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Machines of War



a part of Machines of War, by Elrith Eldwind.

This is a layout of the Nations involved

Elrith Eldwind holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

279 readers have been here.


United Western Powers
Neo Asian Conglomerate
Neutral Powers
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This is a layout of the Nations involved


Earth is a part of Machines of War.

3 Places in Earth:


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“Sir, Lt. Colonel Gabriel Hierarch reporting as per orders from central command.” Gabriel had just entered the room high above the ground. In fact, it wasn’t a room per say. It was one of the outer lifts of the Orbiter Elevator. These areas were used as observation decks, as they each moved up the length of the elevator, they also were glass walled (well, transparent walled at least) and some of them played host to the higher ups of the Liberty Military. Currently he was standing before the desk in the large room of one Colonel Michael Furachov, whom Gabriel was now saluting.


“Sit please, there is no need for that formality Gabriel. “ Michael said as he indicated to the chair in front of the desk. The desk faced the doorway, and the semi-circular glass walls were positioned behind Michael. “You don’t need to salute me anymore, you’re one of the last surviving officers from Artemis and you protected the Nexus Frames. It seems those deeds have earned you a promotion to ‘full bird’ Colonel, congratulations.”

“Well, I’m grateful of course, however I can assure you I don’t deserve that. Sir,” Gabriel paused and saw the man on the other side of him wiggling his finger at him, “uh- Michael, I didn’t manage to destroy all the data on the Nexus Frame, this could be disastrous.”

“Don’t worry Gabriel; the President himself has reviewed the data they stole and isn’t worried about it.”

“But sir-“

“All they got was the introductory synopsis; they know it’s a Frame made for high spec maneuvering with armor centered on the cockpit, and that it is equipped with a support A.I. meant to be compatible with the pilot. All of this is basic, and the A.I. is only 50% effective unless they knew about the buddy system, which they do not. That is why they have decided that your victory there is promotable.”

“Wait, that’s all they got?” Gabriel asked. He had been certain that they would be able to get all the data if he left even one terminal on-line.
“Yeah, that Command Sergeant Major Kingsley is the one who managed to cut the hard lines before they got there, that meant that each terminal was isolated, they only got the data from one so no worries. Jeez, you’re really uptight Gabriel.”

“Can’t help it, it’s a time of war right now and there is nothing we can do about it, those damn letters we heard about might have started it, but you know that it’s not going to stop just because they were discovered to be fake.” Gabriel said, the man on the other side of the desk frowned and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk and his head in his hands.

“You’d know better than me, you were in the UWP, that this war won’t end until Liberty is gone.” Michael was fully aware of the situation, as were all the higher ups of the Liberty forces, they all knew the truth. “Liberty is finished; it’s only a matter of time.”

Gabriel nodded and stood, walking over to the windows he gazed out at the city below, and the canal next to it, slowly growing smaller and smaller as the lift rose to the station above. “I’d say we have 4 weeks until they reach visual range from Anchor. At that point the people must be evacuated in the remaining two it will take them to reach this base. I’d also suggest that we prepare to move the military to Sicily, and,” Gabriel turned to look Michael in the eye, “that we initiate the Collapse Plan.”

Michael breathed out slowly, then turned back to his desk, removed a cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag. “So, Colonel Gabriel, what will you do now?”
“I think I’ll head to Germany for a bit,” Gabriel shrugged as the office began to go dark, it was sliding into place along the lower element of the elevator, “There is someone there I need to see.”

“Well, travel as a civilian first, if you’re going to Infiltrate a base like that you’ll need a good cover identity,” Michael reached into his desk and pulled out some paper work in a file which he handed to Gabriel, “You’re running out of favors you know that, if the General knew what you were doing and why-“
“Then we’ll just have to keep it from him won’t we.” Gabriel flipped through the files and smirked, “This will do, thanks Michael.”

“Try not to get killed.”

“Yeah, keep an eye on Maria and Duo for me won’t you.” Gabriel said as he exited the room into a large lobby, five minutes later he was speeding up the last 20 kilometers to station one and boarding a shuttle to Station Two in the EU. Once there he took a train into the ruins of Munich, and from there headed by jeep toward Kreutszat Base.


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(Anyone else in the RP is free to start posting whenever they like.)
Several hours later Gabriel was back on his way to Liberty aboard one of the massive ships that made up the Trans-Station Shuttle fleet.


“Damn that stubborn woman.” Gabriel said as he waved away the server. The front lines were falling back more and more, soon the last bastion would be the Capitol City of Anchor (Guess where it is). “I just don’t understand you Minerva, or Vincent. What can drive you both so to be so ready to kill? It’s not family, it’s not desire for justice, so what is it that drives you both so adamantly?” Gabriel asked himself as he stared down at the Earth, spinning below him, it was so strange, that he a man who had killed more people then perhaps both of them combined would be asking what they were fighting for. He was a soldier, and he knew it would never leave him, he could hope for all eternity that his heart would heal, but he knew just as well that that was impossible. Unlike Vincent (though maybe at this point in his career he has done this) Gabriel has killed a man outside of the Frame and not with a gun, or a knife, but his own hands. It fact Gabriel had killed several people that way, he had followed orders to kill women and children, he had trained his students that the only way to live was to kill, to fight with all you had, and yet still here he was; protecting a land that wasn’t his, a people that he didn’t owe any real allegiance too, and still he was willing to die for it.

“But that’s for family,” He concluded as he stood and walked down the hall toward the cockpit of the shuttle, being as high up as it was gravity was a bit iffy and when he reached the bridge there was almost none to be spoken of. “What’s our ETA Captain?”

“Well, it looks like there is a bit of traffic between us and the dock, with the evacuation most ships are at Station One right now, meaning it’s a bit crowded.” The Captain of the ship responded.

He was right; Station one was massive, a good 15 miles in diameter, and yet still it was covered in Shuttles. The fleet of the whole NA had about 200 shuttles in it, and here alone were well over 4/5th of them. On the decks below Gabriel had witnessed the evacuation first hand. There were so few passengers; you could count them on your hands. Yet on the way from Liberty to the EU he had been surrounded by hundreds of civilians and that was on the officer’s deck.

“We’ll be docking on the central ring soon sir, your position as one of the Military Advisors has given us an advanced pass to dock ahead of the rest of the fleet.”

“Well, VIP status is a perk, but the responsibility that comes with it is a pain in the ass my friend. Sorry for making you fleet Captains work so hard overtime.”

“Can’t be helped, looks like we only have five-“

“Three. There are three weeks left until the first enemy units get to Anchor Base, especially if they deploy their special forces on both sides.”

“Damn, can’t we catch a break?” The captain said with a grunt as he slid the shuttle to a stop at the dock.

“Not a chance in hell.”


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En Route to Anchor Base, Transport HK-12

"We will arrive at the battle line in one hour. Repeat, we will arrive in one hour."

The voice of the transport's pilot sounded over the PA system as Elrich scanned absent-mindedly over a sewing magazine. He was jarred from his reading--not that he was paying much attention--by the sound of an enthusiastic voice.

"I didn't know you enjoyed sewing, Vincent," Hatsu smirked mockingly as she slid into the seat next to him. "What next? Don't tell me the greatest pilot in the UWP also writes poetry, or I may begin to doubt my sanity."

Elrich returned her grin. "Yes, I love partaking in writing dark, melancholic, heart-wrenching poetry when I'm off the battlefield. No, while I enjoy reading poetry, I'm afraid of what the results would be if I tried to write them."

"I'd be interested in seeing what kind of poetry you would write," Hatsu said in a sarcastic voice. "Or maybe you should write songs!"

Elrich shrugged, growing serious. "I don't think I could do anything like that. I'm a soldier; by this point, I couldn't try to be anything else."

Hatsu frowned. "You don't seem like a cold-blooded soldier, Vincent. Not like Ken is."

Vincent said nothing for a moment, looking out the window at the landscape below, and then said, "...we'll see."


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“Maria didn’t want to let the conversation go, “No Minerva, don’t just dismiss our leaving so quickly. I’m sure you don’t know why he left and took me with him.” Maria was clenching her fist, “And I don’t either. I think you owe both of us the truth dad, and none of this, ‘the country was a shadow of its former self’ bullshit.”

Gabriel knew he shouldn’t have left these two in the same room, now they were gaining up on him. He knew Maria was just as unhappy with their defection as Minerva was, though she normally didn’t show it. “It was because the nation was decaying.” Gabriel said dismissively.

“Bullshit.” Maria pouted in the background, pleading with her eye for some help in encouraging him from Minerva.

‘AS for where we will go, to the islands Liberty acquired from the EU I think. Your forces will have no reason to assault us anymore. Once the elevator is yours you can get back to taking over the NAC.” Gabriel was now sure he assumptions were correct, Gorge was in command, and by his knowledge of the man he knew the attack would come tomorrow, the man wasn’t patient enough to hold out for the civilians as Minerva had said.


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Jude had been waiting in the Phantom for some time now; this whole transfer to the front had him excited with anticipation. After trying to sleep, unsuccessfully, he decided to find some superiors and get some orders. Being Spec-Ops had the privilege of being assigned special and important mission on and off the battlefield. Assigned to make his way through the streets and alleyways with a small squad of six other unit II frames their goal was to locate and destroy a large power facility, hopefully causing a blackout throughout most the city.

As the alarm went off to begin phase one of Operation Anchor a smile crawled across his lips. Closing the cockpit and burst out of the hanger the autopilot would lead him to the city, where he would meet up with the six other pilots. Armed with eight extra grenades, all high explosive, his other four consisted of two flash and fragmentation grenades, and a beam assault rifle along with the other usual gear. The only thing he had any problem with was that General Groge was leading this assault; his reputation wasn’t the most respectable.


Finally the city came into sight and the six other pilots caught up to him, separating from the rest of the main force as they entered the city. Heading down an alleyway they remained silent over the comlink as they move further in and met no resistance. It was an eerie silence, waiting to be attacked.

“Maybe they ran away because
” One of the pilots said; his unit II armed, like the others, with a bazooka, a right shoulder shield, a beam tomahawk, and a beam assault rifle. But before he could finish the fighting had begun.

“Two of you up here with me, two others behind us, and the other two guard the rear.” He ordered as he cautiously led the way. “And stay alert!” But it was to late. As those words escaped his mouth several beams shot towards him and the others. Taking cover behind a build wall down another alley he watched as one of the others shot of his bazooka, exploding as it hit a Liberty frame, causing a secondary explosion that blew a hole into the build behind him. “Nice.” He uttered thoughtlessly.

“They are pulling back, follow after them!” The pilot who shot his bazooka off shouted over the comlink as he pulled out his rifle and headed down the alley.

“No!” Another pilot shouted as a rocket shot back at them, hitting the hasty pilot in the cockpit.

“This way you two, you other three go left down that alleyway and begin a flanking maneuver.” Sending the plan to each the pilots they separated. Speeding through the alley Jude and the other two pilots burst from the an alley and began firing at the liberty units, speeding into another alley, and popping out of another to fire at them again. Joining in from behind, one of the other three pilots launched his bazooka, hitting between two liberty pilots.


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*Anchor Base*

Jude and the other two pilots with him quickly rushed the liberty pilots, shooting their frames several times, but being careful not to hit their generators. Joining them the other three pilots stood with them in the alley and stared at the destroyed frames.

“Where the hell did they come from?” One pilot asked, confused at the enemies sudden appearance out of nowhere. “I say we screw this mission!” He exclaimed. Personally he was frightened, having a family, and dying didn’t sound fun to him.

“How dare you, you coward!” Another pilot shouted at him. “You better think before you speak. Desertion is punishable by death, and I’ll kill you myself if you try to flee!”

“Enough!” Jude spoke up, annoyed by the bickering. “Now get back in formation and keep quiet.” He ordered, quickly taking down another alleyway as the others followed.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, more shots were fired their way. Quickly they took cover, and then began to lay down suppressive fire. Stuck in an alleyway, though none of them said it, they all knew that they either had to get out of here or risk being flanked. Shooting down the alley blindly they were not aware of how many enemies they were facing but the amount of fire they were receiving told them a lot.

“Quickly, shoot a rocket down the alley. I’ll flank them from above!” Jude told them, and quickly one of the others shot his bazooka, receiving minor damage. Shooting up into the air he quickly spotted where the fire was coming, though he couldn’t directly see who was firing. Flipping a switch several of his ‘firebee’ missiles headed towards the building, where they hit large holes were blow into the building and the fire seemed to stop. “Move forwards.” He ordered as he stayed in the air, just above the buildings.


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Jude stared in awe as he watched from the Phantom’s screen. All over the city beams were being fired and explosions were going off, and already he could see smoke rising from the starting fires. Even the building he had just shot full of rockets had begun to smolder, faint trails of smoke rising from it. From the data he was receiving he watched carefully over the Red Corps, being fascinated by the group and their commander. He also paid close attention to the Zelion, clearly overhead, and though he would never dare speak it he found himself wishing that whoever the person was attacking General Groge would succeed.

Suddenly ballistic shots range out against the Phantom’s haul and Jude took immediate action. The shots had come from the same building as before so he aimed his beam rifle towards it and began to riddle it with beams. Then from inside a large explosion, cause from a liberty frame, started a chain reaction, causing several other explosions. The faint trails of smoke turned into large pillars and flamed began to burst through holes. “Lets get going.” He said to the others, landing on the ground and taking the rear position. “Remember to check your corners, no need to get yourselves killed.”

“Think you destroyed that building enough?” The leading pilot joked as he advanced up the alley and pass the burning building.

“If I didn’t have to conserve energy and ammo I would have razed the entire block.” He commented back, laughing hysterically briefly. “Keep moving, we’re not far from the power station.”

As they advanced down several different alleyways, running around like mice in a maze they all felt a shiver of fear. They hadn’t been attacked for several blocks and something about it didn’t feel right. But they keep moving forwards, only a couple blocks away from their goal they couldn’t afford to be scared.


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Gabriel caught that look in Vincent’s eyes, and the whole thing came into view, he was like Gabriel, he was planning on something wrong, something treasonous, and this was the family he had to choose between. However at the question of Maria and Duo his face went bright red as he thought back to the day when he had walked in on accident, he laughed a little too hard and scratched his head, “Well, you know how kids there, um I mean your age are!” he said as he tried to look up and hide his red face.

He took out another canteen and took a sip from it to calm himself, choking on it in a comical way, hoping all of this wouldn’t gather the attention of the other squad personnel.


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Makings his way to the front of the group and leaving another pilot to guard the rear the phantom’s beam rifle stayed steadied and aimed, just in case. “So who are you guys?” He asked, wondering why it was he hadn’t asked the question sooner.

“Well I’m Paul, and kind of the leader of the six
 five.” He explained, correcting himself as he remembered his friend was now dead. Guarding the rear he kept his gun sighted and ready, fearing for his men’s lives and his own.

“Well my name is John

“As is mine!” Said the third pilot in the line.

“Most people just call me Tex though.” He said, turning on a private link to John. “You suck!” He said quickly with a laugh, than turned the link off before a response. Second in line he was behind Jude’s frame, which didn’t make his feel safe. With the phantom’s speed Jude could easily avoid a beam shot and leave his frame in the way to take the hit.

“I’m Roger, and can I just say how much I hate this damn unit II. I can’t understand while they gave me this piece of crap, compared to my other unit.” His voice filled with discontent, his frame the forth in formation.

“And I’m Daniel.” He said as he scanned the rear, helping out his leader. “And personally I think this whole mission is bull, and Groge is to proud a man to be leading such an attack.”

Finally they arrived to the power station and found that it was completely abandoned. Could the liberty forces really be this stupid or was this just a trap? “Carefully set up and defensive perimeter, I’ll plate my explosives, and than we can get the hell out of here before this place blows.” Steering the phantom over towards some transformers he plated one of his grenades, moving on to plant his other seven.

“How we looking guys?” Paul asked out over his comlink.

“Its good
 to good, if you ask me.” Tex answered as he crouched his frame behind the corner of a building and aimed his beam rifle down the alleyway. “Where the hell is everyone?”

“I don’t know, but I would much rather not find out.” Paul answered back. “Not loosing anymore of you guys would be wonderful.” His heart was already heavy with Tommy’s death, a new recruit, it would be hard new for his parents.


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As the group’s sensors went off Roger tried to avoid being hit, but before anything could be done his Unit II exploded in a ball of fire and shrapnel. “Take cover and watch the skies!” Paul screamed, his sensors picking up on the approaching unit from above. “Use your bazookas!” He ordered, taking aim with his as his other two comrades who had theirs raised them and the others aiming down the sights of their beam rifles. “Steady
 FIRE!” Shooting off their rockets the three quickly switched to their beam rifles while the others shot scattered fire at the incoming unit.

“Where the hell is Jude?” Tex roared over the comlink.

“I just planted the last of the explosives and now heading towards the sniper.” He acknowledged. “Just let me know when you want those explosive set off and I’ll do it. Just don’t go and die.” He told them as he maneuvered down alleyways to avoid being caught in the snipers sights. Suddenly a transmission came in from the Zelion, asking what their situation was. “We’ve come under attack! I’m currently in route to a sniper while the others are staying at the power station to take out an incoming airborne unit.” He reported with a calm and collected as he moved further through the city. “I should be fine but please send reinforcements to the power station, and tell them to be carful where they shoot, my explosives are armed.”

Moving deeper through the city the phantoms sensors had locked on to the sniper unit, about a mile in front of him. Taking to the sky he quickly armed his Firebee missiles and launching them towards the suspected unit.


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Paul, Tex, John, and Daniel all stopped firing as the enemy unit flew behind a building, their three rockets and rifle shots were useless. Suddenly a volley of missiles were headed their way and all they could do was separate from each other and hope for the best. To their surprise the missiles weren't explosive, instead they emitted thick blue clouds of smog. With their sight diminished to feet they were in no position to defend or attack.

"This is for Roger, you bastard!" He roared over a private comlink to the liberty pilot, now clearly a Nexus pilot. Coming in close, shooting scattered volleys with his beam rifle he dropped his gun and pulled out a beam tomahawk, slashing with it at the pilot's Nexus.

"Stand down men." Paul commanded his men, all their senors telling them that the pilot had landed amongst them and armed his weapons. "Stand down, now." He repeated and reluctantly began to lower their guns.

"No!" John screamed as he arrogantly disregarded his commanding officers orders and charged his unit forwards, coming out from an alley to the pilot's left. Arming his unit’s beam tomahawk he raised it, than sung it downwards towards the frame’s arm.


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(Okay, so this is a reset of the RP. We are picking up with the NAC and UWP about to break through. Be Ready to move on soon and out of Liberty.)

The Battle on the west side was currently at a stalemate. With the enemy battle Platform heavily damaged and the special forces teams that remained in the city facing nexus teams the rest of both forces found a moment of peace long enough to get some rest. Gabriel even found enough time to visit the other base before the Red Corps Left. Several large aerial squadrons of very heavy transport craft managed to escape over the UWP Line and were soon to on the Island of Sicily. The evacuation of non accentual personnel was going as according to plan and most of the forces bound for the EU Tower. The forces to head to Japan had for the most part left via ship into the Arabian Gulf; though a force of NAC battle cruisers were in their path and currently were being dealt with by the Liberty Submarine forces.

The East side, where the NAC was pushing in from, was another story entirely. The NAC was using crush tactics to force Colonel Wise, the commander of that side, to pull back and at this pint he had been forced to blow all but the three main bridges that spanned the canal from the heavily fortified Helios Base. This fortification was the only one that remained, even though the NAC lines were held at the inner city by Mech units and Nexus forces the Naval Missile bombardments that he had had for support had been called away to be used to assist the fleet in the south. “Prep the Helios System now!” Wise ordered from the command deck to a shocked set of officers.

“Sir, that system is against the President’s agenda!”

“There is no President unless we use it, haven’t you realized that if we don’t stop them here there will be NO LIBERTY!” he barked back, though deep down he knew that no matter what they used there was soon to be no Liberty.

2018: the end of the Atomic Age came in a subterranean laboratory when a group of international scientists used the Hadron Supercollider in Switzerland to generate the first sample of Anti-Matter artificially created. Soon after this accomplishment the Orbital Elevator Project was made a success and solar power was finally available in a large enough supply to end the era of fossil fuels.

These two new means of power would have been incredible, however, with solar power now taking over the world’s major energy needs the power of Anti-Matter fell into the realm of weaponry.

About fifty years ago the first Anti-Matter bomb was successfully deployed to destroy an asteroid that had come a bit too close for comfort and the world’s powers rushed to make these extremely powerful weapons their own. However so far only Liberty had succeeded in creating weapon systems that were safe to fire using an Anti-Matter warhead, and the current President was extremely against them.

The weapons were deployed as the UWP and NAC closed in to try to act as deterrents for the battle that now wage. However neither the Helios Rail Gun system that was based in the capital nor the Nexus Mounted single shot weapon code named S.P.E.A.R. had been used.
Gabriel still had the S.P.E.A.R. as his trump card, though he intended it to be used elsewhere, while Wise had three shells to use with the Helios Gun to crack the NAC Line.

2:49 a.m. East Bank- A massive dome of red energy and fire engulfed the inner city following a swift retreat of Liberty forces. All contact with NAC Troops within the area of effect was lost.

3:04 a.m. East Bank- a second red dome appeared and vanished at the NAC forward command center. Immediately following this all contact with the Command center and the second wave of troops awaiting orders was lost.

3:19 a.m. East Bank shore- The Rear supportive line and harbor facilities that the NAC had been using as a launching point for their main invasion forces was engulfed in a Third Dome of red energy. All contact with the NAC within the area was lost.

3:20 a.m. A massive shockwave in the form of a 155 foot wave crashed into the UWP and NAC Fleets in the Mediterranean, damages and casualties are at this point unknown.

As Gabriel piloted low to the ground in the Flay back to base he radioed for Maria and Duo to retreat, telling them that the Power Station was unimportant and they should rest before the next wave of attacks came. At the moment the first Dome of red lit the whole area of the Canal and for miles around like the Dawn. “My God
 What have you done?” Gabriel breathed as he sped back to t he hangar.

The Peace of the Night on the East bank that followed was not a welcome sound, but rather a very morbid silence that would soon be broken as the remaining NAC on land and in the air prepared to counter attack, no one on that bank would be able to sleep after they had witnessed it. Activating the Fort’s auto turrets and manning the artillery computer himself Wise ordered all but the Nexus units to evacuate. “If they only knew of the atrocity soon to come, then I doubt they would ever sleep again.”


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Liberty; Suez West Bank, Anchor Base

4:50- The entire nation was quiet, save for a one mile strip on the west bank where the Seraphim squadron and various mercenary and Liberty units held the advancing forces at bay. Above the Pillar was pocketed in smoke and damage from stray shots, and in the canal itself a UWP fleet burned a a set of Nexus flew above firing down on the ships.

5:00- Without warning the remaining Liberty forces fell back, a rain of fire falling from the Station above as a ring of beams and missiles was formed from above, the moment this began all ground Forces seemed to vanish.

5:03- The fire storm from above stopped for a moment as the front edge of Anchor base burst. From within a hidden hanger a massive airship burst out, fire from its battleship like cannons quickly drove the enemy forces to cover as a volley of fragmentation shells layered the decimated city with shells. Beams and rockets flowed from the Ship as it moved forward, flying low and fast through the cracked city and over the UPW rear lines. The UWP forces attempted to shoot the vessel down yet a full squad of Nexus and Artisan frames fell from the ship and flew beneath to shoot down any incoming missiles and deflect incoming beams.

5:30- A large scale fight erupted between the remaining NAC and UWP forces that were in the area as the UWP invaded Anchor base. They found it to be empty and soon discovered the building was rigged to detonate.

5:32.35- The scheduled detonation did not go off as planned and while several sections of the elevator and base did detonate the pillar remained standing tall.

5:37- The only remaining Liberty force in the nation was a single Airship that bore the presidential seal. This large vessel jettisoned a volley of smaller ships that fled the battlefield before the large ship crashed into the pillar. The resulting explosion set off the remaining charges.

5:37.30- Station One Pillar crashed to the ground and spread to the west. The resulting cloud of dust and debris has cut off all communication with the UWP and NAC forces in the area, total damage unknown.

6:00- Satellite images show total damage area form the “Broken Star Incident” to be approximately 500 square miles, still no contact with friendly or hostile forces in the area.

“That concludes the report of the Liberty campaign Mr. President.” The young woman said as she closed the file she held. “What a way to go. Liberty gets attacked and in retaliation they flee and drop a space elevator on the attacking forces. They could have at least sent a warning for your troops to evacuate.” She reasoned.

“No, that nation would never have done any of this if we hadn’t attacked them. We asked for that.” The UWP President said as he rubbed his temples looking out at the sea beyond his window. “Those damn letters of your have cost us more then we gained. We get the NAC to lose their entire Middle east force and what happens to us? Our Atlantic Fleet and 6 Divisions are annihilated!” he said slamming a fist on his desk as he turned about to look at the young blonde man sitting in the corner. “This isn’t what you promised us.” He growled.

“I promised you nothing; I told you the possibilities but never guaranteed any satisfaction.” He said smoothly with a sick grin.

“I should have you killed for this fiasco you caused!” the president shouted as he flung the items on his desk away and stood. Several men with guns entered the room and pointed them at the man in the chair.

“What I did? I only wrote a letter, you gave the order Mr. President.” He said coldly, the president slumping slightly as he heard those words. The man was right, his political career was over with this incident. “But it doesn’t matter.” The man said causing the President to look at him.

“What do you mean by that?” he demanded, waving the gunmen out of the room.

“We got what we needed, didn’t we?” he asked as he glanced to the President, his hand out to the man.
The President sighed and took out a small disk which he tossed to the man. “The data on the Nexus project, as promised.”

“Thank you.” he said as he caught the disk and placed it in his coat. Standing he adjusted his suit and headed for the door. “Don’t worry, once I get this data to the factor y and get your new Frames to you, you’ll have plenty of cards to play for reelection.” The man said as he left. The President rubbed his temples again.

The private blacked out shuttle from the platform took the man out of range. He took out his phone and held it up, a red light blinking as it searched for bugs. After he was satisfied he dialed a strangely long number. The voice on the other line sounded very much like a man from Hong Kong. “Ah, Chief Minister Ken, I presume you have the Data I asked for? Good, once you deliver it to the factory you’ll have your army of 6th generation Frames.” He said as he closed the phone and leaned back, taking a sip of wine. “War is the worst human invention, but oh the profit.” He mused as he flew away from Zeus and to the Forbidden City.

(The RP has officially reset. Feel free to make a character and post here you are. The Liberty forces are scattered, but the Seraphim squad and several other Nexus units are on the Airship Providence. The UWP and NAC are basically where they always are. Those who somehow survive the burning of Liberty by the Pillar need to say so we know they somehow survived.)


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The Flay’s blue particles streaked across the blackened sky with a strange light much like the red dawn that floated over the east. “Damn, there’ nothing left.” Gabriel said as he flew lower, searching for any surviving Frames that may be of his side. He saw a squad of Zeus from the UWP that had been mostly spared. He saw several planes and lines of UWP troopers at the rear that had been spared a direct hit and looking to the only undamaged building on the west side he had to smile. It was a hospital, there was one on the other bank as well, each massive and able to handle the wounded.

He smiled because both buildings had been in the direct path of a large shell piece from the elevator, and both he and his squad had made sure to destroy those shells on their escape, he had a flashback to that chaos.

The Flay dove to the left as another missile screamed past, the blade swinging out as he sliced an interceptor UAV down the center line. “All Frames concentrate on protecting the Providence!” he called out as he fired a stream of particle blasts into a squad of light armored Zeus, one detonated and set off the surrounding area.

“Colonel! The Presidents Airship!” a message called over his intercom.

He spun about to see the ship explode, the escape jets flying toward his men, “Intercept the escape pods, get them onboard!” he called. The pillar flexed and began falling. “All Frames not in the rescue party, concentrate fire! Destroy Shells in the escape path!” he called. Though he saw the hospital and knew it was soon to be destroyed, he thought about all the innocent soldiers within and groaned, hitting his full speed his frame shot into the air, destroying the shells that Flay told him would land in the area he ordered Maria to do the same on the other bank.

“I wonder how many troops we saved?” he asked Flay.

“Scanning... looks like three-“

“That was rhetorical.” He chuckled before turning back. His Frame would set off the detectors in those Zeus below, but he didn’t know that.


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#, as written by elloit
The area where the pillar had collapsed was devastated. All around were crushed buildings, debris piles, the remains of mechs, and bodies. So many bodies. The whole scene was a monochrome brown beneath the swirling dust that coated everything, and hung in the air like smoke. To look upon it one would think that the apocalypse had arrived. It was hard to imagine anyone surviving such destruction.
For many minutes the entire scene after the collapse was silent and still.
Suddenly a large puff of dust erupted from the ground. Accompanying it was the burned out cockpit of a Frame, which flew two feet before crashing to the ground. The scene became still again for a couple more minutes. Then two heads were visible, peeking out of the crater that had saved them. Lukas and Tarkus, covered in dust, tiny in comparison to the mech hulls around them slowly crept from their refuge. Tarkus was the first to speak, his voice a bass rumble.
"Bloody hell...They could've at least warned us they were going to bring the tower down!"
Lukas silently sifted through the rubble for a few seconds before replying. His voice bore a gravelly undertone, like someone who's spent far too much of their life smoking. "The bodies are UWP and NAC. Looks like our forces had pulled back. I think someone was trying to stab us in the back."
"You're just paranoid." his comrade answered with a chuckle "Where's the cannon?"
"Probably in pieces, not much survived..."
Silence reigned once more for many minutes as both men took in the bleak scene before them, each one realising that there was a very good chance that they were the only Liberty forces in the area. And that enemy mechs might still be prowling.
That point was punctuated by the sight of a blue particle trail in the air, and at the source of it was a shape barely identifiable as a Frame. At once both men were in motion.
"That a friendly?" asked Tarkus
"I don't know, but I suggest we find the gun and a radio ASAP. This could get very messy..."
Even as he said it, Tarkus was already scrambling towards the nearest rubble pile. Lukas chose a different one, and they began digging like mad, always keeping one eye on the flying Frame that drew ever nearer.

After going through 5 different debris piles, they finally found it. The paintwork was obliterated, and some of the ammo was missing, but the gun itself was still intact. Skilled as they were, it took the pair just a single minute to tear it down, before they relocated to the third floor of what had been an appartment block, now with 20 floors and a large section of wall missing. They set up the gun again just as quickly. It had an inbuilt radio, but it was only short ranged. Tarkus tried it whilst Lukas chambered the first round and cleaned out the barrel. He cycled through every channel, broadcasting a general call to any friendly forces in code. The only reply he got was static. He hoped it was just interference, or a damaged radio.
"The Frame's getting closer. What should we do?" asked Lukas, a note of tension in his voice.
"We wait. If it looks friendly, we signal it. If it doesn't, then we pray it doesn't notice us. How much ammo left?"
"50 shots."
"Yeah, we definitely hope for a friendly..."


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Gabriel flew lower, his frames black cover pain and UWP symbol had it camouflaged as a scout mech from the UWP, though the blue particles hinted at the very Liberty styled propulsion. “Liberty Artillery group B is still transmitting to the southwest.” Flay informed Gabriel as he checked his scanners.

“One gun transmitting? I thought they had been wiped out.” Gabriel thought out loud as he brought the Flay lower. It was in the original configuration, without the high spec boosters and armor plating, and getting so close to the howitzer made Flay start calculating nervously.” Would you calm down, those are friendly units out there.” He said with s chuckle only to get a look from the AI hologram as it stared him down.

“Yes, Friendly units, and we are disguised as an enemy!” she informed him, too late, the UWP Emblem would have just come out into the view of the gun crew, and the Frame was wide open on the right side.


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#, as written by elloit
Tarkus and Lukas looked on as the Frame drew nearer and nearer. The tension in the air was palpable, the seconds stretching on like hours. Then Lukas spoke up.
"We just entered sensor range. Decision time." the nervousness was evident in his voice. Tarkus took a look through the scope and paled slightly. 
Swallowing hard, he replied "Are you sure? It's in UWP colours, but looks like a friendly model."
"It's a Nexus class, it has probably already detected us. Could be a traitor for all we know."
"A Nexus...those are so varied we might rip through it's shields. Or they might be impenetrable. We got any turbo-penetrators?"
"Just standard HE-APs. I think it'd be possible to knock it out of the sky if you hit it hard enough though."
Both men shared a look which plainly expressed how slim their chances were. In the past, Lukas' knowledge of Frame's capabilities and Tarkus' gunnery skills had always seen them through. But that didn't matter now, this was a battle they didn't have the equipment to win. Cracking smiles, they shook hands in a firm warriors grip.
"It's been a good few years Lukas, I wouldn't trade them for anything."
"Same here. I'll put the music on."
Turning, Lukas took a small music player out, placed it on the ground and pressed play. It was an old song, 'These Colours Don't Run' by Iron Maiden. Even as the first notes trickled out, the two men swivelled the gun to face the Frame, all business now and any fear far behind them.
Lukas readied the next magazine even as Tarkus yelled into the radio "Engaging enemy Nexus, coordinates D55-S21. Three round burst, 800 metres. Firing!"
The cannon bucked three times, the empty shell casings ejecting in between the two men from their positions on either side of the gun. Three High Explosive- Armour Penetrating shells were now screaming towards the Frame. It would take a skilled pilot to dodge them, though they would probably only cause light damage. In return, however, it could obliterate them both with a single shot...


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Gabriel heard the shots and cursed as he hit the full burned, the frame bounded at the shells, the blade folding out as he flipped over the first round. The shield came down and intercepted the second shell, though the round detonated and broke the locking pins, he let the shield drop as this combative reflects let him do something only the highest of aces could. He landed and spun about, the blade held horizontal it sliced the round in half, the two shards detonating to create a large black cloud that none could see through. Moments later the Flay burst from the smoke and skimmed the ground.

He brought the vibrating blade to the ready, thinking some enemy crew must have gotten to the gun now as he thought that the Flay would be to recognizable. He plunged the blade as Flay reported two UWP soldiers and aimed well to crush them both.

His eyes caught their armor, their uniforms, and the Flay froze. Gabriel let out an inhaled breath as he killed the blade and stood the flay straight before opening the hatch and sliding down the cable to the gunnery crew, his Liberty officers uniform still spotless as he had just come from the bridge of his airship, “You two should really be careful where you point that thing
” he said like a father scolding children, ”Now, need a lift?” he asked gesturing to his frame, though his hand was still on his knives.


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#, as written by elloit
Even as the Frame tore through the three rounds without sustaining any damage, Tarkus and Lukas were preparing for the next salvo.
"Rotate 20 degrees to port, we'll try for a headshot as it moves in close." barked Tarkus, and the two of them heaved the gun around.
"Maybe we should fall back?" Lukas suggested, knowing that they didn't stand a chance in a straight firefight.
"You go then, there won't be long enough to need a reload. I'll buy you time."
"I'm not going if you're not. Full mag dump to the face. See how it's sensors like that!"
He didn't get a reply, because suddenly the Nexus was there, right in front of them. It's blade was descending- this was the end. Both of them raised their SMGs in a futile gesture of defiance. And then the Frame simply stopped, and for a second nobody moved. Then the Nexus straightened up, the hatch opened, and-

-two SMGs snapped downwards, and their owners snapped to attention, giving perfect salutes. If they had been pale before, now they were white as ghosts. It was one thing to have had to face down a Nexus, another thing entirely to have shot at a superior officer. There was no chance of surviving a court martial. The contrast between his pristine uniform and their filthy, dented and scratched battle-plate only served to greater display the difference in rank. 
"You two should really be careful where you point that thing
” the officer said, his tone scolding, yet at the same time seemingly unconcerned.
"Sir, I-"
Both men stammered a bit more before Lukas managed "It was the enemy colours, sir. We had no idea it was you!"
The pilot didn't say anything about it, instead continuing ”Now, need a lift?” with a gesture to his Frame.
Again, Lukas was the first to manage an answer. "Believe me sir, we'd love to. But we're not permitted to re-fit one, let alone ride in it."
"Besides" added Tarkus, finally finding his voice "I don't think there'd be room for the two us and the gun. We would be very grateful if you'd give us the rendezvous coordinates though. With a little luck our transport may even have survived."
They both knew that last part was a lie. The transport had been turned into a fireball by a Zeus at the very beginning of the battle. Neither of them mentioned it, but riding in the Nexus would also be a painful reminder of how their hopes had been shattered by the Liberty selection process. It was a reminder they could do without after seeing so many comrades killed today...


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Gabriel was a bit surprised by the men snapping too and then their request for a rendezvous point, “You boys need to take another look around, I’ve been all over this sector and all that’s left is you two
” they spoke of authorizations and such and he chuckled, “Boys, right now I’m the single highest ranking person from Liberty within three hundred miles, so when I say you just got authorized to hitch a ride on a Nexus, you can believe that it won’t get overridden.”

He then let the cable pull him back up to the cockpit hatch, “now, get up on your gun and hold on tight.” He instructed before shutting the hatch. He would pick up the artillery piece and fly with it in the hands of the Flay, heading back to the carrier. Once there he’d put them down and dock the Flay before heading over to them, where the Master Sergeant Kingsley was standing, “Who are these two? Some fools who didn’t evac when the alarms sounded?” the large black man asked in his deep voice.

“I don’t know, but their yours now Kingsley, get these two up to date and send them up to Maria for some pilot drills.” Gabriel said walking over and looking to the two before gesturing to the two Nexus Frames behind him that were grey and still inactivated, “I’ve got two machines that need pilots, and you two are them
 till you’re dead or I find someone better.” He said (props to the Starship Troopers crew for that line)