedic stepped in his way. "Sorry pal, not enough room." Ethan let out a quiet growl.

"Alright." He looked over the man's shoulder at Sam. "I'll meet you there. I might even beat ya." Ethan winked and darted into a dark alley. As soon as he was obscured from others, he clenched his fists and concentrated. Hard. His muscles flexed and relaxed as he grinded his teeth.

His hands changed to large meaty paws and his legs and feet changed as well as he pulled off his sneakers to reveal another set of furry paws. The fur crawled up his legs until his entire lower half was covered in pitch black and sparkly white fur. A tail grew from his tail bone and it lashed for a moment. A pair of ears appeared on the top of his head. His body was now covered in fur. Powerful muscled rippled under his pelt. Letting out a gasp, the change stopped when he looked something like a mixture between human and tiger with a human face that was standing on two legs.

Ethan stood catching his breath, then shook out his pelt, loosening his muscles. "Alright Ethan. Its go time." He cracked his neck and took a few steps back, then ran at the side of the building, scaling it quickly. His paws beated on the roof of the building as he sprinted forwards, leaping from roof to roof with ease. His sensative ears could pick up the sounds of the Hospital. He would be there in moments.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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0.00 INK

So much had happened all in just a few minutes. A girl around her age had asked her a few questions and when the boy that was with her explained that they were different like her she answered. "I-I'm Jayson, I'm 21." she stated. When she heard the ambulance farther away she begun feeling afraid. Why now of all times? She didn't understand it and wanted to be left alone but she knew now that was going to happen. By the time she made it into the ambulance she had fallen completely unconscious from the blood loss and all the overwhelming things around her. The last thing she remembered was seeing paramedics sitting near her asking her questions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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Sam looked at Jayson ans smiled. She then said, '' What can I do?'' The paramedics looked at her and said, '' Do you know how to do an I.V. needle?'' Sam looked at them and nodded, they then said, '' So, do it now.'' She cleaned her hands and took the I.V. needle, she swallowed hard and slowly put the needle into Jayson's arm. Sam then looked at the others and said, '' What else?'' They then said, '' You can help stop her neck from bleeding.'' Sam grabbed a blanket and brought it up to Jayson's neck, Sam looked away, then looked back at Jayson and pressed the blanket against her neck to stop the bleeding. Sam almost puked when she had to do that, she doesn't like the smell, sight, taste, and the look of blood. She felt a little sick, but kept the blood from coming.

They got to the hospital about fifteen minutes later. The paramedics jumped out and rushed Jayson into the hospital. Sam got out and walked over to the nearest trash can and puked. She then quickly finished and walked over to a bench and sat down. She then started to shake from nervousness and the thought of what is going to happen to Jayson. Even though Sam had just met Jayson, she felt like they had known each other fora life time. Sam didn't know why, but she just had that feeling. She then started to panic since she didn't see any signs of Ethan around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Heavy paws pounded the concrete roofs of the tall buildings as Ethan ran swiftly. He followed the ambulance all the way there, always having his ears open, listening to the sirens. He was like a black and white streak as he sprinted and jumped over alleyways many feet below him. It felt good to be able to run like this, having the wind flow through his fur.

After a few minutes of enjoying his run, the hospital drew closer. He skidded to a halt near the edge of the current building he was on. He jumped off, into the alley way behind the large hospital. He didn’t want to be spotted. He crept along the side of the hospital like a lurking shadow, until he neared the front of the immense building. His nose twitched as he picked up familiar scent.

“Sam! Psst! Over here!” He hissed quietly when he saw her sitting on a bench, rather queasy looking. His tail flicked from side to side as he waited for her to walk over.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Sam looked up and looked around for Ethan. She looked to where she thought she heard his voice. And sure enough, she saw Ethan hiding in the shadows of the side of the building. Sam looked around and stood up, she quickly rushed over to him and said, '' Uh, what do you want?'' She said that in a way that anyone could tell she had just puked. She looked around and walked into the alley and stood next to him. Sam looked at Ethan again and then noticed he had Tiger paws and Tiger feet. Plus a Tiger tail. She quickly looked away, so he wouldn't see her looking at the other side of him. She blushed and looked at his face, she then started to blush again, since she didn't realize how good looking he really was, until now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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''Uh, what do you want?''

Ethan crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. She walked over to him and he could smell something foul about her, well, besides the smell of vampire. He was going to say something, when a sudden smirk creased his lips. He took note of her blush.

“So… do you like what you see?” Ethan teased, flexing his enlarged biceps. He chuckled and stuck out his tongue from in between his large canines. His clothes still fit him well in this form, just a bit… snug. Plus, he was about another four inches taller, towering over Sam. His tail tip twitched with amusement.

“I told you I was going to meet you at the hospital. Someone has memory loss…” He joked, poking her head with his paw.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson
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Sam looked at him and smiled. She was shocked of his size as a were, this was her first were encounter. She looked at him and said, '' Uh....I....I have a boy friend.'' She blushed and moved away from him. She then looked at him and said, '' You can smell it, can't you? The vampire part of me, plus the-'' She stopped and jerked around as she heard something coming from the other side of the alley. Sam looked at Ethan and said, '' We have company. Stay alert.'' She cracked her neck and took a deep breath, she could smell another creature, but she didn't know where he or she was.
